#anyways that's my teen angst moment for the week haha
This is How We Walk on the Moon ~Chapter 4:| Matt Murdock x OFC
Pairing: Matt Murdock x OFC
Summary: Sura Harmon works for a nonprofit foundation in NYC and goes to Nelson and Murdock to find some lawyers for the foundation’s clients. Upon meeting Matt, he seems strangely familiar. Matt instantly recognizes Sura as someone he attempted to help while in his Daredevil suit just a week ago. As they continue to work together, Sura and Matt are drawn to each other more and more.
But little does Matt Murdock know that his new colleague Sura Harmon has just as many secrets as he does.
Warnings: Eventual smut, (MINORS DO NOT INTERACT), swearing, discussion of trauma, death and mental illness, emotional angst, discussion of the blip/snap.  
Word Count for Chapter 4: 2,452
A/N: This is an ongoing series and will have many chapters! Mostly Sura’s POV but will probably have some chapters be in Matt’s POV.
Also, aside from the prologue, each chapter will have a song to go with it. I highly encourage you to listen to the song to give you the vibe for some of the scenes in that chapter!
Today was when the rubber met the road. Sura was going to another meeting with Nelson and Murdock, but this time she was bringing one of the foundation’s clients with her.  Brookes and Harmon had recently been helping Devin Marshall, a disabled widower whose landlord was using the building’s minor upgrade needs as a reason to kick them out.   
Sura was outside of Nelson and Murdock’s building, waiting for the pop of Devin’s colorful hair to appear down the sidewalk.
Devin was in their fifties but maintained a youthful love of patterns and bright colors in their personal style. Sura smiled as she wondered what color their hair would be this time. Last time it was teal, but she had a feeling it would be different already.  
She tried not to think in terms of favorites, as she was worried it would affect her work, but if she was being honest with herself, Devin was one of her current favorite clients. Not only did they have the shared history of being queer and being in long term relationships with women, but Devin was downright hilarious.  They always infused every situation with a levity that was surprising from someone who had been through so much recently. Sura had no doubt that Devin would charm the pants off Matt and Foggy.
And I wouldn’t mind seeing Matt without pants… Sura thought to herself and let out a small laugh.
“What’s so funny?”  
The sudden voice on her left made her jump.
“Oh god! Crap, Matt.” Sura breathed hard. “You scared me. I didn’t see you coming.”  And then her face turned crimson, realizing what she had just been thinking.
What is wrong with me I’m like a hormonal teen again.
Matt chuckled and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t trying to sneak up on you.” He cocked his head at her. “You going to be okay?”
Sura’s heart was racing. “Yeah, sorry, no you’re fine. Haha, I just get scared easily. And when I have a sudden scare it takes me a minute to recover.” Was she recovering from the scare or from Matt’s hand on her shoulder?
“I can tell.” Matt grinned. “Again, I’m sorry. What were you doing waiting down here?”
“Oh uh, I’m waiting for the client we are meeting with today, Devin Marshall. I wanted to walk up with them but they are running a bit late I guess.”
“Ah” Matt shot his head towards the building’s entrance. “Well I’m going to go up, feel free to wait for them as long as you like. We’ll be ready whenever you all are.” 
Sura was quiet for a moment as Matt started to head toward the door. She didn’t want to wait in the cold any longer. She wanted to walk up with Matt.
“Actually, I’ll come up with you.” Matt turned around to Sura as she spoke. “I’d like to get out of the cold and I’m sure Devin can find their way up okay. They have my number anyway in case.” 
Matt smiled. “After you then.” He held open the door for her and they walked in.
  During the walk up to the office, Sura was mostly silent. She wanted to say something, to strike up a conversation, but she wasn’t sure what to say.
I think that convo with Luce the other night has rattled my brain. You don’t have to ask him out if you don’t want to. But….I do want to get to know him better. No harm in that right?
As they walked and Sura thought, she noticed the way Matt smelled. It was interesting, he didn’t seem to be wearing any cologne. But he smelled good.
Very good. She thought. Like….warmth. Skin. Faint woody notes. And leather. And something sweet underneath it all that she couldn’t pinpoint. But it wasn’t overpowering, and if they hadn’t been alone in a small stairwell, she probably wouldn’t have caught all these details at all.
  Matt interrupted her thoughts as they entered the hallway and he came up beside her. “So how long does it take you to get here? I hope its not too long of a commute given how many meetings we’ve been having.” 
“Oh I live here!” Sura laughed and checked herself. “I mean, in Hell’s Kitchen.” “Oh really?” Matt turned his head to her. “Wow, that’s convenient!”
“Yeah its pretty nice. I usually just walk here.”
“How long have you lived in the neighborhood?”
“Uh, about 2 years?” 
“Do you like it?”
“I do actually. I wasn’t sure at first. I’m used to living in the East Village. And I was in Chinatown right after college for a bit. But I’ve come to really love it.” 
“That’s great. I’m glad you like it here.”
“What about you, where in the city do you live?”
They had already entered the office, but their conversation continued upon finding the reception area empty.
Matt smiled as he folded up his cane. “I live in the neighborhood as well. Always have. It’s home.”
“Oh that’s great! Doesn’t take you long to get to work. The foundation is still located in the Lower East Side so it takes me a bit longer to get into work these days.”
  Sura looked around. Foggy was busy in his office, and Karen was not in today. Devin had texted to say that they were running late. 
After a moment of silence while Matt and Sura hung up their coats, he continued asking her questions.
“So, you used to be the co-head of the foundation. You started it with Colin Brookes I believe? Why are you doing the grunt work now?” 
Sura gave a brief sigh of concession. “You probably read about me and the past several years when you looked up the foundation.”
Matt acknowledged this. “I did.” 
Sura gave a small smile, “So I suppose there is no point in ignoring it. I was blipped. And when I came back, my business partner had given the position to someone else. He had changed the legal documents and everything. I had been declared dead so…” she shrugged.
Matt leaned back on the receptionist’s desk and folded his arms. “That must have been quite a shock to come back to.”
“Yes, well…it was. Among many other things. I don’t blame Colin at all. He’s one of my best friends. He needed someone to help him run things, make decisions. And the person he promoted completely deserved it. Darby, she’s an angel. She’s perfect for the job”
“But you suddenly found yourself without a job”
“I did. I was without….anything. Almost.”
Sura looked at Matt, hardly believing that she was telling a lawyer these things. Talking about being blipped was something she reserved for her family, her close friends and her therapist. Bringing up the trauma of the past 3 years did not display the strength and competency that she wanted.
But the way Matt was listening to her, made her want to go on. She felt safe somehow.
She cleared her throat. “I was lucky in many ways. My family, they took me in right after I returned. No one else in my family was gone, immediate family anyway. So they could give me all the support I needed to reintegrate into the world. I stayed with them for about a year so I could get back on my feet. They live out in Red Hook, Brooklyn so it was a bit more quiet than here and I could adjust with a little bit of peace.” 
Matt smiled at this, but then the door opened and Devin Marshall walked in.
“My dear!” Devin’s voice boomed. “I made it, two fucking train delays but I’m here and ready to do battle.”
Devin was round and short but they seemed much taller than they were with their bright purple pompadour and loud voice.
“Devin! Lovely to see you” Sura bent down a little to give Devin a warm hug. Devin squeezed her tight and kissed her cheek. She wasn’t usually this friendly with clients, but Devin was just this kind of person. Endearing to everyone and they had taken a special shine to Sura.
Sura motioned between Devin and Matt. “Devin Marshall, this is Matt Murdock. He’s going to be your lawyer.” 
Matt held out a hand and Devin shook it but then pulled Matt in for a hug as well, kissing his cheek. Matt blushed a little and laughed. “It’s great to meet you Mr. Marshall…or Mrs. Marshall? I’m sorry…”
He trailed off, a bit of embarrassment in his tone.
Devin laughed “It’s okay love, you can just call me Devin! Or Darling Devin. Delightful Devin. Devastatingly handsome Devin.” They winked and Matt and Sura laughed. “But Mx. Marshall is good for more formal situations. And seeing as how we’ll be fighting the man in court together we might find ourselves in some I should say!”
Matt was beaming already. Sura smiled. She knew he would like Devin.
“Hah, yes I should say so.” Matt replied. “Well please take a seat in the conference room over there and I’ll be with you all as soon as I grab some coffee.  Would you all like anything?”
  After they all got coffee and tea, Foggy was ready and they all gathered around the table to discuss Devin’s case.
  They all finished the meeting in tears from laughter. Devin had indeed charmed the pants off both Foggy and Matt, and Sura got a kick out of watching Matt laugh and grin so much.  His smile was wide and warm and made Sura feel happier than she had remembered feeling in a while.
Sura walked Devin to the door. “I’m really optimistic about your case hun. I think we can win this.”
“I do too doll.  We still on for brunch next Saturday?” Devin placed both hands on their walking cane and looked up at Sura. “Also, I really love the new freckles. It’s a new color right?”
Sura beamed. “Yes! I had Carmen do a bit more of a reddish brown this time. I’m glad you like it.”
After her teenage and young adult years of style exploration, Sura had settled on a look for herself that she felt drawn to. She couldn’t explain exactly why she saw herself looking this particular way, only that it felt the most her. So along with dying her hair black, she got cosmetic tattooed freckles over her prominent cheekbones and strong nose.  They were designed to fade out gradually over a year, so she got them freshly done every January.    
“And yes, we are good for Brunch. Rosemary’s?”  Sura opened the door for Devin.
“Rosemary’s it is!”
Sura gave Devin a hug and watched them walk down the hallway. She knew from experience that Devin never accepted help walking down stairs, but she at least wanted to see that they started down the first couple steps okay.                            
                                                                     After Devin left, Foggy said he was going to go to his office to familiarize himself with another case that the foundation would be bringing to the firm in the next week.
Sura found herself alone in the meeting room with Matt. Devin had left her in a good mood.
She smiled as she said: “So, Matt, what did you think of Devin?” 
"They are something else aren't they? What a character." Matt returned the humor in her voice. "I really liked them. I don't think I've ever laughed that much in a client meeting before."
"Oh yeah, they are one of a kind. They are so full of life and energy. You'd never be able to tell that they lost their wife a year ago. Even when they talk about her, it's with so much joy." Sura replied, a little wistfulness in her voice.   
“I noticed that.”
“I wish…” Sura stopped herself.
“You wish…?” Matt cajoled, a small smirk on his lips.
“Oh I…hah, I was just going to be sappy.”  Sura thought she might as well just say it now. “I just wish I could have that type of attitude. About someone I’ve lost. Focusing more on the time you had with them then the fact that they are gone.”
Matt moved forward a bit on the table and took his glasses off. He faced Sura squarely and said: “I can understand that. I understand that very much.”
His eyes are wonderful. Sura thought as she looked into them. Like swirled caramel and molasses. I hope he leaves his glasses off. 
“I wish I could have Devin’s attitude with a lot of things actually. They have not had the easiest life”
“Oh yeah?” Matt’s interest in the lives of his client made Sura’s stomach get warm.
She looked into his eyes again. “Yeah.  They were diagnosed with MS when they were a teen. And then their parents didn’t take it well when they came out. They insisted that they stay in a Catholic girl’s school. And they experienced a lot of homophobia and transphobia there.”
Matt winced, then loosened his tie a bit. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
Sura stopped herself from looking at the extra bit of exposed skin beneath Matt’s throat. “Yeah, typical Catholic nonsense. They are no longer religious, for understandable reasons. I’m there with them on that.”
Sura watched as Matt’s expression changed. A look came over his face that she couldn’t quite figure out. His brows knit together and his mouth pursed. But that look quickly morphed into something else when he chuckled sheepishly and ran a hand through his hair.
Sura couldn’t stop herself from swearing. “Oh fuck. Are you…you aren’t Catholic are you?”
Matt smiled wide at her, then brought a hand to his chin. His eyes shined with an amusement that made Sura smile despite her incredible embarrassment.   
“Hey, its…its okay. Yeah, I am.”
“Oh fuck me.” 
Matt laughed louder this time, louder than Sura had ever heard him laugh before.
“I’m so so sorry. And please pardon my French.” She had her hands covering her face in shame.  I’m just going to crawl away now and never come here again. 
Then as Matt kept laughing, she snapped her head up and looked him straight in the face. “Is my discomfort amusing to you?”
“Yes, yes it is.” God, his fucking smile. Sura could stare at it all day. And when there was so much mischievous mirth behind it, she wanted to bathe in it’s glow. 
“Well I guess amusing you after I’ve offended you is my penance.”
Matt laughed a little then got serious. “But Sura, you didn’t offend me. I’m okay with it.” “Are you sure? That is so unprofessional of me.  I usually try to stay away from talking about politics or religion in work environments. I don’t know why I slipped.”
“I’m positive.” Matt folded his hands on the table in front of him. “Look, I was raised Catholic.  I’ve been around other Catholics my whole life. I know that a good majority of us can be terribly intolerant. And I’m not going to ‘Not all Catholics’ you.” 
Sura smiled in relief.  Then she laughed, throwing in some more curses and he grinned at her like a school boy.
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gohyuck · 3 years
I don’t have any favourites but I’ve been obsessively listening to the same sad songs like daddy issues and cry baby by the neighbourhood, cinnamon girl by lana del rey, let me down slowly by alec benjamin and pity party by melanie martinez
also what happened? do you have a lot of assignments or something? try to take a nap when you have free time :(
long story short last night my friends and i got pretty majorly hammered and i woke up at 2 pm (i don’t get hangovers bc i always drink enough water and pee regularly while drinking!!) which is. i mean lbr. super late wakeup time y’know. so i’m just like... awake now lol
and omg those are all good but let me down slowly is fr one of my cry-to songs... 3:00 am by finding hope also fits the sad song vibe imo
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Purple Patches
Benedict Cumberbatch x Teen!Co-Star!Reader, Tom Holland x Teen!Co-star!Reader
Genre: Angst, fluffy ending
Description: Filming the newest Dr. Strange movie (in which Tom would also appear), you grow quite close with the two leads, Tom and Benedict. But you’re hiding something alarming from them. Four months in the entire crew get a week off to see their families for Christmas, and when you return Tom and Benedict can’t help but feel troubled, as your body is rippled with purple patches.
Warnings: CHILD ABUSE, physical abuse, broken family, alcoholism, depression, anxiety??
A/N: I had another imagine written but im ngl its kind of.. weird? its unconventional for sure. and its definitely bad. so, maybe ill rewrite someday or something? ALSO SORRY IF YOU DONT CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS, JUST IMAGINE YOU HAVE SOME SORT OF EVIL CHRISTIAN STEP DAD WHO FORCES IT INTO YOUR FAMILY
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The taxi you sat in drove slowly in the New York traffic, as snow fell outside, coating the entire city in blinding white. You couldn’t enjoy it however. Your entire body hurt, and yet you still couldn’t find even a moment to worry about your health. All you could think about was them.
Tom and Benedict. Your sweetest coworkers, and at this point your closest.. anything. Family, friends? Who cares, you had no one else. You’d gone back for the holidays like everyone else, even though you wished you could have just stayed at in your trailer. Your dad, like any other time you saw him, had used this time to pour his anger and alcoholism out on you. Your body which had finally begun to heal, was now back to square one, covered in cuts and bruises. 
You knew what would happen if anyone found out. You’d be taken from your family. But in truth, although you hated being around him, you wanted to wait for your dad. You wanted to wait for him to get over his alcoholism, you wanted him to get better, and then he’d treat you better. 
But they would find out. You were covered in bruises and purple patches. Your face was fine, except for your neck, but the rest of your body was ruined. Ugly. You could hide most of it, but it hurt. Even just sitting there, in the soft and plush taxi seat, you body was aching and wailing like a police siren. 
And what if they noticed you foundation-covered hands? Or the movie required you to wear something more revealing? 
“You okay?” the deep voice of your taxi driver ripped you from your thoughts. A single tear had slid down your face. You cleared your throat and nodded, wiping the tear from your cheek. 
You arrived at the set, and an impossible knot had been tied in your stomach. Nervousness tingled in your heart and your legs, but you got up anyway, trying to calm your breath. The moment you stood up, you winced and stopped. 
You managed to roll your luggage to your trailer, biting your lip continuously in order to keep yourself from screaming. You threw it on the floor of your trailer, whimpering and doubling over in pain. 
“Y/n!” a rapid knock on your door, interrupted you. It was Tom’s voice. You took a shaky breath, closing your eyes, and then opening the door. Tom stood there in your doorway like a smiling idiot. Your lips widened into a smile just from seeing him.
“Y/n!” he repeated stepping inside and wrapping his arms around you in a hug. You bit your lip again, hiding your pain-wrenched face in his chest, before hugging him back. He placed his head on yours sweetly. “I missed you!” he gushed. 
You hit his chest playfully, “I missed you too,” you frowned for a moment and looked away. Tom’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Are you okay?” You simply nodded. Tom stared at you for a moment and then shook his head. “Anyway, um, Benedict asked me to tell you that he’s invited both of us youngsters out for dinner tonight. Just as one last ‘fuck you!’ to work, before officially start back up tomorrow.”
“That does sound like something he would do,” you agreed and Tom laughed, punching your shoulder playfully. You yelped loudly, retreating quickly from him. 
“Woah,” he exclaimed, holding his hands up, “Are you okay? What happened to your shoulder?” 
“I fell,” you said. Nervousness jabbed at your ribs. You’d barely talked to Tom for a minute and he’d already asked if you were okay twice. He seemed to buy your explanation, and apologized for accidentally hitting your sore shoulder, to which you nodded absently. 
Tom was silent for a couple of heartbeats. He studied you. You were not usually like this. Or maybe you had been a little like this those four months ago, when you first started filming. He didn’t understand what caused you to be that way, so distant and unhappy. 
“Hey, anyway, I’m gonna go, I’m trying to actually read the script this time,” he joked, and you laughed because you knew it was a hopeless task. 
“Have fun,” you mumbled, and as soon he left, you body slid down against the wall, and your facade crumbled, tears leaving your eyes.
Before the dinner, you took three pain killers. Then, you waited restlessly, hoping that the pills might kick in. They did but your body felt strange and buzzy. You ignored it, a blossoming hope forming in your chest that you might be able to conceal your pain in the pills and the clothing. 
Benedict came knocking on your door around 7, a smile on his face. “Y/n!” he said, and you both hugged. A small smile had formed on your lips, when you actually managed to deal with the ache, now much weaker than previously.
You both then walked to Tom’s trailer, and then the three of you walked to a restaurant, not too far from your filming location.
“So, what have you two been up to in our little break?” Benedict asked once you all sat down, having ordered already. You glanced at Tom, hoping that he’d start. 
“Me and my brothers went back home to our mum and dad. Had a pretty regular Christmas. I gave the best gifts. I got some pretty cool socks,” Tom joked around. You and Benedict stifled a laugh. Then both Ben and Tom looked at you, and you realized it was your turn to tell them about what you’d been up to. 
“Oh, well, I.. I spent Christmas with my parents. My grandparents and cousins also came,” you were lying through your teeth. You avoided their eyes, sipping your soda. 
“Got any presents?” Benedict asked and you cursed at yourself internally for forgetting such a simple part of Christmas. And for making things awkward. 
“I got some clothes, some books. Pretty standard stuff,” you forced a smile, “What about you, Benadryl?”
Benedict rolled his eyes at your comment, making you and Tom fist-bump one another, giggling quietly as he told you about his own Christmas. The night was going alright, except for that rough start. Mostly you avoided any talk of your family, and you could feel yourself getting better, the further the conversation got from your family. Until-
“Y/n, what’s that on your hand?” 
Instinctively, you pulled your hand to your lap, straightening yourself up and gulping. You looked down, pretending to inspect it and then looked up. 
“It’s, uh, it’s dirt. Wow, I should really go wash my hands, haha-” Tom grabbed your hand from under the table, pulling it towards him. Your foundation was wearing off, a large purple patch stemming from your wrist and snaking up your hand revealing itself. 
You couldn’t breathe. Both Tom and Ben just stared at it. You tried to pull back but Tom was much stronger than you. Tears blurred your vision. 
“Y/n, what is this?” Tom whispered, and you felt his fingers rubbing the bruise gently. The tears finally fell, and now both men were looking at you. Benedict looked serious. It was an expression you’d never really seen on his features before, at least not outside of your acting. 
“I-I fell..” you mumbled, but you knew it was useless. 
“Y/n.. Who did this?” Benedict’s voice was low, gently setting a hand on your shoulder. You flinched. 
“I don’t know.. I don’t..” 
“Y/n!” Tom’s voice was raised. You immediately jumped away from them both, putting your arms in front of you in fear. Several people turned to look at you three. Shaking, you lowered your hands, and saw Tom and Ben staring at you worriedly. Tom had tears in his eyes. 
“Let’s talk about this back at the studio, okay?” Benedict, now afraid to touch you, spoke slowly and comfortingly. You nodded and then two men got up, standing on either side of you, grabbing one of your hands each. 
“Was it your dad?” Tom growled as you walked in the night, moon rising in the sky. 
“Yes..” you whispered, so low you wondered if they heard it, but they did. They both exchanged glances. Tom was furious. Benedict was too, but he was collected. Tom itched to ask you more and help you, console you right there on the street, but Benedict sent him a warning look not to. 
You walked back to the studio in silence. The three of you entered your trailer and you quietly wished you had predicted something like this would happen, because the bottle of strong pain killers was still out and open on your kitchen table. 
Benedict spotted them immediately and grabbed them. His eyes narrowed as he read the bottle description. Then he looked at you and then it again. Tom watched helplessly, holding your shoulders gently. 
“How many more are there? Bruises.” Ben was clearly angry. He was losing his cool, hands shaking as he grabbed your hand to pull up your sleeve. You tried to move his hand away, but he slid the sleeve up to your elbow and just stared at the blue, yellow and purple that littered your arm. Tom was frozen beside you. 
Ben slid up your other sleeve, breathing speeding up as he saw more, and then he tugged at the collar of your turtleneck, exposing the jarring and ugly sight of a red handprint. He pulled away suddenly, walking away from you. 
“Fuck!” he yelled, hitting the wall of the trailer. He hung his head low. You jumped and turned around, but Tom simply embraced you, and then sat you both down on the floor. You hid your face in his neck, sobbing again. Tom’s hands slowly rubbed your back. 
“Okay..” said Benedict after a while. You could hear that he’d calmed down. Ben angrily wiped a few tears from his face, turning to you and Tom on the floor. Tom was simply frowning now. He never wanted to let you go. He never wanted any harm to come to you. 
“I’m gonna call the police and get your dad arrested,” he said, and you heard his footsteps, as he wondered what to do next. 
“No!” you exclaimed, scrambling to your feet away from Tom. Both men looked at you in confusion. “No! You can’t do that, he’s- he’s just trying to get better. If I wait a little longer, he’s going to get better.” 
“Y/n..” Benedict whispered sadly and you ran to him hoping to stop him. “You can’t wait for him. You’re putting yourself in danger..” you shook your head, but Ben grabbed your shoulders and looked into your eyes, “he’s a grown man, Y/n. He doesn’t deserve pity or patience. Not after doing this. Nothing excuses this. Nothing.” 
You swallowed the lump in your throat, lip quivering, but still you nodded. 
“Can your mother take care of you?” Ben asked, piercing blue eyes still staring into your soul. There was no point in lying anymore, you knew. 
“Alright, then you’ll stay with me.” Ben declared, “You’ll stay with me until we can find someone from your family who can take care of you.” You looked up at him with shining eyes. Despite the uncomfortable situation you found yourself in, a genuine smile broke out on your face. 
You hugged him, thanking him breathlessly. Ben and Tom made eye contact, and smiled gently at each other. Tom had cried silently at your interaction. The thought that someone would hurt someone he loved so dearly shattered his heart completely. 
“Now,” Benedict said finally, “we need to drive you to the hospital.” 
You agreed and while Tom drove, Ben was in the backseat on the phone with the police department. You just watched the beautiful neon lights shining in the pitch black night, snow illuminating the ground. People still littered the streets. 
You knew it now. Your father didn’t deserve your waiting, and though it would take very long to finally live with and truly understand, it was worth it to start the fight. You truly owed it to the two jerks you worked with. What would you even do with out them?
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anonil88 · 3 years
Generation hbo ep. 8 liveblog; midseason finale
Let's get into this episode before I loose my train of thought:
He dressed like an entire funeral. Of course he's listening to Bad Religion by Frank Ocean. I do love that the song is in the catalog.
As Sam should. Accept the consequences Chester you were in the wrong and you're lucky no one knows besides administration what you did.
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Wow no need to be rude Chester, Riley is just trying to be nice. This isn't about him setting boundaries, this is about how he brushed her concern off.
Oh he really disregarded this entire kid and has now found himself a new talking buddy. Of course now that he doesn't have his head in the improbable clouds, he can sees around himelf. He still should talk to his friends though and his new counselor. The person you date isn't the solution to your self fabricated drama.
So he did get suspended, good.
Ay Legends of Zelda and DND. Whoever did that chaotic good chart placed Chester pretty correctly haha.
Get his number. Yo Chester you need to get his number or his IG.
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These kids are kind of dicks but I'm glad everyone including his teammates are like we love you something is wrong and we can tell. It just feels a little heres our token gay entertainment moment.
This is so stupid but they did make him smile and laugh again because he can't stay in this rutt forever. Kind of wild how when you are the loudest person in the room just being yourself and you are off people notice.
The joy was good for some time but it doesn't last because he needs to face the root of his loneliness. Alone in a room full of people.
That doesn't mean he likes you so you need to slow down. But, also he needs to get the rejection so he's not stuck on the crush.
This message is awful and awkward start, but its become long and awkward.
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I guess there was no pregnancy intro because we are going to the mall. This mall day seems so fun minus the pregnancy.
Some solid people and the fire station is the best location to go to.
Its been 4/5 days and you haven't talked to her, come on now the two of you. Euphoria and this show remind me of how much I hate teenage communication issues. The number 1 reason you could not pay me to go back and redo my teen years.
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Tiktok dances to make the baby go yo sleep lmfao how gen z.
Why is Chester being kind of an asshole to Nathan all of a sudden?
Oh fuck that kiss was uploaded oh fuck. No Chester now is not the time.
I would of hung tf up if that woman was my mother, because you're not gonna be a homophobe to me and then ask me to come home. It's coded but she's really just upset her son does actually like women AND men, and probably anyone under the realm of nonbinary that he deems attractive.
Just say thankyou. Sisters ? When did y'all get that close?
Girl its not funny to tell your adoptive parents, who treat you like gold, that you'd rather they didn't adopt you. It is fucking cruel especially to two gay parents who likely had to fight to get her. They just let her get away with it in the name of teenage angst.
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Delilah is setting this baby up to be so conscious. Aw his beanie.
They are really all gifting the baby charms and tokens. A proper sending off. Maybe not so much the cbd oil lmfao but everything else is so sweet. Those things will stay in the babies possessions too.
I really don't like Ariana, that was not the time to talk about the hot firefighter. She is used as the inappropriate comic relief character and it grinds me up for multiple reasons.
What us Riley? 🤨 There was no "us" established, yall didn't even share a kiss kiss. How the heck is a quick couple of pecks turning into saxophone time, but also how do those quick peck without talking about anything constitute a relationship or even situationship. Mutual feelings exist but they aren't even in a relationship. Also, Greta needs to apologize to Riley for how she spoke to her. Theres a correct way to say, "I'm not comfortable instead of you sleep around I'm not like you." Greta barely spoke in this episode and didn't even look at Riley or utter an apology. That's real strange.
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Chester is gonna find someone his own age, awesome, and break Nathan's heart in the process. Oh the drama.
Mid season thoughts: This show isnt bad it just needs some refinement and work. The issues I had throughout the season did not get cleared up in this episode at all. I really like some of these characters and others are not for me at all. Some of the other characters could use more solidification of their interactions. These characters just felt very different in this episode specifically that we've seen them previously. Ariana was still consistent as were Riley and Nathan in comparison to the others. This is only the mid season there are 8/9 episodes coming soon, the cast is currently still in production. Sigh if only we could get a Euphoria cross over in one of the eps they are filming right now. I say this since Euphoria starts filming this upcoming week. How cool would it be to see Chester, Riley, and Greta coming out of a corner store and Chester holds open the door for Jules and Rue. Then in the foreground Riley and Greta awkwardly talk and in the background Chester says I like your hair or outfit before running up behind his friends like "Stop bring weird let's go."
Anyways I'll be here to watch when the series does come back.
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scrapyardboyfriends · 4 years
Because I’ve read too many “Robert was awful to Aaron and Robron fans loved it but Ben forgives Aaron for bullying him and Robron fans hate it” comments about this story, I have some thoughts... (warning for an incredibly messy rambling post)
For me, what has always been most important is a good and entertaining story and the basic point for me in all of this is that Robron was an entertaining and fascinating story and so far, Ben and Aaron is not. 
Robert may have done awful things to Aaron throughout the affair, sure, but it was interesting. It was soapy and dramatic and made for a good story. Did he try and kill both his parents? Kind of. Did he tie him to a radiator and hold a gun to his head? Sure. (Although for the record, Aaron set the whole Lodge thing up and attacked him first and Robert was only defending himself and then panicked and turned into a crazy person having a breakdown but I digress...see interesting). I may have wanted to ring his neck with how terrible he was to Aaron after Katie’s death etc but it was always fascinating, complex content to watch and analyze. The fact that we saw all of this play out on screen too just makes it better, in fact, it’s key.
And after all of that terribleness, did Aaron forgive him instantly? No. It took months for them to be good again and Robert had to work for it. He paid for all of the affair stuff with getting shot and then he was Aaron’s rock throughout the whole Gordon story. And after all of that awful behavior, it was just as fascinating to watch him start to let all of that go and be able to support Aaron and not betray him like in that scene with Chas where he’s trying to get her to look deeper into the Aaron/Gordon situation after he knows the truth. The point is though, that there were months worth of story to watch unfold before Aaron forgave him enough to try again, before he trusted him enough. 
And we had another version of all of that with the one night stand and the break up era, months and months of content. 
With this Ben and Aaron stuff, it’s hard because obviously they’ve only had about four episodes so far and we really don’t know what they’re going to do with it or where it all might go, so I realize I’m judging it on very little, but then so are all of the people who are like “this is great!” so I feel like, for the purpose of this essay I seem to be writing, it’s fine. 
Now, I’ve said before, I have no real problem with them giving Aaron a new love interest from a story standpoint. It was always going to happen. This isn’t about whether I love Robron or not, it’s just about writing the show moving forward. It’s just that, above all else, I want it to be a good and compelling story. 
I mean, I hated the set up right from the start because I don’t know why this team thought the perfect or most interesting love interest for Aaron was a kid he used to bully, but that aside, the most baffling thing to me about the forgiveness aspect of it all, is that it happened instantly. And this is not to say that Aaron is not forgivable. Aaron has very compelling reasons for his behavior back then, reasons we’ve seen unfold during his time on the show. And Aaron is a good guy, we know that. And the thing is, I didn’t even dislike those scenes in which Aaron apologized and Ben got to talk about the bullying and how he felt and then seemingly forgave Aaron for the most part after. The scenes were fine. They were written decently and the acting was good. The issue for me, is that I don’t understand why you would seemingly resolve your conflict so fast from a writing perspective. It’s boring. 
I’m not saying more won’t come from it. Frankly, we don’t know until we see all of this play out but I get tired of seeing it simplified that we don’t like that Ben forgave Aaron over some bullying when we love Robon’s insane tumultuous relationship. For me, and I feel like for a lot of people even if they don’t realize it, it’s largely because the pacing makes no sense. Saying it just happened too fast is less of a critique of the character’s motives in forgiveness and more of a critique in just not understanding why they would bother introducing this conflict if they were just going to resolve it instantly. 
I do realize there’s obviously more coming next week but those spoilers half sound like a retread of the first two weeks of this and that’s not a good thing. My biggest problem with current Emmerdale is that every story just ends up being tediously repetitive, which makes them boring. I don’t want that for Aaron. 
Ultimately, what I want for Aaron, is for him to be a character that feels integrated into the rest of the show again. I want to see him have more connections. I want to see him getting involved in other stories here and there (yes I know, covid). I want to see him have friends. I want to see him actually go to work. I want him to be able to be a grown up and move forward in his adult life rather than continue to get dragged back to his past. Aaron’s abuse story is one of my all time favorites, but we’ve done that and we’ve revisited it multiple times already. We didn’t need to necessarily do it again with this. It will always affect him and that should be reflected on screen, but it doesn’t need to be a part of every story he has. 
Right now, I feel like my main investment in this current story with Ben, is just trying to figure out what they’re actually doing rather than caring at all about the actual content of it an that’s not a good thing. 
On another note, since I’m here, I just genuinely don’t understand the people who are finding any of this Ben stuff interesting enough to ship right now. There’s literally nothing there. I mean, I know I’m never going to ship it in that way anyway, but really what is there? Do they just think Ben is cute? Did they like that one scene of awkward Aaron asking him out? That just would never be enough for me, especially when you know what an interesting character Aaron can be. 
People claim to want a good story for Aaron but are also just like “I want Aaron to be happy”. First of all, Aaron hardly seems happy. He’s spent most of this just feeling bad about himself and apologizing. I mean, rightly so in some cases but I wouldn’t call that happy. Second, why do people want characters to be happy all the time? Especially in a soap? Happy = boring and no screen time. Even though Robron earned their happiness, I was still kind of bored by a lot of it. 
I love angsty Aaron and it’s not because I love seeing him miserable, it’s just more interesting to watch. Do I like when his stories have a happy ending? Of course, I don’t want him miserable all the time, I just want him to get good content. The angst and the struggles are what make the happy moments worth while. 
I don’t know, this is a rambling disaster but I keep wanting to yell into the void about things I read so I just thought I’d write it all down. 
I mean, on a boring story matter, I don’t understand all of the people who just want Aaron to become a youth counsellor and live a happy fulfilled life that way while he waits for Robert to come back either. Haha. I mean, maybe if Aaron was getting a spinoff show where that’s the whole thing and we can dig into the stories of multiple kids and find interest there but otherwise, that sounds incredibly dull as the D plot it would end up being. I mean, I could see Aaron fostering a troubled teen the way Paddy did with him and the show actually doing a better job with it than they did with Aaron and Liv with actual conflict that didn’t get resolved in a repetitive series of overly sappy scenes but that’s a whole other issue. 
Okay...I’ll stop now...(at least until I get the inevitable set of anon asks from posting this)
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bow-woahh · 5 years
Spop Fic recs (Catradora)
Hello Catradora trash can's today I finally give you what I've been promising for MONTHS - a fanfic rec list. Because, if you didn't already know, I read A LOT of Catradora fanfic, probably too much and although I'm definitely not the best judge of...anything, I really wanted to make this post, so here it is, weeks late.
(it's a long one though)
I’ve written my full opinions n shit on like the first 10 multi chapters and one shots because there’s a lot lol, and some I remember better than others (tbf I've re read all of them at this point), but yeahhh. For the others, I’ll describe it in less detail and a bit more jokily lol.
I'm sorry I haven't just linked all the fics bit I just want this to be out of my drafts loll, and I can assure you most of these are pretty easy to find, I apologise for the laziness though haha
Also I’ve tried to find the all the authors tumblr or other social media, but I couldn’t for all of them which sucks, so if you happen to be the author and I left you out, please comment :)
(here's a key first)
(o) = ongoing
(f) = finished
[T] =Teen and up Audiences
1. Upper West Side by ceruleanstorm (o) 100,000+ words
[Modern AU] [T]
This fic is so amazing!! It goes so deep into their psychology and past and damn is it hilarious at time. Also, I love the premise of it - Catra is a Uber driver and Adora ends up as her passenger. It's a fairly slowburn as it goes deep into the two girls' lives and really gives time for the relationship to develop naturally and that is honestly really appreciated because it makes the good moments between the two even better and more rewarding if I'm honest. A lot of angst though. All the other characters we know and love are also written amazingly in it too, and are made equally important. All in all, I love this fic and everything about it!
As of writing it has fairly infrequent updates, but each chapter is 10-20k+ words and has 9/12 chapters so...there’s a lot.
2. For my Sake by doublepasse (f) 100,000+ words
[Canon Compliant][E]
The story and world building is just - WOAH. This one is quite the slowburn but boy is it worth it. It's set a couple months to a year after season one, where Catra finally captures Adora but the tables turn very quickly when capturing her nearly results in her death, which Catra (unsurprisingly) didn’t want. The story has some BIG plot twists and is definitely one of the best canon universe Catradora fics I’ve ever read and the ending was very satisfying, but also open ended, BECAUSE there’s a part 2 coming and I couldn’t be more excited!
(Also, there is one chapter with nsfw content in it, but it has a sfw version)
3. Skinny Love by Maychup (o) 89,000+ words
[Canon Compliant][M]
Another amazing fic that takes place in the canon universe that has such great world building, and is very plot heavy. It takes place days after the S1 finale and goes from there basically. The premise of it is similar to many fics and one shots you’ve probably read - sleeping with the enemy. From the first chapter it seemed like it could have easily been a five chapter easy redemption fic but nooooooo, it goes a lot LOT deeper. I feel like this fic did such a great job on character development, Catra’s specifically, she grows so much throughout the fic. She is also such a mother to all her Horde pals in this and I love that haha.
At the time of writing, it’s still ongoing, and boy am I excited to see where it goes. It’s also super angsty and has a fair-ish amount of smut so be warned!
4. The Heiress and The thief by Fuhadeza (f) 58,000+ words
[Regency AU][M]
As it says in the fic summary, it is literally the She-Ra regency AU I never knew I wanted likeeee, it’s so good! Premise - Adora is taken by Lady Brightmoon, leaving her boarding school, and her best friend behind, Catra, and everything is fine until her old friend face resurfaces. This one had me screaming at times (most of them did, but this especially). It was a really enjoyable read and I honestly loved the way the author dealt with love and the way Adora dealt with her feelings and just ahhh- read it.
5. Faded with feelings by yesimgay (f) 24,000+ words
[Roomates AU][T]
This fic. I read this a WHILEEE ago but to this day this is one of my favourite fan-fics ever like it’s hilarious, and fluffy and unproblematic and sometimes you need that tbh. Everything you need to know is established in the first chapter but the way it is done feels so natural, as if it’s just Adora‘s or Catra’s thoughts and I love it. Also the premise is GREAT - Catra has ADHD and smokes weed to help with it, and Adora accidentally takes an edible, which is when shenanigans start to ensue.
6. Dream of Me by DBsean (f) 18,000+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
Although it is on the shorter side with only five chapters, this was another fic that was so so good in quality and premise. For whatever reason, Catra and Adora start sharing dreams, enabling them to share moments together that they (unfortunately) can't have in real life, due to them being on opposite sides of the war, and in turn - enemies. The angst in this fic literally KILLED ME, and the characters dialogue is so good as well! I also recommend you check out some of the authors other fics, they're all great!
7. we've been making shades of purple out of red and blue by darklady21(o) 19,000+ words
[Roomates AU][M]
Another Roomates AU, bUT instead of being best friends, the two barely know each other, or interact at all...GREAT RIGHT?!? Honestly though, I think the author did a great job in making it not seem too rushed, especially in the setup and establishing how although they know each other, they DONT know each other, so the first couple chapters are basically that stage where they are learning more about each other and leaving stupid post it notes around the house, and it just feels so natural and great! Updates aren’t super regular, but there’s already nine chapters (as of writing) so definitely check it out, as well as their other works too!
8. Razorback by Starr_Reborn(o) 22,000+ words
[Canon Divergence AU][M]
Apparently, the author wrote this with the intent of it being fluffy. From the title you can tell that is NOT the case. At all. This one HURTS. This is very very angsty, and also has some themes of rape in it, so if that kinda thing triggers you I might wanna skip out on this one. It is a really good fic though and stands out from a lot of the others because of the way it is written. Chapters aren’t usually longer that 1000 words and the writing style is quite disjointed at times, and it a lot of the time a stream of consciousness. At times it can even be a little confusing or hard to follow, but I find it makes it even more interesting, and also means it will probably be a fic I come back to once completed. It is genuinely so unpredictable, I have no clue where it’s going, but I really love it for that!
9. Sunflower by TechnoSkittles (f) 6000+ words
[High School AU][G]
Oh, BOY. Oh boyyy. This fic - it's 8 chapters and only 6000 words yet the story is just- Ahhh READ IT. It's so good! And like the author in general is so amazing at writing like check out all their works (especially their latest one shot omg I loved it). Anyway, read this, it's not too long, it's cute and also genuinely surprising, the ending was not something I saw coming AT ALL, so YEAH!
10. I like me better when I'm with you by lesbians_harold(f) 22,000+ words
[High School AU][T]
Just a nice, fun, fluffy high school, friends to lovers AU. Catra moves to Adora’s school senior year and the twos friendship is quickly rekindled, after a rocky start albeit. Adora is a big ol’ jock and Catra draws which is a headcanon I LOVE. It’s written so well, and the characters are also written well too! It is a lil angsty at times, but not to worry - but it does pay off, I assure you.
11. I thought we were best friends by vanilla107 (o) 45,000+ words
[University AU][T]
Breakups. Lots of breakups, and angst. This one will mend your heart then hurt you. BE SCARED. But go read it. I mean it. It's good!
12. Dirty Dancing by LilLegalLoli94 (o) 9000+ words
[Dancing AU][M]
Basically lots of (sexual) tension after years of not seeing each other because Adora moved to Brightmoon Dance Academy. It's good. Real good.
13. Back to Black by eveynull (f) 6000+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
(Post War) Gays go and visit their past, staring angst, and featuring your favourite co-star - fluff!
14. how things are supposed to be by maggiesbombshell (o) 11,000+ words
[High School AU][M]
A jolly slowburn that will hurt your soul because (internalised) homophobia and gay.
15. Some things you don't see coming by Trashibesensei (o) 20,000+ words
[High School AU][T]
Adora being a big ol' jock, and Catra being a big ol' gay. I’m not even gonna explain it, you have to find that out yourself.
16. A quarter after three by Maychup (o) 11,000+ words
[Youtuber AU][M]
Adora's gay panic settles in when she bumps into her childhood bestie, Catra, live streaming in the streets of LA. My favourite part of this fic has to be the YouTube comments she gets. This one will make you laugh. And go AWWW CUTE.
17. A Song to My Heart by DemiRebel (f) 8000+ words
[Neighbors AU][G]
The cute girl next door keeps singing loud, and it sounds BELLE, so what else would you do other than creepily listen?? 10/10 for premise.
18. Occupied by Nny11 4000+ words
[Modern AU][T]
The most hilarious soulmate AU I've read tbh. One word - bathrooms.
19. Whispering Dreams by dragonesdepapel (f) 7400+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
Adora finds a wounded and sick gay so obviously, she helps her out, much to her protesting. This fic will honestly make you go through the five stages of grief. Big ol' oof.
20. Why you SHOULD bring in your untrained cat to the rebellion by locuas (f) 6800+ words
[Canon Divergence AU][G]
This fic is a literal joke. But it will probably be the best crack you will ever read, so. READ IT.
What drove her insane, 13,000+ words (f)
One shots:
1. hang tight (all you) by TechnoSkittles 9000+ words
[High School AU][T]
This is a fic that will break your heart and mend it. It's about Adora coming to terms with her sexuality throughout high school in a pretty unsupportive environment, added onto the fact she has a crush on her best friend. It's paced so well, nothing feels rushed and although it's only 9000 words, it manages to flesh out characters that aren't even in the show, and it obviously does a great job with the topic at hand - sexuality and homophobia. Like it honestly touched my heart, reading it I genuinely wanted to cry. I loved everything about it, from the moment it started to the last line. It's just written in a way that is probably relatable to so many people who are or have struggled with coming to terms with themselves, and shows how for some it's really not an easy thing. It's also written beautifully, and I PROMISE you won't regret reading this! Definitely check out some more of their works too, they're all great reads!
2. you're my favorite song (and it's stuck in my head) by artemiswords 16,000+ words
[High School AU][T]
A belle valentine's day fan fic which I just,, ahhhhh this is some of the best 16k words I've ever read, it's so nice and fluffy! Premise - Catra has to take the bus to school, and ends up sitting next to this cute girl on the bus, Adora, and listening to TayTay (Swift), sharing earphones with this complete stranger. Obviously, Catra develops a crush, but she is sure Adora is straight. It's written so well, and is such an enjoyable read, with so many great moments and dialogue. Music is a very prevalent theme (which you can tell from the name tbh) in it, and the amount of song references in it also make it feel so fleshed out in a way, like their both just teenagers with somewhat questionable music taste. Just all the exchanges they have are great, especially the ones over text and social media, there were so many funny moments too. DEFO, recommend if you wanna read something nice and lighthearted!
3. The Interlude That Never Ends by FMLClexa 2000+ words
Twitter: catrxs
[Historical AU] [M]
Angst. Quite angsty. But also fairly fluffy, it has a good balance. And the writing style is just so - it gets your heart wrenching despite being fairly short, and is also very poetic, and I don't know about you, but I love things like that! The fic is a historical/soulmates AU where they are bound to fall in love, no matter the period they're reincarnated in. It's one of the most creative fic ideas I've ever read, and the concept is executed so well, which makes it even better. And it's, so so damn sweet ahh, read it read it READ IT!
4.  is there a knife in your bed or are you just happy to see me? by ceruleanstorm 6000+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
This fic was everythinggg, it is so cute, like it’s basically 6k words of fluff! Also, if you didn’t already notice, the title (and the fic) heavily references the fact Adora keeps a knife under her bed (I DIED when that happened in s2).  Set post war, Catra sneaks away from her post to visit an overworked and stressed Adora in Bright Moon and cuteness ensues. I honestly just love everything about this fic, we need more fluffy and funny fics like this! The dynamic the two have in this is perfect and the dialogue and general writing style of it is great! And Adora’s internal dialogue in this honest to god had me dead. Needless to say this is one of my fav Canon Universe one shots.
5.Girl’s Become Lovers (Who Turn Into Mothers) by A_Zap 2000+ words
[Canon Universe][G]
This has to be one of the cutest, well written, fic I’ve read! Catra brings home the only survivors from a tragedy her and Scorpia stumbled upon, but one thing Adora doesn’t expect is for them to be children. The,, emotions in this are so raw and powerful. Even though they obviously have these new little people in their life though, their problems don’t just go away, they still have their own issues, and have to deal with them while looking after these kids. In general they handle mental health so well, and Shadow Weavers lasting effect on Catra SHOWS and it shows hard. Honestly, it made me want to cry at some parts and the ending was EVERYTHING, so reAd IT.
6. baby, i'm a house on fire (and i wanna keep burning) by wittchers 7000+
[Medival AU]
A really fun fic to read, with a very original premise: after the Horde defeats the kingdom Bright Moon, Hordak is crowned, Queen Angella was killed, and Princess Glimmer is missing, which leaves Lady Adora forced into an arranged marriage with Lord Catra, to keep her people happy. Obviously, being an arranged marriage, with her enemy, she ain’t too happy about it, nor is Catra. But they have to put up with it, and each other. Honestly, like the development of their relationships is sooo good, and there is the perfect balance e of angst and fluff (if you can call it that?) so don’t worry it won’t kill you! Like ahh, the emotions in this - so well described with so little words. And the ending is great, in general it’s great!
7. Adora Casts: Zone of Truth by Hemogobbler 2000+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
Literally just 2000 words of utter cuteness and hilarious dialogue haha. Premise - Catra has just defected recently, and is still warming up to Adora, is still slightly shut off from her. So, to try remedy this, she gets a truth serum from Madame Razz, and slips it into their food, leading to them talking honestly about their feelings for the first time in a while. I just love it so much because I feel like this is genuinely something Adora would do, and also something I’d probably do in her situation - Catra opening up is a rare occurrence! Also, as I said, their are some really funny, laugh out loud moments, which out of context are so weird, yet somehow manage to make a lot of sense. Anyway, if you just had a bad day, I think this fic would definitely lift your spirits.
8. bloom by kimah 4000+ words
Twitter: whitehotmoons
[Modern AU][G]
A post break up fan fic where Catra's therapist suggests Catra write down her feelings, which leads her to write the things she hates about Adora, and their interactions they've had since their break up. The way it's written is so... angsty but like, not? I'm bad at this. Literally, reading this I really felt Catra's pain, and I just wanted to give her a hug at times. Adora too. The small details the author outs into the characters makes the characters all that more realisitic too, and I love it! Seriously though, the angst, will, get, you.
9. I do adore by thankskelley 6000+ words
Twitter: cosmicsporks
[Modern AU][G]
A Catradora fake dating AU. Is there anything more you need in life? Catra and Adora are are roomates, and one day, Adora bursts in, saying she finally came out to her parents, and also that her parent had assumed they are dating... leading her to ask if Catra could pretend to be her girlfriend for while. What could possibly go wrong? Hmm?? I've always loved the whole fake dating premise (to all the boyss) and with characters like Adora and Catra, (especially Catra like she is a TEASE) I always thought it'd be great. Who doesn't love oblivious gays? Their dynamic in this is also great, especially all the flirting and teasing. BUT, of course, it also a bit angsty too. I can promise you you'll love it!
10. Chocolate and Roses vs. Heartache by Trashibesensei 9000+ words
[High School AU][T]
Another high school AU...I know I have a problem leave me alone. This time, if you couldn’t tell by the title, there’s some heartache involved, because: this Valentines Day, Adora doesn’t spend it with her best friend (now ex bestie) Catra. Even despite her popularity that she now has due to being the star player of Bright Moon’s soccer team, she can’t shake of how much she yearns for her old friend. Somehow, even with all the angst, it is still sO fucking FUNNY, the way Mermista was written was great, and she had some of THE best lines. But yeah, it’s so pure and just - Catra needs a hug, Adora needs a hug, they need to hug EACH other tbh! It had a very nice and hopeful message, and also kinda surprised me with the end.
11. someone you like by caela 5000+ words
[High School AU][T]
As a gen z, or x, or whatever the fuck I am, I always appreciate a fic where the characters say stupid shit over Instagram to their crushes which results it getting a date to prom. Although I can assure you that would never happen to me. But this So FUCKING cute and funny so READ.
12. this is what it's like when we collide (this is how you bring me back to life) by azul (7daysoftorture) 5000+ words
[Canon Universe][G]
This galaxy brain fic is amazing and that’s ThE TEA. Catra gets a wish stone from Hordak and we all knowww, WHO she (subconsciously) craves - Adora, which obviously leads to hell breaking loose, because, disaster gays. Anyway read this it’s great and made me feel forget about the cruel world we live in.
13. Five Times Catra was a Cat and One Time the Cat was Catra by sunscreams 2400+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
A BELLE, well written 5 + 1 which is just pure fluff (some hurt/comfort too) and Catra being Catra (so a loveable pain in the ass) after joining Adora in Bright Moon.
14. Vital Signs by SereneKarma 2000+ words
[Modern AU][G]
Like a dumbass Catra breaks her leg and gets put in hospital, but hey - it’s okay as long as she’s got a cute nurse to look after her! It’s pretty funny just based on the concept alone so read ThIs BiSh.
15. You put the cracks into my moral code by Littleamethystc 3000+ words
[Gang AU][T]
Catra is a hotshot mafia member, Glimmer and Bow are the PoPo, and Adora is underestimated as HELL. It’s also pretty funny, like the whole concept is just perfect, so check it out!
16. The Best Gift I Could Ever Ask For by blueninjasharpshooter 1500+ words
[Modern AU][G]
Just a short n sweet fic of Adora celebrating her birthday which she forgot, and also Adora has a pocket knife in her boot, which is so accurate lmaooo. As well as having the most accurate character portrayals, AWWWWwwwww, was my reaction to the end of this fic, so read it to find out wHY.
17. but i still don’t wish death on ‘em (i just reflect on ‘em) by ayushi_writes 1500+ words
[Canon Universe][G]
(Post S1) A year after the battle of Bright Moon, Adora and Catra are standing on a cliff, and Catra finally has a chance to end it all. But WilL she?!?!  Let’s just say, Catradora are the queens of promises.
18. Whiskey and Eggnog by briony8969 3500+ words
[Modern Christmas AU][G]
A cute Christmas fic where a nervous Adora goes home for the first time in months with her new friends from college, scared of what they’ll think but more scared of a certain SOMEONE she hasn’t spoken to in months. So basically: sexual tension gAlore.
19. She's a Regular by BaronVonChop 1500+ words
[Coffee Shop AU][G]
Adora is gay. Catra is gay. Catra works at a coffee shop (badly), and Adora goes to said coffee shop soo much, that it gets on her friends nerves, coz she very obviously likes to flirt with a Catra. It’s funny too. That’s it. That’s the fic and I love it.
20. Hand in Hand, We Make Our Way to The End by thethirdphiladelphiavireo 6500+ words
[Canon Universe - Soulmate AU][T]
Catra and Adora figure out they are soulmates after years of not knowing what it meant, but OBVIOUSLY, cannot communicate like mature humans, because - same.
21. How Do You Tell A Girl You Really Like Her Eyes? by Gay_Panic 1000+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
(Pre Canon)Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, a very gay, very wholesome, very nice first kiss fic. They are very gay for each other in this one, they don’t even care if KYLE catches them kissing.
22. Tender Moments by yesimgay 1500+ words
[Canon Universe][G]
(Post-war) Catra still feels guilty about everything she did to Adora in the past, so instead of sleeping at the foot of the bed as usual , she decides to sleep next to Adora...So there’s fluff, lots of fluff, and it is very tender.
23. Perfectly intertwined by dragonesdepapel 2000+ words
[Canon Universe][G]
On Catra’s first official day in Bright Moon, Adora drags her to a festival and they do cute things and it’s cute, and you should defo read it.
24. a girl without freckles is like a sky without stars by dear_universe 900+ words
[Canon Universe][G]
More bed sharing because I CANNOT help myself, I love fics like these! Catra can’t sleep without Adora on her first night at the rebellion, so, she knocks on Adora’s door and things go from there.
25. Something to remember you by by DBsean 3000+ words
[Canon Universe][G]
Adora sneaks back into the fright zone in attempt to retrieve something, when Catra catches her. It’s cute af. Despite the circumstances.
26. Skiffs & Ships by mysteryinc 900+ words
[Canon Universe][G]
(Pre-show) Just two gals being pals who missed each other a fuck ton while on separate missions. It’s pretty cute.
27. Starstruck by InvisiblePinkToast 2500+ words
[Canon Universe][G]
(Pre-show) A lil bit of angst, and nightmares, and a little bit of fluff, Stargazing and bed sharing - what more could you need?
28. a truth so loud you can't ignore by adverbialstarlight 2500+ words
[High School AU][T]
Catra ignores the growing feelings she has for her best friend, until the truth is so loud she can’t ignore it (see what I did there?) But for real tho this fic really gave me angst that hurt my soul then fluff that healed it, so we StAN.
29. Horde kids are just Like That by gerti 1500+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
(Canon Divergence) What would happen if when Adora defected the Horde, her and  Catra where still girlfriends? Read this to find out because it’s FUCKING hilarious lmaoooo, like it’s so absurd but somehow still makes perfect sense.
30. The First Step by oldmountainsoul 2900+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
(Post S1) Apologies which end in getting shoved out off trees are now exclusively for the Catradora fandom only.
31. (You’re My) Haven by giraffewrites 400+ words
[Canon Universe - Pre Canon][G]
(Pre-Canon) Adora only kisses Catra when she thinks she’s asleep, but my girl Catra ain’t playing no more so one night she just goes in for the KILL, Aka, cute dorks just being cute dorks.
32. Beyond the Screen by SereneKarma 5000+ words
[Youtuber AU][G]
If you can't tell I really like YouTuber AU's. Catra being the angsty gal she is starts a YouTube channel to rant about her old best friend who practically vanished when she was 15, and her viewers (who definitely have no life) end up finding her.
33. come on, sugar, don't you leave early by thesqian 1500+ words
Twitter: @crnkgmeplys
[Modern AU][G]
Two gays at a gay wedding, who clearly have some shit going on, but it’s okay because gay weddings always bring gays together. I said gay a lot in that sentence. Read the fic, it’s short n sweet and cute, so you can’t go wrong!
34. but we could never stay away (from each other) by adorassword 1500+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
Catra and Adora have a nice, not so nice chit chat on Adora’s balcony late at night, - these two need LOVE, and I needed a hug after reading this coz damn. Damn.
35. bad ideas by ranpoandpoe 1000+ words
[University AU][T]
How we all wish thinking about your crush at 2am would go. That’s the only context I’m giving, so READ IT.
Also, here are some of my fav one shots I’ve written:
Two Sides Of The Same Coin 1000+ words
[Gang AU][T]
If I was perfect 2500+ words
[Modern AU][T]
And check out my Catradora week series, however my fav is:
damn you, unrequited love 7000+ words
[Modern/Sixth Form AU][T]
Here are some more series packed with fics that I’ve really enjoyed too!
Catradora Oneshots by clicheusername5678 @hey-adora
Catradora Tumblr Prompts BY sunscreams @catradoramma
if I grind my teeth at night, would you hear it? By poetroe
in the bottom of a coffee cup  + pieces by inkwelled (their stuff is great)
Twitter: adorascatrq
Anyway, I hope you guys appreciate this, it took quite a while lol. I had a lot of fun making it, and I hope you check out some of the fics on the list (maybe all if you're a crazy mf)
Until next time (:
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hyucksong · 5 years
hibiscus. | huang renjun
hey! my first real nct dream fanfic, that isn’t a little baby post or smth, hope you babies love it :)
summary: You give Renjun a hibiscus with every planned meeting you two have. Rejnun doesn’t know why, or what the flower means, but he finds himself curious when he finds out that almost every flower has a meaning. 
warning: Some cursing, :P
word count: 1.8 K
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   Renjun smiled at the flower in his hand. He couldn’t help it, after all. It was instinctual for him to smile whenever he saw you, because no matter when you saw him, as long as it was planned, you’d give him a flower. And if you two happened to run into each other on accident, you’d say to him, “Sorry, I’ll give you two flowers the next time we see each other!” And lo and behold, the next time you two saw each other, you’d give him two more flowers. 
   Admittedly, he didn’t know what the name of the flower was, but he didn’t really care, he just appreciated the sentiment. (and the pounding heart you gave him, but he’d never say that out loud) 
   He was walking back to the dorm he shared with the other NCT DREAM members, and saw Jaemin standing outside of the door. 
   “Hey Jaemin, what’s up?” He casually asked, walking past Jaemin to go and unlock the door. Jaemin’s face lit up when he saw Renjun, throwing an arm around his fellow member’s narrow shoulders when he got closer. “Nothing, I just forgot my keys, that’s all. How was - oh? Is that what I think it is?” Jaemin stopped mid-sentence, eyeing the plant in Renjun’s clenched hand. Renjun smiled and scratched the back of his neck shyly. 
   “Yeah, it’s another flower that Y/N gave me. It’s pretty isn’t it?” Renjun said, finally turning the key to open the door, and he slowly pushed open the door to walk in. He kicked off his shoes and walked through the front entrance to the living room where the rest of the members were lounging around doing various  things. 
   “Oh~, so she gave you another flower.” Jaemin sang teasingly, before walking into the living room and plopping down next to Jeno before whining to him about not letting him in when he knocked on the door.
   “I thought you were just trying to get our attention, sorry.” Jeno nonchalantly said, tapping his finger to his screen repeatedly. Jaemin rose his eyebrow. “By locking myself out of the house?” Jeno simply shrugged, caring about winning his game rather than comforting Jaemin’s pouting face.
   Renjun was secretly relieved that the topic changed from you and your flowers due to Jaemin’s whining. He walked past the members as inconspicuously as he could and opened the door to his room. He let out a huge sigh and took off his jacket, throwing it on his bed before going over to the windowsill and putting the new flower in with the rest of them.
   He softly stuffed the flower on the side and caressed the others that were laying peacefully in the disturbed water, watching at the sun shone off of them prettily. He didn’t know why you always gave him such pretty flowers. he almost felt as if they were going to a waste because he didn’t even know what type they were. Every single one of them were pink flowers with a very prominent nectar stem sticking up from the middle of the flower, and though it seemed like it would be a defining feature for a flower, Renjun wasn’t well versed in the language of plants. 
   The brown-haired boy scoffed to himself. “Flowers can’t mean stuff. Other than a rose, I guess.” He quickly shook the thought out of his head and changed into comfortable clothes before throwing himself on is bed and unlocking his phone to browse and relax. That was, until he noticed he had an unread message from you.
   His heart leapt into his throat and he let out a sigh of affection, not being able to ignore the feeling you gave him. 
   bean: hey there renjunnie! i had a random thought after i gave you the flower today,,,
   renjunnie: what was it y/n?
   Renjun felt himself cringe at the awkwardness of his text, wishing that he was smooth like Johnny or Ten, or funny like Haechan, or old and mature like Mark. but after thinking for a second,  he wiped the last thought form his head. Mark was more awkward with girls than Renjun was by tenfold.  
   bean: well, you know that i give you the same type of flower every time, right?
   renjunnie: really? i thought they were different 
   bean: oh? i guess you’re missing a few brain cells then
   bean: stop hanging out with dong-dumb, he’s ruining your brain :\
   He let out a laugh at your remark. Though you were were very cute, every person knew that the good-girl persona you put up was only for your idol-group during promotion, even the fans knew now. It was something that you only really did when you felt like being ironic. Your sass was natural, and in Renjun’s opinion, cute and attractive.
   bean: anyway, wanna know what they’re called?
   renjunnie: yeah, hit me with it baby
   bean: ???baby? holy??? shit???
   Renjun practically dug a grave for himself at that moment. He had a habit of texting things on impulse, but he never thought it would get him in deep shit. Of course, calling you baby wasn’t the end of the world, but he was sure you hated it. Why? No reason, he just felt a sneaking suspicion. He turned off his phone and plunged it in his pocket, before walking to the living room where he fellow friends were before he saw (or think he’d see) a slurry of angry texts from you.
   No one said anything when he fell lifelessly on the couch, not until he let out a groan filled with absolute agony. Chenle gave him the side-eye, “Really? That loudly?” He teased, ready for a comeback, but only being met with silence. Chenle looked down at Renjun after the unusual quietness, and was shocked when he was met with more dead than usual eyes. 
   “What happened, hyung?” He gasped, putting his phone down and turning towards his distressed friend. Renjun sighed and lifted himself up to sit properly on the couch, his sigh attracting the rest of the members attention. “Well, you know Y/N and her flowers, right?”
   “Yeah, what about it?” Jisung asked, without much interest in the conversation. His question was followed with Jaemin’s soft inquiry of “yeah, wonder what type of flowers they are”
   “Exactly!” Renjun yelled towards Jaemin’s soft question, throwing his head back on the couch. Haechan’s previously un-included self suddenly joined in. “Oooh, teen angst?”
   “Shut up, i’m 20.” Renjun spat, before looking at his phone’s black screen.    “Well, Y/N texted me saying that she thought about something after giving me the flower today, and I was like, “spill the tea, sis”, and she said “haha lol wanna know what type of flower it is?” aND THEN I SAID, “hit me with it, bABY.” I SAID THAT. I CALLED HER BABY. WE AREN’T EVEN DATING.” He screeched, burying his head in his hands, wanting to die right then and there.
   Haechan looked judgmentally at him, wanted to make fun of him due to his member’s unreasonable amount of stress, but seeing the pure amount of suffering on Renjun’s face made him think twice. Which wasn’t enough to stop him.
   “And? Don’t girls like being called that?” Haechan said, looking at his nails sassily. “Well, yeah - but not when you aren’t dating them! She probably hates me, oh god.” Renjun muttered to himself, ruffling his hair which tranlsated to wanting to throw yourself off a cliff in the language of anxiety and stress.
   “Hm, possibly. Telling from the amount of texts you’re receiving from her, it’s either that and she’s asking for a restraining order, or telling you to stop being stupid and kiss her already. I vote either, but eh.” Jeno mused, scrolling through his Instagram feed. Jaemin slapped his shoulder lightly. 
   “What?” Renjun whispered, before looking at his phone go on and off three times, telling him that someone was rapidly texting him. Gulping, Renjun unlocked his phone and went to his messaging app. 
   bean: huang renjun??? where art thou?
   bean: golden hands prince???
   bean: oh well, i’ll just tell you i guess
   bean: it’s a hibiscus! they’re my fav flower and i started giving them to you because i thought the meaning really suited you, so you should look it up, and then decide if calling me baby is something you wanna keep doing or not.
   bean: and if it isn’t, then i mean i guess that’s cool i guess i mean, yeah it’s fine i guess yeah
   Renjun felt more confused than anything, and looked at his phone with his head cocked to the side. He then decided to take your advice and search up the meaning of the flower, something he was surprised flowers had. 
   Part of him was expecting a flower that meant “i hate you lol, also i’m getting a restraining order on you :/” So, when he opened up Google and found the real meaning of the flower, he felt himself melt into the couch with relief.
   Hibiscus: Delicate Beauty
   Renjun lifted his head, and gave the look you give to someone when you just survive 8 AP tests in a row, a look of wanting the sweet release of death but also a look of ‘thank god’. 
   However, it took him a good five minutes before he realized what the meaning of the flower meant for him and Y/N. He stopped moving, before he reopened his text app faster than Jaemin runs to Jeno after not seeing him for a week. 
   renjunnie: holy sh - you what?
   bean: hey there, it’s year 2550, you’ve responded quite late. there are now robotic boyfriends and no need to breed with mere flesh
   renjunnie: im,,,going to ignore that
   renjunnie: but???? you??? think i’m a delicate beauty???
   bean: oh yeah, yeah lol
   bean: it’s okay if you don’t like that, i’ll stop if you want me too 
   renjunnie: nO! i really like it
   renjunnie: like,,,really like it
   renjunnie: like, i wanna call you baby for the rest of my life-like it
   bean: oh
   bean: i mean, a mi tambien
   bean: um,,,i’ve gotta go but i wanna talk about this later with you, i really do, renjun
   bean: i’ll talk to you about it later okay? we’ll skype, i promise :)
   Despite feeling a little disappointed, Renjun smiled. The feeling of reciprocated feelings was greater than anything he’d ever felt, especially after feeling that you hated him.
   renjunnie: alright :)
   bean: also, i’ll be giving you an ambrosia flower when i see you next :)
   Renjun quickly pulled up his Google once again, and searched up the term ‘ambrosia’, he found ‘food of the gods’, but he doubted that she’d be calling him gold-like, so he added ‘flower’ to the search, and what he found lit a bigger fire in his heart than the hibiscus.
   Ambrosia: A Greek symbol for ‘your love is returned’.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Stage one: Emotions. How often do you take actions you regret? Not super often, but it’ll come up once in a while.
Do you often feel guilty? As someone who was raised in a verbally abusive household and was always blamed, corrected, or shamed for not knowing any better, you bet your ass I feel guilty all the time. ‘Sorry’ is probably in my top 50 most used words haha. Do you have a short temper? A little bit, yeah. I got my mom’s impatience for most situations and I’m also a bit of a perfectionist, so if I’m in work mode and I see that something’s askew I’ll be fussy about it until it’s fixed.
When was the last time you lashed out at someone? This afternoon when I was feeling super stressed and was venting to Gabie, but I had the vibe that she wasn’t all ears. And why was that? Because I would assume anyone would feel shitty when they’re ranting to someone they trust and that person acts like they aren’t listening?
Does it always seem like the entire world is out to get you? I have weeks like this, but it’s not constant. Overall, I think the world is mostly decent with me. Have you ever had a serious mental break down? Yeup, tons. What led up to this? (sadness, depression, fury, confusion, etc) I’m not getting into them lmao? Do you believe it is just natural for humans to feel lonely? Of course. Everyone goes through their own battles that makes them feel this way, and sometimes the physical presence of other people or having a packed schedule wouldn’t be enough either. Do you ever feel lonely, even in the presence of those you know or love? Yeah, that’s what I was just trying to say in the last question. There’ve been a few times I wasn’t feeling my best, and I thought going to Skywalk was going to fix stuff but it didn’t. Do you believe that these are the "best years of your life"? High school and college were, but I'm expecting to stumble a bit in the next few years as I try to navigate adulthood and make the best of my 20s. I think it’s normal though as I know most people feel the same when they’re in their mid-20s, so I’ve come to terms with the fact that it might not be the best years for a while. Or do you follow the "the best is yet to come" philosophy? Yeah, but I also don’t just depend on the future to be great. I’m able to realize when there’s good things happening in the present too. Does it sometimes feel like your life is being wasted or not going anywhere? Occasionally. Nothing good comes out of those thoughts though, so I never entertain them. Tell me about the last time you were truly, truly happy. Sometime in January. I drove my girlfriend to her place and there was no one home, so we used that time to catch up and talk and watch Titanic haha. Being it was the beginning of the sem, I still didn’t have any class requirements or org deliverables so it was really just an evening to spend time with her. I love moments like those the most because it’s when I’m reminded how much I love having her around. Stage two: Relationships. How long was your longest relationship? My current one, which is running at four years. Though we’ve been linked together for much longer than that, so whenever I wanna impress people a little bit more I also sometimes say six years hahahaha How old were you when you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend? I was 16. Do you (or have you ever) had feelings for the SAME sex? Yes, that’s my situation right now. Do you consider yourself gay or bisexual? How strongly do you feel about it? For a while I thought I was bi because I liked Gab and had small crushes on some guys we were friends with in high school. It was also because everyone in school who also liked girls considered themselves bi, so me thinking I was bi was mostly an environment thing and I just thought I was one of them as well, because it was all I heard about. Through the years other orientations were given awareness, and eventually I found that demisexuality is most fitting for me. Have you ever had your heart broken? Many times in a lot of ways. Did you ever honestly believe you were going to marry your high school bf/gf? I mean, I still think that until now. Is it harder to get dumped or do the dumping? I’ve only been on one side of this so I wouldn’t know how to compare. Have you been able to stay good friends with any of your exes? Yes, but it took a while before we could mend our friendship. We couldn’t talk to each other for a couple of months but we patched things up after realizing our friendship was too important to throw away just because of a breakup. If so, is there any tension (sexual or not) between the two of you? There was, after a short while lol. Hence us getting back together anyway. Would you ever date someone that your friend liked or HAD dated? I wouldn’t do that. When was the last time you were kissed? First week of March. Are you a virgin? Do you believe virginity is "sacred"? No and no. How many times have you been in love? Was it always real? Once and yes. Stage three: Friendships. Would you say that you have a lot of friends? Yep. I’m really glad I’ve met a lot of progress when it comes to this. All I wanted in Grade 6 was one friend and now I have more friends than I ever imagined having, so it feels pretty awesome. Have you ever been considered to be a "loner"? Yeah, throughout elementary and some parts of high school. People would only talk to you if you shared the same interests, and back then I couldn’t find anyone who was like me. It made it hard to talk to anyone period because everyone already had their own set of friends. How often do you hang out with your friends? I obviously can’t now, but before the lockdown I would hang out with at least one friend a day. There’s always at least one person at our org lounge so it was easy to find someone to study with, get street food with, have lunch with, etc. Do you have a specific hang out or house that you go to? Yeah, the org lounge that we call Skywalk. It’s habit for anyone in the org to just drop by there when we have free time, or if we wanna hang out together. If my orgmates and I don’t feel like being at Skywalk, we go to a nearby bar called Tomato Kick. I have another friend group that includes Angela, and for that bunch we typically go to another local bar in the area for cocktails and shisha. Have you ever done anything illegal to help a friend? Other than giving them movie files I’ve pirated...no not really lol If not, would you be willing to? What would be your limit? Eh, I don’t like breaking the rules so I probably wouldn’t go all that far to begin with. Who is your best friend? VERY best. Choose. Angela. Have any of your friends ever stabbed you in the back? Yes, but they’re not my friends anymore. Did you forgive them? Are you still friends? No and no. Are your friends the only people that "get you"? I don’t think so. I’ve become pretty flexible through the years and can mostly adjust depending on who I’m with. Do you think your friends know you better than your own parents? They absolutely do. Have you ever lost a close friend because they died? I didn’t count Nacho as a close friend (cause I’m super particular about that title lol), but he was my friend all the same. Have you ever lost a friend because they gained a bf/gf and dropped you? No, this hasn’t happened. Are your friends your support system? =] Yes. Stage four: Family Life Are both your parents alive? They are. Were you raised by your biological parents? Technically I was raised by my grandma for most of my childhood haha, but yeah both my parents were present. Has your family ever been broken? I have an aunt (dad’s sister) who has had a couple unsuccessful relationships, but nothing in my immediate family. Do you think your parents respect your space? My dad does, which I hugely appreciate. My mom doesn’t know the basic rules of privacy and has never even learned how to knock. She just barges in, which puts me in a sour mood literally every single time she does it. Are you close with you siblings, if you have any? I’m a little close with my sister, like we crack jokes together and never fight and stuff, but not emotionally close. For instance I wasn’t able to physically comfort her when her cat died, but I made sure to flood her Messenger with messages to let her know I cared. I don’t have any relationship with my brother whatsoever. How often does your family fight or have big arguments? We don’t normally fight as a family. It’s mostly me and my mom who butt heads. Does your family hold very high religious beliefs? My mom does... we’re just forced to go along with it because she’s a bit of a brat and if we don’t do things her way, she’ll slam doors and bump against us on purpose, petty shit like that to let her know she isn’t happy. Are you the "black sheep" of your household? I used to be. I was a handful to deal with and there was just a lot of angst inside of me; and I attribute that to the abuse I got from my mom early on, which I’ve never gotten a resolution or closure to. Throughout my teen years she was able to twist the story and surface as the wonderful mother while I was the troubled teen that would never amount to anything, so it definitely looked like I was the black sheep. Thankfully I rose above it as I got older. Have you ever in anger told your parent(s) that you hated them? No. How often are you diciplined or punished or grounded? This has only happened a handful of times. Grounding isn’t common here and as mean as my mom was, she liked sticking to verbal abuse than punishment. The worst thing my parents did was take my gadgets and that only happened like twice. Do you feel like you are allowed to express yourself inside your own home? No. I have a whole-ass four-year relationship my parents have no clue about. Are your parents very controlling of the person "they want you to be"? Nope, they give me freedom which I give them credit for. They never told me what course they wanted me to take in college, what career they want for me, none of that stuff. Your family really does love each other, doesn't it? I guess. It could always be a little more, though. Are you planning to move away when you turn 18? I’m 22 now and I’m still here, so.
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som3thingcr3ative · 5 years
By Her Blood 3
SURPRISE! I said this would be out later this week but all of the comments have made my fingers lighting fast on my keyboard. I’m pretty sure my thighs have permanent laptop impressions on them haha
I love this chapter. It’s crazy and foreboding and it’s a good indication of what’s to come... plus you get to meet the parents!!
Warnings: semi-nakedness, awkwardness, parents, cursing. fluff and angst.
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LAST TIME: You are fueled by fear for your friends, by fear of what they could summon left unchecked in a crypt, by fear of what could make Ivar himself afraid. So as your feet pound into the smooth stone floor of the crypt, as you turn the corner into the main room, you expect the worst. 
But you do not expect that.
Three of the fifteen teens are banging a large drum in rhythm with two singers. The two singers are reading off a sheet of Old Norse, while everyone else stands in a connected circle around a dead raccoon. 
“STOP!” You scream, your voice echoing in the cavernous room, the very earth beneath you trembling as it reflects your panic. 
And they stop. 
Fifteen wide sets of eyes land on you. Even the raccoon, with the haze of death over its pupil, seems to stare at you. 
Your breath is a seething hiss as you curse in Old Norse, scaring your friends with just how intense your anger is. 
“None of you have any idea what you are doing! I warned you! This is no joke! You are pissing off some really ancient spirits- enough that I knew! From a mile away! In my fucking sleep!”
For a moment everything is silent save for your heaving breath. You count to ten in your mind, and then backward, trying to pace each breath. It doesn’t work. Your knees threaten to buckle, and then Ivar stands behind you, holding you upright with an arm around your waist. 
When you finally speak, it is barely above a whisper. 
“All of you need to leave. Now.”
And when fifteen teenagers give you a deer-in-the-headlights stare, you lose your last bit of patience. “NOW!”
As soon as they are out of hearing, you take a careful step toward the raccoon, and then another, and another until you stand in front of it. 
You crouch, willing your eyes away from its death-stare, scanning its body. 
There. The creatures’ abdomen and part of the ribcage have been flattened by a tire. A rather large tire, with tonnes of force behind it. A truck. Eighteen-wheeler perhaps. Nothing to suggest that one of your friends had found, trapped, and killed it. 
They simply moved it. 
Still, your stomach twists in revulsion at the thought. How could they be so oblivious to the danger of blood magic? Especially after seeing Ivar?
“What do I do?” You ask Ivar as he inspects the drum. 
“Calm the spirits, reverse what damage they have done.” He glances sidelong at you. “And put that animal to rest.”
So you settle onto the stone floor and close your eyes, reaching out to the restless spirits around you. 
Several dozen Frankish nobles. Three Frankish Kings. Hundreds of soldiers. Queens, princes, princesses. 
You seek the calm place in yourself, only mildly surprised that thinking of Ivar has the best effect, and you spread that calm over the spirits like a fine mist. They settle, slowly at first, finally calming enough to return to rest. Your eyes open and you reach out to close the unseeing gaze of the raccoon. 
Peace and quiet reigns once more in the chamber. 
“Ivar?” You ask, glancing around. He is gone. “Ivar!” Your voice becomes tinged with panic. Still, no answer. 
And then, you hear it. 
Someone is standing around the corner. 
You heave a sigh and push yourself up, making a show of stretching. Finally you turn, not even blinking at the teens gathered in the cave mouth with their cameras directed at you. 
“What?” You growl, glaring at them. The whole reason you are even in this mess is because of them. Because they tried to summon a spirit in a crypt full to bursting with them. And of course, they are videoing the whole thing. “Do you really think this is a joke?” You demand, spreading your arms. “None of this is for your entertainment. None of it.” 
You glance at the raccoon, at the cameras, and then back. With a sigh, you pick up the still-warm creature and place it in an alcove as a final resting place. When you draw back your hand, you sigh in resignation. 
If your Viking family has taught you anything, it is that your blood is powerful. 
And you are bleeding. 
A jagged piece of rock was all it took to slice your hand. Your blood wells up in the cut, weeping out of the edges, dripping onto the floor. 
Your friends scream. Tilting your head back and closing your eyes, you sigh again. “Do I even wanna know?” You mutter. 
And then you turn around. 
The shadows in the corners of the cave are spiraling into the center, where they coalesce into a man-like shape, writhing and whirling in a dark mass. The shape solidifies and you can see dark pieces of armor, axes and knives, blood. 
The shadows recede, leaving a tall form in their wake. Black hair tied in intricate braids. Stunning blue eyes. Full lips, a cocky grin. 
“Ivar,” you gasp, facing the Viking. One of your friends faints, collapsing to the floor with a thud. 
“Little dove,” he murmurs, reaching out a gloved hand to you. His fingers, calloused from a lifetime of work, gently brush your hair back. 
Just like that, your heart melts. 
You rush forward, embracing him. Nothing else exists for a moment. Just you and Ivar at last. 
An hour later, you’ve successfully snuck a viking into your hotel room. You can’t be bothered with the videos your friends took, or the possibility of the hotel cameras catching your mad dash in the middle of the night. Not when Ivar is there, not when you have too many other things on your mind.
“I’ve seen people do this so many times,” He complains, “it should be easy. Why isn’t it easy?” You lean across him, trying your hardest to ignore his bare chest or the towel slung low around his hips. The knob in the bathtub turns under your touch and water spills from the faucet. Ivar curses. “How did you do that?”
“You have to pull it out and turn it at the same time.” Biting your lip, you try not to laugh at his expense. Although he lived so long ago, he’d been able to watch society advancing through time. He’d seen all of the changes in technology, had borne witness to things beyond his wildest imagination. He’d also seen things he would much rather forget; sometimes he’d get stuck in certain locations, like the bedroom of a grown man who enjoyed anime a little too much. (Ivar could never look at Waluigi or the word ‘hentai’ the same way again.) But being unable to interact was a challenge. He’d never had the hands-on experience you had. Suffice to say there would be a learning curve.
“I’m going to get you some normal clothes.” You say, leaving him to the bath. “When the tub’s full, just push the knob in. I’ll be back soon.” Halfway out of the door, you turn suddenly. He looks up, a hand already on the towel around his waist. “And for fuck’s sake, please don’t leave the room!”
He nods. Trying not to blush at his near-nakedness, you snatch your bag off of the bed and head out, googling the nearest walmart.
What feels like a short time later, the morning sun peeks through the hotel’s beige curtains and lands obnoxiously on your face. Everything is warm except for your hand draped over the side of the bed; there’s an arm slung around your waist, warm breath fanning over the crook of your shoulder. 
Just as you turn to Ivar, ready to wake him up, there’s a pounding on your door. 
“Y/N!” Your mother’s voice calls. “Y/N open this door now!”
Ivar startles awake, his bright eyes clouded with sleep. He looks at you first, confused but ready to fight. His arm tightens around your waist, drawing you into the protection of his body. “It’s alright,” You say, resting a hand on his bicep. “It’s just my mom.” 
“She sounds angry.” he growls, glaring at the door. 
“She won’t hurt me.” It’s the truth. Your mother had always been good to you, if a little too smothering. He releases you grudgingly, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’m coming!” You shout to the door, gesturing for Ivar to get a shirt on. 
“Hi, mom.” Her face is bright red, your father standing with his arms crossed right behind her when you open the door. “Hi, dad. What’s wrong?”
  “Maybe you can explain this?” She says, thrusting a phone at your face. Her text messages are displayed on the screen, the most recent from Laney’s father. You tap on the image and it brings up a video.
It’s grainy, but you can clearly see the whirling shadows of the crypt, your palm dripping blood. Your fathers’ eyes lock on your hand, on the white bandage Ivar had so carefully wrapped last night. His face goes pale. 
“They were trying to summon a spirit.” You say, pausing the video. There’s no point watching- you know what happens. “I got there just in time, but they’d angered the spirits in the crypt and they’d found a dead racoon on the road; I laid it to rest in an alcove and cut my hand when I tried to pull back. You know the whole ‘gods-blessed blood’ spiel, well there was a lot of blood, and, well, I’d like you to meet Ivar.”
You gesture into your hotel room. They both give you odd looks, but they walk in anyway. “Fucking hell!” Your father curses. For a second you expect to hear your mother’s scathing ‘Language, Y/D/N,’ but it never comes. 
Ivar is perched calmly on the edge of the bed, his crutches leaning on the bedside table, the armor he’d been wearing when he’d recorporated on the chair in the corner of the room. He hadn’t had time to put on his braces, but his arms are tensed like he’s ready to jump to your aid at the slightest provocation. 
“Ivar, these are my parents, Mom, Dad, this is Ivar ven bonelesse, former King of the Vikings.”
“Nope.” Your mom says, shaking her head. “No, this is not happening. Young lady, you are so grounded!”
Ivar’s eyes dart to you. “Grounded?” He asks, his tone insinuating it meant something totally different in his time. 
“It’s fine,” You say to him, tongue tripping just before you let a word slip that would really make the situation awkward. This is not how you wanted your parents to meet your boyfriend. “Mom, I swear it wasn’t my fault. I tried to stop them. Dad? You’re really quiet.”
“Is that your armor?” Your dad asks, his eyes wide as saucers as he runs to the chair, dropping to his knees in front of it. He holds it reverently, the same way you’d seen him hold priceless artifacts. Ivar tilts his head, looking to you for clarification. 
“This is amazing!” He says, running his fingers over the patterning. “It’s the most intact piece I’ve ever seen! It’s like it was just made!”
“Honey, that’s not the issue here.” 
“Yeah, yeah. Look at the detail!”
“What are we supposed to do now that someone who has been dead for thousands of years is now sitting on our daughters bed?” Your mom asks, gesturing to Ivar like he’s not even there. “They didn’t go over this in archaeology classes!”
“I think we could start with treating him like an actual human being.” Rolling your eyes, you sit down next to Ivar. He casually slips his arm behind you, rubbing his thumb in circles on your back. You lean into the touch. “I told you I’ve been seeing him since the party.”
“That doesn’t-” She starts, shaking her head. “This shouldn’t be possible.”
“Y/N is special.” Ivar says. “She is the fulfillment of a prophecy from long before my time. She can do so much more than she has already done.” He looks down at you can’t can’t help but to add, “A child like her would be a blessing to any Viking.”
Your blush doesn’t help matters. Ivar’s answering grin and the easy manner the two of you have don’t help either. Your mother’s eyes narrow, darting between you two. 
“You’re dating him.” It’s not a question. Ivar can feel you tense. 
“So what if I am?” you dare to ask, leaning against his side. “I told you I’ve been seeing him since the party. He saved my life with that robber. He’s saved my life many times, actually. At least he treats me like I’m a person. You’ve never been willing to accept that I’m different. You’ve always made me hide it!” Suddenly you’re shaking with rage, finding yourself on your feet before your brain catches up with your body. “With you it’s ‘don’t speak Old Norse, Y/N,’ or ‘stop talking about the Viking spirits, Y/N.’. But guess what! I’m not crazy! I was never wrong about what happened! And now you can’t deny that!”
Ivar grips your wrist in warning: your fists are clenched, your nails nearly to the point of breaking skin. Even your father has turned to watch the fight. “Liten en,” He murmurs, tugging you back against him. Little one. “It’s okay. She couldn’t possibly understand before this.”
You fall onto the bed, your rage dropping away as Ivar wraps an arm around your shoulders, tucking you against his chest. Your mother looks unbearably sad when you finally look up at her.
“I was trying to protect you.” She murmurs, “I was worried someone would take you away if they found out I let you be in danger at that site when you fell. I didn’t want them to diagnose you with schizophrenia and lock you away. Y/N, I was trying to do what was best for you. I didn’t know it was hurting you. I’m sorry.”
It’s hard to see her like this, her eyes shining with tears as she looks at you like you’re her whole world, but you know that years of denial wouldn’t go away with an apology, so you set your jaw and harden your heart, at least for now. The anger you’d held in your chest only a minute before has calmed, leaving only a sense of emptiness behind. Ivar’s touch soothes you so you lean against him, seeking his comfort. 
“I get that.” You say eventually. “But it doesn’t change what happened. I can’t forget so easily.” Her face falls, a tear slipping down her cheek. Your father moves to comfort her, the armor forgotten. “We can start with you accepting that Ivar is part of my life now. We can move on, make things better from here on out.”
Your mom nods. She looks at Ivar, at the defined muscles of his chest and arms, the intimidating span of his shoulders. “You’ll protect my little girl?” She asks. Before you can protest that you’re not her little anything any more, Ivar nods. 
“With my life.” He vows. 
You’ll come to wish he’d never said that.
(That bit about Ivar being stuck certain places was partly inspired by the post about Jesus still saving everyone even after seeing some guy ‘busting rope to Waluigi hentai... if you haven’t seen that one, it’s gold.)
Tagging (open): @tis-itheapplepie @pixievampira @demonhunter1616 @hexqueensupreme @thorins-queen-of-erebor @grippleback-galaxy​ @readsalot73​ @glassythoughts @youbloodymadgenius
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twi-sight2020 · 4 years
Bella spills her soul to Edward
Part two begins well enough, Bella says that things are getting better, she’s finally feeling more settled, sitting with friends at lunch. Fairly  typical things. I laughed a bit  when she talked about how terrible Volleyball was and how she didn’t know an answer in Trig because , Same Bella, same.  But then she talks about how it’s worse because Edward isn’t there.  Now, at first her reasons seem rational enough, that she is waiting for this guy who treated her like a leaper  to pop up out of nowhere. BUT, then she seems almost upset .....not to see him. Which, I mean, I have no idea why, because of some guy treated me like this, the only thing I would want to do would be never see him again, and Good riddance, but...maybe I’m the odd one? Anyway, Mike continues to follow her around and Bella begins to compare him to a puppy. Which, seems her opinion changed pretty quick from last chapter when she thought he was cute and they had things in common. Nothing he’s done seems creepy or overboard but suddenly she considering him “overly friendly” and later a bit of nuisance. Is it because she’s seen Edward and can’t think of anyone else? Is it because Teenagers are ever changing? Or because Stephanie Meyer didn’t feel like writing more nuanced humans and wanted to focus entirely on Edward and Bella’s relationship? I tend to think it’s the latter, which, to be fair, isn’t something unique to her. Most romance novels (particularly those geared towards teens) tend to give the main love interest  the majority of the personality traits while secondary characters suffer. Just an observation. The rest of the school day is glossed over fairly quickly. and the Bella goes and gets groceries, starts to cook dinner because Charlie is incompetent. She thinks about about the Cullen’s and their fancy clothing and cars. And here we see her  making th observation that even the Cullen’s clothing and expensive taste serves not only to set them apart, but to fully alienate them, that they want the isolation. Which, is fitting except...you know...if they wanted to keep a low profile, maybe don’t do that? Of course,we could argue that they do it for the human’s protection. We know that Jasper, especially, doesn’t really need to seem approachable, because one papercut and it all goes to hell (Which, sidenote, I’ve been in HS, papercuts, fights, etc are so common, like how has Jasper not massacred the whole school?) Bella got home and emails her mom which, you know, it might have just been smart for her to ...call her mom when she got in yesterday? or for her mom to call the house in forks to check in? Like....they have phones, probably more likely to hear that then check an email but...whatever. They are reading Wuthering Heights for class,and Bella decides to read it again. Now, personally, not my fav book and I wouldn’t be reading it for funsies (more into the other Bronte sister’s writing) but , I appreciate us getting to see that Bella does actually seem to be smart and interested in school. She makes dinner, they eat, Charlie ask about school and Bella brings up the Cullens in Which Charlie’s GIANT Man-crush on Carlise is revealed. Ok, might be an exaggeration, but Charlie is really pissy at the thought of town’s people talking shit about the family, and when Bella points out how attractive the kids are, he does say “You should see the Doctor.” Is Charlie just complimenting him, or does he have a crush? In cannon, def a compliment because  there is pretty much a NOHOMO ban in these books, but hey, girl can dream. All that aside, Charlie really does defend the family against the small town suspicions around newcomers, and it’s...pretty nice actually, I forgot that book Charlie isn’t automatically suspicious of the family and really adores all of them, except Edward which, you know.... The next week at school is glossed over, with small bits about how the local library sucks (I know the feel)  and how her school quizzes are super easy. The she commits the cardinal sin of hating snow, and my snowbunny self weeps. And then, of course, Edward comes  back to school and Bella is a bit of a mess , blushing just looking at him, which, understandable considering how the guy made her feel. Nothing much happens till Biology( other than Edward doing a creepy stare at lunch) but in class, things get...interesting. For one, Edward finally speaks and it’s...very normal. For two, we again get to see Bella’s smarts, even going so far as to have the teacher comment her and Edwards are well suited as partners, and we gain the knowledge that Bella was an advanced placement student in her old school.  The two of them then have an odd conversation where Bella spills the real reason she moved to Forks which is... yea, “Mom was unhappy so now I live here and I’m going to sigh about it forever.” On the one hand, it’s a super nice gesture, on the other, she completely miserable and it SHOWS to the point that, even without being able to read her mind, Edward notices it.  And I’m not saying that this isn’t a good glimpse in to her self sacrificing personality -we see that over and over again throughout the series which is consistent- but it does leave me wanting something more to be the cause of her angst. Which, you know, is probably me asking for too much , but that’s that. There’s a few little bits about him being good at reading people (haha) Edward still acting weird, leaning away from her, hands clenched. Class ends and Edwards takes off while Mike immediately finds Bella and seems a bit jealous. they go to gym where Mike is nice and her team has learned to get the hell outta the way when Bella is up to serve. The only other bit of anything interesting is Bella almost hits another car in the parking lot and looks back to see Edward laughing at her. not a bad chapter, but I remember now that the books are almost unbearably slow and detailed at times. Some people are fans of that, I never have been. Which is ...odd considering that I love long Movies like Gone with the Wind, and old books and poetry to the point of being a lit major. But..... i guess when I’m reading YA I tend to expect things  to happen and these intro chapters have a lot of detail I don’t find necessary. Like, time-skipping is fine, I don’t need short paragraphs about EVERYTHING that happens in Bella’s day. But, I  remember that this is a first time writer’s book and that...tends to be a pitfall in early works.  The pro’s of this chapter though, man, Edward’s “I find you hard to read” “I’m usually a good reader” God they are funny as hell in hindsight. Like, Edwards had his moments in the films, but MAN, he is a lot more of a lil shit in the books and I LOVE it. Also, sorry this took so long, after my stuff this week, I needed a break, and I have some more medical test Monday, so you, know. Life does things. But I’m keeping up with this , don’t worry.
0 notes
ellipsesarefun · 7 years
you pour it out for everyone to see
(Sorry if it’s late :(( )
Otayuri Week 2017 Day 2: Social Media/Celebrations (FaceTime, Skype, Youtube, Instagram)
A/N: Sequel to “now i gotta wash my mouth out with soap”~! Also featuring an Original Female Character.
His mind is a cosmic chaos of emotions. Not even skating himself to the death is helping him.
As the past six months ran by, his communication with his labeled “bestie” remained ambiguously normal. They talk on Skype as they usually do, always ranging from their skating routines to their daily nonsense (cats, weather, etc.). And it was perfectly normal. They barely engaged a conversation on love, Mila, or… the Accident (because it totally was; come on, he wasn’t thinking straight.) and that is totally normal in their imaginary rule book. Even before said fiasco, they never really took the time to indulge on that topic, merely in passing (“who was your first kiss”, “who was the worst partner”, “the most embarrassing moment when you dated”). So yea. Totally mundane and ordinary. 
Except it wasn’t okay. It took all his strength not to broach on any topic. It would be weird and awkward. Awkweird. It was not the line friends cross and while he did cross the line by an inch, he was just pushed back to his side of the line where he initially belonged. Beka, being casual and everything, did not initiate nor push him about it. He merely kept his usual composure, just how the way things were.
And it only fueled his turmoil. It doesn’t help that his relationship with Mila grew fragile. A few days after he left, she had this.. look. There was no smile this time but there was something on her expression that she knew something.. that somehow it was his fault that he fucked up their relationship.
Through this chaos, anger at himself became his drive in training. But it wasn’t only anger, there was a whole icing of anguish spread on top. He stretched his limits, to the brink of his own sanity, almost tearing his body from limb to limb. To those who noticed said nothing, merely watching from afar and only intervening when he came close to passing out.
And said intervention came to the rescue. She was a friend of his from overseas who lived with katsudon and old man. Her parents and Katstudon’s parents go way back and decided to ship her here in Russia for a mini vacation.
Tine [20:30] Yo asshole!
[20:45] tf do u want bitch? why are you still up? katsudon would’ve put you to bed by now..
Tine [20:47] Ahem. I’m a fucking 20-year-old adult. I make the rules.
[20:48] 20-year-old adult in a fifteen-year-old body :p
Tine [20:49] HEY! Watch it, kid, regardless of our two-year gap, I’m still older than you.
[20:50] yea. but i LOOK older than you :p even old man thinks ur my little sis
Tine [20:59] ...point taken.
Tine [21:00] Anyways. How’s it going?
[21:01] cut the crap
Tine [21:03] YOU cut the crap, Mr. “I’m angry with the world and everything that’s teen angst”
[21:06] ur lame af
Tine [21:04] And you’re stalling... haven’t heard from you much.. what’s really up..? how’s he doing?
[21:06] same old same old.. the usual.. nothing changed really..
Tine [21:07] ....After all that?
Tine [21:08] That fucking sucks.
[21:13] tell me about it
[21:15] what makes it worse is mila hasn’t really talked to me..
[21:17] and i’m too distracted in coming up with any ideas for my theme and song music..
[21:18] and beka’s.. Beka’s okay. We’re cool. We talk the usual shit.
Tine [21:19] but you’re not okay.
[21:20] ...is that all you got? putting out the obv?
Tine [21:21] Hm.
[21:22] spill it woman, i don’t have all night for this
Tine [21:23] What say you and I do a little music jam? Make a Youtube account?
[21:24] whut
Tine [21:25] For a stress reliever, dumbass. You can sing. I can sing. We both can play the guitar and we can put it up on Youtube.. Plus we can search for some music you might like that’s beyond classical. It’s a win-win for everyone.
[21:28] what do u get out of this?
Tine [21:30] To do something for shits and giggles. Something nice for my spare time.
Tine [21:31] What say you?
[21:34] sure i guess
Tine [21:25] Such enthusiasm.
[21:26] hey ur asking a lot from me here.
True to heart, they went music scavenging as planned on the days he finished his training. That meant his time with his friend from overseas overlapped with his Skyping time with Otabek. He introduced the two one evening and it went slightly awkward, seeing as they barely have anything in common except for maybe some literature, but that was only in passing. She and Yuri decided to keep the music project a secret, with the viable excuse of her being there was to be watched over (”Hey, I’m older than you, you know” “You don’t act like it”). Otabek didn’t mind of course. They still kept their conversations as mundane as they make it while Tine sat beside him mostly in silence, sometimes listening, sometimes reading some shit (”Seriously, just pretend I don’t exist; i don’t usually wanna talk” she laughed). It was an upgraded routine for all of them and no one seemed to mind one bit.
He wasn’t exactly sure how she managed to rope him into this. While yes they both have the skills to do so, he was hesitant in trying her songs. Most of them were dark, creepy and downright strange. She also had a wide variety of options. There was an equal proportion of hip hop, grunge, metal, acoustic, with a few jazz and blues combined. Beka helped as well, seeing he is a DJ and has encountered most of the music she presented. However, he never truly found out what Yuri needed for, only for some new music to skate for. 
(Sometimes, he can feel his best friend has an inkling of what they were up to, but that’s just paranoia).
Fortunately, it only took two weeks for them to find a song they both liked.
Soap Cover - Melanie Martinez
[one minute sneak peak video]
“I feel it coming out my throat Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap God, I wish I never spoke Now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap”
[link to Youtube]
#melaniemartinez #cover #soap
Tagged: @chriscapss 
View all 763 comments
christophe-gc Such accent!!! <3 Love his voice
Yurisonlylover Who’s she? His surrogate sister or something?
BestYuriAngels @Yurisonlylover I think so.. I saw a picture of them once. [link]
phichit+chu Damn that voice~
v-nikiforov Wow! Amazing, Yurio! @yuri-plisetsky @chriscapss  
chriscapps Damn.. so many views per day.. You’re good for this music business @yuri-plisetsky.
They only posted one video yet they were already famous. His phone exploded with notifications filled with likes, dislikes and comments. Yakov didn’t seem care, as long as he kept on practicing his usual routines. Mila started talking to him again, with the help of Tin. He introduced them three days after he uploaded their video. One look from Mila and she was already adored by the older skater (”YURI SHE’S SO ADORABLE!!!”). They now go out for coffee breaks. 
And Otabek.. Beka was impressed. Still is. After he found out the video, they finally found another topic that piqued their interest: music. 
Beka [17:00] Hey. Nice cover. When did you learn how to sing like that?
[17:02] a couple of years back, tine’s first visit in russia. We had a couple of gigs together, but this is the first time we ever posted a song that we actually like.
Beka [17:03] You had a lot of disagreements before?
[17:04] pfft, more like full-blown arguments. her song choices can be a little creepy
Beka [17:05] I noticed...
Since then, there conversations prolonged and gradually, contentment filled his emotions more than his own anguish over unrequited affections. This upgraded their routine and level of closeness further and while it was not what his other part of himself had hoped, it was enough for him to have that familiar comfort of talking to him again. 
This music project isn’t so bad after all.
Carousel Cover - Melanie Martinez
[one minute sneak peak]
“And it's all fun and games, 'Til somebody falls in love, But you've already bought a ticket, And there's no turning back now”
[link to Youtube]
#melaniemartinez #cover #thissongrocks
Tagged: @chriscapss 
View all 532 comments
YuriPisMyJam God, that voice.. I live for that voice
Plisexyness Another Melanie?? Is he a CryBaby fan?
chriscapss @Plisexyness I am the huge fan. He just happened to like some of her songs. 
Y-Angels56 @chriscapss OMFG, can you do a cover on Cry Baby? Training Wheels? Are you guys gonna cover the whole album.
chriscapss @Y-Angels56 Nah haha. Maybe?
yuri-plisetsy @chriscapss no.. 
Tine [19:00] Any ideas for your music theme?
[20:15] none yet..
Tine [20:25] You doin’ ayt?
[20:30] more or less.. fucking tired though. almost collapsed when i couldn’t nail that jump right...
Tine [20:31] Ah
[20:33] beka and i are doing okay if that’s what you’re asking... am weirded out by mila though.
Tine [20:36] Why?
[20:40] she seems to be talking to me now.. beka hasn’t mentioned about her at all. not like we talk about dating so seriously..
Tine [20:41] Seems okay.. What’s the problem though..
[20:43] nothing i guess..
Tine [20:45] Hm..
[20:47] wanna jam something tom? i think.. i may have a few ideas for my program..
Tine [20:48] Same artist?
[20:49] omfg ur killing me u know...
Tine [20:50] So you do like all of her songs now?
[20:51] not all, okay.. a couple... but she grew on me.. i’ll admit that..
Tine [20:55] YAY! So what say we pick another poison from her album?
Cake Cover - Melanie Martinez
[one minute preview video]
“I feel like I'm just missing Something whenever you leave We've got all the ingredients Except you needing me”
[link to Youtube]
#melaniemartinez #thisonetookthecake #freakinggenius
Tagged: @chriscapss 
View all 4556 comments
YuriPisMyJam Okay, third time’s the charm. wtf is going on here?
BestYuriAngels This is just their third song, but they’re all the same artists..
Y-Angels56 That’s just the third video.. nothing much to discern over anything yet..
YuriPisMyJam @Y-Angels yea but.. come on, the chosen lyrics? the chosen songs? there’s something going on...
leodglesia woah @yuri-plisetsky never knew you were a fan.. we should put up some gigs sometime.
The internet is now speculating on said posts. It had only been three covers of the same artist and people are already assuming that therein lies a deeper intentions that the said skater was hiding. Even the people around him were starting to wonder, with the stupid pig and stupid old man barraging him with hugs, questioning his mental well-being or if he was moping for someone. Mila even singled him out once or twice over the week, not-so-subtley prying for answer. Otabek was speculative (his best friend is too smart for his own good) but only mentioned in passing. Yuri could only keep up with the excuse to their covers as Tine being an avid fan.
And that was true.
Only, this was an outlet; a healthy outlet to convey his raging emotions. Little did he care that Otabek was oblivious to their purpose now. In a way, it’s pouring his intentions in guise of a singer’s spontaneity (because of this, he was glad that he had Tine singing with him; she’s a really good use for an excuse).
He admittedly grew an appreciation for the artist, how much skill and talent was shown through the way she writes them, and the way she sang each of her songs. 
To that extent, it was already giving him ideas for his music and theme for the upcoming competition. 
God, he is such a sap.
Tine [21:00] Ready for tom?
[21:34] yep.
Training Wheels Cover - Melanie Martinez
[one minute preview video]
“You've been riding two-wheelers all your life It's not like I'm asking to be your wife I wanna make you mine, but that's hard to say Is this coming off in a cheesy way?”
[link to Youtube]
#melaniemartinez #awesomesong
Tagged: @chriscapss 
View all 5,656 comments
YuriPisMyJam omfg something else is going on... I just know it..
Y-Angels So maybe there is...
leodglesia Awesome cover, guys!!!  Sick guitar plucking @chriscapss 
saymyname what is with the Crybaby themes??? Could it be..?
Y-Angels Pining? Unrequited love??? they’re quite apparent...
saymyname maybe it’s just a coincidence.. who knows..
Beka [23:30] Hey. Great cover today *thumbs up emoji*
[00:01] thnx..
A/N: Credits to Melanie Martinez and her awesome album track!!
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