#bedazzled lab glasses are a must
Thranduil: CEO of tech company, very rich, drives an obnoxiously neon pink car everywhere, has bedazzled lab glasses probably
Legolas: dad wants him be a STEM major but he secretly does theatre on the side and wants to major in theatre
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Summary:  There was this persistent buzzing at the back of Izuku’s mind. It cut through the fog slowly at first. Starting off as a low hum before it got louder. Now it was all but screaming in his ears. One bloodshot eye cracked open, revealing pale green before it quickly closed. Like an idiot, he had fallen asleep with his lights on again, but at least he made it to his bed this time.
Pairing: Bakugou/Midoriya
Warnings: Substance abuse/Drug addiction and dealing/Eventual Smut
Chapter 1:
There was this persistent buzzing at the back of Izuku’s mind. It cut through the fog slowly at first. Starting off as a low hum before it got louder. Now it was all but screaming in his ears. One bloodshot eye cracked open, revealing pale green before it quickly closed. Like an idiot, he had fallen asleep with his lights on again, but at least he made it to his bed this time.
Usually, when he pulled all-nighters all bets were off. Where he dropped, is where he slept. Would he regret it the next day? Absolutely. It had taken days before he was able to walk without his shoulder hunched up around his ears. One time it was so bad, he had to see a chiropractor. Working during that time had been difficult.
There was this lull of silence suddenly and Izuku briefly wondered if that was the last of it. But unfortunately for him. It only started up again. This time in rapid pulses.
His groan started off softly before it rose in pitch and ended in a frustrated scream. “Fuck alright alright!”
When Izuku rolled and planted his feet on the floor, he ignored the fact that he had only one shoe on, right now he was more focused on trying to get that god-awful noise to stop. Pushing himself from his bed, he cracked open only one eye, keeping the other closed tightly. Using one hand, he cupped it over his brow, blocking out the fluorescent bulbs shining overhead.
Stumbling from his bed, he navigated his way towards the noise. The closer he got the more unbearable the buzzing became. With only having on one shoe it made his trek across his apartment extremely awkward and uncoordinated. If he wasn’t tripping over articles of clothes or stacks of books he was doing it over his own feet. But the moment the damn buzzing intercom came into view. He gladly slapped his hand down on the call button.
“Who is it?!” So what if he sounded rude. It felt like he had only just hit his first period of rem sleep. So he really hadn’t been out that long. And he needed his beauty rest for the shit he was about to put his body through later that day.
“Took you long enough....” a low voice suddenly cut through his speaker.
He wasn’t expecting anyone until much, much later in the day. ‘Shit what time was it?’
He pulled his finger from the call button and quickly pressed the one that unlocked the building's door. He held it for about 5 seconds before letting it go. With the same hand, he unbolted his front door and walked back towards his bedroom. He knew his ‘guest’ would let themselves in.  And he refused to greet them as he was. Izuku wasn’t in the mood to be fussed over.
Reaching his bedroom, he made a beeline towards his bathroom and slammed the door behind him. He didn’t open it until his bladder was empty, his face was freshly washed, his mouth tasted like cinnamon toothpaste and his godforsaken shoe was removed from his foot. The only thing he couldn’t do was fix his rumpled clothes. His closet was on the opposite side of his bed. Plus there was really no need as he was already caught sleeping.
Twisting the knob, Izuku pulled open his door and was greeted by a man with two-toned choppy hair making himself entirely too comfortable on his king-size bed. Pale green eyes took in the man’s attire or lack thereof. Matte leather pants that stuck to the man’s legs like a second skin and a ridiculous shiny sheer sweater that was several sizes too small. Stepping over the threshold Izuku arched a brow at his friend.’
Heterochromia eyes glanced up at Izuku from an equally ridiculous bedazzled phone, before glancing back down. “Got a problem Midoriya?”
Izuku met Shouto in college. The two of them became quick friends after being paired up as lab partners and soon became a bit more later on. He and Shouto did have a bit of a relationship at first, but that sort of fizzled out when the two of them realized that the feelings they had for one another was strictly platonic.
“It just looks like you got that shirt from the kid's section Sho.”  
Shouto snorted and started clicking away on his phone. His black acrylic nails tapping away at the screen. While staring at his friend's phone Izuku briefly wondered where he left his own. He remembered having it in his office, but he could have sworn he had the thing next to him in the bed.  “Hurry up we’re already late”
“Fuck I knew it...What time is it?” Shouto stopped tapping away on his phone and glanced over at Izuku delivering a flat look. “It’s 10:16 pm.”
Okay so maybe that wasn’t the first rem cycle he hit. The last time he had looked at the clock had been around 4 that morning. “I must have slept through my alarm.”
He heard Shouto shifting on his bed and Izuku could feel the man’s judgmental gaze without even looking. “I’ve been calling you for the last 30 minutes and when that didn’t work I started using your call button. ”
Izuku wenched and cast Shouto an apologetic smile. Maybe he shouldn’t have pulled back to back all-nighters when he had somewhere important to be. But he had really gotten in the zone with work. Shouto’s heterochromia eyes rolled and a thin manicured hand shooed Izuku off to the bathroom.
“Pick an outfit for me?” Shouto nodded but didn’t make a move off the bed. If he had gotten up with his alarm, Izuku would have had plenty of time to pick out an outfit himself. Stopping by his dresser, he pulled out a pair of navy boxer briefs then made his way to the bathroom. He didn’t bother closing the door. It wouldn’t be the first time Shouto has seen him naked.
It had only taken Izuku maybe a total of 9 minutes to shower and then about another 5 minutes for him to fully dry off and roll his stick deodorant under his arms. He wasn’t too worried about what Shouto would pick for an outfit as Izuku knew exactly what he had available in his closet. No matter how many times Shouto tried to get him into something flashier Izuku always refused. Besides in his line of work, it was better to blend in than stand out.
When he had emerged from the bathroom for the second time that evening, Izuku almost assumed that Shouto hadn’t moved from his spot on the bed. But a pile of clothes stacked neatly on his now made bed told another store. A teasing smile pulled lightly at Izuku’s full lips “Did you tidy up?”
“Shut up and get dressed.”
Izuku laughed but did as he was told. Shouto had chosen something that wasn’t too far off of what he would have picked for himself. A pair of black high-waisted slacks with a matching black mid collar neck t-shirt.
“Tuck your shirt in…” Izuku complied once again with Shouto’s request and made his way back into the bathroom. Using the mirror he made sure the shirt was tucked evenly. Staring at his reflection, Izuku rubbed a hand over his head, his short buzzed hair still damp from the shower. He could feel how some of his curls were starting to form again, and he made a mental note to set an appointment with his barber. He hated having to deal with his natural curls; they were a serious pain in his ass. After playing with his hair for a few more second’s Izuku decided that a beanie was going to be his best friend for the evening.
After he slipped on some no-shows, he shoved his feet into a pair of laced black ankle boots he found placed by the edge of the bed. “Did you find my phone?”
Shouto shook his head as stood up from bed  “No but the car is 3 minutes away.”
Izuku nodded and walked over to his nightstand to grab his keys, wallet, and beanie. He stepped into his bathroom one last time and slipped the black cotton beanie over his head. Checking his reflection one last time, Izuku turned off the bathroom light and exited his bedroom. Shouto wasn’t far behind him and Izuku trusted that Shouto would turn off the light.
He heard the soft clicking of Shouto’s dress shoes along his concrete floors as he followed Izuku, but not before switching off his bedroom light. Just like Izuku knew he would. With his body blocking Shouto’s view Izuku quickly punched in the number combination on the keypad lock of his office door. It wasn’t like Shouto didn’t already know the combination. It was just a habit Izuku never planned on breaking.
A soft beeping noise reached his ear and Izuku turned the knob. When he pushed the sealed door open, a familiar smell of rotten eggs hit his nose and from the hitch of breath behind him. Izuku knew Shouto smelt it as well. He should probably turn on the air filter again before he leaves.
His bedroom might have been a mess. But Izuku always made sure to keep his office spotless. Everything was put away in its rightful place, clean and organized. It had to be, cooking was always an extremely delicate process.
Izuku spotted his phone placed alongside the double stainless steel sink he had installed when he first moved in. Making his way across the room, he left Shouto by the door. Letting his friend take in the sight of the two 5ft tall racks full of trays filled with what looked like shards of broken glass.
“Isn’t the next pick-up 2 days away?”
Izuku kept his eyes on his phone and started scrolling through his missed notifications. He had a few missed calls from several of his friends. Including text messages asking when he was going to show up.
“Yeah..but I fully expect to be nursing a massive hangover tomorrow”
Shouto’s laughter echoes down the hallway as he makes his way to the front door. Izuku exits and firmly shuts his office door behind him. As soon as the door resealed Izuku heard the padlock let off a soft beep. Coincidentally Shouto’s phone went off as well.
“Cars here.”  
“Right behind you..” as the two of them exited his condo, Izuku made sure to flip on the air filter and activated the security system. He wouldn’t activate the cameras until he and Shouto cleared the building. It sounded like overkill, but when you had about 70,000 dollars in methamphetamine laying around you could never be too careful.
“BakuBROOO!” Crimson eyes shifted to the right and away from the sea of body gyrating on the dance floor to a man dressed in a pair of dark wash jeans and a tank top. He was slowly making his way through the crowd to him. Glancing over the man, Katsuki took note that he had stopped over at the bar before coming to the table as he was clutching two glasses of beer in his hands.  As his friend made his way to the table Katsuki glanced down at his own drink.  Whiskey neat, he liked the way the warm liquor burned down his throat. Made his fingers feel all tingly.  “The fuck you do to your hair? It looks even more shitty than it did before.”
He swears his friend goes through an outrageous amount of hair gel.  “Mina thinks it's hot! That's all that matters!” Katsuki scoffed and rolled his eyes back to Eijirou. Yeah Mina, funny enough she actually hit on Katsuki the first time the three of them hung out together. But she soon set her eyes on Eijirou after she found out that she wasn’t exactly Katsuki’s type.
Which Katsuki was thankful for, Eijirou couldn’t take his eyes off Mina. Katsuki was just happy his friend finally met someone. He had seen the guy date around but nobody really stuck around for too long. Sadly not a lot of people were cool with how close he and Eijirou were. People always assumed they were either dating, messing around, or fucking. Katsuki seriously couldn’t understand why people think it’s impossible for a straight man and a gay man to be best friends.
For fucks sake Eijirou was just a guy he met back in his freshman year of high school. A couple of upperclassmen tried to bully him because they found out that he was gay. Eijirou just so happened to be walking by at that exact moment and decided to step in to help.  Even though Katsuki had been able to take care of himself. Eijirou had been the one to pull Katsuki off one of the guys and never left his side after that. No matter how many times Katsuki tried to ditch him. After a while, they were inseparable.
“It still amazes me that she even agreed to marry your ass.”
“It was my manly charm!”  Eijirou threw Katsuki a smile, but the blonde ignored it and took another sip of his drink.
“Yeah, sure pal…where the fuck is Mina?”
Katsuki peeked back over at Eijirou over his glass. And caught his friend throwing him a playful wink. “Bathroom.”
A grin broke out on Katsuki’s face and he placed his glass down on the table. His full attention now on the redhead. “ Really now?”
Eijirou returned Katsuki’s grin and leaned into his friend's space. Their foreheads a few inches apart and whispered “Chargebolt came through.”
Fucking Chargebolt was a stupid punk ass flaky dealer. Katsuki absolutely despised going to him, but the dunce face always had the best coke. “ No fucking way...how?”
Eijirou tilted his head and nodded his head towards somewhere behind Katsuki. Which had the blonde turning to see what he was talking about. Katsuki saw a group of people sitting in one of the VIP booths surrounded by balloons. “ You know his girlfriend, Kyouka?”
Katsuki frowned a bit in thought. Honestly, he was hella bad at names and faces. “ Kyouka?”
Eijirou gave Katsuki a look. “Dude, Kyouka! You know DJ Earphone Jack?! Come on, we went to her set last month.”
Okay, so that sparked a memory. Their buddy Hanta had been in town for the weekend and the man had brought along a few gifts. “I took 7 hits of acid that night dumbass...or did you forget?”
Eijirou’s bark of laughter almost made Katsuki jump. Almost. Even with the music, his friend was stupid loud “Shit yeah, I forgot about that! But yeah, it’s a friend of Kyouka’s birthday tonight so….”
Katsuki picks up his glass and turns it up. Draining the rest of its contents. “Lucky us.”
After Izuku exited the vehicle he was able to take in the side of town they were really on. On the drive over he had an inkling on where they were going, but he didn’t exactly recognize the name of the club. Now he knew why his friend chose to omit that little detail.
“A gay bar? But Tsu is straight...isn’t she?” Izuku turned to look at Shouto watching his friend apply on a layer of lip gloss. “Straight people go to gay bars all the time Zuku…”
Izuku sighed and placed his hand on top of his head adjusting his beanie. He knew Shouto was right, straight people go to gay bars all the time. It was just he himself never had the chance to go to one. He has been to plenty of bars and nightclubs, but he never ventured over to the warehouse district. It was a bit out of his way really. About a 25 minute drive to the other side of town. “Yeah I know...it just...well..”
Shouto recapped his lip gloss and stowed it back into his clutch. Reaching down with his free hand he grabbed Izuku’s wrist and began pulling the shorter man to the line forming just outside of the entrance. “You’ll be fine, let's just get inside so O can stop blowing up my phone.”
It didn’t take them long to reach the doors. After flashing the security their ID’s they both found themself enveloped in an electric atmosphere. It really wasn’t all that different from places he’d been before, the only thing that was different was the demographic.
“Come on O and Tsu got bottle service at the booth.”  Shouto reached for Izuku’s hand this time and the man pulled him along, navigating them through the crowd. It was obvious to him then that Shouto had been there before so he let the man take the lead. As he did so Izuku took his time to take in the sights. Really it wasn’t all that different from other places. Except for the people dancing in cages. That was something he hadn’t really seen before.
“About time you two got here!”
Izuku turned his attention away from the cages and to a woman wearing a light pink body con dress. Shouto had since dropped his hand and was now trapped in the arms of Ochako.  He and Shouto had met the woman through her husband and his long-time business associate Tenya when they first got into the business. If he was the manufacturer then Tenya was the distributor. Glancing around Izuku made eye contact with a man dressed like he had just come from the country club man and nodded his head in a greeting, but he was soon trapped in Ochako’s arms just like Shouto had been.
“Did you pull another all-nighter?!”
Izuku lightly patted his friend's back as he laughed softly. “You know me O.”
She pulled away but kept her hands on Izuku’s shoulders to give them a soft squeeze. “Did you at least eat?!”
Pale green eyes glanced away from Ochako’s light brown and all but begged Shouto for help. However, his friend was conveniently busy making himself a drink,  but Izuku still saw the knowing smile from where he stood. ‘Traitor.’  
“Umm..you see Shouto woke me up actually when he picked me up so...I didn’t really have time?” Ochako narrowed her eyes and Izuku couldn’t help but lean away from the petite woman in fear.
“Zuzu! What's up my dude!” the gods must have taken pity on Izuku because suddenly a solid weight collided with his side. Knocking him out of Ochako’s hold.
“Hey Denki.” He threw his spunky friend a grateful smile. Which had the man wiggling his eyebrows. Denki Kaminari is another work associate of his, he actually met the blonde-haired man through Tenya about a year ago. Denki was one of his runners.
“Where’s Kyouka?”  Out of the corner of his eye, Izuku spotted Tenya calling his wife back over to his side. He loved how much Ochako looked out for him, he was a mess and sometimes he needed it, but the woman didn’t really know when and where it was a good time to go in on him. Like now, getting scolded in the middle of a club was a perfect example of when not to do it.  
“Her and Tsu went to the bathroom.”
Izuku grinned and shook his head. “Always the opportunist. “
Denki removed his arm from Izuku’s shoulder and stepped back from his friend, throwing his arms above his head in glee. “I’m like the ice cream man dude!”
Mina had since joined back up with the guys. Making her presence known by clinging to Katsuki’s back. Her arms wrapping around his midsection. “Suki bear!”
Katsuki’s eyebrow began to twitch and Eijirou took that as his cue to step in. “Where’s my greeting baby?”
Honey brown eyes peeked from behind Katsuki, her pink box braids swinging over her shoulder as she did so. “I just saw you 10 minutes ago...I haven’t seen Suki since yesterday.”
Mina was always a handsy person, but put coke up her nose she was even more so. It really didn’t bother Katsuki. He could be a little clingy himself, it was just those awful nicknames she came up with. ‘ What the fuck is Suki bear’
Reaching down to her hands Katsuki dislodged the dark-skinned woman’s hold and handed her over to the pouting redhead. “Go say hi to your fiance before he ruins his eyeliner.”
Mina giggled as she slid closer to Eijirou. Katsuki watched as she grabbed hold of his friend’s face and sandwiched his cheeks. Then proceeded to pepper his face with kisses. The display of affection had Katsuki rolling his eyes and looking down at his empty glass regretfully.
“I’m gonna head to the bar.”
His statement had the lip-locked couple breaking apart, well it was more like Mina broke the kiss. Eijirou desperately tried to follow, but she pushed his face away and gave Katsuki her attention. “Actually Tsu invited us over to her party!”
That seemed to get the redhead's attention. “Who’s Tsu?”
Mina beamed at her fiance and then with one hand pointed over behind Katsuki. “Kyouka’s friend. It’s her birthday and she’s got bottle service in VIP.”
Katsuki and Eijirou both looked back over at the VIP section. A woman wearing a short yellow t-shirt dress with a foil sash was waving her hands excitedly in their direction and gesturing for them to join her group.
Katsuki turned back to his friends, his eyes wide. “ You had me at bottle service.”
Izuku glanced up from his drink as a woman wearing leather pants and a white crop top stepped into their section. He would have gotten up to greet the woman but he was stuck in the booth between Shouto and Denki. He did offer her a friendly wave though. “Hey Kyouka!”
Kyouka, Denki’s girlfriend. Izuku had gone to a few of her sets before. The woman was talented. “Hey Zu.”
Izuku looked behind her and saw Tsuyu waving her arms and gesturing for someone to come over. He looked into the crowd and tried to pinpoint exactly who it was, but he really didn’t see any familiar faces. He did see a woman with pink braids waving back at a table with two other men though. He saw how she and the redheaded man clung to either other and Izuku wondered how much hair gel the man actually used, he tried to see the blonde man but his back was turned to him. However, Izuku wasn’t complaining. ‘Blondey has a hell of an ass’
Denki had gotten up and started making Kyouka a drink, which let Izuku get up to properly greet the birthday girl. Leaving his glass on the table, he snuck up behind Tsuyu and threw his arms around the short woman’s shoulders, and hugged her tight. “Happy birthday Tsu!”
The woman turned around in Izuku's hold and gave him a proper hug. “Aww thank you Izuku!”
Tsuyu was actually Tenya’s cousin and he met her years ago when Ochako and Tenya got married.
Pulling from the short girl Izuku placed a small kiss on her forehead, which had Tsuyu smiling brightly up at him. When she looked at him Izuku could see how wide her pupils were. “Celebrating hard I see.”
Tsuyu nodded her head, her smile never leaving her lips. “It is my birthday after all!”
Izuku returned her smile but lightly reached up to tap against her nose. “Just take it easy birthday girl.”
Tsuyu pulled away from Izuku’s hold and gave him a mock salute. “Aye aye captain.”
“Hey, thanks for the invite, Tsu!”
Izuku and Tsuyu turned their attention to the trio he had seen earlier. It was the woman with pink hair who spoke up first. She had fingers interlocked with the redheads and the blonde. ‘Throuple?’
“Mina! Of course! So which one is the fiance you were telling me about?”
Tsuya looked back and forth between the blonde and redhead, but the redhead saved her the trouble and spoke up, even dropping his hold from Mina’s to shake Tsuyu’s hand. “That would be me, the names Eijirou.” Tsuyu and Eijirou shook hands and she turned to the blonde and before he offered her his hand as well to shake Izuku noted how he handed off the beer to Mina. “I’m Katsuki and please let me buy you a birthday shot.”
Tsuyu grinned and nodded happily to Katsuki “Only if you take one with me.”
Katsuki grinned right back at the short woman and Izuku suddenly wished he was in Tsuyu’s place. Katsuki was beyond attractive, he was just a little taller than Izuku, built,  and had eyes like the color of red phosphorus.
Izuku felt a presence next to him and glanced to see Denki. “I better get a wedding invitation Eijirou!”
Izuku watched as the two shared some odd secret handshake that had both Mina and Tsuyu laughing. Katsuki just rolled his eyes and sidestepped the duo. ‘Okay so maybe not a throuple’
“Hey, I’m Katsuki.” Pale green suddenly met red phosphorus. Reaching out he offered the man his hand. Katsuki’s grip was strong and very warm when compared to Izuku’s cold ones.
When Mina had grabbed their hands to drag them over he made sure to grab the woman’s beer. While Ejiro grabbed his own. She chatted a bit to them about this woman Tsuyu but Katsuki was too busy looking over at the man who had the birthday girl in a hug. From the way they had been talking he had briefly wondered if they were a couple.
When they got closer, however, Katsuki hoped they weren’t. The man was downright beautiful. He had a skin color that reminded Katsuki of those caramel macchiatos that he was addicted to. But he had the feeling that Izuku tasted sweeter. ‘Are those freckles?’
Katsuki had finished shaking Tsuyu’s hand when a familiar blonde man walked up next to Izuku. ‘Fucking Chargebolt.’
Again he didn’t mind the guy, just he got fucking annoying real quick. Eijirou and Denki did some sort of weird handshake and Katsuki took this as his chance to introduce himself.
“Hey, I’m Katsuki.”  When the man shifted his gaze to Katsuki, he almost choked. The man had the prettiest green eyes Katsuki had ever seen. The club lights made them shine bright like emeralds.
“Izuku” his hand fit perfectly in Katsuki’s and he didn’t bother resisting the urge he had to look the Izuku up and down.
When he met that emerald gaze again Katsuki caught Izuku smirking at him. Which Katsuk equally returned. “Nice to meet you Izuku.”
Dropping his hand Izuku gestured back to the ice buckets along the table.
“ Let me get you a drink Katsuki…”
A/N: Updates every Wednesday. Let me know what you all think?  
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tmntl0verthings · 7 years
Rocker n’ the Pauper  DonXreader 2016
 "Are you google? cause your everything I'm looking for." --Donatello 
As your legs were spread above his as He sat in his swivel computer chair. You and him were inner tangling tongues as his hand was grazing up from your lower bicep up to your shoulder squeezing it gently. Your brows rose promptly as you felt him becoming more passionate. Your business phone went off as you almost bit your own lip from the surprise. As you pulled away you gave him one last peck on the lips. you smiled lovingly making him smiled softly to see you pick your pocket for your device. "sorry..I gotta get going." you breathed as you got off his lap to stand up. "Its okay, I know you got your career." "I'm sorry." you smiled with soft eyes as you leaned down and kissed his nose. You bent back up as you walked away waving "Bye boobie!" you turned around swinging your arms. 
 On stage the curtain opens to show your outfit off. 
-Crop top with long sleeves - BLACK - Highwaisted Jean shorts - Kitty cat Stockings (kawaii)  -Combat boots
You walked out all confident as you had a white n' red Bedazzled microphone in your hand as you lifted it up to your Painted face. Red Lipstick with Deep Purple wing liner. "HELLO NEW YORK CITY!" you shouted as your fans shouted back with awe, Agony and ultimate Fangirling and boying. "CAN I GET A HELL YEAH!" "HELL YEA!" they all syned.  The guitars started up as then the drums vibrated the stage. "Who do you think you are! Telling me who i could be when I've already chosen myself! What makes me less of a person than you Just cause i don't own Kate spade or wear dem White vans! You can't change me! YOU CAN'T CHANGE ME!" You walked up and down the aisle to give high fives and touch peoples hands. "I'm just gonna be me! Living my dreams, Living my life the way I want n' scream and shout, scream and shout HELL YEA from the roofs HELL YEA HELL YEA HELL YEA!" you jumped up and down with your fist in the air.   Donnie was watching your concert from afar ontop of the stage itself seeing how people adored you. Mikey was with him too. "I'm no drag queen, doesn't mean I can't make a scene! And don't call me jezebel.." you voice deepens with that last word. You danced to the instrumental music for a bit to then sing again. "HELL YEA! HELL YEA! Imma scream it, scream it. Shout it, shout it!" 
    After the show you were sweating from the lights shining on you. You were chugging down a water bottle to see a little girl in brow pigtails and a Fanshirt of you ran up to you with her mom jogging behind. "um miss y/n. can you sign my shirt?" she asked adorably making you gush. "awe of course." you put your hands on your chest feeling honored. You bent down with your Two toned pen that changed to another color. Blue to then purple. "There you go" you smiled wide showing your charisma. "THANKS SO MUCH!" she hopped up and down "I hope you get a prince! Thats what you deserve!" she complimented. "daww.." you smiled at her mom with adore making her mom smile. "alright come on Adeline. Dad's waiting." you watched her walk away to then see a penny fall from the sky. You looked down to pick it up to see it was still fairly new with the year 2011 on it. You looked up to see Donnie's Greenish LED electronics highlight his physique with one red dot flashing on and off a'top his head. You smiled as you then saw him point to the back. You nodded as you understood.      You and him laid on the roofs to see the sunset ice the sky with Orange n' purple with red at the very edge illuminating buildings with Shining red mirrors. You saw the stars peeking through the Velvet blue sky. Laying in silence together, thinking, memorizing this moment, daydreaming, and evaluating. You were mostly re-imaging your show from tonight. "Hey y/n.." your thoughts were interrupted by his gentle voice "whats up?" you looked up at him as he sat up looking down at you. His negative thoughts almost slipped out but..was he being selfish for wanting you to be only with him or did you truly deserve better. "don is something wrong?" you asked with worry as you saw his pupils travel somewhere else. You looked over to where he was wondering to look back at him. "yea no i'm fine its just..I love you." he simply stated "daw i wuv you too." you smiled as you took his limpy hand in yours. He softly smiled as he looked at you with content. He looked over to see the sun was gone and every street lamp was on. "You should go home..Its late." he informed you. "oh no...(you looked over your shoulder to see the cheese moon glowing in the sky) aww..(you looked back at him) alright.." your eyes looked down with your lips naturally pouted out. he took his finger under your chin lifting it up to draw your pupils up to his looking glass. He kissed your lips softly to then take them away. "Come on.." he stood up "i'll take ya." "alright.." you pouted again as he picked you up. You laid your head against his shoulder collar as hopped rooftops. 
::Next day:: 
    Getting ready for a performance, You got a text from Donnie "hey Meet me outside." Walking out of your trailer with your Wig on for this special Performance with Ripped up black shirt with a neon green strapless bra underneath with black n' gold ombre skinny jeans n' combat boots. You jumped the last step to see Donnie with no one else around "Hey whats up.."  "I invented every excuse for staying. I must admit, and I think you'd agree with me, I got pretty creative over the time. But you kept giving me every reason to stay but.. You deserve better--" You cut off his sentence "what are you saying?" you asked worried ""I can't be with you anymore. I'm letting you go." "No. Your not." you argued back "Please don't make this an argument. You need to be with someone more your pace. Someone who can support you. Have children with. A real future. Better." "Thats not true; You are my better. Please don't do this Donnie." your eyes cried out as your lips quivered. "Did I do something wrong??" "No..just the opposite. which is why I need to leave." You stood shocked, dumbfounded, Stupefied. "I don't understand. Donatello. Please.." He started walking away to then have your voice cry out "Donatello!" you cried as you stood there petrified from heartbreak. "what did i do.." You then shook away your fazed look to run after him with your feet stomping with each sprint. "Donnie!" you screamed out to then see him no where. "Don.. DONATELLO!!!" Donnie was on the rooftop three blocks away to hear your pain filled scream as Tears fled his reddened eyes but he didn't make a sound. No cry. He hopped away to go home, to his hovel.  -----------   Walking out onto the stage with blue ambient lights slowly moving around you walked out with your eyes looking at the microphone in your hand. You looked up with tear free eyes and a faux smile "HELLO NEW YORK! ARE YOU READY!" "HELL YEA!!" they chanted as you looked down at your Manicured nails holding the phone. A slow bass started with a guitar and soft drums "I remember those days here and there, do you even dare to go the place I go? (you looked up with your Burgundy lips singing with deep purple wing liner) The place where I still know you exist and I'll never..I can't allow myself to let you leave my brain Cause I know if I did...You'd never return. How selfish can a person be..(Donnie walked into his lab area; sitting in his chair like a lump of clay as he swiveled lightly in his chair) How do you spend your days without a care when i'm here breaking down inside! How could you! I spend all day sleeping cause my nights are nightmares of YYOUU!! That all you could do..was leave..( donnie picks up a pencil with your teeth marks on it you used for your homework he helped you with) You LEFT Making it clear to me, that you never needed me! Well i'm sorry I couldn't let up to your standards!! And All i wanted to say was...*exhail* I love you.. (tears started falling but it blended in with sweat) is that too much..or maybe NOT ENOUGH!!!" the crowd screamed and sang along. "Tell me was it all just a waist or will i need an allaby in my future for sins that corrode my heart with your Rust. But Now that I Don't need you ANYMORE! I want to make you feel the PAIN you caused me! Stab you in the heart with Cupids arrow! Make your heart Bleed out Like you did mine!" (Donnie burned your pencil in a beaker of acid watching it as the beaker Distorted his face) "Do you dare to go to the place i go? Chocolate Dreams and Cotton candy clouds, but your too bitter anymore. You spat sour Lemonade on my wounds. No beauty shows passed your tragedies (Showing your teeth like you were yelling at someone) I want you to know the pain you created! Stab you in the heart with Cupid's Arrow until you drip Velvet! Do you dare to go to the place i go?" you breathed as the song ended as you blinked your reddened eyes. You left the stage as it was time for the next singer to see your white haired, 32 yr old Man, manager back stage "That was amazing! Such raw ferocity! Try and make it just like that next time, kay kid?" "yea sure.." you didn't look at you walked along to walk into your trailer. walking into your Red carpeted trailer; You kneeled down as you back laid against your bed taking off your shoes as you cried making it hard for you to breath but concerts are heavily lit making people sweat. You probably needed water. 
Three days Later::       You walked into the turtles home with courage to face up to Donnie after such short time of a break up. "Hey y/n!" mikey greeted "Hey, where's donnie?" you asked "He's in his lab i think." "Thanks." You walked over to Donnie's area to see he was in his area on his computer decoding something. "Donatello." His heart skipped a beat as he heard you speak his name was like an old record from years ago. He turned around in his swivel chair. He stood up slowly with the help of his chair "what are you doing here?" "I can't do this..I don't know why you did what you did. Its still hard for me to comprehend but I never said I would follow through with your decision." You walked up to him and put your arms around his neck, Kissing his lips. He was surprised at first but then he followed suit as he put his hands around your waist closing his eyes. You felt the cold rim of his glasses along your cheek bone making you fill with ecstasy. Words didn't need to be said to express current feelings.. He pulled away to look at you "I was wrong, the most wrong i've ever been in my whole life. I need you in my life. Please, will you stay with me." "I never left." you smiled with satisfaction. He smiled as he then brought you in to kiss him again with such raw passion.      As he used his hands n' knees to keep himself up on top of the comforters of his bed while hovering over you as his mask tails dangled down into your vision, door locked. Only thing lit was two candles on his bed side table. He had your clothing on the floor already as he wasn't wearing anything anymore either. You laid there under his shadow with fear and excitement all at once to then see him come closer for his lips touch n' press into your lips. He relaxed his hands for his arms to support himself now as his lips inner tangled with yours. His tongue was much bigger than yours given..he's a turtle not human. He pulled away for his tongue to slide down your jawline, to your neck, his fresh hot breath against your skin with tender lips. His fangs grazed back up your ear to whisper sweet nothings making you smile as your eyes looked to him. Watching him as he moved down to your chest as you breathed out he tickled your one nipple with his teeth before he frosted you in his poisonously addictive saliva. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your breath stuttered with delight as you grabbed the comforter in between your index and thumb, squeezing it making him mentally smile. He used his other hand to entertain your other nip. As your eyes opened up looking at the ceiling as warm breath escaped your lips. He lifted his head up as his tongue reached down lower Like a lizard as he licked you one last time. You felt his hand rub against your pinkness with a tickling, enjoyable sensation. Feeling your insides leaking already he jammed his finger inside making your leg twitch as you made a light moan. You couldn't relax feeling something inside of you that felt this good. His finger was about a big as a man's penis for crying out loud. He slowly moved it in and out with gentle motions but quickly sped up. Your breasts bounced as your body went with each motion. You started to feel your insides stir. He stopped to bring the tip to your flower. He pressed gently with his hands on each kneecap keeping your legs open. He used his hips to slowly push it inside with ease and precision. Feeling him fill up your insides with never ending inches. Finally they came to a stopping point where you consumed all of him. He exhaled as he felt your member-like insides squeeze and surround him. He started moving out to push it back inside. Pleasurable moans escaped your lips. Some were squeakier than others. He increased his speed as You could tell he was really enjoying himself. He felt your insides grow hotter making him purr with pleasure as he let go of your legs and bent down to make out with your lips. The lips that always made him feel invincible. Like he could even beat up Raph. He felt his pelvis go faster without command as he was gonna cum soon. His thrusts go harder and faster feeling like he was gonna break through to your womb. He felt at peace and release as you were filling with his sweet cream. You let your head fall back to feel you sink inside and physically into his bedding. You exhailed as he wiped himself down with a papertowel.       Laying in bed with you; you held onto him as you traced and outlined his shelled chest designs. He yawned curling his tongue making you smile softly but that didn't describe how you felt. You felt relief, happiness, love, safe, and my love bestows responsibilities, but not rights. I have no right to your heart, but am blessed to love you with my own. I have no right to your time, but am honored to share moments. You looked up at his Non-Glassed eyes to see them up front. His  eyes were a soft washed out green, like a favourite sweater that's been washed too many times..
the end
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ያ ድምጹ (That Voice)
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  The next day in her apartment’s lab, Anika was looking at the blended blood sample of her last victims through a magnify glass and took some notes. “No trace of any diseases found. This is good for feeding. The others will be happy.” She took off her white lab coat and gloves placing them on the counter before leaving the room. Anika played her stereo to hear Nina Simone’s ‘Sinnerman’. She let her hair down out of its ponytail to massage her scalp as she moved around her apartment to the instruments that surrounded her in the room. She wore small biker shorts with an over sized white crop top. She moved her hips and arms to the sway of Ms. Simone’s vocals, singing every word.
“Don't you see I need you, rock? Good Lord, Lord All on that day So I run to the river It was bleedin', I run to the sea It was bleedin', I run to the sea It was bleedin', all on that day So I run to the river It was boilin', I run to the sea It was boilin', I run to the sea It was boilin', all on that day.”
     Anika imagined herself as she was there when she performed this song live back in 1965 when her mother was still alive. Queen Kamili loved this song and whenever the ladies heard it, they couldn’t help but move. They always ended up doing their tribe’s dance moves. Anika moved around in such a full force as she imagined the last few minutes she had with her mother. She felt her soul become stronger within every move like she did whenever she was with her mother. When the song came to an end, she felt tears draining from her eyes, looked into the mirror across from her and saw the gold tears fall. She tossed her hair out of her face and sat on her knees looking at her reflection. 
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  She heard a cough and when she turned, she saw her third eldest sister, Princess Eshe Maraki of Season Beginning’s. She wore her fluffy afro with pride, a bedazzled sequin top with a purple strapless bra , bangles up her arm, matching hoops and a purple fluorite stone around her neck with low ride cuffed jeans and matching stiletto boots. “Hello, beautiful baby sister. Why must you cry whenever you hear that tune?” Anika stood on shaky legs but Eshe caught her. “Why are you here, Eshe” she asked as Eshe wiped her tears away. “I am here to visit you, love. I see you are still not over our Queen’s death.” 
“How can I be over it when I am the reason she is gone?” She held Anika’s head onto her lap and started to twirl the braids in her hair. “Dear Anika, none of us all saw this coming and besides you were no where near the scene of the crime. You did nothing wrong.” Anika tried to get up but Eshe pushed her back down. “Listen, Anika. Our women have only one rule and that is never blame ourselves or others for the death of our people. We have to stay strong in our mother’s memory. I know you and I are not close as yourself and Zoya but trust me when I say that you are not to blame. The attack was fast and before we could stop it, it was all over with. Mother is back in her tomb at peace with our Goddess Genat.”
“She was not supposed to die, Eshe. We are im-mortal for a reason. We do not die like the human beings.” Eshe let out a small chuckle and said “this is true but things happen all for a good reason even if they started out terrible. The tribe in question will be punished soon once we find them. Do not worry and once we find the heart and a cure, you will be our queen. You will wear that crown with pride and joy like our mother wants and imagined for you.” Anika closed her eyes and took in her sister’s sweet scent. It was true they weren’t close but when they made up, there were already sweet memories. Eshe was traveling the world so much she barely checked on her sisters. She honestly blamed her mother’s death on her because she was not there to stop it. As her sweet sister fell sleep in her lap, she watched her and caressed her cheek. Eshe lied her head back looking up to the ceiling with gold tears of her own. “inē it’ebik’ishalehu ina k’alihini it’ebik’alehu, ihiti ānīka (I promise our queen that I will protect you and I shall keep my promise, sister Anika.)”, she said as she soon drifted off as well, all to Nina Simones’ ‘Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood’.
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    In his apartment across town, Malcolm looked at his house phone that was staring him the face. He sat on the couch and just staring at white phone like it owed him money. It had been a whole three days since he met ‘Anne’ but he still didn’t call her. He was scared. Of what he didn’t know why but he just knew he shouldn’t. What if she was busy? What if she wasn’t really feeling him like that? He had called plenty of females, all the time actually so why was he being such a wimp, he thought. His train of thought was interrupted when the phone rung. He got up and answered.
      “What’s up, nigga? You called her yet?” It was Shane of course. Mal took the cordless phone to his couch. “Shane, why and how are you always in my fucking business?” Shane rolled his eyes as he watched Martin reruns. “Da fuck you waiting for, Mal? It ain’t like she gonna call ya ass. She don’t even have your number.” Malcolm thought about it but maybe too hard because he felt he was brain was about to strain. He placed two fingers on his forehead moving them clockwise. “Shane, you my dogg but I don’t need no lecture from you, my nigga. Ima call when I am ready. I’ll call you later.”. He hung up and felt something, like a certain urge. He looked at the phone number he copied on a sheet of paper as soon as he got home and picked up the phone dialed the numbers. “13235558794″ he said and held the phone to his ear leaning on the couch. He waited for the dial tone and it kept ringing he was about to give up but then he heard…
“Hello”, Anika answered as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. He thought she even sound more beautiful like she did in person. She looked around to see that Eshe was gone and so were the containers. She repeated. “Hello? Is anyone there?” He cleared his throat and said “is Anne there?” Her voice eased to his eardrums. “Yeah. Hi, Mal. How’s it going’?” He smiled and leaned his head back relieved. “Good. Were you sleep?”
She yawned and said “yeah but it’s okay.” 
“Sorry I haven’t called. I’ve been hella busy.” She laughed and said “it’s coo, Malcolm. I figured as much. I’ve had my hands tied, too. So, how you been though?” He became more relaxed and said “I was stressed but now I ain’t anymore. But, what about you?” She lied in bed now and said “nothing much. School and stuff.”
    He was quiet for a little, trying to think of what to say next. “So, what you got goin’ on for the rest of the week?” She took a breath and said “nothing much. What about you?”
“Same as you. You not hanging with you friends.?”
    She had to come up with a lie and fast. “Oh, they actually went back home to Texas. They were only visiting, remember.” He smiled and asked “I know this is sudden but would you like to hang out today or tomorrow? I would uh..” He cleared his throat and said “I would really like to see you again.” She looked around in a very paranoid state of mind and asked “why you wanna see me?” He chuckled nervously and said “well, I would like us to be friends and I was always raised that to be a friend, we should build a connection.” The last time she did something like this, her sisters found out and had to take him out; he ended up being take out. But for some, something told her to say …
“Okay. Tomorrow will be fine.”
He smiled. “Great and where would you like to meet?”
“You know where Fox Hills is at?”
“Yes, of course. What time?”
   He leaned in and said “cool, I’ll see you then.” She nodded and hung up slowly, dropping the phone. Anika sat there in bed thinking out loud. “What in all of Ethiopia am I doing? I must be foolish to think that this will end well. So, why am I fine with this? I am the leader of a royal tribe for mother’s sake. I can not go. I must not.”
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    She lied on the cold golden floor in a sacred temple somewhere in deep Ethiopia but she wore a white gown that hugged her figure and her hair in two braids and matching afro puffs. She wore a gold head piece on her forehead as as she sat up to take in her surroundings. The walls were a white marble and the ceiling was high with a gold chandelier. “lijē, inikwani dehina met’achihu (My child, welcome home.)”, she heard a sweet woman’s voice but saw no one around. “selami. yeti nehi (Hello. Where are you?)”, she asked but no answer. She walked around the room that suddenly faded in as she saw furniture fading in. A king sized bed with black silk sheets with millions of golden throw pillows. There was also a vanity table and a huge wardrobe with two matching lions on each side of the bed. She looked in the mirror to see her mother in a shimmery gold and white gown with a crown that resembled Queen Nefertiti's crown but white and gold. Anika turned to her and felt tears drop down. “nigisiti imayē? (My Queen Mother?)”
  “le’inē minimi iniba, lijē. inē lezele’ālemi wisit’i bebētemenihi wisit’i nenyi. inē huligīzē izīhi inoralehu. inē beberikata sewochi dehina nenyi. (No tears for me, my child. I am in our palace for all of eternity. I will always be here. I am safe and loved by many.)”, Queen Kamili opened her arms to her beloved daughter with a warm smile. Anika ran to her arms with so much emotion she couldn’t think right. “imayē, bet’ami āzenishalehu. (Mother, I miss you dearly.)”, she said not wanting to let go. The queen gave a light laugh and held her closer. “Ah, Anika my love. You have a lot to learn. I am amazed that you have not visited me earlier. (ānī, fik’irē. bizu yemīmaruti negeri ālewoti. k’edemi biyē silaligobenyehubinyi desitenya nenyi)”, Kamili said as she rubbed her child’s back.
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     Anika looked at her with baffled eyes. “What do you mean, mother?” Queen smiled and said “follow me, dear Anika.” They left the royal palace and walked to a secluded ocean where the water was clear and aqua and the rocks were a magenta shade caused by the sunset. “Our people were the first to be on earth ever. The bible say that there was an “Adam and Eve”. No, there was Adam, Eve, Amani and Fassil, Yonas and Nyala but we were separate for a purpose. You see, there is their God and we have our Goddess, Genat. Genat created our kind on the other side of the world because their God couldn’t handle our power. He hated the idea of beings more powerful than him.”, Queen Kamili stated as the dug their toes in the warm toffee sand.    Anika said “so, mother. We were able to populate with the male species?” Kamili smiled and said “yes, but only beings like us. Strong, resourceful, and highly intelligent. We used to be guarded by the royal family, the Sahle tribe. They were are protectors and partners before the Serwit tribe. But we had our difference in 1708 due to some issue we do not wish to discuss.” Anika looked on the water with her arms in front then to her mother. “Mother, why am I here?”    Kamili looked at her daughter with caring eyes. “the man, you will befriend. He is a good man. He is not like the others we have fed to our kind. Someone I like for you. You need to relax a little, my child. That young man is something special.” Anika turned to her mother and asked “what about the others? What would they think of this issue?” Kamili held Anika’s shoulders and said “ānite merīhi nehi. inesu melikami yihonalu. (You are their leader. They will be fine.)” She smiled and Anika hugged her again. “inē ānichīni iwedachiḫwalehu. (I love you, mother.)” “lijēni iwedachiḫwalehu. kuratenya ina gezhī ādirigenyi. (I love you, my child. Make me proud and rule.) 
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    Anika woke up the next day to realize it was all a dream. Her eyes looked to the sun and she thought of what her mother said and smiled. “Maybe I should give him a chance. As a friend of course.”, she said aloud then saw the time on her clock. It was eleven am and she had to meet Malcolm across Los Angeles at Fox Hills mall. “For the love Genat” she yelled as she ran to the shower then looked inside her closet for something to wear; a paid of Adidas biker shorts, plain red turtleneck crop top, and red converse with a red & black flannel. She wore her hair in high ponytail with two braids out, grabbed her keys and was on her way.
[Elevators (Me & You) by OutKast plays]
   She pulled into the crowded parking lot and parked in a spot by the food court. She realized that they never said where to actually meet but when she looked up, Malcolm sat at a nearby table. He wore a pair of red sweats with a black sweater and black Kswiss. He saw her and smiled with a lip bite. He stood as he approached her and said “hey, hope you don’t mind but I just came from class.” She nodded and said “it’s okay. I literally just threw anything on.” He looked her up and down. “You like fly to me, Annie”, he gave a warm smile and she felt hers coming in slowly. They began walking through the mall looking at all the customers running around. “So, Annie. I wanted to actually apologize for not calling. It’s been really busy lately” he said with his arms crossed, looking down at her.
     She waved him off and said “it’s fine, Mal. Really. I’ve been busy, too.” He looked down at her, watching her with close eyes again. He watched her lips move as they talked every sweet word. Her eyes were like dark chocolate covered orbs that had a shine to them. Her skin was smooth as if it was touched by A God them self; any God. Her body was a vision that he would to take in all of eternity. She was overall a piece of art and he couldn’t help but just stare. She looked up at him and smiled. “You aight up there”, she asked him. He nodded and chuckled. “Yeah, I’m fine. So, do you have any relatives?” She looked at him then ahead.
“Yeah, I’m the baby of seven women.”
“Whoa. So, no brothers.”
    She shook her head. “Nope, what about you?” He smiled and said “I’m actually the youngest of a bunch of men. Just imagine the fights.” He laughed as she looked at him. He was a very handsome man with amazing dark skin, a smile that can make anyone do anything. His arms were tone but not too overbearing. His eyes were like the dark sands that surrounded her royal Ethiopian palace. ‘Why am I thinking like this’ she thought to herself. ‘He is of the human male species and I am an immortal princess who is two hundred years old and also feeds off his brothers’. He looked at her and asked “are you okay, Annie?” She looked at him and said “I’m fine. Just hungry.”
“Well, since we just walkin’ around, let’s hit Denny’s then.”
   She smiled and nodded. “We can meet up there.” He nodded once and said “I’ll see ya there. Right down the street, aight?” She smiled. “Okay, Mal.” They walked away each other slowly and surely. He got in his car and couldn’t help but smile as he made his way to Denny’s. He pulled into the parking lot and as he waited his brother called.
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“This Mal”, Malcolm said. His brother let out a deep breath and said “hello, Malcolm.”
“Hey, Sal. How’s it going?”
  Sal was in his loft in New York city. He was also an attorney; probably the best damned one in all of his law firm. “How is Los Angeles treating you”, he asked his baby brother as he entered his lavish loft. He slipped out his gray tailored coat and placed it on the coat rack before settling in his wooden lounge chair. “It’s cool out here. How is New York , big bro?”
“Fine. Same old. Same old. Have you talk to the other brothers?”
“Nah, why what’s up?”
   Sal loosened his tie and said “we will be all going to T’s place for our monthly family gathering. Dad’s wishes before he passed.” Malcolm totally forgot about it until now. His brothers liked to visit him more than anything due to their father’s death. He was scarred after the fact and went through a tough battle with depression. They usually liked to talk about his progress in person but Malcolm never could face him because it felt like they were secretly judging him. “Oh yeah. Okay then. Just lettin’ you know now. I am fine. I am stable.” Sal poured a cup of whiskey into his chilled glass at his kitchen counter. “Yes, I know but it was our father’s wish since you are the last of us. So, we will be there and discuss whatever.” Sal sipped the whiskey and said “aaaah. Smooth. Little brother, we are doing this because we care about your well being. You must stay strong for all of us. We are a team.” Malcolm felt a tear and wiped it with his thumb. “I know, man. I know.”
   He turned his head to see Annie’s car pull up to a nearby spot. “Hey, Sal. I’m gonna call when I get back, man.” They said their goodbyes and Mal hopped out to stand by Annie’s door; she smiled and opened her door. They walked in side by side and went to sit at table with two chairs across from each other. He ordered them two chocolate milkshakes and as Anika watched the waitress walk away, she turned back to see Malcolm looking at her. “What”, she asked with a chuckle. He smiled at her and said “nothing. I just feel like, we met before. Is that weird?” She looked into his face still trying to read his mind but she couldn’t. “No, it ain’t. Why do think we met before?”
“Not sure but I feel like maybe in the past we did.” She took a deep breath and felt as if she needed to change the subject. “So, Malcolm. How was your classes today?” The waitress came back with their milkshakes and asked “are you ready to order?” She looked from her menu then at the rose quartz stone on her chain then at the name tag; Idna . “Uh, yes. I’ll just take a cheeseburger with no tomato.”
“I’ll have the same.”
   The waiter took the menus and at went to the back. She excused herself to go to the ladies room but before she did, she saw Idna the older white woman go inside. Anika walked in and said “really, sister Ife.” Ife transformed back into herself and smiled. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself and besides, he is kinda cute.” Anika rolled her eyes then asked “how on Genat’s green earth did you know we were here?” Ife looked to the stall, pointed but when Princess Anika went to go open it, no one was inside. When she turned, she saw Chereka standing right behind her as she screamed. “Damn it, warrior Che. Will you please stop that? If I was a human, that would have killed me.” Chereka laughed and apologized. “Any who. Why are with that, young man”, Chereka asked her with a raised brow. Anika walked around her and asked “who is the leader of this tribe, again?” Ife said “you are, Princess Anika.”
“Exactly. So I should not have to explain, my self sister. Anyways, have you heard from the other sisters?”
“Yes, sister Faizah is in Hawaii and have took over two hundred men in the past two years for feeding. Sister Jamila is in Florida and had sent back fifty while sisters Kia and Eshe are back in Brooklyn, New York taking rappers out. And sister Zoya is back home tending to the sick.”
  Anika nodded and smiled. “Very good, sister. Let them all know they can rest for now. We have plenty to feed off of for years to come. We need our women to socialize more to seem the less suspicious. You two go back to Texas and have fun.” They heard a toilet flush and a woman walked out to see them with her terrified eyes. Ife transformed back into Idna and looked at Anika as Chereka guarded the door. Ife and Anika’s eyes glowed gold as they lifted their right hands and they said “yetewededikewini yesemachiwini negeri ātirisa. irisiwo bedehina yinoruwotali (Forget what you have heard, dear woman. For you are safe)”. The woman’s mind was completely cleared as Chereka pretended she was going to the stall. Anika said in her hood voice “that skirt is nice as hell, giiiirl”. The woman thanked her as she swung her hair and left. Anika looked to her sister and asked “ihiti āyi’īni be’āfi meficha k’wanik’wa kemenagerachini befīti megenyeti ālichalinimi (You could not check the room before we spoke  in their native tongue, Sister Ife?)”. Ife looked to her sister and smiled; Anika patted her shoulder and left back to the table.
  Malcolm sat there, patiently waiting while tapping his fingers along the table. “Is everything okay”, he thought to himself. He was starting to think more. “I have never been this protective before so why am I now? What is so different.” He felt something behind him and turned to see Annie walking back. She sat and their milkshakes finally came. She took the straw out, placed it inside hers and swirled the straw around before taking a sip. “I have to her hear talk”, he thought. “Annie, what do you like doing besides being at home?” She looked up at him and said “I like reading. I have a tall bookcase back at my place filled with books. I’ve been reading a lot of books since I was little.”
“For almost two hundred years now” she said to herself in her head.
  “What do you like reading? Anything in particular?”
She smiled after taking another sip. “I, uh, really like fantasy, poetry, science fiction, anything that will make me want to stay up for hours in my pajamas and just read all day. What about you?” Malcolm sipped his and said “I like to paint and sculpt. I also am a photographer. I just take randoms pictures of certain areas around LA.”  She was so interested in him. It was like he was not at all like the other men she had dealt with. He was … different; the food came and they ate. “So, how long have you been into art for?”
“Since I was younger. My father was  also into and taught me a few things.”
   “What about your mother?” Malcolm looked at her, away then back at her and said “I never knew my mother. My father remarried a lot so my brothers and I have different moms. I heard she passed when she gave birth to me.” Anika looked up at him with saddened eyes; she felt awful for bringing this up to him. “I, I’m sorry, Mal. I didn’t-”. He held up his left hand and said “it’s okay, Annie. You just asked a question and I decided to be honest with the answer. We good. Don’t trip.” He smiled and she returned a small one. “So, Annie. I was thinkin’ if you would like to go hang out sometimes. We can go to the beach or something. You can read and I can just take photos all day.”
  “When will you like to go” she asked with a smile. “Are you free tomorrow afternoon? I have a pretty tight schedule for next week but I would really like to sew you again”, that smile he gave her tugged at her heart strings. She felt like the world was in that smile and she couldn’t help but say..
“I’m down. Wanna meet there?”
“I was thinking. I can pick you up. We can get to know each other more.”
   She didn’t usually let humans near her home but for some reason, she was fine with him coming to her. What was happening? “Sure. Call me tomorrow and I’ll give you the address.” They sat with smiles on their faces and eventually ended up back home. Anika kicked her shoes off and looked upon her bookcase to see what to read; her heart chose “Romeo and Juliet.” She made a cup of tea, sat in the middle of her bed with legs crossed and opened to Scene II; Capulet’s Garden.
“Juliet. Well, do not swear: although I joy in thee, I have no joy of this contract to-night; It is too rash, too unadvis’d, too sudden; Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be Ere one can say It lightens. Sweet, good night! This bud of love, by summer’s ripening breath, May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet. Good night, good night! as sweet repose and rest Come to thy heart as that within my breast!”
  She continued to read as her eyes became heavy and looked to her clock that was eight pm, now was midnight. She placed her finished cup and bookmarked novel on her bed side table and lied her head on her pillow until her eyes had shut into a deep slumber.
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    Her eyes opened to a stream of pink and blue shaded water beneath her feet. She wore the same garment from the last she saw her mother. Queen Kamili was picking her child’s afro puffs with a golden pick. “widē lijē. zarēwinu irefiti newoti (My sweet child. Have you enjoyed your rest today)?” Anika smiled up to her mother and said “āwo, nigisiti. āmeseginalehu (Yes, I have. Thank you, Queen Mother.)” Queen Kamili said “be’irigit’i yihi liji be’irigit’i yeteleye newi, negeri gini t’atiwoni belayu layi mech’emeri āyichilimi (This child is indeed different but I can not seem to put my finger on it.)”. They sat as she continued to put an ancient oil in Anika’s hair.
  “li‘iliti ānīka, yezīhi gosa merī talak’i neshi ina ānite lezelalemi inidemitalifi āwik’alehu. āhuni mayeti ichilalehu. bek’iribu, ānite ina lēlochu inidegena yemebazati ina hizibochachini ke’inya gari inidegena līnoruti yichilalu. inēni inidefet’erinyi lēlochini desitenya tihonalehi. ye’irisiwo wibeti ina t͟s’ega irisiwo kemīyawik’uti belayi lēlochini yanesasutali. (Princess Anika, you are a great leader of this tribe and I know you will lead for all of eternity. I can see it now. Soon, you and the others will be able to reproduce again and our people may live again along with us. You will make others happy like you have made me. Your beauty and grace will inspire others more than you know.)”, Kamili said as she rested her hands on her child’s chin. Anika looked at her mother and fell into her hands; feeling safe and wanted in her warm touch.
    Meanwhile at Malcolm’s, he was in a pair of his painter jeans and shirtless with his feet on a plastic tarp covering the whole floor underneath him. He seem to not be tired as he began working on a new piece; too eager for what God knows what. He stood in front of canvas that started from the top of his ceiling to the floor. He stared at the beginning of his new creation and thought that even though it was not nearly done, he knew it will be beautiful once finished. He looked into the painting and smiled at what he knew will be breathtaking.
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cassiopeiasara · 7 years
Maybe This Time
For @amtrak12 on her birthday. Based on her meta here, Also on ao3. 
Routine grounds her. ID badge, check. Entrance, check.
Lab, it’s all so big. Big in a way she didn’t expect. She fiddles with her badge as the woman from HR with a practiced smile shows her the workspace. There are so many people, most of them wave at her as she’s introduced. They’re all so focused, speaking quietly to each other or just quiet in general.
Anxiety coils in her stomach. Focus and quiet aren’t exact her forte. She can’t blast her music here, her food crumbs would not be welcome. It makes her wonder why they decided on her at all. She reminds herself that her work got her here and it speaks for itself.
Her escort smiles, that weird polite smile and Holtz tries to remember her name.
She points toward a portion of the lab. “I believe this space is yours Dr. Holtzmann.”
Holtz makes a point to smile back and shake the woman’s hand firmly. She forgets the thank you but the woman doesn’t seem to mind.
A packet rests on her table with her name typed on it. She opens it, plans for a new project. She relaxes a bit. This is where she’s safe. This is where she knows her way. Her work will speak for itself.
The same woman from HR frowns at her now. Well, it’s more that she’s trying to hide a scowl with a smile so it has a kind of sneer effect. She’s not the only one in the line opposite Holtz. There is a project manager (Jerry? Maybe? Gosh, it’s the first day and so many people), the head of her department, and the neighboring lab partner who saw it all.
“I’m afraid this isn’t going to work Dr. Holtzmann. Simon is stable luckily which means no criminal action.”
Holtz remembers Dr. Gorin stating these things happen. Remembers her saying the pursuit of innovation takes a few casualties. It isn’t the first time she’s been the cause of accidentally hurting someone but it is the first time death is a factor.
Holtz squirms a little in her chair as they discuss her one and only paycheck and all the hope they had for her.
We really thought you’d be okay this time, plays like a mantra in her mind. The image of her parents picking her up from science camp because she caused too many explosions, the girlfriend who left because Holtz started a fire trying to make breakfast, her first three failed interviews for being a teaching assistant before Dr. Gorin. It all meshes together like a broken record, over and over and over again.  
We really thought you’d be okay.    
Holtz nods in all the right places and is escorted out by security. Perhaps it’s a curse, some flaw she just can’t see, some piece of her that always drives others away, something wrong she just can’t seem to fix.
She calls Dr. Gorin. “Well, Jillian, we’ll just have to find someplace better.”
Holtz appreciates her words but the comfort that comes from them doesn’t quite seal the break in her confidence.
She answers the paranormal engineer ad because hey ghosts are cool, also if she doesn’t find something soon, it’s back to her parents and she really doesn’t want that.
Dr. Yates is nice and patient when Holtz takes her time to answer. Holtz doesn’t feel like her answers are always quite right and thoroughly believes this isn't going to work.
Dr. Yates is pensive for a moment and Holtz feels a shift, something about this is significant in a way she can’t quite decipher.
She gets the job, despite all the blacklisting in the academic atmosphere (complaints about her recklessness, a note about how unpredictable she can be, Dr. Holtzmann, the brilliant engineer that no one wants), despite drifting off somewhere in the interview and not responding to the right question.
She starts and Dr. Yates never brings up any of it though Holtz knows she could have access to all of it.
Dr. Yates just hands Holtz theories, equations, ideas and it doesn’t take long before Holtz realizes Dr. Yates isn’t scared.
Maybe this time, she thinks.  
Abby is hilarious. She laughs at all of Holtz’s puns and she is completely game for playing pranks on the rest of the science department.
Abby includes her on takeout orders and invites her over after work to watch movies. Holtz wonders how long it will last, how long before Abby tires of her and gets frustrated like everyone else.
It’s almost two months before a significant lab accident occurs. It’s some sort of record and Holtz knows it’s because she’s been holding back, she really wants this to work.
She expects Abby to throw her out, to regret the decision to hire her. Instead, Abby approaches with a fire extinguisher, putting out the fire with practiced ease. She doesn’t yell, doesn’t even flinch. She just smiles.
“What happened?” Her voice is soft.
Holtz ducks her head, explains that she miswired something and the prototype overheated.
Abby nods, never wavering. “So what do you want to do this time?”
Abby’s gentle voice unlocks her mental block and she thinks of all the alternate avenues she could take.
Holtz hesitates then asks, “So I’m not fired?”
Abby tilts her head and raises her eyebrows. “Fired? ‘Course not, we’re well on our way to a breakthrough here.  Stuff like this is why we have these.” She lifts the fire extinguisher.
Holtz wonders if Abby knows about Simon, if she’s ever looked it up. Holtz takes this victory but it’s only a matter of time. Abby will let her go one day and she’ll be alone again.
Five years later and Abby plays the song. Holtz is stuck on the proton gun but they’re inching closer.
Abby must know she’s struggling, she’s good like that, the time for Come On Eileen is here and Abby starts to sing the opening lyrics.  Holtz looks up and Abby winks back at her. Holtz relaxes and starts to sing along, she can do this.
Her works always comes through and so does Abby.
Erin reminds Holtz of a praying mantis. She’s lanky with a shady edge.
Holtz watches over Abby, remembering all the years they’ve worked together, all the tales of the friend who abandoned her right when she needed her most.
Holtz searches Abby for all the things Abby taught her in the importance of taking care of friends. Is she okay? Does she need Holtz to do anything? Would she like some coffee, green tea?
Abby copes well and when she thanks Holtz for her concern, that pleased jump in Holtz’s stomach appears. She did something right. Holtz realizes Erin can’t ruin this no matter how hard she tries. Erin may have more history in her friendship with Abby but Holtz is good at this. Abby says so. Holtz can be a best friend.
Holtz pokes fun at Erin, purposefully ignites a fire, and uses it as a sign to Erin that if she hurts Abby, Holtz is fully prepared to fight back.
Holtz is not prepared for Patty. She’s not prepared for the way her heart skips a beat, the way Patty’s excited rambling pulls her in or the way Patty’s sass ignites a fire in her veins.
“You’re mouthy, I like that.”
Before Holtz can elaborate, before she can think of all the ways she wants to know Patty better, the ghost appears.
Right, this is their purpose. She powers up the proton machine and they start off.
Patty smiles at the more compact proton pack and Holtz feels her cheeks warm under the attention. It’s a check in the list of things to impress Patty.
When she met Abby, she wanted Abby to like her and although she wants Patty to like her too, this need to impress her bubbles up inside of Holtz and won’t go away.
She convinces Abby to make sure Holtz and Patty are always alone on food runs.
Abby smiles like she knows. “Got a crush Holtz?”
Holtz stops and blinks a few times. Is that what this is? She adjusts her glasses. “Uh, not sure, I’ll need more field research.”
Abby nods, her patient nod, the one where she knows Holtz is confused. “Like fitting her for a proton pack?”
Holtz bits her lip and nods.
Abby winks. “I heard her mention a craving for cheesesteaks.”
Holtz hugs her from the side, knocking Abby off her chair slightly. “You’re a genius, Abby.”
Abby smiles. “Just let me have some when you get back.”
Patty’s rambles are fascinating, not always in the information but in the way her hands fly up, in the way connections make her smile. That big, gorgeous, bright smile. The smile that Holtz wants more than anything to be directed her way.
Patty stops on their way back from the deli. It takes Holtz a minute to notice. Patty’s head is ducked slightly and she has a small smile, a shy one. “I’m not talkin’ too much am I?”
Holtz isn’t sure how to explain the fact that she could listen to Patty forever. She doesn’t know how to put into words how much she enjoys Patty’s voice, the crescendo of volume as she slowly reveals history and its significance.
Holtz doesn’t know what to say so she opts to smirk and shake her head.
Patty smiles back, bigger this time and begins anew.
Holtz tries to research the best ways to pick up women. Her two almost relationships were just a fluke, luck probably.
She wants to bring her A game for this because her heart skips have turned into heart leaps and she feels like if she doesn’t kiss Patty soon, she may go mad from want.
Pick-up lines turn out to be a weak option. It’s mostly because she can never remember them exactly. For example, Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? or checking a t-shirt tag and stating that she thought it would say made in heaven turns into patting Patty’s back awkwardly while she sits on her couch and stating Did you fall angel?  
One day, on her fourth failed attempt, Patty presses a hand to her forehead. “Are you sick baby? Been touching those ghost traps too much?”
Holtz’s skin tingles from Patty’s touch and she just shakes her head. “Love in the time of Cholera.”
(She realizes later that’s not a line but a book Patty owns.)
Patty squints at her. “Have you slept?”
“No rest for the wicked, Pattycakes.”
Gifts are her next endeavor. She bedazzles a new ghost chipper, creates a hand grenade that emits a purple mist, and engraves Patty’s name along her proton pack. Patty is grateful but it brings Holtz no closer to her goal.
Patty walks in one evening with a dress that almost causes a nuclear explosion (only because Holtz is holding a grenade but she’ll argue any day that Patty’s beauty is powerful enough for such things). Patty’s dress is black with a lace overlay that hugs Patty in all the places Holtz dreams of touching.
Holtzmann manages to place the grenade down gently and approaches Patty with her mouth agape.
Patty smiles like she knows Holtz is having trouble breathing.
“Hey, baby,” she greets and smiles. It’s that smile, that wide, delighted smile Holtz is forever chasing and it’s directed at her.
Holtz manages to clear her throat. “Where you goin’, gorgeous?”
If she could get her brain to function properly, she might have a different compliment, something more imaginative than gorgeous because it is obviously inadequate.
“On my way to a party, just stopped by to drop off a book. My friend Aly got engaged.”
Holtz nods slowly. She understands Patty is talking but she can’t seem to process anything beyond how breathtaking Patty looks. Perhaps this is why her attempts keep failing, there aren’t words to describe the pull she feels, the want she has, or the contentment that comes from Patty’s presence.
Patty is looking at her expectantly and Holtz realizes that somewhere she must have missed a question.
Holtz adjusts her glasses and peers up at Patty. “Huh?”
Patty nods toward the door. “I asked if you want to come?”
Holtz considers her options. She should say yes. Being with Patty is never a waste but a party filled with people she doesn’t know is too much.
She lowers her head and shakes it. “No, but thanks Pattycakes.”
Holtz hears the regret in her own voice and hopes Patty understands. It’s too overwheming, all the people, the interacting. She is just used to the team and that is even hard some days.
Patty places a hand on her arm and squeezes. “How bout I come back after and you can show me the new containment unit? I’ll bring you some cake.”
Holtz beams up at her. “You’re perfect.”
Patty’s eyes are searching for a moment before she gives Holtz a soft smile. “See you later.”
She formulates a plan while she waits and is sure this time, it’ll work. (Maybe, possibly, probably not.)
After cake and the tour of the new containment unit (Patty gives her that impressed smile and her stomach does somersaults), Holtz invites Patty to watch a movie. It’s one of those romantic comedies Holtz always hears Patty gush over with Erin.
It bores Holtz mostly but while Patty is distracted, Holtz yawns and attempts to rest her arm behind Patty. A problem occurs when she realizes she didn’t take Patty’s height into account. She lets out a whine and Patty turns.
“What you doin’?” Patty’s eyes flit between the back of the couch and Holtz’s arm.
Holtz shrugs. “Hmm, nothing.”
Patty quirks an eyebrow. “Baby, have you been trying to flirt with me? Like seriously flirt with me?”
Holtz’s cheeks get red and she’s scrambling for some explanation. “Um, I, well, um”
Patty smiles, one of her patient smiles. “You can tell me anything, Holtzy, you know that.”
Holtz takes a deep breath. “What tipped you off?”
Patty laughs. “Oh, I don’t know, I’m pretty sure the yawn move has been around for some time, the backward pickup lines were interestin’ and the bedazzled weapons were a nice touch.”
Holtz blinks slowly. Patty knows, she’s been on to her all this time. She throws Patty a smirk. “Any chance they worked?”
Patty rolls her eyes. “You know baby, you don’t have to use all that stuff.”
Holtz tilts her head. “What then? What will work?”
Patty shakes her head and reaches her hands up to touch Holtz’s cheeks. “I like you baby, I always have.”
Holtz’s eyebrows shoot up. “Really?”
Patty chuckles softly. “Yeah. I mean I worry about your priorities and your penchant for danger.”
Holtz shrugs. “Danger is useful.”
Patty shakes her head again. “We can talk about that later.” She leans forward as Holtz leans up and fireworks explode behind Holtz’s eyelids as Patty’s lips finally touch hers.
When they part, Holtz winks. “It was the weapons wasn’t it? The part that really sealed the deal.”
Patty laughs as she strokes her thumb along one of Holtz’s wrists. It really shouldn’t make Holtz’s heart race so much but it does.
“It wasn’t something you did, Holtzy. I like you because you’re you.”
Holtz couldn’t help the emotion that welled up inside of her. All those years of being avoided, all those times she was scared she’d blow everything up with one mistake, all those people that didn’t believe in her and none of it stopped Patty, she still likes her. Patty likes her, Abby cares for her and Erin, well, Erin could be a tossup but she sticks with her too. Patty fits like a piece Holtz didn’t realize she was missing.
Holtz doesn’t know how to explain all of that and instead reaches up to kiss Patty again. Holtz is always better with action anyway.
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