#and tumblr is the only one that consistently gives me praise and validation
thisiskatsblog · 3 years
Dont know who that kenzie person is, but i have them blocked so they werent normal larrie or decent human before. Im blocking people who are nasty to boys and/or for example older fans etc. I must say thanks god for tumblr. Twitter is scary place full of dramatic and emotion drived reactions. And nobody see futher then their screen. So it is on one side really damaging for people who are sensitive and on the other side are here people who are dramatic for drama and only give fuell in the fire.
It’s important to curate your experiences on social media and one very good way to maintain mental health whether on twitter or tumblr, is to block people who cross your boundaries. 
In a recent discussion someone blamed me for not always calling out negative behaviour that appears on my dash - but while I am very much convinced that standing up against harmful behaviour is the ethical thing to do in real life, particularly in cases where you can do it in a way that does not threaten your own safety (eg use your own privilege to call out harmful behaviour), that just does not always translate to social media.  
Yes it is important to call out negative behaviour and while it may not change the person’s behaviour much, makes a great difference to bystanders who see the injustice, feel hurt by it and will feel validated by someone speaking up. I am the person who started takemehomefromnarnia being inspired by wheatus’ tweet in response to Tom The Wanted’s ugly #narnia tweet. I know how the bystander effect works.  
But would you consider a person who does not speak up in real life because they perceive a threat to their safety if they would do so as immoral? Speaking up works when you have privilege to an extent that you do not perceive a threat to you. You can speak up against bullies if you know the bully is not going to come after you because you’re more popular than they are. You can speak up against racism when you are white. You can speak up against misogyny if you’re a man and even if you’re a woman in an environment that will protect you (eg #metoo - if enough women decide they’ll have eachother’s backs). My partner has spoken up against 3 kids beating another kid in the train station area, being a white able bodied adult man who is used to handling difficult teenagers in his job, which is something I might not have done, particularly not at night time, as the train station area is an area where I don’t feel very safe to begin with. 
That speaking up is a good ethical maxim doesn’t mean that people who don’t always speak up against bad behaviour they see on their dash do not have good morals. The situation simply doesn’t translate. 
For one you are not confronted with all your friends at the same time in real life, while on social media everyone you’re friends with is on your dash. There is more social injustice and rudeness on your dash just because of numbers.
For another, you cannot expect people to see everything that passes on their dash. Again the numbers make it difficult to compare this with real life.
What’s more, because people feel physically safe behind their screens, they will go much further, and will be much less careful with what they say and without considering how that will mentally hurt other people, exactly because there can be not physical consequences. People’s risk assessments are different. 
Still mental harm can be as damaging as physical harm, particularly when on social media on feels attacked by a group of people - this can quickly escalate - because of the immediacy, the lack of risk perception, the numbers, and just not being confronted with the person you’re hurting, eye to eye; 
And finally, because everyone is on your dash and you’re on everyone you know’s dash, you never know what the numbers of hostiles vs supportives is going to be. It’s hard to assess what your own risk as person speaking up is. 
So calling out people, while it may come with no or little risk of physical harm as calling out in real life does when you have a certain privilege, it does come with a lot of risk of harm to one’s mental health on social media - where other forms of “privilege” apply (how much followers to I have, how much followers does that other person have, how many people will see what i have said, how many people will attack me for it, is this something I feel I can deal with now and easily ignore or do i need to care for my mental health today?
These are all very valid considerations in my view, if you consider that - for example - one anon praising my thought process the other day triggered 2 anons directing hate at another person, and 2 anons directing hate at me, as well as said discussion where someone felt they had to call me out on my non calling out behaviour. 1 nice anon that I published triggering 4 nasties and 1 discussion where someone felt the need to take the moral high ground on me. 
A long defense of why I sometimes simply unfollow people, or block them, without first lifting the finger at them, and of why I don’t see myself as any less of a moral person for it. I’m just a person taking care of my mental health. I want to say anon - that’s not because I’m particularly ‘sensitive’ - so many other factors play in to the risk any given person incurs on social media. 
In short, I’ll speak up when I feel I can - and no one else can determine in my place when the conditions for safety are fulfilled. And if someone consistently crosses boundaries - it’s an A okay strategy to ignore and block them. Fully agree. 
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Structure And Accountability In A D/S Relationship Without Rules And Punishment
You do not have to poke around Tumblr for long to find a picture, story, or writing from a dominant or submissive on following rules or the punishment given for breaking those same rules. My favorite quote on rules is by Henry David Thoreau, “Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it.” You can take your pick but there are thousands of quotes out there on rules and the need to break them and yet here in the land of D/S rules and punishment are commonplace. So today I want to discuss the traditional views of rules and punishment within BDSM because I see and practice things differently.
I am going to start by saying that I believe that s-types when in a relationship, desire their d-type to provide a level of structure to assist them with living their dreams. Commonly in the lifestyle, these are called “rules” and you will see all kinds of posts about them like “Keep calm and follow Daddy’s rules” or “Rule #27, be a good boy/girl.” What I believe in is no rules in a relationship because they have been replaced with guidelines.
Why the change? Well, a rule is hard, very black and white with no gray areas and yet we live in a world that is filled with grey, perhaps even fifty shades of grey. There are always exceptions to a rule and the same black and white that goes with a rule does not lend itself to having as well as investing in a genuine conversation after a rule broken. It is simple either a person broke the rule or they followed it. When rules are replaced by guidelines, an s-type understands how under normal situations how they are supposed to handle things. However, when life throws a curveball and presents an out of the box situation, a submissive has the freedom to not follow the guidelines so they can do what best fits the situation. A quick thought, if the situation involves ‘The Situation’ I recommend Snookie or J-Woww for advice, not my blog.
The freedom to deviate from guidelines is a sign of the trust and bond between dominant and submissive. This trust should be deep and strong enough that if the s-type feels the situation would be best resolved by stepping outside of their guidelines, then they should be allowed, without having to fear a punishment afterward. Also, I do not believe in punishment, but I will get to that. Guidelines are by nature a word that discussion pairs with very nicely. It is so important to discuss a guideline that has been pushed or crossed to discover the reason. It is in the details of this ‘why’ that will enable the d-type to either be satisfied following this conversation that their submissive partner did the right thing and should be praised/rewarded for making amazing choices or find they must correct the submissive’s action.
I also believe that the guidelines should have the submissive’s best interest, growth, and dreams only in mind when they are being created. Make sure as a dominant that the guidelines are being crafted for your s-type specifically. Do not behave as though it is a new hire orientation and reach into your kinky file cabinet to pull out a handbook of guidelines for the new to you submissive. A dominant must take the time and invest in getting to know their partner so that the guidelines can be sculpted specifically for this relationship.
As the guidelines are being sculpted, make sure they are designed so that the submissive can blossom into the masterpiece that their dominant knows they are, the s-type must be engaged in the designing and building of the guidelines. Remember, just because a person is submissive, it does not mean they do not know what is best for themselves. The simple act of holding an s-type accountable to a guideline might be all they need to achieve a larger goal. I believe that as dominants craft the guidelines in their relationship, they must make sure that their submissive partner is engaged, contributing, and buying in as the guidelines take shape.
My next thought with guidelines goes out to the guys because, well, some guys never fail to make things sexual. Do not make it sexual because it is much more important to teach your s-type what you need/like/want sexually! Make them want to fulfill that wild sexual kink out of their respect, their natural desire to please, and most of all, out of love. Do not make them “do it” because it is a guideline and the d-type says so. What if the activity is something they do not like? Start by explaining what you like about it and be detailed. Do not just say, “But my sexy subby it feels good and I want it!” Take the time to explain what makes it amazing and then teach exactly how you like it and while they are learning, keep all the feedback encouraging and positive. Time for a since this is Tumblr note, this is not about approaching soft or hard limits but purely acts of kinky fuckery that an s-type might find meh or not so great. Lastly, let your s-type know how much you liked it and how much it meant to you that your submissive did it for you. There is even a chance when they see how much pleasure it brings, how proud you are, they might learn to love it or at least love making their d-type feel so good by giving this pleasure.
Now I want to move to the other side of the fence. What happens when the guidelines are in place and one is disregarded without a valid reason? Now, what happens if I do not believe in punishment? Correction is what happens because I believe in correcting behavior when it is needed and justified. It is much more than a matter of semantics when I say correct rather than punish. Punishment is defined as, to subject to pain, loss, confinement, death, as a penalty for some offense, and to correct is to set or make true, accurate, or right; remove the errors or faults from. To me, there is a huge difference and the difference is that punishment is negative, bad, and damaging with descriptors like pain, loss, confinement and, gasp, death. For me, punishment is a word that is focused on looking back at the past and not forward. When you look at correct, the word itself is looking towards the future as you want to make it true, remove the errors or faults, so that next time things go smoothly. Hopefully, you, the reader, were never punished for giving a wrong answer but corrected so that the next time you would know the right answer or choice. The key, I believe, is the issue/action is corrected and my s-type and I are moving forward. The error is fixed and is water under the bridge which allows our eyes to focus on what is next rather than what was behind and in the past.
Additionally, I believe that by keeping corrections a positive experience (as positive as fixing an error can be) because a submissive will find that it is safe to come to their dominant when/if they may have done something that ran counter the guidelines. The simple thought of “My dominant will be disappointed” should motivate a submissive to make good choices, not fear of punishment. Ever hear that old expression, “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar?” As a d-type, work to have tons of honey on hand so that you can be a force of positive reinforcement when your submissive does make proper choices and let them know you are pleased, proud, and filled with pride by their progress through the process of personal growth.
I also feel that dominants should never have a standard correction if their submissive makes a mistake. This is something I see very often with the ‘Twitter/TumblrDom’ and what I mean by this is break ‘rule’ number three and ‘punishment’ number 23 is automatic. Additionally, there must a discussion lead by the d-type to find out why the guideline violation happened while involving their submissive in the type of correction to be administered. This is not allowing for or creating situations of ‘topping from the bottom’ or letting the s-type ‘pick their poison’ but discussing the correction allows the submissive to feel they were heard and will buy into the correction. When an s-type is allowed to accept and believe in the correction, the lesson taught by the correction will be impactful.
As much as I detest Fox News, their slogan of “Fair and Balanced” is ideal for D/S corrections. Dominants must always be consistent with correcting behavior. When a d-type is consistent, it shows attention to detail, caring, and when inconsistency happens, it can erode the respect of the d-type’s leadership and ultimately their dominance. It is equally important to be fair. Just because a dominant had a bad day at work, for example, it is never acceptable to overcorrect. Always be fair with a submissive, be consistent, and balanced by making the correction appropriate to the severity of the issue.
When a submissive is not able to stay within their guidelines, a dominant must also look at themselves. They need to make sure they have given their submissive all the tools, skills, and clarity required to have made the right choice. If it is discovered that the submissive indeed did not have the tools or guidance they needed, I believe, the dominant must own the mistake and not put any of it on their submissive partner as well as clearly explain to their s-type how they have let them down and what they are changing so this particular issue will not happen again.
Lastly, when a correction is needed, the only emotion that is allowed is love. Dominants should never correct a submissive when they are feeling angry or hurt. A correction needs to come from the heart and mind of the d-type and those sometimes are competing places. I feel there is no shame or weakness in sharing with your submissive that their actions have made you mad, sad, angry, or whatever emotion is welling up within and because of this you need to catch your breath or collect your thoughts for a defined period before discussing the incident as well as a possible correction so you can be balanced. The Beatles said “love is all you need”, and when it comes to corrections that is truly the case.
The terms “rules” and “punishments” are two terms that are associated by many with D/S but they are two that I do not believe in and prefer to approach things from my unique angle. It is much more than a casual difference in semantics between guidelines and rules, as well as, punishment versus correction. In today’s world where we only have seconds to make choices, it is imperative to trust the submissive to stay within their guidelines and only when needed should a dominant correct their submissive’s actions.
As with all of my writings, please see this disclaimer.
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roseate7 · 5 years
I was gonna lead off with this about how hockey fandom only just now rising up to protest the Capitals’ long-proposed White House visit after today’s news but uhhhh… I can’t actually see anyone protesting yet lol. Maybe folks were at school and work? Internet outages? Who knows. It’s awfully quiet. As quiet as it has been since the many hits about this visit started coming immediately following the Caps SC win.
Anyway, even if hockey fandom does eventually rise up with equal outrage to the Penguins’ visit I’m sorry to inform you: you’re too late. Your time to begin started a long while ago. I should know because the links I’m about to sprinkle in this post like damning pixie dust are from my long wait for fandom’s political outrage to resurface. 
So let’s just run through the usual old acrobatics to try and excuse the utter lack of equal outrage and protest against the Caps that there was toward the Pens. This is also a handy c+p guide for anyone who sees any variation on these excuses.
“Sid and Ovi: different right? Doesn’t that make Ovi better? Come on, help me out I jumped to him and the Caps because I saw he’s super gay with Backstrom and was promised he’s a champion for the gays because Holtby something something!”
Sidney Crosby’s attendance at the WH is no more or less wrong than Alexander Ovechkin’s. It’s way more complex wrt Ovi’s politics, sure. But no, no different in terms of an adult public figure making the decision to do this visit. Also, folks really need to read up on Ovi before calling him their lesbian uncle or whatever the fuck I am forced to see sometimes. Especially when you consider this unneccessarily awful tweet.
“But what if my Liberal White Boy doesn’t go in the end? That means he’s Totally Better, right?”
The fandom line taken with the Pens from day one of them being offered an invite to the WH was that by not taking a directly opposing stance from the start, they were to be rightly condemned. Which was correct, and still was correct when some of the Caps said they were excited about a visit and others tried to deflect the topic. And it was still correct when this photo was taken with a Trump holding the Cup (and video). 
The Caps already missed their chance at not being condemned, just like hockey fandom has already failed at repeating - what are now shown to be entirely performative - political protest. Devante Smith-Pelly is the only Caps player who deserves credit for protesting this visit. There’s one white Caps player to “join” Smith-Pelly: Brett Connolly who, months later, saw what bad PR it would be to visit suddenly announced he wouldn’t attend, is a flop. No one cares. Every player who towed the “it’s a team decision” or “we’re gonna wait and see how we feel” bullshit - which is all of them barring Smith-Pelly - officially lost their chance at making a valid protest. (And let’s not all play dumb about the fact that Smith-Pelly was put up for trade interest this season, and his situation now.)
I don’t give a crap if Holtby or another “gay icon” still bails last minute. He’s already guilty by demurring the point and refusing to take a stance at all. That’s how morality works, just like y’all decided last year with guys who aren’t your gay icons. If Pens fans had to go through the stages of grief in condemning them even before the visit took place, then so does everyone. I don’t give a damn how much your straight white man dances to your favourite liberal tune for praise and adoration. Current NHL initiatives have a long way to go before they effect real change. I’m not a gay who’s here to divert a single fucking second of my community’s hard work and celebration to allies. If they’re real allies then they won’t need the praise anyway.  
And fandom’s choice to fail in addressing or reacting to the many instances of the Caps proving their lack of moral backbone - and their frequent excitement and honour - over this visit, is the definition of performative morality and politics.
“But I want to use black people in other sports to try and further my own wrong opinion like this guy!”
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Well, unfortunately you - and he - can’t! Because Trump hasn’t you know, changed? He’s not suddenly pro-kneeling lmao. I know a lot of folks stopped checking in on this topic once the heat of going after the Pens died down, but I’m sorry to inform them that Trump hasn’t suddenly changed or amended his relationship with BLM, anthem protests, or black players who speak out against him. I know that this fact doesn’t help rescue Caps white boys - considering how little some of them they have to do to be considered Liberal Icons, it’s a shock to be denied the chance at praising them - but this avenue of rescue from accountability is as closed now as it was last time!
And um, I’m just gonna hope folks haven’t missed out on the fact that Trump has kind of uhhhh…. quadrupled down on all of his racism, homophobia, and bigotry since those very early days of his in office when the Pens visited it. So yeah, don’t bother with any hand-waving about it being ‘worse’ or ‘better’ to hold audience with him now or then lmao.
“Just because I didn’t protest this year doesn’t change what I said last year!”
Unfortunately, it does. Maybe you were young, maybe your politics were young and uninformed about hockey. Maybe you gave too much trust to fandom and didn’t do your due diligence, or didn’t appropriately withhold your investment and presumed innocence of rich straight cis white men. Who knows why you got it into your head that certain white NHLers wouldn’t align themselves with gross politics in one way or another.
But if you protested the last WH visit and stayed with hockey since then, you don’t have an excuse to keep pretending that there are lovely liberal strongholds anywhere in the NHL. None. Players of color do all their own work, white players get no credit for going along. Franchises doing things that are good PR are just that. This league was never the create-your-own-ideal that - in the almost two decades I’ve watched hockey - it has always tried to present itself as to fans. But the deception never worked on a lot of us, probably in no small part because someone my age started watching hockey before social media went fervently to work in trying to make the league and it’s players seem harmless and friendly in much more effective, albeit just as performative, ways. 
Hockey tumblr know this: there are no cinnamon rolls in men’s hockey.  
Draw an impermeable line between your fandom-ing of men’s hockey and your real life politics and morals as pertain to the reality of men’s hockey. Fandom is here for fun, but fun is not fun which alters when it performative-action-by-dopey-white-guy finds. I talk about what I find interesting about Sidney Crosby. I talk about what I object to about Sidney Crosby. I fandom wank in silly OTT posts about Sidney Crosby but in ways that doesn’t interact with me holding him accountable for his mistakes and flaws in terms of social responsibility and politics. Replace the name of the NHLer and repeat with your own guys.
The latest controversy that revealed a major flaw in fandom of rushing to exonerate a player rather over addressing the real issue of hurt and upset among LGBTQ+ fans is why this article really did need to get brought back up. There is a very real set of blinders worn by men’s hockey fandom and they need to come off. Even if the decision by most is to in general back off of talking about the gross realities, it needs to stay consistent across the league. No amount of social justice gold stars guarantees you a cinnamon roll franchise, or a cinnamon roll fanbase.
Do not bend and warp reality and accountability of adult men based on your own highly rose-tinted ideals of them.
Oh, and for future interest: should a team or players at some point decide to decline an equally offensive political invitation, that’s also not a “win” for your white boys. It’s proof of nothing more than the league and the franchise or players realising that it’s not worth the knock in publicity anymore.
(Needless to say: anyone attempting to exonerate the Capitals in response to this post gets nothing more out of me than a block. I’ve applied the same politics I’ve always had to the Pens and now to the Caps, as I would any team - and always have over a long time being a hockey fan. If you choose to switch up your politics based on largely white teams then that’s your problem, and not one I’m interested in. I’ve seen all the twisting and turning fans can possible do.)
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acesinspaces · 6 years
The Writing Process Tag
A little awestruck that @teacup-universes decided to tag me in the Writing Process tag. I love talking about this kind of thing so I’m really happy to do it
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1.  What are your favorite genres and/or styles to write in? As of now I tend towards Fantasy, just because its my comfort zone within reading and writing and I feel like it’s what I do best. I like the freedom that it gives me and most of the time I like to have the ability to solve problems via fantastical means.
2. What was the last writing project you finished and felt successful with?Honestly I’m never particularly good at finishing things, let alone larger writing projects I start. It’s usually the little things that make me happy within writing, like flash fiction pieces I do and stuff.   Recently I read my own work out to a room of people, and that was both terrifying and really rewarding since I’ve never done that before. 
3. If you have a WIP how do you feel it’s going? What stage are you in? I’m currently rough drafting a Star Trek TNG fanfic about the cutest ship in the galaxy, Daforge. In the fic Data is a human with Autism and so has to go to a special needs school, where he meets Geordi and the two become firm friends. 
Since I don’t have Autism myself I thought it was important for me to research and understand as much about the condition as was possible, as a part of the @Fandomacefest here on Tumblr and also on the discord server I’ve had some interesting discussions about the ins and outs of portraying Autism in media on there. 
4. What is your favorite place to write? Most recently I’ve found I like writing before bed, I’ll curl up all comfy in my jammies and scrawl in a notebook until I can’t keep my eyes open. It’s a bit of an eccentricity I’ll admit but it helps me feel a little productive even if I’ve not been able to get anything done during the day. 
I got into this through a Uni Open House Day I went to last month where had a prompt and we had to write whatever came into our minds. It had been so long since I’d written with a pen and paper that it felt like a completely new experience and I really had fun writing again.
5. Do you prefer to write long hand or type? Or some other method? Most of the time I type because I’m lazy as anything and refuse to go through anything I hand-write in order to transcribe it to MS Word or Google Docs. 
6. Do you remember your first character? If so can we meet them? Honestly a lot of my early fiction I wrote was incredibly derivative, ergo I don’t really remember many of the OCs that I created. 
7. Where do you get your inspiration? Anywhere really. Honestly sometimes I don’t even know where it comes from myself. In fact I usually force myself to just sit down and write and I sometimes find I’ve got more rounded subconscious ideas than I knew about when I wrote actively. 
8. Do you outline a story before writing it, or does it all live in your head until the first draft gets put down? I find that outlining takes a bit of the joy out of writing for me, I’ll have a vague idea where the plot begins and ends but that’s it.
9. Where do you go/what do you do when you’re feeling stuck? I watch trashy television. Don’t ask why but a quick episode of something  makes me think that no matter how terribly I plot a scene or someone has plotted something more trite, cliche or trashy and I shouldn’t worry about it. 
10. What got you started writing/doing art? (Because I always love origin stories) Honestly having an Old Yellowing Desktop Computer in my bedroom as a kid really encouraged me to write. There was something about the mechanical clicking noise of the keyboard and also the way in which I could get words to dance around in my imagination that was really satisfying to me.
My dad scavenged the beast from an office clear out and even though it was fitted only with the bare minimum of software, and a windows 95 OS (this was 2003 or something) I loved it to pieces and would even write local newsletters and stuff on it and imagine I was writing for a real newspaper.  I have such fond memories of reading my work to my dad as a kid, since he was dyslexic and having him praise what I did felt really validating. I did the same with other people’s books when we would come home from the library, and something deep inside me just said  “If these people can do this, you can too” and since then, writing has been one of the only things I’ve had consistent confidence in. 
I tag @the-wandering-avarian and anyone who sees this that wants to do it, since I don’t know too many people on Writeblr
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not-poignant · 6 years
"i also know readers who stop commenting if they don't get replies" i do that (though i'm not very proud of it bc it lowkey sounds like blackmail "if u dont reply i wont comment"). writing a comment even if it's only a few paragraphs long can take me 1-2 hours (or more) so if i know i'm not even going to get a simple "thanks" from the author, it feels like i struggled writing the comment for nothing. either i stop commenting or i only leave really short comments like "i like it" from then onward
Yeah, same same, pretty much.
I think about this a lot. Because a lot of the rhetoric is ‘well the author put in the effort to write, so you should be able to comment’ (which I hate, it’s a false equivocation, and is bullshit). And then there’s also the rhetoric of ‘if you think it’s hard to comment, you should try being a writer’ (which I hate, because that’s just manipulative dreck).
It’s one thing to encourage comment culture, that’s great. Fandom is meant to be - for some - an interactive experience after all. And that’s why I think that authors/writers who comment in response to commenters, consistently get more comments. Because you have the bulk of readers who just want to read, they are not necessarily there for the full fannish experience y’know? I guarantee that most of us just often want to switch off, read, masturbate/fall asleep/cry/feel fluffy (whatever your kinks are) and that’s that. Right?
BUT then there’s those of us who enjoy the fannish experience too. Like, some enjoy it via lurking. Reading the comments and replies. Coming to Tumblr to watch. Some like participating. The people who like to participate, they want - amazingly - participation. And if you have a conversation that goes like this:
Person A: ‘Hi I did this thing!’ Person B: ‘I LOVE THIS THING. Here’s why! Omg!’ Person A: *silence* *never responds*
Like...that is not a very participatory experience. So for the people who do take the effort to participate in the author-reader experience via comments specifically, I do believe - at least for myself - participating in that is important.
I look to see if authors comment on reader responses, before I respond. If they don’t, or if they have a low hit rate (i.e. they responded to one thing, and nothing else), 99.99999999% of the time I don’t comment. Those of you who comment on fics you know you won’t get a response for, you are doing god’s work and I hope you are being surrounded by cute animals you aren’t allergic to and comfort foods that never cause you adverse reactions.
That’s not all of us. I daresay that isn’t even most of us who do participate in AO3 comment culture. And there is a comment culture, and it’s more than just authors occasionally engaging in guilt-tripping to get readers to comment. The author has a role in it too, if they want it, and it will encourage more comments, if they take that path.
If I see that the author responds, I’m more likely to write a comment. Like you, I find commenting hard. I think it’s worthwhile, but only in a participatory sense. I.e. I don’t really see the point in screaming praise into the void. Comments for me often take a long time to write (Tumblr replies don’t count, I can dash them off quickly, but actual AO3 replies usually involve this process: ‘read fic on my phone -> get up from bed / whole body pain -> walk to desktop computer and pull up AO3 link -> spend 1-2 hours composing comment -> possibly too fatigued to do anything for the next few hours.’
Tbh, even if people didn’t have a high energy cost for writing comments, I still think it’s valid to want it to be participatory, when it’s a participatory format. Comments on AO3 offer the opportunity to be threaded and so on for a reason, after all.
It’s a hard subject to talk about, because authors will often throw ‘but I put the hard work in to write it in the first place!!!!1!!!’ - but one thing they tend to forget is no one is obligated to engage in any created work just because it was created. No one is obligated to like it once they do. No one is obligated to respond once they have liked it. And no one is obligated to respond in the same way if they like it. Some people subscribe, some people bookmark, some people kudos, some people comment, some people comment if they know they’re going to get a reply, some people send asks, some people look for the next fic because they’re just there to read.
I think also, it’s a little bit compliment culture. It’s just a fact of life that if you praise someone endlessly and they constantly say nothing or even knock you back instead of saying ‘thank you’ - eventually, the compliments stop. Because you’re being treated as though your praise is worthless. Praise is something that makes (some of) us vulnerable to give, just as it can make us vulnerable to receive it. I honestly think, for me, responding to comments and praise in particular, is entering into a pact of cooperation and participation.
I don’t always respond to everything, though I really want to, but yeah, anyway, that’s why my personal policy as a writer is ‘always respond to comments’ (even if people hate it, my general perspective is that most don’t, my comment counts quite outside of my own responses have always been higher than average), and my personal policy as a reader is ‘if I love this, I will think about commenting, but the likelihood drops precipitously if I see they have a pattern of non-response.’ On the other side of that, if I get responses from an author, I am WAY more likely to comment in the future. My joyful participation will get a joyful response, and I will know my words aren’t worthless, in the same way the author will know their words aren’t worthless.
And that’s why I do things the way I do, and why I relate to you as a reader, anon. I know we’re not alone, even though people rarely talk about this stuff.
(I also know that some authors find the writing much easier than writing responses to comments, because of time / emotional labour etc. I just also think when you factor in how many fics readers are often reading, there’s a time / emotional labour issue there too. (I mean let’s remember folks, fanfiction is meant to be fun for everyone). People just need to do what works for them. And authors who don’t respond to comments and find they get less comments over time need to understand that more might be going on than just ‘no one comments people hate my writing.’ I have seen authors do the whole ‘comment culture is shitty no one comments on my stuff’ only to see that they *hardly ever respond to comments* - Like, you do you, but you have to own that, and own that there are reasonable responses from readers to that, too. Tl;dr Authors: You might start a conversation by offering a fic, but if you shut down conversation after that, don’t be surprised if people stop ‘talking’ to you). 
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afterourhearts · 7 years
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Happy 3 months to BAE!!!! 
This picture forever makes me smile :3 Sadly we didn't start dating until the end of senior year and even though there were only 5 weeks until graduation we made every minute count!! On the day this picture was taken, we went on a spontaneous road trip to northern VA (bae’s hometown and 2 hours up from Richmond) due to a sudden intense craving for Korean BBQ. We also tried this ice cream shop, not because we particularly wanted ice cream, but because this was so darn aesthetically pleasing :3 after that we watched Beauty & the Beast and ended the trip with some shaved ice at Siroo! (The theme of a lot of our hangouts = food, which is also why we have the “Yelp BFF” badge together.) Three months have flown by with you and I simultaneously feel like I’ve known you my whole life and also that I haven’t even scratched the surface of your story o.O I hope three months will turn into three years and even more ~ I love you David!! 
(1) ...in receiving your love, I don’t need to owe you a thing, because it is freely and happily given without any disclaimers or hidden strings attached. 
(2) ...a godly and loving relationship should bring peace rather than anxiety, security instead of fear, partnership in all circumstances, respect in times of conflict, thankfulness and praise in times of joy, and most of all a shared purpose and plans for the future that leaves room to respond to His calling <3 
(3) ...love IS patient and kind. we’ve certainly butted heads a few times but I am so humbled by how you approach conflicts. coming from a loud and blunt asian fam who see no need to hold back anger verbally or physically, I probably need more patience than the average person when it comes to adjusting my own temper. I know firsthand that when paired with the wrong partner, my temper catches fire and burns through lush territories, leaving nothing but scars, ashes, and regret behind. However, you have given me endless patience and kindness even in the midst of my emotion-crazed/slightly paranoid temperament (one that would probably send most men running with not even a glance back) and for that I cannot say enough thank-yous. At last, my batsh*t crazy has found its antidote!
(4) ...humility and boldness are not mutually exclusive. 
(5) ...love is taking a vested interest in your significant other’s passions - even beyond just listening to participating. When I told you about some of my favorite hobbies, I never asked you to share these interests and never expected you would. And yet, without any prompting, you got a pinterest, a tumblr, yelp, and journal, so that you could write with me, read my writings, pin with me, and yelp-log our many food adventures together. Literally NO former love interest of mine has read my blog as religiously as you do [if at all tbh], despite having given grandiose declarations of their affections for me. You, however, put this declaration into actions and gave new meaning to that age old saying, “actions speak louder than words...” ...!!!!
(6) ...radical love is better than than societal love. we live in a day and age where people sleep together before discussing what they mean to each other, where plans for the future are avoided topics of discussion until at least X amount of months of exclusive dating, and where manliness is about how much “freedom” you yourself get in a relationship so you don’t seem too “whipped” or “clingy”. you discerned that these are merely the ways of the world and threw these societal dating “rules” out the window. before the 5th date, you had already made it clear to me that your intentions are for a marriage down the road. 3 months in, and your plans for our future are still meticulously watered to ensure a healthy full bloom in the days to come. You also recognize that true manliness comes from honoring your word/commitments and a “serve-you” rather than “serve-me” mentality, and that the societal use of the concept “whipped” is actually just patriarchy rearing its snakey little head again. Thank you for these sacrificial rather than self-serving affections. 
(7) ...breaking down racial prejudice is a day by day battle, but worth it until the end because it is 2017 and OKAY TO LOVE AND MARRY OUTSIDE YOUR DAMN RACE. In our respective families, the reactions were world’s apart. Your side of the family welcomed me in with a loving embrace and your dad even made this heartwarming 2017 recap video consisting of rosales fam pictures yet included ME in there. My side of the family, unfortunately, yelled at me for “foolishly throwing my life away to a mexican (PSA everyone david is not mexican) who will probably cheat on you and bring you nothing but burdens and misery because his culture ain’t reliable like the chinese.” It’s sad that my parents consider themselves Christian and yet still choose CULTURE over CHRIST in SO many situations. Does it matter to them that you devote yourself to the Lord and seek Him to govern and guide our relationship, taking the duty of being a spiritual leader with extreme seriousness? Does it matter to them that you possess a kind heart, humble soul, strong spirit, and a steadfast determination to better the world around us one small act of kindness at a time? Does it matter to them that your virtues inspire and encourage me not only in my walk with God but in even my daily actions and instill in me a desire to be better? And above all else, does it even matter to them that you make me feel more loved, worthy, validated, heard, understood, valued, and important than I have ever felt from another human? Does being Chinese or Asian-American guarantee all these wonderful things? No. Does being Hispanic exclude you from the potential of being all these wonderful things? Of course not. I hope my parents will see beyond their racial prejudice someday and give you the chance you deserve because you are amazing and beautiful inside and out and even though they are my parents, I will not tolerate their disrespect towards you or your family. Maybe this will be their biggest test from God yet, to learn how to love what they fear and do not know. Whatever the future may hold there, we can only pray and wish for more Christ-like love and acceptance and understanding, one family at a time. 
Three months have never been more fruitful :3 I love you, darling! 
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Ethan And Jake : To check availability of Urban Clicks & Tricks course in Carindale click here.  To enrol in Urban Clicks & Tricks course… read more Shimmer : Mean you are training in a familiar, comfortable environment and are Taylored to meet your specific needs (content, pace, ability, mobility) Jump up ^ Burch 1999, p. 3–5. Salisbury Highway Veterinary Surgery George visited us at home to help us with our young rescue pup, who is very excitable around other dogs and people. Usually he starts barking and pulling when another dog comes into view on our walks,… but in our first session we walked our dog into a cafe’s outdoor area, where there were 3 other dogs, and ours was silent and calm! We would never have believed it if we didn’t see it. We are now getting ready for our first beach visit. So glad to see that simple techniques, applied consistently, can create such a marked improvement so quickly. I would have no hesitation in recommending George for dog behavioural training. See more Flea & Worm Allergies Dog obedience is crucial for a happy pet/owner relationship. Learning a few basic puppy training tricks will have you well on your way to successfully training your puppy. Rugs Retail Animal training Develop, plan and build Our Story Student 2016 Discussion Forum Dog Age Calculator Dog Training Certificate Target Training – using a target stick Search in posts Distance Learning Course Settling on a mat Find us on Facebook Woodville Community Dog Training Centre CLASS SCHEDULE Place a treat in both hands. View and download the free pack (pdf 745kB) This reminded me of my dog .rowan.WE LOVE BTN!!!!!!!!! Volume Sustainability Courses Braedon : Aboriginal fishing Send us a message Health Tip: To help grab your pooch’s continued attention, don’t feed your puppy or dog prior to class. There are a variety of established methods of animals training, each with its adherents and critics. Some of the better known dog training procedures include the Koehler method, clicker training, motivational training, electronic training, model-rival training, dominance-based training, and relationship-based training. The common characteristics of successful methods are knowing the animal’s attributes and personality, accurate timing of reinforcement and/or punishment and consistent communication. The use of punishment is controversial with both the humaneness and effectiveness questioned by many behaviourists. July 25, 2017 Train with Cesar at the Dog Psychology Center facebook
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Know your dog’s natural pack position Puppy Training From 8 weeks to 5 months of age. Covering all your puppies early development. Special Offer 4 Free Puppy Classes. … 26/07/2018 Ornaments CESAR ON TV When you pup gets a little bit older our consultant can come back for more advanced follow up consults. These one hour follow up sessions are for more specific training in any area you choose.. You can go as far as you like with training depending on your needs. facebook Find a Registered Specialist in Veterinary Behavioural Medicine Unlimited access to group classes Canberra Dangerous Dog Orders Once he stops trying, give him the treat from the other hand. Jump up ^ Monks of New Skete 1978, p. 3. Vetalogica is a pet care company dedicated to the provision of natural healthcare to companion animals. 22 Aug 2017 4:19:40pm Student Resources What must you do to provide for your puppy’s needs? Marian Breland Bailey played a major role in developing empirically validated and humane animal training methods and in promoting their widespread implementation.[12] Marian was a graduate student under B.F. Skinner. Her first husband Keller Breland also came to study with Skinner and they collaborated with him, training pigeons to guide bombs. The Brelands saw the commercial possibilities of operant training, founding Animal Behavior Enterprises (ABE). In 1955, they opened the “I.Q. Zoo” as both a training facility and a showcase of trained animals. They were among the first to use trained animals in television commercials, and the first to train dolphins and whales as entertainment, as well as for the navy.[12] Keller died in 1965, and in 1976 Marian married Bob Bailey, who had been director of marine mammal training for the navy. They pioneered the use of the clicker as a conditioned reinforcer for training animals at a distance.[11] ABE went on to train thousands of animals of more than 140 species.[12] Their work had significant public exposure through press coverage of ABE-trained animals, bringing the principles of behavior analysis and operant conditioning to a wide audience.[13] Numbers and Place Value *Ratings based on the results of returned questionnaires from our clients. Urban Dog Training Ground Rules Microchip Implantation Clean Up Account No: 10190169 Queensland White Card What will I learn at Puppy School? Well done to all the students that are helping the little Labrador pups train. Let’s hope that those little pups help someone’s life!!! Feeders Rescuing a dog All Dog Training Work is 100% guaranteed to the dogs ability News Workplace Health & Safety Comments (46) Sections of this page Please note we are generally only available to answer telephone calls while the club is open. 99.2% of our clients would recommend Bark Busters to their friends and neighbours. Training a puppy to sit Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress Earn PETstock Dollars on thousands of products and services in-store and online. Last night was the first night that Bear hasn’t demanded us to play and wrestle and was happy to lay quietly on his bed while we were relaxing. Membership Sign Up (Old) Read More Education Programs Place a treat in both hands. Books & Videos Other Pick up after your dog Read more Testimonials > Volume Cost: $200 plus GST for a customised 90-minute consult. Subsequent 60-minute sessions are $100 plus GST Discover RSPCA NSW adoptions, community programs, education, training and veterinary services, plus learn about animal care, safety and welfare. Port Augusta Vet | Ceduna Vet | Equine Vet | Pet Boarding | Dog Grooming | Pet Vaccinations | Behavioural Training What happy clients say about Taylored Dog Training This behavioural training session will take approx. 1 hour. After 1-2 weeks, Leanne will contact you to make an appointment where she will explain her analysis and the recommendations, which you can put into place. Media Releases Austins Dog Training Education Worm Treatments Cost: $100 (Please note: All dogs must be up to date with C5 vaccinations) Youth and Community Programs Menu Login mini-courses and seminars Want your dog to be able to easily handle walking down a crowded, busy street? 10% discount on Private training Although research into how dogs learn and into cross-species communication has changed the approach to dog training in recent decades, understanding the role of early trainers and scientists contributes to an appreciation of how particular methods and techniques developed.[4] We now have our own Print Version Shelters New name or old, as much as possible, associate it with pleasant, fun things, rather than negative. The goal is for him to think of his name the same way he thinks of other great stuff in his life, like “walk,” “cookie,” or “dinner!” E: [email protected] Please find safe ways to exercise your puppy too! As your puppy’s pack leader, you must help to expend their energy in a productive way. For all dogs, this means a daily walk. Bonnie Public figure Awards we’ve won 07 Sep 2017 9:40:54am By regularly taking the dog outdoors, through the same door, to the same site, and providing rewards for proper elimination, the puppy should soon learn to head for the door each time he/she has to eliminate. If you recognise the signs of impending elimination and praise the puppy whenever he/she heads for the doorway, the behaviour can be further encouraged. Puppies that have been interrupted or reprimanded on one or more occasions as they begin to eliminate indoors, may begin to try to sneak away, whine or show some form of anxiety, when they feel the urge to eliminate, but cannot escape from the owner’s sight. If you can pick up on these cues, and take the puppy directly to the outdoors for elimination and reward, the puppy may consistently begin to show these signals when he or she needs to eliminate, and may even begin to take you to the exit door. Beyond Filters Learn more about the classes Peters help was incredible, duke has endless energy so walking him was always a mission but now he always walks next to me and never pulls. Never even looks at the stairs to run up and let’s us open the front door without going near it, couldn’t have asked for better help I love how these kids are trying to prepare these puppies for the future of there lives. Positions Vacant © 2018 PETstock, All rights reserved We don’t want a little thing like price to come between us. Shop for pet supplies with confidence, knowing that you are receiving the lowest price and getting the high quality PETstock service you expect with our Price Match Policy. Meet Our Staff 5.2 Understanding Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress Jump up ^ Hearne 1987, p. 10. jumps up Certificate IV in Companion Animal Services – 2016 students 0451 280 501 This class is not appropriate for dogs who only exhibit aggression towards other dogs while off leash, or who exhibit aggression toward people. Lifestyle Training for Pet Dogs A Hungarian dog training group called Népszigeti Kutyaiskola use a variation of model-rival training which they describe as the Mirror Method. The mirror method philosophy is that dogs instinctively learn by following the example of others in their social sphere. Core to the program is including the dog in all aspects of the owner’s life and positive reinforcement of copying behaviors. Mirror method dog training relies on using a dog’s natural instincts and inclinations rather than working against them.[67] Our dog training professionals offer a variety of dog training services to benefit you, enabling you to find the perfect match for your needs. These services include: So where do you start with dog obedience training? You could take a class, but it’s not necessary; you can do it yourself. In fact, with the right attitude, it can be fun for both you and your dog! Town Email: [email protected] Component 3: Introduction to Training Class Management Dog Training 08081 | Effective Solutions Dog Training 08081 | Unique Solutions Dog Training 08081 | Best Methods Legal | Sitemap
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Dog trainers in Chicago,  dog trainers in vancouver bc, Dog Trainers In Portland Oregon, Dog Trainers In Humboldt County, Dog Trainers In New Orleans, Donate Swipe for more from Patch » AKC Competitor Reports ComPETability : Solving Behavior Problems In Your Multi-DOG Household In Honor & Memorial Gifts Thank you for the kind words, I’m glad you find the site useful 🙂 Husbandry: Limb Handling and Toothbrushing Sherri Harloff February 3, 2017 at 1:01 am Group & Private Classes Radio Copyright © 2018 Pewaukee Veterinary Service. All rights reserved. | Designed by Image Makers Advertising 3. Let Your Dog Out Once Every Hour or Two 5 people found this helpful (90) About Cesar Agility Foundations What Is Holistic Dog Training? It is not instinctive for dogs to relieve themselves outside; it is only natural for them to not go where they sleep. Everyplace else is fair game! How to Puppy-Proof Your House ‘Urban heat islands’ in full swing as heat wave continues Message It’s hard to imagine how she is ever going to have more time outside of her crate with this uncertainty about how long she can hold her urine….do you know what is normal for a 10 pound female pup at 11 months? intermediate training: This is an excellent book which helped me train my pup much quicker than I otherwise would have. Buford was waiting to pee and poop until she came inside, which was frustrating, to say the least! After reading just part of the book, I caught several crucial mistakes I was making. I corrected them, and the results were astounding. Though not perfect, Buford started on the right path the day I began to impliment the book’s teachings. After naps Here are three important things to focus on during a puppy’s first week in her new home: Share this page on Email Brewer-Patriot Sets Up Shop In Lakewood Staking a “pee” rag (a rag I used to soak up an indoor accident) in the backyard, when she was a puppy, taught my dog where to go. I took her to that spot every time we went out and “refreshed” when she inappropriately eliminated in the house. I still say her word (even after 12 years) every time I let her out. She has only had one accident since she was trained and that was after a major move to new city. Stop Your Dog from Biting Other People KLB Learn How to Reward Good Dog Behaviors and Discourage Unwanted Behaviors Ideal Balance™ In the 1980s veterinarian and animal behaviourist Ian Dunbar discovered that despite evidence on the peak learning periods in animals, few dog trainers worked with puppies before they were six months old.[25] Dunbar founded Sirius Dog Training, the first off-leash training program specifically for puppies, which emphasizes the importance of teaching bite inhibition, sociality, and other basic household manners, to dogs under six months of age.[31] Dunbar has written numerous books, and is known for his international seminar presentations and award-winning videos on puppy and dog behavior and training.[32] Adults 5/14/18 Cups BI INTELLIGENCE Birds wikiHow’s mission is to help people learn, and we really hope this article helped you. Now you are helping others, just by visiting wikiHow. The Quick and Dirty Tips Privacy Notice has been updated to explain how we use cookies, which you accept by continuing to use this website. To withdraw your consent, see Your Choices. Virginia – Areas Served Scent Work Authored by Dr. Jason Nicholas (Dr. J) Please enter a valid mobile number. Thank you for signing up for text alerts! Find a Puppy Chicken Coops To answer question 1) I’m afraid you can’t! Unless you are there to supervise, you cannot prevent a puppy shredding paper or pads, it’s just something they LOVE to do. Do you use a pad holder? This tends to help because they find it harder to get hold of the pad. If still successful, secure the pad into the holder so they cannot take it out. You can also spray bitter tasting chew deterrent around the edges of the pad so she finds it distasteful. Decided on the commands you will use if any? Call today and let us customize a program just for you! Cornerstone Society Police: Man shoots at neighbor over home construction Games and Play I really wanted to buy a puppy so I can have a new buddy at home but we all know that it’s also a big responsibility. You have to take care of it like your own child. But I don’t have to worry anymore because the book just taught me a lot of things. This step-by-step guide is really helpful is getting us prepared for a new member of the family. I’m glad I got to avail this book. Visit Us Your puppy’s tail How to bring out your dog’s inner genius Choose a training class based on age, skill level & the developmental needs of your dog. Love We also offer Private & In-Home Consultations to work on specific issues that your dog may be having. We have two locations to offer you more classes at your convenience. Click for directions to both our Hartland and Pewaukee locations. The Missing Link And be sure not to punish your puppy for an accident or do anything to create a negative association with her bodily functions. Stay calm and assertive and quietly remove the puppy to the place where you want him to go. Heading to a secluded, hidden spot or trying to leave the room. 77 min read Racine Capital Campaign Blue-green algae can be toxic to dogs. Call your vet immediately if you suspect poisoning. Don’t let your dog… Pick up your puppy’s water dish about two and a half hours before bedtime to reduce the likelihood that they’ll need to relieve themselves during the night. Most puppies can sleep for approximately seven hours without needing a bathroom break. If your puppy does wake you up in the night, don’t make a big deal of it; otherwise they will think it is time to play and won’t want to go back to sleep. Turn on as few lights as possible, don’t talk to or play with your puppy, take them out and then return them to bed. Potty training causes many puppy owners a world of pain. It doesn’t have to be so difficult, I’ve had lots of success with this step-by-step outdoor puppy house training method. How to Toilet Train Your Puppy in 3 Days Dog Breed Information (50) Memorials 7 Easy Steps on How You Can Teach Puppy to Wait or Stay
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Almost all dogs speak the language of food, so treats are also a good reward during the housetraining process. When your dog eliminates in the right spot outside, praise her with words and give her a treat within one to three seconds of the behavior. Remember that consistency is crucial, so make sure you have treats with you to reward her within three seconds every time she goes in the right spot. FAQ | First, let’s start with clearing up some potential confusion and putting your mind at ease. You may have seen conflicting articles or received differing opinions on whether dogs are “den animals” (animals that live the majority of their lives underground or in a cave). The truth is that while dogs aren’t technically “den animals,” as they certainly don’t spend the majority of their lives in a den, they do have a “denning instinct.” Pregnant dogs seek out the safety of a den to birth and rear their pups. So some of your puppy’s earliest memories tie back to the comfort and safety of being with mom (and litter mates) in a safe, secure, den-like space. Additionally, when dogs are ill, injured, or otherwise needing a place to relax and feel safe, they will seek out a den or “den-like” protected space. While you may worry that your dog will see their crate as a “jail cell,” the truth is actually quite the opposite. When crate training and conditioning is handled correctly, a crate provides a calming and protective space where your dog can relax and feel secure — and truly be safe.  July 28, 2017 at 4:53 am interaction Cornucopia Institute Your puppy will watch you to read your body signals more than he will listen to you, and he’ll quickly learn what you’re feeling even without you speaking. Puli Copyright © 2017 Alliance of Therapy Dogs, All Rights Reserved Wellness Grooming First Aid Health Nutrition and Food Veterinary Care Dog Care Professionals Common Illnesses Save an extra $5.00 at checkout Address: N29 W23950 Schuett Drive Pewaukee, WI 53072 NVPILB #1906F When the puppy has done his business, praise him lavishly.  A good rule of thumb to follow is to give your puppy a chance to relieve himself at a minimum of these times: Click a star to add your vote Natural Balance Shop by Brand 0:41 14 5 Pack Leadership Techniques Be consistent. Being consistent is one of the keys to potty training. When taking your puppy outside it is best to always use the same door. You should always take the dog to the same spot and use the same command to help it to associate the area with the appropriate action. FACEBOOK KONG But my puppy is so friendly! Toggle navigation The Kennel Club Back To Training I approach marking like all housetraining problems, taking dogs back to Housetraining 101, with the emphasis on keen attention, since it is important to interrupt the urge to mark before actual house-soiling occurs. For dogs who are chronic markers, a belly band that prevents house-soiling may be a helpful management tool. If you’re like me and have trouble keeping up with your pup at all times try using a tether. You can buy a tether from the pet store or simply do what I did and use a long lead or leash. If tethering your pup to you at all times is what it takes to make sure they’re not sneaking off then go for it. If you’re not keen on keeping your dog tethered you can use baby gates or closed doors to restrict your dogs access to the whole house. August 28, 2017 9:08 am 3.0 out of 5 starsThree Stars PupLight What is the best way to train and discipline your dog? Pulling and tugging on the leash on walks Sign up for the Most Popular email Dig into the “software your dog comes bundled with” and discover how common psychological practices can help us train dogs to overcome their instinctual behaviors. Professor Donaldson defines terms you’ll be using throughout the training such as prompting, capturing, and shaping. Master the first basic obedience commands: sit and down. x Subscriptions National Edition private puppy training What Meningitis Does to Your Body Based on the principles of social learning, model-rival training uses a model, or a rival for attention, to demonstrate the desired behaviour.[65] The method was used by Irene Pepperberg to train Alex the African Grey Parrot to label a large number of objects. McKinley and Young undertook a pilot study on the applicability of a modified version of the model-rival method to the training of domestic dogs, noting that the dog’s origins as a member of large and complex social groups promote observational learning. The model-rival training involved an interaction between the trainer, the dog, and a person acting as a model-rival, that is, a model for desired behaviour and a rival for the trainer’s attention. In view of the dog, a dialogue concerning a particular toy commenced between the trainer and the model-rival. The trainer praised or scolded the model-rival depending on whether the model-rival had named the toy correctly. It was found that the performance times for completion of the task were similar for dogs trained with either operant conditioning or the model rival method. In addition, the total training time required for task completion was comparable for both methods.[66] Nosework Games and NW2 & NW3 Coaching Clinics with Michael McManus Training the Best Dog Ever: A 5-Week Program Using the Power of Positive Reinforcement by Larry Kay Paperback $10.98 Featured Events potty train dog | how to potty train a dog fast potty train dog | potty train dog potty train dog | best way to potty train Legal | Sitemap
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How to Get Your UNFOCUSED Dog to LISTEN to You RIGHT NOW! ("Leave it"/"Look at Me" Combo), | puppy training classes prices
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How to Get Your UNFOCUSED Dog to LISTEN to You RIGHT NOW! ("Leave it"/"Look at Me" Combo), | puppy training classes prices
Svizzera j SuperZoo 2018 – Searching For The Latest And Greatest Pet Products Starmark Pro-Training Dog Collar, Large Exercise & Play Housetraining ground rule No. 1: Never leave your un-housetrained dog unattended. Not even for a minute. If you aren’t actively engaged with your dog, having her in the same room with you doesn’t count. It’s very important not to give her opportunities to fail at housetraining. If you can’t engage with your dog, which of course isn’t possible every minute of every day, she should be in her crate. Yes, I said crate! Families should reward good behavior and redirect or ignore unwanted behavior. By setting clear boundaries, such as not allowing… read full article Kitten Food Puppy Preschool About Purina open Grain-Free (6) Consistency is key when learning how to potty train a puppy. You can easily set up a routine by feeding, watering, and letting your pup out of his crate at the same times every day. This will also help your new pup develop bladder control. Based on the principles of social learning, model-rival training uses a model, or a rival for attention, to demonstrate the desired behaviour.[65] The method was used by Irene Pepperberg to train Alex the African Grey Parrot to label a large number of objects. McKinley and Young undertook a pilot study on the applicability of a modified version of the model-rival method to the training of domestic dogs, noting that the dog’s origins as a member of large and complex social groups promote observational learning. The model-rival training involved an interaction between the trainer, the dog, and a person acting as a model-rival, that is, a model for desired behaviour and a rival for the trainer’s attention. In view of the dog, a dialogue concerning a particular toy commenced between the trainer and the model-rival. The trainer praised or scolded the model-rival depending on whether the model-rival had named the toy correctly. It was found that the performance times for completion of the task were similar for dogs trained with either operant conditioning or the model rival method. In addition, the total training time required for task completion was comparable for both methods.[66] The benefits from learning from a trainer of trainers are numerous. Rather than focusing on one training method and hoping for the best, Professor Donaldson has worked with numerous approaches, so she is well aware of the frustrations and concerns that come with the trendy training methods—especially since many of them are based on old “pack status” assumptions that have been debunked. Instead, Professor Donaldson has honed a data-driven technique that has been validated by current behavior science. By taking a holistic approach and grounding her methodology in current research around how dogs think and react, you get a unique and accessible approach that works for both you and your dog. Save an extra $5.00 at checkout Humane Investigations Corte Madera Designer Step 2: Decide a Schedule For Exercise, Training And Play I recommend using newspapers with a very young puppy, confined to a single room with an easy to clean floor. Keep your training sessions short, consistent and always have fun. The key to shaping your puppy’s behavior is to start out with very easy commands, continue to build on these successes and apply heaps of repetition. Base your puppy training sessions around trust and mutual respect rather than old school methods based on punishment, avoidance and harsh corrections. In this environment you will find that your puppy loves his training sessions and his confidence will grow with each and every session. Before you ever try to get your pup to step foot in their new crate, or even step near it, place the crate in a room where your dog spends a lot of his or her time. Remove or open the crate door, so your dog feels secure about exploring the ins and outs of their soon-to-be home. If he naturally shy’s away, that’s okay. Don’t force your dog to become familiar, rather try sitting beside the crate, and speaking to your pup in a friendly tone, placing treats around, and then eventually inside the crate until he finally steps in. Placing a familiar blanket or toy inside the crate is also a great way to entice them to enter. Pups should not be allowed to growl over food, especially if there are children in the household. Get our entertainment, dining and things to do newsletter right in your inbox weekly. Local Animal Control Agencies Find a Hospital Dogs for the Visually Impaired Youth Impact Programs Learn more at nomnomnow.com Private Adoption Brooklyn, NY z Obviously, your puppy will feel the need to bark, chew, and eliminate throughout the course of the day, and so she must be left somewhere she can satisfy her needs without causing any damage or annoyance. Your puppy will most probably eliminate as far as possible from her sleeping quarters-in her doggy toilet. By removing all chewable items from the puppy playpen-with the exception of hollow chewtoys stuffed with kibble-you will make chewing chewtoys your puppy’s favorite habit, a good habit! Long-term confinement allows your puppy to teach herself to use an appropriate dog toilet, to want to chew appropriate chewtoys, and to settle down quietly. 38 min read Question of the Day Kids Clubs If you are using the crate for more than two hours at a time, make sure puppy has fresh water, preferably in a dispenser you can attach to the crate. Made Easy Alexa ^ Jump up to: a b c Miller, Pat (July 2004). “Young Dogs Can Learn From Older Well-Behaved Dogs”. The Whole Dog Journal. Retrieved 1 December 2012. There are many techniques available for managing biting because not all dogs or people respond to the same method. If you or other members of your family are in physical danger or fearful of the puppy, seek the help of an experienced Certified Dog Trainer or Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist (a veterinary specialist) immediately.[12]The longer the behavior continues unchecked, the greater the chance of escalation and injury. When you are home but can’t attend to your puppy, follow the same procedures described above. However, the more time you spend with your puppy, the quicker he will be house trained. Your objective is to take your puppy to his toilet area every time he needs to eliminate. This should be about once every 30-45 minutes; just upon waking; just after eating or drinking; and just after a play session. Provide house training taxi service to avoid unnecessary “mistakes”. sign in You Must Clean Deep And Thoroughly To Prevent Repeat ‘Mistakes’ Wellness Exact matches only And if crate training, do not leave them in the crate too long else they may be forced to soil in there. Prevent this at all costs. Kitten Food ; Starting your puppy off right! You and your dog will receive at-home, personalized, one-on-one training from one of our highly skilled trainers. Irish Setter Pet Insurance Rolf Kopfle/Getty Images Phone: 262-542-8851 “The Dog Trainer Foundations course is THE best starting point to learn the basics of positive reinforcement training.” Visit Us Do you want a dog or a cat? Ask a Question Tweet When the heat arrives, cats can not only feel hot and bothered – they are at more risk of potentially fatal… Twin Lakes, Boulder, CO Accomplishments July 11, 2018 Critters on canvas: Denver-area artists create long-lasting memories of cherished pets Call Us 508736-3202 Expert Blogs Pet Insurance 101 Pet Telethon When 10 weeks old they may need to toilet every 30 minutes, so they only get 5 to 10 minutes free time. When 12 weeks old, they may need to toilet every hour so they can get 35 to 40 minutes free time. What is the price of the course? Biting people A crate, portable exercise pen, or small room equipped with a baby gate, so you can create an appropriate confinement area for your dog. This will prevent unwanted accidents from occurring. Preventing unwanted accidents ensures our dogs don’t rehearse pottying in inappropriate places and keeps the non-potty places from becoming infused with those potty scents that can trigger a dog into making a mistake. Brought to you by 3. Puppy Crate Training Browse All Services MasterPeace Dog Training Center is a full-service dog training center. Our classes include Puppy Kindergarten, Pet Obedience, Continuing Education, Competition Obedience, Rally Obedience, Pet Agility, Puppy Agility, Competition Agility, Nose Work, and other specialty classes. We are often adding new classes and events – be sure to check out the side bar entitled Upcoming Events! We teach using positive methods of training including clicker training and are committed to teaching you to train your dog in a way that is not only effective, but fun for you and your dog. Successful House Training Requires Supervision I look forward to trump apologists, supposed fiscal conservatives who hate welfare and government spending, twisting into knots trying to explain away this handout. Headline might as well read: Trump screws up markets, pays farmers with your money.Corker is a coward but he’s right, we’re just offering welfare to farmers to solve a problem they [Trump admin] themselves created Busy® Brewer-Patriot Sets Up Shop In Lakewood GET FREE WEEKLY TIPS Staffed 24/7 BOARDING Puppia After you bring home a new puppy, it can feel like you’ve lost all freedom. A crate or ex-pen is the ticket to getting some of that freedom back. Confining your puppy in a safe, happy place when you cannot watch her is a built-in solution to many behavior challenges. It prevents problems (chewed up shoes or furniture, house soiling) before they happen. Laying a solid training foundation will make life with your dog easier and more fun. If you’re not sure where to start, sign up for an in-person obedience class; there’s no better way to train your dog than to practice with an expert IRL. You can also follow any of the helpful links above, and check out our blog archives for additional tips and tricks.
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PEDIGREE® Dry Dog Food Small Dog Grilled Steak and Vegetable Flavor TV specials Albion Park, New South Wales To provide you with flexibility, our dog training in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs can be tailored to better suit the needs of you and your four-legged companion. Whether you wish to train a new puppy or need a dog behaviourist in Melbourne to teach an adult dog to be better behaved, our dog school and dog training services can be customised to your specific circumstances. BSB: 064 179 Small Animal 23/07/2018 The World’s Largest Dog Training Company Once you have attended Orientation, purchase the membership option that suits your training goals.  Puppies are adorable and challenging in equal measure.  Behavioural Modification Archives Site terms of use Wet Cat Food (Vet Diet) 07 Sep 2017 9:49:31am Online Course -Basic Dog Manners – Level 1 AWL Dog Training Team Treats I think that it is a great opportunity for the students to be able to train real PUPPY I mean I would love that Jump up ^ Herron, Meghan E; Frances S. Shofer; Ilana R. Reisner (2009). “Survey of the use and outcome of confrontational and non-confrontational training methods in client-owned dogs showing undesired behaviors” (PDF). Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 117 (1): 47–54. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2008.12.011. Retrieved 30 November 2012. These behaviours are all normal and it’s likely your buddy’s behaviour will change as the program continues. It is important to concentrate on your dog’s development and not compare them to others in the class. Your trainer will ensure that each dog receives individual attention throughout the course. Assistance Dogs Puppy Training Working Dogs GETTING STARTED ABC Me Family Dogs for Sale No current Polls Open Colleges Northern Districts Kennel & Obedience Club Inc. Meet the team and learn more about Sharon’s qualifications and memberships. Pet Rehabilitation Program Read the Article By utilising all methods of technology available today, individuals around the country will have the opportunity to train directly with Steve and Vicki Austin, world renowned dog trainer. Once he’s in the down position, say “Down,” give him the treat, and share affection. Urban Dog Training Find out how Bentley Reserve Dog Playground Holden Hill Commercial fishing Prong collar (pinch collar) Choosing a pet Cost: $150 We hope that you enjoy your read and the photos of our Club Members dogs, doing what they do best. Cages & Accessories Jump up ^ Millan 2010, p. 90. Secured logins Service Praise and correction words should be started at 2-3 months old. Using the correct tone of voice and body language, you will be able to properly teach commands such as “No” and “Good”. This will help your puppy differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate behaviour. Mastering these simple commands will make it easier to move onto teaching more complex words. This information is provided to you to in an effort to help you and all other attendees to get the most out your Urban Dog Training Course…. read more Sydney Shelter and Veterinary Hospital Our methods are best practice Dog registration Disaster and Alerts 2. Did you find what you were looking for on our website? 3 x 1 Hour Personal Dog Training Session (In Home or on Location) Develop your relationship with your best friend based on trust and cooperation using positive reinforcement. We will go through steps to train your dog to come when you really need it. A puppy will begin training with its mother and breeder as an infant. Once you’ve got the go ahead to bring your new canine friend home, it’s vital to know the immediate steps for training. Here, we’ve provided our expert opinion on the early stages of training your puppy. Bark (dog) How To Train A Puppy Jump up ^ Koehler 1962, p. 7. Ready to promenade with your pup? Space is limited to 4 puppies per outing, so Register today! Dogs for Sale Coffs Harbour Shelter Reply Alert moderator RTO: 31193 Locating a Lost Pet Read the Article Correcting mistakes Keep it Consistent * Free standard shipping only applies to most major metropolitan regions. You may be charged for shipping if your delivery address is not within a major metropolitan region. May not be valid with other discounts or offers and excludes gift cards and large items such as kennels, fish tanks and cat scratchers. Terms, conditions and exclusions of this offer are subject to change at PETstock’s discretion. Small Animal Show all Step 2. Send Web: www.positiveresponse.net.au Roxene & Maggie Mae Snarling and Snapping Adoptions Enforcing rules Dental care – your pet’s teeth and gums How can you help? Free Veterinary Services We recommend that you start building a healthy foundation for your puppy with an initial two hour home consult that includes general puppy training as well as: Credit Card – Visa or Mastercard Click & Collect Dog Training Classes Group classes held in Ringwood, Thursday Evenings and Sunday Mornings. From Puppies to Advanced. First Lesson Free. … Newsletter Signup Problems with dogs We recommend Puppy Promenade, Puppy Playgroups and Puppy Un-Chase!® for building an unflappable adult dog – one who can meet any situation with calm grace. Sit next to you at a busy outdoor café? Got it. Visit a friend’s farm? No problem. Buy Raffle Tickets Let him lick, sniff, mouth, paw, and bark to try to get it — and ignore the behaviors. Puppy School (Part 1) – 8-16 weeks Ok, he’s finally home. Training needs to begin immediately, considering the new pattern on the rug, not to mention the dog’s breakfast he’s made of your new Manolo Blahnik strappy sandals. But where should you start? Please note: All dogs must be up to date with C5 vaccinations Understand more about your dogs’ behaviour. Wet Cat Food (Vet Diet) Long Leads Equine Measurement Tuggerah Care Centre Carolyn B. 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When you bring a puppy home, you start with a blank slate. That means you are responsible for forming your cute ball of fluff into a well-mannered dog. – Enter promo code: rdsave20 in your Shopping Cart. The Promotion Code is one time use only. Business Sponsorships Tramadol for Dogs – A Pet Owner’s Guide To A Prescription Medication Make a Dog Stop Biting Jump up ^ Burch 1999, p. 162. Canine Good Citizen via Animal Rescue League Boston 12 Things Veterinarians Wish You Knew About How to Potty Train a Puppy
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Ok, he’s finally home. Training needs to begin immediately, considering the new pattern on the rug, not to mention the dog’s breakfast he’s made of your new Manolo Blahnik strappy sandals. But where should you start? Self-Publish with Us ~ Ellen Dinwiddie SmithMark, Alex and Noah Smith Hazel Thomas 2. Treat Theory Seattle Sounders FC Save up to $190.00 Starting at $34.95 $79.95 $34.95–$79.95 This is a great place to put your CTA that you have been building towards in your video. Marketplace Dog Coat ID Quiz: Can You ID These Breeds Proactivity is key here and will form the habits of a lifetime. “When you start to socialise after the first few days, remember that dogs need positive association with things, places and people, not just exposure to them,” says Claire. You got a puppy partly because they’re really cute. But mostly because you look forward to the companionship of a friendly, easy-going, behaviorally healthy dog. Socialization is how you get from cute now to cool later. Brushes & Tank Cleaners Thailand – ไทย Separation Anxiety In Dogs Train your puppy with mild oral correction and lots of praise and rewards. Ann It can be overwhelming to decide the best things to teach your puppy. One of the best ways to interact with your dog and to get him or her to pay attention to you is to teach look or watch me command. This isn’t necessarily a trick, rather it’s a way to capture your dog’s full attention before you begin training. To do this, simply decide which words you will use and be consistent (i.e. “look” or “watch me”). Before you begin teaching your dog anything else, say “look,” and offer a treat when she responds. When you have her full attention, move onto the training. Ireland Eesti 5/15/18 Compare Breeds Please find safe ways to exercise your puppy too! As your puppy’s pack leader, you must help to expend their energy in a productive way. For all dogs, this means a daily walk. •  Board and Train Save $ with our Complete Puppy Course House Training For Full Time Workers Chesapeake Bay Retriever Dog training is the application of behavior analysis which uses the environmental events of antecedents and consequences to modify the behavior of a dog, either for it to assist in specific activities or undertake particular tasks, or for it to participate effectively in contemporary domestic life. While training dogs for specific roles dates back to Roman times at least, the training of dogs to be compatible household pets developed with suburbanization in the 1950s. Hill’s® Prescription Diet® w/d® Canine – Click once (in-out.) If you want to express special enthusiasm, increase the number of treats, not the number of clicks. ISBN-13: 978-1517450045 BY KATIE AVIS-RIORDAN MAR 8, 2018 McGreevy, P., and R. Boakes (2011). Carrots and Sticks: Principles of Animal Training, Sydney: Darlington Press “If you actually hurt them, you’re validating their aggression … the dog had learned to use ‘fight,’ it learned that if it bit at things, it could get its way.” Water Changers See all customer images If paper training: Take your puppy to their confinement area where their papered bathroom spot is and supervise them, ready to intervene if they make moves to potty away from the paper. Encourage them to potty at their scheduled time if they don’t do so naturally. Creation of a Superhero The term “tell” as it relates to poker is as defined as: “a subtle but detectable change in a player’s behavior or demeanor that gives clues to that player’s assessment of his hand.” Many dogs exhibit their own version of a “tell.” In this context it’s known as a “pre-elimination behavior.” Strengthen behaviors to provide consistent responses Passive House Training When you are NOT Home Treibball Workshops Ken Phillips (Author) Put a leash and collar on your dog. Potty training is all about consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement. Start with the basics: We have 125+ locations across the US and Canada. Dog Health & Care Home | About | Training | Products | Community | Link to Us | Los Angeles Dog Training Havanese – A Complete Guide to the Cuban Pint-Sized Pup Gigi Moss Dog Training is Positive Training Learn More Don’t get confused about your role. “The best dog owners are care-givers and educators, rather than enforcers,” says pet behaviourist Danielle Beck. “You don’t have to be a domineering pack leader. You just have to teach your dog how to love and respect you.” Be consistent in this role and get the whole family on board. Save up to $190.00 Starting at $59.95 $79.95 $59.95–$79.95 Classes Per Week Todd Herman Why You Are Who You Are: Investigations into Human Personality Press Room When you first bring home a puppy, it’s safe to assume that there will probably be a fair amount of undesirable behavior that occurs. For safety reasons, some of it cannot be ignored. But, sometimes you can let lesser transgressions slide so that you don’t become “that person” who does nothing but stop behavior all day long. PetSTEP Fear and Aggression Prevention Click Here Tuesday: 11:30am to 6:00pm Health & Grooming Once enrollment is complete, tuition is non-refundable. Once you begin, you have access to the full course. puppy training how to | puppy training biting puppy training how to | how to train puppies puppy training how to | boxer puppy training Legal | Sitemap
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