Oh, well personally, I think your style of writing really shines in Lofi! The more slow paced rhythm you have going on actually suits the story as a whole really well, because as beings that have just recently come into existence with no guidance to speak of, Sun and Moon will have to think a lot about what they’re experiencing and what the consequences of their actions end up being, especially because they don’t know any better. Moon knows he is security so he has to analyze situations and other people thoroughly in order to figure out how to act, and Sun only has so much time to figure out what to do with how frantic his day is. There’s also the element of the reader knowing in theory what’s going to happen. Children will die. Sun will lose his sanity in trying and failing to understand and fix the situation. Moon will lose himself to self loathing as he becomes an unwilling instrument for something terrible. Like a classic play, the audience knows what happens, but sticks around due to the rising tension and seeing it all unravel makes the coming punch hit even harder. I don’t think anyone for now has felt at all like a mind reader, so if that’s something you are working on improving, I can say with full confidence that you have succeeded! This comment is getting way too long, so in short, I’ll just say your writing is wonderful and you are doing amazing!
Thank you!
This really means a lot to me.
And I'm glad you're enjoying Lofi so far.
No matter how many times people like my stories I often get really unconfident in my abilities at times.
I've been steadily working on building my confidence, but something happened this year that kinda put me in a relapse mindset.
I might ramble it vaguely from time to time, but I'm trying to find my self worth again. Lol it's like I had a grasp on it, but dropped it, and forgot where I left it. So sometimes I just get these little bursts of sadness, that I need to let out and move on.
Doing good now and far better then I was... Probably three months ago? But it still leaks out in some ways. Worrying about my self worth as a writer or artist is definitely one of those ways.
And I'm glad you see it as a Shakespearean tragedy because that's EXACTLY the vibe I want to invoke.
I always remember my Shakespearean classes fondly, even if I barely passed that class. I always loved, how in most every single one of his plays, The muses will tell you what you're heading for. I'm pretty sure Romeo and Juliet opens up with the muse talking about young love and how they will die. Same thing in Richard the third pretty much Which can be played for great tragedy or great comedy.
Sometimes I forget not everyone can see my rough drafts or exactly HOW these things will happen but me. So sometimes things feel obvious to me, because I've only written them one specific way, but I'm not seeing everyone else's speculation about how the story will go, or the audience guesses.
Anyways. I love comments and stuff like this. Sorry if I rambled a bit too personally there.
Thank you very much 💘🥰❤️💜
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