#big fucking eh cause like it's like lighting a fire and not realizing it's burning you
elk96 · 10 months
A Battle Of Ideals 4
Part 4.
Pairing: Chris O' Doyle( Free Fire) x female OC
Warnings: graphic description of blood, wounds, some violence, swearing cause that's all they did in that movie, enemies to lovers kinda?, h/c, English is not my first language, and I don't have any medical knowledge.
Word Count: 1752
She didn’t close her eyes once that night, taken away by dilemmas and thoughts that trailed far. Chris on the other side fell asleep immediately, as if he didn’t worry about tomorrow. He was better, but still bad. One light kick on his side and he’d fall on the floor moaning.
He wouldn’t moan. Not Chris.
Amara began her day the moment the first light shone on the horizon. She couldn't decide if she wanted to be there when the whole meeting would take place or not, but her feet were moving thrice as fast-she was practically running the whole time. On the agreed house, she found the letters which she then transported to the opposite side of the town. One thing was certain in her mind: those…feelings she had developed for him were doing her nothing but good. She had to type the number four times before she got it right, and the words came out weird. It felt a little as if she was drowning, heart beating fast, this weird pressure caught in her throat, that reached her mouth too.
The moment she put the phone down, she sprinted home-she almost got run into twice while crossing the street. From the outside, the house seemed quiet. Amara jumped over the wooden fence, for her hands were too clumsy to open the bolt
Falling on the half-closed door, she slipped on a thick line of blood that trailed to the end of the corridor. Her brain parted ways with the heart as she landed in front of Chris on the kitchen floor. The blow that fell on her back was sharp, burning, but as she knelt on the floor, her hands found Chris’s body protectively.
It was a fucking chain. The goddamned man had taken the dog’s chain from the neighbors to do this.
“Get out of the way”!, her -partner, practically-, shouted and found Chri’s ribs from the side.
It was then that Amara showcased the one ability which had led her to where she was now: she transitioned from breathy panic to complete lack of emotions in just one second. If she wanted this to work, she’d have to be tactful.
“This won’t help”, she said as she stood up with a small nod. “You won’t convince him like that, I tried telling the others, but they insisted”.
“Get out of my way woman”.
“As you want, but you wipe the floor afterwards”.
“So what do you propose, Amara”?, the man said sarcastically. “That I pet his face and beg him to help us? Perhaps I’d suck him off eh? If you haven’t already”.
To be honest, it seemed like even breathing too close to him would hurt. Chris was clinging to the kitchen table for support, his ribs and back bleeding-and yet, she noticed with some admiration, his eyes were looking at the man. Defiantly.
Amara decided it was just the right time to lie. Her eyes burned with anger.
“I’ve been doing this job, working with these men, for five years now. If you know better how to break them, be my guest”.
“The orders I got was to come here and help him out a bit”, the man said after realizing he was talking to a real agent, despite her looks.
“Well, the orders changed. Go talk to the big boss if you want. We have found a better tactic. One that will ensure he is kept alive”.
The man eyed her suspiciously for a little while longer before leaving the apartment, dragging the heavy chain with him. God it hurt. It felt like she’d fallen off the third floor or something-and if she felt like that…
“Chris, how are you”?, she asked anxiously once the mask was not needed.
“What new tactics”?
“I’ll tell you later, come now”.
Amara helped him climb on the wheelchair, and then on the bed. Taking his ruined clothes off, she realized she hadn't come early enough. His flesh seemed to be ripped in half, bones broken.
“It’s worse than it looks”, he rasped out weakly.
“I’m sorry I was so late”.
“What am I supposed to believe this time? Why am I kept alive now”?
For reasons I will never tell you. “You know the drill, this will hurt”, Amara said instead, pressing the alcohol dipped cotton on his latest wounds.
Chris was making it seem so much easier than it fucking was, she couldn’t help but whine when the cotton snaked on her back. She instinctively jerked away, but his other arm wrapped around her waist.
“I’m not as good at this as you”.
“I won’t give you opportunities to practice. I was terrible to you too”, Amara added after some thought.
“Girl, what new measures have you taken”?, Chris asked in a low voice.
Amara gulped loudly. She didn’t want to say it when he was close to her like that, when he could break her neck that easily, or even try to but the sooner the better, isn’t it?
“I’d heard you on the phone, that night in the warehouse. Talk to Sandy, about Brendan…And after-no! No, wait”!, she yelled after his grip tightened around her side.
“If you hurt any of them…”, Chris growled in her ear, but Amara felt a hot rush of anger rise to her chest.
“Have I spent all this fucking time here with you to just…You should trust me more-no, fuck off. Fuck off, what are we, fucking children”?, she said bitterly and got away from him. “They’ll be fine, your mother, and your bastard brother, they’re okay. They think they’re dead, but I made some deals, made them dissappear from the face of the fucking earth”.
Chris was left looking at her rumble in anger.
“I hope you’ll understand though, eh Chris? If I just don’t make a damn phone call, tell them the truth. I could get a bounty on my head for that. And it’s not worth it, is it”? No, of course it’s fucking not.
“I’ll be sleeping some place else-and these are fucking orders. You have three days to decide, otherwise your siblings and you, will be dead for real. Three days, and I’ll kill you myself”, she said and reached for the handle. “What would’ve happened, Chris”, she asked quietly before she left, “if I hadn’t emptied the gun that day”?
“Nothing”, Chris whispered, but she never heard him.
It was a newfound freedom, the one she had now. She had nowhere to return to, no one to tend to, even her duties had lessened. She spent her day in a small, old apartment as her last, the ones that were easy to find and didn’t bring any unwanted attention. The minutes counting to the due date were passing slowly, leaving her lost in thought. She’d done lots of the stuff during that time, think, and come in conflict with herself.
Above all, her parents had taught her to be a good woman-a woman with morals, and compassion. And after her sister’s death, after her parents fell apart, she found her way to do good in this world. To make an impact on people’s lives, not by giving a compliment or sparing a dollar. By saving their lives, and fighting for…peace?
Can someone fight for peace? Can peace ensue through killind, stealing data and blackmailing?
“So this leads us to a dead end”, she would mutter at nights, staring at the ceiling.
A man was arranged to look after Chris-or rather, make sure he didn’t escape or bleed his life away, but on that crucial morning, Amara found the kitchen empty, and the bedroom door closed.
Chis was sitting at the edge of the bed, despite her fears.
“Hey girl”, he said in his gruff voice, eyes shining unprompted.
“So what’s your final decision”?, Amara asked blankly.
“My mom and Brendan”?
“They’ll be fine. I don’t know where they are, but they are not dead, and not looked for”.
Chris shook his head. “Good”.
“You still don’t want to betray your psychotic friends”?
“No, Amara”.
So that was it, the end. The end of all of it.
“You remember I have to kill you”?, she asked, taking a gun out of her jacket pocket.
Her arm trembled as she aimed at him.
“So…that’s your way of making the world better? Killing me? On their behalf”?, Chris whispered. That wide eyed, sincere look had returned to his face, but she wouldn’t let it affect her this time.
She pulled the safety off.
“That’s my answer, yes”.
“An answer is not always the right one”.
“I’ll have to find my way out of this dead end then”, she said, her lips trembling despite the stillness of her voice.
“What if I told you that I’m in a dead end too”?
“You’re a dead man Chris”.
“I would be, without you”, he answered, standing on his feet, and a loud ‘Careful’!, escaped her.
She kept the gun pointed at him, while he struggled to cover the distance between them.
“We’re both trapped in a life with no meaning-I saw it, I thought about it more than you think. I won’t betray them-can’t betray them. We’ve spilled blood and tears together. But I don’t want to spill innocents’ blood anymore”, Chris said slowly, reaching her. His hand wrapped around the muzzle of the gun, kept it steady against his chest.
“Let’s leave then, girl. We can go to Panama, or Yugoslavia, or God knows where, and we’ll start over”.
“Me and you”?, Amara asked sarcastically and shoved the gun deeper on his chest. A delicious whine left his lips, so she twisted his hand away from hers. “So you can go back to the IRA on your own terms once the storm is over? Or kill me at first chance”?
“You asked me to trust you, I ask you to trust me now”, Chris said firmly.
Amara shook her head, opened her mouth to answer, but just then Chris’s leg gave out, and he fell to the ground in a strong gasp.
The gun was now pointing between his brows, Amara’s self control coming in hand. It crashed loudly against the door, as Amara knelt down, to get him up again.
They both found themselves tangled in each other’s arms, breathing the same air, seeking comfort in the closeness.
“Don’t leave me now girl”, Chris whispered in her ear.
Her eyes closed shut , heart racing in her ribcage. She pressed her lips on his swollen jaw.
“They will be here any minute now. We have to go…”.
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featherfur · 3 years
Big Knife Meet Little Blind Ch.2
Xue Yang meets A-Qing before he meets Xiao Xingchen and decides he needs a disciple. Somehow he ends up with a kid, a heart, and an absolute mess of a cultivation world.
Warnings: Gore, Blood, Murder, Questionable Child Rearing, Xue Yang and A-Qing's potty mouth, Xue Yang isn't a good person and needs to get there, will eventually be SongXiaoXue
Read me on Ao3,
Read Chapter 1
Xue Yang returned home much more relaxed and even entertained the idea of taking his next day off to travel down to Yunmeng with A-Qing to let her try osmanthus cakes. She’d probably enjoy the river boats and he could afford a trip there and back if he annoyed Jin Guangyao into paying him early.
“A-Qing, are you still crying like a baby?” He called cheerfully towards the shack, kicking open the door and blinking when he found it completely empty.
The hearth was still cold and the soup from last night was gone so A-Qing had returned after he sent her off. The blankets for their bed were still made like A-Qing insisted on doing every morning, even the hidden pouch of money was still tucked in the jar of seasonings on the top shelf. Yet A-Qing was nowhere to be found.
Where the hell had the brat gone?
Had she run off because he scared her? If she could get over a fierce corpse devouring and murdering humans she shouldn’t be such a coward just because he got pissed and stabbed someone. It wasn’t like he was going to stab her. If he did that then he’d have to go through the trouble of finding another disciple and he liked his.
“A-Qing!” He shouted, mentally convincing himself that he wasn’t worried at all. After all, he could always get another brat right?
A second later the door swung open and he spun, Jiangzai already before him. Luckily for him, A-Qing was still much too small for his stab to be in her general area.
She collided with him forcefully and he was about to reprimand her when he realized she was clutching onto him.
“Eh? Why are you crying brat? Did you think I wasn’t coming back?” He snapped even as he sheathed Jiangzai and crouched down so he could look her over. She was fine beyond a few scratches and he rolled his eyes at her dramatics, he really should have killed her and grabbed an older brat. They didn’t cry nearly as much.
“Yang-ge, someone tried to break the door! They wanted to kill me.. They kept yelling for you. You weren’t here.” A-Qing sobbed, the irritation that rose in Xue Yang at her obnoxious crying was immediately flooded with the fury that anyone would dare scare his A-Qing. “You didn’t come home… I-I-I hid… I hid where you told me too. Then I heard you.”
Well atleast, some of his words had gotten through her thick skull.
“Who was it?” He barked, groaning when she just kept crying. He smacked her cheek and she blinked blearily up at him.
“Answer me brat, who was it?”
She shook her head, trying to tug herself closer to his chest and he pushed her back with a disgusted noise. She was covered in snot and tears and he didn’t want to have to wash his clothes so soon. It was disgusting and he liked to play with corpses.
She just snuffled loudly despite his glare and hold on her shoulders, still reaching out to him.
“I don’t know, I promise I don’t know.” She swore, grabbing hold of his forearms with a vice-like grip. It would have been impressive if she wasn’t so damn annoying.
Xue Yang stared at her, wondering if he could smack her again to make her shut up but she just blinked her white eyes at him with unwavering trust. An unfamiliar feeling built in his chest and he released his grip on her shoulders.
She rocketed into his chest with a fresh wave of sobbing, clinging onto him with a strength that surprised him. He fell back onto his ass, crossing his legs under him as A-Qing curled in his lap.
He pulled Jiangzai out as a precaution, wondering if A-Qing would panic like before. To his pleasant surprise, as soon as the blade was resting on his knee in easy reach she finally started to calm.
Her small fingers were tangled in his robes and he reached up to pat them in a move of comfort that completely surprised himself. Then again, he didn’t like breaking his own toys so treating them properly was the best way to make sure they survived. Even if he was confused by his own actions, A-Qing had started to calm and her obnoxious crying had finally ceased so Xue Yang counted it as a win.
Still, a steady wave of anger was still sliding through him. Someone had tried to break into his house and scared what was his. Even if her own clumsiness was what caused her scratches, she wouldn’t have had to run if it wasn’t for those bastards. They owed him.
Xue Yang was going to get even, tonight. He’d had a really bad day and it was time to make it someone else’s problem.
He waited for A-Qing to fall asleep before he moved back to his feet, keeping one arm under her so she could rest against his shoulder. With a child on his right and Jiangzai on his left he stepped out of the house and started to make his way around the house.
There were indeed footprints that weren’t from him, two sets in fact leading back to the local village. They weren’t familiar to him, but that just meant it wasn’t anyone from the Jin sect. There were plenty of others who wanted him dead or beaten black and blue.
He returned to the house to drop A-Qing off but she woke the moment he put her down.
“Yang-ge, are you leaving again?” She asked, her bottom lip wobbling and he poked her cheek to startle her.
“Don’t start that crying shit, got it? Yes I am, stay here.”
Rather than listening she just bolted forward to hold onto his leg instead.
“Yang-ge don’t leave me, take me with you.”
Xue Yang kicked her off, waving Jiangzai between them to keep her from trying again. Yet she still just wobbled back up to her feet with that stubborn streak that made him take her in the first place.
The temptation to give her a reason to fear Jiangzai was almost irresistible, a few more cuts wouldn’t do anything other than scare her after all. Xue Yang was good at swordsmanship, a few slices like paper cuts would be perfect for getting her to remember her place. He flicked the sword up with a twist of his wrist and was about to slice down across the reaching hand.
“You’re… going to kill them… right?” She said and Xue Yang paused long enough for her to grab his robes again and reach up towards Jiangzai. “Like earlier.”
“No, not like earlier. I’m going to kill them myself. Now let go or I’ll kill you first.” Xue Yang warned with a growl but she barely even blinked.
“Take me with you.”
That made him lower the sword with curiosity, tilting his head down at the dirty little brat he’d stuck in his house. There was a sudden panic in his mind, like when he’d come home to find A-Qing missing, at the idea of her being anywhere near murderers. She was tiny! He could kill her with a half kick to the head and she wanted to go with him?
“You left and it was scary.” She said simply, letting go of his robes to hold her arms up to him. “Take me with you.”
“Little Blind,” He said ignoring her scowl, “you do know I’m going to kill. Like the man before. You cried like a little bitch not even twelve hours ago.”
He remembered that she was roughly five when she just blinked up at him and waved her hands. Right. She’d watched last time.
The panic started to drain quickly and he shrugged.
Whatever. If she died then fuck her, he’d burn her corpse or bring her back for his experiments. Oh that was an idea.
He hummed to himself as he bent just enough to swipe her legs out from under her with his arm and leave her perched on his hip and elbow.
If she died she could make a wonderful little subject to see about finally recreating a conscious corpse like the Ghost General. It really was too bad that he was completely loyal to Wei Wuxian, Xue Yang could have used a babysitter.
“If you start crying I’ll leave you in the chest cavity after I break it open.” Xue Yang threatened her and she just gave him that same confused blink. He scoffed and grabbed a cloak to toss over her and made his way out.
He was going to have to fix her poor vocabulary soon. She was great at playing a beggar for a kid, but she really missed the point of his threats and that wasn’t going to stand.
“Do you remember what the bastards sounded like? The ones who came looking for me,” Xue Yang added irritably when she continued her blinking habit. That jogged her memory and she nodded, looking out towards the approaching town.
Night had already started to fall and the last rays of light were quickly disappearing as lanterns were lit instead. Xue Yang grumbled to himself as he realized the footprints would soon be invisible but he couldn’t risk putting A-Qing down for a fire talisman or to sheathe Jiangzai even for a few seconds.
“He… He sounded like the… the…” A-Qing pouted as she tried to remember and Xue Yang suddenly understood why people found kid’s cute. If she wasn’t so annoying, A-Qing would be adorable for a little stray, she was just like a cat that never shut up.
“The pig man!” A-Qing finally declared happily, smiling at Xue Yang and lost the adorable look when Xue Yang just felt annoyed instead.
“I thought you said you didn’t know who they were.”
“I don’t. One of them sound like the pig man… He wasn't the pig man.”
Xue Yang jerked his arm to make her squeal in fear of being dropped. Then he realized what it was that she was saying.
“You mean he has the same accent as the butcher?”
Right, Xue Yang thought as she blinked blankly at him, she’s five she doesn’t know what accent means.
“You have the ugliest face.” He finally told her, grumbling when her thin fingers shoved into his cheek.
“Yang-ge don’t be mean to A-Qing.” She admonished like it was bath day and not a trip to kill a man.
“Okay brat, I get it, keep your hands off my face or I’ll bite them off.” He snapped his teeth in her direction and she retracted her hands quickly with puffy cheeks and pouty lips. The second time wasn’t nearly as adorable but when she reached to wrap her arms around his neck again he let her without question.
Honestly he was waiting for her to fall asleep on his shoulder so he just evened out his footsteps and made his way through the back alley’s to the butchershop.
“Don’t make any noise unless I tell you too.” He warned, waiting until she nodded that she understood before he finally stepped behind the shop itself.
The candlelight wasn’t very bright so Xue Yang slipped closer, peering through the window at the small group. At first he only recognized the butcher himself, then he realized he did know the other two.
They weren’t anyone important but a few years ago Xue Yang had gutted their sister for smacking him, he hadn’t realized he’d been seen at all. They must have been hunting him since then and only just now caught up after he got stuck long-term in this damned town. He would have to clean that up eventually anyways.
Talk about two birds with one stone, he thought to himself and turned to lower A-Qing to the ground.
“Are you going to help me? Or do you just wanna watch?” He whispered and she shrank down against the wall of the house before reaching out to pat the hilt of Jiangzai. “Good girl, wait right here for Yang-ge.”
He straightened with a grin, patting her once on the head before sliding open the door silently and strolling through.
“Hello you two, I heard you were looking for me.” He chirped excitedly, holding up the well-known blade. “Really, you could have just left a note.”
“You.” One snarled.
“Xue Yang.” The other said and Xue Yang rolled his eyes, chuckling at their posturing.
“Don’t dirty my name, I’m rather fond of it.” He hummed, almost seeming to glide over the floor towards them as they stumbled back. “Actually, let me correct myself. You should have just left a note. Then I’d maybe be able to bring myself to be a bit merciful, Jin Guangyao’s been teaching me all about it.”
“Will you just- Shut up!” The butcher’s voice joined the mess and Xue Yang glanced at the knife he was wielding.
A loud laugh bubbled up as he saw it, swinging Jiangzai to point at the taller one.
“You really think you can do anything to me?” In response the knife came flying at his head and he sighed softly. A simple lean was all that was needed to leave the blade well out of range of his head and it struck the wall behind him instead.
“Now, I need a volunteer.” He said with another step forward. “See, my kid’s still new to all of this but she needs to learn, so who wants to help me teach her the different arteries to cut? The other two I’ll kill a little faster.”
“You killed our sister, after we kill you we’ll get your little brat and return the favor.” The youngest brother yelled in outrage, brandishing his own sword. It wavered in the air almost shaking as much as his owner was.
The smile disappeared from Xue Yang’s face and he flashed forward. With two strokes blood spurted from the two others’ throats. He left only the youngest to cower with a scream that was silenced a moment later when Xue Yang’s fingers grabbed his tongue and with a single slice was tossed behind him. The wail was easily stuffed out with a handful of the bastard’s own robes, forcing them down his throat until he choked and gagged.
“Found my volunteer.” Xue Yang pulled him to his knees by his hair, waiting impatiently for the neighbors knocking to cease. When no one answered they dispersed with mumbles about rowdy visitors and summoning the guards to complain.
Xue Yang dragged the man through the bloody mess on the floor, glancing back at the corpses with a mournful air.
If only I hadn’t brought A-Qing, then I’d have two new subjects to play with.
He hummed as he stood in the middle of the room, realizing that this was one of those moments that Jin Guangyao had told him about. Ones where Xue Yang should have planned better before jumping into slaughter.
He wanted to take his time and teach A-Qing a thing or two, but the bastard crying on the floor had warned everyone. If Xue Yang brought him back home to teach, then he’d have to deal with the smell of blood in his house and the potential of Jin disciples finding the body.
Jin Guangyao should be proud, Xue Yang thought proudly as he dropped the man on the ground and promptly sat on his stomach, I’m thinking it through and everything.
“A-Qing, come here.” He called, waving her forward and holding his arms open to tempt her even further. As expected, she bolted into his arms without a care for the carnage around her.
“Good girl, now, I’m going to show you this trick.”
A-Qing flinched slightly when the man they were sitting on wailed against the robe. Then she scowled and leaned over him to smack his cheek like Xue Yang did to her earlier. This one was much harsher than Xue Yang had been but it still managed to make the man freeze.
“Good girl,” Xue Yang cheered, the vicious mood from earlier seeming to dissipate as he squeezed her cheek. “Very good, now, listen to Yang-ge.”
A-Qing nodded her head rapidly as Xue Yang moved over the struggling man to trace a nail over his carotid artery with a rather proper explanation of death by exsanguination if he said so himself. He followed the man’s neck down to his windpipe, explaining how to slice it properly. The man still writhed so Xue Yang clamped down on his throat, squeezing it until the body spasmed and stopped moving.
“And that is choking. Don’t worry about that right now, you’re too tiny to do it.” Xue Yang said, tilting his head to listen to the slow moving footsteps of whatever the villagers had managed to gather for a guard to check. He sighed, resigning himself to bringing her to one of his experiments later and scooting her off to stand.
He twirled Jiangzai, humming to himself as he felt its blood lust, and held it against the unconscious man’s neck.
“Well? Do you remember what I just taught you?”
A-Qing glanced back and forth between the two of them with visible hesitation. Xue Yang supposed this could be a little fast, she’d only seen her first murder earlier in the day after all.
I’ll read those damn child raising books when I get home, maybe I should wait until she’s atleast six before committing human murder. Jin Guangyao said that was harder for most people to do.
Even as he planned to kill the man himself, A-Qing’s hand moved to Xue Yang’s and held the hilt of Jiangzai. She pushed carefully until the sword was just over the artery just like Xue Yang had taught her, then she plunged it forward.
Her white eyes were glowing with fascination as blood bubbled around the wound and, when Xue Yang pulled out, the way it sprayed before Xue Yang covered her from it with his black sleeve. Still, she moved to peek over his arm when it finally stopped spurting over them. She blinked in her curious way at the corpse then scowled over at Xue Yang.
“Your robe is all dirty. It’s bath day.” She said seriously, just like Xue Yang would say when he came home to find her filthy.
Xue Yang was in such a good mood he could only scoop her up as he sheathed Jiangzai and laugh as he skipped to the door. He paused midway through and bounced back to grab the purse on the butcher and the package before bolting as the acting guards started to bang on the door.
“Oops.” He hummed, looking around the alley before kicking off to land on the roof next door. Perhaps he didn’t think things through like he thought he did.
Whatever, He slipped the purse into his robe and started back towards home. He jumped on three more houses before deciding that was good enough and leaping to the ground to walk the rest of the way.
“Yang-ge?” A-Qing said sleepily against his shoulder. “Can I go to work with you again?”
“Sure, kid, I’ll bring you again later.” He hummed to himself, cheerfully waving the package of whatever he’d stolen through the air. He debated on chucking it against a tree just to see its contents but A-Qing’s sleepy snuffles distracted him instead.
She’d done so well already, this disciple shit really was working out a lot better than he thought it would. He was surprised she hadn’t even sobbed but then again, he hadn’t cried after his first kill either and he was only two years older than her then.
He glanced down at her as she promptly passed out, completely comfortable and safe in the arms of a murderer.
So this is why people have kids, they’re actually kind of cute when they listen.
He would have to figure out something about leaving her alone in case other enemies showed up, but maybe if he dug at the Ghost General enough he would finally get that ghost babysitter.
He almost turned to head towards the experimentation compound but a single glance at A-Qing’s sleeping form made him turn back towards home.
That can wait until tomorrow, A-Qing needs more sleep than me.
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jeeperso · 3 years
D&D Quotes Without context
Miscellaneous Edition, for those quotable lines from between sessions
"All I wanna do, is fork a giant woman! A giant woman!" "Jonni, I'm pretty sure she is some type of undead, probably a vampire. Are you sure that is a good idea?" "If I don’t get turned into a blueberry it won’t be my worst date." "Okay, but if you have to defend yourself just don't burn the place down for once." "Oh, Nyx. Sweet summer child. I never make promises we both know I won’t even try to keep." "Jonni, if I wake up to my bed surrounded in flames again I'm short-sheeting your next bed every night for at least a month." "I know you're trying to score here, but Lady Dimitrescu's daughters are literally vampires AND bugs. I can overlook one, but as a Paladin, it is my sacred duty to burn this place to the ground and stir the ashes."
"We don't let Marshall make breakfast anymore." "Those waffles are well-fortified." "I'm going to be charitable and call it hardtack." "We can use these waffles as melee weapons." "Well if we need to deflect siege engines they'll be good to have." "This is still carbon based and digestible by human systems without any poisons." "I can't serve this. It'll cause ... death." "Marshal we've been over this. This Pizza has 10% less of a lethal amount of grease." "Plus they signed the waivers when they bought a ticket. It's fine." "And don't forget to push the Cakeon." "Cakeon being slices of cake wrapped in bacon." "The special sauce is a mixture of mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, ranch, horseradish, cheddar cheese, sour cream, and anything unfortunate enough to fall into the mixing vat."
"You do have a copy of the legal code I requested in my letter? As landed gentry you should actually have legal avenues to... I'm sorry did you say Burning child?"
"First I'm going to nail a crossbow bolt through your heart. Then I'm going to mount your balls to walls on opposite sides of this chamber." "I need Three Barrels of Butter" "Are you serious? Those Claws could crush an elephant in full plate!" "You're Right!" *Turns to first person* "We might need more than three barrels of butter."
"So Ioun is the patron of poor college kids. that scans "
"its hardtack or a mug of molten cheese-fried... something in a woven mug of bacon. your choice."
"Welp, all this coke ain't gonna snort itself..."
"Right hand me that dress and the bail money. I'll get Jonni." OOC: Well I mean they allow men in the city. Its just no men live in the city. "I stand by my statement. I'm allowed to look pretty every now and then." OOC: And dragons are the most unprejudiced lovers of anyone after bards.
OOC: Well I mean come on, its Ravenloft: saying a place is of death and madness is like making the observation the day ends in y. "Going out. Getting laid." "Jonni, she’s a werewolf." "Going out, forking a werewolf." OOC: Well Lycanthropy isn't usually sexually transmitted. Its just that Mercedes is a biter. OOC: ...I don't have an appropriate response to that.
"You seriously think I’d turn on my friends for a pile of gold?!?" "sigh I’ll show you my tits. "Hot damn, let’s get these murders done!" "No, Jonni, stay good. Besides, there are plenty of other girls who will do that without asking you to murder us." "Hmmmm… this is the moral quandary of my life…" "I’ll give you five bucks." "Scales tipped!" "Phew, I thought I was going to have to cover her next trip to the topless bar." "No, no, I have the bail money right here."
Nyx: So what’s the inside of Jonni’s head like? Edmund (with thousand yard stare): Imagine every ladies only smut magazine you’ve ever heard of going on forever into infinity while everything is on fire. Food was good though.
"It’s cool. They stole it." "And you know this how?" "Magic." “90% of Ravenloft deaths are mysterious vanishings.” "Why does everything come out covered in glitter and … is that …" "Lube. I’ve got a few theories." "Please don’t share them."
OOC: This is a plan that ends with Strahd having fewer brides, his castle is in flames, and he’s lost his cape.
OOC: Our team consists of a horny pyromancer, a gnome who can fillete you in five seconds, an HP lovecraft protagonist with actual magic backing them up, a literal slab of iron with a face, and a guy with a "I went to the eternal city of Ryleth and all I got was PTSD and this lousy T shirt". Gorbash smashing his shield into their face: "Have! You! Considered! Therapy!" OOC: Good news is you guys will no longer be the most conspicuous guys at the masquerade now. Jonni: Challenge accepted! "Nyx, the bounty on stealing his fake mustache is still on."
"Vanilla is the king of flavors. What does it say about society where vanilla is considered just 'regular'?" "That they have a lot of vanilla." Lash: "Don’t you want wishes?" Jonni: "Do I need wishes to get to see you naked?" Lash: "No?" Jonni: "Fuck ‘em." Vesh: "Oh dammit its my arranged fiance." Pit Fiend: "Milady." Vesh: "An extra wish to whoever punches this douchecanoe in the nards." Jonni: "I wish…for Bigby’s clenched fist of nard punching."
Soth: "Oh, gods, why am I on fire and why is Immigrant Song playing?" Jonni: "Take a guess." Hazlik: "Okay, so its a partridge, stuffed inside a chicken, stuffed inside a duck, stuffed inside a turkey, and the whole thing is fried on a stick. Congratulations, that's the most horrible thing I have ever seen, and I once crossbred an elephant and an owl." "I give him the 'itis, and we run like we stole something." OOC: ...weirdly Curse of Strahd has stats for Strahd zombies but not Strahd Skeletons. Or Strahd's skeletal Steed. Strahd once went to a branding seminar hosted by Bane and it changed his life.
"Are we on a high enough floor that if I throw him through the window he'll be killed by the fall?" "Oh, but when I say stuff like that it’s all 'Jonni, murder is wrong.'" "When they say pick your battles they don't mean to pick all of them. That's too many battles Jonni. Put some back." OOC: He's technically already got a symbiote. OOC: They can get married. Gorbash: "I'm increasing the rent." Venom: "Can I keep the pool table?" Gorbash: "I'm not a monster." Giant Brain: "Jonni… I have summoned you here for… WHY AM I ALREADY ON FIRE! PUT ME OUT! PUT ME OUT!"
"Hello We're the party-crashers. This is Jonni, she's here to steal your women and burn your shit down. That's Nyx, she's going to repatriate certain items from the premise. Marshal over there, is here to studiously ignore our shenanigans. This is the New Guy. He seems pretty chill. I'm Gorbash... and I have been distracting you."
"Will you walk into my parlour?" said a spider to a fly. Jonni: "Hold up. Trying to sex a spider." Nyx: (throws her hands up) And then Jonni wakes up with a spider venom hangover webbed to a wall waiting to be eaten. Jonni: "Eh, I’ve had worse one night stands. I’m not a fucking blueberry." OOC 1: Hey, where does your weed elf grow [her] crops? OOC 2: She probably just grows them in the room she hasn’t paid rent on. OOC 3: Because I was also considering a circle of spores druid tortle. OOC 2: We could be partners! We could turn this into road to el dorado staring Cheech and Chong. OOC: Wait, I just realized five people are hanging out in a pirate bar, and none of us are rogues. We are gonna need someone to get thieves tools. OOC: We have a barbarian with a big stick.
"Are we Foxhound now? Blunderbuss Octopus." OOC1: You want to put the stoner in charge of food. OOC2: Eyup. OOC1: I see no way this can go wrong! OOC3: We need the four basic food groups. Beans, Bacon, Whisky, and Lard. “We pray to Almighty Darkseid! Give us a sign! Thumbs up, for the triumph of the human spirit! Thumbs down to begin the everlasting reign of darkness!” “Where did you find this guy?” “Me? I thought you hired him.” OOC: Yup, nature, arcana, history, investigation and religon at +6. MJ got baked and watched the Discovery Orb a lot. Tordek: "But we have a cleric, Jozan, over there." Strahd: *sigh* Snaps fingers, and suddenly one of Strahd's brides sucks Jozan out the window, cue screaming. "Oh look, you suddenly have an opening, how fortunate." Tordek: "We also have a druid...." Vadania: "SHUT UP, TORDEK!" Edmund: "I think the first order of business may be to discuss your Human Resources strategy..." Strahd: "I have a guy for that too."
"When someone as smart as him talks with himself, it's not crazy...They call it monologing." "I thought it was soliloquy?" "No, soliloquy is when you're talk at someone else when your talking to yourself." "Most people would run from a demon, you run towards it to study it." Professor: "THIS IS ABSOLUTELY FASCINATING! A FROGHEMOTH, AND RIGHT UP CLOSE, IT WILL BE AMAZING TO SEE THIS PERFECT KILLING MACHINE IN ACTION." OOC: Also note the Professor is Lawful Good, Archie is Chaotic Good, so collectively they balance out to Neutral good. OOC: That's good. "The incinerations will continue until morale improves!" “You never incinerate the women!” “Because I’m fucking them!” “I… was not expecting you to be so honest about that…”
"You got what you wanted....but you lost what you had...." "Yes, I'm familiar with how capitalism works."
OOC: Dragons are like, “That’s Krandor the shiney. He only fucks other dragons. Weirdo.”
Gorbash: "D'awww, so tiny... perfect size... FOR PUNTING!" *boots tiny mind-flayer into the horizon*
"Dracula hasn't been spotted in almost recently. Whats he gonna do, destroy all we know and love like he definitely can?" "... my god you people are too stupid to live." "What are you doing in my house?" Gorbash: "...well Edmund has been reading your books, I've been sorting through your armory, Nyx and Irost has been going through your other shinies, Marshal has been cleaving anything monstrous that gets too close, and Jonni has been lighting things on fire to stave off boredom." Gorbash: "Okay Marshal, Jonni. Rock, paper, scissors over who gets [to kill] the bishop."
Jonni: "Did you really think this would make up for what you did?" Nima: "I… killed everyone you grew up with." Jonni: "Yeah, and I’m still not forgiving you for what you did to Eddie." Nima: "I am missing some key context here…" Nima: "Also I committed identity theft on you by having my new undead army tell everyone you are running the show." Jonni: "Oh, no. You’ve fooled the boar tribe. Who still haven’t figured out shitting in a hole." Nima: "Yeah I noticed that. I ruined two pairs of shoes attacking their camps."
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ask-them-bois · 3 years
A King and His Soldier, part 2/3
(Okay, well. Zeruki appeared ahead of schedule. Let’s figure out how the hell that happened.)
-AgressiveUndead began trolling GlitchingVampire!-
AU: Blxlit.
GV: AlMMawt.
AU: …
GV: … lMMao hi.
AU: Hello.
GV: What do you want?
AU: I need you to find someone for me. Ribbit.
GV: Oh yeah? Who? And also, why should I care?
AU: Xre you fxmilixr with x boy nxmed Ursidx?
GV: I think so? It sounds faMMiliar.
GV: oh.
GV: wait…
GV: ….
GV: Yeah I know that naMMe.
AU: I thought xs much. How do you know him?
GV: … I knew hiMM from the CoMMpound. He was the engineer MMy… designs… got sent to. He was, like, MMy assigned partner.
AU: I need you to find him. Ribbit.
GV: Why.
AU: Becxuse I need his xncestor on my side, before Mxddel cxn get him. Becxuse I know who his xncestor worked for, xnd I’d much rxther hxve them both on my side. It’d mxke this whole thing x lot exsier. Ribbit.
GV: I have no idea what you’re talking about dude, lMMao. But the answer is no. I’MM not gonna go find someone froMM the coMMpound. I blew up those bridges a long tiMMe ago.
AU: …
AU: I understxnd thxt, but I xsk you to reconsider. I wouldn’t xsk xt xll if it wxsn’t importxnt, Blxlit. Ribbit.
GV: What’s in it for MMe?
AU: Wow, rexlly?
GV: You realize what you’re asking MMe, right? You want MMe to go find soMMeone froMM a place where I was literally IMMPRISONED and ENSLAVED. A place I BLEW UP. What if he turns MMe in? I’MM a wanted robot, MMusrio. I can’t just get in contact with the Fleet like it’s no big deal. So if I’MM gonna do that, I want soMMething in return.
AU: …
AU: Blxlit, under thxt childish, prxnkster personx of yours, you’re quite… xstute, xren’t you? Ribbit.
GV: Bitch I built war machines. I MMake robots and eXXplosives. I’MM hella sMMarter than you take MMe for. I’MM hella ass-toot.
AU: Xstute.
GV: Ass-toot.
AU: There’s thxt childishness I wxs spexking of. Ribbit.
GV: lMMao
AU: Fine. Whxt do you wxnt, then?
GV: ... I don’t wanna say yet.
AU: Why?
GV: Because I’MM not ready for you to pay off the favor so fast. Having a zombie wizard at my beck and call? Who the hell would pass that up?
AU: I’m xn undexd necromxncer. Ribbit.
GV: Ass-toot.
AU: Ugh. Fine.
GV: Good.
GV: I’ll find your guy, AlMMawt. But you’re gonna owe me big for this.
-GlitchingVampire ceased trolling AggressiveUndead!- -GlitchingVampire began trolling SoldieringSkybear!-
GV: Hey you.
GV: Are you still alive?
GV: Been a while, huh.
GV: If you’re still in the city, MMeet me on a rooftop, okay? We need to talk.
-GlitchingVampire ceased trolling SoldieringSkybear!-
Corden closed down Trollian and spun around in his chair. Once, twice, and he jumped up, catching the chair before it knocked into the desk.
“Batmom, I’m gonna go out for a bit. You wanna come?” He spoke to a large meow-beast tower that stood next to the desk. After a moment, a very small bat poked her head out, golden eyes blinking sleepily.
She squeaked, and with a flutter of four wings, lighted on his shoulder.
“Cool.” Corden made sure to pocket his knives and a handful of gadgets, before he left his respiteblock. Jumping down the stairs two at a time, he stopped at the bottom and glanced around. “Ken-ken?” He shouted.
“Yo?” Makeno looked up from where he was laid on the lounge-plank, scrolling his palmhusk, hair still damp from a shower.
“I’m going out for a bit.”
“M’kay. Be safe.”
“No promises.” Corden snickered, extending two fingers as he walked past. Makeno reached up and connected two of his own fingers to Corden’s.
“Pale for you, Cordy.”
“Pale for you, too.”
Corden stepped outside, rolling his neck as he headed down the walk and made his way to the city proper.
Once he was among the towering hivestems and workhives, his tense shoulders loosened. The buzz of the city hummed in his ears, hyping him up until blue and red sparks were dancing along his horns.
He roamed the streets for a while, a vague plan beginning to form in his head. He paused on the sidewalk and craned his neck back, looking up at the soaring buildings. “If there’s one place to find him, it’d be up there, huh?” He asked Batmom.
She chirped, and he nodded thoughtfully. Turning, his cape swishing, he marched into a nearby alley between a hivestem and coffeehive. With a burst of psionics and a jump, he landed easily on the fire escape that went up the side of the hivestem.
The smell of the coffeehive’s garbage bin in his sniffnub, he quickly scaled the fire escape to… well, *escape* the smell. The higher he went, the bolder he became, his psionics swirling around him to keep him from falling if he slipped. His hair began to stand on end from the energy alone.
Wind blew it back from his face as he neared the top of the ninety-story hive. He vaulted over the lip of the roof and landed easily. Standing up straight, he looked around; it was a clear night, and from the edge of the building, he could see across the whole city. He stared at the millions of lights, almost entranced by their glow.
Across the city, hidden by the towering buildings between him and it, was the burned out, collapsing remains of the compound. The place he grew up, worked, and lived for the first sweeps of his life. The place he blew up, leaving virtually no one alive, in a daring attempt to escape. No one, save one person, who he’d sent a single message before it went up in flames.
Corden sat on the edge of the roof, dangling his legs. All he had to do now was wait, so he allowed himself to indulge in his memory files. He slid one hand over the back of his shoulders, where he could feel the tips of the scars that marred his back.
“Still don’t know why they thought flogging a robot was a good idea. All it did was tear up my exo-skin.” He said to Batmom. The tiny bat only trilled in response.
Corden sat there for a good half hour, watching the city as he got lost in painful memories. Finally, however, he heard the telltale sound of several jingling bells as someone vaulted onto the roof behind him.
“Ayyye, it’s the Cordy-bordy-robo-bro! Wassup manbot? Dude it’s been like- fucking sweeps huh? Fuck yeah man, whatcha been doing since the compound went-” The newcomer made several vocals to indicate explosions, before he laughed, his loud voice amplifying his thick lisp.
Corden held in a sigh as he got to his feet and turned to face them. “Nice to see you again, too, Engineer-class Fleetman Zeruki Ursida.” He said formally, his posture suddenly stiff as he swept into a low bow.
Zeruki stared at him like he’d grown a second head; at least, Corden thought he did. It was hard to tell with the hair. The tealblood’s tail lashed, sending the bells jingling vigorously.
“Oh, so we’re being all form-fit-finessed here, are we? Fine. Nice to see you, Gold-Station #315.184.514, Bloodline: Blalit.” Zeruki stuck out his split tongue in disgust, “WTF man, I don’t do that,” He blew a raspberry, “shit unless it’s with the ssssssuperiors. You and I are buddies, ain’t we?” He clicked his tongue, his tail bobbing and jingling again. He tugged on the lip of his helmet, nodding to Batmom, “Hello, missy ma’am.”
“Are we?” Corden repeated, his voice flat and emotionless.
Zeruki shrugged, bouncing on his toes. “I dunno. Sure. Yep. LMAO. Anywaysies, what didja message me for? I thought you never wanted to see me again, after you,” he waved a hand vaguely, making more explosive vocalizations, “ya knoooooow? After you killed all our buddy-bros and left me to clean up the mess.” His expression soured for a moment, before he was grinning again.
Corden frowned; he wasn’t sure what the meant. “I didn’t want to see you, but a… friend, asked I find you again. He needs you for… something.” He explained.
“Ah, dope. Totes. Uhhhhhh, he wouldn’t happen to be an olive dude? Real skinny, looks like a doritos bag? Got soda-cola-pop for hair?”
Corden frowned. “No… That sounds like Oliver, though. You haven’t been talking to her, have you?”
“Eh, meh, kinda, no.” Zeruki snickered, his tail shivering and jingling. “They approached me after I left the base a few nights back. Told me they wanted to talk, and started going off about some magicky-tacky-spooky stuff. Wanted my blood so he could meet some doctor or ssssssomething. No idea what that was about, so I bounced. Now your dude wants me, too? Didn’t know I was so famous.” He grinned with a mouthful of crooked teeth.
“I don’t think it’s you they want. They want your ancestor. But believe me, my dude is on the right side here. I can give you his Trollian Handle.” Corden pulled out his palmhusk and did just that.
“Freaky-deaky, dude-bro-bot, buuuuuut… I dunno if I’m down for this shit. I’m just trying to keep my skull off a threshcutioner’s sickle, ya know? I’m barely making it as an engineer, duder, I don’t need to get caught up in any of this shhhhhit.” Zeruki shifted his feet, frowning.
“I don’t know, but okay. Just give Musrio a message. I’ve done my job, so I’m going home.” Corden pocketed his palmhusk and turned way.
In a flash, Zeruki was at his side, his tail surprisingly dexterous as it wrapped around Corden’s metal wrist. “Yo, hold it up, brody-Cody! You just gonna hitch-snitch and ditch like that? Maybe I’ve got a message for you, too!” He said sharply, before looking down at the metal hand. “Yoooooo, that’s new.”
Corden wrenched his arm from the quad-horned troll’s grasp, before he raised an eyebrow. “A message?”
“Yeah-huh. Uhhhh… what was it.” Zeruki screwed up his face in thought, before he perked up, his tail wagging and chiming. “Oh yeah! You remember Fallen? The freaky-deaky-spooky dude who patrolled the compound sometimes, ‘cause his ancestor ran the place? He’s out, dude. You’ve got a mory-dory-morail right? They had history or some shit, didn’t they? Exes, or something?”
Corden stepped back, alarmed. “How do you know all that? Ken-ken never talks about his ex.” He demanded, one hand reaching for the knives at his side.
“Aye, dude, I got freaky ears, remember? These bitches hear everything!” Zeruki slapped the side of his helmet for emphasis, before he flinched, “Ow. LOL. Anywhoodle-doodle, he’s out of confinement again. Back on the streets, you get it? His daddy-oh paid his bail or whatevs.
Fallen is fuckin’ nuts, man, I’ll bet nothin-touchin’ he’s gonna come visit Makey-dakey-sharky-chef. He’s, uh… what do those weeby-dweebs call it? Yonder-wander. Sssssunder-thunder. Whatever, LMAO, one of those. He’s got a bone to pick with Faslet, and a general lack of a thinkpan. So…” He sucked air through his teeth and blew another raspberry, before popping his lips. “Yeah. Watch out for Fally-bally.”
Corden stared at him, before he nodded slowly. “Okay, I’ll let Ken-ken know.” He heaved a sigh, stepping back. “Thanks, Zeruki.”
“Yeppers-peppers, Cordy-bordy-bro-bot.” He rolled his R’s, and made a buzzing sound. He raised an arm and rolled his glove forward, checking a device wrapped around his wrist. “Oh, brrr, I gotta get home. Mama’ll be wanting dinner before sunrise.” He snapped a two finger salute to Corden. “Until next time, bro-bot!”
With that, he turned, ran for the edge of the roof, and leaped off, shrieking, the fuzzy end of his tail the last thing to disappear from view.
Corden rolled his eyes, walking over to the edge of the building and looking down.
Zeruki was not a smear of cyan on the pavement, but instead a blur, bounding between the walls and roofs of the skyscrapers and buildings like a free-running character in a videogame.
Corden faintly heard him shriek again, cackling manically.
“He’s nuts.” Corden told Batmom, who chirped in amused agreement. “Guess we should go home, too, huh?”
Corden shook out his hands, a burst of psionic energy rocketing across his body as he stepped off the other side of the building and made his way home.
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puckngrind · 4 years
Skating Lessons part 28
Summary: Josh and the reader head to lunch to discuss summer plans.
Warning: swearing, discussion of abuse
Word count: 1834
Series Masterlist
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“How about Quinn?”  Josh moans into your ear before the sun was beaming through the blinds.
“Huh?”  You shift our weight to face him.  
“I love that my parents named us all the same letter but I’ve run the through all the M names and I’m not sold on any of them let alone multiple names.”  Josh’s hands roam your mid section while you brain wakes up enough to process what he’s saying.  Then it clicks.
“WHAT?”  You whisper yell and start to sit up.  “Josh, are you talking baby names?”  The smirk on this face said it all and he pulls you down into his chest kissing your temple.
“Yes.  Why did I just get that response Baby?”  His voice was deep and seductive which was distracting.
“I’m not pregnant Josh.”  You try to pull away.
“I know but down the road I’m hoping we will be.  Plus, I just have a lot of time on the road and it’s one of those things I’ve been thinking about.”  His face firmly planted into your hair and arms keeping you in place.
“And our non-existent children’s names is one of those things you’ve been thinking about?”
“Yup.  Future children (y/n).  Future not non-existent.”  
“Pretty confident there Mr. Anderson.” You chuckle and tickle his side.
“I am but they can wait until you are Mrs. And...” he doesn’t finish his statement and pulls your lips to his.  “Let’s get Mason to your parents and we can start with lunch out then talk out summer.”
Mason bounced up to the door with Josh before you even shut the car door.  He was excited about his day with his grandparents.  With kisses and hugs you were off to lunch.  Josh picked one of the fancier patios you would never agree to if he asked.  You grumbled as he shut off the car.
“Let’s talk summer.” Josh shoved a large amount of salad into his mouth.
“It scares the shit out of me.”  You look down at your plate pushing around your salad.
“Why Babe?”  Josh’s hand reaches out to stop your fork.  “Why does summer scare you?”
“I’ve run scenarios in my head J.”  You whisper and look up at the puzzled look on your handsome man’s face.  “And...and...and...holy shit.”
“(y/n)?”  you hear Josh but your eyes are locked on a familiar face walking down the street behind him. “(Y/n), Babe?  Hello?”  Josh follows your eyes behind him.  
“Fuck.”  Squeaks out of your lips and you feel all the blood draining out of your body.  
“(Y/n)?  What do you see?”  Josh tries to follow your gaze again.
“Mason’s dad.” You are barely whispering.
“Mason’s WHAT?” Josh whispers back.  “Where?”
Your finger points down to the shop a block away wishing that your eyes deceived you.  “Josh...I...I...I haven’t seen him since I was eight weeks pregnant.”
“You what?  You’ve never told me that before.”  Josh’s hand comes across to meet yours and he squeezes.
“He signed the TPR before he headed to who the fuck knows where.”  You sink into your seat.
“You are going to have to explain that Babe.”  Josh rubs his thumb along the back of your hand.  “If you want.”
“Termination of Parental Rights.  He told me he wasn’t ready to be a father and he signed papers just in case I actually gave birth and left town.  I didn’t mind because I was blind to the abuse until later.”
“ABUSE?  He hit you?”  Josh snarled through his teeth.
“Verbal.  Not physical.  I was his verbal punching bag and I took it because I didn’t know better.”  You trail off.  “Because I didn’t know what love was suppose to be.”
“Fuck (y/n).  I’m sorry.  I don’t know why I’ve never asked and sorry isn’t even the right word.”  He stands and moves to sit next to you.  His arm snakes around you and you lean into him.
“You don’t have to say sorry for my dumbass ways that led to Mason not having a father at all.”  You feel the weight of the words and the moisture building in your eyes.
“Baby.”  Josh kisses your forehead and you wince because out of the door you haven’t stopped looking at comes your past.  Darren.  Mason’s father.  The man who’s eyes stare at you from your sweet baby boy’s face every. single. day.  You try to forget and you usually do until Mason gets mad and you see it and your stomach drops just like it is now.  “We can go.”  Josh pulls you in as close as he can.
“No, let’s finish lunch.”  You look up at him and attempt to smile. 
“Well, well, well...if it isn’t my past right before my eyes.  Hi (y/n).”  His words drenched in hate and sarcasm and the smug smile spread across his face.  Mason’s eyes looking at you through his father’s.  
“Hi Darren.”  You manage to squeak out and you feel Josh’s arm tighten behind you.
“And is this the big shot hockey player my sis says is playing daddy to my boy?”  Darren’s eyes land on Josh.
“No.  You don’t get to call Mason your boy.”  Josh barks out before you have a chance to say anything.
“Oh, a little feisty huh?  Or is it eh where you come from?”  Darren bites back causing Josh to stand fists clinched.  He moves to place himself between you and Darren.  “Oh, (y/n), you got yourself a protector here?”
You stand up behind Josh and place your hand on his forearm as you slide next to him.
“No Darren.”  You hiss and squeeze Josh’s forearm again feeling his veins pulsing between your fingers. “You don’t get to come here to my city and play your damn games again.”  Darren laughs tossing his head back and snapping it forward.  His eyes burning holes into yours.  The abuse flooding your brain.  The hurtful words he said when he found out you were pregnant.  The way he threw the termination papers in your face while heading out of town for what you thought was ever.    
“Your city?”  Darren scoffed.
“Yes!  HER city.”  Josh teeth gnash together.  “I don’t know why you are here but this is the last time you will see (y/n) again.  You hear me?”  Josh’s finger presses into Darren’s chest.  “If you see her or Mason at ALL you will turn the other way.  Mason does NOT need to see you, know you, or have anything to do with YOU.”  Josh is remaining surprisingly level headed even with the words coming out of mouth with his jaw clenched.  “Because you don’t deserve them.  You walked away.  You chose yourself over them.”  Josh pulls you into his side.  “Are we clear?”
Darren’s smug expression returns to his face and he backs up and josh’s hand falls.  “You don’t have the right to make those decisions.”  He laughs.
“Actually.  I don’t but those papers you signed and this woman right here that you left do.”  Josh speaks slowly to make his point heard loud and clear.
“You aren’t his daddy.”  Darren folds his arms and doesn’t stop staring at you.
“No...I’m not.”  Josh starts.
“No, he’s his Josh and the best thing that has ever happened to me and Mason.”  You have this fire that explodes.  “Now we need to get back to our lunch and you need to get the hell away from me.”
“I’ll leave you to your hoity toity lunch.  Too bad my offspring wasn’t here too.  I’ve only seen him in pictures.”  Darren takes another jab and starts to leave.  You go to sit back down and Josh lurches forward in Darren’s direction. 
“Actually Darren.”  Josh’s interview voice comes out of his mouth.  “I should thank you.”  Darren’s eyebrow shoots up.
“Thank me?”  Darren questions.
“Yes, because if it wasn’t for your dumbass ways I wouldn’t have met (y/n) and realize what love was. Plus I get the privilege to of knowing the coolest kid under the sun.  So thank you for realizing you couldn’t handle what I can.  I’m incredibly lucky.  Now leave so I can finish treating my woman to the lunch she deserves.”  Josh spun on his heal and didn’t wait for Darren to respond and sat down next to you.  His lips desperately find yours and you deepen the kiss.
By the time Josh releases you Darren is long gone.  “How about we take this to go and head home?”  Josh kisses you again and you nod in agreement.
“So summer.”  You shove the cheesecake in your mouth sitting on the couch.
“Nope.”  Josh tries to take a bite off your fork.
“No?  That’s why Mason is with my parents.”  You look over to Josh.
“After our encounter, our discussion of summer plans can wait.”  
“Josh.  I’m fine.”  You flick Josh with your foot.  He grabs it and pulls you into his lap.
“You are not and that’s okay.  You know what I said to him was completely true.  Plus, I’ve never wanted to punch someone off the ice so bad in my life.”  Josh’s lips ghost your pulse point.
“The my city thing?”  You lean into his touch.
“No, the fact that you and Mason are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I’m thankful he was a coward even it it meant you had four hard years alone.”  Josh pulls you further into his chest.
“You’ve been the closest thing to a father that Mace has had you know.” A tear starts to fall down your cheek and Josh brushes it away.
“(y/n).  I’m not his...” Josh starts and you kiss his lips gently.
“You are his Josh and I’m thankful he has you to learn how to be a man.”  You whisper.  “Because Mr. Anderson, you are one damn good man.”
“Oh yeah?”  Josh pulls you up so you are face is inches from his.
“And you protecting us was sexy.”  You kiss down his jaw and he clenches.
“I’ll protect the two of you until the day I die.”  Josh’s hands make their way to hold your face.  “I love you and Mason with every fiber of my being.”
“We love you too Josh.”  You kiss his neck and he moans.  “Could you support us if I quit my job?”  You run your hand over his collarbone kissing down up his neck and you feel him swallow hard.
“Yes.  Wait.  What did you say?”  Josh shakes his head to register your question.
“I asked if I quit my job and make this leap and fully rely on you, can you support us?”  You look deep into the sea of blue as they dart back and forth searching your eyes.
“Are you saying what I think you are saying (y/n)?”  Josh’s eyes search yours.
“I’m asking if you can support the three of us?”  You smile as you see Josh’s face light up.
“Yes.  Yes.  Fuck yes.  Does that mean...”  You kiss him passionately.
“Yes Baby.  That means.”  Josh scoops you up and carries you to your bedroom.
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@fantasticallyfoolishidea here is the official attack.
Magic and Destiny had always been bullshit. That didn’t stop those forces from occurring in the world, occurring around Geralt of Rivia, but it also did not make it any less a load of bullshit.
(Horseshit, Geralt had decided, painted a rather unflattering picture toward Roach. Emotional state be damned he cared for that mare.)
So, of course, Magic, which Geralt was a common bedfellow with, used to his advantage, and Destiny, which. Geralt held grudge against like no other, fucked Geralt over. They did so by fucking each other and having a baby and calling it Soulmates. If Geralt’s internal monologue was running a foul mouth today, well, he could hardly be blamed when Destiny and Magic’s child was taking its lineage from Destiny and ruining Geralt’s carefully established routine one misstep at a time.
Soulmates were considered ordained by some. Destiny’s way of pointing a clear path to someone whose soul your own would be so intertwined with you would be as one. This was not always a romantic partner, but more often than not those who were soulmates grew happy and old together. Geralt chagrined at that thought.
Some thought Soulmates a poor man’s excuse for why people could not see. As it so happened, in a world of Destiny, Magic, and Soulmates, one could not see in full color until one had realized one’s Soulmate. It could not be as simple as meeting them. Magic was never that simple and it seemed Soulmates did take that from its other parent. Geralt had begrudgingly seen the world in greys and orange in his childhood.
It was quite an unexplained phenomenon. The world was painted with values of black and white with one exception. A major scholarly debate was whether the color you were born with the ability to see was indicative of yourself or your Soulmate. As it stood, the world was undecided. Soulmates, like Destiny, and sometimes like Magic, was something that you did not question. It merely happened to you.
Geralt’s sight had been taken when he had become a Witcher. Instead of eyes that could see orange, Geralt saw the world in all of its hues. Animals and certain creatures, creatures that were considered without souls, had no Soulmate and therefore saw the world as it was. It was a blessing and a curse to see the world at its face value with his cat eyes.
He had never considered its merits or demerits until he had intangled himself in Yennefer’s web. That powerful sorceress was someone he was drawn to, felt himself open up more to, however regretable the circumstance. He might not have liked to believe in Destiny, in Soulmates, but he did believe in Magic. Magic was who he was, who Yennefer was, how he survived. Perhaps, since Yennefer too had her vision filled and her fertility taken in that gruesome process, they both needn’t worry about Soulmates.
Then the damned mountain happened.
Accusations about wishes and things that Geralt saw quickly spiral before his eyes had flared and soon Geralt had lost not only Yennefer but Jaskier as well. That bard had sung his name, granted him way in towns where his reputation alone had not. That same bard had thrown him into every Destiny filled encounter. His Child Surprise, Yennefer... had it not been for Jaskier, Geralt would only face Magic his mistress and not her distasteful wife nor their bastard child. It seemed now Geralt had worried about neither as Jaskier’s eyes, wide and grey, burned into his vision as he tried to sleep. Dammit, it was the time before the djinn all over again.
For all the running from Destiny and Soulmates that Geralt had done, it seemed those two had quickly caught up to him. Destiny, his Child Surprise, running to him not far from the farmhouse of the man who had saved him. Cirilla of Cintra, asking who Yennefer was, Geralt’s own confusion. As if all of these things had not been enough as if Destiny still had one final nail to put into Geralt’s coffin, as Ciri and Geralt were traveling North they stopped at an inn.
They had made many stops on their way to the North. It was a long journey and Geralt had questions that only one man could provide the answers to. But those questions and answers did not matter when the strumming of a lute drew Geralt’s gaze away from Ciri beside him. The girl had beamed as her face turned to face the bard. She leaned toward Geralt in a hushed whisper.
“That’s Dandelion!” She spoke excitedly. “He played at my birthday celebration when I was ten!” Then her face fell, brows furrowing. “What if he recognizes me?”
Geralt grunted, turning from Jaskier to face Ciri. “You can trust him. If he spots you, introduce yourself as Fiona as you’ve always done.” He instructed his Child Surprise. “He’ll catch on.”
Ciri’s eyes widened as she looked to Geralt, gaze appraising as she turned her vision back to the playing bard. “You know him? Personally?”
Another grunt as Geralt adjusted himself on the barstool. He huffed a breath as he buried his face in his mug of ale. “I used to.”
“Oh,” came the soft voice beside him. Ciri did not push. She had learned never to ask too much. To listen even when there was no one speaking. It was how she had survived so far and how she would continue to survive.
Geralt could not help it. Even as he tried to hide in his shadow, to become one with the dark shades he knew Jaskier could not see, he had turned his gaze. The Witcher wondered, once he saw Jaskier’s gaze sweep where he was, if he had been spotted. Then he recalled that late conversation one night by the fire as Jaskier had stared wistfully into the fire.
“I wish I could see it,” he had whispered. “People say it’s orange, is that true?”
Something between a grunt and a hum had escaped Geralt’s lips as he had prodded the fire.
Jaskier had nodded as if he had understood. Perhaps he had. “Not that I know what orange looks like, eh?”
It was not uncommon to speak casually of what colors could and could not be seen, but it was not yet a subject they had broached in their... partnership. Geralt had inhaled sharply, straightening where he sat. “And what color do you see, bard?”
“Blue,” Jaskier had hummed with a shrug. “Pretty boring I suppose. Or maybe it’s just boring because it’s the only color I see.” He had looked over his notebook sprawled over his lap. “And you see every color, don’t you? What a life.” There was a startled laugh that had escaped him. “What a waste! A man who never uses words sees every color! Imagine the poetry the world is missing out on all because the great poets have never met their Soulmate.”
Geralt had scoffed, looking away from the little lark. Jaskier already knew his opinion on Soulmates, on Destiny. Looking over Jaskier’s shoulder for a moment, Geralt had squinted his eyes. “I suppose it looks... warm.”
Jaskier had blinked in surprise, leaning back where he sat. “The fire... looks warm?”
Gritting his teeth, Geralt had thrown a large stick into the fire, causing it to swallow it aggressively as the flames licked closer to Jaskier’s sitting form. The bard gaped for a minute before regaining his composure, lecturing Geralt on his rudeness for a moment.
“So,” he had started softly, almost out of character to the charismatic bard, “orange looks... warm.”
A moment of silence had passed before Geralt had relented, nodding. “Orange is... strong looking. Stark against the green. Complimentary to the blue.”
Jaskier’s eyes had gained that distance they usually did. Far off even as he stared at Geralt. “Strong and warm,” he had nodded, taking notes quickly with his illegible hand. “I think I understand.” Shyly, the bard had looked up to Geralt with fluttering eyes.
Gritting his teeth as something churned deep in his belly, Geralt had quickly stood. “I’m tending to Roach,” he had announced before leaving Jaskier to the fire. He could not help but to notice how the orange glow was soft against Jaskier’s skin, how his grey eyes took in the light as he had looked on.
He had missed that. Missed that constantly inquisitive nature despite it being covered in inane questions. That never wavering smile despite its flirtations. Jaskier’s presence was not Yennefer’s. Geralt had never lost himself to it, but instead, he felt himself grow in it. Gain new insight even as the hymns he pretended to abhor gave him insight into how Jaskier saw the world. Big, beautiful, and blue.
The Witcher never understood how Jaskier saw in blue. In fact, he had never told the bard but he was quite certain that the man had never seen blue a day in his life. When he had tried convincing Geralt that his tunic was blue, the Witcher had considered it a lost cause. It was more seemingly true that the bard could see orange as Geralt once had. He started to wear oranges and reds, commenting on the fire. Geralt decided not to ask if he had met his Soulmate during one of their partings, but also found it unreasonable that Jaskier should be able to see in color and still not know the difference between grey and fucking blue.
“What color is his tunic?” Ciri whispered beside Geralt, tugging on the Witcher’s arm. She had always asked him what colors he saw. The young girl was unique in that she was granted three colors to her vision, but otherwise could not see. Greens, Reds, and Golds were the colors granted to Ciri the Lion Cub.
Geralt studied Jaskier as opposed to taking in his shape, his scent, the very presence that he had so missed. His hair was greying, age, and his crow’s feet were more prominent. Damn that lark was getting older. It made an ache in Geralt’s chest that he knew could not be soothed as a common ailment. Jaskier’s tunic was grey, like his eyes. Geralt furrowed his brow.
“Grey,” he answered, turning back to his mug.
“Grey?” Ciri nearly pouted. “Grandmother always said he wore brilliant colors.” That small nose scrunched into her face as if she had smelt something awful. “Grey seems... boring.”
Nothing about Jaskier had ever been boring. Not his apparent one color blue and never, most certainly, his dress. Geralt merely shrugged. “He likes to match his eyes.”
Ciri seemed disheartened by the aspect, as if grey were dull, as if Jaskier’s eyes did not breath life into a room, into his very music. “Oh,” she had said again. “I suppose that’s fair.” The girl turned in her seat to face him fully, enraptured with how the audience joined him in his singing.
Geralt could not help but watch. How Jaskier demanded attention was different than others the Witcher had known. It was not through power or seduction but rather an enjoyment. He drew people into his stories, demanded his stories be heard. There was power in a bard’s song, Geralt had no doubt about that, and perhaps Jaskier had seduced himself into many courts, but Jaskier commanded the people with his voice. It was the same manner of magic that had people paying the Witcher instead of sneering at the Butcher.
A simple thought had crossed into Geralt’s mind. His chest ached and he had missed Jaskier’s company. Missed what his companionship had brought. Missed being asked questions that deserved no answer and being aided with rubbing salve on his wounds. He missed how Jaskier seemed to change somewhere in their travels, looking as if colors were everywhere even when he could not see. And that was always an aching thought, wasn’t it? Perhaps he could see colors and yet still chased the company of others?
It was quite possible to have a Soulmate not be your Soulmate. As Geralt’s inner musings had spoken on numerous occasions, Destiny and Soulmates liked fucking people over. What if Jaskier could see the orange fire? The green grass? The blue sky? But yet again, how could Jaskier claim to see blue and wear that stupid, grey tunic?
How could that brilliant bard, so in tuned to the world, so knowing of his audiences’ wants, be so stupid? How could he know what words to twist, what observations to make? What questions to ask even if Geralt did not wish to answer them? How could he sing crowds into compliance and not win the heart of his Soulmate? How could that beautiful bastard not see fucking-
When Jaskier turned to him, looked him straight in the eyes, and winked, Geralt saw it. He saw every piece of it. His superior vision gave him every fluid ounce of the blue pools of Jaskier’s eyes, of his ocean colored tunic that framed him so well. It was so sudden that Geralt nearly toppled over with the sudden sight of blue.
All of his life, he had seen colors he thought to be blue, and those who could see blue he had never met and those who could not did not know better to correct him. Geralt was seeing fucking blue in Jaskier’s attire, in his dance, in his eyes. It was a surprisingly surreal moment, to realize that perhaps his Soulmate was not stripped from him along with everything else. Then there was the immediate thought that Jaskier was his Soulmate.
It was not orange. Orange was what bathed Yennefer. Greens and Reds colored the whores. Jaskier shone with blue and Geralt knew that Destiny had decided to fuck him one last time. Maybe it was Destiny or Soulmates, but it was bullshit.
But it was also Jaskier.
So when a humbled bard graced another ride along with Geralt of Rivia, well... Destiny was already guiding him with Ciri, wasn’t it? What was one more piece of him?
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peaky-shelby · 5 years
Give me love I tommy shelby
Pairing: Tommy shelby x Reader
words: 2.160
summary: you and tommy are invited to one of Oswald’s parties. Angry at tommy for leaving you alone, you drink more than you should and then things take a very bad turn between you, Tommy and Oswald.
warnings: MENTIONS OF SEXUAL ABUSE & ALCOHOL, angst, mentions of blood.
Author’s note: possibly my best work? Idk but please leave feedback.
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After 5 glasses of gin the music had turned to an ongoing buzz in your eyes. for the first time after a long time you were feeling alive and there was this spark in your chest, if you didn't know any better you would say that It was happiness. True you were only happy because the alcohol had burned down your worries like they were thin Paper and had messed with your mind so much you could barely  consecrate on What you were doing and where you were. You started dancing around the third glass going from One man’s arms to another’s. It had been so long since you danced.
Tommy was so busy with his work as a Politician now, he only seemed to have time to Fuck you and even that would be quick, a simple dose of satisfaction for him. Too occupied in his own thoughts and worries, you didn’t feel like his wife anymore and since you didn’t feel like his wife you thought It was about time to stop acting like his wife.
You and him were invited to one of Oswald’s Parties, The Place was packed with young girls, drunk politicians and unknown faces. As soon as you arrived the smell of alcohol mixed with cigars washed your entire body, pulling you Into a very dangerous ocean and you didn’t even try to resist the sirens. Tommy left your alone, saying that he would be back shortly but five glasses in and he was still locked up to Oswald’s office. 
"Another glass Ms. Shelby?” Asked one of the boys with the traits and you smiled, nodding like a kid about to be given candy. He handed you the glass and you drowned It all down in seconds. The buzz turned Into a muffled sound, so loud and confusing at the same time. The other guest kept bumping into you as you stood still in the middle of the room, alone. The spark in your chest turned to a wildfire, that was turning your insights to ash and your brain felt so heavy, You wanted to scream. You started moving from where you were, not really know where you going but you saw a table with more drinks in front of you and you reached for It, grabbing one at the bottles. You struggled but finally managed to open It with your hands, you thought that It would be able to put your fires out. You leaned against the table and watched everyone at the room around your, dancing, laughing, some of them where so hammered they were fucking on the couch but you weren’t in a position to judge. Meanwhile your fires were growing higher, the smoke blurring your vision.
With your bottle in your hands you started moving again, this time your destination was the bathroom but the house was so big and you were so drunk you had no Idea where the right door was and If anyone tried to help you, you wouldn’t know. Lost in the Hallways you even forgot where you wanted to go. You examined the place, thinking that everything looked so fucking expensive. Occasionally your would take a sip from the bottle which by now you were Pretty sure was Champagne. You let the carpet lead you to wherever It was leading you until you reached a huge door. Maybe It wasn’t that huge but in the state you were in It looked like Poseidon’s castle doors. You stared at the handle, debating whether you should go in and drown or stay out and wither. You raised the Champagne and took along refreshing ship and with a Swift movement opened the door.
The room was warm and elegant, there was a massive bed on the middle and as you walked in you admired the decoration. There was a painting on the wall behind the bed, You had seen that Painting. It was The Burial Of Count Orgaz. Your heart started Pounding as you looked at It, a fear rising in your chest as the room turned from warm to suffocating. You wanted to leave, but Your feet were tied to the ground, your body was frozen, the bottle slipped from your palm, the shattering glass sounding like a thunder, you were in the middle of a storm, loud, cold and scary, you-
“Ms. Shelby?” His voice came as unexpectedly as an earthquake, shaking you Into awakening. Your turned around to meet him. Oswald was standing on the door, looking at you like an animal about to attack his pray. You trees were weak before him, your mind blank of words. He started walking towards you slowly, which only made You move backwards. He twitched his lips, looking at the floor “Tsk, Tsk, stole one of my Champagnes I see, you’re gonna have to pay for that darling.” A smirk formed to his lips and maybe It was contagious because your lips did the same. There was not a hint of tommy in your mind, not one reason to not kiss the man standing in front of you. You Just wanted to have fun, feel like you were loved, You wanted someone to kiss you like you were the sexiest woman in the world, You were tired of feeling granted. Oswald stroked a Strand Of hair behind your ear, his touch alone was so seductive. Normally you wouldn’t even think about fucking him. You were faithful to Thomas but the gin was faithful to doing whatever the fack It wanted.
“looking for me?” he questioned, his breath hitting your face in the most hypnotizing way. You gulped, your obvious fear encouraging him even more. He smiled, stepping closer. “I’ve been wanting to fuck you ever since I laid eyes on you” He tilted his head, breathing onto your neck. You closed your eyes ready to give yourself to him, really to cut that One last strand Of Sanity. “Tommy doesn’t have to know”
Tommy… Thomas. That last Strand became stronger in the sound of his name. 
“NO” you whispered and pushed Oswald away. “Stop” It took all your Strength to speak those two words. You shut your eyes trying to focus. You had to find tommy, you loved him, you needed him. Your breath got caught on your throat, the air was so thin, you were breaking apart. Finally the ocean you had thrown yourself In was catching up with you, dragging you to the bottom. 
“Thomas” You said a little louder and went for the door. Oswald stood in front of you like a wall. “where do you think you are going?” he held your arms tightly. You tried to shake him off, Shouting for him to let you go. You could only see one thing in your mind and that was Thomas, You screamed his name while Oswald tried to get you to his bed. Everything around you was moving, your sight was so blurry from the drinks It got even worst with the tears that filled your eyes. “Shut up! You little tramp!”
You screamed his name again, Oswald arms were wrapped around your back, making their way to your chest. He forced you to kneel on the ground, the shattered glass stuck on your skin like thorns, making you bleed. You snatched one of the glasses and In a swift movement you stabbed him in the stomach with It, causing him to step back and groan in pain. You released Yourself from him and stood up, pushing your hands against the floor and the broken glass, making your palms bleed even more. You turned around to see him kneeling on the floor. You wiped the tears of your face, the blood getting on your cheeks.
“y/n” your name echoed in your ears. He was calling for you, you followed his voice blindly, running until you crashed on his chest, crashing like a ship that Finally found shore in an endless ocean of heartache. He wrapped his arms around you In an Instant while you cried on his suit, grasping onto It for dear life. Your home, your warmth, your love. He pulled back only a little so we could look at you, his expression a mix of anger and worry. He Held your face, confused about the blood. “What the fuck happened, Eh? What happened.” You wished you could explain everything, but the words and the events were tangled In your head, It was hard to put anything to a sentence. Then another voice spoke from behind you.
“I was about to call for you Thomas.” Said Oswald “Your girl is pissed. I found her in my bedroom, a broken bottle in her hands, bleeding and when I tried to help She stabbed me with the glass.” His voice was like poison in your ears. Tommy’s body stiffened, he didn’t believe a word that he heard. His gaze turned back to you, warming you and calming you. Nothing could hurt you now you were with him.
“Tommy” you mumbled in a broken voice. You tilted your head, It was too heavy to keep straight. Tommy Stroked your face, wiping the blood from under your eyes. “I’m so sorry” He couldn’t Stand to watch you like that, his heart broke at the sight. His first Priority was to get you home and safe. Then he promised to himself that he would make that bastard pay. 
“I’m right here, It’s Ok” he reassured you, holding you tight against him and striking the back of your head “let’s go home” was the last thing you remember hearing before all your senses faded away in his embrace.
Next thing you know you are laying in bed, on your soft mattress, someone Is caressing your legs and you have a horrible headache. You open your eyes Slowly the light piercing them like needless, you groan in pain. Tommy stopped cleaning your legs When he heard you. You looked at him only for a second before covering your eyes with your hand. It was when You moved that you realized how badly It hurt because Of the cuts. The memories were coming back in bits and pieces.
“What happened?” you asked, making him scoff, he shook his head, trying to keep calm.
“I don’t fucking know (Y/ N). You gotta tell me.” He paused, biting his lips so he wouldn’t start Shouting. “How did you get to Oswald’s bedroom?”
“I was drinking because I was mad at you… I drank to much and then I wanted to find the bathroom I think but the house was so big and confusing…” you stopped, the memories from then on were too hurtful, You remembered standing still as Oswald walked to you, you remember wanting him and then realizing you don’t. You look at Tommy, heartbroken “I’m so sorry! I was so drunk, I didn’t know What I was doing.”
“what happened?” He asked, his eyes watching you carefully.
“I was on the room, alone and then he came” your tone started to break “I didn’t try to stop him at first but then he said your name, I told him to stop, I didn’t want to… God Thomas I’m so sorry-“ Tommy reached for your hand, helping your focus on him. “we’ll talk about all that when I come back but I need to know now… did he do this to you? The bruises and the cuts on your legs? Did he try to…” he Couldn’t finish the sentence. You nodded, breaking into tears again. Thomas held his hand in a fist, all he wanted to do was to kill him.
“It’s all my Fault”
“you didn’t know what you were doing. But him- I will cut his eyes and his tongue and then I will put a bullet in his head.”
“Why? Because he touched your property?”
“what?” He asked confused.
“You’re mad because I’m yours, your property”
“No. No you’re wrong. It’s Because you are my wife. Because I love you, Because he hurt you and no one is allowed to do that, Ever! I love you and any man that tries to hurt you is dead meat for Johnny dogs.”
“Is it so hard to say that a couple more times a month? Because lately I feel like I’m nothing to you, that’s why I drank, that’s why I’m hurting”
Tommy lowered his head, he sighed and then moved from the end Of the bed, next to you. He helped you sit up and looked in your eyes, cupping your face. You held onto his hands. He didn’t answer to your questions but he Leaned in and kissed you like It was the very first time. He left his taste on your lips, letting you know that he was yours forever. Than he left his mark on your neck, a message to everyone that you were under his protection. He moved back to your lips, Giving you all his love. 
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A "Hot" Kiss - Short .:Friendlypack Fic:.
"And thank you again, sir, for allowing me to deliver you the freshest water in all of Los Santos, with a maximum of only 10% lead per bottle! Feel free to call back anytime you need Stan the Water man's top notch wat-".
"Yeah yeah, thanks. Whatever".
Stan was quickly interrupted by his customer, who had just slammed the door in his face. The blond-haired delivery man just mumbled out a simple "huh", before walking back over to his delivery scooter and getting on "Maybe I...talk too much? hmm.." just as he was about to drive away, his phone started to ring. 
huh... who could that be?
Kiki, Reggie, and Anna were all busy doing another big photoshoot, which, according to Kiki, was hobo-exclusive this time, so Stan couldn't go. Garrett was taking a day off form work to party with his friends, which included Alan. Brenda was busy with work, and so was Jimmy, who was selling oxy. 
A sudden nasty feeling gripped Stan's heart when he looked at his phone and saw his new boyfriend's number. He and Jimmy had just gotten together the week prior, and for some reason, Stan started to worry about him more often. Maybe it was because of all these new feelings? Stan, and Jimmy for that matter, had just came out as bisexual a week ego, so these last few days have been pretty emotional.
"Hey there, Jimmy! Everything alri-".
"ST-...AH AH STAN!".
Getting interrupted yet again, Stan was taken aback by Jimmy's vigorous breathing; it sounded like he just ran a marathon!
"Jimmy? W-What's wrong? Why are you so out of breath?".
Stan's expression changed from concerned to absolutely confused "Wha- ...why-".
"J-JUST GET OVER HERE, PLEASE!" Jimmy begged before violently coughing into the phone.
"O-Okay okay! I'll be right over!".
After finally making it back to his apartment building, Stan parked his scooter and hurried to the stairs, running past Vincent in the process, who was trying to get his attention "CAN'T TALK NOW, VINNIE! JIMMY'S IN TROUBLE! I'LL TEXT YA LATER".
Stan was already in his apartment by the time Vincent responded, so he didn't get to hear what the ShamWow guy had said, but he was too focused on Jimmy anyway. 
"Jimothy?" Stan muttered as he stepped into the kitchen "J-JIMMY!".
To Stan's shock, the younger man was sitting on the ground leaned against the counter. He was also shaking, and was sweating terribly. His sunglasses were sitting on the counter, so Stan could clearly see that Jimmy's face and eyes were super red. Wait, ...was he crying? Was he high? And why was he panting so hard?
"STAN!" Jimmy jolted himself up to his feet and tightly hugged his water-obsessed boyfriend, before quickly pulling away.
"Jesus, Jimmy! What the hell happened?" He gasped "D-Did you overdose?!".
Jimmy sighed in aggravation "S-Stan, if I overdosed, I'd be fuckin' dead on the floor! N-No I didn't fuckin' overdose!".
"WELL SORRY FOR ONLY BEING WATER-SAVVY! What's wrong with you then?!"
"O-Okay, s-so, I-I was....I was out selling oxy, ...l-like normal, right? A-And... and the guys that robbed us at the bank, ..uh-uh b-bird, clown, bear? Th-They wanted some oxy, s-so I was more than glad to sell it to them, y-ya'know, b-because I thought if I ..d-did-didn't, they'd kill me. So I give them the oxy, a-and instead of paying me with money, they gave me a plastic zip-bag of-of peppers. I-I knew they'd probably shank me if I said no, s-so I just took the peppers and left".
Stan crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow "Okay...".
"So, I decided to take a little, ..o-oh Jesus Chri-" Another harsh cough interrupted him, and he bent over a little, placing his hands on his knees to cough more easily "EHCK, eh.. I-I sat down on a bench t-to take a little break, a-and I ate some of the peppers". He straightened himself up and wiped the sweat from his forehead "I ate three......a-and it tur-t-turns out they were ghost peppers".
"Ghost peppers?! Those SUPER hot peppers that'll burn your mouth?!".
"yES!!!" Jimmy replied with another cough, making his voice hoarse. 
"Well did you drink any water? I have plenty here!".
"DAMMIT STAN, WATER DOESN'T DO SHIT WITH STUFF LIKE THIS!! …..B-But....y-yeah, ….I drank the rest of the water in your apartment...".
"WHAT? If you knew it wasn't going to work, why'd you do it?".
"MY MOUTH IS ON FIRE, STANIEL! I PANICKED, OKAY? Y-You seriously don't have any milk?!".
Stan gave a typical glare "You know I don't believe in that crap!!".
Jimmy let out a groan of pain and frustration as he stressfully rubbed his face and pulled at his dark-teal hair with his fists "C-Could you drive me to the store s-so we can buy some milk?".
"No way! No boyfriend of mine is drinking that tainted liquid!".
"STAN, PLEASE" Jimmy begged desperately "I-I'LL PAY FOR IT! I-I just need it, please!!".
Stan sighed "Alright alright, c'mon you big baby. Let's go".
"Apologize, you big a-hole! Jimmy is in a butt-load of pain and you just scolded him like a fudging jerk! Sure, milk is terrible for you, b-but if it's the only thing that'll help Jimmy, then it's fine in SOME circumstances. You love Jimmy, but he doesn't know that because you yelled at him like a big meanie!" Stan scolded himself in his thoughts as he drove to the convenience store with Jimmy in the passenger seat, who was still sweating and panting.
As they stopped at a red light, Jimmy leaned back in his seat and dramatically pressed his palms into his face "A RED LIGHT?! COME ONNNNNN! I'M DYING HERE!".
As the teal-haired man groaned, Stan worked up the courage to apologize to him "H-Hey Jimmy?".
Jimmy sighed and turned his head "Yeah, Sta-Stan?".
"I'm sorry for yelling at you back there. Water is more perfect than anything, but...it doesn't work for every situation, so... I'm sorry for being such a jerk.".
"It's okay, Stan... I-I'm sorry for yelling too...".
"A-And besides, ...water is perfect, …b-b-ut...there's two things I cherish in life more than water: my sweet baby boy Roy, ..and you".
Just for a moment, the pain from the peppers subsided, and Jimmy's heart swelled. He couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.
Stan awkwardly shuffled his hands, which were sitting on the steering wheel "U-Uhmm… heh, ...uh..." a faint shade of pink painted his face "U-Uh, me...kiss you....?".
Jimmy laughed, remembering how awful Stan was at flirting "Yes, Sunflower. Me kiss you".
Stan smiled widely and leaned closer to his beloved boyfriend, with Jimmy doing much of the same. Their lips pressed together, and as their eyes closed to enjoy the moment, Jimmy gently placed his hand on the back of Stan's head.
Sure, these two got into their fair share of fights, but they loved each other more than anything, and moments like these were always super affectionate and romantic. Warmth filled their hearts as they kissed.
After a good while of sharing sweet smooches, the two men backed away. Jimmy was still dying of the ghost peppers' unforgiving heat, but he let out a small sigh of relief "Heh, w-Why don't we... ..w-why don't we do that more often?" he asked, realizing he was out of breath again from the peppers.
"'Cause we're stupid" Stan chuckled jokingly as he began to drive when the light turned green. Jimmy, still suffering, managed to laugh gently at the man's amusing response.
Just as they started to pull into the convenience store's small parking lot, Stan began to feel a hot sensation pool in his throat. His eyes widened and he parked the car, feeling sweat gradually start to build up at his forehead.
"H-Ho-Holy shit, I-I mean crap! H-HOLY CRAP!" Stan frantically unbuckled his seat belt, his hands fumbling a little "FUCK, IT'S HOT! I-I MEAN FUDGE!".
Jimmy's eyes lit up and his jaw dropped in realization. That kiss... it must've transferred some of the scolding hot pepper taste to Stan!
Stan was in full panic mode, and was now just as sweaty and just as bright red as his boyfriend "WATER!! WATE RWATER W ATER".
"STAN, WATER'S NOT GOING TO WORK!" Jimmy shouted as they rushed out of their car and into the store. 
The cashier just watched speechlessly as the two men rushed over to the refrigerated area and searched for whatever it was that they needed. Jimmy made a break for the milk, grabbing a small bottle so he could chug it right then and there. Stan, on the other hand, was chugging down all the water he could "WHY ISN'T IT WORKING?!" he panted.
"H-Holyyyy shit, that's soooo much better!" Jimmy sighed, the pleasantness of relief and milk graced his taste buds as he continued to drink more "Thank you, sweet cow juice" he mumbled quietly as he hugged the medium-sized carton of milk close to him.
"STAN, WHAT THE FUCK?!" A sudden piercing voice disrupted them, and they both quickly realized that it was Kiki Chanel, who was with Reggie and Anna.
"Kik-K-Kiki? W-What are you doing here?" Stan panted, his mouthful of water spilling out onto his blue polo shirt.
"I told you, Stan! We're shooting for my next line of KOC! Hashtag SPICY~" Kiki posed fabulously as she named the hashtag "What the hell are YOU doing here?".
"You two are dating? Well congratulations, Staniel! Damn, I didn't think you'd ever actually find someone" Reggie said with his trademark, maniacal laugh "Like, EVER!".
"Yeah, congratulations Stan! We're really happy for you" Anna said with her sweet, soft voice.
"O-OH THANK YOU" Stan coughed, his voice cracking and starting to sound emotional.
"OOH!" Kiki clapped her gloved hands together "THIS. IS. PERFECT! Stan, Jim, you two just keep doing what you're doing! Anna, Reggie, get into position and get ready to say 'hashtag spicy' on my say so!".
The two models posed fashionably in front of Jimmy and Stan, who were both still suffering from what was basically heat stroke at this point.
"HASHTAG SPICY!" Reggie and Anna spoke in a synchronized manner after Kiki told them "go!".
"Ah! Fannntastic! Wonderful! Now c'mon, team! Just two locations left! See ya later, Stan! Thanks for the photo op~". 
With that, the trio of models were gone.
Stan groaned painfully as he slammed his fist onto the fridge door, whining loudly.
Jimmy, now mostly relieved of the heat, walked over to Stan and kissed him gently on the cheek "Are you sure you don't want any of this milk? It'll make you feel better than if you popped an oxy".
The agonized water man wailed in defeat "alriiiiight!" he cried out, grabbing the milk and quickly downing the rest of it. His face immediately contorted into an expression of pure disgust. 
Jimmy sighed with a roll of his eyes "Feel better, Sunflower?".
"A-A little. Can we just go home now?" Stan continued to whine.
Jimmy chuckled "Yeah. C'mon, you big baby" he teased as he took hold of Stan's hand "Let's go".
Written by: @Gay-Spaghetti
Hope you guys enjoyed this! :3 Mayyyybe I'll write more Friendlypack fics if I come up with more ideas :P Thank you, Dorkskittles for letting me submit this! Love ya! <3
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infiniteshawn · 6 years
Copy Boy
warning: 3.2k au of smutty smut smut smut
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The soft hum of your laptop fan lulled over the hushed voices in the office as you typed away. Spreadsheets were easy work, but had proved to be awfully time-consuming and tiresome.
You exhaled while you leaned back in your chair, stretching your limbs as you rolled your neck. The clock read three on the dot, and it would only be another two hours before you could pack up and spend a night in with a chilled bottle of white.
The silence became deafening as you tuned into the soft patter of rain on the window and the low buzz coming from the overhead lights. Shuffling bodies, clicking keyboards, and a distant printer were noises native to your ears as you focused in on Microsoft Excel, determined to get this shitty summary over with.
A voice broke the dead air, pulling you from auto-pilot.
“What is this thing? How'd y-, no, I have no idea how this thing works,” was audible, pulling a giggle from your throat as you swivelled in your chair, desperate to witness the next victim of the hopeless copy machine.
You wheeled over a few feet and craned your neck, a sly smirk gracing your lips as your eyes pierced through the doorway of the copy room. A tall figure stood at the monstrous contraption, his long arms flailing in confusion as he struggled with the copier.
You shook your head in disapproval at first, but couldn’t help but do a double-take when he turned to look at you. His amber eyes reeled you in and you couldn’t seem to look away.
The office noises faded out as your cheeks grew hot, a fire lighting in your soul as his chocolate orbs crinkled at the corners when he broke into a beautiful, toothy grin.
You pushed your hair out of your face, instantly looking away as you realized he’d noticed your staring. It was hard not to—his broad shoulders in his grey hoodie, his long legs in those black jeans, and those damn curls. You couldn’t help thoughts of threading your fingers through them from polluting your wild mind, the heat from your cheeks travelling to the area between your thighs.
You rubbed them together in hopes of suppressing your arousal, focusing in on your screen but stealing occasional glances around the office. He was running all sorts of errands, delivering folders to employees and pouring coffee and speaking into his walkie-talkie. Perhaps he was someone’s assistant, you thought. Not a very good one, though, because he couldn’t seem to maintain his composure whenever he neared your small cubicle.
The click of his boots on the tile floor grew quite irritating while your eyes lingered on the clock, praying it would soon reach five. You worked your way through the final section of your assignment, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you hit save.
You mustered up some confidence and adjusted your pencil skirt on your hips, slowly striding into the copy room to print the income summary.
His eyes flickered up to yours as you waltzed into the small room and shut the door behind you. You could have sworn he shot you a smirk, but decided to ignore it because two could play this game, you thought. 
You swiped your keycard and entered your information on the printer's little touch screen, preparing to get a hard copy of your spreadsheet when it notified you that it was out of paper. Great.
“Using up all the paper, eh?” you broke the silence, causing him to look your way as you bent over and slowly pulled some white sheets from the ream on the bottom shelf.
He eyed your ass as he chuckled, “It’s kinda my job. I’m Shawn,” he smiled, leaning against the printer as you got to your feet.
“Hello, Shawn,” you smirked, “is it also your job to be in my way?”
His cheeks turned a bright pink as he stepped back, leaning against the copier instead.
“Thank you,” you giggled, loading the tray and printing your work, “I’ve noticed your staring.”
He cleared his throat, a sly grin creeping up his cheeks. “Is it that obvious?” he asked as he brought a large hand to the back of his neck.
“Yeah,” you smirked, “but you’re not too bad yourself, so I’ll allow it.”
“Oh, is that so?” he raised his eyebrows, taking a step closer. It felt as if the temperature of the room was rising and you could feel a blush inching its way up your neck.
“Mhm,” you nodded, watching the paper coming out of the printer as he exhaled loudly. The tension was unbearable as he took another step closer. “What do you think you’re doing?” you asked teasingly, unsure of his need to be so close but definitely not complaining.
“Studying,” he grinned, “I just finished training and I don’t know the machines very well yet.”
You could feel his breath on your neck along with that familiar heat between your legs. Your eyes flickered to your feet, catching a glimpse of his muscular thighs in his tight pants. Dear god.
You gulped, tilting your head up to meet his gaze. No way were you giving in this easily.
“So, Shawn, what exactly do you do here?” you asked, his amber eyes burning a hole into yours.
“I’m your boss’s new assistant,” he breathed, “so that means I’m under you,” he smirked, electricity shooting through your veins at the innuendo.
“You wish,” you chuckled, his face inches from yours as you retrieved your papers from the tray and walked out of the copy room, your hips swaying with each step.
A groan elicited from your throat as your manager approached, an expectant look on his face.
“Hey, thanks for the income summary, I’m also gonna need you to do the expenditures,” he spoke, taking the piece of paper from your outstretched hand.
“Tomorrow?” you asked, crossing your fingers.
“No, uh, due at midnight,” he spoke, wincing apologetically.
“I’m gonna be here for a while then, is that okay?” you asked, groaning in dismay. The chilled bottle of white would just have to wait.
“Yeah, doors’ll all lock behind you,” he said, “Just email it to me when you’re done, I’ll send it through. Thanks, kid.”
“Fuck,” you mumbled under your breath, opening a new spreadsheet to get to work. You readjusted in your seat, eyes flickering up as you noticed the copy boy, Shawn, delivering a stack of sheets to one of your coworkers. His hands were big and beautiful, and he had a strong jaw and a nice ass. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad, considering the eye candy you’d been provided.
You cleared your throat, catching his attention as his eyes snapped up to meet yours. You motioned him over, leaning back in your chair.
“Yes?” he smirked.
“Wanna bring me a cup of coffee, black?” you asked, raising an eyebrow his way.
“Already telling me what to do, eh?” he chuckled, his hip leaning against your desk. It seemed to be the perfect height for certain activities. You made a mental note.
“Whatever, I can make it myself,” you spoke, beginning to stand when he protested.
“No, no, it’s fine, I’ll gladly make you a cup of coffee. But it’s almost five, you won’t be sleeping tonight,” he reassured, suddenly less teasing and more genuine.
“Gotta stay late,” you frowned.
“Oh,” he spoke, “then I guess you really won’t be sleeping tonight, because I’m staying late too.”
He turned on his heel and booted it into the kitchen, leaving you shocked at his bold words. You couldn’t figure out if he was stating the obvious, that both of you would be here late, or if he was implying things. Filthy things, things you were more than willing to do to him and things you wished he would do to you.
You typed away, working through the content as he brought you your coffee. It never went further than flirty glances and intense stares, but the office soon began to slowly clear out and the tension grew thick as realization set in. It would soon be only you two, and the temptation was unbearable.
You felt his eyes burning on you as each person got up from their desk and left the office, and you weren’t sure where things would go. Yes, he was alluding to sex. But you’d just met this guy, and it seemed a little weird.
The sun was setting in the office windows and he’d stripped down to a black tee, disregarding his hoodie. You drooled over the way it draped over his middle and hugged his biceps, and the urge to get him out of his clothes was only growing as time went on.
“Like what you see?” he quipped from one of the desks as he used someone else’s computer.
“Hmm?” you asked, pretending not to know what he was referring to.
“Mm, nothing,” he smiled, catching your eye and reverting his gaze to the monitor. “Almost done over there?”
“This? Yeah,” you answered, cracking your knuckles in hopes of relieving the stiff feeling, “Soon. Just a few more things to add up and I can forward it to him. I’ll also need to put a copy on his desk, just in case, so I might need your help with that,” you teased, shooting him a look.
“I’m sure you’ll need my help with much more than that, sweetheart,” he replied, leaving you at a loss for words. He was such a sweet-talker and so incredibly bold that you didn’t know how to handle it.
You wrapped up your work and double-checked that every number was correct before sending it to yourself and getting to your feet. You let out a chuckle as he stood in unison with you, clearly anticipating what was to come next.
“So, you wanna print it and make a few copies?” he asked, earning a nod from you. “Why don’t you just print multiple copies?”
“Because then I wouldn’t need your help,” you quipped, hitting print on the machine and waiting for it to slide out onto the tray.
He grabbed the paper and put it into the copy machine, earning nod from you as his finger hovered over the 5.
“Listen,” he spoke quietly, “I don’t know if this is weird for you, or if you’re even interested, b-“ you cut him off, stepping toward him and reaching for his firm chest as you pressed your plump lips against his.
He inhaled through his nose, kissing you back as his hands navigated your hips in the poorly-lit room. You parted your lips, allowing his tongue to slip into your mouth as he pulled your body firmly against his, kissing not only your lips, but all of you with all of him. He soon pulled away, resting his head on your forehead to take a breath.
“Is this okay?” you asked, keeping your eyes shut, a little ashamed of your bold actions.
Without a word, his grip on your hips tightened as he propped you onto a nearby desk and stood between your legs, kissing you harder than before.
It was filthy and needy, the way you pulled his t-shirt over his head and clawed at his sides to get him closer. His large fingers made quick work of your blouse, his lips moving to your neck, struggling to keep kissing you as he breathed heavily. His cheeks were flushed and rosy as he turned your collarbones purple, causing you to throw your head back and thread your fingers through his fluffy curls.
“Mm, need, you,” he mumbled against your skin, eliciting a moan to fall from your throat as you slipped out of the blouse and tossed it on the floor. You reached for his face, pulling him back up to your lips so you could begin your attack on his belt buckle. It rattled as your shaky hands desperately tried to work the clasp, and you could feel him smiling against your lips as you struggled with the button of his jeans.
“One sec,” he muttered, pulling away to fumble with his pants himself, quickly undoing the button and lowering the zipper with a giggle.
“Oh my god,” you laughed with a shake of your head, “what are we doing?”
“Uh, we don’t have to, i-is this okay?” he stuttered, a little out of breath as his eyes snapped up to yours.
“Yes, oh my god, yes,” you breathed with a laugh, cupping his jaw and pulling his face back to meet your lips.
He moaned into your mouth as you toyed with the hem of his underwear through his unbuttoned jeans, tracing the line of soft hairs beneath his belly button.
“Fuck,” he breathed, moving his hands to your breasts as he began kneading them through your bra. “Need,” he planted a kiss on your collarbone, “you,” and another along the column of your throat.
His lips were soft and warm and you wanted to feel him everywhere at once, and you couldn’t help but pull him closer and wrap your legs around his waist.
He reached around you and fumbled with your bra, eventually unclasping it and pushing it down your arms. He leaned back, raking his eyes over you as the words, “So fuckin’ pretty,” tumbled from his lips. His skin was so soft as you raked your nails up and down his sides, causing him to shiver as he pushed his jeans down his thighs and kicked them off.
You released an audible moan at the bulge in his black boxer briefs, unable to resist the urge to reach out and palm him.
“Fuck,” he murmured, jutting his hips forward against your hand, desperately craving more friction.
Your hands traveled to your right hip to undo the zipper of your skirt, causing Shawn’s eyes to light up as he desperately tried to peel the fabric off of you.
“Let me,” he muttered, tugging the material down your thighs as you shifted your weight around, trying to make it easier for him.
His eyes lit up at the sight of your soaked panties, and he reached out to rub your clothed heat. A low moan escaped your lips as he hooked his fingers in your underwear, peeling them from your body with your help.
“Shawn, please,” you whimpered as he gazed at your dripping core, dipping his thumb between your folds to massage your clit.
His lips were on your neck as he muttered, “You’re sure?” to which you nodded in desperation.
He immediately dropped to his knees, pulling your body to the edge of the desk with his massive hands. His face was inches from your heat as he looked up at you, tongue darting out of his mouth to lick his lips.
“Oh my god,” you groaned, bucking your hips forward to meet his irresistible pout. A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips, leading him to lean forward and lick a hot stripe from your entrance to your clit.
You tossed your head back in pleasure, threading your fingers through his soft curls as his large hands took purchase on each of your thighs.
He was looking up at you as his tongue swirled around your clit, causing all sorts of moans and gasps to escape your lips. It wasn’t long before you were tugging at his hair because he was profusely sucking on your clit, throwing you into a squirming frenzy.
“Fuck, Shawn, more,” you panted, causing him to look up at you again as he brought a hand from your thigh to your core. With two fingers, he teased your entrance before sinking them deep inside of you. His tongue was still lapping at your clit, changing the angle every time you moaned to keep you on the edge.
“Fuck, Shawn, I’m gonna come,” you groaned, pushing his face into your heat as he chuckled against you.
In an instant, he had pulled away and was looking up at you, face slick with your wetness.
“Not yet, princess,” he spoke, placing a soft kiss on your inner thigh before licking his wet fingers clean.
You watched in awe as he stood up, leaning down to kiss you and allowing you to taste yourself. He began pushing his boxers down his thighs, his face inches from yours.
“If you’re gonna come, it better be around my cock,” he spoke lowly, kicking his underwear away with his hardened length flush to his abdomen.
Your stomach dipped at his words, eyes raking over his toned abs as he aligned his thick cock with your slick entrance, teasing your folds with his tip.
“Oh my god, Shawn, please,” you whimpered, trying to pull his hips closer.
“Please what, sweetheart?” he asked, his twinkly eyes meeting yours.
“Please just fuck me already,” you groaned, gasping when he sunk his length into your core.
He slowly bottomed out, waiting for a nod from you to start moving. His thrusts were small and rapid, causing little moans to tumble from each of your lips with every movement of his hips. His face was buried in your neck as he picked up speed, pounding into you and causing the desk to creak.
“Oh, fuck,” you groaned, reaching for his ass to get more of him.
“You like that?” he grunted, “You like my thick cock in your tight little pussy?”
You moaned in response, the feeling of him filling you out overcoming your senses and leaving you a whimpering mess. His hands were on either side of your thighs, gripping the desk as he ruthlessly pounded into your core. His balls slapped against his upper thigh as he thrusted on an angle, hitting all the right spots within you. A calloused finger took purchase on your swollen clit, rubbing you all the right ways to bring you back to the edge.
“Shawn, I’m close,” you mumbled into his shoulder, eyes squeezed shut tightly.
“You gonna come for me, baby?” he grunted, earning a moan from you in response. “That’s it, come for me,” he cooed, coaxing an orgasm from you as your walls clenched around his cock.
“Fuck, yes, ah,” he grunted as his thrusts slowed, releasing hot spurts of liquid deep inside of you.
Your clammy bodies remained intertwined as you came down from your highs, and he leaned back to plant a wet kiss on your sweaty forehead.
“That was-“ he began to speak.
“Weird,” you completed his sentence, “but a good weird. A really good weird.”
He chuckled, pulling out and searching for his underwear. You sat there awkwardly, contemplating inviting him over or trying to forget his name altogether. You went with the former.
“I, I um, I have a bottle of wine at home if you’d like to maybe,” you stammered, “help me polish it off?”
“Uh, y-yeah,” he smiled, “maybe I can really show you what I meant when I said I’m under you."
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hellrager · 6 years
Love is Hell
A little Follow up Drabble from @thezomblr‘s Drabble of Brian dealing with being in love. Here’s Damien dealing with the fact, that he realizes that he’s in love with Brian. Based on past interaction and headcanons we made up. Also guest appearance of @doviilove !! Enjoy.
Damien was sitting on his bed, hand clutching the fabric of his shirt above the spot where his heart was. Ever since that one time, his heart didn't stop beating. It felt like he was being constantly sick, and his breathing was like sandpaper. Usually he would describe a state like that as 'fucking metal' cause this might mean that he was either dying or that he had caught a horrible virus or spell. But it was none of that, neither did drugs ever make him feel like this. It was way stronger than any drug he had ever taken, and lasted like.. Forever!
The Demon snarled and punched one of the spikes at the corner of his bed. It caused the whole thing to shake, just then did his phone vibrate. A loud guitar solor shrieking to life. His ringtone. When Damien saw who was calling, he sighed and swiped left. "Hi dad." He didn't sound very motivated, neither did he look the part. For his dads always did a video call. Probably to check on him and make sure nothing too weird was going on in the background.
"Hello Son, we haven't talked in days! How have you been? ... Something happened, I can see it on his face... Eh??               Are you sure? Damien, are you alright??"
"Yes, yes I'm fine! Fuck.. I just had a rough week, everything is fine, dad." He ran a hand through his hair. Obviously, none of his dad's were fine with that response, for they were frowning at each other. However, they tried not to pry. "Well if you're sure. Please give us a call if there's anything we can do for you."
"Well... Since we're already talking. I do have a question."
Both his fathers perked up, waiting for Damien to be done rubbing his neck and looking like he did not care. "You love each other, yeah? Can you like... Describe how that feels? Like, physically or something.."
They looked at each other again, then they smiled toothy smirks. "That is hard to explain but let me try it this way, it feels like your organs are trying to burst from your body any minute! Your heart, your lungs, your stomach! All just... POP! What your father is trying to say is.. That love can appear as if it weakens your body. You might feel sick or your legs won't carry you as they used to. But you realize that it strengthens you the closer you are to the person you love." At that, one moved an arm around the other, purple and red flames dancing in the background.
"...Huh. So it makes you feel like you can beat up the entire world,               cause that person got your back?"
"You could phrase it that way, yes."
Damien frowned, obviously not looking at his dads anymore, who were now exchanging small kisses. When Damien did look, he grimaced. "Fuck! Can't you wait with that when we're done calling?! Gross!... "
They cleared their throats. "Is there anything else you want to know?"
"No.. I think I got it. Thanks. I will call you again soon." Once he ended the call, Damien fell back onto his bed, sighing loudly. So loud, it caused Shuck to nudge him with all three of his head. Damien petted the ceberus while staring at the ceiling.
   "So it makes you feel weak and strong at the same time? What a load of bullshit..."
Just in that moment, the image of Brian's face flickered before the devil's inner eye, causing him to blush and sit up, shaking his head wildly. "Fuuuuuuuuuuck! Stop that! Who the fuck said you were allowed in my head when I don't allow you to you stupid, green piece of shit?!"
He was yelling at the air. Shuck was giving him a worried look and when Damien realized that he was shouting at nothing, he ran a hand through his face, took a deep breath and then visibly deflated again. "I love this green piece of shit, Shuck. What should I do?"
Shuck looked at him, with these big, loyal, flaming eyes. Since he didn't know how to help Damien, he leaped at the devil and licked his face in order to cheer him up. This caused Damien to give an amused snort and pat the canine's coat. "Yeah well I know you love me you stupid oaf. Wait....LOVE. Shit, I know what to do!"
Damien jumped up, grabbed his jacket and ran downstairs, then towards the first fire around and with a poof, he disappeared in flames. School had started anyway, and while everyone was trying to get to their first class, Damien had a different goal. He was headed for the school therapist's office, hands in pockets and with a rather determined look on his face.
That was until a strong hand landed on his shoulder, causing Damien to turn around and stare into beautiful, silver eyes. "Dude, class is this way. In case you forgot." Brian pointed at the open door, a light smirk playing at the corner of his lip. "Unless you wanna ditch, then better do it now before that hag sees ya." Damien blinked a few times before he faked a confident smirk. "Nah man, I got a therapy session now. That's my free ticket out of this shit without detention. See you around." He gave Brian another smirk before walking toward's Ms. Dove's office door. Though he stopped to watch Brian for a bit longer. It was a frustrated look Damien had on his face, but the longer he watched, the more drawn in did he seem. The way he always kept his stupid hair so unkempt. Fuck, he wanted to run his finger's through there and--
The sound of someone clearing their throat, caught Damien's attention and tore him right out of his daydreams. He turned to stare at his therapist. No one other than Ms. Dove herself. "Mr. LaVey, your next session isn't until tomorrow." She smiled though, it was obvious she knew something was up.
"Yeah I know, I kinda wanna.... talk, about something." This was the first time he ever wanted to talk about something and willingly came to her. So naturally, she let him in and cancelled whatever else she had planned. As Damien was sitting in that pink, cushion like bean bag, he sighed. "Look, I don't want you to make a big deal out of it."
"Well, you have to tell me what it is for me to determine--"
"You WON'T make a big deal out of it. Promise me."
Dove blinked before she smiled and placed two well manicured    fingers on the spot above her heart. "I promise."
"Okay... So...I think I've... fallen for someone and it's really fucking annoying and I don't know how to deal with it or what to do and how I'm gonna stop my stupid fucking lame heart from jumping out of my chest all the time." He growled, clenching his hand to a fist, like he wanted to PUNCH this problem away. Like he usually did. But this time, it wouldn't work.
Dove remained silent, listening until he was done explaining before she placed a hand onto her collarbone. "Oh, Damien.." Damien swore he could see tears well up in the corners of her eyes. Right before she went for him like an animal. Hugging him so tightly that he thought he was going to die with his head between her tits. "Finally you fell in love! I am so proud of you!"
He kicked and pushed until he finally managed to escape her grasp, falling back into the bean bag with a loud inhale and a cough. "You said you wouldn't make a big deal out of this!!!"
"Oh honey, this isn't me making a big deal out of it. Trust me,        that would look way different. So – who is it, hm?"
"Like I would tell you! Just tell me how to deal with it."
Dove tapped a finger against her lips. "There is no cure for love, Darling.     You have to embrace it, tell your beloved how you feel."
"No. Not an option. If I do that, he will--"
"So its a HE, now that narrows down the list of suspects.." She mumbled to herself,       obviously pretending like she was still trying to find out.
"Will you fucking concentrate again! I WANT THIS TO STOP!" That last part sounded so pained, Dove became serious for a moment and looked at Damien, who was grasping his shirt once more, like he was going to tear his very heart out before her.
"It fucks up everything we got! It's in the way! Shit, I wanna just burn and smash stuff and not deal with something that makes me so.. vulnerable. This is really fucking unsettling."
Dove sighed. "Listen, it might be unsettling to you. But love doesn't have to weight you down, hun. See it as a.... Ah, right. Like a weapon you wield. A sword, or an axe." Now she got his attention. "Love is a war that can't be fought by yourself. Your heart is telling you to fight, and once you stop rejecting it, you will see that it is the strongest weapon you could ever wield."
Damien was listening, frowning. This sounded like the thing his dad's told him. Maybe... They were right? The wheels in Damien's head were turning, so Dove decided to give him that final push.
"Or is this the kind of battle Damien LaVey will run from?"
Damien stopped overthinking it, frowning, staring at Dove who stood before him, like a drill sergeant. She was just missing the uniform. And eventually, Damien rose to his feet.
         "Fuck that, I don't run from anything."
She smiled. "Now that's my big boy." She placed her hands on his shoulders as the bell rang, and pushed him towards the door. "Now go and tell Mr. Green that you love him!"
Damien was suddenly not so sure anymore, and was moving forward a bit reluctantly. "Hey! From where yo do you know that It's Br--" SLAM! She shut the door with a pleased smile and was totally going to use her magic in order to keep an eye on the lovebirds.
Damien scowled at her door before returning his attention to the Hallway. Students were leaving classes, one after another, until that one Monster walked out, Damien had been waiting for. He took one last breath, made sure his hair was looking as good as always – then walked over to him.
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jacobsjudge · 6 years
Taming the Shark
Characters: Sharky, F!Deputy
Pairings: Sharky x F!Deputy
Ratings: M, for the love of god, M
Warnings: Kinky, smutty goodness, read at your own risk
Word Count: 1779
A/N: Don’t ask me what I was thinking. Don’t ask me how it got this long. And don’t ask me why this is happening lol. Also, that’s the only Sharky gif Tumblr will let me use.
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Sharky tried to relax as the junior deputy secured his wrists to the bed. He had been venting about not getting laid for a while, and she asked what they were willing to do just to get his rocks off. Of course, his stupid self had said anything.
Which was when she had suggested going back to his house.
He had more toys than anyone else should. It would have made his mama ashamed of him, but he wanted to make sure he pleased whatever woman he brought home. Usually, though, he was the one doing the tying down, not the other way around.
“You sure about this,” he questioned nervously.
“Just relax. We might discover a few new kinks that you didn’t know you had.” She made sure the ropes weren’t too tight around his wrists, then moved to his ankles.
“I’m down for anything, really,” he rushed. “I just want to make sure that you are, cause consent is a pretty big deal and all. Just don’t want you to feel like you have to do something on account of me being a dude and-“
“Sharky,” she scolded softly. “Hush. I’m in control this time. And it’s your consent that’s in question.” She got his ankles secured and stood, her eyes raking over his naked form. “Color?”
“Green,” he answered. She hummed and ran a hand slowly up his leg, pausing just shy of his groin.
“Have you ever had the pleasure of a woman being in charge,” she inquired, her voice changing to a more dominant tone. “Of having a woman tease you in ways you never knew possible, leaving you unable to think of anything but the word please and the ache in your balls?” He bit his lip and shook his head.
But he had the distinct feeling that was about to change.
He jolted, groaning as her soft hand stroked his cock. Christ, it had been too damn long since anyone had touched him. He was already hard as a rock in no time.
“So needy, are we,” she teased, pulling her hand away. “Let me see what toys you have. This will be so much fun.” He watched as she turned to his “treasure chest” and opened it. “A riding crop, eh? Ever had it used on you?”
“Just once,” he squeaked, his cock twitching at the memory. He could still feel the delicious sting the crop leaves, and he remembered how bruised his poor balls were when that night was done. The night he realized how much of a sub leaning switch he really was.
And Christ, did he want her to outright abuse his junk with that crop, keeping him right on the line between pleasure and pain.
“Thought you’d never been dominated by a woman,” she reminded him.
“Wasn’t a chick,” he confessed, blushing brightly. She nodded, running the leather over his nipples.
“I see,” she mused. “So I will be the first to use this on those full, heavy balls, huh?” He whimpered. “You like that, do you? Like the idea of me smacking your balls until you’re bruised and begging for mercy? Or maybe I should make you cum first and smack the head of your cock since it will be so hypersensitive.”
A bead of precum formed on his tip, and he yelped as she smacked it away.
“No sir,” she scolded. “You don’t get to cum until I say so. And I don’t remember saying so.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he answered quickly. She hummed and smacked his balls with the crop.
“How many times have you been arrested for lighting something on fire?”
He swallowed thickly, his cock bobbing helplessly. Too many times. He wouldn’t be able to stay conscious if she actually did what he thought she was going to do. She already had his cock head sore just from one smack.
He cried out as she hit the base of his cock.
“Answer me.”
“Eighteen,” he whined. “Eighteen times.” She smirked and rubbed along the underside of his cock.
“Think you can stay awake long enough,” she questioned. “I’ll give you a nice reward if you do, Sharky boy.”
Well shit, how could he say no to that?
“I’ll try, ma’am,” he replied, and she smiled.
“Good. Count aloud for me, baby boy.” She pulled her hand back and landed the first, hard blow to his defenseless gonads.
She quickly landed three more blows, each one harder than the last.
“Two. Three. Four!” His voice rose in pitch, and he couldn’t stop himself from squirming away from it. But he was tied down so well, almost too well, and he couldn’t get away from the next two blows. “Five! Six!”
She paused and rubbed the leather along the turgid flesh, giving him a slight break. He was so close to cumming. All she had to do was keep rubbing and he would-
“Let me grab that cock ring I saw,” she murmured, stepping away. He whimpered and bucked his hips. “If you try to cum before I say so, I’ll make you wish you hadn’t.”
His hips instantly went still. Fuck, did he want to cum, but he’s heard horror stories from Hurk about women who kept going long after he’d cum. How much it hurt, like his dick had been on fire, and-
Fucking hell, did that sound like paradise.
She returned and quickly slipped the cock ring on, then picked up the crop and landed two more blows.
“Seven! Eight! Please, mistress, please, I wanna cum, I need to cum, my balls are so fucking full-“ He almost screamed when she smacked him again. “Nine!”
“Only just getting started and you’re already begging.” She smacked him three more times.
“Ten! Eleven! Twelve!” He fought back the tears, his balls all but throbbing now. He panted, waiting on the next blow.
But she simply watched, smirking as his balls began to swell. “Such a good boy, taking this like a champ. And begging so prettily for me. Can’t wait to see just how much you can take.”
He groaned, his balls drawing up slightly. She landed the last six smacks, and he actually did scream.
“Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen!”
She set the crop aside and finally, finally, shed her clothes.
“Good boy,” she praised. “So good for me. You’ve earned your reward now.” He cracked his eyes open as her knees straddled his head. Yes! Finally, he could worship her body like she deserved. Before she could say anything, he lifted his head and sucked lightly on her clit.
She moaned and gripped his hair, pressing closer to his mouth. He smirked against her flesh and slipped his tongue into her. Fuck, she tasted so good. He closed his eyes and began fucking her with his tongue in earnest.
“Fuck, Sharky, such a talented tongue! You weren’t kidding about being good at this. Feels so damn good, baby boy.”
He groaned and tugged at the restraints, wishing he could touch her. Damn, what he wouldn’t do to feel her soft skin under his hands, leaving not a single inch untouched. He moved his tongue back to her clit and flicked it repeatedly.
“Jesus Christ, Sharky, I’m gonna cum if you keep that up! Good boy, such a good boy, making your mistress feel so good.”
At her words, he doubled his efforts, wanting to make her cum, wanting to taste her release on his tongue. His balls were so full and still ached, but he couldn’t cum if he wanted to. Maybe another day he’d push that line and experience the joys of pure, unhindered torment.
He whimpered at that thought. Christ, if only he were ten years younger, he’d go all night.
She moaned as she came, tugging harshly on his hair, and he lapped at her juices. His cock bobbed helplessly, the swollen head starting to turn a very angry red. And fuck, did she taste even better in the midst of an orgasm, shaking above him as he coaxed it along with his mouth.
“I can’t,” she whined, lifting herself up. “Fuck, Sharky, you are something else. Such a good boy.”
He met her eyes, his own shining with pride as he all but preened under her praise. He was almost pouring sweat now, needing to cum, but that damn cock ring kept-
“Time to return the favor.”
He watched as she slid down his body, groaning as she removed the infernal toy keeping him in a state of frustration. Finally. Finally he could empty his fucking balls and hopefully not feel this level of need for a while. Been too fucking long, he needed to cum, even if it was down her throat.
She licked a stripe along the underside, and he jerked, precum basically dripping from the tip.
“Oh, you are so needy. Bet those balls are nearly bursting with cum. Well, I know exactly how to make sure they’re good an empty. But it’s not going to be as easy as cumming just once.”
He whimpered, nearly cumming just from her words. Shit shit shit. It was like she could read her mind, and fuck, did he want her to make him cum until he begged her to stop, making every nerve burn in his body. He wanted to be at her mercy completely.
She gave him one good stroke with her hand, and he couldn’t stop himself from cumming.
It felt as though time had stopped. All that mattered was the pulsing in his balls as they attempted to empty into the air. His seed splattered against his chest and stomach, yet her hand never stopped.
When he brain finally returned to his skull, he felt how overly sensitive his skin was.
He couldn’t stop his voice from going up a few octaves, squirming and writhing as she kept stroking him. Fuck, his cock really felt like it was on fire! He tried to get away, but he knew he couldn’t. His eyes filled with tears, and he all but moaned as she took him in her mouth.
Hours. They had been at it for hours before she finally relented and gave him mercy. He was barely conscious by then, and if sweat were drinkable, he could end drought in maybe five countries. He was covered in welts and bites and he loved every minute of it.
She began untying him, and he whined softly.
“Just relax, Sharky,” she soothed. “It’s okay. You did so good. I’m so proud of you, Sharky.” He relaxed, his hand falling limply. “Rest. I’ve got you.”
He nodded, and fell into the best sleep of his life.
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hazbincalifornia · 3 years
Is this very good? Not really. Am I going to continue it? No idea. Did I still want to post it? Yep.
IMP is contracted to kill two weirdo scientists named Dib and Zim. Things go tits-up pretty fast.
Wordcount: 1225
It was supposed to be a simple job- two human whack-jobs that killed the client through some kind of exploding science experiment. It was always fun seeing humans who killed other humans realize just how fucked they were when demons showed up to ruin their fun.
Be careful, though. Those two… aren’t right.
Blitzo had waved it off. They’d had a lotta weird targets over the years, up to and including other bosses that caused lab accidents because they didn’t put any of the budget into safety precautions. He’d had no doubt that these chucklefucks would be no exception.
To be fair, it wasn’t like they hadn’t realized something was amiss when staking out the weirdest fucking house Blitzo had ever seen on Earth or in Hell, with the ugliest shade of green to boot and a zipper-like seam on the top half.
Cables snaked out into the neighboring houses, there was a men’s bathroom sign on the front door for some reason, and there were a bunch of haphazard decorations on the front lawn that included gnomes as big as the imps were. Mostly it just looked like some giant baby had jammed together pieces from different toys, then barfed all over it after eating skittles. Their arrival portal hummed gently behind them and there was the snap of a twig as some animal scurried around nearby, but Blitzo was focused on the task ahead.
“Somebody needs to drag their architect out into the road and bludgeon their head in with a mace,” he muttered, and Moxxie nodded in agreement.
“We might want to stake out until one of them comes out-”
“We’re burning daylight, Moxx. We can handle a couple of nerds- I deal with you all day already.”
“Thanks.” Still, Moxxie cocked his gun as Blitzo kicked the door in. Somehow, the interior was even more eye-bleedingly neon. Were these people colorblind?
“Yo! Membrats! I’ve got a message from-” A shot nearly took out one of his horns and he whirled around. “The fuck?”
A six-foot man with the most fucked-up haircut in existence was pointing a gun directly at him, and there was a little green guy in a pink dress and pink eyes hissing next to him.
It turned out that the green one had machine guns that popped out of his backpack, and it had all immediately gone downhill from there as an all-out brawl erupted in the cramped living room. Blitzo leaped on the tall one, trying to get a good shot before his gun was knocked out of his hand and the two started rolling around on the floor, hands clasped as they both tried to pin the other.
“Demons? When did I last mess with- is this about Steve? I told him I was going to get him a prosthetic for his arm and to wear his stupid salt necklace!” The bigger one (Dab? Dim? Something like that) fired off a few shots with- okay, those weren’t bullets, those were beams of light, why in the seven rings did a human have a laser gun?
“The hell is Steve? This is from Cassie!”
“Cassie? The girl from accounting? There were warning signs on the door that we were testing explosives!” Another shot, was the thing unlimited ammo? Millie lunged at the green one as Moxxie fired off a shot, managing to hit one of its weird twitchy horns and getting a howl.
“Yeah, well, she paid us to kill both of you.”
“So you’re Hellborns, not from the barrier,” Tall guy said, managing to keep Blitzo down for a few seconds until he was kicked directly in the crotch and stumbled back with a yell. Blitzo snatched his laser gun from his hand.
“A little busy, Moxx!”
“BLITZ!” Millie called and Blitzo turned to look at them just as Dab-or-whatever smashed a fist into his cheek. He hit the couch, vision spinning, but he could see that both Millie and Moxxie had been captured in some kind of squirmy purple cable thing.
I’ve lost contact with Twix’s tracking chip. The voice echoed from all around them, somehow sounding bored and annoyed at the same time. Had the whole house been plucked out of a bad sci-fi movie?
“You’ve what?” The green one and the tall one shrieked in unison, both glaring at Blitzo, and the green one hauled him up by his collar despite being a good half a foot shorter than him. “What did you do to our daughter?”
“Well, where was she last?” Tallsies asked up to the ceiling.
Digging around in the bushes in the neighbor’s yard when the signal cut out a minute before these morons showed up.
“You kidnapped Twix?” Greenie’s machine guns popped out again, aiming directly at Blitzo, and he only barely rolled to the side fast enough to not get blown into a million bloody pieces as Green starting to fire wildly, tearing through the walls- and the cables holding Millie and Moxxie up. Millie immediately jumped into the fray but Moxxie...
Moxxie slipped out the back, darting through the front door and back across the street to the portal that was still open.
Well, fuck.
If you’re Nebula Twix Membrane, you don’t see a mysterious portal with a wolf-woman on the other end and not go through it. Multidimensional events are rare outside of rituals or Halloween or both, and besides, it wasn’t a screaming hellscape, and that was good enough.
The wolf-woman’s nose twitched as Twix crossed over, looking around. The interior was… pretty much just like a dentist’s office or something. Huh. Kind of a letdown, honestly. “Who are you?”
“Who are you?” Twix countered, and the wolf-woman shrugged.
“Loona. You’re not a human kid, are you? You look kinda fucked up.”
The fact that she was even asking… Twix shrugged, letting her antennae pop up. “Nope.”
“Eh, good enough for me.” Loona’s ear flicked, tail swaying slowly from side to side. “Hey, Stellz?”
Twix turned to see a bird-girl that looked about her height drop down from the ceiling vent. “Aw, come on, how’d you know I was in the room?”
Loona raised an eyebrow, ear twitching again. “I can hear you clomping around in there, twerp. Anyway, go entertain whoever this is, and if they try to kill you, at least maim them outside, I’m not mopping that shit up.”
‘Stellz’ looked Twix up and down. “Who are you?”
“I am not giving my first name to a bunch of multidimensional strangers.”
Stellz crossed her arms, huffing and blowing a loose feather out of her face. “Well, what can I call you then?”
Twix pondered for a moment. “Twig.” That was close enough to still answer to it easily and it was plant-related. “You?”
“Stella.” She clicked her tongue. “It’s not my true name, though, so don’t you try any shit either, got it?”
Twix grinned. “Got it. So, where are we?”
Stella grabbed her wrist, tugging her over to a window, and Twix immediately plastered her face on the glass as the blood-red sky reflected down on blood-red demon occupants, as well as humanoid monsters of all shapes and sizes. It was a complete freakshow, and she loved it immediately.
“Welcome, Twig, to Imp City. Left side of the Pride ring, and the best place in Hell.”
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babyshawwn · 7 years
Vive el Momento (Smut)
Requested: Because I live for drunk, festival Mendes in that red shirt from Amsterdam.
Word count: 5k
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“Can I have three large beers, thanks” I smiled, handing the girl in front of me my money. The sun was burning my back, slowly heating up my entire body. 
It felt nice; I loved when the sun was strong enough to leave my skin with a burning linger. 
“I just love this weather” my friend Julia said. She closed her eyes, tilting her head back to fully enjoy the warm rays of sun heating her face.
“Me too” I agreed, looking around the festival filled with drunk people having fun everywhere.
To me, this was what summer was all about; heat, friends, music and beers. Actually, going to festivals was my happy place. I loved the whole idea of just letting go and enjoying yourself as much as possible; meeting new people and staying up until the early hours when the sun rose again, playing drinking games and listening to music.
“Girl, don’t look now but that guy… he’s looking again” Julia laughed, taking of her black sunglasses to get a better look his way.
I peeked over my shoulder and met two dark eyes burning on me. This tall, dark haired guy in a red flowy shirt  was once again catching my gaze somewhere in the crowd of people around us.
He was hanging around with this huge group of friends, acting all cool and everything, but I couldn’t quite help but smile back every time he intentionally glanced my way.
He winked at me carefully but all I did was roll my eyes back at him. He seemed cocky - something I’d normally be turned off by - but somehow, those flirting stares, cheeky smiles and lip biting made me want grab his messy hair roughly and fuck him.
“Yeah, he’s been staring all day” I laughed, turning to face Julia’s mocking smile again. She laughed slightly, before raising her eyebrow at me.
“Like you haven’t been looking back” she mocked. I hurried to roll my eyes at her to deny her silly words. 
But deep down, I knew she had a point. He may not be able to take his eyes of me, but I sure as hell wasn’t able to take mine away from him either. Each time I caught him looking my way, I fell in just a little deeper than before. 
But isn’t that what festivals are all about, harmlessly flirting with people around you and having fun? To me it was.
“Oh, there’s Matt!” Julia suddenly grabbed my wrist, her eyes glued onto the blond-haired guy a few feet away from us. “Okay, I’m going in” she said, before leaving me behind.
I couldn’t help but laugh at her. Matt wasn’t really into her and it was rather clear to everyone but Julia but once she’d put something to mind, she wasn’t giving up on it.
I actually liked that about her. Her willpower was truly admirable.
“Here you go” the girl said friendly, handing me three glasses of beer.
“Thank you.” 
I grabbed easily around the beers and began walking away, carefully steering clear of people in my way. 
Before I could even gaze up and check the next steps ahead, I bumped into something hard and dropped all three glasses on the grass.
Before tripping over my own clumsy feet, someone reached for my elbow and I was somehow able to stay on my feet. I pulled back my arm quickly, letting my fingers slip through my hair.
“Fuck” I muttered annoyed, feeling my clothes getting soaked from the sticky liquid.
“I’m so sorry about that” a rasp voice sounded, forcing me to look up.
“You” I whispered, meeting the tall guy’s staring eyes.
“Yeah, me” he said, shrugging his shoulders in confusion.
Our eyes rested on each other’s for a second and for some weird reason, I felt my throat getting dry and tied up completely.
I wanted to rip his head off like I normally would do, but I couldn’t get myself to hiss at him. It was like those big, brown eyes were staring into my soul and making me soft inside.
Which I never was.
“Let me grab these for you” he hurried to say with a tiny stutter.
He kneeled in front of me and picked up the empty glasses from the field, wiping his wet, sticky fingers in the grass.
“It’s not like there’s anything left, just leave them” I sighted, biting into my bottom lip.
“Yeah right…I’m really sorry about your clothes, I didn’t see you there” he stumbled over his own shaking words. It was kind of cute, though. 
“Obviously not”
“Let me just help you clean that”
“No thanks, I got it”
“No seriously, let me help you” he insisted, letting his hand slip across my soaked and sticky shirt.
I felt a fire start on my skin and spread to my entire body shortly after as a warm feeling ran down my spine. I struggled to handle the heat that flushed over me, slowly forcing my cheeks even redder than before.
“I think you’ve done enough already” I hissed back at him. 
His eyes stuck on mine and the little friendly smile faded from his face and left him completely  numb behind.
Okay, maybe that was a bit too harsh.
“Sorry” I mumbled back, trying to send him a tiny smile.
Once again, those beautiful brown eyes looked at me and somehow this heavy sexual tension spread between us. My jaw dropped an inch and left my mouth gaping open just a little. 
I couldn’t figure out whether or not I had him all hot and bothered too. The heat in my cheeks were clearly giving me away but he seemed too calm to feel what I was feeling. 
“There are bathrooms right over here. Let me just help you clean up, okay?” he spoke once again, his eyes glued onto mine. He sounded begging, almost desperate.
For a second, I lost my breath just by looking at him. That messy, sweaty hair with curls constantly falling into his eyes. The loose, red shirt moving in the light summer breeze, showing off his massive arms. Those rosy but soft lips, he licked every other second just to get me all worked up. 
Suddenly, his hand rested on my arm, which brought me back from my thoughts. His hand was lingering on my sticky skin and this electric feeling began pumping in my veins. He exhaled deeply, tilting his head to get a better look at me.
I only managed to nod back as an answer to his question, biting roughly into my bottom lip to somehow cope with the tension the look in his eyes caused me. 
He reached for my hand hand and started dragging me along with him. In between people dancing and drinking, turning to the left and then making it to some bathrooms across the field. He pushed the door open with his foot and let me enter.
I didn’t count on him following me but he walked in afterward and carelessly locked the door behind us. Turning to face me, a confused expression spread when his eyes fell on mine already staring back at his. I let my back lean against the sink, before gazing over at him again. We kept our distant but I still felt like I was somehow choking in his presence. 
“You know it’s kinda creepy locking me into a room with you when I don’t even know your name”
“You think I’d hurt you or something?” he dared, raising his eyebrow at me.
His was teasing me and he was fully enjoying it. A wide smile ran across my lips as I rolled my eyes at his comment. I liked this fooling around and teasing thing we had going on, it was hot as fuck.
“Well I don’t know, are you?” I shrugged innocently.
I tilted my head to the side, sent him my sweetest puppy eyes and bit slightly into my bottom lip. He shook his head as he smiled back at me, before resting his back against the locked door.
“I’d be stupid to admit it to you, wouldn’t I?” he breathed, licking his rosy lips slowly.
As much as I tried to keep my eyes on his stare, my eyes kept daring to those wonderful, plump lips. I couldn’t help myself, it just happened.
Over and over again.
“It’s possible to be a creep and stupid at the same time. You do know that, right?” I shrugged, sending him a risky yet mocking smile.
“Okay, that hurt” he laughed, pressing his palm against his chest.
His fluffy shirt stuck to his steamy chest and let me catch a glimpse of the well-trained t six-pack he was hiding underneath the thin, red fabric. For a moment, I almost forgot to breathe as I felt the heat spread. 
“Oh sorry, I didn’t realize your feelings were so fragile” I mocked back, sticking out my tongue.
His cheeks flushed heavily as his eyes darted to the floor. He rubbed his palm nervously with his thumb, before biting into his bottom lip again. 
God, I’d like to bite that lip.
“So...” I mumbled, gazing over at him.
“So?” he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Are you going to tell me your name? Or will I actually die in here?”
“I’m Shawn” he clucked, rolling his eyes at my horrible joke.
“Don’t roll your pretty little eyes at me, I need to be sure I’m safe” I defended myself but it only made a smug appear on his steamy face. 
Shawn leaned further against me, forcing in air between the little gap between his lips. His long fingers ran across the edge of the sink I was resting my back against, almost brushing his fingertip against my skin. 
He kept his eyes on me, before he slowly leaned closer to my ear. He left my entire body with chills within only seconds.
It was so easy; he didn’t even have to try. He’d swept me of my feet already. 
Fucking prick.
“So I have pretty eyes, eh?” he whispered sorely, his lips slightly nipping my ear.
I shut my eyes as my fingers grabbed tightly around the cold, white sink and swallowed the lump appearing in my dry throat.
I breathed heavily, feeling the tickle from Shawn’s presence linger on my skin. Clearing my throat, I tried finding some kind of strength to force out the words stuck in my dry mouth.
I felt my palms getting sweaty, sliding a little on the edge of the sink. Shawn patiently waited for me to speak but he didn’t remove his lips from my ear, which seriously fucked me up.
I could sense his strong cologne between the mix of sweat and alcohol as his neck moved closer against mine. A wild curls tickled my chin as he continued to move his head and forced a warm feeling to run down my spine. 
“I hig-highly doubt I said that” I stuttered, stumbling over my own words.
“Oh, I think you did” he rasped, letting his fingers push a wild tot of hair behind my ear. I fought the urge to whimper by shutting my fists and closing my eyes shortly.
“Must have been a mistake”
“You’re good at hurting my feelings, aren’t you?”
Shawn’s tongue almost played with his words, making them appear much more sensual than they really were. His voice caressing his teasing words the way it did, had some kind of handle on me.
My entire body twirled when he spoke and I felt myself slipping in deeper, fighting the urge to react to his tender touches in these painfully frustrating seconds.
I pressed my thighs roughly together as I felt a slight throb between my legs to cope with the tension hanging thick in the air. My toes curled as I felt the tiny drips that suddenly appeared at my most sensitive area. 
Shawn turned his head, leaving our lip separated by only a few inches. I felt his soft breath against my lips as he leaned closer to fully expose his lips to my soft yet silent panting. 
His dark eyes fell on mine and his wild, slurred stare punched out all the air in my lungs. It felt like I was slowly suffocating in his presence.  
“You smell like beer” he gasped softly against my lips.
“Whose fault is that?” I dared back with a sore voice. A little smirk slipped out of his lips and ran across his heated face.
“Fair enough, I’ll take that on my shoulders.” He was so close to me, I could barely breathe. 
“Actually-“ I placed my palm on his warm chest, feeling his skin sticking against the shirt.
His heart was pounding against his broad, trained chest and I couldn’t help but wonder if I was the reason for it. I pushed him back teasingly, slowly letting my fingertips run down the soft fabric sticking to his lower stomach.
With his eyes shut, Shawn moved his head a little from side to side, struggling to handle my soft yet teasing touches all the way down his body. My tiny traces forced him to become tenser and heated within the matter of seconds. Clearing his throat desperately, he forced a deep breath down, rubbing his lips together hardly.
“I was supposed to clean up, you know.” I teased, letting my finger drop from his lower stomach entirely.
Shawn’s cheeks had turned even redder and he seemed to be struggling with gaining control over his strained, heavy breathing.
Calming himself a little, he let his fingers slip through his damp hair. Slightly shaking his head, to make a few wild curls fall just right down his forehead. I felt my jaw drop a at his move, not able to remove my eyes from him at all.
When his eyes fell on me again, my eyes began flickering to the floor as the heat once again appeared on my face. I reached for the towel next to me but Shawn beat me to it.
“Let me do it, I ruined your shirt after all”
I didn’t even have the power to speak, I just let my hands fall next to my body again. I moved to the side, allowing Shawn to put the towel under the water running from the tap of the sink. When he’d finished, I once again let myself lean on the sink, watching his slow moves carefully.
His long fingers grabbed the bottom of my shirt and gently, he began tapping the spots of beer with the wet towel in his hands.
As I felt Shawn’s fingers work on my body, I barely had the power to move as he began rubbing the spots harder than he was seconds ago to fully remove the stains on the wet shirt. 
All I could do was watch him as he bended over me and focused completely on removing the small stains from my soaked clothes. As I watched him move against my quivering body, I almost forgot how to breathe as the lingering from his fingers stuck on my skin. 
I don’t think he was fully aware of how much those fingers on my chest was slowly ripping me to shreds but I found myself struggling to breathe. Heck, I could barely prevent my body from twisting in frustration. 
Suddenly, the pressure became too steamy and I hurried to wrap my hands around his wrists. Shawn raised his head in confusion to my move as he locked his steamy stare to mine. 
 “I-I don’t think it’s coming off” I stuttered as the heat continue to pump in my veins. 
“You might be right” he laughed, his eyes falling to my chest.
His body was extremely close to mine; almost brushing against each other and the only thing that was running through my mind was how good his naked skin would feel rubbing against mine.
Biting roughly into my bottom lip while trying to somehow contain myself and my thoughts, I felt tiny yanks between my legs. My body was literally craving him to a point where I physically felt the need. 
To my surprise, Shawn suddenly pressed his hand against my soaking chest. My heart was racing and though I tried denying it, he probably felt it too. 
 “God, you’re driving me fucking insane” he muttered, slowly looking up at me.
His eyes were dark and expanded, his lips pressed hardly together and a drop of sweat ran down his temple. His curls were wild and sticking to his forehead. 
“I thought I was the only one feeling it” I gasped back, licking my lips.
“So… we should definitely fuck then”
“Vivi el momento”
“What?” he asked confused, wrinkling his forehead at me.
“It’s Spanish for live the moment” I explained my stupid comment. 
“I like that thought” he smirked back. 
I barely even got to react to those words, before Shawn had leaned closer and greedily crashed his lips into mine. He dropped the towel he was cleaning my shirt with and forced his hands around my hips to pull me closer to him. 
Reaching for his neck, I eagerly pulled his mouth further against mine. Taking the lead, he pushed my lips apart and almost forced his soft tongue into my mouth. He was desperate, needy.
But I didn’t blame him, he had the same effect on me. This entire day had felt like an awfully long foreplay and now we finally got to lift the pressure.
His big yet strong hands ran down my back as he pressed his body hardly against mine, pushing my back further against the sink in a rough move. It sent a sharp pain through my body. 
He grabbed coarsely around my hair and shoved my head back to allow his tongue to meet my damp neck. He left wet, teasing traces from my jawline all the way down my throat, sucking all the right places to leave sore hickeys behind. 
His teeth bit into my skin and then he sucked hardly on the aching spot afterwards. His mouth playing with my tender skin, forcing me to throw back my head in a whimper, shutting my eyes tightly. My fingers wrapped around his steamy hair, pressing his wet tongue closer to my skin.
“God, I’ve been living for this moment” he muttered, his lips still moving around and forcing tiny moans out of my trembling lips.
Grabbing around his lower back, I let my hand run up that red shirt, feeling his steamy back against my palms.
The way his back moved and his muscles stirred while my nails left marks on him, drove me completely crazy.
Placing his hands around my ass, he picked me up and put me down to sit on the sink. I let my thumb run across his rosy lip, before biting roughly into his bottom lips. A husky sound escaped his mouth, so I bit even harder down, this time forcing a loud scream out of him.
He pushed up my chin and pressed our lips together again, sucking all air out of my lungs. His hands rested on my thighs, his fingernails grabbing into me so hard it almost hurt.
While letting his tongue enter my craving mouth, I ripped his shirt open in one move, reliving his perfectly trained body hiding underneath.
I let the shirt stay on his body, hanging waving on each side of him. Shawn quickly grabbed around my wrists and placed my hands on his burning warm body.
I let my tongue slip out of his mouth and run down his neck to his collarbones. Wrapping my hands around his waist and pulling his chest closer to my mouth, I started kissing down his naked chest.
My tongue moved around in small circles, caressing his skin and sucking hardly on spots that made Shawn’s body crumble completely from my touches.
I loved hearing those husky sobs slip out of him while my tongue continued to move lower and lower down his body.
Shawn threw back his head, letting his fingers disappear into my hair while my mouth made it to the edge of his black, skinny jeans. Letting my hand slowly glide down between his legs, I felt Shawn’s body getting tense and I watched as he grabbed around the sink, wrapping his fingers tightly around.
My hand moved against his already massive boner, feeling him grow just a few more inches. The loud groan slipping out of his mouth assured me he was more than ready, so my fingers undid his pants and pulled them down just enough to grab around him.
“Fuck” he breathed, pressing his sticky forehead into mine. A wide smile slipped out and Shawn couldn’t help but smile back either.
“Are you enjoying this, miss?” he smirked, letting his thumb rub my bottom lip.
“Apparently not as much as you” I joked back, pushing my head up to kiss his lips.
“I can fix that” he giggled into my lips.
Suddenly, Shawn’s hands were on my thighs pushing them apart rather quickly. He rolled up my skirt, letting his fingertips slide across my panties so slow it was almost painful to me. I grabbed around his arms to keep my balance as his fingers played in between my legs.
“If I’m not mistaken, I think you’re just as ready and wet” he teased, letting his thumb rub against my clit on the outside of the lace from my panties.
“Are you gonna do something about it?” I panted, tightening my grip around his massive arms.
“Do you want me too?” he whispered teasingly against my lips.
“Dude, shut up and fuck me ”
“If you say so” Shawn teased back with the biggest smirk on his childish face. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at him.
In a quick move – telling me he’d done it before – his fingers slipped around the hem of my panties and he easily pulled them down my shaking legs. Shawn pressed himself in between my legs, grabbed around my hips and lifted up my ass from the sink.
I hurried to wrap my legs around his waist before he hardly pushed his thick, hard length into me. His first meet with my welcoming body was rough and left me aching from his hard push.
I tilted my head back, moaning loudly as Shawn moved against me once again. His grip around my hips tighten and he helped me move roughly against him every time he shoved himself deeply into my body.
Every crash into my welcoming body forced a loud whimper out of my lips and my hands to dig even further into Shawn’s sticky back.
Shawn’s lips were hungry for me; I felt it in the way he kept finding my mouth and forcing my lips apart. Biting into my bottom lip and pulling them apart, so he could suck on it rather roughly.
With Shawn’s nails digging into my hips, he slammed into me with full power, moaning loudly in pleasure.
His voice was like a sweet melody to my ears; I couldn’t get enough of those rasp noises he made every other second.
His eyes were tightly shut as he threw back his head, consumed by feeling himself this deep into my core. Shawn picked up the phase, thrusting hard and quicker into my body repeatedly as his breathing became tense and he started panting with no control left.
I tightened my legs around him, using my power to push him further between my shivering legs. He bended down and placed a tender kiss on my right thigh, before letting his teeth nip into my skin.
Shawn groaned heavily feeling the pleasure of being fully inside of me. My lips found his heated neck, licking up his veins, nipping his jawline and sucking on his bare, tender skin. I left very visual hickeys behind, but I couldn’t care less about it.  
My fingertips slowly slipped down his pounding chest, feeling every single muscle move every time Shawn smashed his thick length into me and wiping away some sweat on the way down to the edge of his jeans half open.
He started thrusting faster, making me scream louder than I ever had before. I grabbed around both side of his lose hanging red shirt, pulling down in both sides to let out some of the sexual frustration pumping around in my heavy body.
“Shawn” I whined, biting into my lip.
My fingers wrinkled his open shirt, wrapping both sides around my wrist. He knew he was pushing me to the limit and he fucking loved every second of it. He sent me a smirk, shutting me up my kissing me tenderly.
“You’re gonna end up ruining my shirt too”
“I don’t fucking care” I screamed back against his lips as he made a move and hit the perfect spot inside of me.
Shawn’s hand suddenly ran up my t-shirt and easily, he pushed down my thin lace bra and only seconds after, his fingers were rubbing my breast and pinching into my hard nipples.
His fingers were grabbing my sore breasts harshly, rubbing me in circles. Shawn pushed up my shirt entirely and let his wet mouth find my nipple.
His tongue licked around the edge with his teeth around it. He used his tongue to make me scream for just a second, before he with mouth sucked me. He licked up my sticky chest and then his tongue disappeared from my naked skin. 
My fingers found his sweaty hair and I pulled his face down to mine, only leaving the space of a single inch between us. I felt his small pants against my lips.
“You’re suck a fucking pain in the ass” I whined desperately, feeling the pleasure flushing over my body.
“And don’t you just love it” he teased back, gasping for air.
I swayed my back to meet Shawn’s move towards my legs wrapped around him and felt his hard torso crashing into my already sore hipbone.
It made Shawn scream out loudly and his deep voice rang in my ears. I watched as he threw his head back, gasping desperately for air.
His cheeks were burning, his lips swollen from my teeth biting hardly into him and his hair was sticky and a complete mess. The edge of his shirt around his neck was completely soaked with his sweat, from this steamy heat hanging in the little bathroom, he’d dragged me into.
Shawn bended over me, letting his dark eyes meet my gaze. For a second, we stopped moving with each other and we just shared a smile.
A little tender moment in this heated moment, a tender moment that made my heart skip a beat. Shawn’s thumb pushed up my chin so he could kiss me properly.
His fingers ran through my sweaty, filtered hair; then gliding down my neck to caress my collarbone gently.
Suddenly, he smashed himself between my legs again and slipped deeper in than he had been before. I screamed out his name as I felt the pleasure in my body, my fingernails pressed against his back, losing every last grip I had around my already edgy breathing.
Shawn bended over me and forcing me deeper down against the skin before suddenly slowing his movement down.
His bare chest was brushing against mine, letting the sweat drops fall down on my skin as well. Feeling his wet, broad chest rub against me set fire to my skin and left my body trembling.
Shawn’s thick cock slipped slowly but very deeply into my body, pushing himself in entirely and filling every inch of me out.
Reaching my high, I once again screamed out loudly, not able to control anything that left my mouth.
“Are you ready for me to make you cum?” Shawn panted, finding my mouth.
“Yes” I breathed into his lips, as my tongue entered his wet mouth.
Shawn pulled me off the sink entirely, carrying all my weight with his strong arms. He banged my back against the locked door, pressing himself as close to my body as possible.
Quickly, rather roughly, he thrusted himself hard into me three times, before we both hit our breaking point. Shawn blasted inside of me, pressing me entirely up against the wall.
We both screamed out, letting the euphoria rush over both our exhausted bodies.
Shawn’s arm was resting against the door as he pulled himself out of me. Before putting me down, he pressed his sticky forehead against mine.
We both struggled with our breath, gasping rather desperately for air into your lungs. I pressed my palm against his bare chest, feeling his heart face against his sweaty chest.
“Kiss me” he suddenly whispered, still desperate for air.
“Okay” I breathed.
Tenderly, I let my hand stroke his burning cheek. I pushed head closer to mine and closed the tiny gap between us.
The kiss we shared this time was different; it wasn’t teasing or craving, it was sweet and tender, soft even.
Shawn loosened his tight grip around my hips and let my heavy feet touch the floor again. His fingers ran through my hair, putting a couple of wild tots behind my ear.
“I think I messed up your hair” he laughed, sending me a goofy smile.
“I think I messed up your shirt” I said, holding each side in my hands. Shawn looked down himself and saw how I’d ripped off almost every single button.
“Oh well, open shirt it is then”
“It looks better anyways” I shrugged, smiling widely at him.
Shawn looked in the mirror and correct his clothes, letting his hand slip through his messed up hair and then he unlocked the door.
“Once again, sorry about the shirt” he said, holding the door for me to walk out.
“I’ll live, I guess” I teased, crossing my arms across my chest. To my surprise, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the festival area with him.
“Uhm, wha-“
“I owe you a beer, don’t I?” he said, gazing over his shoulder.
“I guess you do” I muttered, struggling to keep up with his large steps.
Moving in between different people singing along to the artist on stage, he found his large group of friends.
“Ey Mendes, where did you go?” a guy yelled at him.
“Spilling beer on girls” he grinned back at him.
I caught his glance from the corner of my eyes and I couldn’t stop the heat from raising in my face.
“Everybody this is… wait, I didn’t even get your name” Shawn said, gazing down at me.
“y/n” I hurried, my eyes darting around at the boys. Shawn let go of my hand, before leaning closer to my ear.
“Be right back” he whispered, before disappearing between people behind us.
The guy from before, Mike I think, turned to me with a huge smile on his lips.
“Your skirt is a little messed up” he grinned, pointing down at my legs.
The left side was still pushed up over my thigh, almost showing the hem of my panties. I felt the heat in my cheeks, quickly pushing it down again.
“Pee emergency”
“I’m sure” he grinned back.
Fuck me.
I felt a strong arm slip around my body from behind and a soft kiss on my burning cheek.
“Here” Shawn said, handing me a beer. He took a sip of his, stroking his nose tip against my cheek.
“Thanks” I said, sending him a warm smile.
We stood here together; Shawn’s arm around mine, sipping beer, rocking slowly to the music and chatting to his friends. The artist on the stage left and was replaced with a band.
“Dance with me” Shawn whispered drunkly in my ear.
“To that shitty, half-drunk band?”
“Yeah why not? Vive el momento, remember?” he whispered, raising his eyebrow at me.
I couldn’t hold back the smile pressing on, so when Shawn reached for my hand I let him interlace our fingers together. He pulled me with him a little closer to the stage, letting his hands slip down my body.
“Vive el momento” I whispered back, feeling his body grind against mine.
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shinthedancer-blog · 7 years
Mack The Knife|Chapter 1|Calandra
“Hey! Hey Callie!“
For someone in so dire a situation, Shin’s mood seemed excellent, or at the very least she was excellent at faking it. With how casual her wave was as she headed towards her pal, it really may have felt like she was just enjoying a nice stroll through the small village. Such excellent weather, after all. And such nice scenery.
Calandra’s choice of it had been the duck pond, nicely central, just behind the cottages where they had all made their homes by now, and Shin, having just returned from her dinner (lacklustre as always, in this place), had seen that choice and decided to join her in it.
The smaller girl turned upon her call, only slightly, only enough to see who it was approaching her, and after confirming it to be the dancer, gave that small, soft smile, more like velvet used to smother than to soothe, which Shin took as an invitation, or at least not an open rejection of her company. She covered the distance between them in large strides, and came to a stop next to Calandra.
“Pretty wild stuff, huh? That whole Fool business.”
Her hands were in her pockets, her eyes on the pond in front of them, and her light laugh on her lips. Even with the acknowledgement of their situation, it seemed like it stopped at acknowledging that things had indeed happened, stopping short of taking them seriously.
“How long do ya think they can keep it goin, huh? HPA, I mean. This has gotta be on them, right? Some kinda prank? Or experiment?”
She looked at Calandra, now, out of the corner of her eye. There was amusement sparkling in it, met with Calandra’s usual level of it, but where Shin was merely making warm conversation, Calandra’s words held a coldness to them not directed towards the dancer, but at any who would be in her way- at this point, the so fittingly named Fool.
“Ah, it hardly matters, does it?”
Her voice was a whisper, and a purr. Shin’s smile widened and warmed with affection hearing that tone, the smoky mystery belonging in one of her beloved noirs. Little did she know what lay beneath. But she would learn, and soon.
“My family will not stand for it, and upon their wish, this will all be over. All that stands in their way is knowledge of our fate, my dearest Shin. And that is soon to follow.”
So much revealed so simply. And yet, nothing at all. But Shin didn’t seem to mind. It wasn’t information she was after, just conversation. And so instead of other follow up questions, all she gave was a low whistle.
“They must be pretty important, eh? Ya family.”
It wasn’t much of a serious question, and she wasn’t interested in knowing. That was, until she got an answer to it.
“Oh, the Jeggare’s have power of this world and the other. Granted by our dark lord, and by our own machinations.”
Calandra returned her look, now, with as much genuine amusement.
“We run our family business well, Shin, my dear, under my guidance as consigliere. Such guidance that it was deemed deserving of a title.”
Shin froze before the last words had even left her mouth. Her posture, her smile, everything. The moment the word “consigliere” was mentioned, she froze in place, and only unfroze a few moments after Calandra had finished talking, to blink in confusion, to have her smile fall, to struggle visibly with this new information.
“Wait…. Wait…… Hold up….”
A smaller laugh fell from her lips, but one lacking in humor or even the attempt to fake it.
“Thought I heard ya say ya were a…. what was it…. Consigliere, yeah? Like in the movies or….”
She gestured, trying to grasp something invisible in front of her from the looks of it.
“Ya know. Like, in mafia stuff. Not that I’m sayin ya would be part of that. Cause obviously that’d just be impossible, right?”
Her tone wasn’t as light as her choice of words. In fact, it was growing heavier by the second, until her next words, in another world an admittance of insecurity, a desperate search for agreement, sounded more like a threat, a warning against receiving anything but that agreement.
“Right, Callie?”
There was a moment of silence between them, or maybe a minute, it was hard to tell. Then, finally, it broke with Calandra’s simple:
“Oh, dearest Shin…. I thought you had already figured that out, at least?”
And, just like that, it would never be fixed again.
“You’re WHAT?”
The ducks in the pond flapped their wings, loudly declaring their displeasure at Shin’s suddenly loud and not so amused anymore voice.
The dancer herself hardly cared. She had turned to face Calandra head on, fists balled at her sides, her face turned from one of warmth and affection to a grimace of disgust and anger.
“Your family, who you’re workin for- they’re gangsters? The fuckin mafia?!”
This was a level of disgust rarely seen from her. She recoiled, physically, from the girl who moments before had been her friend. Recoiled like one would from a snake. A particularly ugly one.
Calandra watched on in silence as Shin came to terms with the information she had just received, which the dancer did loudly. Loud enough to draw some eyes to them, but she hardly seemed to care.
“The thievin, murderin, kidnappin, god fuckin forsaken MAFIA?! Those fuckin MONSTERS??!”
It was at this point that Calandra’s own smile faltered and fell, her pretty face now in a deep frown, golden eyes sending Shin a glare of the kind that would’ve made the blood freeze in the veins of any human being with less fire in them than her.
“And who are you….”
Her voice wasn’t louder than before, but much colder, and even Shin was stopped momentarily in her rage when met with one that matched hers.
“….To judge me? To judge your saviors? We’ve been kidnapped, fucking kidnapped, and yet you whine and complain about your betters? Complain like a baby. Why, Shin I did not take you for such a sanctimonious fuck!”
The insult, fired with the precision off a poison dart, seemed to bounce right off of Shin’s armor of righteous rage (and obliviousness), but the rest of it did not, and was commented with a disbelieving snort.
“Fuckin saviours? Well sign me up for fuckin damnation if that’s your choice a saviours, then. Man, I thought ya were just really into your style, ya know, dark and gothy and shit, but essentially harmless. Like it’s SUPPOSED ta be! Turns out ya actually are just a fuckin killer bitch! Just a fuckin monster!”
Calandra, now facing Shin head on as well, didn’t skip a beat to reply.
“I am not a monster for doing as my family has done since your own ancestors were living in thatched roof huts!”
“But you are! You ARE, Callie!! Who gives a SHIT how long your family’s been up ta terrible things or how loyal ya think you’re bein, if ya were actually a person worth givin two SHITS about ya would’ve told em off! You woulda left! You woulda done ANYTHIN but WORK for em, what the fuck is WRONG with ya?!”
She was yelling, now, yelling and gesturing, face red with rage. Calandra’s own rage had burned cold until now, but the fire of the dancer seemed to jump over to her, and she responded in kind, though her gestures were more the restrained kind.
“The fuck is wrong with YOU, that you think disloyalty a virtue?! They’ve given me everything! Everything I’ve ever had! I have measured and weighed and NOTHING, NOTHING I could be doing is better than doing my lineage proud!! [May the crows eat your fucking eyes, you bitch! May they fucking scratch them out of your skull while demons feast on your guts!]”
She continued in this manner, but Shin was not to be outyelled, not when she had only just started. If there was one thing she was practiced in (aside from the many, many things she was), it was arguments.
“Do ya hear yaself, like, when ya talk?! The FUCK??! Ya standin here, right now, tellin me that the best thing ya could be doin with ya life is... is murder, and theft, and drug trafficking or whatever the fuck else your familys gotten up to?? doesnt matter how related they are to ya, its WRONG, wrong dont become right just cause its ya pa who does it!”
She took a step back, pushed back her hair, but what looked like a retreat was barely her getting enough breath to continue her assault, now with a new angle, a new realization.
“Cant fuckin believe- and ya live with Natsume, too?? im tellin ya if ya lay one of ya filthy fingers on her, touch even one hair on her head, ill fuckin gut ya like the cops ought ta have done years ago!"
With Calandra yelling her own threats in Italian, and Shin returning the favour in Japanese, the two had drawn the attention of a small audience, but neither of them seemed to care overly much. This was a battle between two parties who weren’t used to losing, and much less likely to accept such loss. More importantly, two parties who had managed to enrage each other to such a point that their argument wasn’t a discussion of ethics. It was a shouting match, just yelling out their anger at each other, and neither would back down.
Finally, it was Calandra who returned to actual arguing, instead of just yelling. But it wasn’t a big step back.
"Ignorant oaf! I don't dirty my hands with the work of soldiers! I make and break kings! And you're just a failed dancer, shall I ask a cousin of mine to break your other leg so you can always be on your high horse? And you can't let Natsume dear make her own choices, can you? Keep her in your shadow forever, and don't let her dance away from you! At least she still can!"
It was this, at last, that made Shin fall silent, her expression changing from outright rage to something else. Whatever it was: shock, disbelief, genuine hurt, it vanished as soon as it had come, turning back into rage. A colder, quieter rage that came with trembling, but not words. She stood straighter than before, her fists balled at her sides, and she glared. Glared silently at her former friend. Whichever part of what Calandra said had done it, she was officially at a loss for words. A chance that Calandra used, her voice now at a normal talking level again. The fire was extinguished, the ice had returned to both of them.
"I needn't hex you. You've failed enough already, haven't you dear?"
What happened next, happened too fast to comprehend while it was. It could only ever be looked back upon later, and even then with surprise.
One moment, things seemed to cool down considerably. The audience may wish, perhaps, that this was all there would be to it, that they would just walk away, and that the tension in the air may not snap after all. But it did, because in the next moment, Calandra’s head flew to the side in a flurry of black hair, the sudden force of impact enough to make her stumble and fall. Shin’s fist, formerly so tightly curled at her side, was the source of that impact- it was clear to see she’d thrown punches before, and that this was one that hurt.
It was hard to believe how quickly things had escalated, how little it had taken to get to this point, but Shin had punched her former friend straight in the face, and from the looks of it she had not been pulling her punches.
As quickly as it had happened it was over, and Shin glared down on Calandra, who was holding her cheek. It was hard to tell whether she was surprised with her hair covering her face as it was, but she didn’t move, and neither did Shin. The world seemed to hold its breath.
Shin was the one to move first, and it was in curt, tense movements. One finger pointing at Calandra, jabbing in her direction to underline her words, her tremble had moved from her body into her voice. Was it right to call the anger in it barely restrained anymore, when she had shown absolutely no restraint during the entire conversation in the first place?
“Fuck. You. I WILL get better! I WILL!! STAY….”
She had gotten back to yelling, and took a moment to steady herself before continuing at a more normal volume, but not a less enraged one.
“…Stay the FUCK away from me and Natsume, you fucking piece of FILTH.”
And with that, she just turned and left, with the same long strides that had gotten her here, fists still balled and blood on her knuckles, a storm on the move that none of those watching dared approach.
Yet, this was only the beginning of the violence that was yet to come.
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