#aviva azura skye
theskyehealers · 5 months
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Aviva felt even further proof that she had chosen well. Seth and herself faced a decision that affected the rest of their lives together.
Seth proved her cornerstone when it came to the fate of their daughter Veda, and as the first snow fell in Barley, they talked in whispers. Once the snow broke, and the season turned sunny again, life for more than a few in Barley would forevermore be transfigured.
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eddard-hawthorne · 8 months
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Eddard tickled Brigetta's feet, loving the sound of her little giggle, and explained to Tisha, he wished to see Aviva.
He came downhill to find her in the common gardens, startled by the sight of her cuddling a recent pack of newborn puppies.
"My Queen..." Ned called.
Aviva turned, cradling one of the puppies, and smiled. "Lord Eddard..."
Laughing lightly, "Veda...she found the pregnant mum...and the puppies were just born. I have been instructed by her to care for them." She added bemused.
Aviva was not yet ready to share what Seth and herself already knew; their daughter's telepathic connection with animals.
Eddard's attention shifted to the infant, the happy round-cheeked Garrick who was curiously learning what his fingers and toes tasted like.
"Your youngest is thriving."
Returning the pup to his little pack, she looked to Garrick and nodded, "He is a happy little boy, wants for nothing, wants for everything like babies should. How is Brigetta, I have not seen her in too many moons."
It was now Ned's turn to chuckle and smile, "She is perfect...." Her birth had only shown him that his past could be wiped clean with a daughter, a loving devoted woman, and a home filled with love.
"I forsee no mate quite meeting your expectations." And laughed with him. "Please extend an offer to Lady Tisha. Come to dinner, if it pleases you all."
Eddard had wanted to speak, and the invitation to dinner would serve a more comfortable setting. "I shall ask, My Queen."
Aviva studied him a moment, wondering why he has once again taken to referring to her in such a way. "Lord Eddard." And respectfully nodded her head to him, to which he bowed.
She watched him walk off, sensing he had meant to speak with her, and picked up Garrick, kissing his muddied cheek. "Come now, my little one." And headed towards their home to change and begin her home visits.
Eddard walked slowly, weighing the words he knew he would soon need to voice. The people had waited ever patiently for their surviving Sovereign. Puzzlewood needed its Queen.
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thewaywardhealers · 3 years
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Aviva had been sitting on the missive for far too long now. She had been debating on how to explain to her chosen kin she might not be able to attend the festival in Ithilian. She remembered it fondly, despite being there the last time when she was too ill and still carrying Veda in her belly.  Veda was Ithilian-born and it amused her greatly to think of Veda returning there one day to see where she was born, but she was still too young and Aviva had to finally admit to herself that she was still not healthy enough for such a long venture. But she also refused to let Alexandria down. She would miss the chance to quip with her about Henry, but she knew full well she would understand, wherever she was. So Aviva came up with a plan. A trade of sorts. Aviva rose earlier than she needed, bundled up her son, dressed warmly and made her way down to Skye-Davenport Hospital and Orphanage.  She tried to remind herself she needed to come up with a better name for the place, it was just far too wordy, but found Juliette, quill in hand, eyes closed and cheek pressed up against a sheet of parchment, fast asleep. She laughed softly, and shook her gently. “Wha-what?” Juliette looked at her blearily, and pulled the parchment that was still attached to her cheek with a note of annoyance and squinted her eyes. “Ah...Aviva....what are you doing here?” And yawned. “Seeing how you were actually.” “How is he?” Aviva smiled as Lucien rested against her, sleepy, but eyes a slate grey peering back curiously at Juliette.  “Nursing well, both sets of cheeks rounding further and further each day.” Juliette’s own opaque grey eyes admired the little boy. “Did you come to tell me I was sleeping on the job so now I am out?” Aviva grinned and shook her head, “I came early to ask you for a favor.” and handed over the missive, letting her read it. Juliette read with another yawn, “I do not understand, what does this have to do with me?” “I am hoping you are interested in attending, on the behalf of my family.” Handing the missive back, Juliette barked a short laugh, “But I am not family.” “That remains to be seen.” and raised her brows at her with a knowing smirk. Their secret was barely a secret now.  Though the pair of them had done little to announce their involvement with each other, it was already known the wayward Juliette had been seen with Lexington more often than not. Yet Juliette did not blink, she simply cocked her head, “Is this some sort of ultimatum?” “No, more like an offer, an escape for the two of you, or just you, or not at all if you do not want to go.  I do not feel strong enough yet, but if you do go to Ithilian, I shall resume my duties.” Reaching for the other sheets of parchment she had been writing in, she looked away from Aviva, “I will think about it, but since you are here, let’s talk patients.” Aviva quietly agreed, and knew by the look in Juliette’s eyes, she almost had her convinced to go in her place.
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theskyehealers · 24 days
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Settling herself back into daily life and returning to her hospital and orphanage, she found herself catching up on all the stories the little children needed to tell her and reading charts after charts of the patients in the hospital and going over their care. She may have had apprentice healers, but she was head healer, and she made sure her patients received the best of care.
The Princess was one of them, so heavily pregnant she had taken to visiting her instead, often only being allowed to sit with her. She laughed inwardly, knowing full well how it felt to have another healer & midwife act as if their own expertise needed to be set aside simply because they were heavy with child.
Instead, she had taken to visiting and bringing sweets at times, gossiping about others, even when Alexandria rolled her eyes at her, she was glad to have her so close.
The fateful day of The Princess' labor, she had been there and sat with her in the early stages, massaging at her lower back, trying to get her to drink her raspberry leaf tea, making sure they did all they could to ease her through the first stage of labor. She kept her as warm as she could, feeding her a weak gruel simply to keep her energy up, but as a first time mother, they both knew Alexandria would be laboring long, and just as she had suspected when it came to first time twin births, one babe was breech.
Despite the apprentices offering to trade places with her to give her a chance to rest, her determination to remain with the Princess showed her apprentices to only come when called.
When Alexandria stopped wanting to drink and eat, her concern grew. The first babe, born facing down, but arms raised proved why Alexandria had labored so.
Covered in her and the newborn babe's fluids, she was quick to tell her, "You have brought a little girl into the world Princess…another princess is born…" and smiled at the quiet child, tiny as can be, and checked on her, "Ten toes, ten fingers…." She called and made quick work to wash and ready the babe.
"You will shrink down some Princess….'' When Alexandria went limp, she placed the newborn princess in her bassinet and carefully moved all the pillows aside and made sure to keep her airway clear.
"Princess….Princess….the gods old and new…." she whispered and called for the apprentices.
"Hot water…blankets…bring some…wormwood….and henbane- Alexandria can hate me for ruining her first milk for her babes, black cohosh as well.." she added and watched them go.
While Alexandria went in and out of consciousness, she worked with the princess, pulling her foot to her shoulder and gripping her hand and using her own body as a crux for those final pushes. Having gotten her to have a few good drinks of the black cohosh infusion, her labor pains came with more insistence. Carefully, she placed Alexandria's hand on the head of her baby. "a full head of hair, not like the first…" she murmured encouragingly and finally the babe came, small and just as quiet, she found the little one struggling to catch its first breath.
Covering Alexandria and keeping her warm, she folded the babe into her arm, sucking the fluid from its lungs and with her arm protectively over its little wrapped body, she swung downward and upward, gently breathing into its little chest, watching it rise and fall. "Come on little one….show your mother how much you want to see her." and tried again. Using her pinky to pull free anything she could feel, she tried once more, and breathed into the babe's lungs, swinging him up and down when finally the meek little whimper emitted.
Letting out a shaking laugh, she kissed the babe's forehead. "Welcome to the world little prince…."
This time she handed the second babe to the apprentices, ordering them to keep both clean and warm. "Twins like to be put together, keep them as such." and worked on Alexandria, climbing up onto the bed, mucking her way through her blood. It always looked like a lot, but this time Aviva remained concerned, and gripped The Princess’ chin, listening for her breathing, and sighed heavily.
“Nida…” and swallowed hard, “Find some parchment, quill and ink…” she called to the apprentice healer.
It was Aviva herself who washed and dressed her. The bed mat had been changed, to a clean one, filled with mellow-sweet grass. She sat with her, keeping her lips wet and was reminded of her much similar situation, weakened by the birth of Lucien, but before that…how The Princess had guided her through such a troubling pregnancy, with Veda.
“Return to your little ones Princess…” and gently placed each babe in bed with her, tucked into her, comforted by the heat and scent of her.
It was then, exhausted, not having seen Seth or her children, she glanced at the parchment before her, knowing what she needed to write, and who to.
I am bereft of kind words.  I have labored with Alexandria, two days on, and she has brought into the world two babes, a girl born first and a boy, tinier than his sister, but strong.
I can only wonder if you knew where your sister had traversed to, or how you did not know to come looking for her when she did not return.  She was heavy with child the last you saw her I am sure.
She is not well, as I sit with her, she does not awaken.  The labor has left her sapped of all energy and the longer she sleeps, the more I worry.  Do not doubt her care, she is being watched by myself and myself alone.  Your new niece and nephew, the little royals are well…all ten toes and ten fingers…a good omen.
She will remain in Barley, I will not have her moved until she is up and moving, and I deem it so.  Tell your people Caspian, tell them to pray for their Princess, for she is good and just, and of your blood.
Prayers for your sister Caspian,
Aviva Azura Skye.”
She closed the letter, sighing heavily as she glanced at the blood-soaked bed mat, and felt a surge of protective energy. She wondered if showing Caspian how his sister had suffered, if he would listen to her pleas.
“Nida…send the mat along with the missive. Let King Caspian see what the Princess has endured.”
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theskyehealers · 24 days
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Her return to Barley had been bittersweet. Her children already missed all their cousins and tiny aunts. And carrying the news to those of Barley that her mother Helena was rounding with not only one child, but a surprising second she beamed at seeing the lands she married herself to and sighed contentedly. She would never deny how much she missed being in Hillside, returning to the Manor in the Hills, her home when she was first courting and knew she had chosen well, and would remind herself, she would return to Hillside, her heart needed it. She could also not forget what her younger sister Alynne had done with the Stony HIlls & Oxbow Lakes. The people there lived hard lives, but cared and protected each other fiercely. Jezyk had proven the worthy mate, keeping up with her sister, and providing for his mighty bairn. She was thankful for the idea of being able to return one day as well. Even Alden and Daphne minding their own people in Arbor, ruling justly with good hearts, savvy minds and the strength to defend and rebuild after such tragedy. And Arendt and his sea-faring paramour, finding their lives in the isles of Barley, and Abelie. Her heart soared knowing she had returned to the fold, and finding the loving embrace of all her siblings and parents. Love had not severed her life, it had bonded it even further.
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theskyehealers · 9 months
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"What is this?" She asked as she came across the scene of three of her children practicing with their bows.
She laughed lightly and jumped as their donkey took a nip at the small bale of hay in her hand. "All right... all right." And left their donkey to enjoy and stood to observe with Seth.
"And how long has this been going on?" She began to believe, mayhaps her older three were taking not only a page from their father but from her two younger siblings. "If only Alynne and Alden could see them now." And retrieved Garrick from Seth with a thankful kiss and balanced her youngest on her hip as she observed.
Smirking, she peered up towards Seth, "And what else have you been keeping secret?"
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theskyehealers · 1 year
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Aviva stood breathless. Honored to have been included in such a union. The Princess was family after all, The Skyes thought as much.
Seeing Malina, Alexandria's mother, Fallon, her daughter, Caspian officiating and bowed her head. Memories flooding.
They were just little girls once, one dark-haired, one tow-headed, both quite different in personalities, brought together by one mother and one father.
The girls grew, and kept on a friendship, and The Princess became family.
Once the newly married couple kissed, she clapped and bade them all blessings.
Aviva had chosen a small personal gift for Alexandria, and when the time came for her to open that little sachet, she would find the pin; tartan shaped into a bejeweled rose. For she would always be Skye, always family.
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theskyehealers · 2 years
She had been spending her days learning of who the man Caspian had become, chastising, jesting, teasing and grimly nodding her head when he shared his life's hardships.
They were unique to him, yet all the same, like anyone else's.
"You are now not only a father, but now the father to your people, they rely on you, and will follow your lead, show them what a Maxson you are."
No sooner than she had spoken those words over a hearty evening meal, when he abruptly departed.
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Caspian's visit should have been all of Barley were talking about when Aviva and Seth were approached by a runner, and once more the people of Barley were put on alert.
She had been grateful supplies had arrived and they were prepared as the influx of seriously wounded arrived.
Men and women were all accessed by Aviva, paired off with a healer she designated and all taken to Davenport Hospital and Orphanage.
For once the nuns worked with the healers, praying over those who wanted the comfort of a holy hand, and those who wanted a healing hand worked alongside.
It was the note that stole Aviva's breath away. The final gravely wounded woman, body virtually destroyed by the magic all of Arbor was fighting. Then there was her practically newborn boy. A tiny little whimper who drew comfort by being placed on Seth's chest, skin to skin.
She would devote to caring for the little boy, fragile yet strong.
@tishcantavillesblog @caspianmaxson
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theskyehealers · 3 days
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"They are well, but they need their mother..." Aviva assessed.
Alexandria slept deeply, still. Her body responded to the presence of her newborns, hands twitching to touch them.
Otherwise, Aviva thought The Princess well, physically she was still recovering from the hard labor of her twins, but she began to believe something else was afoot.
She would turn to Seth, "I have heard of women passing because of such a hard labor, but that is not Alexandria. She is alive, but simply unable to awaken."
Consulting with Seth, she whispered with him. "What if something else is afoot?"
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theskyehealers · 2 years
It had to be done, she told herself.
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In the dead of night, she left to the aviary, holding taut the missive she would be sending, hoping to find its intended target, wherever they were.
I suppose I should be addressing you with your proper title, but i hope you can understand the mark of concern I am feeling. Not just for me, but for my siblings.
I was never a warrior, I may know a bow and bola...though if I recall you quipped that my skills were most adept.
Now is the time for seriousness. Barley and Hillside require basic supplies. I will not involve you in the goings on in my brother Alden's lands, for that is far greater than I wish to talk about or bring to you.
But in good faith, I ask that you come or King Ryan.
Hillside's borders have been closed and my mother is adamant not to let anyone in. Mayhaps you or even Ryan, if that is possible, my mother is firm in her belief that the people of Hillside must stay protected, and I am in agreement.
I am hoping you are well, and that your travels be safe,
With a shaky hand, she tied the missive to the raven, made sure it was properly fed, before she released it and watched it disappear into the early morning fog.
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theskyehealers · 2 years
She had double and triple checked their drying and collected healing herbs, upset that their supply of comfrey root had been depleted by an over abundance of rain and funny little rodents.
With a twitch of her lips, she told herself she would get Veda on that. Have her talk some sense into them.
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While she did not move with a gaggle of ladies or even Eddard to serve as her supposed hand, she was found out by the gardens tilling the soft earth, searching for any chance of finding a root, blossom, tuber, or leaf that could serve to heal, when she paused and was presented a missive.
She had not expected a response. She had prepared herself for the very real possibility that supplies would arrive, sans any one but a runner. Yet to know caspian would be arriving, and with the supplies, threw her.
"Goodness...." She uttered, and half- smiled. "It will be good to see his sour face again. " She said to herself and laughed lightly. Caspian would bring good luck, she hoped, and it would be good for the people of Barley to see him too.
It warmed her to know he, as representative of his kingdom, still cared.
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theskyehealers · 2 years
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The Skye siblings planned.
Alden made sure those that could and would fit were well armed, arrows, bows from Alynne & Jezyk, and The Stony Hills & Oxbow Lakes. Along with Exene, Eris, Juliette and Lexington.
Knowing that his sister had brought along not only another expert archer like Juliette, but meeting again the solemn, yet kind telekinetic Exene.
Aviva sent along supplies, and her apologies, home was where she needed to be, but Alden sent along a missive of thanks in response, and explained she didn't need to apologize; she was doing her part, keeping the Davenport Orphanage and Hospital well stocked and supplied for anything afoot.
His mother had sent along healing herbs, and ore. Short and long swords also armed the Tree People now, and for once, he felt a true chance for triumph.
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theskyehealers · 2 years
"Interesting timing." Aviva called. While festivities readied and food was displayed for Caspian the Snow Mystic King, she had visited the chicken coup with Veda to calm the fussy chickens, and gather the eggs that would be needed to make the grandiose cake, when Arendt appeared.
"You are looking more and more sun-kissed every day." She said with a smile, shoving an egg gathering apron into his chest. "Help will you." And when he approached she gave him a tight hug. "Come away from the sea life more often."
She admired the quiet confidence of her baby brother, a man now, with his own responsibilities and just as stoic as she remembered Alden, and even Arendt's father.
"Stay for the dinner, Caspian should meet you." And they fell into a silence, realizing Arendt was not bringing up anything about The War in Arbor, the fight between their mother and abelie, and that Abelie was no where to be seen.
"Look you need to know what's going on."
And began, sharing everything she knew about Arbor, The Tree People, Alynne, Alden, their mother's 'sisters', and finally the fight between their mother and Abelie.
She bated her time, "Arendt....also...no one has seen Abelie in many moons."
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Arendt wondered what had been all this pomp and circumstance when a grand ship arrived. He had been too far away to notice who had set foot in Barley, but after explaining to Maris he would be returning before sundown, he went into town, where he asked where he could find either his sister or brother-in-law, and was told Aviva had just snuck into the chicken coup with his niece. Veda was first to notice him and ran at him, jumping into his arms where instead of actually collecting eggs, she used his apron as her basket to gather as many as they needed.
The chickens clucked but did not mind Veda in the least.
"I saw the ship, is that who I think it is?" When Aviva had once shared that once upon a time a prince had courted her, he didn't hesitate to believe her, but to see the man who had let his sister slip from his fingers was something else entirely.
At the invitation to join them, he didn't care that he would not be able to attend in proper garb, all he wanted was a chance to spend time with his family here and mayhaps even meet this King.
Veda stole off with his apron to take to the cooks who would be impatient to get to baking the King the best treat possible.
Arendt realized Aviva had something to share and tried to listen without reacting.
"Wait, wait, wait! Arbor is at war, our brother and sister are there and I am not?!" He shook his head wildly, "I do not understand....how can Mam and Abi have a fight? No! Good gods, why is Abi so stubborn!" And groaned, angry at himself and huffed hard, "Aviva, where is Abelie?!?"
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theskyehealers · 2 years
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Happiness presents itself in so many extraordinary ways...
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theskyehealers · 2 years
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Never had she felt more blessed, but never had she felt more afraid for the livelihood of her brother and mate and their people.
She could smile and hold her children and husband close and could only hope that once this war ended and Arbor & Alden were proven the victors, that they could too.
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theskyehealers · 3 years
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Aviva tried to awaken Seth with a strong shake. When he wouldn't, she whispered in his ear. "Your mother took the children." And with a soft laugh, she watched him spring up and shook her head, "I jest...but do get up, the children and I have something to show you."
And took him on a leisurely stroll to a small forested area, where Jasper, Veda and little Lucien on her hip presented to their father on his 2nd special day of every turn of seasons....a playground, for themselves.
"They all said it was for you, but as you can see..." and shrugged her shoulders, "Happy Day to you dearest husband and Daddy."
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