#beginner witches
lunar-witches · 1 year
10 Practices for Low-Energy Witches
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Daily affirmations: Start your day by setting an intention or saying a positive affirmation that aligns with your goals and values. This can help you stay focused and grounded throughout the day.
Gratitude journaling: Take a few minutes each day to write down three things you're grateful for. This can help cultivate a sense of appreciation and abundance in your life.
Mindful breathing: Take a few deep, mindful breaths throughout the day to center yourself and release any tension or stress.
Moon-watching: Take a few moments to observe the moon each night, noting its phase and any changes in its appearance. You can also keep a moon journal to track your observations and feelings.
Elemental meditation: Spend a few minutes each day meditating on the elements (earth, air, fire, water) and their associated qualities. You can visualize yourself surrounded by each element and focus on how they make you feel.
Herbal tea rituals: Incorporate herbal teas into your daily routine and take a few moments to mindfully prepare and enjoy them. You can also research the magical properties of different herbs and choose teas based on their correspondences.
Candle magic: Light a candle and set an intention for the day or visualize your goals and desires coming to fruition. You can also choose candles based on their color correspondences for added potency.
Sigil drawing: Create a simple sigil to represent your intention or desire, and draw it on your skin, clothing, or a piece of paper. You can also charge your sigil with energy by visualizing it glowing with light or energy.
Crystal charging: Choose a crystal that aligns with your intention or desired outcome and hold it in your hand or place it on your body. Visualize the crystal absorbing your energy and amplifying your intentions.
Nature appreciation: Take a few moments each day to appreciate the natural world around you, whether it's the beauty of a flower or the majesty of a tree. You can also connect with nature by taking a walk, gardening, or spending time in a park or forest.
Remember, these are just a few examples of simple, low-energy witchcraft practices you can incorporate into your daily routine. The most important thing is to find practices that resonate with you and align with your personal values and beliefs.
It's important to remember that everyone's energy levels and circumstances are different, and there may be times when you simply don't have the energy or motivation to practice witchcraft. This doesn't make you any less of a witch, or any less magickal. It's okay to take a break and focus on self-care and nurturing yourself. Remember, your magick is always within you, and you can connect with it in your own way, on your own time. Be kind and gentle with yourself, and trust that the universe will support you wherever you are on your journey.
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pageofpomegranates · 1 year
More Art Magic Ideas🎨🕯️
Draw or paint using your non-dominant hand to bring out your inner child
Create a mini oracle set out of bottlecaps or coins
Write odes to the tools, herbs, etc. that you use the most in your craft
Use only natural materials in a work of art- tea, coffee, dirt, plant parts, etc.
Decorate playing cards to act as talismans and keep in your pocket/wallet/bag (i.e. a money drawing card to keep in your wallet)
Bring your inner sacred space to life by drawing/painting/collaging/sculpting it
Use handmade images as offerings to spirits or deities; create personalized images of spirits or deities you're in contact with
Make a poppet of yourself and stuff it with petitions or pictograms of what you wish to embody
Create a powerful protection amulet to hang above the doorway of your home/sacred space. What does protection look like to you? Use materials that reflect the kind of protection that you're looking for.
Crochet or knit a blanket that is enchanted to bring good sleep, good dreams, or for inducing a hypnagogic state
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Anatomy of a Spell
This post will go over what is needed for a spell to be created!
This is a page from my grimoire and by no means is this a set-in-stone situation. Take what you will and leave what you won't.
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Desire or intent. This is the whole point of the spell. What is the desired outcome, what do you want to achieve from this spell?
Planning of ingredients, spell structure, time, and location. This includes the verbal or written aspect of the spell if any.
Protection, there’s really no reason not to have a safeguard on your spell in my opinion but this isn't true for everyone. Do what feels right for you.
Raising, gathering, or building energy for the spell. Energy is how you get your spell to work. This can be done by chanting, breathwork, borrowing energy, and more.
Directing energy into the spell. Self-explanatory, gotta get it in there somehow. Basically just getting the intent/desire from inside you to inside the spell so that it can work its magic (pun intended).
Release any excess energy if needed. Grounding is a good way to do this.
Clear and concise ending; this could be a phrase, word, or physical act that indicates the ending of the spell. It’s best when everyone and everything involved knows when you have ceased doing the spell.
It’s a good idea to record your process and results of the spells you create and cast so that you have a reference for future spells; also you can figure out what went wrong or right.
I personally think it’s a good idea to put a fail-safe in a spell, I usually do this by stating it out loud: i.e. “If I take apart this spell bag then the spell will cease.” or “If I do this spell in reverse the spell will cease/reverse” and so on.
Preparing the physical and non-physical things for the spell; can mean gathering, cleansing, or preparing yourself to be in the headspace needed for the spell. It's better to be prepared than to get blindsided halfway through because you’re missing something!
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jbird-the-manwich · 11 months
Lukewarm take at best but I can’t get it off my mind so merry crimus:
“Your craft is valid!!!” does more harm than good.
 Sounds mean, but hear me out:
If you’re attempting a working, or thinking about incorporating one, and it feels invalid, inneffectual, flat, empty,  even as a beginner, it could very well be (and honestly most likely is, to my reasoning) that your intuition in these matters is better than you give it credit for, and you could very well be correctly enumerating that X or Y is a waste of time.
 Gardeners prune, so do witches, and anyone that tells you that the path to power is to ignore your inner bullshit detector to ‘fake it till you make it.’ is looking out for their bottomline, their popularity, their ability to feed you more bullshit. Not your healthy and timely development of new skills.
 Witchcraft is about the opposite of lying to yourself. If you’re constantly needing to remind yourself that your craft is “valid” it could be that you need to look at your practices themselves and consider whether you actually feel any confidence in their functionality, and if you honestly don’t, you need to find out *why* before you second-guess that instinct wholesale as being imposter syndrome.
 It might just be that you’re aware enough of the flows of things to know it’s bullshit before you attempt it and that’s a gift you should make no attempt to train yourself out of, but to hone to the finest most precise edge you can. 
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999lcf · 6 months
Porta di Ištar - Wikipedia
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crazycatsiren · 2 years
I'm pouring out a cold one for the witches who wasted precious time, energy, and resources on things for their crafts that they found neither enjoyment nor gratification in because someone told them they had to in order to practice witchcraft.
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tears-of-amber · 1 year
The Top 3 Books And A YouTube Channel I Recommend For Starting Out As A Crystal Witch!
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1. “Crystal Wisdom” By Shannon Marie
This is not technically a book on witchcraft, but it explains and explores the metaphysical properties of crystals AND gives you ideas for how to connect to your crystals. Shannon is both a gemologist AND a crystal healer. So she sees things from both perspectives (science and spirituality). It isn’t a hard read or a long read, but it is probably the most interesting and informative books on how to meditate and set intentions etc with your crystals. A must have in my opinion!
2. “The Crystal Bible Vol. 1” By Judy Hall
Now this is the sort of book you consult when you need to reference the correspondences of a large variety of crystals. What I love about it is the way Judy often explains the “why” behind the correspondences and properties. While this book doesn’t include every crystal known to man, it includes the more accessible ones that you’ll run into as you start shopping and exploring crystals as a witch.
3. “Cunningham’s Encyclopedia Of Crystal Gem & Metal Magic” By Scott Cunningham
Ok, so now we get into the witchier side of things. The past two books I recommended aren’t solely focused on witchcraft and aren’t written from a witch’s perspective. This book is great! Yes yes, some of its very Wiccan (and as a non-Wiccan practitioner the intro is a bit annoying and outdated) but once you get to the meat of the book it gives you ideas for utilizing the different crystals in spells and magic. I recommend this over “The Crystal Witch” by Shawn Robbins & Leanna Greenaway because Cunningham’s book doesn’t have the audacity to assume you must be Wiccan if you’re a witch. They both are Wiccan influenced, but The Crystal Witch is drenched in it to an unavoidable extent that’s annoying to non Wiccan witches. If you want a completely non Wiccan related book on crystal magic, I suggest Ashley Leavy’s books. But in general, I think Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic is a helpful read in addition!
THE YouTube Channel To Subscribe To:
So, this channel is a GOLDMINE of info. And it’s free to access! There are videos on crystals and their metaphysical properties, the ancient history and gemology of crystals and gemstones, and guided meditations for countless crystals that I use every day. Is it a perfect channel? No. Shannon does reference chakras occasionally (which is a bastardized and appropriated version of eastern practices). But that’s the thing about the crystal world. It’s practically impossible to find info where they don’t (on occasion) reference the 7 chakras. Shannon does it a lot less than the other channels etc out there, which I appreciate. And she’s (as I mentioned in the description of her book) a gemologist and crystal healer! She’s super smart, and very fun to listen to. Most of the other crystal channels literally copy her videos and her explanations of things, but I prefer going to the source because Shannon Marie is the best!
-Velvet Rose 🌹
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hiswitchcraft · 1 year
Thank you for mentioning this part on your post : Follow your intuition! One of the most important things here. To be a good witch and form a solid, personal path you have to know and be able to tune into yourself. 
That’s my question sometimes I don’t feel I trust myself how do you trust yourself? How do you know you’re being guided? I just feel overwhelmed by all of it. 😖
I’ve asked my guides /higher self to help me and Gods/God. I don’t have a particular Ive just recently connected with Goddess Isis and Goddess Hathor. I love Goddess Isis though very loving mother energy.
I feel like I doubt myself a lot even while I was praying I felt like I wasn’t being listen to I think maybe it’s me? 😣 I sometimes think it’s my mental issue (depression anxiety…) that makes things worse?
sorry if my question is all over the place. ❤️
I appreciate the thanks because that point is very important to me and something I only learned with time. I think I can help you!
How do I trust my intuition? How do I know I'm being guided?
Trusting yourself can be very difficult and something that takes time to develop. Just like it takes time to develop trust for someone else, a friend or someone you're dating. This is especially true for those of us who are anxious/mentally ill/traumatized and I've experience all three.
I wrote a post a long time ago called "How to tell the difference between anxiety and intuition" and the basic idea of it is that anxiety yells while intuition whispers. Anxiety is trying to sell you something while intuition is gently nudging you the right way. Anxiety demands you listen, intuition hopes you will. I think this advice may help you but don't beat yourself up if it takes time to tell the difference. I'm many years in and I still mess it up sometimes and think anxiety is intuition or intuition is anxiety. Something that can help build this trust besides time and dissecting your thoughts is giving yourself opportunities to practice. I find divination is the best way to do this because it can be done consistently. Most other times when my intuition presents itself, it's whenever it wants. Anyways, we'll use tarot for our example. Say you're doing a reading and your intuition tells you a card means a certain thing, or you should pull a card again, or the one that fell out is important, or anything really. And you listen and take notes (as I suggest people do after divination) after 10 times of seeing how powerful and right you were it will get easier. I believe we are all being guided. We just look at it differently. Instinct, intuition, higher self, guides, spirits, deities. Guidance from these I believe can all seem very similar from what I can tell. Though I don't work with entities currently. You are being guided even if it's just by yourself and learning how to listen to that guide as I mentioned above, takes time. Self doubt is definitely a personal issue that can run deep but MANY many new witches struggle with this. You're not alone. Give yourself time. Remember that this work will benefit you for years to come. It will make you a strong witch. You will eventually be guided easier. it will draw you to your beliefs. You are your own best guide.
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venusdevotea · 11 months
One thing I’ve learned as a witch
Is that no matter how many times you divine over the same thing or the same person over and over again, sure you might get some updates or insight on how they feel, how the situation is progressing, but it’s a high level of cope for what simply isn’t there in reality if you’re constantly divining for answers you’re not getting.
A tarot reading is not a replacement for a conversation, especially important ones, but it can help in preparing you for those conversations and perhaps what to expect. Tarot (in my opinion) does not read the long future, as the long term future is always uncertain, so there is a limit to how far ahead the tarot can predict an outcome, and of course, there is always our own confirmation biases that may cloud our personal readings. The more you ask the same questions day to day, the more you’re just going to get the same answer in different packaging, different cards saying the same thing or the occasional reappearance of some cards coming up again and again to remind you that no, this situation has not progressed yet, things have not changed, and to allow time to develop your connection with the person or the situation.
I, of course, have fallen victim to this fallacy over and over and over again, and this post is a reminder to my baby witches out there as well as myself:
Tarot is a great resource for my nuero-spicy individuals who may need more reassurance, some warning in advance to hard conversations or situations, or those just in dire need of guidance, but it cannot be the end-all be-all of your situation. It’s important to remember that tarot captures only a snapshot of an immediate situation in time, and reality is constantly changing, ever shifting, and most importantly, in your own hands! The tarot can offer you advice, a snapshot of your current situation in time, and predict a possible outcome in the near future, but it only has as much power as you allow it to have. You can take the advice or don’t! Believe in that projected future or don’t! That is the beauty of free will, and the ever changing future we can all try to capture and divine, but ultimately, the choice is left up to us.
What are your thoughts? Open to (friendly) discourse down below! And of course, asks are always open to my beautiful baby witches with questions, and experienced witches alike.
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temperancelbbh · 1 year
Magical days of the week! ⭐️
Monday - Feminine energy, lunar workings, offerings to goddesses. Grey, white, silver and pale blue colours
Tuesday - Reds oranges and golds. Day of success and victory, prosperity workings.
Wednesday - Purple, Grey and Silver. Day of communications, Workings for new beginnings.
Thursday - Dark blue and purple, Good day for business and success, closely connected to wisdom and knowledge
Friday - Red, pink, light blue and green. Spells for romance and love, fertility and abundance, friendship spells
Saturday - Black and dark purple, banishings and bindings, clear out things for you don’t want, Good day to cleanse.
Sunday - Reds and golds, masculine energy, connected to the sun, god workings, self love workings.
(all of this stuff has been fact checked but if i have some wrong information please do correct me!!)
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lunar-witches · 1 year
✨ Magick Throughout the Week ✨
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The days of the week each have their own unique magickal properties and correspondences, which can be useful for planning rituals and spells. Here is a brief overview of the magickal properties associated with each day of the week:
Monday: Associated with the moon, intuition, and emotions. Good for spells related to psychic abilities, divination, dream work, and emotional healing.
Tuesday: Associated with Mars, courage, and strength. Good for spells related to courage, protection, strength, and victory.
Wednesday: Associated with Mercury, communication, and intellect. Good for spells related to communication, divination, wisdom, and knowledge.
Thursday: Associated with Jupiter, abundance, and expansion. Good for spells related to prosperity, abundance, growth, and success.
Friday: Associated with Venus, love, and beauty. Good for spells related to love, attraction, relationships, and beauty.
Saturday: Associated with Saturn, discipline, and structure. Good for spells related to organization, discipline, boundaries, and endings.
Sunday: Associated with the sun, vitality, and success. Good for spells related to success, vitality, energy, and healing.
By incorporating these correspondences into your magickal practice, you can enhance the energy of your spells and rituals and work more in alignment with the natural rhythms of the universe.
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pageofpomegranates · 1 year
🎨Art Magic Ideas🎨
Use enchanted waters such as moon, elemental or holy waters to enchant your paint water
Create a thoughtform for/ensorcell a tool (paintbrush, pencil, needle, etc.) to assist your spell(s)
Recite chants/prayers/affirmations (intention) as you work
Experiment using herbs, resins, teas, etc. to make magical pigments
Make sigil stamps out of erasers, cork, hot glue, etc.
Create a portrait of your shadow self, or your witch/wizard/whatever-sona
Compile or record different playlists for different spell 'genres', meditation, and "vision board-ing"
Create your own recycled handmade enchanted paper for petitions
Protect your spells by documenting them in pictograms- use only images to portray the process
Use a recycled or handmade decorated container to house your 'personal demons'
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Podcast: The BS-Free Witchcraft Podcast Host: Trae Dorn (solitary eclectic Wiccan for 20+ years) Episode: 12. Store Bought is Fine Air date: 29 June 2019 Playtime: 33 minutes.
Website | Apple Podcasts | Spotify
Talks about Sephora’s eventually canceled “witch kit” as a way to open conversation about commercialization of spirituality. Buying items (as opposed to making them or being given them) is not the issue. Main issue of pre-made kits is lack of customization and being over-priced.
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777yourfavwitch · 4 months
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999lcf · 6 months
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Rue, also called ruta or the Holy herb, is one I grow in my garden and keep in my witch’s herb cabinet. It’s exorcist and purification powers are strong. Use it in uncrossing work, protection magic, and to ward off evil spirits. Traditionally, it was used in Four Thieves Vinegar to ward off illness including the Black Plague. Be careful when handling, as it can irritate the skin in some people.. Chamomile
Ever had a cup of chamomile tea to help soothe a sore throat or calm your nerves in the evening? Chamomile is known for its medicinal qualities, but it’s also amazing magically! Chamomile is associated with the sun, so I use it often in abundance and health workings. It’s a great one to have in the witch’s herb cabinet.Rosemary
You’ve heard it once. You’ll hear it again. If you don’t have rosemary on-hand, you need to! It’s one of those all-purpose herbs that you can literally use for any kind of magic. I grow rosemary and make it into smudge bundles to cleanse my space. I also use it in herbal baths, magical meals, and natural hair care. Get you some rosemary, witch! Bonus: it’s super easy to grow!3. Bay
Many people have bay leaves right in their kitchen cabinet and don’t realize how powerful they are. In ancient times, they were used to increase psychic abilities and induce visions. Write a wish on a bay leaf and burn it. Add to spell bags and herbal offerings to Greek and Roman gods. I use it in my cooking often to enhance sauces and meat dishes. If you can grow your own bay tree, even better. The fresher the bay leaves the stronger the effect
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Whoa there, pardner! What have you done to make sure that belief or practice actually originates in ancient times and didn't come from the imagination of a repressed Victorian romantic?
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