#apgar arts
soojinaaa · 9 months
2023 Feb - June
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Key events/tasks:
막학기 수업/과제/실습 (Hunter -> ESA 이동), 라이센스 시험 준비/합격, 파리/런던 여행, 롱텐 친구들 뉴욕 방문, 엄마 아빠 뉴욕 방문, 졸업, Termination, 한국행, SJ 한국 방문
Best 3
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Belle - 호소다 마모루
Les Pires - Lise Akoka, Romane Gueret
Abbott Elementary (season 2)
A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara
고요한 우연 - 김수빈
코리안 티처 - 서수진
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Agust D (D-DAY)
What That Quilt Knows About Me (American Folk Art Museum)
Blaise Cendrars (1887-1961): Poetry is Everything (The Morgan Library & Museum)
Digable Planets
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지옥같았던 헌터에서의 마지막 1-2주. 정말이지, 악마를 보았다... 
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2/9 헌터 실습 마지막날. 퇴근 후 하람이와 축배를 들었다. Sobaya에서 모밀과 유자 사케.
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2/13 ESA로 두번째 첫 출근. 작년에 함께 시간을 보낸 학생들이 상담실로 찾아와 나를 껴안아주었다. 사진은 TW의 왤컴백 선물. 제니와 인턴 친구들도 따뜻한 환대의 말들로 긴장을 풀어주었다. 덕분에 빠르게 적응할 수 있었고 금새 열두명의 학생들을 맡게 되었다.
2월 중순부터 LMSW 시험 준비도 슬슬 시작.
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혜리와 런던-파리 여행. 과제와 시험 준비로 마음에 여유가 없던 시기였는데, 혜리가 사는 조용하고 평화로운 동네 엔젤에 도착하자마자 거의 모든 잡념이 사라졌다. 고층 건물이 없고, 작은 운하가 흐르고, 세상에서 제일 맛있고 양이 적은 아이스 마차 라떼가 있는 곳.
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런던에 도착하자마자 혜리가 만들어준 잔치국수 그리고 뉴욕으로 떠나기 직전 차려준 집밥을 잊을 수 없다.. 따흑. 이번 여행 맛집 베스트 3를 꼽자면: 혜리네, Table d’ Aki, Dishoom
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기대했던 Palais de Tokyo에서의 Mariam Cahn 전시도 좋았다. 아래 사진은 전시를 보고 에너지가 동이 난 혜리.
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이번에 깨닫게된 친구와 여행을 하면 좋은 점 셋: 
1) 친구의 새로운 장점들을 알게 된다. 혜리, Queen of operations! 
2) 친구에게 영향을 받아 새로운 기호와 루틴이 생긴다. 오크라, 오버나이트 오츠. 
3) 친구의 친구를 소개 받을 수 있는 기회가 생기고, 더 운이 좋으면 그 친구의 친한 친구가 나의 어릴적 베프였다, 와같은 기가막히는 인연이 생기기도 한다. 
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Marianna 와도 상봉. Marianna에게 색깔을 모두 빼앗긴 나.
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여행을 마치고 가장 아름다운 노을과 주원과 해야 할 일들이 있는 곳으로 돌아왔다. 오랜만에 센팍 저수지를 한바퀴 돌며 이곳을 집이라 부를 수 있어 감사하다 생각했다.
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이달의 선물: MN이 직접 만들어준 콤부차 그리고 지영 주니어 리아의 탄생 소식.
이달의 quote: 왜 사람들에게 강물 소리가 치유의 효과가 있는지에 대한 Annea Lockwood의 말. The body is relaxed by the repetition, but the brain remains engaged because of the details. (...) 시각적으로도 청각적으로도 반복과 임의가 섞일 때, 아름다움이 일어난다. (루시드폴 블로그)
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LMSW 시험을 등록하고 발등에 불을 붙여 본격적인 시험 공부 시작.
쏟아지는 과제와 실습, 시험공부를 병행하는게 쉽지 않았다. 투두 리스트가 버겁게 느껴질 때 도움이 되었던 breathing exercises 그리고 해야 하는 일의 단위를 잘게 쪼개기 (시험 공부하기 -> Dawn Apgar 책 서른장 읽기). 
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하기 싫지만 해야 하는 일에 기쁨 두 스푼을 끼얹으면 그럭저럭 할만한 일이 되기도 한다. 학교/도시 곳곳의 예쁜 도서관들을 찾아 다니며 그 기쁨 두 스푼을 놓치지 않으려 애썼던 날들이 사진첩 곳곳에 남아있구나.
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그리고 롱텐 친구들 (혜리, 세연, 연지)의 뉴욕 방문. 서른 한살의 몸으로 여전히 스물 한살인것처럼 놀다가 하나 둘씩 앓��� 눕기 시작했다.. 어른의 삶이 바빠 서로 듬성듬성 할때도 있지만, 오랜 시간에 걸쳐 견고하게 쌓은 우정엔 쉽게 변하지않는 안정감이 있다.
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4/25 Last day of class. Last day of the program!
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4/26 Agust D 콘서트
이달의 app: Pocket Prep 
이달의 영감: 오랜 기간 영화 일을 해온 학교 선배의 입봉/깐느 진출 소식
이달의 quote: 일어났던 일들을 얘기하라고 말해주는 것만으로도 잉거 선생님은 내가 살아있음을 실감하게 했다. 나는 아주 중요한 인물이라도 된 것 같은 기분이었다. 
나의 노력, 모두의 응원, 그리고 어쩌면 약간의 전산 오류로
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LMSW 시험 합격.
그리고 졸업!
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졸업을 앞두고 수많은 응원의 메시지를 받았다. 그 중 가장 마음에 남았던 한 교수님의 마지막 인사: 
Have a good life. Make brave decisions!
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졸업식을 보러 온 엄마 아빠와 함께 5월의 뉴욕을 만끽할 수 있어 행복했다. 나는 어텀인뉴욕보다 스프링인뉴욕 파니까. 이 도시의 가장 예쁘고 환한 모습들을 배경삼아 사진을 많이 남겼다. 아빠는 ��사 때문에 일주일정도 지내다 갔고 엄마와는 3주 좀 넘는 시간동안 뉴욕을 샅샅이 즐길 수 있었다.   
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엄마가 만든 유부초밥 (혹은 모든 것) 은 왜 이렇게 맛있는걸까? 한가득 챙겨서 센트럴 파크 피크닉.
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SJ의 생일 즈음 오랜만에 갔던 Prospect Park. 오늘 지금 바로 여기가 아닌 그 어떤 대안도 생각 할 수 없는 충만한 순간들이 있는데, 5월엔 유독 그런 순간들이 많았다.
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5/22 내 생일.
5월 중순 - 6월 초는 졸업, ESA 학생들과의 termination, 등으로 많은 것을 마무리 짓고 여러 사람에게 good bye (hopefully see you again) 를 말해야 하는 시기였다. 좋은 것의 끝은 늘 슬프고, 변화는 좋든 나쁘든 늘 긴장되지만 나에겐 든든한 constant 들이 있으니까.
“Whatever the future brings, 나 너 옆에 있어!” 
"지난 10년 그래왔던 것처럼 앞으로의 10년도 언니 옆에서 언니가 하는 거 지켜보고 궁금해하고 자랑스러워하면서 또 힘들어할때는 언제나! 무조건! 옆에 있으면서 보내볼까해.” 
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6월은 거의 한국에서 보냈다. 정기검진도 이상 소견없이 잘 마치고, 보고싶었던 친구들, 가족들을 만나고, 맛있는 음식을 아주 많이 먹었다. 보보식당, 은화계, 농민백암순대, 한남동 한남통닭, 역시 마라상궈는 소림마라, 흑돼지는 숙성도.
거무지 멤버들에게 회원증을 발급하고 프랑스자수에 다시 재미를 붙였다.
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가장 가까운 친구들로부터 각각 그릇과 앞치마 선물을 받았다. 왠지 같은 마음같아.
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21일엔 SJ가 한국에 도착했다. 엄마 아빠가 뉴욕에 놀러왔을 때도 느꼈지만, 나에게 정말 소중한 사람에게 나에게 정말 소중한 도시를 소개하는 건 쉽지않지만 참 행복한 일이다. SJ랑 또보겠지 떡볶이를 먹다니. 동아 냉면을 먹다니. 제주도에 가다니. 비를 뚫고 물영아리오름을 오르다니. 흑돼지, 전복 물회, 갈치조림을 먹다니..!
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6월 27일 엄마 생일을 함께 보내고, 30일에 다시 뉴욕, 다시 집으로 돌아왔다. 주원이 왤컴홈의 의미로 카모마일 꽃 한묶음을 사두었다.
이제 슬슬 다시 일 해야지? 재촉하듯 LMSW 자격증도 도착해있고. 한동안 떠나있어 즐거웠지만 한편으로 그립기도 했던 일상과, 발을 땅에 붙이고 살아갈 수 있게끔 하는 투두리스트의 무게. 에어컨바람, 아이스마차라떼에 힘입어 할 일을 또 해나가보자, 결심했던 6월 말.
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tabdabble · 2 years
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Hello sibling!
Art of @quaelgeist333‘s Medic child Felix meeting my Medic child JungPavian! (and Apgar :D )
I hope you like it :)
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booksandwords · 4 months
She Persisted: 13 American Women Who Changed the World by Chelsea Clinton. Illustrated by Alexandra Boiger
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Age Recommendation: Early Primary Topic/ Theme: Persistence, Equality Setting: America Series: She Persisted
Rating: 5/5
Young girls need to see role models in whatever careers they may choose, just so they can picture themselves doing those jobs someday. You can't be what you can't see. — Sally Ride
Alexandra Boiger's illustrations are what makes this book. It could easily be just another list of famous women if it weren't for Boiger's beautiful illustrations. I'm not sure who chose to match Chelsea Clinton with Alexandra Boiger, Boiger's watercolour style is a great match for the style of writing Clinton chooses to use. One that inspires thoughts of softness, a reminder that these are women.
This book includes 13 women. I will make comments either on Boiger's art or Clinton's words.
Harriet Tubman — Boiger has set made her piece for Tubman at night, while escorting the Underground Railroad. The role that made her famous. Clinton makes sure young readers feel her bravery.
Helen Keller — I love that Helen Keller's entry includes Anne Sullivan, Anne deserves recognition for all she did too. And those are fantastic likenesses of both Keller and Sullivan (and of course Sir Thomas). This entry is an important representation.
Clara Lemlich — It was the illustrations on Clara Lemlich's entry that made me start looking so intently at all the others. Putting Clara in red at all times allows Boiger to create a layered and structured story.
Nellie Bly — I like how Clinton approached Nelly Bly. An adult would see how bold Nelly had to be. There are things that Nelly did that journalists still have to be super bold to do now. Boiger does a great job to create that visual disconnect between captivity and freedom using colour and shape.
Virginia Apgar — I had never heard of Apgar before or the Apgar score. This is just a wonderful introduction to her. The blues of the illustrations are the right choice.
Maria Tallchief — This is by far my fave illustration in the book and I will not go into it. Another woman I had never heard of. I'm Australian and dance is not my thing. But I'm going to look her up.
Claudette Colvin — All I will say about this entry is I am glad Colvin was chosen rather than Parks. Parks, while undoubtedly important to the Civil Rights Movement got part of her inspiration from Colvin
Ruby Bridges — I adore the change in angle for the art. Boiger has chosen to draw her from above. I love Ruby Bridges but damn no child should have gone through what she had to. If you have the opportunity to see her speak take it.
Margaret Chase Smith — Like Clara Lemlich, Margaret Chase Smith seems to be drawn using the adage red is power. I don't know anything about her, but from what Clinton gives us I know who her equivalent is in my country. Powerful women in government are a whole other thing to me.
Saly Ride — Sally Ride is an unexpected (I know it shouldn't be) but good inclusion. there is a lot of blues here and I appreciate that. I like that Clinton doesn't limit herself to Ride's space travels, choosing to include her educational programs.
Florence Griffith Joyner — This has such a smart illustration. It has Florence Griffith Joyner as a child running on one page with a continuation to her adult self wearing her Olympic medals. It is just a brilliant page, both the words and the art.
Oprah Winfrey — I really don't like the illustration for Oprah Winfrey. I like Clinton's words but there is something off about Boiger's art.
Sonia Sotonayor — I'm so happy Sonia Sotonayor is in here. She is a representation of the highest order for young lantix people. These people are often shown in a negative light around the justice system. Another justice that could be included, one who doesn't get enough love is Sandra Day O'Connor, the first female Supreme Court justice.
I want to include the dedications here because I really like them. "Inspired by Senator Elizabeth Warren and in celebration of all the women who persist every day. — C.C. To some Heroines of mine: Coretta Scott King, Sophie Scholl, and my mother, Berta Boiger. — A.B." For those unaware Coretta Scott King was an American civil rights leader, unfortunately only ever seen as wife to Martin Luther King Jr but that is not all she was. Sophie Scholl was a German political activist in a non-violent fashion against the Nazis in WWII. She was executed at 21 and her story is definitely one to note.
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wildcmbcrsupdates · 7 months
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nyudca: So many members of the DCA community are presenting work at the Gallatin Arts Festival! Head to @gafnyu for more info, and check out their projects in action throughout next week, April 8-12✨🖤💃🏼 Photos by @alexandramawe
Ayaka Fujii Tham, Chloe Troast, Ellie New, Emma Forstenhausler, Fi Isidore, Havana Rose Liu, Ingrid Apgar, Riven Ratanavanh and Sylvia Blair via nyudca on Instagram, 04/05/2019.
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shirtoid · 5 years
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Where The Town Ends by jdapgar
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apgararts · 6 years
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The Power Rangers meets 
The Powerpuff Girls 
original mashup design 
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mysillycomics · 3 years
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geekynerfherder · 4 years
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Corey Helford Gallery presents a three-artist exhibition with new artworks from Jon Ching, Lori Nelson and Susanne Apgar.
Jon Ching's series, 'Succession' is a look at the world recovering after the Anthropocene, the age of humans, with the lines between biological kingdoms, and even elements, blurred, overlapped, and intersected, new connections and adaptations are made. It's also part warning, part lesson, and all hopeful. Regardless of whether we choose to reflect on and accept the lessons painstakingly learned from our past in order to find ecological harmony, the natural world will endure and undoubtedly produce beauty and magic as it always has.
Lori Nelson's series, 'Betwixt', focuses on the anxiety, wonder, and exuberance of breaking out of childhood, acknowledging not only the legions of young people who mistakenly believe themselves to be uniquely monstrous but also the older people who still possess that little beast inside, at once shy and brash, with the potential of a surprise reawakening.
Susanne Apgar's series, 'Course Correction', explores the nature and trajectory of personal and romantic relationships: optimism and hope for the future, ignored red flags and signs of trouble, commitment and personal sacrifice, followed by casualness, coldness and ultimate disposal, expressing the beauty of love combined with absurd pain, through the depiction of real and imagined botanicals.
The opening reception is on Saturday Janaury 25from 7pm-11pm at Corey Helford Gallery, 571 S Anderson Street (Enter on Willow Street), Los Angeles, CA 90033 in Gallery 2, alongside a group show, entitled 'The Influence of Fellini: A Surreal 100th Birthday Celebration', in the Main Gallery and a solo show from Marion Peck, entitled 'Red Clown, Blue Clown', in Gallery 3.
The exhibition will be on view through February 29 2020.
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movieandarts · 6 years
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by Jefferson Apgar
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eiruvsq · 6 years
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Susanne Apgar
"Touch Me"
Oil on Panel
20" x 20"
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tsukikoayanosuke · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland Elementary School - Basic Stuff?
I think I finally know what my Twisted Wonderland Elementary/Primary School should be call...
Magic Kingdom Preparatory 
Cliche? I know
Here, they teach the basic of basic, not including magic (for most children magic doesn't develop until they are tween), from kindergarten until 5th grade for 6-11 years old.
This school, instead of based on heroes or villains, it's based on Disney Junior/Playhouse Disney shows. Dark magic? Creepy dorm? Angst-filled past? Oh no. We don't do that here. In Magic Kingdom Preparatory, everything is sunshine and rainbow where all children can have fun and learn as much as they can. Let the children maintain their innocence before the world decides to crush them.
What do they learn? Similar to our real world actually:
Spelling Silvertongue (language & arts) [K-5]
Curious Counting (mathematics) [K-5]
Nurturing Nature (science) [K-5]
Wondrous World (social studies) [K-5]
Playtime and many Competitions (physical educations) [K-5]
Secret of Health (health educations) [K-1]
Arts, Craft, and Everything Beautiful (arts & picture studies) [2-5]
Instead of dorms, the children are separated into 'Clubhouse'. In the final school hour, all students from all grades from the same Clubhouse will be gathering in their 'clubhouse', along with their Homeroom Teacher, to have fun, mostly having a feast with some food they brought from home or having a sing-along, class decisions. Each Class has their own Clubhouse Leader from 4th or 5th grade, while their Clubhouse Deputy Leader are from 3rd to 5th grade.
There are five Clubhouse so far:
Gracia, founded on the "Kind Heart of the Royal Princess" Clubhouse Leader: Minerva Middleton (4th grade) 
Based on Sofia the First
Estella, founded on the "Joyous Energy of the Space Adventurer" Clubhouse Leader: Nestor Hadfield (4th grade)
Based on Miles from Tomorrowland
Oceanna, founded on the "Brave Spirit of the Pirate Captain" Clubhouse Leader: James Gibbs (5th grade)
Based on Jake and the Neverland Pirate
Honora, founded on the "Unbreakable Resolve of the Lion Leader" Clubhouse Leader: Killian Wellesley (4th grade)
Based on The Lion Guard
Vigoria, founded on the "Creative Mind of the Doctor of Toys" Clubhouse Leader: Emma Apgar (5th grade)
Based on Doc McStuffins
I can’t make them to complicated or else the children wouldn’t be able to spell them.
So far, these are all the stuff. There are a lots of things needs to be done, but this is a side hobby, so I’ll continue when I have times.
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everythingstarstuff · 4 years
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Art by Susanne Apgar
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edharrisdaily · 4 years
New Jersey Hall of Fame announces 2020 inductees
Anne Hathaway, Eli Manning among the 29 honorees
he newest inductees into the New Jersey Hall of Fame include actress Anne Hathaway, former New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning and Charles Addams, the cartoonist who created The Addams Family.
The nonprofit organization, founded in 2005, honors a new group of New Jersey residents each year. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the 2020 induction ceremony will be pre-recorded and broadcast Oct. 18, the Hall announced Wednesday.
The Hall of Fame selects infleuntial people based on their contributions in five areas: arts and entertainment, sports, arts and letters, public service, and enterprise. All inductees must have lived in New Jersey for at least five years, with a few exceptions.
The 2020 Class includes 29 inductees who were chosen in part by a public vote.
Comedian Flip Wilson, actor Ed Harris, basketball star Rick Barry, basketball coach C. Vivian Stringer, "The Red Badge of Courage" author Stephen Crane, former Army General Martin Dempsey and Fairleigh Dickinson are among the most notable inductees.
Gospel singer Cissy Houston, the mother of the late Whitney Houston and aunt of Dionne Warwick, and Fran Lebovitz, an author and public speaker known for her New York City sensibilities, also are being inducted.
Only one of the inductees hails from South Jersey: Haddonfield's Alfred Driscoll, the state's 43rd governor.
The New Jersey Hall of fame has plans to open its official museum at the American Dream Complex in East Rutherford in 2021.
The full list of inductees is below:
Arts and Entertainment
• Danny Aiello, Ramsey, actor
• John Amos, Newark, actor
• Mary Chapin Carpenter, Princeton, singer-songwriter
• Ed Harris, Tenafly, actor
• Anne Hathaway, Millburn, actor
• Cissy Houston, Newark, soul and gospel singer
• Ernie Kovacs, Trenton, comedian, actor and writer
• The Nelson Family, Jersey City, stars of "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet"
• Flip Wilson, Jersey City, television show host, comedian and actor
• Rick Barry, Roselle Park, former NBA forward
• Gerry Cooney, Fanwood, former boxer
• Eli Manning, Summit, former NFL quarterback
• Robert Mulcahy III, Mendham, Former Rutgers University athletic director
• C. Vivian Stringer, Piscataway, Rutgers women’s basketball coach
Arts and Letters
• Charles Addams, Westfield, "The Addams Family" creator
• Stephen Crane, Newark, author
• Joyce Kilmer, New Brunswick, journalist
• Fran Lebowitz, Morristown, author and public speaker
• Mort Pye, Tewksbury, newspaper editor
Public Service
• Dr. Virginia Apgar, Westfield, anesthesiologist
• Sister Jane Brady, Paterson, former CEO of St. Joseph’s Health
• Martin Dempsey, Jersey City, former Army general and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
• Alfred Driscoll, Haddonfield, former New Jersey governor and president of Warner-Lambert
• Milton Friedman, Rahway, economist
• The Borg Family, Hackensack, former newspaper publishers
• Linda Bowden, East Brunswick, board chair of the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce, regional president at PNC Bank
• Fairleigh Dickinson, Rutherford, Co-founder of Becton Dickinson, benefactor of Fairleigh Dickinson University
• Steve Kalafer, Flemington, Chairman of the Flemington Car and Truck Country Family of Brands
• Joseph Simunovich, West New York, Former Hudson County freeholder director and chairman of the New Jersey Turnpike Authority
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art-of-manliness · 4 years
Podcast #555: Dandelion Children vs. Orchid Children
You’ve probably observed families in which one of the kids is super resilient and easy-going while the other is super sensitive and anxious. Same family, same parents, but two extremely different children. What gives?  My guest today says that some kids are like robust dandelions, while others are like fragile orchids. And while the fragility of orchid children might seem like a liability, in the right circumstances, these kids can actually thrive to an even greater extent than their dandelion peers. His name is W. Thomas Boyce, and he’s a developmental pediatrician and professor of pediatrics, as well as the author of the book The Orchid and the Dandelion: Why Some Children Struggle and How All Can Thrive. We begin our conversation discussing the respective attributes of dandelion and orchid children and how the increased reactivity of the latter influences their health, emotional well-being, and development. Tom then explains how orchid children can be both the healthiest and sickest of children, depending on the environment in which they’re raised. We then discuss the theories as to what causes orchid children to be orchid children, including genetics and environmental factors. We end our conversation with tips for parents of sensitive children on how to help them thrive and succeed. Show Highlights * What does a dandelion kid look like? What does an orchid kid look like? * How to know your child’s “reactivity” or “sensitivity” levels * Is there a relationship between this orchid sensitivity and autism? * Why orchid children tend to have either the best or worst outcomes depending on context  * The interplay of environment and genes on high reactivity children  * The advantages of being highly sensitive * Why no two children are raised in the same family  * The roles of a child’s peers in their thriving or not  * What can parents do to help highly reactive children? * What happens to these reactive children when they grow up? Resources/People/Articles Mentioned in Podcast * Building Your Children’s Resiliency * The Forgotten History of Autism * How to Deal With Anxiety * Apgar test * Epigenetics * How your grandparents’ experiences affect your genes * AoM series on overprotective parenting * Creating a Neighborhood Where Kids Play Outside * 2 Ways to Make Kid #2 a Smooth Transition Listen to the Podcast! (And don’t forget to leave us a review!) Listen to the episode on a separate page. Download this episode. Subscribe to the podcast in the media player of your choice. Recorded on ClearCast.io Listen ad-free on Stitcher Premium; get a free month when you use code “manliness” at checkout. Podcast Sponsors Lightbox Jewelry. Lab-grown diamonds are essentially chemically identical to natural ones, just made in a lab. At Lightbox, they’ve cracked the science to grow gorgeous stones, every time. Check them out at lightboxjewelry.com/MANLINESS use code MANLINESS for $25 off. Peloton Tread. This is not another treadmill. Add miles and build strength all without the commute to and from the gym with the Peloton Tread. Go to onepeloton.com use the code MANLINESS to get $100 off accessories with the purchase of a Tread. Policygenius. Compare life insurance quotes in minutes, and let us handle the red tape. If insurance has frustrated you in the past, visit policygenius.com. Click here to see a full list of our podcast sponsors. Read the Transcript Coming soon! The post Podcast #555: Dandelion Children vs. Orchid Children appeared first on The Art of Manliness. http://dlvr.it/RH8Pmm
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shirtoid · 5 years
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Spaceman Fett by jdapgar
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tiefighters · 5 years
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Spaceman Fett -  Calvin and Hobbes Mashup
Art by Jefferson Apgar || IG
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