#and yeah i love arthur but my love is contingent on the fact that i've erased the last two episodes from my memory
panharmonium · 3 years
I love your thoughts about bbc merlin, especially about will. He was absolutely right. However it does make me dislike arthur more lol. Ccomparing how arthur and will treat merlin really drives home how arthur never really proved himself.
Aw, thank you!  Like I always say, I absolutely don’t dislike Arthur (I criticize him plenty, yeah, but I still love him), but Will is always going to be my most special niche fave.  
(Honestly, “Wil Was Right” should be a bumper sticker on my non-existent car, at this point...that’s the hill I’ve chosen to die on, for sure) XD
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formerprincewille · 4 years
Your posts about Arthur's season are so on point! It's either something I've been thinking or sth that makes so much sense that I can help but agree with. And yeah, when Arthur said to Alexia that he's bumped the boys couldn't come I felt bad for my sunshine girl 😔
Thank you so much!!! I am a very opinionated person, but I don’t want anyone to ever think that I am like anti-Arthur and Alexia. I don’t hate them or even dislike them, i’ve just never been able to be very connected to them and I have tried to outline reasons why I have issues with their relationship in the way that it is presented. I love both of them individually, and I actually think that they have a lot of potential together, but the show isn’t doing any work to actually make the audience really care. I think the only reason anyone does care is because these are characters that have been around since s1 so the audience is already invested in them as separate characters and therefore people inherently want to root for them together. But I try to delve in a little bit more and observe the relationship itself as it is and see if it’s something that I actually think is worth rooting for and worth fighting for and right now I don’t really feel that. Often people say that you should marry your best friend. And that’s a valid thought. But there are also relationships that simply work better as a friendship and not a romance.
And yes, I agree about tonight. People are so busy awwing over the two of them being cute and sharing a kiss that no one even talks about the fact that this is the first time they’ve actually spent time alone in 3 and a half weeks. We have seen them growing apart. We have seen Arthur ignore multiple texts. And even when we haven’t seen it, it’s been mentioned (like this past Monday when Alexia told the boys that Arthur didn’t answer her texts all weekend). They haven’t been hanging out together alone, only in group settings like the soccer game or the laser tag. They haven’t been having sex. And now Arthur finally spends time with her just the two of them and it’s still a situation where she was a contingency plan after the guys said they couldn’t hang.  not only that, but he doesn’t even seem like he’s having that great of a time. He seems like he’s OK. But compare it to how he looked Wednesday night. And I am not even talking about Noée here I just mean the situation- doing something he’s never done before, not knowing if he would even like it, but he was so happy, and smiling ear to ear, and had such a wonderful time. Whereas tonight, even prior to catching the guys, it didn’t seem like this was going to be the same sort of situation. It seemed like he was going to have a fine time but nothing that made him look so blissful like we saw a couple of days ago.
And on Alexia’s end, it makes me sad for her because since the show is from Arthur‘s point of view, she’s had so much of her personality taken and has been shoved into this role of “loyal and supportive girlfriend” who seems to have no real opinions about how often her boyfriend ignores her and doesn’t seem to have any sort of real problems with it. We saw her address it once, at the end of episode three, but it has happened several times since then and she still just seems like she’s waiting around to accept whatever bits of himself Arthur gives to her and it just makes me depressed.
Sigh now I’ve upset myself again!
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