#bad life
dystopicbrain · 1 year
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i’ve had a bad life
— She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
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virtu4l-di4ry · 5 months
my spotify wrap is so fucking embarrassing L TO THE OG IS MY THIRD MOST PLAYED SONG
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chronic-pessimistic · 8 months
I don’t understand why I’m crying and my mouth seems to forget how to talk, my boyfriend asked me how I was and I said fine, then he was saying goodbye because he was gonna go to sleep and saw me crying in silence, he asked if it was something that he did or my father I just moved my head from left to right, then my father went to my room to give my pills(I can’t have them) and maybe was because of my red eyes or my face idk and asked if I was feeling bad again and I said no, then asked if I was sad and I said no and he just left my room
I really don’t know why I’m sad, maybe because I haven’t been able to do any artistic thing in maybe 2-3 months or maybe because today I felt embarrassed seeing people looking through the things that I write and pictures that I took or maybe it was because I felt like I’m someone who doesn’t do artistic things like other people or maybe because my father was outside at 11:30 pm and he didn’t left my pills even knowing that I can’t sleep without them or maybe because I feel so empty and sad and angry at the same time or maybe because I feel like my boyfriend prefers to go with his family when he was 3 weeks with them away and now that he is back they invited us to eat to restaurant and I said yes because I thought “well, I haven’t spent a single entire day with him and maybe if I go We can be together” but then I sold just an sticker and two bracelets(my sister told me to sell them) that she did, all of that in almost 6 hours saying hi to people, trying so hard to smile (I’M SO SHY) and the music was so loud (I can’t tolerate a lot noises)
The truth is that I’M SO TIRED physically because of my back pain(being up and sitting for 6 hours and then 2 more if we put the train to home)
And SO TIRED mentally and that part is… confused
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gyorinokedli · 1 year
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November óta lefogytam. A helyes kifejezés -a körülményekre való tekintettel- az elfogyás inkább.
Először nekem tűnt fel, de inkább az hogy nem eszem. Mert nem akarok enni. Utána a fellépőruhám egyre inkább bő volt rajtam. Majd az összes többi ruhám is. Egyre többet kezdtem dohányozni. Mások is észrevették. Gyakrabban bókoltak nekem mind nők, mind férfiak. Már direkt is megjegyezték a fogyásomat. Ekkor már az étkezéseim 2/3-át cigaretta vagy bor tette ki. Kemény fizikai munkát végeztem, minden nap lovagoltam, alig aludtam. A környezetem egyszerűen nem tudott leállni a tényről, hogy kisebb lettem.
Monacóban már elkezdtem küzdeni, ettem ha kellett ha nem. Gyermeket akarok hamarosan nem tehetem magammal ezt pont most. Viszont már késő. Megint benne vagyok ebben a mindsetben. Megállás nélkül body checkelek a tükörben, az ablakokban. Jól látszik, ha kevesebb helyet foglalok el, akkor validabb vagyok. Elfogadhatóbb. Azt mondta az egyik artista, ha az álom alakomat rémálom fenntartani, lehet álomnak kellene maradnia. És ezen is dolgozom. Eszem. Gyakorlok nap mint nap! Már néha érzek újra éhségét fizikailag! Ez jó jel.
Mégis alig tudom szétválasztani a saját értékemet a testem méretétől.
Miért kell újra itt tartanom?!
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rochellemelany · 4 months
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krowkeeper · 24 days
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felcssc · 10 months
the feeling of not belonging anywhere is horrible
a sensação de não pertencer a lugar nenhum é horrivel
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downfalldestiny · 1 year
But i got the Van 🍁 !.
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texturedlyrics · 2 years
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Sigrid, Bring Me The Horizon, Bad Life
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lozerzo · 8 months
Wtf… I knew that I wasn’t enjoying life, but damn.
Js came back from a quick camping trip and I feel fking hopeless. Nothing can really save me, huh ? I hate feeling empty.
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i-love-being-hurt · 9 months
Should I post my self harm after my camping trip (starts tomorrow and goes on for 6 days). If so how bloody do y'all want it?
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incognitodruggy · 9 months
Błagam, wróć. Niszcz mnie dalej, ale bądź.
Miłość i nienawiść różnią sie literami a przez oba gowna stajemy sie tacy sami. Pokryci ranami, z nowymi bliznami. Miłość zniknie między nami, i znów będziemy sami. Nie my, ja lub ty. Nienawidzę cię kochać lecz to nic nie znaczy.
Powiedz mi jak przestać ciebie kochac, chce być szczesliwa a z toba będę tylko szlochać. Lecz bez ciebie nie ma mnie, to nie jestem ja. Z toba jest mi ciezko ale bez ciebie jest mi źle. Zabij mnie i nie pozwól sie kochac
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thelonelymunk · 9 months
"This is such a fun song, and yeah, I can do heavier stuff!"
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revdrjamesjshowersjr · 11 months
'I would rather suffer for doing good -any day, In comparison to the Good Mind-Bad Mind. When it comes down to it, you can only hope for the forensics.'-Rev. Dr. James Jacob Showers Jr.
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felicity-frases · 1 year
Eu já vi a frase " a dor deve ser sentida " , sabe eu sempre digo isso a mim, não é uma cura e apenas um alívio, eu acho que com o tempo eu me aliviando vou conseguir me curar...
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my-dark-journal · 2 years
Tonight I go to war with me, cause I am my worst enemy and I don't wanna fight anymore
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