ablufox · 7 months
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I’ve never had a Christmas season like this before. I just want it to be over. I have so much stress and anxiety. It’s horrible and I hate feeling like this 😭
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saigonreviewvn · 6 months
Rối loạn lo âu đang ngày càng phổ biến trong xã hội hiện đại, đặc biệt tại TPHCM. Để giúp bạn tìm kiếm địa chỉ uy tín và chất lượng, Sài Gòn Review đã tổng hợp 5 địa chỉ khám, tư vấn, trị liệu tâm lý hàng đầu tại TPHCM. Cùng khám phá những địa chỉ này để tìm ra lối thoát cho tình trạng tâm lý mình, đồng thời hiểu rõ hơn về giá cả, chất lượng dịch vụ và phản hồi từ cộng đồng.
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danhsachvang · 7 months
Nhu cầu tìm các địa chỉ điều trị rối loạn lo âu tại TPHCM đang ngày càng được nhiều người quan tâm bởi tình trạng này nếu kéo dài có thể gây ra rất nhiều biến chứng khó lường. Thực hiện theo các hướng dẫn từ nhà trị liệu, thay đổi lối sống lành mạnh, mở lòng và học cách nhìn nhận cuộc sống theo nhiều chiều hướng mới chính là những yếu tố quan trọng giúp người mắc chứng rối loạn lo âu dần phục hồi tâm trí, lấy lại cuộc sống bình yên, hạnh phúc.
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cogitanhealth · 8 months
Anxiety is a common experience that affects millions of people worldwide. Are you a part of that group?
If you are not to worry, it's natural to feel anxious in certain situations. However, excessive and persistent anxiety can interfere with daily life and well-being. If you find yourself grappling with anxiety, rest assured that there are evidence-based strategies rooted in psychology to help you regain control of your emotions and lead a more fulfilling life.
Here are 7 easy steps to tackling anxiety based on fundamental psychological principles.
Step 1: Identify Triggers and Understand Your Anxiety... 
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talktoangel2 · 8 months
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tips for dealing with texting anxiety
Texting anxiety, a form of social anxiety refers to the fear or unease experienced when communicating through text messages. This can manifest as worries about the tone of the message, fear of misinterpretation, or apprehension about timely responses. Texting anxiety can have a significant impact on one's ability to communicate effectively and can lead to avoidance of texting altogether.
Fortunately, platforms like TalktoAngel can play a crucial role in helping individuals overcome texting anxiety and improve their communication skills.
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mentahealthcareus · 10 months
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Empowering Minds: Embracing Mental Health Care for a Fulfilling Life - Mental Health Awareness | Mental Health Care us (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1354438635-empowering-minds-embracing-mental-health-care-for?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Mentalhealthcareus&wp_originator=BHhU%2BMWJLtWAza2i%2BGdVnlJGK6Bj2vc%2FFowfuq735gfXTaW70r3eLtlKg9c0WRFUYtQXT9p5uxvZCkuh%2FSHUBNClhjm9%2FIdJvfybtPaoBO0woXpYf29UHX2LslbfuoJQ A Comprehensive Guide to Mental Health Care: Promoting Awareness and Well-being Article: In today's fast-paced world, mental health has emerged as a crucial aspect of overall well-being. With increasing stressors and challenges, it's essential to prioritize our mental health care. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to mental health care, shedding light on the importance of spreading awareness and offering valuable insights for maintaining good mental well-being. Understanding Mental Health Care Mental health care encompasses a range of strategies and practices designed to support individuals in achieving and maintaining optimal mental well-being. It involves various aspects, such as: Self-care: Prioritizing self-care activities like regular exercise, adequate sleep, maintaining a healthy diet, and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation. Support Networks: Building a strong support system of friends, family, or support groups can provide a sense of belonging, understanding, and encouragement during challenging times. Spreading Awareness: The Role of our Website Our website serves as a platform to spread awareness about mental health care, share valuable insights, and provide a sense of community for individuals seeking support. By sharing the latest blogs on mental health, we aim to reach a wider audience and create an environment where open discussions about mental health are encouraged. Importance of Mental Health Care Preventive Measures: Prioritizing mental health care can help prevent the development of mental health disorders or alleviate symptoms before they worsen.
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mywaysofhealing · 2 years
Do you often fall into the habit of neglecting yourself and being scared to say no to others? Do you overexplain and overapologize in unnecessary situations? If you can resonate, don't miss out on this post. Let's heal together ❤️
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This cartoon is often presented with the quote: “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid”. With this quote in mind, how can we differentiate our instruction + expectations? ⁣ •⁣ •⁣ •⁣ #dyslexia #autism #adhd #anxietydisorder #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #diversity #inclusion #equity #dei (at Bearly Articulating) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl1QONkMMve/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ladymidnytemare · 2 years
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INVISIBLE DISABILITIES AWARENESS WEEK 2022 all this week has been about raising awareness for those of us who live with #disabilities that cannot be seen. We are forever having to be our own advocates, reminding society that we are sick even though they can't see it. Even as recently as while I was undergoing my #Cancer treatment, my existing invisible conditions were mostly overlooked, and instead of #disabled I was seen as uncooperative and entitled. This of course led to feelings of massive guilt, shame and frustration on top of the pain and anxiety I was already enduring. I'm disabled, not a diva!! Society needs to change its attitude, and this is why we still need Awareness. #invisibledisabilities #invisibledisabilitiesawareness2022 #autism #depression #mentalhealth #chronicillness #anxietydisorder #personalitydisorder #colostomy #ostomate #stomastory #colostomylife #stoma #ileostomy #urostomy #cancerblog #surgery #cancersurvivor #lifeaftercancer (at Cardiff) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj98KMxsIS0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theaspieworld · 2 days
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Anxiety can hit anyone at any age at any time, but there are lots of men out there who will brush it off because admitting that they are feeling unwell can show a weakness. This is due to societal pressure of how a man should act and should respond. Here are 5 Anxiety Symptoms in Men YOU SHOULD Spot! 1. Racing Heart When adrenaline starts pumping round your body due to anxiety increases the heart rate and will start beating rapidly. 2. Excessive Sweating When adrenaline is moving around the body it also causes clamminess and you begin to sweat in a sort of cold sweat. 3. Muscle Tension Your muscles will start to get tighter and tense because of the fight or flight response system that your body is currently undergoing. 4. Restlessness or Agitation Due to the male dominance of testosterone agitation will be prominent when experiencing anxiety. 5. Dizziness and Vertigo This rush of adrenaline and the fight or flight response will also cause you to be dizzy and experience vertigo because there is no imminent danger just an anxiety attack. If you have anything to add to this conversation please pop it in a comment below. I read every single comment os it is never wasted. Follow @TheAspieWorld for more mental health content. Video: https://youtu.be/As3Pm2XnhjU?si=XZhhZrQm--LI4wrE https://bit.ly/4b4M0wL
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My anxiety has been so bad lately. It feels crushing and totally debilitating.
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danhsachvang · 7 months
Đâu là địa chỉ điều trị rối loạn lo âu tại Hà Nội uy tín, chuyên môn cao, có thể mang đến những liệu pháp chăm sóc sức khỏe tâm trí hiệu quả là câu hỏi đang được rất nhiều người đặt ra. Rối loạn lo âu gây ra rất nhiều ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe, công việc, các mối quan hệ và mọi khía cạnh khác trong cuộc sống. Do đó cần tìm đến các đơn vị có chuyên môn về tâm lý, tâm thần để điều trị càng sớm càng tốt, tránh các hệ quả đáng tiếc xuất hiện.
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gurgaonclinic · 25 days
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8 Signs You Might Have Social Anxiety Social Anxiety Disorder is an anxiety disorder characterized by intense feelings of worry and distress in social situations. Do… #Psych2go #DoIHaveSocialAnxiety #SocialAnxietySigns #AnxietyDisorder #SocialAnxietyDisorder
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Mental Health Conditions: Depression and Anxiety
Millions of individuals worldwide suffer from depression and anxiety, most notably sadness and anxiety. In this article, we will look at these disorders, their symptoms, treatment choices, and practical ways to manage them naturally. Addressing these challenges is critical to improving overall health. Read full blog
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