#but hopefully after that it's the 20~ hour range that i want (she promised; hopefully she keeps her word...)
fitzskmmons · 3 years
huge shout out to @futureoutoffocus on here and future_out_of_focus on Ao3!
Green Eyed Monster 3.1k words
EJ wasn’t sure why he had a pit in his stomach or why his first thought was to call Gina over to him for no reason. He was standing by his locker after the final bell rang waiting for Ashlyn and Gina as normal, when he looked over and saw the new kid – Kyle or Ryan or whatever; EJ didn’t care enough to learn it – attempting to flirt with Gina. At least that’s what it looked like. He could tell Gina was unimpressed by him, but that didn’t seem to stop the kid from talking to her. It also didn’t stop EJ from feeling that heavy pit in his stomach. Gina caught EJ’s gaze and did a subtle eyeroll.
EJ took out his phone and shot her a quick text. Luckily she realized she was getting an out and told what's his face that her mom was calling her. She said a quick goodbye and speed walked over to EJ. She grabbed his hand and tried to suppress her laughter. They made their way to an empty hallway before falling into the wall, giggling.
“So when’s the date?” EJ asked her with a grin on his face.
“You know I don’t think you can go out with someone whose name you don’t even know.” Gina shrugged her shoulders and leaned into EJ.
“I’m pretty sure it’s something douchey like Kyler or Max with 2 X’s.” This made them both laugh again as they went to find Ashlyn after making sure the coast was clear.
“So anything interesting happened while you were waiting for me? I may or may not have seen Gina getting kinda aggressively flirted with by Noah.” Ashlyn waggled her eyebrows at the now blushing girl.
“Oh! So that’s his name, less douchey than I thought. But Ash is right, it was a little aggressive,” EJ said, looking at Gina through the rearview mirror.
“I don’t think he realized that I didn’t enjoy being talked at. I think I said 10 words in the 5 minutes we talked. 5 of them were ‘oh my mom's calling bye’ and then I basically ran to EJ. So hopefully he gets the hint.” Gina caught EJ’s gaze for the second time today and gave him a grateful smile.
“Well, in that case I think a lemonade from Dutch Bros is needed after you went through today. Plus I’ve been craving it for weeks!” Ashlyn exclaimed and the other two agreed.
That wasn’t the only time EJ felt that way. In fact, it seemed to happen more frequently after that incident.
The next few times EJ realized the pit he felt was jealousy. At first he tried to deny it, claiming he was just feeling protective over his best friend. Especially when Gina was helping with the choreo for Beauty and the Beast.
They had been in the auditorium for close to three hours now, going over lines, Kourtney doing some more costume adjustments, and of course learning the choreography for the numbers. Gina was over in the far corner teaching some of the ensemble some basic waltz steps while EJ was sitting across on the other side of the stage watching her grace combined with their clunky movements. Every so often Gina would look over at EJ and give him either a small smile and wave or an eye roll and frown depending on whether the boys were listening to her or not.
Around 6pm, Miss Jenn announced that Big Red was on his way with pizza and that they would definitely be gone by 8 at the latest. EJ knew the last one was a lie, they never got out before 9.
There was a chorus of ‘Pizza!’ when Big Red and Ashlyn walked in 20 minutes later. Ashlyn must have asked Gina for help because the next thing EJ knew Gina and one of the main background dancers, Jordan, got up and headed out to Big Red’s car.
“Ash!” EJ yelled over at his cousin once Gina was outside.
“What? I’m right here.” Ashlyn rolled her eyes at him.
“So Jordan, huh? What’s his deal?” he asked.
Ashlyn could feel her smile growing as she looked at EJ. He was not as skilled at hiding his emotions as other people.
“You know I'm not too sure, but he must be nice enough if he offered to help,” she said with a knowing smile and a shoulder shrug. “Come on, help me pass out plates.”
Once everyone had their pizza and drinks it was time to find places to eat. Gina naturally made her way over to EJ but this time with Jordan in tow. Ashlyn and Big Red weren’t too far behind. They were all laughing about something when they got to the hallway outside the auditorium. EJ could feel that pit coming back.
“Hey! EJ, right? Jordan,” the boy said, extending his hand. EJ shook his hand, making sure not to squeeze too hard. “Nice to formally meet you after all these weeks.”
“I know, it’s been a little hectic! But I do have to say you have the best teacher.” EJ shot Gina a smile which she returned as her blush crept up.
“She really is! I didn’t know there were so many names for all the moves!” Jordan laughed as they took a seat on the floor. EJ couldn’t help but like the guy.
“Oh stop it! Or keep going, whatever you want.” Gina was laughing along while trying not to meet anyone's eyes.
They talked amongst themselves and ate their pizza until Jordan brought up how cute of a couple EJ and Gina are. This caused them both to blush and look at the ground.
Ashlyn was the first to speak up since the other two were too preoccupied trying to get their faces less red. “Oh, they aren’t a couple, even though we all know it’s gonna happen,” she said, giving them both a ‘you know I’m right’ look.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make it awkward! I was actually gonna suggest a double date, but now I see that might be a future thing.” Jordan looked a little bit confused, which was to be expected.
“You remember Samantha, right? The cheer captain?” Gina asked EJ as he tried to remember.
“She’s got dark hair and she’s probably my height?” Ashlyn tried to get him to remember. EJ’s eyes lit up and they knew he remembered.
“She was the one who broke her ankle off the pyramid?” He cringed at the memory.
“Yes! Well Jordan here has been dating her since sophomore year and he was asking us about the perfect promposal for their senior year prom.” Gina could see EJ relax at the new information.
Miss Jenn came out just a minute later to tell everyone they have 20 more minutes before they ran through the first half of the second act again. Gina definitely scooted closer to EJ and he relaxed and put an arm around her as they discussed promposal ideas with Jordan.
Ashlyn could sense something was going to change between them sooner rather than later.
After opening night everyone saw the looks that EJ and Gina were giving each other all night and thought they finally got their act together. They learned they were wrong when they left for Slices in separate cars. Ashlyn, Nini and Carlos decided to come up with a plan.
Ashlyn promised Ricky that EJ wouldn’t hurt him too badly if he helped out with her plan. Ricky only agreed to go through with this because Nini gave him puppy dog eyes and Ashlyn did threaten him slightly. The plan was simple enough: go up to Gina, give her a small gift, ask her out knowing she’ll say no. Easy enough. The next school day was when the plan was going into action.
Ricky could feel his heart beating not because he was going to get rejected, (and hopefully not punched) but because his friends’ future is on his shoulders (he was only being a little bit dramatic). Ricky looked at the clock and knew it was go time.
“Uh, Gina hey!” Ricky knew his voice was shaking but hopefully that added to the drama of it all. “Can we talk real quick?” Her eyes got wide and Ricky got more nervous.
“Sure, what’s going on? What's with the bag?” She asked and gestured to the small bag containing her opening night gift. It wasn't anything big, just a bracelet Ashlyn heard her mention.
“Oh, it's for you,” Ricky was tapping his foot to keep him calm-ish. “Just a little opening night gift.”
Gina took the small bag and began to open it. “Wow, Ricky, it’s very pretty thank you. I just wrote a card, sorry.”
She only looked a little sorry about that. Ricky could tell the plan was going smoothly.
“No worries! I wasn’t expecting anything anyways, so thank you. But that’s not the full reason I'm here. I actually was wondering if you maybe wanted to get dinner later? Like a date?” Ricky hoped he sounded sincere enough and not like he was playing a part. He knew what was coming next and for the first time, was happy to be rejected.
“Ricky, I’m flattered but I'm actually-” she started until Ricky cut her off.
“No, no it’s okay I get it. You were really great tonight. I’ll see ya,” Ricky tried to hold back a sigh of relief as he walked away from here. He gave himself a high five as he rounded the corner.
Nini, Ashlyn and Carlos were all in the spot they set up as base and waited for him to round the corner.
Ashlyn was the first to speak “How’d it go? Did you get rejected? I hope so. No, that was mean but you know what I mean.” Ashlyn was talking almost too fast for him to keep up.
“It went exactly according to plan, now we just have to wait for Gina to tell EJ and he is the final piece of this, whether he knows it or not.”
They all had the same look on their face and hoped no one heard them.
Ashlyn knew the plan had been a success when she got a text from EJ asking to talk about something. She had to mentally prepare herself for the role of ‘inspiring cousin’ instead of ‘mastermind of the whole plan’. They planned to meet the day after the ‘Ricky Incident’ as she’s been calling it, at 4pm when Gina would be busy facetiming her brother.
Ashlyn heard a small knock on her door before it opened, revealing a nervous EJ.
“Hey, still a good time to talk?” EJ asked as she gave a nod.
Ashlyn turned her body towards EJ’s when he sat on the edge of her bed. “Of course, what’s going on?” she asked while trying to not sound giddy.
“Well, I’m not sure if you heard or if Gina told you, but Ricky asked her out last night after the show,” EJ’s voice faltered a bit, but Ashlyn couldn’t tell if it was jealousy or something else. “She said no, but now I can’t stop thinking about what would happen if she said yes. I would support her of course, but the thought of them together makes me sick to my stomach.”
Ashlyn scooted closer to him and pulled him into a hug. “I’m really proud of you, last semester you would have probably punched Ricky if you and Gina were the same way you are now. But, she said no, right? So no need to worry.”
EJ just gave her a small smile.
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that,” EJ took a deep breath before continuing. “The last few months I've been confused about how close Gina and I are. When she told me about Ricky, the first feeling I got was dread. And the second feeling was that I missed my chance with her.”
EJ waited for Ashlyn’s reaction. Her face had the smile that she had been holding in this whole time.
“And by that you mean?” Ashlyn trailed off, letting EJ be the one to tell her.
“By that I mean, I like her more than a best friend way.” EJ prepared himself for her reaction, which came in the way of a bear hug while whispering ‘I'm really proud of you’ into his ear.
“So, now's your chance! Are you gonna ask her out?” Ashlyn knew him well enough to know that he wasn’t nearly as confident as he seemed.
“I’m not 100% sure she feels the same and I really don’t feel like losing her as a best friend for something I can try to ignore.” Ashlyn’s heart hurt at those words.
“Are we talking about the same Gina? The girl who goes out of her way to sit next to you, as close as she can get? You do realize that she went to you first to talk about Ricky, she still hasn’t brought it up to me.” Ashlyn was trying to get a read on his face, she could tell he was still doubting her.
“That’s just what friends do.”
“Have you ever seen me sit on someone’s lap who wasn't Big Red’s? No, because friends don’t do that, you only do that with someone you like.” EJ looked a bit more sure of himself now. “Look, you gotta trust me on this. Just believe in yourself.”
They hugged once more before EJ left her room to think for a bit.
It took a little over 72 hours after Ricky asked Gina out for EJ to find the courage to finally tell her how he feels. If this goes well, he would have to thank Ricky.
It was Monday around 3:30pm, school had let out about 45 minutes ago which meant the parking lot was empty, perfect for EJ’s plan.
His phone alerted him of a new text message.
‘hey almost at the car, sorry! mr. wills likes to make one question have a 30 minute lecture ugh��
‘No worries! I’ll have the air going!’
A few minutes later Gina walked towards EJ’s little red car, one of the last few in the parking lot. He saw her let out a laugh as he danced along to the song on the radio.
“Hey, hey!” Gina opened the passenger door with a cheesy smile on her face. “Having a dance party without me?”
EJ laughed at that.
“Just waiting for the life of the party is all!” Gina giggled at him and smacked his shoulder. “I mean it’s true! Did Mr. Wills do the whole ‘ohhh back in my day we had this and everything was better’ thing? I remember being stuck in class for an hour and a half last year all over the question ‘why is pluto no longer a planet?’ I meant it as a joke. He took it very seriously.” Gina was laughing hard at that story and nodding.
“He did! I asked him how long a year was on Jupiter and he had a lot of thoughts about it,” Gina said. “It’s ‘12 Earth years, but in my heart it’s only 11.5’” she said, imitating the teacher's voice.
EJ threw his head back laughing. She was grinning at him and he knew it was time. He lowered the volume of the radio and turned his body towards hers in the passenger seat. She gave him a confused look and then a surprised look when he took her hands.
“Eej, what’s going on?” She asked him as a shy smile made its way on her face. “Not that I'm complaining but I'm just a little out of the loop.”
She looked down at their joined hands and gave them a squeeze.
“Well after Ricky’s little stunt the other day, along with the hundreds of other times I was jealous of someone because they had your attention and I didn’t and not in a protective best friend way like I thought earlier in the year.” They were both grinning at each other, Gina knew what was about to happen and normally she would take control but she was curious this time.
“And after realizing that you are the most important person in my life, I also realized that I liked you in more than a friend way and I really hope you feel the same.” EJ had said the last bit in the softest voice, Gina couldn’t help but lean in for a hug. When they pulled apart she kept a fistfull of his shirt in her right hand, keeping him close.
“You know, I thought I was gonna have to be the one to confess. I was only gonna give you until Friday and then I was going to take it into my own hands,” Gina didn’t think EJ’s smile could get any bigger. “So to answer your question, I do feel the same and I'm trying really hard to not tackle you right now.” Gina knew her smile matched his.
EJ brought her back into a tight hug and kissed her hair. She relaxed against him and the pair stayed like that for a while just enjoying being close. When they finally pulled back Gina knew she could finally do what she’s been wanting to for months, kiss EJ.
They were both on the same page when Gina’s arms went around EJ’s neck and his hands found her waist. Gina gave EJ a small nod and they both leaned in.
Gina knew movies weren’t real but this was definitely her Disney moment. Her first kiss and it’s with the person she trusts most, which makes it even better. They both have matching shit eating grins on their faces when they pull back.
“My turn to ask the question,” Gina started but paused to give EJ a quick peck before continuing, “Would you, EJ Caswell, be my boyfriend? For real this time?” She knew the answer but she wanted to have her moment as well. EJ just gave a small nod but his eyes said it all.
They leaned back in for another kiss but broke apart when a car alarm sounded.
“So where do you wanna go on our first date? I’m thinking a picnic with Wendys and Sonic to drink?” EJ started his car fully as Gina thought it over.
“I’m down, as long as we go to the park with the duck pond!” She leaned over and gave him another kiss, she was allowed to do it and she was going to take full advantage.
“Of course! I even have a stack of quarters so we can get duck food!” Gina knew they made a great team and now they are going to make a great couple as well.
Ashlyn definitely woke up the neighbors when Gina and EJ came home holding hands.
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dreadpoetssociety · 4 years
I Need You Sometimes, Too
Request: hi you’re so talented it’s like actually insane!! i love reading your fics so much!!! i was wondering if i could request a reid x sister imagine where he misses the readers important recital or competition or something because he was on a case thanks again!
Note: I know NOTHING about dance, so hopefully this is somewhat accurate LMAO. enjoy!!!
Spencer x Sister!Reader
You were always nervous before going out on stage. Always. But this time was different. This time, your brother, Spencer, was going to be there. He was going to see what it was that you spent countless hours (and money) doing. You never were exactly a genius like he was, but you had other strengths, and one of them was dancing. You knew that he would never compare you to him, but you just wanted him to be proud of you, and this was going to be your first competition solo.
You paced back and forth in the dressing room, your heart literally about to burst out of your body. You were so excited, but so anxious at the same time. You’d gotten Spencer a ticket directly in front of the stage, so if you messed up, he would see it.
“Y/N, don’t be nervous, you’ll be incredible. That number you were given is so beautiful, and you’re an incredible dancer.” one of the older girls said. That was somewhat relieving, knowing someone more experienced than you had that much faith.
“Thanks, Jordan. It’s just that my bother’s here and I don’t want to mess up or anything.” you laughed nervously.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. Just do what you do. It comes naturally. You’ll be amazing.” she smiled, and then walked away.
“Up Next, Number 59, Y/N Reid.” you heard over the intercom. Your heart almost stopped.
“Y/N! Down to the stage. You got this!” your instructor yelled happily. As you walked out of the room, the kids around you gave you words of encouragement.
you felt butterflies in your stomach more now than ever, and when the music started and you walked out on stage, they instantly went away.
The seat reserved for your brother was empty. Disappointment rose all the way through your body. You almost cried right there. But the music continued, and so did your movement. Your body flowed naturally to the sound, and before you knew it, it was over. Your friends cheered as you strutted off stage.
“Y/N, that was so good!”
“Y/N, great job!”
Compliments went through your head and right out, and you get overwhelmed. You understood the requirements of your brother’s job, but his was so important to you, and he’d promised. Weren’t you important, too? You’d worked so hard on this dance for weeks, you’d been talking to him about it for even longer. Your brother had an eidetic memory, I mean, he could tell you how many boats are on Lake Meade without even looking it up, so you knew he didn’t just forget.
It was even more heart wrenching when you actually ended up placing first. Your first solo, your first solo trophy, and while your dance mates and the crowd cheered loudly, you could still hear the absence of one. You weren’t even excited for it anymore. There was no one to even greet you with flowers off stage like the others, no congratulations after that.
“Y/N? You okay? You seem a bit off?” A friend of yours asked on the way out to the parking lot. You just nodded and walked away quickly.
Spencer ended up getting home late. You’d ignored any text or phone call from him, so he was worried when he came through the door at almost 1 am.
“Y/N? Are you here?” He yelled.
“Yup.” the anger and disappointment in your tone rang throughout the room, “And I want the forty dollars for the competition ticket back.”
“Look, Y/N, I’m so so sorry, but there was a case. A girl’s life was on the line.” Spencer said. He said that a lot, to be honest. And you completely understood that that was 100% true, and sometimes it made you selfish not to care.
“Not that it’s matters, but I came in first.” your voice was bland, flavorless.
“Wow, Y/N, that’s incredible! Did anyone get it on video?” he asked.
“No.” you lied. Tons of people took videos, but you felt like being passive aggressive, in order to really show him how important this was. He sighed.
“Y/N, really, I am sorry. I’ll go to the next one, I swear.”
“No, Spencer, there is no next one. I can’t have two first solos.” you spat, “Besides, your promises are empty. You say that now, but I know once you hear ‘wheels up in 20’ I’m the last thing you think about.”
“Y/N!” he almost yelled, “That’s not true!”
“Really? Really, Spence, it’s not? How many times have you flaked out because a girl’s life was on the line? What about me? For once could you not put the god damn job in front? I get it that serial killers don’t stop, I get it that it’s not a normal job, but I don’t get why you can’t just show up for me even this once.” In your heart, you knew this wasn’t always the case. Spencer tried his best for you, and he honestly was still young himself and you didn’t make it any easier. But this was how you felt at the time. And you felt selfish for it.
“Y/N, I never mean to put the job in front of you, really. I’m sorry if that’s what I’ve been doing.” his voice cracked a bit, and that really gained your attention, “I just want to keep you safe, and be able to support you. I promise I’ll do better from now on. I swear I’m trying my best.”
You left it at that for a while. Honestly, you were still too angry and upset to respond. He wanted you to let him know how to fix it, and frankly you weren’t sure how to fix it either. You didn’t want to ever keep him from doing what he loved, but you needed him, too, sometimes.
After a while, about an hour or so, you replied.
“I know you’re trying your best.” you said, getting up and pulling a DVD from the bag next to you. You placed it in the DVD player attached to the TV, and pressed play. You dance across the screen.
“You really are amazing Y/N, no wonder you came in first place.” he smiled, proudly.
“Yeah,” you smirked, “I know.”
241 notes · View notes
salvejoon · 3 years
Life is Beautifully Ugly (At Times) - pjm | 01
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⇒ Warnings for this chapter: Death of minor characters, mentions of a car accident, losing a loved one, a child being orphaned, cursing, Jimin being an ass, reader being a bitch.
⇒ A/N: Hey lovelies! I’m back-ish! I’ve been working on this project for months now and I’ve finally found my muse again and so I got to writing more and more chapters for this. Please enjoy the first chapter of hopefully my first series (but not my last). xoxo
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“Imo!” Your head shot up at the happy squeal and you bent down to one knee, opening your arms, almost toppling over at the force your niece ran into you.
“Oof!” Your arms closed around her and she buried her nose in your hair as her arms went around your neck, “Hello my pretty little flower.” You drew back and nuzzled her nose with yours to which she frowned. 
“I’ve grown 1 inch so I’m not little anymore.” 
“You’ll always be my pretty little flower, Hyejin. No matter how tall you get.” You picked her up as you stood, groaning briefly as you adjusted her on your hip, “But you are getting a little bit heavy.”
Hyejin giggled, “Appa also says I’m getting heavy. Says his back hurts.” 
“That’s because your Appa is getting old.” 
A hum came from the doorway and you saw Han, your brother-in-law, standing there, looking dapper in a black and white tux, his natural black hair swept back from his face, “You’re the one to talk, Y/N. You’re closer to 30 than I am.” 
You rolled your eyes, “No need to remind me, Han.” You said just as your younger sister, Charlotte gently pushed Han out of the doorframe, looking a little bit frantic, “Missing something?” You asked her as she walked over to the vanity, opening several drawers.
“My watch.”
“The one laying right in front of you?” 
Charlotte sighed heavily as her eyes landed upon her watch, “Thanks.” 
“What would you do without me?” You smirked as she walked over to you and took Hyejin from your arms and her daughter protested with a small whine.
“Can’t I go with you, Eomma?” She asked and glanced longingly at you and her father, “I also want to go to the ball and look pretty.” 
Charlotte chuckled and kissed her forehead, “Another time, baby. This is for grown-ups only.” 
“Why is it always only for adults? I want to go too!” She protested loudly, crossing her arms and pouted.
You ruffled her hair, “How about you and I play dress-up tomorrow, hm? How does that sound? I’ve bought new shoes you can try.” You winked at her and Hyejin’s pout slowly vanished. 
“Can I put make-up on you, Imo?” 
Charlotte put her down and bent down just as the doorbell rang, gently wiping her daughter’s hair back from her face, “You be good to Mrs. Shin, okay? We’ll be back before you know it.”
“Yes, Eomma.” 
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You absentmindedly stared out the window as the limousine drove through one of the high-end districts of Seoul. Closed off ground containing High-Rise buildings towered the streets and in between, they were grand mansions. 
You felt out of place here, in this part of town.
You preferred Han and Charlotte’s apartment in the more affordable part of Seoul. 
You hummed at the sound of your sister’s voice.
“Promise me you’ll be nice.” 
You shifted your gaze to her and raised a brow, “When am I not nice?” You asked and shook your head when Charlotte sent you a knowing look, “Oh please. Just because he’s going to be there doesn’t mean I won’t be nice.”
Han snorted, “The last time you saw each other, it ended up in the tabloids.” 
You glared at him and tch’ed, “Your brother called me - me - a prude, and I simply wanted him to teach him some manners.”
“You don’t teach someone manners by threatening them, Y/N.” Came the rational voice of Charlotte. 
This time you snorted and rolled your eyes, “Wow, you two really take his side.” 
“We are not but you two should bury that hatchet, whatever it is. He is actually nice once you get to know him.” 
“He’s a conceited asshole that needs to be beaten down a peg or ten. There is nothing nice about him.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
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There was once a time where you would have taken in the beautiful surroundings of the ballroom with all it’s marble and gold, tall doors, and crystal chandeliers and would have felt like a princess. 
But this wasn’t your first rodeo at a gathering such as this nor would it be your last. 
You hated them now. Well, not hated but found them so superficial because all it was was rich people prancing around with their noses in the air while they had a pissing contest of who had the most money, the fastest car, the grandest of mansions, or the youngest wife.
“Smile.” Charlotte noted as she sat down next to you, followed by Han who had finally managed to break free of one of the old ladies' claws, no doubt talking about finances.
You plastered on a fake smile but said smile quickly vanished when you spotted a familiar face approaching the table. 
You tried to hide your scowl as the man came up to the table, dressed in a burgundy-colored suit that cost more than what you earned in a year, his ears adorned with silver dangling earrings with matching diamond rings on his fingers. The last time you had seen him, he’d donned blonde hair but now it was gray and it was swept back neatly, showing off his face. 
And he had a new chick on his arm.
No surprise there.
Park Jimin was one of the biggest fuckboys you knew, if not the biggest. 
He dragged his eyes from his date to you and a knowing smirk spread on his lips when he saw your scowl. No doubt he was already planning various ways to piss you off. 
“Jimin. Nice of you to show up…” Charlotte glanced at her wristwatch, “20 minutes later than we agreed upon but it’s better than an hour like last time.” 
Jimin removed his eyes from you and looked at your sister with an innocent smile, “I apologize, Charlotte. Things dragged out at the board meeting.” The woman on his arm tugged at it, “And may I introduce Jisoo. My date.” 
Han bowed his head and your sister smiled sweetly at her and you… Well, you ignored them. 
That was until Charlotte jabbed you in the ribs, “Ow! Hi, whatever.” You grumbled, glaring at her before meeting Jisoo’s smiling face and forced your lips upwards. 
“As formal as ever, Y/N.” Jimin drawled before sitting down across from you, his smirk back on his lips, “Where is your date?” 
“I came alone.” You answered stiffly. 
He scoffed and leaned back in his chair, “As usual.” 
Arrogant asshole. 
“At least I’m not fucking my way through the female population of Seoul.” 
Jisoo opened her mouth to object but a tap on the mic shut all of you up and you just aimed a glare at him. He met you with one of his own. The tension rose at the table and you heard your brother-in-law sigh softly. 
“It’s going to be a long evening.” You heard him murmur. 
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The hours dragged on and so far you’d listened to four long speeches, three performances by some musicians you had never heard of, and had Charlotte remind you of your promise ten times.
You found yourself sitting alone at the table, date-less while your sister was out dancing with Han and Jimin had vanished. 
Probably aiming the money-shot between his date’s breasts.
The image of that left a bad taste in your mouth, so you focused on the dancing people on the floor.
You could easily find a willing dance partner. There were loads of young bachelors at such an event like this but they were so boring to you. You didn’t care about numbers, board meetings, or future merges. Charlotte had given up trying to set you up long ago since you scared most of them away. 
You deemed your independence a part of your charm. Charlotte didn’t agree. 
The ironic part was that the only man here, that could keep up with you, was an arrogant dickwad with a stick so far up his ass, he could pick his teeth with it. 
And he was probably fucking his date at the toilet. There you go again with those thoughts. 
“Ugh.” You shuddered and willed the images away as you picked up your wine glass and took a sip. The best thing about these events was the free booze. 
Too bad you weren’t allowed to get hammered because the last time you got shitfaced, you had dragged Jimin by his collar, trying to get him outside so you could ‘rearrange that stick’. The tabloids had a field day with that instance. It hadn’t been the first time you had threatened to kick his ass and you doubted it would be the last. 
Jimin just knew how to push the right buttons. 
“No one has asked you for a dance yet?” 
Your left eye twitched in annoyance, “No. Not yet. Are you offering?” You asked as you looked at Jimin with a raised brow. 
“No. I prefer my dance partners to be more… graceful. I don’t like getting stepped on.” 
“But I can be graceful, Jimin.” 
“Oh? When?” He asked as he sat down in the chair and crossed his legs. 
“When I step on your throat, choking the life out of you.” 
“Kinky, Y/N. I didn’t know you had it in you.” 
You scoffed and leaned back in your chair, “Where’s your date? Recovering from having your filthy hands on her body?”
“And if she is?” 
“Then tell her I know a therapist.” 
Jimin threw you a glare, one you returned with an unimpressed, bored look, “She’s in the restroom.” 
“Trying to wash away her sins, no doubt.”
“Are you jealous, Y/N? You seem oddly fixated on my sexual interactions.” 
You picked up your wine glass and shrugged, “For me to be jealous, Jimin, it would require I had some sort of feelings for you, which I do not other than absolute disgust.” You downed the rest of the wine that was in the glass, deciding you were done entertaining him, “And I’d undoubtedly get more satisfaction by watching old men dance with their young wives than having sex with you.” With that you rose from the table. You flicked a strand of hair over your shoulder as you put your bag on the table, “Now be a good boy and look after my belongings.” 
“Where are you going?” He asked stiffly. 
“To dance, of course. Might step on a toe or two but what the hell.” 
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Your escape from the table hadn’t gone as smoothly as you had hoped because Charlotte and Han were nowhere to be found, the men that had approached you were either 60 and above and the bartender hadn’t seemed particularly keen on entertaining you with small talk. So you opted to venture outside instead. 
The air was chilly and you shivered a little, rubbing your arms to regain some heat as you looked up. The sky was clear and the stars twinkled while the moon showered the ground in it’s white glow. It was a pretty evening, really. You had the sudden urge to just lay down on the grass and stargaze. 
You felt something heavy being draped over your shoulders and you turned around to see a pair of dimples and a bright smile. 
You knew those dimples.
And that smile.
Those kind, warm, honeyed eyes. 
Your heart sped up. 
Before you could open your mouth to greet him, Namjoon booped your nose, “Thought I saw you dash outside. Are you avoiding me?” 
You shoved his shoulder, albeit gently with a smile on your lips, “Duh. Of course, I am avoiding you.” 
He frowned, “The sex can’t have been that bad.” He pouted.
You rolled your eyes, “It was terrible. Absolutely terrible.” 
“You really know how to hurt a man's pride, Y/N.” He chuckled and enveloped you in a tight hug, “I’ve missed you.”��
“I’ve missed you too, Joonie. I haven’t seen you in, what, 3 months?” You drew back, “I didn’t know you were attending the fundraiser.”
Namjoon kept his arms around your waist as he sheepishly smiled down at you, “I wasn’t planning on attending since I am so busy lately but when Han told me you’d be here, I had to come.” 
“Aw, my little Joonie bug.” 
He let go of you and you stepped back, “So how is the partnership coming along?” You asked, standing next to him, “Charlotte told me you’ve been super duper uber busy.” 
He sighed, “I have been so fucking busy and work has just been taking up all of my time and I am so tired of it.”
“Oh, Joonie.”
“But I can now call myself partner and a board member of Kim & Co Lawyers.” 
You squealed, your arms finding purchase around his neck as you jumped up and down of excitement, “OH MY GOD! CONGRATULATIONS!” 
Big hand engulfed your face and squished, “Thank you but calm down, sprout. No reason to entertain the whole neighborhood.”
“Buf u gos te parfership.”
“lso yo ar ruinf te makuf.”
“I am fully aware of that, sprout.” 
“Le gof.”
He chuckled and let go of your face, placing his hands on your shoulders instead, “Thank you. But how are you? Charlotte told me you’d be expanding the brand soon.”
You grinned and nodded, “Yes! I am so excited but at the same time also a little sad. That shop has been my bread and butter for 4 years now but it was about time I listened to my sister and expanded… With the help of some investors, of course.” 
“Well, I am looking forward to seeing you take over the world, Y/N.” 
You snorted and grabbed his hand, “Pfft, I think I’ll just deal with getting my designs on the interwebz first and see how that goes. Now let’s go get some wine and talk shit about other people.” 
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“There you are!” You and Namjoon halted your conversation as Charlotte appeared between you, “We’ve been looking for you.”
You smiled sheepishly, “Sorry, sis.”
She glared but there was a teasing glint in her eyes, “Joonie has a habit of stealing your time.” 
“I’m like the most important man in her life, what did you expect?” Namjoon rolled his eyes as Charlotte bumped his shoulder, “Not in the way you want, woman.” 
Your sister huffed and shook her head, “What do I have to pay you to marry Y/N? Seriously, you’re like the only guy that can keep up with her shit and not want to run away.”
“Who says I don’t want to run away?” 
You slapped his arm that was draped over the bar counter, “Fuck you. You love me.” 
“I do but not enough to get my dick wet.” 
“That monster you call a dick wouldn’t fit anyway.” 
“Thank you, I guess, for calling it a monster, Y/N, but I would have made it fit. Preparation is key.” 
“That’s what I keep saying. Foreplay is an important part of-”
“Alright, I clearly interrupted something here so I would just like to give you the heads up and Han and I are going home.” Charlotte interrupted you and leaned in to kiss you on the cheek, “He’s drunk and I was getting tired anyway.” 
“Sure. I’ll see you back home.” You said, wiping at your cheek before turning it towards Namjoon, “Do I have a stain?”
He shook his head before accepting a peck on his cheek from Charlotte, “Nope. Looking smooth as always.” 
“You make sure she gets home safely, Joonie.”
“You have nothing to worry about.”
“And not too late, okay?”
“Bye Charlotte! Love you!” You called as she wandered off, dragging a swaying Han with her towards the entrance.
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Jimin sat at the table, Jisoo at his side. He had tuned most of her blabbering out, finding the topic ‘what shoes to wear to her friend’s wedding’ quite boring. Instead, his eyes were trained on the dance floor where not many people were dancing. 
More specifically you and Namjoon that was talking more than dancing and he saw you smile, laughing at how your dance partner seemed to trip over his own feet. 
He scoffed. 
“Are you listening to what I’m saying, baby?”
“Of course, Jisoo. The red pair of shoes sounds good.” 
His phone vibrated in his pocket and he fished it out, eyes narrowing at the number, he swiped his thumb across the screen.
“Yes?” He said. 
“Jimin, hey, it’s Seokjin.” 
“I could see on the caller-id.”
There was a brief pause and Jimin held up a hand to silence Jisoo when she yanked at his arm. Then there was a beeping sound and the sound of doors being banged open, “Jin, what’s going on?”
“Sorry about that… I don’t know how to say this but you need to come to the hospital.”
“It’s your brother. Jimin, you need to come and quick.” 
His throat felt as dry as sandpaper as he stood up and hung up, eyes darting to your dancing and laughing form on the dancefloor. 
“Jimin, baby, where are you going?” Jisoo asked him as he took a step, her hands clinging onto his wrist. 
“S-Sorry, I have somewhere I need to be.” He answered, his voice shaky, “I’ll arrange for someone to take you home.” 
“Wait!” She called out as he ran towards you.
You were laughing so hard at how Namjoon had just tripped over his own two feet again when Jimin appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, grabbing your wrist, “What the fuck?” 
“Fun time is over.” Jimin said and tugged you with him as he headed towards the exit.
You yanked your wrist free, Namjoon appearing at your side, “Um no, it isn’t. What’s with you?” You asked him. 
Jimin looked at you and Namjoon, “Y/N.” You raised a brow at the tone of his voice… He sounded scared, “We have to go now.” 
“Did something happen?” You immediately grew worried because Jimin never sounded scared. 
“Seokjin just called me and… Something happened with Han and Charlotte.” 
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You had never felt such fear. 
The ride to the hospital was tense and quiet. Jimin drove like a maniac through the streets of Seoul while Namjoon had tagged along as support. The two men sat in the front of the car, exchanging no words whatsoever, leaving you to your thoughts running rampant. 
Then you arrived at the hospital and everything happened so quickly.
A drunk driver collided with their limousine.
Their driver was killed on impact. 
Charlotte and Han were in critical condition.
You had no idea how much time had passed from when you had arrived to when you were sitting on the chair outside the ward, Jimin prancing back and forth like a caged animal.
Then the doctor appeared from the ward and Namjoon was quick to leave your side, going to talk to him.
You stood up, watching as they talked and you felt Jimin’s presence next to you.
Time seemed to slow down when your eyes locked with Namjoon’s, the sadness in his eyes conveying the message you had yet to receive but you knew. 
They were gone. 
You could feel someone wrap their arms around you as you tumbled to the floor, your own piercing wail deaf to your ears as you felt your chest implode on itself with heartbreak. 
Jimin struggled to keep you upright as you collapsed, your cries so very loud in his ears but it didn’t matter. He felt like he couldn’t breathe. He didn’t need to hear why you had broken down. It was clear as day by the way Namjoon looked. 
His brother was gone. Your sister was gone. Both of them were gone. 
You cried out her name and Jimin tightened his hold on you when you tried to crawl away from him. 
He might not like you and you may not like him but he knew that you should not go through this pain alone. So when you clutched his shirt so tightly in your balled fists, your cries finally lowering to whimpering and you buried your head in his chest, Jimin held you tight.
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The feeling of time was lost on you when you entered Han and Charlotte’s apartment. Your mind was empty and you were pretty sure your heart had stopped beating. 
Mrs. Shin appeared as you took off your shoes and placed your purse on a small table. She looked puzzled upon seeing you, and only you, return. 
“Where is…” She trailed off as you grabbed her hand. 
“They’re gone.” Was all you said and her shoulders sagged as she moved her free hand to cover her mouth, “Is she sleeping?”
“She is.” 
You nodded and walked past her, down the hall, towards Hyejin’s room. The door was slightly ajar and you slowly opened it, finding her room dark except for a small lamp in the corner. 
She hated the dark.
Like Charlotte. 
You felt tears stream down your cheeks at the thought of your sister but willed them away. You had to be strong now for Hyejin. 
Nothing else mattered.
Hyejin woke up when her mattress shifted and she turned her head, rubbing one eye, “Eomma?” 
“No, honey. It’s me.” 
She sat up, looking puzzled, “Where’s Eomma? She always comes to kiss me goodnight.” 
You opened your arms and closed them around her tiny frame, “I know.” You placed your head upon hers and took a deep breath, “Listen, sweetie…”
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muwur · 4 years
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haikyuu x otome: masterlist | rules
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» synopsis:   a haikyuu x reader au where you, the player, are bound for university in a metropolis several hours away from home. hope and excitement are replaced with dread as you come to realize that juggling life as a student and a part-time employee takes a toll. from demanding classes to a ruthless manager, life just can’t seem to give you a break. that is, until you meet a certain someone who reminds you how to live and follow your dreams. somehow, when you’re with them, time stands still. maybe things are finally starting to look up. if only you could stay in those moments for just a little longer.
» gn reader
» ngl came out longer than i expected but thats ok LMAO,, them otome intros be unnecessarily long too mb; 3.1k words
» note: if u rllyy want u can kinda skip or just skim this, the gist is that you move in n meet like 3 ppl LOL
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The train hummed as it zoomed through the landscape, leaving behind the familiar people, sights, sounds, and smells. Yawning, you rubbed your nap away from weary eyes and peered out the window. Just hours ago you had waved a bittersweet farewell to your town, friends, and family, who woke at the crack of dawn to send you off with tight hugs and teary-eyed wishes of good luck. 
Your heart lurched at the memory. You’d miss them. In an effort to part happily, you promised to come back for the holidays, call often, and hook your friends up with any cute people you just knew would match them. Glancing down at your phone, you smiled at the excited text messages from your friends. Your fingers tapped away at the keyboard in response.
‘Just woke up from my nap. I think I’m here!’
Outside, buildings scraped the clouds and their windows shined in the light of the afternoon sun. Cars honked, bikes swerved, crowds bustled. On one end of the block, a man on a ladder was painting a sign for his store, while on the other end , a street performer danced energetically in her black shoes. Smoke emitted from a food vendor’s stand, where a man skillfully flipped some meat and vegetables on a stove, even throwing his spatula into the air to entertain his customers. The city was alive. 
Stepping off the train, you clutched your belongings and felt a sudden rush of exhilaration. You were finally here. You intended to take a deep breath, in order to take in your first taste of this city’s air, only to stop halfway in a short hacking fit to expel train exhaust from your lungs. 
‘That was pleasant,’ you grumbled to yourself, still coughing as you made your way off the platform towards the street. Luckily, Lyft existed. And it was cheaper here! Within minutes of your order, a black Toyota pulled up in front of you. The driver smiled and stepped out of the car, their wavy brown hair bouncing against their shoulders. “Let me help you with those,” they smiled as they offered to take your bags and put them in the trunk. 
“Oh, thank you so much!” What a kind person, you thought as you opened the backseat of the car. Ooh.
On second thought, maybe you were too optimistic. Who knew a 10 minute ride could feel so long? It seemed at least twice that much when you were squished in the backseat with some handsy couple. Just your luck, someone was already occupying the passenger seat. Oh well, a minor inconvenience in the name of saving money. All you could do was shift closer to the door, fix your gaze outside the window, and try to ignore the strange purrs coming from your seatmates. A familiar building caught your eye and you let out a sigh of relief when the car came to a stop. You thanked your driver as you stepped out and pulled your bags out of the trunk. Looking back and forth from your phone to the townhouse before you, you had to admit the real thing looked a little more worn down than how it was advertised, but you couldn’t blame them. I mean, your pictures on instagram aren’t exactly the everyday representation of yourself, either.
Aged wood creaked as you hoisted your bags up the front steps. You tapped  your knuckles three times against the brown door and rang the buzzer to the landlord’s office. 
“Hello? Miss Q?” you asked, hoping the landlord you’ve been contacting for the last two months would answer. “It’s me, y/n, I let you know I’d be coming in today.”
No answer. 15 minutes, a few text messages, and a phone call later, still no response. You groaned. Were you at the right place? Looking back at the address of the building and your location, you were sure this was it. Did Miss Q happen to be out? Or was she napping and just happened to be a heavy sleeper? Maybe her phone died. Whatever the reason, you were stuck out here for the meantime. Shrugging it off, you took a seat on a dusty patio chair and started to scroll mindlessly through your phone to pass the time. Hopefully she’d reply soon. 
The screech of a vehicle coming to a stop caught your ear. You looked up to see that the mover’s van you ordered pulled up across the street. Well, at least your things arrived. You stood up and waved to the man driving the vehicle. Making your way to greet and thank him, you helped him unload your things and set them down on the free space in front of the complex, making sure to keep the pathways clear. Placing down the last of the things onto the ground, you wiped the sweat off your brow, tipped the man, and watched him leave.
20 minutes of that and still you remained stuck outside. The late summer sun was beginning to get unbearably warm. Sitting amongst your pile of things, you couldn’t help but groan inwardly at the thought of all the unpacking you had to do. On top of that, classes begin in a week, and you needed to search for a job as soon as possible to help pay the bills. 
“Erm, hello? Are you y/n l/n, by any chance?” a gentle voice asked.
Lost in your thoughts, you failed to notice anyone had approached you. He was a fairly tall boy with dark hair half pulled back into a messy bun. Freckles adorned his face, complemented by his soft brown eyes and warm smile. He wore a pair of white shoes, slightly distressed lightwash jeans that were rolled up at the bottom, and a loose fitting, olive button up half tucked into his jeans. In his arms was a brown paper bag with a loaf of bread peeking out. 
“Yeah, I am! Do you live here?” you responded eagerly, getting up to your feet.
He nodded with a smile. “I do! Apparently Miss Q’s sick and staying at her daughter’s place for now, so her daughter messaged me to help you get settled in. Let me put these groceries away and get your key.”
He disappeared into the townhouse, then returned a few moments later with a key dangling between his fingers. “Miss Q needs a better hiding spot for her spare office key. The plant pot is way too obvious. Anyways, I can show you to your room, now. I’ll help you carry your things up,” he offered.
“That would be great! Thanks again for all your help, otherwise I’d probably have been stuck out here all night,” you said, gently handing him a box to carry.
“Y-Yeah, no problem! Though, Tsukki might’ve let you in if he saw you out here, too. Oh, and my name’s Tadashi Yamaguchi, by the way. Some people call me Yams. It’s nice to meet you.” 
“It’s nice to meet you, too, Yams,” you huffed in amusement at his cute nickname. “Call me y/n.” Carrying some boxes, you followed Yamaguchi into the building. Luckily you were on the first floor, second door on the lefthand side. He fumbled with the key, searching for the keyhole before turning the unlocked knob and opening the door. 
Much like the outside, the interior of the place was also outdated. You both stood in front of the quaint living area connected to the kitchen. In the back, you could see the hallway leading to the bathroom and your single bedroom. The plain, white walls of the room were illuminated by daylight coming in from the windows on the rightmost wall. You could overlook the worn couch and scuffed dining table, though, considering the place was fully furnished and leased at a great price. Miss Q had even told you both the kitchen and bathroom had actually been remodeled recently. 
Going back and forth to take your belongings inside, you thought to get to know your new neighbor. “So, how long have you lived here?”
He pursed his lips in thought and stacked the box he was carrying on top of another one. “Mm, only since the start of summer, actually. My friend and I came here to start university, and one of his favorite museums also happens to be in this city. We come from about 2 hours north of here, though. What about you?”
You set down a particularly heavy bag onto the floor with a grunt. “I’m from a place several hours west of here. I came here for school, too! Are you going to Central University, by any chance?”
“Yeah, I am!” he responded with pleasant surprise and wide eyes. “I guess we’ll be seeing each other on campus, too. Remind me to show you the closest bus stop you can take to get there.” A soft smile formed on his lips.
After finally taking in all your belongings, you collapsed onto the couch in exhaustion. Your eyes flickered over to the brunette, whose chuckle you could hear from across the room. “Long day?” he asked, settling into a spot next to you. 
Groaning, you replied, “I’ve been up since 5 am to do some last minute packing and catch my train.”
“Yikes. Sounds early.”
“Tell me about it.”
A comfortable silence hung in the air for a few seconds. Curious, he piped up with another question. “So, what made you decide to move all the way out here?”
“Hmm,” you began. “Well, I wanted to settle into a new, unknown place, y’know? Explore the world a little more and see what it’s like out here. Be on my own for the first time.”
Yamaguchi nodded thoughtfully in understanding. “I get you. My best friend and I kinda came here for the same reasons. We wanted to expand our worlds a bit. I’ve only been here a few months, and already so much has happened. You’ll definitely get to explore and experience a lot in this city. Things are always busy around here...” he trailed off, checking a notification on his phone that just dinged with a new message. His brown gaze flickered back to you. “Ooh, would you like to have a drink with my friend and I at my place? I live in the room right across from here. You seem like you need a break.”
You could feel your lips curve upwards. “I’d really enjoy that, actually.”
Thus you found yourself in your new friend’s apartment, sinking comfortably into his black beanbag chair, a bottle of cold lemonade in your hand. Taking another refreshing swig, your eyes traveled over to the blonde seated next to Yams on their tan sofa. You could hardly feel welcome when the first words that came out of his mouth after seeing you was a disgruntled “you brought someone here?”, which made Yamaguchi smack the back of his friend’s head.
“They’re our new neighbor, Tsukki! Be more welcoming,” he chided with a roll of his eyes. “Y/n, this is Kei Tsukishima. Tsukki, this is y/n.”
He rubbed the back of his head and glared at Yamaguchi. The blonde sighed, extending a hand out towards you. “Tsukishima. Nice to meet you, I guess.”
“Erm,” you tried to smile, “nice to meet you, too, Tsukishima. Just call me y/n.”
‘How is someone as sweet as Yams best friends with this dude?’
He couldn’t be all bad, you reasoned. Maybe he was just having a bad day,,, or always having a bad day. Regardless, even if your first impression was kinda substandard and underwhelming, you hoped you’d get along. He seemed like the type to need to get to know someone before warming up to them. 
You set the empty bottle atop their maple coffee table. Two hours had creeped by, consisting mostly of lighthearted exchanges between you and Yamaguchi, with a brief, occasional response from Tsukishima. He spent most of the time flipping through the pages of a novel and lightly tapping its hardcover to the beat of whatever he was listening to on his headphones. Yamaguchi suggested getting delivery from a Thai place he liked a few blocks away, and even insisted on covering the cost for you. 
“No, you really don’t have to..! I appreciate the offer, though,” you pleaded.
He shook his head, smiling as he tapped away at postmates on his phone. “Don’t worry about it.” He logged in both your orders and nudged Tsukishima with his elbow. “What do you want?”
Pushing up his glasses, Tsukishima leaned over to look at his friend’s phone screen. A few moments passed before he pulled away and said, “Pad Kee Mao sounds good.”
30 minutes later and there was a ring at the front door. A voice on the buzzer sounded. “I have a delivery for, uh.. Tadashi!” 
“Looks like they’re here,” Yamaguchi said as he stood up. You followed him out to the main entrance. Behind the door was a boy with tousled orange hair and bright brown eyes, carrying a plastic bag filled with takeout boxes. “Here you go!” he exclaimed as he handed you the order. He peered at the brunette beside you, his face scrunching in thought before lightening up with clarity. “Hey, you were with the guy I crashed into the other day! I-Is he okay by the way? Sorry, I was in a really big rush...!”
Eyebrows shooting up in surprise and eyes widening with familiarity, Yamaguchi nodded, “Oh yeah, I remember that! Don’t worry, he’s alright, just bitter and annoyed. I’m glad you seem to be okay, as well.” 
The redhead scratched the back of his neck sheepishly and looked down at his scuffed shoes. “Ah, thanks! Um, is he around? I’d like to apologize for yesterday...”
Yamaguchi smiled. “I’ll go grab him,” he said briefly before heading back to his apartment. 
The delivery boy sighed with relief. “Man, I felt really bad about that yesterday...” he muttered. He looked back up, his eyes brightening when they met yours. “My name’s Shoyo Hinata! People usually call me Hinata.”
“I’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you,” you smiled, offering your hand. He shook hands with you a bit too vigorously, and you nearly dropped the food held in your other arm. “Are you new around here?” he asked.
“Hah, is it that obvious?” you joked.
“Nahh, just a wild guess. You’re just really refreshing, is all! Most of the people I meet seem burnt out, but I don’t blame them. We’ve all got busy lives. Talking to you is nice, though! I haven’t learned any customer’s names, well, since I started working! Then again, it’s only been two months... Anyways, where you from? I was born and raised here.”
If anything, you thought Hinata was the refreshing one. A tad talkative, but refreshing nonetheless. He effused a radiance that matched his vivid hair. “I’m from *insert place here*, a few hours west of here. I just arrived today!”
Before he could give you a response, however, you both heard footsteps approaching. You could recognize Tsukishima’s voice muttering a low “let’s get this over with” from behind you. Now standing at the doorframe, the blonde towered over Hinata. His countenance displayed obvious annoyance. However, he maintained his composure, pressed his finger against the bridge of his nose, and sighed out, “What do you want?”
Hinata bowed. “I’m sorry I crashed into you with my bike the other day! I was rushing to volleyball practice and I wasn’t looking. It was my fault.”
Eyes narrowing, Tsukishima allowed several moments of silence to achingly pass before letting out a small huff. “Fine. Apology accepted.” Shoving his hands in his pockets, he turned around to return to his room. “Watch where you’re going next time, idiot. You’d better hope you don’t run into me again.” A door shut.
‘That was quick.’
Hinata looked up to watch him leave and straightened his form again. Lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed, he crossed his arms across his chest. “Geez, what’s his deal?” Yamaguchi cast him an apologetic look. “Ah, he’s just like that. He appreciates the gesture, though.” 
A high-pitched ding caught your attention. “Ah, I gotta go make another delivery! It was nice to meet you all!” 
Quickly grabbing a bill out of your pocket, you stopped Hinata mid-step. “Wait! Here, please take this. Thanks for the food!”
He accepted the tip from your hands, looking back and forth between you and the money. “Wow, thank you so much! I really hope to see you around. Have a great night!” With a final smile and wave, he bounded off the porch steps towards his bike, hopped on, then disappeared down the street. 
After having dinner and exchanging contact information with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, you thanked them for having you over and retired back to your room. Drained, you only had enough energy to make up your bed and unpack your bathroom essentials. You trudged into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror, weariness was evident in your dull gaze. ‘Ugh, I can’t wait to sleep,’ you thought as you turned the sink on. The cool water felt refreshing against your skin and livened your senses. You brushed your teeth before retreating to your bedroom and changing into a comfier pair of clothes. 
You checked the time on your phone. How was it only 11 PM? The darkness, coupled with your exhaustion, made it seem at least three hours ahead. You plugged the phone in to charge and set it down on the bedside table. ‘No need to set an alarm,’ you thought, ‘I just wanna sleep.’ 
You took a few minutes to stare at the dark ceiling overhead, thinking about all the new changes coming your way.  New faces, cool food, and exciting places. Hopefully you had some time these first few weeks to explore and familiarize yourself with the city. Excitement mixed with a prick of anxiety as you thought about how you could manage on your own. However, you had faith in your independence. You would be okay. Besides, there were friendly people out here like Yamaguchi, Hinata, and maybe Tsukishima who you could trust if you ever needed help.
It didn’t take long for you to drift off into a deep slumber. You lazily woke up the following morning, yawning with outstretched arms. ‘That was the best sleep I’ve had in ages,’ you thought as you sat up. It was half an hour before noon. The sun shone brightly through your windows, whose curtains were left undrawn. ‘Surprised that the light didn’t wake me up sooner.’ A loud honk made you jump in your seat. ‘Or the noise.’
You drew your legs over the side of the bed and took in the state of your room. Surrounded by stacked boxes and luggage, you were reminded what you came here for. Anticipation collected in your chest. This was the start of the life you’ve been waiting for the past few years. 
‘We’re gonna make the best of this, y/n.’
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kitty0boy · 3 years
Marichat May Day 7 prompt: Secrets.
I think we can all agree that we were robbed in Shanghai. So I’m rewriting it because I can. This time though, the Shanghai special takes place somewhere in the middle of season 4 (probably after Guiltrip because that’s the episode I just watched) So there’s that.
Marinette was so excited to go to Shanghai about a day ago. She had taken to reading more about her Chinese heritage and, having learned that her parents wanted to surprise her with a trip to Shanghai, she was ecstatic to go. Her uncle happily provided his home for the visit and, to her great surprise, Adrien had come to Shanghai too. His father had coincidentally had business here.
She had worked hard to get over Adrien and at this point in time, it had nearly worked. She had taken down the pictures and erased his activities on her calendar. Unfortunately, the sight of him still sent her heart racing and made her tongue tied, but she stopped losing her head whenever he was around, which made conversation much easier.
She had strolled around Shanghai earlier in the day. Her uncle was concerned for her safety of course but she promised she would stay on the same street. She had looked in shop windows at the gorgeous antiques, clothes, and even more. Her sketch book was soon filled with new inspiration for her designs. When she turned to head home, she spotted a familiar mop of blonde hair and waved to Adrien. He didn’t seem to notice her though.
All these events felt like they happened years ago now as she stood a top a building with a distraught Fei. The sounds of Chat Noir taking great swings at the akuma rang loudly in her ears. Fei was the only one who could defeat them and she knew it deep down, but she still couldn’t bring herself to.
The next moment, she was falling. The events of a few minutes previous had quickly left her mind. She remembered learning to crawl, and falling off her bike, and drawing her first every design, matching t-shirts that said “Paris’ Greatest Parents”. She remembered capturing Tikki in a glass cup the first time they met, and standing under an umbrella that Adrien was holding. Master Fu was making her the new Guardian and Alya held her when she found out she was Ladybug.
“Marinette!” A desperate cry came from above her and she saw her partner. Was this another flashback? Without control of her body, her hand reached up to touch him, she wanted to hug him and thank him for everything. His hand latched around hers and pulled her flush towards him, then they weren’t falling anymore. She snapped out of it when she felt a shudder come from him. He picked his head up off of her shoulder, his face was stained with dried tears as more threatened to spill
“I finally found you.”
Fei, being fuelled by rage that Marinette had almost been killed, had become a dragon at last and easily defeated the akuma. She bounded towards Chat Noir once the pair of them had reached ground level. In the mouth of the bear form she had taken, was the butterfly. “Excellent job Fei, you really saved us.” Chat sniffed. His eyes were slightly puffy, which could have been from falling head first about 20 feet. “Marinette,” he turned to face her, his eyes watered almost instantly, “I need you to go and hide for now, Hawkmoth was taken by the akuma and I don’t want you to be anywhere near him when he reappears.” Marinette, thinking that it would be better to just follow instructions, began to walk away. Chat caught her hand.
“Just wait for me to come get you alright? I’ll bring you to your u- uh wherever you’re staying.” She looked at him puzzled. “But,” he waved a finger at her. “No buts, I’m making sure you get back safely. And don’t even try to leave without me, I will know.” She nodded and walked away towards a nearby, deserted alleyway.
“Marinette, what’s that on your shoulder?” Tikki flew from her purse. Marinette felt behind her with her arm before her fingers closed around a small disc. She pulled it off.
“That cat put a tracker on me. What a sly little,” Marinette recited but Tikki cut in. “He’s worried Marinette. You heard and saw how he reacted when you were falling.”
“No I didn’t, I just remember one minute I was with Fei, the next me and Chat were dangling from his baton in midair and he was crying.” Tikki smiled. “Yes he was crying, he screamed in terror when he saw you fall. It was quite frightening actually, that’s probably why Fei didn’t say anything.”
Marinette thought about this for a moment before realizing that she had somewhere to be. “We’ve got to go meet Chat and Fei now, there’s an akuma to cleanse and hopefully a Hawkmoth to catch. Tikki, Spots On!”
As she made her way to the alley where Chat thought she was, she couldn’t help feeling satisfied. She sent Chat to get Hawkmoth and although he didn’t catch him, she was still glad to see that the run had calmed him down a little. That was until he realized that Marinette was still alone in that alleyway. She was able to persuade him to wait and calm down before going to get her though, which gave her time to get back to her hiding spot and, with Tikki’s help, put the tracking device back where it had been moments ago.
A soft thump was heard beside her before she was being suffocated under arms that were magically stronger than the average person. “You’re alright, you’re alright.” He chanted over and over again before realizing that Marinette couldn’t breathe. He released her almost immediately and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. Marinette who wanted to comfort him, wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head and his chest. She could hear his heartbeat steadily speed up as he hugged her back and rested his head on hers.
“I was so worried when I found out you were missing. I thought maybe you had lost track of things, being how clumsy you are.” Marinette looked up at him and pouted. How long had he been searching for her exactly? Because it was about 9 pm now and she had started running around with Fei at about noon. He chuckled sadly and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. “Then you were missing for hours and I didn’t know what to think. I was scared you were robbed or kidnapped.” She smiled.
“The first answer was right. Fei stole my purse and I had the location of my uncle’s house on there. So I got scared that the thief might try to rob him later so I chased her down the street and got lost.” He gapped at her. “Are you crazy? You should had gone to your uncles and tried to contact me! That was so reckless and careless and-“
“What like how you throw your life away for Ladybug?” She didn’t have to say this loudly to have an effect. He immediately stopped and stared wide-eyed at her. Against her will, her vision started to blur. “You really need to stop doing that you know. I hate it when you do.” A tear ran down her cheek but Chat brushed it away and held her again. “Well I don’t think I ever want to see you fall off a building again so I’ll try to stop if you do.” She chuckled and buried her face in his shoulder.
“Hey, do you mind if we take a detour home?” He broke the silence a few minutes later and she nodded, allowing him to pick her up and carry her towards a darker part of the city. Unfortunately, Shanghai being as bright as it was, they couldn’t see many stars but all the same, they lay down on a rooftop and tried to find some.
“I like being Chat much better than my civilian life.” The comment came out of nowhere but Marinette still turned to listen.
“One of the many joys of being me, is a tightly packed schedule and endless amounts of responsibility. Many people regard me as this kind of statue that has to stay highly polished at all times. I think I’m too good at leaving that impression on people, my first girlfriend had flat out rejected me when I showed her my silly side. She said I was acting like a clown and that it wasn’t who I really was.” He had never told Ladybug any of this, she hoped that he wouldn’t hit too close to home.
“Sometimes I think that I don’t know who I am anymore. I know that I feel happy being funny and when I protect people, but,” he turned to look at her. His face was soft. “Right now is different.” She was confused. “Different how?” She questioned.
“It’s a good different. I know it’s kind of random but I just wanted you to know that, I feel like myself right now, which isn’t something I get to feel often. So thank you.” He smiled.
She would be lying if she said that her heart wasn’t doing backflips right now. “That sounds nice, but, why me? I mean, I’m not really anything special or different. I thought that you would be happiest with Ladybug.” He smiled. “I don’t get to hang out Ladybug very often, and when we do hang out, it’s more of a patrol. Everything is work with her, being with her is easy but we don’t really get the chance to just relax and be in each other’s company like this.” He frowned slightly.
“And don’t say you’re nothing special. I don’t really understand it but you have this magnetism that I can’t explain. I’ve seen it before. People are just naturally attracted towards you, I myself feel more attached to you than any other civilian I’ve met, and yes that includes the other superheroes.”
She gaped at him. She never knew how much influence she had on Chat Noir. I mean they’ve only met a few times. “I just, how? We aren’t around each other often. I mean sure you’ve saved me a number of times but other than that one time, we haven’t spent time together.” He shrugged, “I don’t know either. I just get the feeling that you’re someone who I can be myself with.” She smiled. “Well since we’re sharing secrets I might as well share one of mine.
He rolled over and propped himself up on his elbows, smiling down at her expectantly. “Well, there was a boy.” He tilted his head in confusion. “Was a boy?” She nodded. “I’ve liked him for forever but I could never get the words out. I stammer in front of him so much that he thinks everything I say doesn’t make sense.” He smiled. “Well you make sense to me.” She grinned. “Yes well I’ve been trying to get over him for a while now, but every time I see his face I just melt all over again. Not that I don’t want to love him, because I do. He’s one of the best people I know, but I know he’ll never feel the same.”
Chat looked confused again. “How do you know he won’t feel the same way?” She frowned. “Because I’ve always been just a friend to him. He makes that very clear.” Chat’s eyes went wide, but Marinette didn’t know why. “It wouldn’t happen to be Adrien Agreste would it?” Now it was her turn to go wide eyed. “How did you know?” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Uh lucky guess I suppose.” A tinge of pink was prominent under his mask. They needed a change of subject. She sat up and put on her best smile.
“Can I draw you?” His ears perked up. “Uh what?” He blushed again. “Can I draw you?” In what seemed to be a great effort, he screwed up his face and looked at her in a teasing sort of way. “Draw me? Or paint me,” he threw an arm over his forehead and posed in a, supposed to be seductive pose. “Like one of your french girls.” He swooned. She burst out laughing which, she noticed, created a sort of twinkle in his eye. “I mean we are french but I meant just draw you. You know, you pose and I draw you. I could even give you a cool outfit to wear.” He stood up and walked around so he was in front of her.
She crossed her legs and rested the sketch book against her knee. “Ok now strike a pose kitty!” He looked suddenly sheepish but posed like a model worthy of a magazine. She went to work drawing him out in a messy sketch that she could tidy up after. They went through a few poses before she stopped him.
“Hmm yes yes these are great model poses. Now how about a different kind of pose.” His face went ridged. She panicked and waves her arms in front of her. “I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to, I just want to try to express a different part of your personality.” He walked over and sat down in front of her confused.
“A different part of my personality?” She blinked. “Well yeah, you’re not just some perfect statue are you? Your also a silly cat, and a protective superhero, and a caring person, and a flirt.” He blushed then laughed. “Nice way to end it princess.” She crossed her arms. “Well it’s true, you’re a flirty person. You flirt with people all the time, whether it’s on purpose or not.” He blushed. “Do I really flirt with a lot of people.” She nodded.
He fidgeted a little. “Come on Chat, strike a pose, but not one worthy of fashion weekly.” He screwed up his face in contemplation before standing and apparently coming to a decision. “Ok then, how about the cat!” Then he struck a goofy pose. She laughed and he looked crest fallen for a second before she said, “Yes kitty that’s purrfect.” She started sketching away.
Little did she know. Chat Noir was displaying the biggest grin he had ever produced. A smile so bright, it could rival the blinding lights of Shanghai.
Thanks for reading.
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒀𝒐𝒖: part 5
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“It’s always been you. Has it always been me?”
✨part 1
✨part 2
✨part 3
✨part 4
pairing: Tobio Kageyama x fem!reader
rating/warnings: [a few swear words but that should be it]
synopsis: You liked him. He liked you. Easy right? Well, maybe not as easy as you thought.
a/n: hiii 💓 sorry i didn’t post this part sooner, ive been busy with other such things :) this is chapters 9&10 and things will be getting interesting the next few parts after this 🤭 just a reminder that my requests/asks are open all the time and so is this taglist. just ask and ill add you :)) okay enjoy xx
Nine: all that matters
You felt as though someone had taken your heart, stepped on, and gave it back to you. You couldn’t think of any plausible reason why Koi would say that to you. This wasn’t the same Koi that always supported you. You knew that if you were in her place, you wouldn’t have said those things, even if you truly believed them.
“Don’t give me that face Y/N, it's just my opinion. See this is why I didn’t want to tell you. I knew you’d freak out,” Koi huffed.
“Well I’m obviously not gonna like hearing that you think that the guy I like doesn’t actually like me.”
“Hey now I never said that. All I said was that I think that I’m more his type than you. That's no reason to get pissy with me Y/N. The truth can hurt.” Koi crossed her arms and looked you dead in the eyes. You couldn’t tell whether you wanted to cry or scream.
“Hey ladies, get into first formation,” your coach interrupted. You took a deep breath and got into your spot.
Your practice felt like it lasted forever. You wanted nothing more than to just get as far away from Koi as possible. She acted as if nothing was wrong, continuing to joke with you all practice. You played along.
“See you tomorrow Y/N!” called Koi as she turned to walk home. You waved goodbye and began your trip home.
“Hey wait up!” you heard a voice say behind you. You turned to see a sweaty Kageyama running towards you. Your face instantly lit up. Once he got up to you, he gave you a tight hug.
“Oh my gosh you stink,” you joked. Kageyama released you from the hug.
“Oh sorry,” he blushed.
“It's okay,” you smiled at him, taking his hand as you walked home.
“How was practice?” you asked.
“It was good. We have a practice match tomorrow, you should come watch,” he said. You turned to him with the biggest smile.
“You want me to come watch you?”
“Yeah why wouldn’t I?” Kageyama squeezed your hand. You felt butterflies enter your stomach.
“Do you want to come inside to study?” you asked, pointing to your house.
“Yeah sure,” smiled Kageyama.
You walked up to your front door and went inside. Once again, your family wasn’t home yet. You led Kageyama up to your room and you set down your bags. He sat down on your bed and you made your way to your closet.
You were still in your sweaty practice clothes so you decided to change. You grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a clean t-shirt. Not thinking twice about Kageyama, you simply got changed. After you were dressed, you turned around to see a red faced Kageyama.
“What?” you asked. He caught his breath.
“Uh, nothing,” he said as he snapped back into reality. You chuckled and grabbed your school bag and went to sit next to him. He grabbed his bag as well. You pulled out your homework and began to complete it. Kageyama grumbled as he struggled through his english homework.
“Do you want help?” you asked. Kageyama looked at you and shook his head. He knew you had one of the best grades in class but he wanted to try to do it himself.
“Nope, I’m good,” he replied. You nodded and went back to your work.
You finished your homework in less than an hour. You repacked your school bag and set it on the floor. You moved to rest your head on Kageyama’s shoulder.
“Are you finished yet?” you pouted. He smiled.
“I can finish it later,” he said, putting away his things.
He wrapped his arm around you as you two laid back on your bed. Your head rested on his chest. You couldn’t help but feel so at peace whenever you were with him. Well, that peace was short lived when Koi’s words began to run through your mind again. You felt your gut clench.
“Do you have a type?” Kageyama gave you a funny look.
“What do you mean?” he asked. You sighed and sat up to face him.
“I guess what I’m asking is, am I your type?” You worried that Koi might be right. Kageyama tilted his head.
“Why does it matter? I like you,” He said taking your hand. He could tell something was wrong. You still felt uneasy.
“I don’t know. Someone said some stuff to me and it got me thinking. Well, overthinking actually,” you frowned. Kageyama pulled you towards him.
“I promise that whatever they told you isn’t true. You’re all that matters,” he said. Kageyama placed his hand on your cheek, moving his thumb back and forth. You smiled pulling him into a tight hug.
“I promise Y/N,” he whispered in your ear. His soft words sent a chill down your spine. You released him from the hug but pulled him into a kiss. He kissed you back sweetly, holding you close. Your arms wrapped around his neck while he held onto your hips.
“Hey Kags,” you stopped kissing him for a moment.
“Please make sure your phone is on silent.”
“I should go,” yawned Kageyama. You pouted as you checked the time. 10:23pm. No part of you wanted him to leave.
“I think you shouldn’t,” you smiled, gripping onto his arm. He laughed.
“Trust me I don’t want to but I was supposed to be home 20 minutes ago,” he replied. You sighed, letting go of his arm and sitting up.
“Is your practice match right after school?” you asked.
“Yeah. It's in the normal gym,” he said. You nodded. Kageyama grabbed his school bag and his other things. You two walked downstairs before reaching your front door.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” he smiled.
You knew you would but there was just something about seeing Kageyama leave that broke your heart. You didn’t think saying a simple goodbye would be so hard but it was. You became so attached to him and you weren’t even dating; technically at least.
“Okay,” you whispered. Your eyes felt glossy but you didn't know why. It just felt like each goodbye wouldn’t be followed with another hello.
“Hey I’m just a couple houses away, and I’ll be waiting for you tomorrow morning. Don’t be sad Y/N,” Kageyama set down his bag to pull you into a hug. You gripped onto his shirt.
“Okay,” you said faintly. You physically couldn’t say anymore because if you did you would just tell him to stay. Kageyama moved his hands to hold your face. He noticed the water forming in your eyes. You just smiled, shrugging your shoulders like it was no big deal. He kissed the top of your head before releasing his hands from your warm face. He picked up his things and opened the door.
“Goodnight Y/N.” He gave you one last kiss on the head.
“Goodnight Kags.”
Ten: girlfriend
You didn’t sleep that night. You couldn’t. You felt incomplete. You felt silly about how strong your feelings had gotten for Kageyama. How attached you had become to the short-tempered setter. Everytime you were with him, it just felt as if the world had stopped and it was only the two of you. You always worried about people leaving you. You knew that if Kageyama did, you would never recover. After what Koi had to say about him, you were doubtful over yourself. Thoughts like those are what kept you up at night.
When morning arose, you were more than excited to get your day started. You immediately got yourself cleaned up and changed in your uniform. Your coach had cancelled your practice today due to being sick so it was perfect that you could make it to Kageyama’s practice match. You even packed a bag of clothes to change into after school for the game. You grabbed your bags and went downstairs. You put on your coat and hat after grabbing something to eat. You put on your school bag and went outside.
He wasn’t there. You waited for about 5 minutes for Kageyama but he wasn’t there. You felt your heart sink. Was there a chance that he forgot? He wouldn’t forget, he promised. You knew that if you waited any longer you would be late, so you decided to start walking. You walked by yourself for some time, looking back every so often to hopefully see Kageyama. You had been walking for almost 5 minutes before hearing fast footsteps behind you.
“Y/N!” You turned to see a sprinting Kageyama. You let out a sigh of relief.
“I thought you forgot about me,” you said once he finally caught up to you. He tried to catch his breath.
“No, no I would never. I left my volleyball bag at my house so I had to go back and get it. Then I noticed that the lights in your house were all turned off so I assumed you had already left,” Kageyama explained, “I’m sorry if I scared you.” You turned to him and kissed his cheek.
“No worries Kags.” He took your hand and you walked the rest of the way to school.
The school day was long. You were so eager to watch Kageyama’s game that time seemed to never pass. You would check the clock constantly but of course nothing would change.
Finally when the bell rang signaling the end of the day, you sprung up from your seat rushing to your locker to grab your change of clothes.
“Y/N!” a familiar voice called. Your heart sang seeing it was none other than Kageyama.
“ Hi Kags,” you smiled.
“Put this on.” He handed you a black hoodie. Your eyes grew. You took the hoodie with joy. Before you could say anything, he was running to the gym.
“I’ll see you at the game!” his voice trailed off as he continued to run off. Your face was hot and tense from how hard you were smiling. You grabbed your bag and headed to the locker room.
You happily changed into a pair of leggings, a strappy tank top, and Kageyama’s hoodie. The hoodie was soft and it smelled like a mix of pine and vanilla, just how Kageyama often did. You were just about to leave the locker room when someone walked in.
“Oh hi Y/N, what are you doing?” asked Koi.
“I’m gonna go watch the boys volleyball practice game,” you said, without even thinking twice about it.
“Oh that sounds fun! Mind if I join?” Koi asked. You tensed up. You couldn’t say no without sounding mean but you also were still mad at Koi for those things she said the other day.
“Are you sure? It's just a practice match, it's probably gonna be really boring,” you said, trying to come up with anything that could convince her not to come.
“Yeah, we can cheer on Kags together,” smiled Koi. Your heart stopped. Did she just call him…
“Uh sure, then let's go,” you said.
The pit in your stomach only grew as you walked closer to the gym with Koi. Once you got inside, Kageyama spotted you right away. He ran towards you and wrapped his arm around you, not even acknowledging Koi.
“You look cute. Where is that hoodie from?” joked Kageyama. You smiled, giving him a nudge.
“Very funny. Uh Kags, you know Koi?” you gestured towards your friend who seemed to be annoyed by the lack of attention she was getting.
“Uh yeah I think so,” he said, looking at Koi. Koi gave him a big smile.
“Hi Kags. Good luck today,” smiled Koi. Did she just say it again?
“Oh uh thank you,” Kageyama turned to look at you, “I’ll see you after the game okay?”
“Oh, yeah. Good luck,” you replied. He gave you a hug before running back to his team.
You and Koi sat on the floor of the upper level of the gym. You dangled your feet over the edge and rested your arms on the railing that kept you from falling.
“So you and Kags huh?” said Koi suddenly. You turned to face her.
“Uh yeah, what about us?”
“Oh nothing,” she said, “just thinking out loud.”
“Right,” you sighed. You didn’t have the energy to ask her about it more. Whatever she had to say you knew it wouldn’t be good.
The practice game was against Nekoma High School. You had heard of them before due to their reputation around Karasuno. They seemed to be a very well rounded team.
The first set was tight but Nekoma took it. Kageyama seemed flustered with himself. He was off today and couldn’t understand why.
“Shake it off, get this next set,” you cheered. Kageyama didn’t look at you as he normally did when you cheered. You couldn’t blame him though, you knew how seriously he took volleyball, practice game or not.
“What’s with Tobio?” Koi asked. You shook your head.
“I’m not sure,” you replied.
“Maybe something is making him nervous,” she said. You turned to look at her, seeing the sly smile appear on her face as she looked down at Kageyama. You looked at Koi, then at Kageyama, and back at Koi. I know damn well she doesn’t actually think she is making Kageyama nervous. He never gets nervous.
“Maybe,” you sighed.
“Get this point Kageyama!” yelled Daichi. It was the second set and Nekoma was at set point. Kageyama was up to serve. You watched intently as he spun the ball in his hands.
“Let’s go Kags!” shouted Koi. You rolled your eyes without even thinking. Kageyama jumped and looked up to the two of you. He didn’t really make a face, he just looked at Koi, then at you, and back down to the ball.
The whistle blew and Kageyama tossed the ball up for his jump serve. The toss was off, causing him to hit the ball straight rather than with a downward spin.
“Oh god…” you mumbled to yourself as you watched the ball travel much farther than suitable.
“Out!” yelled the Nekoma libero. He let the ball drop. From where you were seated, you couldn’t really see whether or not the ball was in. The whistle blew and you looked to the ref, seeing him give the point to Nekoma.
“Well that was a shit game,” said Koi as she got up from the floor.
“They tried their best.”
The two of you went downstairs and waited outside the gym as the boys had their meeting. You sat on the ground and Koi sat on the bench. You watched as the boys slowly started to trail out of the gym one by one. Kageyama was the last one out. His head hung low but he made his way over to you.
“Hey,” he said softly. You got up to face him.
“Hey you played well, okay?” You gently moved some of his hair from his face to see his sweet eyes.
“You’ll get them next time Kags,” chimed in Koi. Kageyama brought his head up.
“It’s Kageyama, please.” He said plainly. Koi’s eyes widened and so did yours.
“Oh yeah sorry.” She said. You looked at Kageyama.
“Did you want to head over to my house? We can grab some boba on the way,” You asked. He nodded, taking your hand.
“Great let’s go, I’m starving.” said Koi, moving to stand next to Kageyama.
“Oh uh Koi I think-“ you began.
“Koi, I was hoping to spend some time with my girlfriend...alone. If that’s okay with you,” interrupted Kageyama. Your heart stopped. Girlfriend? Koi huffed.
“Yup totally fine. I’ll see you two later.” Koi rolled her eyes and left without saying another word. You looked at Kageyama with wide eyes.
“Girlfriend?” His face turned a bright red.
“Oh uh yeah I’ve been meaning to ask you. Sorry, I just said it without thinking.” He rubbed the back of his head nervously. You smiled.
“I was starting to think you were never gonna ask,” you said with a smile. Kageyama smiled back at you and you started to head to your house.
[taglist OPEN: @vangoghpoets @vangoghmusings @lilnuances @jennasquishy8 @ladybird-00 @moonlightsof @maii-thirsts @tamaguchi (the tags were acting funny so I hope I got the right usernames, if not and you wouldn’t like to be part of the taglist lmk!)]
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shycrazzzycool · 3 years
Crafting Love
Ruby woke with a start. She looked around the room and noticed she was in Christina's basement, well their basement. Her head was heavy like she was in a fog and couldn't quite see. She tried to remember the last thing that she did but she couldn't.
She sat up and realized she was wrapped in an expensive white blanket. And as she lifted her arm to remove it she noticed she had a bandage wrapped around her forearm. What the hell? All of a sudden her memory comes rushing back in a flash.
Ruby was in the basement. She managed to sliver off out Christina's range so she could try and figure out the combination to Christina's safe. But 20 minutes later it still hasn't budged. She was hoping that she wouldn't have to go through all this just to get something for her sister. After learning about her lover removing Leti's protection she felt betrayed and did what she had to do to save her future niece or nephew.
She signed in frustration when she noticed that the vile she was looking for was in pain sight. Just as she was about to grab it the creak on the floor startled her making her look up.
She already knew who it was before she even lifted her head to see a pissed Christina.
"Christina?" she tried to explain but was cut off.
"No." she paused walking the rest of the way down the steps. "I understand." She said expressionless.
Ruby stood there unable to move as Christina walked over to her and looked at her with her intense blue eyes as if she was trying to figure out what she was thinking.
Both were quiet. Both knew what she was doing. The silence lasted so long Ruby wonder if she should fill it with lies but respected Christina to much to try and bullshit her again. She was caught. They both knew the kind of person Christina was and what she would do. Hell. She killed her whole family.
"What you're doing...I know why now. Your chicanery." She blinked taking a moment, "I know its something you had to do. I know this because I want you to understand what I have to do to you now." Christina said sighing in disappointment.
"Christina ... "Ruby gasped scared. She's hasn't been this frightened of Christina since she learned about magic. Christina has never harmed her either but that could all change in this moment.
"It'll be just like going to sleep. It won't hurt. I promise." Christina gently grabbed Ruby's hand and watched half expecting her to pull away but she didn't. "You'll wake in 24 hours. After everything is over."
Ruby feels herself wanting to cry cause she was sure she had no choice in this. Christine definitely wasn't giving her another option.
"But you promised." Ruby pulled Christina hand causing her to look into her eyes.
"I know." Was all Christina said as she turned and walked Ruby to the bed Dell had once vacated, chanting the language of Adam.
She helped Ruby lay back and watched as her body collapse as if life left her body.
End of flashback
Ruby got up quickly from the bed and made her way to the counter to look at Christina plans. They were all organized in different folders. As she looked over all them, she spotted a folder with her name on it.
My dear Ruby Hope you can forgive me just as I've forgiven you. If you are reading this I'm not at your bedside waiting for you to wake. This also means I have failed. Even in my failure I do have a Plan B if you are willing to try. First I need you to find my body (possibly in Ardham) and bring it back to the basement. Second below is the combination to the safe and instructions on soul transference. And lastly hopefully you still have time. its of the excesses. I believe in you just as you had in me.
A lil something something I did
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sheerbeautyreigns · 3 years
Part 51
"Bullshit. You could leave him right now if you were man enough."
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“Wakey, wakey sleepyhead.” Paul nudged gently. Joe groaned, rolling onto his back, rubbing his eyes. He could smell coffee. “What time is it?” His eyes eventually opened. Paul perched next to him on the bed holding a cup of coffee. “Just gone 8. You need to leave here at 9 for your flight.”
Joe sat up taking the coffee from him. “Thank you. Man, I’m so tired.” Paul smiled “I’m not surprised after last night. You were so needy.” This caused Joe to blush. “Well I don’t know when I’ll see you next. I”ll take what I can get.”
“Well I’ll definitely be at the Pay Per View. I”ll book us somewhere nice that night. We could stay in San Francisco for a couple of days and then drive to LA. I’m looking forward to having you meet my friends.” He smiled.
“I hope they like me. I’m always a bit nervous meeting people and under the circumstances…” Joe trailed off taking another sip of his coffee. Paul gave him a re-assuring look. “Baby, they’re gonna love you. We”ll talk more about it next weekend but you’ve gotta get your ass up. C’mon!”
“I know, I know,” Joe groaned, pulling his covers off. He really didn’t want to have to leave this morning. He padded into the ensuite and shut his eyes as he stood under the spray.
It was only a matter of time until Paul’s hands were finding their way around his waist before he could fully turn around. “I need to have you one more time before you leave.” He breathed, pulling Joe close to him and sweeping his hair back before he kissed him hungrily. His hard cock pressed up against Joe, causing the young man to groan into his mouth. Paul’s hands lowered to his buttocks as his eyes met Joe. A dark smile crossed his face as Joe looked into his eyes. “Turn around.”
Joe did as told, pressing his palms against the wall as Paul motioned for him to part his legs a little more. He grabbed the nearby soap and lathered his hands before starting to massage Joe's opening. “Feels so good.” The young man moaned, lowering his head. “Please…” Joe breathed, looking briefly over is shoulder. “What do you want baby?” Paul asked running his fingers deeper into his prostate. Joe growled, feeling like he would cum right there. “I want your cock.” Those words were music to Paul’s ears. A hunger over took him as he withdrew his fingers, wasting no time in filling his hole with his hard cock. He loved to hear how needy he was. The bathroom echoed with both of their grunts and moans as Paul fucked Joe senselessly. Paul continued to fuck him, forcing his abdomen against the wet tiled wall. Joe clawed at the tiles, shutting his eyes, taking everything Paul was giving him. The older man buried his head in Joe's hair as he finally came. “Fuck me,” Joe shuddered, breathing against the tiles as Paul gripped his shoulders before he eventually pulled out. Slowly, Joe turned around and kissed Paul softly. The older man swept his wet hair back, reciprocating.
A sly grin crossed Paul’s face as he stepped out of the shower leaving Joe to finish washing himself. Once finished, he quickly dried himself off, got changed into some loose black pants and a black Nike t-shirt. Paul wore a grey suit and a black shirt as he planned to meet with Vince, Steph and Shane at Titan Towers later that morning. He loaded his case into Paul’s Range Rover and they headed to the airport. They held hands as Paul drove. “What are you going to do this week?”
“I’m just planning on taking it easy before Sunday. I’m having some gym equipment delivered but mainly relaxing. I know it’s gonna be pretty physical next week.”
“That’s one way of putting it.” Paul smirked raising Joe hand up and kissing the back of it. “I’m nervous just thinking about it.”
“Don’t be. They’re nice people. I wouldn’t hang out with them if they were assholes.” Paul assured him. “That go for your New York friend too?”
“He’s an exception.” Paul passed him a glance and a faint smile.
“Do you think you’ll put me with him again?” Joe asked hesitantly. “It depends on what his plans are for the evening.” He paused for a moment and looked at Joe. “Do you want to be with him again?”
“I dunno, maybe…since I’ve already met him.” Joe suggested before pursing his lips. He noticed Paul’s face harden a little. “It’s just because I’m a bit nervous.” He quickly added.
“You’ll have me. There’s no need to be nervous.” He said, resting his hand on Joe’s leg. The young man nodded, looking out the window. The mood had shifted. Joe wished he’d never brought it up. “Nadja usually likes to pre-determine who’s going to be fucking who since she wants to allocate rooms. If this is something you want, tell me so I can have it arranged.”
Joe swallowed. “It’s OK, it was just a suggestion. I don’t have to… “
“No, you brought it up-” Paul started. “Yeah but you don’t exactly seem thrilled so, it’s OK. If there’s someone else you have in mind…”
Paul sighed. “Look, baby. I don’t know if I can trust him. That’s all. He’s great when it comes to discipline but…in that kind of environment, I don’t like it.” He explained.
“OK,” Joe nodded. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s OK babe, you didn”t know.” He slowed the car, pulling into the lane for the airport. “Its just one night. I want it to be special for you. Understand?” Paul looked him in the eye. “Yes Sir.”
Paul pulled into the drop off. He never got out of the car when Joe was around. “I’m gonna miss you but next week will be fun, I promise.” The older man leaned in and kissed him. “Love you.” Joe replied. “Love you too.”
It was Monday evening and Joe had just finished a tag match, tagging alongside Matthew against Colby and Drew. Sunday’s Clash of Champions match was announced as a Title Street Fight. Joe hadn’t had one of those in over a year. Part of him was looking forward to beating the crap out of Colby with Kendo Sticks and whatnot and another part of him knew he’d be a bit banged up “meeting” Paul’s friends a few nights later. Great timing!
Joe quickly showered and got changed. As he was packing his case, Colby walked in. “Hey man,” Joe looked up. “Leaving so soon?” Colby asked. “I just wanna rest.”
“Aww man, I was gonna ask if you wanted to come out for a few drinks with us. Just at the hotel. I figured since Paul wasn’t around, you might wanna join us?”
“Aww man that’s real nice but-” Colby cut him off. “Come on man. You never come out with us anymore. The guys think something’s up.”
“What do you mean?” Joe asked with a furrowed brow. “Well, you disappear off all of a sudden after the show. You used to come out all the time so they’re starting to ask questions.” Colby explained “I hadn’t realised.”
“Hey man, I just wanted to let you know. Might help to show your face once in a while, keep up appearances y’know?”
Joe raised his eyebrows. “I guess you twisted my arm.”
“Awesome! You’re staying at The Regency right?” Colby checked. “Yeah, I’m heading there now. Meet you guys at 11?” He checked before they parted ways.
Joe arrived at his room about 20 minutes later. He jumped into the shower and freshened up. All he wanted to do was sleep but he needed to make time for his friends. He hadn’t realised he’d been neglecting them so hopefully tonight would change their minds. He slipped into smart black pants and a black shirt and headed down to the bar. There were about 5 others there including Colby, Drew, Jay, Kevin and Matthew. He blended in easily, like he normally did. They spent the next couple of hours catching up about work, life and generally having a laugh. Every now and then Joe would catch Drew’s eye. They hadn’t had a proper chance to catch up in person since that day in the hotel parking lot. After Colby called it a night, thanks to an early flight the next morning and the others were disbanding, Joe tapped Drew on the shoulder as he walked towards the lifts.
“Hey,” Joe said softly as Drew’s eyes met his. “I wanted to speak with you alone.”
“What”s up?” The scot asked casually.
“I just wanted to say sorry about everything that went down with Paul over the past while. I swear, it’s been nothing but drama recently.”
“You can say that again.” A small smile crept across Drew’s face as he pressed the button for the lift. “Are things better?” The lift door opened and they both stepped in. Joe pressed the button for the 9th floor. He looked at Drew to see what floor he needed. “I’m 9th too actually.” The doors closed. “So, are things better between you two?”
Joe hesitated a little as the lift slowed and the doors opened. His tone was hushed. “As well as can be expected. Things can’t be perfect all the time.” He shrugged his shoulders as they started down the hallway. Joe didn”t want to wake any of the other guests. “I’d been wanting to talk to you about it actually.”
“Really?” Joe looked at him with interest. “This is me,” Drew stopped outside room 382. “Do you want to come in?”
Joe looked down the hallway towards, his room. “OK, sure.” Gingerly he stepped in behind Drew. He hadn’t been alone with him in a hotel room like this in a while. Such good memories. He moved towards the sofa, following Drew’s lead. “Yeah so, I just thought it’d be good to have a chat since Paul’s not around. These kinda moments are a rarity nowadays.”
Joe forced a smile, lowering to the sofa, his body turned on it’s side to face Drew who was sat on the other end. “I know, we spend so much time together. It’s funny, Colby said earlier that some people have started to ask questions since I’m not around as much anymore.”
“I have heard a few people mention it yeah.” Drew confirmed. “It’s nobody’s business what you do in your free time but…you had me worried a while back. I’ve known Paul for quite a while now and I have to say, I’m a bit concerned.”
“Why?” Joe tried to brush it off.
“C’mon Joe, don’t play me for a fool. I know what kinda temper he’s got and how manipulative he can be. I just don’t want you to feel he’s backed you into a corner. I speak from experience…” Drew confessed, his eyes meeting Joe. “Don’t look so surprised. I may not look it now but I, too had a past with him. I looked up to him, I wanted to make an impression.” A long sigh escaped Joe as he sat forward looking into space. “I would do anything to make him happy until one day, I had enough. He was wearing me down physically, mentally…I just don’t want the same to happen to you.” Drew edged closer leading Joe to eventually look at him. “I’ve never known anyone like him before. I can’t explain it but It’s like I’m drawn in and I can’t go back. Even when things get bad, I…” He took a deep breath. Drew placed his hand on Joe shoulder “It’s OK…”
“It is OK. I keep telling myself that. We have these sweet moments where everything is perfect and I don’t want it to end but then, something happens and he’s suddenly in a mood. I feel like I’m treading on thin ice around him.”
“That’s how I felt. Sometimes he’d get physical-” Joe could see something building up inside Drew. “Hey, Drew, we don’t have to talk about this.” Joe said placing his hand on his knee. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“I’m a big boy. I can handle myself.” Joe replied softly, trying to lighten the mood. Within moments, the room had fallen silent and Drew had leaned in to kiss Joe. The Samoan pulled away gently.
“I can’t .”
“Why not? Don’t you remember how we were? We couldn’t keep our hands off each other-” Drew pushed as Joe leaned back into the corner of the sofa. “I promised myself to him Drew. I can’t break it.”
“That’s bullshit. You could leave him right now if you were man enough. I want you so bad Joe-” He trailed his hand down to the bulge in Joe’s pants. Joe could feel his heart racing at Drew’s touch. “Just one night. Please. Nobody has to know…” Joe looked up at him with big brown eyes, almost speechless before Drew leaned in and kissed him again, gently. Eventually he reciprocated and soon enough they became entangled in a frenzy removing each others clothes.
Soon, they found themselves on the bed, Joe kneeling in front of Drew. His body shuddered as the lube touched his opening. “I’ve been waiting for this moment again…” Drew trailed off, a tone of conviction in his voice. His left hand rested on Joe lower back as he prepared his entrance. The Samoan”s low groans filled the room. He lowered his head, unable to bring himself to look Drew in the eye. Before he knew it, Drew was starting to penetrate him with his thick, hard cock. He knew how big Drew was but he was never prepared. “Aaaah fuck!” Joe fisted the bedsheets below, taking in his width. “I’m almost in.” Drew licked his lips, trailing his hand down Joe back, trying to comfort him. Drawn out breaths escaped Joe, trying to adjust to his size. Slowly and steadily, Drew began to fuck him. Joe lowered his head, feeling a deep level of shame, with every thrust but he couldn”t stop Drew. He was fucking him harder now, driving him into the mattress. “Please, fuck!” Joe let out burying his head into the pillow below as a way to muffle his own cries. “I’m cumming-” Drew panted before his seed shot into Joe's hole. He held Joe body firmly against his until he had completely relieved himself. As he pulled out, Joe slowly scrambled to one side of the bed, his body curling up. He had an awful feeling in the pit of his stomach. Drew crawled towards him, placing his hand on his shoulder, forcing him to roll onto his back. He could see the glassy look in Joe eyes as he looked down on him. He knew how Joe was feeling but he chose to ignore it, instead leaning down to place a kiss on his lips. He laid down at his side, placing his hand across his chest, rubbing, trying to ease him. “You deserve better Joe.”
He didn’t speak. He just swallowed, resting his hand on Drew’s before they eventually drifted off to sleep.
It was almost 5am when Joe stirred awake. He rubbed his eyes and looked off to his left. The room was only lit by a small opening in the curtains. It was almost sunrise. Drew was sound asleep next to him, lying on his stomach, his head turned the opposite direction. Joe lay thinking to himself for a few minutes and carefully slid out of the bed. He tiptoed around the room collecting his clothing from the night before and got dressed before quietly leaving the room.
He felt both relieved and pretty shitty for leaving Drew like that but he couldn’t face him. He already felt bad enough for sleeping with him. He got undressed again and climbed into his bed, determined to get a few more hours sleep before flying home at lunchtime.
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Becoming A Stark (5)- Peter Parker X Stark! FemReader
Word Count: 2717
Author’s Note: Last Chapter before Peter is introduced to the story! Let me know what you think or if you want to be tagged.
Warnings: Mention of injuries and hospitalizations, swearing
Chapter One || Previous Chapter || Masterlist
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It took a few weeks to get used to living in the tower and you wouldn’t say you and Tony were close, but the other Avengers were helping make things normal for you. The one thing you weren’t getting used to was having FRIDAY now yelling out your blood sugars instead of JARVIS due to the whole Ultron thing. Pepper threatened to take you from Tony for that one, but that fight is a story for another time. It was the angriest you’ve seen Pepper ever get and hopefully, you don’t have to see that again any time soon.
“Y/N is 63 and dropping. Predicted urgent low in 20 minutes.” FRIDAY’s voice comes over the speaker as Natasha, Steve, Clint, and you are watching Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.
“FRIDAY, I got it.” You push up from the couch to walk to the kitchen, but watch the walls shift ever so slightly as you try to walk. 
“You stay, I’ll get you something. What do you want? Juice? Cookies? Soda?” Steve stands from his seat at the end of the sofa.
“Juice.” You say. If you didn’t have hypo-unawareness, you would have felt this before you got so low, but you had bolused for all that good pasta Steve had made and must have made an opps when bolusing for it. Steve returns after a few moments with an apple juice box as well as a packet of graham crackers. You look at them puzzled, but take them with shaking hands.
“FRIDAY said urgent low in 20 minutes. That sounds like it needs more than just a juice box.” You don’t say anything but shrug your shoulders as you try to get the stupid straw into the juice box as your hands continue to shake. 
“I got it.” Clint says as he pulls the juice box out of your hands. With a quick stab, the straw is in the box and he hands it back to you. “Perfect aim over here.”
“Whatever you say.” You mumble before sipping on your juice. To be honest, apple juice just hits differently when you’re low. You turn your attention back to the movie as you sip on the juice, but you don’t want to eat. You’re full from the pasta you ate not even an hour ago. So as the movie keeps playing, your eyes stop focusing on it, everything gets a bit blurrier. You rest your head on Natasha’s shoulder, hoping everything will clear up as you drink your juice. 
“Y/N? I think you should eat these,” Steve’s voice sounds so far away.
“I don’t want to.” You mumble, turning more into Natasha’s shoulder, feeling sleep pull you in.
“Y/N?” Natasha, Steve, and Clint have stopped watching the movie at this point since you stopped responding. “FRIDAY what’s her sugars?”
“LOW Captain.”
“Call Tony.” Tony is at an SI meeting, but if he doesn’t hear about this, he will call any and all Iron Man Marks he has to fight them all. Reaching into the drawer in the table, Steve pulls out a blood sugar testing kit. Tony has stocked the house with them so that you are never more than a few feet away from them. Once you moved in, Tony also made sure that all the Avengers knew how to test your blood sugar manually. “Y/N I’m going to test you ok?” Steve asks, betting he won’t get a reply. Before he can, you start shaking and pulling away from Natasha. 
“Steve, I think she’s having a seizure.” Clint says as Natasha and him roll you to your side, laying you flat on the couch. Steve helps to steady you, before testing your sugars. 
“What is going on?” Tony’s voice comes over the speakers, knowing for any of them to interrupt him, it has to be important- meaning Avengers related or you related. 
“Y/N is low. Very low.”
“How low?” The meter in Steve’s hand beeps.
“She’s having another seizure.” Clint says.
“Are we sure it’s another? It might be the same one?” Natasha asks and regrets it.
“Another?” In the background they can hear thrusters and they know that Iron Man/ your dad will be here soon. “You need her glucagon. There should be one in the living room, her bedroom, her backpack, and the med bay. It’s a red square, or well rectangle.” Out of the corner of her eye Natasha sees Tony land on the balcony and walk towards the living room. “Do you have it?”
“This?” Steve holds up the box. Tony takes it from his hand.
“Turn her to her side.” Tony says as he pulls the needle and pushes all the liquid into the vial. He stirs it together before drawing all of the liquid back into the syringe. “I got you bambina.” He whispers as he plunges the needle into your thigh.
Time passes slowly. Tony keeps checking and the number goes up slowly. 25. 40. 55. They had moved you to the med bay and Dr. Cho had checked over you, gave you some IV fluids and oxygen, but said that apart from rest and monitoring your blood sugar, there’s not much she can do. She did administer a bit more glucose through your IV since you haven’t come above 70 yet. You’ve been in and out of consciousness so Tony doesn’t expect you to remember anything of what you’ve said previously, especially since most of it made little sense.
“Where ‘m I?” you mumble as Tony does another blood sugar check.
“Med bay.” 92. Finally a good number.
“What happened?”
“You scared the shit out of me. I get what’s a good number now.” You look at him with confused eyes.
“What happened?” you repeat.
“You dropped to 16. Had a seizure or two. Passed out. Been here for a few hours. You’re finally in range again kiddo.”
“16? New record low.” you say.
Tony ignores that comment. “Might have taken a few years off my heart.” Tony admits.
“Thought you were supposed to be gone all weekend,” you say, not commenting on what he said. You mess with the knitted blanket that is covering your legs, not looking at Tony as the words sit in the air.
“My kid was in danger, SI can handle themselves. Promised you I’d be here from now on remember?” Tony says with a shrug. You look up at him, hearing the words he said. You were starting to think of him as more than just Tony over the past weeks when he had to go deal with Iron Man stuff. But tonight he left stuff for you. Because your blood sugar tanked. That’s like something Nana and Pops used to do for you. It’s something family does for each other. 
“Is Pepper mad that you left?” You fidget with the IV in your arm. It’s not the first time you’ve had one and it probably won’t be the last time.
“How can I be mad at him when I left moments after him?” Pepper peeks into the room.
“But you’re the CEO?” Pepper walks from the door towards your bed.
“You’re more important. My assistant is taking care of everything that he can and everything he can’t will get postponed until later. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to focus until I saw you were ok.”
“Is it just because I’m the heir to SI?” You can’t help but voice the dark thought in your mind.
“Of course not.” Pepper says as she sits on the edge of your bed, taking your IV-less hand in hers. “I happen to care about you an awful lot. It doesn’t matter to me one bit that you’re supposed to take SI or not. I would be here.” Tony moves to sit on the opposite side from where Pepper sits.
“I know the circumstances of how everything happened wasn’t the best Y/N, but I love you a lot. And I would drop anything and everything for you.”
“I’m your dad. A dad does anything for his kid.” Tony wants to reach out and take your hand like Pepper did, but he’s not sure if he’s allowed to, he doesn’t want to push too far too fast. But you reach for him instead.
“I’m not good at having a dad. At having parents.” You say honestly looking at both Tony and Pepper as you say this, hoping she doesn’t mind that you’re including her in this statement. “I had Nana and Pops sure. But that’s different.”
“I’m not the best at having a kid either, but I’m going to try my very best at it.” Tony admits. “How about we try this thing together?” He asks. “As a family?” He tacks on looking towards Pepper too.
“I’d like that.” You admit. “But only if Pepper stays to keep you reigned in. Because I can’t handle you on your own.” Tony laughs at that.
“Pepper’s here to stay if I have my way.” He says. “You and Pep. You're my family. Well and Platypus. And the Avengers. Only because they wrestled their way in.”
“I think I can settle for that right now.” You admit. “At least the you and Pepper part.”
“Still figuring out the lay of the land with the Avengers?” Tony asks.
“You jump from having almost no family to being told that you can have all of the superheroes in the world as your family and see how you do.” You roll your eyes.
Pepper squeezes your hand. “Take whatever family you feel is right. We’ll all be by your side when you need it the most.” All three of you sit there quietly for a few minutes before you realize something.
“What?” Tony’s eyes are searching the room for a threat he can’t find.
“I missed the end of the movie!” Your voice comes out closer to a whine then you mean for it to. Tony’s hand rises to his heart trying to calm it back down.
“You were all watching a DVD. You can rewatch it later. Please give me 24 hours before you scare me again please. My heart can only take so many scares in one day.”
“You’ve got some visitors if you’re feeling up to it?” A voice comes from the doorway. You look up and see Steve, Clint, and Natasha looking in towards you.
“Sorry I ruined movie night.”
“If you think we’re here to make you apologize, you’re dead wrong.” Clint says.
“I think Clint is here to see your eyes do work without rolling into the back of your head.” Natasha throws out as she sits in the chair across from your bed.
“I thought you would think that was cool?” You ask, seeing as Clint is usually the one looking for things that are creepy but over the top.
“Not when it comes to someone’s kid. I got kids of my own. I never want to see that from you again kid. You got it?” Clint crosses his arms as he stands behind Natasha. “That was the scariest moment of babysitting I’ve ever had, and I’ve lived through two kids going through their toddler phases.”
“As long as I get the award…” 
“Don’t even try.” Tony cuts you off. “I second Clint’s statement. Seeing your eyes go into the back of your head was not something I ever want to see again either so lets make that a thing on the ground rules of not allowed.”
“To be fair, I’m the one who’s food she gave insulin for-” Steve starts and you stop him before the words are even out.
“Don’t try to blame yourself. It’s very Captain America and all. But I can literally give the same bolus for the same food two days in a row and get two very different results. Diabetes just doesn’t give a shit. It does what it wants. So if you want to blame someone, blame my pancreas for being a shit team player and quitting back twelve years ago. The whole point of having Wallace is to try and catch this before it happens, but sometimes it still happens. It’s shit but that’s life.” You explain, and everyone’s eyes fall on you. 
“How are you so calm about all of this?” Clint asks.
“Because it’s not the first time I’ve ended up in a hospital bed due to diabetes. And it’s not the first time it’s tried to kill me. Being diabetic, you come to terms that you’re playing with fire and you’re going to get burned. But as long as you don’t die, then the day is a success. Sometimes there may be more losses than wins, but you keep going. It’s something you come to terms with when you have a disease that isn’t going away because there’s no cure. You’re forced to come to terms with it.”
“Can I ask how many times you’ve been hospitalized because of it?” Natasha asks, looking up at you with a deep expression.
“Counting this? Uh….” You count in your head. “Let’s see. There was my diagnosis. I was this close,” You hold your fingers inches apart, “from falling into a coma from my sugars being too high. Then I got the stomach flu when I was six. Nothing would stay down, but my ketones went sky high. Next I got an infected pump site. Normally I would just take some Advil and hope it goes away but this one got bad. Was in the hospital for three days, on antibiotic drips. Then I spent my seventh birthday in the ICU with the flu. That was a blast. Ketones out the wazzoo. I just had no immune system. Then I got strep five times and had to get my tonsils out, but they were worried about infections and ketones and such, so they kept me in the hospital for a week. Eight and nine I lucked out and was only in the hospital once, for a really wonky pump site that shot me into the 900s. Luckily I was only in the ER for that one. Ten through thirteen, I was in the hospital every like six months it felt like with bad blood sugars. Fell into a coma twice. And it took like three weeks to come out of it. So that was a total blast. Missed a lot of school. And this year I have lucked out and only been in the hospital once besides this. Stomach flu, tried to get me again. On day two of nothing staying down, Nana took me to the ER. So… Thirteen? Oh wait, fourteen counting today. Wait does today count? I guess it does since I got an IV.”
“The medbay is like Tony’s private hospital so it’s essentially a hospital so it counts.” Natasha says with a nod.
“Ok, so fourteen times because of diabetes related stuff. But I also had three other non-diabetes times too.” All eyes are on you. You should have just skipped it, because now you’ll just have to explain it. “I broke my arm in first grade because a kid bet me I couldn’t walk across the top of the monkey bars. I made it all the way across but then slipped and fell at the end. Still he had to give me his GI Joe, so who’s the real winner? The incident in fifth grade. And then took a bet that I wouldn’t walk across the Brooklyn Bridge barefoot. Stepped on a nail. Had to get stitches.” You shrug.
“Hmmm, funny she sounds just like someone else who is stupid enough to take dares or I don’t know invite war criminals to their front door.” Pepper says looking at Tony.
“To be fair, you can’t blame that on me, because I was never there to tell her that taking bets is never the right way to go unless you know you’re going to win them.” Tony says with a smile. 
“Technically, I won both bets. I got injured after both were over.” You brag.
“That’s my girl.” Pepper rolls her eyes.
“Why do I feel like I’m going to be chasing more trouble now?”
“I’ll keep an eye on her.” Natasha says from across the room with a smile.
Becoming A Stark Tag list: @persephonehemingway  @iamaunicorn4704  @furiouspockettoad  @daughter-of-stark  @eternalharry  @huntective-kyeo @riiis-stuff
Permanent tag list: @wormonastringonastick
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Fresh Start Part 2
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Barba x Reader
Warning: mentions of rape.
Enjoy :) fluff comes soon i promise.
You and Nick had been out all afternoon canvassing the local area. There was not much to go off. You stopped to pick up a late lunch for everyone before heading back to the precinct. You and Nick had got to know a little about each other while you were out. Just as you were about to get out of the car, Nick put his hand on your shoulder, you turned to look at him,
‘Y/N, I’am glad i have been given a partner like you, your alright.”
You giggled and looked back at him, “Right back at you partner.”
You both walked into the bullpen and you sat at your desk, Nick handed out the lunch to everyone else. He came back and sat down across from you. You swallowed your food and looked up at Nick.
“I’m going to check the traffic cams, maybe something might come up.” Nick nodded and went back to eating and telling Fin and Amanda about how you guys walked all around the city and couldn't find camera’s and the ones you did find didn't show anything.
Just as he finished you said under your breath, “Oh shit.” “What is it?” Nick said getting up and walking around to stand behind you, followed by Amanda and Fin.
“We have a problem” your eyes wide, and looking at the screen pointing.
The young girl who said she left the party at 2 am to walk through the park and was raped, you had found her on the traffic cam at midnight , walking across a crossing close to the party venue with her cloths already ripped and looking like a mess.
“Liv you better come look what Y/N just found.” Yelled Fin, Liv walked out of her office and over to where they were all standing.
“Good work Y/N” and she patted you on the shoulder after seeing the footage and the time stamp. “I want you to call Barba and tell him what you found. Amanda and Nick go to her house and show her this and see if she will talk.” Before Liv walked away, she handed you a card with all Rafael’s details on it. “Call the office first and see he if he can talk, if not text him from your phone and tell him you need to talk to him ASAP.” Liv said and walked away.
You huffed, Fin put his hand on your shoulder, “He really isn't that bad, his bark is worse then his bite, you’ll get used to it.”
Your stomach filled with butterflies all over again. You pick up your desk phone to dial the office number.
“Hello, ADA’s office, Carmen speaking, how may i help you?”
“Hey Carmen, I’m Detective Y/N Y/N” before you could finish your words
“Oh Hey Y/N, Mr Barba told me about the new squad member, nice to meet you. Hopefully I can put a face to the name one day soon” she said with a giggle.
“ Like wise Carmen, I’m with SVU now so I’am sure I’ll have to come in sometime,” you both giggled together.
“Is Mr Barba in his office?”
“No, he is in court. Can i take a message to give to him.”
“Uh, Liv gave me his mobile number  and told me that if he isn't in his office to message his phone. I better take the orders its only my first week.”
Carmen giggled, “ No problems, if you need anything else just call me back, OK?”
“No problems Carmen. Nice to meet you, Bye.”
“Same, Bye.”
You picked up your phone with another huff, Fin looked at you and giggled, “Not in his office hey?”
“No” you rolled your eyes.
You opened up messages and started a new one, you looked over the number you typed twice to make sure it was the right one.
You- 3.30pm : Hey Mr Barba, Its Detective Y/N, Liv asked me to get in touch to fill you in about the case, I just called your office and you weren't in, could you please call me back as soon as you get a chance, Thanks.”
The butterflies where going crazy, you got back to work. 20 minutes later Amanda and Nick walked back in with a mix of emotions on their faces.
“Didn't go well?” you asked
“No, she thinks, we think she is lying. Her Mum lost it and kicked us out.” Nick said.
You bit you bottom lip, “What if we ask Barba if we can get a warrant for the camera footage from the venue. Maybe we might find something.”
Just then you heard his voice, “ Well I can try, but I don’t know what judge would sign off on that without more evidence.” said Barba.
You looked at him, he was holding his case in one hand, a coffee in the other, he looked directly at you with a small side smile, “I got your message, what do you need to fill me in with? Maybe you have something that i can swing a judge to give a warrant.”
Your stomach was going crazy, but you got up and walked over to the big screen TV and all the evidence on the white board. You started to explain to him about how you and Nick went building by building, block by block and found every little, but when you logged onto the traffic cams, you had found your victim walking across a crossing looking like she had already been attacked, 2 hours before she said it happened.
You paced in front of the board talking so passionately about why you needed the warrant for the venue's camera’s, and how Nick and Amanda were thrown out of her house because they thought she was lying. Barba couldn't take his eyes off you. Were you always this passionate or was it because your were trying to impress him
“Are you done?” said Barba with a snap, you blushed with his reaction
“Better watch out Counsellor, you might be out of a job when the DA meets Y/N at the gala next week.” Nick said with a smirk
Barba looked at you and rolled his eyes.
“I’ll talk to a Judge, but i cant promise anything.”
You started to walk back to your desk, you where standing on the edge looking into the space. Everyone was still looking at the video, well so you thought, you felt a tap on your shoulder, “Good job, I’ll message you if i get the warrant. Good Night Detective” He said with a nod and he walked out.  
On his ride home all he could think about was you. How passionate you got while you where talking. He couldn't get over how beautiful you looked today, in your pink button down and your navy tight fitting ankle length dress pants. Your hair was up in a higher bun today, with a bit of a puff at the front and some strains down the side of your face and being able to see more of your neck. You were coming to the gala next week. That excited him, giving him something to look forward too. It was fair to say you guys would most likely not get a chance to talk as you were the new, beautiful SVU squad member, everyone would want to have a piece of you. What chance would he have, he was old and run down, but just to see you out of work, maybe giving him some eye candy, that’s what he was excited about.
Your phone buzzed as you walked into the bullpen the next morning
9am- Barba: Your warrant is ready when you are Detective
9.01am- Y/N: Oh really, thanks Barba, you didn't disappoint.
9.05am- Barba: I very rarely disappoint Detective
What the hell was that come back meant to mean? You thought to yourself.
9.08- Y/N: Ah ok haha I’m just waiting for Nick and ill be in to pick it up
9.10- Barba: Sure
You and Nick had just got to Barba’s office to pick up the warrant. You walked  in and a tall beautiful woman was sitting behind the desk.
“Hey Carmen, he in?” Nick asked
“Yeah, he is in a mood be careful,” she looked over at you.
“Hey Carmen, I’m Y/N, nice to finally meet you.”
She stood and took your hand in hers, “ Like wise Y/N.” Just then Nicks phone rang, “Its Maria, i better get this, you go ahead, wait here and ill come get you when I’m finished.”
You almost fainted when Nick walked away, he was your comfort and he just walked away. You walked towards the door, but you froze. A hand came to your shoulder,
“His bark is worse then his bite.”
“ So everyone keeps telling me” you giggled back.
You knocked on the door, “Come in” you heard back. You opened the door and walked in. There he was sitting in is big brown chair behind his big oak desk with paper work all around and his computer on, his suit jacket off hanging up, his vest undone, tie lose with the top button undone, and his sleeves rolled up. His hair was perfectly gelled in place and he smelled divine.
“What do you need?” not even looking up, “Is that how you greet everyone that walks in your office?” you snapped back before you could even think. He looked up with a wide smile on his face and looked in your eyes.
“Detective. Your here alone?”
“No, Nick is on the phone, he will be here in a minute.” Your hands where shaking and sweaty. He stood up, walked around his desk and handed you the warrant, “Thanks” he nodded back at you. “I told you i don’t disappoint Y/N.”
You blushed and went to head out. “Didn't Nick tell you to wait here?”
“Yes but your busy, I’ll go and find him.”
“No wait, lets talk.” You nodded.
“So your going to the gala next weekend?” he said, “Yes it will be my first.”
“Maybe if we can close the case, we could catch up for a drink that night?”
Just then Nick walked in, “Y/N, you ready? We have to go.” You nodded and walked towards the door.
“Counsellor” Nick nodded and walked off.
“Thanks again Barba, your a gem.” You smiled and walked out the door not seeing his reaction. You said bye to Carmen and walked after Nick to head over to the venue and get the camera footage.
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morganamysticblog · 4 years
The Royal Romance – Happily Ever After???
It was the evening of their 5th wedding anniversary.  Liam had been gone for several weeks at various meetings and negotiations all over Europe, but he was going to be home tonight.
Hana and Maxwell had taken little Eleanor to Valtoria for a few days.  Heather had given most of the palace staff a couple days off.  She wanted a romantic night for just the two of them to celebrate.
Heather had made dinner herself, even though the kitchen staff protested and offered to help.  She wanted to make tonight as special as possible. She had made her homemade lasagna with garlic bread.  It probably wouldn’t be as good as what he had been eating while he was in Italy, but hopefully he would be impressed that she made it herself.
The house staff questioned Heather when she wanted to decorate the small dining room herself, but again, tonight was going to be for just her and Liam. She set the table with two taper candles, place settings for two, a small radio in the corner with a romantic mix made by Maxwell which included the song they danced their first dance together at their wedding reception.
She had bought some new lingerie from Ana.  It was in a small box in their bedroom, waiting.
Everything was ready. Now, she just needed her husband. She sat on the grand staircase in the front hall.  He would be home any minute according to his itinerary.
20 minutes passed by…the timer for the lasagna went off.  Heather asked one of the few house staff remaining in the palace to wait by the door to greet the King when he arrived so that she could complete the final preparations on dinner.
When Heather returned to the front hall, the staff member was there, but no Liam.  He had not arrived yet.  He was almost an hour late by now.  Heather pulled out her phone and tried to call him.  No answer – just voice mail.  She waited a few minutes, then sent Liam a text message.  “Just checking to make sure you are ok.  I thought you would be home by now.”
After several more minutes, Heather finally receives a reply text message from Liam.  “Sorry, meeting ran late.  Should be home tomorrow.”
Should be home tomorrow? Should be?  Sitting on the steps, tears streaming down her face, Heather picks up her phone and calls Drake.
DRAKE – Hey Heather. Did Liam make it home ok?  I wasn’t expecting to hear from you two for at least a couple days.
HEATHER – He’s not here. He’s still in London or Oslo or somewhere.
DRAKE – What?  But isn’t today your anniversary?
HEATHER – Yeah.  
DRAKE – Remind me to have a chat with him when he gets back.  Did he say when he’ll be back?
HEATHER – His exact words were “should be home tomorrow.”
DRAKE – Ok, so just change the celebration to tomorrow.
HEATHER – And what’s to say he even comes home tomorrow?  He promised. He had a return itinerary and everything.  I just…I’m getting tired of this Drake.
DRAKE – What do you mean?
HEATHER – Just everything. He runs off all over the world for important meetings and negotiations, sometimes for months at a time.  I get stuck here picking out curtains and place settings.  
DRAKE – I’m sorry Heather. Is there anything I can do to help?
HEATHER – Well, if you’re hungry, I have a whole homemade lasagna getting cold in the dining room if you want to help me eat it.
DRAKE – Sure.  Sounds good.  The kitchen staff must be learning some new recipes.  I don’t remember lasagna being on the royal menu.
HEATHER – No, I made it.
DRAKE – You?
HEATHER – I can cook you know.
DRAKE – Oh, right.  I keep forgetting you used to be normal.
HEATHER – Ha ha, very funny. Just for that I may have to just eat this all by myself.
DRAKE – Ok, I take it back. Please, I’m starving here.
HEATHER – Well, get your butt over here and help me eat then.
DRAKE – I’m on my way.
Drake had moved out of the palace and had an apartment in the capitol city.  He had a steady job with a construction company.  He had even started dating a little over the past few years.  But he would always have a place in his heart only for Heather.  Any time she needed him, he would always be there for her. He had made the mistake before not opening up to her, not telling her how he truly felt.  If he ever had the chance again, he would not mess it up.
Heather went upstairs to change out of her gown.  She put on her usual, comfortable black tank top and jeans.  She pulled her hair up into a pony tail. How quickly tonight had gone from a romantic, magical evening to a casual hang-out session with a friend.  Emotions within her changed and rolled like a roller coaster.  One second she was sad and heartbroken.  The next she was furious and wanted to punch something. Hopefully Drake could talk her down and help her through this.  Of course Drake could help her through this, he always did.  He was always there for her.
Drake arrived at the palace about 15 minutes later.  One of the palace staff greeted him at the door and escorted him to the closed door to the small dining room.  She handed him a pair of ear plugs before opening the door.  
STAFF – You may need these sir.  The music is quite loud inside.
DRAKE – Uh, thanks.
Drake opens the door. Carrie Underwood’s Undo It blares out.
DRAKE – Heather.  (a little louder) Heather.  (yelling) HEATHER!
Heather turns around startled.  She turns down the music.
HEATHER – Drake.  I’m sorry.  I was jamming out a little.
DRAKE – Totally understandable.  Angry girl music, huh?  I would hate to be Liam when he gets home.
HEATHER – If he ever gets home.  His trips keep getting longer and longer.  The past year he may have been here 4 months of it.  He has missed so much with Ellie, even her last birthday.  I just don’t know what to do.
DRAKE – Well, I’m here if you need to talk.
HEATHER – I know.  I really appreciate that.  You’re probably tired of hearing me vent about all of this by now.
DRAKE – Nah.  Hey, I’m getting free homemade food out of it, so I see it as a win win.
HEATHER – Ha ha ha.  So you’re just in it for the food.
DRAKE – The food is a big bonus, yes.
HEATHER – Well, let’s get to it then.  I hope you like it.  I used to make this all the time back in New York.
DRAKE – It smells great.
Drake and Heather start eating the lasagna and garlic bread.  Heather pours out a couple glasses of whiskey.
DRAKE – This is amazing! Is there anything you can’t do?
HEATHER – Keep my husband’s interest apparently.
DRAKE – Heather, that’s not true and you know it.
HEATHER – I’m beginning to wonder.  
DRAKE – He’s a king. He’s just been busy.  Things should slow down soon.
HEATHER – I hope so. I just…He’s been getting more and more distant the past couple years.  We were so close.  We did everything together.  Now it feels like he doesn’t want me around at all.  Three years ago, I would have been on this trip with him.  Even with a 1 year old.  Now he doesn’t even ask if I want to go, sometimes he doesn’t even tell me he’s leaving.  I find out from the palace staff that he left on another trip.
DRAKE – Ouch.  Yeah, I’m gonna have to have a serious talk with him. That’s not right.
HEATHER – Honestly, lately, I’ve been wondering if I should even stay here anymore.
DRAKE – Well, if you want to get away and don’t want to go to Valtoria, you could always crash on my couch.  Or I could always take you and Ellie to my mom’s ranch for a little bit.  Some fresh air, animals, lots of room for Ellie to run around.
HEATHER – Thanks Drake. I’ll keep that in mind.  Why is it, after everything, you’re the one that always ends up taking care of me?
DRAKE – Isn’t that part of my job as your friend?
HEATHER – You are an amazing friend.
Heather and Drake finish eating their food.  They stand up and Heather walks over to Drake giving him a big, long hug.
HEATHER – You’re the best Drake, you know that?
DRAKE – Well, I’m glad somebody thinks so.
As Heather pulls away a little from the hug, their arms still around each other, Heather looks up into Drake’s face.  He looks down deeply into her eyes.  A small smile on his face.  A sweet sparkle in his eyes.  Heather can’t help herself. The next thing she knows she leans her lips up to his and kisses him.
Drake tightens his hold and kisses her back, soft at first, but then deeply, passionately, with all the pent up love and heat he has held inside him for the past 5 years.
As they part, Heather takes a couple steps back, feeling a little lightheaded after such an amazing kiss. She hadn’t been kissed like that in a very long time.  Still holding each other’s hands, she stares into his eyes.
Drake just stares at her, never taking his eyes off hers.  He wanted to tell her how he felt, how he has felt since they were in Paris…when he lost her because of his own stupidity.  Did she still have any feelings for him?  He didn’t want to make the same mistake again, but at the same time, as much as he wanted her, he didn’t want her to choose him because of Liam’s recent behavior.  He still had that fear of being the rebound guy.  He wanted to be so much more for her.
Heather saw the range of thoughts and emotions go through Drake’s eyes.  She wondered if he could see into her the same way.  She had the chance in Paris to choose him, to run away with him.  She had chosen Liam instead.  Did she make the wrong decision?  She was beginning to think she did.  Especially being here now with Drake.  A part of her still loved him, even after all this time.  And based on the way he kissed her, she was pretty sure he felt the same way.
Heather lets go of Drake’s hands and takes a few steps back.
HEATHER – Drake…I, uh…
DRAKE – Yeah.  Um, I’m sorry about that.  I just…
HEATHER – Yeah.  Maybe we should just talk for a little bit.
DRAKE – That’s probably a good idea.
Heather and Drake sit back down at the table on opposite sides of each other.
HEATHER – Yeah.  We seem to keep finding ourselves in this kind of position, huh?
DRAKE – Well, it has been a while.  I mean, last time, you weren’t married.
HEATHER – True.  I…I do care about you, Drake.  I feel, sometimes, like I keep holding on to you, keeping you from moving on with your life.  Like I want both worlds, you know?  Being queen and all the perks that go along with it, the lavish trips with Liam, but also the simple things with you.  I know it’s not right.  I’m sorry.
DRAKE – Look, this may not come out right, so I’m just going to let you know that up front.  Believe me, I care about you too.  Much more than I should.  And I would love nothing more than for me to be the one you end up with. But at the same time, I know you and I know Liam.  Liam will pull you back in with his usual romance and you’ll forget all about the feelings you may or may not have for me and go back to your happy life.  I…I can’t be the rebound guy or the revenge sex guy or whatever.
HEATHER – Drake, I’ve never…
DRAKE – I just want to know that if you’re with me, you’re with me.  Not because you’re hurt and think you have feelings for me because I’m paying attention to you when Liam’s not, or you’re mad at him and want to get back at him somehow.  
HEATHER – Drake, it’s not like…
DRAKE – I have been holding so much in since that day in Paris.  Going through all the guilt I felt for not telling you how I felt then, for not running after you the second you left.  And every day since then I have been dealing with the fact that there’s nothing I can do about it to change what happened.  That’s why I moved out to the city.  I couldn’t deal with being here every day, looking at you, knowing how I felt and knowing that nothing would ever come of it.  But, I promised myself, I would always be here when you needed me.  I may not be able to have you all to myself, but I could still take care of you when you needed me.
HEATHER – Drake, you are not the rebound guy.  You never have been.  But you may have a point about the feelings based on the situation thing.  Not that I don’t have feelings for you, because I still do, but with the situations we end up in, I do tend to turn to you to fix things and don’t take into consideration how you might feel.  I’m so sorry, Drake.  I’ve been so selfish, keeping you tied to me so that in a way I didn’t lose you, but I held you back all at the same time.
DRAKE – You haven’t held me back.  I want to be here.
HEATHER – I really appreciate that.  But, I flipped on you once when I told you that you were the one I wanted, and then went back to Liam.  I don’t want to do that to you again.  I don’t want to stand here and tell you that I’ll leave him for you, then flip again. I can’t put you through that again.
DRAKE – So what do we do?
HEATHER – I think this time I need to take some serious time to think.  Away from everybody.  I think I just need to be a mom for a little while, focus on Ellie and what’s best for her, and for me.
DRAKE – Well, whatever you decide, just take your time and make sure it’s what you truly want.  I only want what’s best for you, Heather. I always have.
HEATHER – I know.  And that’s what makes all this so much harder. It would be so easy to just tell you to pack up and let’s run away.  Believe me, there’s a part of me that wants to say that so badly.  But I know it’s not right.  Not yet.  Not until I’m sure.  Not until I get out from under this spell Liam has me under.  At least that’s what it feels like.  I think…it’s getting late.  I think maybe you should go.
DRAKE – Ok.  Are you sure you’re going to be ok?  I can stay longer if you need me to.
HEATHER – Thanks, but I think if you stay here any longer my resolve is going to fade rather quickly and I don’t want to do something we may both regret.
DRAKE – Oh, there would be no regrets, but I get what you’re saying.  I’ll talk to you soon, ok?
HEATHER – Definitely.
Drake and Heather walk out of the small dining room and out into the main entrance hall.  They share a quick hug goodbye and Drake leaves.
Heather heads up to her room and puts the small package with the lingerie in it away in her dresser. She pulls out her phone and sends a text message to Hana.
TEXT TO HANA – Hey Hana. If you and Maxwell want to bring Ellie back home tomorrow, you can.  I’m missing my girl.
She checks to see if there were any missed calls or texts – nothing.  She sends a text to Liam.
TEXT TO LIAM – Happy anniversary.
Thinking to herself – “well, let’s see if that gets any response.”  She checks the clock – 10:00 pm.  Might as well get some sleep.  She turns her phone on silent, changes into some pajamas and climbs into bed. Luckily she falls asleep within a few minutes.
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clxvdd · 4 years
Self Control- Rock Lee
Summary: Rock Lee and the other Shinobi go out to celebrate a job well done, but his favorite person is nowhere to be seen. Chaos ensues, and his favorite person is the only one who can stop it.
Warnings: drinking, mourning, fluff, tiny bit of angst
Characters/Pairings: Rock Lee x Reader, Naruto, Tenten, Habu (Waiter), the rest of the gang
Word Count: 1903
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“Where is (Y/N)?” Lee couldn’t stop himself from asking as his trained eyes searched through the group of ninjas all crowding together at the bar.
He knew it was a bad idea to come in the first place, but he had more self control now and he knew the effects those drinks had on his body. After all, he was here to celebrate and spend time with his friends. They scarcely spent time all together like this.
But it seemed as though someone was missing.
As he entered with Neji at his side, his friends came in waves to come and greet the two with kind smiles and swift hugs, none of them seeming to notice the lack of the shinobi that had caught his eye the most and who was the greatest reason for him to show up. When his teammate herself went to pull away from the greeting, he caught her arm and looked into her eyes with a concerned look.
“Where is she?” He said breathlessly, his mind racing with a thousand different reasons as to why the girl in question was not present. Even without speaking her name, Tenten knew of who he was inquiring about, being (Y/N)’s best friend as well.
“She said she was going to be a little late,” Tenten shook her head lightly, “she had something to take care of.” She plainly stated, not having any more information to give. Pulling her arm out of his grasp gently, she patted his drooping shoulders in solace.
Of course, Lee knew that with everyone’s busy lives and their responsibilities of being a shinobi that not everyone would have time to show up, although he had hoped that person at least would not be her. It was a one out of more than ten chance, but Lee always had the worst luck.
“Come on, Lee, don’t be so down,” Tenten whined as she lead him over to the group again, “she will be here. You can be sad any other night.”
He shook his head but straightened up anyway. The kunoichi was right, tonight was a night of youth and celebration, not of despair. He would live his best moments as (Y/N) would want him to.
Lee didn’t quite know why he was so drawn to you. It wasn’t like his former crush on his, now friend, Sakura. That was simply an infatuation, but with you it felt like more. Like he lived and breathed every day to be able to see your face, and he died a little inside when he couldn’t. You brought out the best and worst in him all at once and he couldn’t explain how, yet no matter what it reigned true.
Again, he shook his head, forcing himself out of his own thoughts and threw himself down into the booth seat next to Naruto. He was determined to be his normal, youthful self without you for a little while, and if he couldn’t– well I’ll just have to do 3,000 more pushups during tomorrow’s training.
“Nice to see ya, buddy!” Naruto exclaimed at the boy, slapping a hand to his jumper clad back. The signature wide grin that he sported was enough to convince him that the night would have to be great. He needed it to be.
Not long after, a young– and bored– waiter rounded the bar to Lee’s table, in one hand a notepad and the other a pen. He cleared his throat lazily and spoke up at the group with a tone similar to the one Shikamaru always used, nearly making Lee laugh at the thought.
“What drinks would you all like to get started off with?”
The table boomed with a variation of drinks, ranging in simplicity and taste, although the overwhelming majority was alcoholic some way or another. Lee had struggled to even hear himself, but requested a simple glass of water nonetheless. The waiter rubbed his forehead and focused in on individual requests, but they all blurred together and he just nodded and retreated back to his station, never even marking the paper with his pen. Thinking he had just been overly intuitive, Lee told himself that he shouldn’t be worrying so much. After all, he had promised himself to enjoy the night. Taking a deep breath and relaxing his previously furrowed brows, he listened in on Naruto’s and Shikamaru’s conversation, soon forgetting all about his anxieties.
It seemed like seconds before the same waiter came back with a tray, for Lee was so busy having fun and joking around with his friends. Setting the tray down and passing around the drinks, the waiter, whom Lee now noticed was named Habu, gave each of them a once-over before speaking again.
“Would you guys like any appetizers or something from our happy hour menu to go with your drinks? They’re 15 percent off for the next 20 minutes,” He glanced at his watch to confirm. Upon hearing this, the group– Kiba, Choji, and Naruto mainly– began throwing out orders in a chaotic fashion, not even bothering to take their time. Lee grasped the glass in front of him with a loose shake of his head and proceeded to take a long sip of the still, clear drink, believing it to be the water he asked for.
Of course, he realized it wasn’t when the familiar burn of his throat and tastebuds reached his brain and his eyes widened before drooping as he lost his grasp on his supposed self control.
Meanwhile, across the village was a girl, made small by her posture crouched over a large stone burial site with flowers in her hand. Her long hair fell over her face in wisps and her shoulders heaved, taking a long sigh before placing a finger to the cool rock.
“I miss you, mom,” she whispered as she took another shaky breath, blowing her hair out of her face, “I have so much to tell you.”
“For starters, I completed another successful mission yesterday,” the girl continued staring solemnly at the letters she had imprinted in her brain from reading over and over, “I’ve grown a lot. I’m not a little girl anymore,” she huffed then followed it with a breathy chuckle. Nervously picking at the skin of her fingers, she spoke again.
“I met a boy. Surprising, I know, but I really think he could mean something,” she smiled faintly as she thought of the boy with the bushiest brows and brightest attitude she had ever seen. He always made her feel important, like she was ruler of everything in the universe, but she was just her. Plain little (Y/N) from the village hidden in the leaves. Nothing more, nothing less.
“I’m going to see him again tonight. I know you would like him, mom,” again she leaned her head down towards the grave, a tear slipping from her eye, staining the gray surface, “you really would.”
Then, all at once, (Y/N) stood up from her position and heaved. This was hard. Even though she had been coming to her mother’s grave frequently for almost 3 years, she never knew how to say goodbye. She didn’t like it. It reminded her of the last time she had meant it. Wordlessly she turned away, beginning her walk back into the village where she would be meeting her friends to celebrate their successes. Hopefully that would cheer her up.
Along the way she passed many shops and buildings, most of them closed for the night. The scenery at this time was beautiful, though, and she took her time in making it to the bar she had been invited to.
As she turned the corner, a stream of people, all panicked and hurried, pushed past her away from the direction she was headed. Confused, she kept towards it and the kunoichi approached closer to her destination, the chaos growing with screams and loud sounds of breaking, cracking, pushing, demolishing.
With one glance she gasped, her hands dropping to her side as she ran towards the once bustling building.
“Where is she?!” Her ears perked up with the familiar voice in such an unfamiliar tone. She knew it had to be Lee, there was no doubts about that, but what he was doing was another story. And who was this girl that he had mentioned?
“Where is (Y/N)?”
Another gasp left the girl’s lips and she furrowed her brows in determination and understanding. If it was her he wanted then it was her he would get. She had heard stories about Lee’s troubles with the burning liquid, but she wrote them off as exaggerations and never had she seen it for herself until now.
“Lee?” She almost whispered as she warily opened the door to the destroyed building. A chair flew past her head as she ducked and squinted to focus on the taijutsu specialist. Noticing he was distracted with his back turned towards her, he towered over the group of shinobi before slurring again.
“Where is she, where is she, where is she??!” he growled as he stomped his feet and evaded every attempt his friends had to try and catch him, “I want her! I want to see her!” He stomped again, swaying slightly before he heard a gentle voice from behind him, almost too soft for his ears.
The raging boy turned as his eyes landed on the girl he had been calling for. All of the sudden he felt guilty. He felt everything. Dropping the furniture that had once been raised over his head, he swayed his way over to her, stopping just short of arm’s length.
His breath caught in his throat when his half-lidded eyes ran over your concerned face. Your hair was loose, messy even, but it was still the most beautiful he had ever seen you. The red in your eyes was a clear tell that you had been crying and he reached a hand out with a pang in his full heart. Your eyes never once left him as he grew closer and closer to you, his hand holding yours.
One step, he was close enough to hug you.
Another step, you could feel his breath on your cheeks and smell the alcohol on his tongue.
Another, he pressed his chest to yours, still holding your hand as you gazed up into his glittering eyes.
“I’m here, Lee,” You whispered.
Your heart was beating so fast it could’ve quit on you right then, but you wouldn’t have noticed. All you had on your mind was Lee. Lee and that stupid face of his.
“I’m right here.”
And you took him into your arms, letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. His arms came under yours to drag you impossibly closer to him and the next thing you knew his lips were on yours.
Tender. Gentle. Soft. All uncharacteristic of Lee, but when your lips moved together as one of a whole it felt just right, like everything was meant to lead up to this. You knew he felt the same.
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91whiskeygirl · 4 years
Whiskey Hangover
*Inspired by Season 14, reader insert. Slight foul language, some angst and maybe fluff? Changed things up so reader can be inserted, DUH🤷🏻‍♀️**
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Everything is blurry. Every muscle you have is too relaxed to react to the strong arms trying to guide you to the bathroom. It’s been weeks since Dean had invited Micheal into him. There was no time to argue with him about it, he didn’t even get to say goodbye to you. He didn’t even look at you when Michael took control and vanished. The emptiness hurt you enough to drink yourself to passing out . Puking your guts out in a toilet was pretty much your daily routine, no matter what time of day it was.
“Y/n, breathe, it’s gonna be ok, just take it easy” Sam said to you softly as he held your hair back. You hummed in agreement while your gag reflex finally settled, and sat back against the cold tile wall, your eyes closed. Your head started to pound something wicked into your brain and you tried to focus on the giant in front of you cleaning you up. Pushing his hands away you get up with what physical will you had left in you and staggered your way into Dean’s bedroom. You only hear Sam’s voice as a muffle behind you, asking if you were ok, and to lay on your side before passing out. “Sammy, baby I don’t need you to take care of me, alright? I’m fine! I’m just peachy.”,huffing and collapsing onto the bed. Burying your face into Dean’s pillow the tears started to fall, you clutched to it tighter. You were angry, sad, numb all at once. Sam turns you to the side and places the wastebasket on your side of the bed. He gives you a small smile and gently pushes your hair away from your face.
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“When you get up, I’ve got a couple of Tylenol and glass of water for you.” You blink your eyelids heavily and give him a small smile back, reaching for his chin. His beard tickling your palm. “Still the sweet Yeti as ever. I knew I picked the wrong Winchester.” He exhales harshly at that and his smile fades, but you don’t notice it since you fell asleep. He didn’t know if you were just teasing him or you actually meant it. You always had a loose tongue on your feelings when you were drunk. he admitted to himself that he had feelings for you, not as a friend or as a sister; but Dean was always the rambunctious one and took the first step to ask you out years ago after that one werewolf hunt. He stayed on the sidelines hoping those emotions whenever you gave him bear tackling hugs or pranked him while he was researching to fade, but it never did. He tucks you in and slowly makes his way to close the door, taking one last look at you.
Two weeks ago
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“We had a deal!” You hear Dean groaning, straining to keep himself in his own body. The veins in his body start to pulse out and you watch him turn into Michael’s vessel before your eyes. You supported Jack with what strength you had while watching the man you love turn into an archangel. Too shocked to say a word you end up on your knees as he looks to you, Sam and Jack, “Thanks for the suit.”disappearing to god knows where.
Your blood shot eyes open and you feel yourself sitting up quicker than you wanted to, blood rushing into your head, the hammering pulse of a hangover presenting itself.
“Fuck. Never should’ve taken up whiskey.” You rubbed your temples and sit on the edge of the bed. Noticing your mouth feels very dry you look over to Sam’s little gift, a tall glass of water and a couple of Tylenol on the nightstand. “Thank goodness for you Yeti.” You say gruffly as you down the hopefully pills that might get you through today. You’d hoped to stay in bed but the only cure for a hangover would be food, you change into one of Dean’s shirts and put on some jeans, not bothering to brush your hair you place it in a bun and brush your teeth. It had always bothered you that there was a sink in the bedroom, but now it was a normal appliance since you barely left the room unless you needed a refill of whiskey for your glass. You head to the kitchen and see everyone scurrying around like working ants in their colony. Ever since they were saved and went through the rift most decided to stay and fight for the cause. You didn’t mind having company since it deflected what you were doing to yourself. Everyone was too busy to bat an eye at you unless it was asking where Sam was.
“Good afternoon, y/n,” a deep voice called out to you from behind. Cas was still an Angel, handsome as ever, but you could see the toll it took on him to keep everything in order while trying to track where Dean, Michael was. You shot him a wink while frying up eggs and bacon in a pan. “Hey Cas, it’s too bad you can’t taste food like before, I make a mean hangover breakfast.”
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“Are you up for joining me trying to find...Michael?” He saw how your body stiffened as he asked reluctantly.
“It’s still Dean,Cas. But no, I’m thinking of hanging with Mary and showing what I made for the armory. I’m physically not able to be of help to you.Wheres Jack?” You replied.
“With Bobby, he insisted on getting some physical combat training since his powers....” Cas trailed off. It was hard for everyone, especially Jack. You knew how it felt to have your father tell you lies while you selflessly believed them, because you just wanted to be accepted and loved by him. But Lucifer only used him, the result, Jack basically being human, not that you minded, it was nice not having to tip toe around the kid, afraid he might blow up a town for just sneezing.You inhaled the coffee you made and engulfed your breakfast.
“It’s 2pm y/n, I see you slept in.” Mary pats your back gently as you send her a smile. “Just a bit, but you need to see what I did in the armory. I might be drunk 20 hours out of 24 but I still can finish a project if I want to . “
You both head into the gun range and open a small trunk full of bullets, neatly organized. Shooting yourself an approval lifting your eyebrows and biting your bottom lip, you showcase the display to her. “So, Angel, witch, werewolf, and vampire killing bullets. I’m even working on a leviathan version but they’ve been pretty distant since Dick exploded. But, you always need a plan in case. I’m supposed to be good about that, I WAS good about that.” You tell her, shoulders starting to slump. No matter what version of what you thought could’ve happened if you’d planned it more carefully, it always shows the same outcome. Dean inviting Michael to be his vessel without hesitation, and him flying out to wherever the hell he is now. It pained you too much to think about it, you always end up thirsty for something stronger than your usual girly drinks to diffuse the pain in your chest.
“ This- this is amazing y/n! You did good.” Mary praises you, holding a vampire bullet into the light, squinting to examine all the details. Placing the bulletin back into it’s socket, she sighs softly and looks to you. “Y/n, I might not have been there enough for my boys, but I know that they care for you deeply, especially Dean. Please, don’t hurt yourself more than you already have. This isn’t your fault. He was desperate, we all were, to save Sam and Jack. This is all Lucifer’s doing. We’ll get him back, I promise.”
The tears start to well up in your eyes but you don’t blink them away, letting them fall freely down your cheeks. You close the trunk and place it on the shelf. Mary pulls you in for a hug but you don’t hug her back. Your too exhausted from last night’s alcoholic binge to care the empathy coming from your mother in law.
She understands enough to leave you to your own personal space. You walk on to the range with a target sheet, longer than you, having to jump to reach to clip it up. Putting on safety glasses you load regular bullets into your pistol and aim at the target, cocking it. Exhaling slowly and rounding your shoulders, you aim and fire. The bullet goes through first into the target’s chest, a second shot to the shoulder, another to the throat, then two to the head. You shrug not impressed. Though hungover you still had very good aim thanks to Dean teaching you. It became second nature to you.
Couple Years Ago
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“You need to relax your shoulders! You’re like a little gremlin, you won’t aim where you want to y/n!” Dean voices raises at you, ear mufflers on you glanced his way disapprovingly.
“Well, maybe I need a bit more help than just telling me what to do! I may be hands on but I’ve never actually shot a gun before if you hadn’t noticed.” You gritted your teeth as you fired another shot, missing the target and having the bullet ricochet. “This is bullshit!” As you were about to place the gun down you feel Dean behind you too close for comfort, your breath stuck in your throat. You can feel the rush of heat starting to emerge from your neck to your ears then your cheeks as you turn pink from the unexpected contact. He takes your hand holding the gun as if he’s your shadow and guides your arm up level with your shoulder. His other arm around your waist, starting to tighten his grip you straighten up your back, involuntarily rubbing your ass against him. A tiny groan leaves him and you try to ignore it.
“Relax, you got this, aim and shoot, just like I showed you baby.” Whispering to you, feeling his breath on your neck.
Exhaling slowly you look to the paper target and three shots ring out, three holes in its face. “Holy crap, holy crap! I frikking did it! Haha!” You jump for joy, turning around to hug him tightly. His one arm still on your waist the other grabs your gun and uncocks it then puts it on the table. “You did great sweetheart, you’ll be able to shoot with a rifle in no time.” A big smile on his face as he leans down to kiss your lips. Your hands travel up to the back of his neck receiving a pleasant reaction from Dean as you reciprocate his kiss. “Well, luckily you’re my teacher. I might need some extra credit Mr. Winchester.” A glint in his green apple eyes and he carries you in his arms as you try to wriggle out of his grasp. “Dean! I’m too heavy!” “Sweetheart, I’ve carried you out of hunts many times. Believe me when I say you’re not the heaviest thing I’ve had to throw around.” Your arch a brow at him “throw around huh?” A smirk on your face as he carries you back to the bedroom.
“Y/n? Are you ready? Y/n!” Cas is waving his hands at you, making you snap back to reality. Blinking a few times you see Cas is ready with his gear. “Oh, uh, I’m sorry, I haven’t even packed, I don’t want to waste your time, just go ahead without me Cas, I’ll be fine.” He gives you a disconcerting look. You stare back at him hard. No matter how long you’ve known the angel , the stare you give, he knows when to back off.
“I’ll, be, fine, wings. I’ll handle the bunker til you get back. Plus Mary and Bobby are here.”
With that he nods and heads out. You sigh heavily and rub your face down, deciding to look for Sam. The group that stayed back in the bunker are too busy to answer you, then you here someone call out.
“Hey Chief! We got a tip from a hunter of yours, says she might’ve sighted Dean.” Sam’s tall frame appears a few yards from you. His beard is scruffier and thicker than ever, the bags under his eyes show he hasn’t properly rested since Michael jumped his brother’s bones. You make your way to him as he sits in front of his laptop. Sensing your presence he looks up and gives you a grin.
“Hey, look who’s awake, sleeping beauty.”
You slap his shoulder gently and then lean over to see what he’s doing, you can smell his conditioner that he uses to keep his hair oh so soft and shiny.
“What we got Sherlock?” You tease.
He laughs sharply and tries to concentrate on the screen in front of him.
“ Get this, we got a tip where Dean could be, but he’s jumping everywhere. He’s frying up bodies left and right, the police are all over it. Eyes melted out of their skull.” Your neck tightens but you keep your composure. “Hm, classic angel-type of kill. So no location where he was last?” You ask, Sam shaking his head.
You straighten up and head to the mini bar. “Ok, so we know Dea-Michael, is grilling random people in random places. Great. He’s planning something but what the fuck is it?” You pop the glass bottle of whiskey and start to pour until a huge hand covers it and places it to the side. You look up to Sam and show you’re not accepting the rejection of your tonic, trying to grab it from him, only to raise it higher than you can reach. “Nuh uh. Didn’t you learn last night? You were keeled over the toilet for a good half hour before I got you to bed, hoping you weren’t going to drown in your own vomit, y/n.”
You sneered at him and tried to jump up to get the glass back.
“Yeti, it’s my own problem, if it helps me with what we’re dealing with so be it. “ he places the glass on the top shelf of the bar and you scowl. You reluctantly relax as he pulls you in to hug you. “It’s not going to help numb the pain you’re feeling y/n. It might feel like it helps but you’ll always end up feeling like shit at the end of the day. I need you to be strong. I need you.” With those last three words you look up at him as he looks down at you with his hazel eyes. You’ve never recalled being this physically close to the youngest Winchester, and you realize this is too close to be considered platonic. You don’t know if it’s because you’re lonely or you’re still drunk from last night’s binge, but you don’t feel anything wrong as you hold his waist a bit tighter than you should, clutching for dear life. You feel the heat of his back radiating on to your hands and your fingers spread to travel upward to the middle of his back, wanting to feel more of him.
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“Ahem.” You both look to Bobby clearing his throat. Realizing you’re in the middle of the bustle of everyone, but no one can tell you’re holding his waist under his jacket, Sam let’s go of you and you cross your arms to face Bobby.
“We’ve got a problem.” Holding the phone out to Sam.
**Do I need to continue this as a series or what? So much slow burning of angst and almost smut I’m not sure how I feel about it yet.**🤷🏻‍♀️
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skillfulwolfworld · 4 years
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook | reader
Summary: Selene is a young 21-year-old who has done the impossible to be a young top producer, top dancer, and singer. Trying to make a name for herself was always hard, especially when she doesn't want handouts from her father is who is a big-time producer too. One day her father calls saying he needs help with a company called Big Hits he just signed on with. What will happen?
Rated: 18+ as for language, future smut and etc.
Author's Note: Welcome be patient with me as I have all this in my head and trying to put it down on here. All are fictional and times will not be accurate. This will be a series hopefully you like it. Thanks
It was finally Thursday morning, after getting everything together and nonstop on the phone or the laptop. I got everything settled on my end here, yet seeing me right now you would think I don't have everything together. As my grip is tightly on Ash's wrist checking my phone rushing through the airport to make it to our flight with only thirty minutes left to broad.
"I swear this is the last time I listen to you to stop for breakfast." Groaning while I pulled her behind me looking around for B07. Seeing we were at C10 not far I relaxed a little bit before walking a little further.
"Don't blame me for everything. Granted I lost my passport for a minute but we found it." Shrugging as she pulled her hand away and pulled her bright pink Adidas bag upon her shoulder.
"A minute more like 25 minutes. Then we stopped for breakfast. Why do I listen to you at all, especially when we could have missed our flight?" Walking a nice quick pace as I see our flight insight with all the passengers in a line broadening on now.
"Don't start you know as well as I do that a nice fast food meal is great. As the airline food is gross, which we will have to deal with it for 13 hours. " Crossing her arm in her big off the shoulder sweater as she pouted next to me inline. Rolling my eyes as I crouched down opening my black Pink bag pulling our tickets out handing Ash hers. Standing up as I zipped up my bag when we walk forward slowly to broad on.
"Pouting doesn't work on me, Ash. So suck it up buttercup. We made it everything is fine, I'm not mad. Just annoyed but barely anyone here so that's a plus, as we checked in luggage fast upfront." Smiling as I handed the stewardess my ticket walking the runway hall to broad the plane. Scrunching my nose as I walked down smelling all different aromas from perfumes, colognes, burnt rubber, and everything else. They definitely need something to mask all this smell. Hearing Ash bounces behind me when she finally caught up. I walk through the airplane door seeing two Korean female stewardesses dressed in their uniforms greeting us. Bowing my head slightly I greeted back then look down towards my ticket to see what seat I am assigned to. Slowly walking I see I am in seat C1 only my father would get us, the first-class tickets. Pulling my bag off my shoulder I walk and sitting down in my seat. Setting my bag beside my legs I buckle, looking up I see Ash mouth wide open and her eyes wide as she looks around. Laughing she looks to me and sits down in the next seat glaring at me.
"Your Dad got us, first-class seats?" Her voiced raised in a harsh whisper as I began to buckle up I smile.
"Well yeah he and the company did for a couple of reasons it's a long flight, I'm a producer, and plus I'm an only child." Shaking my head as Ash smiles. Before she could speak again the stewardess closed the plane door and began speaking in Korean on safety procedures in case of emergency. Seeing Ash in my side view her face pout as she doesn't understand a word, anyone says. Reaching over I turn on the monitor on the seat in front of her a video pops up with English subtitles of what the flight attendants were going over and saying. Smiling mouthing thank you as she finally relaxes. Pulling my phone out I send a quick text to my Dad that we made to our flight and see him later. Turning my phone off I look out my small window seeing the plane roll backward and get ready to take off shortly.
"Hey, thanks for bringing me along. I know I am a pain in the ass but it really means a lot to me." Grabbing my hand as she smiled when I looked towards her.
"We are a pain in each other ass. So it's all good. But you're my best friend and my best dancer had to bring you along." She smacked my arm as I chuckled. Feeling the plane start taking off we fell quiet. Ash grabbed my hand when we felt the airplane tip-up, no matter how many times I flew I don't think I could ever get used to taking off and landing. After about 10 minutes we felt the airplane level out.
"Thank you everyone choosing to fly with us today. The fasten seatbelt sign is off as you are free to get out any of your electronics to use and roam for a few minutes as this flight will be twelve hours and 20 minutes till we land at Incheon International Airport." The captain's voice is heard from the speaker.
"I'm glad there is a monitor in front of me telling me what he said in English. Cause I didn't understand a damn thing he said." Laughing I looked out the window seeing everything so small will never cease to amaze me. Sighing I grab my bag pulling out my laptop as I set it up to the airline's wifi which is overpriced but gotta get stuff done.
Ash looking over shaking her head as she turns back to her phone probably on Instagram or Twitter. As I hear her speak up as she is still looking down on her phone.
"You never stop working, do you? I mean we are miles above the earth and you are still working." Finally looking up with her green eyes stare into my deep blue eyes.
"You know this is the point of why we are on the airplane right now right? I mean I won't be working the whole flight I am dead ass tired. Just going to see if my Dad can send me any information on anything then go from there. Plus I won't be working the whole time I'll have days off" I start to say when she cut me off.
"Nope, you will work even on your days off. So don't pull that bullshit with me, Selene. I grew up with and around you. Granted I know this is a job but you need to live. Have a life as a 21-year-old." Glaring as she puts her phone down. Sighing I close the laptop I just opened, she is a pain but means well.
"I know but only in the beginning, I promise we will go do stuff. Just let me get everything settled then we will go from there. Pinky promise." Holding my pinky out she stares at it before hooking her slim pale pinky with my tan one. Smiling she nods her head and goes back to her phone. Opening my laptop again I see my Dad sent me a message on Whatsapp.
Dad: Just got your text glad you made it. Hope the flight is well, I know the wifi is bad. Love you.
Me: Bad wifi why overpriced but gotta get work done. So I never asked who is the group I am helping with.
Dad: The group is called Bangtan Sonyeondan or BTS. All the boys' age from the youngest is your age and the oldest is 27.
Me: Good to know I will do some research to know a little bit more about them. I will talk to you later. Love you!
Logging out of WhatsApp I went straight to Google. Typing in BTS about everything I could want to know was there from their fans or news reports. My blue eyes widened with all the information as my thought process went to them being a new band. A fine detail I should have asked. Shaking my head I kept reading seeing all the awards they have won and the success they have had. I need to tell Ash this, looking over I see she already fell asleep, unzipping my bag I pull out my travel blanket and cover her up.
Going back to my laptop I keep searching. 7 members ages ranging from 27 to 21 as Dad said. Seeing as Big Hit has Twitter, I go onto mine. Looking through old posts and recent ones, trying to somehow understand them through this laptop screen. From the bit that would load their music is amazing. So it should be a breeze to work with them on the music. Plus they are hot. I mean besides their music being good their looks only would bring anyone one in. I mean I know I would. Breaking my thoughts. No Selene you can't have a fling you are here for a job nothing more. Shaking my head I log out of everything packing my laptop back up. Looking down at my phone I see 5 hours have passed since we've been in the air. Holy shit. I spent that much time looking them up well doesn't help the loading was slow as hell.
Yawning I pull my hood up on my FILA black hoodie over my head. Happy I got two times bigger hoodie as the hood covers my eyes and I began slowly drifting off to sleep.
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eds-trashmouth · 5 years
Can You Hear My Heart Beat For You? (2/3)
A/N: I know it’s been literally forever. But I did it. I finished this part. I decided to end it here and part 3 is going to be the sexy time. So there will be smut, but this one was already long. I’ll link part 1 incase you need to reread it. I know it’s been so long. Also, I will be finishing the second part of Good Side. I just figured I should finish this first since I started it first. Also my girl Sara gave me the idea for Eddie to say he’s lovesick (the scene went differently than I thought it would so it’s not exactly what we talked about but I still wanted to give her credit for that one)
Pairing: Reddie
Word Count: 3,000k+
Rating: PG-13 for trashmouth
Part 1
8 days 1 hour and 17 minutes
Eddie could not for the life of him get his mother to make him another appointment. He knew he couldn’t fake something too terrible, it had to be small and fixable. Like a cold. But the last time he went for a cold he came running out of the doctors room like a bat outta hell so his mother has been worried about sending him back to that doctor. He still refused to tell her exactly why he was running but she accepted the simple “I didn’t wanna be at the doctor anymore Ma” answer so really what more could Eddie ask for.
He had asked Bill a hundred times what he should get a check up for but Bill refused to help him lie to get a guys number.
“Just go into the office and ask for him. Easy.”
“It’s not easy Bill! How many times do I gotta say it?!”
“Oh my dear Eddie. It is indeed that easy. You just can’t accept the fact that you have to put yourself out there to get what you want.” Maybe Bill was right. He couldn’t just expect the world to work around him and his insecurities. He had to step up and take control of his own love life.
“Okay Billy, you’re right. Time to put myself out there.” Eddie stood up quickly, wiped his sweaty palms on his pants, and stormed out of the room. Not even 10 seconds later he was coming back in.
“This is my room, my mom won’t let you stay here alone...”
“It’s also almost midnight on a Friday, I doubt the doctors office is open.” Eddie’s eyes widened.
“Oh yeah. That too...”
It’s been days since Bill had told Eddie to stop being a pussy. As the days passed, so did Eddie’s confidence. It only took him 2 days 20 hours and 56 minutes to decide...he was a coward. There was no way he was going to just march into a doctor’s office to get some perfect boy’s number. He could, however, ask a certain hopeless romantic to help him out.
“Ben, I just need your advice.” Eddie had told him the whole story as soon as he answered. However, he called him on a Monday, his day for studying so Ben was a little less than helpful. He could hear a sigh and rustling on the other side of the phone then silence. He waited.
“Eddie, you do realize you’re an adult right?”
“Of course I do Ben. But I can’t just go and ask him. I just can’t. What if he says no?”
“You’re missing my point. You’re an adult. You can make your own appointment, and go by yourself. Then go from there.”
“Oh,” How had he not thought of that himself. It was so obvious. He wouldn’t have to worry about his mom, and if he changed his mind he could just leave. “You’re right. I can totally do that. Thanks Ben.”
“You’re welcome Eddie. Now please let me get back to his paper. It’s due by midnight.”
“Yes sir! You got this Ben.” And with that, he hung up. He would call in the morning and set up an appointment.
1 day 12 hours 8 minutes
It was time for his appointment. Walking through the too familiar hospital had his stomach churning. His mind kept racing. What if Tozier was taken? What if he was a jackass? What if he was straight?! He pushed down all his thoughts and took a deep breath before opening the waiting room door. He could tell by the mass of people that he’d probably have to wait awhile. There were at least five different families waiting to be seen. Each more annoying than the next. The first name called was an adorable little girl with her hand wrapped in gauze. Eddie assumed some kind of cut; probably pretty bad if they’re coming to the doctor. Eddie got a little nauseous just thinking about it.
He waited an entire hour to be called. Perhaps they were short on staff today. The same fiery redhead called for him with a smile. This was it. This was his chance. Did he know for sure Dr. Tozier would be performing his check up? No. But he decided if he didn’t see Tozier today then that was fate telling him it wasn’t meant to be. This was his ONLY chance. The nurse led him back through the same hallways and down to a similar room as before.
“The Doctor will be with you shortly, you’re welcome to have a sucker while you wait. Oh, I’m Beverly by the way. In case you need anything.” With a smile and small wave, Beverly was out the door. Eddie could feel his anxiety starting to show its ugly head. In just a few short moments he would, hopefully, be face to face with the man of his
dreams. Tozier wasn’t even here yet and Eddie could already tell his face was pink. He would just simply ask. ‘Want sum fuk?’ And that would be that. He had to be casual. He couldn’t let him know he’s been pining since the last visit. A soft knock on the door kicked him back to reality.
“Come in.” Eddie heard himself speak as if on impulse. The door opened and he almost cried. There stood a short middle aged woman, her blonde hair pulled into a tight bun.
“I’m Dr. Sylvia, what seems to be the problem today?” Her voice was soft but confident. Suddenly he forgot what he even thought of to say. He was only thinking of Tozier. Fuck. He obviously didn’t have a cold. He wasn’t throwing up.
“Uhh, I’ve been having some minor pain in my finger and I was wondering if I uh broke it?” The Doctor squinted a little as if confused, then nodded and walked close to Eddie.
“Which one seems to be the problem?” Her hand held out waiting for Eddie to place his.
“My uh, left middle.” He gave her his left and watched as she began bending his finger with no issues. She pressed softly on each section of knuckle. Eddie hissed a bit when she got to where his finger met his palm, realizing he should at least pretend something hurt.
“So here?” She pressed again a bit harder.
“Yeah, it’s not too bad. I was just worried.” She nodded once again.
“Well, it’s most definitely not broken. I believe it could just be that you smashed it a little or hit it on something. I’m sure it’ll get better all on it own.”
“Thank you miss.” He was embarrassed.
“You may leave whenever you like. Thank you for coming in today.” She left the room as Eddie let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. That was his chance, and Tozier wasn’t here. It was silly of him to think he would have the exact same intern over two weeks later. But wishful thinking is Eddie’s specialty he supposed.
13 hours 45 minutes
After his less than successful trip to the doctor Eddie decided the world hated him enough today, and he would stay in. Forever. Or at least until tomorrow. Sadly, his friends had other plans. Around 10pm there was a small rock on his window. Then another three hit simultaneously. He knew it was Bill, that was his signal to sneak out. He couldn’t be bothered to moved. The covers helped to hide his sadness, his pathetic sadness, from not getting a date with a stranger. A wonderfully eccentric stranger. It’s just...nothing had ever felt that easy. He never felt something so electric so quickly. It was like there was a magnet attached to Tozier’s lab coat or something. He was attracted immediately. His phone rang, pulling him out of his thoughts. With a sigh he answered.
“Stop moping and come out to the new over 18 club with us! It’ll get your mind of your love life. Hell, maybe you’ll even find a cute boy to dance with.” He expected Bill, not Mike, to be calling him. He could easily tell Bill no, but Mike? Everyone knew he’d never say no to hanging out with his homeschooled friend.
“Mike...I just. Wanna lie here and wallow.” If Mike let it go then he’d be golden. He could just stay in bed for the rest of his days.
“Cmon Eddie. Come dance with us. It’ll be fun I promise.” With a sigh and a small squeak Eddie agreed. Saying goodbye and getting up to get dressed. He knew he wouldn’t have time to tame his bedhead the way he’d like to so he settled for just brushing it back into a beanie. He never wore beanies, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t look cute in one. The light blue beanie matched his light blue v-neck he paired with a pair of black overall shorts. Of course a huge hoodie to cover him until they got to the club as well. A quick and easy outfit, perfect for dancing but not enough to get any unwanted attention. He’d go, dance with the boys a little, then make an excuse to go home.
The club was about a 15 minute drive in Mike’s old pickup. It was still in the city but almost on the outskirts. Eddie watched as buildings faded and passed by the window. His mind still going back to that cute set of curls with an adorable face to match. He was utterly infatuated and there’s nothing that he could do about it. He didn’t even know his fucking name. His plan had failed. His simple, basic, stupid plan. Failed. The dark blue exterior was lit up with seemingly every colored light imaginable. “Nerve” in bright neon caught Eddie’s eye immediately. It was nice. Definitely a dance club.
As they got to the bouncer, the music from inside came busting through the doors. Although muffled, he could still tell they were playing some rap song with a good beat. Getting in the door was easy enough though, Bill and Eddie were now sporting a black X on their right hands symbolizing they were underage. No drinking for them. The other boys went straight for the bar while Bill and Eddie grabbed a booth on the side of the giant dance floor. They would go actually dance later but for now Eddie just wanted to sit.
“So how was Doctor tall nerdy and curly today?”
“Nonexistent.” Eddie looked at his palms, a little embarrassed.
“What do you mean? What happened?”
“I should’ve known it was a dumb plan. He only filled in the last time because the doctor was busy. I didn’t even see him. The world just has it out for me Billy.”
“Cmon Eddie. You know that’s not true. So you didn’t get to ask out this guy? Oh well. There are plenty of guys out there. I know you gotta sort through the bullshit but it’s not like you’re destined meet your soulmate at 19. You have plenty of time my friend!”
“I know, it’d just be nice to have a boyfriend ya know? Or at least a date every now and then so I don’t feel like I’m making absolutely zero progress.” At that, Mike and Ben walked over with some mixed drinks and a few waters.
“These bad boys are for you bad boys.” Mike winked giving a water to both of the younger boys. After that, the conversation went casual. Boring casual, but casual. Eddie was in his own little world. Still wallowing in disappointment. He was watching Mike and Bill talking but couldn’t get himself to actually listen. His mind always going back.
“I’m gonna head to the bathroom. Then probably dance a little, I’ll come get you before I go out there.” Eddie excused himself from the booth and went searching for the bathrooms. It didn’t take too long, just down a hallway, then some stairs, then to the left. On his way through the hallway he spotted an outdoor area with some chairs and tables. Probably for smokers. The bathrooms were nice enough, for a club at least. No vomit on the floor and no shit smeared on the walls so it’s got that going for it. He did his business, washed his hands for exactly 20 seconds, and headed back up the stairs. An obnoxious voice caught his attention as he walked past the outdoor area. Looking toward the voice, his breath hitched.
There he was. Still tall. Less nerdy. More curly. He wore a black flannel over a vintage band tee and ripped black skinny(ish) jeans. He was a walking wet dream. His hair seemed to curl out in every direction and his glasses nowhere to be seen. He couldn’t help but stare, the guy he’d been pining over for weeks was standing 15 feet away. Right next to the redheaded nurse, Beverly? If he remembered correctly. Like some kind of destiny. Eddie was never one to believe in destiny, so maybe it was his doubts that made him walk away or maybe it was just his anxiety but as he met Tozier’s eyes he walked.
More like he ran, as he decided to leave he caught a glimpse of the set of curls making their way toward him. And he ran, like he always did, hoping to whatever would listen that Tozier hadn’t seen him and he could just go to the dance floor and disappear. The dance floor was dark, only a few lights from the stage to illuminate it, and a giant group of people. It was perfect to hide in. He made his way to the middle, slowly moving his hips to the beat as he walked to make it seem like he was dancing. Surprisingly once he got to the middle he saw Mike and some boy dancing. Well more like grinding on each other. As he got closer he could see blonde curls and a cute face. Mike sure does have a type, and this boy is one hundred percent it.
“Hey stranger. Took you long enough to get back.” Mike was smiling and turned to his dance partner. “This is Stan. He got ditched while his friends went out to smoke. I told him I’d keep him company.”
“Hi Stan, I’m Eddie. Mind if I dance with you guys?”
“Well of course you can. That’s what we’re here for isn’t it?” Eddie couldn’t help but smile as they went back to dancing. The music seemed to flow through his whole body. He wouldn’t say he was the best dancer but he could definitely keep rhythm. He was questioning wearing shorts in December but out here on this sweaty dance floor he couldn’t be more happy to have them. It’s just a perk that they also made his butt look pretty good.
“Staniel, please tell me you were going to introduce me to these cuties.” Eddie slightly jumped at the loud voice behind him. He saw Stan roll his eyes but smile.
“Of course I wasn’t Trashmouth. I was saving them the hassle of knowing you.” Eddie turned to see who Stan could possibly be talking to like that, however he wasn’t expecting to be met with the familiar face of a beautiful stranger.
“Well, if it’s the cutie from the clinic! Glad to see cancer hasn’t taken you yet! How have you been feeling?”
“Lovesick...” Eddie couldn’t believe that came out of his mouth, but he couldn’t help it. He was staring again. “Uh! Sick, just sick. But uh, I’m o-okay now.”
“How is it that we meet again little Eddie Spaghetti? Seems like fate doesn’t it?” The smile on the taller boy’s face seemed to stretch ear to ear. He was so pretty. Eddie was royally fucked. He couldn’t even speak. He just stared.
“How is it that you managed to weird out the shyest boy here?” Stan was shaking his head watching the interaction.
“He doesn’t mind, do ya Eds?” He winked. He fucking winked, like Eddie wasn’t having an internal crisis right in front of him. He wanted to speak but with the shock of Tozier standing in front of him he couldn’t say a word.
“Ya alright there Eddie? Do you need to sit down?” Mike was to his side instantly, checking on him. Eddie really didn’t deserve him and he’d remind him of that later. When he could speak. “Let’s get you to Bill and Ben.”
“Wait. I’m a Doctor. I’m sure I can help him.” Tozier was still being as cocky as ever and something about him drives Eddie crazy.
“You’re an intern, not a doctor.” It came out like word vomit. It seemed like Eddie either said too much or nothing at all. If the rudeness of his statement offended the boy he didn’t show it. He simply smiled that ear reaching smile and bent down to get a closer look at Eddie.
“How high is that heart rate, do you think sugar?” His face was inches away and Eddie couldn’t help but count the freckles splattered across his face. His eyes scanned his whole face taking inventory of those freckles, landing lastly on his lips. He could tell they were a little chapped but in this moment Eddie couldn’t think of anything more appealing than smashing his soft lips into them.
“My eyes are up here darling, at least ask my name before undressing me with your eyes.” Eddie felt two fingers lifting his chin so he could get a look into his eyes.
“I-I wasn’t undressing y-you. Don’t be so cocky, it’s not a flattering look on you.” Tozier’s mouth hung open, definitely not expecting Eddie to have an answer.
“He’s a fiesty one! I like a spicy bottom.” It was Eddie’s turn for his jaw to hit the floor. Mike and Stan watched as the boys slipped into their own little world right there on the dance floor.
“A little forward, huh?”
“When I see something I want? Definitely. I can show you just how forward I can be if you’d let me check out that little body of yours again.”
“I don’t even know your name, as you so crudely pointed out seconds ago. Unless your parents named you Trashmouth and for that I’d say I’m so sorry.”
“What can I say? I’m just talented with my mouth.” That smirk again. “You definitely need my name, so you know what you’ll be screaming later. Richie, Richie Tozier. At you service luv.” Eddie cringed at the terrible British accent but couldn’t help feeling smitten at the same time.
“Well Richie. I’m not one to go home with just anyone. So no can do my good sir.” This time Eddie slipped into a British accent, making Richie’s smile even wider.
“My lord, you are perfect.” The sudden softness in his voice sent a shiver through Eddie’s entire body. He was back in Eddie’s face, he could feel his breath on his lips. “Let me at least take you out. I can’t let you run out of my life like I let you run out of that exam room.”
Without anymore thought, Eddie surged forward catching Richie’s lips with his. It didn’t take long for him to feel Richie’s tongue working his mouth open. He’s never been a fan of smoking, but he could get used to the taste of this Trashmouth.
“How about you pick me up tomorrow? I’ll go to dinner with you then we can see where it goes from there loverboy.”
“That sounds like dream.”
@richietoaster @geckolover001 @pennys-pet-kitty @aesteddie @elhopps @summerxle @mexicanqt @punkrocktozier @richietczicr @tozier-club @kristashae @princesass-theresa @dandeliontozier @doctor-lobster @queennugget3 @halfway-happy353 @reddieafterdark @beep-beep-reddie @hmufinn @stanuterus @not-reddie @curlywheelers @i-is-gazebo @temptedtozier @reddie-to-fight @girasol-eddie @mirandonsky @annoyingtozier @sedanleystanley @richieshawaiianshirts @tyrror
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clansayeed · 4 years
Bound by Circumstance ― Chapter 20: The Guests of Honor
PAIRING: Nik Ryder x trans*M!MC (Taylor Hunter) RATING: Mature
⥼ Bound by Circumstance ⥽
Taylor Hunter (MC) has made it good for himself in New Orleans; turns out moving to a new city fresh out of college to reinvent yourself isn’t as hard as people make it out to be. Things only start to get confusing when he finds himself the target of a malevolent wraith. Good thing someone’s looking out for him though — because without Nighthunter Nik Ryder as his bodyguard he definitely won’t survive long in the twisting darkness of the supernatural underworld he’s tripped into.
Bound by Circumstance and the rest of the Oblivion Bound series is an ongoing dramatic retelling project of the book Nightbound and the rest of the Bloodbound series. Find out more [HERE].
Note: Circumstance only loosely follows the events and plotline of Nightbound, and features a separate antagonist, different character motivations, and further worldbuilding.
*Let me know if you would like to be added to the Circumstance/series tag list!
⥼ Chapter Summary ⥽
Locals, tourists, and travelers around the world over take to the streets of New Orleans for the biggest celebration of the year. The Council comes together at the Beau-Keyes House for their annual Mardi Gras party.
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March 5th. Mardi Gras.
Behind him Nik announces himself with a loud and pointed cough. Taylor doesn’t acknowledge it but he enters anyway, keeps his distance.
Kristin’s vitals beep softly on the monitors beside the bed. Both fill the space between them and somehow make it that much wider.
“Don’t go sayin’ goodbyes.” Advice from a man who sounds like he’s said far too many — or maybe too few.
But he appreciates the gesture anyway. “I’m not. Actually I was just promising to make it up to her; missing Mardi Gras I mean.”
“I swear some people treat this party like a whole damn religion.”
Taylor throws a little grin back Nik’s way.
“We’ve been planning this for years. When she wakes up she’s gonna be so mad she missed it.”
When there’s no answer he fully turns and catches the look on Nik’s face; the sharp cuts of him softer, the crinkles in his eyes smoothed away.
There are people wait their whole lives for someone to look at them like that. Walls down and gates open and any other locked barrier metaphor he can think of. Honest and unguarded and…
And the sheer fact that it doesn’t vanish the moment Nik realizes he’s been caught means a lot of things that neither of them can talk about right now because it’ll feel too much like the goodbyes they just agreed not to say.
“What?” he asks; doesn’t miss the tiniest spark in the man’s eyes at how breathless he sounds. “What?”
“You realize you said ‘when?’”
Yeah, he did.
“Sorry, I —” shaking his head, Taylor stands, “— are they all finished up downstairs?”
“They’re finishin’ the papers now, but yeah they wanted me to get ya.”
“Probably shouldn’t keep them waiting then.”
“Yeah, prob’ly.”
He said he wasn’t going to say goodbye so he doesn’t — not out loud. Hopefully that thing about coma patients hearing the world around them applies for sensations, too, because squeezing her hand before they take off is the next best thing.
It doesn’t come as a surprise that Vera and Tonya are already in an argument when they arrive.
Even without the powers her Curse granted her, Lady Smoke smooths out a fresh pair of gloves along her upper arm. Must be wearing a spare of Vera’s since they probably didn’t plan on matching.
“I will not be looked down upon, Vera.”
“You’re takin’ it too seriously. Dr. Ramsey barely let you sign yourself out and that’s sayin’ something. Just stay in the damn chair Momma!”
Maybe at her full strength Tonya could have fought off the one-handed grip her daughter uses to keep her seated in the hospital wheelchair, but she certainly can’t looking like she’s a hop and a skip from unconsciousness.
But she’s a fighter. She tries.
Vera throws them a pleading look on approach. Probably why Ryder doesn’t shy away from hard heavy pats to the shoulder of the most powerful mobster in the city.
Former most powerful? He doesn’t know anymore — is sure that same uncertainty is the reason Momma Reimonenq is so adamant to leave on her own two feet.
But Ryder wants to savor it for just a little longer. “We all signed and ready to get movin’? Heard from Kathy on the way down — they’re almost there.”
Vera nods. Literally goes over Tonya’s head with the conclusion that ignoring her is better for everyone.
“The car is pullin’ around,” and with a twinge of worry in her brow, “anybody heard from Cal?”
No answer is an answer. She worries her bottom lip between her teeth.
“We should’a went with him, swung by the hospital after.”
If Tonya takes offense to sounding less important than the werewolf she doesn’t say it. She does fall quiet, though.
“He’s a big wolf, he’ll be fine.”
Getting a firm grasp on the handles of the chair Ryder swings Tonya around — with no lack of glee at her shouted protest — and starts pushing her out to the hospital curb.
But Taylor shares the same concern. Doesn’t write Vera off as she tucks herself against his side while they follow behind.
“He’s not wrong, but Cal isn’t alone, remember?”
She snorts. “Nothin’ against him personally but I don’t think sendin’ Cadence counts. I dunno if you noticed, Tay, but the wolves and vampires don’t exactly get along.”
“Really? I had no idea.”
“Don’t you gimme that lip. What if we just made it worse on him?”
And he feels for her, he does. Knows her concern is coming from a place of care and, if Taylor’s reading the vibes she’s putting out right, empathy for an ‘odd one out’ like herself.
So he reminds her, “You came here for your mom and lived to tell the tale. Don’t sell Cal so short.”
“Yeah… I guess.”
“We need Kristof for this to work.”
“An’ I know that! Just wonderin’ if it wouldn’t’ve been easier to tackle demons who weren’t our own.”
“Hey,” he wipes away a nonexistent tear in mock-offense, “speak for yourself. I gave mine the cliffnotes of Shakespeare.”
They’re both pretty sure the hospital wheelchairs aren’t things to be rented out, but neither of them have the guts to argue with Nik as he gives a shout of frustrated victory at maneuvering the folded frame into the trunk of their ride.
He slams the lid closed with more force than necessary; muttering to himself as they pile into the sleek black SUV.
“Here’s the address.” Ryder grunts, offers the driver a scrap of paper once part of Cade’s notes. The man doesn’t take it without shooting Lady Smoke query for approval first.
Her focus is ardent on something—maybe nothing, maybe anything but the indignity she feels—out the window but with the barest nod the engine rumbles to life, begins the agonizing process of navigating through the police-issued barricades for the forthcoming parade.
If this works, holy shit.
If it doesn’t…
He takes Nik’s hand in his and squeezes tight.
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You’d think after living there for a few centuries the supernatural community — the immortal lives of the fair folk specifically — would have had some kind of effect on the culture of New Orleans.
On the contrary; the vibrant blend of ancestry that made the Big Easy so prominent had come out stronger, taken what was apparently a rather somber tradition-bred people and made them savor the beauty of a life that was not guaranteed to be forever.
Which helps give a little bit of contextual understanding to just how amazing the Beauregard-Keyes House looks?
In the entryway he catches glimpse of more than a few fae, the same citizens of Lamrian he saw carrying candle-lanterns and humming a solemn hymn of mourning mere days ago, flitting this way and that for final touches.
Lights without flame or fuel dance in soft orbs across the ceilings; colliding into one another with bright flashes of the traditional Mardi Gras purple, gold, and green. Beads hang on decorated furniture and lay spread out on tables for the taking.
There’s an entire wall of face masks ahead; ranging from just the eyes to full-on faces painted by delicate and skilled hands. No two masks are exactly the same, so bursting with personality they’re practically alive.
They pass a doorway where a young fae waves their hands exuberantly only for bright violet ivy to grow and flourish around the molding; still sparkling of morning dew that shouldn’t be there for hours let alone indoors.
If they weren’t setting an elaborate trap for a skeletal hellspawn by literally handing it everyone it wants to kill on a decorative golden platter it would be the kind of party to bring up every time someone mentions a good time.
Taylor catches a familiar laugh off to the right of the front parlor and, after a tug to Ryder’s arm and a jerk of the head, leaves him and Vera to finish explaining the machinations of said elaborate plan to Lady Smoke. Delves further and through a doorway that dusts golden glitter like falling snow. Before he can brush it off his shoulders it fades into nothing, because apparently even elves know glitter is an infectious disease.
Garrus is accustomed to working his magic at a larger bar top and it shows — doesn’t mean the magical mixologist isn’t working some serious moves on the antique bar hosting a freshly-stocked wall of selections behind him.
Ivy continues to laugh unabashedly at Krom and now Taylor can see why. His stony face lips and eyes squeezed shut and puckered up in some form of resistance.
And if that wasn’t a silly enough sight on its own the flurry of tiny fizzing dragonflies that erupt from his tusked maw when he burps definitely is.
They lift up into the air as little bubbles, popping and crackling like the top of a freshly poured cola. Collide with one another in midair to make miniature fireworks that leaves Krom staring in in horror and Ivy clapping exuberantly with cheers of “Encore, encore~!” while Garrus bows.
“Thank you, thank you,” and more sincerely to Krom, “Your never-ending patience is something I will never be worthy of, darling.”
Krom who gulps down a nearby glass of water, voice wavering. “I’m happy to—to try things out. Just nothing that flies out of me next time, please?”
“I’ll try, but I make no promises.”
And they all know what that’s code for. Of course he promises. He cares too much about the softest Stone Troll to do anything else. But points for keeping up the bravado.
Taylor doesn’t get the chance to speak before he catches Katherine’s eye where she sits with a tumbler of something honey-colored and smelling strongly of the last vestiges of a bonfire at dawn. The huntress downs her liquor like a shot and slides off her stool.
He nods to the doorway through which he’d come and gets a passing pat on the back as his only thanks. Better than nothing.
By the time he takes up her place Garrus already has a replacement soda with a speared cherry resting on the rim sliding his way.
And Taylor’s happy to take the offer; only he stops just shy of bubbling carbonation touching his lips.
“What’s wrong with it?”
“Excusez-moi?” Garrus clasps a pale hand to his chest. “Are you implying I’ve somehow tampered with your beverage, sir?”
The elven man wilts dramatically and with a number of expressive hand gestures. Braces himself first against the bar then the shelves behind him while lamenting over the pain of accusation like his neck is on the line.
He’s just the usual Garrus, silly with a touch of sass. And judging by some of the looks his kindred throw in their direction they ought to try and be a bit more serious given the circumstances but no—no they won’t.
Everyone could use a genuine laugh right now. Garrus is doing more for them all than he knows.
The soft “ah-hem” of a cleared throat drags Taylor’s focus off and aside — where a familiar wave of gossamer hair lingers inside a doorway.
He may not be in a wheelchair or sport stitches or wrappings but Elric is still recovering from the attack at the theatre. Each step a little less graceful and fluid, his eyes alight only because he’s looking at Taylor.
Krom stops Garrus mid-word with an outstretched hand.
The fae lord reaches out a touch that Taylor doesn’t shy away from. The hairs on his arms stand up but that’s only because Elric exudes an aura of power even when weakened.
“May I borrow my son, Garrus?”
And though there’s considerably less mirth in the bartender’s voice when he answers— “that’s something you should be asking him” —it isn’t the same cold dismissal as before.
Elric clearly means to, but Taylor nods before he can.
The only place they can find to be alone is a closed-off office space. Deemed not worth the decoration the doors are drawn closed but remain unlocked.
A wave of Elric’s hand brings a pale pink fire whispering to life in the hearth across the room. Fills the room with a warmth Taylor can’t quite put his finger on and casts both their faces in undulating shadows.
“Thanks for pulling this off so quickly,” Taylor goes first only because he’s had it on the brain ever since the end of their call. “Guess some stereotypes aren’t just myth huh?”
“Elves and parties.”
“I do not understand.”
A sigh. Of course he doesn’t. “Nevermind — just… thanks.”
He reaches out a hand for Elric to grasp, or shake, or whatever odd greeting the fae may have he’s yet to learn.
And Elric accepts — goes one step further. Before Taylor knows what’s happening he’s in a crushing embrace, can feel the man’s sharp features on the top of his head with arms pinned at his sides.
Hugging has never been his forte. Purely a body dysphoria thing — he can’t not be conscious of the way his body feels against another.
Then he feels the way Elric is shaking like a leaf. Just this once, then.
When they part pale hands cup his cheeks. A critical eye surveying him for the smallest cut or remnants of a bruise. The relief when he finds nothing flows from Elric in waves.
“Had I the strength left to conjure a glamour I would not have abandoned you.”
Oh, he hadn’t even thought about it. “You got flattened by a giant heap of metal for me. I’d hardly call that abandonment.”
“Even with the creature gone, I should have stayed.”
“I’m glad you didn’t,” and when the man recoils, “it gave you a chance to recover. To get all this going.”
He gestures to the decorated house beyond.
Elric quickly accepts that his guilt doesn’t need an excuse; good, too, because they don’t have a lot of time to spend on heart-to-hearts.
“You have dedicated yourself to this plan, then.”
It catches Taylor by surprise. “If you mean this is what we’re going with? Then yes. We all agreed it’s worth the risk.”
Well, not all. Not Tonya — she had no choice. Not Isadora or Kristof or even Elric. But Isadora had come.
Elric was here, in front of him. And he’s giving his son a look of scrutiny that feels a little too judgmental for their current predicament.
“Something has changed about you.”
“I mean, I could use a shower.”
“Not about you,” like that’s not what he just said, “but about you. A change clings to your soul.
“It says…” his eyes widen with realization, “you truly believe this can work?”
He’s not questioning Taylor’s resolve. That he somehow knows unspoken. But it makes sense… up until now (and really still, only with a little more coffee and a lot more planning) he’s been Mister Negativity, Mister Ready-to-Die.
Why wouldn’t he be? No clue, no hope, no faith — no power. And not much is situationally different, yet still.
He chooses his words carefully. “I think we have a better chance this time around.”
“Time to plan, perhaps. Yet these same numbers you gather here could do nothing to it before. Unless you’ve found the creature’s weakness.”
“Jeez, Dad, can you just trust me on this?”
The words come out of him at an unnatural angle. The way they feel habitual but definitely aren’t — that first time you fuck up and call a teacher ‘Mom’ in kindergarten.
They’ve got the same dumb look on their face, haven’t they?
Catching scaffolding with his back isn’t enough to suddenly make Taylor want to look into every other weekend and major holidays with the man but it’s certainly not nothing.
Nor is his exclamation, not kind or pleading by any means but filled with frustration sometimes only a parent can bring bursting forth.
He steps out of arms’ reach just in case.
Because Elric looks like he’s about to start weeping.
“I do. And I am sorry for not… for conveying that improperly.”
“Apology accepted.”
But the deed is done; their dynamic forever changed. For some reason the first thing Taylor thinks of is Elric taking him to sit in the nosebleeds at a football game — in full Lamrian splendor but with a Saints hat covering his ears.
And the only protest his dumb brain can come up with? That he hates football. Like nothing else is wrong with that mental image.
Focus, Taylor, focus.
“We know things now that we didn’t before. We’ll be expecting an attack this time.”
“You are certain it will come?”
“I’d stake my life on it.” Poor choice of words.
“You will do no such thing.” His expression going dark, Elric’s jaw clenches firm. “I do not regret my attempts to stay out of this battle for my people, or those to try and keep you safe by whatever means kept you from the fight.
“But I watched my son turn his back on me — a braver soul than I and in so few years. For the past I will do whatever can be done in the present.”
“Yeah yeah, heard it all before.”
But it isn’t dismissal for dismissal’s sake — says that enough in the long look they exchange.
In Lamrian he remembers with clarity; had seen standing before him a coward.
And that may very well have been true. But Taylor isn’t the only one who has a change about him, clinging to him like a thin film.
He’s trying. And that’s all any of them can do.
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You know who’s not so keen on trying?
Three guesses. Go on.
“Go over it just one more time for me.”
“There’s nothing more to add, Ryder.”
“I mean I ain’t questionin’ your memory but…”
“For once I’m inclined to agree. But that’s really all there was to it.”
Beside them Cal adjusts the thawing T-Bone higher on his face. “Speak for yourself.”
Taylor snatches a peek of the swollen, purpled eye beneath it and cringes. “Are you sure there’s nothing Ivy can do?”
“Nah,” the wolf’s sigh is a little too heavy, “was my damn fault for thinkin’ I could call an Alpha’s honor into question anyway. I jus’ got caught up thinkin’ about the stakes, and seein’ Donny, and all that energy he was puttin’ out…”
Vera shushes him, manages to get a more sanitary solution to the wounds with small dabs of antibacterial paste. “This — men don’t do this, Cal. Animals do this.” And even with only one good eye the look he gives her says it all. “You know what I mean.”
“There’re some things that just gotta be settled with the wolf.”
Cadence makes a conscious effort to keep his pat to Cal’s back on the gentler side but the man still winces, sore. “Well I had every confidence in you. It was rather fascinating to watch, actually.”
“Wait wait —” all eyes on the vampire who blinks owlish; innocent, and Taylor can’t believe what he’s hearing; “— you just stood and watched?”
And though the blond splutters a number of protests, the group’s collective sympathy is lacking.
“The same man who broke a Minotaur’s spine in six diff’rent places for that same pack of wolves.”
Only maybe because he’s a vampire his face can’t blush red — no, no he’s seen it. So why then does Cadence go pale all the way to the lips?
“That was a… unique situation.”
“Relax, guys, there was nothin’ he could’a done anyway.” There’s an unspoken irony in Cal being the one to call off the dogs, but it works.
But it’s not like their group vampire hasn’t been strange from the beginning. Taylor’s still not convinced it wasn’t someone else, like an evil double, who threatened his way into Persephone’s cage to fight on Donny’s behalf. He certainly can’t imagine the man in front of him doing it — plaid sweater aside.
When Taylor catches Cade catching him stare he fumbles, doesn’t really have an excuse but thankfully doesn’t need one. Not when the entire House can hear Kristof shouting somewhere unseen, something about “Who do I gotta see about gettin’ a six pack around here?!”
By process of eliminating who Kristof wouldn’t immediately attack it’s Vera who sighs and pushes onward. Taylor would go himself but he hangs back instead — gently grabs for Cal’s arm and attention.
So much of their plan rests on every single person the Coven Elders are targeting being in one place tonight. They can’t risk Kristof leaving in a wild stampede.
But he never meant for this — for every grunted effort as Cal’s body actually puts conscious effort into healing in time.
Because it isn’t a matter of if Reimonenq the Wraith will come — but when.
“I know that look Taylor, you’re overthinkin’,” the smile Cal gives him isn’t betrayed by his pain — or maybe just stronger than it, “I knew what I was doin’ and I’d do it again if need be.”
“You mean for that to be reassuring but it’s not reassuring Cal, it’s not.”
“We all played our part.”
“Yeah, but we all didn’t have a dick of a guy play Whack-a-Mole with our faces.”
Cal throws his head back and laughs until it physically hurts. He insists he’ll be fine after a few drinks and some rest. Taylor just hopes they can afford to give him that time.
When they finally move to join the others he offers his shoulder for the wolf to prop himself up on. The pride in his eyes says no but the arm that seeps lava-like warmth through Taylor’s clothes acts otherwise.
“I wasn’t so keen on the beating,” Cal mumbles just before they reach the garden doors, “but I’d take a lot worse to go back there for longer.”
He doesn’t need to ask why. They both know. “Donny holding up okay?”
“He’s a Lowell — he’ll be just fine.”
He will be, though, that’s the implication and it makes his heart sink.
Remember what The Fate said. He’s alive — that matters.
There’s only one ward this time — the point already proven that it’s more for decoration than any real use. But trying to keep something out is the exact opposite of the point.
The noise from the hustle and bustle of the French Quarter fills in in lieu of music. Gives a boisterous abandon to the air where otherwise it hangs like a noose around their precariously balancing necks.
It’s a party worthy of dozens; crowds of people from all walks of life — Pack or gang or family it didn’t matter with the celebration at hand. Or it would if there were more than the bare essentials; than Taylor and the rest, those left making up the Council that aren’t actively trying to kill them all or, in the Mayor’s case, woefully oblivious.
Then Ryder is at his side, flask in familiar hand. He tries—and fails—to cover up when he reaches for Taylor like holding on to any part of him will get them through this unscathed.
Mostly because in the process of faking a yawn he just swallows a mouthful of liquor.
“You look like you’re overthinkin’ this.”
Of course he is. Aren’t they all? “Actually, I was just admiring how much they were able to get done. This place looks like an actual celebration.”
Because it doesn’t matter how many attendees the party is worthy of. All that matters is the one they need to show up.
Nik’s eyes sweep the garden with a satisfied nod. “Definitely the most gussied-up trap I’ve ever taken part in. You’ve got a real eye for this, Rook.”
“Does that mean if I decide to go into the oddly specific party-slash-hellspawn-trap planning business you’ll join me?”
“There’s prob’ly better money in it.”
“That’s what I’m saying.”
They laugh. They lock eyes.
They both know it would be the perfect moment if absolutely everything about it was different.
Taylor inhales to keep from smelling the whiskey on his breath as Nik leans forward — places a firm kiss right at his hairline.
Okay… maybe not everything needs to be different.
“Last chance to veto the plan.”
He murmurs it into the sweat and dirt on the man’s skin; knows that with all they’ve rushed to put together in the final hours of the final days he can’t possibly smell any better.
It takes Nik a pause to respond; to keep his tone steady and certain and rock-solid. One of them has to be.
“Do you want me to?”
“Only if you have a better one.”
And they both know this plan is it. The last chance, the only thing they have left up their collective sleeves. If it doesn’t work…
If it doesn’t work then at least Taylor knows he did his best, and that his last moments were ones like this.
“We could always make a run for it,” but before he can pull back, before he can tell Nik it isn’t a funny joke, he’s held closer; almost painfully so, “jus’ you an’ me on the open road. Doubt they’d come after us once we’re clear of here… An’ yeah, means we could never come back but I ain’t exactly Mister ‘Community Ties.’”
“You’d really leave our friends behind?”
“Fine, they can come too.”
“Are we all piled on top of your motorcycle in this scenario?”
“Nah… maybe a trailer or somethin’. I know a couple of lifers who live at RV outposts off the beaten path.”
It isn’t the idea of leaving New Orleans—the Council—the whole shadow community to their fates that’s the appeal. The appeal is a happier time; a better way. Even if it’s rough and a little uncomfortable and quickly pushing aside thoughts of Wolfman Cal and an RV that never doesn’t smell like wet dog… it would be their life. One they carved for themselves.
No intervention (or lack thereof) from higher powers to speak of.
“All right—you’ve convinced me. Let’s scram.” Taylor teases. Neither of them moves an inch.
Not even when they start to squeeze one another so hard it hurts.
“Should leave before anyone notices.”
The two men part. Because he’s not meant to notice the single wet streak down Nik’s cheek, he doesn’t.
Calloused fingertips tickle the barely-there hair on his chin; coax Taylor to lift his head where he catches the last light in the Nighthunter’s eyes before a single bottle rocket goes off behind him and showers his dark head in a halo.
“This is a good plan, Rook. I’ve got a good feeling about it.”
“That’s because you’re not used to having a plan.”
“You… well you ain’t wrong.”
Eventually the fireworks begin to go off near the Mississippi — sparkling showers a brighter white than the moon itself, dazzling configurations in spirals and spheres and one memorable golden fleur de lis — and there’s a shift to the air within the garden walls.
It’s nearly midnight.
It’s time.
“Is everyone gathered?” asks Elric of his son, suddenly at his side — joining him in looking to the sky to admire human handiwork.
He knows the answer but quadruple-checks anyway. His heart picks up a few beats with every familiar face taken in.
Bring everyone together. Draw the Elders out of hiding.
Kristof. Elric. Isadora. The Coven’s final obstacles.
Do whatever it takes to force their hands; to bring the bloodwraith Derek Reimonenq down on them like a final reckoning.
Cadence. Tonya. The bloodwraith’s personal vendetta.
And hope this works.
Just there, behind Vera’s forced smile under the glowing apples of light on a garden tree — a face half-hidden in shadow. A young man, probably around Taylor’s age; burdened with the knowledge of how this will end and only able to stand witness.
He looks away from The Fate and finds a little bit of that hope he needs so desperately in the way Elric looks at him with pride.
“Take it down.”
This time Lord Elric takes the duty on his own shoulders rather than those of his subjects. Raises his hands high to the dark sky and begins to unravel the threads of his strongest wards.
Fresh night air prickles gooseflesh down his arms. They are coming.
Then the earth is warm beneath his shoes. The smell of fresh blossoms and fae-ripened fruits replaced with the embers of an all-consuming inferno.
They’re here.
Across the garden Taylor and Elder Daniels lock eyes and are held, bound, by something more than magic. Something that permeates the material world around them and isn’t easily defined.
But if he had to pick he would only need one word: conviction.
He thrusts his soda can out at her in toast. Gathers up all of his voice and shouts with a face-splitting grin.
“Laissez les bon temps rouler!”
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