#both in the monetary sense and the mental-energy-expenditure one
redshiftsinger · 3 years
not-very-researched, preliminary hypothesis which may or may not be total junk:
The associative link between autism and being transgender is in some way related to the way that a brain forced to function on a hormone balance it is not optimized for handles the processing of sensory information.
Supporting evidence: anecdotal reports from a lot of trans people who go on HRT, that sensory changes are part of the experience, and particularly, that regardless of which direction a person is transitioning, they consistently report liking the mental/sensory effects of HRT, indicating that it is not that a particular hormone has across-the-board sensory effects one way or another, but that brains can be optimized for a hormone balance that is not necessarily the one that the body they get to drive naturally produces.
(yes I would love to hear more anecdotal reports on the topic from primary sources)
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