#bc of y'know the pandemic
galactichelium · 11 months
The pandemic has really fucked with my perception of self because I'm turning 20 soon and yet I still keep catching myself accidentally thinking for a split second that I'm still 17. This is also especially funny because I will see someone say they're 17 in their bio and I'll for a split second think, oh cool! We're the same age! Before remembering that actually no, I'm turning 20 next month.
Something else that's additionally funny is that I work mostly with 16/17 year olds and like. You might think I constantly forget that I'm not their age bc of everything I just said. Wrong. Being around them while they're Very Much acting like their age just makes me hyperaware of the fact that I am older than them JSDGHJKHDSJKGHKJ
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blackdogrunning · 2 years
tagged by @littlelindentree, @mishafletcher fav color: purple
currently reading: uuuuuuuuh I started a book on japansese pickles. like. a month ago. also fic, but like. y'know. real books: it's the pickles.
last series: last finished was obi-wan kenobi because....look we're three years into All Of This one can have little a consumed by mega fandom as a treat. (sorry to my wife. I love you, but also, sorry you have better taste in media than me bud.) We've just started watching Our Flag Means Death though, only a few months after the rest of the internet. last movie in the theater: Little women! before. well. this.
currently working on: uh more fics than i am willing to admit here, on my main! see that point about consumed megafandom etc. (sometimes. one simply has some nightmare trolley problems to put into the world. no. different ones.)
tagging: @korvidian, @c-has-a-blog, @anyone else who wants to do this I suppose.
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serjaimelannister · 2 months
filed under "things that happened during the first year of the pandemic that feel like a fever dream now": a baby possum somehow got into my basement and occasionally one of my roommates or i would open the basement door (it was where we did our laundry) and this little possum would just be sitting there on the top step, not trying to make a run past the door or anything just chilling. and we'd be like goodness !! hello !!! and the landlord was taking his sweet time to address the situation + animal control was also useless so we just kind of coexisted for a while. i named him kiwi and put little trays of food and water in the basement for him bc it didn't seem like there was much he could forage in such an environment and i didn't want him to starve y'know. then at one point i had a dream that some kind of animal sanctuary group came to take him away but told me i could visit and when i got there they were like "oh he's all set now you can keep him as your pet" and i was so happy i cried. 2020 sure was A Time
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i'm very pro divorced zukka bc i read a LOT of firelord/ambassador back at the beginning of the pandemic and while i still love some of them (firebender's guide my beloved) after a while i started to wonder, like, would sokka really be happy living in the fire nation? like wouldn't it fucking suck to date the leader of the nation that oppressed your people, even if he was your best friend and doing his best to fix things? you'd want to spend time with him but to do that you'd have to go to a place that hates you. and wouldn't it be miserable to be a leader of a formerly imperialist nation and the guy you have a crush on is your best friend from a culture yours tried to destroy? you'd want him close but know that he probably feels weird and out of place and experiences tons of racism whenever he visits.
all the best firelord/ambassador fics i read dealt with this to some degree (again, firebender's guide my beloved) but it still makes you think that maybe they wouldn't stay together, that maybe they wouldn't be able to make it work enough to make this difficult situation worth it
so y'know. divorce
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The Hollywood Reporter Roundtable Analysis
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It was very intriguing for me how Oscar carefully delved into the question he was given by the host Lacey in 38:45, but in a slight surface-level way. Some information he's given in other times filled up a lot of the blanks he left behind in his answer.
First let's go over what they said.
Lacey: Your co-star from Scenes From a Marriage, Jessica Chastain, talked about [how] she had to go to a place that was so dark, and she's not sure she can sort of ever go to these places as an actress again. And I'm curious if you've felt any of that and how your individual, personal sort of boundaries shift with time, with experience, with success.
Oscar: You know, before I'd be like: "what limb do I have to take—cut off to make this scene three percent better?" But I think that it's about inspiration. [...] The whole reason process exists is to inspire, right? And sometimes you don't need a wild process to be inspired by something. Sometimes the words themselves will do it, um, sometimes the character is enough. Sometimes the situation is so harrowing that that's enough to inspire a whole history of a character. And sometimes you gotta: "what did he eat for breakfast? why did he do this?" In order to try, y'know, to inspire some imagination and some sense of truth, right, or some sense of—some emotional, interesting thing.
Oscar [continued]: But boundaries, I think, are becoming more important to me now. And then you have kids. Time is the most valuable commodity. And I think with Scenes From a Marriage, the scenes themselves—that [was what was] so harrowing, not so much the character. But also it mirrored a lot of things in my own life. [...] I'd be reading a bed time story to the young actress that's a five-year-old with a little bunny lamp, and then go home, arrive just in time to sit in the bed with the same exact bunny lamp, somehow, and read a story to my five-year-old— You know, it just starts to fuck with your head, because we're just a human being, so that's a weird situation! [...]
Oscar [yeah he makes up for not talking for almost the entire hour with this question]: After a while, I think it was just all the nature of it, you know? It was right in the height of the pandemic. It was in this factory in the Bronx that had been turned into a studio. It was only like sixty people. And these were very long—almost every shot was like a thirty-minute take. It felt like a weird hybrid between theatre and TV and film. And with someone that I've known for twenty years as well—so all those things created a very uncanny situation, that I think, going back, I probably would have been a little more mindful about. Like, y'know, a little clearer boundaries— And the truth is, even if it wouldn't have been quite as real or good (you know?), I'm okay with—I'm getting better with that idea that—I don't have to cut off a limb just to make it slightly better. It's okay. It's okay.
First off, i just wanna gush over his speech patterns bc I am that all over the place when I try to communicate my thoughts (i actually skipped a lot of his endearing stutters, pet phrases, and filler things he said to grasp at his next message). It's so relatable especially in a group full of people (not to mention legendary actors), because even a guy who looks as confident as him can still sound like he's making a discovery as he speaks and takes you along.
Now on to my analysis of what he said because at first I didn't completely get what he meant!
I have a feeling he's very perfectionistic, and from how he speaks about work in other articles as well as here, he also seems a workaholic. I believe in here he's trying to say that there should be different levels of immersion and hard work to connect with or explore the character instead of always bringing his all and beyond to the job.
Also, scenes from a marriage was as traumatic an experience to film as it was for us to watch (his words after 1:56 on this vid), and Jessica admitted to crying every day for four months during filming. It was a very intimate and emotionally intense series to film especially with such a close friend from Juilliard. So i believe both Oscar and Jessica gave everything they had to make this already overwhelming series feel as real and painful as possible. And since it's a hard setting to feel far removed from (both are married, have kids, have a sex life, could be facing divorce in the future bc of its high rates), it must have hit them even harder. I believe it's not truly an experience to watch sfam without you screaming at, insulting, or feeling immensely sorrowful for the characters because THAT is the reaction they fought hard to get from you. That pain, that anxiety, that tension, that rage, that pity, every emotion you felt that you could barely cope with? All crafted thanks to their extremely immersive and talented performance coupled with their flawless chemistry. But if it feels real to us, through a screen…for them it must've felt even more so. Unbearably more so.
So i believe these experiences, as well as having a family to take care of, and other priorities like time and mental health, have recently made it more important for him to strike a balance in his life. To stop obsessing over creating the perfect role or immersion, or to use these roles to cope with and process real life struggles (as he's admitted to do). I think it's important for him to now connect with real life more, like being a father and a husband, as well as just a human being. Not just an actor or a character.
Important Excerpts from Articles about escapism and coping through acting (in case you don't feel like reading the last references):
New York Times: After His Mother’s Death, Oscar Isaac Turns to Shakespeare for Solace
“I didn’t know how to process any of this, but this [performing as Hamlet] I knew how to do.”
But [Hamlet is] also a tragedy that asks Mr. Isaac to relive the anguished death of a parent at every performance. In Sam Gold’s rowdy, deconstructionist staging, every time Mr. Isaac mud-wrestles, or lofts a prop skull or performs a mad scene in just a T-shirt and briefs, he seems to be working through his own loss, transforming raw private grief into riveting public performance.
As Mr. Isaac explained, performing has always helped him come to terms with his emotions. “This is how I’m able to function,” he said. “The only way that I’m really able to process stuff is through reflecting it.”
Esquire: The Dream of Oscar Isaac
To be in conversation with Oscar Isaac, who is forty-three, is to talk with someone who has thought deeply about the course of his life—not out of narcissism or vanity but by necessity, a desperate desire to find what feels like solid ground. For him. For his family. For us, whom his art reaches. He has worked to wrest meaning out of his confusions and fears. His effort is ongoing, and his audiences have the privilege of following him in his relentless and shattering performances, in search of the firm footing he lost every time another of his dreams was interrupted.
If superheroes have their capes and their flamethrowers to help them survive, we ordinary humans have our imagination. It has been our shelter for millennia, a way to express and to understand what feels incomprehensible. When it all gets too heavy, sometimes the fragile rope tethering us to solid ground snaps clean, and there is often no refuge sturdy enough to put us back together except in the intimate, private shelter of our minds.
NPR: For Oscar Isaac, life — and acting — is all about impermanence
“It [acting] is a funnel, and it's always been where I go to understand things about life and things that are happening to me. But it's one thing to grieve as a character and one thing to grieve as an actual person. And I think that there's still quite a lot of unresolved stuff there.”
I hope you enjoyed this post! I had to organize all my thoughts in one place because it's so fascinating and complex
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troglobite · 1 year
fatphobia and weight loss discussion tw (basically discussing thin people's bullshit and the oz/mp/c bullshit and more)
tfw thin people THINK they're being progressive and fat allies when talking abt this oz/mpic bullshit
but then they use the words ob/se and ob/sity epidemic and claim that "losing weight is simple, but it's not easy"
actually wow it's neither of those things?
"ppl always trying to skip out on the fact that it's hard work, you have to move more and eat better"
how abt you die and rot in hell?
i'm fucking tired
it's just mind boggling bc in between all of that is how shitty it apparently is that thin is The Beauty Standard and always has been, how strides in "body diversity" (rather than, y'know, FAT LIBERATION) have been meager, and saying that it's terrible to be depriving ppl of medication they need--and that the fda is deeply irresponsible, etc.
but then on top of that
to say the shit from further above--
"this is for ppl who are actually ob/se and need to lose weight, not ppl who want to drop 10 lbs"
oh and then
apparently--JUST LIKE LITERALLY EVERY OTHER METHOD OF WEIGHT LOSS--ppl who STOP taking this medication gain back all of the weight and then some
and this is used as a GOTCHA! for "lazy people who don't want to work hard to lose weight" rather than, y'know, anything abt how
and also anyone who loses weight is likely to gain it all back AND THEN SOME within a few years
so the fact that this medication is making that happen FASTER is deeply worrisome
it sounds dangerous as fuck
it is NOT a safe alternative to ripping out your stomach--though it achieves the same result!!!
it makes you STARVE YOURSELF!
i'm so fucking tired i'm so sick of this bullshit i'm SO FUCKING TIRED
and what timing for me to finally decide giving this video a chance, being like, hey, this person, afaik, makes educated videos abt shit, i'll trust her
thin people are gonna be stupid and thin every fucking time
the timing is bc this was the thing my mom got mad abt
it sounds like she was hoping to try it as well bc she's struggling to lose abt 15 pounds (which is literally all she "needs" to lose--to be physically more comfortable, and purportedly to help w a specific medical condition that, bc of my Deep Medical Anxiety, i haven't looked into to try and Fact Check bc i deeply disbelieve anyone and anything that says weight loss is a treatment)
and now it's like
sorry, you can't take this
it'll make you starve yourself
fuck with your basal metabolic rate
and you'll have to take it for the rest of your life
risking kidney and liver and pancreas problems, long-term
and probably malnutrition
bc if you go off of it, you will IMMEDIATELY gain back the weight you lost and then some
instead of just....
being a little bit more active to slowly, over time, replace those 15 pounds of fat with some muscle
like that's what i have to do
and does that sound similar to what that fucker was saying in her video? that people who want to take this pill are "lazy"?
yeah but i'm not repeating the same garbage sentiments and i'll tell you why :)))))))
it's bc this is excess weight (for both me and my mom) that the pandemic has caused
our activity habits have SERIOUSLY CHANGED
and she has been capable of going down 10-15 pounds when need be
but she is currently in a CYCLONE OF STRESS so of course it's fucking difficult right now
also actually there are two reasons she's "supposed to" lose weight
and quite frankly one of them i don't think will be affected by weight loss literally at all, just more activity will help
and also it's a thing that naturally fluctuates all the fucking time for No Known Reason (bc they refuse to look into it and just say You're Too Fat, Lose Weight instead of actually fucking researching it) and so there's a chance that in 5 years, it'll just be back to normal, everything fine
and the other thing won't even be a problem for another 10 years
so this desperation to lose weight is just this sense of being Stuck in a Garbage Fucking Life
it's not the weight that's the problem (except for any like, physical discomfort)
it's the stress and depression
but i don't get to just say that or talk to her abt that bc she'll probably just get angry and defensive at me again abt this shit
anyway i'm going to get aubrey gordon's books. been meaning to and just hadn't managed to. but i will now.
i really need the information within them to help ward off the surge of fatphobia going on.
also has anyone else noticed that ALL FORMS OF BIGOTRY are having a massive surge, as the tide of fascism is rising?
what a coincidence /sarcasm
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luvdsc · 2 years
nooo bc im kinda losing interest in kpop too
like you mentioned i got really into it during quarantine but now im just not really into it anymore
like I'll listen to new songs occasionally but i haven't been able to get into 4th gen groups so I'll mainly just listen to older songs 😭 a lot if my favorite groups are disbanded now and since they were the only groups I've been keeping up with recently i just don't get around to listening to a lot of new songs and i definitely don't watch much other content anymore
im kinda sad tbh (idek why 😭) but like you mentioned my social life is starting up again and im just....moving on with my life y'know
omg same, this is exactly how I feel, sweetpea, like kpop was just a filler during the pandemic and now that I can actually go out and do things, I’m putting my energy and time towards other things I care more about 💓 yeah, my favorites are all mostly like 2nd and 3rd generation kpop groups and they’re all disbanding or have already disbanded so 😭😭 I heard that snsd is doing a comeback with the full group for their anniversary though so !!!!! I’m very excited for that 🤩🤩
I get what you mean about being sad about it too, honey bee, like it’s been a big part of my life like I started when I was 16 and now I’m 24 🤧 and for you, since you started during quarantine, that’s like 2 years, right? It’s been a part of our lives for a significant amount of time, and it’s a bit sad to be leaving it behind now 😔 but you can always go back and listen to the old songs whenever you want !! And rewatch the old content :’) I hope we both continue to live our best lives and have fun going out and about 💕💕 we can always go back and get back into it if we feel like it, right? 💘
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ihatebnha · 2 years
Noooooo niche stuff is so great! It's natural for popular characters to get more traction. But usually the more niche stuff will get you the *type of interaction you want. But also that's the internet, some things will pop off and some won't and it usually has nothing to do with your talents. Would love to see your writings but as someone who gets in my head a lot yeah lol. Never good to compare stuff like that when there's an algorithm involved. Niche loyalty is a different type of loyalty though lol and Dabi is still very popular as opposed to like an Awase or Rody.
y'know i know what you mean and in fact, i AGREE, however it just makes me laugh bc i don't really post about niche things in general so it feels sorta silly to aim for that audience when i really doubt the flow of viewers would be automatic.
that's not to say unappreciated or even NECESSARY, but in relation to the conversation of like... "giving writers notes is GOOD," it would feel odd to me to work hard on something, throw it out into the world, and then go back to... posting for an entirely separate audience.
i actually have somewhat mixed feelings about like... the whole conversation of interacting in general... but i realize this is actually a super toxic mindset FOR ME bc honestly, i should just write whatever i want and not care, since like u said, the people who matter in relation to it will find it... but idk.
also, when i made that post, i was talking about my dabi thing but i was also talking just in general about.. even characters like deku and kirishima who don't receive nearly the same amount of attention as bakugo.
it's an entirely separate conversation altogether, but part of me thinks... a lot of people are just here for bakugo (vs. it being entirely algorithm based) ... AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, this space as a whole, fandom-wise, has changed, i think. mostly due to the pandemic "ending" and the shifting of interests. but who knows.
anyway, sjlhfdalsdj i appreciate ur interest + response and im still gonna work on my dabi thing, don't worry!!! i'm really going thru it right now trying to expand my writing so i wanna push myself hard with it <333
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Your travel insomnia reminds me of how i wanted to visit london (weekend trip) and the social workers at the place i lived at were like 'ok but only if you have 2 weeks of perfect school attendance' which is like super hard when you're a chronic insomniac right? But i really wanted to see original les mis before they closed for renovations so i was like oki. So for 2 fucking weeks i had like 1 or 2 hours of disruptive sleep per day but i made it somehow. So i booked a bus that would travel by night so i wouldn't have to spend money on a hotel or something - no sleep. Arrived in london at like 6 am, mostly traveled on foot for the entire day, only ate the snacks i packed, saw the show etc. Got back to the bus station in the evening to again travel over night - no sleep - to get back home. I was literally so exhausted after that, that i slept from like 6pm til 4 or 5am for about a week. Like completely uninterrupted sleep, my head hit the pillow and i was out cold. Best time of my life, i was so well rested and productive for that week istg. I have never slept like that before it was truly magical.
hey that is wild!
but i agree, the sleep after a y'know sleep drought? sleep deprivation? is the best lol 10/10, i wish i could do that everyday
at the beginning of the pandemic i forgot abt normal sleep schedules and just did whatever felt good abt it and 👌👌 if it weren't for the maddening isolation of that time (for me, i went like ~2-3 months without human contact bc i was stranded in the us) id probably try to do that again.
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six-of-ravens · 1 year
was wondering why I didn't remember much of Strange Practice since I can't have read it that long ago, so I checked my overdrive history and ah, yes, I read it during March 2021 aka the Lost Month, aka the month I don't remember bc I was overwhelmed by the stress of my mom being in the hospital (she's better now!) on top of y'know, work and the global pandemic and such.
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capriciouscaprine · 2 days
yesterday was a verrry long day
only just updated yesterday's post, oof
the meatloaf numbers came out really good! since it's with goat meat and had canned lima beans for bulk and texture and to use them up (lmao), the whole square pan came out to about 1,100, so only 275 for a HUGE quarter serving
definitely learning a LOT about c's per gram for 'normal' foods; now I just wish I weren't constantly tired and broke and could use that info to make tasty things; calendar says I'll at least have more time soon
won an award at my university! completely missed the ceremony, but I don't have to show up there for it to show up on my resume!
fighting the urge to do the most for my final presentation slides; I need to just pick a handful of slide design themes and stick to them, plus shorten everything while I'm at it, and actually focus on the content I need to add in; I'll have time to work today, but I'll only have my laptop and I've discovered that it is SO hard to work on that smaller, single screen, especially on slides, so I doubt I'll get much done
currently in that phase of not wanting to start eating for the day bc I don't feel hungry now but will once I start chewing, yet knowing that if I don't eat at all, my decision making abilities for things like /driving my car/ drop significantly, so I'm limiting myself to these fruit and grain cereal bars that need to be eaten anyways (I have so many of them for something over 100c/bar); one now (130), one before the day starts at work, and one at break time, followed by my two coffees (25 each) and my sandwich (300); really hoping I can then come home and just go to bed; class last night and then having a solid dinner so late and taking the time to enjoy it really messed up my sleep schedule, so I'm exhausted; if I stick to this, that'll be 750 for the day, which is very good for me
I ordered my new phone! really messes with my planned budget to do that now, but I think the benefit from all the different apps I'll be able to get might end up outweighing that; currently thinking about looking for a good meal planning app that'll use measurements per recipe to calculate how many actual packages of stuff to buy and about how much that'll cost BEFORE I go to the store; I used to be really good at this, but that was also before post-pandemic greed-flation of prices, so I can't count on my old calculations anymore, plus, y'know, body goals and nutrition info are now something I also care about
(when I was working three jobs right after undergrad, I got to the point were I was eating cup ramen for every single meal, supplemented with energy drinks and discounted candy; it was not a fun time)
got really good hours in at work yesterday; I'm looking at the pikmin bloom app to reward my steps, but I'd also like one that gamifies doing more hours at work to combat a sort of mid-shift slump I hit nearly every day; I really shouldn't be in such a rush to hand over so much of my personal information to all these different apps, but... they really do seem helpful for now, and tbh I'm pretty sure they're only getting the exact same info my phone was already collecting about me
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rizukinocte · 2 months
Wow huh
Yeah it's time to see livers from other companies i think, broaden my horizons as the sayings said
I'm already so disappointed after ID merged into main, which was the beginning of ✨ terrible ✨ management and neglect
ID had programs, successful programs at that, but after merger they stopped and i really, really, disappointed y'know?
And then graduation, so many graduations
I guess half of the reason was burned out (bc most of them aired from the beginning of the pandemic until now) but half of them, i thought, my gut feeling said, bc the management changed, and so many problems cropped up
And, idk, maybe this problem was only in en and not main, but hey, since the change of ceo? Many little changes, many international projects stopped, and idk man. I prefer the hands-off style the previous ceo done than this central style new ceo doing
Idk I'm out of fuck given after my oshi graduated
My sympathy for other fans rn tho
Yeah we could only hope she'll do more better and great things out there 🫡
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north-park · 5 months
Some thoughts about the special i have never wrote down before i forget:
• i really appreciate the background? There was a shot of another classroom and it really stuck with me because i think this is one of the few if not only other time we see another classroom?
Idk it was a rare sight and it was cool
• Stan's plot. Omg my little poor babyboy Stanley, i loved him in this ep and how incredibly in-character he was, yes, he more than other characters would be hurt by forced loneliness and try to masquarede it projecting it on the ones he considers "weak" (like Butters) before admitting he was the weak one all along, he is scared of change and wants everything to return as it was when he was happier, Peak Stan Marsh Storyline
• I guess this is a minor complain but I really disliked that Kyle didn't hug him when Stan was crying, c'mon Kyle, your SBF has expressed his own deepest pain with more honesty than ever before and you don't even hug him? Is this really the moment of social distancing?
I get that Kyle kinda... didn't do anything here lbr but him doing nothing is worse than being mean to me, Cartman didn't hug him either but at least he was moved enough by his tears to do SOMETHING at least, which leads to...
• Cartman and Randy, specifically them having really similar character arcs, starting as just serving their selfish interests until they realize other people shouldn't suffer for their wishes, with Cartman actually being the more sympathetic out the two, and as we know... this will become a recurring trend for these specials... for the better or worse
Of course both of their attempts are destroyed by Garrison, a really interesting choice tbh, Garrison is very similar to both of them too, but leaning towards Cartman's explicitly ruthless and delusional side while Randy is more.... grounded i guess?
• I have talked about Randy and Jimbo not being siblings anymore, but in this special it makes sense why, Randy is suddently very cruel towards Jimbo, it's like the show forgot they are friends, it would be pretty weird even for Randy to use his brother as guinea pig for his weed covid vaccine; and also cuz, y'know he's trying to make him smoke his cum but whatever
• Nothing to say about her but I liked Sharon in this ep, i'm hust confused if the ending implies she is lying to Randy about smoking weed?
• Stephen and Butters... i really like how pissed off they were all lmao, it's one of those eps that really reminds you they are father and son
Butters is pretty interesting bc... despite the plot revolving around him he doesn't do a lot in this special, he is mostly there to give voice to the audience and complain on how incompetent everyone is, i'm pretty sure in the italian version Butters is the only kid to swear trought the entire to show, not Cartman, not Kenny, BUTTERS.
I think both Stan and the show kinda want to play with your expectations, Stan is right saying that the pandemic is hurting people who cracks down as easily as Butters, but he is not suffering the way he is, Butters is just angry, angry because he keeps being lied to and get denied of the things he thinks he rightfully should have, again a very Butters-like plot
But while everyone is suffering from isolation and the world failing on you and you failing the world as well, this pain is really mostly about Stan, Butters wishing for a bear is pretty cute tho and i hope they got him one later one 👍
Stephen also only appears in minor scenes but I kinda loved him? This is maybe the more openly aggressive he has ever been, there is no moment he isn't repling badly to someone, it's like he's having an even shittier week than the usual, love when in the chatroom scene he suddently calls out Thomas out nowhere because he doesn't want Butters to be near to Craig, which funny enough happens right in the next scene, he does actually knows his sons after all
Also minor note but. Why was Tweek's mom was spying Wendy's mom in the dressing room What was that
And the scene in the town where he just punches and knocks down Wendy's mom out the blue?? Causing the entire town to fight eachother??? He was NOT having him that day, do not cross roads with Stephen Stotch when his son is upsetting him if you don't want trouble lmao
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autismcupcake · 1 year
I do think they could go somewhere with Benoit Blanc potentially as a sort of series? I really like the character of Benoit and since they're only connected by Benoit at least for me it's hard to compare them? I think they had the same kind of wit about them and they're DEFINITELY gonna have "why'd you have to make it political :(" reviews but y'know oh well. I was a little put off in the beginning bc I cannot deal with abled people fictional or real complaining about the pandemic and restrictions but that aside it was a very good movie but Mom kept shushing me because I laughed at the wrong time? Even though everyone else started laughing five seconds later almost every time? So that was annoying :(
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romancefreezone · 4 years
you’re telling me romantic attraction is a real thing that real people experience, not just something made up by writers to create narrative tension??
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Man I'm so tired of public officials saying "we need to learn to live with covid". Like... yes, we do, because covid isn't going anywhere anytime soon. But surely you mean "learn to live with covid" as in "proper precautions become normal, people continue to be cautious, paid sick leave continues, etc", and not "return to a pre-covid normal because I personally am tired of public safety precautions inconveniencing me", right? Right?
And of course they mean the latter. So officials and the general public prepare for a return to a pre-covid "normal", because they're tired of the pandemic and care less about protecting the lives of other people (especially the most vulnerable) than their ability to get back to licking doorknobs.
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