#basically I am a sucker for transformers
spacebarbarianweird · 3 months
HC of Astarion x fem Elf Tav who’s a Druid, more specifically of the Circle of The Spores subclass. She wears skirts and dresses of dark teals and blacks with gold embroidery and legs round gold glasses, always travels with herbs and roots in her pockets and pouches, and is never afraid to raise an army of the fungal infested undead for the hell of it. Basically she’s the healer who puts on a neutral front but is begging for the chance to rightfully unleash chaos and destruction
Hi! Oh, this is a nice design of a character! And I am sucker for elf!Tav because they can live for many centuries. And Spore Circle is absolutely badass. It turned out to be weird, creepy and bittersweet and I hope you like it! I also tag @tolkien-fantasy since they love Spore Druids.
Astarion x Spore Circle Druid!Tav
There is a thing about Spore Druids.
Unlike your colleagues, you don't particularly hate the undead.
If anything, your magic is about death, too.
Mold and fungi transform lifeless material into something new and weird.
Death isn't the end, it's just a new stage.
The problem with the undead is that they often wish things would stay the same and never change.
Which is unnatural.
Life is about growth and death is about transformation.
You encourage Astarion to heal and grow.
The worst thing about his past was stability and the belief nothing was going to change.
But somehow he preserved his personality and now he slowly demonstrates his ability to "live" in his undeath.
Though, you scare him a bit.
You can resurrect the dead with spores, turning them into zombies, alive and dead, hungry and terrifying.
You infect the corpses and transform them into your loyal servants.
And you can use the same spores to make your enemies blind, deaf, or paralyzed.
Astarion calls you a walking hotbed of plague.
Though, of course, he is in awe - mostly because everything you do is between life and death, which is the stage he himself is stuck in.
But your magic is beautiful.
Mushrooms growing on dead bodies.
Mold desecrating the food.
Fungi bringing life to the most desolate places.
Post-game, Astarion doubts whether to go with you, but you assure him that the Spore Circle will accept him due to his ability to change.
You study the fungi to find answers to your questions and his problems.
The spores can make him more like a living person.
They can protect him from the sun, and they can let him eat normal food.
The prospect scares Astarion - he's seen the infected corpses. It's creepy.
And what if this magic fungi takes over his mind?
You don't insist. It's his choice, after all.
And you are an elf yourself, you have plenty of time.
But the life in the shadows and hunger take a toll on Astarion.
He doesn't want to be an undead. He wants to be alive.
And if his vampirism can't be cured, why not let nature change him?
At least, if you promise his personality won't be affected.
It won't, you are sure of that.
Astarion lets you infect him with the spores.
This transformation is nothing like becoming a vampire.
It's soft, gentle, warm.
Astarion feels like dreaming, sleeping in a warm bed.
The only thing he acknowledges is your presence. You check on him all the time sometimes meditating close to his "fungi grave".
It take almost a year for spores to finish their job, reconstructing his dead flesh.
A lonely year of being alone in your bed.
When Astarion wakes up, he doesn't feel the hunger anymore.
The sun doesn't burn him and he stays in the sunlight for hours before you come to take him home.
The symbiotic fungi has restored his organs to the point where they functioned as they are supposed to.
Astarion is scared to see himself in the mirror - but when he does he sees himself.
Though, there are some changes.
There are golden spots of spores in is eyes and barely visible cobwebs on his legs and arms.
And he is warm. He is so warm.
With his newfound "life", Astarion gets some new abilities, similar to the ones you have.
He can cast spores and rise up the dead, infecting them.
He can hear the fungi songs, connecting his mind with this ancient entity.
And he can feel you.
You know each other thoughts, each other intentions, and presence.
He always knows where you are. He feels your emotions, your sorrows and happiness and you feel him the same way.
You are more than thiramins, more than lovers.
But the best gift the spores gave to Astarion is mortality.
One day, the fungi will slowly take over his body and mind, transforming the flesh once again, bringing him mor, the final death.
And if you are still alive by this moment, you will let spores take over you so you can be together in this next stage of life and death.
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary @darkarchangel96 @locallegume @brainfullofhotsauce
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pipermca · 2 months
Feedback Fest 2024
In honour of International Fanworks Day (today! February 15) I am posting some fic recommendations that I've made in the past. (I am super swamped at work and can't write up any new recs, but I previously rec'd these over on my main blog over the past few years. I'm collecting them together again here on my writing blog!)
These ten rec's are in no particular order, and all are in the Transformers fandom (with some crossovers). Ratings and pairings (if relevant) are noted.
(I also had to split this list into two parts because I waxed too poetic about these fics. See my reblog for the next part. 🙂)
Frivolities by @neveralarch (G, Megatron & Starscream). Summary: “My correct form of address is in my ID tag,” snapped Starscream. “Use it or lose your tongue.” My comments: I love this story. I love it so much I’ve recommended it to people who would ordinarily never read Transformers fanfic, simply because I think they’d appreciate what the author is doing. They took canon and fanon, and from it alchemized a story of dysphoria and wanting to be seen and acknowledged in a way the character wants, and wrapped it up in a tidy package that hits like a truck, and have I mentioned I love this story! (makes fists) Read it!
Working Through It by @trinarysuns (M, Skywarp/Thundercracker/Marissa Faireborn). Summary: “TC,” Skywarp says, “I’m, like, ninety percent sure that humans don’t have interface cables.” Thundercracker squawks and almost knocks him over trying to get the script out of his hands. My comments: I can’t say enough about this story. I love it and it pushed so many buttons for me. Not even smutty buttons, just interaction buttons: humans interacting with giant alien robots, old loves reuniting, logitical issues of interspecies getting it on… Tumblr deleted my review of this story, (SIGH) so I reposted my review on DW here. It says a lot more about this fic!
The Soft Rush of Black Static by Monstrosibee (NR, Bluestreak/Prowl). Summary: Prowl doesn’t know a lot of bots on this newly salvaged Cybertron, and he definitely doesn’t know the bot intruding on his construction site. My comments: While this fic is essentially a fix-it fic for a story from the Aligned continuity, it just destroyed me. You can read the basics of what happened between Bluestreak and Prowl on TFWiki (at the end of Chapter 7 of The Covenant of Primus) but it was devastating to actually read how upset Prowl was by what happened. This short little fix-it brought all those emotions back and then healed them. I loved this.
Someone You Might Have Been by @astolat (T, Megatron/Optimus Prime.) Summary: I didn’t love him because he wasn’t you. My comments: I'm rec'ing this because it's just pure "this is exactly what I want to read!" for me. This is a delightful mashup of the Shattered Glass universe and G1, in which the Optimus Primes from each universe get (temporarily) swapped. It’s an amazingly heartwrenching MegOP story.
Crash Site by Slyboots (G, Breakdown/Knock Out). Summary: June Darby does not believe in aliens, or in haunted highways, or in government conspiracies, or in any other small-town folklore. The new mechanics in town are uncanny, all the same. My comments: I am a sucker for Transformers: Prime fics, and one of the (it's canon! suck it Hasbro) ships from the show that I love is Knock Out/Breakdown. But besides that, I just love the vibe of this story. You can feel Knock Out and Breakdown in it, even if June doesn’t really see them, except out of the corner of her eye. And I am SO HERE for the idea that the two of them got some lovely downtime together before the events in TFP.
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icarus-on-air · 1 month
The Tragedy Of John Doe: a Da Capo Aria
(ao3, also under cut)
" A Da Capo Aria is a musical structure composed of three sections: the first could be a standalone piece with full accompaniment. The second contrasts with the first in style, musical key, and mood, often with only piano accompaniment. The third is a repeat of the first section, hence "da capo" or begin from the start. This section often has embellishments from the singer."
The first section is John's process of moving from the entity to John Doe, gaining humanity. (eps 1-20)
The second section is after 20, when he's in the dark world. It's an aria, a solo. The piano accompaniment is the memory/idea of Arthur persisting with John throughout.
The third section is a repeat of the first, with embellishments. Or, him learning how to function with humanity, but it's different because once upon a time he HAD that sense of humanity. So it's more remembering who he wants to be than learning anew. (eps 24-intermezzo)
Rise from the ashes, oh phoenix of gold
Remember your virtue from stories untold
Hold close your dear friend here for he's all you've got
But keep in your sins, friend, else all is for naught
You've stolen his eyes now his heart mirrors yours
Longing for sweetness yet gilded and cold
Trust comes in a poem, a promise, a song
He has deadly hope now but oh not for long
You're hastur's heart, yes? won't let you forget
Bring him, my king, up to the pulpit
Puppeted pleasantries shall end in strife
"I'll never forget you" he breathes as the knife
Cuts at his heartstrings with few simple words
"Goodbye" you whisper, the trigger now pulled.
Awoken in darkness
Cold, cruel, constricting
My lungs that now expand with
Each beat of my heart as it remembers
Your (our) pulse under my (our) fingertips
A steady tempo to my new-old symphony turned refrain
Am i hastur's heart or yours? I yearn for the latter
But under threat of infinity, i'm once again the first.
da capo
Rise from the ashes, canary of gold
Remember your virtue from stories untold
Hold close your dear friend here for he's all you've got
But keep in your sins, friend, else all is for naught
You've stolen his eyes back, his heart mirrors yours
Longing for sweetness yet guilted and cold
Trust comes in a poem, a promise, a song
He has deadly faith now but oh not for long
You're hastur's heart, yes? it lets you forget
Bring him, "my king", up to the pulpit
Puppeted pleasantries shall end in strife
"I can't forget you" he breathes as the knife
Cuts at his heartstrings with few simple words
"Do it." you whisper, the trigger now pulled.
[basically kayne refers to his Offer in intermezzo as a Da Capo al Coda, and because i'm a sucker for musical symbolism in this podcast i started looking through the musical terms wikipedia page. in a cathedral. as one does. then the brainworm hit yadda yadda and here we are today. (yeah this is a musical thing but im not a composer just a shitty notes app poet)]
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Hello there ! I would like to ask for a match-up please♡ <:) possibly with TFP Autobots or Cons (only if you feel like doing it♡)
My name is Michaela and i'm 19. My height is 5'3 (159cm) and i am a ginger with mid long hair, freckles all over my face and honey brown colored eyes. My skin is pretty pale so i ususally wear light colored clothes like soft green and cream colored shirts (i mostly wear very baggy clothes cause i'm pretty slim) etc.♡ ^^
I'd say i'm pretty calm/shy person but sometimes my zoomies hit in and i have the urge to run around and playfight with anyone and anything i see (i love playfighting) :D i also very much enjoy spiritual conversations, stargazing, playing games and i'm also a sucker for atronomy. I love learning all about space. I'm pretty loyal and affectionate (ahem touch starved ahem) person what comes to friends and family i'm very protective of them. I am used to helping people so of course if you ask me for any help or anything in particular i am here to help. <3 I often try to play things cool and calm when anything bad happens but i am actualy screaming on the inside. I'm very careful and fearfull. I'm also trying to be open minded as much as possible and kind to everyone as long as they are kind to me back. I am basically your mirror. I also LOVE animals. Mostly parrots😭❤️ they are just so adorable when they show you affection🥺 the type of person when they see a random cat on street to stop by and just pet it or any animal😭❤️
Now what comes to my body i have a pear shaped body with pretty thin waist and a lot of small and big marks all over my arms, hands and legs. I sadly suffer from asthma so i need my inhaler at all costs if i ever get a asthma attack <:/ i am also lactose intolerant so milk is another no no for me. I rather spend time indoors but still i'm open minded for a nice car ride to any lake or water. I love swimming especially in sea.^^♡♡ my fav colors are orange, yellow, turquoise, black, soft green and white♡
I think that's all. I apologize if this is chaotic but i've never wrote a request :( i hope it's not too much♡♡ if you couldn't come up with anything feel free not to write anything at all <3 thank you so so much !♡♡♡♡
A daily note to take care of yourself, to drink water and eat enough food to keep yourself healthy !♡ ^^
I match you with: Optimus Prime!
You met Optimus during a Decepticon attack. You of course were taken to the base and assigned a guardian- Optimus Prime himself. Optimus first kept you at a distance, not wanting to get too close to you in fear you’d be used against him by the Decepticons. 
One day when Optimus was driving you home you yelled at him to stop. You were both in a secluded area out in the country. You jumped out of his cab as soon as he came to a stop and squealed in delight. He transformed thinking something was wrong but saw you looking at the sky.
“What are you looking at?” Optimus asked.
“The stars, the moon- everything.” You sighed happily. “In the cities, the smog makes it hard to see the stars. Here, you can see everything. It’s amazing.”
Optimus looked at you in awe, then to the sky. He’d forgotten what it was like to just enjoy the wonders of the world. He sat down and looked down when he felt something on his hand. You were cuddling to him for warmth as you fell asleep. He made sure that you got home safely, even going as far as placing you gently in your bed from your open window.
Optimus began taking you on regular trips to see things you liked. One time he took you to the ocean so you could play in the water. You didn’t care you were missing your swimsuit and simply ran in head first. Ratchet later scolded you when you got sick.
One day he took you to the jungle to see some monkeys and parrots, and you ended up being attacked by a tiger. He quickly scooped you into his hand and away from the tiger trying to eat you. 
When you started to breathe oddly after the tiger attack, he ran to Ratchet. Ratchet shook his head at you and handed you your inhaler. Optimus asked you what it was, and Ratchet explained. Optimus was concerned and began treating you even more like precious glass.
When it came to Decepticons, you were very cautious. You would always run and hide and call the base. One day a Vehicon scooped you up to hold you hostage against the Prime and you were terrified. You were frozen in their servo while they mocked Optimus.
“Let them go!” Arcee growled out.
“Fat chance Autobot scum!” They squeeze you tighter and you begin to panic. Your asthma begins to act up and the Vehicon looks down at you in confusion. “Is it broken?” 
Bumblebee takes the opportunity to slam into the Decepticon and snatch your body flying through the air. The rest of the Autobots quickly defeat the Vehicons and take you back to base to get your inhaler. From that moment on, Optimus was so scared you’d die before he could confess his feelings.
Optimus picked you up and placed you on his shoulder as he went to the top of the base. He sat down and offered his hands to climb on. He looked down at you with love. “I… must confess something.” 
You looked up with a knowing expression. “I love you too, Optimus.” 
The shock on his face was priceless. He then smiled softly, pulling you closer to his face. “Thank you, little star.”
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euphorbic · 4 months
Off the back of my photo dump post, here’s the detailed bit.
First, anyone that follows me should likely know that one of my Special Interests ™️ is motorcycles. Second, others follow me for ball-jointed dolls (BJD) stuff. BJD are just big action figures for me.
Motored Cyborg Runner (AKA 少女発動機) is a line of 17.5cm action figures, which are a mashup of “girl” and motorcycles. These designs are based on AF Kuro’s work.
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I am n o t a fan of his barely-pubescent t¡ts and aśś and pυbis mons work. (Someone call the Hawkeye Initiative on this weird and gratuitous twät shot.) BUT I DIGRESS!
Here’s a pallet cleanser:
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As you can see: basically sportbike gajinka. My (very gross) hero!
The details
Sen-ti-nel and Goodsmile teamed up to create action figures based on these designs. I’m assuming that this design is Tsujigiri. (I use Hepburn spelling, despite all packaging and marketing materials using Kunrei-shiki: Tsu-zi-giri. Why? Because there is no “zi” sound in Japanese and because I love you, of course!)
Onward! Have a recap photo:
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Here’s where the motorcycle enthusiast in me gets consumed with glee. The motorcycle details. Starting with the removable fuel tank backpack. The tank shape isn’t motorcycleish, but from this angle? Yes, yes it is. It’s like looking down at your fuel cap from sitting on the seat.
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Then there’s the torque wrench settings. On race bikes and cars, torque settings are painted next to bolts so nobody has to remember how many newton meters (N/M) is needed for each one.
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Sorry, this shot sucks because I just used my phone all these. The warning label on this one reads: Caution, hot surface. The black arrow points up to the engine, but more specifically the engine’s header. Caution is appropriate: I don’t know a single motorcycle tech that hasn’t been burned on a header.
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The single cylinder engine is very accurate to a motorcycle. Even the silver cover combined with the darker case is iconic. It’s so accurate that I can’t help but question why anyone would go with this single cylinder 4-stroke model when they could go with a 2-stroke? Better choice in my opinion… on a completely made up future that has internal combustion still in existence.
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And, of course, we have the 4-stroke style collector/silencer/muffler. If I had some Akrapovic, Arrow, or Yoshimura decals in the right size, I’d slap that sucker on. The figure comes with two silencers, but the other one is very short.
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Not a motorcycle thing, but look at this tiny QR code on the arm pocket! Adorable.
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So there’s my word vomit on motorcycle things that make me half the target audience for these figures. Just one more thing, to mention, I guess. Scale.
Have a super crappy, backlit photo:
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Pictured with:
Masterpiece (MP) scale Starscream
Classified scale Cobra Viper
Figma Utena Tenjou
The figure is the same sort of scale as Classified G.I. Joes if you compare them knee-to-knee. Tsujigiri has a lot of height in those wheels.
If you don’t mind that her height obliterates the illusion of “massive machine” she scales very well with MP scale Transformers.
Go to the photo dump post
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utilitycaster · 1 year
as someone who gave up on c3 I stayed in the fandom mostly for lvom and now waiting for animated nein. I remember you having a lot of doubts about c3. did they get resolved? or did you find other things to appreciate? I would be interested to see your perspective since I tended to agree with a lot of your opinions when I was more active on tumblr.
Hi anon!
Good question. I feel the best answer is that some things have gotten much better, and some things have not been resolved but I am somewhat resigned. I'm putting the rest of my response below a cut because it may get long (might not! I don't plan out responses like this usually) and because some of this gets fairly speculative.
Let's start with the unresolved:
While I'm hopeful that the visit to Whitestone quenched the need for extensive Vox Machina appearances, I still maintain this campaign would have been stronger had the connections been more distant. I actually like Orym as a character, but I think the Keyleth connection does neither him nor Keyleth any favors (not because Matt's depiction is bad, simply because Orym feels overshadowed to me and because it means the party can always consider asking a L20 Druid to help them, even if the end result is a no). I also still don't like how few characters are of Marquet or have significant reason to be there, even as I enjoy the characters.
The plot is still heavily centered around Imogen's powers and her connection to Ruidus. I'll talk more about this below, but I think this could have been handled well, and I place the blame squarely on Matt here, but it's not and as a result Imogen gets little room to breathe or develop. I like her as a character, but she's perpetually overwhelmed; her best moments have been, for me, in the episodes before the main character status was more solidified, or in episodes centering other characters (some of the Bassuras episodes; Chetney's time with the Gorgynei).
Related to the above, this is a heavily railroaded campaign. That is not bad. EXU Calamity was pretty railroaded, as are many Dimension 20 shows. I think the problem is that this didn't have the needs of railroading met. The best way to think about it is that Matt is basically running a looser-than-usual but still extant custom module. There are specific beats to be hit. When you run a module, as a DM, one generally tells people you're doing it and to build characters surrounding it. I still don't feel that was done. I think that had Matt said "hey, this is going to be a Ruidus-centric, lore-heavy campaign; build characters who have reason to be interested or who'd go along" then yes, he'd have spoiled the surprise, but not by much, and I think the characters would be much more suited to the plot (higher int, more tied to institutions in Marquet, etc) and the pacing issues wouldn't exist because it feels like Matt has been trying to obscure the railroading; things have gotten much better following recent episodes because we got the full lore dump and now have an actual task. Some slightly different expectation-setting would have been transformative with not a whole lot of effort.
The good
The characters and their relationships have gotten much better. Getting rid of Delilah has resolved most of my issues with Laudna though I'm unimpressed with her build; Chetney, Ashton, and Fearne were always great; my issues with Imogen stem only from her being Designated Main Character which wasn't an issue with Laura's concept; I discussed Orym above; and FCG in particular has been totally changed. Giving FCG a deity and having them start to question their purpose following a meeting with Dancer fixed most of my issues. They are still pushy, but in a way that feels much more friendly than the initial intrusive way; Sam is finally settling into playing a cleric more capably; and I love every part of the Changebringer arc. I also am a sucker for the Chef feat. As a recent poll on this website indicated, I can put up with a meandering plot if the characters are compelling (*cough* this is why early Mighty Nein, or Vox Machina pre-Briarwoods, are still largely good) so now that the group has meshed it's much more enjoyable. It still took longer than I wish it had, I still would like further deepening of relationships, and I completely respect that people lost patience, but we got to a much better place.
The pacing isn't perfect - we're getting shunted from place to place in a way that feels like late campaign, and giving this group so much power and connections has meant we don't get to see a ton of the continent - but it's much better. The Yios casino episode was a highlight, as were Chetney's episodes, and I'm hoping the upcoming skyship episodes will have some opportunities for conversations. I am not terribly optimistic that we'll get tons of downtime before the apogee solstice, but I am hoping that the plot is this: Bells Hells and their allies thwart the plans of the solstice, everyone has to regroup, and there is time to cover characters other than Imogen in depth for a length of time before we return back. I still suspect this will be a campaign closer to VM's in length than the Nein's, but that's still like 100 episodes so I'm hoping it's like, solstice in the 50s, 30-40 episodes of other stuff, moon plot returneth.
The NPCs and worldbuilding are consistently great; I just wish we could spend more time with them. As I say above, I hope that we put the moon plot on hold after the solstice and can deal with everyone else's stuff. I in particular am fascinated by Ashton and Chetney's stuff; I also think Laudna's hiding a lot that would make her more interesting, and I would love to know the full history of FCG even if he's not terribly curious.
The speculative
I have said this is speculative a few times and I'm saying it once more. I don't know if this is true, but like. This is essentially what I would say to Matt if somehow we crossed paths and he said "hey, as a fan, I was wondering why the response to Campaign 3 seems comparably muted from your perspective."
My guess is that this is the last long-form campaign Critical Role will do. It's understandable; if this runs 100-ish episodes that puts us at the 9-10 year mark of almost-weekly episodes, not counting the covid hiatus, and that is a LOT for a busy group of people working on concurrent animated series and sustaining outside acting careers. This isn't a podcast; it's filmed on a full set and takes a lot of time. I suspect - and hope! - that there will be plenty more content, in the form of EXU seasons, one-shots, and even shorter campaigns with the main cast (a la D20). And if I'm proven wrong and a full-length Campaign 4 is announced in the future, I will be ecstatic to eat my words. I cannot stress how happy I would be if I'm wrong here. But that is my guess.
So what I think has happened is this:
Matt has lore he really wants to reveal and has been seeding through the past two campaigns
Matt does not want to tell the cast not to play a character they've been thinking of, because this is the last time they'll get to do it for 100+ episodes.
And I think those two things together explain everything we're seeing. The Ruidus plot has to happen...but he didn't tell the cast.
Anyway hope this helps! I really appreciate you saying you like what I've had to say in the past, and see you for the Nein series and any future one-shots!
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captainjacklyn · 2 years
A headcanon where f!crush invite herself to spend the night at idia's room and HIS bed, because there is no way she is sleeping on the floor.
ramdomly confess to him while lying on his bed (couldnt find a better time) and patiently waiting for his answer
I pray for the school...as it will get burned down-
Thank you for requesting this anon, I hope it isn't too late than you wished it to be.
Warning(s) : arson, cursing/cussing/swearing (Idk what you want to call it but basically 'bad words'), they're not exactly bad words they're simply 'repulsive' or 'dirty' in a way. spoilers for idia's backsory [no angst just CRACK]
Pairing(s) : Idia shroud x f!reader
Idia receives an unexpected visit from his crush (Head canon)
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this was meant to be a normal day. But of course, why wouldn't you kick down his door and yell like a maniac :
idia.exe has stopped working please restart
Luckily he was too shocked and speechless about the whole situation that even his hair took time to process what ever the fuck was happening right now.
When he did realize....
Oh boy.
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"We are currently witnessing Night Raven College getting burned to a 54˚C fire, most students are outside receiving medical attention. More on this later, I am Lady Orchidia and I don't get payed enough for this bullshit-"
Why would you do this...?
Anyways, he was basically loading like a computer receiving slow WIFI. He then turned into a bugging mess and fidgeted all over the place, for those who are curious this is how he sounded like :
W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-what ?! U-u-u-u-u-u-u-u...
Practically transformed into Wattpad (y/n) 2.0
Since this is boring I'll directly skip to the good part where you both head to sleep because it's difficult as hell to make this no friends dude have rest at all.
You rest in HIS bed and Idia is far too embarrassed to sleep in the same bed as you like what in the fanfiction is this-
At some point he ends up listening to your endless nagging of : please, please, please, please, please, etc
Afterwards, his ego starts to build up and he grins like an evil villain who constantly goes MUAHAHAHA cause they gotta go emo once in their arc.
He's insecure but at the same time feels hella confident like this men is a mix of hades with a guy who's just shy and depressed.
"I love you Idia, just so you know."
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"We are all here today, celebrating the life of Idia who practically didn't do anything in the game besides kidnapping students and creating an android to replace his very dead brother-"
Idia stans please don't come at me.
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Hope you liked it.
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bleulone · 4 months
Roi's captivating journey in Berlín: on defying authority, seeking approval and exploring his desire…
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Or a long meta nobody asked for in which I delve into why he’s the best character in this spinoff and why his "romance" with Cameron unfortunately didn’t really make sense.
Foreword : I'm a sucker for nerdy male fictional characters with a hidden hint of confidence, a dark/tragic backstory, who wear the slutty glasses™ and look like they never felt the touch of a woman—of course when Roi was firstly introduced, I knew from the start that he's going to live in my mind rent free for the upcoming months.
˚ · • . ° . ׂׂૢ་༘࿐˚ · • . ° .
From the very first episode, it becomes clear that Berlín unravels as a tale centered around love. Nevertheless, it extends beyond romantic love, notwithstanding the musings of our chaotic, narcissistic dandy of a professional thief who philosophizes about the tantalizingly addictive energy of courtship, chase, and a lust he fervently desires. Although romantic love is prominently depicted as the main thread in the series, it is the comprehensive concept of Love that undergoes demystification, discussion, challenge, embrace, repulsion, and yearning.
The prevailing narrative of the entire season seemed to orbit a distinctive framework: romantic/carnal love, familial love, and self-love, stretching from birth to zenith and eventual demise. What particularly resonated with me was how the creators delved into the exploration of how these love forms can serve as both sources of freedom and imprisonment for the characters. It adds a poetic and meta layer when considering that this entire discussion unfolds against the backdrop of the Parisian landscape.
Within the fragrance that permeated this spinoff, Roi's storyline unquestionably stood out as the most intriguing among the banda. Despite its imperfections, particularly in the romantic aspect (which we'll talk about later), his evolution throughout the season seemed the most logical. To arrive at this conclusion, I believe it's essential to revisit storytelling basics and comprehend why, in my perspective, his arc made the most sense.
For a hero's journey to unfold successfully, it typically follows eight steps, and Roi's arc approximately adheres to these stages, employing a significant amount of telling and a bit of showing:
1. The Call: Running away from home at 13 and engaging in petty crimes. 2. The Threshold: Encountering Berlin at 17 and finally getting out of juvie. 3. + 4. The Challenges and The Abyss: Following the Boss's orders—retrieving the calice, "babysitting" Cameron, and maintaining a distance from her. 5. The Transformation: Failing to comply with orders and defying lover!Berlin. 6. The Revelation: Disclosing the truth to Berlin about the lost necklace during the night at the race, leading to approval and apology. 7. The Atonement: Evading the police, and Roi expressing gratitude for Berlin's guidance and lessons in self-control. 8. The Return (with a Gift): Successfully reaching Madrid, leaving the narrative with a seemingly happy ending, though the final details remain unknown.
Having observed a portion of his journey, Roi's character possesses a distinctive charm, largely stemming from the preconceived notions we harbor about him—"the youngster," "the naive and charming boy who simply follows instructions." I am inclined to think that the most notable feature of his arc this season is its "coming-of-age" essence that resonates with many. He strives to liberate himself from the constraints of unquestioning obedience to Berlin, opting instead to be guided by instinct, explore desire, embrace his identity, and assert his free will.
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I truly enjoyed the universal elements in his relationship with Berlin: the admiration, care, the vulnerability and pride. I couldn't get enough of their scenes and wished for more. I was particularly intrigued to know a bit more about Berlin's perspective on education and how he imparted his principles to Roi. Surprisingly, it's refreshing to witness how the young man, contrary to expectations, isn't a Berlin Jr., but rather a wiser, more innocent, and stern version of himself.
Roi's evolution from a runaway orphan misfit to a disciplined young man was truly captivating, primarily because it allowed us to connect with him emotionally. He became the only character who shared such a precious and intimate piece of himself, giving us insight into why Berlin holds such significance for him. This added layer of vulnerability only serves to enhance his endearing personality.
On that note, I admire the way his naivety, which parallels Rio in La Casa de Papel, contrasts with his playfulness and extroversion. Roi's serious demeanor is understandable, considering his challenging upbringing both at home and in juvenile detention; he had to be self-reliant and fight his way through life. His skill in unlocking doors provided a glimpse of his delicacy and patience, making him genuinely distinctive. Indeed, the calmness, uncertainty, and darkness were further echoed in his casual attire and color palette—comprising blue, grey, and black.
I could extensively discuss Roi's incredible personality and his son/father relationship he has with Andres, but unfortunately, I just have to talk about the bad. Yes, Roi's story arc has some limitations that left me a bit disappointed, considering the amazing potential within his character. While he ended up demonstrating maturity and professionalism throughout the series, there was a certain immaturity when it came to matters of "love".
I guess that now is a good time to address the elephant in the room: his (quite underwhelming) "romantic" relationship with Cameron. I find myself somewhat blaming the trailer, as it led me to believe I was in for a compelling love story with a unique approach to the "bad girl/good boy trope" (which I adore). I was particularly displeased with how misleading the "lock picking" and the "No me mires" tattoo scenes in the pilot were, as they seemed to be included solely to inject a bit of sexiness into the show.
Listen, I'm a big fan of romance, and one thing that most romance enthusiast tend to do is approaching love stories in two distinct parts: 1) understanding the characters before the relationship, how they function individually, and 2) how the relationship will shape their individual growth and their growth together.
This is often observed through well-known romantic tropes that typically bring characters together and facilitate both physical and emotional connections. So, let's examine which tropes influenced their interactions: work colleagues, forced proximity, tending wounds (and the somewhat cliché "insta love"). This description may seem fitting at first glance, innit? But did these tropes truly work for them?
One crucial factor to consider is time: I strongly believe that a majority of love stories are slow burns that unfold over different spans. And sorry, chief, but timing wasn't on their side.
Apologies to all the Cameroi shippers out there, but I found it difficult to believe in their relationship, and it felt underwhelming for both characters. After finishing Season 1, opting for a platonic relationship might have been the better choice for them. Let me elaborate on why.
If Pina and Martínez Lobato truly intended to highlight romance (which was a bit overwhelming because literally, everyone had a romantic arc—like babe, it’s too much), especially a romance that made sense for the characters, they should have incorporated more angst and a slow burn. Why? Because, in this season, neither of Roi and Cameron are in the right place to fall in love.
On one hand, Roi's (scarce) romantic history reveals his naivety and idealized perception of love. To be frank, I would even go so far as to say his experience is practically nonexistent. His feelings seemed more like infatuation than genuine love, which requires a deeper connection that they didn't really have time to develop.
A part of me thinks Berlin's "strict" teachings about women played a role. The scene in 1.01 in the bathroom somewhat confirmed that Berlin might have admonished Roi in the past, likely instructing him on managing his hormones. Additionally, when our sweet summer child assured Berlin that he didn't initiate or encourage such behavior with Cameron, it became evident that being prudish was a lesson he had clearly absorbed.
Being a reserved young gentleman who wouldn't dare to meet the eyes of a woman he fancies, in contrast to the charismatic lover Berlin, I'm inclined to think he still has his V card—I can't interfere; it's a canon event.
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If Roi seriously lacks experience with women, despite his first and only teenage romantic involvement during juvenile detention, it's only natural that he would stumble. This is evident in his interactions with Cameron. His steps are endearing and pure, but also somewhat messy and oddly quick. For someone who hates being seen as an obedient puppy, he swiftly follows Cameron's suggestion about the glasses, removing them instantly. I found this moment quite intriguing. It would have made more sense in 1.04, right after the quarrel at Polignac house. Removing them on that same night would have heightened the scene's impact and symbolically marked the transition from the old to the new Roi. Then again, taking time is crucial. It could have mirrored the fear of crossing boundaries and played with the symbolic idea that desire mirrors fear.
(**internal screaming** The creators missed an opportunity to delve deeper into the use of mirror imagery and internal conflict.)
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That's why his “love” confession to Cameron in 1.07 appeared laughable, rushed and childish. Indeed, as she aptly said, he has "no idea if they'd still be together if Jimmy wasn't part of the equation." How dare he? I feel like this scene was pivotal, opening the door for Roi to reflect on his advances and avoid rushing into things, making him more cautious about the "lines you cannot cross in love" that dad!Berlin warned him about.
Yes, in the lights of his "romantic" arc, Roi had an illusion of love. Were there emotions involved? Certainly, especially since she helped him discuss his past. Lust? Absolutely.
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As for Cameron, she's still grappling with trauma from her last relationship (to be honest, given all the suspense, her backstory was quite disappointing). It would have been in line with her character to step back from love and take some time to focus on herself before engaging in anything new. If the creators really wanted to push the romance, they could have only focused on subtle gestures like handholding and meaningful gazes to build the romantic tension, and not just sexual tension.
I didn't appreciate how they were quickly and overly physical with each other. The emphasis on physical touch didn't enhance the pseudo-emotional intimacy. In fact, I don't believe Cameron fell in love or became very infatuated with Roi. I would have preferred her to embody the femme fatale vibe Esther and Alex gave her and maintain a more casual relationship. Yielding to Roi's advances in the end seemed out of character because she should have been triggered, wary of falling deeply in love again and hurting our sweet baby boy Roi.
This is why their kiss felt unnecessarily desperate and passionate. A simple hug would have sufficed. I understand the fear of not seeing each other for three days, but the purpose of Cameron's words in between kisses, like "promise me" and "I can't myself," left me confused and mainly with unanswered questions. It's even more frustrating when we overlook her role in the heist and the unique talent that makes her authentic in the crew.
To wrap up, I believe both of these characters should have been individually explored. Consider the Octopus and the No me mires tattoos, for instance. Why introduce his through Cameron? Why didn't Roi ask about the meaning behind hers? Exploring this could have provided intriguing clues about her past. We could have witnessed a compelling scene of Roi changing, letting the audience notice the tattoos and prompting questions about their significance. Am I surprised that an entire episode is named after his tattoo, yet its origin remains undisclosed? Not at this point. Consequently, I found it difficult to connect with their bonding over the tattoos.
Despite being 23, their story really felt like a teenage love affair. I suppose I'll let fanfiction fill the void left (or do it myself with missing scenes and an eventual ofc, considering Roi is such fanfiction material).
All in all, Roi was undoubtedly the most captivating character. Performed by a wonderful Julio Peña, he skillfully broke the rules and awkwardly embraced his desires, ultimately earning the approval of his second father figure. I'm uncertain about what to expect in a potential Season 2, but one thing I absolutely need more than ever is flashbacks and explanations, especially given it's fucking Berlin's golden age.
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What about you? What's your take on Roi? Did you enjoy his character arc and his "romance"? If you made it to the end, thank you ! Thank you very much for taking the time to read all this ramble of mine. I'm genuinely curious to hear your thoughts within the niche fandom here on Tumblr :)
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mummelthecryptid · 2 months
do you have any like. The Terror fanfic recs bc I really need some
i dont have as many as i would like, because i haven't read all that many terror fanfics, but i do still have a handful bookmarked!
this one is quite good, its a timeloop fic, which is basically my brand so you knoww im eating it up
a pretty short but sweet fizier canon divergence fic
t4t somewhat canon compliant hickeyjopson hatred which i thought was very entertaining, because im a sucker for characters waging psychological warfare on each other with a smile on their face
if you find any more good ones by all means send them my way :))
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fandom-go-round · 1 year
Ohh I love me some soulmate au's. Would you mind writing one with Shatter (transformers) x reader? I love and am such a sucker for this particular soulmate au trope: getting the same injuries your soulmate does.
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Villainous Reader
            Your injuries have always been intense, even as a child. You remember your parents being concerned, mostly because you would complain about limbs going numb and chest pain. It isn’t something that worries you now, personally; it’s just the way things have always been.
            It makes a bit more sense when your soulmate is made of metal. At least you assume she’s your soulmate, watching as Shatter has her arm torn off and yours goes numb. You’re thankful that the injuries don’t transfer 100% just because that would be a nightmare. Your brain is racing, trying to figure out if you’re really tied to a giant metal alien.
            The solider holding you let’s go in a moment of shock and you break for the exit, ignoring the chaos around you. You’re not going to look a gift horse in the mouth and besides, you need to get the parts you acquired back to your base. It’s not hard to break out of the base, everyone running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
            You accidently get slammed into a wall and hiss, cradling your shoulder but not stopping. Getting stampeded to death isn’t on your bucket list. You only half register the burning gaze in your back, hot wiring a car and driving away. The road shakes and shrapnel flies through the air, your body tense as you do your best to dodge everything.
            Finally, the base disappears from your rear view and you begin to relax. Your arm is still numb but it’s getting better, almost like it’s slowly waking up from being asleep. After a couple of hours, you notice the muscle car cruising behind you. Something pulls you towards it, begging that you pay more attention.
            The glint of the setting sun shows off the red, almost pink tone of the car and you understand. You don’t panic, even if your heart is beating faster. The road is basically deserted this late in the middle of nowhere but you’re not going to take the chance. At the first semi hidden pull off you turn, the car following behind you smoothly.
            By the time you park and exit your vehicle, the sounds of metal twisting fill the air. You miss whatever has happened because the creature from before is there, crouched between the trees and staring at you. Moments of silence pass, wind moving through the trees; you’re content to let whoever it is make the first move.
            You smile as they reach out, palm uncurling over the grass. You approach slowly, setting your hand against the fingers in front of you. The creature let’s out a deep feminine laugh and you hum. This isn’t what you expected from your soulmate but you’re not going to back down from a challenge.
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nevis-the-skeleton · 6 months
-Nryry_Transformer- : I'm not sure if you will do this request or not since it is Shattered Glass Transformers Prime.
I am a sucker for SG Transformers Prime ( Mainly for SG Starscream ) and I made this video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/ov-TPyL2y3k
So my request is basically the video, SG Megatron , SG Knockout, SG Knockout and SG Starscream discuss about (I think) SG Starscream going alone to fight the undead Cybertronians and the others being worried about him.
Universe: Shattered Glass Transformers Prime.
Nice animation ^^ thanks for your request Nryry 😊
The dead had been brought back, desecrated by the so-called Prime, corrupted by a false Matrix and a vengeful God, their own planet. Bright Energon had been used for evil purposes, taken away from its original power, abused in the worst possible ways.
The Decepticons were in their base, thinking of a way to stop this army of undead. Before it is too late. There was one way to stop them, only one, possible for only one of them.
“I’m the only one who can do it. Starscream declared.
- It's too dangerous! Megatron objected, shaking his head sharply.
- You are indeed the only one who can find the Energon that is the cause of all this, but you don't have to face all these undead alone! added KnockOut.
- I don't mean to be mean, but I'm the best flyer on our team. Even with the greatest will, Megatron and Soundwave will never be able to keep up with me.
- But we can slow down the undead for you! replied the Communications Commander.
- ... I don't want you to take such a risk!
- You are the one who takes the biggest right now! replied the leader of the Decepticons.
- Don't underestimate me, Megatron. We absolutely must destroy the crystal that is the cause of all this, and it is only accessible to me. Besides, you just risk getting massacred... I have no intention of fighting against these undead, my objective is to avoid them as much as possible.
- Starscream has a point. agreed the doctor. We can't help him with that. If we try to intervene we risk distracting him from his objective.
- I know…” sighed the ex-gladiator with defeat.
The Seeker placed a comforting hand on his leader's shoulder, and said:
“I’ll come back, I promise.
- I hope so. Megatron replied, placing his hand on the jet's. I'm counting on you, show them what you're capable of!"
The flyer smiled, and raised his wings with determination, ready to fight! Ready to show this corrupt Prime what they're made of!
Starscream stood above the cliff, below and above him were all the brought dead, tainted by a power that should not be in anyone's hands. He was going to destroy the corrupt good at the source!
The Seeker closed his optics, tracing the Bright Energon, going back to it, evaluating the trajectory necessary to reach it, to destroy it, to save it. The jet clenched his fists, and spread his wings, facing the horizon which will take him to his goal.
The flyer took off, and the walking corpses wasted no time in noticing him. As they approached, Starscream had no intention of letting it happen! The Seeker drew his swords, and activated his reactor, propelling himself into the teeming mass of the flying dead.
The jet dodged and sliced ​​the beings too daring, leaving them no chance. The flyer weaved through it, never leaving sight of his trajectory, which was at the very center of this entire cluster.
Dead people were called by the crystal, asking them to return to protect it. Starscream frowned, thinking of a way to cross this rampart of bodies, when he was brutally hit by one of the corpses.
The Seeker rolled several times, and catch up as best he could, but lost one of his swords in the process. The jet hissed, and decided not to dwell on it. The flyer jumped, and used his reactor to gain height and strength, freeing himself from the grip of the deads.
Starscream rose higher and higher, before letting himself fall. He pointed his sword and his body towards the rampart, and rushed at full speed in a dive in its direction, almost at the limit of the sound barrier. The Seeker struck with all his might, destroying the shield that the Bright Energon had created for itself.
The crystal created a dome of energy around it, but the jet did not give up his quest, and added more power to his propellant, before delivering one last brutal and fateful blow, which ended up getting the better of this poor lost energon.
The Bright Energon exploded, causing a huge blast that reduced the bodies to dust, and propelled Starscream backwards. The Seeker rolled several times before hitting one of the cliff walls with force.
The jet coughed in pain, but smiled, happy to have succeeded in his mission. It was then that he saw a portal forming in front of him, and heard a scream of rage coming out of it.
The flyer widened his optics in shock when he saw Optimus Prime appear. He tried to move, but he was too hurt to do so. The corrupted Prime aimed his blaster at Starscream, who clenched his wings, while the leader of the Autobots growled:
“I’m going to make you pay for your audacity! Damn Seeker!"
Another ground bridge formed, and Optimus could do nothing to dodge a violent punch from Megatron. The Prime fell backwards, and by the time he got up, the leader of the Decepticons and his Second-in-Command were already gone.
KnockOut grumbled while repairing Starscream, scolding him, and reminding him that he had promised to be careful.
“I did my best, KO. the Seeker simply replied.
- It's not by doing your best that you achieve perfection, my dear!"
The jet raised his optics to the sky, which did not fail to offend the doctor, who punished him for his insolence by slapping his helmet.
"Hey! the flyer said indignantly.
- The main thing is that he's okay, KnockOut. Megatron said.
- Without your intervention things could have been very different! the red car declared vigorously.
- Let's not dwell on the "what ifs". Soundwave replied. All that matters is the current result.
- And what a result!" smiled the leader of the Decepticons.
The ex-gladiator approached his Commander, and said:
"Well done, Starscream.
- My my my! What would you do without me! the Seeker teased.
- Probably not much."
The jet waved his wings, before laughing lightly. He had succeeded. They had succeeded! The Autobots had better watches out. The Decepticons will never let them win!
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ivor-outlaw · 1 year
Hear ye, hear ye, you who'd like to submit headcanons, prompts, suggestions and requests for LITA and/or Kinnporsche as well as Bed Friend! :)🧡
This is going to be a little info post about my writing in general regarding LITA, Kinnporsche, and Bed Friend!
Basic information:
Omegaverse only for now! (I love the verse too much to give it up just yet)
I'm very willing to switch dynamics up from the go-to second genders fans have assigned to the characters! Feel free to suggest any character as any second gender!
Omegas will be written with naturally AFAB reproductive systems in any scenario!
Omega/Omega and Alpha/Alpha pairings are golden and I'm open for all the good tropes that come with them!
dark tropes are ON the table, I'm a sucker for them! Don't hesitate to bring them up!
I probably WON'T be doing any prompted multi-chapter complex plot fics anytime soon, as I simply don't have the time and patience for them right now!
Fandom specific information:
I am NOT writing for the Prapai/Sky ship as of right now! Sue me, fandom, I just don't see the attraction between those two. I love them both on their own, but their relationship isn't for me, sorry!
in my LITA/KP fanon verse, Phayu is the biological son of VegasPete, Prapai being KinnPorsche's biological child - Vegas still oversees the minor family and though his relationship with Kinn is strained, they try their best (if only for the sake of their kids) - if a plot you suggested demands a change in this, I retain the freedom to work with it as I see fit!
pack dynamics all the way! Most of the characters I write are integrated into one tight pack that consists of romantic, sexual and platonic bonds!
Thank you all for your input and for any messages you send me! :)
I hope I'll be able to fulfill a lot of requests! :)🧡
Also, the link to my Ao3 (in case you haven't come from there):
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pipermca · 11 days
I am accepting @altraviolet's challenge (from the post here) for the fic writer questionnaire. This looks like fun! *cracks knuckles*
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,133,042 (holy shit)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I mostly write for Transformers these days. I do have a little short story cooking for Centaurworld; maybe I'll get that jotted down some day.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I can definitely see how writing for a popular ship will skew your stats on your fics, and smut gives bonus points. 😅
Frag the Police. Jazz/Prowl, NSFW
Claim Rejected. MegOP, SFW
Peer Review. Starscream/Wheeljack, NSFW
Anamnesis. Jazz/Prowl, SFWish (has plug-n-play interfacing)
Public Indecency. Jazz/Prowl, NSFW
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I love comments and I want to pass on that appreciation. 💗
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm. Even my darker stories usually have a bit of light in the end, since I am a sucker for happy (if possibly bittersweet) endings. But the story Atrocity (please mind the tags on that one) leaves Bluestreak in a bad place at the end, and nothing is really resolved.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have lots of fics with really happy endings! But in terms of having no hanging ends, I think The Renegade and the Hound might be the happiest. 🤗 The last chapter of that fic is all warm fuzzies for the characters.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet. 😄 I've gotten some vaguely critical comments sometimes but I wouldn't call that hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ooooh yeah. I write it all. I'll even write the weird stuff there's no terms for. Give me that weird-ass smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I tend to write fusions rather than traditional crossovers, but the weirdest one was very recent: The Spark and the Lightning, which is the War for Cybertron game crossed/fused with Dune.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! The fic Becoming has been translated into Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sort of? A friend and I tossed little bits of a story back and forth several years ago, each of us building on what the other had just written. I have the bits all collected, but I'm not sure if it'll ever see the light of day.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Bluestreak/Hound. 💗
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
It's in the Alt Modes and Alchemy AU. Basically it's the events of the climax of The Renegade and the Hound and a period immedately afterwards, but from Perceptor's POV. It's written as a half diary/half academic paper. The title is:
On the Restoration of Cybertron: An Analysis and Personal Account, or A Treatise on the Effects of the Destruction of the Matrix of Leadership on Cybertron and its Inhabitants from an Alchemical Perspective, and a Personal Account of said Event as Recalled by Perceptor of Iacon, Head Alchemist of Optimus Prime.
It's hella fun, and I'd love to finish it, but it keeps moving out of my "currently working on" stack into the "shelved" stack. :/
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at worldbuilding and writing those juicy emotional scenes.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing stuff. 😅 But seriously, I have a tendency to go back and rework stuff I've written (but not yet posted) instead of working forward on getting more words down. I love editing too much I think. >.<
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's fine? It should be clear to the reader what the dialogue says without them having to Google Translate it. Anything that stops a reader and takes them out of the flow of the story is a Bad Thing imo.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Hahaha! I think the first actual fanfic I wrote was in the Time Quintet series (specifically after reading A Swiftly Tilting Planet) by Madeleine L'Engle. I think I was about 8 or 9.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Hmm. My favourite long fic is Mind, Body, and Soul (which was long and self-indulgent and I said everything I wanted to say about the Big Themes of the story). My favourite short fic is probably Datastream, mostly because I dipped into Cybertronian brains and weird sci-fi elements, mixed with formatting to help tell the story. :)
That was fun! Consider yourself tagged if you want to play along.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
i am drawing magical girl au stuff. this is a threat. i shall design these suckers (wanna provide a basic visual rundown of the designs in your head? or like requests for like designs/props/ect (so i have a jumping off point))
i think somewhere in here i have my main visual notes, which aren't currently very detailed, but the important details are:
scar is red/pink, appropriately frilly, has a magic wheelchair, has a magic bow
cub starts out dressed mostly in disguise, his magical girl outfit has blues, he has a gun, he has a chaotic theme. even transformed his design is the most "practical" and "mundane" looking of the outfits i think.
bdubs is green, he keeps the frills/moss thing, probably some amount of moon motif. he has a wand. he's also the comms guy so he probably has visible communication devices.
grian is purple (and later whites), he has large wings, his weapons are things like knives, he has a "freedom" keyword and a whole "caged bird" motif going on. compared to scar or bdubs, his outfit is probably more sleek/practical, but it's still appropriately magical girl-y and less mundane looking than cub. he probably has the most striking visual differences between his stages of his arc because naturally he does.
monsters are possessed humans and take cues from the type of spirit that created them and also from the human that spirit is possessing. more powerful spirits while possessing someone get further and further from looking "human". visual cue for this in my head is youma from sailor moon, but also a LITTLE BIT witches from madoka, plus a little bit of "whatever the fuck i had going on in stuffed bird but less blatantly body horror".
general visual cues here are largely the inspirations i've mentioned before - sailor moon, cardcaptor, tutu, little bit tokyo mew mew, but you can also go for stuff like precure or nanoha if you like those designs better (i just haven't watched either of those things for them to have gotten blended into this au in my head personally)
hopefully that's helpful!
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villabella12 · 10 months
@arcvmonth Day 18: Different Dimension Day
Look, I'm a sucker for AUs, especially when it comes to Arc-V so I've got plenty of aus revolving around this silly show, but I'm going to show a few favorite of mine
Side Note: Sorry for the horrid spelling and grammars, english is not my first language and for the most part, the cringey ass AUs I have in mind and I am 100% not a writer, just me sharing some AUs :) but I appreciate it if someone made fanart or fanfic abt :')
Two Worlds Apart AU
Premise: When a group of researchers receives a mission from their (now deceased) commander, they nestled their based in a planet full of wonders and mysteries, meeting new faces, teaching them the way of their people as they try and attempt to find figments of their past and live together with the locals.
Basically Magical Fantasy (Arc-V crew bcus all aus that surrounds this series has been magical fantasy) meets Sci-Fi (aka crossover with my original story, A Prismarine Story), or at least how I interperet it
Theres going to be cosmic horror thats lurking in the background and basically the reason why the APS group are satelliting the planet the Arc-V group are living in
The Cards Has Bodies In Them
Premise: A mysterious deck has recently been re-surfaced and was brought in by the local city museum in Maiami City with legends surrounding it as the "Flesh Deck", with how brutal its effect damage is to its opponents. Despite being heavily contained in a vault before its initial public debut, a thief manages to steal such treasure to use it in the Arc League Championship, but such a shameless act would cause the thief his own life and body.
Yuya had recently recovered from all of the Zarc Stuff, or that's what his best friends called it, and is adjusting to a new life back in Maiami City. Before things took a more sinister turn as he discovers an old yet dangerous deck.
Inspired by Vita Carnis and Jonh Carpenter's The Thing cus it fits the fleshy-theme here :)
The first idea that has popped up to my head was, "What if there's a deck that inflict effect damage but instead of using magic nor tech from the monsters, it inflict alien-thing-like damage? Like it actually sucks out your flesh and turns you into a monster card?" I call them the "Rhen-Dharmas" (couldnt think of a better name lmao)
The thief in question is NOT Yuri, Leo, Roget, or the Doktor, it is someone new
And the last thing was it should be presented in an analog horror style
The Curse That Will Never Be Unfold
Premise: A young boy from a small village was cursed by the God of Destruction himself after failing to bring joy to the audience, who thirst for brutal and violent acts. Because of this, in times of desperation, the boy will transform into a hideous beast capable of ending a human's life away with little control whatsoever. With little time left before he'll forever live with it, the boy must find the God of Destruction's sister in order for his curse to be gone, or should he?
Inspired by @1apple-fox1's Rage and Regret AU
Another crossover AU of APS and Arc-V (cus the main character of APS, Coralline, is inspired by Yuya and Zarc's design and powers lol)
Demon!Yuya centric, there's going to be moments of Yuzu going ballistic over her (definitely not/j) boyfriend cus people want to kill him for being a demon with no reasons or second thoughts, and forest spirit (Spoiler Alert! OC name drop?) Maria being a menace
It is all Hurt/Comfort here and there
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kingboohoo37 · 10 months
Fandom of the day 1. Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
Yeah I gotta start with these two dorks.
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Yes, I am a 25-year-old guy that watches a show made for little girls. So what? I've been called out for playing Pokemon for years and I never really cared what people thought so I won't start caring now xD
The Plot
For everyone who has never heard of it (even though I find that unlikely): The basics of the plot revolve around these two teenagers who had magic jewels handed to each other that come with little creatures that transform them into superheroes. Together they have to stop a certain supervillain from terrorizing Paris. He only has one goal: to steal the magic jewels from Ladybug and Cat Noir.
The greatest plot point? Marinette falls in love with Adrien. Adrien falls in love with Ladybug. While Marinette turns into Ladybug and Adrien into Cat Noir, neither of them knows who is truly behind the mask of the other which basically makes it so that they are in love with each other but neither of them knows it xD
The Characters
Let's skip over the 2 important ones. I don't want this post to be too long.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng / Ladybug
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The main character of this series is honestly one of the greatest main characters I have ever seen in any series.
In English she is voiced by my favorite voice actress btw, which is Christina Vee. (Yes I am very interested in knowing who the voice actors are)
She always tries to help the people around her to the best of her abilities no matter how small the favor might be. The issue? She is very clumsy. The things she does don't always turn out to be the way she wants them to. While she has a good heart and is quite strong, she is also a deeply flawed character. She too gets overcome by feelings like anger and jealousy and sometimes has to learn a difficult lesson from her actions.
She is the one that'll turn into a superhero, as she was chosen to be the next Ladybug, a superhero with the power of creation.
2. Adrien Agreste / Cat Noir
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Things were much different for Adrien. He too suffers from being way too nice even to people that probably wouldn't deserve it. Mostly because of his mother.
Being the son of an extremely rich fashion designer and his mother having disappeared years ago he lives a very sheltered life until he is finally allowed to go to school. On top of that, he is chosen to be the next Cat Noir, a superhero with the power of destruction.
When he turns into Cat Noir his character changes rapidly from a rather oblivious and nice boy to a guy who cracks the unfunniest jokes ever made and constantly flirts with Ladybug.
His voice actor Bryce Papenbrook is also known for a few awesome other roles and does a great job at portraying the character.
Why is he so great? He is basically everything that Ladybug isn't. At moments when Ladybug's temper gets the better of her, he stays calm and rational. But sometimes he's also way too blunt and the lack of social skills shines through. His blind trust in her makes these two a great duo though.
Miraculous currently has 5 seasons and is still in development but until now this is probably one of the most passionate fandoms I've ever seen. Ladybug x Cat Noir is a fantastic ship that has a lot of cute and amazing but also dramatic fanfictions.
What I love about it is of course the characters as I mentioned before but the twists the story goes through aren't half bad either. But the biggest point for me was the strong similarity to Spider-Man in keeping a secret identity and having a sense of responsibility. It is a trope that I truly love and can't really get enough of xD
What makes Miraculous so popular was probably the love square:
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The amount of creativity that this fandom has is sheer endless and there are a lot of really good fanfictions out there.
So if you got some spare time and are a sucker for romance, and complicated relationships but also action, and superheroes this might be something for you.
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