#and the I’m scared to post it but it might help some people she wrote at the end 😅
joansiefics · 6 months
Bucky -
could you write something about Bucky's daughter getting in a car accident with friends and shes the only one that makes it and she calls bucky because she's scared and hurt...so bucky and steve come to the scene and helps/
Everyone makes mistakes:
WARNINGS: Underaged drinking, car accident, death. Please let me know if I missed anything :)
A/N: Alright, so if you have seen my last post (like a year ago), I said that I will be solemnly posting stories on Wattpad. It went great, but kinda went downhill after a while - I became busy with school and when I had the time I just couldn't get myself to write something. But then like a week ago, I logged into my Tumblr account, and I missed the feeling of writing something down and being creative (because all I do now is study math and physics and that's not really being creative), so I thought why not start writing the requests that I never wrote?? So yeah, here is the first one in a while :)
ADD yourself to my TAGLIST
I didn’t want to get into the car. I told them that like 20 times already, but do you expect drunk-out-of-their-mind people to listen to you - the “deadbeat” of the group, because you don’t like alcohol?
I used to like alcohol. LOVED it in fact. Until my dad had to come bail me out of jail, after a party had gone wrong. It wasn’t entirely my fault – I didn’t know the house wasn’t really the host’s house, but rather someone’s who was on vacation. The neighbors heard the music and yelling as our team won bear pong and called the police. When the police arrived, I was too drunk to register anything going on and some friends, my friends were – ran away without me and left me to be the only one to get arrested.
A few hours in jail can really help you sober up quickly, trying to gather your thoughts, because what are you going to tell your dad? Not even an hour later, my dad came to bail me out and I swore (while resting my head on the toilet seat and my dad holding my hair back) to never drink a sip of alcohol again if I could help it. Now I know most people say that, and the following night they’re at the new bar drinking like there’s no tomorrow – that wasn’t me: I declined the parties my “friends” invited me to and started spending more time with my dad – he is actually a really cool guy. This continued for a few weeks until my “friends” told me they didn’t want anything to do with me anymore, because I’ve changed. I have to say, I was truly happy with their decision.
I made new friends and was able to stick to my “no-drinking-promise” – but it became difficult because apparently you can’t have friends that don’t drink, leading to the predicament I find myself in at this very moment.
“Y/N will you just get in the freaking car?! We don’t have all night”.
“I’ve told you 20 times, now 21, I’m not getting into the car with you. You can’t even walk in a straight line!”
“Just GET IN!” My dad might be a super-soldier, but that doesn’t mean I inherited the strong gene, so it was rather easy for John (one of my friends) to man handle me into the back, squashing me against the left side window, as the rest of our friends piled in next to us. I prayed, I really prayed that I’d get home safe.
“Wouldn’t it be better if I drive? I know I only have my learners license, but you guys are accompanying me, so it’s not like I’m breaking the law. It’s better than all of us dying because you were drunk and driving”.
“I am fully capable of driving this car, Y/N” Melany said from the driver’s seat. I decided to shut my mouth and let her focus on the road, she didn’t need me and the alcohol distracting her.
“Turn up the music!!” Ethan yelled and everyone thought to cheer him on, as if he had said the coolest thing on earth.
“Don’t you think we should let Melany focus on the road, and maybe be quiet?” I suggested.
“Will you stop being such a deadbeat for once in your life, Y/N?” This time it was Sarah who spoke. She was the perfect student that everyone looked up to – perfect grades, happy family, rich parents, beach houses… you name it; but only we knew that it was all a façade – she studied day and night as an escape from her mom being permanently drunk and her dad permanently working. I guess that’s why her comment didn’t bother me as much as it should have, she is merely living out the life that was presented to her as an example.
“I’m sorry” I apologized.
We haven’t even been driving for more than five minutes, when Melany spoke again. “What is that bright light? It’s hurting my eyes, make it stop” she whined. Apparently drunk people are like insects attracted to light, because all my friends stared at the light in awe.
At first I wasn’t interested, I just rolled my eyes and stared out the window.
“Oh look, the light is moving towards us” Melany squealed, earning another eye roll from me, but I have to admit the curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to see what was so fascinating about a stupid light.
I wish I never looked – with the looking came the honking of a truck’s horn – a signal to move out of the way. But have you ever Googled what happens when people drink too much? My dad made me Google it the night he came to bail me out of jail; he forced me to read all the bad things that could happen to you when drinking irresponsibly – slowed reflexes, no filter for words spewing out of your mouth and sometimes even alcohol poisoning.
Right now, not even a horn could quicken Melany’s reflexes. Before I could even think of a plan to get her to swerve out of the way, the truck collided with us. Head on. We were flipping. Rolling. Flipping. Rolling. And flipping some more. When we finally came to a stop, I couldn’t see for a few seconds – everything was dark and blurry. It probably took me a few minutes to come to a realization of what just occurred.
“Okay Y/N. What would dad do in this situation?” I didn’t know what he would do and even if I did, I probably wouldn't be able to accomplish it. “Guys?” Silence. “Guys!” More silence. I didn’t like the silence – it made me hear my own heartbeat drumming in my ears. We were on a deserted road, little to no lampposts and no one ever driving down this road at this hour. I didn’t even know if the truck driver was alive, called the ambulance or just… drove away.
I slowly moved my arm, feeling pain shoot up into my shoulder, but I had to get a hold of my phone. Feeling my phone in my pocket, I just prayed it would still work. Slowly pulling it out, trying not to cause more pain to my shoulder, I saw the screen light up, and I could have cried tears of joy.
I didn’t want to call the police or the ambulance – I only wanted my dad. I pressed speed dial and not even 5 seconds later I heard my dad’s voice.
“Hey doll, where are you? I thought you would be home by eleven?”
“I-“ I didn’t know what to tell him. “I- uhm”
“Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“Hey, you promised never to call me Y/N unless I was in trouble” I tried to joke, maybe let out a laugh to let him know that I was okay and not busy bleeding somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Of course he heard the airy laugh. I wouldn’t be surprised if he could hear my heart beating like I could.
“Well, aren’t you?”
“In trouble?”
“Have a little faith in me dad. I told you I’m not going to drink, and I stuck to my promise” I rasped out.
I heard some laughing in the background. “I’m sorry, am I disrupting you?”
“No, not at all, doll. Steve just came to hang out for a bit. But stop changing the subject, if you’re not in trouble, why are you calling me when you should have been home already?” I probably had to speed up the conversation, because I could feel myself getting dizzy, there was something wet dripping down my shoulder and forehead and no one was making a noise – I just hoped they’d be alive.
“Well, you see… uhm”.
“Spit it out. Do I have to come bail you out again? Because I swear Y/N I will…”
“I need you to come get me” I tried to stop the wobble in my voice, but it was useless. “I promise dad… I told them I didn’t want to, but they forced me and they were drunk and – and they’re not waking up and - “ a big sob escaped my mouth and I couldn’t keep it in any longer.
“What did they force you to do, Y/N?”  I could hear the panic in my dad’s voice. I heard him call Steve and I heard Steve’s worried voice ask what was wrong.
“Y/N, you need to breathe and tell me where you are so we can come get you” I focused on my breathing, trying to get myself to keep calm and get as comfortable as possible. I tried wiping the wetness of my forehead, that kept bugging me, but I caught the sight of crimson smudged on my hand. Stupidly, I smacked the same hand over my mouth to stop the scream from pouring out, but my dad heard the muffled scream.
“Doll, breathe. I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me”.
“I – there’s blood!” I wanted to wake up from this horrible nightmare.
“Y/N, answer me damnit! Where are you?”
“I don’t know” I was trying so hard to get air into my lungs. “We were driving back home from the party – “
“We… I… we’re on an abandoned road, there are almost no lampposts, there are no houses, there…” That’s all I know” I cried out, because how were they going to find me if I didn’t even know where I was.
Dad’s voice came from the other side. “We’ll search in the perimeters of the party’s address.”
“Please don’t hang up!”
“I’m going to hand the phone over to Steve, I have to focus on the road. Just keep talking to him, sweetheart.”
“We’ll be there soon, honey. Ten minutes, tops” Steve tried to ease my nerves.
I didn’t speak to any one of them after that, but it comforted me, knowing that they were there, just a call away and maybe just a few minutes away.
Eight minutes later, Steve said he was going to hang up and I cried and pleaded with him not to but got interrupted by the “end call” button. Before I could even think about cursing him out, or being mad at him and my dad, I heard my name being called.
“Here!” Was all I could seem to manage, but luckily they heard me. “Steve come help me get her out!” Soon Steve was forcing the door open and holding it as my dad, gently pulled me out of the wreck and into his chest.
“It’s okay, you’re okay. I’m here. You’re safe. You’re alive.” My dad whispered in my ear, gently swaying me side-to-side. Sobs wracked my chest and the tears couldn’t stop flowing – my dad didn’t seem to care that his shirt was a mess of blood and tears.
“My – my friends”
My dad and Steve surreptitiously looked at each other until my dad nodded for Steve to get them out of the car. I think they knew something I didn’t, because when they were all safely outside the wreck, Steve had a confirmed look on his face as he searched for a pulse at each of them but didn’t find a single one.
“No! They’re fine, feel again!” I yelled at Steve. He wasn’t a doctor; he couldn’t call time of death.
“Y/N, doll, listen to me, Steve already checked – “
“ – Well he should check again! He’s wrong!”
To settle my mind, Steve searched for a pulse at each of them and once again turned to look at me with a sad smile.
“No. NO! No, no, no…” My “no’s” were getting quieter and my knees were getting weaker. “no, no…no” the last “no” came out chocked, and my dad caught me as my knees finally buckled and we sank to the floor. I couldn’t take the weight of their death. They were my friends, and even though they made some stupid decisions tonight, they didn’t deserve this. Everyone makes mistakes every once in a while. My dad ran his hand up and down my back, trying to ease some warmth and calmness into my skin and bones.
“Doll, I’m gently going to pick you up and take you to my car”.
“My shoulder. My friends” I kept seeming to forget my friends were dead.
“I’ll be careful of your shoulder. We’ll get it checked out and fixed at home. Right now, I just need you need to breathe with me. Focus on my breathing and everything will be sorted out. You don’t need to worry your head about anything right now, except breathing”
“My friends”
“We’ll get someone to come and get them. I promise”
My dad gently laid me down on the backseat of his car and a few moments later he got into the driver’s side and Steve got in next to me. Unfortunately, when my dad started the car, I was panicking. “No, I don’t want to be in a car. Please! Dad, don’t drive, I’m begging you!”
Steve gently scooted closer to me and enveloped me into a hug, I didn’t even realize we were driving, until we got home. Steve carried me out of the car as my dad ran ahead of us, opening the front door, grabbing blankets, and throwing them onto the couch. Steve gently put me down on the couch, but told me to keep sitting up, because they needed me to stay awake. Apparently, I can’t do that when I’m laying down.
My dad already called one of the doctors (while we were driving) from the infirmary to come check on me and do everything that he deemed necessary. My dad plopped himself down next to me, getting ready to keep me awake until the doctor gave orders that I could close my eyes.
After five minutes of the doctor’s presence, I decided that I didn’t like him. He kept telling me to “keep those eyes open” and “don’t fall asleep on me now”, while prodding at my injuries. Then he decided that pulling out the glass in my shoulder and stitching the wound up, was absolutely necessary and then he thought that shining the brightest light of all time in my eyes, would make me happy. My dad held my hand the entire time – gave it a squeeze when I winced or rubbed his thumb up and down when I squeezed my eyes shut due to the pain.
When the doctor finally left, my dad used a washcloth to wipe some sweat and dirt from me and handed me my pyjamas. He didn’t want to leave me alone for in case I felt dizzy (because the doctor said that’s what concussions can do), so he just turned around and kept his hand outstretched towards me, so I’d have something to grab onto if I felt like falling.
Afterwards, he helped me lay down under the covers and gently tucked me in as Steve brought me some biscuits, water and painkillers. It was difficult to fall asleep after everything that had happened tonight, but my dad reassured me that we’d take it day-by-day, one step at a time.
He would be there when I had to attend my friends’ funerals. He’d be there when I had to go for my check-up appointment at the doctor that wouldn’t let me sleep. And he’d be there when the terrible nightmares woke me up from my slumber.
@buckyzzrogers @buckyandstevesbitch @ooopsthiswasnotsupposedtohappen @marvelouslyriddikulus @yliumy
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coupleoffanfics · 7 months
Gotham Isekaied Reader
I have an idea. It's nothing new. I wrote nearly 5 pages of this idea, but I'm too scared to post it since it's filler and I even drew a cover. So I will ramble about this idea through headcanon. Some Jerome x Reader, I’m sorry. I can’t help myself. CW: One mention of suicide.
y/n wakes up to find that her life has gotten a major upgrade. Any flaws that her family has is erased. Did mom drink away stress? Now she doesn’t even touch alcohol. Dad isn’t smoking away his life. Her older brother is a law-abiding citizen who is studying to become a lawyer. Her younger brother is more positive about life and growing up in a home that they wished they had.
Not to mention that they’re rich. She no longer lives in a bad neighborhood and sleeps in a snazzy mansion.
Life is looking up until y/n turns on the TV with a news story about a man killing corrupt people with weather balloons.
She sits there thinking, ‘This was nice, but I should be getting back home.’
Maybe y/n’s close friends with Bruce beforehand. That’s when she realizes that she has to learn about the other y/n’s life. She can’t risk telling anyone about “we’re in a shitty TV show” without everyone considering throwing her into a mental institution. Tough luck because she ends up in Arkham regardless.
She writes down plotlines that she remembers. Making files on the character that she has met. Her files are hidden away in her room and aren't brought up later down the line when a certain person finds them.
How y/n ends up in Arkham is complicated. I want y/n to be completely sane through our POV, so she’s not going to be “I’m so insane and quirky”. Maybe she’s framed or killed someone in self-defense. Well, okay, I have thought out what gets her thrown into Arkham, but I don’t think anyone would find it interesting.
During her trial, the prosecutor will use her history of depression and suicide attempts to paint her as a homicidal. The whole trial is fishy, yet ends with her being locked up.
Bruce believes y/n when she says she hasn't done anything and promises to get her out of there. Legally of course.
Alfred probably tries to keep Bruce from visiting because Arkham has a reputation and doesn’t want him to be anywhere near there. The poor boy is going through too much in a short amount of time. 
So Bruce will send Selina to deliver anything. Or they both run away to visit y/n. When they come back to the manor and Alfred is questioning them, they both lie by saying that they’re somewhere else.
Bruce just wants to make sure his bestie is alright. Selina is just along for the ride but might visit y/n even when she doesn’t need to.
While in Arkham y/n is vibing in her little corner when Jerome starts bugging her. Might tell him about some plotlines just to see if anyone would believe her.
Jerome just laughs it off and starts orbiting y/n because she’s interesting. She tends to ramble and mumble to herself, for some reason he finds it so cute.
“You’re kind of funny, but I wouldn’t call you a joker.” She says before thinking, ‘Because legally you aren’t him. Thanks a lot, higher-ups.’
He writes about her in his diary and uses any stickers that she gives him. ‘Yeah, she's weird. Calling people characters and saying that we aren’t real, but she’s my little weirdo. I also got another pack of Hello Kitty stickers from her.’ Then he proceeds to doodle her with crayons.
When Theo Galavan surprise adopts them, Jerome starts taking y/n’s words more seriously. Still doesn’t believe her when she says he and everyone aren’t real. Like how is that possible? He feels real, oh whatever he has no time for that.
At the manor, Bruce is freaking out and dialing Jim begging him to save his bestie from that homicidal ginner. Theo has to make it seem like y/n is a hostage since she refuses to do any killing and Jerome has scary dog privilege.
‘They aren’t real. They aren’t people.’ She’d try to tell herself, but she just can’t bring herself to try to hurt someone. y/n is one of those freaks who try to drive safely in GTA without running over anyone or anything.
She doesn’t think that her words mean anything and that everything will follow the script. Until she tells Jerome to take an extra lighter with him. She’s chilling by herself when the news shows footage of a burnt bus and the news anchor talking about the cheerleaders who lost their lives.
That’s when y/n starts thinking over everything she’s said. She debates whether or not she should tell Jerome about Theo’s betrayal.
‘The show does start declining in ratings when he’s killed off. I could be doing the writers a favor, but what about the people? No, characters. They’re just characters! They aren’t real!’
In the end, Jerome is killed off and she’s put back into Arkham. Everyone is surprised by how calm she is after Jerome’s death. Not upset or anything. Like weren’t they close? Maybe their relationship was more one-sided.
Jim will question y/n and she might let a few things slip. Most brush her words off as they believe that she has some sort of Stockholm syndrome and is angry at Theo for killing her captor.
Back at Arkham, y/n yells, “FUCK!” When seeing Hugo Strange.
When Theo is dealt with, Jim will visit her or send her a thank you card for pointing him in the right direction regarding the investigation.
I’m getting tired and I might continue writing about this.
But I was going to have y/n be free from Arkham when some evidence regarding her case comes out. y/n will be outwardly passive throughout the story.
In the end, I was going to have y/n be the one who becomes Joker. Maybe she falls into a tub of chemicals. Don’t worry darling you aren’t going to be deformed like Jeremiah at the end. You’ll look different, but still smoking hot. 😘
Anyway seeing the physical change, her dwindling hope of getting back home, and her mental state being worn out. She decides to step up and take the name of Joker.
Bruce angst all the way. Maybe angst for other characters, but I could see this tearing him apart. He’s forced to watch his closest friend be replaced by a cackling monster. To then eventually start fighting against her.
She doesn’t react to being called y/n anymore, but she’ll give Batman/Bruce a melancholy look if he calls her by that. He doesn’t call her y/n often because that wasn’t y/n. y/n l/n was dead and there was no way she was coming back.
The theory of Joker being sane will ring true to y/n. She knows this isn’t real. It’s just fiction and any good piece of fiction needs a good villain. Since she’s not making it back home, she’ll make things fun.
Or multiple endings because those are always fun.
“Jerome? Jeremiah? Never heard of them.”
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wongyuseokie · 1 year
Mine | JJK
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Summary: Jungkook really shouldn’t have ventured into the house that no one else did, and he really should have seen the warning signs, but something about you drew him in, and now, he was in and never getting out. 
☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff | ☁︎ angst | ♕smut | ♥ completed works Word Count: 5647 words
Age: 18+ Pairings: Jungkook x Demon! Female Reader 
Genres/AUs/Tropes: Smut, Angst, Horror
Warnings: Unprotected sex, OC is much more than someone who manages a haunted house. Keep reading to find out. Squirting, deception, and revenge at its finest. Mentions of blood and Koo falls over and scrapes his knee. Multiple orgasms, and oral male and female receiving, call it a sinister Pokémon hunt?
Author’s Note: Kinkotober? Halloween smut is based very (EXTREMELY) loosely on the Haunting of the Bly Manor. Also, lowkey based on Taylor Swift’s Blank Space MV, the last scene, where she kills the guy and then gets ready, a new guy shows up at her door again, and the music restarts. You’ll get it later 😅 Authors Note 2: I wrote this fic some time ago, and I wanted to revive it (GET IT) for Halloween. This is my contribution to The Nightmares of Mystic Manor collab hosted by BTS Dream Court and BTS Carnival Net Authors Note 3: I didn't think I'd revive a fic, much less this one, but I could not have done any of it without my lovely friends who took time out of their days to hear me yell about banners and content for so long, thank you @shina913 and @here4btsfics for taking the time to read through this and give me feedback and help beta this! I adore you both endlessly!! 💕 Banner Credits: @classicseffects​ Cross Posted to AO3 © playmetheclassics 2022. All rights reserved. 
Jungkook loved Halloween. 
It was the perfect time to play jokes and scare the shit out of people and the perfect time to encourage his “no fear, and YOLO” agenda. But tonight, he had different plans. He was going to do something that no one would dare, and for that very reason, Jungkook had to do it. 
There was a mansion on Hill Street. It was rumoured to be haunted. Once upon a time, it housed a mob boss. Anyone who ever crossed him was met with a long and torturous death. He often took care of business at home. People have said that the manor’s walls had witnessed brutal murders. Decades later, the ghosts of the mob boss’ victims continue to roam the halls, wailing and screaming for mercy. and The story was that anyone who walked into that house never came out, and every Halloween, some idiot would venture into that house to never be seen again. 
Jungkook laughed at all the rumours, but he was about to become that idiot tonight.
“Dude, just keep your location on, okay? Once you get to the house, just send me a message, and if your ass isn’t out by tomorrow, I’ll call the police,” Jimin warned. He was exhausted from trying to reason with Jungkook. 
Jungkook could be as stubborn as a mule, and he nodded, seeing how Jimin finally gave in which made him so happy. “I’m fucking serious. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll kill you before whatever resides in that house kills you first!” Jimin said, and Jungkook nodded, this time taking the words of his friend thoughtfully. 
“Noted! Now, I shall see you tomorrow if the house hasn’t killed me before that,” Jungkook jokes, making Jimin glare at him.
God, how he hated Jungkook’s adventurous streak and wished that he could tie him to a chair until Halloween was over. Jimin knew, Halloween or not, Jungkook would still venture into the house, regardless. Might as well let him do it once, get spooked and never try again, Jimin rationalised as he glared at Jungkook, who excitedly packed his bag and laced up his boots.
“Alright, see you never, Hyung!” Jungkook said as he headed towards the door, earning a smack upside his head from Jimin. 
“Just go on and get your adrenaline fix! I will see you later, you brat!” Jimin nearly yelled, and Jungkook nodded, giving Jimin a tight hug before leaving. 
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“Damn!” Jungkook said as he reached the edge of  the forest, where the manor was. He couldn’t lie to himself–it was eerie! The entire journey here was right out of a horror movie. It was dark and foggy and oddly quiet. It was just an old house, according to Jungkook, nothing else. Just a stupid old place with horrible rumours. 
Jungkook would merely step inside, take a selfie and possibly say hi to a non-existent disembodied soul and then leave. And then brag to Jimin about how he was invincible and how Jimin was too worried for his own good. 
However, despite how brave Jungkook was, he couldn’t ignore the feeling that he was being followed or watched as he got out of his car and approached the manor. 
Jungkook always had a terrible habit of walking with his head held too high. Often, this meant he would miss a step and trip, and that’s precisely what happened as he approached the manor. He tripped and scraped his knee. He hissed in pain as he got up on his feet, only to jump in fear when he felt a hand on his back. 
“Hi,” a small voice spoke from behind him. The voice filled the silence of the forest, and Jungkook swore his heart nearly stopped. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.
“Fuck- what the hell,” Jungkook gasped, panting hard as he placed his hand over his chest to steady his erratic heartbeat. 
“Jesus, who are you?” Jungkook asked you. There was something about you, he thought, something ethereal and angelic. It was almost as if you were glowing. However, he didn’t dwell on it for too long. It was a forest, and it was foggy, it could have just been his eyes. 
“Y/N,” you said, and Jungkook nodded slowly. “Are you following me or something? Who else would come to the Hill Manor?” He asked, staring at you, and you let out a soft laugh that Jungkook could have sworn sounded like music, like a choir of angels singing. But there was an underlying hint of something more sinister behind your laughter. But again, he didn’t dwell on it for too long. After all, ghosts didn’t really exist for him. 
“I manage the Hill Manor, so I feel like I should be asking you what you’re doing here? Anyway, what’s your name?” You asked, moving your hand away from Jungkook’s back. And he swore that he felt the part that your hands were just on tingle. It didn’t hurt, but it felt funny. 
Again, he didn’t think anything of it.
“Jungkook,” he said, smiling softly at you. 
“Fuck, aren’t you nervous to, like, live here? Aren’t there ghosts and shit inside?” Jungkook asked, making you smile. The sweetest smile ever, he thought. 
“Ghosts don’t exist, but I’m guessing you’re an adrenaline junkie. Here to prove something to your friends?” You questioned him, and Jungkook nodded shyly. 
“Well, it’s a good thing I caught you. Most people try to break in and then run away when they hear my footsteps approach the front door,” you joked, making Jungkook smile. 
“Come on, why don’t you come in? Your cut looks pretty deep and needs to be cleaned out. I have a first-aid kit inside and we can bandage it up, then afterwards, you can take as many selfies as you want,” you offered, and Jungkook nodded as he followed you towards the manor. 
Jungkook could have sworn that the blood loss was affecting him more than usual. Your movements were so lithe…which made it really strange since the path to the manor was unpaved and uneven. Any normal person walking through this area would be staggering around. But you weren’t walking. You were floating. Your feet never touched the ground, but he thought that maybe he was starting to hallucinate  due to blood loss, and again, the forest was foggy. 
People don’t float. At least…not normal people.
“Holy shit,” Jungkook breathed out he entered the manor, and you closed the door behind him.
“What? Did you expect bodies and carnage?” You asked, and Jungkook shrugged, making you laugh. 
“I manage this house, so I make sure to clean, and care for it. Besides, why would I want to make it look less appealing when my job is to get this place sold?” You explained, and Jungkook nodded as he looked around the house. 
“Wait, you actually have buyers interested in this property? I thought the scary stories would have put them off?” Jungkook asked, and you smiled at him and shrugged. 
“Well, I guess. I’m banking on finding one of those eccentric buyers that think living in a rumoured haunted house is cool,” you joked, making him grin at you. 
“Why don’t you sit down? I’ll grab that first aid kit for you,” you suggested, and Jungkook nodded as he sat down in the living room. Everything looked modern, but what really caught his eye were the oil paintings on the wall. They were portraits, and he could have sworn one of the faces resembled yours. But again, he didn’t give it much thought. 
“I can’t take these down. It adds intrigue to the house,” you said as you found Jungkook eyeing the paintings. 
“You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that one  looks a lot like you,” he jokes, pointing at the specific portrait, earning a smile from you. 
“Now, wouldn’t that be crazy?” You said, laughing and Jungkook nodded, agreeing. 
It would be fucking crazy. 
“I thought you were grabbing a first aid kit?” Jungkook asked as he saw a wet washcloth in your hand and disinfectant in the other. 
“My grandma taught me old school methods. She said it’s always important to learn how to treat injuries without relying too much on modern medicine,” you explained, making him nod. 
“Will I still get a band-aid?” Jungkook jokes, and you smile, nodding. 
“Of course,” you answered as you sat on the couch next to him. 
“Lift,” you said, nudging Jungkook’s thigh, and he hesitated. You rolled your eyes and slid off the couch to sit on your knees in front of him. 
“Oh no, I can lift my leg,” Jungkook replied quickly, feeling bad for making you sit on the floor. You smiled, shaking your head at him. 
“Lean back, let me clean your knees. You have tiny pebbles and dirt on them,” you offered, and he nodded, leaning back. 
Jungkook winced when you dabbed his knee with the disinfectant. “Ow!” Jungkook whined, earning a soft chuckle from you. 
“I thought a man covered in tattoos would have a higher pain threshold?” You joked, earning a scowl from him. 
“That was voluntary pain, this is not,” Jungkook argued, and you shrugged. 
“You decided to visit this manor. Despite everyone telling you not to, I’m sure. So… this counts as something pretty voluntary to me,” you said as you dabbed a salve on his wound. 
“Are you always this sassy?” Jungkook asked, and you smiled at him. 
“It depends on my mood,” you answered. 
“And what has gotten you particularly sassy this Halloween evening?” He asked, and you sighed. 
“Well, I used to throw Halloween parties here, but we had an incident some years ago where  this family decided to bring their toddler. Needless to say, she got spooked. Word got out and we got some bad press. Since then, Halloween has become quite lonely,” you explained, and Jungkook nodded. 
“Until you tripped. I was taking a walk, and as I was heading back, I saw you were first staring at the house and then fell over,” you explained, earning a glare from Jungkook. 
“You saw me fall and didn’t help?” He asked incredulously.
“I’m helping now, aren’t I?” You spoke, and Jungkook nodded. You smiled, wrapped bandages around  his injured knee and stood up. 
“Thanks,” Jungkook said. 
“Uh, any way I can repay  you?” Jungkook asked as you sat on the coffee table across from him. 
“I’d suggest joining me for a drink, but I’m assuming you drove here?” You asked and Jungkook nodded sadly. 
“Ah, yeah, I’m sorry,” he scratches his neck.
Just then, as if by some force of God or magic, the wind started to howl outside, followed by some lightning and a loud thunderclap, making Jungkook throw his head back and groan. 
“Welp, I guess I’m here until that dies down. I hope that’s okay?” Jungkook asked, and you nodded. 
“More than okay. What’s your poison?” You asked, and he stared at you strangely. 
“I feel like that’s a terrible thing to ask someone in a haunted house,” Jungkook jokes, and you laughed, leaning forward as you stood up. 
“Do you scare easily?” You asked, and he looked up to meet your gaze. 
“Nope! And I’ll have whatever you’re having,” Jungkook said confidently, leaning back into the couch, making you smile at him as you wandered off to the kitchen to fix him a drink. 
A few moments later, you return and present him with a glass of amber liquid and ice. “Here you go!” Jungkook mouths his thanks as he accepts the drink. He took a sip of it, then immediately grimaced at the intense, burning feeling that went down his throat. 
“Fuck, what is that?” He asked. He didn’t exactly hate the taste, but it certainly didn’t feel like anything familiar that he’s tried before. 
“Whiskey, but it’s kind of an old treasure from this house. One of the previous owners had it, and well, I guess it got stronger over time?” You chuckled. 
Jungkook’s eyes widened in awe. “So…we’re drinking a dead man’s liquor,” he laughed, “That’s got to be a solid reason to haunt you!” You roll your eyes at him. 
“Why are you so damn convinced that this house is haunted?” You asked, and Jungkook shrugged. 
“Where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire,” he said wisely, earning a chuckle from you. 
“Alright, ghostbuster, would you like a tour of this manor?” You asked, making Jungkook’s eyes light up, nodding enthusiastically. “Finish your drink, and I’ll show you around. When we’re done,I’ll leave it up to you to decide whether or not this house is haunted,” you said, making him smile. 
“Deal, but I do want a selfie with a ghost,” Jungkook jokes. You stifle a smile in response as you watch him down the rest of his drink. 
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“Oh, wow- I can see why this place would scare someone though,” Jungkook gasped as he followed you up the grand staircase that led into the hallway where the bedrooms were. “So if I opened the door to one of these rooms, would I see a spirit?” He asked playfully, earning a nudge from you. 
Just as Jungkook laughed, a flash of lightning illuminated the second floor of the manor. He swore he saw someone behind you, just a shadow, but it wasn’t yours. 
He immediately dismissed it.
“Scared yet?” You teased, making Jungkook glare at you. 
“Here,” you said, handing him a bottle of liquor. “Take another sip of courage.” Jungkook  grabs the bottle from you and takes a long swig, making him shudder. He would never get used to that burning sensation but at least it soothed his nerves. 
“Okay, I’ll say this- this place is quite creepy,” Jungkook said as you guided him along the first floor and to another set of stairs. 
“Come on, we haven’t even gotten to the best part,” you said as you climbed up another set of stairs, only for Jungkook to grab your wrist slowly. 
“Wait, can I walk ahead?” He asked–showing off a bit–, waiting for you to tease him, but you just smiled at him.
“Are you scared?” You asked. There was no humour in your tone. You were honestly concerned. 
“Spooked,” Jungkook admitted, and you smiled at him.
“Sorry. Why don’t we take a little break? We can relax in my room. It’s a lot less creepy,” you said, making him nod.
There was something so eerie about the hallways in this house, almost as if someone was lying in wait, ready to pounce at any point and drag him into the shadows…where he would meet a slow and painful death. 
Jungkook’s grave thoughts are interrupted when you grab his hand and guide him to your room. He flinched at the contact because your skin was painfully cold to the touch…but then again, the entire house felt frigid. He thought that maybe you needed to sit in front of the fireplace or something to warm up but judging by the light clothing you had on, it looked like you were already used to the house’s arctic nature. You did live here, after all. 
“Here,” you said, letting go of Jungkook’s hand as you opened your bedroom door. You let him in first and turned around to close the door behind you, not bothering to lock it. 
“Yeah, this room is a lot more, I guess, bright?” Jungkook said, not knowing what to say.  He wanted to say that this was the only room in  the house that didn’t look insidious or scary. You walked closer to him, placing your hand on his back. He recoiled slightly but relaxed when he turns to face you. 
“It’s okay to admit that you’re scared. I wouldn’t judge. Not at all. My first three months in this house, it was hell. I’d stay awake all night and wait ‘til broad daylight to get some sleep. But you get used to it, you know,” you shrug Hearing that gave Jungkook a small sense of comfort.
“Why don’t you sit?” You said as you guided him to your bed, and Jungkook nodded, kicking his shoes off and sitting on your bed, wincing slightly when his wounded knee grazed your mattress. 
“You okay?” You said, approaching him and standing in between his legs. Jungkook nodded, smiling at you. 
Jungkook didn’t know what exactly it was, but there was something magnetic, practically hypnotic, about you. He first felt it when you touched his back when he fell, and it never went away. You were drawing him in, and for some reason, Jungkook felt at ease. It wasn’t like you had wings, devil horns, or fangs. You were just a person…with a strange job. 
“I’m just going to change into something more comfortable, but why don’t you make yourself at home?” You suggested, and Jungkook nodded as he settled further into your bed, allowing the soft sheets to caress his skin. 
Jungkook fished out his phone to message Jimin and update him. He did breathe out a sigh of relief when he saw that his phone hadn’t mysteriously died upon setting foot into the house. That would usually happen in all horror movies. 
Jungkook shot Jimin a text with his location, replied to a few other messages, and sent Jimin a selfie and a quick note about how you helped him out. Jimin replied, ‘use protection,’ making him chuckle as he placed his phone on your bedside table.
When you emerge from the bathroom, Jungkook nearly chokes at the sight of you. 
“Y-you’re glowing…you know that?” Jungkook stutters, and you smile at him. 
“What?” You asked, laughing as you climbed into the bed sitting inches away from Jungkook. 
“You have this glow around you. Literally, like an angel, a halo if you will,” Jungkook said, and you rolled your eyes at him. 
“I’m guessing that yo’re single? Your pickup game is pretty weak,” you teased, and Jungkook pouted at you. 
“Hey!” He scoffed.
“It’s true, I am single, but that wasn’t a pickup line! I was merely stating a fact,” he said, and you smiled, inching closer to him. 
Jungkook was painfully aware of the fact that your version of changing was simply removing your hoodie, leaving you in your tight tank top and leggings that hugged every inch of your legs. You weren’t wearing a bra, he could tell. 
He tried to be a gentleman, but he was only human. Your hardened nipples were poking through your shirt, and Jungkook wanted to latch his lip around them while his hand played with the other. 
“Then tell me…what is your game like?” You asked, your voice low, and he smiled at you. 
“I don’t talk a lot. I prefer to show,” he said, staring directly at you, making you smile at him. 
“Show?” You cocked an eyebrow, playing along with him. 
“I can demonstrate…if you like?” Jungkook asked, and you nodded. 
“May I?” He asked, and you nodded, yelping slightly as Jungkook wrapped his arm around you and pulled you onto his lap. “You’re so cold,” he said as he wrapped his arm around your waist, his fingers moving to inch up your tank top slightly and settling on your skin. 
“I guess you’ll have to warm me up?” You said, making him smirk. 
“And here you are saying my pull game is weak?” Jungkook teased, earning a playful frown from you, and laughed. 
“Fuck, Y/N! If I start, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop,” Jungkook said, and you smiled at him. 
“Then don’t stop,” you whispered, and Jungkook groaned as you moved to place a soft kiss on his neck. 
“Fuck- shouldn’t I at least take you out on a date or something first?” He asked, and you smiled, sitting on his lap. 
“You wanted to pay me back for fixing up your knee? This can be it,” you said, and Jungkook grinned. 
“Fuck, I came here with the intent of taking a selfie with a ghost,” Jungkook joked as he pulled you in closer, and you laughed. 
“Well, just say you fucked one,” you joked as he laughed along with you. 
“Come here, let me show you how grateful I am,” Jungkook said as he pulled you in for a kiss, and you moaned, immediately kissing him back with his lips gently massaging yours. He moved away when he felt you tug at his shirt and lifted his arms, allowing you to take off his top. 
“So good,” you mewled as you took in his body. His abs seemed to trail down endlessly. Jungkook smirked before pulling you back in for a kiss, this one more desperate, making you moan. He took it as an opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss. 
His hands moved to the hem of your tank top, and he yanked it,off your body, exposing your breasts to him.
“Fucking hell, your tits are amazing,” Jungkook moaned in approval as he wrapped his lips around your hardened nipple, while his other hand massaged your other breast. 
“May I?” he asked, as his hand slithered down to your cunt.
“Fuck- Jungkook, please,” you begged, and he shamelessly smirked at your state. He pushed you off his lap and onto the bed, laying you on your back. Jungkook’s hands went to your leggings and pulled them off along with your panties, groaning and moaning when he felt how wet you were. 
“Fuck, all this for me?” Jungkook asked, making you sigh in pleasure. His hands trailed up your thigh and stopped, spreading your legs apart further, laying down between them. You could feel his breath on your cunt, and it didn’t help that he gently blew on your cunt, making you buck your pussy into his face. 
Jungkook gripped your thighs tighter and pulled you close, his nose hitting your clit making you moan at the touch. 
He moved his mouth to wrap around your cunt, sliding his tongue up and down your folds. He was listening to your moans, waiting to see when his tongue would meet the spot that would have you cumming. Your thighs started thrashing in his grip, and he figured that he found the perfect place.
 He moved and wrapped his lips around your clit, his tongue jutting out and harshly flicking at your clit. Your hands went to his hair, knotting themselves in his soft curls. Jungkook slipped two fingers into your cunt, moved them in and out of you making your walls tighten at the onslaught. 
“Fuck- Jungkook! So good,” you breathed out. Jungkook hummed into your pussy, the vibrations making you clench even tighter. He enjoyed the praise, always eager to please. He kept moving his mouth, sucking and flicking your clit, while his tattooed fingers continued to pump in and out of your pussy. 
You felt something snap, and you pulled at Jungkook’s hair. You fell apart on his tongue and fingers. He wasted no time lapping up your release. 
It was almost inhuman how quickly you undid Jungkook’s trousers and shrugged them off. Within seconds your lips were wrapped around his cock. 
Jungkook was thick, and your hands wrapped around the remainder of his length as you took him and started to suck him. He let out a sound that sounded like a mix between a low growl and a strangled whimper as you continued to suck him. 
You grazed your nails along his thighs and he let out a shaky breath, bucking his length into your throat, making you gag slightly. You hollow your cheeks and bobbed your neck up and down his length, sucking and licking until you felt him still, releasing in your mouth. 
Jungkook couldn’t get enough of you. His eyes drank you in; his mouth was desperate to taste you again. He approached you and lifted your legs, placing them on his shoulder, his mouth immediately finding your cunt. 
Jungkook dove straight in, his thick tongue flicking against your swollen clit. Your hands made their way into his hair. He pushed in three fingers this time and it didn’t take much before you came on his tongue. Jungkook lapped at your release while you whimpered in oversensitivity. 
“Let me kiss it better?” Jungkook offered.
You rolled your eyes at him, “Just fucking do something.”
Jungkook smirked as he dove straight in. Again. He started by running his tongue along your folds, moaning at the taste. He gently grazed his teeth against your clit, making you buck your face against his mouth. He wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked while his tongue constantly ran over your swollen clit. 
“More,” you begged as your head fell back into the bed. Jungkook complied and slipped three fingers inside you as you moaned at the stretch. 
Jungkook moved his three fingers against the inside of your pussy and kept hitting against the rough patch of the skin. His tongue kept running over your clit while his three fingers thrust in and out of you at a fast pace. 
“Fuck! Jungkook, I want to cum,” you whimpered as he kept fingering and licking you. Jungkook moved his fingers faster, and you felt your orgasm wash over you, your thighs threatening to snap shut around Jungkook’s head. 
“Mm?” He looked up and smirked when he saw how fucked out you looked. Jungkook helped you ride out your orgasm with his fingers and tongue, and you were practically mewling as you tugged on his hair. He loved knowing that he could do that with just his tongue.
Jungkook rubbed his cock against your wet folds several times and then pushed in. “Fuck,” you hissed. “Fuck you’re tight,” Jungkook groaned. 
You hissed as the stretch was quite intense after three orgasms, but he felt so good. “Move,” you whispered, and that’s all it took for Jungkook to lift your legs and place them on his shoulders, allowing him to hit deeper inside you. 
His thrusts were rough, and each time he would withdraw only to push back harder and deeper.
Jungkook’s thrusts started to get more uneven as he closed in on his orgasm. He reached down and rubbed at your swollen clit, making you cum around his cock. Not long after, he came inside you, making you moan at the feeling of him pulsing and spurting into you. 
He removed your legs from his shoulder and moved down your body. Jungkook’s mouth found your cunt, as he licked his cum out of you, making you orgasm yet again. You whimpered, tugging at his hair and pulling him up to hold you.
You came around his tongue whimpering in pleasure, but Jungkook wasn’t done. He got off his knees and pulled you into his arms. Your back was pressed against his chest, and he spread your legs wide open as he trailed two fingers down to your cunt. 
He slipped his fingers into your cunt and started pumping. Jungkook wasted no time. He had one goal: to make you cum as many times as humanly possible. 
“Fuck,” you whined as you grabbed his tattooed arm. Jungkook moaned as he sucked on your neck. You felt your vision fade as you came hard and practically snapped your legs shut and curled into Jungkook’s embrace. 
“Fuck, that was-” you stopped speaking when you saw you had squirted all over his hands. “That was fucking hot,” Jungkook said as he pulled you closer to him. 
“Happy Halloween, I guess?” Jungkook said, laughing, making you smile as he pulled you into his arms. “Fuck- so good,” you said, curling into his chest and placing soft kisses on them. 
Jungkook found your kisses intoxicating. They were making him dizzy, but maybe that was just a testament to how good your kisses were. You smirked triumphantly when you noticed that he, like many, fell into a deep sleep when you pulled your lips away from him.
And he would stay that way for a while. 
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“This fucking moron,” Jimin cursed as he got out of his car. It had been a day since Jungkook left on his stupid adventure. He hadn’t called or returned home since telling Jimin that he was with a female who kept him occupied.
The fact remained, he willingly entered an alleged haunted house. Anything could have happened to him…
Jimin stepped out of his car and glanced at the manor suspiciously. Why would anyone in their right mind ever venture into this house that was beyond eerie and looked like it was straight out of the multiple horror movies Jungkook frequently watched. 
The thick fog made it hard to see, but he swore that the ground he was walking on was smooth until he tripped. While Jimin was prone to falling off most objects, the ground was even, so why did he stumble and graze his knee, and why did it almost feel like he was pushed? He looked around but saw no one. 
Jimin shook his head, cursing when he saw his knee bleeding. He hissed in pain as he got up on his feet, only to jump in fear when he felt a hand on his back. 
“Hi,” a small voice spoke from behind him, the voice filling the silence of the forest, and Jimin swore his heart nearly stopped. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, and perhaps he could go on with the rest of his life without wondering if Jungkook was fucked and killed by a demon. 
“Fuck!” Jimin yelled, panting hard as he placed his hand over his chest to steady his erratic heartbeat. 
“Jesus, who are you?” Jimin asked you. There was something about you, he thought. Something ethereal and angelic. It was almost as if you were glowing. However, he didn’t dwell on it for too long. It was a forest, and it was foggy. It could have just been his eyes. 
“Y/N,” you said, and Jimin nodded slowly.
“Are you following me or something? Who else would come to the Hill Manor?” Jungkook asked, staring at you, and you let out a soft laugh that Jimin could have sworn sounded like music, like a choir of angels singing. But there was a hint of something more sinister in your laughter. Again, Jimin didn’t dwell on it for too long. After all, ghosts didn’t exist for him. 
“I manage the Hill Manor, so I feel like I should be asking you what you’re doing here. Anyway, what’s your name?” You asked, and Jimin smiled, replying. 
You smiled, blushing. 
“You must be Jungkook’s friend. Jungkook described you so well and spoke about you nonstop,” you lied. 
“He’s- uh, recovering. Why don’t you come in, and I’ll get you a band-aid for your knee?” You suggested continuing your lie, and Jimin nodded. 
You seemed harmless, and you smirked as Jimin followed you into the manor. You did the same thing with Jimin, flirted, fixed his grazed knee, and planted a soft kiss on his cheek, saying how good of a friend he was, and that was enough. 
If a man kissed you, they’d be fine. But if you initiated the kiss on any part of their body, that was when they would fall under your spell, enraptured, bound, and kept. 
The first step was to establish some physical contact, and you did that by pushing the men down the minute they stepped towards the manor. 
Then you would appear. Act as a regular Florence Nightingale and try to heal their wounds, and then, once you are done, you would make them fall deeper with each touch. 
And with every touch, the poor souls would forget why they were ever in the manor to begin with. 
All they’d know is that they wanted to spend their time in the manor ravaging you, and you would let them, gladly. 
And when you were done with that, you would kiss them. A final kiss, a kiss which had the magic to put them to sleep as you moved them into another room. 
A room where all your lovers and conquests would stay, be well fed and taken care of. But they could never leave, and if they tried, then you shuddered to think what would happen. You hated to ever kill one of those handsome, gullible men. 
Which is precisely what you thought when you moved Jimin to his private room. He could never leave, but only you could enter. There were seven rooms in the house for this purpose, and you would take your sweet time filling them. 
It made you laugh at times. All the signs were there, the old whiskey, the portrait that had your face on it. 
It was your manor. You ruled it and haunted it. 
You were left heartbroken by a man once—well, several centuries ago. But with the perks of being an immortal and a succubus, you decided that you would get rid of the wings, and the tail, and adopt a more modern look and lure men in. 
No man was ever going to leave you, you’d ensure it. You smirked as you locked Jimin’s door and checked in on Jungkook as he was still sound asleep. You knew he had five other friends, and one by one, you will capture them all and keep them. 
Had they been wise, they would have paid attention to the rumours because, indeed, there was no way to leave once you entered this house. They were all yours. 
“All mine,” you said, caressing Jungkook’s soft face as you closed his door and took his phone to message his friend Taehyung. And once he texted that he was once his way, all you had to do was quietly wait by the forest, trip him up, and you’d have another one. 
In the end, you could say, “Finally, they’re all mine.”
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hushroomloser · 2 months
Chris Evans Short Story Part 8
Part 8 
Pairing: ReaderxChrisEvans 
Request: Meeeee 
Prompt: “I’m sorry I thought you were somebody else”
Warning(s): I’m a first-time writer
Word count: 586
A/N: Hey online strangers, I wrote the first part a while back and have the rest of the story in my drive but have never posted it. This story I wrote way back in 2019 :'(. I will be posting at random times if you stay and read it thank you so much. Enjoy xoxox - I have no idea how many parts this story and technically I haven’t an ending yet. 
The dreaded block has come and taken me. That and university seems to enjoy giving me some solid sucker-punches every few days. Alas like life I might have given up on this story and writing it altogether. I do not know who’s enjoying this mess of a story. Lol, anywho I will update once again in a blue moon and edit all of the parts to make them more coherent. Especially now that AI can write cry ... my unattainable dreams
From a tired girly 
White, red and purple consumed the cafeteria, filled with residents, doctors and other health professionals. Rush hour had yet to peak, and yet it was slowly starting to fill up. 
Maybe we shouldn’t have coffee here, he thought. 
Chris roamed around the hospital to find the best spot to grab a quick drink. Unfamiliar with the place he had gotten lost a few times, asking strangers to the nearest exit every time. 
“Hey, you’re that guy right.” 
Dreading it, he hadn’t been recognized yet, mostly because everyone seemed busy. He did not mind taking a picture and talking with a fan but he did not want to be late for his date, especially since he hadn’t found a place to take her yet. He turned around, looking at the person who had called him. 
“Hi, I think so.” 
In his shyness, he managed to smile at the tall stranger wearing a lab coat. He took a quick glance at the name embroidered on his coat, the name was Doctor Gagnon. 
“Are you looking for Lizzy, uhm Dr. Kelley by any chance?” Frowning his brows, he wondered how he knew this specific doctor. A little sad that maybe hospital gossip had been playing a major role in his interaction. 
His anxiety had been slowly elevated when the stranger seemed to recognize the emotion on his face, feeling his uneasiness towards him he quickly said “I am her finance, if that helps, do not worry she hasn’t told anyone. I just know because she texted me about the girl that hit you at the coffee shop.” he giggled thinking about her hitting the Captain. 
Chris did not know why he would giggle or if it was an inside joke or anything he was just surprised at how this stranger, this doctor had been so nonchalant about who he was. He had been used to people being starstruck, especially after playing Captain America. 
He paused and looked at him, he was beautiful even for a straight man the guy he was staring at was a very beautiful man, the movies did not do him justice he thought. 
“Do not worry”, he laughed 
“I won’t tell anyone that I saw the Chris Evans''
“What are you looking for?” the gentle giant asked. He wondered if people got scared of him because of his demeanour and his height. He was a very imposing and confident man compared to him, 
Chris did not know what to think, the giant seemed so nice. “Uhmm thank you, I was just looking for a private coffee shop in this honestly big hospital. “ he started to ramble, ·” How is this soooo big but looks soo small I feel like I am in a maze”, he told the stranger, he felt at ease for some reason telling him of his struggles. The strangers giggled and said, “Yeah I am still confused about it and I have been here for like 5 years it is a very strange place.” 
“The coffee shop next to the parking lot at the end of the hallway should be private enough if you are bringing her there.” he smiled. 
Chris wondered how he knew but he guessed that they were all friends. Chris smiled back, shyly not knowing what to say. 
‘Thank you”, he said shyly, he was truly embarrassed that someone had figured out what he wanted to do. He did not know what to say or add he just stared at the stranger, a very handsome stranger to boot.
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bucky-barmes · 1 year
♥︎ I Promise. I Love You. ♥︎
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bucky barnes x f!reader (femme nickname but no descriptions)
in which bucky comforts you after a nightmare
a/n: two posts in one day ???? who is she?! this is just something lil that came to me in the shower and i wrote it literally as soon as i got out but didn't have time to post it before i went to my stepsisters birthday dinner. enjoy
word count: ~0.4k words
contains: fluffy bucky, concerned bucky, mentions of civilian casualties, mentions of nightmares, use of femme nicknames (sweet girl, baby doll), mentions of grief & loss, i think that's everything
as always, reblogs/comments/feedback/etc are always always always appreciated and wanted ♥︎ pls i crave external validation
my blog is 18+ only, minors dni
[ all my work is my own and not to be reposted or translated anywhere else ]
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Bucky stirred slightly from his sleep. Since being with you, he was able to get full nights of sleep. Finally.
He jolted into full consciousness, however, at the sound of your low whimpers, slightly shuddering in your sleep beside him. You were facing away from him, back pressed against his side.
Bucky leant over your sleeping form, brushing the stray hairs off your forehead, damp with a light sweat. He knew these signs all too well.
“Sweet girl,” he cooed, brushing his fingertips up and down your bicep, trying to rouse you gently so not to scare you further.
You whimpered again, flailing slightly as the mission you had both returned from flashed through your dreams. The image of innocent bodies lying over the ground burned into your memory forever.
“Baby doll, it’s okay, I’m here.” He cooed again, his touch against you harder this time as his full hand pressed into your bicep.
Your eyes shot open, panting hard as you say bolt upright. You turned to him with tear filled eyes.
Bucky wrapped you in his warm, strong embrace, squeezing just enough to help ground you back into the present moment.
“The mission—“ you began, but Bucky cut you off.
“I know, I know.” You didn’t need to explain, he knew full well the signs of a mission’s nightmare.
“This isn’t what you want to hear,” he continued, rubbing his right hand up and down your spine soothingly. “But the grief, it doesn’t go away, we just learn how to live with it. Learn coping mechanisms.”
He pulled you away to hold you at arms length, hands firmly holding your upper arms so he could stare into your eyes.
“This line of work, it sucks, it’s shit. We lose people, lose friends, lose a fight. But we have to keep going. Have to keep moving forward. If not for ourselves, then for the people we lost.” He stroked your cheek with his thumb, holding your face in his hand.
“But you have me, have Steve, the rest of the team. And we will always be here for you, here to support you.” He pulled you back into his embrace, planting kisses to the top of your head.
You just nodded, any words you wanted to speak lost after the nightmare.
You curled back into his side as he slid you both back into a laying position under the covers. The left over tears on your cheeks dampening Bucky’s shirt where you rested your head on his chest.
“We will get through this. I promise. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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perm tags: @katieshook02
some moots i think might enjoy: @traitorjoelite @sweetdreamsbuck @posinhay @dxncingwithastrxnger @beefybuckrrito
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writingwithcolor · 2 years
Black, divorced, formerly teen parents, Black lgbt+ with white partners
tiredandtears asked:
Hi, I am currently working on a story about a single black mother who left her son’s father (who is also black) on amicable terms a couple years before the story’s beginning.  The mother is the main parenting figure in the son’s life, but she keeps in contact with the father who lives in the next town or two over and visits often.  They’re friendly with each other and co-parent as best they can.
Something that I am worried about is that when I started outlining the story, I wrote that they had their son a year or so after graduating high school, so they both started working to support their son.  I’m nervous that this might relate to a stereotype that black people have unplanned children as older teens/young adults.  (I’m not sure if that is a common stereotype, but I have heard it voiced in the past.)
Another thing I’m a little nervous about is that as the mother works, she starts to fall for one of her coworkers (a white bisexual woman).  I’m scared that this could play into the somewhat common occurrence that black LGBTQ+ characters only seem to appear when they have a white partner, and I don’t want to add to that if it is indeed an issue.
Teen Black parents
There is indeed a stereotype that young Black people are mothers / parents. There’s a lot more to this, but part of the matter comes from the adultification of Black children, especially girls in this case. There’s also this insistence, within and outside the community, that Black girls are “fast” or “act grown.” This hypersexualizes Black minors. I’ve heard many stories of a young Black girl being somewhere with their baby sibling / cousin / any young child and having strangers assume she is the parent, even when they’re children or teenagers themselves. It’s absolutely happened to me when I was younger, too. 
Based on birth rate statistics from the CDC, there are reportedly more BIPOC teen parents than white ones in the USA. At the same time, teen birth rates have also decreased in recent years (at the time of this post). But it’s not about whether Black teen parents exist, as teen parents exist in all races. More than white does not mean that every young Black girl / person should be assumed to be a teen parent.
Consider that:
There’s nothing wrong with people who may “fit” stereotypes. I’ve talked about this extensively here. They’re people too, even if society places a stigma or judgment of them. 
There is usually nuance to any “stereotype”, such as in discrepancies in access to proper birth control or bc education, underreported data, etc. And on that note
Check your intentions as well as your logic in writing on these topics. Are you the right voice? How far are you exploring the depths of the issue? You’ll need to be well-researched when making commentary on any matter, especially from an outside perspective. 
Depicting Black teen parents may not be well received by Black readers. And it’s well within their rights to be uncomfortable. You could avoid the matter completely by making them fairly young parents, but not teenagers.
Long story short; if you’re going to write Black teen parents, portray these parents respectfully without demonizing their actions. They sound like responsible and good parents, and likely have a support group to help them be that way. If you wanted, you could add in a white friend or two that were also teen parents. Still, some people will not be fans of someone outside of the group writing on this. And question what their intentions are.
~Mod Colette
Black lgbtqia+ with white partner
Well. interracial lbtqia+ couples absolutely exist! But since you’re worried, and I do think it’s lacking in media, it would absolutely help to add in Black lgbtqia+ representation.
~Mod Colette
Queer representation of exclusively Black couples is rare. Why can’t the new love interest also be Black, too?
-Mod Norma
It seems to me that representation in romance, especially for queer romance is either white or with one white love interest. Rarely does it not involve at least one white love interest. It would be refreshing to have her have a Black love interest especially. It would be very welcome.
~Mod Alice
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When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that’s a moray (eel)-Jade leech x Funny!GN!S/O
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(Omg this is my first oneshot and I wrote it at like 3AM, so sorry if it's random) (This is an old post from my other Tumblr account that got shadow banned, so if you know anyone named Pittoo, that's me) (I also wrote this fanfic when I used to use she/they pronouns, so there might be some she/they pronouns in here. I also left the twst fandom, so I won't make anymore oneshots)
WARNING: This is a crackfic, and It's pretty random, it also contains curse words . SLIGHT SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 4!
(TL;DR: (Y/N) had the splendid idea to invite the vice housewardens and create a hamburger cake for their Headmage, Crowley)
2068 words long
It was a typical peaceful night at NRC. Everyone was asleep, except a certain eel and his (h/c)-ette lover. They woke up exactly at 3 AM and 1 minute, because (Y/N) knew precisely at what hour the staff and cooks were asleep, and they wanted to go on a secret date, without Azul knowing.
Together, they went into the corridor to meet each other. When they got there, they looked at each other with a mischievous gleam.
“Hello, (Y/N).” He said politely. “Hello, my moray eel!” (Y/N) said as they got their face close to each other. They looked each other in the eyes, with their noses almost touching. They had an evil plan together. Ever since (Y/N) got together with Jade after they escaped Scarabia, they started dating. They were like a match made in heaven! More like in hell people would say. Jade was a polite but dangerous fellow, meanwhile (Y/N) was a brat that kept making puns and jokes.
“So, what do you plan on doing this night, my darling?” He asked. (Y/N) chuckled and said the next words that will change this story forever:
“Lets make a hamburger cake for our dear headmaster.” Said (Y/N) and Jade smiled a very evil smile.
“Why are we here again?” Asked Ortho, confused of why he and others were in the school’s kitchen. (Y/N) laughed and patted his head, like how an older sibling would. Ortho’s fire didn’t hurt since he was friends with (Y/N) and he viewed them as an older sibling. “Well, we want to make Crowley a gift for fathers day!” They laughed.
“Wait, isn’t father day in June-” “SHUT UP TREY GET INSIDE BEFORE I TURN YOU INTO A TART THAT CONTAINS OYSTER SAUCE!” Screamed (Y/N) at Trey, and then turned back to their usual smile. Trey was scared.
“(Y/N). It’s 3 AM. Why aren’t you asleep?” Groaned Jamil in annoyance. (Y/N) went up to him, motioning for him to let her whisper into her ear, to which he rolled his eyes and put his ear next to (Y/N)’s mouth “Because I’m hungry, and because you traumatized me when you overblotted. This is what you get for sending me at the end of the dessert!” (Y/N) whispered-yelled in his ear, to which his eyes became wide. The person that whisper-yelled at him smiled and went back to their boyfriend.
“Ah, it’s been a long time since I’ve been let in the kitchen. I don’t mind that it’s this late, I was busy anyways playing magiblox (Twst roblox) with Gloomy Samurai and bullying 5 year olds!” Lilia said as he was holding his back like a grandpa, when suddenly we heard cracking of the bones, and then he sighed in relief.
“I heard that you are making food, that’s why I came!” Ruggie shrugged. “Ok, I think all vice-housewardens are here except of Ro-” Wanted to say (Y/N) when suddenly she heard a banging at the door of the cafeteria. They went there to open it, when suddenly all kinds of animals barged inside. “AAAAAH!” They screamed as they feel on their butt, and then looked up to see the one and only, Rook hunt, on a white horse. “Bonjour mes chers amis! C'est moi, Rook Hunt !” Shouted Rook, as he put his hand on his forehead dramatically.
“Umm…Are you here to flex with your horse, or do you want to help us make a hamburger cake?” Asked (Y/N) as Rook got off the horse and looked at them, he smiled. “Oui!” He said as he got to the kitchen. “WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY OUI??” Asked (Y/N) confused. To which Rook shouted “OUI!”
Ortho started filming them with his eyes, since the gang wanted to make a video on how they want to make a gift for Crowley.
“Are you filming?” Asked (Y/N) as they put their masterchef outfit. Ortho gave a thumbs up, and (Y/N) nodded.
“Ahem. Hello, welcome to another episode of the nations unfavorite cooking show, NRC Materchef, Also known as highschoolers trying to cook and failing!” Said Jade with a smile on his face.
“I’m surrounded by idiots…” Facepalmed Jamil, to which (Y/N) gently slapped his head “OW!” He whisper-yelled and glared at (Y/N) who was looking at the side innocently.
“I’m here just cuz I heard of the word food, and I instantly said “Yes”.” Said Ruggie relaxing on a chair.
“Friendly reminder to hit that like and subscribe button to see more content like this on our youtube channel that was supposed to be mainly used to promote NRC, but we got the help of Idia to hack it from our headmaster, and soon we’ll publish this series on TV!” Said Rook being OOC cuz why not.
(Y/N) saw Lilia being silent, and they whispered: “Lilia it’s your turn-” “IT’S ME BABY KATA, I HAVE A HUGE DIARRHEA, IF YOU FART LIKE YOU DON’T CARE, RAISE YOUR BOG ROLL IN THE AIR!” Was heard silently from a tablet that Lilia was using to watch Mystictube kids (Youtube kids). He was watching as if it was the most interesting thing he saw. “Umm..Lilia-” “GOD DAMN YOU YOU CAN’T BE SCARING ME LIKE THAT!” Yelled Lilia as he hit (Y/N) with a spatula, while the camera in Ortho’s eyes was zooming in on the video that Lilia was watching. It was BABY KATA - Pee Pee Poo Poo (english version), which was famous for traumatizing kids. “OW” Screamed (Y/N) as they were holding their hand which was now red thanks to Lilia’s spatula. “Ok Shut the fuck up, I’m watching cocomelon!” Said Lilia as he put his focus back on the video.
“Monsiour Curiosity, I don’t think this video is from Cocomelon….” Said Rook. Lilia looked betrayed. “Wait….what?” He almost started crying.” Then what in the Witch of Thorns’ name am I watching?” He asked as he pointed at Baby Kata who was shaking his booty on screen.
“Ok, today we’ve got a very special episode, because we’re doing the signature “Hamburger cake policy” from the Sims 4, and before that I’m giving a shout out to the people who are sponsoring us today, Raid shadow legends, one of the biggest mobile role-playing games of 2019 and it's totally free! Currently almost 10 million users have joined Raid over the last six months, and it's one of the most impressive games in its class with detailed models, environments and smooth 60 frames per second animations! All the champions in the game can be customized with unique gear that changes your strategic buffs and abilities! The dungeon bosses have some ridiculous skills of their own and figuring out the perfect party and strategy to overtake them's a lot of fun! Currently with over 300,000 reviews, Raid has almost a perfect score on the Play Store! The community is growing fast and the highly anticipated new faction wars feature is now live, you might even find my squad out there in the arena! It's easier to start now than ever with rates program for new players you get a new daily login reward for the first 90 days that you play in the game! So what are you waiting for? Go to the video description, click on the special links and you'll get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as part of the new player program to start your journey! Good luck and I'll see you there!” Said Lilia.
(Y/N) Looked confused and turned toward Jamil. “Dude, we’re not sponsored by anyone wtf is he talking about?” Jamil looked at them and said, “Shut up”. WOW, HOW USEFUL.
“Anyways the things that you will need today will be Royal Buttercream icing, cake leveler, 2 spatulas, 1 offset. Tan food coloring dye….” Was saying Jamil as he was pointing at the objects that they’ll be using to make the food until Ruggie pushed him and started pointing “We also need a cake pokey thingy, airheads…..” But then Trey pushed Ruggie and started pointing at the objects. “We need a round 9-inch baking pan, a 2-quart glass bowl, and a big mixing bowl!” He finished without being interrupted.
Jade took the mixing bowl and the box of cake mix. “Alright, so we’re gonna start wth the big mixing bowl and we’re gonna-” He started shaking the box of cake mix violently before saying “take a box of cake mix!” While he was shaking, Lilia put large quantities of salt in the mix but Jamil stopped him by taking the salt shakers that he was using. “Lilia what are you doing? You might kill us all!!” Shouted Jamil. Lilia began pouting. “I’m making a gift for Dire Crowley!” He said. Jamil glared at him. “Jam-jam y’know that if we poison the Crow we will have a few days without school, right? And if you help him, you might become housewarden!” Said (Y/N), and Jamil stopped for one second, and decided to add all the salt from the 50 saltshakers that Lilia managed to get somehow.
“Ok now we gotta flip this the other way…” Was whispering Ruggie as he got the burnt cake out of the oven. It looked like charcoal, but It still had a hamburger shape. He flipped it only for it to fall on the floor. “Umm…” He said before getting it off the ground. The gang kept adding the most random stuff that they could find around.
“Well, we need now to frost with the tan frosting that we’ve made earlier, and put it on the cake” Said Jade as he was putting the tan frosting on the cake, and then started cutting mushrooms to put as the sesame seeds of the hamburger cake.
‘Rip Crowley’ Was thinking (Y/N) as she smiled maniacally, and then proceeded to put the “patty” which was actually a big round brownie, which was filled with god knows what.
Lilia got bored of watching cocomelon, and started cutting his bangs with a knife. Now he looked uglier than he was before lmao. He put his bangs inside the brownie, and (Y/N) began scolding him “Lilia what the actual hell are you doing?”, to which Lilia giggled. What a weirdo
Next were the insides of the hamburger. (Y/N) started using the airheads (yknow, the candy) and fondant, to make the lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and pickles. They started using Christmas cookie cutters (since they don’t have any other type of cookie cutters), and everything was in the shape of Santa. Lilia looked at them and put some more of his hair. (Y/N) looked at him with a bored expression and said “Really bro?”, And Lilia got back on his iPad, and sent a cocomelon video to Silver, who was still sleeping. Jamil looked so disappointed and started helping (Y/N) cut the Santa lettuce, Santa tomatoes, and Santa cheese not look like Santa . He left the pickles though, cuz they were only santa’s decapitated head lmao.
“Phew, we’re done!” Said (Y/N), patting their sweatty forehead with a towel.
“The cake looks so beautiful. BEAUTÉ!100!” Exclaimed Rook. “Now we gotta deliver it to the Crow and we’re done!” Said (Y/N), putting the hamburger cake in a box, and throw it in front of the school, and began hiding with the others, to see if Crowley would take it. The gang saw Crowley take the box, and entered inside the building.
“Yes, we’ve done it! High five everyone!” Exclaimed Ortho, and everyone did a group high five.
“Friendly reminder to hit that like and subscribe button to see more content like this on our youtube channel that was supposed to be mainly used to promote NRC, but we got the help of Idia to hack it from our headmaster, and soon we’ll publish this series on TV!”
Was heard from Crewels office, and he got so mad when he saw the face of his adoptive child. He picked up his phone and started texting them “Young mx, you are on TV. Can you explain?” He texted.
(Y/N) woke up from their 30-minute sleep and looked at the message “OH SHOOT….I think I’m dead….”
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starlingflight · 1 year
2022 Wrapped
Post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular)
ty for tagging me, @ashesandhackles and @lanaturnergetup​
Sands of Time - I wanted to scream from frustration when I got ‘sand’ and ‘chocolate frog card’ as prompts. I wanted to scream in excitement when I figured out how to work them into a fic. Also, my first foray into Jily
End of the Road - Founders Era is way out of my comfort zone and I really enjoyed exploring it. Also I accidentally made Rowena Ravenclaw my own favourite character lmao. 
Those Left Behind - I’m really happy with how captured some difficult emotions in this. I want to write more from immediately after the war but I find that period pretty intimidating because of the intensity of the circumstances/atmosphere. 
Let It Linger - I have said this previously on discord, but I used to be a total James Potter Anti and I’m low-key proud of myself for not being too rigid on my opinons and allowing myself to be swayed (thank you, @lanaturnergetup​). This was my first time writing James’ POV and I felt like I had a breakthrough with him.
Auld Lang Syne - I really enjoyed exploring the Marauder dynamics for the first time but I’m mainly including this because @hinnyfied​ said this was her favorite thing of mine and I live to please her. 
your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year
I wish I could give a list but I can’t because I don’t really have a plan for this year. 
I did Nanowrimo in November and wrote 70k of an original story - I’m excited to edit it in the New Year and figure out if I’m ever going to put it somewhere for people to read. 
I’m planning a fic about Cho and her life post-canon, I’m also planning a follow-up to A Bad Idea (a George/Angelina one-shot) and maybe something Parvati & Lavender focused with @lanaturnergetup​ which will be the MOST fun if we actually get time for it. 
your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year
Allowing myself to just write without worrying if it’s good and knowing I can edit later - something that really helped in nanowrimo. 
I think I’ve got better at Show Don’t Tell but also knowing when telling is actually necessary. I think I have previously been a little too scared of exposition. 
A weird side effect of depression (for me) is that it makes visualising scenes much more difficult - this has been frustrating but I think an unintended consequence of it has been that I have focussd a lot more on description/scene-building (for my own benefit more than anyone who might read my writing) and my descriptions have improved because of it. 
your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year,
I have really shied away from drama in favour of ‘realism’ previously, thanks to taking other people's advice way too much to heart. Sometimes drama is fun and exciting, which is what storytelling is about. I’m going to allow more drama into my writing this year and not worry about readers rolling their eyes at me. 
I’m going to pay more attention to characters I’ve previously written off. @ashesandhackles​ is my life idol and she has really nuanced takes on almost every character so I’m going to be more like her. 
and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year:  
‘However, rules, in James’ experience, were meant to be broken.
“It’s late. We should get back to the common room.”
Just not tonight.’
Okay, that’s three lines - the last line is my favourite but a tiny bit of context is needed. The way I evil grinned to myself when I wrote this. The way my evil grin spread when @lanaturnergetup​ beta’d it and left me this comment: 
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Tagging: no one bc I'm super late to this party. If you haven't done this and you want to, consider yourself tagged.
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rosecentury · 9 months
Hi me again so I have a request my request is if it's not too much for you the request is a Batman from the 2007 animated series x fem reader where reader is a vigilante from Mississippi and Batman falls in love with her when they both get to know each other and it's all happy and then they get married and fight time together and can you please make it a hc if it's not too much I understand if you don't want to do it but if you do then thank you very much and also please have a good day also I really do like the anime versions of Batman especially the 2007 Batman he's so fine like hot damn baby also can you imagine what dick size he is I'm thinking he's a nine inch anyway I hope you're safe it's a dangerous world we live in also fem reader has the Scarlet witch powers and she terrifies some of the Gotham villains I wrote about a oc I call her nightmare because she scared all the villains from the DC universe because of her power and because she's the scariest hero but she also has a good heart I hope you like my post I like yours
OOOOHHHHH!!!!! I LOVE this one. Okay. I might take a few creative liberties. Like a short backstory) (I usually put Yn for reader. Also I’m going to have reader use her magic to give the illusion of being a man)
Even as a child Yn knew she was different. It wasn’t until she was walking “home” late one night that she truly realized how different she was.
The guy that tried to mug her was thrown against a brick wall when she threw out her hands.
The next day she packed up the few belongings that she had and left the streets that she called home.
She visited several different cities, exploring her powers and helping the citizens of those cities until she stumbled upon the heroes of those cities.
She used her powers to make her appear as a man when she was saving people.
She called her hero self Indigo because of the purplish color of her powers.
The heroes of those cities talked to her and let her stay with them for a while but she never stuck around for long.
She had heard of Gotham and had figured that she might be able to stay there a bit longer.
She was there a month before she met Batman
Indigo had just saved Batman from one of the more dangerous criminals when “he” was knocked unconscious, the illusion falling.
Usually Batman would’ve just dropped any victims off at the hospital, but he wanted to keep an eye on Indigo.
He took Indigo to the batcave where she was treated for a concussion.
She awoke and had no idea as to where she was.
When Batman talked to her she realized that he didn’t have any powers.
And that rather than turn her in, he helped her.
He offered her a place to stay while she learned more about her powers.
When Bruce actually went out in public he decided that one day he’d bring Yn with him.
This helped explain why he would be absent from events sometimes.
It wasn’t until he lost his memory and Yn helped to save him that they realized their feelings.
Soon Yn and Bruce began to officially date.
6 months after that he proposed.
A year later they married.
How did I do? I just realized that I don’t think I really know how to do head cannons. Lol
Lemme know what you think!
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nerdyrevelries · 2 years
Little Women (2018)
This is a review of the 2018 modern day version of Little Women, not the BBC/Masterpiece version released in 2017 in the UK that came out in the US in 2018. The review for that version will be posted under Little Women 2017 when it’s finished. 
I want to start out by saying that this movie is incredibly earnest. It was clearly made as a labor of love, and you can see that in pretty much every aspect, including the fact that the actor who played Laurie also helped produce it. This movie was not trying to win any awards, it was just trying to tell a story that the people involved love. I can respect that.
I think there are also definitely some things this adaptation does right. Of all of the versions of Little Women I have seen, this is the one that is least scared of showing us Jo as a very flawed person. Her anger and stubbornness are real flaws that actively harm her and those around her. There’s no cowardly sweeping Jo’s flaws under the rug here, and her flaws are one of the two major focuses of this adaptation. 
The other focus is castles in the air. I don’t believe I’ve talked about it on here, but I’m currently working on a tabletop RPG intended to let you tell stories that feel like the stories you might find in a Louisa May Alcott or L.M. Montgomery novel. My tabletop RPG is called Castles in the Air after the chapter of Little Women with the same title where the girls and Laurie talk together about their castles in the air or their dreams for when they grow up. This is then later referenced at the end of the book where they compare their childhood castles to the place where they ended up and talk about how even if the two are different, they are all very happy with the lives they have. 
All of this background is just to let you know that I am going to be extremely biased when any adaptation includes castles in the air, since it’s one of my favorite parts of the book, and I have a special connection to it. So, predictably, I love to see it as such a major focus here.
Now that we have talked about the things I like about this adaptation, I think we have to move onto its flaws. While I do appreciate how readily this adaptation deals with Jo’s anger issues, I have two major problems with the execution. The first is that I don’t feel there’s enough focus on the struggle to overcome her flaws, which is such a major element of the book. Jo is just angry. We don’t ever actually do anything with it. 
My other issue is that I don’t think that Jo’s flaws are balanced with much else. The Jo of the book is deeply flawed but also incredibly loveable and relatable. 2018 Jo has plenty of the deeply flawed part, but I feel the movie doesn’t give us enough of her other side to make the audience love her. Where I felt this most strongly was with her family. There’s a point in the movie where all four sisters get together again as adults and start discussing what is going on in Amy’s life. Meg and Beth have both kept up-to-date with Amy, but Jo is absolutely clueless about anything currently happening with Amy. 
It’s established multiple times that the Jo of this movie is an island. She hasn’t told her family about Freddy, she barely ever leaves her room at Aunt March’s, she doesn’t pick up the phone when Marmee or her sisters call, and she doesn’t answer Laurie’s emails. None of this matches with the Jo of the novel who wrote her family long letters from New York filled mostly with Professor Bhaer and requested that Marmee forward Amy’s letters from Europe onto her. Louisa May Alcott’s Jo cares deeply about her family, and it’s one of her greatest virtues, but Jo of 2018 seems to be deeply self-absorbed, only remembering her family when there is some sort of crisis, and that’s where I think this movie really fails.
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WIP Wednesday
Today I'm posting from Fly Away Little Bird. This is from when Sparrow first meets Bean, a synth saved by their Mama, Canary. Sparrow explains why Bean might not want to be friends with her:
“An this is where get food,” Sparrow said, pointing at the cafeteria. “Is new. Building a…food room…too…”
“Dining room?” Bean asked.
“Yes! Still build. Also build bedrooms. You have yet?”
“Um. I think they’re assigning me something.”
“Can be with me. Have big room. Two beds. No have other person. Cause…cause…” Sparrow thought about why she didn’t have a roommate. She figured it had to do with Mercy and Mama and Uncle Jake. “Think Mama an Aunt Mercy an Uncle Jake say no.”
“Why wouldn’t you get a roommate? Doesn’t everybody have one?” Bean asked.
“Um. Yes but…” She chewed on her thumb nail as she thought. “Am…was…have trust problem. Long story. Tell. So you know. Understand. Maybe not want know Sparrow. Talk funny. Look funny. Am…strange and not smart. Am…am…nothing…might…might not want friend.”
“You might not want me as a friend?”
“No! You. Me.”
“Why wouldn’t I want you as a friend?”
Sparrow stopped walking and huffed. It was probably best to let Bean know now what kind of person she was. She knew her Mama and Papa didn’t see her like this. And certainly, neither did the rest of the family. But she didn’t know if that was because they were being kind or she was wrong.
She pointed at a bench that had been put the hallway outside of the cafeteria and watched as Bean sat down. She sat next to them and turned so she could look at them. “When little, when 11, Slavers attack farm. Kill first papa, hurt first mama, took brother an sister. Shot Sparrow. Got away. Taken in, but new farm? Treated bad. Hit an yell. Not feed often. Left when could. Next farm paid some. Next paid some. Sometime hit. Sometime made buy food. Heard ‘bout Diamond City. Left come here. Got job in city. Worked hard. Little money, but safe. Safe!”
“But paper? Wrote story ‘bout Institute. People scared. Sparrow small an strange. Talk funny. Look funny. Said Institute spy. Chased. Hurt. Push hot metal into. Sparrow ran. Soon, people went settlements. Picture put up. Money for find, for hurt, for capture. Then met Mama. Canary. An Papa, Birdie. An they save. Keep. Help.”
“Am…am not smart. Talk strange. Look strange. Am…am damaged.”
Bean looked thoughtful, eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed. Finally, they nodded. “I’m a synth. A thing. Other synths don’t even see me. I’m not even a real person. But you…gave me a name. And are treating me like a person so far. And I…I think I’d like to be friends with you.”
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littlestsnicket · 1 year
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I posted 3,932 times in 2022
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3,729 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
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Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#the witcher - 1,572 posts
#asoue - 390 posts
#yennskier - 192 posts
#yennefer - 162 posts
#witcher season 2 - 153 posts
#dracula - 135 posts
#yenralt - 102 posts
#book!witcher - 94 posts
#atwq - 84 posts
#geraskier - 75 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#when it takes ‘too long’ for people to say something i start going ‘oh no i’m going to forget the thing i wanted to say before they finish’
My Top Posts in 2022:
@some-stars i wrote jaskier angry-crying kissing geralt
jaskier is pretty sure he is feeling the entire spectrum of human emotion. he does not remember twisting his fingers in geralt’s shirt instead of stepping away like he should have. it hurts with the blisters on his fingers but the physical pain is dull in comparison to the feelings swirling through him—anger, joy, distress, hope, safety, fear. he smashes their mouths together so hard their teeth click and he can taste blood. jaskier is biting at geralt’s lower lip when he registers the slick feel of geralt’s tongue against his.
geralt is kissing him back and that really might be worse than the alternative. it might finally break him to be pushed away again, and at this point it would be a relief. no one--not even jaskier--is meant to feel this much at once and he’s shaking and his chest feels so tight he can barely breath. geralt has his arms around jaskier now, and he’s definitely crying--sad, helpless noises catching in his throat, tears, snot (oh that is disgusting, but jaskier doesn’t care). geralt tightens his arms around jaskier and tries to tilt his head away at the same time, like he’s going to try to say something, and jaskier makes a choked off noise he’ll probably be embarrassed by later--half anger, half fear. he’s not having that. geralt has no right to try to talk, not now, not like this. jaskier’s fingers claw at geralt’s shirt as he goes up on his toes, using the tiny bit of leverage to crowd geralt back into the wall. it wouldn’t be enough if geralt didn’t let him do it, but he does. the compliance scares jaskier more than anything else.
he needs. he’s not sure what he needs. his needs are a contradictory mess. he needs to be in control for this long, drawn out moment, but if geralt is letting jaskeir have this out of pity, out of a misguided sense of obligation, it will kill him. he’ll never get over it. it doesn’t matter. jaskier, like he always does, will hold on as tightly and as long as he can.
130 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
i haven’t worked out anything to say about it yet but it is so interesting to me that even dracula looks at peace before his body disintegrates into dust. and that mina expresses sympathy for him as she would for any other person. like that is the horror of this story—vampirism is a thing that happens to a person, a whole and complex person, flattened and exaggerated into the monstrous, but still identifiable as a person underneath.
168 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
the thing about geralt and jaskier as a duo is they are both pretty fuckin great at reading rooms and determining what the diplomatic or polite thing to do would be, but neither of them can be relied upon to bother to put that information into action.
and, actually, yennefer has that same energy too.
they are all perfect for each other in the worst ways.
179 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
just thinking about how jaskier is initially all ‘i’m happy to be your emotional support bard but it’s my god given right to be as annoying as possible about it’ and how completely his demeanor shifts the moment yen actually needs his help in a more concrete sense
355 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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joey batey should do all of the press
610 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
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#i don’t think i’d get on my knees for many people out there
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Austin Butler/Elvis Presley
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211 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
Our very last kiss
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Part II - I’m a soldier who’s returning half her weight
Pairing: Austin Butler x fem reader
Warnings: smut 18+, unclear consent, depression, anxiety, cursing, medication use, crying….oh I hope that’s it~let me know if I missed something
Plot: you’re a 21 year old actress and you get casted to play Priscilla in the new Elvis biopic. You fall for Austin, but it ends up that he only thought you were going method with him, so when filming ends so does your relationship. For him at least.
Word count: 4400
Disclaimer: this story was inspired but Taylor Swift’s song “Wildest dreams” I’m not making any assumptions about anything. Also I wrote an Austin that is far from who I hope he is in real life.
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Pain. You've felt it before. You and pain have sat down and chatted like old friends many times. But at some point pain would get bored, get up and leave, so that the healing could begin and you would get to meet up with other feelings again. This time though? Well this time pain was stubborn, it doesn't seem to want to ever leave. It has brought with it some new tools as well, little gimmicks to use on you body, so that everyone could know you were dining with pain. Everyone but that one person. That one mass of flesh, blood and bones. How could he not see? You used to scream that question at the sky, you used to pray for an answer but it never came.
You knew from the beginning it was wrong, but you couldn't help yourself. And you tried, you'll give yourself that much credit, but somewhere along the way you stopped restraining yourself. Now you eat mouthfuls of the dish you prepared.
You close your eyes trying to push back the tears from your eyes. You don't know how it's possible to cry anymore, how you still physically have any power to do that. You want to physically rip your heart out and start slicing it with a blunt kitchen knife, but that's not possible. Instead you open your eyes again, look pain dead in those black eyes and speak.
"Let me tell you the story of how I got here. How I was stupid to believe. Stupid to let myself go. Stupid to love. Stupid, stupid, stupid, so FUCKING stupid"
It started so simple and cliché, because it started with him smiling at you.
It's your first day of filming and to say you're nervous and scared would be understatement. This is your first big thing. Playing Priscilla Presley is a scary, exiting and overwhelming task. You worry that your very little experience and young age might be an obstacle in doing justice to the amazing person she is. You are only 21 and you've acted in some other small projects, but never something this big and highly anticipated. You are mortified at the thought of stepping foot on that set and making a fool of yourself. "Ok we're done!" The make up artist says putting her brushes away.
You get up from the makeup chair, wiping your sweaty palms on your dress. The first scene you'll film is the one where Elvis and Priscilla are in his room in Germany listening to music while she babbles on about her parents.
You try calm your heart as you walk, but nothing helps, it feels like your chest might explode with the pressure inside it. Biting your nails, you read over the script, making sure to have it tattooed in your brain. "Hi, nice to see you again!" A hand comes in sight, starched out for you to shake. You take it and pray that your palm is just slightly sweaty and not uncomfortably drenched with nerves. "Hi" it's Austin standing In from of you, dressed in military uniform, hair sleeked back and smile as bright as the last time you saw him, at the last table read you attended. That was over a few weeks ago.
"Are you ready for the scene?" The question catches you off guard. Is he asking that so make conversation or to make sure you don't screw up? It must be the later. "Yeah, of course." You try to hide the tremble in your voice by laughing a bit, but that only comes out as a strangled sound. You blush terribly and look away. "Hey, it's going to be fine, alright?" He crooks his head to the side to look you in the eyes. You can see how honest he is.
You nod and go to move some hair behind your ear, but quickly slam the hand back on your lap, you can't ruin your hair. "Okay" Austin lets go of your hand, placing both his hand in the pockets of his pants, smiling at you. You didn't miss the way his eyes looked you over from head to toe. "Alright people, Austin on your mark, on the floor. (Y/n) you begin at the window, come on now. Let's move!" Baz says. Shaking your head and making yourself shift into character, you take your position and start the scene.
Several takes over the next 3 to 4 hours are necessary to complete the scene. You were the one always messing up. 'Too stiff' that called you. By the time the take number 105 and the 3rd hour rolled around you could see that the nice attitude Austin presented himself with, had dissolved into one of annoyance. He was nice enough to not say anything, but his body language spoke volumes. The constant eye rolls, sighs, huffs and scowls, told you how over the whole situation he was.
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251 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
I thought you quit
“I stayed there” series -part I
Pairing: Austin Butler x Fem Reader
Warning: smoking, swearing, pda, fluff
Plot: Austin gets back on a bad habit due to his stress caused by the Elvis auditioning. You try to explain to him that he needs to relax and take care of himself. Soon you’re crying and your heart is shattered
Masterlist here all parts are here
Part 2 here
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Word count: 1700
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The cool autumn breeze glides through your tied up hair, making the loose strands brush you face. You sit on the bench in the empty park, legs over your boyfriends and kindle in hand. You enjoy times like this, when it's quiet and you get to just be with him, it's rare and it's oh so sweet. As you read lost in your book, Austin speaks, but you don't look at him too absorbed into the paragraph in front of your eyes. "So what do you want to do tonight?" He ask. You shrug your shoulders, not really carrying about it, as long as tonight is spent together you'll have a good time regardless of what you were doing. "I don't know, maybe open some wine, watch some tv..." you say absentmindedly while rubbing your hands together to get them warmer.
You lift your eyes up when you feel Austin move and you notice him pulling out a cigarette and placing it in between his lips. Before he gets a chance to light it, you snatch the lighter from his hand and hide it behind your back. "I thought you quit" you say giggling at his dumbfounded expression. "I did!" He argues back cigarette still between his lips. "Aha sure baby, you did!" You bite back as he leans over you trying to take the lighter from the hand that hides behind you back. "Come on now baby, it just one!" He whines, frustrated at not being able to reach your hand. Now both his arms hug you and you have to take a deep breath to keep yourself grounded. Blue eyes staring into your (e/c) ones, lips plump and read from the cold keeping the cigarette to the corner of his mouth. Your right hand reaches up and take the cigarette out of his mouth. "(Y/n)!" Austin pouts in a warning tone at you. "Kiss me and maybe I'll give it back."
He smiles, licks his lips and leans in, soft, warm lips touching yours. His hands grab your waist and you shiver at the feeling of his big palms splayed on your back. He licks you bottom lip and with a pleasured sigh you open up for him. He tastes like coffee and burned sugar, the taste of him fogging your brain. Your right hand holding the cigarette, quickly drops it on your lap and your left hand holding the lighter places it on the bench. Now both of your hands are free to tangle in his black hair. He'd dyed it a week ago when he started sending in audition tapes to Baz , for the role of Elvis Presley . Tapes for which he started to prepare three weeks ago.. You liked it, but you love his caramel colored hair a lot more, but he insisted he had to dye his hair for the auditioning process, so he could feel more in character. He was livid about the role, he wanted it so bad he barely slept trying to study Elvis as much as he could. He was constantly watching Elvis movies, clips , listening to his songs, talking in his voice. It was nice to see his dedication, but it started to turn into an obsession. It's why he probably started smoking again to get himself to calm down and unwind.
Your tummy flutters as you scratch his scalp with your nails, deepening the kiss. He moans in your mouth and before you get to carried away, he pulls back placing the cigarette back in between his lips and lighting it with the lighter he stole from behind you, while you were busy getting lost in him. Victory can be read on his face as he puffs the cigarette and lets the smoke out through his mouth and nose. "I'm sorry baby, I promise it's just this one. I swear." He places one hand on his heart, bringing the cigarette back for another smoke. "Sure" you say folding your arms over your chest. Slowly you get you feet down from his lap, tuck some of your hair behind your ears, grab your kindle, put it you back and get up, walking away. 
Austin is quick to follow you, but you only walk faster. To no avail since he's got long legs and you don't wanna cause a scene running away from him. "(Y/n), wait, baby!" He grabs your elbow and stops you in your tracks. You spin to look at him, but when you see that he still has the cigarette in his mouth, you look away. "I want to go home." Looking at the ground you play with your feet, not liking the way he hovers over you, his height an advantage over you. "Just cause I wanted to smoke one fucking cigarette?" Austin brushes a hand through his hair and looks exasperated at you.
It's not the cigarette, sure you care for his health and you want him to quit for his own good, but it's not what got you so bothered. "It's not the cigarette.." you say in a low voice barley above a whisper. "Then what is it?" He asks inpatient to know. You chew the inside of your cheek and he turns away from you, throwing his hands in the air, annoyed with your attitude. "No, cause it's been weeks now that you've acted like this, I do something or say something and you shut me out, punishing me for something. What is it!?" his voice gets louder and tears gather in you eyes, but you blink them back. You know what it is, you just don't want to say it and be a jerk.
"Say it, god damn it!" He pushed and that's it for your tears to start running down your face. His face softens, he goes to the near by garbage bin and puts out his cigarette. Austin comes back to you and hugs you. You keep your arms folded over you chest and rest your head on his chest. He lets out a shallow breath, running a hand up and down you back soothingly. "What's wrong baby? Talk to me!" He's now begging, your heart breaks for him and you close your eyes. "I-, you just.." you stumble over your words.
"I what?" He's not angry or annoyed now, just scared of what you'll say. "You just, you aren't you anymore..." your voice is so quiet, that for a second he thinks he heard it in his head and you hadn't actually spoken to him. "What?" He can't believe what you just said, how is it that he's not himself anymore. "You're losing yourself in this role and you're just in the process of auditioning for it. What happens if you get? Hm? Am I supposed to start liking to date a replica of Elvis Presley?" You exit his embrace and take a few steps back. He's stuck, frozen in place, he expected anything but this.
"That's not fair, you know how important it is for me!" He looks like he's the one about to cry now. "You don't get it, how could you? All you do all day is sit with your head buried in those stupid books and complain about how hard med school is. Just fucking drop out already!" The steps you take back cause you to stumble on a rock and fall on your ass in the wet grass. You're mute, you can't say a single thing. He blows out more air out of his mouth and doesn't bother to try lift you up. You hug your knees to your chest and cry softly. Then you feel his hand on you knee and you flinch away from his touch. "(Y/n), baby..." you wipe your face and slowly get up.
"You don't sleep anymore and when you do you have nightmares. You don't eat, just sit all day, every day for the past 3 weeks and watch him, listen to him, talk like him, you're killing your self for it" he looks away and listens to you, every word being another slap to his face, because every word is true. "Well it's my job, (Y/n), what do you want me to do about it?" You come close to him and take his head in your hands forcing him to look at you. It breaks him to see the tears that don't seam to stop running down your face, knowing he made them come out in the first place. "Your not listening to me, I just want you to relax a bit, you can't see what a tool this auditioning process took on you, but I can" he lost weight and his hands shook with anxiety almost all the time, dark circles paint his eyes, that are now bloodshot read holding back tears. Austin shakes his head and takes your hands away from his face. You shake your head closing your eyes, ready for his next sharp words.
His nose brushes against yours, you feel his soft lips on yours and this time he tastes like cigarettes and salt. You don't kiss him back and he notices right away, so Austin pulls back. "I think we should break up!" He says. Your heart feels like it was hit by a wrecking ball and you can't breathe. Your vision starts to blur. Heart beating in your ears, you get away from him. "Ok" it's all you say as you walk. You drove here in his car, your apartment is an hour away from where you are now, but he doesn't offer to drive you and you won't ask him.
By the time you get to your home, the tears have dried, but the heartache stayed. You unlock your door and get in. For the next hour as you get yourself ready for bed, you feel drunk on the pain. He was you first boyfriend and he had promised to respect you, what he said, what he did, was anything but respect. Grabbing you phone, you unlock it and shoot him one last message, before blocking the number.
"See you on the big screen, Elvis. Hope it was worth it!"
258 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
Stage  fright
The fright series ~part I
Part II - ‘bed fright’ here
Pairing: Austin Butler!Elvis x fem reader
Warnings: cursing, smut, oral(f receiving) fingering, semi public sex, ( that’s all I hope)
Plot: Elvis met you working on his ‘68 comeback show, he feel for you instantly, at a celebratory party for the special he makes a move and you 2 become a thing. Later he shows you the Vegas stage and gives you and unforgettable orgasm to help ease his nerves
Word count:3392 I couldn’t stop 😭😭
Author’s note: this is the second time I write this, the first time around the app crashed and it didn’t save so I had to write it again. Also English is not my first language so I apologize for mistakes, please be kind. Request are open. Enjoy!!
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It was a strange thing to think about, the big Elvis Presley having stage fright? But he was in fact afraid of the stage, every time he got up there he felt his heart in his stomach and his thoughts traveled faster than he could keep up. His fast skyrocketing career didn't ease that fright. He loved to sing, but if he could just plant his voice on stage while he sat back and watched he would’ve been so happy. His fans didn’t know all this though, and they ate him up every time he got up there. They screamed, cried, danced, shook, all to the sound of his voice, his music, his art.
He often doubted himself and he believed it was all a dream, one from which he would wake up soon to find he was still that scrawny poor boy, form Tupelo Mississippi. He blamed all his success on luck, that thing he was sure of. He was lucky, but now it seamed to him like his luck had run out. In his mind at least.
Since ‘56 when all this crazy dream of his started, till now he had everything, everything but one thing, love. Seeing as the only woman he ever loved was his mom, who tragically died, she left him so heartbroken, he never wanted to feel that way again, so he didn’t. He indulged himself lovers to keep for a night or maybe a few nights, but it was always just raw pleasure, never love.
That was until a few months ago, when he met her, while working for the '68 comeback special, she was Steve Binder's assistant. He liked her instantly, there was just something about her, that made her stand out, even in a room full of glammed up dancers. She always carried a small notebook with her, she either had it in the pocket of her pants or in the waist line of her skirt. The gold pen she wore behind her ear, the one she used to write down in her notebook was the only piece of jewelry she wore. Her stature was that of a 5.6 feet girl who despite her height always wore flats, never heels, that intrigued him.
There were in fact many things about her, that intrigued him, her hair was another one of them. Her (h/c) hair was always neatly styled, she either wore it braided, in a ponytail or in a ballerina bun, he dreamed of seeing her hair cascade over her back. It also looked like it would be very soft, since she never seamed to put products in it. He also liked how shy she was, while also proving to be the smartest person in the room when so opens her mouth to speak, which was rare, in his presence at least.
Her voice sounded like warm honey, he remembers the first time he heard it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you mr Presley” she said as she lifted a shaky arm for him to shake, something not necessarily lady like, since men were supposed to kiss a woman’s hand, not shake it. He shook it nonetheless and he discovered her hand was warm, soft and sweaty with emotions probably. “Pleasure’s all mine darlin’”. That was the only interaction the two of them had for 2 weeks while he worked on the special, in those two weeks his time was split between singing on stage and dancing and when that was over he’d dream about her.
He often wondered if he would get a chance to talk to her, but the timing never seamed right. She was always running out and about, getting everything done for Steve and never in his presence. So he just kept hoping until the last day, but even as they filmed the last shot and shared drinks, she wasn't there. He wondered where she was, but didn't ask.
The next time he got to see her, was at the celebratory party on the 4th of December. Steve rented a bar for the whole staff, everyone was there, even people he'd never seen before, but his eyes searched the room for her. And then he found her. Sat in a dark corner, a true wallflower, she wore a beautiful green dress with a square neckline that showed enough cleavage to drive him crazy. That dress should've been illegal, it hugged all the right places, she was beautiful, well made, with enough meat on her bones to make him wish he could squeeze her every bit in his hands.
Her hair was the next thing that caught his eye, she had braided half of it and the rest hung loose in her back, he blinked and imagined what treading his long fingers through it felt like. She also didn't have her gold pen set behind her ear, instead she had beautiful gold, stud earrings, a pair to the gold bead that hung around her neck.
His feet carried him to her before he even realized he was walking. He sat next to her and gave her one of his most sincere side smiles. She looked at him and blushed looking down, he could see the blush creep up on her face, because she never wore makeup or if she did it was always in small quantities and to enhance the beauty she already had. "Evening ma'am, would you like a drink?" He asked as he motioned the bartender to come get their order. "Evening, sir, just a water, please." He ordered himself a gin tonic. While they waited he looked her up and down, god she was everything. "No need to call me sir, ma'am, just Elvis is fine by me" she blushed again and then started to play with a tissue in her hand. "Well in that case you should call me (y/n), ma'am makes me feel old." He smiled at what she said and had to bite down on his tongue not to ask her how old she was, cause she looked young.
Elvis wanted to talk more but didn't really know what to say, so they just sat there in silence. Until after drinking some of her water she surprised him. "What's your favorite season of the year?" She asked looking at him with big, curious eyes. He took a sip of his drink that had unfortunately gone warm in his hand and was no longer appetizing. He asked the bartender for a Coca-Cola, his favorite and the proceeded to answer. "Well I think summer, days are so much longer so me and the boys get to spend as much time are we want outside and because the night is also a lot more lively we get to carry some of the fun even after sunset" she listened to him very closely, he liked that, when people listened to him, really listened. "What about you darlin'?"
The way the pet name rolled on his tongue made her shiver like a cold gush of wind just passed her, but there was no wind, just him. She looked up at the ceiling like she was searching for the answer and then looked right back at him as she spoke "Winter, I like the cold, being curled up with a book by the fireplace, hot coffee in my hand. The snow, especially the snow, I miss it, we don't get it here in LA" she said it like she used to live somewhere else,he picked up on that so it was only natural that he ask. "You ain't from LA? Where're from, darlin'?" She drank some water and started playing with her necklace. "I'm from Chicago, I moved here for school." School? He was right she was smart. "What do you study at school?" She looked down at her feet. "Economics" he was once again impressed by her, she studied a field in which he thought mostly men get tangled. "And how did Steve manage to get someone so smart work for him?" He asked giggling. "It was a summer job and it paid well, I guess I did good so he told me to stick around."
She kept looking at her feet and silence fell between them once again. He couldn't help himself when his hand moved and with a long finger set under her chin he forced her to look et him. Her (e/c) eyes were so deep he could stare at them for the rest of his life. As they dragged unconsciously closer to each other, she pulled back, almost fell to the floor. Got up and left, he stayed frozen in place and the got up to go after her.
Elvis found (y/c) out in the dark alone, she was playing around with a pebble, pushing it around with the tip of her flats, again she chose not to wear heels. “Did I do something wrong?” He asked and startled her. (Y/c) looked up at him, even in the dark he could catch the glimmer in her eye. “I’m not what you’re looking for, sir.” She answered simply and kept looking down.
He took a few steps but kept the distance between them, he didn’t want her to feel more uncomfortable. He wanted to ask what she thought he was looking for, but he knew the answer, she thought he probably wanted a quick fuck, or an affair to last a few days. He did want to fuck her, but he wanted to fuck only her from now on, he couldn’t really explain it, but he felt it strongly.
He got closer, at the sound him moving she had lifted her head up and was now looking at him. “You’re beautiful!” He said before he was able to catch himself. (Y/c) laughed dry and looked away. “There’s a bar full a girls far more beautiful than I am” he shook his head, but she could see. “That ain’t right, they are beautiful in their way, but are beautiful in a way that I like, I only saw you in there.”
She quickly whipped her head around “Why me?” He didn’t have an answer for that, and while he was lost in his mind he absentmindedly tucked away a pice of hair, almost moaning out loud at the feeling of her hair in his fingers. She moved her hand to grab his wrist, he thought she wanted him to move the hand away, but before he could do it, she kept it in place and sank her face. She had such a small face compared to his hands.
He got his other hand up and now he was holding her head in his hands. She opened her eyes and looked at him, the silence that sat between them was calming. The both closed their eyes and began getting closer. When she felt his breath on her lips she spoke again. "I've never been kissed before" he understood what she was saying, she was giving him a first and it was clear she wanted loyalty. She wanted to kiss him badly, she wanted to give him, her first kiss as well as her every other one. "It's only you, you and me."
The truthfulnesses of his words made her stand on her tip toes and their lips touched. Butterflies filled he stomach and she felt like they took her flying in the sky, she felt light. He moved his hands to her waist and she hugged his neck. The kiss was slow, Elvis had never been kissed like this and he for sure never kissed anyone like this before. When the broke apart to breathe their foreheads stayed together and they both broke into laughter.
Second person pov
Now months later here you are, together in Vegas, where you followed him, after the colonel convinced him the best way to get the money for the world tour, was to sing in the new international hotel for 6 weeks. You learned to hate the colonel and advised Elvis against visiting him in the hospital a few weeks ago. He however cared too much about the old man and trusted him, but he was just a showman that bleed Elvis of every penny.
See the full post
379 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
She gave what now?👀 I- y’all needed to see this, because man, I’m shaking :)) I need more of this Elvis, god 👁️👅👁️ I’m a wh0re :/
Btw I don’t know who to credit for this masterpiece:)
417 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
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one-systems-journey · 2 months
I don’t post much these days. It’s all felt like much of the same. The same monotonous attempts at moving forward. The same hills we have to climb. Over & over & over.
Today feels a little bit different. This past Friday we had therapy. We talked a lot about barriers we’ve faced with EMDR. The things that have been an issue. The questions that are always swirling around in our head when we try to do processing. We wrote down answers, so hopefully when they come up again for a part who didn’t hear the answer, it’s available for them.
It’s just one day. I’m always afraid to say when there’s been one good day because we feel like there’s an expectation that there will be more. But it’s just one day. We realised with this one good day, Sunday. That we’re afraid to feel better. We don’t feel equipped to handle life. We don’t want to have hope because at least now, we don’t have anything. We don’t want to have hope because the future is not certain. What if we miss out on what we want? What if we get through this, only to die? What if we try to have hope & are just let down again because our brain seems incapable of healing.
Something that helped with all of that was first remembering that we are neurodivergent. There’s so much more we need to work on, if or when we ever get through the trauma work. Even with all the hope in the world & all the good days in the world, we’re not going to be suddenly better. We need to stop putting the expectation on ourselves. It may be on some level what we want. To wave a magic wand & be better. But it’s also not going to happen. Slowly improving means slowly adapting to a better life.
We’re also not going back to a highly masked life. We need to build up skills, instead of just pretending to not be neurodivergent. We can’t do that work now. It isn’t helpful now. Why try to equip ourselves for life when the trauma prevents us from functioning in any amount of life? We’re building the skills we can, to help us get through the day, we’re building the skills we can to unmask & stop putting that extra pressure on ourselves. But that’s the only work there that matters right now.
If things fall back & this doesn’t work & the hope was all for nothing? I’m not sure. That’s not one I can really answer other than this attempt of being patient & working really hard to trust that our new counsellor is going to stick it out with us. She also has some of the best people in trauma recovery around her, so hopefully together, they can find a way forward for us.
Second, the world’s idea of a good future is just that. Their idea of it. The plans that make us scared of missing out, are often plans we don’t really want anyway. Not if we genuinely reflect on what we have enjoyed so far in life. That might change. Some of the things that are hard & overwhelming, things we think we should enjoy, may become things that we enjoy; when we don’t have to deal with trauma & anxiety & know how to manage our neurodivergent needs. But we’ll cross that bridge if or when we come to it. For now, they’re not things we want. We can’t hold back from hope because there may be a future that we simultaneously feel scared of missing out on, but also find overwhelming. Just simple, easy days is really worth getting through this for. A day when we wake up & see our pet. A day we can go outside & feel the grass. A day we can feed ourselves some delicious food & enjoy a craft activity, or a game. A day we can tidy without all the effort in the world. When hope knocks & we struggle to let it in for even a minute. We need to remember that a simple life is enough. It’s better & we’re fighting for that life. Not one that society places on us.
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