#and writing soooo many posts about it
taegularities · 3 months
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deadlysoupy · 11 months
the feminine urge to tear out bumblebee's voice box in every continuity
why?? couldn't tell you. prime did it, cyberverse did it, bayverse did it, bumblebee movie did it. it seems like such a sweet spot to inflict angst it's amazing
it's not just a bad thing that can happen to anyone - it's a thing that is specifically made for a specific character archetype. think of transformers animated. a chatter box? boom - no voice now. it works especially well with this iteration and i've read a couple of fics about this it's sooo tasty. while not every bee is like tfa bee, they all value words and use them to encourage allies, give hope, redeem villains even. which is why this narrative is so effective
tldr here's how earthspark can still win (im joking tfe bee deserves good things to happen to him but that's another topic entirely)
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marciaillust · 1 year
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so like uh. uhh. superhero/journalist au revamped
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amethysttribble · 11 months
I have a thought rolling around in my head about how fandom has a very rigid, very bland, very one-dimensional idea of what a ‘good’ parent looks like, and how this vision is entirely fantasy and wish-fulfillment
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solcorvidae · 2 months
Lambert "Bellsy" Bellegarde, #27, an absolute menace on the ice.
Fic pending. It will take place after I finish Hypothermic and be set immediately after the final chapter is uploaded... whenever that ends up happening. We still have a ways to go.
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jessicas-pi · 9 months
I conducted a vote on which fic snippet to share, and you chose the shipfic I'm writing out of spite!
(Sooo, just for a little context: this is from a short fic set in the same setting as my main Medieval AU, but not in the same universe/continuity as my main Medieval AU. Kinda like what SW Legends is to canon, yknow?)
Ahsoka’s flailing arm nearly hit Rex in the face, but he dodged, and caught her around the middle, stopping her tipsy swaying. “Yes, Your Highness, we know.”
She threw an arm around his neck and squished her cheek against his pauldron. “I’m prettyyyyy.”
“If you insist, Princess.”
“Do you think I’m pretty?”
She swerved wildly, and he redirected her. “It would be unseemly for me to answer that, Princess.”
“Seemly. Seeeeeemly. Stupid Seemley Ress,” she said, slurring his name, then trying to correct herself. “Stupid Seemly Ress. Resss. Ressss! My tongue’sss not workin’, Ress!”
“So I hear.”
“I’m pretty. And I’m strong.”
“As everyone knows.”
“And I’m tall!”
“And I’m orange!”
“AND I’m… I’mma walk on my own now!”
She shoved him away and took two wobbly steps forward before he had to catch her again.
“I can do it!” she whined. “I’m a lady. I’m twen’ny yearssss ol’. I can walk!”
She very clearly could not, so with a sigh, Rex bent over and lifted her completely, carrying her down the hallway. “All due respect, ladies do not get sloshed at formal dinners.”
“Isss no’ my fault,” she muttered. “Issstupid Korkie’s fault.”
“Right,” Rex said, ignoring her and the looks he was getting. Mostly sympathetic ones; everyone knew the Princess was trouble and was used to her getting into worse predicaments than this.
“Korkie says you liiiiike me,” she continued, singsongy. “He says you’re—you’re not sssaying an’thin ‘bout it cause of, uh. Uhhhhh. Clones! People don’t like you. Stupid people don’t. Good people do. Korkie says I like you.”
“That would be surprising, considering the amount of complaining you do whenever I’m around,” Rex deadpanned.
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coquelicoq · 10 months
this post is brought to you by: la lettre c!
[previously: la lettre b]
i recently spent nearly a month reading the C section of this french dictionary. and by gum now you are going to hear about it!!
percentage of dico taken up by C words: 10.6% (yeah you heard me. a tenth of this dictionary is just for the letter C. you've been warned)
percentage of dico read (as of the end of the C section): 23.5%
rate and duration: 3 pages/day for 27 days
total entries: 3449
rows added to my vocabulary spreadsheet: 708 😅
fun facts
more pages in this dico are devoted to words starting with C than with any other letter! which if you think about it makes sense. not only can a word-initial c be followed by any vowel, it can be followed by h, l, and r, plus the prefix con/com- is EXTREMELY generative…19 of the 81 pages are dedicated just to words that start with con or com (over a page of which are actually words that start with contre). i love that you get nearly 1/4 of the way through this dictionary before you even get to the 4th letter of the 26-letter alphabet.
as mentioned in the B post, there sure are a lot of slang words meaning "head" that start with c. you've got your caboche (hobnail). you've got your cafetière (coffeemaker). you've got your carafe (carafe) or your carafon (small carafe). you've got your chou (cabbage). you've got your ciboulot (diminutive of ciboule, which means head). you've got your citron (lemon). shockingly coco (coconut) is not slang for noggin to my knowledge…but it's not like there's a one-to-one mapping between "round things" and "things that are slang for noggin", or we wouldn't be in this situation with carafe, now would we?
speaking of noggins, there are also a lot of idioms meaning "to wrack one's brain" that were in the C section, either because the "wrack" word starts with a c or because the "brain" word does: se casser la tête (casser: break), se creuser le ciboulot/la cervelle/la tête/les méninges (creuser: dig).
page hogs
(entries taking up 1/6 of a page or more)
i knew coup would be big, and i wasn't surprised by corps or cours, but damn there are a lot more chien idioms than i was expecting!
🤯 momence
i looked up the etymology of un casanier/une casanière (homebody) expecting it to be pretty straightforward given the spanish casa meaning house, but it actually came from an italian word meaning "moneylender"??? which was then influenced by the word that means house, but still. not sure i buy the logical leap made in the CNRTL entry for casanier that the "homebody" sense "s'explique prob[ablement] par le fait que les prêteurs italiens installés en France semblaient tenus à résider en un lieu précis, évolution favorisée par l'infl[uence] de case* « maison », fréquent au XVIe s". yeah but were italian moneylenders unique in liking to stay in one spot? i kinda doubt it…
chevronné(e): experienced, seasoned, highly qualified. one of my favorite things about this project is how much i am learning about etymology just because words from the same root whose meanings have since diverged still often occur near each other in the dictionary. chevronné comes right after chevron, which is a pattern in the shape of a V (or upside-down V). on a military uniform, chevrons indicate an officer's rank. so someone who is chevronné is someone who wears a lot of chevrons because they have a high rank, which generally indicates a lot of experience.
and if you're wondering why chevron means an inverted V shape, another meaning of chevron is "rafter", as in, the beams in a roof that slope to either side…forming an inverted V shape. and why is that beam called a chevron? well, we're getting into speculation now*, but chevron comes a few entries after chèvre, goat. according to this dictionary, chèvre is also another word for chevalet, which means "sawhorse" and comes from the word cheval (horse). now, chèvre and cheval, though they look similar in french, come from completely different latin roots. but goats and horses are both four-legged animals, and a sawhorse is, of course, a support structure made of two upside-down Vs that look like the two pairs of legs of a four-legged animal. so i'm not sure of the exact chain of causality here, but it does seem plausible that the inverted V came to be called a chevron because of its resemblance to a pair of legs? of some animal or another??
*(the CNRTL etymology entry for chevron claims that it comes from a latin word that meant both goat and chevron, capreolus, but i haven't been able to confirm for myself that capreolus meant chevron so am not taking that as gospel.)
couché(e) en chien de fusil: lying curled up in a ball/in the fetal position. the fun thing about this one is that there's this passage in les mis where gavroche notices that the pistol he's stolen from a shop window "n'avait pas de chien." this confused the hell out of me when i read it. the pistol didn't have a dog? why the fuck would the pistol have a dog??? eventually i managed to wrap my head around the idea that chien might mean something other than "dog" in the context of a pistol, and once my mind was opened to that revolutionary possibility it didn't take long to discover that the hammer of a gun is called a chien. so when i got to this entry in the dictionary, i was like yeah, yeah, le chien de fusil, we've all seen it. the problem is i still don't really get how that translates to the fetal position. they just don't seem that similar to me? so this one is a work in progress.
être à la colle: live together, be shacked up. (colle means glue.) i also like vivre en concubinage, which means the same thing. you can imagine my surprise when i got to concubinage and finally learned it does not mean "the state of having concubines" as i had been assuming. i would see it in like news articles about modern french people and be like "that doesn't seem right, but i don't know enough about french culture to dispute it."
somewhat relatedly, i don't think i had ever come across et consorts ("and company") in the wild before reaching its entry in the dictionary, which is good because i'm sure i would have grossly misinterpreted it as well. on balance i think english getting so much vocab from french does make learning french vocab much easier than it would be otherwise, but there are times when it would really help to be bringing to the table fewer preconceived notions about the meaning of words lol.
let's talk about compris(e). so service (non) compris (service (not) included (in the price of something)) is one of the phrases i learned back when i was a kid who didn't know any french, because i was going to france and it was in some guidebook or other. then y compris (including) caught my eye very early on in my french education because i didn't know what the y was doing in there and i probably latched onto it because it looked like spanish. (the french word y has a completely different meaning than the spanish word y, but i didn't know that at the time because i hadn't learned about adverbial pronouns yet, and learning "y compris" didn't help me figure it out because it seemed to make total sense for a phrase which means "including" to contain a word meaning "and". but i digress.) and of course i learned the verb comprendre (understand) in year 1 of french. but it was not until now, TWENTY YEARS LATER, that i put together that the compris in service compris and y compris is...THE PAST PARTICIPLE OF COMPRENDRE! HELLO!!! like i knew that compris is the pp of comprendre, but i never connected it with those other expressions! and the english word comprehend also has both "understand" and "include" senses (think lizzy saying "you must comprehend a great deal in your idea of an accomplished woman" in pride and prejudice), so all the pieces were there all along! truly i am surrounded by countless wonders just waiting to be discovered.
i am continuing to take note of verbs that no one ever told me take être as auxiliary. the first one since accourir is convenir de [qqch], but it seems to only take être in some circumstances and i'm not really clear on what they are…just in literature or when being formal? the jury is out. this one is less mindblowing than accourir because it does have venir right there in it, which doesn't mean that it obviously must take être, but i feel a little more primed to accept it. accourir was just a total shock. i'm still feeling the reverberations.
favorite words to pronounce
cessation [sesasjɔ̃]
champignonnière [ʃɑ̃piɲɔnjɛʀ]
cliquetis [klik(ə)ti]
clopin-clopant [klɔpɛ̃klɔpɑ̃]
cocotte [kɔkɔt]
coléoptère [kɔleɔptɛʀ]
compensation [kɔ̃pɑ̃sasjɔ̃]
consciencieusement [kɔ̃sjɑ̃sjøzəmɑ̃]
contentement [kɔ̃tɑ̃tmɑ̃]
coquelicot [kɔkliko]
cumulus [kymylys]
cyclique [siklik]
so the mouthfeel in the C section is simply exquisite. sometimes i just say "consciencieusement" out of nowhere because it soothes me. that said, possibly my least favorite word to pronounce in the entire french language (yes even more than procureur du roi) also starts with C: chirurgie. like damn. have mercy. also found myself struggling with condamner (apparently you don't pronounce the m and you don't nasalize the vowel before it. IS THIS EVEN FRENCH????), construire (dedicating my life to learning synonyms for every sense of this word so i never have to say it out loud), and coopérant (no, not the double o! please, i'll do anything!).
favorite words period
c'est le cadet de mes soucis: that's the least of my worries. cadet is also the word you would use to talk about a younger sibling, like ma sœur cadette, so that's the association i have with it. out of all my worries, this one is the baby. aww.
avoir le cafard: have the blues, feel depressed, be down in the dumps. un cafard is a cockroach btw. i'm gonna need my fellow anglophones to either learn this french expression or at the very least calque it into english because i use it all the time now. lads i got the roach today…yeah no i'm gonna have to reschedule, it's that damn roach…
c'est fort du café: that's a bit much, that's going too far, that's pushing it. the coffee is too damn strong! dial it back people!
the C section contains both cahin-caha (with difficulty) and clopin-clopant (with a limp, falteringly). i'm always a sucker for (quasi-)reduplication! and with these two in particular, i like the way that the sounds rock back and forth, like an aural representation of the action they would describe.
renvoyer/remettre [qqch] aux calendes grecques: postpone [sth] indefinitely. i was confused by this one because i looked up calendes and naturally it translates as calends, which as a former latin student i know to be the first day of the month (just as the ides is a specific day in the middle of the month) in the ancient roman calendar. but according to this random website whose trustworthiness i have not determined, that's precisely the point: to postpone something until the calends of the greeks is to never do it, because the greek calendar doesn't even HAVE a calends. makes me think of that episode of parks & rec when ron had like 90 meetings on the same day because april had been scheduling all his meetings for march 31st, thinking that march only has 30 days. damn, should have scheduled them all for the greek calends. the french could have told her that.
calter/caleter ([qqch]): shift [sth], move [sth]; scram, scat, leg it. i will just be scooping this up and squirreling it away in my hoard of ways to talk about getting the hell out of dodge, thank you…
faire un câlin is to hug…or to have sex!! why does french keep doing this to me. i just want some affection-related words that are not also sex slang, is that so much to ask??
callipyge: endowed with a nice butt. i am not making this up, it is a word and it is in this pocket french dictionary. would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for the meeting at which they decided to keep this one in. "callipyge? oh yeah that one's essential." done and dusted. (okay after i wrote this i did hear moira say "my callipygean ass" in an episode of schitt's creek i was rewatching, but i think that still proves my point, because moira.)
une cambuse: can't believe there's an entire word for "hovel" that victor hugo never used in les mis. monsieur come collect your word (that also means "ship's galley")!
un camembert: obviously there is a cheese called this but DID YOU KNOW it's also the word for pie chart?? that's so french omg.
faire la carpette: bend over backwards to please someone; lie on the floor. i love the double meaning: figuratively being a doormat or literally just being flat on the ground. oh carpet we're really in it now…
faire la carpe pâmée: feign unconsciousness. quick, they're looking this way! do the fainted carp!
so many great casse- compounds, including three that all mean snack (un casse-croûte (lit. break-crust), un casse-dalle, un casse-graine (lit. break-food)). there's a whole bunch of casse-[body part] compounds: un(e) casse-couilles (lit. break-balls) and un(e) casse-pieds (lit. break-feet) both mean pain in the ass, while un(e) casse-cou (break-neck) is a daredevil and un casse-tête (lit. break-head) is a brainteaser, a conundrum, or a club/mace. the adjective casse-gueule (lit. break-face) means risky, dangerous, tricky. i also checked my separate french slang dictionary (you can't expect me to have just ONE french dictionary, come on) because i thought it was weird that there was no casse-cul even though the word cul is like the number one word to put in french idioms, and guess what. un(e) casse-cul is ALSO a pain in the ass. i am feeling so smug about this extremely obvious deduction. eat yer heart out, hercule poirot!
ça passe ou ça casse: it's make or break. love me a pithy rhyming cliche! i hope they say this on french reality shows…i can totally imagine it in a dramatic announcer voiceover.
je me casse: i'm outta here. yes!! another one for the casual farewell arsenal!!!
être assis(e)/avoir le cul entre deux chaises: have a foot in each camp, be sitting on the fence, be caught in the middle. literally: be sitting ass between two chairs. just such a good image.
appuyer sur le champignon: step on the gas. why is the gas pedal a mushroom? heck if i know, but i am on board with it and ready to be charmed.
tenir la chandelle: be the third wheel. listen, it was probably really complicated to have sex back in the days of 1) complicated dress and 2) no electricity. maybe you need someone to illuminate all the tricky fastenings you're trying to undo…that's where the candle guy comes in.
passe ton chemin !: on your way/off with you! i am collecting soooo many ways to tell people to leave. if i could just go back twenty years to that one time i was in a phone booth in the south of france with a friend who was being harassed by an adult french man…i sure would be able to yell something at him in the right language this time. rick steves taught me how to propose to someone in marriage but not how to rebuff a creep. come on, rick! priorities!
être comme cul et chemise: be thick as thieves, be bosom buddies. literally, be like ass and shirt, which maybe didn't age super well, because these days most shirts don't even cover the ass 🙄 interestingly, i looked up "be in cahoots with [sb]" on wordreference to see if that was also a possible translation of this expression, and it turned up être en chemise avec [qqn]. which is maybe just a slightly less vulgar way of saying comme cul et chemise? i don't have a great sense for how rude of a word "cul" is considered to be, since as i mentioned previously it appears in approximately five hundred thousand french expressions.
just to throw another thing in the mix, être en cheville avec [qqn] ALSO means to be in cahoots with [sb]. maybe être en chemise avec is what happens when être comme cul et chemise and être en cheville avec have a baby?? (before reading this dictionary i only knew about the "ankle" sense of cheville, but apparently it's also like a dowel that you use when building stuff? so that's probably the sense that's being invoked in this expression.)
chiche (incidentally, pronounced just like "sheesh") is an interjection meaning "i dare you!" (it's also an adjective meaning stingy.) this section of the dictionary also has cap ou pas cap ? (cap: short for capable), which appears to mean the same thing. kids gotta have ways to taunt each other into doing dumb shit. it's a universal law, probably.
bête comme chou: dead simple, easy as pie, easy-peasy. literally, stupid as cabbage. it's so easy a cabbage could do/understand it, and cabbages aren't exactly known for their feats of intelligence or skill. remembering this one should be bête comme chou. (i wish i could leave it there but i did actually look up the etymology of bête comme chou and it seems to be more that chou was slang for ass, so calling someone bête comme chou was like calling them a dumbass, and then at some point the meaning shifted to refer to things a dumbass can't do or understand rather than the dumbass themselves. but "so easy a cabbage could do it" is easier to remember, so.)
faire chou blanc: come up short, come up empty-handed. i was reading this thinking, man, the french sure don't think much of the capabilities of cabbages, but i looked up the etymology of faire chou blanc and this actually comes from the berry dialect, where coup is pronounced chou. un c[h]oup blanc was a phrase used in the game of quilles (skittles, related to bowling) for when you fail to hit any pins whatsoever. so faire chou blanc is basically to throw a gutter ball!
ferme ton clapet !: shut your trap! jotting this down for my trip in time back to that one phone booth harasser guy 👀📝 he will rue the day i built a time machine and also the day i decided to read the entire french dictionary.
prendre ses cliques et ses claques: pack up and leave, take one's things and go. listen, i'm a simple guy. you put two words that sound almost the same right next to each other and i eat that shit right up. also, as established i have this weird obsession with learning as many ways as possible to talk about removing myself from situations. so welcome to the fold, my child. you may have clique-claqued your way out of wherever you were before, but you are home now. allow me to introduce you to all your new siblings.
des clous !: no way!, no chance! clous are nails. don't look at me, i don't get it either. i just think it's catchy.
le petit coin: bathroom. literally "the little corner". as far as euphemisms go, i much prefer this to "the little boys'/girls' room".
c'est le comble/c'est un comble: that takes the cake, well now i've heard it all, you couldn't make this up. le comble is the pinnacle of something, the most [thing] that [thing] can be. so it's like whew, there's no beating that! also it comes from the latin word cumulus btw.
comme tout: as anything, as can be. in other words, af.
en compote: aching, sore. as though your muscles have been pureed into jam i guess?
une contrepèterie: a spoonerism! this is when two sounds in a phrase are switched, changing the meaning of the phrase in a comical way ("the lord is a shoving leopard" for "the lord is a loving shepherd", for example). the french example given in the wikipedia article for spoonerisms is "femme folle à la messe et femme molle à la fesse" ("insane woman at mass, woman with flabby buttocks") from a novel by rabelais. (which is kind of giving me freak in the sheets lady in the streets vibes now that i think about it.)
convivial(e): convivial, friendly, congenial, of course, but also easy to use, user-friendly! i find this so charming. i am truly so easy to please.
sauter/passer du coq-à-l'âne: go off on a tangent, be all over the place. literally, jump from the rooster to the donkey. makes sense to me. you thought we were talking about the rooster? well, now we're talking about the donkey. try to keep up.
les coquelicots: period, menstruation, time of the month. un coquelicot is a poppy, but les coquelicots? watch out. i haven't confirmed this, but i'm choosing to believe it's because of the color. also, i love poppies, and i love the word coquelicot. if getting my stupid period gives me the opportunity to say this fun word, i'll take it.
corser [qqch]: spice [sth] up (figurative or literal); complicate [sth]; flavor [sth]. my first thought was "is corsican cuisine known for being spicy??" but the etymology of corser is actually from the word corps, meaning body. so, you're giving body to something. neat! there's also se corser (get complicated, thicken), as in la situation se corse (the plot thickens). oh yeah. now we're cookin'.
en tenir une couche: be a dumbass, not be playing with a full deck. une couche is a layer, so i'm thinking this is like not having much going on under the hood. what you see is what you get. there's nothing under the surface. nobody at home.
ma couille: dude, mate. i definitely need ways to say dude in french. couille means testicle btw, because of course it does. this is french we're talking about.
un coupe-coupe: machete. literally, a cut-cut. if only more french words were formed using this logic!! i could get used to this.
le crachin: drizzle. which also allows you to say the truly incredible phrase il y a du crachin (it's drizzling). (cracher is to spit.)
ça craint: that sucks; life sucks. craindre [qqch] is to be afraid of [sth], so i don't totally get the connection, but i say "that sucks" all the time, so it's nice to have a way to say it in french. actually, it would be better if things could just suck less. but that does seem more difficult than just learning some words.
avoir un (petit) creux: feel peckish. un creux is a hollow so this is giving me vibes like please sir 🥺 my tummy is a lil empty 🥺👉👈
le cuir: leather, but also apparently the word for making a liaison (aka pronouncing the letter on the end of a word because the following word starts with a vowel) when you're not supposed to. no idea what that has to do with leather, but i do find myself kind of charmed against my will to know that there's a specific word for this mistake i make all the time. i guess that means i'm not alone. OR they made up the word just for me 🥰 either way, a win imho.
avoir du cul: be damn lucky. okay the rest of these are cul idioms. i told you there were a lot, so i have just picked my very favorites.
avoir la tête dans le cul if translated literally would be more or less "have one's head up one's ass", mais attention because apparently in french it means be half-asleep, be dozy, feel like shit. so if someone says j'ai la tête dans le cul, they are probably not inviting you to join them in roasting them for being a dumbass. word to the wise.
en avoir plein/ras le cul (de [qqch]): be sick and tired (of [sth]), be fed up (with [sth]), have had it up to here (with [sth]). french truly is a beautiful language.
saving the best for last (but also, it just came last in the alphabet): et mon cul, c'est du poulet ?: yeah, right!, my ass! literally "and my ass, it's [made of] chicken?" i assume i don't have to explain why this brings me such joy.
next up…51 pages of Ds! (which i actually finished reading long ago and am now in the E's but shhhhh)
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fourteenthz · 4 months
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Time to be insufferable on tumblr dot com
#first I'm like going out all weekend I think lol i miss like... people.... so plans are being made but THEN it's hermit time babeyy#SUMMER VACATION LETS GO?? LETS GO ???#i want to practice more with clay and painting this summer btw !!! if anyone cares !! also sewing fot that 1 thing i have mind but that's i#I'm making too many plans for someone that has already too many plans with others this summer... and also hermit ones bc ok listen.#hear me out. what if WHAT IF I played ffxii instead of like every other game I was planning on????#it was supose to be a dragon age trilogy vacation then a the witcher trilogy vacation but ..... feeling ill abt xii still so I'm going for#that first. i think. and finally put to work the plans I had for xiv the past three or so weeks ?? OH GPOSING IS GOING WILD.#and then it's insufferable on tumblr time :) you WILL have to see my mid gifs and gposes you WILL look at my bunny girl.#i have more uni projects to work during vacation but my professor for that work is chill (lazy) so maybe he will ignore me the first month#who knows really but STILL it's ffxii time :)#im going to be soooo annoying abt balfran u guys won't even believe how annoying I can be about partners and ambiguous relationships#if balthier is not as unhinged and totally my type as I remember from when I was like 10 I'll eat my shoe#anyway writting down NONE of my plans but instead imagining the amount of gifs I can make and the gposes and aus and WRITING HMM#new followers who I apologized for being mia the past week: be aware.#thats it.#just beware#kelly says#dl#this txt post is for me only bc I'll never make lists those things stress me out but speaking in the tags on tumblr dot com is fine actuall
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merlinemrys · 11 months
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mattodore · 11 months
listening to the mattodore playlists
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#river dipping#playlist#echthroi#matthias core#theodore core#matthias evanoff#theodore doe#they're still wips like i'm gonna continue adding music but it's a little funny how much of matthias's playlist is actually abt theo#like it's basically over half of his playlist#like........ literally every song after river day on matthias's playlist is about him and theo LMAOOOOOOO#but it's only once theo's playlist hits stay soft / here we go again that the songs are abt matthias specifically 😭#matthias............ i'm so sorry you only exist to support theo kjnhkjndfghnjfkgjnhkdjfngh#see but i can write this off as an intentional character choice bc matthias is unhealthily obsessed with theo so. <3#no but the disparity in their playlists is definitely bc of the fact that i listen to a lot of uh. depressing self-hating music#so like......... perfect for theo but bad for matthias who's cruel and self-obsessed and selfish and dark yk#i'm also like... really into lyrics so when i put a song in their playlists i only have a certain amount of lines that i can give a pass to#if they're conflicting with the Vision i have of the character before i gotta boot the song out of the playlist yk#i've actually added then deleted soooo many songs bc of this i'm so meticulous abt their playlists#.......................anyway hi i've been offline bc i've been obsessing over their playlists and making poses yk how it is#actually i do have something i can post but </3 it's not the succ. inspired post just yet sadly
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backseatloversz · 2 years
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they only made two movies for men. SAD. oh well
#i accidentally clicked on a video from the joe rogan experience.#i legitimately do want to know how soooo many men walked away from fight club with such a terrible misunderstanding of it#theres literally so much more to it than the ten or so minutes of brad pitt monologuing about individuality and consumerism and identity.#LOL!#something can def be said about both fc & dps on white men + the inherent homoeroticism of movies centering them + the exploration of#masculinity & expectations and how theyre dealt with in pretty different communities (upper class teens in the 50s at a private school v#working class men in the 90s in the city) the similarities + differences btwn how their world perspectives were shaped by being upper/lower#class Cis White Men#**ok i doubt every single guy in fight club is white but still. the leads are + theyre all men#blah blah stuff they as men are told about power & the kind of treatment + lives they deserve#not to mention the fact both stories are abt men finding an outlet via a super secret boys only club#but in one they lean more into femininity(?)/the arts while in the other they lean into masculinity(?)/violence LOL#healthy/nonhealthy means of expression respectively. what is the cause and effect of each of them what led them to that point blah blah#also lastly something worth mentioning -- the role WOMEN play in their stories. oft only as mothers or romantic/sexual appeal#LASTLY lastly the fact both movies end in a similar but opposite way - the leader of fight club wants to STOP all the chaos hes brought so#he shoots himself - but that doesnt stop everything. v the leader of the dead poets society is threatened w military school -#masculinization - when its discovered hes been exploring the arts so he also shoots himself and the dps is shut down by external forces .#HM#did not mean to write a whole essay in the notes but alright#im not gonna proof read it send post#fight club#dead poets society#cowboy posts
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scattered-winter · 9 months
chap 4 posted. gonna sleeb now
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sunnibits · 1 year
*insert that one office meme* making ocs is so cool, I’d love to know literally anything about them some day :)
#vent that I will probably regret later incoming sorry!#feel free to ignore#aaahahaa I honestly need to stop looking at other ppls oc art because it literally just makes me mad!!#whyyyy the fuck is everyone else always better at making ocs then I am 😐 I’m tired of it#yes I may post nonstop ab loving Reggie but honestly. I am constantly sick with envy about other ppls ocs#it just feels like everyone else always has soooo many more cool ocs and they’re so much more developed#like they actually know what’s fucking going on and they’re actually interesting#and have cool ass designs that I could never come up with#and I’m sick of it!! I’m sick of it!!!! I just want that!!#why am I literally incapable of making characters I actually care about I don’t get it#every time I try to come up with an original story I get bored fucking instantly#it has helped a little but to stop worrying about stories so much and just make ocs that are fun to draw#but god I just want cool fun ocs!! more of them!!!! that I actually know shit about!!#like am I just lazy or is developing characters sooo hard#no matter how much I like a character in the beginning I always feel like everybody else’s ideas are a million times cooler#ugh#I’m fucking tired of it#like how am I supposed to fulfill my childhood dream of writing a novel if I never produce any original ideas that I’m able to stick to 😐#I’m just! so jealous!#ugh sorry for venting and being embarrassing I’m just in a weird mood tonight#probably will delete later
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dumb-doll-lips · 2 years
I was a ‘gifted’ kid from early on in school bc I did good on some tests, and I feel like it’s all been down hill since then. I’ve cried a bunch in classes because I was like struggling so much.
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roomwithanopenfire · 1 year
i am bereft (I read all the posted chapters of the million + word long fanfic I spent all week reading and now i don't know what to do with myself)
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endwalkr · 2 years
#lotr good#lol i know i already made a post about it earlier this week but i finished watching the extended movies<\3#reading the appendices is slightly on halt since its no less work than studying but#i think readinf the books was soooo much fun like i already really miss being able to pick it up every day for month#the fact that you spend so much more time reading than watching a movie sort of makes the connection a bit stronger in a way#like im not sure how many hours i spent reading all 3 books over four weeks but it must be like 40 at least#being able to see it all in movie form is soo lovely cause 1) theyre just such fun movies and 2) you dont have to work your brain to#visualize things as much#although i did end up getting quite used to the writing style and endless describing of landscapes#so i didnt have to focus super hard anymore after a while#but yeah still its nice to just be able to sit back and let it sorta come at you rather than actively read it all#though a difference is that in the book if you find a scene or quote that hits hard you can just sort of read it over and over while still#staying in the zone or the vibe of the scene#whereas in a movie you can rewind of course but it breaks it up a bit xD#sometimes while reading i would loop a quote 4 or 5 times in my head before moving on#idk wtf i am talking about its almost 4am but i am so surprised i ended up liking lotr so much#like i wanted to watch it cause i was curious and general cultural education and stuff but especially after reading of course#ive not really had a new interest where i can like do endless research and learn soo many things about it for quite a while#the experience of finding something new and like slowly familiarizing yourself with it more and more is so much fun#also sjfjdj at me having to read and watch the grey havens scene twice within a week#first the book last monday and now the movie#me sobbing both times😭#its just really good#and i reiterate because it must be said#nobody ever did and nobody ever will do it like samwise gamgee#shoutout to taking the hobbits to ise gard#shoutout to the shire theme constantly transitioning into the gridania theme in my head#and good night (collapses)#long post#< in case of accidental tag opening sjfjdj
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