nobeerreviews · 3 months
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Solitude is fine but you need someone to tell that solitude is fine.
-- Honoré de Balzac
(Portofino, Italy)
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oldbookist · 1 year
les mis fans: noooo guys you don’t understand victor hugo made enjolras and grantaire as gay as he possibly could….the classical allusions….he could have been ARRESTED if he made them gay……please guys trust me you just couldn’t write openly gay characters in 19th century france!
honoré de balzac in 1835: Vautrin was gay. He was not interested in women. He Fucked Men
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wolfpee · 7 months
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Eugénie Grandet, Balzac
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usafphantom2 · 1 month
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18 March 1963. The Dassault Balzac V, vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) testbed developed from the Mirage III, made its first transition from vertical to horizontal flight and back.
@ron_eisele via X
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toutplacid · 4 months
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Buste de Balzac par David d’Angers, sur son tombeau au cimetière du Père-Lachaise – encre de Chine (plume) avec retouche gouache blanche, carnet n° 140, 18 décembre 2023
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justesurlapeau · 2 months
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lafcadiosadventures · 6 months
Another little known Balzac fact* is that he questioned his gender identity:
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*besides his bisexuality that a surprisingly high amount of specialized in his work critics seem to ignore
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aniaks · 3 months
[...] are not all human sentiments dissolved thus, by ghastly disillusionment?
Sarrasine by Honore de Balzac
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mishimamiravenecia · 1 month
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El legendario Hotel Danieli ofrece vistas a la laguna de Venecia y se encuentra a 200 metros de la plaza de San Marco
(Español / English)
El Hotel Danieli, situado en Venecia, es un lugar cargado de historia y lujo. Su origen se remonta al siglo XIV, cuando fue construido por la noble familia Dandolo. Este emblemático hotel se compone de tres palacios interconectados, cada uno con su propia historia:
Palacio Danieli Excelsior: Data del siglo XX.
Palacio Casa Nuova: Construido en el siglo XIX, fue inicialmente la sede del tesoro.
Palazzo Dandolo: Este edificio de estilo gótico veneciano, que data de finales del siglo XIV, es el corazón del Hotel Danieli. Fue mandado construir por el dux Andrea Dandolo y domina la Riva degli Schiavoni.
El palacio Dandolo, decorado con oro, marfiles y objetos bizantinos, fue considerado "el más noble de la Serenissima" por su arquitectura gótica y su posición privilegiada en la laguna. A lo largo de los siglos, el hotel ha alojado a reyes, príncipes, cardenales, embajadores y personajes famosos. Entre ellos, Charles Dickens, Wagner, Balzac, Proust y Chaplin.
Sin embargo, algunas de las historias más intrigantes están relacionadas con las pasiones amorosas que tuvieron lugar entre sus muros. Por ejemplo, la larga historia de amor entre la famosa actriz Eleonora Duse y el poeta Gabriele d'Annunzio comenzó en el Hotel Danieli en 1895. En 1933, la habitación número 10 fue escenario de un apasionado y escandaloso romance entre George Sand (seudónimo de Amandine-Lucie-Aurore Dupin) y Alfred de Musset.
Además, el hotel fue testigo del encuentro entre Aristóteles Onassis y la famosa soprano Maria Callas en 1957. Su historia de amor, que duró diez años, comenzó aquí mismo, durante un baile organizado por Wally Toscanini.
El Hotel Danieli sigue encantando a los visitantes con su fachada rosa, sus torreones blancos y sus balcones abovedados, símbolos de la riqueza cultural veneciana. Un lugar cargado de historia, lujo y romanticismo en el corazón de Venecia .
Overlooking the Venice Lagoon, the legendary Hotel Danieli is 200 metres from St Mark’s Square
The Hotel Danieli, located in Venice, is a place steeped in history and luxury. Its origin dates back to the XIV century, when it was built by the noble Dandolo family. This iconic hotel is composed of three interconnected palaces, each with its own unique history:
Danieli Excelsior Palace: Dating back to the XX century.
Palazzo Casa Nuova: Built in the XIXth century, it was initially the seat of the treasury.
Palazzo Dandolo: This Venetian Gothic-style building, dating back to the late 14th century, is the heart of the Hotel Danieli. It was commissioned by Doge Andrea Dandolo and overlooks the Riva degli Schiavoni.
Palazzo Dandolo, decorated with gold, marmi and Byzantine artefacts, was considered "the noblest of the Serenissima" for its Gothic architecture and privileged position on the lagoon. Over the centuries, the hotel has hosted kings, princes, cardinals, ambassadors and famous people. Famous guests include Charles Dickens, Wagner, Balzac, Proust and Chaplin.
However, some of the most intriguing stories are related to the amorous passions that took place within its walls. For instance, the long love affair between the famous actress Eleonora Duse and the poet Gabriele d'Annunzio began at the Hotel Danieli in 1895. In 1933, room number 10 was the scene of a passionate and scandalous affair between George Sand (pseudonym of Amandine-Lucie-Aurore Dupin) and Alfred de Musset.
Furthermore, the hotel witnessed the meeting between Aristotle Onassis and the famous soprano Maria Callas in 1957. Their love affair, which lasted a full ten years, began right here, during a ball organised by Wally Toscanini.
The Hotel Danieli continues to enchant visitors with its pink façade, white turrets and arched balconies, symbols of Venetian cultural richness. A place steeped in history, luxury and romance in the heart of Venice .
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microcosme11 · 9 months
“You will see the world at your knees”
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[A mystical figure appears to Bonaparte predicting more success.]
Histoire de l’Empereur racontée dans une grange par un vieux soldat by Honoré de Balzac (1904 edition) Illustration by Alphonse Lalauze
Story of the Emperor recounted in a barn by an old soldier
entire book
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blackswaneuroparedux · 9 months
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La ville de Paris a son grand mât tout de bronze, sculpté de Victoires, et pour vigie Napoléon.
Honoré de Balzac
"The city of Paris has a great mast, made entirely of bronze, with sculpted Victories and Napoleon as its lookout."
Nowadays known as the Parisian centre of jewellery and luxury, Place Vendôme was originally ordered by Louis XIV to be a showcase for the great institutions of the monarchy. The project was finally abandoned, and the land sold to great financiers. In the centre, an equestrian statue of Louis XIV recalled the royal predominance. But in 1792, this statue suffered the same fate as all the other statues of the royal squares: it was knocked down.
In 1810, Napoleon inaugurated on the site of this old statue the current column, dedicated to the victorious soldiers of Austerlitz (1805). 43 meters high, it is inspired by the Trajan column of Rome. More than 1200 cannons taken from the Russians and Austrians were melted to make the bronze plates, while a statue of Napoleon in Marcus Aurelius was at the top.
At the fall of the emperor in 1814, the statue was taken down, replaced during the Restoration by a flag with a huge fleur-de-lis. In 1830, the new monarchy, led by Louis-Philippe, decided to replace the royal flag with a tricolor flag. Then, a few years later, a new statue of Napoleon is placed on the top of the Vendôme column. Louis-Philippe, who has always cultivated an image close to revolutionary ideals, wanted to revive the figure of the military hero. Napoleon is no longer represented as a Roman emperor, but dressed as a “little corporal” in a frock coat and hat. This statue would remain 30 years, until Napoleon III, judging it unworthy of his illustrious predecessor, replaced it with a new statue of Napoleon as a Roman emperor.
In 1871, during the Paris Commune, the symbols of Napoleonic power and imperialism were again very badly seen in a bad light and the column was demolished on May 16th.
After the Commune, the Third Republic rebuilt it. By 1874 the column was rebuilt in the centre of the Place Vendome with a copy of the original statue of Napoleon Bonaparte I dressed as a Roman emperor positioned on the top.  Commissioned by Napoleon III, there was even an inner staircase, which could take you to the top of the column, that was now called the Colonne de la Grande Armee.
Photo: The Colonne Vendôme in Place Vendôme by Robert Doisneau, 1940.
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civcivwq21 · 15 days
"Sızlanmamalıyım, mutsuz oluşum kendi eserim."
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ofbakerst · 1 month
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holmes & literature
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macrolit · 2 years
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Vintage Penguin Classics from the 1950s
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lascitasdelashoras · 4 months
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Bernard Chevalier - Knocking On Heaven's Door
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toutplacid · 4 months
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Balzac par Rodin, boulevard Raspail, Paris 6e – mine de graphite, carnet n° 125, 13 mai 2019
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