#ask me questions too I'm desperate to let my opinions about this movie be known lol
one-morbid-beauty · 3 years
Going into the various Princess and the Frog tags are bittersweet because you can tell that it was way more lively between 2014 and 2019. I'll see cute fanart or headcanons and go onto the blog of the person that made it and find out that they either don't create content for it anymore or just deleted all the work they have ever made for it leaving us with the same gifs and screenshots repeatedly. Don't get me wrong; I appreciate the ones still involved and putting out work I'm just bitter that I missed out.
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lvnatiq · 4 years
Surrealtà | Nicky Valentino x Assassin!OC
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A/N: Hello, my fellow Valentinhoes! I already mentioned this series that will be approximately 10 chapters long (if not more). I tried to keep the prologue short trying my best to not bore you. The dialogues between the characters are modified according to this story and yes, there will be a lot of new characters alongside the original ones. With that being said if you have any questions or suggestions, let me know :)! 
Enjoy, toots.
Warnings: Violence, mentions of death, usage of inappropriate language.
Prologue: Inferno
“Do you ever doubt your actions? I mean, you know the uproar about them being ethically wrong.”
Andrea's words revealed her agitated behavior. Her sincere concern for her friend was boggling her mind with more questions.
“Why would I doubt my actions when there are enough people already doing that.”
Heaven lifted her glass to her lips and stopped moments before taking a sip.
“I never give people anything more or less than what they’ve done.”
The sour taste of alcohol lingers on her tongue while it makes its way into her system causing her body to warm up.
“If they kill, I kill. Easy as that.”
“You know what’s going to happen when they get you behind bars, right ?” said Andrea. Fully aware of the fact that her attempts at getting her to tap out were not affecting Heaven at all.
“I don’t."
Heaven said as she turned her head towards the anxious eyes that were studying her. Her smirk becomes more prominent as she sets her booze down on the glass table.
“Because It’s not going to happen."
Upon hearing her words Andrea couldn't manage to hide her astonishment.
“How can you be so sure ?”
“I’m not but do I have any other options? I am not someone that you would want to see panicking.”
Heaven said as she continued to play with the rim of her glass. She proceeded as she eyed her reflection on the glass table.
“I might appear dangerous when I let my anger take over, but panic?” she scoffed as she pushed her long locks away from her face.
“I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.”
“Why?” Andrea said, engaging herself with the conversation more and more. Afterall there were no limits to her curiosity.
“I lose control.”
Says Heaven as she collects the documents scattered over the table and then stands up from her stool. She lowers herself at Andrea's eye level as she proceeds with her speech.
“...and If I lose control, my love...”
Andrea drops her gaze as she couldn't bring herself to look straight into her eyes. Heaven whispers her last words, unaware of the fact that this statement will be the foreshadowing of what was about to come.
“All hell will break loose.”
With that, the curiosity killed the cat.
January 1st, 2020
The cold breeze of New York combed her long locks as she stared at her watch. Her pupils dilating as her eyes followed the second hand, continuing to count the seconds.
"Thirty more to go. Then it's time for the Fiesta."
Pushing back the hem of her coat, she pulled out a brand new Glock 19 and a suppressor. Her hands started to wander around the gun as she let the feeling of absolute power captivate her senses. After rolling the silencer onto the muzzle of the Glock, she placed her gun back at its previous position.
The silencer, her infamous nickname.
Nobody knew her true identity nor her background. At this point in her life, others weren't the only ones to do so. Her memory was as unreliable as her trigger. Her past, present, and future remained unknown to her. In her opinion, keeping her past locked in the forbidden spaces of her mind it's for the better.
"Henry Harding, age 46, a prick who traded the life of his wife for the comfort of his stacks."
She reminded herself as her steps quickened. The darkness of the night emerged as the light of the day shuttered under its vigor. Her breathing became apparent, evaporating in front of her eyes.
"His right hand, Richard Kindell, a coward who sold his soul to the same devil that killed his son. Porca miseria! What type of leverage does that son of a bitch has over Richard that keeps him loyal no matter the cause?"
She cursed under her breath as she took a sharp turn. Upon seeing the large crowd in front of the theatre she decided to examine the atmosphere surrounding her. Women in elegant dresses were accompanied by men in suits. Their sweet conversations concerning their excitement about the movie, pervading the air with love. Utterly oblivious of the fact that they were soon to be bystanders of a tragic ending.
"Tragic but a well-deserved ending."
Her plan was too simple for her liking. She made Richard get the same gun that she had attached to her thigh, two weeks before she sent the suspicious mail to Henry. The mail that contained information exclusively known by the two of them regarding Richard's son's death. She was simply using their trust issues as an advantage.
"25 meters till the warfare."
As she moves closer, the ticket booth becomes more visible and her eyes meet the man of the moment, Murray.
"Smile, Heaven. You don't want to disappoint your audience."
She said as she put her killer smile on, turning heads as she walked by. Her charming nature and her mysterious aura always captured people's attention. Even so, she couldn't care less.
Her hair flowing in harmony with the wind, her steps overflowed with confidence, and her eyes gleamed with the fact that she could finally put an end to what the judiciary system defined as a dilemma. It's time for Maria's long-awaited vendetta.
"Hello, Murphy. How's the night treating you?"
Murphy gave her a heartwarming smile, accompanied by sincere laughter.
"So far so good. What about you my dear?"
"Lovely, I'd say. New York has its charm, you know."
She said as her hand reached her pocket, searching for the ticket.
"Seems so."
Murray said as his eyes carefully scanned Heaven's. Sensing his unusual behavior, Heaven glued her eyes back onto his as she took a step further.
"How do you figure?"
She asked as she gave him a smirk. A smirk that often got people's breath hitch, hands sweat and their heartbeats accelerated.
"Your eyes."
Said Murray letting his body language do the favors, he pointed at her eyes.
"They tell a lot."
He said as he positioned himself back behind the booth. Murray was a part of her plan even though he didn't know much about it. She didn't lie to him but she also didn't tell him things that were none of his business. Such as her soon to be attempted murder.
"I suppose."
She said as she lifted her wrist casually to check the time.
"Aces. Perfect timing."
She dipped her hand back again into the pocket of her coat. Unable to feel any sort of texture regarding the existence of the ticket, she slid her other hand into her other pocket.
"Your ticket, my dear?"
Without disrupting her composure, she thought of a quick backup plan.
"I need him to participate, I lost my ticket. How is this even possible?"
She thought as she closed her eyes shut. Letting out a deep breath, she opened her eyes only to reveal her teary vision. She strongly held on the cuffs of her coat making her knuckles turn white as she lowered her gaze to the floor. Even the most successful artist would be envious of her skilled performance.
"Murray, my ticket is missing."
Murray studied her reaction as he gave her an apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry my dear. I don't think that we have any other tickets left for the night."
Upon hearing his words she raised her gaze to meet his, giving him a look that will scar him for the rest of his life.
"Murray, You know that I can't miss this. Tonight was my main reason for coming to New York. I'm desperate for your help."
She said slowly pushing her coat back to display the outline of the gun beneath her dress. Her innocent demeanor was falsified by her reveal. Murray gave her an empty look, seemingly unaffected by her threat. He stopped for a second before turning to her with a smile.
"I got you, Heaven."
He said as he reached under the desk revealing a golden ticket. He slowly extended his hand as hers followed. Then, he retracted it. Unaware of the dangerous game he was playing with Heaven's patience.
"One last thing, Heaven."
He indicated to her to come closer as he leaned in. Not wanting to waste any more of her precious time Heaven obliged.
"It's time for you to prioritize yourself. For the sake of your good."
He said as he gave her the ticket and pushed the gate open for her.
"Have fun, my dear."
Heaven, unimpressed by his discourse, stepped inside. Hearing the gate close behind her. The heavy smell of tobacco dominated the large area blinded by the lights of the enormous chandelier and golden decorations that reminded her of the Palace of Versailles. A palace that was full of people with extravagant attires laughing and cheering, adorning their social interactions with excessive reactions. Baffled by the unanticipated environment Heaven took a few steps back, letting her back hit the wall.
The wall, located exactly where the gate should be. As her confusion gets the best of her, at her right she notices a man reading a newspaper. She walks close enough to see the contents of the front page. Only to realize that the front page was listing absurdly familiar names of the several presidents. Names that surely belonged to the 20'ies. Heaven gently closed her eyes then she leaned her forehead against the palm of her hand.
"Where the hell am I?" she muttered as her own words, followed by her deep voice, echoed inside of her head. She gave one last glance at the velvet wall where the entrance gate should've been.
"Abandon hope, all ye who enter here."
Second hand: the hand on some watches and clocks that moves quickly, showing the seconds.
Fiesta: an event marked by festivities or celebration.
Porca miseria: in this case used as “Bloody hell”.
Vendetta: a blood feud in which the family of a murdered person seeks vengeance on the murderer or the murderer's family.
"Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.": A message warning one about a hopeless situation from which there is no return. The Italian version of this phrase appears in Dante's Divine Comedy as the inscription on the entrance to Hell. The phrase is most often used humorously.
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the-sea-of-tenerife · 7 years
The Ask Thing That Katie Desperately Wanted Me To Do Which I'm Now Doing Because She Typed Out All The Questions
1. Tell me about your favorite person. I firmly believe my favorite person is myself right now. Over the past month, my boyfriend broke up with, and he was my favorite person, but I was extremely heartbroken and practically hate him now. I pulled myself up as best as I could and I'm proud of myself. 2. What was the last book you read and finished? I literally can't even remember 3. What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it? It's not a scar but I have a birthmark on my thigh that looks like I've been stabbed by a fork 4. Recommended Netflix shows? Supernatural of course, Parks and Recreation, Luke Cage, and I'm currently obsessed with Iron Fist rn. 5. If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why? Oh golly. Probably Emma Watson so I could be Belle. 6. Do you believe in miracles? 100% 7. Snorkeling, sky diving, bunjee jumping or zip lining? Snorkeling 8. How do you take your coffee? I don't 9. All expense paid vacation to… ? Definitely Germany, but anywhere in Europe is great 10. Favorite homemade food? Steak and potatoes 11. What is something you’ve always wanted to try but have been too scared to? Initiating conversations with cute boys 12. What accomplishments are you most proud of? I learned an entire drumline show in two weeks, bass drum music and drill, and we got 2nd place at that competition 13. If you were going to go to the movies alone, what type of movie would you want to see? A comedy 14. Dream job? I don't even know right now 15. What is your favorite physical attribute about yourself? I love my hips and my freckles and the gap in my teeth and my eyes and I just really love myself 16. Favorite vacation spot? A cabin in the mountains 17. Where is your favorite place to go on a weekday afternoon when you have no plans? Either watching Netflix at home or hanging out with friends 18. What are you waiting for at this very moment? Prom and graduation 19. Five favorite songs! Currently they are Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen, Boys Will Be Boys by Benny, Space by Ally Hills, Guys My Age by Hey Violet, and my all time favorite is Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin. 20. You have thirty seconds to tell the world anything you want. What do you say? Dumb boys: stop treating sweet girls like shit!! We don't deserve it!! 21. Favorite Disney movie? It has always been beauty and the beast 22. What is your favorite board game or card game? Watch ya mouth 23. What did you love most about the place you grew up? I lived 5 seconds from my best friend and a park 24. Where do you want to be in 5 years? In a happy relationship and hopefully finished with a college 25. What is your most bizarre talent? I can flare my nostrils rapidly 26. Do you collect anything? I've started collecting polaroids I suppose 27. If you could change one thing about your past what would it be? I wish I would've learned to love myself sooner. I wha I would've known my worth sooner. I wish I never would've gone back to the same guy for 4 years. 28. Have you ever been arrested or in trouble with the law? I got caught having sex in the park with my last boyfriend. Turns out his license had been suspended for over 7 months and he had to pay a hefty fine. 29. You could have any super power in the world, what would it be and why? Probably the ability to read minds or teleportation 30. Ever been in love? Once for sure. 31. If you could achieve anything what would be your number one goal? To not let any boy make me feel worthless ever again 32. When was the last time you left your comfort zone? Having sex for the first time after Cody was weird but honestly it wasn't bad 33. Think of the five people you are closest to. Are they good people who influence your life in a positive way? My mom for sure, my dad is a nerd but great, Katie and Tyler are my best friends, and Joey and I have become pretty close too. They're all such great people in my opinion. 34. If you found $100 on the ground what would you spend it on? Food lmao 35. Favorite quote "Thick thighs catch fries" -me 36. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? I really do. I got drunk with them last night. 37. List five good things that happened today In the past 24 hours I got drunk with two girls I didn't know, made two new friends, binged Parks and Rec, got a newfound confidence, took a shower 38. Do you think we should make things happen or let fate guide our lives? The way I see it is that fate kind of puts us in a situation and gives us many choices, but it's our decision on what we do with those situations or choices.
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