You know what I hate? When people get pissed off when you tell them you don’t want them to touch you. Like excuse me, I don’t actually want you to touch my arm. I don’t want a hug right now. I don’t give a shit if you’re family, or a friend. I don’t care if the phrase “I don’t want to be touched” puts you off. Just don’t fucking touch me and respect my boundaries.
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toomixedwitch · 10 months
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Ahhhh, boundaries. The thing many people can’t set in both the spiritual and mundane sense. Well, first what IS a boundary?
What is a boundary?
A boundary is an expectation that you may have for someone else. It is a mutual agreement of what is okay and what isn’t. It’s giving and taking consent in a given circumstance. Boundaries are within all types of connections from friends to family to deity. It is important to have boundaries in all these connections to maintain comfort and understanding.
“Toomixedwitch how the fuck do I set boundaries?”
I’m so glad you asked. It all starts with communication. This goes for mundane and spiritual situations! You want to first outline what it is you want to have rules on. I think the biggest one I always suggest for deity work is “Privacy will always be respected.” You might find deity showing up in places that you’d rather they not… the bathroom for example. So to be able to say “hey can you leave?” Is a boundary that’s expected.
When making boundaries you can write them down in your book of shadows or on paper to help you refer back to them. I always recommend for the first month or so communicating with deity on a certain day or time to check up on boundaries and expectations. This can be surrounding offerings, formality, what the work you do together is, if deity can bring other entities/deities into the space (if you’re in training etc) and so on.
If working with a deity who is on the more chaotic side you may want to outline what they can and can’t do. Can deity affect/mess with/play with/talk to your pets or no? Can deity move the stuff in your room or no? Can deity almost burn your house down or not /hj
How do I maintain these boundaries?
As I say, communicate. Schedule a time and day where you use divination or meditation to go through the list again and see how things are going. Is there anything that needs changing or going into more detail over? Is there anything deity would like in return (if the boundary was related to offerings etc)
The biggest one in both spiritual and mundane connections is being able to say no. Obviously, deities and entities will almost always allow you to say no; you always have a choice and will never be scolded for it. But if it helps you, write it down. “I am able to say no”. Sometimes we need a rule that outright says we can. With that said it’s always important to:
Communicate your discomfort
If you aren’t comfortable or you are struggling you are always allowed to say. ALWAYS. “I’m finding this way of offering tricky at the moment. I am still wanting to give offerings to you and I am willing to do it another way. Do you have an alternative?” BOOM it’s called communication and it is necessary in deity work.
“I am struggling mentally and am very busy right now deity, as you know, but I still worship and devote to you completely. Could you guide me through this time as I lessen my prayer and active work? My hard work and perseverance will be devotion to you.”
If you’d like to continue reading about this subject:
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decolonize-the-left · 9 months
Had a tik tok in my Facebook memories that said something about how with anti-maskers it ultimately comes down to them perceiving doing things for others as weakness since they grew up in a hyper-individulistic society. It's them exerting autonomy and refusing to stop under peer pressure, largely just for the sake of fighting something since that's a strength. A value. "I don't let others tell me what to do because I can't be controlled"
Made me think that everyone else bought into the same type of individualistic rhetoric through pop psychology: having "good" boundaries means never needing others and always putting yourself before everyone else regardless of circumstance and especially if they make you feel any feeling you don't want to feel. ...Like guilty for not caring enough to keep wearing a mask in 2023. That's a strength. A value. "I don't let others tell me what to do because I love myself"
The conclusion here being: being needed/needing others is a threat to your autonomy which is a Value to protect.
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And when you really think about it applies to more than masking; supporting BIPOC, watching the news, showing up to protests, etc.
"I'm already depressed, I can't handle it. I'm watching out for my own mental health by not participating"
"it's all woke which makes me feel like a bad person cuz Im a bigot so I only watch what validates my bias"
And personally I get a little suspicious when two sides defined by their opposite social values come to the same social conclusion.
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You should too. This rhetoric is holding us back. Individualism is holding us back. People need people. It's not toxic or abusive or manipulative to admit that, no matter how much society has tried to make you believe otherwise.
Oppressed people needing allies and your friends who need help moving aren't violating your boundaries or "bad for your mental health" just because You don't want to show up AND not feel bad about it.
Can the generation that grew up screaming "I don't know how to teach you that you should care about other people" at boomers please stand up and take a heaping tablespoon of your own medicine.
And then show gen z how to swallow it because growing up in the social climate we millennials curated online hasn't exactly inspired feelings of confidence in others or the future.
Both of which we still care about right? We still care about other people and the future? Not just ourselves?
Just want to confirm that we haven't gone Full Boomer as a collective yet cuz at this rate I wouldn't be surprised if someone responded saying that being expected to care about their friends is akin communist dictatorship
And could this be a Red Scare Psyop meant to discourage you from finding community, collectivism, and mutual aid in a time where your hyper-individulistic behavior and beliefs are being exploited for record breaking profits in the name of capitalism?
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pumkinsyrup · 1 year
I’m so glad there are people are taking creator’s boundaries seriously and calling out gross behavior as quickly as it has been.
What sucks is people forget that these new online series people follow are being made by individuals and not big companies.
This isn’t like the Cuphead,BATIM, Baldis Basics etc era anymore. It is no longer companies/studios that are making these series these are individuals artist in our community that just want to show us their hard work they made and for us to love it.
So your nsfw/stolen shit isn’t something a company won’t likely see cus if they’re company related bs or whatever. These new creators, the ones where it’s a one man show and has more time to see how the community responds to there project? Yeah they’re more likely to see what your posting. They’re gonna see the gross art and writing you are making and sharing publicly.
I’ve been also seeing some people being apologist to these (nsfw) artist or saying “You just have to prepare for a. b. c!!”
For one if your telling people who are making nsfw content to keep going after the creator says to stop then please block me/dni I don’t want you on my page, as an artist myself my characters are very important to me and the last thing I want to see is someone drawing nsfw content of them without my consent.
Second, if you are trying to justify why these things are happening and “it’s gonna happen anyways”. Uhhh no. This isn’t your project, you are not the creator. If you (the creator) don’t want to see NSFW of your characters then that should be it. No “it’s gonna happen” it shouldn’t in the first place. A creator is allowed to set up boundaries for there work, that means if they don’t want NSFW content, no NSFW content. They don’t want to have others sell and make profit from there work? Don’t sell anything relating to that work.
TLDR: This isn’t like the cringe 2017 era, that nsfw piece you made based off of a new project? Yeah the creator of said project probably saw it and doesn’t like it. Listen to project’s creators and don’t be a dick
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cy-cyborg · 25 days
I've been getting some comments lately so it's time to establish a boundary.
If you come onto my writing disability posts (or really any of my posts, including ones on my art account) to make unwelcone sexual comments about me, my disability or the disability im talking about in that post, you're getting blocked. If you leave those comments in my ask box, you're also getting blocked (because yes, even if you're anonymous, you can still be blocked).
I'm not here to shame, you can be into whatever you want to be into, as long as you're engaging with it with consenting and informed adults. I do not consent. End of story. My comment section on a post educating an audience that often includes minors about disability representation is not the place to tell me what you want to do with my stumps, your character's stumps or even your own stumps. Keep it to yourself/between you and the other aforementioned consenting and informed adults.
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snakeautistic · 2 months
Finding it hard it hard to connect to children my age, I sought validation from adults in my life, particularly my teachers. It was very important to me that I be the favorite, and often I was (depending on the temperament of the teacher- my witticisms and tendency to speak to adults with no greater level of respect than I would to other kids was only appreciated by some.)
I was bright, I was a little odd, and adults found this very charming. I would hang around my teacher at recess, cracking jokes and asking questions. It helped that I found classwork easy, and worked harder on it than I had to in an effort to impress. In some ways I considered these adults genuine friends, and of course it made me feel a little superior and mature to be able to talk to grown-ups so fluently.
This has had a weird effect on my ability to engage with authority figures now. I find myself acting in a way that’s probably seen as a inappropriately causal if I genuinely like a teacher. I lose my filter- for example I accidentally swear when I shouldn’t in the setting, I push things a little with offbeat humor, i show them funny pictures on my phone, generally I talk to them like they were my friend. I try desperately for them to think I’m smart and witty. I think about it afterwards and I sometimes have that feeling where it’s like… oh fuck I was trying way too hard and I looked ridiculous didn’t I. Or- that might have crossed the line for what I should say around teachers. But in the moment I’m enamored with the prospect of making someone I look up to laugh. Of being seen as an equal, or a favorite.
I guess it’s an attempt to make up for the social validation I get less often from people my age. It’s probably not entirely healthy and I wish I knew where the boundary between being genuinely charming as a student and socially unacceptable is.
And that’s not even touching on the weird overlap this has with my attraction to older women
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jamiebluewind · 1 month
Shubble and Wilbur situation
This is a post compiling links to all the information on the Shelby Grace aka Shubble (formerly lilshortysgs, she/they) and William Patrick Spencer Gold aka Wilbur Soot (formerly SootHouse Wilbur and current lead singer of Lovejoy, he/him) situation that I have found. I tried my best to keep my language neutral and put all the data in one easy to look through place so that everyone can see it and make their own decisions (I also attempted to reblog most of it myself so that the version linked is frozen to the one that existed when I read it). I've included a post with the public reactions of content creators, which - while decidedly not neutral - show the public reactions of a lot of people who knew one or both of them at the time.
That being said, I'm one person. I probably missed plenty of stuff and there is most likely new information that has came out since I posted this, but I tried my best with what I had while also sick with bronchitis. The post I personally made on the subject is linked at the very bottom (I wanted to be as transparent as possible).
Anyway, here is everything I've gathered.
(Also, for anyone who is still learning English, bias in this case means something that sways opinion one way or the other)
The re-upload of Shubble's video on YouTube (Post where video was taken from is at the bottom of this post due to containing the opinion of a tumblr user)
Post that describes Shubble's video in text form for anyone who can't watch the video
Note: Text concerning the video is fairly neutral and accurate (other than Wilbur's name being used which was not stated in the video and was revealed later), but the last paragraph at the bottom contains @mysticalblue09 's opinion as someone who does not personally know Shubble or Wilbur (as far as I am aware), so be mindful of that.
Link to Wilbur's appology on Twitter/X
Post with image of Wilbur's appology and a compilation of reactions (bias warning). Original post by @raixkim with additions by @galaxyempire-lilith (both all verified by me) and myself (all images save a link to one reaction and embedded video of another)
Note: I went through various minecraft roleplay wikis and former and current members of Lovejoy and added as many screenshots as I was allowed to in my reply (image limit) on March 4th (then I got to sick to finish the post). This is only to show how people in their circle at the time and former and current Lovejoy members publicly reacted to the news and not to gossip or shame someone for what they did or did not say. (Also, I genuinely attempted to find public posts by someone who knew one or both of them that was supporting Wilbur or even not supporting Shubble to keep my addition neutral, but I found none on my own after going through multiple discords and over 70 Twitter/X profiles, so I had to eventually give up)
Shelby's full statement on Wilbur's apology (just images)
Direct link to it on Twitter/X
Below are links to a couple how tos, links to posts by tumblr users that contains personal bias, and my own post on the topic. These things are all by people not directly affiliated with the parties involved. While most of them are not actively combative, most show some level of bias towards Wilbur Soot/Gold. I put all of them at the bottom because I wanted readers to make up their own minds without being influenced by my opinions or the opinions of people not connected to Shubble or Wilbur. Hopefully by this point, you'll know if you want to read more or stop here.
My personal reaction
Ideas on what to do with merch from things you no longer like/want to support by @elfchaos
Bands similar to Lovejoy by @st4rryskiescO
Tip: You can block an artist on Spotify mobile (some sites say it doesn't work on desktop) by going to the artist profile, clicking the 3 dot menu, and selecting "Don't play this." As of this time, I could not find a similar feature on Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, or Pandora other than individually disliking songs.
The post I found the Shubble video embedded in with a list of what @proudfreakmetarusonniku felt they learned during the video
Post that contains the opinions of @mor-starz on Wilbur's influence going forward. Includes a link to a video that summarizes everything (video wasn't linked in the previous section because while it is the closest to neutral I found, there was still bias in the video and thumbnail)
A post with reactions of Wilbur's reddit community and some of his mods by @megastrangeskeleton
Since then, all twitch mods have been removed/unmodded by Wilbur as well as the bot that linked to charities. According to multiple former mods (including kalli which can be found on twitter/x), someone made a new account on May 1st that is a Simpson's reference (jebediahspringfield12345), followed Wilbur, and was modded by Wilbur within minutes of following, leading them to believe that Wilbur made an alt account (named after a show he's known to enjoy) and then made that account a mod to avoid getting banned for having an unmodded account.
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elminx · 4 months
Elminx's Boundary Spell (My Side/Your Side): December 2023
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Note: This is not a very beginner-friendly spell. I apologize for that. There are a lot of working pieces that need to be here. Does that mean that you can't cast this as a beginner? Of course not. If you think you have a handle on what it involves, go for it.
This spell is designed to create strong boundaries around yourself for the holiday season of December '23. We are harnessing the power of the magic word "ABACADABRA" to create boundaries and a clear delineation between what is "yours" and what is "not yours." This spell relies heavily on folk magic, candle magic, and numerology but can be adapted in any way that suits your practice. It can be used to create a very generalized boundary or used surgically to keep away the acts of a particular individual, organization, or family system.
The Basic Elements of this Spell
This spell is designed to harness the intense energy of the many Saturn transits we will experience throughout December 2023 to form a protective boundary. Saturn, as one of the seven planetary powers, is available to all people on this planet. You can work directly with Saturn for this spell (making it folk magic, candle, magic, numerology, AND planetary magic) or not. That is up to you. If you wish to do this magic working directly with the planetary energy of Saturn, I suggest you do so on a Saturday, during the hour of Saturn, or on the day of one of our many Saturn transits. You do not need to leave an offering to work with one of the planetary powers, but I suggest doing so.
This spell uses the magic power of the word "ABACADABRA" to both create a forceful magic boundary and to decrease the influence of what you are working to remove from your life.
This is done by writing the word itself, either in increasing letters from A to AB to ABA and so on until you spell the full word "ABRACADABRA" in the creation of an upwards-facing triangle (to create or bring something towards you) or in decreasing letters from ABRACADABRA, and then ABRACADABR until you are simply left with A in a downwards-facing triangle (to decrease or rid yourself of something).
Like many types of folk magic, there is no clear origin to this word though it has been sourced to at least the second century. You will find many theories of its meaning, but I want to challenge you with a different idea: its meaning doesn't matter. The magic of this word isn't in its meaning, it's in the numbers.
ABRACADABRA is an 11-letter word.
When we are additively creating something we start with 1 letter A and add 10 more to create our final product of "ABRACADABRA".
When we are removing something, we start with the word "ABRACADABRA" and remove 10 letters to create our final product A.
I wrote about the basics of numerology recently. One of the applications of numerology is that we can work forward from 1 moving to a high number to bring something towards fruition, and can work backward going from a higher number to a lower to remove something. Note here that as I mentioned in my post, ABRACADABRA magic uses numbers from 1-10 (like the tarot) rather than the base 1-9 I talked about.
In this way, the word here "ABRACADABRA" isn't essentially important and any word could work so long as you use the basics of this spell. You could use the word "Boundaries" if you wished.
For the purposes of this spell, we will stick with the word ABRACADABRA as it has a long and storied association with magic, and that has uses as well.
When used specifically with a target in mind, this spell has a lot in common with cord cutting. You could choose to add a cord between your two candles and make this spell a cord cutting if you wish. The reason that I don't do this is that would make this spell more flammable. Please use fire safely.
The Spell
You will need:
2 Candles* Candle holders (optional) Banishing or Protection Oils (optional) 1 fire-safe plate or tray for candle burning A piece of paper and pen, or chalk makers to draw on plate A notebook or piece of scrap paper Black Salt - See Notes 1-4 Stones - See Notes (optional) Herbs or curious specific to your intention (optional) Tag locks for your target (optional)
*depending on your situation, many different types of candles may work here. I suggest free-standing candles so that you can read the wax, but use what works best for you. You may wish to use a figure candle to represent yourself and use any color associations that work with your practice
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Brainstorming Get a pen and piece of paper and figure out what you want to remove or create boundaries around for this holiday season. You may know immediately what this is, or it may take some thought. Do you want to ensure that your father-in-law doesn't sexually harass you? Are you looking to absorb less energy from the people you have to encounter in your work environment? (I'm looking at you retail workers...I'm so sorry) Do you want your needy neighbor to leave you alone?
Prepare your ingredients. This can be simple or complex depending on your process and traditions. I give a lot of optional things that you can add to this spell to individualize it your needs. Keep in mind what you just brainstormed above - what is the outcome you want out of this spell? If you want protection at work, add in a way to bring this spell to work with you - perhaps in a bottle you keep on your desk or as a sachet you carry in your pocket. I would also suggest making a small batch of black salt specific to this working - you can start with a base of culinary black salt if you have it (the sulfur certainly adds an extra oomph), but regular salt will do here as well. Write what you want to be rid of (John S. Doe or my workplace's Full Name) on a small piece of paper and burn it down to ash. Mix the salt, the ash, and other botanicals that provide protection or banishment to create the black salt for this spell.
ABRACADABRA The first step in constructing this spell is the writing of our magic world: ABRACADABRA. Your final product should look like the graphic above ^^^ with the full word in the middle and two triangles stretching to the top and bottom of your space. If you can, write on your surface using dry-erase markers or chalk. If it's not possible, you can use a piece of paper. You want the full word ABRACADABRA to be the center line in your working space. Note: This spell (we are really and truly doing spelling here, folks) takes up a lot more space than you think it will. It is 21 lines, to be exact. You may get the spacing wrong and have to start over. It's okay. We've all been there. Ideally, because we are working this spell Away from ourselves, you would want to start writing from the top of the "page" - starting with A, working all the way to Abracadabra, and moving back to A. This may not be possible for you because it can take a lot of spatial awareness to get the ABRACADABRA in the middle this way. If you need to write that first and work your way out to both A's, that will work fine. We will also add in the movement part of this later in the spell.
ADD YOUR CANDLE TO THE PLATE Setting candles is a personal process that can vary among different traditions. In a way that works best for you, I suggest becoming better acquainted with the candle you will use to represent yourself during this spell. This can be done in many different ways. You can carve your name and date of birth into the candle. You can rub the candle over your body to absorb your essence, breathe life into it, charge your candle with energy, and let it sit on your altar; the possibilities are endless. If you have a skin-safe protection oil, you can anoint both the candle and yourself to create a strong sympathetic link. The process can take as little or as long as needed. Note: one of the reasons that I suggest using a figure candle that you find to be representative of yourself here is because I personally find it easier to complete this step in a candle working when the candle looks like me Once you become acquainted with your candle, put it in the A spot at the TOP of the ABRACADABRA drawing. This is very important. You need your candle to be on the "MY SIDE" of this spell working. You want the energy to be increasing towards our magic word ABRACADABRA. Note: But Minx, there are other ways that you can turn this spell. No, this is a spell - literally spelling. We are deep in letter and word magic here. It needs to be read in the way that we are taught to read, left to right and top down. If English is not your native language and the above doesn't apply to you, that might be a sign that this is not the right spell for you. In this way, this spell is fixed - that is what is Saturnian about it.
LIGHT YOUR SIGNIFIER CANDLE Again, you should add your own magic here. However you do this, make this a power moment for you. You are in charge here. You own your own boundaries. Up until this point, we were in the creation phase of this spell and the above steps could be done in any order. From here on out, we are casting this spell. Each subsequent step should follow quickly.
CREATE YOUR ENERGETIC BOUNDARY Using your black salt, create a line across the word ABRACADABRA on your plate. This is the basis for your energetic boundary, a physical representation of the line between "My Side" (what you are bringing with you through the holiday season) and "YOUR SIDE" (all that other stuff you want to keep out). What you put here is what you will likely want to put into a spell jar or sachet to carry this magic during the month ahead. This doesn't just have to be black salt, I like to add volcanic stones to further ground my boundary into reality. This is where you should add the stones if you are including them in this spell. If you want to charge a type of charm or jewelry with the energy of this magic, you can place it in the center of the Top/"MY SIDE" half of the spell. (Consider putting it into a dish of some kind to keep it away from potential wax spillage) Really focus here on building your boundary. You can do this by speaking aloud, affirmations, energy work, or any other way that suits your practice. You may wish to say the word "ABRACADABRA" aloud after you have finished this step. DO NOT CONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT STEP OF THIS SPELL UNTIL YOUR BOUNDARY IS SOLID AND COMPLETE.
CREATE AND PLACE THE OTHER CANDLE The big thing here is that you should tag lock this candle to the things that you are keeping out of your life. You can use names and dates of birth, business names, business cards, or anything that piques your fancy here. If this is a general protection spell to keep other people's shit at bay you can write "YOUR SIDE" on the candle. You can add a banishing oil here if you would like. Place the candle on or near the bottom A spot on the "YOUR SIDE" half of the spell. It should be below the line of your boundary. THIS IS IMPORTANT. See above.
LIGHT AND WORK YOUR CANDLE SPELL This is the kind of spell that I think benefits substantially from the caster using their words to power this spell. After you light the candle, talk about what you have created a boundary against. If you are protecting yourself from a particular person or group of people, address them. If you are doing general protection, you can address the candle itself or the planet Saturn. It doesn't have to be long-winded or eloquent. You definitely can write a rhyming couplet if that's your thing, but a few strong words straight from your heart are fine, too. Depending on your environment and the type of candles you use, this spell might burn out quickly or require days to complete. Please practice safe candle practices and extinguish your candles if you will not be present. If you wanted to use numerology to boost this work, performing the ritual for 4 days (for the structure of Saturn and our 4 sided drawing) would be appropriate.
As written, this spell is intended to last from the time you cast it until at least 1/1/24. It could last longer. Unless you write an end date until this somehow, this spell will last as long as you are upkeeping it somehow. That said, I am not intending for this spell to be upkept - this spell is designed specifically to protect you during the holiday season which ends on 1/1.
I suggest keeping this spell intact until this date. There are multiple ways to do this. You could keep your tray out on your altar through the rest of the month. You could keep a portion of the boundary salt in a spell jar or other container. If you have charged a charm, that will carry the energy of the spell. After 1/1, dismantle the spell and cleanse your objects or space. When you eventually dispose of this spell, you can do it in any fashion that works well with your practice.
There are as many ways to make this spell your own as there are people who cast spells. You can work more closely with Saturn energy by using days or the week or planetary hours, as mentioned above. You can use petition papers, prayers, oils, herb blends, and anything else that you incorporate regularly in your practice. You can include your deities, ancestors, or familiar spirits.
I want to touch on a few ways that I can see to alter it for specific situations.
If you are using this spell to banish a particular person, I would immediately collect the remains of the "your side" candle and put them into a small spell jar with additional banishing components and dispose of this jar off of my property. I would personally use a public trashcan, perhaps in a space of public transit to show that I would like them to move AWAY from me.
If using a spell like this to banish, I find it especially useful to do a wax reading on the "Your Side"/Target candle to see how successful the spell will be. Note here if the wax from this candle moves towards or crosses over the black salt boundary. Some people are very persistent and will need stronger magic than this. PROTECTION OF THE SELF
I touched on this above, but I wanted to reiterate this here. If you need to bring this spell with you out into the world (when you go to work or to a holiday party) - BRING THE SPELL WITH YOU. Take a small bit of your boundary black salt and seal it into a small bottle or wrap it in a piece of cloth to make a sachel. Alternatively, you could charge a charm with this spell and bring the charm with you. PROTECTION OF YOUR HOME
This can take on a couple of different forms. If you work from home and need protection over your devices to keep out people's unnecessary shit, try charging an object that you can keep next to your computer or device. (something that you can wear on you while you work might work here, too) If you are inviting people into your home from the holidays, you might wish to take your protective black salt barrier and line the doors to your home with it. (Under a welcome mat works perfectly for this) You can instruct this barricade to do nearly anything - remove unnecessary negativity for anybody who crosses over it, as an example.
Yeah, I know, it's a taboo word these days, IDGAF. Some people need energetic protection from other people's emotional spew. That's just the way it is. Whether it is actual psychic empathy or unhealed hypervigilance, the end result is the same. This spell absolutely can help with this. I don't think that it's a good long-term solution, but I know from personal experience that the holidays are rough for HSPs. I highly suggest using lava stone (porous basalt) as a part of your energetic barrier if you are struggling with this. This is entirely my UPG but lava stone filters impurities out of water and I have used it effectively to filter out unwanted emotional input on many occasions. In this case, I would use the lava stone in the barrier and then carry it on me for the duration of the spell. I must reiterate this though: this is a stopgap and will not make you better at handling overwhelming emotions or emotional output from other people in the long term. Use it sparingly because it can dim your emotional input overall which has other yucky side effects.
I really hope y'all find this helpful. Though this spell is drawing on our strong Saturnian influence during the month of December, it could be used at any time with or without Saturn's influence.
Do you like my work? You can support me over on Kofi.
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zenitsumybelovedsimp · 8 months
can you write about reader and zenitsu hanging out but zenitsu does something reader is uncomfortable with and reader sets boundaries and zenitsu and super cuteand respectful about to and its wholesome? Ty and if not that's fine 🫶🏻
A/n: Ahh, I love this!! Sure thing. your wish is my command! Thanks for the request anon.
I also wanted to clarify that this is pre-relationship.
______________________________________________________________ It was a windy day, the breeze made the trees sway continously.
You drew circles on the ledge you and Zenitsu sat on.
You looked at the fluffy clouds, that complimented the vibrant blue sky perfectly.
You smiled as the clouds invited imaginative interpretation. You, looking at one that had a similar shape to a fox.
Zenitsu glanced at you. Looking at your soft smile.
You looked so cute, he could just...
He suddenly snaked his arm around your waist, as an innocent attempt to get closer to you.
He didn't realize you took it in the wrong way.
You flinched at this gesture, as you escaped from his grasp.
You whipped your head at him, his smile still innocent.
You sighed.
"Zenitsu, we should have a talk." You said.
"Oh? What is it Y/n-Chan?" He exclaimed.
"Sometimes, you do some things that.... make me... uncomfortable."
"-And, I just wanted to know if we could create some... boundaries?" You stated.
"I just felt like I needed to establish that."
He looked slightly perplexed. He never would have thought that his actions have been making you uncomfortable.
"Of course! Im sorry that I've been making you feel like that, what can I do to avoid your discomfort?" He tilted his head slightly.
You spent that afternoon compromising on what he could and couldn't do.
He looked a you attentively as if to make mental notes.
You though it was super cute.
He eyes sparkled like brut rose champagne, as he hung on to your every word.
"Is all of this okay..?" You questioned.
He was taken aback. "Of course its okay! And I'll make sure to always be more considerate to your feelings and comfort zone. Sorry if I have caused you any pain." He looked down at the rock hard ledge.
"Thank you." You said, slightly nudging his arm.
He simply hummed in response.
His hair, much like a dandelion, flowed in the wind, as he looked upon the sunset.
Thinking of you.
Hope you liked it!! If you want a re-write or did not like how it turned out, don't be shy to drop another message ^ ^
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fatswampthing · 2 months
I did some pretty scary standing up for myself today but at this point if someone tells me I need to "toughen up" about workplace bullying I'd rather just quit.
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thoughtportal · 1 year
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cherryipg · 5 months
Using some Free Cam mods I break the boundaries off of NASB2! In doing so, I discovered that there are actually TWO APPAS! Come watch what else I discovered!
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If people choose to be bold with their disrespect, you can also choose to be bold with your boundaries. You will continue to attract what you continue to tolerate. Start setting your self worth and let people know that there are consequences for everyone's actions towards you.
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bubblyaquarium · 4 months
Just realized we never really talked about our boundaries, so here's a short list!
::Flirting: hard no ::Banter: yes! we love playful banter, as long as we know each other ::Ask who's fronting: sure! some of us might not want to disclose but 9/10 times we're pretty open about it ::Ask to front: mostly yes, but some of us (Buttercream, Chaos, Breeze, and Deliliah) will not. we can't always switch out on request, so don't get mad if we aren't able to plz and thank you ::DM: yeah ::Info dumping/rambling to us: yes please! we love to listen to people rambling ::Asking about our system/specific alters: we enjoy talking about ourselves so yes! some of us are more private, so it varies a bit ::Asking about our personal life: no, we won't discuss anything too personal especially our trauma, partially for privacy and partially for our own comfort
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xanaxlollipop · 2 years
Hard to swallow pills #5
A person's free time sometimes does not correspond to their availability. Your time is yours and you're not a bad person if you want to use it for yourself.
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