#ask kamui woods & my lady !
bisexual-queenie · 6 months
Could you please post some Mha Pro Heroes head canons. By pros I mean the current pros.
Of course! Im super happy I got this ask!
(Trigger warning: A very small mention of a cult, but its not explicit)
All of nationality headcannons:
Mic: Half Japanese Half Italian
Edgeshot: Half Japanese Half Thai
Nighteye: Half Japanese Half Vietnamese
Miruko: Half Japanese Half Dominican
Mount Lady: Half Japanese Half Swedish
Present Mic, Edgeshot, and Nighteye are neurodivergent (ADHD, ADD, and Autistic respectively).
The Lurkers have a groupchat that was supposed to be for professional uses only, however it soon became so much more chaotic in a matter of minutes. People think Edgeshot, being the leader and all, created it, but it was actually Kamui (bless his heart by thinking it was gonna be professional). Edgeshot and Mount Lady quickly filled the chat with as much chaos as they could muster in 5 minutes.
Present Mic remembers every pro hero’s birthday, and you bet your ass he throws them the most spectacular birthday party ever (and by spectacular I mean the party fits what that hero is most comfortable with. If the hero in question doesn’t like huge elaborate parties, the party is more quiet and private. If the hero is a known party animal, then the room quickly becomes an elaborate house party)
Edgeshot and Ryukyuu know how to professionally throat sing. (Listen to “Genesis” by Otyken as a reference thats where I got this one lmao)
Some headconnons regarding pronouns and sexuality! (Please note these are no way cannon whatsoever, but rather something my brain think about a lot)
All Might: Cis Male — He/Him (Bi)
Eraserhead: Cis Male — He/Him (Gay)
Present Mic: Genderfluid — He/She/They (Bi)
Midnight: AFAB NB — She/They (Pan)
Ingenium (Tensei): AMAB NB — He/They (Bi)
Nighteye: Trans Man — He/Him (Gay)
Mount Lady: Cis Female — She/Her (Bi)
Kamui Woods: Cis Male — He/Him (Straight but such a wonderful ally. Would definitely hand out water at pride parades)
Edgeshot: AFAB NB — They/Them (Pan)
Best Jeanist: Cis Male — He/Him (Gay) (But like, he still could care less about gender, he identifies as a cis guy but trancends gender at the same time, y’know?)
Gang Orca: AMAB NB —They/Them (Gay) (In his words: “Orcas dont need genders”)
Miruko: Cis Female — She/Her (Lesbian)
Hawks: Cis Male — He/Him (Bi) (Never really put much thought into his identity, but is a huge supporter if everyone else in his usual nonchalant way)
Endeavor: Cis Male — He/Him (Straight) (I wholeheartedly think he doesn’t really understand, and thinks he is trying, but sometimes doesn’t show correctly, you know what I mean?)
Fat Gum: Cis Male —He/Him (Straight Ally all the way! He’s the one parading everyone around at pride event, wearing pride merch and making food for everyone)
Ryukyuu: Trans Female — She/Her (Lesbian)
(Please tell me if I used the correct terminology or not)
Nighteye can play the piano like a pro.
Present Mic loves playing the acoustic guitar. Hes THAT guy at a campfire.
While there is the obvious romatic relationships I adore (Erasermic, Edgejeanist, Nightmight, Kamui x Mount Lady, etc.), there are so many cute scenarios for platonic relationships
Eraserhead and Edgeshot being frenemies but caring for eachother so dearly.
Edgeshot and Ryukyuu BROTP
Gang Orca thinking they are the third wheel for Edgejeanist, but little do they know they consider them to be their “third”.
Lurkers being super close with one another
All Might caring for every pro hero like a mother hen
Nighteye and Midnight having gossip sessions
Miruko and Hawks BROTP #2
Ok, possibly the weirdest one yet: Yoroi Musha (the elderly hero, former number 9 hero) is Edgeshot’s adopted dad. (I saw it in a fic once and fell in love with it).
- The story (in my head) goes that Edgeshot was born and raised in a cult in rural Japan, and then one day when they were like 10 the comune gets raided after a tip was given, and Yoroi Musha led the raid. His eyes fell into a young, malnourished, and terrified Edgeshot and was like “they’re my child now” (This is the super simplified version, and Im super intrested in writing this!)
All Might considers Gran Torino to be his father figure. As a result, Nighteye considered him to be his father in law. Gran Torino wishes he can deny this, but at this point he cannot.
Last but not least! Eri, once she gets comfortable enough, considers every pro hero to be her aunt/uncle/somewhere in between.
Thank you @dragonspiritxx for the wonderful ask! I hope you like this!
Hopefully everyone else will to! I haven’t posted anything MHA related since I graduated high school back in May and started college as well, so Im glad Im back in the groove!
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puddinginthemix · 9 months
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Sometimes Reddit pushes messages to my email, and I'm just utterly bewildered by whatever this format/genre is.
Reddit be like, What girl do you guys think Bakugou would end up with? What are your thoughts on this ship?
Tumblr be like, HERE'S MY DRAWING OF KACCHAN IN A PANDA SUIT HAVING HIS NOSE KISSED BY OCHACO, and CHECK OUT MY NSFW FICLET OF MOUNT LADY GETTING RAILED BY KAMUI WOODS' ENTIRE BODY, and nobody asks anyone else what they think, which is fine because what everyone thinks is GO ON MY SON
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justatalkingface · 1 year
Wasn't Mt Lady a corrupt hero at first?
So, I'd like to start this off by apologizing to you, Anon. I did not intend to let this sit in my drafts nearly as long as it has been; I just haven't been in the right place to just sit down and type everything out until now.
The thing is with Mt Lady, or rather, early on Mt Lady, is she's.... corrupt, but she's not majorly so (though Stain would, of course, disagree). She is perhaps the most average person/hero we've had any informational development on. Most heroes we get a look at are upper case H Heroes, that don't match the corruption talked about in story, but Mt Lady is, or was, a view of that mundane hero who wasn't terrible, wasn't murdering people or beating their spouses, but wasn't good, either.
So the thing is the the first thing we see her do is kill steal, and oh, there is so much to unpack there, just by me saying that phrase and having it fit perfectly.
There are mountains of implications to not only that phrase, but the fact that it worked: to start with, it implies that this isn't unique to Mt Lady.
Kamui Woods had the man cornered, was posed to bring him down, and she steals the capture, and the glory, at the last minute. He doesn't protest this, or argue, or even say WTF, he's just depressed. In other words, this is normal, to some extent, this isn't just Mt Lady doing something unprecedented, and that 'stealing' this 'kill', AKA, capturing this villain, was something worth fighting over. Heroes are not cooperating, but are in fact actively competing with each other, for the resources that are criminals.
This is something that's actually genius with how it's presented to us, because it's understated, but this one scene just says so much about the society they're living in, and about heroic society as a whole, and how deeply fucked up it has become.
Mt Lady is developed more in the notes, and we find out she's so desperate for money to pay for the damages caused by her Quirk because, you know, she causes massive property damage all the time.
This is an understandable motive, and it makes her more of a real person than just some greedy asshole, yet this begs a question: should she be a hero, if she can't do it without causing thousands, if not millions, in damages everytime she uses her Quirk?
Mt Lady's Quirk is a powerful one, but it's something she can't actually control, is the thing: if she's using it, something is going to be destroyed, even if her costume is designed to mitigate it, because she just becomes that big and that heavy. In becoming a hero, she became locked into a vicious cycle of doing heroic deeds to pay the bills, which in the process of doing this causes more bills for her to pay which necessitate even more heroics from her. This cycle, destructive as it is, is apparently fuel for her to be a very active hero, which is the logic behind her being part of the Kamino raid (totally not because she's a hot woman that Hori wanted to draw more often), but we still have to ask: does she cause more damage than she prevents?
Fuck if we know, honestly, because that's a cost/benefit ratio we have no way to possibly answer, but the fact is there's nothing in story that implies that anyone has actually asked this question about her, or anyone else, for that matter. There is, from what we can tell, no actual accountability to heroes as long as they pay the bills or murder someone on national TV... and heroes are uniquely posed to pay these bills easily, and Mt Lady is a bit of an aberration in how much trouble she's having with them.
There's the money they make from their hero-ing, as little as that developed, but from that direction they apparently only make money from crime, only on commision. So, I get that just paying them to exist with nothing to ensure that they actually are working would be messed up, but you have to admit there are some.... perverse incentives to a set up like this. Every hero we've seen is improbably Good and Kind, but this is something that could be easily abused, and with the set up we have for this setting? Probably has been, and often.
Let me bring this back to what I said earlier, that heroes are competing with other heroes to capture villains. As a job, an actual, functional job, being a hero isn't about preventing crime, it's about profiting off it. Every villain we've seen, every crime they've committed, every building filled with people they've destroyed? To a hero, that isn't a tragedy, that's a paycheck. The other major way heroes make money as heroes is by saving people, and the people they save? Are endangered by villains. Technically, earthquakes and fires and the like would also qualify, but the thing is with that, though? Earthquakes don't happen on the regular, and heroes are paid on commision. Without villains to endanger people, there's no way a rescue hero could have any sort of stable income.
If there aren't villains, in other words, then a hero isn't going to be paid as a hero.
So now we look at the side jobs, the others ways they can have an income; modeling and commercials being the only ones we know of, though we can try and guess at others (does Gunhead have a dojo for his martial arts?). Then there's the merchandising. In the early chapters, which established a lot of the normal day to day stuff before Izuku became increasingly disconnected from an average person's life, hero branded products were all over, and if the pictures in the outmakes are legit? Both Midnight and Mt Lady have cosmetics (and there's something about Midnight, who's power puts people to sleep who smell her, having a perfume that makes me raise an eyebrow).
In other words? As long as a hero is popular, not even particularly active, but just loved by the public? The money can just roll in, and the system itself is seemingly designed to incentivize this behavior in them. There are technically consequences to destroying things, but as long as you're.... not Mt Lady, basiclly, these consequences are minimal, probably because there's some sort of heroic insurance or something to prevent a hero from being bankrupted, or they just make that much money.
If you want to be a hero, you need to find a lot of people to arrest, a lot of people in danger, or you need to become a celebrity. And as long as you can do these things successfully, you're going to end up with a lot of cash, and there's very little holding you back doing whatever you want.
With what we've seen about Mt Lady's motives, before she was whitewashed in Generic Hero #274, is that she wants to famous, that she's hungry for attention, adoration from the public, a classic corrupt hero. But with what we know about the system she's in, the way it is forcing her to act just to stay solvent, you have to wonder: is that why she wanted to be a hero? For the fame, for the glory?
Or did heroic society make her into that?
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fushigidane · 6 months
“You two know each other?” Kamui asks. 
Odin shares a glance with Lilith, entirely unsure where to begin answering the question, the promise they made to Anankos heavy on his mind. 
Lilith tightens her lips, then faces Kamui. “He… Odin used to date my father.”
Kamui blinks. “What.”
“Lilith!” Odin protests. He used to— Anankos— what—
Azura covers her mouth. “Oh my,” she whispers, and through the cracks of her fingers a faint smile can be seen—
Well. The story is out there now. Fate—or Lilith’s very, very questionable ability to write him a suitable backstory—has decreed Odin’s next steps, and he can now do nothing but follow the path ahead. 
“He was… really good-looking, alright?” he admits. It’s not even a lie. He can’t deny at least a part of him was interested. “And kind. And generous. And—”
Lady Kamui clears her throat. “Ahem. Moving swiftly on—”
“That was the best lie your mind could conjure?! I once dated your sire?!” Odin hisses later in Lilith’s treehouse-shrine-thing once they’re alone. 
Lilith reddens. “I panicked, okay! It was the best I could come up with in the moment!” she exclaims. “And you were the one to double-down on it, so don’t pin this all on me!”
Odin buries his head in his hands and groans. 
“At least it seemed to satisfy them,” she allows. “I hardly think we’ll fall under suspicion now.”
“No suspicion, just gossip,” Odin counters. “Echoes of this false scandal shall haunt me for the remainder of my life. It shall be intertwined with my very name for the rest of eternity, and my legacy will read—”
“I’m going to briefly channel Selena,” Lilith interrupts, “and tell you to shut up, you big baby.”
Odin whines. He wonders how far into the woods he needs to build his next home such that Niles will never find it. Or if there are any ancient rituals to stop him, specifically, discovering this rumour…
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bnhaobservation · 1 month
BNHA Observations, speculations and assorted info: The facts taking place during BNHA second year: October & November
So, in order to write my fic, I spend much time observing canon scenes, comparing the manga and the anime version, take note of details, translations and info in them as well as finding out how are some things called.
Since what I noticed/speculated/found out can be of use for other fic authors I thought to share as well.
You might notice a special focus on the Todoroki family as all their birthdays and statuses are listed. That’s because this timeline was originally meant to focus solely on them and then I included info about the other characters.
BNHA: “Boku no Hero Academia” manga.
UArch: “Boku no Hero Academia Ultra Archive”
SB: “Boku no Hero Academia: U.A. Hakusho (僕のヒーローアカデミア 雄英白書 Lit: “My Hero Academia: U.A. White Paper”)” called in English “My Hero Academia: School Briefs”
OCTOBER (A FEW DAYS LATER): Sasaki Mirai/Sir Nighteye’s funeral. Work studies are put on hold. Eri regained consciousness. Aoyama Yūga/Can't Stop Twinkling starts feeding Midoriya Izuku/Deku with cheese. [BNHA Chap 167]
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OCTOBER (THE DAY AFTER): Past 1.00 AM. Aoyama peeks at  Midoriya while the latter is pretending to sleep from Midoriya’s balcony and leaves him a message written with cheese which says ‘I know’. During class Kaminari Denki/Chargebolt informs everyone Kamihara Shinya/Edgeshot, Takeyama Yū/Mt. Lady and Nishiya Shinji/Kamui Wood are teaming up, forming “The Lurkers”. Class A is then asked in the afternoon lessons to continue working on their ultimate moves. As Aoyama feels sick, Midoriya approaches him to help him and ask him explanations on his behavior and learns that he knows about how his Quirk isn’t suited to him and that they’ve this in common. This helps them to become friends. It’s probably around this time the commissioner-general of the national police agency visits Nezu asking him not to make the school festival. [BNHA Chap 167-168, 173]
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OCTOBER: U.A. starts preparing for the school festival. During supplementary classroom Aizawa Shōta/Eraser Head informs his students Eri wants to see Midoriya. Class A decides they’ll do a dance club with live music. Tobita Danjūrō/Gentle Criminal uploads another video. During supplementary classroom Eraser Head says Eri asked to see Midoriya and Tōgata Mirio/Lemillion. [BNHA Chap 169 No info about how much time went by is given]
OCTOBER (POSSIBLY THE DAY AFTER?): Tōgata and Midoriya go visit Eri and plan to bring her to the school festival. Aiba Manami/La Brava uploads a new video of Gentle Criminal as he deals with J store on that same day. The police realizes a new video is being uploaded and tries to pinpoint the location from which Gentle Criminal’s videos are uploaded. [BNHA Chap 170]
OCTOBER: La Brava reuploads Gentle Criminal’s videos. Bakugō Katsuki hears General study students being displeased by how Class A claims to want to have a concert ‘for their sake’. Gentle Criminal decides his next video will show him getting inside U.A. Class A decides the roles for their performance at the school festival. [BNHA Chap 171-172. Exactly a month from school festival. Traditionally, most schools hold festivals on or around Culture Day (November 3), a Japanese national holiday. Normally it is held on a Saturday or Sunday; sometimes even both. This means we're pretty early in the month]
OCTOBER (THE DAY AFTER): 1.00 AM. All the roles for the school festival are given. Midoriya talks with All Might and they start training together so as to help him develop long range attacks. [BNHA Chap 172]
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OCTOBER (SATURDAY): Eri visits U.A. Midoriya learns if the alarm goes off during the school festival the whole school will get evacuated. [BNHA Chap 172-173. A month still to the festival]
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OCTOBER (ONE WEEK AFTER THEY STARTED PREPARING FOR THE FESTIVAL, LIKELY ON MONDAY): Midoriya is told he’s out of the dance group. [BNHA Chap 173-174]
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OCTOBER (SUNDAY): The students continue to work for the school festival. Shinsō Hitoshi of class C of the General study is helping his class prepare "the Labyrinth of Doom" when he feels a little fearful he won't manage to get in the Hero course and so he starts wandering through the place looking what the other class are doing. Once he is back he's determinate to tell his class he'll get transferred to the Hero course. [SB4]
OCTOBER: Second midterm exams. [Usually during the last full week of October]
END OF OCTOBER BEGINNING OF NOVEMBER: At night the league attacks the Creature Rejection Clan. Once they’re back at their base, they’re found by Gigantomachia and then Garaki Kyūdai/Ujiko Daruma summons them in his lab. He promises the League his help if they can tame Gigantomachia. Todoroki Tōya/Dabi claims he doesn't want to get involved and mentions having found a good potential ally, likely referring to Takami Keigo/Hawks, meaning they should have gotten in contact already. Garaki insists Dabi has to help him test his High-End Nōmu. Shigaraki Tomura begins to fight Gigantomachia while they’re in Nīgata. [BNHA Chap 219-223 One month after Kurogiri was captured [who was captured at the end of SEPTEMBER], one month and a half prior to mid DECEMBER, when the League will go to Deika, but also prior to the Hero Billboard chart. We don't know at which hour the attack at the Creature Rejection Clan took place. For my own personal comfort I'll assume it was past midnight so that I can place everything as happening in the same day but it's entirely possible it happened before midnight so what happened afterward happened in the day after it]
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NOVEMBER (NIGHT BEFORE THE SCHOOL FESTIVAL): Midoriya is chosen to buy a new rope. [BNHA Chap 175]
NOVEMBER: Hatsume Mei gives Midoriya new equipment. School festival. Gentle Criminal  tries to disrupt the festival but he’s stopped by Midoriya which causes both him and La Brava to be arrested. [BNHA Chap 171, 175-183 The school festival is one month after class A decided what to do during it]
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NOVEMBER (FINAL DAYS): Eri moves into U.A. dorms. Wild, Wild Pussy Cats and Izumi Kōta visit class A. 2nd Japanese Hero Billboard chart of the year. Todoroki Enji/Endeavor becomes number 1. [BNHA Chap 184-185 Three months since All Might’s retirement]
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NOVEMBER (THE DAY AFTER): “Meta Liberation War” by Yotsubashi Chikara/Destro is back on print. Dabi goes on Hidamari Kindergarten with Garaki and check a High-End Nōmu. Todoroki Natsuo and Todoroki Fuyumi visit their mother, Todoroki Rei, at the hospital. Endeavor goes in Kyūshū, likely in Fukuoka to meet up with Hawks and ends up fighting with the overmentioned High-End Nōmu, defeating it. At the end of the fight he meets Dabi but their fight is interrupted before starting by Usagiyama Rumi/Mirko. In the evening Dabi and Hawks meet. Hawks then goes visiting Endeavor thinking at how the HPSC ordered him to infiltrate in the league. Dabi remembers who Higawara Sajin/Snatch was. [BNHA Chap 186-191 Also it has been 3 months since the Kamino nightmare]
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NOVEMBER (TWO DAYS LATER): Shūzenji Chiyo/Recovery Girl heals Endeavor then the man goes back home and finds Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Natsuo and Todoroki Shōto waiting for him but argues with Todoroki Natsuo who leaves while Todoroki Shōto tells him he wants to see which kind of father he can become. That same day Midoriya dreams the vestiges of the previous users of One for All and of the discussion between All for One and his brother. [BNHA Chap 192-193]
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NOVEMBER (THE DAY AFTER): 6.30 AM Midoriya goes out for a run then, later in that day, talks with All Might about his dream. They then meet Eraser Head who’s with Shinsō Hitoshi. In the afternoon class A and class B have a joint battle training at which Shinsō Hitoshi also take part. At the same time Endeavor tries to contact Todoroki Shōto. Todoroki Shōto’s team will have a draw with class B Team. Midoriya loses control of his Quirk unleaching black wip but then regains it. All Might and Torino Sorahiko/Gran Torino talk at the phone. It’s decided Shinsō Hitoshi will join the Hero course at the start of the second year. 7.00 PM Midoriya, training with Bakugō, tries again to unleash black wip but can’t. Todoroki Shōto sends a message to his father telling him he wants him to teach him Flashfire. [BNHA Chap 194-217]
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NOVEMBER (THE DAY AFTER): The other teachers agree to move Shinsō Hitoshi in the Hero course. Monoma Neito/Phantom Thief visits Eri but, when he tries to copy her Quirk, he can’t use her power. [BNHA Chap 217]
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NOVEMBER: Mera Yokumiru goes to U.A. to require them to send their students on a 'practical hero work recommendation project'. [Movie 2. One month before the U.A. students are on Nabu island, which takes place after the birth of the paranormal liberation front]
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logo-comics · 25 days
My Villain Academia: Izuku and Momo vs Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods Title: Nezu Asked Us To Bring You Back To School
"Mt. Lady, I would like to point out that you owe me for the advice about your Quirk!" Izuku interjected quickly.
After a moment, she sighed, "Two minute head start."
"Two?" Momo asked, even as Kamui Woods turned towards her in obvious confusion.
"If I gave you five, there wouldn't be a chance of us catching you."
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 2 years
Mimic Chapter 13
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Internships are here, deciding what hero can help further you as a hero maybe someone from beyond your lifetime.
Words- 5245
Reader x MHA (Platonic)
Warnings: Internships, fighting, fluff
With the decision of hero names made you were given a list of heroes that had sent out offers for internships,
“Your internships start in a week. For this all-important decision, I’ll be handing out personalized lists to those who were drafted. You may choose from among those who scouted you. For those who have not drafted, the list, I passed out contains forty agencies from all over the country willing to accept interns. You will choose one from that list. Each has a different specialty and region. Give your choice some real thought.” Mr. Aizawa says and you begin looking through the listen of Agency.
“Submit your choices by this coming weekend.” Mr. Aizawa adds and you turn as Mina comes by your desk holding the sheet those not drafted got as you turn through the large packet with multiple agencies.
“So what agencies drafted you?” Mina asks and you hand her the list and she reads through the long list. “You practically got every top hero asking for you. I told you that you had this in the bag!” She says slapping the packet against your arm. She wasn’t wrong top heroes asked for you, Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, Kamui Woods, Mt. Lady, and the one name that you were nervous to see, Endeavor. Just the way he questioned your quirk and when he asked if you could copy All Might’s quirk. It just didn’t sit right with you.
“So what agency are you going to go with?” She asks and you shrugged your shoulder.
“I really don’t have any idea, they all have different ways they can improve individual aspects of my quirk but I guess what I’m looking for is someone that can help me understand my quirk as a whole.” You flip through the packet scrolling through the names when you stumble onto one right at the bottom of the list. ‘Gran Torino’.
“Now that is a name I haven’t heard in a while.” A voice says and you jump in your seat whipping your head to see your grandmother Nana Shimura just chilling on your teacher's desk. How the hell was she here. She smiles waving you off, “It’s alright they can’t see me, but Gran Torino might be the person you’re looking for.”
A hand waving in front of your face makes you snap your gaze back to Mina who is looking at you confused, “You alright Y/n you kinda just zoned out for a second?” Shaking the dazed look off your face,
“Uh yeah just thinking about what agency to go with.” You say and the rest of the school day seems to just fly by. After school, you all begin to pack your bag if Nana said that this Gran Torino guy is the person I’m looking for then maybe it’s for the best.
“I-i-i am here in a peculiar pose!!” All Might slides into view as Midoriya opens the door.
“W-what is it? Why so jumpy?” Midoriya asks and you sling your bag over your shoulder moving closer to the door,
“This way, kid.” All Might says while giving brief waves to your classmates.
“Hey, All Might I have a question to ask you real quick if you don’t mind?” You say following after the two and All Might laughs loudly though there seems to be some shakiness behind it.
“Of course Young L/n, come along!” Following alongside Midoriya side by side, All Might speaks again, “Someone has drafted you!” Midoriya is shocked to hear this someone drafted him even though he had no previous ones.
“Huh?! Seriously?!” Midoriya asks all excited and All Might seems to be sweating slightly at the who sent an offer.
“His name is Gran Torino! He was once an instructor at U.A. just for one year…and he was my homeroom teacher.” All Might says and you can’t help but let out a sudden laugh. The sheer coincidence that he got scouted by the same person you were contemplating going to.
“This is so crazy cause I was going to ask you All Might if you knew Gran Torino, I was thinking about doing my internship there!” You say and Midoriya smiles while the grin on All Might’s face drops and he looks horrified.
“I’m sure there are more suitable options for you Young L/n, you got many good offers from some top heroes even.” All Might says frantically trying to let the idea you have to die quickly.
“What can be so wrong with this guy All Might if he scouted out both Midoriya and me?” You say and All Might sulks knowing he wasn’t going to be able to stop you.
“He knows all about the situation with One For All. That may be the reason he’s reached out to you Young Midoriya, you however Young L/n I’m not sure. Gran Torino is a good friend from the last generation but he retired so long ago that I forgot about him…” All Might says before turning his back to you frantically muttering to himself,
“Did he draft the two of you because he didn’t think my guidance was enough But for him to make this scouting pick using his old name from way back when…it’s scary. So scary,” Jesus All Might was literally shaking in his boots! “Anyhow training the two of you is fundamentally my duty but he went to all this trouble, so I guess I can let him take a cr-cr-crack at it…” The Number One Hero looked terrified thinking about Gran Torino. It was settled, you and Midoriya would be having your internships with Gran Torino.
The next two days passed quickly and the day to leave for internships was happening. You all were at the station briefcases in hand as Aizawa spoke to you all,
“You’ve got your costumes, right? Wearing them in public is strictly prohibited, but don’t drop them.”
“Yeahhhhh!” Mina cheers, “Don’t slur your ‘yeah’ Ashido. All of you, be on your best behavior! Now go.” Aizawa says dismissing all of you.
“I’m gonna miss youuuuu.” Mina wraps her arms around you. You smile hugging the girl back,
“It’s only a week-long internship, Mina.” You try to make her feel better and she pouts more, “I’ll be sure to text you every day.” Her spirits seemed lifted as she hugs you tighter before you both part ways. Heading over to Midoriya as you see Iida and Uraraka depart as well.
“You ready?” You ask and he nods fixing the strap of his bag. Boarding the bullet train you arrived at the address where Gran Torino is supposed to be at.
“A hero who scares the pants off All Might. I’ve never heard of him, but he’s gotta be one awesome guy!” Midoriya says as you walk up the street to where you guys were supposed to be staying. The building was run down the sign above saying ‘Welcome’ was tilted and about to fall. You both look at each other unsure if you should go inside. Did you guys get the right address? Walking up the steps and opening the door, it creaks open as you both step inside.
“Hello, we’ve come from U.A. High School… I’m Izuku Midoriya and I’m with Y/n L/n…” Midoriya calls out, the room was dark as you step inside you felt your foot touch something liquid. Looking down at your shoe you see some red liquid on it. Both you and Midoriya look further in and your blood runs cold seeing some guy on the floor dead on the ground blood pooling around him.
“AHHHH HE’S DEAD!” “I STEPPED IN BLOOD!” Both of your screams fill the room and to make it worst the apparently dead man wasn’t dead as his head pops up scaring the two of you even more.
“I’m Alive!” Gran Torino brings himself to stand holding a cane in one hand, “To slip and fall while carrying ketchup covered sausage links… How clumsy of me! Who are you two?” The two of you look at each other and Midoriya introduces himself.
“I’m Izuku Midoriya and this is Y/n L/n. We’ve come from U.A.” Gran Torino frowns before, “What? Who are you?” He was All Might’s teacher so he had to be old but not lucid old.
“I’d like to each lunch.” The old hero says plopping back into the ketchup puddle and you two look at each other.
“Toshinori!” Gran Torino points at Midoriya and he shakes his head, “That’s not my name!”
Placing his suitcase down Gran Torino shuffles over opening it up and going through Midoriya’s things.
“E-excuse me. I have to make a phone call real quick,” Midoriya looks over at you while pulling out his phone, “I’m gonna let All Might know this guy wasn’t the right choice for our internships just watch him.” You nod and Midoriya heads towards the door,
“Fire off an attack. Show me your One For All!” Gran Torino says and you both turn to look at him, maybe he wasn’t lucid anymore, “I’d like to know to what degree you can control it.” He seemed so serious all of a sudden not a stumbling old man as well he glances at you before looking back at his suitcase, “You too girl, If I wasn’t there when she passed I would have thought you were Nana Shimura. Except for the white hair.” You and Midoriya looked at each other, so he knew that Midoriya possessed One For All and was able to know you’re relations to your grandmother in an instant.
“Who are you again?!” Gran Torino says lucid once again and the two of you sigh,
“I need to get this power under control as soon as possible…because All Might…he doesn’t have much time left. We both don’t have time to mess around with you sir.” Midoriya says and he turns to leave the room as you look back and forth at Midoriya leaving and Gran Torino watching him. With the sudden speed that has your hair blowing back, he jumps from the ceiling to the ground back to the ceiling right above the doorway where Midoriya is at.
“Then I’ll tell you once more. Come at me, you neophyte.” He glares down at Midoriya as he is stunned. “The way used it at the sports festival that justice-obsessed fool All Might sure is a novice when it comes to teaching. And you,” Gran Torino looks over at you, “You use others' quirks like they’re not yours.” You go to open your mouth, but they weren’t your quirks, “I don’t wanna hear it! Make each use of your quirk meaningful don’t just have it haphazardly use it. Shape it to work with you. All Might can’t wait over the two of you properly, so that means I gotta do it. So put on your costume.”
The two of had changed out of your school uniforms to your hero costumes, during the time for the sports festival you had sent out a request for some improvements for your hero costume, having the entire suit be made of a fire-resistant material as well as improving the regulation between switching temperatures from different quirks. The elbow-length fingerless gloves included a thick material to protect your hands from either high levels of heat or cold. The dark grey color of the suit kept you out of the spotlight with flashy colors. Clasping the utility belt and bags around your mid-thigh you start lacing up the boots. They were black in color with laces going up and two large straps along the top, you also added the feature of making them fitted with spikes along the bottom when using Todoroki’s ice and not slipping on it. You see Midoriya come out changed as well and his costume seemed to be updated as well.
“Is this really okay though? To be honest, I’m still not great with this power. Maybe a wide-open space would be better? Because if I get careless and accidentally use 100 percent…Gran Torino, you’ll be completely..” Midoriya says trying to reason with him neither of your untamed quirks was really suited for indoors at the moment.
“You sure talk a lot..” Gran Torino says and he disappears in front of the two of you. “I’m getting impatient.” He appears above the two of you slamming down onto Midoriya before bouncing off him and hitting you on the side.
“We’re really fighting?! I thought you just wanted a demonstration!” Midoriya cries out as you both stead yourselves from those attacks. He bounces off the walls before slamming into the microwave destroying it.
“Seems you couldn’t perceive my true power before,” Gran Torino says, “To choose this little wet blanket as the ninth successor? All Might’s a novice among novices.” He quickly disappears from both of your views and you see him heading towards Midoriya,
“Midoriya watch out!” You’re too late to warn him as Gran Torino slams into Midoriya’s back a large crack coming from him causing him to slam into you as you both fall to the floor. Quickly bringing yourselves to your feet Gran Torino continues bouncing around just a blur around the room as you try to follow his movements. He strikes hitting you on the back before bouncing around the room again. What the hell was this guy’s quirk?! Keeping back to back with Midoriya as you both try to figure out the next move he just hit you in the back so that means he’s…going for Midoriya. Gran Torino appears in front heading towards you lifting your arm to counter his attack when he disappears in front of you before you feel an arm grab your own and you flip over towards his couch. You yelp as you crash into the couch flipping over it and it topples over as well.
“L/n!” Midoriya yells out as you groan in pain, Midoriya drops onto the ground trying to surprise Gran Torino his arm crackling with One For All.
“Trying to analyze and predict?” Gran Torino says, Midoriya throws a punch at him but he quickly dodges restraining his arm and leg, the air pressure from the punch hitting the ceiling.
“So stiff and your awareness is a mess. So you end up like this.” Gran Torino gets up grabbing his cane as Midoriya sits up as you bring yourself from behind the pushed-over couch.
“But I was sure I had you..!” Midoriya says and Gran Torino frowns,
“No, because I saw the way you fought in the cavalry battle and the tournament I was sure you’d already figured it out based on that. The respect you have for All Might, that sense of responsibility they’re shackles holding you back. ‘I have to get stronger quickly,’ you say. Its true time is not one your side-nor on your enemies’. And they won’t wait for you to get stronger. You’re thinking of One For All as something unique.” Midoriya stands up looking at your new mentor,
“So what should I do?”
“You gotta find that answer for yourself. And you,” He turns from Midoriya to you pointing his cane, “I saw you as well during the festival, the determination you have to prove to others is blinding you from doing the most basic thing. I expected to see you use your quirk and you failed in that first step.” But you couldn’t use a new quirk if you haven’t seen it in a 24-hour time frame. “I’m heading out to buy some grub. Clean up the place for me, why don’t you” Gran Torino leaves his home leaving you two by yourselves.
You were sitting on the couch after fixing it looking at your hands while Midoriya stood in the kitchen area. How the hell could you use your quirk if you haven’t seen anyone use theirs in the past 24 hours. “How do we know this guy is really going to help us improve our quirks and not just bullshitting us.” You call out to Midoriya who seemed to be in deep focus. He was just staring at the destroyed microwave muttering to himself.
“That’s it!” Midoriya yells making you jump in your seat as he rushes over tumbling over the back of the couch almost trampling you in the process as he grabbed his notebook. “Right quirks are just extensions of our bodies! I have to use One For All more evenly!” He says while writing in his notebook while you looked at him confused.
“What are you talking about Midoriya?” He stops writing for a second turning to you,
“If I use One For All more evenly I’ll have less of a chance of hurting myself instead of focusing on one part of my body! This includes you as well L/n! We don’t fully understand your inclusion in One For All either but maybe their restriction you think you have never even existed in the first place. We just thought it was true cause we never really focused on using your quirk to its full potential so maybe you can do so much more than we imagined!” Midoriya rambles off flipping through his notebook before he stops on a section writing more in it, looking at it was a section dedicated to you and your quirk. You were shocked that he had this much information on you with thoughts and ideas involving your quirk. The familiar words from Nana ring in your head with what Midoriya is saying.
‘These ‘boundaries’ you think are there is the mental block you’ve put up to stop yourself from reaching your true potential.’ 
Midroiya flips through his notebook while explaining to you, “It all makes sense. We were just blindly accepting it and learning by rote, but quirks work differently with each generation, and specifically this quirk, it’s constantly changing and growing stronger it’s almost as if-”
“Like it’s alive…” You say and the two of you look at each other. You both had first-hand experience of how this quirk affected the two of you. The power growing over the years you have more visits than Midoriya but the way the past users connect to you two through this quirk. You two were connected in many ways with this quirk.
Unbeknownst to the two of you as you kept talking Gran Torino is listening right outside the door. “The kid knows how to think. His moves at the sports festival told me that much at least. The girl is understanding more what her place is with her quirk and the first steps to understanding it.” Maybe you did pick good ones after all. Toshinori…All Might.
Gran Torino returned with food before immediately crashing into his bed his snores fill the room as the two of you were still awake.
“Is he fully asleep?” You whisper to Midoriya and you both look at the snoring hero before you head towards the front door, it creaked open and Midoriya peaked his head out before sneaking out you following behind him.
“So what’s the plan to help you figure out One For All?” You ask as the two of you walk down the street.
“For Kacchan and the others, quirks are natural as breathing. But I still think of mine in terms of ‘using’ or ‘not using’. If I could manage using 5 percent of my power as naturally as I do my own breath I might be able to handle different moves.” Midoriya says before stopping and looking down an alleyway, “It’s like Mr. Aizawa and Kirishima said. Mastery of a quirk leads to endless possibilities! Basically, I have to get used to my quirk. Even 5 percent should be enough for this gap… this’ll be cool if I can manage it.” You smile watching him mumble to himself as he points from both sides of the alley wall. Plopping down against one of the walls he turns seeing you get yourself comfortable.
“Go ahead, I’m here to make sure you don’t break your bones and I don’t have to drag you back inside. Might try to figure out my own quirk as well.” You say waving him off and he smiles turning back to face the wall. You look down at your hands, you had changed out of your hero costume to some sweats and a t-shirt. The cool breeze felt nice on your skin the bandages from the festival were long off now and there was some scarring on your left arm. It traveled from your palm up to your arm with the healing works of Recovery Girl they look faded but you could still see them.
Holding your palm out you stare at it and deeply breathe in and out, just focus, think small, focus on a small point on your hand and flame. You open your palm and nothing comes out. Come on quirk there is no boundary I’m not thinking about boundaries I’m thinking about a small flame. Your palm remains cold and empty and you hear a large smack on the wall across from you. Midoriya slams into the wall before falling into a pile of trash bags. That definitely hurt. He mutters more to himself rolling out of the pile as he gets back up.
Bringing your attention back to your hand you stare at it, thinking how things come on burn just a small flame, please! Huffing in frustration you lean back looking up at the sky, come on quirk please work with me. Nana, weren’t you suppose to help me?
“Come on you need to have a more positive attitude if you want your quirk to work!” Nana says and you turn to her voice she is sitting on one of the trashcans.
“I’m sure in a serious situation I can’t be in a positive mood to get my quirk to work.” You mutter and you hear movement before something flicks you in the forehead.
“Hey what was that for!” You say to the spirit rubbing the sore spot on your forehead, guess that even though she isn’t real doesn’t mean she can’t touch you.
“You aren’t going to get anywhere with that idea in your head. Look at him.” Nana says pointing her finger at Midoriya who is rubbing the back of his head looking at the alley walls before going at it again. “Even though he’s falling down and not succeeding, Midoriya is trying despite having no control over his quirk.” You look away from the boy back down at your hand. At least he had an idea of how to use his quirk. You were giving no clue or idea how it works or what it really is.
“And you do have an idea how to use your quirk,” Nana says and you look up at her, “I’m a part of you, I can hear your thoughts.” She taps her finger against her head.
“Fine then what do I do if I have an idea how this all works.” You say throwing your arms in the air. Nana smirks going back to sitting down on the trashcan.
“Just look.” You tilt your head confused and she points down at your hand, looking back down your eyes widen looking at your hand. The singular flame dances along with your hand. Moving your hand it travels around your hand stopping on your palm when you stop.
“You stopped thinking about it as a quirk that needs your constant control over it. One For All should be as simple as breathing, it’s constantly flowing through you. It shouldn’t be forced upon.” Nana says as you watch the flame on your hand grow larger and dim without you needing to force it. It felt different this time despite the heat coming off the flame you didn’t feel a burn or pain from it. One For All is constantly changing and growing it evolves with each generation, it was alive.
“Thank you, Nana…” You look up to thank her but the alley is empty once again leaving just the two of you.
Midoriya lets out a sigh and stretches his bones cracking, it was definitely early in the morning, he should probably head inside and get a couple hours of sleep.
“Hey L/n we should head inside-” He turns to face you but stops, you were fast asleep slumped over against the wall. He is silent, should he wake you up? No that would be rude and he was the one that brought you along it seems only fair he lets you sleep, but definitely not in this alleyway.
He comes over keeping quiet before kneeling down he was glad you were asleep so you couldn’t see his bright red face. This was really the closest he’s ever been with a girl. Bringing an arm underneath your knees and behind your back, he lifts you up to be careful not to wake you up. He freezes when you shift slightly but lets out a sigh when you don’t wake up. Heading to the front door he has to shift you in his hold to open getting inside he silently walks inside the door clicking close behind him. Bringing you over to the couch he carefully places you down reaching to grab a blanket hanging off the end of the couch draping it over you. He watches as you grumble in your sleep before curling deeper into the blanket fast asleep.
“Night L/n…”
Blinking your eyes open you freeze seeing your location is different. You remember being outside training your quirk but then you couldn’t remember the rest. Pushing yourself to sit up from laying down on the couch pushing your hair back you look down and see Midoriya laying on the mattress on the floor. Midoriya gave you the couch he probably is going to be all sore and tired from sleeping on the floor.
“Good morning..” Gran Torino says coming down the stairs you give a small greeting rubbing the sleep from your eyes and Midoriya stirs away wiping the sleep from his face but he looked like really tired dark circles under his eyes.
“What’s wrong with you?!” Gran Torino yells at him and Midoriya rubs the back of his neck,
“I was doing some training last night and lost track of time,” Midoriya stands up fixing his bed head which looked really adorable on him. Did you just call Midoriya adorable?! “After figuring out what you said, I decided to put it into practice, Gran Torino…but I’ve got a long way to go.”
“Every real challenge begins that way. That’s just how it is you’d be hardpressed to get that kind of thinking outta All Might. That guy could manage it just fine from the start, so I had to teach him in a totally different way. The only thing he had going for him was his body, in fact.” Gran Torino says and Midoriya gets all excited.
“You’re talking about when All Might was in school!”
“We did nothing but spar until he was ready to puke,” Gran Torino says that explaining why All Might is so scared of this guy, “I couldn’t half-ass his training. He was entrusted to me by a dear departed friend.” Nana Shimura, so Gran Torino knew your grandmother but that means.
“All Might’s predecessor, so they had already passed away at that point?” Midoriya says, she was barely there to train All Might it would definitely explain why he really had little knowledge in trying to explain how your quirk could work. Thinking back to what Gran Torino said when you first met him he thought you were Nana if it weren’t for the hair. Is that what All Might had to deal with every time he saw you a constant reminder of his deceased mentor.
The doorbell chimes pulling you out of your thoughts as Midoriya heads to the door. “Delivery from Amazon.” A voice calls through the door and Midoriya goes to get it. Having the box brought inside you help Midoriya open it surprise to see a microwave.
“A microwave?!” Midoriya says and Gran Torino nods patting the top of it,
“Somehow mine got broken yesterday so I ordered this with next-day delivery!” Both you and Midoriya gave a look to each other, was he being serious or just playing dumb.
After setting up the microwave Gran Torino sits in one of the seats at the table, “Okay, let’s have that frozen taiyaki I bought yesterday. Heat ‘em, up for me!”
“Taiyaki for breakfast?!” Midoriya ask concerned and Gran Torino nodded, “I just like sweet things, is all!” The timer for the microwave goes and Midoriya pulls out the taiyaki placing it in the middle of the table mumbling the whole way through it.
“Why the long face? Just sit down and enjoy some piping hot-” Gran Torino grabs one biting into it and freezes, “COLD!!” “Huh!?”
“No way! I was sure I heated them on defrost mode!” Midoriya says using the tip of his finger on one of them to feel the temperature, you put your back pouting you just wanted breakfast.
“You dummy look! You crammed them on a plate that’s too big!! They can’t spin if the plate’s too big. Only one part gets heated up! You ever use a microwave before?!” Gran Torino yells at Midoriya showing him the inside of the microwave.
“Oh..the type I have doesn’t rotate sorry about that…” Midoriya says before pausing, “Ahh! I got it! Gran Torino!” Midoriya holds up a taiyaki, “This taiyaki…it’s me!!” What the hell was he on about.
“No, it’s not. What’s wrong with you?!” Gran Torino yells at the boy who pales,
“No! I mean…it’s just…I figured it out! Up until now, I was fixated on the idea of ‘using’ my power. Only when I needed it or where I needed it! Just like an on-off switch. So the second or third time I’d use it, my reaction would always be delayed! From the start, I should’ve been throwing all the switches on at once!” The glow of One For All goes around Midoriya as his veins glow pink, “That heat, which was only reaching a single part of me…I’ve gotta picture it spreading around evenly!” Green sparks start to come off Midoriya as he focusing in on his quirk.
“So my whole body’s continuously at my 5 percent limit!”
“So your visualization’s a taiyaki in the microwave? Sure you’re okay with something so boring?” Gran Torino says
“That’s the inspiration I got from All Might!” Midoriya says clenching his fist as One For All works through his entire body.
“Can you even move like that?” Gran Torino says throwing his cane behind him, you slowly get up grabbing the taiyaki plate, you just wanted breakfast, not a morning fight.
“Come on I just wanna eat breakfast!” You whine.
“I’m not sure!” Midoriya responds before both males glare at each other.
“Why don’t we find out?” Gran Torino cracks his knuckles, he glances at you holding the plate of food. “Did you think you were getting out of training?” Raising your arms flames instantly cover your arm surprising the two men. You were able to use your quirk naturally and Midoriya’s theory was right. You never had a time limit.
“A little fire doesn’t scare me.” Gran Torino smirks and you frown, guess no breakfast.
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 10 months
Excuse me, what's my name?
excuse me, what's my name? by jumix
Today's a standard day for Kaminari Denki, a standard patrol for Chargebolt and- oh, they're giving chase to a villain, nothing unusual about that... The villain knocked over Mt. Lady. Okay! Time to send Vine in for damage control. The villain escaped from Woods? No problem, just-
There's a problem.
Sero's eyes focus on him. Pupils at normal dilation. No sensitivity to light then, good. He's about to ask whether Sero heard his question or not when he squints up at him, head tilting to the side. Sero clearly shows no sign of ringing in his ears when he asks plainly, “What's a Cellophane?” — #OrangesInSummer2k23 day 12 | name/identity
Words: 2549, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 12 of Oranges In Summer 2k23
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Iida Tenya, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki, Shiozaki Ibara, Takeyama Yuu | Mount Lady, Nishiya Shinji | Kamui Woods
Relationships: Iida Tenya/Sero Hanta
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Characters Are Pro Heroes, Established Relationship, but then not, oopsie, Temporary Amnesia, they hope it's temporary
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47826493
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Again, genuine reactions with some jokes thrown in there and nowadays some "meta-like" thoughts. There's pictures, but I try not to put too many.
The reactions are under the cut!
"What are the heroes fighting?" Air, they're fighting air... okay, villains...
Aaaaw, All Might is babysitting Eri. That is cute!
The worry in that man's face though. Same.
INKO!!! THEY SHOWED INKO!!! Oh, and Mitsuki looking at Katsuki's pictures!
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*AFO smirks* Have I told you that you have a face worth punching?
Recap from last episode. Meaning... yep, they showed those faces again! 😆
Did Shigaraki just say "hey, hey"? Sir, that is a Katsuki thing! (If you seen season 2 then you know the scene!)
This man really out here mocking Endeavor. This man really is standing on Endeavor with Ryukyu right there! Can she at least be released?! WHAT HAS SHE DONE?!
That is funny though.
There is nothing left of that cape, Tomura, just let it go now, dude.
Look, I know the Doctor gotta explain things but, choke him. Mic, choke him out.
Eraser Head thinking of his kids. Thinking about watching them graduate... 😭😭😭
"If Shigaraki can't use his quirk, we can fight him, too!" He is not wrong!
Bakugou and Midoriya coming in to protect Aizawa! 😭😭😭
"Sorry, I'm not interested in you." Well, he's not a video game... I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Okay, but during that scene, everything slows down except for this one person just zooming across in the background and THAT'S HILARIOUS! 🤣
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Super Villain Pose, I suppose??
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"... little brother" Their reactions to it... ah, damn...
"This is my power and my body." Yesss, Shigaraki! Don't let him control you! Yes, REBEL!!! REBEL!!!!
"But, I don't want to be like you..." Thinks back to how I wrote that post about Shigaraki not having his own identity... 😶
No one wants to be AFO, I assure you.
"So please, shut up." THANK YOU! THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING!!
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Did... did Gran Torino just flex his muscles???!! HE CAN DO THAT?!
He's so pretty in this shot! 💚💚💚 Look at him! That's his "I'm kicking your ass" face. So cute!
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Wait... *cries in manga reader*
Oh, hey, Machia.
Hey, Spinner!!!
Oh, shit, I know what's coming and I DO NOT LIKE!! HE IS ON THE MOVE!!
Mr. Compress' screaming seeing Toga without clothes! 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you for having spares for her! PUT ON SOME DAMN CLOTHES, TOGA!
"I've been pretty fond of you ever since we first met." Ha ha... yeah, doubt. It's his tech skills you need, isn't it? I know why. Manga readers know why.
Unless you want hair care tips from Skeptic, then proceed. Ask him. Please do. I gotta know his routine.
"Shush." Dabi is funny without trying.
Kamui Woods calling Mt. Lady by her name... 😭😭😭
NOT MISS MIDNIGHT!!! NOT HER!!! *cries harder in manga reader*
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Okay, I'm hyped for next episode since it mean MORE 1A & 1B WORKING TOGETHER! Look, I adore both classes very much, okay? I love it when they get to have their moments.
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kiribread · 1 year
Fantasy au 👁👁
I was going to wait to post this but there's barely any mt. Lady content even after the new episode so im taking it into my own hands
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Sooo this was the design i came up with and im pretty happy with it!
So basically in this au she a daughter to a giant king and queen and lives in this rocky baren area. She decides after a few events and whatnot that she no long wants to live here along with being a giant. She manages to get ahold of shinya[Edgeshot] (who is a kitsune in this au) to turn her human size and help her run away.
And yes this is a very brief idea of her backstory but it gets the main points to go into a bit of detail about her design and some other details.
So the main thing i wanted to do in this design is to make it seem elegant but also a little bit rough.
I gave her a nice kamino thing along with her hair in the frount to be long to sorta give her an elegant look.
Then gave her some bandages, short back hair, and off the sleeves thing to make it semi rougher.
The cut hair is also supose to go with that trope where a character cuts their hair to symbolize some big change in their life. (Yu [mt. Lady] deciding to leave home in this case)
I didn't actually intend at first to give her short hair but i really like it.
i didn't really have a reason to give her nose piercings but im sure I can incorporate it into the story somehow!
Also didn't plan to give her nose piercings but they look nice.
Other details
Okay so I haven't decided on all the exact reasons that made her want to leave but the big overall reason was that she didn't enjoy the culture/tradition.
The main culture/tradition thing im talking about here his arranged marriages but im going to add more reasons later on.
Another reason not related to culture/tradition is that she didn't want to stay in this area her whole life; she wanted to explore other lands and make a name for herself but her size would make that quite difficult.
Giants have these small (in there case at least) humanoid creatures that they have due task and other work.
Yu had one of the head leaders of these creatures write a letter to shinya since one, yu nor any other giant can't write. And two, that head leader would be the only one able to successfully deliver it without being caught.
Little bit of background is that all the other giants hate shinya mainly due to family pasts so writing a letter to him asking him to help you escape and shrink is a bit risky to stay the least.
When yu's parents go out of town is when shinya got there and shrank her but have to leave quickly after once one of the royal servants notices her disappearance.
Shinya operates/lives in his family library which is where he takes yu so he can at least teach her how to read and write before being tossed out into the world.
She also meets shinji [kamui woods] whom also lives in the library for reasons i can get into in another post and they get along pretty well 👀.
she decides on living in the library for awhile along with them until further notice.
She does learn how to read and write along with some universal manners for this universe.
Shinji and yu do end up dating and shinya gets to be a third wheel. (Don't worry though, there's more than enough room for them to have there own room 😉)
One thing im also not entirely sure of with her character is what kind of magic she's going to have.
The way shinya's spell works is that it doesn't erase a person's magic but makes it into a black slate. So the magic use to make yu a giant erased the giant aspect of it and is now just pure magic.
So my main thing rn is if the magic should be able to transform into a giant (like how she in the og series), make other things larger, or something completely different.
Also she has a pet magical cow now <3
That's it for now if u got any questions just ask and i may get to them lol. The reason i was waiting on posting this was i was planning on posting all of hers, shinya's, and shinji's designs in one post. Although this format should let me go into more detail in the individual characters design and details without the post being super duper long.
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ao3feed-bnha-rarepair · 10 months
Excuse me, what's my name?
excuse me, what's my name? by jumix
Today's a standard day for Kaminari Denki, a standard patrol for Chargebolt and- oh, they're giving chase to a villain, nothing unusual about that... The villain knocked over Mt. Lady. Okay! Time to send Vine in for damage control. The villain escaped from Woods? No problem, just-
There's a problem.
Sero's eyes focus on him. Pupils at normal dilation. No sensitivity to light then, good. He's about to ask whether Sero heard his question or not when he squints up at him, head tilting to the side. Sero clearly shows no sign of ringing in his ears when he asks plainly, “What's a Cellophane?” — #OrangesInSummer2k23 day 12 | name/identity
Words: 2549, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 12 of Oranges In Summer 2k23
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Iida Tenya, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki, Shiozaki Ibara, Takeyama Yuu | Mount Lady, Nishiya Shinji | Kamui Woods
Relationships: Iida Tenya/Sero Hanta
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Characters Are Pro Heroes, Established Relationship, but then not, oopsie, Temporary Amnesia, they hope it's temporary
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47826493
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(same anon who asked about katsuki talking to his mom)— i completely agree with you on mitsuki being a shitty mom. i was just wondering bc like you said, we get 0 insight on katsuki’s feelings? i do remember the parallel with todoroki’s family and in that same scene he kinda like brushed off violence since “he was raised that way too”— in other words, violence is normalized, which made me doubt he’s aware they’re abusive. w your thoughts in mind, i wonder if the reader will meet mitsuki or if
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i think that... he could be aware that it's not necessarily "normal" for your parents to yell at or hit you, however he's not in a position to really do much about it. i do think it was a good thing he was able to move into the dorms and out of his house.
that being said, hori does not paint mitsuki as abusive outside of that single todoroki line/one panel of contemplation. he uses her as comedy relief "haha look at their dynamic! he's just like her!" but the issue is, if we're to believe that Endeavor's behavior towards his kids and wife is abusive and terrible and that kind of parenting has repercussions for their kids, then we ALSO have to admit that mitsuki's behavior towards katsuki ALSO influences his behavior and self worth.
i've had multiple arguments with ppl about the deku vs kacchan fight at the end of S3 about how katsuki verbally admits that he believes he's the reason for all might's retirement, that he's weak, and we have that powerful breakdown scene. earlier with the dorm convo in the bakugo house, mitsuki says "if you weren't so weak, you wouldn't have gotten kidnapped" or something along those lines. he's LITERALLY mirroring her words from just a few eps prior. it makes absolute sense that he's carrying around some kind of trauma from his mother's words whether the source material wants to acknowledge that or not.
there's a very heavy cultural significance towards kids remaining close to a degree with their parents in Japan, even if those parents aren't the best or have done harmful things towards their kids. going no contact/low contact is rarer in Asian cultures bc for one, it's way more common for adult kids to remain living with their parents until marriage. i'm not pulling this out of my ass as a white woman generalizing just fyi, i've talked to friends who are Chinese and Korean and the Asian Exceptionalism and high expectations Asian parents can put on their kids, much to the detriment of their relationship down the line. ofc not all families are like this, but homogeneous countries like Japan, China, Korea, etc., do have a history of keeping their kids close vs in the US where we're like "ok you're 18 now gtfo of my house!"
wrt if he would have reader meet his parents... well i've thought about it. a lot lol and discussed with @rose-sparks13 a few times. whether or not it could or could not be a HYPOTHETICAL extra chapter down the road so you could HYPOTHETICALLY know how it would or would not play out. hypothetically, of course.
in addition, he wouldn't even have to tell them for them to know. when you're a top Hero in the public eye, people WILL find out about your personal life whether you like it or not. i think i remember a small thing in canon where mt. lady and kamui woods were dating on like, a website or magazine?? so the paparazzi and spying is definitely a thing.
"WHO IS THE MYSTERY WOMAN SEEN ON PRO HERO DYNAMIGHT'S ARM? see pg 16" you KNOW this shit would happen lkkjaldksfj which is as funny as it is a breech of privacy
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Twist of Fate
Mitsuki was cursing and screaming at the idiots in these tin cans in front of her blocking traffic on the way to the Tattooin District. She had seen the smoke there and as she had gotten closer, explosions were then seen and she knew her son was doing this.
That wasn't the only thing that was making her boil, she also had a gut-punch feeling that Izuku would be there too. It made her scared that he is in the melee, and for someone who is Quirkless death would be instant.
"Fuck off, lady! We are in traffic!"
"SHUT UP!" Mitsuki flung an iron skillet out of nowhere and hit the driver right next to her, effectively causing him to yell in surprise and pain. She then honked the horn again before eventually abandoning her car and running towards the explosion, hoping that Fortune would grant her to make it in time.
He was staring down at the concrete below, fighting his mind to just fucking jump and end his suffering. No one would fucking care, not even his own mother. She would just laugh and dance on his grave, glad that her worthless son is no longer living. This is just another statistic of Quirkless suicide, and they would just put it in the archives if he is lucky.
Yet his stomach was lurching hard, and it was overriding his despair to move away from the threat. He tried to squash it down and just do it, but his body would just fight even harder. Izuku's hands were gripping tightly on the rail and his legs were shaking furiously. Crying even harder at the pathetic display he was showing, he felt even more useless.
"God fucking dammit!" He screamed and his body just collapsed, refusing to let the verdanette complete the task. "I am fucking useless!!
Izuku was now walking with his head down, contemplating how to end his life since that was a bust. It was harder to do the action than to think about it, his depression making that want very tempting but his self-preservation was preventing him. It was telling him not to jump, that he needed to live and seek help. Help from who!? He can't ask for help, no one will help the Quirkless, whether by death or survival.
This is harder than I thought. I don't know what to do...I already missed a 'session' mom was making me do with a client, she will beat me for that. I am barely recovering from that yesterday, what if...sigh...what do they care? I'm Quirkless, they would say I probably deserve it, I lost count of how many times I have been in detention for sneezing alone, or for one teacher, in particular, a deepthroat session.
"Fortune has definitely dealt me a bad hand."
An explosion was heard and Izuku looked in the direction where a lot of smoke was billowing a couple of blocks ahead of him. More blasts were heard and within minutes a couple of Heroes arrived on the scene.
"Death Arms, Backdraft and Kamui Woods, huh?"
He walked towards the scene without any thought as he was being drawn in like a fly to sugar. Izuku didn't know why, but something was egging him to watch.
I guess I will be able to watch the spectacle before my final act.
After several tries, he was finally able to get to the front of the blockade, and what he had seen made his stomach churn. The Sludge Villain was right in front of him instead of inside the bottle All Might had him in, and he was currently holding a student hostage.
Oh my God, did I make All Might lose this Villain? I am such a useless idiot!!
The greenette jolted and looked to the side and saw boys who usually hang out with Katsuki. "Tsubasa-kun, Riko-kun, what are you two doing here? Wait, where is Kacchan?"
Another explosion reverberated through the area and some of the sludge was able to get pushed away from the student. A student with soft Pomeranian blonde hair and deep red eyes.
Izuku's eyes widened and he ran towards the two without thinking, his mind only on one thing.
No, nonono! I can't let him die! If he does it will be all my fault!!
"Wait, Midoriya!!"
Fate must have been cruel that day, as the Wheel of Fortune for those involved was not good. Sorrow, Despair, Fear, and for one particular person Death awaits.
She smiled as she continued to watch the mayhem, and frowned when the blonde incapacitated her creation and Death was nowhere to be seen on her chessboard. Deciding on giving a little nudge on a piece of loose wall, the scream of despair was heard when it landed on the boy marked for death.
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rcbcllixvs · 2 years
@tempered-in-flames - continued from ask.
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"Some bank robbers made a bridge collapse while running from the authorities, I helped carry injured civilians to safety. No one was badly hurt, fortunately."
Okay, maybe some of the blood was his own, but it was mostly from accidental cuts on some jagged rock or broken pipe, nothing a first aid kit (and a shower) couldn't fix. He appreciated Shouto's concern, although he couldn't help a small pang of guilt for making his youngest brother worry.
"Nothing major, don't worry. Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods were already on site, I was passing by on my way home so I stopped to help." He gave his brother what he hoped to be a reassuring smile, lifting a hand (miraculously clean of blood) to gently ruffle the younger's bicolored hair.
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passerine-writes · 2 months
Silent Sparks - Volt 90
Warnings: Brief mentions of puke and some stress, I guess?? Word count: 4477
Notes: Italics - Tsukare signing Bold italics - Family member/friend signing 'Italics with apostrophes' - Thoughts
Volt 89 | Volt 91
After getting in a few minutes of heavily interrupted sleep throughout the night, I only realized Denki's alarm was going off after he started to stir, aimlessly patting behind him to try and hit his alarm clock. He slowly sat up a bit to properly shut off his alarm before burying his face back into my stomach. I went to move my hand from his hair, just for him to grab my hand and move it back to his hair.
"My love, we have to get up. If we don't then my Dad will absolutely come in here again." I felt him groan, holding me just a little tighter before he sat up a bit.
"But you're so comfortable and warm." He whined, pouting as he looked at me.
"I'm glad. But I'd rather have my boyfriend alive." I told him, cupping his face gently. He leaned into my touch and gave me a sleepy smile before he started looking concerned.
"You didn't sleep last night?" He asked gently, his eyes filling with concern.
"Couldn't really sleep." I told him quietly, feeling slightly ashamed admitting it.
"Maybe tonight you'll get more sleep." He hummed and went to lay back down but I tapped his cheek with my thumb.
"Baby, we have to get up." I reiterated. He sighed but agreed, slowly getting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
I slowly sat up too, soon after leaving his room to get my hearing aids and get changed into my uniform. On the way down to the commons, I crossed paths with Hitoshi and Izuku in the elevator.
Hey, you okay after last night?
I'm doing better. Did you sleep at all?
I'm not gonna answer that.
"Dad's gonna kill you." Hitoshi snorted but he still looked concerned.
"I'll live." I brushed off, gravitating to the coffee immediately.
"Tsukababes?" Mina chimed in, looking at me in dismay. "You didn't sleep?" She asked softly, concern ever present in her expression.
"I got a little bit of sleep. I'll be fine. Promise." I tried to brush off, knowing there was a small chance of her letting it go. She sighed but gave me a tight hug.
With a to-go cup of coffee and holding my boyfriends hand, we made it to class on time. Narrowly avoiding Iida lecturing us to get there as soon as possible.
"Tsukare! Don't think I forgot you!" Iida announced as he came back in. "I see those dark circles! Have you been getting enough sleep?"
"Hundred percent." I responded sarcastically, walking Izuku walk in nervously. "Hey, Zuku! Over here!" I called him over, hoping to get him away from Aoyama and it thankfully worked.
Class dragged by, I sat mostly still inattentive and mostly trying to stay awake.
"Woah, look at this. Mount Lady teamed up with Edgeshot! And Kamui Woods!" Denki exclaimed between classes while we all grabbed our hero costume cases, showing me his phone excitedly.
"Woah, really? I wonder what for." I responded.
"I think they're going by 'Team Lurkers'. I saw it mentioned in the news earlier." Jirou commented.
"There sure are a bunch of heroes teaming up these days." Denki said excitedly.
"Once we're pros, we should do some team-ups too!" Mina exclaimed. "Here's an idea!" She turned to Uraraka as they started walking out.
I reached up and grabbed my suit from the wall, waiting for my brother and Denki to grab theirs. I fidgeted with my hearing aids and after some debate, opted to take them out, a migraine hitting me like a brick wall.
Hey, you don't look so good.
I'm gonna be sick. I barely got out before walking over to the trash can and upchucking the bit of toast I had this morning.
I felt someone start rubbing my back and I could tell from the touch alone it was my boyfriend. I held my head in my hands as the pain started to travel, I haven't had one hit me this hard and this fast in a while. After a moment, I felt my brother start rubbing my back and helping me move, probably telling everyone he was taking me to Recovery Girl.
We walked the familiar path, I was barely coherent enough to properly walk with the pain radiating in my skull. I was soon placed on the cot, a few muffled voices talking around me but even that was excruciating and nauseating.
Migraine. Puked everything up, no gradual start. One of the worst ones I've had in a while. Pains an 8.
I managed to sign with my shaky hands. A cool, wet cloth was placed on my forehead and over my eyes, instantly relieving some of my pain. I let out a sigh of relief and held my head.
Thank you.
I sat there for about twenty minutes before I felt Chiyo tap my hand, placing something in a wrapper, presumably a granola bar, in my palm. Hesitantly, I ate it, knowing if I wanted to take my migraine meds, I would need something in my system. Another ten minutes of precautionary waiting while nursing a water bottle. My pain dropping down to maybe a 7 while I deprived half of my senses. Then I felt her place the medicine in my hand, I quickly took the pills that I knew were white and oblong.
Then the true waiting game started.
How long these would take to kick in.
I let my shoulders slowly relax, uncaring about whoever might come in. It was a moment of peace and quite, the pain being the only thing tethering me to the earth. I didn't know how much time had passed before I peaked through the cloth long enough to find a bin, thankfully she sat one within arms reach of me, to once again, let the contents of my stomach escape. She came over and rubbed my back gently before taking the bowl.
A few more minutes ticked by and I felt someone tapping my hand before gingerly lifting the cloth off my eyes. The blinds were drawn shut and all of the lights were off, making it mildly tolerable in comparison to how I felt in the classroom. Dad sat beside me, looking at me with heavy concern.
I love you, but you look like shit.
Feel like it too.
I was talking to the old lady. She thinks that with everything that's been going on and the lack of sleep you've been getting triggered it to be substantially worse and not give you any warnings.
I figured that was why. It's been a while since I've thrown up from one of these or it got to be this bad. Usually I'm pretty good with a preemptive strike to get rid of them.
You usually are. However this isn't the usual.
I know. I'm worried. I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to figure out a way to take all of the heat off myself but still get my point across. I'm not doing as okay as I thought I would be. But I'm also worried about you and Pops and Toshi. I can see how much stuff is effecting each of you. And we all have our own stuff going on too.
We'll talk more about it later when you're not coming down from a migraine.
You didn't sleep last night.
I couldn't sleep. Just wasn't able to.
Make sure you try and get a few hours in tonight.
I'll try.
He nodded and ruffled my hair, flipping the cloth over to the cool side after a moment and just sat with me.
Yes, Onryo?
I'm scared.
How come?
I'm not doing okay. If it's bad enough that I can admit it, somethings wrong.
It means you've reached your breaking point and you know you need help.
That scares me.
I sat up a bit when I saw movement in the corner of my eye, Yoru walking in sheepishly.
"Hey, kiddo. How ya feeling?" He asked as he made his way over.
"Getting better. What are you doing here? Did we have ultimate move stuff today?" I asked softly, the reverberation of my own voice felt painful. However it still wasn't as bad as earlier.
"Yeah. I was talking to your Dad. We figured that me and you could do some one on one training in the TDL with him to supervise." He offered and I nodded.
"Yeah. That sounds good." I mumbled, staving off the nausea resonating in my core. "Do you think Hitoshi can join us? Give you more of a challenge?"
"Sure. Let me know when you want to meet there for training, kid." I nodded and shut my eyes, slowly laying my head back again. Dad stayed with me for a little bit longer before going back to the class.
It took almost three hours for it to subside, but I was more relieved than anything that it didn't last longer like some of them. My brother met up with me at Recovery Girls office, bringing me a spare change of clothes to train in and texted Yoru for me. I stuffed my uniform in my bag, now adorning a black tank top and grey sweats and walking with my brother to the TDL. Denki joining us to watch, claiming that he wanted to see me spar since he hasn't in a while.
"You kids ready?" Yoru asked cockily and I nodded. "What are we working on today?"
"I want to work on my control with my capture weapon." Hitoshi said, making Yoru raise an eyebrow.
"Well as you know, we're supposed to be working on Ultimate Moves." He tried to push and I could see the irk mark forming on Toshi's forehead.
"I don't have one. I didn't work on any today either. I don't want to be a limelight hero, I'm going for underground. Like our Dad. They don't have ultimate moves that they call out." He responded.
"Fine. Yeah, work on control. I'm sure you could use it." Yoru said in a condescending, drawled out tone. My brother raised an eyebrow in defiance and sent out his capture weapon before the hero could react, having him trapped in his spot and firmly secured before he could think. "Shit, you sure are Eraser's kid. Got the same look on your face and everything." He sighed as he tried to squirm out of the cloth bindings while Denki stifled his chuckles from beside our Dad. "Okay, I yield, you can let me go now." The cloth suddenly fell limp and Hitoshi brought it back. "You're almost on Eraser's level with that thing. Okay then, Onryo, why do you want to work on today?"
"I want to work on using my Pin Point Accuracy without my glasses, in case anything happens where they might break or I can't use them." I said plainly, still recovering from the migraine.
"Sounds like a plan. I'll give you some vines since Cementoss isn't here to build you any walls." I nodded and got myself ready. He sent out a few vines and I found the spot, mumbling the name of the move under my breath. I cut the vine in half, but I was off by about two yards, a crack forming in the ground. "Damn. Seems like you picked up in it quick." I shook my head and crouched down.
"No. I was off about two yards from where I was aiming." I muttered, glaring at the dismembered vine.
"It's your first time really trying without your glasses. It's gonna take time." I sighed but nodded, knowing Yoru was right.
He sent out another string of vines, the two of us repeating the process for nearly forty minutes before I got frustrated and sat down.
"Why can't I get it?" I angrily mumbled at the ground. I've done this dozens of time in training, why couldn't I get it now.
"You have a mental block. If it gets any worse, you'll end up stunting how you use it altogether." I heard Dad say from across the gym. "Don't tell me you don't. I know you do. I've been able to see it for a few days now. We need to stop it before it gets worse. Break that wall in your path." I let out a huff of air and brought myself back into a crouch.
"Imagine it's like a sword making contact. You know your aim, you know where it'll land on the path it's swinging." Yoru suggested and I mulled it over, clearly getting lost in my head.
"Onryo." I heard Dad say firmly and I looked up to meet his eye. "Find a way to stop this block. What do you need to do?" I ran a hand through my dampened curls and thought on it.
"Yoru, hand to hand with quirks randomly thrown in." I finally said, feeling like I was at a last stitch effort.
"Fine by me." He said with a smirk. I stood up fully and stepped closer to him, waiting for him to make the first move.
He led with a kick that I easily rolled under, catching him off guard when I grabbed his ankle and brought him down. He rolled to the side and got back up, sending a punch my way. I blocked, ducking and weaving while still sending out blows. We each landed a few hits here and there, most of the time we dodged and blocked.
"Your Dad taught you well." He stated casually.
"I know." I replied, not allowing myself to get distracted. I sent a punch, knowing fully well he would catch it and he did. I took the distraction I made to send a kick to his side, watching him sputter.
"What? Showing off for blondie?" He asked through a wheezed breath.
"Not at all." I said before he went to send another hit. We went back and forth again for a few minutes until he tried to pull the same move on me. I caught his fist in my hand, and then his leg, pinning it to my side. I meticulously slid my foot behind his planted one and kicked back on his heel, pushing his hand backwards at the same time to make him fall. "That was showing off." I breathed out, watching as he coughed harshly.
"Again." I heard Dad say from across the gym. "You didn't use any quirks, go again." I pinched the bridge of my nose and nodded, as frustrated as I was, I knew why he was doing this and I would thank him later.
So we sparred. We sparred eleven times. Only once out of those did I use my quirk briefly while Yoru used his plenty. Then it happened. That magical movie-esque moment. I was in the air, Yoru taking advantage over a moment and flinging me up with a vine. I originally planned to come down with a kick, until my window of opportunity struck. He was sending a vine straight up at me and I clearly said the name of my move, taking Yoru's advice with the sword analogy and watched as the vine split almost exactly where I intended, only a few inches off. I landed in a small crouch, rolling forward to lessen the blow of the fall and straight into his ankles. He fell back and tapped the ground twice before letting his limbs flop.
"Dad! I did it!" I exclaimed, Toshi running over and giving me a hug.
"Shit, I haven't gone hand to hand like that in a while, you're out here making me look like a rookie, squirt." Yoru said. I laughed off his comment and walked over to him, reaching out a hand and pulling him up. "And where the fuck did these muscles come from? You're a teenager."
"A teenager in a superhuman society with pro heroes for parents." I shot back.
"I'm wiped out after that." He grumbled. "Hey, I'll see you next week, right?" I groaned dramatically and flung my head back.
"Yeah. And I have a surprise for you." I told him, watching him grow very confused very fast.
"It's your birthday. Shouldn't you be the one getting a surprise?"
"Trust me. You'll like this surprise." I told him. He shrugged his shoulders but nodded. He gave me an awkward side hug before leaving and I flopped onto my brother. "Hey, Toshi. I never got to ask you, but why were you giving him the evil eye during dinner a while back...?" My words trailed off as a certain rock caught my attention. "Dad?" I asked in a whisper as I slowly walked closer to the words written in french, engraved into a rock.
"Onryo? What's the matter?" He asked and I slowly sat down.
We need to talk alone. Maybe get Nedzu in here too.
"I need to have a word with Onryo, alone." He said firmly, waiting for Hitoshi and Denki to leave before crouching next to me. "Onryo?" He asked again.
"Call Nedzu." I mumbled, staring at the words in shock.
"What does it say?" Nedzu asked gently, staring at the rock beside me, Dad on my other side.
"Il faut se méfier de l'eau qui dort." I read off the rock. "Beware the water that sleeps or there is no worse water than sleeping water. Layman's terms, still waters may run deep." I said, swallowing the lump in my throat. "This isn't good." I whispered.
"It's a good thing you know french." Dad commented but I shook my head.
"Aoyama wrote this. He's the only other one in the class that knows the language. Or would be able to engrave it in a rock." I licked my lips nervously. "So much for sleeping tonight. It's a warning."
"A warning?" Dad asked.
"Yeah, it basically means it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for, a wolf in sheep's clothing situation." I confirmed. "That's the old meaning, at least. It's a proverb stemming from Latin, now it's usually used for something about placidity hiding a passionate or subtle nature. It used to refer to something else though, can't remember what exactly." I explained. "I'm worried."
"Understandably so. But try not to dwell on it." Nedzu told me. "We're on top of this and will look into why he wrote this." I nodded slightly but still stared at the words, racking my brain for what the old meaning was. "Tsukare. Don't stress yourself over it. We'll figure this out."
"I'm trying to remember what it was. Like, specifically. The synopsis was a warning. Similar to sleep with one eye open, know your enemy, everyone is a suspect no matter how they appear type thing. I just, I can't remember what it was commonly referenced to." Dad looked at me confused for a minute.
"You never fail to surprise me,  but when did you learn about that?" He asked as he turned back to the french engraving.
"Sometime in junior high when I was learning french and spanish. Had a mental block on them for a few weeks, so I figured if I studied stuff about latin since it's the base language, it'd come easier. Didn't work, but read some cool stuff." I mumbled almost inaudibly, racking my brain for what the hell I had read.
"You're going to give yourself an aneurysm if you keep stressing over it." Dad stated in his typical dry sarcasm. I rolled my eyes but stared at it with just as much intensity. "You're not sitting here all night." He told me with no room for argument. "Go back to the dorms and get changed, you're staying the night with your Pops and I."
"I hate to come off as nosy, but is everything alright, Shouta?" Nedzu asked and I chuckled under my breath.
"No disrespect, but you loving being nosy. You have an intelligence quirk, it's what you live for." I told him. "I didn't sleep last night, so he probably wants me to stay the night so I actually sleep and he can erase my quirk if I have another nightmare where I wake up screaming."
"You'd be right." Dad confirmed and I nodded. "So go get changed." I groaned and stood up, taking my time to get back to the dorms.
"Tsukababes! Oh em gee!!" I rolled my eyes and checked my phone as I felt it buzz.
From Pikachu &lt;;3: You look hot in grey sweats
I felt my face light up a bright red and I shoved my phone in my pocket.
"I-I'm gonna go change." I stumbled over my words, earning a few giggles from Mina and a smirk from my boyfriend. My brother looked confused and I saw Aoyama trying to give Izuku more cheese.
I rushed around my room haphazardly as I changed into a baggy long sleeve and a pair of basketball shorts. I tossed my hearing aids on the charger and grabbed my laptop, putting it in its case before heading back downstairs. I set it on one of the tables and wrapped my arms around my boyfriends waist while he was brushing his teeth in the commons. He leaned back into me and tapped on my wrist, pointing towards Mina.
"Tsukababes! What happened to your leg?!" I could hear the very faint mumbling of her yell, clearly shocked. I followed her gaze down to my calf and realized what scar she was talking about.
"That's when Tsukare was a total badass during the licensing exams and ran a lady out of a collapsing building." Jirou added, coming up behind Mina and resting her forearms on her shoulders.
Izu. What happened?
We talked everything out and we're friends now! He said that he could realize my body wasn't made for my quirk, and he's just like me with his. His body doesn't have the right constitution for it either and he said he wanted to comfort me and let me know I wasn't alone.
I looked at Aoyama, analyzing him. I didn't trust him.
Hey, what happened?
Something's off about him.
Well, yeah, he's Aoyama. He sparkles, like, literally.
Not that, it's something else. I don't trust him.
Do you want me to not be friends with him?
I'm not saying that, you can be friends with whoever you'd like. I'm just saying my truth on it, I don't trust him.
Izuku nodded and Denki tapped my arm again. I dropped my arms and watched him walk to the bathroom before coming back without a tooth brush.
"Everything okay? Your Dad kinda rushed us out of there." He asked as he got closer to me.
"Yeah. Yeah, he uh, wanted to talk to me about my grades. He was worried that they're going to start slipping because of everything." My stomach churned as I lied through my teeth to him. He looked at me in dismay and I felt even worse. "I'm sleeping at my parents tonight, my Dad is basically forcing me to. But I'll text you, okay?" He nodded a little and looked sad. I gently cupped his face and pressed my lips to his, hoping to convey my sincerity and trust through a small action.
"Okay." He mumbled and pressed another kiss to my lips. I grabbed my laptop and saw my brother fake gagging in the corner before following me out the door.
To Pikachu &lt;;3: I'm sorry for lying, I just didn't want our friends to interrogate me if I said what actually happened or if I said I'll tell you later
From Pikachu &lt;;3: You had me really worried for a minute, it's not like you to lie :(
From Pikachu &lt;;3: So what did your Dad want to talk to you about?
To Pikachu &lt;;3: Denki, I trust you so much, and the reason I'm not telling you isn't because I don't trust you or anything like that
To Pikachu &lt;;3: It's just that, right now, I have no idea whether or not I'm even allowed to talk about it
To Pikachu &lt;;3: I pinky promise, I trust you, I just need time to get back to you with an answer because it's in such a weird grey area that I don't know how much I can say
From Pikachu &lt;;3: I trust you, too, so you can get back to me on it whenever you can
From Pikachu &lt;;3: I see why you didn't say something else though, Mina would've pestered you until the end of time
To Pikachu &lt;;3: Exactly
I tucked my phone away and took off my shoes after walking through the door to my parents place, my brother hot on my trail.
"Can someone please fill me in on what happened earlier? Because now I'm even more fucking confused." My brother said immediately, clearly frustrated as he signed messily.
"Woah, back it up, what happened?" Pops asked calmly, trying his hardest to be the voice of reason.
"I don't know, first Onryo short circuited after training, then Dad sent me and Kaminari out of the TDL, Onryo told Izuku he doesn't trust Aoyama and then I watched him lie to Kaminari!" He said, clearly exasperated.
"Okay, let's sit down in the living room while we wait for your Dad. Sleepy head's getting out of the shower." Pops said soothingly, resting his hands on Toshi's biceps. My brother plopped his head on his chest and let out a full body sigh. "But why did you lie to Kaminari? Is something wrong?" Pops asked while looking at me.
"Because I didn't know how much I was allowed to tell him or anyone so I said Dad wanted to talk to me cause he was concerned about my grades slipping after everything that's happened and I didn't wanna say I would talk about it later cause I knew Mina would be relentless about asking what happened and I know it comes from a place of love but I didn't want to have her trying to figure it out." I explained, my words rushed and coming out in one breath. "I already texted Denki apologizing and explained that I can't talk about it right now cause I don't know how much I can even say and explained my reasoning and he said he understood and he doesn't fault me for how I handled it."
"Wow, I gotta say I'm not used to my teenagers acting like teenagers. So this is new and refreshing. You probably did the right thing, not the lying part, but communicating to him why you did." I nodded and plopped my head on Hitoshi's back.
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
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• i’m kelin! (main @kkeke99) i’m 23 and my pronounces are she/her
• certified dabi enthusiast and uchiha lover (as many of you might’ve already seen)
• as you can see i’m a huge purple lover (though i also love pink, green and blue) and i’m aiming to make it my personal trait 🥰
• my birthday is july 8th, i’m cancer sun, taurus moon, mercury in leo, mars in scorpio, venus in leo, sagittarius raising (lots of shits goes on here guys...)
• i bet you’ve noticed that i love boku no hero academia! my favorite characters are dabi (act surprised everyone 😂), twice, mr. compress, spinner, shoto, momo, ochako, bakugou, kirishima, ashido, kaminari, iida, aizawa, shinsou, monoma, kendo, nejire, mirio, mt. lady, kamui wood and todoroki fam (except endeavor, fuck endeavor!).
• i love naruto too, who was my outmost first love in talks of anime and that introduced me to this world/community! my favorite characters are sasuke uchiha (act surprised once again~), madara uchiha, izuna uchiha, fugaku uchiha, mikoto uchiha, neji hyuuga, shikamaru nara, deidara, ino yamanaka, sasori, konan, yahiko, nagato, temari, rock lee, tsunade, mei terumi, suigetsu hozuki, juugo, karin uzumaki, kushina uzumaki, asuma sarutobi, might gai, hidan, kakuzu, itachi uchiha, shisui uchiha, obito uchiha, naruto uzumaki, kisame hoshigake, orochimaru and sakura haruno.
• and i also love psycho-pass. my favorite characters are kogami shinya, ginoza nobuchika, mika shimotsuki, arata shindou, kei, shusei kagari, mitsuru sasayama, himari hina, naoto kurata, kei mikhail ignatov and masaoka tomomi.
• manga reader first and anime watcher second!
• i’m 1,61-and-lots-of-yearn-to-grow-more-cm 😚
• i’ve started watch anime and read manga in 2011, started writing in 2014 and well... made this blog few days ago sdjksdjksdjksdjk
• my mbti is infp-t, 1w9
• i’m albanian and italian
that’s it! but if any of you wants to know about my hobbies or anything more, you guys can always ask me in the box or pm me! 💜
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