#bullet journal starter kit
xandermorrisonmusic · 3 months
Learning Tekken 8 Journal (Day 2)
With no real preference on character to start learning first, I decided to just do the top row in order. With each of them, I went through all of their moves in training mode, learned one go-to combo, got a feel for how to freestyle with them, and played their character adventure campaign thing. Here's my thoughts on who I've tried so far:
Claudio - This character feels way too plain to me. Maybe I've been spoiled as a Xiaoyu main with her various stance things, but I kinda want a character that has more going on than just "sometimes his arm glows and you can use a couple more moves" I just need a lil more sauce in my life. Coolest thing about learning him was learning you can fight Azazel in this game.
Zafina - I had high hopes for this one, since her stance system is, on paper, similar to Xiaoyu. And yeah, it's like that on crack. So many moves switch you to a different stance automatically that it gets very hard to keep track of what you can do at any given moment. Also I don't really get what her gameplan is. I like her heavy moves that do self damage, that's a cool mechanic, but overall I just constantly feel like I'm trying to keep pace with the character instead of them just... reacting to my moves. Disappointed she wasn't a good fit, but it is what it is.
Paul - I didn't really click with Paul in T3, and it's the same here. I'm also having a harder time with his quarter circle inputs than I did in T3, not sure if that's just a him thing though since I know he rewards tight timing. I do like his personality in this game, but his playstyle just is not for me.
Raven - I... almost really like this character. He's got quite a bit going on, and I feel like if I really labbed him out, he would be main-worthy. I'll keep him in mind for later.
Victor - NOW WE'RE TALKING. As soon as I saw how his kit came together, I understood him perfectly. He shits out mids at light speed and doesn't let up, and if he manages to get through your defenses you're taking a CHUNK of damage. But his lows are a bit lacking, so he really relies on getting openings from his opponent doing stupid shit and countering with a fast starter. This character felt natural to me, he's not too overwhelming to keep track of, his combos are pretty straightforward, and before long, he was performing better than my Xiao. So, for now, Victor is my main.
Now at this point, I figured I had learned enough characters and adding more to the pile would start to make my brain go numb. I finished out the single player arcade mode with Victor. And then I felt like I was ready to try out some real ranked matches.
I now have knowledge. I am not ready for ranked with Victor. I didn't have to play many people for me to figure that out. I got some good matches with some bottom ranked players, because for better or worse, we were pretty close in skill. At a certain point I'm going to have to bite the bullet and jump back into ranked, but I want to really lab out my character of choice before I do that.
My biggest problem with Victor is I would try to hit 2 out of block as a quick interrupting string, but that would keep doing his mid parry move and it would keep me locked into that animation for so long that I'd get hit by something else. I need to figure out better options out of block, I need to find better lows, I need to learn my throw breaks, I need better combo mixups because fishing for the same string spamming 2 over and over only got me so far. And by so far, I mean 1st dan.
But consider this. I made him look like Abe Lincoln. So hopefully someone I matched with got a kick out of that.
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dailyrandomwriter · 1 year
Day 124
Much to my chagrin, I have, ever since I was a child, been a little fucking magpie gremlin. Growing up I collected things like rubber stamps (with the wooden backs), stickers (so many stickers), novelty shaped soaps, novelty shaped bath pearls and novelty erasers.
By the time I entered high school, I collected things I deemed useful, like way too many gel pens. No one needs that many gel pens, especially not someone whose handwriting is atrocious.
When I entered university, I wished I could say I stopped collecting things, except my collection turned digital. I spent about six to seven years as a Gaian (aka I was on GaiaOnline), and spent a lot of time in the usermade shops collecting digital art of characters, animals and objects. To this day, I have a whole file folder of item art, art of just objects because I liked them and they were shiny and it only cost me fake gold.
After Gaia, I began collecting a lot of crafting things, depending on what crafts really caught my attention. I have a whole toolbox full of colourful embroidery floss from back when I made friendship bracelets. I have a drawerful and bagful of yarn from when I knitted.
When I got into Dungeons and Dragons, I began collecting dice. I have a lot of acrylic dice, and to my shame I also have gem dice. Along with a very nice dice mat (Fortune’s Favor to any critters out there). I had to stop collecting dice because I wasn’t going to be using them. I’m a bit lazy when it comes to breaking out my dice at times if I’m role playing online.
My latest, apparent obsession has become washi tapes and washi tape stickers (and maybe just high quality stickers in general). It is horrifying because I don’t bullet journal (though I do have a bullet journal), and I don’t make cards (though I have a starter kit to make Christmas cards). But I want to collect these things, because I love how pretty, and cute these things are and it’s awful. Right now my brain is remembering that I have an Amazon gift card and since I don’t normally use Amazon and have nothing I want to buy, my brain is like, you should buy washi tape from Amazon, just to use up that card.
Also the Washi Tape Shop has a 20% off sale, so there’s that.
I am a magpie gremlin, what can I say?
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Build a Bullet Journal Starter Kit Under $20
Build a Bullet Journal Starter Kit Under $20
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Bullet journaling is something that many of us enjoy doing when we are at home. It’s a nice way to keep track of daily tasks while allowing us to get creative through creating designs, trackers, and other spreads. Avid bullet journal users my have already built up a set of stationery that is perfect for their needs, but for others who are new to it their supplies may be more limited. Plus,…
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purplehairedwonder · 3 years
Inside a Broken Dream Chapter 4
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen, brief hint of Lawlu that you can ignore Words: 3445 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Penguin, Donquixote Doflamingo, Smoker, Tashigi, Nami, Chopper Note: Story title comes from the Vertical Horizon song “Shackled.” Character and relationship tags reflect the current chapter. Obviously this is canon-divergent ;)
Summary: Two years after Wano, peace on the Grand Line is fragile. Trafalgar Law and the Heart Pirates are doing their best to help maintain the peace, but the return of a figure from Law’s past might shatter the balance of power entirely.
Previous chapters: 1 | 2 | 3
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
The walk back to the brig was quiet as Law turned over what had just happened; Doflamingo had the uncanny ability to keep Law off-balance, even after all these years. As he chewed on the unexpected conversation, he could feel the swordswoman’s eyes on him. He looked back at her and raised an eyebrow.
“Well?” he demanded. “Spit it out.”
She started, pink rising in her cheeks. “W-what?”
“You’re staring. You obviously have something you want to say.”
Tashigi pursed her lips in annoyance but replied, “You said on Punk Hazard that you once worked for Doflamingo. But there was more to it than that, wasn’t there?”
Law shrugged his unwounded shoulder but didn’t elaborate. Let her make of that conversation what she would. It didn’t matter.
Tashigi huffed irritably. “There’s obviously a long history there. After getting out of Impel Down, he went after you rather than simply escape, even though he could have. That tells me the hard feelings go both ways.”
Law smirked, unable to resist prodding, “Getting caught up in the affairs of pirates, Captain?”
“I’m as much a captive as you are, Trafalgar. I’d at least like to know what I’ve gotten myself into,” she snapped. “And if knowing whatever is going on between you and Doflamingo can help us escape, then yes, I’ll get involved in the affairs of damn pirates!”
Surprised, Law stopped and studied the woman. She was glaring at him, cheeks still tinged pink. She’d had that same fire back on Punk Hazard, though she hadn’t been strong enough to back up her words back then. That was two years ago, though. Maybe he could make use of her—especially if Doflamingo was keeping her close.
They eyed each other for a moment before Tashigi jerked awkwardly, the strings pressing her into motion again. She pushed at Law to get him to start walking again, and Law hissed as her hand knocked into his shoulder.
After several steps, Law said, “You’re right. It’s a long and ugly story, and it’s personal on both sides.” He looked back at her. “If you want to get out of this, we need to work together.”
“What do you want?”
“What kind of information?”
“Where we’re going, for starters,” Law listed. “Whether he has more allies we’ll need to account for. Anything about what he wants.”
“Revenge?” Tashigi suggested as if Law were an idiot to have not considered it. Law barely suppressed an eye roll.
“Having a chat over breakfast rather than him beating the shit out of me would indicate something… else. More. I don’t know.” Law couldn’t help but feel like the meeting had been an assessment. Of what, Law had no idea. And that made him uneasy.
“So, what? You want me to spy on him for you?”
“Consider it to be for yourself. And your men,” Law countered. Then he went for it: “And your boss.”
Tashigi inhaled sharply, and Law knew he had her. She’d been the one to push Smoker to work with Law and Luffy on Punk Hazard, after all. She was the practical one of that pair.
“Fine,” she agreed coldly, coming to a stop outside the brig door. “I’ll find out whatever I can.”
Law nodded and she opened the door. She shoved him inside and into his cell. Once Law’s cell door was locked, Tashigi turned to Smoker.
“Stay alive, Tashigi,” the Vice Admiral replied brusquely, cutting her off. “Whatever it takes. You hear me?”
Tashigi glanced back at Law briefly before nodding at Smoker. “You too,” she replied before being forced to retreat from the brig. The door shut with a clang behind her.
“Captain!” Penguin exclaimed, scurrying toward their shared cell bars. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Law replied, sitting down against the wall once more. He ran his hands tiredly over his face. “He just wanted to talk.”
“What?” Penguin sounded skeptical, and Law didn’t blame him. It wasn’t what he’d been expecting when he’d been taken from his cell either.
“I don’t know what he wants, but it doesn’t seem like it’s just revenge.” Law didn’t doubt revenge was part of whatever Doflamingo was up to, but there was something else. Something he wasn’t seeing yet.
“Now what?”
Law’s lips twisted up as he shifted to dig around in his pocket. “How do you feel about a bit of field surgery, Peng?”
“You think he’s okay?”
Nami looked up from the map she’d been studying to see Chopper on the other side of the table. She smiled wanly at the reindeer, who was frowning worriedly. “Who, Torao?”
Over the years, Chopper and Law had developed an unexpected friendship as doctors; Nami thought it would never stop looking odd to see the two of them together, poring over journals or debating animatedly about something medical no one else could understand. But it made a certain kind of sense. Chopper pushed Law to remember the humanity behind medicine while Law pushed Chopper to challenge himself in ways he’d never thought he could manage. (And, Nami supposed, Law’s best friend was a polar bear mink, so who was to say what was odd?)
Nami looked at the vivre card on the table; after the initial scorching they’d discovered on the paper the day the Heart Pirates had called them for help, it had remained undamaged. That had been a good sign as they’d used it to track down their ally—no, friend.
Their alliance had technically run its course after Kaido’s defeat two years earlier, but Luffy had refused to let Law dissolve it, and Law hadn’t put up much more than token resistance. Though their situations had changed, especially with Law’s rise to Emperor and his decision to take over protecting territory Doflamingo and Kaido had left behind, the two crews had remained allies because of the friendships that had developed between them—and especially their captains. While Law had chosen, like most of the previous Emperors, to establish a territory with a home base, Luffy would not be tied down in his search for One Piece, so any islands he took under his protection ended up, by proxy, protected by Law as well, since Law was usually in a better position to send aid.
The Straw Hats had been in constant contact with the Heart Pirates after that first call; between Bepo’s and Nami’s calculations, they’d figured they’d been about two days apart at the time of Law’s capture so decided they’d make the best time if they both followed their portions of Law’s vivre card until they met up—or found Law.
“No. Well, yes,” Chopper replied, correcting himself. “I am worried about Torao, but we know he’s still alive from his vivre card, right?” Nami nodded. Chopper glanced out the window toward the deck. “I’m worried about Luffy.”
Nami turned and followed the little doctor’s gaze toward Luffy, who was sitting on the figurehead. She knew what Chopper meant; Luffy’s typical frenetic, playful energy had been subdued since the call from the Hearts. He hadn’t said much, other than to check with Nami on their progress and get food from Sanji, and spent most of his time on the figurehead, staring out toward the horizon. Nami knew from years of experience with her captain that he became serious when his loved ones were in danger, but she couldn’t help but feel there was more going on here.
According to her crewmates who had been in Dressrosa, something had happened between Law and Luffy on the castle rooftop when they were fighting Doflamingo that had brought the two men close. Robin seemed to have the best idea, but even she didn’t know the full story. In Wano and in the years after, Nami seen that connection in the way Luffy had glued himself to Law whenever they were together and in the way Law didn’t stop him, in shared smiles and hidden laughs, in shared food and lingering touches. She’d commented on it to Bepo once, and he’d nodded knowingly; the Hearts had noticed it too.
And now, Law was in danger from Doflamingo once more, and whatever had happened on the roof seemed to be coming back to Luffy. For all his openness, Luffy tended to keep personal worries to himself, and this seemed to be another case of that.
“I think he’s worried about Torao, too,” Nami said finally. She turned back to Chopper and forced herself to smile. “But it’ll fine be!”
“You think so?”
“Between those two idiot captains? And their highly competent crews? Doflamingo doesn’t stand a chance.”
Chopper huffed a laugh, and Nami spared one final glance for her idiot captain before returning to her map. She had another idiot captain to find.
Law slumped wearily against the brig wall, sweat drenched and woozy with pain but free of the bullet in his shoulder. He’d awkwardly pressed himself as close to the Seastone bars separating his cell from Penguin’s as he could without touching them, biting down on his shirt to keep from crying out as Penguin used the tools in the surgical kit to dig out the Seastone bullet in Law’s shoulder (sans anesthesia). Penguin’s movements were awkward with the strange angle he’d been forced to work at and his own restraints limiting his movements, but he’d pushed through at Law’s encouragement.
Once Penguin had removed the bullet—and thankfully it was still whole—Law had nearly collapsed from the return of feeling, as though color had come back into his vision, after the Seastone had dulled his senses so acutely. Penguin had then stitched up the wound as best he could, refusing to let Law further risk infection the longer they sat in the dank, dirty brig. It was ugly and would scar, but Law had just nodded his thanks to his friend. Penguin, meanwhile, muttered darkly under his breath about having his captain’s blood on his hands.
The shackles on Law’s wrists still suppressed his powers, but the brain fog had lifted. Law could think again. And they would have an element of surprise on Doflamingo, as long as he thought Law bound twice over by Seastone.
Still, the pain from the makeshift surgery was intense, so Law spent the day drifting in and out of consciousness as his body forced him to rest to start healing as best it could in the face of the draining effects of the Seastone. Penguin woke him up every few hours to check in on him but otherwise let him be.
A heaviness sat on the air among the four prisoners as they waited to see when they’d garner their captor’s attention once more.
The next evening, the brig door opened and Tashigi entered, flanked by two Marines. The soldiers unlocked Law’s cell and pulled him to his feet. Though the bullet in his shoulder was now gone, Law didn’t have to fake the grunt of pain as the healing wound was jostled.
“He wants to see you,” Tashigi said as Law exited his cell.
“I figured,” he replied dryly.
“Captain,” Penguin said. Law looked back at him. “Be careful.” There was an edge to his voice, and Law could understand his worry.
Law nodded and allowed himself to be led out of the brig. He glanced at Tashigi, wondering if she’d picked up any useful information since their conversation the day before, but her eyes flicked at the other two Marines before shaking her head minutely.
Interesting. She didn’t trust these men enough to share anything in front of them. Either they were being forced to report on one another or they were voluntarily helping Doflamingo.
Law frowned as they passed the door that had taken him to the deck the day before and instead up another set of stairs and down a hallway. Tashigi brushed past Law to knock on the door at the end of the hall.
“Herrenlos,” she whispered by his ear as she moved by him.
Law stiffened in surprise. The swordswoman had apparently picked up some information after all. But what was Herrenlos? Something niggled in the back of his mind, but he couldn’t quite place it.
“Enter,” Doflamingo called at the knock, and Law’s hands clenched into fists and unclenched in front of him.
Tashigi opened the door, and Law’s guards nudged him inside. He’d been taken to the captain’s quarters. There was a neatly-made bed, a dresser, a desk covered with scattered papers and maps, and a table with two chairs. Law’s eyes widened and a growl rose in his throat when he saw his hat on the dresser and Kikoku propped against the wall next to the bed. Doflamingo reclined in one of the chairs with one arm thrown casually over the back, the other holding some papers that the former Warlord watched Law over with a knowing smirk; he’d gotten the exact reaction he’d hoped for.
Law was going to make the bastard regret displaying Law’s belongings like trophies. But for now, he had to make sure the man believed he was completely helpless.
“I love what you’ve done with the place,” he drawled.
Doflamingo’s lips twitched before he dismissed Law’s guards. “Wait outside the door,” he told Tashigi. She nodded jerkily, not that she had a choice as she exited the room with one final look at Law. The word she’d whispered to him was obviously important, but what was it? Why did it sound so familiar?
“Sit,” Doflamingo directed in an uncomfortable echo of the previous morning. “Dinner will be here soon.”
Law contemplated resisting for only a moment before sitting of his own volition rather than let Doflamingo force his compliance. No, he needed to use this as an information-gathering operation, and getting into a spat over something so small wouldn’t help with that.
“And here I thought you’d forgotten about me,” Law said, doing his best to lounge in the chair casually despite his restraints.
Doflamingo’s smirk widened. “Never.”
Law felt an uncomfortable chill run down his spine, the implication clear; Doflamingo had never forgotten about Law, not after Minion Island, not after Dressrosa, and not now. They were forever linked. Law schooled his features.
Doflamingo eyed Law for another moment, as if making sure his message had been received, before returning his attention to the papers in his hand. If that was the way he was going to play this… Law looked around the room. He clenched his jaw as his eyes went to Kikoku, but he forced himself to keep looking. The papers and maps on the desk were obviously of the most interest, but he couldn’t make out what was on them from his current position.
After several silent minutes, there was a knock at the door. Doflamingo looked up. “That’ll be dinner,” he told Law before calling, “Enter.” Doflamingo rose and discarded the paper he’d been reading on the desk as two Marines entered with several trays of food. Law pushed himself up from his seat while Doflamingo’s back was turned to try to get a look at the desk but was unable to see more than the unfamiliar outlines of a few islands on a map that Doflamingo’s paper soon covered. Law sat back down, and the Marines quickly set the table with plates and silverware and placed several dishes in the middle before departing. Doflamingo returned to his chair and gestured at the food.
Law still didn’t know what the other man was up to, but there was no point in weakening himself further by refusing food. He served himself a fish entree and vegetable side and set to awkwardly eating with the shackles still around his wrists. The food might not be Sanji’s, but it was significantly better than the scraps they’d been given in the brig. The two men ate in silence, Law unwilling to give the other man the satisfaction of speaking first.
“You know, Law,” Doflamingo said once both of their plates were empty. “I wasn’t lying when I said I’ve been following your rise over the last two years.”
Law raised an eyebrow. “They let you have the paper in Impel Down?”
“Fufufu, of course. One of my few luxuries as a prisoner. But the paper hasn’t been my only source.”
Law frowned, considering the soldiers Tashigi hadn’t wanted to speak in front of. “Some of the men on this ship are working for you.”
Doflamingo’s smirk simply widened. Law had his own sources within the Marines, so he wasn’t surprised Doflamingo did too, even after Vergo’s fall. He was starting to understand how Doflamingo’s takeover of the ship had happened after Smoker’s version of the story.
“How’s your alliance with Straw Hat?” Doflamingo asked after a moment.
Law’s eyes narrowed at the change in subject, but he didn’t say anything.
“Pirate alliances rarely last as long as yours has,” Doflamingo added. “I must congratulate you. But you did tell me once that Straw Hat can perform miracles.”
And Law had been right. Luffy was the reason Law was still alive today, not having died on Dressrosa as he’d expected to.
“What of it?” Law didn’t like the direction the conversation was taking.
“I only wonder if they’ll be able to perform yet another one.”
Law frowned. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“My source has their ship about a day out, moving very quickly in our direction.” Law’s eyes widened. His crew had called the Straw Hats?
Of course they had. It was the smart thing to do.
Doflamingo had been defeated by Luffy on Dressrosa, and Luffy had only grown stronger in the intervening years. Yet Doflamingo didn’t seem concerned at all.
In fact, he seemed pleased.
“You wanted them to come.”
“Very good,” Doflamingo replied. “I have a debt to settle with Straw Hat. But don’t worry, Law. I won’t kill them. Or your men.”
Law started. “What?”
“I have use for your men when they come for you, Law. They’re not far out either, by the way.” His smirk was practically feral. “But the Straw Hats? Well, how many Family members do you think Akainu will exchange for them?”
“Not a single member of your Family is worth one toenail of any of the Straw Hats,” Law hissed.
Doflamingo growled angrily, strings flying from his hand, binding Law to the chair. The inertia from the strings threw Law backwards, knocking the chair over and sending Law onto his back with a surprised oof as he was suddenly staring up at the ceiling and unable to move. The larger man rose from his chair, posture predatory as he rounded the table to tower over Law.
Doflamingo stepped one leg over Law’s chest and knelt, straddling him. Law recoiled from the invasion of his space, and Doflamingo reached down to grasp Law’s shoulder. He pressed hard as his thumb found the bullet wound. Law gasped, vision darkening around the edges, as the pressure increased and Doflamingo dug into the stitches and broke the wound open again.
“What?” Doflamingo frowned, and Law realized with a jolt that of course the string Fruit user would notice the messy stitches in his shoulder. Shit.
Doflamingo grabbed Law’s shirt and pulled the collar down to the side, revealing Law’s bare shoulder and the freshly bleeding wound. His thumb jabbed into the blood and rubbed around the wound, Law struggling not to writhe under the pressure, until he found the broken stitches. His eyes narrowed behind his glasses.
“You removed the bullet,” Doflamingo noted. “I should have known not to leave you on your own for too long. You’ve always been too clever for your own good, Law.” He rose and stepped back from his captive, pulling that familiar pistol from his waistband. He twirled it in his fingers a few times before aiming it at Law. Law went cold. “I should put another bullet in you, somewhere it won’t be so easily removed. Make sure you won’t cause any more trouble.”
“Why don’t you just kill me?” Law was getting sick of playing by the other man’s rules when he didn’t even know what game they were playing.
Doflamingo tilted his head, as if surprised by the question. “I need you alive, Law.”
“There’s something only you can do for me.”
Of course. Law huffed a laugh, remembering a similar moment on the castle roof in Dressrosa, putting as much disdain into it as he could manage. “How many times do I need to tell you? I’m not going to perform the Eternal Youth Surgery on you, you son of a bitch.”
“That’s not what I need you for.”
Law blinked. “Then wha—”
Doflamingo cut him off. “I’m dying. And you’re going to fix it.”
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anaeishops-blog · 4 years
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10 Top Products To Sell Online
Ecommerce can be tough if you have zero idea about how this vast marketplace works, but with the right mindset and analogy you can succeed and earn enormously high profits within the first six months!
The changing working norms are growing in popularity and also promoting maximum working industries to have virtual business setups. All the new entrants in selling services and products online need to research the potential target market thoroughly.
For starters, you need to have patience and an attitude to thrive and learn from your mistakes to survive in this competitive online business industry for long time. Let us begin with the three most important rules for ecommerce: you must have an undying thirst for success, a vast skillset for business and marketing, lastly – most importantly – sell the most sought-after products.
Too many product ideas can cause confusion, but this article has enlisted the most profitable items for you already.
Just read along and get going!
Before finding products, do some research to see which industry is growing in popularity, what is the competition like? Gather some data on your competitors, any suppliers, or manufacturers you might need, and make up a rough image of what your costs will be like.
Find a niche that has low competition and know its price points so that you can begin selling products online at lowest price and then make your way to the higher prices – the loss leader approach.
Now, the products.
Clothes are that one thing for which the demand is never going down, in fact, new trends and fashion styles have only uplifted this gigantic industry. According to Statista, the online clothing industry is expected to reach USD 872 billion by 2023. From shapewear and athleisure to formal and semi-formal clothes everything is in-demand.
However, the industry is fairly competitive, and it might be difficult to find a spot as a new entrant. But worry not, there is always a buyer for a product. Keep studying market trends, your target buyer’s choice and preferences, their purchasing power and all other important aspects that can help you list the best products on your online selling store.
Teeth whitening products
You might have noticed the sudden surge in the endorsement of teeth whitening kits; this industry is expected to reach 7.4 billion USD by 2024. The plus point is, you do not even have to heavily market it, it is already in-demand by so many consumers, much thanks to sponsored posts by influencers and celebrities on social media. As the beauty industry is growing all the affiliated industries are also getting a bigger market share in their businesses. The consumers for teeth care-products are increasing prodigiously. Now is the time to start investing in these products and get most benefit out of this opportunity.
Technology gear
With the rise in technology and increasing usage of the internet, tech gear is high in-demand. These products are not age specific, almost every age group is in excessive use of such tech gear items in some way of their life. But the products that are not suitable for kids, their specific age versions are also available in the market and are selling like hot cake. From smart watches and tablets to wireless speakers and Bluetooth devices, everything is in-demand. Gaming laptops, computers, Cell phone and car accessories, like pop socket, phone cases, portable chargers and trackers for car are a very profitable niche in this industry. Especially for those looking for drop shipping in ecommerce.
Digital Products
Internet and technology have surely paved the way for tech gear, but it has also created a new industry for digital products. From software, online streaming services, games to digital art, eBooks, and online courses – which are even higher in demand due to CoVID-19. Although you do need a specific skillset for entering this industry, but there are so many online resources available for you to learn from and create a product to sell online.
Medical and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
The global pandemic has boosted the medical and PPE industry, and expect to reach USD 85.72 billion by 2026. More and more people are entering in online business for medical supplies. From thermometers, pulse oximeters, nebulizers, face masks, sanitizers, medicines, everything is crucially high in-demand right now.
Baby and Maternity items
It is for sure that items for babies and maternal care are never going out of demand, just like clothes. All the parents get so excited for their child even if he’s not the first one, so be sure, the market demand for your items is always the sky-high. And perhaps due to this, the industry is pretty saturated now, but still profitable for newcomers who want to dropship items to their customers. There is a rise in “mommy bloggers” and many are looking to promote your products at very low prices. As a content marketer, you can surely benefit from these.
Vegan, Cruelty-free and Organic
Many consumers are switching to more eco-friendly items, thanks to veganism, the Minimalism movement, and the increasing awareness about climate change. Fashion bloggers and lifestyle influencers are promoting ethical and sustainable fashion brands, trend for thrifting is increasing, organic food items, cleaning supplies, skin care and beauty products are also popular.
The global market size for this type of industry was USD 12.9 billion in 2017, and it is expected to increase, so it would be a good investment. For example, cruelty-free beauty products, plastic-free containers, as well as ethically sourced jewellery and clothes. You can start your online business of beauty products on Eishops that is offering free marketing and listing services to all the sellers.
Pet Industry
Just like the baby items industry, pet accessories are forever in-demand. According to AVMA, 63.8% households in the USA own either a cat, dog, or both. With this high percentage, there is no dropping of the demand for pet food, litter boxes, flea repellents, grooming products, toys etc.
In fact, the industry in America alone, was estimated at $72 billion near the end of 2019. The target audience for pet items are millennials, and they are high in population in the entire world, so you have customers ready, just begin selling!
LED Light
I am pretty sure you have seen those Tik Tok videos of influencers showing off their rooms decorated with colourful LED light strips and how they got those online stores at cheap rates. Well, LED lights are among the trending items for millennials and Generation Z consumers, but if you plan on investing in this market, go big!
Try to sell LED lights not just for indoors, but for outdoors, maybe for cars too. No wonder this industry was estimated at USD 54 billion in 2019 and is expected to rise 13.4% in the current decade.
In 2018, the global stationery industry had a value of USD 90.6 billion and it was estimated to grow by 5% each year, following 2018. There is also a rise in online communities like the Studyblr, or the Bullet Journal Community; they thrive on stationery items and art supplies. With a large social media following, marketing for such products will be relatively easy too – influencers and artists are always looking for sponsorship deals.
Ecommerce business may not be a piece of cake, but it is surely a profiting industry. The search volume for your preferred industry and its competitive niches, products, should be high. You also want to think about your preferred ecommerce method, whether you are looking for business to consumer, business to business, direct to consumer, wholesaling or drop shipping.
You need to calculate all costs before actually setting up your ecommerce store. If you want to create a new product, think of the design, bring new product ideas, get a prototype built by a manufacturer and then look for potential investors, and get going. If this is costing you too much, go for drop shipping.
There are so many options available for you to begin your online business, all you have to do is start thinking, and Eishops will take care of the rest. Since it is a relatively new ecommerce business platform, there is not much competition and you can conduct your business rather smoothly. Eishops provides best SEO and marketing tools to attract your target audience and generate maximum customers for you. There is no registration fee and you can start your business without any hassle!
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lanaeishops · 4 years
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10 Top Products To Sell Online
Ecommerce can be tough if you have zero idea about how this vast marketplace works, but with the right mindset and analogy you can succeed and earn enormously high profits within the first six months!
The changing working norms are growing in popularity and also promoting maximum working industries to have virtual business setups. All the new entrants in selling services and products online need to research the potential target market thoroughly.
For starters, you need to have patience and an attitude to thrive and learn from your mistakes to survive in this competitive online business industry for long time. Let us begin with the three most important rules for ecommerce: you must have an undying thirst for success, a vast skillset for business and marketing, lastly – most importantly – sell the most sought-after products.
Too many product ideas can cause confusion, but this article has enlisted the most profitable items for you already.
Just read along and get going!
Before finding products, do some research to see which industry is growing in popularity, what is the competition like? Gather some data on your competitors, any suppliers, or manufacturers you might need, and make up a rough image of what your costs will be like.
Find a niche that has low competition and know its price points so that you can begin selling products online at lowest price and then make your way to the higher prices – the loss leader approach.
Now, the products.
Clothes are that one thing for which the demand is never going down, in fact, new trends and fashion styles have only uplifted this gigantic industry. According to Statista, the online clothing industry is expected to reach USD 872 billion by 2023. From shapewear and athleisure to formal and semi-formal clothes everything is in-demand.
However, the industry is fairly competitive, and it might be difficult to find a spot as a new entrant. But worry not, there is always a buyer for a product. Keep studying market trends, your target buyer’s choice and preferences, their purchasing power and all other important aspects that can help you list the best products on your online selling store.
Teeth whitening products
You might have noticed the sudden surge in the endorsement of teeth whitening kits; this industry is expected to reach 7.4 billion USD by 2024. The plus point is, you do not even have to heavily market it, it is already in-demand by so many consumers, much thanks to sponsored posts by influencers and celebrities on social media. As the beauty industry is growing all the affiliated industries are also getting a bigger market share in their businesses. The consumers for teeth care-products are increasing prodigiously. Now is the time to start investing in these products and get most benefit out of this opportunity.
Technology gear
With the rise in technology and increasing usage of the internet, tech gear is high in-demand. These products are not age specific, almost every age group is in excessive use of such tech gear items in some way of their life. But the products that are not suitable for kids, their specific age versions are also available in the market and are selling like hot cake. From smart watches and tablets to wireless speakers and Bluetooth devices, everything is in-demand. Gaming laptops, computers, Cell phone and car accessories, like pop socket, phone cases, portable chargers and trackers for car are a very profitable niche in this industry. Especially for those looking for drop shipping in ecommerce.
Digital Products
Internet and technology have surely paved the way for tech gear, but it has also created a new industry for digital products. From software, online streaming services, games to digital art, eBooks, and online courses – which are even higher in demand due to CoVID-19. Although you do need a specific skillset for entering this industry, but there are so many online resources available for you to learn from and create a product to sell online.
Medical and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
The global pandemic has boosted the medical and PPE industry, and expect to reach USD 85.72 billion by 2026. More and more people are entering in online business for medical supplies. From thermometers, pulse oximeters, nebulizers, face masks, sanitizers, medicines, everything is crucially high in-demand right now.
Baby and Maternity items
It is for sure that items for babies and maternal care are never going out of demand, just like clothes. All the parents get so excited for their child even if he’s not the first one, so be sure, the market demand for your items is always the sky-high. And perhaps due to this, the industry is pretty saturated now, but still profitable for newcomers who want to dropship items to their customers. There is a rise in “mommy bloggers” and many are looking to promote your products at very low prices. As a content marketer, you can surely benefit from these.
Vegan, Cruelty-free and Organic
Many consumers are switching to more eco-friendly items, thanks to veganism, the Minimalism movement, and the increasing awareness about climate change. Fashion bloggers and lifestyle influencers are promoting ethical and sustainable fashion brands, trend for thrifting is increasing, organic food items, cleaning supplies, skin care and beauty products are also popular.
The global market size for this type of industry was USD 12.9 billion in 2017, and it is expected to increase, so it would be a good investment. For example, cruelty-free beauty products, plastic-free containers, as well as ethically sourced jewellery and clothes. You can start your online business of beauty products on Eishops that is offering free marketing and listing services to all the sellers.
Pet Industry
Just like the baby items industry, pet accessories are forever in-demand. According to AVMA, 63.8% households in the USA own either a cat, dog, or both. With this high percentage, there is no dropping of the demand for pet food, litter boxes, flea repellents, grooming products, toys etc.
In fact, the industry in America alone, was estimated at $72 billion near the end of 2019. The target audience for pet items are millennials, and they are high in population in the entire world, so you have customers ready, just begin selling!
LED Light
I am pretty sure you have seen those Tik Tok videos of influencers showing off their rooms decorated with colourful LED light strips and how they got those online stores at cheap rates. Well, LED lights are among the trending items for millennials and Generation Z consumers, but if you plan on investing in this market, go big!
Try to sell LED lights not just for indoors, but for outdoors, maybe for cars too. No wonder this industry was estimated at USD 54 billion in 2019 and is expected to rise 13.4% in the current decade.
In 2018, the global stationery industry had a value of USD 90.6 billion and it was estimated to grow by 5% each year, following 2018. There is also a rise in online communities like the Studyblr, or the Bullet Journal Community; they thrive on stationery items and art supplies. With a large social media following, marketing for such products will be relatively easy too – influencers and artists are always looking for sponsorship deals.
Ecommerce business may not be a piece of cake, but it is surely a profiting industry. The search volume for your preferred industry and its competitive niches, products, should be high. You also want to think about your preferred ecommerce method, whether you are looking for business to consumer, business to business, direct to consumer, wholesaling or drop shipping.
You need to calculate all costs before actually setting up your ecommerce store. If you want to create a new product, think of the design, bring new product ideas, get a prototype built by a manufacturer and then look for potential investors, and get going. If this is costing you too much, go for drop shipping.
There are so many options available for you to begin your online business, all you have to do is start thinking, and Eishops will take care of the rest. Since it is a relatively new ecommerce business platform, there is not much competition and you can conduct your business rather smoothly. Eishops provides best SEO and marketing tools to attract your target audience and generate maximum customers for you. There is no registration fee and you can start your business without any hassle!
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authorsarah · 7 years
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lasoffittadiste · 5 years
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sassybasketcases · 3 years
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Bullet Journaling Starter Kit. sassybasketcases.com
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geniodiabolico · 3 years
Evil Genius Chronicles Podcast for April 29 2021 - 99 Percent Contained
In this episode, I play a song by Tim Foljahn; three yard sales in four weeks is too many; I started listening to the Erasable and Cortex podcasts; I am now all in on Obsidian; I agree that GTD is good and yet I can never make it work for me; am I using the systems to avoid doing the work?; posting your beautiful bullet journal photos makes me less likely to use it; I am using PARA to organize my Obsidian files; Obsidian will replace Evernote in my life unless it fails me; the Cortex guys created the Theme System journal; my life is a mostly contained wildfire.
Here is the direct MP3 download for the Evil Genius Chronicles podcast, April 29 2021.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Support this show on Patreon
Tim Foljahn
Listen to “Fuckin’ Up” and the rest of the Rube Goldberg Variations at his website
Tim Foljahn on Performance Anxiety
Erasable Podcast
Pencil Revolution Zine 
Cortex Podcast 
Myke Hurley 
CPG Grey
Obsidian, the Markdown Editor
Death Wish Coffee
Markdown Guide
PARA organzing system
PARA starter kit for Obsidian
Obsidian Sync
Theme System
Buy a Theme System paper journal
Høvel, the ridiculously fancy pencil sharpener
My Keybase account
Subscribe to the shared RSS from my own TTRSS install
Auphonic podcast production tool is so good!
Theme song provided by the Gentle Readers
You can subscribe to this podcast feed via RSS. To sponsor the show, contact BackBeat Media. Don’t forget, you can fly your EGC flag by buying the stuff package. This show as a whole is Creative Commons licensed Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Unported. Bandwidth for this episode is provided by Cachefly.
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studyquill · 6 years
I just started a bujo and what are your essential stationary products for a bujo?
Check out this video about my recommended bullet journal starter kit! 
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dornillu-blog · 4 years
Regarde, j’ai fais un tampon   !
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J’ai découvert la linogravure avec Élise Francisse et Lison la Morue il y a environ un an. 
J’ai aussitôt eu envie d’essayer ! Direction mon magasin d’art préféré et dans l’heure, j’avais le kit starter de la lino entre les mains.
Et là, tu dois trouver des idées de dessins pour ton tampon. Il ne faut pas un motif trop compliqué mais pas trop simple non plus pour avoir de quoi s’amuser. Dans ces cas là, Pinterest est ton ami !
J’ai alors décidé de dessiner un petit renard endormi roulé en boule.
Pour une première fois, il ne fallait pas s’attendre à un truc parfait mais je m’attendais à mieux. Comme toujours, j’ai tendance à être trop exigeante avec moi-même.
Alors j’ai tenté quelque chose d’autre que j’estimais plus simple : un chat qui s’étire. Grosse erreur !
OK, mon dessin était un unique trait fin mais à vouloir aller trop vite je “débordais” rompais mes traits et mon motif est loin d’être clean. Bon, on distingue quand-même le chat mais c’est pas fou.
ça m’a soulé, j’ai lâché l’activité.
Mais avec un goût d’inachevé malgré tout. En tombant sur le compte Instagram de littlerowanredhead, je suis tombée amoureuse de la lino. J’ai pris le temps de imprégner de la pratique sans en faire pour autant.
Et tout a changé ce mardi 26 novembre 2019. Je me suis remise à regarder les vidéos d’Elise Francisse en boucle et j’ai craqué.
J’ai fabriqué une plume sans accrocs, sans raté, sans défaut. Elle était juste parfaite.(tu peux voir le résultat sur la double page de mon bullet journal dans l’article précédent). J’ai continué sur ma lancée, en prenant mon temps et j’ai créé ce petit coup de vent, cette brise en guise de signature, de grigri. Je le kiffe et je me suis réconciliée avec la linogravure.
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memoriesofmelodies · 6 years
Little Coffee Fox
That’s the name of this super cool blog I follow. She has helped me learn a lot about bullet journaling, hand lettering, and water colors! She’s doing a cool bullet journal starter kit give away because of her “month in color” that she did last month starting her own watercolor bullet journal. Here’s the link that you can sign up to check out her content! (And also help me get more entries 😜) I highly recommend checking it out!!
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junitaivory · 5 years
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Bullet Journal template printable planner weekly layout bujo starter kit instant download agenda cal https://ift.tt/2UGe6IW
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