#apparently thats a sign of an infection but we dont have the other signs so idk
luidilovins · 3 years
You should turn your post on the Uncanny Valley into a book or something. I am not even kidding, it's brilliant and sorely needed information. Thank you for it.
Tbh its just speculative that the uncanny valley is an inherent biological trait and not cultural or a learned behavior at the moment. A good example would be the cultural phenomenon of colorophobia where in the US we have a longer history of using clowns in our horror pop culture genres than countries like Japan.
Clown entertainment has been around since the Egytian times and maybe some people have always been freaked out by them it honestly just takes one director or author to have an disproportionately irrational fear and good cinematography skills to convince people that they SHOULD hate clowns just as much, (I could say the same about the movie Jaws but thats a bit of a tangent,) or a memorable event that damages the public's trust in something that SHOULD be innocent or harmless. (A good examples being the John Wayne Gacy trials.)
Clowns are also thought to be in the uncanney valley so ita a fairly good argument on cultural phenomenon versus genetic traits. Up until aroud the 60s-70s clowns were actually fairly well liked by the US general public and a lot of older generation still find a fondness in it that would scare the living shit out of their grandchildren.
As far as evidence that I may be right about the "uncanney valley might be because of rabies" theory, there has been a small case study suggesting that the movements of a non-human robot that trigger the effect in us, is also present in people with parkinsons but the sample size is too small for me to be thoroughly convinced.
And don't be mistaken I also dislike this concept because saying that ableism is an inherent human trait is just as bad as saying racism is an inherent human trait. There is little to gain from distrust in the disabled and little historical evidence to suggest it was common or beneficial to discard disabled people. Disabled people's remains have been found time and time again to live to incredibly long livea and be cared for, and participate in their communities. I'm highly critical of this particular case study and I take it with a grain of salt because its on cosmo, but evidence of human disabilities and compassion can be sourced by actual bones and it's been placed on VERY credible sources. NPR, NBC, Discovery, Nat Geo, NY Times, literally the clostest you can get to creme of the crop news articles on DOZENS of accounts and if you have a goddam problem then pay for a tour to the Smithsonian, find an archeologist and coherse them into showing you the bones and then explain phorensics to you because you probably wouldn't understand unless you too were a phorensic archeologist yourself.
What I DO BELIEVE tho is that if the uncanny valley is a legitimate inherent trait, that like most evolutionary traits, it made it this far for this long because it somehow served us benificially. And the biggest benifit I can think of is identifying neuro-infectious diseases because they can spread agressivley, many of them lead to death or lasting effects and are fucking MISERABLE to catch. We're talking brain swelling, fevers, uncontrollable vomiting, tremors, hallucinations, motor and vocal tics, difficulty swallowing, seizures. This could all happen because they eat infected deer meat or because of one bad fox bite. It's miserable if you survive and horrifying if you dont. Rabies can survive in your muscle tissue for years before infecting your brain and once it does usually you only live for about 5-10 days in and out of concious knowledge that you're going to die painfully, and disease aggrivated psychosis. It would be hard to pinpoint the causation because the amout of time before full blown infection would vary too much to assosiate for a long time. So your only option is to hone in on telltale signs.
The disabled people who would suffer from herdeditary or developmental neurological disorders run the risk of prejudice from mistaken identity, but if a human is part of a community, and doesn't die within a week from having a wobbly head, it would sooner or later become apparent that they're not dangerous. I think nowadays culturally people don't press to learn more about disabled people due to social and political prejudice and never fucking grow up past that. Mistaken identity or not. You learn about people from the patterns of their behaviors so even ones that seem abnormal to you become a normal recognizable pattern for them. Fancy that.
We don't get grossed out by chimps or gorillas, who are even more distant cousins, and the proof that we don't have a search and destroy button for anything immediatly related to us is a bunch of bullshit can be found in almost every human's blood on earth. And not just neanderthals, but denisovans as well. And that's not even accounting for genetic backtracking the crossbreeding of other sapiens species before we were whittled down to just the three. What makes the tweet even stupider is that when neandertals still roamed the earth humans were shorter, hardier, and overall more rough looking so we looked even indistinguished then. We Also Chewed On Bones and neandertals handled cold climates better than us based on a study on chest cavity density and, skull nasal intake and heat circulation, providing genetic diversity and the upper hand in survival in the tundras or mountainous regions spanning over Eurasia. If it wasn't for humans fucking neandertals we might not have been able to spread over the contient or diversify the way we did.
So my full hypothesis is that if the uncanny valley is a genetic inherent human trait it was used to benifit people from catching agressive diseases in a time where the benifit of fearing a group member with rabies outweighed the cost of fearing a group member with a disability like parkinsons.
WHAT PISSED ME OFF was the idea that we are DESIGNED to be unwary of our evolutionary cousins could easily be used for white supremacist spaces to justify racism BECAUSE IT ALREADY HAS
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So that one tweet that might seem like a quirky thinkpiece in my eyes is just fuel for eugenics trend round whatever number we're on. It's like we don't fucking learn. It would be REALLY easy to retool the concept that it's natural for people to be fearful of whatever the bullshit definition of sub-humans are. Claiming that black people were sub-human thus deserving of mistrust and submission to white ownership worked like a fucking charm.
Maybe if I go to college and major in psyche/socio/civics it'll be my college thesis. Right now I'm more of a hobbyist than anything, but what I DO know is that anyone can make an untested hypothesis to combat another untested hypothesis and it should hold just as much goddamn value. I combatted the idea that the idea that human othering was funneled into an unconfirmed effect that causes disgust and terror based on non-human sapiens is in fact racist and gave what is in my opinion a more evoluntionary practical approach to the uncanney valley.
The generalized links that I used APARENTLY weren't good enough for some people but aparently a single tweet that says "hur dur heedle dee uncanney valley exists because of human cousins" was taken at face value even tho it was probably tapped out in five seconds without regards to the reproccussions. I find a huge discomfort that less than studious links about the evolution of monkey social behaviors that I used as a guideline to explaining my concerns became the focal point for people to nitpick without even having the gall to "well actually" on the subject. That absolute ravaging NEED to rip apart at it and devolve into name calling because I MENTIONED racism is fucking suspicious and I don't trust it. I had to stop looking at the responses because some people were only reblogging and arguing with barely half of my argument and i was getting nowhere fast.
There were a few people that made actual points with cited sources that made their own rebuttle arguments. That I respect. It's just as valid an argument as mine and I'm ALWAYS willing to take on more credible sources to strengthen my stance or gain perspective.
But it's the utter dismissal of a concerning concept that just seeped into the subtext that gnawed at my gut. Some people on top of hating the linked sources I provided, admitted they didn't read it, refused to read between the lines to purposfully misinterpret or derail my main points, and detract that my claim that the tweet was a result of systemic white supremacy saturated into modern science was a bunch of bullshit because I claimed that 1500s anglos invented racism.
The thing is we did invent the racism that we fucking currently subscribe to.
We practice the science that we formulated based on our own social prejudice. Real people die from this.
We remain uncritical of our own theorums that we postulate then pat ourselves on the back like we're philosophical geniuses even though racism is a family heirloom with a new paint job.
We preach the eugenics ideals that we pulled out of our asses to benifit from fearmongering, promises of national security and unpaied labor.
White supremacists create subtext with the intention of it being consumed by accident or in ways that seem palatable.
I don't hate the person who wrote the tweet. Chances are that they gave the tweet as much thought as they took the time to write it and went on their day as a fun little thinkpiece. Everyone on the internet does it. But its that kind of thinking error that needs to be adressed as a progression of historic and scientific prejudice that gets rehashed, recycled and untouched and continually damages and is weaponized against marginalized people. I am not wrong for taking it seriously especially when a bunch of people were sitting around nodding their heads just as effortlessly.
I don't owe the internet any more sources than the tweet. I don't owe anyone on the internet a full scientific ananysis. And the people's reaction to what I had to say was actually what further convinced me I might have hit the nail on the head.
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Discord pt 98
[Date: 19/03, 06:01 AM GMT - 19/03, 06:50 AM GMT]
[CW for unethical floral experimentation, injury mention]
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kateza affectionate: “mona, don't be so hard on yourself, ok?”
Maxwell: “....i....think we should tell her about the other stuff
Little-K1ng: “............theres more????”
Marcus: “.........heh”
Little-K1ng: “uh. heh?”
Maxwell: “I saw syds observation post from yesterday...it had a scrrenshot of something I said, and jack and them told me thats what you didnt want me seeing yesterday....”
Marcus: “Oh that
Little-K1ng: “O_O
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Marcus: “...that’s kind of what the argument was about”
Little-K1ng: “,,,,,,,,,,,,um
oh fuck. i
Maxwell: “im not upset”
Little-K1ng: “i just...”
Maxwell: “i took some time”
Little-K1ng: “you're... not?”
Maxwell: “and i get why you did it
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kateza affectionate: “you're in an unprecedented situation. a situation that keeps getting worse and worse with seemingly no reprieve. I don't blame you for slipping up here and there- there's so much stress involved that it's almost expected for you to be upset. i don't think anyone blames you for doing these things. that's all i wanted to say.”
Maxwell: “its gotten worse
baroness has images of more times where i've slipped up
at least twice during my argument with her”
Little-K1ng: “oh christ”
Maxwell: “and then I switched back to ender for certain words....”
Little-K1ng: “i.....”
Maxwell: “and....i sent prince an ask on faer blog....”
Little-K1ng: “you... did?”
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Maxwell: “saying i was sorry for upsetting faem and i hoped i could see faem again soon”
Little-K1ng: “oh no oh no
oh max....”
Maxwell: “fae said "see you soon, page"”
Marcus: “...max signed the ask as page as well”
Maxwell: “no no
the was the second one”
Marcus: “..there was one before??”
Maxwell: “after he answered the first one i closed my eyes to breath”
Little-K1ng: “how can i be getting worse so much faster....”
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Marcus: “.....I don’t...remember”
Little-K1ng: “unless...”
Marcus: “...huh”
Little-K1ng: “oh fucking christ no non on ono nonon ono nonono.....”
Maxwell: “and when I opened them like three minutes had passed and I had sent an ask as page apparently”
Little-K1ng: “did..... did crown do something? did he get in? did he get in when i left the door open??? and make it worse???????”
Marcus: “...I don’t
...max i don’t remember you sending an ask
Only page”
Little-K1ng: “is it my fault? did... did i do that? did i really.... i..... left you vulnerable....... i....”
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Maxwell: “no it isnt your fault”
Little-K1ng: “i just....... this doesnt.... this doesnt hurt me nearly as much as it should.... im not... im still not upset..?”
Marcus: “Mona, Crown didn’t come in...I would’ve seen him. It’s not your fault”
kateza affectionate: “this isn't your fault mona
you're probably emotionally tired”
Little-K1ng: “but i just... i still just feel empty about it. i feel fully justified about this and i know i fucked up but im not hurt”
Raeva: “oh...”
Maxwell: “uh....I have marigold tea if you want some”
Little-K1ng: “i cant even fucking apologize right”
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Marcus: “You didn’t mess up
...max what”
kateza affectionate: “you're emotionally burnt out, Mona. This is a bad situation”
Little-K1ng: “wh. where did you get marigolds?”
Maxwell: “oH
Marcus: “max”
Little-K1ng: “....;max????”
Maxwell: “hm.....well....
Little-K1ng: “max i dont have any tea except dandelion root
you're 16 you dont have money or a car
where the fuck,????”
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Maxwell: “fetch was hurt....and i wanted to make sure I could help him tomorrow if he came back home tomorrow”
Marcus: “.....arent the flowers on your laurel...”
Maxwell: “.....”
Marcus: “max you didnt”
Little-K1ng: “mAaAaAaX??!!!!
what the HELL”
Marcus: “Don’t yell at him!”
Little-K1ng: “ahhhhh??????????????
im ??? not yelling on purpose im just????????
what the hell ??????”
Maxwell: “i wanted to help and it works?!”
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Marcus: “you tested it???”
Maxwell: “yes”
Little-K1ng: “thats such a silly idea max of course it worked??? magic is like that sometimes??? but why would you have even thought about it ?????????”
Marcus: “max”
Maxwell: “i...”
Little-K1ng: “thats so silly how did it taste wh”
Maxwell: “i knew marigolds have the ability to help heal wounds...they can help speed up the process sometimes by a couple of days”
Marcus: “Are you okay??”
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Maxwell: “they can help with blood flow”
Marcus: “Which ones did you cut off? Did you only cut one?”
Little-K1ng: “are you???? ok max first of all. heavy metal poisoning speedrunning. nice one. but also. dude cmon they double when you do that”
Maxwell: “and can sometimes even be used to treat infections...
i only cut one but it workss”
Little-K1ng: “one flower for how much ??”
Marcus: “...”
Little-K1ng: “like. did the water change color? bubble strangely? make fucked up ender noises at you??”
Maxwell: “i got a scrape on my arm when I was pacing outside waiting for fetch and I dipped a paper towel in it and put it on the wound”
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Little-K1ng: “god maybe i am emotionally exhausted”
Maxwell: “it almost fully closed instantly”
Marcus: “...I kinda hope it made ender noises that would be funny”
[Maxwell: “it almost fully closed instantly”]
Little-K1ng: “hUH”
Maxwell: “it healed the wound faster than normal
not completely but enough”
Little-K1ng: “oh you better hope you dont do that too much and find out once your laurel wilts the wounds just open wtf”
Marcus: “I don’t think normal marigolds do that”
Little-K1ng: “thats like. supremely fucked dude??? thats weird.”
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Maxwell: “.....”
Marcus: “...interesting”
Little-K1ng: “if you only used one did you??? just use the one i cut?”
Maxwell: “i wanted to help fetch
no the...one you cut was a bud
i needed one with petals that was bloomed...”
Marcus: “Y’know Max, I don’t think anyone else would’ve tried that”
Maxwell: “also the bud hasnt wilted despite being cut off a day ago...
but yeah i needed petals”
Marcus: “....”
Maxwell: “i tried to take em off when it was on my head but it felt like I was pulling out my hair so i stopped and just....”
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Little-K1ng: “no, i understand the need. i get it. i want to help fetch too and honestly? i would have done the same”
Maxwell: “took a whole one”
Marcus: “...are you okay?
How did that not wake me up”
Little-K1ng: “im. i just. i feel so screwed up about this whole thing.”
Maxwell: “i didnt yell”
Marcus: “...”
Maxwell: “i numbed it with ice and grabbed the scissors
fetch wasnt happy when i told him”
Little-K1ng: “well of course not”
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Maxwell: “jack saw it as an experiment”
Marcus: “...you talked to fetch?
Like directly?”
Little-K1ng: “you told him???”
Maxwell: “no he was messaging her”
Little-K1ng: “i dont even tell him when i hide a pill in some cheese for him
wait dont tell him that i said that”
Marcus: “I thought he just gave an update and that’s how you knew about stuff”
Maxwell: “to let us know he wouldnt be home tonight
yeah and i said i knew a way to help heal him”
Marcus: “...”
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Maxwell: “he...knew i was gonna do something I shouldnt have
theres still quite a bit left”
Marcus: “....i can see why he would think that”
Maxwell: “it's in a bowl....
....you can use some if you need it”
Little-K1ng: “...........ok. would it be weird. if i drank it
like a little bit
maybe itll?? pick up my mood or something”
Marcus: “What if it cures your migraines”
Maxwell: “i dont know if it works for moods”
Little-K1ng: “god i WISH”
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Maxwell: “uh give me a sec”
[Marcus: “What if it cures your migraines”]
Maxwell: “you could try but as far as i remember it wont work
it works for wounds and inflammatory stuff”
Little-K1ng: “damn”
Marcus: “Why would you give it to me-”
Little-K1ng: “yeah ill be honest i maybe do not want the weird rat juice . at least not right now”
Maxwell: “its...flower
i put the petals in a pot and boiled em”
Little-K1ng: “Brain Flower of the Rat is not exactly the most appealing tea flavor, max. with all due respect”
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Maxwell: “then i strained them”
Marcus: “Juice of Brain Flower of the Rat then”
Maxwell: “actually tastes slightly like normal water...
if anything slightly sweet
jack said it might taste like rose water”
[Marcus: “Juice of Brain Flower of the Rat then”]
Little-K1ng: “sick new lacroix flavor”
[Maxwell: “jack said it might taste like rose water”]
Little-K1ng: “.....rose water?”
Maxwell: “yeah you boil the roses then strain em into a bowl
like i did with the marigolds”
Little-K1ng: “i like rose water... :/ guess maybe i do want the fucked up rat brain plant water”
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Maxwell: “you could try some its not like I cant make more”
Little-K1ng: “....hm !!! dont like that
do not make more rat water”
Maxwell: “....”
Little-K1ng: “i will try some but do not make more”
Marcus: “...please stop calling it rat water?”
Little-K1ng: “marcus?? do you want to try some (Patent Pending) Maxwell Ratatouille's Funky Fresh Brain Tea™️?”
Maxwell: “....
im too tired for this shit”
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Little-K1ng: “im coping max.”
Marcus: “....”
Maxwell: “ fair”
Marcus: “I don’t have any injuries?”
Maxwell: “im.....i might go to sleep soon....
Marcus: “Who?”
Little-K1ng: “we dont have injuries
okay so uh?? bottoms up i guess”
sip sip
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Marcus: “..oh wait
My elbow?
Does it work on old injuries?”
Little-K1ng: “uh. hm
it tastes good?”
Maxwell: “oh yeah its burned! it wont get rid of the injury but it might help with any lingering pain?”
Little-K1ng: “it tastes nice actually, the rose water thing was actually accurate
kateza affectionate: “I’m gonna head to bed. Stay safe y’all. Much love /p”
Little-K1ng: “gn Kate !
hm. okay”
Maxwell: “hm?”
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Marcus: “What Mona?”
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Little-K1ng: “so. i may have forgotten to mention out loud to yall but i have some pretty bad joint pain
like, typically, its a mid level pain all the time
and its jsut? less
less pain
thats nice”
Maxwell: “told ya it works!”
Little-K1ng: “it.... does !
dont make more though
ill enjoy this for as long as it lasts but for gods sake max dont pick the laurel for tea”
Marcus: “Please don’t make more rat juice max”
Little-K1ng: “gonna do a rat juice high five marcus
try it??”
Marcus: “I’ll..try just applying it to my elbow”
Little-K1ng: “something something dab joke”
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Marcus: “Man you really are tired huh?
Little-K1ng: “i am so tired
work was hard
and i came home, expecting like, the remnants of a fight”
Marcus: “Okay- oh”
Little-K1ng: “only to realize that like, just about every problem for the last 2 days are probably entirely my fault”
Marcus: “Mona”
Little-K1ng: “and i dont actually have it in me to think i actually did anything wrong and i keep getting angry and snapping at people who dont deserve it”
Marcus: “Mona it’s fine
I promise”
Little-K1ng: “<:(”
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Maxwell: “you okay marcus”
Little-K1ng: “^this is an incredibly forced frown. again, i dont feel bad”
Maxwell: “the water didnt hurt you right?”
Marcus: “Huh?
No it’s quite soothing actually”
Little-K1ng: “yeah weird right ??”
Marcus: “A bit”
Little-K1ng: “i WILL physically fight you max if you try to make more though
i will get mad. dont”
Maxwell: “....sorry”
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Little-K1ng: “i mean dont be sorry for trying it, that was a good idea
but you've done it once, thats enough”
Marcus: “Please don’t make more max”
Little-K1ng: “for safety reasons”
Marcus: “Yeah”
Little-K1ng: “i dont know how easily those stems get infected
and with how deep they run i really dont want you to find out
i already endangered you all this far, please dont help me do that
guys... you both look so tired”
Maxwell: “you wont endagenr us its fein”
Little-K1ng: “maybe you should go to bed”
Maxwell: “im fien”
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Little-K1ng: “sounds like it ,':)
head to the tulips, dormouse :)!”
Maxwell: “fuckign what”
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Maxwell: “awwwww i love emas”
Little-K1ng: “do you guys want to sleep in the living room? my bed is pretty huge”
Maxwell: “oh iv emafe a neast on the fllor”
Little-K1ng: “oh perfect, and it looks like marcus is already asleep :) thats okay!! goodnight you guys”
Maxwell: “nihgtn”
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no more vanilla bean ice cream
they were out of vanilla bean ice cream, they had vanilla, french vanilla, sweet cream vanilla and cheesecake vanilla, but not vanilla bean, when did everyone all of a sudden get into vanilla bean, everyone was a pig they could not care less about the bean in the vanilla or not, but now apparently everyone was into vanilla bean ice cream because last week there was a full row of umpqua vanilla bean ice cream and now there was none
so I’m waiting in line at safeway with my subpar vanilla ice cream after I had gone on a much needed quarantine run right after spending two hours texting my friend and she was telling me about how google owns all the data in the world and not only has enough data to know me better than myself, but since they know everyone else’s data too, they know my friends data so they know me in context, the whole thing was very depressing so depressing i didnt even want to use a period in my writing anymore because what the fuck was the point of punctuation anyway in this world, i would still be nice and use commas, just to give my fingers a break and be able to get a thought in or so. 
i guess i could also accommodate for paragraphs break at visually appropriate times, it didn't matter if it was contextually appropriate or not, i was going to drop a paragraph break because i know people like paragraphs, charles dickens and dostoevsky and jane austen and leo tolstoy never made paragraph breaks that's why no one ever read their books, people just say they read them to seem smart but they never really read them they just knew it was the right thing to say that they were literary geniuses because their books were so long, see people like to lie and say they know the work of a great author even though they only read a few  quotes by them, but that was enough to say good and bad things about writers without ever knowing what the hell they did, few understand the theory of relativity but everyone calls einstein a genius. 
the thing about quarantine was that at this point i had gotten used to seeing very few people in my life and i was enjoying it so whenever i had to go to the supermarket i had to see all these people and boy were they gross, maybe i would not have seen them as so gross if had gotten my vanilla bean ice cream but i had not so, they were gross, they were all getting so fat, and fat in like weird ways, not like fat on the sides like the michelin tire guy or a cute belly like the pillsbury dough boy or like that kinda funny superfat like homer simpson or peter griffin they were just gross fat, like it looked like they had just been eating garbage and watching netflix fat, like this one guy seemed like if you got a pillowcase filled it up with hot lard and then poked two pool cues on the bottom of it, this other lady looked like a minifridge emptied into a potato sack.
the asses were the worst part, it was kinda hot so everyone was wearing shorts and it was not appropriate when they wear shorts always have that like red line right under the shorts and it does not look that great, the oddest one was the skinny ass but with fat legs, i did not get that one, the person would have no ass mass at all but then the legs were super fat i did not understand what they were doing to get their bodies to look this way, a lot of people were also walking around with wedgies, a lot of people were also walking around in pajamas covered in animal hair and it was gross, its like you have nowhere to go, you are all complaining about not having the right to go out, so when you do go out why not maybe spruce things up, honour life, honour your fellow human, no, screw that we are all going to behave like the whole entire public sphere is a big ass pijama party,
the whole facemask thing, wait before, i start talking about the facemask thing, everytime i start a new paragraph, google is trying to force me into capitalizing the first letter, it doesn't even ask me if i want to capitalize it, it just goes ahead and does it, google is such an presumptuous douche sometimes, now when i write in gmail, it autocompletes all my sentences, great so we can all sound like robots, and it does it like automatically, so i ending having to erase the lame sentence it wrote, i mean i would have probably come up with something similar or exactly the same too, after all there are only  so many ways to say goodbye, but id like to think it was my idea, these engineers had no savoir faire, just so you know, so now i hope that everytime you start to read a new paragraph you imagine me hitting the backspace button to delete their fascist capital letters, and its frustrating because im really trying to write as fast as i can, i bet you can tell
see it happened again, and its not that i just have to hit the delete, i have to get my mouse and put my cursor there so it like detects its not just on mistake i am trying to delete their smartass capital letter, so yeah to the facemask thing, the whole facemask thing was pretty dumb, i mean if the facemask was the windshield to the coronavirus i didnt get how casual people were being about, they would just pull it right down under their noise, oh great now you have all your coronavirus on your nostrils, what the hell, i didnt get it, im pretty sure noone in that safeway store had coronavirus, and it was coronavirus not covid19, what is it about us having to find dandy little names for things, it was the coronavirus and thats that, so yeah we were all carrying about these facemasks that if they were really protecting us from the coronavirus lingering in the air then we were being flagrantly irresponsible in our use, but deep down we all felt it wasnt, but we just had to wear one because it was the rule, but we all knew noone in the store had coronavirus
it may sound weird, but i think you know when someone has coronavirus, its like you can just tell, you know like other things you can just tell about a person, i remember i once went up to san francisco about a month ago, and i saw this guy on the muni line headed to the bayview that for sure had coronavirus, he wasnt coughing or anything, but i saw him and i knew he definitely had coronavirus, it wasnt because he was black or chinese or  anything, this isnt like a hidden racist joke, i could just tell, i freaked out , and i havent gone up to the city since then, and then, lo and behold they announced that a muni driver got the corona and that the bayview district had the most corona cases in the cities, see sometimes you can just tell
im pretty sure that day i even had the corona on me, i mean i didnt get it, but im pretty sure it landed on my hand, but i washed it before i touched any of my mucous parts, but it was there with me, i dont think it was from the guy on the bus thought, i think it landed from this other guy, i went to a deli to buy water, bananas, coca cola and chocolate and this guy was kinda drunk and talking real loud and coming real close and i could feel the air get really moist when he passed by me and my hand was exposed and i know that at that moment some of it got on my hand, but i didnt panic, i knew i couldnt lose my cool, i had to just play it smooth, and wait till i could get to the studio and wash my hand and everything else, i was really thorough i walked the whole way back to the studio with my hand outstretched so it wouldnt touch my jacket or anything, i could feel it was there, it was for sure there, but i played it cool and washed it and nothing happen, but i was that close 
 and thats why you have to wash your hands because you could be that close too to having coronavirus, so see im not that crazy, that the reason they recommend us all to wash our hands, because at some point it could be that close to you, and if you don't wash your hand before your touch your eye, boom you got coronavirus, crazy to think that you too could have had coronavirus on you, and you could have, but now i think there isnt that much coronavirus on things anywhere, i think the coronavirus is like hiding or something, i think the coronavirus are like finding their niches and stuff, like if you ask me i think the coronavirus right now is probably somewhere where the sun dont shine, i bet it like flew to a a dirty dive bar that was totally shut down windows boarded and everything, but its there just chilling on the sticky counter, waiting to come back in the summer, i also think it might be at like some nasty to-go food place, like there is this wing place open till midnite around my house, i bet there is a little coronavirus there, but only a little bit, and its like one of the lazy ones, so i dont think it feels like jumping on anyone
at work i have to tell the staff how to wash their hands, i tell them they have to wash on top of their hand, palm of their hand, each finger, in between fingers, under the finger nails, and up to the elbow, but i mean if they have coronavirus, and their touching my food, i think its going to get on the to go box anyway, but its the rules so i play along, i even translated the rules, and told them to sign a paper, the paper also said that they had to wear a facemask, its not like they have multiple facemasks, i mean we are going to give them a few, but its up to them to wash it, one guy asked me if he could use the same one for a few days, i told him no, but i mean even if he washes his facemask before work and then lets say he puts it in his pocket, what if his jacket has corona but his facemask doesnt, itd be a real shame if his corona jacket infected his noncorona facemask, but i saw him and i dont think he had corona anyway
im repeating the same point and the rant is losing steam, so i gotta ramp it back up, or maybe no, maybe its not all just about ranting, maybe i should tell you some good things, like ill tell you about my run, the day was so nice, it was bright and sunny, and thats really all i gotta say, the point that i have more to say about right now is that i feel like im writing like that kid from catcher in the rye, that kid was a real case, i cant say i disliked the kid, but i wouldnt hang out with him, i mean in general i wouldnt be hanging out with high schoolers, but i might hang out with him after he grows up, i think we were all like that kid at some point, and the ones that arent, are soul dead and just go to work and drink craft beer and probably become those engineers without savoir faire that figure out the code to finish my email sentences
but i also feel that i am writing likes james joyce in ulysses, those are two books that i read from cover to cover ulysses and catcher in the rye, all it takes is a good fucked up guy to write something honest and you can get me to finish it, james joyce was all about stream of consciousness, crazy to think that ulysses is regularly named the best book of the century, and it wasnt even that bad of a century for books, it was a crazy book, and it was daring and new to just expose how he felt a person thought, and i mean it was pretty smart, because that is how we think, we jump around and we get nervous and self conscious and horny and we think in simple letters, and our memories associate things weirdly, i mean dante was the best writer of all the time, but i dont know anyone that thinks inside their brain in metered stanzas, if there was such a person, i dont know if id like to meet him, it would be a lot to handle good novels have taught me a lot, they've confused me too, but overall taught me things, see life is a grey thing, like there arent absolute values, 
for us human beings, its easy to think of things as black and white, good and bad, yes or no, but thats not how it goes, there is a lot of grey area, and thats why i guess i liked ulysses, see the whole book is about this guy that is roaming around dublin, while he knows his wife is cheating on him, the last chapter is a stream of consciousness from his wifes mind, in which she just goes through her mind thinking about her past lovers and this guy she is cheating on her husband with, and ultimately she feels bad and when her husband climbs back into bed with her, shes like thinking oh there he is again, old leopold, but hes my leopold and she i guess kinda does admit to loving him, life hurts like that sometimes, a woman can still love you but cheat on you, a man can do it too, anyone can cheat on you, but still love you, anyone can hurt you and still love you, its a rough reality, remember i wrote an essay on this book, and the teacher said that i should save it and give it to the woman i marry it was so good, i didnt save it so i guess that wont ever happen, i cant even remember what i said, probably something about forgiveness and the abstract beauty of love, i was only twenty, i could have said anything
i wish i could remember what i wrote though, nowadays a lot of people are walking around with fear of intimacy issues, they are scared to open up to people, you know a lot of people are saying that they have intimacy issues, so i wanted to figure out more,  i looked it up on wikipedia and it said there were four types of people, normal people that love themselves and can share intimacy with others, people that think themselves unworthy of intimacy but seek it, people that are scared of being intimate with others out of fear of rejection, and people that have self worth but think others are undeserving of intimacy, i think the whole thing probably comes from parental stuff, that's always the freudian way of looking at things, its kind of a shame because i think people really do like laying in bed and talking comfortably with someone after a wild fuck, when i wrote the essay i didnt have intimacy issues, but i might now, i dont know, and even if  i did i dont know what type of of person i am,  i guess sometimes people do say some stupid things, and stupid things out of  a naked person are the worst kind of stupid things, whatever its wikipedia, anyone could have written, just like the original science study it supposedly based on,
ok this all getting too gooey and it lost its sharp vibe, i think that we were on a roll, when we were on the coronavirus landing places part, but then i get too serious and stuff, i do still want to talk about books i like, you know like thats one of the favorite things english teachers like to do, they like to analyze all the references that an authour made to other books, normally its the bible or the odyssey or some other greek or roman classic, like ulysses was modeled after the odyssey, i remember the teacher always talked about that, ive never read the odyssey or the iliad, ive heard they are great books, but i try not to say it myself, i do say that homer was a great poet though, but i never read his stuff, i mean ive read the first line, but i dont know the whole story or anything, i guess we are all hypocrites at some point or another, i do know however that ulysses was in one of dantes circles of hell, because he was advisor to deceit, the deceit of having that big horse full of soldiers go into to troy, so he ended up in hell, talking about hell that was another book they loved to reference, the bible, the bible doesnt see things grey, they see it black or white, this morning i woke up at four in the morning, and i couldnt get back to bed, so i pulled to a random spot and started reading proverbs, they make it seem so simple, this is good, that is is bad, i wish it were that simple, it used to be that simple like that when i was little kid, maybe it still is but,  i just refuse to see it that way
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msnikkimoneypenny · 4 years
I am so sick of myths being passed around about Covid 19.
Here is one of these myths that apparently everyone is believing including wypipo.
Time you start developing symptoms it is too late to try and prevent it. It takes 5 days to 2 weeks for symptoms to show after the virus makes transmission into your body. That shit been in there. Gargling ain't gonna do shit but alleviate a symptom which is sore throat. Not kill the virus. You will still have it.
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So please dont fall for this.....
This message was sent to me from Facebook messenger that folks have been sharing including my baby boomer auntie. Smh.
This info is from my friend that works for CDC that passed this along to his family and friends. I'm passing it along as well..
The new NCP coronavirus may not show sign of infection for many days, how can one know if he/she is infected. By the time they have fever and/or cough and goes to the hospital, the lungs is usually 50 % Fibrosis and it's too late!
Taiwan experts provide a simple self-check that we can do every morning:
Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you complete it successfully without coughing, without discomfort, stuffiness or tightness, etc.,it proves there is no fibrosis in the lungs, basically indicating no infection.
In critical times, please self-check every morning in an environment with clean air.
SERIOUS EXCELLENT ADVICE by Japanese Doctors treating COVID-19 cases:
Everyone should ensure your mouth & throat is moist, never DRY. Take a few sips of water every 15 mins at least. WHY?
Even if the virus gets into your mouth...drinking water or other liquids will WASH them down through your esophagus into the stomach. Once there in tummy...your stomach ACID will kill all the virus. If you don't drink enough water more regularly....the virus can enter your windpipes and into the LUNGS. That's very dangerous.
Pls send and share with family, friends and everyone.”
Titus & Renee' Pea
This is some bullshit as well. Yeah I'm sharing the entire message including contact info because it's already been shared several times in messenger. They bold enough to give medical advice then let everyone call em for more questions.
Look here. Yall wanna be hard headed. Thats what yall are doing. Yall trying to find some short cuts to this shit. You got the rich and famous secluding themselves in their homes. Billion dollar companies cancelling production so celebrities can quarantine themselves. They're getting tested. They are isolating themselves. If the shit is that serious then why cant you do the same thing? If you ain't gotta work stay home. Why cant you give each other space?
If the powerful and political are testing positive and getting laid out, what makes you think your broke ass can believe some kind of chain message from social media; especially when there are no news sources that can confirm it?
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edsenger · 5 years
What Is Functional Medicine?
What is Functional Medicine? It’s true healthcare. Functional Medicine is a distinct medical model—separate and, as you’ll come to learn, vastly different from the conventional approach—one that promotes wellness and helps both prevent and treat chronic disease, the biggest health problem we face today. Although its concepts are not new, in this way, its approach is revolutionary. Functional Medicine is the future of medicine.
That all sounds wonderful, you may be thinking, but how exactly does it work, and what does it look like in practice, for patients and practitioners? You’re about to get some answers to those very important questions. Consider yourself enrolled in Functional Medicine 101.
Functional Medicine is the future of medicine, plain and simple. Find out how it differs from the conventional medical model and why it’s our best weapon in the fight against chronic disease. #functionalmedicine #unconventionalmedicine #kresserinstitute
What Is Functional Medicine? And How Does It Differ from the Conventional Approach?
Imagine you’re on a boat, and the boat is leaking. You can bail water from the boat so it sinks more slowly, but if the leaks are still there, you’ll have limited success in trying to stay afloat. The conventional medicine approach is mostly focused on bailing water out of the boat without fixing the leaks. But wouldn’t it make more sense to prevent the leaks from happening in the first place, and then fix them completely if they do spring up? There might still be the need to bail some water initially, but if the leaks get repaired, the boat becomes steadied. Eventually, there’s no more bailing required, and the sailing—or living—can resume (and it may be better than before). This is what Functional Medicine is all about.
Of course, that’s just a broad-strokes picture. To help you better understand Functional Medicine, let’s move beyond the metaphor and further compare and contrast the practice with conventional medicine.
Functional Medicine Conventional Medicine Health-oriented Disease-oriented Collaborative, patient-centered model Expert, doctor-centered model Biochemical individuality Everyone treated the same way Cost-effective Expensive Relieves symptoms by addressing cause Suppresses symptoms with drugs Preventative approach Early detection of disease High-touch and high-tech High-tech
Functional Medicine Is Health Oriented, Not Disease Oriented
Conventional medicine isn’t really healthcare—it’s disease management. Rather than optimize wellness through preventive and restorative lifestyle strategies, it focuses on managing illness once it has already occurred, primarily by suppressing symptoms with prescription drugs.
For example, if you have high blood pressure and you see a conventional physician, you’ll be given a drug to lower it. There’s rarely any investigation into what caused your hypertension in the first place. And even if lifestyle interventions are recommended, pharmaceuticals remain the primary treatment because the system isn’t set up to support you in those changes.
We can see this clearly in the following startling statistics:
Research suggests that more than half of all Americans take at least one prescription drug, with some estimates as high as 70 percent; many in this group regularly take between two and four medications. (1, 2)
Between 1988 and 2010, the number of older adults taking more than five prescription medications tripled, from 12.8 percent to 39 percent. (3)
More than 20 percent of children under the age of 18 take at least one prescription drug every month, including antidepressants and even opioids. (4, 5, 6)
Although there is certainly a time and place for prescription medication, there are several fundamental problems with basing our healthcare system almost entirely on drugs. (Not to mention, they’re expensive and add to the ever-ballooning cost of treating chronic disease conventionally, a figure that could top $47 trillion globally by 2030.) (7)
Drugs rarely address the underlying cause of a health problem.
They don’t just mask symptoms; they also suppress bodily functions, including vital ones. Thus, they can actually worsen a problem over time.
Drugs often correct one imbalance by causing another, or several others, resulting in side effects. Often, the unintended effects of a drug far outnumber its intended effects.
By treating disease with medications that mask symptoms and cause side effects in the process, the conventional care model creates patients for life. Conversely, Functional Medicine promotes health. As Functional Medicine practitioners, we aim to prevent disease from happening in the first place, and when it does, we seek to reverse it completely by investigating and then treating its underlying cause. You can think of Functional Medicine clinicians as “health detectives.” We support patients to recover their functions, so they can “graduate” from care and get back to living their lives.
How? We don’t start by looking for diseases and syndromes and collecting the evidence of signs and symptoms, but rather by first evaluating a patient’s genes and environment, including their diet, lifestyle, air and water quality, and so on. Why? We know that our modern diet, lifestyle, and environment change the expression of our genes—changes that give rise to diseases and syndromes.
It’s Patient Centered, Not Doctor Centered
In Functional Medicine, patients are encouraged to play an active and engaged role in their treatment because we recognize that behavior is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, contributors to chronic disease. In contrast, in conventional medicine, the doctor is the “expert” who provides the answers, which the patient passively receives.
As I’ve already shared, Functional Medicine treats the patient, not the disease. But more importantly, it treats the individual patient. Functional Medicine is not a one-size-fits-all approach: patients with the same problem may get a completely different treatment based on the particular origin and development of their condition. In a conventional model, patients with the same diagnosis often get the same treatment, despite differences in their presentation—a treatment that may not work well for them.
In order to provide such individualized treatment, Functional Medicine uses what I call “high-touch,” as well as high-tech, tactics. If you’re my patient, I’ll talk with you in depth, listen to you, and learn about your background during our visits, something that’s not possible in conventional care where most practitioners spend their days working through a series of rushed, almost-scripted, 10-minute appointments, rarely able to go below the surface level of a health issue.
Functional Medicine Is Holistic, Not Specialized
In conventional medicine, there’s a doctor for every part of the body, but these specialists infrequently, if ever, consult with each other. That’s because conventional medicine actually views the body as a collection of separate parts.
In Functional Medicine, we see the body as it is: an interconnected whole within a larger environment. We recognize that this perspective is needed to uncover the interrelated causes of underlying disease and chronic illness and to find the right tools, at the right time, individualized for each person. To treat one part of the body, all other parts must also be considered.
Speaking of tools, Functional Medicine is integrative, meaning that it uses the best tools from both the conventional and holistic worlds. While we typically start our work with diet, lifestyle, and behavior modifications, nutritional supplements, and botanicals, we don’t rule out medications or even surgery when necessary.
Why We Need Functional Medicine
We’re in the midst of a chronic disease epidemic. It’s hard to overstate just how serious this problem is. In fact, I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to suggest that our very survival as a species is at stake.
Six in 10 U.S. adults have a chronic disease, while four in 10 suffer with two or more chronic conditions. (8)
Seven of the current top 10 causes of death are chronic diseases, including Alzheimer’s and diabetes, and chronic disease is responsible for seven out of every 10 deaths each year. (9, 10)
Nearly six million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s, a number expected to reach nearly 14 million by 2050; the disease kills more people than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. (11)
More than 100 million Americans—nearly one in three—have either prediabetes or diabetes, the seventh-leading cause of death, while some 50 million citizens have an autoimmune disease. (12, 13)
As is apparent from these numbers, chronic disease is now the biggest threat to our longevity. Conventional medicine can only manage this slow-motion plague; it can’t stop and reverse it. Indeed, as I’ve written before, it was never designed to. It was historically, and remains to this day, structured to address trauma, acute infection, and end-of-life care, not to keep people healthy. Don’t get me wrong—it’s incredibly effective in these instances; if I get hit by a bus, I definitely want to be taken to a hospital. But it is hardly a powerful weapon in our fight against chronic disease. Unlike acute problems, chronic diseases aren’t simply solved. They can’t be cured with conventional medicine’s Band-Aid approach, that is, drugs and other symptom-suppressing strategies that may not even bring relief, much less a resolution.
It’s important to note here that just as the conventional approach doesn’t promote health in its patients, neither does it foster wellness in its practitioners.
A growing number of clinicians who started in conventional medicine are making their way to a Functional Medicine approach because, to put it plainly, the current system leaves them feeling burned out. If you’re a conventional practitioner and you’ve experienced disillusionment in your work, you’re certainly not alone. But shifting to a Functional Medicine model will allow you to provide the high level of care that drew you to medicine years ago.
Why It Works: The Functional Medicine Pyramid
Functional Medicine can stop and reverse chronic disease. As I briefly mentioned earlier, practitioners almost always begin evaluation and treatment with the foundational layer of the Functional Medicine Pyramid: diet, lifestyle, and environment. We start here because we know from clinical experience and research that these are the areas likely to have the biggest impact on the broadest range of conditions. We know from hard evidence that the mismatch between modern diet, lifestyle, and environment and our basic human biology is the primary driver of chronic disease. What our bodies need, biologically speaking, is not what our bodies get in the modern world. But when we align with these needs by consuming an ancestral diet and living a more ancestral lifestyle, our bodies respond—they heal.
That’s right, there’s science behind this approach, despite the pervasive myth that conventional medicine is “evidence-based” and Functional Medicine is not. Rest assured, if a Functional Medicine clinician tells you to reduce your exposure to artificial light in order to help manage your stress, reduce your risk of disease, or even address issues like diabetes and obesity, it’s because there’s research that supports that connection.
From Resistance to Revolution: Moving into the Mainstream?
Functional Medicine offers a methodology for addressing the root cause of chronic disease so patients can get well—and stay well—without unnecessary drugs and surgery. Sounds good, right? So why isn’t everybody already practicing this way?
The famous saying goes: “All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” For a while, Functional Medicine was ignored. More recently, some large conventional organizations have issued statements about Functional Medicine, a sign that it’s gaining traction. Although it isn’t yet mainstream, many caregivers acknowledge this new medical approach as the self-evident solution to the current broken conventional model.
The success of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, where Dr. Mark Hyman is clinical director, has opened the eyes of many, including healthcare professionals who once doubted the potential of this medical model. The Cleveland Clinic is regarded as a prestigious medical institution, often on the forefront of the newest treatments, therapies, and diagnostic procedures.
But it’s not just “the experts” who are talking more about Functional Medicine; more patients who want their healthcare experience to be true healthcare are also seeking it out. Cleveland Clinic has a waiting list thousands of patients long. My own clinic, California Center for Functional Medicine (CCFM), has grown to include clinicians, a nurse practitioner, a health coach, nutritionists, and an administrative staff in order to meet the growing need. And increasingly, more practitioners all over the country are discovering that Functional Medicine holds the real answers—and more healthy benefits—for their patients.
Functional Medicine 201: Your Next Steps
I hope this article has adequately answered the question it began with and provided you with a good overview of this revolutionary approach to medicine. That said, there’s much more ground to cover. Want to dig deeper?
Prospective patients:
Check out my podcast, “RHR: Bringing Functional Medicine to the Masses – with Dr. Rangan Chatterjee.”
Ready to visit a Functional Medicine clinic? Use our directory to find practitioners near you.
Prospective practitioners:
Check out a recent episode of my Revolution Health Radio podcast on building a career in Functional Medicine.
See if the Kresser Institute’s ADAPT Practitioner Training Program is right for you.
Pick up a copy of my book, Unconventional Medicine.
Do you or does someone you love have a chronic disease? Have you considered a Functional Medicine approach before? Comment below and share your story.
The post What Is Functional Medicine? appeared first on Chris Kresser.
What Is Functional Medicine? published first on https://brightendentalhouston.weebly.com/
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Question re: insurance premiums and taxes?
I've read that health insurance premiums can be itemized deductions. Any others? What about accident insurance I pay for out of my pocket? I pay for both accident and sickness premiums to the same company and pay for all my policies out of my pocket. Any help is appreciated.
Is their a place that has cheap car insurance if I havnt even had my license for a year?
Im 18, the school id idealy like to go to is to far to take the bus and I can't really relly on others for transportation. I'd like something under $100 maybe like $80. Ill have driven for a year in may but school starts in march so yea. Id like to go on my grandparents but its like $2000 a year I dont know why! or what I should do?""
Anyone claimed their Car a Wreak through their insurance before? what happens exactly?
Ok, so my car has Hail damage ALL over it from a recent storm. I am covered for insurance but i wanna know what to do?! i can't call them at this stage cos they call centre is down :( SO, if my car is worth $30,000 & the damage is worth about $5,000 - $7,000 how do they work out if it's considered a wreak or not? My premium is about $1000 (cos i'm under the age of 25) so what happens if they declare it a wreak? Do i just get a cheque and then they take the car? or what? If anyone has had their car considered a wreak through insurance before, please enlighten me :) Thanks x""
How can I get an auto insurance quote without driver's information?
I'm doing a budget project for my economics class and I have to make a year's budget. This includes rent, gas, electric bill, food, etc., which I found sample bills for, but I'm having a really hard time finding a car insurance bill online. The websites for quotes ask for all this personal information which I can't give, because this is hypothetical and basically a fake person. Google images won't work because it has to match up with the specific car I bought . Any ideas?""
Cheap insurance for a 16 year old boy?
My first car is gonna be allot more expensive then the average first car because its a Lincoln aviator, the only problem is that even though the truck is $7000 (after safety and etest and all that needs nothing else) witch i can afford, the insurance is $1000 a month witch i can't afford! is there anyway to possibly go under my parents insurance or something like that? if so how would i do that?""
Does insurance cost less for drivers that are 18 than for 16 year olds?
Does insurance cost less for drivers that are 18 than for 16 year olds?
Is the life insurance valid?
My partner and I have lived together 15 years. His wife refuses to sign divorce papers, even though they broke up 17 years ago. He has a life insurance policy for her to receive benefits on his death. He got a life insurance policy for me to receive benefits on his death. Someone said I can't get a life insurance policy payment without the wife signing off on it. Is that true?""
Do i need car insurance for a family member to teach me to drive?
I am 17 in 2 weeks and am going to start my driving lessons, along side my lessons with a licensed instructor I would like my mother to also give me some extra help like driving around quiet roads, or in a empty car park. For this I need insurance but I obviously don't want to pay full out insurance for just learning. I have heard of something called learner driver insurance would this work for what I want to do? If so do you have a link of where I could buy it or know any other way that I could legally learn to dive in the car? Thanks Josh""
What insurance coves surrogacy?
My wife is becoming a surrogate. She has already found a match but we need to find an insurance that covers surrogacy.
Anyone know where to get good individual dental insurance thats effective immediatly?
I need my wisdom teeth removed but have no insurance, most individual insurance companies have a 6 month waiting period for procedures other than preventitive. I need them out now because one was infected and I got it treated with antibiotics but Im afraid it will come back because it keeps bleeding. Any help will do and I am in florida.""
Best and Cheapest Car On Insurance For a 17 Year Old?
Best and Cheapest Car On Insurance For a 17 Year Old?
""What is good individual, insurance dental plan?""
What is good individual, insurance dental plan?""
Car insurance?? please help. I am 17 and have been told that I cannot pay car insurance monthly!! ??
I am really worried now as I simply cannot afford the lowest quote of 1600 all in one go. My car is a citroen ax 1.0 if that helps? Are there any other 17 year olds out there who do pay car insurance monthly if so how??
1999 Chevy Cavalier convertible insurance price?!?
I would like to know how much the insurance for a 1999 Chevy Cavalier convertible would be for a 17 year old driver with no tickets or accidents! Please help me out.
How much is tenant liability AKA renters insurance?
I'm thinking about renting a house with a month to month lease at very low cost. These are houses for sale that want income until they are sold. They require $300,000 liability insurance. I know that reputable insurance companies do a credit check just to give a quote that dings your credit rating if you have too many inquiries at the same time. Can someone give me a guestimate? Thanks in advance!""
Do insurance companies look into your driving record?
When getting an auto insurance quote they ask if you have any major violations. Do they only know if u tell them, or will they eventually find out of u lie?""
I need a Dentist......I have no insurance....what should I do?
I haven't visited a dentist in years, but I really need to have a check-up. I have no insurance, What can I do? Where can I go?""
Teenager car insurance?
Hi there. I have heard that there are special companies out there that deal specifically with teenage car insurance. I am 17, own my own car, and will have a stand-alone policy. Does anyone know names of these companies? I live in Ontario, Canada. So far, the cheapest company I found was Bel-Air Direct, with an annual premium of $3100 CAD. Thanks people!!""
How much does it cost the average person to keep and maintain a CAR in a day?
including petrol, MOT, buying the car, insurance, washing, oil, air, tyres, extras eg booster, radio, or say how much money it would altogether cost a year then i can divide it :) THANK YOU xx by the way if you are wondering which car make well one that costs average""
People who cant afford health insurance are quacks?
i see the merits of having universal health care, kind of, but it seems to me that the problem is a lot of middle class citizens who just decide nto to purchase health insurance on the premise that they cannot afford it , and instead opt to buy material goods that are solely for luxury. you cant go out and buy nice cars and houses and bypass health insurance and then cry it off that the government should give free care to everryone.......i definitely agree it should be cheaper for the poor etc. bottom line: ppl need to realize health is the most important thing in there life, and satisfy that need, before thinking about personal possesions (nice cars etc)""
How can i find out if someone has insurance on me?
life insurance police
What restrictions do i have with my motorcycle permit in California?
What can I do now that I have my motorcycle permit? I'm living in California (also an CA permit, fyi), and I'm not sure if I'm now able to ride on my own, when i'm able to ride etc. I've heard that I need someone over 21 'supervising'. Does anyone know if there's a penalty for not riding with an over-21 adult? Also, insurance-wise, what do I need to do once I buy my motorbike?""
Can someone help me? I got a citation for no insurance?
My brother has a cheap cash car and I just moved in with him. Well apparently since its so cheap, he decided not to get insurance on it, but I have to drive it to work. A cop hiding out saw me do a illegal u-turn, and i quote that because I didn't see any sign saying no u-turn. Anyways, he pulled me over and asked for proof of insurance and I had none, so he gave me this citation and i have some mandatory meeting to go to court? I never been pulled over or issues a citation, and i'm so pissed at my brother for not having insurance! Now i'm going to go personally buy me some when I get home, but I never done this before, is there a way I can get out of this? I would be considered a first time offender, and he told me I had a good driving record, and said something about making a deal with me, by going to the court but I don't remember because i'm so stressed out right now. Then I read something online about a conviction if and something about a surcharge annual for 3 years? WTF is that all about?""
Kit Car Insurance?
How does insurance for a kit car work? I realize you have to specially register it and so forth, but are you charged for a 1986 Ferarri, 1966 Cobra, etc, or is it based on what the engine/chasis/etc came out of?""
What kind of car is the cheapest to insure?
What model or kind of car is cheapest to insure? Is there a way to find out?
colorado medical insurance low income
colorado medical insurance low income
How to get off my parents insurance?
I have insurance through my dad but because of a $5000 deductible and my income it is useless to me. He refuses to let me off it. Also refuses to let me get off of it. I'm 20 years old and could go to the health department nearly free if only I didnt have medical insurance> HOW DO I GET OFF THIS?
Affordable health insurance new jersey family?
anyone know of affordable health insurance in new jersey for self employed 1 person needing family coverage?
""Quick question on car insurance, thanks for answers?""
I am getting my second car insurance, i live in leeds however my parents live in northumberland, would it be legal to put my car insurance ADDRESS as northumberland (half the price). I would still be named driver, and i have all bank details and permenant things such as phone contracts registered to northumberland as i move each year i class it as my permanent address. So i could say the car is kept there but i use it sometimes, as in northumberland is also classed as my address, and i am there quite a lot anyway. Cheers for advice, and if it is legal or questionable, would it still be acceptable if even frowned upon, cheers!""
Best Job description for a full time eBay seller? (For car insurance quote)?
I'm about to renew my car insurance but need to find the most appropriate and accurate job description for my trade. I am self employed as a soul trader (UK) and my main income is achieved through making small hand crafted items (mostly material based) and sell them on eBay. So far I've been using the job description of 'artist' In the 'manufacturing' industry, but I was wondering if there was a more accurate one on the standardised job description list?""
""Car Insurance Cost, ages 16-22?""
I'm trying to get a rough Idea of what teens -20's pay for car insurance. Please list what company and how mcuh you pay, (*Don't List if your on your parents insurance*). Thanks.""
Best Insurance company?
What is the best insurrance company for both auto and home please let me know as soon as possible - I live in WV
""Two Cars, Two Insurance Companies?""
I'm 17 and I just got my G2 Licence. I'm thinking of getting my own car, however it is going to cost me a a fortune to insure my own car. Is it possible for my father to have 2 cars but with 2 different insurance companies and put me as a secondary driver for one of the cars?""
Is there affordable insurance that covers pre-existing pregnancy?
My friend lost suddenly in a car wreck a couple weeks ago. Days later she found out that she is expecting. Cobra coverage through his insurance company is over $600 monthly. She is having a hard time finding insurance with her pre-existing condition. Does anyone know of an insurance company with reasonable rates that would be willing to cover her?
Company car insurance?
Hi Can anyone help me re company car insurance I am currently getting a company car and now under the companies insurance, so dont need my own private insurance. I currently have 9 years NCD. I am now worried, what happens if I leave the company in a few years time, do I have to start from scratch again with no NCD, or can I still use my 9 years NCD anyone know (I have read they are valid for 2 years) I have asked Direct Line (my insurer) and they cant give me a straight answer, I get something different each time. I wanted to know if I was involved in an accident with company insurance I appreciate I have to state that when going back to private insurance but if I had an accident and had no NCD my premium would be sky high which I find unfair if I lose my 9 years NCD as I have not actually taken a break from driving. Does that make sense? hope someone can help me Thanks, Steve""
Car Insurance need advice?
I have one car with 24 years no claims and am going to be the policy holder for my sons car. Can i put down that i have 24 years no claims or do i have to start again (in the sense put 0 down??)Im quite confused by the process as i haven't had to do this before, also it is very difficult for him to afford insurance if we don't do it this way so if anyone knows of any good cheap insurance companies""
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old girl?
Right, I'm 17. I getting my provisional licence in the next week or so, so I can start my driving lessons. When and if I pass my theory and practical, I would like to get my own car. I have a rough idea of which car I would like to get, but have no idea what I can do to get a rough idea on insurance. I've tried looking at a few websites and they're all useless haha. I'd love to have a Peugeot 106. Not the best car I know, but it would be suitable for me. I live in an area with off road parking, so this could possibly bring the insurance down a little. If someone can give a rough quote themselves, it'd be much appreciated and I can begin to plan ahead.""
What is car insurance for a first time driver?
Okay i am 18 and have never had my license before and am going to be getting it at the end of this month...soon we are going to start getting insurace quotes for my car, we have been talking about what would be the best way to go about getting the cheapest insurance...so would it be best to put the car in my name but then just be added to my parents insurance and have me as the primary driver OR would it make a difference if we put the car in one of my parents name and then had me listed as the secondary driver for the car ? OR maybe you know a better way to go about this please give me all the advice you know about this! thanks""
I am buying my first car and am looking for cheap car insurance. I found a site that is $500 less then Geico.?
Geico was the lowest quote at $1400 but www.usalifeinsurancesite.info quoted me at $900 (which is very cheap for a 16 year old). Can anyone tell me if they are a reliable insurance company? Or has anyone dealt with them and has feedback? Thanks :)
Do cheaper old cars make insurance higher?
Ive been looking up cheap old cars such as 1995 peugeot 106 the insurance is still over 2000! is it because im looking at cars that cost 400? Im looking for a really cheap car to buy and has the average insurance price any suggestions ?
How come im being quoted over 5000 for insurance?
im 20 years old and i am looking at buying my first car i have been looking at all sorts of cars from new to old staying well within the 1.0 -1.2ltr engines but i still cant get a quote lower than 5000... why is this, when i know 17 year olds that are getting quotes for 1.2 corsas @ 1500... am i doing something wrong? need to knows; im 20 i have a full UK licence i passed my test in febuary 2012 i have a full time job, not married any help would be great""
What do you wish your insurance agent would do for you?
Aside from the impossible, what do you wish your insurance agent would offer, help with, take care of for you or do differently?""
On average how much does it cost to insure an apartment building?
I am looking into purchasing 2 triplex apartment buildings. They are both brick buildings built in 1990. Both have been maintained fairly well and have a really good price on them. ...show more
Insurance for new driver?
I'm 20 and just got my license. I don't really know much information about car insurance. I live with my parents and I use their cars. But in a couple of months, my older brother is sending his car to me, since he can't take it to Japan. Can I drive my parent's cars without myself being insured and use my parent's insurance? or Does my name need to be underneath theirs?""
Insurance question for my situation?
What do you think would be the cheapest insurance company to go with in this situation? 16 year old female, 1992 Ford F 150""
Car insurance rate for a 16 year old?
i'm going for my license in a couple months, but maybe trying to prepare a little in advance, but i was just wondering the average cost of car insurance per month? i know the younger you are, the more it will be. if it helps, the car i'll use is a ford fusion, and i'm pretty sure my dads insurance is allstate, if that matters much.""
Medican Insurance after 21 years old???????
I am 20 years old i will be 21 soon , i heard that my medican insurance will be cut when i am 21 years old ... Can some one please tell me what i can do to keep my insurance ???? WIll going to school full time help, working ... anything please just tell me anything that u know.""
Why are the insurance rates high on a Ford Mustang?
Why are the insurance rates high on a Ford Mustang?
How much will my car insurance drop when i turn 25?
How much will my car insurance drop when i turn 25?
Cost of high risk auto insurance?
What is the average cost of high risk auto insurance? I understand it varies by state to state and such things but can nyou give me atleast a range?I got a DUI and a speeding ticket which canceled my old insurancce ($40 a month) and now it appears i will need high risk insurance. I have 8 points on my licemse. About how much is high risk auto insurance?
How can USA force me to buy health insurance?
It's incredibly unconstitutional and uncapitalist If I find a way to self-fund my healthcare and don't need to rely on an insurance company, Govt can FORCE me against my will with fines and penalties to engage in business with big insurance?????? Are you kidding?!!!! What country are we living under?""
colorado medical insurance low income
colorado medical insurance low income
Where can I get an insurance quote?
all the sites ask for a lot of info, can i get a site where i can just put in the date of manufacture of the car, and i get the quote.""
What is the best affordable health insurance plans?
I am 20 years old and do not have health insurance and I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled! So i'm looking for an affordable health insurance.I've already applied for Medicaid and was denied.I need help please!
What will happen if I drive without insurance for few days?
I live in New Jersey, my county is Hudson county. I just bought my car yesterday afternoon my insurance company was closed. I could not call them to add the car on insurance and start driving with my other car insurance. What will happen if I drive with my other car insurance in my new car for a few days? What if cops stop me? Will I get a ticket or something else?""
How can I help my girlfriend get cheaper insurance? She is 20 years old.?
My girlfriend just got a new Cobalt lt. The insurance is in her fathers name, and she is listed as a driver. The car is in her name. Her father has a good driving record, yet the insurance is around $250 a month! Please help, is there anything I can do to get her insurance cheaper?""
Are you required to pay car insurance even if you're not driving?
I'm 17 about to turn 18, I have my level 2 license and live in michigan, I have insurance with AAA and they said I have to pay car insurance even if I'm not driving, I'm trying to save for a car and don't want to pay for something every month that I don't need. So if I'm not driving and don't own a car do I have to pay or is the insurance company just wanting my money?""
Health insurance over seas?
my grandma is going to japan for a little while, and she is a bit older and her health is a concern. if anything happens over there.. is there a way to get health insurance in japan? or does an insurance company have a special coverage?""
Cheap Insurance for 17/18 year old in UK?
Currently I'm 17, going for my practical soon, I checked insurance for myself and it's over 15000 for a Vauxhall corsa 1999 reg. Does anyone know where to get cheap car insurance for under 25's?""
Why is it that the Republicans Party Sucks up so much to the Insurance Companies?
""My 21 year old son needs to see a dr.but no insurance, what can he do?""
he has a knot in his left breast and will need to be removed, but he has absolutly no insurance!""
Does anyone know of an affordable individual health insurance plan in Texas?
Does anyone know of an affordable individual health insurance plan in Texas?
Looking for good company to buy term life insurance?
My husband and I recently purchased a home and have a baby on the way. We are desperately searching for a solid insurance company to purchase a 20yr level term life policy. I have gotten a quote from an independent insurance agent that suggested for Primerica at $95/mo (for both of us with a disability waiver rider) (note: agent is family member), one from SelectQuote for Banner Life (never heard of them) at $64.97/mo for same coverage and waiver, and one from another insurance finder for ING at $72.70. ING has had a good rating but I think they have just been demoted slightly from AM Best and S&P. Any info I find online for customer reviews are all negative for every company I look at (not a single positive review for any). I'm not quite sure how these rates vary so widely. I would rather spend a couple extra dollars a month for peace of mind but I am truly at a loss of what to do. Can anyone make any suggestions or recommendations for a company to go with or look into? Thanks.""
Car insurance?
how much would insurance for a 16 year old female cost for a 2000 Plymouth Neon Highline
Is there a car insurance company that only ask if you have any convictions within the last 3 yrs instead of 5?
Is there a car insurance company that only ask if you have any convictions within the last 3 yrs instead of 5?
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
I'm 18 and I drive a 2008 dodge caliber. I've been paying 200+ a month on insurance and I'm sick of it. I will be 19 in the summer and have had my license going on 3 years. I have a clean record accident free and incident free. Will my payment ever go down? It's bad enough I'm already a poor college student lol.
Where to get the best auto insurance rates in Midwest.?
Just moved to the Midwest, besides the insurance giants are there any other good insurance companies out there that will save me a little money?""
""Cheap insurance cars, help me choose.?
I'm looking for a 2002 car and I'm thinking of: Ford fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 Toyota yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra 1.0 I would welcome other options and choices And your opinion will count! I want to get a cheap insurance and I can afford up to 2.300
Cheap car insurance? 17 year old UK?
So say I'm a 17/18 year old just passed driver with a cheap car, small engine etc, female, what price, in terms of car insurance, am I looking at? Thanks for any feedback. I really just want an estimation!""
""In NYC can I make payments on my financed car, but not be driving it or paying insurance for a few months?""
I'm financing my car, but by Nov I wont be needing to drive anywhere. Can I stop my insurance, park the car in the driveway but still make payments on it?""
Best Insurance Company for a Minor?
If you are a teenage boy, what's the best insurance company for him?""
Car insurance for a teen?
I was wondering if a minor can have their own insurance plans, like not under their parents name? And what is a good company for car insurance for teens (cheap) ? Thanks!""
Will Vandalism affect my Car Insurance rates?
My car was vandalized last night, they ripped off a piece on the back and cracked the bumper in the front. If I make a claim with my insurance company will this affect my rates?""
Aren't the only people that will get affordable insurance out of Obamacare the ones getting a free ride?
Aren't the only people that will get affordable insurance out of Obamacare the ones getting a free ride?
How Much is insurance for a mini cab diver?
Hi i am 21 years of age and live in london. I was hoping to take up mini cab driving but need to know on average how much insurance will be for me on a Vauhxall astra 03 plate. please let me know and if theres any good websites with instant quotes do let me know many thanks,.""
Need health insurance for my friend mother please read details..?
my friend mother is 66 years old she is a green card holder she is not working and never worked in the usa she had stroke two years ago while she is in her home country she is in usa now but she can't walk so she need physical therapy do you know affordable health plan for her she is not working her son and daughter live in wisconsin and connecticut?
What is the cheapest car insurer for a 17 year old WITHOUT a black box?
What is the cheapest insurance company without a black box or device to monitor you're driving for a 17 year old...?
colorado medical insurance low income
colorado medical insurance low income
Health insurance provided by the state of Florida?
My brother is getting married at the end of february but he said they may have to cancel the wedding because his fiancs health insurance will kick her off if she gets married. Can an insurance company actually do that?
I want some cheap car insurance...?
Who offers really cheap car insurance? It doesn't matter what it covers as long as it keeps me legal.
What happens if I get cancer with no insurance?
It's just a hypothetical, I don't have cancer and I do have Catastrophic Insurance but I know that would not cover chemo etc but as far as I'm concerned, I would probably have to kill myself in the case that this happened, which I'm preparing myself for the possibility. No insurance carrier will cover me with real insurance because I;m taking meds for high BP and cholesterol, both are in check""
Might be pregnant need affordable med insurance?
Im 18, my parents don't have any kind of insurance, I might be pregnant(my parents have no idea), I am in the process of getting a job as a Habilitation worker but they don't give me any insurance. what should I do?""
How much would it cost to insure another car on my mom's insurance?
Im 16. I really want to get a car but my mom claims she can't afford to insure 2 cars. I have discounts though. I took drivers ed in school, i have a job, and im a girl. She has mercury car insurance. She claims that her car insurance will go up 2000$ to insure another car. the car she has is a 2011 toyota camry. I think shes lying and just doesn't want to pay for it. I don't think its that much because there are a lot of people at my school who live in project housing or don't make nearly as much money as my mom does and have their own cars so..im asking, how much would it really cost to insure another car? If you know of any other insurances that are cheap to insure 2 cars, 1 for a 16 year old, feel free to enlighten me. Thanks! btw, I offered to pay as much as I could in insurance but she said I don't make enough money. :(""
Is car insurance for a second driver over 25 years of age free in Canada?
My girlfriend will be getting a car soon, and will be buying an insurance policy. I am 25 years old and have been driving for around 8 years. Do I need to purchase a second insurance policy to be able to drive that same car?""
What is the best car to get low insurance?
i'm thinking of getting my first car. what is the a good car with low insurance rate?. and what are the best ways to make the insurance go less ?
Mandated Health Insurance is different from Mandated Auto Insurance how?
The Supreme Court will be deciding if the government can force us to buy health insurance from a private corporation. The government forces us to buy auto liability insurance from a private corporation. I am at a loss to see the difference.
Where to get Motor Trade insurance?
I'm 23 years old and I live in Bradford so getting a quote is near impossible. I've called a lot of Motor Trade insurance companies but none have been able to quote me either due to me being under 25 or because I live in Bradford. Do you guys know any companies I can try?
Cheapest london minicabs/private hire insurance ?
Wrecked car leased no insurance?
I will try to make this short and sweet, I hit a tree and messed up the left side of My car, My car is still leased and My insurance ran out right before I hit this tree, the car is still driveable but it's been towed away and now I need money to get it out and have to have insurance on it before I get it out....I guess My question is am I facing jail time or what could happen. I haven't called My bank yet""
Should I have full coverage or liability only for car insurance on a 1997 Honda Accord?
The car is in very good condition with no major problems. The car is almost 13 years old but the re-sale of Honda cars are supposed to be good.
What does a saliva test took for when getting life insurance?
What does a saliva test took for when getting life insurance?
First time dealing with car insurance for a 19 yr old?
I just finished drivers ed today and I want to go ahead and get my drivers license because also Lowes called me and want me to come in for orientation! Crazy day right? 2 good things in 1 day. But anyways the Lowes that I should be working at is maybe 15 minutes away and the position I have should be a night position. I'm sure my mom doesn't want to drive around at night so I told her she can just give me the car at night. Here's the thing my dad said he'd have to put me on his insurance. I would like to get my own insurance so they can save some of there money. So can anybody point me in any direction or give me some tips. Because im clueless when it comes to car insurance. Right now my mom is asking me do I have to work there. I plan on grabbing this job because I've been looking for awhile and I finally got 1. Ain't no telling when I'll get another one
What is insurance?
What is insurance?
Does having a commercial drivers license affect my insurance rates?
I don't drive commercially for a living, so I'm wondering if having my CDL (which I do have) would affect my auto insurance rates positively or negatively. I have my CDL because I drive a bus every once in a while for the university where I work. Thanks for any help you can give.""
Can you switch car insurance with a pending accident case?
I had an accident about 4 years ago, it was my fault, but the case is still ongoing for that between the two insurance companies. I would like to switch from State Farm to Geico auto insurance to save some money. Would it be a problem to switch with a pending case?""
Other Drivers On Car Insurance Liability Policy?
I want to add my little brother's car to my car insurance policy. If I add the car, under my name, but do not add the actual driver (my brother), what risks am I taking? If he is driving a car that is insured under my name and he gets in an accident where he is at fault, will the other person's damages still be covered by my insurance? I know that with liability insurance he would be SOL for his car, but I don't want to get stuck paying for someone else's car if he crashed and it was under my name. Please shine some light on this for me.""
Is there cheap car insurance in sharon pennsylvaniaa?
Hello im getting a car in a week and need insurance but i keep getting told its going to be around 80 dollars a month and i was paying 50 dollars in New York, I only make 400 dollars a month. Does anyone know of a cheap place for auto insurance in or around Sharon PA? thank you""
Is moped insurance cheaper than car insurance?
i need an easier way to get around town but until i can afford a car i was thinking if i learned to ride a scooter instead it might make things more simple but are they cheaper to run than cars
Can She Still Get Health Insurance?
My girlfriend and I are moving out to South Dakota in a few months and I was wondering if she would still be covered under her mom's insurance. She is a full-time student and lives with her mother in Wyoming goes to school in Nebraska. She will however be living with me in South Dakota but still a full-time student. Is she still covered under her mothers insurance even though she will not be living under her mother's roof? Thanks!
Roughly how much is car insurance for a new driver in uk?
im going to get my license because i've been told it's good to have early. but i can't decide whether or not to look into getting a car. i just need a rough idea of how much insurance is. i have no idea what type of car. just basic. i just need a rough price please.
Honda civic si insurance?
Okay well im planning to upgrade to an 07 si im 18 and not a first time buyer, i had insurance for my other honda for about a year, so i was wondering about how much the insurance would be? Before i call my insurance.""
""I'm living in Japan, looking for private health insurance. Can anyone recommend a good *affordable company?""
I'm an expat, planning on spending most of my life here in Japan. The national health insurance is good but a bit expensive. So if anyone knows a good expat health insurance company that is somewhat comprehensive, please send the information my way. I only have to cover myself and I have my own business.""
Are others here getting rebate checks from your Health Insurance companies based on the new Health Care Law?
I just got back $178 from Humana. Per the form: Enclosed is your health insurance premium rebate check which is required by the Affordable Care Act - Health Care reform - and the Medical Loss Ratio provision. The purpose of this requirement is to lower the cost of health care coverage.
colorado medical insurance low income
colorado medical insurance low income
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 6 years
Dr. Daves Field Guide to Bad Cocktails
If the idea of sitting in a dark, elegant bar, lapping at a small, icy pool whose waters have a way of smoothing the furrows in your brow and oiling the trunnions of your tongue appeals to you, then as dark as these times may be there is at least one recompense. It is now possible to get a perfect cocktail, or close enough, in every city in America. Ten years ago, it was not. That is a positive good, then, and sometimes a very positive one indeed.
But it doesnt always go that way, though, does it? You do your part OKgetting to the bar, finding a seat, putting your damn phone away, ordering a drink, looking expectantand the bartender does a stylish job of picking bottles, measuring and mixing, and pours your drink into a steaming-cold glass with a precise, crisp flourish. Then you take a sip. Oh no. The drinks list billed this Transitive Nightfall of Diamonds as a subtly-accented take on the classic Dry Martini. What you got instead is potpourri-tasting gin, cilantro-infused vermouth and aggressive splashes of bitter gentian aperitif and crme de violette, with a huge swatch of bergamot peel squeezed over the top. It smells like Victorian hand soap. It tastes like Victorian hand soap. It costs $15, before tip.
The expansion of the Cocktail Renaissance (as its aficionados have come to call it) from a few bars in New York, San Francisco, Seattle and a couple of other places to hundredswho knows, thousands?of bars practically everywhere has depended on a concurrent expansion in the amount of bartending and mixological talent and knowledge. But good bartending has expanded not as air does when filling a balloon, where theres an equal amount of it in every part, but more like how Legos fill a hallway when, on your way to the bathroom in the middle of the night, you kick over the huge tub of them your kid left out. Although it doesnt happen with every step, every part of the hall holds the danger of putting your foot down on something fun that has turned diabolical.
What I mean to say is, not all tattooed young bartenders are the modern-day Jerry Thomases they think they are, and not every cocktail they make is the nectareous, brow-smoothing trunnion oil you hope for when you order it. Some, alas, are just plain bad.
The badness of many modern cocktails has been discussed widely and often, and by discussed I mean ranted about. Its easy to go off on the excesses of eager young mixologists who apparently watch too much Adventure Time and let its deadpan randomness infect the drinks they come up withlamb-fat washed rye-corn-barley eau de vie, citrus colloid, Indonesian palm sugar and brick dust, finished with a beet-Malibu foam; like that. What we need, however, is not more rants, as fun as they might be, but some basic science.
Before we can solve the problem of bad cocktails, we need to know the different ways a cocktail can go bad. We need a botany, a zoology, a classification. Every creeping thing that slideth over the bar must be known by his kind, that thou mayst order him no more. (I think it said that in the Bible somewhere, although I might be getting some of the words mixed up.)
Thats not a simple task. At first glance, it seems like cocktails follow Dostoyevskys happy-family rule; that the good ones are more or less all alike, or at least fall into a handful of common patterns (bitters-sugar-booze; bitters-vermouth-booze; sugar-citrus-booze, etc), and the bad ones are each awful in its own peculiar way.
Upon soberish reflection, though, one can identify two main realms of error, each with its inevitable subdivisions. The Strategic and the Tactical. Here, then, is a subjective, preliminary and open-ended attempt to sketch out the different ways mixed drinks can go bad. In this, Ive left out the main one, statistically speaking, which is the old Garbage In-Garbage Out: shoddy, artificial ingredients mixed sloppily together will rarely yield anything drinkable. Fortunately, most modern cocktail bars are out of that phase, at least. These, then, are higher-order errors, the kind you can make with booze that costs more than $20 a bottle and mixers that dont come out of a gun or a #5 can.
But before I get into the details, let me just say that as a mixologist Ive made drinks that fall into just about every one of the following categories and foisted them on the general public, whether at bars Ive consulted for, at charity events, at parties, during my occasional bartending shifts, or via the printed or pixelated word. I write, in other words, from inside the House of Bad. Its partly from making so many wrong drinks that Ive learned to make the occasional right one. Bearing that in mind, Im going to give examples here, some of mine, God help me, but many drawn from actual bars, lightly disguised (the purpose of this isnt to assign individual guilt, of which there is plenty to go around).
Drinks with strategic errors will never be right because theyre wrong from the get-go; not even an Audrey Saunders, a Jim Meehan or an Alex Kratena, some of the top bartenders out there, could make them taste good without major surgery to the recipe. Here are a few of the most common mistakes.
Historical Errors
Warning signs: David Emburys recipe
Bad drinks, like disease, have always been with us. Some of them have interesting backstories. That does not mean they should be revived. Some of the most respected mixologists from the past, including Charles H. Baker, Jr., author of the legendary, and damned amusing, Gentlemans Companions, and particularly David Embury, the great theorist of mixing drinks, did not know how to balance a cocktail. Even the great 1930 Savoy Cocktail Book has far more wretched drinks in it than brilliant ones. Some whole periodsthe shockingly booze-forward 1950s; the sweet and sticky 70sare largely devoid of good drinks (the 70s ones, for instance, tend to require major surgery to make them drinkable, such as Jeffrey Morgenthalers addition of 125-proof Bookers Bourbon to the Amaretto Sour). You fish in these waters at your peril.
I learned this lesson back in 2005, when I was asked to provide an opening cocktail for a dinner featuring a few of New Yorks top French chefs, including Jacques Ppin and Andr Soltner, two of my culinary idols. I chose the Henri Souls Special, a drink recorded in Ted Sauciers 1951 drinks compendium Bottoms Up. Soul was the formidable presence behind Le Pavillon, New Yorks leading French restaurant in the 1940s and 1950s, and since Ppin had gotten his start in the city there I thought it would be an appropriate tribute.
Here, however, was the drink: 2.5 ounces Cognac, 1 teaspoon sugar, half a teaspoon lemon juice and two pieces of orange peel, shaken with ice and strained into a cocktail glass. OK, perhaps a trifle strong, I thought, but that was how they liked em then. That may have been true, but it was not how they liked em now: Ppin took one sip and left his on a convenient shrubbery-pot, and few people got through more than a few sips. They were right: the drink tasted like California jug wine fortified with rubbing alcohol. A good story does not fix a bad drink.
Also, see below under tactical errors.
Thematic Errors
Warning signs: garnishes fashioned to resemble known objects
A very fertile source of bad drinks is the idea that the drinks name should determine its ingredients. This can make for perfectly lovely drinkstake the Rob Roy, a Manhattan where Scotch whisky has been substituted for American ryebut it is risky, as it can lead to the choice of ingredients for reasons other than flavor and texture. A prime example is the drink I came across recently called the Indian Itch, where a few slices of the little, blisteringly-hot green Jwala pepper so common in Indian food were muddled in Indian rum, shaken with pineapple juice and a hearty pinch of curry powder (thats right, curry powder), strained into an ice-filled glass and topped with ginger ale. Yes, it conveyed the idea India. No, it did not also convey the idea drinkable.
A great deal of modern mixology flirts with this error: many modern drinks are thematic, and use unorthodox ingredients, from distilled dirt (seriously) to pigs eyeballs (again, seriously), to reinforce their themes. Are such drinks always bad? No. Should you be wary? Again, pigs eyeballs.
Volume Errors
Warning signs: bartender is either unenthusiastic or too enthusiastic at your order
By volume here I mean not the amount of liquid in the drink, but the amount of flavor. Some drinks have too little, but given the choice between, say, light, blended Irish whiskey shaken with lemon juice, simple syrup and a dash of elderflower liqueur, and Navy-strength gin, green Chartreuse, Fernet-Branca, Pimiento Bitters and rich, concentrated and sweet Pedro Ximnez sherry, Ill take the dull one. Two or three strong-flavored ingredients played against each other can work well, but with each additional one you risk the whole thing falling apart.
Unclubbable Ingredient Errors
Warning signs: herb garden behind the bar
The unclubbable ingredient is the one thing you add that refuses to get along with others, either by being loud and bullying and entirely blotting them out or by being passive-aggressive and persistent and speaking through all the silences. Smoky Scotch, Chinese baijiu, some mescals, absinthe, Fernet, and some pot-still rums all are dangerous in this way. But so are herbs, such as tarragon, chervil, and the like. They dont drown out the other flavors like the big spirits do, but they have a persistence that makes them linger when all the other flavors are gone. Thats not to say they cant be used well, just that they very often are not.
Brown Drink Errors
Warning signs: over 5 ingredients
Just as all colors, when blended, create brown, theres a flavor profile drinks tend to take on when theyve got too many ingredients. Sorta sweet, sorta bitter, sorta herbal, a little bit fruity, maybe sourish, too. Inexperienced mixologists, faced with a drink that doesnt quite work, have a tendency to keep adding ingredients until the thing tastes OK. Eventually, almost any drink, as long as it doesnt have an unclubbable ingredient, can be made to taste OK if you add enough stuff. But just mediocre isnt worth $15. For that, you want a drink that is focused; that doesnt taste like a little of this and a little of that, but rather has a point of view and a harmonious identity. The only way to get there is to strip away ingredients and start over with different ones; ones that get along well together. Knowing what those are takes experience. The older the mixologist, the fewer ingredients he or she tends to use. As the great jazz trumpeter Roy Eldridge once told Dale DeGroff, dean of American bartenders, when I was younger I used to play all the notes; now, I just play the right ones.
So much for strategic errors.
Drinks with tactical errors are fundamentally sound, but something has gone wrong in their execution. Here, Im not going to bother with simple incompetencereaching for the wrong ingredient, under-stirring, pouring fruit-fly infested liquor or spoiled lime juice, serving a drink in a warm glass, things like that. Thats just bad bartending, not bad mixology.
Historical Errors
Warning signs: Imbibe, by one David Wondrich, and a collection of other history books behind the bar
Some drinks are bad because their makers have gotten hold of a piece of knowledge from the wrong end and are letting it mess them up. For example, a common error I encounter occurs with the New York Sour, a whiskey sour with a float of red wine and one of my favorite drinks. Sometimes when I order one the bartender will add egg white to the drink. Historically, some sours used egg white, but never this one. The egg white produces a layer of froth on top of the drink, which clashes with the layer of red wine also being added to it, and you end up with a drink topped with an unattractive, pinkish muck, rather than a visually-striking, thin red line. Here, history has trumped common sense.
Another historical error involving egg whites occurs when the bartender, following an old recipe, adds a whole egg white to a drink, not realizing that eggs were much smaller in 1918 than the supersized jumbo ones we get in 2018. A little egg white adds a nice texture; a lot, and youre tasting egg white. Nobody wants to taste egg white.
Arts & Crafts and Food Tech Errors
Warning signs: more than two house-made ingredients on the cocktail list, or bar uses purchased simple syrup
Its fine to make your ingredients if you can do them masterfully and theres no other way to get them. Alas, too many bars make theirs just to say that they did. I cant count the number of times Ive had an overly sour Jack Rose (apple brandy, lime juice and grenadine) because the bar makes its own grenadine from pomegranates and sugar rather than using the commercial stuff. Admittedly, the ingredients of the supermarket brands are fairly appalling, but at least theyre really sweet and brightly colored, which is why grenadine was called for in the first place. Nobody ever talked about the stuffs flavor. A good house-made grenadine will duplicate the heavy sweetness and intense red color of the commercial stuff, leaving out the high-fructose corn syrup, the artificial flavors and the dyes (okay, sometimes a little food coloring helps). A bad one, as one encounters more often than not, will be sour and brownish and will neither adequately sweeten nor color the drink. Then there are the clumpy orgeats, the gritty tonic waters, the weird-tasting bitters, the infused vermouths that no longer taste like vermouth. Homemade ingredients can be great, but they have to be great, so to speak. Nothing so-so should go in a drink, no matter who makes it.
Which brings us to the other side of the equation; the crappy commercial products that are mucking up a perfectly good drink. Otherwise-crafty bars that purchase things like simple syrup (sugar and water, mixed), lemon and lime juice and Bloody Mary mix should be avoided. Theyll charge you three times what the corner tap will for the same quality of drink, or worse.
Helping a Brother Out and Helping a Sponsor Out Errors
Warning signs: More than 10 bottles youve never heard of; no bottles youve never heard of
These are the booze versions of the Arts & Crafts/Food Tech errors. We live in an amazing time where literally hundreds of new, small distilleries are making every kind of spirit imaginable. Some of them are even good at it. Many of them, though, are not quite there yet. When I see a local gin I havent heard of being used in my Martini, I start to get very worried. The Martini is a pitiless drink, and it demands a tight, focused gin. All too many of the new brands, in an understandable move to differentiate themselves from whats already out there, employ wide ranges of non-traditional botanicals. These can make for a weird Martini. A Martini should not be weird.
The same goes for whiskey. Too many of the new brands are under-aged, which mean that Old-Fashioned will be hot and fumey and redolent of the wet-dog aroma of new-make grain spirit. Thats not what you want. On the other hand, if the bar carries only big national brands, or has the whole line of Large Producer Xs flavored vodkas or rums on display behind the bar, it might not be the place for a fine cocktail.
Glassware Errors
Warning signs: All the drinks look like a giant, translucent version of a kids cup-and-ball game
Many new cocktail bars, having expensive and elaborate ice programs, like to show off by putting as many drinks as possible in bucket glasses (basically, large whiskey glasses), each holding one huge ball or cube of ice. Thats fine for an Old-Fashioned. Its not fine, or even acceptable, for a vast range of other drinks that want to be straight up in a stemmed glass. If I have one more Last Word served to me on the rocks I swear I shall go to a mountain cave and speak no more.
We could go on with all this, and perhaps in the future we shall. In the meanwhile, be warned and drink well.
Read more: https://www.thedailybeast.com/dr-daves-field-guide-to-bad-cocktails
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2sPnBLC via Viral News HQ
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sduckyz · 6 years
So my kakariki got himself into some sort of trouble. Unfortunately in the days during and after said trouble I just let him be. let him out and he hung out under my table and went around the room and back and forth and such 
So that + my not really good eyesight I didnt notice his toe nail. one of these days after the whatever accident Im guessing he got himself into.  Which Im guessing he got his toe stuck and broke the toe nail off while trying to break free. Im guessing that with a toe nail broken off and open would he got himself an infection which inhibited the regrowth of said toe nail. I notice him in the cage holding his leg up and I notice his toe nail is rather small. So I take him out to look and yehp he got himself some sort of infection. His oddly small toenail is black and the first phalanx of his to nearest his nail is yellow. Since I couldnt get to the vet yet due to work being understaffed and the vet only open until 6pm and im working til 7pm also with no car I was forced to wait till my next day off.  at first i thought “tea tree is antiseptic!”  but turns out like my sister my kakariki is allergic to tea tree and it only made his foot a little swollen so I stopped that and im never using tea tree on animals again. I called the clinic I used to take my rabbits and due to this being a bird they referred me to another clinic which seems to be the only animal clinic with an “avian expert” im using this VERY lightly as she seems like a vet who knows slightly about birds. So I went and honestly the vet looked more baffled than I was. Personally I would have liked to take a sample or something to be sure whether its fungal infection or a bacterial infection.  vet said they wanted to use baytril (which is a all in 1 bactericide: it inhibits an enzyme that bacteria needs to multiply) straight on the leg but uh due to my bird holding his leg up because it hurt she didnt want to do that because the leg would get heavier and she didnt want him to hurt more. so instead I was to give my bird baytril orally and i also got painkillers. after researching some at home I learned that baytril shouldnt really be used orally after about 4 days because its a bactericide. and that goes for both good stomach bacteria as well as others which meant that after 4 days you might get yourself a bird with a yeast infection. yay. not in the mood for that. I was to come back to check the leg 2 days later. but I feel asleep without meaning to the night before and ended up oversleeping those 2 hours the clinic was open on a saturday. and its closed on sundays And now the yellow on the toe had moved forwards and was not covering almost 3 phalanx. so on monday after realizing their site says theyre open until 10 pm i decided to go right after work. which was pointless because apparently its not technically “open” more as there is a staff member (who is not a vet) there to greet you in case of any emergencies. I was told to call during the phone hour next morning and ask for the vet i worked with. I did that and the vet wa apparently on a phone and I left my number so that she could return my call but it didnt happen. that was yesterday. so today with a day off I drove my mom to work so i could take the car and just bring him to the vet during opening hours because shit i could not wait any longer. Also now the mainly affected toe was no longer yellow as it was but more dead. it had now shriveled up due to lack of blood going there. the toe just looks somewhat healthy. then comes to a yellow looking flaky skin and then just shriveled up dead toe. The other does just have flaky dead skin thats waiting for fall off and healthy skin underneath and the nails are flaky and theres blood in them like it leaked out of something and on one toe the blood vessel looks good and then halfway through the toenail it shrivels up.  I had been giving him the painkillers and the bactericide orally until monday but because I didnt want him to get a yeast infection I went ahead and put it right on the affected area instead. which is why i just needed to call her i wanted to know if it was okay even though i knew it was but i wanted to be extra sure. after putting it straight on the affected area the yellowness stopped growing. his skin had flaked off around the toe nails of the other toes on same foot and looked like an open wound that didnt look like it was closing. but after putting baytril straight on the leg the wound now had dry blood which i guess was healing. But Im not entirely sure if the foot looks better... or worse. because if its a fungi then it would get worse. I dont know what worse looks like. But this seemed somewhat better. finally got him to the vet and its the same. mostly just standing there going “uhhhhhh” and then “Im gonna take him and get advice with the other vets” I hate living in a small country can someone PLEASE open up a clinic with exotic pet experts PLEASE.  So now. with an obvious dead toe part that has decided to leave this world behind were going to need surgery to get that off. Im supposed to bring him in tomorrow and another surgery vet person is going to assess the leg and decide whether just the dead toe comes off or the entire fucking foot (which I dont like because there is no need to remove AN ENTIRE DAMN LEG FOR THIS) So thats what I know now. tomorrow surgery in which he might or might not survive(told to me by vet which not a good sign ugh) foot might get amputated or might not. like I have a budgie with one leg but hes all good because he prefers flyign anyway. my kakariki however prefers walking. so entire foot off will be an issue. ALSO personally i would like to at least know what the infection is and get that shit contained and fixed BEFORE turning to surgery. Whats the point of surgery if theres still an infection? then its just gonna go straight into the bones right into the newly open wounds. honestly. I hate my anxiety. personally i would have wanted to get him a thing to cover his leg completely in a mix of baytril and aloe vera(if thats allowed) let that stay and change it daily or every other day and see how he will be after a week or a month. although I do realize the toe is dead now. because when it was all yellow and lacking blood the vet didnt do anything. because when it was yellow my main concern was “this toe gonna die unless it gets blood” yeah. vets are so megh. great. so now Im home and I happened to have some leftovers of this really magical antiseptic and antifungal cream that is literal magic and works super fast. and I put that on his foot and something to cover and now im gonna let that sink in and hope it does some magic before the surgery. please. i dont want the leg removed. I mean if it has to be removed Im okay with that. But the fact is this overwhelming feeling that none of the vets know what the fuck to do. Its annoying as hell.  Specially when you go to a vet hoping to fix a problem but the vet wont do the thing that makes it get fixed faster “because the poor bird feels pain” honey. the bird is ALREADY in fuckign pain. But you know what? Theres a world of difference with a slightly heavier leg thats better in 4 days to a week vs not heavier leg that ends up being amputated and now the bird has yeast infection to make things worse. I mean its an easy choice??? My vet is super good at looking at my bird with puppy eyes being all “oh noooooo he feels pain. poor bird!” but i wish she was less like that and more like “in my professional opinion i should take samples to know exactly what im dealing with so that i can find an antiseptic that kills the exact problem we have and so we will all be better.
0 notes
ase-trollplays · 7 years
-- liberatedRaptor [LR] began pestering tapeFace [TF] --
-- liberatedRaptor [LR] began pestering tapeFace [TF] --
LR: why tape tho
TF: Because my voice hurts people. :c
TF: Taping my mouth stops me from hurting people by accident :D
LR: oh thats actually kinda sad
TF: It's not that bad once you get used to it. :) I never liked the sound of my voice anyways.
TF: So! Why don't we introduce ourselves! :D
TF: My name's Cacoph
LR: im Wynter
TF: :O Nice!
TF: It's good to meet you, Wynter :D
TF: So, how's your night going? :)
LR: ah all things considered id say its pretty good
LR: ive been walking since i got up tho which was hours ago
LR: im a little tired :v
TF: Yeah, I bet. D: I hope you're close to where ever it is you're walking to.
LR: still a few nights off but HEY i wont make progress if i dont work hard so
LR: i just keep looking forward to seeing my friends again
TF: Good luck! I'm sure they're all looking forward to seeing you again, too!
TF: I hope whatever separated you from them wasn't anything too awful or serious. :c
LR: eh
LR: so question
LR: if you cant speak because of your voice being dangerous
LR: do you sign? :O
TF: Yes I do! Though most of the time I end up using a white board.
TF: Not many people bother to learn sign language. :/
TF: I'm assuming you have, though :O
LR: i know sign!! :O ugh yeah i hate it, no one knows it so im always like "wtf"
TF: Oh, I know! DX I wish learning to sign was included in basic schoolfeeding like learning Alternian.
TF: Out of curiosity, what made you decide to learn sign language?
LR: uhhh its a long story that basically ends in "im mute"
TF: Wow, I've never come across a fellow mutie :o
TF: This calls for (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ~『✧~*SPECIAL EMOTES*~✧』
TF: Granted, I would have started using those eventually anyways. (◕ω◕✿)
TF: I lost track of the website I copy them from for a bit. (●︿●;;)
LR: thats cute wtf
LR: im lazy and never use things like that even though theyre adorable
TF: Thank you! (◠ω◠✿) I'm always worried they make me seem obnoxious or something, but they're just so much more fun and expressive! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
LR: im a firm believer that if someone finds you obnoxious then theyre just missing out
LR: be yaself
TF: Exactly! (ノ◠ヮ◠)ノ Who has time for that kind of negativity? Not this mime!
LR: oh my god
TF: Is that a good "oh my god" or a bad "oh my god"? (●﹏●✿)
LR: a good one lol
TF: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ Great! I was worried for a second.
TF: Not many people enjoy mimes. (″・ิ_・ิ) I guess I remind them too much of the clowns.
LR: i mean i guess i could understand that
LR: but mimes are usually harmless so like
TF: It really sucks. ┐(‘~`;)┌ But what can you do other than keep on keeping on, right? (´・ω・`)
LR: yeah! thats a good way to look at it
LR: like
LR: fuck them
LR: lol
LR: you seem pretty cool either way
TF: ∩(◕//ω//◕)∩ Thanks!
TF: You seem pretty cool, too (✿◠ヮ◠)
LR: cool? im ice cold B)
-- tapeFace [TF] plays a sick ass guitar riff B3 --
TF: Also, can I just say I love your text color? (⊙△⊙✿) I'm a sucker for super bright pastels!
LR: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA thanks ^^ its really beautiful huh? it sounds like im trying to toot my own horn or something but just
LR: i could fuckin stare at it all night
LR: so like do you for reals stand outside all night and just mime at people
LR: what u do
TF: I actually work as a janitor at a library. (◕︿◕✿) It's not very fun, but miming on street corners doesn't keep me fed and sheltered.
TF: But on my nights off, you can find me in the park being a miming dork to my heart's content (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
LR: being a janitor sounds terrible RIP
TF: It is, but sometimes I get to have a little fun. ԅ(≖ω≖ԅ)
TF: The library I work at has a real problem with people doing the frick frack behind the bookshelves or under tables.
LR: Oh what the hell,
TF: My boss pays me extra to expose anyone I find.
TF: As mean as it is, I get a laugh out of ruining the mood for some people. (n゜ω゜n)
TF: Their expression are priceless when they realize they've been caught
TF: Though some of them get very angry and try to kill me. (⊙︿⊙✿)
LR: not surprised in the least
LR: but like...... why a library
LR: why would they fuck in a library
TF: Libraries have to be one of the unsexiest places, yet at least twice a month
TF: The only thing worse than breaking up couples is people who bring in food and hide their food trash because then we get ANTS. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
TF: Just looking at one makes my skin crawl! {{p´Д`q}}
LR: ugh ants are such a gross hassle
LR: especially trying to figure out where they come from??
LR: how the fuck did they get in
TF: I don't know but they need to STOP ( ≧Д≦)
TF: They're the absolute worst and I hate having to get rid of them! They're so little and they get everywhere, and they have the nerve to bite!
TF: And it's hard to be sure you got all of them because they're so small and they completely disappear on carpet (┳Д┳)
LR: plus the leave that gross chemical trail for other ants to follow
LR: eugh
TF: ((brb))
TF: UUUUuuuugh, literally everything about them is awful (╬ Ò﹏Ó)
LR: id say i hate spiders more tbh
TF: I honestly don't mind them too much (´。• ᵕ •。`) the small ones are adorable
TF: Jumping spiders give me a fright, though (●︿●✿) I don't mess with those.
LR: all spiders terrify me
LR: its dumb
LR: even the harmless ones
LR: they just got too many legs.................
TF: Eugh, I can understand that. (●﹏●✿) Centipedes creep me out for the same reason.
LR: fffffffffffffffUCK those things
LR: fuck all things with more than four legs
TF: Some things with more than four legs are so cute though! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ Like ladybugs and butterflies and praying mantises
LR: one of those things is not like the other
TF: One of those things just doesn't belong? /(●△●✿)\
TF: I think praying mantises have an underappreciated cuteness to them. (´◡ω◡`) And it's so funny watching them chop at things (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
LR: i watched a video of one give birth to a terrible parasite that drove it to seek out water and drown itself
TF: (⊙︿⊙) ...
TF: (´_`。) They can't always be cute
LR: its a darn shame too
TF: That poor thing. (; ̄д ̄) Who would even film that? It sounds awful
LR: apparently its common
LR: hairworms?
TF: Yikes. (◕﹏◕)
TF: That kind of make me think of those flies that infect bees.
TF: I hope those never adapt to infect grubs or something. (⊙﹏⊙)
TF: (⊙∩⊙✿) I immediately regret this line of thought. I made a terrible mistake
LR: i regret your line of thought too
LR: i am
LR: scarred for life
TF: Do you have any quadrants you're looking forward to seeing?
LR: i miss my mate and my moirail
LR: and some fucker who is sorta my kismesis but like
LR: its complicated?
LR: noncommittal "eh?" sound
TF: (◕△◕)Oh wow, you have so much going on.
TF: What's your sorta-but-not-really kismesis like?
LR: hes a dick but also i guess hes attractive? i think? im not actually sure
LR: i dont really feel that way about people so its hard to tell
LR: i guess he looks good
LR: BUT YEAH were just
LR: dicks to each other all the time
TF: Sounds like fun (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
TF: What about your matesprit and your moirail?
LR: oh my god so my matesprit is literally the coolest person in the fucking universe (no offense to you Cacoph cuz youre up there) and shes cute and she bakes a lot and shes good at it and she has her OWN BAKERY (which i work at) and she memes on me all the time and we just have so much in common
LR: she makes my heart do the backflip things
TF: (ㄒoㄒ) Oh my god, that's so sweet! You sound like the cutest couple
LR: yeah except i never told her i was going anywhere and its been two weeks i think so shes probably angry as fuck
LR: shes gonna rip my face off when i come back
TF: It was nice knowing you
TF: Your memory will live on forever in this chatlog
LR: here lies Wynter: their mate fucking murdered them with a glare
TF: Killed before their time, they will be missed. (◡︿◡,✿)
TF: Did you at least tell your moirail?
LR: yeah
TF: Good, so you won't be double dead once they see you again. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
TF: I really hope you can smooth things over with your matesprit once you see her again. (◕︿◕) It's really gonna suck if you lose her.
LR: RIP,,,,
LR: two weeks is the longest ive gone without video games
LR: im dying
TF: What kind of video games do you play? (◕△◕✿)
LR: anything i can get my soulless little hands on
TF: That's a lot of games probably (✿◕△◕)~★
TF: I mostly just play casual things like Stardew Valley, Minecraft, and Lusus Crossing
LR: i do all of those things
LR: an also COD and Halo and Overwatch
TF: I tried playing COD, but the online players were so rude and negative. (≖︿≖✿) I doubt a single one of them was older than six.
TF: I haven't tried the other games you mentioned, though
LR: you should try :O Overwatch is super fun
TF: Really (◕△◕✿) What's it like? I see memes and fanart all the time on bubblr, but does it really live up to the hype?
LR: its grossly addictive
LR: and you get matched with people of similar skill so when you first start out you probably wont run into the gross types that play COD because theyre just starting out as well
TF: That sounds great (◕ω◕✿) It'll be nice not to have wrigglers screaming at me to git gud just because I haven't poured my entire existence into the game
TF: Does it run better on hisktop, or should I get it for the game system? (◕△◕✿)
LR: i play it on console but i believe theres a bigger playbase on husktop
LR: i would suggest only getting it on husktop if you have an external mouse
TF: Alright then, husktop it is. (◕‿◕✿)
TF: Eugh, that emote didn't come out well (◕﹏◕✿)
LR: o vo
TF: ⊙v⊙
LR: oh god
TF: ಠ_ಠ I'm suddenly very bad at emotes.
TF: why this
LR: cant always be good at it
LR: what about you, you got any quads youre gogo for?
TF: No, sadly not. (◡︿◡✿) I've had crushes, but they never amounted to anything
TF: On a whim, I signed up for a matchmaking thing just for curiosity's sake, and I got matched with a highblood. ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
LR: oh shit highbloods dawg
TF: I'm actually pretty nervous. Looking over his profile, he seems really grumpy and serious. (●﹏●✿)
LR: oh shit x2
LR: good luck
TF: Thanks, I'm gonna need it. ヽ(°ロ°)ノ
TF: I had a lot of fun chatting with you! (◕ω◕✿) Unfortunately, I need to get going.
LR: oh sure
LR: lemme know how ya date goes!
TF: Will do, friendo! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ Good luck making it back to your friends and quadmates!
-- tapeFace [TF] ceased pestering liberatedRaptor [LR] --
0 notes