#but Alabasta seems to be a really complicated place in position of the war
zahraalgernon · 3 years
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  Something I find really interesting is that the flag or symbol for Alabasta(a circle with 8 either tear drops or just circles resembling a sun) is very similar to the symbol within the Kozuki insignia. Being a circle with dots surrounding it.        This was one of the reasons I wanted to have Loki have at least some connections with Wano. They do have the Orochi fruit, which seems to be originating from Wano given the legend of the actual Orochi. Thus why Loki only got that fruit since it was a gift from Wano to Alabasta.
      I love the idea that Alabasta and Wano were more connected than some of the other Kingdoms. Especially given Alabasta was the only Kingdom apart of the Alliance that was given a Poneglyph to keep safe/hidden.
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