#but also pawns talk in such a refined and polite manner it's so funny
The Alphabet of : Mephisto
I literally read the dictionary for fun, and I have compiled a list of nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives that one could apply to characters of AnE, along with the definitions because context. There will be a series of these posts because my lists are just that long. Starting with the character who has the LONGEST list of descriptive words you could apply to him, his house, his pawns and his attributes. Have fun learning a bigger vocabulary!
Also, if you see numbers ( e.g. 2,) 3) etc) those indicate the exact definition of a word I am referring to. Some of these are kinda ad-lib, especially those with applicable slang contexts, (Fool is a good example). 
- Altiloquent; adj. : high-flown or pretentious use of language
- Ardent; adj. : in the second sense, 2) intensely devoted or zealous; to be very enthusiastic
- Archaic; adj.: Out of date or old-fashioned, no longer in regular use
- Alacrity; n. : Cheerfulness, readiness or eagerness; liveliness or briskness
- Cozen; v. : to cheat, deceive or trick
- Crow; v. :  2.) to gloat, boast, or exult, also Crow; n. the bird, also crow; adj.; to liken to a crow, often to accentuate a person’s boastful, proud or stubborn nature or inability to see past it, e.g. That old man is such a crow! 
- Concupiscent; adj.: sensual, eagerly desirous or lusty
- Clandestine; adj.: To act secretively or deceptively; to behave in a purposefully mysterious or secretive manner, especially with intent to be deceptive
- Decry; v. : to speak disparagingly of; to denounce as faulty or worthless or to express censure of; to condemn or depreciate by proclamation; to make official the obsolescence of something, usually using disparaging or insulting language
- Douceur; n.: 2). a conciliatory gift or bribe, 3) archaic; sweetness or agreeableness
- Facetiae; p. n. : (pronounced fuh-see-shee-ee or fuh-see-shee-ay): Amusing or witty remarks or writings 
- Facetious; adj.: to use sarcasm or mockery to make a point, usually in a humorous or funny way(yes it is related to the word above)
- Fool (capital F); n. : A professional court jester, formerly employed by magistrates and noblemen for amusement; also Fool (unofficial/slang use): to refer to one’s wit or cleverness, as contrasting to their childish or immature behavior e.g. Tom is such a Fool, he’s like a child at a daycare when he’s with friends but get’s straight A’s in school. I don’t get him. also fool (lowercase f); n. : a person tricked into appearing or acting stupid. 
- Futilitarian; adj.: believing that human hopes are vain, and human strivings unjustified. alternatively, ; n.: A person who holds these beliefs
- Furtive; adj: To keep a distance from or work shyly or clandestinely
- Gadabout; n.: a person who moves about restlessly or aimlessly, especially from one social activity to another. 2.) a person who travels a lot, especially seeking pleasure
- Gewgaw;n: something gaudy and useless, as of a trinket or bauble. 
- Esoteric; adj. : Understood by or meant to be by only a select few whom possess specialized knowledge or interest; recondite. 
- Illustrious; adj.: highly distinguished, renoened or famous; glorious, as of deeds or works. (it once meant luminous or bright, but the word is rarely ever used in that context)
- Impiety;n. / impious; adj: to lack piety (reverence of God or holy factions); irreverence. Also lack of dutifulness or respect, lacking a sense of honour. 
- Isolato; n: A person who is spiritually or mentally isolated from or lacking sympathy with his/her times or society
- Kaleidoscopic; adj.: 3.) continually changing or shifting from one set of relations to another; constantly changing
- Keek; v: To peek or look furtively
- Labyrinthine; adj.: 2.) to be complicated or torturous
- Luculent; adj.: clear or lucid; convincing or cogent (follows logic)
- Lubricious; adj.: arousing or expressive of sexual desire; lustful or lecherous 
- Lascivious; adj.: inclined to lustfulness; wanton or lewd
- Memorist; n.: A person who has a particularly retentive memory
- Nadir; n.: 3.) the lowest point or point of greatest adversity or despair
- Neoteric; adj.: New or modern; recent (in the context of time)
- Paltry; adj.: 3). mean or contemptible; petty. 
- Paradigm; n.: the model upon which one bases their collected thoughts, feelings or actions; also paradigm shift; the changing of the paradigm for one’s beliefs or conclusions, often abruptly
- Pettiness; adj:  to be done in mean-spiritedness or out of spite. Also to give mean-spirited consequences to insignificant or unimportant things. 
- Perfunctory; adj: 2). Lacking interest, care or enthusiasm; apathetic. 
- Postiche; adj: 2). artificial, counterfeit or fake/ n.: an imitation, subtitute, pretense or scam. 
- Prebuttal;n : An argument constructed in anticipation of criticism
- Prognosticate; v.: to forecast or predict something of the future; to prophesyze or presage
- Prudence; n. : the quality or act of being prudent (wise or knowledgable) in practical affairs; discretion; regard for one’s own interests. 
- Purloin; v: to take or steal dishonestly
- Regina; adj/n.: Queen-like; demanding or bossy; uptight
- Reprobate; n: A depraved, unprincipled or wicked person; a person rejected by God and beyond hope of salvation /adj.: to be morally depraved or without principle; bad. 
- Rapacious; adj.: given to seizing for plunder or the satisfaction of greed; also to be predatory or extortionate. 
- Scapegoat; n: A person designated to bear the burdens or blame of others or to be held accountable for their misdoings; to unwillingly suffer in the place of others (that would be a martyr) 
-Scienter; n. : a mental state in which one is fully aware and knowledgeable of their wrong, deceptive or illegal actions; often used as a standard of guilt in the court of law.
- Scurrilous; adj.: grossly or obscenely abusive; also characterized by using low buffoonery or mockery, to be coarsely jocular (making fun of). 
- Sirenic; adj.: characteristic of a siren; alluring, melodious or tempting
- Sophisticated; adj: of a person’s mannerisms, habits, expressions, thoughts, etc. - to be altered by education, experience, etc. so as to be worldly or wise. Also 3), to be deceptive or misleading, 4.) intricate or complicated
- Suave; adj.: to be smoothly agreeable or polite in mannerisms, to be agreeable or blandly urbane ( to be elegant, refined or appear educated, as of mannerisms). 
- Surreptitious; adj.: to be stealthy or secretive; to be subtle. 
- Tacky; adj: 2) tasteless or gaudy
- Tergiversate; v.: to change repeatedly one’s attitude or views on a cause, subject, etc. to equivocate. 
- Versify; v: to relate or describe something in (poetic) verse
- Voluble; adj.: characterized by ready and continuous flow of words; talkative.
- Zeal; n: fervor of a person, cause or object; eager desire or enthusiastic diligence. 
There are many more, but I think I’ve left you all enough :) Up next: Lucifer boy, because he also has a long (and getting longer) list of words! 
Until then!
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