#anne with an e headcannons
a-aexotic · 1 year
hh sorry to bother you!! if requests are closed or you don't wanna write this you can delete the request but
i don’t know if you watched Puella Magi Madoka Magica, but it’s a really great anime and i wanted to send this character, the anime looks cute but it really isn’t 😭.
can i request josie pye, Gilbert Blythe or Prissy Andrews with a S/O who has a Homura Akemi Personality? (She’s stoic, distant, independent, Homura also appears with her personality being that of a shy, timid, magical girl rather than her cold and strong personality, she also knows self defense since she was in a lot of battles you can watch it here)
Thank you a ton!! I wish you well<33
hey i’m so sorry for the late reply, but here’s a headcanons for both :) i hope you enjoyed
—cw’s: just fluff!!! i think gen!neutral but lmk!
josie pye
i feel like josie would like an s/o who’s generally stoic and is independent
she wouldn’t necessarily mind having a stoic s/o because i feel like josie is reactive and it would be nice to have a neutral energy to the chaos 😭
she likes that you’re calm and that you can solve issues with logic instead of emotions and she can depend on you in that sense
she likes the fact that you are independent because she doesn’t like the feeling of letting people down
so if she knows that you wouldn’t be let down by her, it feels like a weight would be lifted off her shoulders
she is kind of the opposite of you
she would intrigued with your persona and kind of feels like it’s fake at first 😭
she didn’t like how shy you were because she wanted to get to you, but you were hard to break and that pissed her off
most people open up to her very quickly (surprisingly) so she would find this weird
but she ended up cracking you!! AND she fell in love <3
gilbert blythe
he finds you VERY interesting
he loves that you’re not an open book, he wants to earn getting to know you if that makes sense
gilbert loves a good challenge 😭😭
he’s used to people depending on him, so he doesn’t know how to feel when he realizes you’re pretty independent & would rather do it on your own
he loves that you’re shy & that you’re not like this with everyone
he feels special knowing that you’re not just talking to him to talk to him, but rather because you genuinely want to
he just loves your personality and it goes with his perfectly
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luvrblythe · 2 years
thank heavens for the rain || gilbert blythe x reader
how gilbert blythe would react to you wearing his clothes
this was meant to be another one of those headcannon thingies, but i got carried away and it turned into a one-shot.. oops
— let's say it’s been a rainy week
— like really really rainy
— it has been pouring every night for the past few days
— not that you were complaining, you love the rain
— this morning you woke up to the after smell of another rainy night
— your front yard looked like something out of a fairytale
— you couldn’t resist, so ofc you went to play outside
— originally you planned to stay nearby your house incase it started raining again
— but you got distracted and ended up wandering around
— you made your way to the woods, past the ruins of the story club (w.r.i.t.), then you found yourself in the all too familiar orchard of your one and only
— you should’ve gone home hours ago, seeing as the clouds were no longer letting the sun through
— but you were just so engrossed in the beauty of nature that you didn’t notice the painfully obvious warnings
— then you felt a cold wet drop of water on your arm while you were spinning in place
— uh oh
— you looked up, holding your hand out to feel the rain
— the sound of the raindrops got louder, faster, and stronger
— you giggled to yourself before BOLTING towards the house you’ve been in hundreds of times before
— meanwhile inside the house, gilbert was just about to start making himself some oatmeal when he heard frantic knocking
— he was confused as to why someone was knocking on his door with this weather
— despite being confused, he went to see who it was, and to his surprise, you were standing on his porch, soaking wet, but smiling nonetheless
— “oh my god, y/n!” he exclaimed, a smile sprouting on his face when you started giggling again
— you looked beautiful, raindrops trickling down your skin, wet hair framing your face, while your arms hugged yourself as you shivered lightly
— he just wanted to scoop you up in his arms and hide you from the rest of the world for all eternity
— “hi! i um— i got wet.” you sheepishly explained, smiling down at your boots
— “i can see that.” he chuckled as you looked at him with bright eyes expectantly
— he sighed, but not the annoyed kind, “come in— but take your boots off!”
— you made your way inside his house, sighing at the familiar scent of his home
— “let's get you some dry clothes, yeah?” 
— he led you up to his bedroom with a hand on your back, slightly cringing at the cold. how were you still smiling?
— he gave you a towel and a some of his own clothes, then went downstairs to give you time to change and to make you both some tea
— when you were all done, you looked at yourself in the mirror and sighed happily
— his clothes were way bigger on you, and his sleeves went past your wrist and showed only your fingertips
— you gave yourself a little spin, bringing his shirt to your nose and closing your eyes at the comforting scent of your beloved
— you went downstairs once you were done, and saw gilbert setting up the table
— “hi sweetheart, you want– some– tea..?” he trailed off as he turned around to look at you
— holy. fucking. shit.
— he never thought seeing you in his clothes would have such a big impact on him
— but now he never wants you to take them off
— thank heavens for the rain
— “hi, gil! this looks so good!” it was just oatmeal, but he made it, so..
— “yeah! yeah, i-i made some– for- for um–”
— bless him
— you two ate your oatmeal as he listened to you ramble about your little adventure today
— he kept having to snap himself out of it bc ughhhh why did you have to look so beautiful???
— you in his clothes just seemed so.. right
— after you finished your food the both of you ended up in the parlor 
— you were tucked to his side, hand on his chest with his arm around you, rubbing up and down your upper arm as you snuggled further into his body
— he chuckled at your movements and pulled the blanket further up your bodies
— he kissed your head, letting his lips linger on your hair for a little longer than usual
— you two spent your afternoon in each other’s embrace, while gilbert read to you your favorite book
— in that moment he decided that this was the life he wanted. a life with you is what he wanted.
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arcadiabaytornado · 2 months
Do you have any pricefield headcannons?
A bunch!
A: They have a bunch of nicknames for each other that need a lot of context to understand. Chloe will affectionately call Max "Anne Bonny" and then not elaborate.
B: They have no idea when they started dating because they never officially asked each other out. They just started acting like a couple, and it wasn't until they were at the alter did they go "Wait...when did we become a couple??? Holy shit I forgot to officially ask her out."
C: Chloe carries around photo's Max has taken in her wallet. She makes sure to show them to everyone to give Max more exposure.
D: Max can't watch "Blade Runner" anymore without getting emotional. Chloe knows why, but it's still emotionally hard for her to see Max get so upset about something that she's so disconnected from.
E: Their favorite type of affectionate is hand holding.
F: Max made an entire scrapbook dedicated to her relationship with Chloe. It's full of photo's from all the places they've gone together over the years.
G: Chloe and Max only sleep well if they're in bed together. Being in each other's presence is very grounding after everything they've been through.
H: Max paints Chloe's nails for her.
I: Chloe gave Max her first tattoo. It was the blue butterfly tattoo on her wrist. (Yes. The one from the comics!)
J: As they get older, they slowly but surely shift from Max being Chloe's impulse control to Chloe being Max's impulse control. At 18, it was Max telling Chloe not to jump out of a tree. At 48, it was Chloe telling Max not to try and climb a tree to get a better angle of a squirrel.
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carriessotos · 3 months
hazel — Give me a character and I'll give you 10+ headcannons
give me a character and i'll give you 10+ headcannons: hazel morrow.
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a pessoa que mais admirou em sua vida foi sua tia-avó materna, anne mulligan, que praticamente criou sua mãe após o falecimento de seus pais, quando tinha doze anos, e de quem hazel era próxima desde a infância; sempre tiveram muito em comum em questão de gostos e opiniões sobre o mundo, e se espelhava muito nela. continuavam se falando sempre ainda que hazel estivesse em outro estado para a faculdade, e o seu falecimento aos oitenta e três anos deixou hazel arrasada. o retorno para sua cidade natal de forma definitiva veio ao descobrir que a tia-avó deixou a casa em que vivia para ela, decidindo então por concluir o último ano de sua residência no hospital da cidade.
embora soubesse que gostaria de estudar algo na área da saúde ou de ciências, estava muito perdida sobre o curso que iria seguir no ensino superior; passou de psicologia a engenharia química e biomedicina, antes de enfim descobrir que a sua vocação estava na medicina. uma grande influência para a sua decisão veio de sua tia avó e de sua melhor amiga, que trabalhava na área, e acabou se decidindo. porém, demorou bastante durante a universidade para descobrir a área em que gostaria de se especializar, quase tendo ido para pediatria ou cirurgia geral. antes de optar pela ginecologia e obstetrícia.
é uma pessoa bastante insegura, embora esteja tentando trabalhar com isso nos últimos anos e se abrir mais para experiências novas, se compara muito com sua irmã mais velha desde que era criança. jenny sempre foi muito expansiva e cheia de amigos, se destacava nas atividades esportivas da escola - estava no time de futebol feminino, e até conseguiu uma bolsa para berkeley assim -, e era muito mais envolvida com os conhecidos em bend. mesmo que por muitas vezes sem maldade, os comentários que as comparavam não eram poucos, e hazel cansava de ser sempre conhecida como a irmã de alguém, não a sua própria pessoa.
no segundo ano do ensino médio, resolveu que não queria sempre depender de seus pais para conseguir ter algum dinheiro - ainda que a sua família tivesse boas condições - e começou a trabalhar como babá para alguns conhecidos do bairro. nas férias de verão entre o terceiro e o quarto ano do ensino médio, também trabalhou na sorveteria elly's.
só teve três relacionamentos sérios na vida: dois quando estava na universidade de chicago e um com um colega do hospital de seattle. o mais longo foi com kevin monroe, formado em engenharia robótica também da uchicago, com quem ela ficou por três anos e sete meses, até terminarem porque queriam coisas muito diferentes, e não entravam em sintonia desde bons meses antes do término. ficou muito magoada na época, e demorou para começar a sair com outras pessoas. só se interessou por alguém de forma séria de novo quando já estava em seattle para a residência, tendo namorado chris benowitz, um residente de cirurgia ortopédica, por cerca de nove meses.
tem uma pequena tradição com o pai: todo início de mês, trocam um livro - ou, no caso de quando morava fora para a faculdade, trocavam recomendações. um dá o livro para o outro, e tem o resto do mês para ler e devolver. embora não esteja com tempo para ler sempre, é uma leitora ávida, e o combinado entre os dois sempre a fez se sentir próxima do pai apesar de tudo. então, faz um esforço para terminar o livro e, nessa brincadeira, já descobriu vários livros dos quais gostou muito, como deuses americanos e flores para algernon. por sua vez, os seus livros favoritos no geral são: a amiga genial, circe e pessoas normais.
gosta muito de musicais, e já assistiu várias vezes ao vivo em teatros em chicago, seattle e uma ou outra ida para a broadway. seu favorito é waitress, mas também ama wicked, rent e hadestown, e sempre escuta as suas músicas. entre os filmes, alguns de seus favoritos são: moulin rouge, mamma mia, chicago, dreamgirls, the rocky horror picture show e nasce uma estrela. mas, o seu filme favorito da vida é thelma e louise.
quando não está com o cabelo solto, hazel geralmente usa algum tipo de trança. não é sempre que tem tempo ou vontade de investir em algo mais elaborado do que uma trança comum, mas gosta muito de usar as holandesas quando tem a força de vontade para arrumar o cabelo assim.
desde a adolescência, tem o costume de marcar os livros que lê com marcadores coloridos de página - dependendo da leitura, ainda categoriza em cores quais são os temas que vai encontrar em cada parte - e de sublinhar as suas frases favoritas com lápis ou caneta. de vez em quando, também faz anotações curtas nas obras - então, pegar um livro emprestado com ela é sempre uma experiência.
nunca foi uma pessoa muito de esportes. a sua família inteira torce para os são francisco 49ers, por exemplo, e até assistiu vários jogos quando se reuniam em um final de semana ou outro, só nunca se empenhou tanto como torcedora. no entanto, sempre assiste as olimpíadas de inverno e é apaixonada por assistir às apresentações de patinação no gelo, além de adorar assistir todas as provas da modalidade de ginástica na olimpíada normal. várias de usas memórias favoritas de bend ocorreram enquanto patinava com as amigas no rinque de patinação da cidade, e volta e meia ainda vai lá.
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iluvbillkaulitzz · 3 months
☆About me☆
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-my name is sienna-
-I’m not comfortable specifying my age
-I’m Australian
-I love music (rock, pop punk, rap) i love t.h (I’m a bill girl but I love them all)
-my favourite bands are (Tokio hotel, nirvana, deftones, pixies, the cure.
-my favourite shows are, Gilmore girls, modern family, Anne with an e, the walking dead -I’m learning German
-things I WILL write for:
-things I WONT write for:
-smut (atm) -twinsect
-male readers (sorry) -abuse
-any weird kinks (piss kinks and stuff like that)
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dating bill headcannons
cheating ‘n fighting
kisses ‘n movies
Dating Tom headcannons
nothing here yet
Dating georg headcannons
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Creepypasta Christmas headcannons
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Not every pasta celebrate Christmas in the manor, they're too depressed to feel any spark of happiness.
But just because it brings happy memories to then, and some other would celebrate that, the depressed ones end up going with the flow.
Sally love Christmas, she always write letters to Santa and waits for her gifts every year religiously.
Once when she were writing a letter she ended up writing Satan instead of Santa.
Toby likes making snowmen, but one day he was too bored and with an idea in his head that he thought it would be hilarious. Bro made a 4'9 (1,50cm) snow dick in the front yard and just left. To this day, no one knows who did it but it called the whole manor's attention.
Jane makes ginger cookies every Christmas, she uses molds to make the cookies in various shapes and decorates them. They always look cute.
Because everyone is an asshole, no one gives anyone gifts for Christmas. Only those who have very strong ties but it is rare to happen.
They decorate the manor with normal christmas decorations but sometimes they like to inclement it with human bones.
It's the only time of the year that they will be less jerks to others. (Yeah the Christmas spirit still lives on them)
Even Dina e Ann tolerate each other more. One day they even said merry Christmas to each other.
The cannibals prefers to eat roasted human instead of turkey, they do the same thing we do with the birds, behead and dismember it then roast.
Some pastas are childish enough to throw snowballs at each other for fun, and even make snow angels sometimes. It's common to find them playing like kids in the front yard, the same with the proxies.
They have snowball wars also, and it started when toby decided to throw a snowball at Kate.
The Christmas is the only time of the year when EJ is more social and open to people.
Even clockwork and Jeff are nicer to everyone.
That's the happiest time of the year for all of them, except LJ. It brings him some bad memories, but just because everyone is so excited he goes with the flow and forget them.
One year Jeff was so drunk that he were "rubbing" against the Christmas tree and the others were looking, they thought is was funny and recorded him.
It's the only dinner in the year were they act like civilized human beings.
When the Christmas feeling passes they go back to normal.
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daisyjoners · 11 months
hc + robert
give me a character and i’ll give you 10+ headcannons: robert driscoll.
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não tinha o hábito da leitura durante a infância ou a adolescência, e vivia bem mais com o costume de ler apenas textos acadêmicos e livros de listas obrigatórias nas aulas de literatura - odeia o apanhador no campo de centeio até hoje. porém, por causa da josie, acabou entrando bem mais de cabeça nisso tudo porque queria se conectar mais com algo que ela gostava tanto, e também chamar a atenção dela - tanto que leu o livro favorito dela depois de alguns encontros apenas.
com o tempo, descobriu que gosta muito de distopias e suspense, e estão entre a sua lista de favoritos laranja mecânica, novembro de 63, flores para algernon e o colecionador. além, é claro, dos livros de josie mont, sendo a história secreta o seu favorito da ex-esposa. mesmo após o divórcio, mantém os livros - autografados, é claro - em sua estante, porque, apesar de todas as lembranças, nunca conseguiria não ter eles consigo; sempre teve muito orgulho da carreira de josie, e insistia que ela contasse spoilers quando estava lendo seus livros - mesmo quando não tinha resultado em seus pedidos.
gosta muito de assistir futebol e beisebol, sendo torcedor dos san francisco 49rs desde que se conhece por gente. vai assistir jogos ao vivo quando tem algum tempo livre, e, como a cecilia e o elias já tão mais grandinhos, às vezes leva eles. quando ele e a josie começaram a namorar, as chances são de 98% de que o robert quis mostrar pra ela como funcionavam as regras caso ela não soubesse, pra não ficar chato de ele ficar vendo/falando sobre algo e ela acabar perdida.
ainda nos esportes, ele era do time de futebol na escola, como wide reciver. mas, apesar de gostar muito do esporte, nunca considerou tentar uma bolsa com isso porque sabia que, primeiramente, nunca iria ter tempo o suficiente pra estar em um time e na rotina de estudos de pré-medicina e, segundamente, estava certo que não era realmente bom o suficiente pra jogar no time universitário.
decidiu que queria ser médico quando ainda estava no ensino fundamental, mais por influência de seu avô materno que por qualquer outra coisa - além, é claro, de gostar muito das aulas de biologia durante a escola. ele era cirurgião de trauma, e robert ficava fascinado ouvindo as suas histórias desde que era pequeno.
quando chegou a hora de ir para a universidade, conseguiu entrar em duke para a parte de pré-medicina, se transferiu para columbia para o curso em si e, para a residência, embora o seu sonho inicial mesmo fosse o john hopkins, acabou fazendo em ann arbor, através da universidade de michigan - ainda um dos melhores programas de residência do país, o que o deixava satisfeito. embora planejasse inicialmente trabalhar com cirurgia plástica ou neurocirurgia, se especializou em ortopedia ao perceber que era o que realmente gostava.
seguindo o assunto família: robert é o único homem de cinco filhos. sua irmã mais velha, vanessa, nasceu dois anos antes dele, enquanto as mais novas vieram nesta respectiva ordem: claire, um ano mais nova, marianne, quatro anos mais nova, e a caçula, kathryn, seis anos mais nova. enquanto robert, marianne e kathryn estão atuando na área de saúde - marianne como dermatologista, e kathryn terminando a sua residência em neurocirurgia -, vanessa trabalha com comércio exterior, e claire é engenheira da automação. somente robert e claire tem filhos - esta com uma menina de dois anos, cassie -, e marianne está noiva de um outro cirurgião de sua residência.
uma coisa sobre o robert, é que ele não vive sem café. tentou várias alternativas nos últimos anos, mas desistiu, porque realmente é o que mais ajuda ele. desde que estudava para as provas da universidade, até os anos em que precisava sair para a residência praticamente virado da noite anterior, e para sobreviver inteiro em seus plantões, sempre contou com uma boa dose de cafeína para mantê-lo acordado. também desenvolveu a habilidade de conseguir dormir em qualquer lugar, depois de tantos anos improvisando em plantões para um cochilo de dez minutos.
robert é extremamente competitivo. as noites de jogo com os amigos são coisas que amam, mas qualquer um que o conheça sabe que facilmente pode acabar se esquentando por uma mísera partida de war ou o jogo da vida - especialmente no war, que é onde robert realmente se empolga além da conta.
em algum momento de seus vinte e poucos anos, pegou o gosto pela cozinha e, atualmente, até tenta fazer alguns pratos mais elaborados para os filhos quando tem um tempo livre. decorou o prato favorito dos três - apesar das chances deles mudarem de opinião em questão de semanas, precisando estar bem atualizado sempre - e, sempre que as crianças ficam na casa dele, tenta fazer algo que eles gostam, assim como no aniversário. gostava de cozinhar os pratos favoritos da josie também e, várias vezes, usou as coisas que ela gostava como experimentos culinários pra tentar fazer algo legal.
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seeker-of-stories19 · 2 years
Newsies Headcannons (modern day)
Is an art major, obviously
Bisexual 💗💜💙
He/him pronouns
Always has paint on his hands
Uses sign all the time to talk to Davey and Albert
Has entire sketchbooks full of drawings and paintings of Davey
Their friends tease him about being an obsessive stalker but Davey thinks it’s sweet
The only think Jack can cook is grilled cheese (and it took him three months to learn)
Sometimes he still burns one side and when that happens he wraps it up in tinfoil and makes another one because he knows Davey can’t stand when it’s burnt and is way too considerate to say anything.
Gives Spot the half burned sandwiches for Race and Albert when they forget to eat.
He definitely has anxiety
And minor PTSD from his early childhood
Mostly having nightmares/flashbacks about things he saw happen to Race or Crutchie.
Even though Race and Charlie are grown up he’s the most overprotective brother ever
Sprained his wrist once
He still complains about it hurting when it rains.
Majoring in English lit
Gay 🏳️‍🌈
He/him pronouns
Is the only person to still read the newspaper
Uses sign when he’s having a hard time vocalizing
Asks Jack about everything, literally
Doesn’t watch much TV by himself so he kinda just watches whatever his friends want
He pretty much only wants to eat grilled cheese
Davey definitely has social anxiety because of his autism
But he’s usually all right because Jack makes sure to ask for the itinerary, bring earplugs/sunglasses, and drive him separately so they can go home of it gets overwhelming.
Hates having meltdowns in front of anyone other than Jack, even though their friends are supportive
Had never broken a bone, probably the only one in their friends group
Trying to decide between Ecology and Photojournalism
Pansexual 💗💛💙
He/they pronouns
Absolutely loves Anne with an E
They love to dress up soooo much
Is one of the most responsible people in the group but will spend all his savings on costumes.
He goes all out for pride, he will have glitter on him for weeks afterward
Sleeps on Jack and Davey’s couch when he’s at their apartment late because Jack will not let him walk home alone.
Even though they’re all adults now
“You’re still my little brother”
Wears yellow converse for almost every occasion
Has a ridiculous amount of pins on their backpack, funny ones, quotes, environmental causes, charities, art, pretty much anything he can find.
He occasionally has nightmares from certain foster homes but only like once or twice every few months.
But when he has them it’s bad, Jack usually has to drive to his dorm in the middle of the night when it happens.
Broke his leg in like four places when their Foster father (before Medda) pushed him off a two story staircase.
Still finds ways to stay positive.
Has no idea what he’s going to major in but probably something like Math or Physics
Transgender 🏳️‍⚧️
Bisexual 💗💜💙
He/him pronouns
Is insanely good at math
Definitely has ADHD
Chews on everything his pens his shirt etc. it drives Spot crazy
He once chewed a hole threw the neck of Spots favorite red tank top
Clicks his pen constantly which also drives Spot crazy
Loses all his stim toys
Is actually fluent in ASL but has a really hard time signing slowly
Or he gets so excited he starts flapping his hands around for emphasis instead of signing
Is forgetful about everything
Hardcore Stranger Things fan
Can go from talking rapidly to sound asleep in three seconds
Will be taking Spots ear off about the most random stuff and then just fall asleep in the middle of a sentence.
Is the only person who can get away with calling Spot anything other than his chosen name (Sean, Seanie, Spotty, etc.)
Jack tried it once and Spot punched his shoulder so hard it was bruised for a week.
Race has PTSD from his childhood as well, before Medda took him in and he met Jack and Crutchie.
He’s usually okay as long as he can avoid his triggers but he’s insanely claustrophobic and will cry at loud noises.
He also has bad nightmares but Spot can usually call him down
He’s a fairly upbeat person in general but he definitely gets depressed sometimes.
Definitely has Anxiety
He always wears crop tops when he dances
He kind of wants to major in dance but he’s afraid to commit in case he can’t make the money he needs.
Even though Spot is like “married couples get joint checking accounts all the time Racer”
Race thinks he’s joking (he is not joking)
And sometimes he really struggles with his body, he doesn’t want to commit to wearing sports bras in tight costumes.
Eventually Race gets his top surgery
Medda has been secretly saving a certain percent of money from each of her shows since she adopted Race when he was thirteen because she knew he’d need it someday
It takes years but she surprises him after his first year of college and he gets the surgery at the beginning of the summer
After that he decides to major in dance (at Spot and Albert’s encouragement)
He starts wearing crop tops and going around the kitchen shirtless and it drives Spot crazy
Law (because he likes to argue way too much)
Gay 🏳️‍🌈
Demiromantic 💚
He/him pronouns
Half of his life is dedicated to reminding Race to do things, tie his shoes, shower, sleep, take off his binder etc.
Complains about it constantly but honestly doesn’t mind looking out for Race
Game of Thrones, Hannibal, American Horror Story etc. but secretly loves period dramas like Anne with an E and Bridgerton.
Spot will fight anyone who is rude to his friends, someone misgendered Race once and lets just say it didn’t end well.
“Hey El now you can practice giving someone stitches!”
He does NOT lose arguments ever.
He has PTSD from when he was a kid
When he gets triggered he pretty much won’t move or talk
But after a few months of dating Race he agreed to see Race’s therapist and it’s been helping him a lot
When it does still happen Race always holds him until he comes out of it.
He definitely has a lot of scars he doesn’t like to talk about
Race always respects this but he also kisses Spots scars when he’s shirtless around the apartment
Probably like creative writing or engineering (IDK)
Gay 🏳️‍🌈
Asexual 💜
Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Obsessed with Marvel
Also watches Friends Constantly
He loves to wear pride shirts to piss people off and if anyone says anything to them he’s just like “I’m deaf so I don’t know what you’re saying…”
He totally does know what they’re saying because he’s insanely good at lip reading but he plays dumb to piss them off and because Race thinks it’s hilarious.
He only wears painted boots
He has a collection, mostly he buys boots and then cons Jack into painting them whenever he loses a bet.
He definitely takes sign as his language requirement
Race takes Italian, Spot takes Spanish, everyone else takes sign and aces it
Except Jack because he’s so distracted by Davey’s excitement at being able to sign in class that he literally forgets to watch the teacher
Albert definitely has some tattoo that Race convinced him to get when they were like fifteen, something really random like a flower and he had no idea why he chose it.
Medical School
Pansexual 💗💛💙
He/him pronouns
Definitely learned sign so he could talk with Albert and Davey easier
Because he’s sweet like that
He loves Star Wars, it’s pretty much the only thing he’s defensive over and he gets in arguments with Albert about Star Wars vs. Marvel all the time
He carries enough granola bars and beef jerky for a small army because his friends are all either a.) hungry or b.) forget to eat
Everyone comes to him when they’re hurt
Albert and Spot have both come to him needing stitches and he’s like, “I’m a first year nursing student, go to the hospital!”
He always tries to help them anyway
Carries so much first aid stuff in his backpack
Wanted to become a nurse because his mom had cancer when he was a kid and her nurse was always super nice to him when he visited.
Journalism Major
Bisexual 💗💜💙
She/her pronouns
She doesn’t dislike Race or Albert but they both drive her crazy
She gets into such long debates with Davey and Spot, the three of them could go around in circles for hours even when they have the same opinion.
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egregiousmelange · 2 years
Honestly surprised the queer community hasn't brought up more about Anne and Diana:
"Diana and I are thinking seriously of promising each other that we will never marry but be nice old maids and live together for ever."
(Pg. 239; The Queen's Class is Organized; Anne of Green Gables)
For a book written in 1908, two "Bosom Friends" (refer to each other as this in the book multiple times) who promise to never marry and live together for the rest of their lives is like as gay as gay could be, and this was said right after Anne was saying how much she hates how Ruby is constantly talking about boys all the time and then this was followed by saying that Diana is having second thoughts because she believes it would be "nobler" to "reform" a wild man for a husband, a.k.a. the only reason she isn't doing it is because society finds it better she marry a man to fix him than marry her best friend because at the time it was a woman's job to fix a man.
Time for AWaE comparison and rant (lots of salt) so if you don't wanna read this long rant, now's the time to move on to a new post
Anne with An E wanted to touch on a lot of modern day issues but they had a queer relationship right there and instead they decided stubborn Anne won't spend a long time hating Gilbert and Diana is gonna get in some weird relationship with Jerry the hated help that doesn't even play a role in the book, like as much as I enjoyed the TV show as a stand alone, when tied with the books, I was kinda expecting... More. Or at least different things when they said queer relationships and feminism. I thought they would mean more important characters rather than Aunt Josephine who they saw once or twice (and who I'm still angry about because I headcannoned as Aroace and now if I try to do that, people say I'm homophobic because the TV show made her a lesbian when in the book she was so clearly aroace) and Cole the made-up character they abandon at Aunt Josephine's place so they didn't have to deal with continuing his gay arc they formed. Like I get why they wanted to make Gilbert and Anne endgame, as many people grew to love that ship over the books, but I definitely woulda enjoyed to see a poly Anne Diana and Gilbert, with Diana and Gilbert talking about how much they both love their neurodivergent girlfriend Anne (she clearly has ADHD and we love her for it) and they all live happily ever after in a poly relationship envied by all, and definitely not turning into a Cordelia Geraldine and Bertram situation (Although that woulda been a tragical romance if Anne turned out like Bertram, Diana turning into Geraldine and Gilbert turning into the jealous Cordelia [if confused, see chapter 26: The Story Club is Formed). Poly Anne Diana Gilbert woulda been a much more interesting dynamic than the Shirbert and Derry relationships we saw in AWaE (I mean enemies to lovers AND friends to lovers, like how could you not want both in the same relationship). Like AWaE prided (no pun intended) itself on having queer relationships. I get why Montgomery, a woman living in the 1900s before women even had the right to vote and people would kill homosexuals purely for their sexuality, would abandon the concept of a main gay couple, but the TV show very well could have done something more with this and it just makes me upset that with all of this right here, they are still getting brownie points for queer rep when they literally made up a side character they said moved in with Aunt Josephine so they never had to deal with his gayness again (ALSO REALLY SALTY THEY TOOK MY AROACE REP CAUSE AUNT JOESPHINE WAS SO AROACE AND TO TAKE THAT AWAY SO YOU DONT HAVE TO MAKE MAIN CHARACTERS GAY WAS REALLY MEAN) and idk disagree with me if you want, but I was just kinda hoping for more from them than what we got, the TV show just felt very heteronormative, monogamous, and amatonormative (not just Josephine, they shoved Mariella and Matthew into romances as well) for a show that was getting so much praise for queer relationships and rep, even the book written in 1908 showed less of these things than the show (except the book was still pretty monogamous). Well anyways, I've rambled enough, so I guess that's it for my controversial queer take for the end of June, LGBT+ month is almost over and I'm sad to see it go.
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a-aexotic · 3 years
Hey do you think you could do some soft headcanons for Gilbert Blythe (Idk if I spelled his last name right) like you did for Stan
warnings: none (i don't think so? please tell me if there are any!)
okay so we all know gilbert is the softest man to ever exist
he's so sweet and nice?? and hardworking?? also he is a feminist?? like what more could someone ask for??
he's perfect, that's what i'm trying to say
anyway, this man loves touching + physical affection
so cuddling with him is superior 😩
usually when you guys are cuddling, you're laying in chest and he's behind you
he likes playing with your hair ( if you're okay with it )
gilbert is usually protective over you but not in an overbearing way
if he sees someone talking about you, he will punch them like he punched billy for anne <3
you guys go on dates pretty often
usually, it's in fields or some coffee shop downtown
anyway, gilbert would love his s/o and he's the cutest baby ever <3
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luvrblythe · 2 years
i cannot stop thinking about gilbert blythe and pet names
— darling, sweetheart, dear, etc..
— if he’s feeling goofy and wants to tease you he’d use sugarplum, honeybun, etc..
— and when he adds "my" before using the pet name UGHHHH
— "how’s my darling doing today?"
— also when he calls you "his girl"
— "my y/n"
— i’m going feral
— poor sebastian would have to listen to him ramble about his beloved
— he loves it and hates it at the same time
— #bestboybash
— i’m running out of ideas but i desperately want to make a fluffy blurb about this
— first headcannon list thingy!! idk how i did but i definitely had fun😭 —
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infinite-beginnings · 4 years
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I choose to believe the nervous way Gilbert was wringing his hands together was because he was subconsciously wondering what it would be like if Anne were to hold his hand.
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jinxed-fates · 5 years
matthew cuthbert is autistic because i said so
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overthinking-snail · 2 years
Miss stacey was in a qpr with Jonah.
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marcy for the ask game!
:O Aahh thx Aster!
Favorite thing about them:
Least favorite thing about them:
The amount of suffering she has to go through. If this child doesn’t get a happy ending, I will ✨ r i o t ✨.
Favorite line:
A tie between “of corpse not, Hop Pop!” and her scold-y “Joe Sparrow!” (We’ve gotta see Marcy be snarky or scold people more often). Also, that little hum she does when she goes into the First Temple- just- Haley… you can’t be mELTING MY HEART LIKE THIS- 🥺💝💖
A tie between Marcy’s friendship with Maddie and her friendship with Hop Pop. Just- hhhHHHHH- I love the episode dedicated to the former two, but also… her saying that farmers don’t get enough credit for the work they do and him briefly imitating a dying fish out of sheer overwhelming gratitude… and then they bond over being excited about the seed store… 🥺
I’m not, like, a big shipper, and I don’t usually do OTPs *coughs in aro* but if I had to choose, I’d just go Sashannarcy.
I guess… anyone who’s not Anne or Sasha?
Random Headcannon:
She h a t e s crowds because the multiple chattering voices remind her of the multiple voices she kept hearing in the hivemind of the Core, and will often get panic attacks when she encounters them.
Unpopular Opinion:
I don’t think I have any in regards to her. 😬
Song I associate with them:
Patience by Kinneret, as well as Tangerine and The Other Side Of Paradise by Glass Animals.
Favorite picture of them:
It’s a tie between these three:
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Can I get some info/headcannon/pics of Theo nott because I’m really confused why everyone is simping and I want him to be in my dr because he seems great but I don’t know him. I saw a tiktok that says he would look like Gilbert from Anne with an E but I also keep seeing a picture of a certain model but I don’t know who
I’ve always seen him more as like a ‘soft boy’ with like brown hair and just looking kinda sweet but I am open to hearing what other people think because I’m only like 90% convinced.
I’ve always seen him to look like Daniel Sharman, but it’s the same kinda thing where it makes sense to me but it just isn’t the perfect match if that makes sense?
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I can also see him with darker hair though, the first person to come to mind is Louis partridge but I’m also not 100% convinced either
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I feel like I also like the ambiguity of Theo because that just means there are so many options and just so many scenarios to use him for. Personally I envision him as the Draco everyone wishes Draco would be, but I’m not 100% convinced on that either 🤷🏽‍♀️
Theo is just the man of our dreams because he could literally be anything you want
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