#bar babbles
snowie130 · 3 months
Oh my god, it feels like I wanted the "time travellers recognize each other because of a song that shouldn't be released yet" moment to happen since the dawn of time, who would have known I would actually find it in kdrama *happy tears*
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bonefall · 7 months
Ooh, another based "Shellheart gets too much hype in canon" truther? Is it because he actually does shockingly little to stop or protest Rainflower's treatment of Crookedstar as a kit, or something else?
It's a few things honestly, all of them bug me just enough to make me pretty steadfast in feeling like Shellheart is overrated;
Crooked's renaming feels so preventable. Really, Dad Shellheart? You have no say in this? You can't protest this??
You too Hailstar, what the fuck. Leaders are theocratic dictators 90% of the time but TODAY you feel like just letting this woman involve your entire Clan in her emotional abuse?
So it feels like lip service, "Omg Rainflower's being so awful! Don't worry though us powerful men can still be likeable because we don't like this :( too bad our all-powerful hands are tied."
Shellheart wasn't very involved with his children BEFORE denouncing Rainflower, so he does this whole big show of it and theeeeen..... nothing changes.
I'm reminded of how deadbeat fathers will sometimes blow into town with a whirlwind of big talk about doing something big for their neglected family, only to be gone again before Christmas.
Or, worse, the idea that Shellheart ONLY stopped being official mates with Rainflower because he's deputy, and it would look awful if he did nothing at all in the face of such an unpopular situation. Washing his hands of it.
And listen. I know people will staunchly refuse to acknowledge that these aren't real people, they are WRITING CHOICES. But please. I'm begging everyone to stick with me for a goddamn second
Ask yourself these critical thinking questions:
Why have the writers chosen for the mother to be solely responsible for Crookedstar's childhood abuse, whilst portraying Shellheart's solitary big public denouncement as the pinnacle of fatherhood? As he's barely involved in his children's lives?
Do they functionally portray Shellheart as a father who helps his son through maternal neglect? Or are the scenes quite rare? If yes, then what did the author spend their time on instead?
Consider the narrative of Crookedstar's other main antagonist, Mapleshade. Does Mapleshade's backstory have any similarities to Rainflower? Consider the choice to give Crookedstar two cruel maternal figures who act on malice towards him as paternal figure Shellheart goes unexamined.
Is this a pattern that we have seen before? Are fathers typically held to a different standard in Warrior Cats?
I feel strongly that the answer is an obvious yes. So Shellheart, and all the praise and cooing he gets, bothers me immensely.
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enden-k · 24 days
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her: rambling abt her idol dori
me: omg kaveh
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almea · 9 months
lmao every time Miles talks about RWBY it's the most validating experience ever for me because it's always "wow, this is literally what I spent years saying."
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blinkpen · 6 months
oh boy at the point of writing where i can just Imagine the gaslight gatekeep girlboss memes instantly curdling into rock solid cheese bc grimstone is in fact literally gaslighting. like just straight up traditional definition of the word gaslighting.
"telling the rapidly decompensating schizophrenic with PTSD, who has chosen to trust that you would not lie about anything serious, that she definitely did Not see you do a thing you totally did do, no, she's just hallucinating again because she's been awfully extra paranoid lately! and now she continues to question their own senses more and more, making her increasingly isolated and easy to manipulate (which really wasn't your goal with that initial lie, but you're not really rushing to mitigate its effects, either)" kinda gaslighting.
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blastlight · 1 year
There are a lot of words I already knew when I first read A Series of Unfortunate Events, but I never forget specifically which ones I did learn from it
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simlit · 6 months
random dialogue tag.
tagged by: @nectar-cellar
Share a random line of text from your current WIP or a line or two of dialogue from one of your characters. Do not give any explanation or context, and see what your followers think.
Age of Arcanai / “If you wish to serve me, Your Majesty, then serve.” “All that pain you endured because of me. I have much to repent for. So lay still, and let me atone.”
tagging: @amuhav | @amuhav | @amuhav | @thesimperiuscurse | @amuhav
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roseverdict · 28 days
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running low on soap in multiple bottles so i combined them into Gay Soap
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obessivedork · 3 months
It's just how gameplay shook out for me but I reached max affinity with MacCready helping a ghoul kid find out what happened to his family and MAN sometimes things that work out so perfect that you WISH you'd wrote it or done it on purpose 😭🖤 Two very sad Dads doing the best for their sons helping ANOTHER lost kid find home because they can't be with their own kids right now but they can help Billy, dammit!
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anghraine · 2 months
I was just searching for posts about one of my old faves and accidentally ran over an incredibly nice comment about an incredibly (and deliberately) sketchy fic I wrote back in the day. <3
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snowie130 · 6 months
3x08, Claire already fighting for detty rights!
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bonefall · 9 months
I do think the whole concept of cats reliving/remembering formative parts of their lives (whether positive or negative) during their leader ceremony that was introduced in Blackfoot’s Reckoning is a very compelling concept. The leader ceremony always involved physical and emotional sensations when lives were granted, but they were also more detached from the leader’s actual experiences. Cats actually being confronted with their past actions that are related to the lives being given (especially if the life given is meant to say “you must strive towards this quality”) makes the ceremony a bit more personally meaningful.
I dunno dude, it strikes me as a recap with extra steps.
It is at least a shake-up of the formula, and it makes a fine framing device for the story they're telling in BFR (much as I don't like the story, I can say it is told competently)... but imo if you have to inject several pages worth of flashbacks into the lives then the character's story wasn't told very well.
(or in BFR's case, was untold until that moment)
And maybe the concept could hypothetically work well, but BFR is in the same vein as Onestar's Concussion where we go back to a scene we know about and get subjected to Blackfoot's Very Reasonable Thoughts because god forbid he ever do something bad out of malice, contempt, or control. It strips away what could be interesting about his POV in favor of making him "more sympathetic."
We didn't need to go back to the moment that Blackstar killed Stonefur to know that getting a life from a person he famously killed is meaningful.
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pudgybun · 1 year
just ate soo much takeout from a buffet and my lil shorts are struggling so hard to stay on my big bloated belly 😵‍💫
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jewishvitya · 1 year
My daughter settled on calling herself a lesbian, while understanding that she's small and a different term might fit her better later.
My son: "I'd be proud to have a lesbian sister. Proud, get it? Because Pride??"
I did something good with these two.
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beannary · 1 year
your art tastes like lemon bars
oh this is fantastic news! i absolutely LOVE lemon bars they are so good
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fischotterkunst · 1 year
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our ambassador Barred Owl, Cookie, has had a suitor hanging around lately, and we got lucky enough to spot him out in the open! my colleague grabbed a spotting scope and i used it to help me get this photo :D
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