viejospellejos · 8 days
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«El ciudadano que recibe voluntariamente una asistencia sanitaria debe asumir los efectos adversos derivados de la misma si prestó su consentimiento informado (…). Dado que la posibilidad de que se produjese el daño del que deriva la reclamación había sido divulgada por la Aemps cuando se le administró la vacuna y que dicha vacuna fue recibida voluntariamente, el daño aducido no puede ser considerado antijurídico y, en consecuencia, no puede imputarse responsabilidad patrimonial a las administraciones públicas a raíz de esta reclamación», se desprende de la respuesta del Ministerio de Sanidad a un procedimiento de reclamación patrimonial, al que ha tenido acceso THE OBJECTIVE, por los graves efectos adversos que provocó a un joven esta vacuna. @theobjective
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Enviado por: Arturo
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97 per cent of the funding to develop the Oxford vaccine came from public and charitable sources. Yet, having initially planned to license the technology openly, the university granted exclusive ownership rights to AstraZeneca, whose profits increased by £1.9 billion on pre-pandemic levels, or 122 per cent. Meanwhile, the UK consistently sought to block proposals to waive patent barriers at the World Trade Organisation in order to improve global vaccine access. It is hard to escape the conclusion that the UK deliberately privatised an asset of immense social and financial value that had been developed with public money.
Christine Berry and Laurie MacFarlane, The Conservatives’ political economy: ‘State rentier capitalism’ or old wine in new bottles?
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scogito · 1 year
DATI, DOCUMENTI E PROVE sono stati forniti dalla Dott.ssa Alexandra Latypova il 21 Gennaio 2023 alla Conferenza di Stoccolma.
Fonte: NESSUN NESSO (Telegram)
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foggyrunawaybeard · 1 year
La scienza che non mi piace.
Maurizio Scaltriti (@ScaltritiLab) è un: "VP Translational Medicine, Early Oncology, AstraZeneca. Previous Associate Director of Translational Science at MSKCC. Co-founder of http://medendi.org.".
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Come si conciliano questi messaggi di odio di questo volto noto con etica, scienza, salute e la ricerca oncologica?
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Quali sono i principi della deontologia medica?
1) Rispetto per i diritti e la dignità di ogni persona
2) Competenza
3) Responsabilità
4) Integrità
che non ritroviamo nell'atteggiamento sopra riportato in allegato, e ciò va a discapito dell'autorevolezza della scienza stessa.
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Un'utente su twitter ha provato a chiedere gentilmente che il noto ricercatore moderasse termini e atteggiamenti, ma egli ha rimarcato l'idea che il suo comportamento, anche sui social, rientri in quelli che lui ritiene termini di correttezza.
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Questo è ciò che accade quando si espongono sui social le persone sbagliate, in ambito scientifico: la scienza poi viene messa in discussione a causa dei comportamenti errati di alcuni.
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indizombie · 2 years
Governments across the globe have wasted more than a billion doses of the Covid vaccines, even as many people, including health workers, particularly in the low-income countries are yet to get at least a single shot, according to a report by science and data analytics company Airfinity. With 25 million doses, Russia's Sputnik V has the highest wastage figures, followed by AstraZeneca, with claims of 19 million wasted jabs, the report said. Of the 14 billion vaccine doses supplied globally to date, 1.1 billion have been wasted and gone unused.
‘1.1 billion Covid vaccine doses wasted globally: Report’, Deccan Herald
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mashupofmylife · 1 year
I'm trying to find real-people anecdotes about their experiences w/ myocarditis post-Covid, and you're one of the first I've found who isn't scaremongering abt vaccines. Would you be willing to talk about what the diagnostic process and recovery process was like for you? It could be a private conversation instead of a public post if you prefer.
I'm totally open to talking about it. I was a vaccine guinea pig and tested positive ~10 months after my second vaccine. I've been boosted more than once since then, so clearly I still think the vaccines are a good idea.
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claudiosuenaga · 2 years
Vítimas de vacinação forçada: tribunal italiano condena Estado a pagar indenização pela primeira vez
Tragédia em Gênova: No início de abril de 2021, Francesca Tuscano, de 32 anos, recebeu uma dose da vacina AstraZeneca. Como professora, ela foi obrigada a tomar a vacina devido ao seu cargo.
24 horas depois, ela morre em uma unidade de terapia intensiva. Um exame forense revelou que a jovem morreu de trombose cerebral como efeito colateral da vacinação genética.
A família da italiana morta após ser injetada com Astrazeneca, recebeu uma "compensação" no valor de 77.468,53 euros. Esta é a primeira vez que um tribunal obrigou o estado a pagar multas por danos causados ​​por vacinas. A família quer ganhar uma quantia maior processando os estados italianos.
Os tribunais italianos têm agora de decidir casos semelhantes: casos de mulheres frequentemente jovens em profissões educativas que ficaram gravemente doentes ou morreram devido à vacinação obrigatória. Seria este o início de uma grande onda de processos?
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lemondeabicyclette · 2 years
Nous avons déjà rendu compte d'une étude nordique qui a révélé - après avoir analysé les données de santé de quelque 23,1 millions de personnes du Danemark, de Finlande, de Norvège et de Suède de fin décembre 2020 à début octobre 2021 - que le risque de développer des problèmes cardiaques augmente de 75% avec le vaccin BioNTech/Pfizer, et de 557% avec le vaccin Moderna.
Nous avons ensuite signalé que le Danemark avait rejeté 1,1 million de vaccins Covid excédentaires en raison d'une baisse de la "volonté de se faire vacciner".
Ensuite, nous avons signalé que le Danemark arrêterait la "promotion des vaccins COVID le 15 mai 2022", qui est "le premier pays à le faire" et que le directeur de l'Autorité sanitaire danoise, Søren Brostrøm, a déclaré (22 juin) que la vaccination des enfants était une erreur.
M. Brostrøm a vite réagi lorsque sa collègue Tanja Lund Erichsenm, Directrice de la Pharmacovigilance a perdu connaissance le 150421 en annonçant l'abandon des vaccins AstraZeneca because de "rares caillots sanguins".
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L'ancien journaliste du New York Times, Alex Berenson, annonce cette mesure dans Unreported Truths - son blogue sur substack (9 août):
« Les enfants et les jeunes ne tombent que très rarement gravement malades à cause du covid-19 avec la variante omikron. Par conséquent, à partir du 1er juillet 2022, il ne sera plus possible pour les enfants et les jeunes de moins de 18 ans d'obtenir la 1ère dose, et à partir du 1er septembre 2022, il ne sera plus possible d'obtenir la deuxième. »
"Cette annonce est à la fois une déclaration de la réalité que les enfants en bonne santé ne courent pratiquement aucun risque de Covid et un vote de défiance dans le profil risque-bénéfice à long terme des vaccins d'ARNm", écrit Berenson.
« Fanatiques de vaccins américains (canadiens, québécois), prenez note », poursuit-il. "Vous blessez vos enfants sans raison autre que votre propre narcissisme et votre anxiété."
🔆 Conclusions positives
Alors que 50% de la population mondiale réalisent maintenant à quel point ces systèmes nous nuisent, les faits sont rendus publics et que la vérité éclate, nous demandons aux gens de nous rejoindre alors que nous laissions derrière nous ces anciens systèmes.
Nous ne serons jamais tous d'accord sur la façon dont le monde devrait être, mais nous pouvons convenir que les systèmes actuels ont cessé de nous aimer, de nous soutenir et de nous servir.
Comme dans une relation abusive, il est temps d'arrêter d'espérer qu'ils changeront, s'éloigneront et créeront plutôt la nouvelle réalité que nous voulons pour nous-mêmes.
Nous cultivons un état d'esprit positif pour aider à créer un monde positif et à créer un avenir positif - ensemble.
Nous pouvons nous unir autour de la demande d'autonomie (auto-gouvernance) sur notre propre corps etnotre mental. Après cela, les gens peuvent faire et croire ce qu'ils veulent tant qu'ils ne font pas de mal.
Comme dans une relation abusive, comme ces systèmes sont « à nouveau gentils avec nous », nous nous sentons soulagés, en espérant qu'ils apprennent et changent.
Il est temps pour nous de nous soutenir mutuellement, de panser nos blessures et de construire un beau nouveau monde post-Covid sans eux - ensemble 💞✊
Sentez-vous autonome et non impuissant avec Covid Positive News daily ✨
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I have somehow gotten around to taking an interest in Lady Diana once again, that hasn't happened in a while but it certainly pulled me in a lot.
I have so much to say about her tragic life and so many feelings about what she's been through. May she rest in the most loving and kind hearted peace. 🙏🏼🕊💗
But it unsurprisingly also led me down a rabbit hole as well and while I'm only scratching the surface here obviously, I sure thought you might find this as interesting as I did :
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jloisse · 2 years
Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca : les vaccins anti-Covid augmenteraient les risques cardiovasculaires chez les jeunes
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aktieportfoljen · 2 days
Grön veckostart med Lime Technologies och Crypto i topp
Stockholmsbörsen börjar veckan på plus. I laguppställningen tog Lime Technologies ledartröjan och rusade med nästan +10% utan direkta nyheter. På andra plats kom Crypto Top ten som innehåller 40% Bitcoin, 40% Etherum och åtta andra av de största cryptovalutorna. I slutet av förra veckan höjde Intron Health rekommendationen för läkemedelsbolaget Astra Zeneca till köp (behåll) och aktien inledde…
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msclaritea · 28 days
Is the word 'cisgender' being flagged as 'hateful content' by Elon Musk?
"Users on Twitter/X are discovering that if they use the words "cis" or "cisgender" in their posts, no matter the context, they get flagged for "hateful conduct."
Many began to realize the new policy after one user tested the theory. They quickly posted statements that should be flagged by X as "hateful conduct" such as "I hate gay people" and "I hate trans people" - these went unmonitored by X.
However, once they posted the phrase "I hate cis people", the user received a warning under the post that read: "Visibility limited: this Post may violate X's rules against Hateful Conduct."
As usual, Musk is feeding into this being a one-sided fight. This is not. A reminder that he only glommed onto championing against the erroneous use of Cisgender, after his trolls saw me rail against it.
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pedrocaspn · 1 month
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Teoria da conspiração, diziam eles...
Negacionistas, diziam eles....
É ciência, diziam eles....
É seguro, diziam eles...
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Adding Radiation to Lung Cancer Treatment Improves Outcomes - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/adding-radiation-to-lung-cancer-treatment-improves-outcomes-technology-org/
Adding Radiation to Lung Cancer Treatment Improves Outcomes - Technology Org
A new study found that patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated with a combination of low-dose radiation and immunotherapy had higher progression-free survival compared to patients who received immunotherapy alone two years after treatment.
Radiotherapy equipment. Image credit: Governo do Estado de São Paulo via Flickr, CC BY 2.0
The findings from researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine, NewYork-Presbyterian and Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons offer hope to those affected by NSCLC, the most common type of lung cancer in the United States, accounting for 81% of all lung cancer diagnoses.
Chemotherapy is frequently coupled with immunotherapy for treating people with lung cancer. However, this study, published in Nature Communications, suggested “the addition of low-dose radiation instead could increase the options available to patients, particularly those who cannot tolerate chemotherapy,” said Dr. Nasser Altorki, chief of the Division of Thoracic Surgery at Weill Cornell Medicine and NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center and the paper’s lead author.
Zachary Walsh, MD/Ph.D. candidate at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, was also co-first author on this study.
Previously, Altorki and colleagues conducted an investigator-initiated clinical trial at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center, which enrolled 60 patients with early-stage NSCLC. The randomized phase 2 trial, sponsored by AstraZeneca, coupled radiation with durvalumab, an immune-boosting “checkpoint inhibitor.” These drugs work by releasing the brakes on the immune system to induce a response against tumor cells, but their effects may be insufficient to fully eliminate the cancer.
“Using a low dose of radiation to enhance the immune response, rather than a high dose to destroy the tumor, was a novel feature of the trial,” said co-senior author Timothy McGraw, professor of biochemistry at Weill Cornell Medicine. “From that perspective, I believe Dr. Altorki’s trial design remains unique.”
Dr. Benjamin Izar, assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons and medical oncologist at NewYork-Presybeterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center, was also co-senior author on the paper.
The initial findings, published in Lancet Oncology in 2021, demonstrated that the combo treatment eradicated significantly more tumors than immunotherapy alone. In fact, the combination invoked a “major pathological response”– one that kills more than 90% of the cells in the tumors that were surgically removed and analyzed during the course of the study.
But would it also improve patient survival? To find out, the researchers continued to follow the cohort for an additional two years.
The results of the extended study indicated that the dual therapy reduced the chances of cancer recurrence and extended progression-free survival. Six of the individuals who received immunotherapy alone died of cancer. However, in the “dual-therapy arm” of the trial, there was only one death from cancer and five deaths unrelated to cancer recurrence.
The team also found that cancer-free survival is accompanied by heightened immune activity. Individuals who received immunotherapy plus radiation and had major pathology responses had more activated T cells in their blood compared to those who did not have a major pathology response.
“The appearance of these activated T cells was associated with freedom from cancer recurrence,” said Altorki, who is also the David B. Skinner, M.D. Professor of Thoracic Surgery and the leader of the Experimental Therapeutics Program in the Sandra and Edward Meyer Cancer Center at Weill Cornell Medicine.
The researchers discovered that participants who mounted a major pathological response harbored tissue-resident T cells in their blood – even before treatment had begun. “You wouldn’t normally expect to find these cells in circulation,” said Altorki. Their presence suggested that, in these individuals, the immune system had already detected the tumor and initiated a response. Examining participants’ T-cell repertoire could potentially identify individuals who would benefit from combination treatment.
The researchers intend to follow up on this observation in an upcoming trial to assess how radiation stacks up against chemotherapy as a means of bolstering immunotherapy. “We’ve shown that radiation works,” said Altorki. “But does it work as well as – or even better than – chemotherapy? That’s what we want to answer now.”
Source: Cornell University
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ahmedmoety · 3 months
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harmeet-saggi · 4 months
A Variant Of Concern: Omicron
The World Health Organization has designated the strain, now named Omicron, as a variant of concern and said multiple studies are underway to monitor its development.
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