#anyway I’m happy with a life on my own with my cats. better than what people expect out of me
trensu · 2 months
So this was originally a little ficlet i added to @gyroshrike's EXCELLENT angel dust fanart. You should check it out IMMEDIATELY. Anyway, I ended up writing it out into a proper fic so I could post it to ao3 here. and i thought i might as well make it its own tumblr post as well since the fic is done already. Enjoy!
“What do you mean no?” Cherri asks, annoyed. “This is the fifth fucking outfit you’ve shot down.”
Angel doesn’t know why he thought Cherri would be helpful on this shopping trip. He forgot that Cherri’s idea of fashion involves singed tops and torn up bottoms. He snatches the clothes from Cherri’s hands and throws them back on the rack.
“Ya keep pickin’ slutty clothes!” Angel replies, also annoyed. 
“That’s because you are a slut, bitch.”
Angel gives her a two fingered salute because he’s fucking cultured. Cherri cackles and flips him off in return. Angel marches to the other end of the store to the rack full of boring colors like navy, gray, and black. They don’t go with his coloring at all. It’s the only rack left he hasn’t looked through in the entire store, though. Cherri follows behind him, purposely shoving racks and mannequins to make a mess as they go.
“Well, I ain’t tryin’ ta look slutty this time,” Angel says as he aggressively inspects the rack of clothing.
“Good luck getting that cat in bed after your date,” Cherri snorts.
“It’s a first date! Husk ain’t like that,” Angel says, feeling a bit offended on Husk’s behalf. “He’s a gentleman.”
“Yeah, the drunk arsehole is a total gentleman,” Cherri rolls her eye. 
“He is about this kinda thing. He’s a classy guy, okay? So I’m givin’ classy a try,” Angel insists. He reaches the end of the rack with nothing to show for it. He growls. “Fuck this place, it ain’t got shit. Let’s go.”
“Fuck yes! About fucking time,” Cherri cheers.
After blowing off steam with Cherri, Angel sneaks back into the hotel. Not that he’d done anything wrong; he just doesn’t want to bump into Husker at the bar after the spectacular failure of a shopping trip. He’s stressed because he was running out of time to get an outfit together. He knows he gets catty under pressure. (Ha. Catty.) He doesn’t want to risk getting catty with Husker.
Once inside, Angel wanders the upper levels for a bit until he is absolutely sure that Charlie was nowhere around. He knows Charlie would be overjoyed to help but she's about as subtle as machine gunfire when she's happy. Angel wants his future upscale look to be a surprise for Husk.
Since Charlie can’t be considered, Angel is left with one last option. With extreme reluctance, he makes his way to Charlie’s room. He makes sure not to show anything but confidence and charm when he knocks on the door.
Vaggie opens it with a scowl.
“Angel. What do you want?” Vaggie asks in that flat yet annoyed tone she was so good at doing.
“Heyyy, Vaggie. Ya know that redemption thing Charlie always yaps about?” Angel starts. Vaggie’s scowl deepens, so Angel continues before she could say anything. “I was thinkin’ I should change up my look, so I ain’t so sexy and tempting. Looking like a prude is a virtue, ain’t it? You’re the biggest prude I know! Wanna help a fella out? For redemption and sh–uh, stuff?”
Angel bats his eyes at Vaggie, channeling his ‘I’m a sweet, naive virgin, please take advantage of me’ character. It’s a very popular character in his line of work. He is much better at that than at looking innocent but he figures it’s basically the same thing. Vaggie glares at him. Okay, slight miscalculation on Angel’s part, then.
“No,” she says, and tries to close the door. Angel catches it with two hands before it shuts completely.
“I’m not helping you with whatever porno you’re doing,” Vaggie says. 
“It ain’t for porn!” Angel says. He’s not exactly insulted that Vaggie assumed it was a porn thing, but he’s not not insulted either. He’s got a life outside of porn, sometimes!
Vaggie stares at him. It’s an expectant stare. It’s a stare that clearly says Angel has to give her a reason to not harpoon him with that spear she carries everywhere. (It’s also super judgemental but that doesn’t offend Angel since Vaggie looks at everyone except Charlie judgmentally).
A small jolt of embarrassment hits him. He wishes it was a porn thing now. 
He doesn’t want to say it out loud, this tiny frail chance Husk gave him by asking him out. If he says it out loud, Vaggie will scoff. She’d roll her eyes and ask him why he’s even bothering to try. Does he really think anyone would seriously want to date a cokehead pornstar? This is a pipe dream and Husker will get fed up with him so fast.
(Vaggie wouldn’t say any of that, a part of Angel knows. Those were Valentino’s words, but he’s so sure that Vaggie must have thought it at least once. Everybody must think that about him at least once).
The longer he stays quiet the more Vaggie’s glare softens until she starts to look genuinely concerned. And, fuck, Angel can’t have that. He’d die (again) if Vaggie felt sorry enough to be nice to him. He pastes on his smile and keeps his tone girlfriend-ly.
“I got a hot date, Vaggie, that’s all,” Angel says. “Wanna try somethin’ a little different for it.”
Vaggie is not convinced by his nonchalance which makes Angel wonder if he’s losing his touch. His acting skills are second to none! She should be eating out of the palm of his hand with this performance! Instead, she marches out of the room and waves him along.
“Follow me,” Vaggie says in her drill sergeant voice that makes everyone who hears it straighten their spine and find themselves already halfway to a salute.
Angel learns that Vaggie approaches clothes shopping with the same tactical focus and determination she approaches any mission, which is weird but whatever. She stealthily leads him to the nicer side of town into a more upscale shop than Angel is used to. She marches through the shop without bothering to ask Angel for his input on anything. Still she manages to pick out a few outfits that went well with his coloring and in his size. Angel has never appreciated her observational skills more.
“Try these on and show me,” she demands, piling her pickings into both sets of Angel’s arms and shoving him into a dressing room.
Angel complies without protest. He sashays out of the dressing room like a supermodel four times before Vaggie nods in satisfaction on the last option. She actually smiles at him.
“This one. You’ll impress your date with this one,” Vaggie says without a hint of irony.
Angel smiles back and thanks her enthusiastically. He ignores how he hadn’t recognized himself in the mirror in any of the outfits. He ignores how uncomfortable the clothes feel on his body. The clothes are classy, just like Husker prefers. That’s what matters.
When Husker shows up at his door for their date, he does a double take.
“What the hell are you wearing?” Husk asks, confused.
Angel starts to lean flirtatiously into his space, a salacious come on right on the tip of his tongue. He catches himself halfway and quickly straightens himself with an awkward laugh.
“Just somethin’ I found in the back of the closet,” he lies through his teeth.
He’d devoted time to doing his makeup just right and making sure the clothes were crisp and clean. He still feels uncomfortable in them but all things considered, Angel thinks the final product came out pretty good. The way Husker looks at him now makes him wonder if he overestimated his looks for once.
Husk’s eyes narrow as he studies Angel. His gaze trails Angel top to bottom. It doesn’t feel very sexy but Angel supposes the point is to not look like a whore so this means he succeeded, right? 
“Sure,” Husk says, notes of confusion still in his tone. “You ready to go?”
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, of course!” Angel stutters like a moron.
“Alright,” Husker says after a beat.
Husk gives Angel another suspicious look, shoulders tense and wings pulled close. Something shifts in his expression that Angel can’t read. He’s afraid it might be disappointment. Husker shakes out his wings and offers Angel his arm, which Angel accepts with relief.
“So, where ya takin’ me, Huskie?”
Husker tells him about a little place with good food, better drinks, and a live jazz band. As they walk out of the hotel, Angel almost cozies up against Husk, so tempted to rub his cheek against Husker’s furry ear. He catches himself again and over-corrects by pulling away from Husk until their linked arms are the only point of contact. Husk stumbles a bit with the weight shift. He shoots him another indecipherable look. Husker opens his mouth to say something but appears to change his mind and snaps it shut.
That’s okay, though, right? Husker wasn’t much of a talker anyway! Angel fills the silence between them with nervous babble. Angel is normally very good at conversation but tonight he keeps having to stop and restart mid-sentence when his stories get crass. Being crass is not good first date behavior. Husker grunts every now and then but it’s clear he’s only listening with half an ear. It doesn’t help Angel’s nerves at all.
The date goes downhill from there.
Husker finds them a booth when they arrive at their destination and helps Angel order their food and drinks. He points out several he thinks Angel will like.
Usually, he and Husker can pound back alcohol like nobody’s business. They sometimes make a game of it and those nights are some of the best Angel has because he gets to see Husker soften and relax in his company. However, Angel is an affectionate drunk and Husk has had to nudge Angel away more than once those nights. Husker is always sweet about it now, with gentle hands and amusement in his eyes. Husker always helps him back to his room afterwards like a perfect gentlemanly escort. Despite that, Angel can’t help feeling a bit stung at the rejection each time.
Tonight, he only orders one drink. He knows he can’t be getting too handsy with Husk on their date. He’s sure it would annoy him. He doesn’t want Husker to regret asking him out. With his focus strictly on keeping up his good behavior and watching his alcohol intake, Angel barely touches the food Husker recommended to him. 
Husker keeps shooting him these looks that make Angel anxious. With each glance, Husker slinks deeper into his taciturn demeanor. Of course, Angel overcompensates with his babbling. At one point, Husk has to shush him during the jazz show. Angel clacks his jaws shut in shame, because he knows how much Husker likes jazz and here he is ruining the experience for him. At least Husk is nice enough to hold Angel’s hands throughout the rest of the show, though he probably only does it to keep Angel from fidgeting too much.
When they leave the joint, Husker doesn’t offer his arm again. He doesn’t even walk very close to him. Angel's stomach churns so much, he’s afraid if he opens his mouth to speak, he’ll puke the two bites of food he ate earlier.
They’re halfway back to the hotel when Husk clears his throat. His hands are in his pockets as he trudges on, keeping his eyes on the crumbling sidewalk.
“You didn’t have to say yes,” Husk says, not even glancing at Angel or faltering in his steps as he speaks. Angel, on the other hand, halts in confusion.
“What?” Angel asks, not sure what Husker was talking about but the tone of voice made his stomach drop. Husk sighs, stopping in his tracks to finally look up at Angel. His face was closed off in his standard apathetic frown.
“When I asked you out,” Husker says, his tone going to his usual bored gruffness. He hasn’t used that tone towards Angel in a long time. Hints of panic start crawling up Angel’s veins. “You didn’t have to say yes.”
“What?” Angel asks again like a fucking idiot. He hopes he doesn’t sound as shaky and pathetic as he feels.
Husker’s voice goes flatter though his tail has started to twitch uneasily.
“You should’ve said no if you didn’t want to…be with me. We woulda been fine.”
And at last some of that soft, hidden sincerity crept back into Husker’s voice. Only a little bit, but it’s there.
“I’d still be your friend, Legs,” Husker says, gazing into Angel’s eyes and sounding painfully honest. “I wouldn’t abandon you over that.”
“No! I-I–”
Husker looks away with a bitter grin. Angel’s heart cracked at the sight.
“I’d need a day or two to lick my wounds, but I knew it was a long shot anyway. I woulda come back,” Husker shrugs when he finishes going for nonchalance, but his wings are once again curled protective and close, making his usual slouch look less like carelessness and more like defeat. Husker doesn’t wait for Angel’s response, instead choosing to continue walking back to the hotel.
Angel stands in place, floored by how badly he fucked up. He notices his breathing becoming erratic. He does his best to do the calming breathing thing Charlie taught them all. It works well enough to get him running to Husker again though Angel still feels unsteady and insecure. Most of him is screaming to fucking book it in the other direction because fuck, fuck, Angel hates feelings. But Husker also hates feelings and he basically threw up his guts at Angel despite it. The least Angel can do is return the gesture, right? He owes Husker that much.
“Husker, wait!” he shouts. 
Husker’s posture becomes more guarded but he doesn’t acknowledge Angel’s call. Angel catches up quickly (Husk can’t go too far too fast with those short legs, Angel thinks, helplessly fond despite the anxiety). Dodging around Husker’s wings that quiver with tension, Angel grabs the crook of his arm to bring him to a stop and place himself in Husk’s way. He lets go quickly at Husk’s glare but somehow manages to stand his ground.
“I did want! Husk, I wanted ta say yes, I wanted ta go on this date so much,” Angel says desperately, feeling a telltale burning around his eyes and hating himself for it.
The tension in Husker’s body breaks free as his patience caves to his temper. His wings flare open and his tail whips side to side aggressively.
“Then why are you acting so fucking fake? With the clothes and you treating me like I got the fucking plague! I thought we were done with that bullshit,” Husker snaps furiously.
“Cuz I wanted ta…I wanted ta be good for ya, Husk,” Angel chokes out, shoulders slumped in defeat. “You like classy. I wanted ta be a good, classy sorta guy for ya. I-I fucked up. I always fuck this shit up. I don’t mean ta do it.”
Angel stares at the poor excuse of a sidewalk they’re on, blinking back tears. Husker doesn’t say anything for a long time. Angel nearly loses his nerve and turns tail when Husker speaks again.
“You fucking dumbass,” Husk says. 
His voice is deep and warm and fond, the way it is on their drinking nights together. Angel’s head snaps to Husk at his words. That cocky little smirk– the one Angel first saw after Husk had pulled him out of his self-destructive spiral at the club and realized that if he wasn't careful he'd lose his heart to the guy–has replaced the angry slant of Husk’s mouth.
“Hey!” Angel protests with a cautious smile. Husk rolls his eyes.
“Don’t expect compliments if you’re gonna act stupid,” Husk says and offers his arm to Angel. “You’re already classy enough for me, Legs.”
Angel takes his arm and looks down at him slyly.
“But not good, huh?” Angel tries to tease but Husker doesn’t take it.
Instead, Husk looks at him intensely and says firmly, “If this redemption shit the princess keeps talking about ain’t total bullshit, you’d be the one to make it.”
“Oh,” Angel says, stunned, then adds to cover how hard it made his heart beat, “Husker, ya big ol’ flirt. I betcha say that ta all the pretty boys.”
“Fuck you,” Husk grins at him. Angel bats his eyes and lets his voice go all breathy.
“Oh, yes! Please, daddy,” Angel simpers. He adds a loud moan for good measure. Husker throws his head back with a rough, loud laugh. Angel knows immediately he wants to hear it again forever.
By the time Husk drops Angel off at the door of his room, the pair of them have relaxed significantly. Angel opens the door slightly to peek in on Fat Nuggets. After he makes sure his Nugs is sleeping soundly, Angel catches Husk’s sleeve before he could make a sneaky escape.
“Hey, Husk, can we get a do-over? A new first date? I want ta do it right next time.” Angel asks shyly. The corner of Husk’s mouth quirks up, making his golden eyes crinkle in a way that makes Angel’s heart melt.
“Depends,” Husker says with that charming smirk. “You gonna wear that stupid outfit next time?”
“Oh baby,” Angel says, plastering himself against the door frame in one of his sexiest poses. “I’m gonna wear my sluttiest dress for my handsome kitty. Everyone’s gonna wish they were you when they see us togetha.”
Husk snorts.
“When you put it like that…”
“You can put it wherever ya want, daddy,” Angel flirts. He’s only half-joking but he keeps his hands to himself to keep things light. Husker rolls his eyes in good humor.
“A do-over sounds good.”
Angel drops the pose instantly, beaming at Husk.
Angel’s heart flutters at the small smile that accompanies Husk’s assurance.
“Next week?”
Husker nods in agreement.
“Great!” Angel said, probably a little too enthusiastically.
Before Angel canlose his nerve, he dips down and presses a light, meek kiss on Husker’s cheek. When he pulls back, Husker’s eyes are as wide as saucers and his wings have puffed up in a way Angel hadn’t seen before. If Angel didn’t know any better, he’d say Husker was downright flustered. And oh god, Angel wanted to make him blush all over. Husker would be so cute in bed.
“G‘night, Huskie!” Angel says quickly and slams the door closed behind him.
After nearly tearing himself out of the uncomfortable clothes, Angel crawls into bed wearing only his boxer briefs. Next time, he thinks to himself in joy and disbelief. I get a next time.
He knows it will be perfect because next time he’ll be himself. Angel. Because that’s all Husker wanted. Just Angel.
He curls up around Fat Nuggets and allows himself one quiet, happy squeal.
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dw19791967 · 3 months
That Type of Girl Part 1
Pairing: Dean x reader (Eventual), Sam x reader (Platonic)
Warnings: language, unrequited love, slight angst, some fluff
This is the first fic I have ever written, all mistakes are my own. Please be gentle on me!
I had never been the type of girl that men would look at twice. I have always been on the heavy side of the scale. I have a big gut, small ass, and ok sized boobs. After struggling with my confidence for a better part of my life, when I hit my 20’s I stopped caring about what others thought of me. But I would still wear clothes a size or two too big. But I felt confident (for the most part). I didn’t give a rats ass what most people thought of me, which definitely helped when it came to hunting. 
My life changed forever when I met the Winchesters. Sam was like the big brother I never had. Dean…well, that was a different story. Everything in me knew the moment I met him, that he was something special. The way he could make me laugh, make me smile, make me feel appreciated. No one had ever made me feel the things he did. But I knew he would never see me as more than a friend, and after some time I was ok with that. I knew a man like him would never even consider being with a girl like me. 
“What ya thinking about Y/N?” said Sam. We were currently sitting in a roadside bar after we finished our most recent hunt. Of course Dean was busy flirting with some gorgeous blonde, leaving Sam and I to our own devices.
“Just thinking about what life would be like if we weren’t hunters.” I lied of course. I was thinking about why couldn’t I be the type of girl Dean would turn to for more than friendship. Something I thought about pretty frequently.
“Do you really want that type of life ?” Sam stated with a curious look on his face. 
“Hell no, I’m not made for normal. Just always like to think about where I would be ya know? Would I be married, have 2.5 kids, and a full time job or would I be a crazy cat lady.” I giggled.
“Well considering you're allergic to cats you definitely would not be a crazy cat lady.” Sam was laughing.
“You’re right Sammy, guess there goes that day dream.” I said. I couldn’t stop watching Dean. I really needed to find something else to occupy my time.
“You know I see how you look at him.” Sam said.
“I don’t know what you mean Sammy.” I replied.
“Y/N you should tell him how you feel, you never know he may feel the same way.” Sam looked at me with an optimistic grin.
“Yeah right Sam, I’m going to the restroom then I’m heading out. You boys can stay and have some much deserved fun.” I got up to head towards the restroom, if only Sam knew how deep I was in.
The following day after returning to the bunker the night before, I got up around 6:00 to make the boys breakfast. It was something I did every now and then, even though I made a pretty shitty cook. I rolled out of bed and put some shorts on. I had an old AC/DC shirt on (I didn’t bother wearing a bra since the shirt was baggy), threw my hair up in a messy bun and was ready to get to work. I made my way to the kitchen as quietly as I could. Evidently I tend to stomp when I walk in the bunker halls (according to Sam), so it is something I am trying to work on. I got the eggs and bacon out. Scrambled would have to be it for today because I don’t have the patience to try anything else. Sam made his way into the kitchen as I was finishing up with the bacon.
“Well good morning sunshine!” Sam sang.
“Damn Sammy can you keep it down somewhat, you know how I feel about being happy first thing in the morning.” I covered my ears.
“Oh yes so sorry grumpy pants” Sam laughed.
“I’m pretty sure you are like the only person I have ever seen to be so excited at 6:30 in the morning.” I finished putting some eggs on a plate for him.
“Well why are you up so early anyway? You made us breakfast?” Sam asked.
“Well yes you big giant, I did. I felt like doing something nice even if I am a grumpy pants.” I sat his plate down in front of him.
“Well I appreciate it and I’m sure Dean will too. Where is Dean?” Sam took a bite of his eggs.
“Pretty sure he is still sleeping, I’ll wake him up on my way to shower. How does it taste?” I asked.
“It is actually pretty good, way to go Y/N you have finally learned how to make eggs!” Sam was laughing. I enjoyed the teasing banter we had with one another, it made me happy that we didn’t always have to take things so seriously.
“Haha very funny, looks like now I will have to cook more often.” I stated as I walked out of the kitchen.
Heading down the hall I stopped at Dean’s room. I opened his door slightly, he was sprawled out over his bed snoring loudly. Blondie must have tired him out last night. I usually don’t like waking him up because he has such a hard time sleeping. Especially lately but I knew he would be pissed if he missed out on bacon. I made my way over to him.
“Dean” I whispered.
“Dean I made breakfast” I patted his shoulder.
He rolled over and opened his eyes. Looking at me in a way that almost made me blush.
“Hey sweetheart, what time is it?” he asked.
“7:00” I stated.
“Damn I actually slept in some, that was amazing.”
I’m sure it was, I stated to myself. Damn my jealousy.
“Well I just wanted to let you know there is eggs and bacon, Sam said that I actually learned how to make eggs so guess that means they are good this time. I laughed. “ I’m gonna take a quick shower then I will meet you back out there” I said.
“You had me at bacon” he got up and stretched. 
“Well good morning sleeping beauty” stated Sam.
“God it smells amazing in here” Dean said with a grin.
Dean loaded up a plate with tons of bacon and a few scoops of eggs.
“Damn this is awesome” Dean moaned.
“Would you like me to give you some alone time with that?” Sam laughed.
“Sammy, she seriously knows how to make my damn morning. This bacon might be the best I have ever eaten.”
“Well she has been up since 6 working on it so I’m glad you are enjoying it.” Sam was reading something on his laptop now.
“What would we do without her?” Dean wondered aloud.
“What would we do without who?” I stated as I made my way back into the kitchen. I had taken a quick shower and changed into jeans and a flannel. Baggy of course. I never wore tight fitting shirts. My hair was still a little wet but I wanted to make sure the boys were taken care of before I moved on with my routine.
“You sweetheart, you are seriously too good to us.” Dean stated, staring at me. 
I blushed, “Well I would do anything to make your guys day a little better.” Sam looked at me with a knowing look, please dear lord do not let him say anything.
Sam continued reading something on his laptop without saying a word. 
“Well I’m gonna head to the library to check out this book I need, do you guys need anything?” asked Sam.
“I’m good, thank you though Sammy.” I stated.
“Unless you are stopping at the store, in that case we need pie.” Dean said while stuffing his face with more bacon.
“Of course Dean, I will make sure to get your precious pie.” Sam said while laughing.
With Sam gone, I struggled to find something to say to Dean but the silence was killing me. 
“What time did you guys end up coming home last night?” I asked. I really didn’t want to know but yet I needed to.
“Uh not too long after you, it was kinda a bust.” stated Dean.
“What happened to Blondie?” I asked without even thinking.
Dean looked up at me, “She was talking my ear off about her ex. I told her if she couldn’t stop thinking about him then she probably needed to talk it out with him.”
Good I thought to myself, I knew he deserved a good time but I am glad he struck out. I really need to stop thinking like this.
“Well I am sure you will have better luck next time” I said with a smile. It took everything in me to muster that up.
“Nah next time we need to work on finding someone for you.” Dean stated.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well I know it's been awhile since you have found a guy for you, so I figured I could help you look.” Dean said with a shrug.
Did he seriously think I wanted to find someone? I really was not the love them and leave them type. I tended to get too attached. So I just took care of things on my own. Plus it was hard to find someone to spend the night with when you are desperately in love with someone else.
“I’m really not interested Dean. I would rather just drink and make a fool of myself.” I laughed.
“Come on Y/N, I’m sure you could use a night of romance or whatever you want to call it” Dean looked at me.
Anytime I had even considered taking a guy home they would make comments about my body. Which usually ended with my fist bleeding and the guy laying on the bar floor.
“Dean, do you seriously not remember the last time I looked for a guy, he ended up calling me a fat bitch and I knocked his lights out.” I picked at my nails. I couldn’t look at his face right now.
“Yes I remember, that was just one shitty guy. I have faith we can find a good one.” Dean got up to clear his plate.
The one guy I want doesn’t want me so I really don’t want to try to find another one. I will just end up with my feelings hurt and my confidence wounded. It’s not worth it to me.
“I appreciate the offer truly, but I don’t want a night of romance. I just want to spend a night with my two best friends. That’s it. Can we please drop it?” I got up to start working on the dishes.
“If that is what you want Y/N.” Dean looked at me softly. “I will get them sweetheart, the least I can do since you cooked.” Dean started working on the dishes.
"Thanks" I said. "I'm gonna go finish fixing my hair." I made my way out of the kitchen as fast as I could. I wish he could understand how I felt, but this is one area in which Dean and I are very different.
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anglingforlevels · 8 months
Salvation (Fem!Yandere Vampire x Reader)
CW: Yandere, yandere monster, captivity, death, non-con touching not proofread, dead dove
Minors DNI
There were too many vampires. Every story had to establish the kind of vampire, lest they’d drown in the sea of possible choices. Not a severe consequence in fiction, but standing before a real-life vampire, you found it frustratingly difficult to navigate between so many contradictory options.
Subtleties had never been your specialty. That’s why, standing before the pale woman, you asked her directly.
”What kinda vampire are you anyway?” You crossed your arms. She seemed almost taken aback by the question, quirking an eyebrow, which earned a huff from you. “You know, what type? Like a Dracula, or old-school horror flick type, or hell, the sparkling kind?”
At this, her face lit up. “Oh. Fancy your chances with any of the options?” You really didn’t, but there were some that were worse than others. She took a few light steps closer to you. “How about a guessing game?”
You sneered. “No thanks.”
“Aw, not even pretending to think it over?” she smiled a cat-like smile, her fangs peeking out. You pretended not to notice but she could probably hear your heartbeat increase.
You had met Albarina while touring the countryside, with hair so golden it seemed spurn out of gold itself, the golden threads framing an elegant face, with fine, pale skin and rosy lips. You had been struck by her intense yet playful gaze.
You, entirely too flustered at her attention, and when she had offered a personal tour of the area from a local, despite only having had a brief conversation, you had agreed much too fast. She had laughed at that, that pearly laughter that rang out with no abandon. Back then it had made you blush, now it made you gnash your teeth in frustration.
She hadn’t brought you to any obvious sightseeing spots, rather, she had brought you to a secluded house. Even while enamored, you had known better than to enter a stranger’s house, but by that point, it was too late, and she had revealed a snippet of her true self, which still lingered in the stinging holes in your neck.
You had fallen unconscious at some point during it and was shocked to find yourself alive still, when you awoke with your head in her lap. Now, you were starting to think it would have been better to simply have died.
Each attempt to escape had been swiftly dealt with by a predator who seemed all too happy to play around with and crush your hopes. By now, you knew any escape attempt would need more planning or better timing, and reluctantly, you had calmed down.
“Oh well,” Albarina said, “With you all settled in, let me show you your room.”
“My room?” You were taken aback by that, you really hadn’t considered any practical elements to this, having spent majority of the day on freaking out and majority of your thinking on how to get away.
“Unless you’re planning on being kept outside on a leash, I think a room would do you good. And a sweet thing like you are best kept indoors. Now, come along.” She hooked her arm around yours, giving you little choice as she led you down winding hallways.
“Why would you even want me around here long enough to warrant a room?”
She hummed contemplatively. “Suppose it’s ‘cause how cute you are? I wasn’t intending for much more than a meal, but you sounded so sweet, just like a songbird. And little songbirdies are best kept rather than cooked.”
She lit up, her eyes glinting with anticipation. “I’ve even gone through the troubles of preparing a nest for my darling little birdie. I’m almost too kind.”
“Too kind?” You mumbled dubiously, as she led you to a door.
“Why thank you. Well, here we are.” She smiled, opening the door. There she revealed a grand room, with gorgeously carved wooden furniture, and a huge bed featuring its own canopy. There was two big issues however:
1. This room clearly already had someone already using it, based on the clothes sprawled out on one of the chairs and the various knickknacks around. Given she had mentioned living alone, who was not hard to figure out.
2. Next to the big bed was a big, golden cage, the floor adorned with soft-looking pillows and blankets.
You gave her a sharp look. “No way. Are you expecting me to sleep in a cage?”
She threw her hands up in the air in mock-defense. “Goodness, no. Most nights will be spent in the bed, the cage is simply a substitute bed for special occasions, or when you’re feeling especially rowdy.”
You were appalled at both suggestions. She raised her eyebrow and smiled cruelly. "Given the situation, you should be happy you're getting to sleep in a bed at all. But it's your room, you can cry if you want to."
And thus, whether you liked it or not, a new chapter of your life had begun.
For most parts, Albarina seemed content simply teasing and playing around with you. Not demanding much more of you than your attention, and at times, your blood. She let you pick the cage over the bed without much more than a small comment, something about you really being like a caged bird, and mean remarks on whether it was even necessary to unlock it at all.
You hoped it never became more than comments, even if you knew by the way the comments grew more pointed, that it annoyed her ever so slightly.
“Little birdie?” Albarina was currently lounging on one of the sofas in the house, a bored expression on her face. You, through no choice of yours, was sitting next to her. “Gotten any closer to figuring out the kind of vampire I am?”
You furrowed your eyebrows, before letting out a small “ah”. Right, the question you had asked the first day. You hadn’t quite figured it out yet, there was small things you had noticed here and there, but with the way she liked to throw out bait, you weren’t sure how much of it you could trust.
The only thing you knew for certain was her taste for blood, along with her abnormal strength, speed and senses. You had yet to fully assert any of the weaknesses, not for a lack of trying, you had attempted to fish out details in conversations, or even lay out small traps that might reveal it to you – but subtleties weren’t your strong suit, and she promptly realized what you were doing each time.
“An annoying one.” Was all you could say, it felt less bitter than to answer no.
“Perhaps,” she changed her position, now leaning over you, her breath fanning your face. “I’m the type that can hypnotize with a glance?”
You shifted uncomfortably, the close proximity of your faces and bodies making you self-conscious of each breath and movement of yours.
“Your heart is beating so fast, darling.” You eyes unconsciously were drawn to her lips.
“Scared I might be able? Or perhaps…” She gently held your chin, lifting your face, and forcing your eyes to meet her mirthful ones. She drew closer until you turned your head away with a frown, hoping she wouldn’t comment on the way your face was starting to match the rosy color of her lips.
All she did was laugh, and for once, you were grateful to hear it.
It had been weeks by the time you finally saw an opening to escape. One that wasn’t in the form of another hapless traveler that she had just happened to give a personal tour leading directly to her own home, or a dinner invitation, that left Albarina full and satisfied, and the travelers… Less so.
In those time, Albarina would just laugh and coo at your “sour reactions”, as if a distaste for death was another silly trait of yours.
But this time was different. You had woken up to a bang, and after a few seconds to regain composure, you realized it couldn’t be Albarina. She didn’t own or use guns. From the looks of it and the way the cage still was locked, you were guessing that Albarina wasn’t home yet from one of her feeding trips, for when she preferred to be the traveler, or as she put it “wanted something exotic”.
This meant she hadn’t returned home, at the very least, despite an increasing lack of patience, she hadn’t actually made true on her mean-spirited jokes of locking the cage for good. Then, who was in the house now?
The sound of thundering steps seemed to compete with your heartbeat. You weren’t sure whether to prepare you to warn someone of a terrible fate, perhaps a burglar who had picked a terrible target, or to fear a threat in another shape. In any case, you felt restless as the sound came closer.
You jumped a little when the doorhandle rattled. Evidently, the door was locked, and the rattling stopped. There was silence for a moment, before another loud bang sounded, and whoever it was, had shot through the lock.
The door opened revealing a large figure, their features obscured by a mask and scarves carelessly wrapped around. On their back, one large sword and one large gun crossed, though the gun they had used seemed to be the small one in their hand. You pressed yourself further into your cage, scared senseless. The figure looked around a bit before their focus inevitably landed on the golden cage, that stuck out like a sore thumb.
They crouched before it, and while you couldn’t see their eyes, you still felt their stare on you. “Did she do this to you?” They spoke with a deep, gravelly voice, resentment lathering their words. It took a moment for you to connect their words, to make any sense of them, when you finally did, you nodded frantically.
“The key?”
“Oh, right. I think there’s a spare in the drawer.” At least you hoped so. You had once seen Albarina misplace the key somewhere, and after pretending to leave you locked in the cage for a bit – and sighed at your lack of response to her inspired comedic work – before fishing out a spare key from a drawer. You figured she didn’t care that it was in reach, given she had good enough hearing to hear you open the drawer, whenever you were free to roam.
The figure put the gun on the table as they looked through the drawer, finally finding a small golden key. As the lock clicked open, you carefully made your way out of the cage. Relieved at having been rescued but still intimidated by the figure that dwarfed you in size.
“Where’s the monster?” You looked up at them, and they must have sensed the uncertainty because they decided to elaborate. “The vampire. Where’s the vampire?”
“You mean Albarina? I… I’m not sure. Somewhere, feeding.” You had talked about Albarina’s feeding habits before, but never had you said it out loud to a figure who treated them with the serious disdain they deserved, the full weight of them hitting you now that Albarina’s dismissive lilt wasn’t there to distract. You shuddered.
“And you?”
“Why are you being kept here?” They stepped closer, and it felt as if the room grew colder. Your head spun trying to keep up with all the possibilities, as you with a sinking heart began to fear if this figure was a threat to you as well.
“I- I don’t know.” You hadn’t realized that you had begun to cry until the figure finally turned away, awkwardly offering you something to dry your eyes with.
“Another cruel whim from a heartless monster then. Or emergency rations perhaps.” They mumbled and turned back to you. “I’m here to deal with monsters like her, you’ll be free soon enough. She won’t lay a hand on you.”
Hope fluttered in your chest, but you didn’t dare trust it yet. “And you? Who are you?”
“A vampire hunter. It’s my mission to eradicate the filth that leeches off humanity. I’ll bring judgement to these vile monsters that seek to stain humanity.”
Well, you saw about a million red flags right away from that talk but hoped it wouldn’t manifest in anyway there affected you. Hopefully, this encounter would end with you being rescued and never having to think about these things again.
“…Awesome. Thanks.”
There was silence for a beat, and you were about 70% sure you hadn’t picked the right response.
“What’s that?” They finally broke the silence, pointing at your neck. Reflexively your hand shot up to touch, feeling the puncture marks.
“Biting marks?” You said with a creeping nervosity, it seemed fairly obvious to you that these were bite marks, so you couldn’t comprehend the foreboding air that had followed the question.
“A vampire has drunk your blood?”
“Well, yeah. I have been stuck here with a vampire, so… Seems par for the course, no?” You laughed nervously, though your attempt to answer lightheartedly did nothing to break the tension. Instinctively you backed away, until you hit the drawer.
“It’s unfortunate that I was too late.” The figure sighed. An uncomfortable knot formed in your stomach as you swallowed hard. You hadn’t asked a question, but you didn’t need to ask any to know you were in danger. Your hands blindly fumbled behind you.
“You’ve been infected by its blight. I will bring you salvation.”
Blood splattered over your face, and the gun clattered to the ground along with his silhouette. Staring out in the air, unable to move your stare down to the hunter or the smoking gun, you continued to stare out.
With just a single movement, you had taken a life. With such ease, your hands had snuffed out the decades he had left.
“Oh, seems my cute birdie might actually be a bird of prey?” Albarina, who as suddenly as always, stood next to you, cocked her head at your lack of response. Then she rolled her eyes, before smiling sharply. “Oh, don’t pout, with a lifestyle like that, he didn’t have much life left. Really, given who his next opponent would have been, you’re the one who brought salvation.”
She leaned down to you, a mischievous smile on her rosy lips and a mean glint in her eyes. “Say, you reckon me the type of vampire to count obsessively? Let’s see.”
“Huh?” You finally moved your head towards her.
“One droplet,” she said and licked off a blood droplet off your cheek. “Two droplets.” Another lick. “Three droplets.” You shuddered and pushed her head away, she was only being playful, so she allowed it, and only laughed that terrible, pearly laughter. “Don’t fancy that kind, dear?”
“How inflexible of you, darling. You’re the one asking me. I suppose you could ask someone else, vampire hunters for one, are quite knowledgeable – oh.” Her mouth formed a little “o” as she feigned realization, before giving a pointed look at the corpse. “I guess not.” She shrugged with an airy sigh.
“You’re such an asshole.” Your voice felt hollow, but Albarina paid it no mind, nuzzling into your neck, you could feel her smile against your skin.
“Seems your cage’s gotten dirty too, no matter. It was about time you began using the bed anyway.”
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diana-bookfairchild · 9 months
Happy Birthday to my favourite character! @thethreebroomsticksficfest
“Hi, Hedwig,” Harry stroked his snowy owl’s head, settled comfortably in one of the nooks of the Owlery. The view from the window was astounding; even better, perhaps, than the one from the Gryffindor common room and dorms.
Hedwig made a crooning noise, flapping her wings as she hopped up his arm. Harry knew several fellow owl owners had special gloves or arm-covering they wore for this, but he had never felt the necessity for one. Hedwig never hurt him, and besides, the digging in of her claws into his skin was comforting even as it stung sharply.
“Ron and Hermione are fighting again,” he started on the update he always gave his owl about his day-to-day life. It was nice, telling it as though he had someone who cared.
Hedwig did care, after all.
“And this time. . . I dunno, Hedwig. It feels more permanent this time. Last time was – indirectly – because of me, and the Firebolt. Oh, and the Firebolt!” Harry gushed. “It’s amazing! It’s tons better than even the advertisements, and those would make you think the broom is worth your life. We won the match with Ravenclaw using it! I mean, I’m pretty sure we would’ve won even without—” He felt a dull pang for his beloved Nimbus. “But the Firebolt was a lot of encouragement, I’m sure. I bet I could outfly even you on it, Hedwig.” He teased.
He liked to think the look Hedwig gave him now was one of extreme derision. Sometimes he genuinely thought she could understand what he was saying. Hermione would know if magical messenger owls had any more special abilities.
The thought of Hermione was enough to bring down his euphoria. He drew his knees to his chest. “I dunno, Hedwig. I just miss her. But she is in the wrong here!” He added, voicing the thoughts he hadn’t dared to since that disastrous conversation with his friend. “I mean, it does look like Crookshanks ate Scabbers, and obviously that’s natural for cats and rats—” Harry spared a grimace for the school that allowed cats, rats, owls and toads as pets (he was sure this wasn’t the first nor last incident of animals clashing), “But she should still apologize, right? I mean, I don’t know. What do you think?”
Hedwig blinked at him, nipping his ear gently.
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m going to let them resolve this on their own.” He decided. He hadn’t liked the thought of interfering anyway, and the resolution was a relief. “But I hope they do it soon. I miss all three of us together. The homework help, too,” he joked. Hedwig hooted admonishingly.
“Good thing I got you, huh, girl? If I had a cat too, this’d be a never-ending mess.” He mused.
Hedwig fixed him with a stare, as if to say he should have gotten her anyway. “Yeah, obviously. You’re the best. Even if I don’t have that much mail that needs delivering,” he added guiltily. Hagrid, the Weasleys and Hermione used Hedwig too, but he still felt bad about her sitting in the owlery all the time without any work. “I wish I had someone to write to. For the sake of it too, but also for you.”
Hedwig just huffed, flapping her wings in his face.
Harry grinned. “Yeah. I’m glad I have you anyway too, Hedwig.”
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blues824 · 1 year
May I request the obey me brothers with an undertaker like mc from black bulter? Who is an reaper like Thirteen also an 100+ years old with an large weapon & sleeps in an coffin, can pull out memory in an shape of a something (I ended up forgetting)
Also don't stress yourself out too much and remember to take care of yourself!
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If Undertaker ever asked me to marry him, y’all would never see me again. He’s just so beautiful, and happy, and I’m in love with this man.
ANYWAYS, I’ve been working on finding a balance between schoolwork and hobbies, and I think I found a middle ground. Take care of yourself, too!
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You seem rather joyful for such a somber occupation. Since you couldn’t exactly run a funeral parlor in Hell, you would travel to the Human World whenever necessary. He understands that the majority of your fascination with the dead is that you can obtain information much more easily.
Once, Diavolo and Lucifer were working on finding why demons all over have been going missing, and they tried to pay you with actual money. You spat out your refusal and told them you would only give them what they needed if they made you laugh. The latter thought that this was absolutely ridiculous, but the former gladly told a few jokes.
One time, Lucifer needed to talk to you about something when he saw you experimenting on the corpses in the parlor. One of them was actually moving around, and he was concerned. You just giggled and told him that you wanted to see if you could bring them back to life. Unfortunately, you still lacked the ability to form a new soul, so it was basically just a zombie. Lucifer had never been so worried.
You and Thirteen seem to get along well. He’s glad that you are getting along with other exchange students, but could you please talk about something other than the funniest “times you went to harvest souls? It is not a proper dinner conversation. And it is certainly very rude to show off your old scythe at the table as well, Y/N!
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He’s honestly vibing with you on the happy part. However, we all know how much of a scaredy cat is. You owning a funeral parlor makes him a tad terrified. He doesn’t do well with dead bodies, especially if they’re real. 
He remembers one time where he went to you for information about one of the witches he made a deal with. You see, she had died, and she was sent to your funeral parlor. She was part of a coven that Mammon was involved with, so he needed to see where they are now. However, you weren’t about to give information out for free. You told him the price, and he thought you were being ridiculous as well. However, he paid, you laughed, and you gave him the info he needed.
Another time, Mammon came by to drop off some stuff for you when he noticed you were talking to someone. He creaked open the door and saw what looked like a corpse standing up. He slowly walked backwards, but then one of the floorboards creaked. You opened the door fully and caught him, dragging him to the room to tell him about your experiments. He was genuinely terrified. You told him that the bodies were the equivalent to zombies since they didn’t have a soul.
He’s glad that you’re making friends, Y/N. But could it be anyone other than Thirteen? He’s seen you both in action because she invited you to do one more soul reaping. You, loving to partake in old hobbies, gladly accepted. He’s seen you take the film of the soul you took. Is this what happened to everyone?
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You remind him of the Old Reaper from “My parents have perished in a terrible fire, and to seek revenge I made a deal with my demon butler to help”. It was a good anime, too bad they haven’t made a new season.
He has never seen you in your domain, so he can only rely on his brothers’ words. He’s heard of your strange bargain, info for a joke. However, he will agree that it’s better and more reliable than paying actual money for it. Plus, you see people getting back-stabbed for money, so it’s not as upsetting to tell a joke to get you to laugh.
He’s also heard from his brothers of your… experiments. The countless times they’ve heard you talking to a corpse as though it were alive, until they heard footsteps that weren’t yours. You would refer to them as your ‘dolls’, which is even more unsettling. 
He definitely gets jealous whenever you say that you have plans with Thirteen when he asks you to hang out. He’s the Avatar of Envy, after all. However, you with your scythe is his new terrifying nightmare. You and Thirteen with your scythes is even scarier (extra points if you have your cloak).
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He’d say your too joyful for your job, but to be fair he does enjoy a good murder mystery story. He wouldn’t be concerned about you and your profession. Everyone has hobbies, after all. He would be concerned about how you talk about it so eccentrically. 
Your way of an information exchange is rather unusual for someone who remains on Earth. Usually, humans want money in exchange. However, when Satan visited to gain info on something, you told him your price. He doesn’t have a problem with it, but it’s odd.
Another time, he went to drop off some lunch for you when he saw you and two bodies walking around. He would have dropped the food if one of the bodies didn’t catch it before it hit the ground. You are more than glad to explain your experiments and the inability to create a soul that you have.
I think he’s on pretty good terms with Thirteen. The two don’t seem to have a problem in the game. He would like to accompany the both of you as you help her harvest souls. Mans is probably shocked between the differences of technique, since you view the film of the life and Thirteen just harvests the soul.
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He’s glad that you find joy in your job! You don’t see a lot of that. Plus, there is a macabre sense of beauty with the dead, and a lot of classic novelists as well as painters would agree. I mean, look at him! On Earth, he’d be described as something undead and supernatural.
I’d say that he likes your way of exchanging information. He’s used to having to pay money to gain information about witches, but when one went to your funeral parlor for something and Asmo went by to gain info on said witch, all he had to do was tell a joke. He appreciated the easy atmosphere you put on in such a grim place of business.
However, every positive thought he had about you disappeared when he visited and he heard you talking to someone in the next room. He called to you and opened the door, where he saw a corpse walking around and you sat there in deep thought. Upon discovering that he was there, you smiled and told him what was going on. He was disgusted at the sight, to say the least.
It doesn’t specify, but I think he’s also on good terms with Thirteen? He’s glad that you both bond over past experiences of being Reapers. Don’t tell Thirteen, but your version of reaping a soul is much different and more appealing than hers. The film of their life made him tear up.
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He’s glad that someone is optimistic around here. It’s not everyday you see someone so happy to be in Hell, literally. To be fair, you do get to visit your funeral parlor whenever a body arrives, but for the most part you reside in the Devildom.
He also enjoys your way of exchanging information. You prefer laughing rather than somber situations, so it only makes sense that you’d rather take jokes rather than actual money. The trick is to tell a joke good enough to get you to laugh.
However, it was one day where he came to take you to eat somewhere in the Human World. It was a rather normal day, until he saw you ‘resurrecting’ a corpse. He suddenly felt sick, as though the snacks he ate on the way were coming back to haunt him. You then saw him, ran and gave him a hug, and explained that you were trying to make your dolls come back to life. You further told him that since you couldn’t create a soul, they were basically just animated bodies. He threw up.
He’s kind of scared whenever you and Thirteen go out with each other. While it’s typically for business, you do get happily nostalgic about your time as an official reaper. Thirteen stands in the back just hyping you up, though. The both of you paired together are an unstoppable force. He’s probably still traumatized by her because of the whole ordeal with her causing his life candle to burn quickly.
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No one has the right to be this happy, Y/N. Not even on a billion cups of coffee with a trillion shots of espresso. How are you so happy-go-lucky? And especially with a job such as yours. You’re surrounded with death and misery.
He finds your way of exchanging information rather annoying. Like, can’t he just pay you and get it over with? But nOoOo, you have to do something unique to make yourself stand out. Wait… it’s not that? It’s because you love to laugh and you think it takes tension away from the situation? Now he feels like shit. 
He remembers once where you had to visit your parlor because someone had arrived and he had to accompany you so that you were carrying out your promise of no nonsense. He walked into your parlor exhausted from the day, but gets suspicious when he hears your sinister giggling. He peaked in and saw one of the corpses in the room walking around. He was wide awake for a few weeks after that.
I feel like he also gets jealous whenever you go hang out with Thirteen. Like, how dare you choose reaping souls with her rather than cuddling with him? Another part is that both you and Thirteen are much more powerful than he is, so he gets that small sense of inferiority and powerlessness. He doesn’t like it at all.
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
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15 OC Questions!
I was tagged by the lovely @rebelangelsims (twice! But I'll happily do two of these!) I love this type of ask, where the character gets to answer the questions in their own words. It's a great way to improve (or create) narrative voice, and I love the challenge of making it sound convincing, as if the character really is answering it themselves.
Victor Okamoto-Nelson
Are you named after anyone?
Actually, yeah. I’m named after my mom. Her real first name is Victoria, which a lot of people don’t know because she’s always gone by her middle name, Grace. Anyway, if I’d been a girl, I would’ve been Victoria too, but I turned out to be a boy, so I’m Victor instead.
I'm also named after my dad, Thomas Edward Nelson. Thomas and Edward are my two middle names. I lost my dad when I was six, and it’s always meant a lot to me that I have his names because it's like I'm carrying a part of him with me no matter where I go.
When was the last time you cried?
Oh. Uhh… yesterday? I cry pretty easily, and it doesn’t take much. Yuri, my husband, likes to joke that I cry for everything, and he’s kinda not wrong. I mean, it’s not always full-on sobbing. In fact, it’s mostly not, but getting teary-eyed is still technically crying, so… yeah. I guess I’m soft, or I’m not very good at masking my emotions, or something.
Do you have kids?
No. Yuri and I don’t want any. We’re enough for each other.
Do you use sarcasm?
Not really? I think you have to be smarter than I am to use it effectively. Plus, sometimes it’s just confusing. And also, it sometimes feels kind of mean to answer people with sarcasm.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their physical condition. Like, if they look healthy or not, whether they’re fit or not and if they’re moving and talking and breathing comfortably. I know that’s probably weird, but it’s something I really pay attention to.
What’s your eye colour?
Blue. They're almost the exact same shade as my mom's. Someone once described them as 'oceanic blue' and even though I've seen the ocean before, I never really saw why that person made that comparison until I visited Sulani for the first time. Mine and my mom's eyes aren't just oceanic blue. They're Sulani ocean blue.
Scary movies or happy endings?
I don’t like movies that are seriously, intentionally meant to scare people. I enjoy some of the more campy horror movies, but I don’t want to see anything that’s gonna give me nightmares. Yuri also doesn’t like scary movies, so I never have to worry about sitting through one for him either. We both prefer happy endings, or at least endings where most — or even better, all — of the characters are still alive.
Any special talents?
I don't think so? I'm super awesome at snowboarding, but I don't think that's what you're asking. Yuri says I give really good massages. Is that a special talent?
Where were you born?
Willow Creek
What are your hobbies?
Snowboarding? Oh, you mean other than my obsession, right? I love cooking and baking. Is that a hobby? I like fishing, gardening and playing video games. Dog training is probably a hobby, right? I really enjoy working with the dogs.
Have you any pets?
Yes, we have two dogs. Rosie is a smooth-coated chihuahua, and Sango is a Pomeranian. When we move to our new house, Yuri wants to have chickens and maybe a cat.
What sports do you play/have played?
All the sports! Seriously, I haven't yet found a sport that I'm not good at. I love all kinds of sports and I've played a lot of different ones. My favourites are soccer, swimming, and of course snowboarding. Not to brag or anything, but I'm a world-class competitive snowboarder. Like, I mean... shredding is life. If I couldn't be on the mountain, I think I'd be super depressed, because that's one of the things that makes me feel most alive.
How tall are you?
Favourite subject in school?
Physical Education. I wasn't really that great in any academic subjects, but I liked P.E. a lot and I also liked Home Economics.
Dream job?
This is a hard one, because I think I have more than one option for my dream job. Like, my current job as a wellness coach and personal trainer is amazing. I love helping people reach their health and wellness goals. and I'm really happy doing this. But, even when I was in college, doing my diploma program in Health and Wellness Management, I was still thinking about my future career. I thought I'd like to be either a physical therapist or a nurse. These days, I'm leaning more towards licensed practical nursing, and maybe specializing in home health care. I think I'd be good at that.
I'll tag: @holocene-sims @theageofsims @ljfoxie @cawthorntales @dandylion240 (I know you've already done this) and @blithesomebawcock
Feel free to ignore this if you've already done it or don't want to. <3
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heisenberg-simp257 · 2 years
Hi hi! So I had this idea randomly pop into my head and I always love reading your writing so I'd love to see what you'd do with it! Imagine some time after Miranda's death and adjusting to newfound freedom the reader shows Karl the movie Coraline :o please and thank you!
I've never seen it before, but I can try my best!💖 Thank you anon🥰
With Heisenberg adjusting to his newfound freedom, you decide to show him one of your favorite horror films.
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It’s been nearly a year since the death of Miranda. 
After some monitoring from Chris and co., Heisenberg was cleared to come and stay with you. Chris trusted you to have a leash on the metal man, so no supervision was necessary. That said, you weren’t worried in the slightest.
Heisenberg wanted to be a free man and wasn’t looking to cause chaos.
He just wanted a happy life with you, and now he had that.
There was no way he was going to abuse it.
As he adjusted to his new sense of freedom, you remained patient. There were so many things that you wanted to show him, but you also didn’t want to overload him. However, there was just one thing you had to show him.
I mean, a movie is always a good way to relax, right?
“The fuck is this?” Heisenberg asked when you pulled up one of your favorite movies of all time. However, to him, it looked a child’s movie. Not that he’s seen many movies in his lifetime. 
“Coraline. A movie that I wanted to show you. One I think that you would enjoy. What do you think?” You explained before you started it, and then plopped down on the couch beside him.
“I think that you didn’t give me much of a choice in watching it.” He said with a smirk while putting his arm around you. As the movie started, showing how the main character, Coraline, was bored in her life with her parents.
“Better than a romance anyway...” He stated with a grin, and you nodded in agreement.
The movie went on with how she found a bricked-up passage in the wall; one that opens up at night. Upon going through it, she discovers a world that appears to be an alternate version of hers except with one slight difference; everything is better. But everyone also has buttons for eyes. Coraline's "other mother" invites her to stay forever if she lets her sew buttons, and Coraline begins to realize that this alternate universe is a trick to lure her in so her “other mother” can essentially "eat up her soul." She has to rescue her parents from the “other mother” and make it home safely, relying on her tricks, and the help of a sassy talking cat, naturally.
“Everything about that just reminded me of Donna.” He deadpanned, and you just started to laugh. Not much made Heisenberg squirm, but you saw him shiver at a few scenes.
“You didn’t see any parallels to your own life? Just hers?” You said with a smirk, and he gave you a look.
“Well, if the alternative is better...you must be a part of my alternate reality.” He said with a grin, moving to brush some hair behind your ear. 
“How sweet.” You said with a bit of a laugh.
“Just don’t sew any buttons in my eyes, got it?” He said to you in an assertive tone, causing you to laugh and cuddle into him.
“I promise. I’m not Donna.” You assured him, and he pulled you closer while smirking.
“Fucking better not bring any dolls into this house.” Heisenberg said, causing you to laugh again. You didn’t answer him on that one, just turned the movie off from where you were sitting.
Even though it was kind of a creepy movie, you hoped the rest of your days together could be spent like this. 
Speaking of that, you wondered what you should show him next.
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
ugh, feelings. you ever feel like you’re failing according to a rubric you never wanted to be graded on?
so. when i was 15 i went on an international trip sponsored by a summer camp i had attended the year before. most kids had been going to this camp since they were old enough so i was definitely an outsider. these international trips were meant to be a gap year type thing before campers were old enough to be a counselor-in-training. a whole group of friends wanted to go to the destination i was going to and one of them didn’t get to go and the others in the group blamed me for taking her spot. anyway i loved traveling to our destination and the experiences i got to have but it was one of the hardest social experiences of my life. at age 15 i was four years into my struggle with trichotillomania (hairpulling disorder) and had no eyebrows and weird hair as a result. i was also deep into my first fandom and totally hyperfixated on it. *and* i had not yet learned how to mask those parts of myself that are odd and weird when around people incapable of loving me in my entirety.
needless to say, i was an outcast that entire summer. while across the globe from my home, my parents, and my friends. it really fucking sucked. i was also an outcast in school (except for my little group of friends) so maybe i shouldn’t have been surprised but i kind of hoped that i would be surrounded by people who would truly accept me. i wasn’t. i am still working to unlearn the toxic messages about myself and my worth that i was given by my peers, on this trip and in school, as a teen.
last year i got an email from the man who led this trip (to be very very fair he was only 24 at the time so i don’t totally blame him for the group dynamics that had such a lasting negative impact on me) and i was invited to join their annual (?) reunion “celebrating” 26 years since this trip. i wasn’t going to attend but i asked my spouse and some close friends and they said that i should attend and see what it’s like, that maybe these people are no longer the awful people they were as teens and it could be healing to see that. so i attended. it was an hour of my time on zoom and i could close out if i needed to.
i didn’t need to. everyone was… fine. most of them still live on the east coast. and they are all quite successful. they own their own homes (one of them is looking into getting a second home), they all have at least one kid, they’re all in (presumably) straight marriages. good for them. truly, no sarcasm meant at all.
it’s just that according to that rubric? i am failing. i was the weird kid who is not successful as an adult. it feels like shit.
according to my rubric? i’m a fucking success. and i think that’s what my spouse and my friends are looking at when they told me to attend.
i -
am in an incredible marriage with my long-time partner. we had to face obstacles to get where we are including a previous marriage (mine), a jealous ex (theirs), prop 8/doma, mental health struggles, chronic pain, addiction, and a fucking pandemic. our relationship is better than it has ever been
have nieces via my sisters-in-law and nephews via my oldest friend and other friends’ kids who all bring a ton of joy into my life
have two dogs and two cats whom i love and adore and make me smile every single day
have a job that i am so incredibly proud of. when i started graduate school, the job i have now was my goal and i fucking achieved it. not only that but
i am continuing to grow within my profession and within myself and i have received opportunities and recognition as a result of this and
what i do pays enough that i can support my spouse in a lower paying job that makes them happy and allows them to care for their health
i have interests and hobbies that bring me great joy including fandom stuff
i have friends who love me in my entirety, i no longer cut off or hide parts of myself to gain their acceptance and you know what? my friends are so cool and so beautiful and so intelligent and also weird and funny and wonderful
i really like the city i live in and the community i’ve created here even though it means i probably won’t own property anytime soon, if ever
if i had to be judged that’s the criteria i would want to be judged against. but over a one hour zoom call where everyone is talking about their kids and their houses, that’s not really possible to communicate. no one is mean or cruel like they were 27 years ago. but it feels like they are all looking at me and thinking that i’m not quite a success. and i’m looking at them thinking, i am really glad that i had the courage to pursue the life i really wanted rather than stay in a marriage where i would have been unhappy just to fit into some ideal that i was never ever going to truly fit into.
anyway we’re having our 27 year reunion on tuesday on zoom and i’m attending again. because you know what? i don’t actually know that they are all judging me as less of a success. maybe they have grown just a bit from when we were 15 and have realized that we each have different goals and values in life. maybe they are open to the idea that success doesn’t have to look just one way.
that’s tuesday. wednesday i’ll wake up and drive to meet a friend and go for a walk in protected wetlands overlooking the beach and then go eat overpriced salad. and she will remind me that the people who are actively in my life, who don’t just exist in a group chat and one hour on zoom per year, see me and love me and honor me in my entirety.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 10 months
thanks @frostysfrenzy for the tag!!
Were you named after anybody? nope! my siblings both have their middles names after our grandparents but i’m not named after anyone
When was the last time you cried? uhh idk honestly i think a few days ago?
Do you have kids? no and i don’t want any. my brother has two girls and my friend has a kid and i love them but i am more than happy in the aunt role thanks
Do you use sarcasm a lot? it was tempting to respond to this with sarcasm 😂😂 yes i use sarcasm a lot i am a very sarcastic person and it’s a little problematic honestly
What sports did you play/have you played? when i was a tiny baby child i played soccer, and in grade 7 i did cheerleading which i loved and desperately want to get back into some day, even just casually
What’s the first thing you notice in somebody? idk probably their hair honestly
Eye colour? blue but they get really grey when i’m upset apparently (idk i don’t tend to look in mirrors when i’m crying)
Scary movies or happy endings? i do love some good angst or suspension but i’m a sucker for a happy ending (especially a happy ending following an angsty story that’s some good stuff)
Any special talents? does cat grooming count? i don’t wanna brag or boast so i won’t go too much into it (unless people want me to bc tbh i could probably make an essay about it) but i’m really good at what i do and a big part of it is bc i respect the cats and if they are telling me “no this needs to stop” i will always listen. cats are very dramatic and i know the difference between “i’m annoyed and this sucks” and “i am not okay with this situation and i’m warning you that you need to stop” and listening when they need you to makes SUCH a difference in the service. anyways i’m proud of the work that i do and i’m really passionate about it (and i’m kinda really good)
Where were you born? in a hospital! in the horrible province of alberta, canada! (i’m kidding it’s actually a beautiful province and there’s a lot to love our government just kinda sucks and a lot of people are really bigoted)
What are your hobbies? i watch a lot of tv (stargate mostly at the moment surprise surprise) and read/write fan fic (take a guess what) but i’ve been trying to pick up some more stuff that takes me away from screens. i started drawing, which im horrible at and i love. i started knitting, and as soon as i get the right needles im gonna make a temperature blanket. im also trying to take up swimming, dancing, and rock climbing to get into better shape! i love all 3 activities im just really bad at making myself be active so it’s a slow process lol
Do you have pets? yes!! currently just my orange gremlin, charlie (should i make a post about him i feel like he deserves a space on my blog idk lemme know if i should) and he owns my heart (even if he is a fuckin menace who ruins my life and never lets me sleep)
How tall are you? idk 5’2? 5’3? ish? somewhere around that range
Favourite subject in high school? theatre in general but specifically tech theatre. i took a theatre intensive class all 3 years of high school and it was 4 classes rolled into one and tech theatre was one of them. i ended up doing stage management in grade 11 kind of as a fluke and i fell in LOVE it was so much fun i miss it
Dream job? cat grooming 🥰🥰🥰 i love it so so much and i love that i get to do it for my career
this was so fun thanks again for the tag!! i’m gonna tag @the-mushroom-faerie @spurious @books-space-things @zababova-pomsta @colonelshepparrrrd and as always anyone else who wants to but hasn’t been tagged! ((no pressure to do this if you don’t want to!))
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lampmanliveblogs · 1 year
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Episode twelve! Now… I have been warned about this episode. I don’t know yet what it’s about, but I know it’s gonna be big. I’ve even been lucky and managed to avoid seeing the title so as of this writing I have practically no spoilers. A comment left by a certain theorist cat makes me think it might be about Hunter and/or Belos though.
Regardless of what it’s actually going to be, I know it will be big. So let’s not waste any more time and get into it.
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We open with a shot of Luz own version of my conspiracy corner. Except hers is cooler because it’s cork board and not just a wall, she is better at drawing than me, she has a glove soaked in an ancient Titan’s life blood powerful enough to pierce dimensions, AND she has red string! I wish I had red string.
She is trying to figure out how to make a new portal door that will actually work and won’t collapse. We see her theorizing about whether there is more Titan’s Blood to be found and asking why Belos needs the portal. We can also see the photo of her, Eda & King from the Grom episode, as well as a helpful reminder from King to hydrate. She also made a note to buy a new glove for Amity, which, while sweet, is probably unnecessary. Amity’s rich, I think she can buy a new glove on her own. Heck, she probably owns more than one pair of gloves to begin with.
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Lilith spotted! Gwendolyn spotted! And… is that… what’s his name, the potions guy… Morten? Morten spotted!
That bowl Hooty is holding with the eyes made me think of a joke. I was going to tell you it… but then I realized it only works in swedish. Whoops.
Anyways, this looks like a birthday. Is it Lilith’s birthday?
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Judging by how uncomfortable Lilith looks as opposed to everyone else looking happy, I’m guessing it really is her birthday.
So in addition to Gwendolyn, Morten (whom she might’ve befriended now that she need elixirs from him), Eda and King, there is also Tiny Nose (who I guess is friends with Lilith?), and, uh… whoever that is on the left. I think I’ll call you call you… Blueish Purple. A very self-explanatory name, please don’t ask me why I went with that.
Lastly, there is the Emperor’s Coven scout. Not gonna lie, I saw him and started laughing, he looks so out of place. But hey, Lilith was in the Coven for what, thirty years? She’s bound to have (had) at least some friends. Most of them probably don’t wanna associate with her now that she’s a traitor, but I guess this guy stuck around.
I’m gonna go ahead and guess that’s Steve? He was with Lilith in one scene in an episode in season one. And to be honest, I probably wouldn’t have remembered that if it wasn’t for my sister. She’s a big fan of The Owl House (thanks to me, I’m the one who gets her into all the good shows) and she mentioned Steve once.
(oh, and Lilith is wearing glasses. I quickly went back and checked, and she wasn’t wearing them in episode four, but she was during her short appearance last episode and I didn’t notice)
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If I had just waited a few more seconds, I would have not only seen Steve’s shirt that helpfully informs us of his name (I actually have a shirt like that; our grandparents gave me and my siblings shirts with our names on them for Christmas last year), but I would’ve also known that is, in fact, not Lilith’s birthday, Instead, she has become the assistant curator of the Supernatural Museum of History.
…wait, where did Tiny Nose go? And why is King’s glass knocked over? The shot-reverse-shot was literally less than ten seconds, what happened? Did we accidentally stumble into another timeline again?
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The character I dubbed Blueish Purple turns out to actually be names Floar DeSplora.
A quick google search tells me her actual name is Flora D’splora. She is Lilith’s former mentor and a ”bad girl historian.” I don’t know what that is, but what I do know is that she is extra as can be. She used a whip to grab one of Hooty’s delectable appetizers, only to throw it to the side. She then used her whip to pull a griffin out of the sky to fly off on. Oh, and I guess she also said something about the Emperor wanting Lilith to stay out of trouble.
I say I don’t know what a bad girl historian, but between the historian, the whip and the adventurer part, I’m thinking this character might’ve taken a few cues from Indiana Jones.
(Edit: Future Lampman here. I realize Flora’s namesake later on)
So history is being brought up. There is a lot of interesting history that I would love to learn. The history of King’s family is one thing that comes to mind. Another is the history of Philip Wittebane, his brother, and Belos. We did see Luz working on the second portal door as well as the Echo Mouse Musse. Maybe this episode will be about Lilith going on an adventure (to show that she can be a bad girl historian too) and we end up learning something important.
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kemendin · 2 years
OC Interview Questions
Snagged this from @grandninjamasterren​! Tagging @jacksothereye​ @xanthouransong​ @yarpell​ @fanthings​ @sweetearthandnorthernsky​ @radbeetle​ @portergage​ and/or anybody else who wants to give it a go
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Name? I figure if you’re interviewing me, you should know this. Just for the record, if you would. Alright, alright. Caspian Serapis. Though a lot of people seem to think it’s ‘Commander’.
Are you single? No. [Serapis smiles lightly.] I’d say sorry, but I’m not sorry at all. Would you tell us about your partner? I don’t think he’d appreciate that. He likes his privacy. [Serapis pauses.] And his space. [This seems to be a joke of some kind but it’s unclear how.]
Are you happy? Deep down, yeah, I’d say so. Much as the galaxy keeps trying to interfere with that.
Are you angry? Angry? [Serapis appears to think for a moment.] No, not anymore. Not regularly, anyway.
Are your parents still married? As far as I know. So you haven’t been in regular contact with them? [Serapis shakes his head.] Call it a Jedi habit, if you want.
Birth place? Corellia.
Hair colour? You tell me, unless you’ve got a mirror handy. [Serapis rolls his eyes.]
Eye colour? Lighting’s a bit off in here so I’ll give you this one. Grey.
Birthday? Yes.
Mood? Right now? We’ll say ‘restless’. How many of these questions are there? Quite a few, sir. I was afraid of that. Go on, then.
Gender? Male, last I checked.
Summer or winter? Summer, no question. I hate being cold.
Morning or afternoon? I like mornings. Feels more like there’s something to look forward to, you know?
Are you in love? Oh, now you’re chucking me into the deep end of it, I see. [Serapis rubs his thumb over what looks like an ornament of Sith origin that hangs in his hair on the right side of his face. It takes him a few seconds to answer.] Yeah, I am. Deeply, desperately, delightedly. All those D words. [He smirks.] Plus another one I won’t actually say here.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Not really. Attraction, sure, but real love takes time.
Who ended your last relationship? I guess I did. [Serapis looks down for a second.] But it just sort of... fell apart quietly. It’s fine, though. We’re still friends.
Have you ever broken someone’s heart? A couple of times, I think.
Are you afraid of commitments? Not particularly. Sometimes I worry about the consequences, but... it’s better to actually commit than to let something hang uncertainly.
Have you hugged someone within the last week? Yes. Who was it? My partner. And also my friend Kira. Actually she hugged me first, I just responded.
Have you ever had a secret admirer? [Serapis laughs ruefully.] I’m sure I’ve got at least a hundred of them right now. Side effect of being such a well-known figure in the galaxy.
Have you ever broken your own heart? More than I’d care to admit. And no, I’m not elaborating on that.
Love or lust? Can’t I have both? Alright, well, love I guess, but lust makes it fun sometimes.
Lemonade or iced tea? Iced tea, I think.
Cats or dogs? [Serapis shrugs.] I’m not really an animal person. They’re both fine.
A few best friends or many regular friends? A few best friends. They know who they are.
Wild night out or romantic night in? Romantic night in. I’ve spent way too many wild nights out there already. And not even in the fun way. What would you do on this hypothetical night in? Have a drink or two, just talk, really. We’ve still got a lot of missed time to make up for.
Day or night? Nights feel better to me. Calmer. Used to be the other way around, though.
Been caught sneaking out? [Serapis laughs a bit.] Oh yes. I was a chronic case as a Padawan, always getting into places I shouldn’t have been. To be fair, I got better at the ‘not getting caught’ part. [He gives a mischievous look towards the camera.] Right, Master?
Fallen down/up the stairs? I mean, probably, I can’t remember any specific incidents though.
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? F***, yes. Finally got there in the end, but it was torture for literal years. [Serapis touches the Sith ornament again.]
Wanted to disappear? Does now count? [Serapis snorts quietly.] No, honestly, sometimes I wish I could disappear for a bit just to get away from all the people who keep throwing the fate of the galaxy at me like I’m the only one who can deal with that.
Smile or eyes? Eyes, definitely.
Shorter or taller? I’ll say taller.
Intelligence or attraction? Intelligence will always win out there.
Hook-up or relationship? Relationship, no question. Hook-ups are fine, but I like something that’s going to last a while.
Do you and your family get along? Reasonably. My brother and I don’t always see eye to eye. Why is that? He’s very... patriotic, about the Republic. Let’s just leave it there.
Would you say you have a “messed up life”? Is that a serious question? Yes. Well, let’s think about this. Consider my history, and the absolutely insane things I’ve somehow managed to do - stopping planets from being blown up, defeating dozens of Sith, de-throning emperors.... and those are just the big ones. Getting frozen in carbonite for five years seems positively mundane in comparison, doesn’t it? Is that messed up enough, or shall I go on?
Have you ever run away from home? A couple of times. Not for long, though.
Have you ever gotten kicked out? No, much to my surprise. There was a point in my training where I seriously thought I was going to get tossed out of the Jedi Order. Why was that? Did I mention the part where I was a difficult Padawan? Just being Force-sensitive doesn’t mean that life comes easily to someone. I was stubborn about it. It took the right mentor to help me find where I fit in with the Jedi way.
Do you secretly hate one of your friends? [Serapis raises his eyebrows.] If I hate someone, I’m not friends with them.
Do you consider all of your friends good friends? If by ‘good’ you mean ‘good people’, then yes. That’s why I’m friends with them. If you’re talking ‘close’, well, some are closer than other. Like with everybody.
Who is your best friend? [Serapis grins.] He’s going to hate me for calling him out like this. Theron Shan. Notorious ex-SIS agent, the super-spy himself. [Serapis blows a kiss to the camera.] No, but honestly - he’s a good man. One of the best, professionally and personally. I’d be dead a dozen times over without him.
Who knows everything about you? I don’t think I even know everything about me. Isn’t that what life is about? Figuring out who you are? Which I’m still very much working on, for the record.
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jettorii · 1 year
So I took a break from the series to go watch the Ninjago movie.
__ In Case Ur Avoiding Spoilers for This___
Wow they changed a LOT of stuff. …I probably should’ve watched this before the first two seasons ngl: might’ve made me appreciate it a bit more lol. (Zane being reduced to robot jokes and Garmadon not caring for his son anymore bothered me the most — though the latter is a tad more forgivable because it’s so important to the plot and also Lloyd firing every missile he has at him was the best joke in the film.) (Also Cole being a DJ was actually pretty fun.) It was a lot more mean-spirited than I thought it would be, too: like, Lloyd just gets BEAT DOWN at every opportunity. I thought the overexaggeration was actually really funny most of the time but I kinda wish the ninjas were better friends to contrast against that a little bit. The volcano bit was very funny.
The main thought that I was having in the film, though — kinda to assuage my irritation towards the changes in personality that I didn’t like — was that this was specifically LLOYD’S PERSPECTIVE of events.
The bullying wasn’t actually so extremely universal that the cheerleaders got their BOO LLOYD cheer on The Radio, but it’s overexaggerated because that’s what it FELT like to Lloyd.
The ninjas are this one-note because it is specifically how Lloyd sees them, or even how he imagines them to himself. Maybe he even makes fun of them in his head by depicting them like this just to make himself laugh: a concept that is actually EXTREMELY sweet if you take into account that this means they are the big thing in his everyday life that gets a giggle out of him :)
(Bit of a stretch but since I like Lloyd being younger than them: the ninjas aren’t even actually his classmates. Maybe Sensei Wu or even the school itself made them as teachers (SPOILERS FOR S3: like they were in the first five seconds of S3) keep an eye on him just to make sure he had someone in his corner. Or maybe they’re not even IN school but having them there is a way for the film to represent how they’re always there for him :))
Garmadon actually did call him to wish him a happy birthday, but completely fucked it up to the point where it felt more like what we saw in the film. (In fact, Garmadon in general cares MUCH more for his son, more like show!Garmadon, but Lloyd is so extremely pissed off at him that this whole depiction of him just being the Worst Father Ever is him venting his personal frustrations at their whole situation.)
Garmadon refusing to talk about his son was legit just him being Smart in a fight and not letting the Ninjas have something so precious to use against him. Lloyd took it very, VERY differently.
The other ninjas being so angry at him for bringing a cat into things was transformed into his own sense of guilt over everything, while in reality they were probably a lot more sympathetic.
The First Generals firing him as well as and Garmadon into a volcano wasn’t just them tossing “Some Random Kid” into a volcano to be Evil, but specifically them tossing Garmadon and his Son into the volcano because Garmadon would Not Shut Up about his son and this was the best way to get back at him. (Would explain why they didn’t take the other Ninjas.)
The ninjas saying “we should be better friends” is just Lloyd venting his frustrations again lol — maybe they really did have a fight about the Cat, even if it didn’t go as Horribly Mean Spirited as he felt it did.
All the Wilhelm Screams and Super Cool Edits around the Ultimate Weapon are legit just Lloyd being a kid, which I’m pretty sure was already a thing.
spoilers under the cut!!!
forst of all i completely agree w your thoughts at the beginning!!! really sad that zane was just. kind of toned down to haha funny robot guy instead of gorgeous thoughtful handsome smart beautiful anyways
and!!!! was v sad to not see their friendship much portrayed :[ wouldve genuinely loved to see more interactions with one another instead of that tiny little bit at the beginning at the school
the garmadon call thing too???? of him actually calling to wish him happy birthday but instead fucking it up im going to sob PLEASE
i feel like this lloyds perspective of the movie actually makes me feel. so warm i love this sm omfg thank you for sharing i will be thinking about this >:]
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shiiko529 · 2 years
    It wasn’t quite the same as the previous morning, the desire to remain wrapped in the comfortable warmth was the same, but this time he could reach the alarm without struggling for freedom. With much reluctance, he began to sit up and remove the arm around him, only to be pulled right back down and back against the solid chest.
    “Stay... Sleep better… with you.” Kura murmured, burying his face in Ryou’s hair and again wrapping himself around the smaller frame.
    The words tore at his heart. He would have loved to stay, but he had already missed too many classes that year. “Sorry, but I need to go to school.”
    There was a sound that started as a pathetic whiny grumble and ended in a growl as Ryou made another attempt to pry the thief’s arm loose.
    With a frustrated exhale, he turned toward the older boy, deciding to try a different tactic. “Do you want breakfast?”
    School was less eventful than the previous day, which made it harder for the pale boy to use as a distraction from thoughts he felt would be more at home in Jounouchi’s mind than his own. Though Atem’s increasingly stiff and awkward behavior that seemed to only be towards Yugi was curious.
    Ryou had told his friends that he would hang out with them the next day, once again going straight home as promised. He was glad to see the former spirit had made it out of bed, even if he was only watching TV and looking slightly zombie-ish. Joining Kura, he sat down in a spot that he thought was close while still allowing them both adequate personal space.
    Ryou blinked as the thief almost immediately yawned dramatically. “If you’re still tired, why don’t you go back to bed?”
    Pale eyes stared at him for a moment before the Egyptian forfeited the remote, and, in some sense, took the suggestion and flopped over so his head was in Ryou’s lap. He even stuck his hand under one leg as he would a pillow.
    “This is not what I meant.” The pale boy blushed madly, unprepared for the sudden intimacy of the situation.
    It also wasn't what he had in mind for spending time with the thief. But, all things considered and regardless of how odd it was, he was immeasurably happy that Kura had been brought back and was there with him. 
    He found himself wondering if he should do something to thank the goddess that had revived the Egyptians. Ritual sacrifices were a bit out of date, and what would he even kill? He didn't have any goats or pigs, and killing an animal as a thank you for bringing someone back to life didn’t really feel appropriate anyways. He considered writing a thank you note, though neither of the former spirits seemed to be quite sure exactly which goddess had actually brought them back, and he didn’t have any idea how to go about delivering it. Maybe they could have a feast in her honor? That was a thing the Ancient Egyptians did, right?
    Of course thinking about food made him a bit hungry, so he checked the time and realized that he really ought to get up and make dinner. Although at the same time, he really didn’t want to wake the other boy, suddenly understanding the sentiment of all the people who ‘complained’ about being ‘trapped’ by a sleeping cat.
    ‘Errr…’ Ryou found himself blushing again when he noticed that he had buried his fingers in the thief’s surprisingly soft hair. ‘He put his head in my lap, so he can’t complain, right?’ He knew he was self-justifying, but it was also true that multiple times since the former spirit’s return, he had run his fingers through or otherwise played with Ryou’s hair. ‘And it’s not like I'm doing anything bad… Besides, if he was awake he’d probably enjoy this, I mean, I would.’
    His imagination took that as its cue to provide him with the image of him with his head in the older boy’s lap and the feeling of the dark fingers combing through his hair. He could almost hear what Kura’s voice would sound like saying, “Yadonushi-sama <3” full of affection.
    ‘Erk. What am I thinking?’ He shook his head and forcibly reminded himself that he was supposed to be getting up so he could fix dinner.
    Except he still had the issue of the head in his lap. Deciding to attempt replacing his lap with a pillow, Ryou gently lifted the head and carefully started to scoot to the side. He very quickly stopped, feeling fingers dig into the soft flesh of his inner thigh. The older boy stretched his other arm out across Ryou's lap, pulling him back down before giving his former host a dirty look. Kura then rolled over and buried his face against the flat stomach while wrapping his arms around Ryou’s waist, making it effectively impossible for the boy to free himself.
    "I need to get up."
    There was an incoherent grumble from the face pressed against his stomach.
    "So I can fix dinner."
    "Just order something."
    "And I need to go to the bathroom."
    "Hold it."
    "I have been. I'd really rather not have to try and clean the couch just because you don't want me to get up."
    The response was an unimpressed shrug. "Get a new one."
    "Couches aren't exactly cheap."
    "So I'll steal one."
    "Kura… " Ryou sighed, again finding his fingers running through strands of silver. Trying to convince the thief to release him was more difficult than dealing with a grumpy lap cat.
meow meow tkb <3
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thebigbrightsun · 2 years
IT WOULDN’T LET ME TYPE ENOUGH TO REALLY SAY ANYTHING I WANTED TO IN THE FUCKIN. COMMENTS?? so i am just gonna make a post and tag mr. @yymiya​ who asked. So. INFO ON MY OCS!! specifically Miya because she is my baby and i’ve been drawing her for a year now
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so these two are Miya (left) and river (right). Their pronouns are she/purr and they/he respectively. i made Miya last year in english because i was bored and remembered a conversation i had with a friend (who wears hijab)(i do not) which was basically just how would a catgirl wear a hijab? they would obviously just wrap their ears because it seems like kind of a hassle to cut out ear holes in every scarf you own and most hijabis cover their ears anyway, but if they had a tail would they wrap it? if catgirls were common enough would there be specially made clothes for them so they could cover their tail in a sleeve or something? we decided that its up to the person (like most things) but it’s probably not that common.. Anyway Miya doesn’t even have a tail in the main universe HAHA but it was an important question to answer i felt
i made River much later, in about april of this year? i thought Miya needed a skater boy friend (not boyfriend, as she is a lesbian🫶) so i made them also during class. to be honest i don’t have much of a story for either of them but they were really fun to draw messing around on my papers, i’m sure my teachers were sick of them lmao
if i were to make them into a comic of some sorts, i’d probably make their stories short and funny, while exploring themes of youth and growing up and finding your place in society as a minority/someone seen as ‘weird’. as an autistic queer poc, i didn’t really get much representation growing up, and i think seeing someone who acts and looks like me, who leads a life similarly to me, could have saved me from a lot of self-hatred when I was younger and didn’t know why I was different. a huge reason i still make art to this day is to help people who feel and look like me feel a bit better in their identities, because i know the representation i have seen, even if its few and far between, has touched me in ways i can’t even begin to explain. it means so much more than you’d think. 
Anyway. the fantasy au kinda just came about one day when i was in a mood and felt like making fantasy character designs and stuff. i don’t have much of a storyline for this one either but i have a very vague idea on what it’s gonna be about, and i’m gonna develop the story as it is gonna be a big part of my Inquiry Question for Ap art this year👍👍👍
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SO. these are their original fantasy au designs. i was actually pretty happy with miya’s first design, but for overall silhouette and posing issues i had to change her skirt, but i thought it looked stupid so i thought i should just rework her clothes altogether. 
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i’m gonna keep showing people this sheet because i am ridiculously proud of it. anyway. Even when i first started drawing Miya, way before i even thought of the fantasy Au, I had some specific design choices mind. I always wanted her to have catlike eyes, so i tried to imitate the shape of them while keeping them pretty human looking. the silhouette of her hijab is kinda exaggerated and not very realistic just so i could properly communicate the fact that she is supposed to be a cat. 
in her original design, she’s supposed to be much closer to a human, with the only distinguishable traits to set her apart being her ears, her eyes, and maybe her hands. i wanted to put most of the “cat-coding” in things like the hoodie she wears, which has a tail, or the fact she paints paws onto her converse, or gives her self a dan-and-phil-style nose and whiskers (AHAHAKAHDHFKBS NOT A WORD). i also wanted her to be younger, about 15-16 in the modern universe, but that’s a difference I only made relatively recently, which you can see in the two pictures above.
with the fantasy AU, i wanted her to be honestly closer to an anthro than human. I didn’t want her to BE a furry, necessarily (no hate to furries, i am the number one furry enthusiast), but i wanted her to have much more animal-like traits. She’s very inspired by Tabaxies but i didn’t want the fantasy au to be in the 5e universe because i have several problems with racist stereotypes in DND.. anyway, miya is almost completely covered in a light layer of fur, has paw pads on her feet, almost has a muzzle, has a cat shaped nose, ears, a tail, and retractable claws. the only things keeping her from being a furry, at least in my mind, is that she has human hair and isn’t digigrade, and has much more human-like proportions, like the ratio of ear to head, head to body, torso to leg and so on. 
i’ve put a lot of work and love into her design! while i can’t say everything has a concrete reason, almost every detail on her is intentional, one way or another. like, how she doesn’t have paw pads on her hands but does on her feet because she’s bipedal, and cats have paw pads to muffle the sound of their footsteps when stalking, for prey or otherwise. she also doesn’t need shoes because of her paw pads, but if it gets a little cold she might wrap something around her feet. shoes are very uncomfortable for her. (can you tell i’ve been dying to tell someone about that in particular i think its so clever) 
other little details are, i made her headpiece mostly to bring more gold up by her face. it helps balance out the colors i think. the green in her eyes is inspired by my cat! and i don’t think cats can have brown eyes, but it was mostly bc i didn’t want to just give her green eyes (bc brown ppl with light eyes kinda freak me out cough cougb my sister cougb cough). the circles with smaller dots around them on her sampin songket are suppose to vaugely look like paws. i was gonna actually make them paws but that felt a bit on the nose. 
i think thats all i have to say for now… i will talk more abt river when i finish their character page. there’s nothing really wrong with their current design, other than the fact that it’s kinda really boring, so i’m working on adding more character and interest! here’s the sketches i did in my sketchbook, i’m currently working on tracing n coloring them digitally 
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here they are!! also i said earlier that in the modern au miya is supposed to be younger but i never said how old she’s supposed to be in the fantasy au and i cant find a smooth transition to talk about that so i will say that here. She’s supposed to be like 18-19 in the fantasy au, i just think it would make more sense for what they’re supposed to be doing throughout the story (exploration, fighting, potential mortal danger, i think its a bit much for high schoolers is all). river is slightly younger but still around the same age as miya, so same thing for him too. they look really young in the sketches above bc my art style was doing something funky that day lmao
that is all!! finally!! for now at least. (if u saw me post this way earlier than i meant to No You Didn’t.) 
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louisbxttxrfly · 1 year
Best cookies ever!!!
Hello to anybody who sees this!! :) if you feel as if you’re in need of comfort and warmth or if you feel really down, maybe it’s for no absolute reason or maybe there really is a reason that you just wish you could get your mind off of, or even if you just simply feel so blissfully happy that you want to stay feeling that way forever, this post is for you :D ❤️‍🩹
I’ve mentioned this before, and I hate to be the kind of person that goes around telling people about rough patches I’ve had in my life, but last year I went through somewhat of an adjustment disorder after emigrating. My mental health was at an all time low and I truly didn’t expect to ever be able to pull myself out of it. I guess I could say that I did end up thoroughly exceeding my expectations, and this blog is now my journey of learning to fall in love with the world again :). I’ve mentioned how my cat helped me a lot, and how Louis did too, but another thing that I feel just makes me feel so simply unaware of life’s tragic intricacies is baking. I love using baking as a switch off from the world, and obviously sweet things should be eaten in moderation, but that doesn’t mean that we all don’t deserve treats now and then (always remember that moderation goes both ways!!! :D). One of my FAVOURITE recipes to make was (is) an m&m cookie recipe. It has honestly produced the best cookies I have ever tasted in my life! And I can say that numerous people have substantiated this claim :) (because what’s better than sharing home made baked goods with friends?! :D 🍪) everyone is always asking me for the recipe and I just had the idea of sharing it here, because maybe (hopefully) this recipe can touch someone’s life in the same way it did mine, and make them feel all warm and fuzzy inside 🥰.
Anyways sorry for rambling lmao!! Here’s the recipe!
120g butter
140g castor sugar
1 egg (if I’m tripling the recipe I use a whole egg but if I’m only making one batch than I just use the egg whites!)
*beat in*
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla essence (the Madagascan one is the ultimate!!)
Flour till doughy consistency
*fold flower in gradually*
One pack of crispy m&ms (the blue pack is revolutionary; if I’m making triple the recipe I’ll use the more to share pack but if I’m only making one batch that I’ll use the regular pack!)
This is basically my very own cookie recipe I made the entire thing up by modifying recipes I found online and honestly I just wing it every single time, but it’s proven to be extremely reliable! :)) I hope you all enjoy :D ❤️‍🩹🫶🏽
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kwyerim · 2 years
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hey hey friendos! i’m here with my first muse, ahn yerim. she’s a 21 (almost 22!) year old veterinary technology student, who also is a student council representative, resident assistant and a cashier at the campus store! she’s a new muse and everything is still a wip, but i’ll leave some links as well as a tldr with some plot ideas under the cut. i haven’t roleplayed in years so i’m excited to be here and get back into it!! ♡ leave a like if you’d like me to hop into your ims for some plotting ~
profile. acceptance post. 
tldr background
born in namwon, south korea and grew up in the countryside there. she lived with both her parents (though her father was often away on business), as well as her 2 years younger brother. 
while her family never actually owned any animals themselves, as her mother is allergic, plenty of their neighbors in the village owned cats, dogs, even horses and some sheep and cows, and yerim was always happy to help out, even taking on small, paid errands for some neighbors once she got older. she’s been used to being around animals her entire life, and sometimes thinks she gets along better with them than with humans. 
despite not having any major complaints about her life on the countryside, yerim always felt like she was destined for something bigger. ever since she was a little girl, she was dreaming of going to seoul, imagining the different things that could happen to her there. her dream became an obsession, something she felt was her destiny, and she started saving up money as soon as she had some of her own. 
when she was almost 16, she left home, thinking she had surely saved up enough money to go live in seoul on her own by now. her mother disapproved, but yerim stood by her decision and left anyway, thinking she would sever all ties with her family if she had to — she’d do everything to live out her dream. 
turns out, her mother had been right and she had absolutely not saved up enough money to live there on her own. while she did find a cheap enough place to live, and sorted out a high school to attend, it only took two months before she realized she was almost completely out of money already. too stubborn to go back home to her parents and admit that her mother had been right all along, she instead decided that she would get through this, whatever it took. 
she took up multiple jobs, let a roommate come live with her to help with rent, and even postponed her education by a bit just to make things go around. it was tough, and she was exhausted from being constantly busy, but things worked out, somehow. 
while her high school graduation was a bit delayed, she did eventually graduate, and got accepted to kyungwon university, thankfully with a scholarship. 
her years so far at kyungwon have been far from easy, though. she keeps busy, as always, and refuses to let go of extracurriculars or extra responsibilities she’s taken on just so she has more time to study without being so stressed all the time. she doesn’t know who she’s trying to prove that she can do it to — maybe just herself — but she knows she’s able to get through it. at least that’s what she thinks but she may or may not be close to severely burning out 
plot ideas
yerim comes off as someone who’s very responsible, committed, and sort of cold to people she doesn’t know well. usually, her cold exterior scares people off easily enough, but this particular person has just decided to not give up on her. they could be constantly hanging around her at work, in the library, around the dorms — anywhere really, and she feels like they’ve made it their life’s mission to get her to genuinely smile at least once. but so far, most of what they’ve gotten out of her are sighs and eye-rolls. 
casual acquaintances such as co-workers, study pals, student government ppl, roommates/dorm neighbors etc. 
being the big fan of animals that she is, and having some experience with sick animals from her life back in namwon, yerim just can’t ignore it when she sees an injured animal, even if it’s just a random bird. could be several plots related to this, i.e. someone catches her keep some animal in the dorms as she’s nursing it back to health, someone finds an injured bird with her and they nurse it back to health together etc.
any genuine friends!! she can be kinda tough to get to know and doesn’t open up easily but once she has opened up to someone, she’s a very loyal and caring friend. gives very good advice but never follows her own advice
there’s bound to be some people who don’t get along with her so any frenemies, enemies, rivals whatever i’m down for it all
people she met before enrolling at kyungwon. could be roommates she lived with in seoul, past high school classmates, old co-workers. could even be people she knows from namwon if any other muses just happen to have any connections there lol
idk i’m down for most things this is just what i can think of rn so if none of these fit i’m always down for some good ol’ brainstorming ♡
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