rumelihisari · 4 months
Satu Tahun Jadi Ibu gen Z
Masih hangat dalam ingatan bagaimana saat transisi peran menjadi ibu baru. Menguras energi, emosi, jam tidur, dan airmata. cukup speechless mendengar berbagai komentar entah tentang ASI, BB bayi, metode melahirkan, dll. Disaat diri sendiri berusaha enggak merisaukan soal itu. Sebab sedari awal mengetahui kehamilan, langkah-langkah pertama yang dilakukan bersama pasangan adalah membenahi konsep-konsepnya terutama sebagai seorang muslim. Supaya nggak mudah terdistraksi sama hal-hal yang nggak perlu dipusingkan seperti perbandingan BB, TB, dll. Yang dilakukan oleh orang lain.
Komentar akan hal itu akan tetap ada, tapi prinsip atas konsep yang dipegang ternyata berpengaruh atas respon kita terhadap komentar itu. Kita jadi cukup bisa mengendalikan diri menerima berbagai komentar.
Saat itu jadi mudah sekali menangis, selain dipengaruhi hormon, sebagai ibu baru, sering dianggap belum bisa apa-apa dan nggak dikasih kesempatan untuk memulai mempraktekkan sedikit ilmu yang dipelajari bersama suami yang sudah mulai disiapkan jauh hari walau hanya sedikit. selalu serba salah atas apa-apa yang dilakukan. Perkara menggendong M-shape yang dianggap nggak sesuai standar masyarakat sampe harus sembunyi-sembunyi. Atau cara masak MPASI yang dianggap terlalu ribet. Apalagi setelah persalinan seluruh netra terpusat pada bayi hingga lupa ada sosok ibu baru yang perlu juga diperhatikan.
Sempat merasa nggak punya teman dan merasa kehilangan diri karena harus membersamai bayi 24 jam, Sebelum akhirnya sadar kembali bahwa menikah dan menjadi ibu adalah menemukan kesejatian peran diri di muka bumi. Bahwa inilah yang Allah maksud kenapa kamu diciptakan sebagai perempuan dan ibu. Sebab, regenerasi itu nyata. akan ada generasi-generasi pembaharu yang lahir dari rahim mu.
Sangat menikmati peran ibu sepaket aktivitasnya dengan kesadaran penuh yang insyaaAllah memiliki tujuan. Dan semua orang sepakat kalo jadi ibu itu lelah. Tapi yang bikin lebih melelahkan adalah komentar orang yang selalu nyoba buat runtuhin parenting yang dibuat atas kesepakatan kita dengan pasangan. Masalahnya kadang nggak sekadar komentar, tapi maksa.
Walau gak logis atau gak masuk akal, beberapa kekeh bahwa mitos dan jaman dulu harus jadi standar. terlalu banyak bibir mengadili berdasar pengalaman, padahal ilmu makin berkembang. Sebagai ibu baru tentu butuh saran dan nasihat, tapi pendapatnya butuh didengarkan. berikan kesempatan pada ibu untuk belajar.
Disisi lain harus tetap mengedepankan kedewasaan berfikir. sebab ibu lentera peradaban, tak boleh terpancing apalagi meluruhkan seluruh emosi yang menjadi kerikil kecil melalui sosial media. Nggak bijak rasanya. Hanya ada dua pilihan bagi ibu saat itu, diam atau berani meluruskan pemikiran.
Kadang kewalahan begadang. Belum tangisan bayi yang kadang nggak mudah dimengerti apa penyebabnya. Malam jadi siang, siang jadi malam. lelah, marah, hingga bergulat dengan diri sendiri supaya bisa meredakan emosi. Walau pada akhirnya kadang cosplay juga menjadi monster.
Managemen emosi pada ibu yang kadang nggak terkendali memang jadi PR untuk diri. Bahkan sampai hari ini diri sendiri masih tertatih meregulasi itu. Yang pada akhirnya menyadarkan kalo mengasuh nggak cukup hanya dengan ilmu parenting dan support sistem orang terdekat. Tapi ternyata butuh menjadi ibu yang tenang.
Sebab sepaham apapun ibu terhadap teori parenting, akan berantakan dan gagal Jika saat menyelami peran nggak tenang dan diliputi emosi. Ibu akan mudah marah saat bayi menangis. PR untuk diri sendiri.
Dan ketenangan itu nggak akan didapat kalo nggak dekat dengan yang memberi ketenangan. Maka perlu terus menjaga koneksi dengan Allah. Sebab ketenangan lahir dari kedekatan antara hamba dan pencipta. Inilah yang menjadi kunci. Hanya mengingat Allah hati menjadi tenang. Ar-rad. Allah yang menjadi backingan dan support sistem paling kuat.
Jika menyandarkan support sistem utama pada suami, orangtua, keluarga, mereka itu manusia seperti kita. Yang fitrahnya lemah dan terbatas. Kadang bisa saja lupa, atau tanpa sadar mereka bikin kita kecewa seperti halnya kita sendiri yang tanpa sadar mungkin membuat kecewa orang lain. Maka Allah lah yang layak menjadi support sistem paling utama sebelum suami dan keluarga.
Memang nggak ada yang bilang kalo jadi ibu itu mudah, tapi maha baik Allah mewariskan ilmu untuk manusia terutama ibu. menjadi bekal berharga untuk perempuan saat akan menyelami peran baru sebagai ibu. Supaya nggak salah jalan. Supaya lelahnya sepadan dengan kelak yang akan ia dapatkan. Walau perjalananya nggak semulus yang dibayangkan. Semoga enggak memutuskan untuk menyerah di perjalanan.
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marvelmadam08 · 1 year
Baby Blues 21/?
Summary: Chris and Alex search for the perfect nanny.
Warnings: Jealous Chris that is all
A/N: Happy Valentine’s Day!! I thought you all deserved a little treat for the (extra) long wait.
17 Weeks Old
Alex and Chris watched the most recent nanny, get up and leave the room. It was their ninth interview of the day. The first four of them were 'golden' nannies, who were more than willing to tell Chris and Alex what they should be doing as parents, four of them were more interested in Chris than the job once they saw him. This one wore a low-cut blouse, and way too much body glitter, it honestly distracted Alex more than Chris, not to mention she only had one prior reference. And when asked why she left the response was 'creative differences'.
"This isn't going well is it?" Alex pulled Ace into her lap, he was extremely vocal today. Humming and yelling but not crying, he smiled every time he realized it was his voice making the noises "Maybe we should adjust the requirements?"
"We still have a few more interviews. We'll find someone, I'm sure of it." Chris assured. He checked the profile for the next nanny "This one seems like a good choice. Plenty of references, fluent in two languages, French and English. Learning ASL, CPR certified, and is willing to travel with the job. Sounds like a good choice."
"There's a catch. There's always a catch. What's her name?"
Alex blinked "Bates?"
"How'd you know that?"
The door opened again, and Malik stepped into the room. His smile widened when he saw Alex and Ace.
"Malik, what are you doing here?"
"Interviewing for a job, I guess you decided to go the nanny route after all." He came over and sat across from Alex and Chris, the latter of the two wondering how much smaller the world could get.
"Yeah, as much as I didn't want to- I caved." Alex shrugged. She rubbed Chris's shoulder "This is my husband Chris."
"Pleasure to meet you." Malik extended his hand to Chris
Chris felt himself hesitate, before he shook Malik's hand. That little green monster popped up again. Alex was right, there was a catch and it was that Chris didn't want this guy spending more time with his wife and son than he did.
"Likewise." Chris smiled. He settled back against the couch, picking up Malik's profile again. He started to say something when Alex beat him to it.
"Malik, be honest, you didn't know it was us looking did you?"
Malik drew an X over his heart. "I promise, they don't tell us who's hiring, just the requirements needed for the job. Please, just treat this like all the others- no special treatment."
"Fantastic." Chris spoke up, his free hand reaching for Alex's "How long have you been in the childcare profession?"
"Next week makes it twelve years."
"Congratulations." Alex grinned
"Thank you."
Chris continued "It says your last job was almost two years ago. Can you tell us why?"
"I took some time off to help out my sister during her divorce." Malik explained
Chris swallowed his words and bit of his pride. Alex took over.
"Malik, Chris and I travel a lot for work, we usually have itineraries weeks in advance, but our schedules can be a bit unpredictable. Would that be an issue for you if you had to come with us?"
Chris willed Malik to say 'yes it's a problem' and then start going on about how celebrities always think the world revolves around them and their needs. But this wasn't the case.
"Not a problem at all."
The interview went on, with Alex giving various scenarios and hypothetical questions, covering anything and everything that could happen with Ace. Malik answered all her questions perfectly. He had amazing references, he was good with dogs and had a recipe for vegan brownies, just the total package. Chris wanted to find a flaw, no- he wanted Alex to find the flaw so he wouldn't come off as a jealous husband.
"I think that covers everything."
"What about the living arrangements?" Malik asked this time "The agency said you were considering a live-in-"
"We don't need a live-in nanny." Chris firmly states. Both Alex and Malik jump at his voice, like they forgot he was there. "What I mean is- after discussing it over, we decided that a live-in nanny wouldn't work out for us. Is that a deal breaker?"
Malik chuckled "I was about to ask you two the same thing. I get it wanting your space, and I've experienced a few awkward moments when I was a live-in nanny."
"Oh like the iguana in the pantry you told me about?" Alex asked
"Worse than that, actually, but we can talk about that after the interview."
Chris checked his watch, so far this had been the longest interview of the day. And they still had more to do after this one. He hoped the next one would be Dame Julie freaking Andrews in order to make Malik a second choice. And for a moment Chris considered if she wouldn't mind flying in from London to babysit every once in a while.
"Malik, thank you for coming in today." Chris stood "We'll be in touch."
"Thank you for your consideration." Malik rose to his feet as well. Chris smirked, he was taller than Malik, at least by two inches.
"Of course. This has been the best interview all day." Alex shifted Ace to her hip when she stood.
"Well, I wouldn't say they were all bad." Chris shrugged
"Of course not, they all wanted to baby you instead of the actual baby." Alex handed Ace over to Chris so she could shake Malik's hand "Good seeing you again."
"Same to you." Malik turned to Chris "Nice meeting you."
Chris and Alex waited until Malik left before they spoke again.
"That went great."
"Yeah- sucks we can't hire him." Chris shrugs and went to put Ace in the stroller
"What are you talking about. Why not?"
"He's your friend, there's a conflict of interest."
"There's no conflict. Malik is a great candidate, he met all the requirements and exceeds our expectations. The fact that I already know him adds a little bit of trust." Alex turned Chris by his shoulders to face her "How about this- we finish the interviews for today and if we find someone else we like then we'll weigh the pros and cons. Sound fair?"
"Yeah, that's fair."
Chris hated playing fair.
The other candidates barely came close to Malik, the second best one was one of the ‘golden’ nannies, who told them that putting Ace in front of a screen before the age of ten would be detrimental to his health. 
However, if hiring Malik meant that Alex would get to go back to writing without worrying about Ace, then it worked out for Chris. At least that’s what he told himself, when Alex made the call to let Malik know that he’d been the one they selected.
He was changing Ace’s diaper when Alex came in the nursey.
“Malik said he can start next week, which is great because I have a meeting with Sarah on Wednesday.” she smiled at Ace then looked up at Chris “You okay?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
Alex shrugged “You’ve been kinda quiet since we left the agency.”
“Long day. Isn’t that right Bubs?” he cooed and picked up the smiling baby “Look at that smile. Say hi mama.”
Chris angled Ace toward Alex, she giggled seeing her son’s gummy smile.
“Hey my big boy. What’s got you all giggly?” she pulled Ace from Chris into her arms and kissed his cheeks. Ace screamed out another laugh, making Alex and Chris smile. “He’s so freaking cute.”
“He gets it from his momma.” Chris kissed the top of her head “Speaking of moms, yours called me.”
“Why, am I in trouble?”
“We both are, we gave the bigger guest room to your brother.”
“Oh crap.” 
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livewellclinics · 2 years
Many women report experiencing postpartum depression and anxiety, but these symptoms are transient and relatively mild for most. However, 10-15% of women experience mood disturbances such as Postpartum Depression (PPD) (1) and Postpartum Anxiety (PPD-A).
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josefmojica · 2 years
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Godzilla commission done! Run! It's the God of zillas attacking Summerville! He's thicc and angry! . . #jfmstudios #jfmart #commission #godzilla #monster #digitalart #jeffandtaylor #smilingfriends #babyblues #kaizu https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd9Pw6LvZEe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bigdogproductions · 6 months
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bdiapers · 7 months
Let all the happy and silly moments of your baby be uninterrupted. Chose Bdiapers saves your moments from the Wrath of a leaky diaper! Buy today
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empowasg · 1 year
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If the answer is YES PLEASE then try these two super easy lifestyle changes For Babies 3-6 months old 🥱: 1️⃣ START YOUR LITTLE ONES DAY AT 7am. No matter what happened before 6.59am it is important you consider that as the night before. A NEW DAY STARTS AT 7am. Open the curtains and play a happy song. I recommend choosing a song that gets the whole family pumped and excited about the day ahead (in our house it has always been AC/DCs Highway to Hell 🤣🤦‍♀️, for another client it was Beyoncé) and offer your little one their a breakfast feed no later than 7.30am (if they ate after 6am and don’t seem hungry, that’s ok, offer a little anyway to start setting the daily rhythm) 2️⃣ DO NOT LET YOUR BABY NAP AFTER 5pm. Aim to complete their last nap of the day at 5pm and from that moment on slowly transition the mood of the house towards bed time 💥TRY THESE TWO CHANGES STARTING TODAY for 3 days and let me know how it goes✍️ If it feels like it’s going in the right direction, but you need more help then book your FREE call and let’s work on 3 additional things you can try to make a 7pm bedtime happen for your family! Baby younger than 3 months? ➡️ Points 1 and 2 above are still super important but I’d also love to chat with you about 2 other keys points before making further recommendations 1️⃣ what is your babies current awake window? 2️⃣ how well do they feed during the day? Baby older than 6 months? ➡️ simple, but consistent(!), changes to ensure your baby is getting the majority of their food during the day and a balanced approach to day time naps, ensuring they are not overtired but that they also go to bed at night sleepy is ALWAYS key! GET YOUR DINNER TIMES BACK ENJOY TIME WITH YOUR PARTNER #7to7 #gentleroutines #sleeprhythm #sleeptraining #sleeplikeababy #postpartumdepression #overwhelmed #ppd #postpartumrecovery #postpartumsupport #havingababy #fourthtrimester #firsttimemum #newmum #newborn #babyblues #babysleep #sgfamilies #sgmummy #sgmummies #sgmum #expatmum #expatmums #postpartumdoula #postpartumconsultant #empowasg #empowayourmotherhood (at Singapore / Singapura / 新加坡 / சிங்கப்பூர்) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpH7MLXyRtb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crazyboy2483 · 1 year
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Caught some good lighting here. Feeling myself for sure, those baby blues y’all! If you know me, you know I have really, really bad low self esteem and self confidence these days but I must say this shot is 🔥 #glamourshots #photography #selfie #babyblues (at Logan Square) https://www.instagram.com/p/CotW1QfOPRn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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84-rooms · 1 year
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Baby Blues #84rooms #doubleexpomagazine #doubleexposure #digitalcollage #doubleexposurephotography #fashion #portrait #face #babyblues #igart #igartist #instakunst #kunst #instagramartist #modernart #eyes https://www.instagram.com/p/CorHvEtO1_u/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mc-cards · 1 year
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⚾️ 2022 Topps Stadium Club N°100 Wander Franco (rc) @raysbaseball . . . . . . . . . . . . . #baseball #baseballcards #sportscards #cards #throwback #toppsbaseballcards #cardcollector #collection #wanderfranco #futurestar #babyblues #tampabay #toppsbaseball #tsc #wander #franco #rookiecards #cardsofinstagram #cardcollectors #tampa #mlb #topps #rookiecard #ray #tamparays #thehobby #rookie #whodoyoucollect #rays #cardsofinstagram #tradingcards @topps @mlb @mlbpa @raysbeisbol (at Tampa Bay, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnssmD0sNXi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marvelmadam08 · 2 years
Baby Blues 20/?
 Summary: It’s Ace’s first Thanksgiving, and Alex and Chris have everything under control.... right?
Warning: Swearing (that’s it)
15 Weeks (and 2 Days) Old
"Okay Alexander, this is a big day for us. Mama is hoping to get some good news today." Alex swayed from foot to foot while she fed Ace and refreshed her email and kept checking her phone for any missed texts. 
She had sent in some drafts to her editor, Sarah, who she was hoping to hear back from today. If all went well then she'd get an advance on her next book, and then discuss scheduling for a future book tour. 
Chris had wrapped with filming a few days ago and Alex loved catching up on her sleep because of it. She and Chris had a new morning routine, she got up with Ace to feed him, then Chris would have him after his first nap and for a bit of playtime while Alex got to go back to sleep.
“Al, we have to be at my mom’s in an hour.” he reminded her, seeing her still dressed in her sweats 
“I know, I’m just waiting to hear back from Sarah.” 
“It’s Thanksgiving, she’s probably eating. Which we won’t get to do if we’re late for dinner.” he swatted her on the butt “Go, get dressed.”
“Did you just spank me?”
"And I'm gonna do it again if you don't go get dressed."
“I still have to get all the bags together.”
“I’ll get our stuff, you go get dressed.” Chris steered her out of the office “I got this.”
“Don’t forget the carrier or my breast pump.” Alex checked under the sling, Ace was going in and out of sleep while still trying to breastfeed “That’s right, get milk drunk and sleep all the way to grandma’s house.”
Alex hurried to get ready once Ace had given into his impending nap, throwing on some jeans, a clean blouse, and some light makeup. Since it’s Ace’s first Thanksgiving, Alex knows pictures would be taken, and she’d rather look less tired than she actually was.
“Al, I’m wasting away.” Chris whined, he was halfway out the door with the carrier in one hand and his keys in the other. 
Alex slung her purse under her arm, well purse/ Ace’s secondary baby bag. Anything that didn’t fit inside the baby bag was in Alex’s oversized purse. “I’m gonna forget something if you keep rushing me.”
“No, you’re not.”
“Where are the bags?”
“I put them in the car.”
“Did you remember my breast pump?” Alex started to drift towards the kitchen when Chris pulled her back and gently towards the door.
“Yes I did, it’s in the car.”
“Where’s Dodger?”
“Peeing on a tree in the front yard.”
“What about-”
“Al, everything is in the car except you.” Chris punched in the code to the house alarm and shuffled Alex out the door 
Dodger came happily strolling up to Alex, while Chris placed the carrier in the car. 
“In you go Bubs.” Alex encouraged the pup to hop in the back seat, smiling as he curled up next to the carrier. “Good boy, Dodger.”
“Everybody in?” Chris waited until Alex was buckled in before pulling out of the drive. Alex was back on her phone, checking her emails again, but still nothing. Chris reached over and poked at her thigh “Stop checking, your gonna overthink. You’re a talented writer and when Sarah does respond- it’ll be good news.”
“I’m gonna overthink either way. This one is different from my other books, it’s more personal.”
“Personal how? What’s the book about? You usually let me read your drafts before you send them in.”
Alex hesitated “Some of the situations in the book are- kind of based off a few of my real-life experiences, but I don’t want to jinx it by talking about it.”
“Fine, I won’t ask about your secret book anymore, as long as you put your phone down. It’s Thanksgiving, our son’s first, be in the moment.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry. I’m here, in the moment and at this current moment I’m nervous and hungry.” Dodger whined softly, sniffing around the car. “What’s up, Dodger?”
“I think he wants the window down, but Ace is back there.” Chris glances at the pup in the rearview mirror. Dodger howled and pawed at the seats, trying to push his way to the front seat before giving up and whining again. “Hey- Dodge, stop that, you know better.” Chris chides 
“What’s the matter Dodge, you gotta potty again?” Alex turned to pet and soothe him when she saw that the carrier was empty "Chris, where's Ace?"
"What do you mean 'where's Ace', you didn’t put him in the car?"
"No, I didn’t put him in the car, didn’t you have him with you in the carrier?"
"You were feeding him, I thought you had him." Chris glanced in the rearview mirror to find Dodger whining at the empty car seat "Shit-"
After a possible illegal U-turn and a lot of angry drivers, Chris was speeding back towards the house, Alex gripped the handle on her door. 
"I can't believe we left him in the house. We're horrible parents. First the squirrel and now this, he's probably so scared right now.”
"We're not bad parents, just stay calm. It's fine, Ace is fine- move your car asshole the light is green!" Chris honked and served around the driver who was too busy texting to notice “Get off your fucking phone, you fucking idiot!”
“How did we forget our baby? Dodger noticed it before we did, we could’ve been damn near halfway to your mom’s before we even realized!”
The car jerked to a sudden stop in the drive, and both Chris and Alex launched themselves out of the car and ran back in the house. 
“Alexander.” Chris ran to the bedroom, Alex right behind him. Ace was still fast asleep on the bed, safe and sound. “He’s fine, he’s fine.”
“Thank goodness.” Alex sighed then smiled “And he’s still sleeping.”
The security alarm went off throughout the house, Ace was startled awake and wailed.
“One more, one more.” Lisa smiled snapping another picture of Alex holding Ace, wearing a bib with a colorful turkey on it and words reading ‘gobble gobble’
“Ma, please give my wife a break.” Chris asked on Alex’s behalf
Lisa nods “You’re right. It’s your turn anyways.”
Chris chuckled but switched places with Alex, pulling Ace into his arms. Lisa began taking more pictures. Alex feels her phone buzzing in her pocket, she pulls it out and sees Sarah’s name on the screen. She slips away into the kitchen.
“Hey Sarah, please tell me you have good news.”
“I wouldn’t interrupt your Thanksgiving if I didn’t. Jamie, put the pie down!” Sarah sighed “I sent in your drafts, and they loved them. They love how personal and real it felt, and greenlit the book.”
Alex’s smile is the first thing Chris notices when he comes into the kitchen.
“They love my drafts and they want more.” she cheered
“That’s my girl” Chris scooped her up in a tight bear hug “I’m so proud of you Al.”
“Thanks babe.”
“You’re welcome.” Sarah laughed
“Oh sorry, Sarah. Thanks for letting me know.”
“No problem, now please enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiv- Jamie I said no more pie! I gotta go, we’ll talk more about the deal tomorrow.”
“Okay, no problem. Happy Thanksgiving.” Alex danced once she hung up the phone
“Happy now?”
“Ecstatic! Where’s Ace?” 
“My mom has him, and she’s not letting him go anytime soon.” Chris paused “What are we gonna do about Ace?”
“What do you mean?”
“If you start working again, and I’m off filming and doing interviews for ASP, who’s with Ace?”
“I’ll have him with me.”
Chris shook his head “Al, while I don’t doubt your multitasking skill, you’re gonna burn yourself out trying to juggle everything alone. We’re gonna need some help.”
Alex did her best not to pout. “We don’t need a nanny, we can handle this. He’s asleep most of the day and I can use that time to write. And when he’s awake he gets my attention.”
“Al- Ace’s sleep schedule is all over the place right now and what happens when we both have work meetings and interviews? We still have Dodge to look after too. Just look at what happened today, you have to admit an extra set of hands would help us out.” Chris cradles her face gently
“Don’t say it.”
“It might be time for us to get a nanny.” 
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inge-universe · 1 year
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Marion van de Coolwijk - MZZL Moeders 1 - Baby Blues @marionvandecoolwijk #marionvandecoolwijk #mzzlmoeders #mzzlmeiden #babyblues Wie heeft dit boek al gelezen? Wat vond je er van? ............ Bedankt voor het #digitaalexemplaar #recensieexemplaar #leesexemplaar @verhalenfabriek @juul_deverhalenfabriek ............ #mijnmening #review #recensie MZZL Moeders is het vervolg op MZZL Meiden. Toen ik de aankondiging hiervan zag leek het me leuk om 'm te lezen. Hoewel ik eerlijk moet zijn dat ik me niet zo heel veel meer herinnerde van MZZL Meiden. Behalve dat ik, wat ik er van gelezen had al die jaren terug, wel leuk vond. Maar gelukkig is dat voor het lezen van dit vervolg ook geen noodzaak. Er wordt genoeg teruggeblikt naar het verleden om te begrijpen waar het verhaal op gebaseerd is. Het gaat om een drieling die niet samen opgegroeid zijn en niet eens van elkaars bestaan wisten. Op 16 jarige leeftijd komen ze, dmv het overlijden van hun moeder, van elkaar te weten. De 3 zussen kunnen niet meer verschillend zijn. Een new mom, een wanna be mom en een happy single die niets van kinderen wil weten. Het verhaal draait vooral om de relatie van de zussen en om het geheim 'Wie is de vader van Chrisje.' De vriendschap vd zussen is erg mooi beschreven. Het vaderschap blijft tot tegen het einde een verrassing. En zeker een plottwist. Die ik niet direct zag aankomen. Doordat het een kort verhaal is, verloopt alles best snel. Voor mijn gevoel iets te snel. Het verhaal had iets langer mogen zijn. Het eindigt met een dikke vette "Chrishanger". Erg benieuwd hoe dit zich verder zal ontwikkelen. Kom maar op met de volgende delen Marion. 3.5⭐ ............ #instabook #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #bookstagramnl #bookstagrammers #instaboek #boekstagram #boekenwurm #booktrovert #books  #dutchbookstagram #dutchbookstagrammers #dutchbookstagrammer #lezenisleuk #feelgood #bookmail #boekenpost #recensieboek https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck9OJ5Xrnro/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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paintstudi0 · 2 years
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Follow code, study game, and stay down . SYH vintage pastel baby blue 6.5oz cotton tshirts available . #paint #pnt #syh #staydown #supportlocalbusiness #supportyourfriends #homies #yourpeople #carolinablue #babyblues #limitedstock #almostfamous #bros #goodpeople #fashionweek #graphicdesign #tshirtline #brand (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjsluRKMElP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Life definitely doesn't always go as planned. She is proof of that. Arriving six weeks to early! I'm so happy that she is here but there are a few things I'm sad about. First of all I'm sad that I wasn't allowed to walk around and just keep on enjoying my pregnancy for another six weeks. Secondly I was supposed to do the mental health run with my big belly. And thirdly I'm sad that I never got a babyshower. Not that I think anyone would host one for me since I don't know that many people. But I was going to give myself one. Not something big and fancy. I just wanted to celebrate the pregnancy. I also wanted to do the mothers blessing. But someone had other plans. I'm really happy to have her here with me. And I will do the mental health run but with a stroller instead. And I will give myself the shower later on and just treat myself. But for now I'm just enjoying my little buddle of joy. #baby #firsttimemom #babyshower #babyblues #mothersblessing https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci-1EuFjffA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sandrabarbapsy · 2 years
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Depuis 2 ans référencée Maman Blues Baby blues, dépression, angoisses, culpabilités, honte, solitude des parents et futurs parents Ne restez pas seul•e•s ! Prenez rendez-vous au 0760365832 Ou www.sandrabarba.fr #babyblues #mamanblues #vaucluse #aubignan #beaumesdevenise #loriolducomtat #sarrians #monteux #carpentras #carpentras_notre_ville #orange #avignon @association.maman.blues (à Cabinet de Psychothérapie et Sophrologie, Aubignan, Vaucluse) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiwnyBZDXb0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thiagoferr2000 · 2 years
She came about as who wanted nothing
She got with love, and this feeling came over me
She came along as a friend, coming on even getting to be part of me
She came out as if I was nothing for her...
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