support · 5 years
Everything okay?
If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you are not alone.  
If you are in the United States, please try:
National Eating Disorders Association (support, resources, treatment options)
If you are outside the United States, visit IASP to find help lines related to eating disorders for your country. 
For self-help courses on body image and general peer support, please try Koko. 
If you need some inspiration and comfort on your dashboard, follow Post It Forward on Tumblr.
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hakeem0n · 1 year
No amount of weight loss will ever make me worthy of love.
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peachgothskeleton · 5 months
Felt kinda silly today and TRIED to eat like a normal person.
Now I'll probably have to fast for the next two days to not kms. Ed's are just so much fun.
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possesiveneko · 2 years
need an ana coach 4 the week so i actually lose weight ://
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anasturbate · 1 year
looking for active ed accounts november 2022, interact to be mutuals 🖤
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bulimicassshit · 2 years
não me orgulho
não fiquei mais ativa aqui
estava péssima comigo mesma
não consegui nem focar na dieta e nos exercícios (viver com o t.a. e a depressão ao mesmo tempo tem dessas)
não posso mais sair aos fins de semana e dizer ros meus amigos que não tenho fome, eles ja nao acreditam mais nisso
esse mês de férias vai ser minha salvacão
é mais fácil de fazer nf quando nao tenho meus amigos pedindo fast food ao meu redor, enquanto eu tenho que ficar pensando:
odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer odeio comer
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thesickgiirl · 2 years
vsf perdi minha conta (de novo) pq denunciaram essa merda, quem puder pfv me divulga eu era a antiga @thesiickgirl 🥺
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cinnamon-rhea · 10 months
Something I found that helps filling up super quick: frozen strawberries. It helps practicing taking little dainty bites, it tastes so yummy, and you only need about four with some black coffee before you’re stuffed!!
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enviousworriess · 1 month
my introduction 💕
if you’d like to be friends please comment!! just be around the age of 13-15 :3
NAME: Ru (online name)
AGE: 13
Gender: Female
HW: 80kg
LW: 57kg
CW: 68kg
GW: 55kg
disorders i believe i may have (non diagnosed) : ana and bul1mia
if you need a ed buddy or a friend in general please dm!! we can talk on discord or something :)
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rosseim · 4 days
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so far this is my longest streak of being bul1mia free, but i have been fasting and eating one meal a day.
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therealdostoevsky · 1 year
is it only me or do people miss their eds too? like I'm going through some fucked up shit and my brain just goes like "if only we had our anor3xia rn, we could starve to death" like bro isn't bul1mia enough for now?????
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hakeem0n · 1 year
I just want to be fragile and pretty. I want to be loved.
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peachgothskeleton · 6 months
Everyone is so worried about me. I feel so guilty but at the same time it makes me not want to stop.
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ch-3-rrycoke · 1 month
All about me🫀
|| please don't report just block, this is my safe space||
~Name: Sisi
~Age: 15 (birthday 9.11.♏)
~Weight: in bio
~Height: 173cm
~Things i like: animals, 70s/80s music , Queen ,art ,idk
~ I'm diagnosed with depression, social anxiety, childhood trauma, sh and an eating disorder (I'm pretty fuçked up)
~I was hospitalized and was forced to "recover" from my ed like 3 months ago but as soon as i got home i relapsed. For the past weeks i've been in a eating/not eating cycle and was battling more with bul1mia but now I'm back on track. If you are in recovery or find my posts triggering just block me. I'm not against recovery or anything and I fully support people who are in recovery but I'm just not in it.However feel free to ask anything and I would really appreciate any tips on how to stay on track<3
DNI: anyone in recovery or any blog that's not related to eds
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Some motivation<3
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moze-jutro · 9 months
Zjadłam śniadanie z którego policzyłam kcal, potem po kilku godzinach dwa cukierki i paczkę chipsów w więcej cukierków. Przez cały dzień jadłam słodycze, wieczorem zjadłam wielki kawałek pizzy i dużo ciasta. Delikatnie czuję jak jedzenie stoi mi w gardle, zastanawiam się czy iść wymiotować. Dzisiaj moja terapeltki powiedziała mi, że nie mogę chudnąć. Super mam kolejny powód, żeby nie ograniczać się z jedzeniem, tylko że takie myślenie prowadzi do obiadania się. Widzę setkę powodów żeby nie wymiotować ale czuję że to wymówki. Dwie myśli które niosą za sobą silne pozytywne emocje "dwie minuty i po robocie", "ile można schudnąć wymiotując". Bul1mia brzmi lepiej niż binge eating. 🦋🦋🦋
Jutro planuję nic nie jeść i pić tylko alkochol.
a) będzie lepiej wchodziło
b) kcal będę się zgadzać
Edit: nie zwymiotuje mój tata cały czas siedzi na korytarzu a od jedzenia minęło już dużo czasu cas na sen.
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inmyhead4444 · 1 year
bul1mia is my nightmare
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