#and since carol was the one he pretended to open up to and thus the one who thought she actually knew him
haircoveredwriter · 3 years
Do you think Lynn is still filming or do you think she was done by ep 10? Curious your thoughts, and I would love to hear your spec on what’s to come for 11b if you would be so inclined.
I think it’s pretty clear her story arc wasn’t meant to - and doesn’t - go past the MSP/episode 10 when they will have wrapped up everything Reaper. Leah is meant to bolster Daryl’s realization he can’t save everyone and show us a clear and concise conclusion to his hero complex which Carol brought up in Find Me. Furthermore, the only brief glimpses we have seen of LyCol on set in 11b have been while she’s wearing her full Reaper attire - complete with unnecessarily long and combat counter intuitive duster jacket - signifying to me she was probably doing reshoots because I HIGHLY doubt the Commonwealth would let her 1) inside their gates as well as 2) walk the streets in paramilitary gear.
And yes I have seen all her social media posts trying to insinuate Leah is still around and kicking, but that being said, we shouldn’t forget how well LyCol plays the self promotion game. Choosing these moments to accidentally drop images or “hints” about a storyline that’s been universally fandom wise disliked as well as when most of the GA wants Daryl to kill her after the msf, possibly continuing screams outright trolling IMO. I won’t get into the nitpicky details of each of her posts but I’ll point out she purposefully said several things in her live which have been proven to be untrue. Plus many of the show’s past characters went to great lengths post show death to not let the audience know they were no longer filming … Michael Cudlitz and Samantha Morton come to mind.
In regards to 11b, I think we are going to see a lot of parallels to when the group first arrived in ASZ and didn’t trust anything; especially with how secretive and just plain weird the commonwealth has been shown thus far. I can’t for a second see Carol believing anything Lance Hornsby is serving up and I’m dying to see scenes between the two if for nothing else than more secret agent Carol 😁. Yes please. My dream head-canon would be for Caryl to employ the fake marriage troupe yet sadly I don’t think tptb will give in to my deepest desires; more that we’ll see them skirting their own personal issues for a few eps until they feel they’ve figured things out for team family (whether they be at CW or ASZ) and then finally have that heart to heart. Maybe a little awkward moment brought on by everyone’s favourite observationalist, Princess, or we do know there are a bunch of creature comforts they haven’t had for a while in the Commonwealth so potentially our two adorable misfits can do some talking after drinks? Or someone says something after the first long hot shower in months? I’m not beyond seeing either Zeke or Connie come back and play a role by saying something to either Carol or Daryl since Kang wrote them in for the exact same uses in Caryl’s development.
Other things I think we could see, and it’ll be in point for because at this point I’ve rambled long enough:
- Maggie staying back in ASZ along with Aaron to not make the originals push to CW
- Princess, Carol, and Daryl sharing scenes because this is just all the yes 🙌
- I don’t think Zeke is making it to the end of the show…sorry
- One or both Carol & Daryl fitting against the class system they have in place. We know they aren’t going to be given the glamorous life so I think we’re in for an uprising (see amc, THIS would be the perfect excuse to have Caryl pretend to be married so they can keep up appearances with the grimes kids while they look in the CW’s bedside table for dirty secrets … just saying 😊)
- lol yeah I said this was going to be point form but I guess I failed at that again too
- Jerry finds a pasta maker and opens his own place which he calls Fusili Jerry (anyone get that Seinfeld reference?)🤣
- Not going to say who but I don’t think all the kiddos are making it to the end of the show. Don’t hate me okay. And by kiddos I mean not old enough to drive age.
- Mercer is going to get sucked into helping TF fight the CW system because who can resist the ways of Princess
- Please let them give us a scene of Caryl talking after they’ve both showered and someone mentions how good the other one smells. You guys already had Carol talking to Dog about the Dixon aroma; don’t drop the ball. We know Daryl would notice what kind of soap she used before she says anything and get the deepest shade of red once she teases him about it.
- If you want the outline, amc…hit me up.
- Connie’s story will revolve mostly around doing investigative reporting like before the ZA as she tries to figure out what’s wrong with the CW
- Oh and someone is going to pop that Sebastian twat again and I will stand on my chair and cheer.
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inked-out-trees · 3 years
⭐ for The Keep Going Song? Thanks! :)
(anh i would die for you)
Thank you for asking! I am going to be talking about the whole thing because it's fun, and because there's not really many ~secrets~ within the text to ramble about, just little fun snippets!
I'll do it under a cut because I will definitely ramble. Woohoo!
I came across The Keep Going Song (the song) after my Lookout 3 Companion Playlist (& my spotify discovery) introduced me to the Bengsons. The effect was almost instantaneous - it's the kind of warmth I try to encompass in everything I do, and for the next few days I had it on repeat as I worked. This was around the time I was finishing my Lookout script, and I had been toying with the idea of writing a Cornleyverse fic after absolutely devouring all 10 fics in the tag. What I knew was that I wanted it to be sweet, I wanted it to pull them all together, and I wanted it to be a progression. Despite only having seen the Goes Wrong Show, jumping into the fandom made me want to dimensionalize these characters and give them a story beyond everything that had already occured.
I also watched Christmas Carol before / during the writing process, but to date I have not watched Peter Pan or the full-length TPTGW. My prior knowledge comes from Wikipedia, the delightul amateur TPTGW production on YouTube, a friend's excellent transcription of the Haversham Manor script, and tumblr meta analysis. I think I did a reasonable enough job pretending I knew what I was doing.
Let's get going!
I knew off the top that it was going to be vignettes - they would give me room to spread the story over the long period of time it takes for a group of people to grow into something resembling a family. Like I said in the original author's note, there was supposed to be more of the early, snippy days - but I got so focused on making them kinder that I found I couldn't properly write a fight. In hindsight, it probably would have been easier if I tried writing that first, but, well. Once I realized that it was too late. The alphabet idea came later, once I had them all finished: I wanted to organize them somehow, but numbers felt too open, too infinite - closing the story on an organizational endpoint was just really satisfying.
a - Every good story needs a good beginning.
c - Starting with the end of Peter Pan is my sneaky way of slipping past the fact that I haven't seen the earlier shows! The Max and Sandra storyline is just so sweet, and I wanted to let it exist a little bit in between our jump from Peter Pan to Christmas Carol. This vignette came so easily when I wrote it and I love love love the feelings and the tentativity about the whole thing.
f - This was actually the last vignette I wrote. I realized I needed some front-end padding because otherwise my angst plot came rather abruptly, and what better way? At this point, too, I was trying to bring in POVs from each one of our characters, and when deciding on Trevor's POV I thought the exasperation-excitement combination would be an excellent choice. It turns out Trevor is my favourite to write, mostly because I can find his voice a lot easier than some of the others - and probably also because I hold a lot of fondness and nostalgia for stage crew work. Also, I wrote most of this one on a long evening walk in the notes app on my phone. Fun fact.
h - I did my original idea slam in a draft tumblr post, and this one just says "birthday party but one without all the drama of christmas carol". And what do you know, that's exactly what it is! I definitely took the birthday party (in CCGW as well as in this fic) as a kind of proof that they really do like each other, if they're doing things like this and if they want to do things like this - and that theme of okay, they want to be here formed the basis for this part. I think it's exceptionally sweet that Dennis came looking for friends and ended up finding, well, something. And I popped in a little MMNI reference with "one of the Janines" - Backwards Janine? Frontwards Janine? Original Janine? Who knows! It's one of them!
l - The thing about this plot is that it's actually one of the first ideas I had when dreaming up this fic, and I couldn't quite let it go. The point was, what if I somehow split them up? How can they get on when half the society is out of commission? And the most reasonable way I could find to actually get half of them out of commission was the car accident. To be honest, this one is mostly filler - it's also the second vignette I wrote, and it found its birth in the email drafts of my work laptop.
m - Trying to map out this little plotline without overdoing it might have been the most difficult part of this fic, and I'm still not 100% sure I succeeded. This is our explanation for the unease from the vignette above, and it took me 3 rewrites before I finally found something that settled in my brain. "Dennis gets chased by a goose" might be one of my favourite lines in the fic though.
Also, putting these letters right next to each other made me feel really clever for no reason.
n - My Jonathan perspective also took a few stutter-steps in its beginning, but this one ultimately came from the promo video's reveal that Robert and Dennis live together, and me playing with the continual idea of the remaining cast members being rather unmoored in their injured castmates' absence. Robert in particular because I love his character and I love making him Feel Things(TM) (fun hint: this will also be a small theme in the new cpds fic I have in the works!) and I want to see so much from this odd relationship between him and Dennis. Obviously they have to tolerate each other if they are willingly roommates - how far can I go with that? I love how this one turned out.
o - All I have to say about this one is that I still really love the sweetness between these two, and they deserve the world. Also, at some point during writing this I was really caught up with how striking Dave's face silhouette is (don't ask) so that ended up making it in somehow.
q - Girls' Night is SO important to me. After all the work they've done to make these gals friends I needed to capture it, and a pleasant night in just made a lot of sense. This one is the home of a few of my headcanons - Annie has a chef roommate and Max does a lot of the cooking, thus the "neither of us are the usual household cooks" comments, and I also think they're at the point where they can joke about their previous failures (especially with these three together) so the nod to A Trial To Watch (my favourite gws episode) was so fun. Also, Waking Ned really is a silly pick-me-up of a movie - would recommend. Special thanks to CBC for giving us Canadians quality British TV alongside our occasionally questionable homegrown programming.
r - It wouldn't be a fic about progress and growth with this crew without a disheartening moment turned into gold. I wrote this one while barbecuing, another fun fact, and no joke the hardest part was figuring out what to name the play they were doing. I kept pace with the whole "Jonathan can't get onscreen" gag, which was personally hilarious and made me cackle as I wrote it, and the rest of it just felt good. I will always have a soft spot for comfort and reassurance in a story and getting to write it has just been an absolute delight.
t - This was one of my other unplanned vignettes. It was originally to fill out Robert's POV, but also to express a bit of how things have changed in Chris's attitude towards his cast - if there's one thing I would change from Mischief's characerisation thus far, it's this brand of almost-kindness that I consistently need to write him with. It takes the aftermath of the car accident and uses it to kind of make him understand - this is a valuable group of people and I don't want to lose it. But of course he's not the type of person to actually express that in any way, so I thought the frenetic hovering was a good way to get the point across. As well, the kind-of-bonding between Chris and Robert - the two of them are such powerhouses of insistent personality that conflict so easily but they've also got a more secret kind of friendship that deserves to be explored a little more. I really like this vignette and how it ended up portraying how they are around each other, how they really do know each other, especially when they're not fighting. Makes me soft.
w - This is the first vignette I wrote! I honestly didn't realize until writing this just how much I identify with Annie - best of both worlds re. crew and cast, a bit of tenacity regarding getting through things, overall personality - I just love her so so much. She also seems like the most sensible of the cast, so the collective "why are we really here?" moment with Trevor really spoke to me. I love their friendship, I love the kind of quiet vibe this vignette gives off - this is one of the ones I can feel most strongly, the one I can step into and exist inside. I also spent most of my old drama rehearsals and classes without shoes, so that had to make it in just by virtue of the sock brigade (me).
z - One thing I knew for sure since the inception of the fic was that it needed to end on a victory. I took the images I had of this victorious adrenaline, everyone together having a good time, kind of getting smashed, and karaoke (I really wanted the karaoke, for some reason) and went the obvious route: the wedding. Ending on Chris POV also felt so right - possibly because he's the one with the most growth in this fic - and getting to finally feel this triumph with him after all these other trials and tribulations was an absolute joy. The wedding hall, in my head, looks like the one my cousin used (it was at a zoo... my sister and I went on a night walk and heard a lot of screaming peacocks) and I definitely threw all my wistfulness, all my love for the characters I'd developed, and all my love for this fantastic fandom into this part. The incorrect lyrics that Annie sings are exactly what I think every time I hear that song, because I've never looked up the lyrics before and my brain likes to play Mad Libs with my super-questionable auditory processing. And the image of the ballroom staff getting really exasperated with them and shutting all the lights off came to me at night and is hastily scribbled on a sticky note (it's a wonder it's legible) but I still strongly believe that it's the perfect, perfect way to end. I still get the warm feelings when I reread this part, even now, after so many reads.
And, finally - our end quote is exactly what started this whole thing. What is this drama society if not a rough beginning? But the concept that we'll make it through, that we can just take a step and then another and it'll be okay because we're together... it's hard to describe just how much it means to me, to my place in the world, to the world itself. I think one of my rather consistent aims in writing, no matter what it is, is to be able to have this collective - characters that become family, people that are important to each other, this constellation to lean on - because it's all I can say for the human experience. It's probably quite a bit of wishful thinking (as I said to another friend, "I am apparently letting loose on all my repressed social feelings of the past year and shoving them into fics") and a sort of subconscious confirmation that if I write it, I can be it. So this force of understanding and kindness and ultimately good people helping each other through the world is something I can't help but include, something that means the absolute world to me.
I'm so glad to have been able to share this fic with everyone, and extra glad that it's been able to touch some people along the way. I've found such an incredible community in Mischief and coincidentally I think The Keep Going Song represents that warmth, too - the community I've been so lucky to exist inside, how we're helping each other along, step by step. What a beautiful thing to be a part of! Thank you for reading and allowing me to give you a bit of my heart. 💖💖
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lovelylaurie · 4 years
Chronology - Part 3
Growing Up Laurie x (March) Reader Words: 3524 Request: @psychshawnjuleshanluke​ A series where each part follows reader and Laurie’s relationship over time. Part 1 | 2 | 3
     Winter, long awaited, wasted no time in cloaking the world under a shroud of chill and ice. The boughs of sturdy oaks hung heavy under the weight of snow. The forests and fields, once so full of adventure, were now treacherous, impassable landscapes. But you were not without consolation. Books offered a welcome escape, and you frequently visited Mr. Laurence to borrow more. And Laurie was making good on his promise to write letters. The first came barely a week after he had left, and every one since was an incredible boost to your spirits. You responded to each and every one, no matter how short or inconsequential. And thus your lengthy correspondence grew to be an immense comfort and joy. 
      You sat, now, in the living room of your house. The fire crackled and sputtered happily, providing some heat to combat the cold winter night outside. Laurie’s most recent letter was tucked into a book beside you.
Dearest (y/n),       How could you think I would spend Christmas anywhere but home? I may have some friendly acquaintances here, but I would never miss an opportunity to see you for their sake, and I still need to fulfill my promise to return at every chance I get. “The companions of our childhood always possess a certain power over our minds which hardly any later friend can obtain,” as Victor Frankenstein says. You would love it here, (y/n), there are so many libraries and bookstores and places to explore that I wish you were here with me to see them. And you will be. Soon, I hope, if you can come in the Spring as promised. But in the meantime, I have so many wonderful things to tell you next week. I will see you soon. Farewell and forever yours, Laurie
      Around you sat your sisters, as Meg had come to visit, talking and chatting, and musing on what name she would choose for the baby, because she was now pregnant and we did not yet know that it would be twins. Though humbled by domestic life, Meg was as starry-eyed as ever about Mr. Brooke, “I’m just so excited for my first Christmas with John. And with a baby by next summer! Everything’s happened so fast, but I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she beamed blissfully. “I can’t wait for the ice skating and snowball fights and all the fun we’ll have,” said Jo. Beth, who was leaning against her, simply smiled. “I’m looking forward to drawing the snow, it’ll be great practice,” proclaimed Amy  “What about you, (y/n)?” asked Jo, who was now looking at you expectantly. “Laurie,” you confessed. “We’ll have great fun, I can’t wait until he gets here.” “You and Laurie have grown very close…” Meg said, sounding awfully self-assured. “We’ve always been. He’s my closest friend and companion.” “Partner in crime, more like,” she interjected. You pretended not to hear her, “I loathe this separation.” Amy smiled playfully and teased, “Is that really all it is?” “Huh?” Jo leaned over to hit her, “No, Amy, don’t! Meg’s already gone off-” “I’m still here, Jo.” “-and I couldn’t bear to have any more of us drawn away,” she protested hotly. Everyone turned to look at you. “Well, I don’t really see what you’re all getting at. We’ve always been this way, Laurie and I.”   “How do you feel about him, (y/n)?” Meg asked softly. Jo tried to reach over and hit her, too, but she was brushed off. You were beginning to feel quite oblivious, not clued into something that seemed so obvious to everyone else. But then, through all the compiled worry, the longing, aching for his presence, it dawned on you. The rush you feel when he looks at you, when he smiles, the flutter in your chest when he laughs, the flush of your cheeks when he grabs your hand. And when he kissed you… It seemed so obvious now, so clear, you were astonished that you hadn’t realized it before. Love. “Oh...” Meg looked pleased, “And she’s realized.” “Meg,” Jo whined, glaring at her sister, “how could you?” Their bickering faded as waves of realization washed over you and everything fell into place. In the midst of this cacophony, Beth leaned over, quietly and tenderly, and whispered to you with excitement twinkling in her eye, “You love him?” “Yes,” you breathed, with a smile forming at the corner of your lips.
      The following morning, you were seated at the table, slowly picking through your breakfast with marked disinterest. Now more than ever you couldn’t wait for Laurie to arrive. Though holly and tinsel hung from everywhere, and Beth began to play Christmas carols throughout the day, it didn’t feel like the festivities could really start until he was here. But you had no idea when- Jo jumped up suddenly, “The Laurence’s carriage! It’s outside!” You sprang to your feet and ran to look. There it was, coming down the path. And in the window, you could just barely see, was Laurie. “It’s Laurie!” you shrieked as you threw on boots and a coat as fast as you could. Then you flew out of the house and down the path, barely stopping to close the door or notice the snow soaking the hem of your dress and toes of your socks. It didn’t matter. For him, it didn’t matter. “Laurie!” you called as the carriage came to a stop, “LAURIE!” The door burst open and he jumped out with a huge smile spread across his face. You engulfed him in an enormous hug, “Theodore Laurence, what took you so long?” His arms wrapped around you and his face nuzzled into your hair as you leaned your head on his shoulder, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” Then his voice dropped and he held you tighter, “I have missed you so much, (y/n).” You remained in each other’s embrace until Mr. Laurence stepped out of the carriage as well, at which point you both pulled away and a blush crept onto your face. Laurie insisted that you get inside, after seeing that you had only a thin coat on, and no scarf, hat, or gloves. When you got to the house, he was embraced again by Jo and Marmee and everyone else.       His return was as sweet as his departure was bitter. Your whole life suddenly seemed a little brighter, and you were surprised to find yourself not remotely worried about his leaving once again in only a few weeks. His presence now was so precious, so wonderful, it overshadowed all those concerns. One afternoon, to get away from the prying eyes of your sisters, you had suggested a walk, on a path well-trodden over the years that started close to your house, looped through the forest, and then doubled back on itself. It was comforting and calming to be alone with Laurie, surrounded by the sparkling snow and featureless white of a winter sky. The conversation was jovial and friendly, flitting between Laurie’s life at University and yours back home. “Out of all of us, I believe Meg has changed the most,” Laurie posited. “She’s the only one to have really changed at all.” He paused a while before continuing, “Do you ever think about the future, (y/n)?” There was a sudden change and drop in his tone that frightened you and ignited a feeling of disquietude deep in your mind. He sounded incredibly trepidatious, and you wondered, uneasily, at the cause. “I rather enjoy the here and now,” you responded shakily.   “But we have so much to consider.” It was unlike Laurie to be this, so serious and deliberate. What was he hinting at? What was he trying to say? He had long held a special place in your heart, one you had recently put a name to. Meg’s future, marrying for love, was one you were just beginning to see for yourself. With Laurie. Possibly. But his hesitancy approaching this same subject was unsettling, and you began to think that he didn’t have the same plans. “I just want to enjoy a walk with you, Laurie, and not have to think about things that make me worried.” He was silent, and a nagging thought began to worm its way into your mind. Perhaps college had changed him during the past few months. Perhaps it had made him more realistic about his obligations and prospects. He couldn’t marry you.       The crisp sound of snowy footfalls ceased as Laurie came to a stop beside you. Turning to face him, now a few steps ahead, you saw the way he seemed to lean ever so slightly more on one foot than the other. His hands were stuck in the pockets of his coat, unbuttoned despite the cold. “Can’t we talk, (y/n)?” He was somber, pleading, and incredibly tense. “Why?” it came out almost as a whisper, as a plea for him to stop and allow you to ignore it for a little while longer. “Why?” he repeated, “You know why.” Laurie’s face always had a special look when tense. His eyebrows didn’t knot, he didn’t frown, his expression suspended by a stoic serenity. He gazed at you, with eyes half-lidded, conveying an intense depth of emotion that pulled at the pit of your stomach. You shook your head. “No. No, Laurie, you’re being mean.” Something in him broke. “I know I’m not fit for high society. I’m not like Amy, I was never supposed to marry rich. And- and I just- you can’t, so-” you could only speak in fragments as your thoughts devolved. He took more steps towards you, “But (y/n), It’s always been us, it’s always been you and me.” “What?” He held out his arms, “You’re my whole future, you always have been. That’s why I’m doing this. Everything, all of it, is for you.” Whatever had broken in him fell apart as his voice cracked, “And I realize I’m not this great man, but… I figured you’d have me, (y/n).” That took your breath. “Oh, Laurie, of course-” you stumbled towards him and he pulled you in a longing embrace. In his arms, the full weight of your admission crashed down on you. He is your future, just as you are his. You thought he couldn’t have you, and he thought you wouldn’t, and the very idea of that sickened you. Because losing Laurie would be losing a part of your life, your soul. He felt so warm, so real, as he held you close. “I love you,” you whispered. A smile, a twinge of glee, played behind his eyes and at the corners of his lips. He held your cheek in his hand, “I have loved you ever since I’ve known you, (y/n).”       Then he leaned down, catching your lips in a needful and tender kiss. You felt like you were about to explode, about to burst with emotion and passion. Whatever doubts, whatever fears and worries you had floated away as you melted into him. It was perfect.
      Christmas day dawned quietly as the dim light cast sweeping shadows across the sleepy room. But any semblance of serenity was soon broken as your sisters awoke. First Amy, then Jo, and finally Beth. They rushed at you and pulled you out of bed with shrieks and giggles. Marmee peered in with a kind and maternal smile, “Merry Christmas, girls.” “Merry Christmas!” was the instant reply. Amy and Jo sprinted past her down the stairs as you and Beth shuffled slowly after them. Presents were piled modestly beneath the tree and the table was heaped with plenty of breakfast treats. But as the gifts were doled out and began to be unwrapped, you noticed something was missing… Amy exclaimed fervently, “Laurie’s presents this year are spectacular, what did you get, (y/n)? I’m dying to know.”       He had given Meg some small domestic trinket, a picture frame which she immediately loved. Jo got some new pen nibs, because a recent writing frenzy had bent all of hers, as well as a dapper pocket watch. She had shrieked upon opening the box and now couldn’t stop pulling it out of her pocket every few minutes. Amy got a beautiful and tasteful pair of earrings that sparkled and glittered with her every movement. Beth got a new book of music, full of pieces she had somehow never learned before. It was quite a find. She flipped through the pages, running her fingers slowly across the bars and measures as the music played in her head. But for you… “Nothing.” They stared at you dumbly. “But we’ve agreed to meet later, so I’m sure he’s just waiting until then.” Sensing the tension, Beth proposed trying to play one of her new pieces, which everyone jumped up to hear. You were incredibly grateful. Touching her hand discreetly, you mouthed ‘thank you,’ which she understood and returned with a smile.       You eventually lost track of time listening to Beth work out and piece together phrases and melodies. Laurie had promised to meet you at ten, but it was already five past and there was no sign of him, no figure approaching down the path, no footsteps in the snow outside. So, confused and concerned, you elected to go to the Laurence house yourself. Though the sun was by now shining clear and bright, the morning air was utterly devoid of heat. You would have waited outside, but the biting cold and your growing sense of unease drew you in. A servant showed you to the study, where you began to wait. You gazed off at the window, lost in anxious thought. Five minutes passed. And then ten. And fifteen. Finally, Laurie greeted you with an unexpected kiss on the cheek and a quiet, “Merry Christmas, (y/n).” “Laurie!” you jumped up in surprise and immediately hugged him. Oddly, nothing seemed wrong. He wasn’t distant or unhappy. He clutched you close, perhaps tighter than normal, and you pulled away quickly. “You have some explaining to do. First, no present. Meg gets the picture frame, Jo the pen nibs and watch, Amy the earrings, and Beth the music. Even Marmee gets a matching scarf and glove set, and Hannah got cinnamon and saffron spices. Oh! And you gave Father those books on philosophy. Then there was no sign of you, and I’ve been here waiting, and you’re incredibly late-” you stopped speaking because he was looking at you so intently, so lovingly, his eyes brimming with a passionate, but quiet, intensity. He spoke evenly and softly, “That’s because I’ve been talking with my grandfather. And if you’ll have me, then-” he reached into his pocket, but you hardly noticed because you were so breathlessly, stunningly speechless. What he was telling you, asking you, was everything you had hoped for and everything you could ever want. It wasn’t a pair of earrings or a book, it was a life and a future full of love and happiness. “I have this for you,” he pressed something small into your hand and you had to tear your eyes away from him to look at it. It was a ring, with a gold band, delicately filigreed, and an elegantly small, but still sparkling, diamond set into it. His smile glowed. Your heart practically beat through your chest. You could barely speak but still managed to murmur, “Yes. Yes, Laurie, of course.” He beamed, “You will, you’ll marry me?” “Yes!” you exclaimed, and he kissed you, passionately and fervently. His relief and elation were clear, unquestionable, as he gazed at you after pulling away. You kissed him again, and he kissed back feverishly. It was a heated, exhilarating moment, and you found it nigh impossible to tear your eyes off the brilliant, beautiful boy in front of you.       As you left to tell your family, you found Mr. Laurence outside in the hall. Letting go of Laurie’s hand, you rushed to his grandfather, “Oh, Mr. Laurence, thank you! Thank you so much, I don’t have the words. I- I know Laurie can do so, so much better than me and that this is probably never what you had planned, but I can’t thank you enough.” Your eyes began to water, brimming with excitement and gratitude. “I think you know him as well as I do, Ms. March, if not better. He loves you, and no match could ever be better for him.” Laurie was practically bursting with emotion, a deep and affectionate ardor. You rejoined him and it warmed your heart to see the way he gazed at you. You could scarcely believe that you would get to spend the rest of your life with him. You were so young, so new to the real world. It was probably wiser to wait, until you were a little older, until Laurie graduated. But you couldn’t care less. You felt like running to your house, like running everywhere, anywhere, your limbs felt jittery, electrified. Instead, you walked slowly, with Laurie’s arm draped lovingly around your shoulders and a buoyant spring in his step. Somehow, you didn’t feel remotely cold. And neither did he, apparently, for as you approached the door, he leaned down and said softly, “I’ll wait out here.”       You rushed through the door and burst into the front room excitedly. Meg looked up “(y/n)! You’re back!” Jo ran in from the kitchen, a pastry in hand, “What did you get?” You stumbled over your words, unable to express your complete and utter joy, “I- and Laurie-” you stopped with a dumb grin stuck on your face, glancing from your sisters to your parents and back again. Then Amy burst into a smile almost bigger than yours and shrieked before pointing at your hand and screaming, “A RING!!” commotion erupted and everyone rushed forward to look at it, talking over each other with questions and congratulations. Then finally Marmee found you. “I know I should have asked you first, as Meg did, but I couldn’t. This is just- it’s everything.” “I understand, (y/n), of course,” she smiled warmly and lovingly, pulling you into a comforting hug. As the chaos began to die down, Jo looked at you intently, “Where’s Laurie?” “He’s outside.” Meg gasped, “What, in the cold?!”       They all rushed over and he could barely utter a ‘hello’ before he was pulled inside and everything erupted all over again. But once he could, the first thing Laurie did was turn to your father, “I’m sorry I didn’t ask you, Mr. March, I know I should have.” “You’re practically family, Laurie, this just puts it down on paper.”         You were inseparable for the rest of the day. Laurie was unable to go just a few minutes without holding your hand or putting his arm around you. As twilight approached, early in the evening, you settled on the couch together. You sat sideways in his lap with a book in hand. He wrapped his arms around you and twirled your hair in his fingers, reading lazily over your shoulder. The weight of the day’s events hung heavy on your eyelids and pulled them down. Drifting off every once in a while, you leaned closer and closer to Laurie until your eyes opened and you found yourself resting against his chest. He chuckled as you awoke and mumbled an incoherent “Wha?”  “You fell asleep.”  “Oh,” you replaced your bookmark and set the book down. “Keep me talking, I want to stay awake a little while longer.”  “Alright, then.” He cleared his throat. “How did you enjoy your Christmas present?” “It was perfect.” You gave him a small kiss before continuing, “I’m sorry I couldn’t get you anything.” You fidgeted with the fabric of your dress. It had been bugging you slightly, all day, that you had been unable to find or afford anything while he had literally proposed.  “That’s nothing,” he murmured, “you’re all I need.”  You reached out to hold his hand, “That’s sweet, Laurie.” “It’s true.” He tapped your hand with his thumb nervously, “I was worried you might say no.”  “How come?”  “We’re far too young, I’ve barely begun university, I’m being reckless and going too fast, I didn’t consult your parents.” His words didn’t sound entirely his own, as if he had been told them. “Is that what you discussed with your grandfather?” He nodded, and you could see his distinct look of blank, stoic tension begin to build in his now half-lidded eyes.  “I’m not worried,” you assured him softly, leaning your head back down on his chest. He held you closer.  “No?” His tone was incredibly earnest. “Why’s that?” You paused, for a while, to consider exactly how to express the depth of your feelings for him, your complete certainty that everything would be fine.  “Laurie…” He grasped your hand. “You’re a part of me, of my very soul. I don’t think we could be apart if we tried.” He said nothing, allowing a dreamy silence to surround you. So entwined in his arms, you surrendered to the lull of sleep. 
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tisfan · 5 years
Title: Gotta Fly before You Can Run Square: Tony Stark Bingo K3 – Anthropomorfic Bucky Barnes Bingo - C5 Bucky Bear Warning: animal shifters, social commentary, save the planet Pairing: Tony/Bucky Summary: Today is the day everyone finds out what animal they’ll be able to shift into for the rest of their lives. Tony is sure he’s going to be a dung beetle. Word Count: 2216 To: @monobuu and @rebelmeg Art by Monobuu For: @tonystarkbingo and @buckybarnesbingoLink: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20124472
The Choosing ceremony was, like many ceremonies, Very Serious, solemn, and Important. Which meant long, boring, and ostentatious.
Tony looked around at all the initiates. Most of them were not paying attention to the Speaker for the Animals, either. They were chatting with their friends, or placing wagers, or worriedly pacing around the amphitheater. Some were near the walls, talking with family members who were leaning over the edge to give an encouraging hand (or snack) to a prospective child.
If nothing else, after the Ceremony, Tony was rarely -- if ever -- going to have to deal with his father again. Unless he turned out, also, to be a weasel.
“If I turn out to be a weasel, I am going to go pick a fight with Loki,” Tony said to his group of friends. All, you know, three of them. Loki had been one of their classmates, until his Choosing came early, in the form of a bright, emerald green snake. Very poisonous.
“Pretty sure that’s a mongoose and not a weasel, Tony,” Pepper said, smoothing out her skirt. “You’re not a weasel.”
“I could be,” Tony said. “Howard’s a weasel.”
(more under the cut)
“Kids only got like a twenty-five percent chance of takin’ after a parent, if that high. And you don’t act like Howard,” Bucky Barnes said, reasonably. “You’ve got just as much chance of being a dove, like your ma.”
Tony was pretty sure the peaceful, contented, beautiful dove wasn’t going to suit him; not at all. He was not the sit around and coo after someone else’s achievements type. 
Tony loved his mother; he didn’t want to be his mother. Being a dove might almost be worse than taking after Howard. Honestly, it was a wonder Howard hadn’t eaten his mom in one of those cross-breed mating goes wrong stories that always came up on the news.
“Easy for you to be relaxed,” Tony said. “You’ve got like a four hundred percent chance of being a bear.”
Bucky leaned back in the grass and looked up in the sky. “Barnes’ have been bears since there were Barnes’ and bears. Which doesn’t mean anything. I got a cousin who’s a horse. The Avatars make their own choices.”
“What if I’m something tiny and stupid, like a field mouse, or… or… or a shrew?” Tony worried. “You can’t be boyfriends with me if I’m a shrew, you could eat me for lunch.”
“If I’m a bear,” Bucky said. “Besides, if I was a bear, and you were a shrew, you’d be a lot too small to be lunch. You could pull thorns out of my paw or something.”
“That’s just a bunch of speciest garbage anyway,” Pepper said. “My parents are a cat and a bluebird and Mom has never, ever even threatened to eat Dad, even when his bluebird of happiness routine was getting on everyone’s nerves.”
“Somehow, I always thought your mom was the bird,” Rhodey said. “Don’t worry, Tones, you’re gonna be something amazing. Like a moose.”
“Ha ha, I’m not even Canadian,” Tony said. “What do you think you’re gonna be?”
“I am going to be a skunk, and then none of you motherfuckers are gonna mess with me, like ever again,” Rhodey said.
“Skunks are cute,” Pepper said. “Well, they are--” she defended when Rhodey and Bucky and Tony all burst into laughter.
“What do you want to be, Tony?” Bucky asked him.
“That’s the romantic garbage,” Tony said. “The idea that you can pick your animal. The Avatars choose, we don’t get a say in it.”
Like everything else in his life; Tony didn’t know why he continued to rail about it being unfair. With the general state of unfairness he’d thus far experienced, he didn’t know why one more unfair thing was such a shock.
“Yeah, but that’s not what I asked you. I asked you what you wanted to be,” Bucky said. “You can tell a lot about a person by what Avatar they think would suit them.”
“I dunno,” Tony said. “I’ve been so busy thinking about what I don’t want. Knowing me, I’ll probably be something little and useless and weird. Like, I dunno, a marmoset.”
“Why are you so worried about being little? It’s not like you have to spend your whole life in your animal form or nothin’.”
“Look at you,” Tony said, waving at Bucky… well, everything. “You’re huge. Your Avatar’s gonna be huge, and I’m going to be some rinky dink little critter and…”
“I will still want you to be my boyfriend if you end up being a dung beetle.”
“Is that possible?” Tony wondered. “-- does anyone actually become a bug?”
“Janet Van Dyne is a wasp,” Pepper said. 
“Great. I’m gonna be a dung beetle,” Tony said, mournfully. 
“And I’ve already said I will still want to date you,” Bucky pointed out. “Besides, if you’re a dung beetle, Howard won’t want you in the house at all. You’ll be free of him, at least. And, dung beetles are great astronomers. Like, all the great ones were beetles.”
“You’re making that up,” Tony said.
“Am not. It’s like most of the astronauts in the US are all from Ohio. It’s a statistic. Don’t you read the pamphlets we get for this shit?” Bucky asked.
“No?” Like, how was that even a question? It was like reading the assignments for your body and you in middle school. Tony already knew what a boner was, and to be smart and wrap it up before sticking it in someone, so what was 5th grade life sciences going to teach him? Turned out, nothing and all wrong anyway, so there was that.
“You think they’ll make us line up alphabetical order?” Pepper asked, suddenly. “I don’t want to. I want to stay with you guys until the very last minute.”
“Nah, we just line up,” Rhodey said. “Carol told me. She went last year.”
“They’re finally done talking,” Bucky said. “Come on, stand up. I want to get this over with. I hear the party after is amazing. We’ll all be actual adults and stuff.”
“An adult dung beetle,” Tony said. “Sure, why not? Should be fun.”
Bucky let Pepper and Rhodey pull ahead. “Nothing is gonna change how I feel about you, doll,” he said, seriously. “I don’t even care. We could be cats and dogs, living together, the end of the world, and I’d still want to spend it with you.”
“Even if I’m something revolting?”
“You won’t be anything revolting,” Bucky said, “because you’re going to be you, no matter what animal you are. None of the Avatars are revolting.”
“Howard is revolting,” Tony said.
“That’s because he’s Howard, not because he’s a weasel. He could be a damn golden eagle and he’d still be a shit human being,” Bucky said.
“What about a spider?” Tony demanded. “I hate spiders. I could end up being a spider and I’d literally freak myself out, like constantly.”
“Tony, it’s gonna be okay.”
“Promise?” Like Bucky could ever promise such a thing.
“I promise.”
"Stark, Anthony Edward," someone said, checking him off the list of this year's kids. Handed Tony another pamphlet. Your avatar and you: your new responsibilities as the representative of your animal.
They'd almost destroyed the planet and everyone in it when the first Choosing happened. One in every hundred or so people became psychically linked to a dying species, able to transform at will, able to communicate with the animals that were dying.
When the president of the United States became a god damn polar bear on national television, people started getting serious about saving them.
"I hope I don't become a cow," Tony said to the official. "I'm not ready to give up eating meat."
"Go down that hall and pick an open door," the official said. 
"Any door? What if it's the wrong one?"
"Name?" The guy moved on to the next person in line. Well maybe if Tony picked the wrong door, he wouldn't get an Avatar at all. Were there any people left who were rejected by the entire animal kingdom? Trust Tony to be a pioneer in the field of screwing up, yet again.
Tony passed the first open door, because obviously the first one was the wrong choice, no matter what the deciding factor actually was. Couldn’t be too eager. He walked down the hallway, and he couldn’t see anyone and he couldn’t hear anyone else, and some of the doors were open and some were closed, and really, this building was not so large, he should have come to the end of the hall, eventually. 
He looked back, but all he could see was empty hallway.
“This is some sort of test,” he decided. Psychics. God.
Tony ran for a while, thinking he could possibly outrun the test; scientific method. Discard the easy solutions first.
That didn’t work. 
Tony knelt down near the wall, peering at it. “It’s curved. It’s an illusion, this hallway is a giant circle!”
“Come and talk to me about it, Master Anthony,” a familiar voice said, and Tony found himself headed for a door without even thinking. Jarvis, oh, god, he’d missed Jarvis, so much, these last few years.
He stopped at the edge of the door. “No, this is a trap, this is a test.”
“This is a familiar form,” the not-Jarvis said from the middle of the room, and he didn’t look much like the white-haired old butler that Tony knew, but a young man in his prime. The man Howard Stark saved on a battlefield during the War. “And one that you know, to talk about-- all this. Someone you trust.”
“I certainly don’t trust you, if you’re taking on that form.”
“Would you prefer another, darling?” And that was his mother.
“Not really, no,” Tony said. “What’s with the tricks, the pretending. I thought you just made your choice.”
“You’re difficult,” and that was Howard. Tony’s hands balled up into fists at his sides. “So clever. So capable. You’re one… one who could change the world.”
“Yeah, I get that all the time, since I was four, not living up to my potential, right,” Tony said.
“We know how to nurture your potential. All you have to do is say yes,” another voice said. He didn’t know that one, and he turned to look.
She smiled at him, in a way that he would never have thought a smile could happen, a sense of a smile, and not a mere upturn of lips that anyone could fake. A real smile. A pure…
It was strange, how many of his friends Tony recognized, even in their Avatar forms. There was Clint as a scruffy yellow dog, and Steve as a huge bald eagle. Sam was another bird, this one a falcon. 
“Tony!” A fluffy ball of red fur barreled over to him. “You were gone for, like, ever in there, what happened?”
Tony turned and ruffled his feathers a little.
The red panda -- Bucky, quite obviously -- startled backward, arms and legs flailing as he gasped in shock. He rolled around awkwardly on the ground for a moment, before getting up onto hind feet to shriek at Tony.
“Oh, god, stop being so dramatic, I didn’t scare you.” Tony tipped his head to inspect a shiny bit of metal on the ground.
“You’re a--”
“Attempted murder,” Rhodey said. “Murder of one?”
“Raven,” Tony said. “Ha, ha. What happened to skunk?”
“Hey, male platypuses have damn poison sacks in their dew claw. I’m not complaining,” Rhodey said.
“You look like a duck got together with a ferret,” Tony said.
“Don’t make me hurt you, bird-brain,” Rhodey threatened.
“Oh, would you two stop, you know you love each other, best friends forever, right?” Pepper fussed at them. 
“Wow, okay, wow, you are a very big lady cat,” Rhodey said, staring up at the lioness.
“I don’t love him, are you kidding?” Tony said, shaking his tailfeathers a little. “I love Bucky.”
“Look at me,” Bucky said, running around in a little circle, showing off long black legs, a cute little mask and a puffy tail. “Also, I’m arboreal, which means we won’t have much problems with living, because you’re a bird, and you live in trees, and I’m a tree climber--”
“Also, terrified of falling, I remember reading that somewhere,” Rhodey said. “Which seems a bit dumb for a species that lives in the trees, but you do you, fuzzbutt.”
“Of course my butt is fuzzy, I’m a panda. Which is not a bear, but don’t tell my sister that, I’ll never live it down.”
“You are not exactly lacking in the butt fuzz either, here, weirdo,” Tony said. “In fact, I am the only one of the group who does not have a fuzzy butt.”
“Also, you can fly, that’s totally cool,” Bucky said. “Go one, take a lap.”
“Sometimes you gotta fly before you can run,” Tony said.
“That does not make any sense,” Pepper protested, but Tony launched himself into the air, stretching muscles he didn’t even know he had. He made a circle around the room and then landed on Bucky’s head. 
“I can fly!”
“You certainly can,” Bucky said, reaching up one soft-seeming paw to pat him gently. “You can fly.” 
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notwrittenanymore · 4 years
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WHO IN YOUR OTP… @liyabbay​​ Taewoo and Jonah.
Eats the last slice of pizza and is playfully ignored by the other until they apologize?
Jonah gets the last slice and Taewoo doesn’t really fight him for that -- he probably only ate one slice himself anyway. He’s not big on pizza, so whenever Jonah feels like ordering it, they always get side dishes for Taewoo.
Gets into more fights with other people? Does the other care for them?
Neither. Both are public figures that need to take care of their image. They try to avoid fights whenever possible.
Tries new things that the other recommends and hates them but pretends to like them for the other’s sake?
Taewoo will try the things Jonah recommend and openly voice his opinion about them. While Jonah will try them and very likely even if he didn’t like something in the begining, he’ll start liking it soon enough -- it’s Taewoo’s recommendation after all.
Snores? What does the other think about it?
Neither does. Thankfully.
Wakes up first? Is there a reason why?
Back in the day Jonah used to wake up first to leave for the practice but as the time passed, during the nights they spend together Taewoo learned to wake up a good half an hour before him only so that he can selfishly move closer and enjoy the other’s arms unconsciously wrapping around him before the other even opens his eyes. He still pretends to be asleep though so that Jonah gets to sneak out of the bed without feeling guilty about waking Taewoo up. And whenever they’re away from one another, Taewoo tends to sleep in whenever he can. Mostly because he goes to bed very late.
Is horrible with technology? Does the other help them out with it?
Neither. But Taewoo sometimes feels like Jonah doesn’t fully understand his excitement about the newest video camera he got recently. Either or, the other just doesn’t hear him cause he’s too busy staring at Taewoo 
Is first to apologize after an argument?
Taewoo will expect Jonah to apologise. He might forget it about an hour later but will remember it should the other try to make a move on him. It’s either an apology or there’s no kisses.
Is the clean freak? Does the other live like a slob or do they just not care as much about cleaning as the other?
Neither really, but both of them keep their places relatively clean. Things never get lost that way, secrets get to be kept -- because that’s how it works. When one knows how to keep their things in order, it’s easier to keep control of their lives.
Falls asleep first? Does the other usually stay up or go to sleep soon after?
On a regular working day, Taewoo doesn’t get to sleep much so he tends to dose off and Jonah gets to witness a sleepy boy trying to stay up a little longer so they get to talk. He tries to stay awake but he just can’t.
Goes out of the way to impress the other? What do they do? What does the other think?
Taewoo doesn’t go out of his way to impress Jonah but he lives for praise so if he notices Jonah likes something he does, he might abuse that to get more compliments from the other (all the while pretending he doesn’t like that much attention on him, but we all know it’s otherwise)
Sings Christmas carols in the middle of summer? Does the other sing-along or are they annoyed?
Taewoo sings to the other but it’s never Christmas carols. He doesn’t know any other Chrismas songs than Fin.K.L’s White which he has covered in several different styles throughout the years on his yt channel but that’s reserved for Christmas time only. He has the tendency to make up songs on spot and sing them to Jonah. They’re special one time only performances.
Constantly quotes memes/vines? Does the other understand them?
Each one tried to toss in a reference or two but that landed flat with the other so they gave up.
Pranks the other? What do they do?
Jonah does. According to him a harmless prank or two wouldn’t hurt. And he ends up having to pamper upset Taewoo which he considers an added bonus.
Gets angry for weird/bad reasons? How does the other make it up to them or do they just leave them be?
When Taewoo gets angry, it’s only for the right reasons. At least he claims so. Thus, it only leaves Jonah as a player on this field. Although, we can also consider those times when they get angry at the other for flirting with fans. It’s their job so it’s expected from both of them and yet... you can expect one or the other to get mad at too much attention given to a particular fan. Neither really makes it up to the other -- Taewoo doesn’t feel like he needs to, Jonah isn’t let to. It has to pass, they have to move on. It’ll stop hurting soon enough. It means nothing after all, right?
Calls/Texts first?
Jonah. And Taewoo has his phone on mute so it’s a while until he replies and there’s likely a few missed calls before he picks up. But Jonah forgives him, especially since Taewoo makes up for that by video calling him late in the evening so they get to stay on the line until one of them passes out.
Is more jealous? Do they tell the other or not?
Taewoo gets easily jealous but Jonah isn’t much better when it comes to Taewoo’s interactions with fans... Most often, neither of them addresses the matter and unless the other one notices something is off, they deal with their issues on their own. On a bad day, they’ll mention that they didn’t like the way someone looked at the other earlier that day. It always ends up with Jonah staying over for the night. Always.
Plans all the dates?
What dates. They’re not even together, are they? They never were. Truth be told, the first few dates of theirs was planned by their parents who were extremely supportive of the two getting together. Nowadays, it’s just them staying at one another’s place. There’s not much to plan. The busy hands know their way well enough already. There’s always something interesting to do.
Starts stupid arguments? How does the other deal with them?
Jonah knows how to press the right buttons and irritate Taewoo and there will be times when he abuses it because Taewoo looks just so adorable when he’s all ready to fight. He makes a remark on that, which of course only makes Taewoo more irritated.
Has to explain the joke? Does the other get it immediately after it’s explained?
Unless it’s a very specific joke related to the area of their expertise, neither has to explain the joke to the other. They usually catch up on it very easily.
Watches more T.V.? Does the other watch it with them? If not, what do they do?
Taewoo’s not really that big on TV but he joins in when Jonah watches Netflix. Mostly so that he can see how long it takes until he can get the other’s attention fully on him. He likes being a distraction.
Can’t stand 3 seconds without the other?
Jonah. Jonah. Hands down Jonah. He’ll always make sure that Taewoo knows he remembers, even when being on the other side of the globe. Taewoo misses him but is able to deal with it because the distance feels safe so he doesn’t have to worry.
Is shameless about anything they say or do? How does the other react?
Taewoo tries to be but often times fails. Whenever he does something bold, he ends up feeling embarrassed. On the other hand, when Jonah is shameless about something, it has a paralysing effect on Taewoo.
Still sleeps with a plush? What does the other think?
Neither. In Jonah’s opinion Taewoo completely makes up for the plush. And Taewoo sleeps with a body pillow against his back when Jonah’s not around. Thus the conclusion -- Taewoo is a plush and Jonah absolutely LOVES it.
Has a better fashion sense?
Taewoo. He’s got great airport fashion and whenever he takes some time to work on Jonah’s attire it’s always a huge hit among the reporters who are still trying to learn who dresses him.
Is a great artist? Do they draw the other or gift them some of their works?
Taewoo’s a music artist, duh. And sometimes when he creates his own music he writes the hidden messages into his lyrics for the other to find. He’s pretty sure Jonah didn’t catch up on it though.
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Name: Tyler Lockwood Birthday: February 10th (18/22) Species: Hybrid Lookalike: Michael Trevino Availability: Open
Tyler has always been your typical douchebag football player. A womanizer and a manwhore, Tyler always thought about himself. It was all about pleasure and sports, he was the epitome of the self centered high school jock. As Tyler was an untriggered werewolf, he was very aggressive, arrogant and selfish.Tyler behaved like this because of his werewolf gene. As a werewolf, Tyler became a better person over time, he was loyal and protective and stood up for what he thought was right. After he broke the sire bond with Klaus, he is still the better person he was when Caroline helped him. He has toned down his aggressive and angry side and learnt how to control it. Tyler still holds a small bit of guilt over killing Sarah but his friends have helped more out of this rut than anyone. Now, he often puts his friends and family over himself which is a major difference than the untriggered werewolf version of himself.
Tyler Lockwood is the son of Richard Lockwood and Carol Lockwood, and the nephew of Mason Lockwood. He grew up in a big house, the son of the mayor, and everything was handed to him in his lifetime. However, his relationship with his father was never a good one. To his father, Tyler was a failure and he was ashamed of him. On a few occasions, he had hit Tyler where no one could see it happen for being a disgrace to the family. He hated his father. But at school, it was a completely different story. He was popular, good-looking, a football player and most often referred to as a dick, even by his friends. He was portrayed to be arrogant, selfish and a bully, looking down upon those that weren’t as great as he thought he was. At the Masquerade Ball that his family was hosting, he killed one of his classmates named Sarah, thus triggering the werewolf gene, his eyes glowing yellow in front of his classmate’s Caroline Forbes’ eyes. But after triggering the family curse that turned him into a werewolf, he has learned to tone his behavior down with the help of Caroline Forbes, who helped him through his first transformation.
Tyler eventually fell for Caroline,but left Mystic Falls after he discovered the Salvatores killed his uncle Mason. He came back only to be captured for Klaus’ sacrifice ritual, but was rescued by Damon, who was later bitten by Tyler during his transformation, but saved by Klaus’s blood in the end. Tyler and Caroline eventually start a relationship, which becomes rocky when he becomes Klaus’s first successful hybrid. Tyler changed completely which was how many of the group discovered that he was sired to Klaus - meaning he had to do everything their nemesis said. He’d sabotage their plots against Klaus due to the sire bond, putting his former friends in danger. Leaving Mystic once again, Tyler spent his time in the Appalachians with Hayley, who helped him get past his sire bond. He had to break every bone in his body repeatedly to break the curse so the sire bond could break and he no longer had to do everything Klaus asked of him. After returning to Mystic unsired, he made it his objective to be with his friends again, like before. He pretended to be sired to Klaus in the mean time to keep up appearances and be a spy for his friends. But this failed when he saved Elena from Klaus, against his commands. Klaus killed his mother after the 12 hybrid sacrifice, which Hayley tricked Tyler into setting up for her.
After that, Tyler felt deeply betrayed by Hayley, and the guilt for putting those hybrids to death was eating him alive. Even though most of his high school class started college, he decided to stay back and help other hybrids in secret and keep an eye on the other werewolves in town in order to simultaneously prevent unaware wolves from falling into Klaus’ trap and to ease his own guilt. He left town for awhile after Caroline died, unable to handle the emotions of being there.
Tyler eventually came back to his hometown: he grieved, then celebrated her return to the world of the living, and moved on with his life, focusing on himself and maintaining his relationships in the town with both old friends and new. Tyler still keeps an eye on the hybrids in town and reaches out to them, knowing that they can’t all be enjoying everything in terms of being sired to Klaus. He has also been wary since Klaus had his baby, considering he and the rest of the world have no idea what the tribrid is capable of, but has also taken note of Murchadha’s recent move-in and isn’t sure what to make of them. However, he is still attempting to live as normal of a life as possible under the circumstances.
Stefan Salvatore
Used to resent him because Caroline left Tyler for the vampire. The resentment is not there as much anymore due to the fact that Tyler moved on, but Tyler still doesn’t like him.
Hayley Marshall
Used to be a good friend, but after what she did with the hybrids, he feels disgusted with her, does not like her anymore.
Klaus Mikaelson
Still holds serious resentment for the death of his mother and those twelve hybrids, though he knows well enough to keep his distance.
Bonnie Bennett
When he learned of her return to town and her new place of employment, he wanted to check up on both her and Murchadha’s intentions.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 5 years
Outlaw Groups (Claimers, Wolves, Librarians and Highwaymen) and Their TD Connection
Okay, let’s talk about these fringe groups that come and go in the show. It’s something we’ve obviously seen many times. While many groups and communities have come and gone, my criteria here are groups that really aren’t fully explored on the show. 
We generally see them for a very short time (1-3 episodes, for the most part) and we don’t find out much about who they are or were before the apocalypse happened. No details. No back story. We basically have to make judgements about them based on their interactions, or lack thereof, with TF. I’m going to divide the ones we’ve seen into “good” groups and “bad” groups. We’ll start with the baddies.
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Daryl met them in 4x13. Right after he was separated from Beth. (Just saying.) While the Claimers were obviously not good people, they were also one big question mark. We never found out who they were or how the apocalypse went for them. We just knew that they had survived thus far and were introduced to their system (claiming).
Three episodes later, in 4x16, Rick/Daryl/Michonne wiped them out.
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To be fair, we did get a little more back story for them in The Red Machete, but that was really just more of the same Important, symbolically, but it didn’t really tell us much more about them as people than we already knew. They were bad. They were bullies. Killed people when they felt like it, etc.
The Wolves:
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While they were overtly much more brutal than the Claimers, their structure and function in the story is very similar. Joe Claimer pretended to be an honorable guy, while the Wolves just went all machete-happy on everyone (note the machete connection there), but both ended up being baddies. Both were only around for a few episodes.
We did see signs of the wolves in 5x09 (right after Beth was shot; just saying) 
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but we didn’t actually see them until 5x16, when they killed Red Poncho Guy. 
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(Red poncho in Beth’s cell in 4x01; again, just saying.) 
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So we officially met them in 5x16 and TF—mostly Carol and Rick—wiped them out only three episodes later in 6x02. 
So I think you can see the parallels. In both cases, they were bad groups who weren’t fleshed out in great detail, but hurt or tried to hurt TF in some way, and had to be taken care of.  (And, they both had oblique ties to Beth. Once more time, just saying. 😉)
Now a couple of “good” groups we’ve seen this with. 
Let me give a disclaimer that we don’t actually know how good these groups are. Because they aren’t fleshed out well, it’s hard to know much at all about their character, because we aren’t told who they are, their back story, or what kind of deeds they’ve done. But they aren’t enemies of TF, anyway. And unless we learn something different about them, I’m calling that good enough to label them “good.”
The Librarians:
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This is a big one. We probably know less about this group than any of the others, but this group had a LOT of Beth-ish symbolism around them. We only really saw them in 6x16, when at least two members were killed by the Saviors for having broken Negan’s rules.
Beth symbolism around them? A few different things come to mind that were happening in that episode.
1.    The Xs for one thing, which is big. (X = Beth).
2.    Carnid. I always thought the opening montage where we see the Librarian guy running from the Saviors was interesting. It’s alternated with Carl and Enid having an argument about her going with them. You can check out my analysis of it HERE, but it always smacked of a Bethyl thing to me.
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3.    The Librarian guy who is killed at the beginning is hung off the bridge later, while stuff burns down. So we have someone that may represent Beth (because of the X) going off the side of the bridge. And yes I get that this dude obviously doesn’t survive where others who go off bridges (Daryl, Carol, Tara, etc) do, but the motif is still there.
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4.    The RV. There’s an RV involved later when Negan takes Rick back to this bridge and kicks him out into the horde of walkers. Remember that per Dale’s speech in S1, the RV represents the passage of time and how it affects people. Then there’s that pesky clock in Still that read “time escapes.”
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So yeah, lots of Beth symbolism going on there. Not to mention, last week I talked about the book motif a little bit. That we saw “new dawn” written on a book in 4a and Daryl had lots of books in his camp this past season. We’ve actually seen this kind of thing a lot. 
Tptb use books often for symbolism, even when it doesn’t have anything to do directly with Beth. But it often does. We had the books at the veterinary college in 4a, the book store in 5x05, which was chalk full of TD symbolism (X). In 6x16 with the librarians, Carol and Morgan stopped at the library, so we saw a lot of books there. We even saw a library in FTWD this past season, amidst a lot of the same symbolism.
We even saw a book just before Coda. Remember the book Daryl picked up on victims of childhood abuse. We saw him carry that around in his arms for a while during 6a. So if the books represent Beth…
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Though, to be fair, I don’t think the books represent Beth directly. I think they represent healing (Daryl was trying to heal himself before 6x06 happened and he gave up) and starting anew. Hence, the New Dawn theory being associated with the books.
So, here’s the loony part of my theory for today. In the RV sequence in 6x16, Rick is flailing in a horde of walkers and ends up jumping from the roof of the RV on the librarian guy hanging off the bridge. You know, the one with the big X spray painted on him. In a way, doing that saves Rick. It buys him some time until he can figure something else out.
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So, the walker horde. (X) This is a major theme when the death fake out happens. We have evidence there was a walker horde involved in Beth’s body being left behind. There was definitely one involved in Glenn’s death fake out from 6x03 – 6x07, and obvious there was one involved with Rick’s when he went off the bridge in 9x05.
So I’m thinking that this bit in 6x16 may have foreshadowed Rick’s death fake out in a way.
But if that’s true, it also supports the idea of him ending up in the same place Beth is. Because we have the walker horde and Rick fighting to survive. Meanwhile, if the librarian represents Beth, Rick leaps onto this guy to save himself. Almost like Beth will save Rick after the bridge incident in some way.
You could also see it as the Librarian representing the helicopter that took Rick away, thus kind of saving his life. But the helicopter is a symbol of Beth as well, so it all works together.
See why the Librarian thing is kinda huge?
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Okay, final group is the Highwaymen from this past season. Again, it’s hard to know much for certain about this group, but in the end they died trying to save several members of TF from the Whisperers, so I think we can safely lump them into the “good” group.
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The parallels between them and the other groups are as follows: Beth symbolism (leader wore a sheriff-like hat, there was mention of romance novels around them, a few other details I pointed out in 9b), not fully fleshed out or given back story, and only stayed around for a handful of episodes, which seemed almost wasteful in terms of the story line, but obviously they’ve done this several times.
So what does this mean? What does it lead to? We think it could be a template of Beth’s return, and I’ll get to some possibilities here in the next little while, but there’s also the Outlaw Theme.
All of these groups have an outlaw theme to them. We’ve always talked about the outlaw vibe around the Claimers. They had a (stupid) code they lived by, but they just FELT like an old west gang. The kind that roles into town, robs the bank and conducts a shootout at the O.K. Corral.
The Wolves are obvious, since they were evil anyway. Definitely outlaws rather than law-abiding citizens.
The Librarians aren’t outlaws in quite as obvious a way, at least not where TF is concerned. But they got into trouble for breaking Negan’s rules, so they were living outside of his laws, at the least. And of course the Highwaymen, well, called themselves Highwaymen, which is a direct synonym for outlaws.
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Also remember that in S7, Daryl and Richard argued in front of the Smokey and the Bandit trailer. They even pointed that out on TTD, which means they really wanted us to notice it.
So what does it all mean? What will it lead to? Obviously it’s hard to predict details and any such predictions are all just conjecture, but given all the Beth-ish symbolism in these groups, we think it’s a foreshadow of her return in some way. 
Maybe she’ll return with a group like this, run into one, lead one? We just don’t know. But it’s a good motif to recognize and keep in mind as we move forward. I can’t help but think that the group on Fear could conceivably be a group like this. Obviously we know a lot about them, but no one else in TF does, so there’s that. 
Anyway, just wanted to point out all these connections. Thanks, as always to @wdway for her heavy contributions to this theory. Thoughts?
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iotdrpgpromo · 7 years
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Name: Tyler Lockwood Birthday: February 10th (18/20) Species: Hybrid Lookalike: Michael Trevino Availability: Open
Tyler has always been your typical douchebag football player. A womanizer and a manwhore, Tyler always thought about himself. It was all about pleasure and sports, he was the epitome of the self centered high school jock. As Tyler was an untriggered werewolf, he was very aggressive, arrogant and selfish.Tyler behaved like this because of his werewolf gene. As a werewolf, Tyler became a better person over time, he was loyal and protective and stood up for what he thought was right. After he broke the sire bond with Klaus, he is still the better person he was when Caroline helped him. He has toned down his aggressive and angry side and learnt how to control it. Tyler still holds a small bit of guilt over killing Sarah but his friends have helped more out of this rut than anyone. Now, he often puts his friends and family over himself which is a major difference than the untriggered werewolf version of himself. Tyler blames himself for his mother’s death and is still grieving over this which has caused him to be rather distant and vengeful - a trait of his selfishness slowly returning. He has little regard for things getting his way of revenge and he even believes he has nothing left now which he would never admit to anyone.
Tyler Lockwood is the son of Richard Lockwood and Carol Lockwood, and the nephew of Mason Lockwood. He grew up in a big house, the son of the mayor, and everything was handed to him in his lifetime. However, his relationship with his father was never a good one. To his father, Tyler was a failure and he was ashamed of him. On a few occasions, he had hit Tyler where no one could see it happen for being a disgrace to the family. He hated his father. But at school, it was a completely different story. He was popular, good-looking, a football player and most often referred to as a dick, even by his friends. He was portrayed to be arrogant, selfish and a bully, looking down upon those that weren’t as great as he thought he was. At the Masquerade Ball that his family was hosting, he killed one of his classmates named Sarah, thus triggering the werewolf gene, his eyes glowing yellow in front of his classmate’s Caroline Forbes’ eyes. But after triggering the family curse that turned him into a werewolf, he has learned to tone his behavior down with the help of Caroline Forbes, who helped him through his first transformation.
Tyler eventually fell for Caroline,but left Mystic Falls after he discovered the Salvatores killed his uncle Mason. He came back only to be captured for Klaus’ sacrifice ritual, but was rescued by Damon, who was later bitten by Tyler during his transformation, but saved by Klaus’s blood in the end. Tyler and Caroline eventually start a relationship, which becomes rocky when he becomes Klaus’s first successful hybrid. Tyler changed completely which was how many of the group discovered that he was sired to Klaus - meaning he had to do everything their nemesis said. He’d sabotage their plots against Klaus due to the sire bond, putting his former friends in danger. Leaving Mystic once again, Tyler spent his time in the Appalachians with Hayley, who helped him get past his sire bond. He had to break every bone in his body repeatedly to break the curse so the sire bond could break and he no longer had to do everything Klaus asked of him. After returning to Mystic unsired, he made it his objective to be with his friends again, like before. He pretended to be sired to Klaus in the mean time to keep up appearances and be a spy for his friends. But this failed when he saved Elena from Klaus, against his commands. When Tyler plotted against Klaus, things not more complicated. Klaus Mikaelson killed his after the 12 hybrid sacrifice, which Hayley tricked Tyler into setting up for her.
After that, Tyler felt deeply betrayed by Hayley, and the guilt for putting those hybrids to death was eating him alive. He had a burning desire, more than ever, to kill Klaus because of him killing his mother, Carol. Even though most of his high school class started college, he decided to stay back and help other hybrids in secret and keep an eye on the other werewolves in town. Since Caroline revealed the existence of the supernatural and died, Tyler had been devastated. He left town for awhile, unable to handle the emotions of being there.
However after Caroline did pass away, Tyler came back to return to his hometown. He grieved, and moved on with his life, focusing on himself and maintaining his relationships in the town. Tyler still keeps an eye on the hybrids in town and reaches out to them, he knows that they’re going to in terms of being sired to Klaus and since Klaus had his baby with the unknown witch, he’s been even more proactive as he’s not sure to exactly what Hope can do.
Stefan Salvatore
Used to resent him because Caroline left Tyler for the vampire. The resentment is not there as much anymore due to the fact that Tyler moved on, but Tyler still doesn’t like him.
Hayley Marshall
Used to be a good friend, but after what she did with the hybrids, he feels disgusted with her, does not like her anymore.
Chester Lawrence
Ex-boyfriend, broke up recently.
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coin-river-blog · 5 years
Over the last two years, the Lightning Network has been touted as the scaling solution for the Bitcoin Core (BTC) network. However, the solution has been heavily criticized for its lack of security, and on March 28, Bitcoin Unlimited’s chief scientist Peter Rizun wrote an interesting evaluation of the Lightning Network’s “dirty little secret.”
Also read: Mempool ‘Spam’ and Rising Fees: The Consequences of Veriblock’s Mainnet Launch
Visualizing the Lightning Network from a Different Perspective
This week, Bitcoin Unlimited’s Peter Rizun wrote a critique concerning the often controversial Lightning Network (LN). In delving into the project, Rizun asks the reader to visualize the LN as a string of beads (Fig. 1) extended between two individuals, Alice and Bob. In essence, Alice can send Bob funds by pushing one of her beads to Bob, utilizing the string which represents an LN channel.
Fig. 1. Alice can send a payment to Carol by routing it through Bob. Because beads cannot leave the string they are on, Bob ends up with one more bead on his string with Alice, and one fewer bead on his string with Carol.
Rizun’s essay notes that the foundation of the network is the reason for LN liquidity problems because “the beads can move from side to side but cannot leave the string they’re on.” From there, Rizun discusses the LN security model which depends on Hash and Time-Lock Contracts (HTLCs).
Fig. 2. The hash-lock opens when a password is entered that hashes to the specified value (45f8 in this case). The time-lock opens after the specified time has elapsed (48 hours in this case).
Essentially, HTLCs explain how the system prevents Bob from keeping the bead from Alice without sending one on to Carol. In order to bypass this issue, the LN project uses locks in the channel and in Rizun’s the locks are placed in the string in order to constrain the beads’ movements until the agreement’s conditions are met. “The hash and time-lock contracts (HTLCs) used in Lightning payments involve two types of locks (Fig. 2): the first is a lock that opens if presented with the correct password (we’ll call this a “hash-lock”), and the second is a lock that opens automatically after a time delay (we’ll call this a “time-lock”),” Rizun’s blog post details. The developer then returns to the example of a payment between Alice to Carol through Bob, and Rizun notes that in order to make the process “trustless,” Alice, Bob, and Carol need to be online simultaneously in order to settle the agreement.
“First, Alice asks Carol to think up a secret password and tell her the password’s hash. Let’s pretend the password Carol thought up was ‘boondoggle’ and its hash was ‘45f8’ — Next, Alice places a hash-lock between her and Bob, set to open when presented with a password that hashes to ‘45f8,’” runs Rizun’s critique. “At this point in time, neither Alice nor Bob can open the lock because neither knows the password — Alice then pushes a bead against the hash-lock. Lastly, she places a time-lock on the left side of the bead, set to automatically open after 48 hours (Fig. 3).”
Lightning Network Micropayments Are Not Trustless at All
The study further explains why Bob would bother to participate in this settlement in the first place if Carol had not been cooperative. Basically, the theory assumed is that Alice will send Bob a fraction more than what she asks Bob to send to Carol, as a fee to compensate for risks. It also reveals the purpose the time-locks serve in order to protect someone’s funds if a payment fails. An example of this situation would be if Bob becomes uncooperative after Alice shifts her bead over and adds the two locks, Rizun adds, and remarks that time-locks give Alice the ability to retrieve the funds. His essay says that even though this is possible, the Lightning Network has a dirty little secret which can be seen when the channel state involves three outputs: Alice’s coins, Bob’s coins, and the coin “in flight.” The problem occurs if the value-in-flight is below the BTC dust threshold, in which case it can’t be used as a third output in the channel-state transaction.
“It is thus not possible to use hash- and time-locks to protect the payment if the payment is too small,” Rizun paper emphasizes. “It is not exactly true that the number of beads on a string is constant. There is actually a bucket beside each string labeled “Miner’s Fee” that contains small fractions of beads. The value in this bucket gets claimed by the miner who confirms the channel-state transaction, should the channel state be pushed to the blockchain. Fractions of beads can move from the string to the bucket, or from the bucket back to the string, but only if the persons on both sides of the channel agree.”
The paper continues:
Rather than locking the value in-flight with hash- and time-locks, for small payments Alice and Bob just move the value-in-flight into the fee bucket (Fig. 8). Bob trusts that Alice will cooperate with him to take the value-in-flight out of the fee bucket when he reveals Carol’s secret password.
Bob can then dump the value-in-flight into another bucket he shares with Carol and manipulate the situation by asking Carol to tell Bob the secret password. Carol tells Bob the secret, and Bob and Carol together move the payment from the fee bucket to Carol’s side, Rizun states. Bob then goes back to Alice, tells her Carol’s secret, and if all goes well, Alice cooperates with him to take the value-in-flight out of the fee bucket and place it on Bob’s side of the string. The paper adds:
Unlike the HTLC scheme described earlier, this scheme relies on trust. For example, Carol could reveal the password to Bob, who could then leave the payment in the fee bucket yet still go to Alice and deliver the password in exchange for his payment.
According to a few individuals on social media and cryptocurrency forums, the problems associated with the trust issue and micropayments are well known. At the time of writing, the dust threshold is less than 600 satoshis which means if fees were to spike considerably again, the Lightning Network wouldn’t be a feasible option. Rizun’s paper notes that the issue adds unneeded friction from layer one to layer two by “forcing complex and poorly-understood work-arounds to the L2 protocol.” Moreover, those who have been cheering for higher network fees in order to bolster more Segwit use (were the dust limit is even lower) and forcefully pushing for LN adoption do not seem to understand how impractical that would be.
What do you think about the issues involved with LN and the added friction that layer two adds to common settlements compared to traditional layer one transactions? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.
Image credits: Shutterstock, and Bitcoin Unlimited’s Peter Rizun.
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Tags in this story
Analysis, Bitcoin Unlimited, Charts, Cryptocurrency, data, Fee Market, figures, Hash and Time-Lock Contracts, HTLCs, Insecure, Issues, lightning network, LN Liquidity, micropayments, N-Technology, Peter Rizun, Research, Rising Fees, Scaling Solution, vulnerabilities
Jamie Redman
Jamie Redman is a financial tech journalist living in Florida. Redman has been an active member of the cryptocurrency community since 2011. He has a passion for Bitcoin, open source code, and decentralized applications. Redman has written thousands of articles for news.Bitcoin.com about the disruptive protocols emerging today.
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richmegavideo · 5 years
‘The Walking Dead’ Review: ‘The Calm Before’ Brings Together the Communities for Tragedy
[Editor’s note: The following contains spoilers for “The Walking Dead” Season 9 Episode 15, “The Calm Before.”]
This Week On “The Walking Dead”
“The Calm Before” is complicated. On the one hand, it’s an effective piece of horror, skillfully playing out the dread of what, exactly, Alpha is going to do as reprisal for her stolen daughter, culminating in a truly memorable and ghastly image. The performances are strong, many characters are reunited, and it’s a vastly superior hour (plus) than the last big shocker episode, “The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be.” But as another chapter in the ongoing narrative, it just makes me want to throw up my hands. Here, again, is another pile of agonizing misery for our heroes. Here, again, the audience is strung through the emotional wringer so a new Big Bad can prove how super dangerous they are. It’s an exhausting and exasperating hour of television. Between this episode and “Scars” last week, the show’s as dark as it’s ever been.
Man Is The True Monster
I’ve spent the last several weeks making exaggerated jokes about how something terrible was going to happen at the fair, because the show has trained us to always expect the worst, especially when it looks like things might be going right for our heroes. And lo and behold, the episode ends with Alpha establishing a “border” (which doesn’t make a lot of sense, aren’t the Whisperers nomads?) by killing a number of significant characters and placing their zombified heads on pikes. The casualties are significant, including promising newer characters introduced this year, like Brett Butler and Ozzy the Highwayman (who wasn’t around long but made a great first impression), to more established veterans like Enid, Tara, and Henry.
The show gives Henry the big final reveal treatment, probably because Carol is in the group that finds the border, but it’s Tara that really stings the most. She’s long been a personal favorite, and her new role as Hilltop’s leader seemed to finally position her to receive the prominence that Alanna Masterson has long deserved on this show. But these deaths are meant to hurt both the characters and the audience, and it’s a struggle to be that invested in what happens next. Presumably our heroes fight the Whisperers now, just like they overcame the Saviors (albeit hopefully in fewer episodes). But I can’t help wondering past the end of that conflict and wondering what atrocity will be committed to show how dangerous the next Big Bad will be. Maybe Ezekiel is skinned alive while Carol is forced to watch? The fact that an idea like that isn’t outside the realm of possibility is just exhausting. Such is the nature of “The Walking Dead.” It’s a well of endless misery with no bottom.
Read More:‘The Walking Dead’ Review: ‘Scars’ Offers Answers, None Of Them Satisfying
But as mentioned, the execution of the turn is effective. Alpha’s presence at the fair (complete with wig from a scalped Hilltopper) immediately sets off alarm bells, and our heroes spend a great deal of time reaffirming their connections and then basically all doing the “I’ll be right back” horror trope. Henry’s got to go check on that pipe, Siddiq will tell Michonne his big news when he sees her back at Alexandria, etc. For a hot second, it seems like Ezekiel will be one of the victims, since he actually has a prolonged interaction with Alpha, as she tries to act normal and can’t quite succeed. It’s nice to see Morton stretch a bit more in the role, and her final scene with Lydia is particularly strong, as she realizes she’s truly lost her daughter. She manages to hold it together until she’s back at camp, shedding a single tear and of course killing the Whisperer who accidentally witnesses her moment of weakness. Got to keep the sheep in line!
“The Walking Dead.”
Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
A Shred of Humanity
It should be said that before things go south, the fair is really nice. It’s been ages since we’ve seen all these characters share screen time, and it’s been even longer for the characters themselves, so it’s a relief to see everyone together again. Plus Eugene gets knocked into a dunk tank and Jerry pretends to be a horse, so, bonus.
The most significant development is that the various community leaders come together to discuss the Lydia problem and agree to offer her asylum. Tara is justifiably nervous about retaliation against Hilltop, which leads to a weird speech by Michonne about how many of them weren’t trusted when they first showed up, but now they’re all friends. Which wasn’t the argument Tara was making at all, but she winds up agreeing with Michonne. It’s frustrating that even when our heroes do the right thing, it’s for weird nonsense reasons. The argument for protecting Lydia could be won or lost on the merits, if anyone actually engaged with it seriously, but Michonne’s switch has flipped from “mean” to “nice,” so that’s the end of it.
The upside is that this discussion leads to Ezekiel pulling out the charter, which everyone agreeably signs. It’s the episode’s big feel-good moment, and it delivers. Michonne deferring to Gabriel to sign on behalf of Alexandria is a nice touch. It’s curious that everyone wouldn’t want to make a big show of it in front of the whole fair, but it’s still a victory in a time where those are hard to come by.
The episode’s final scene is hard to swallow, as Siddiq is spared by Alpha for absolutely no reason other than to convey that before they died, the victims all came together to fight the Whisperers, even though they were from different communities. It’s a borderline hilarious last-minute attempt to find a silver lining, especially because the divide between the communities has only ever been attributed to Michonne’s withdrawal into Alexandria. It’s nice of the show to insist that these deaths won’t lead to community in-fighting, but as far as we know three of the communities have all been square with each other over the years, with Michonne as the lone holdout. It’s a solution in search of a problem.
“The Walking Dead.”
The Remains
The decapitation border is a big moment from the comics, which I have not read. Apparently, the victim line-up was quite different, but such changes are par for the course at this point. It’s interesting that the show feels compelled to stick with those big events, but is perfectly content to change the characters. Doesn’t matter whose heads are on those sticks, as long as there are some heads on sticks.
The reveals of the victims, with oblivious people at the fair wondering about the whereabouts of each character, was particularly effective. Alden scanning the crowd for Enid as he performs his number with Luke was probably the most devastating.
It is kind of funny how Alpha seemed to know how important each character was and ordered them accordingly.
Poor Hilltop can’t hang on to a leader to save their lives. Who’s even left there that has a speaking part? Is it Earl’s time to shine?
Pro tip to the “Walking Dead” social team: comparisons like this do you no favors.
Jerry gets to declare the opening of the First Annual Inter-community Reunification Fair (or FAIR Fair), plus he survives the episode, which frankly was a big surprise.
Looks like Rachel runs Oceanside now. She doesn’t have much to do this episode besides say, “Oceanside’s down,” but she’s there.
All this talk about the movie and it’s a Baby Huey short. Brutal. Beggars can’t be choosers, but jeez, not even Tom and Jerry? Anyway, the feature was “Sliver” and you can’t prove me wrong.
When Ezekiel says that Henry’s taking a girl to the movies tonight, Carol says, “Everything you just said sounds completely impossible,” which is supposed to be a commentary on the old-world amenities they’ve managed to resurrect for the evening, but can also be interpreted as a sick burn on Henry.
Still mad that the show treats Henry as the big final kicker in the head line. Justice for Tara, who flipped Rick off that one time and was thus one of the show’s top 3 characters.
Grade: B-
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iotdrpgpromo · 7 years
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Name: Tyler Lockwood Birthday: February 10th (18/20) Species: Hybrid Lookalike: Michael Trevino Availability: Open
Tyler has always been your typical douchebag football player. A womanizer and a manwhore, Tyler always thought about himself. It was all about pleasure and sports, he was the epitome of the self centered high school jock. As Tyler was an untriggered werewolf, he was very aggressive, arrogant and selfish.Tyler behaved like this because of his werewolf gene. As a werewolf, Tyler became a better person over time, he was loyal and protective and stood up for what he thought was right. After he broke the sire bond with Klaus, he is still the better person he was when Caroline helped him. He has toned down his aggressive and angry side and learnt how to control it. Tyler still holds a small bit of guilt over killing Sarah but his friends have helped more out of this rut than anyone. Now, he often puts his friends and family over himself which is a major difference than the untriggered werewolf version of himself. Tyler blames himself for his mother’s death and is still grieving over this which has caused him to be rather distant and vengeful - a trait of his selfishness slowly returning. He has little regard for things getting his way of revenge and he even believes he has nothing left now which he would never admit to anyone.
Tyler Lockwood is the son of Richard Lockwood and Carol Lockwood, and the nephew of Mason Lockwood. He grew up in a big house, the son of the mayor, and everything was handed to him in his lifetime. However, his relationship with his father was never a good one. To his father, Tyler was a failure and he was ashamed of him. On a few occasions, he had hit Tyler where no one could see it happen for being a disgrace to the family. He hated his father. But at school, it was a completely different story. He was popular, good-looking, a football player and most often referred to as a dick, even by his friends. He was portrayed to be arrogant, selfish and a bully, looking down upon those that weren’t as great as he thought he was. At the Masquerade Ball that his family was hosting, he killed one of his classmates named Sarah, thus triggering the werewolf gene, his eyes glowing yellow in front of his classmate’s Caroline Forbes’ eyes. But after triggering the family curse that turned him into a werewolf, he has learned to tone his behavior down with the help of Caroline Forbes, who helped him through his first transformation.
Tyler eventually fell for Caroline,but left Mystic Falls after he discovered the Salvatores killed his uncle Mason. He came back only to be captured for Klaus’ sacrifice ritual, but was rescued by Damon, who was later bitten by Tyler during his transformation, but saved by Klaus’s blood in the end. Tyler and Caroline eventually start a relationship, which becomes rocky when he becomes Klaus’s first successful hybrid. Tyler changed completely which was how many of the group discovered that he was sired to Klaus - meaning he had to do everything their nemesis said. He’d sabotage their plots against Klaus due to the sire bond, putting his former friends in danger. Leaving Mystic once again, Tyler spent his time in the Appalachians with Hayley, who helped him get past his sire bond. He had to break every bone in his body repeatedly to break the curse so the sire bond could break and he no longer had to do everything Klaus asked of him. After returning to Mystic unsired, he made it his objective to be with his friends again, like before. He pretended to be sired to Klaus in the mean time to keep up appearances and be a spy for his friends. But this failed when he saved Elena from Klaus, against his commands. When Tyler plotted against Klaus, things not more complicated. Klaus Mikaelson killed his after the 12 hybrid sacrifice, which Hayley tricked Tyler into setting up for her.
After that, Tyler felt deeply betrayed by Hayley, and the guilt for putting those hybrids to death was eating him alive. He had a burning desire, more than ever, to kill Klaus because of him killing his mother, Carol. Even though most of his high school class started college, he decided to stay back and help other hybrids in secret and keep an eye on the other werewolves in town. Since Caroline revealed the existence of the supernatural and died, Tyler had been devastated. He left town for awhile, unable to handle the emotions of being there.
However after Caroline did pass away, Tyler came back to return to his hometown. He grieved, and moved on with his life, focusing on himself and maintaining his relationships in the town. Tyler still keeps an eye on the hybrids in town and reaches out to them, he knows that they’re going to in terms of being sired to Klaus and since Klaus had his baby with the unknown witch, he’s been even more proactive as he’s not sure to exactly what Hope can do.
Stefan Salvatore
Used to resent him because Caroline left Tyler for the vampire. The resentment is not there as much anymore due to the fact that Tyler moved on, but Tyler still doesn’t like him.
Hayley Marshall
Used to be a good friend, but after what she did with the hybrids, he feels disgusted with her, does not like her anymore.
Chester Lawrence
Ex-boyfriend, broke up recently.
0 notes
iotdrpgpromo · 7 years
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Name: Tyler Lockwood Birthday: February 10th (18/20) Species: Hybrid Lookalike: Michael Trevino Availability: Open
Tyler has always been your typical douchebag football player. A womanizer and a manwhore, Tyler always thought about himself. It was all about pleasure and sports, he was the epitome of the self centered high school jock. As Tyler was an untriggered werewolf, he was very aggressive, arrogant and selfish.Tyler behaved like this because of his werewolf gene. As a werewolf, Tyler became a better person over time, he was loyal and protective and stood up for what he thought was right. After he broke the sire bond with Klaus, he is still the better person he was when Caroline helped him. He has toned down his aggressive and angry side and learnt how to control it. Tyler still holds a small bit of guilt over killing Sarah but his friends have helped more out of this rut than anyone. Now, he often puts his friends and family over himself which is a major difference than the untriggered werewolf version of himself. Tyler blames himself for his mother’s death and is still grieving over this which has caused him to be rather distant and vengeful - a trait of his selfishness slowly returning. He has little regard for things getting his way of revenge and he even believes he has nothing left now which he would never admit to anyone.
Tyler Lockwood is the son of Richard Lockwood and Carol Lockwood, and the nephew of Mason Lockwood. He grew up in a big house, the son of the mayor, and everything was handed to him in his lifetime. However, his relationship with his father was never a good one. To his father, Tyler was a failure and he was ashamed of him. On a few occasions, he had hit Tyler where no one could see it happen for being a disgrace to the family. He hated his father. But at school, it was a completely different story. He was popular, good-looking, a football player and most often referred to as a dick, even by his friends. He was portrayed to be arrogant, selfish and a bully, looking down upon those that weren’t as great as he thought he was. At the Masquerade Ball that his family was hosting, he killed one of his classmates named Sarah, thus triggering the werewolf gene, his eyes glowing yellow in front of his classmate’s Caroline Forbes’ eyes. But after triggering the family curse that turned him into a werewolf, he has learned to tone his behavior down with the help of Caroline Forbes, who helped him through his first transformation.
Tyler eventually fell for Caroline,but left Mystic Falls after he discovered the Salvatores killed his uncle Mason. He came back only to be captured for Klaus’ sacrifice ritual, but was rescued by Damon, who was later bitten by Tyler during his transformation, but saved by Klaus’s blood in the end. Tyler and Caroline eventually start a relationship, which becomes rocky when he becomes Klaus’s first successful hybrid. Tyler changed completely which was how many of the group discovered that he was sired to Klaus - meaning he had to do everything their nemesis said. He’d sabotage their plots against Klaus due to the sire bond, putting his former friends in danger. Leaving Mystic once again, Tyler spent his time in the Appalachians with Hayley, who helped him get past his sire bond. He had to break every bone in his body repeatedly to break the curse so the sire bond could break and he no longer had to do everything Klaus asked of him. After returning to Mystic unsired, he made it his objective to be with his friends again, like before. He pretended to be sired to Klaus in the mean time to keep up appearances and be a spy for his friends. But this failed when he saved Elena from Klaus, against his commands. When Tyler plotted against Klaus, things not more complicated. Klaus Mikaelson killed his after the 12 hybrid sacrifice, which Hayley tricked Tyler into setting up for her.
After that, Tyler felt deeply betrayed by Hayley, and the guilt for putting those hybrids to death was eating him alive. He had a burning desire, more than ever, to kill Klaus because of him killing his mother, Carol. Even though most of his high school class started college, he decided to stay back and help other hybrids in secret and keep an eye on the other werewolves in town. Since Caroline revealed the existence of the supernatural and died, Tyler had been devastated. He left town for awhile, unable to handle the emotions of being there.
However after Caroline did pass away, Tyler came back to return to his hometown. He grieved, and moved on with his life, focusing on himself and maintaining his relationships in the town. Tyler still keeps an eye on the hybrids in town and reaches out to them, he knows that they’re going to in terms of being sired to Klaus and since Klaus had his baby with the unknown witch, he’s been even more proactive as he’s not sure to exactly what Hope can do.
Stefan Salvatore
Used to resent because Caroline left Tyler for the vampire. The resentment is not there as much anymore due to the fact that Tyler moved on, but Tyler still doesn’t like him.
Hayley Marshall
Used to be a good friend, but after what she did with the hybrids, he feels disgusted with her, does not like her anymore.
Chester Lawrence
Is close with him and is fond of him.
0 notes
iotdrpgpromo · 7 years
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Name: Tyler Lockwood Birthday: February 10th (18/20) Species: Hybrid Lookalike: Michael Trevino Availability: Open
Tyler has always been your typical douchebag football player. A womanizer and a manwhore, Tyler always thought about himself. It was all about pleasure and sports, he was the epitome of the self centered high school jock. As Tyler was an untriggered werewolf, he was very aggressive, arrogant and selfish.Tyler behaved like this because of his werewolf gene. As a werewolf, Tyler became a better person over time, he was loyal and protective and stood up for what he thought was right. After he broke the sire bond with Klaus, he is still the better person he was when Caroline helped him. He has toned down his aggressive and angry side and learnt how to control it. Tyler still holds a small bit of guilt over killing Sarah but his friends have helped more out of this rut than anyone. Now, he often puts his friends and family over himself which is a major difference than the untriggered werewolf version of himself. Tyler blames himself for his mother’s death and is still grieving over this which has caused him to be rather distant and vengeful - a trait of his selfishness slowly returning. He has little regard for things getting his way of revenge and he even believes he has nothing left now which he would never admit to anyone.
Tyler Lockwood is the son of Richard Lockwood and Carol Lockwood, and the nephew of Mason Lockwood. He grew up in a big house, the son of the mayor, and everything was handed to him in his lifetime. However, his relationship with his father was never a good one. To his father, Tyler was a failure and he was ashamed of him. On a few occasions, he had hit Tyler where no one could see it happen for being a disgrace to the family. He hated his father. But at school, it was a completely different story. He was popular, good-looking, a football player and most often referred to as a dick, even by his friends. He was portrayed to be arrogant, selfish and a bully, looking down upon those that weren’t as great as he thought he was. At the Masquerade Ball that his family was hosting, he killed one of his classmates named Sarah, thus triggering the werewolf gene, his eyes glowing yellow in front of his classmate’s Caroline Forbes’ eyes. But after triggering the family curse that turned him into a werewolf, he has learned to tone his behavior down with the help of Caroline Forbes, who helped him through his first transformation.
Tyler eventually fell for Caroline,but left Mystic Falls after he discovered the Salvatores killed his uncle Mason. He came back only to be captured for Klaus’ sacrifice ritual, but was rescued by Damon, who was later bitten by Tyler during his transformation, but saved by Klaus’s blood in the end. Tyler and Caroline eventually start a relationship, which becomes rocky when he becomes Klaus’s first successful hybrid. Tyler changed completely which was how many of the group discovered that he was sired to Klaus - meaning he had to do everything their nemesis said. He’d sabotage their plots against Klaus due to the sire bond, putting his former friends in danger. Leaving Mystic once again, Tyler spent his time in the Appalachians with Hayley, who helped him get past his sire bond. He had to break every bone in his body repeatedly to break the curse so the sire bond could break and he no longer had to do everything Klaus asked of him. After returning to Mystic unsired, he made it his objective to be with his friends again, like before. He pretended to be sired to Klaus in the mean time to keep up appearances and be a spy for his friends. But this failed when he saved Elena from Klaus, against his commands. When Tyler plotted against Klaus, things not more complicated. Klaus Mikaelson killed his after the 12 hybrid sacrifice, which Hayley tricked Tyler into setting up for her.
After that, Tyler felt deeply betrayed by Hayley, and the guilt for putting those hybrids to death was eating him alive. He had a burning desire, more than ever, to kill Klaus because of him killing his mother, Carol. Even though most of his high school class started college, he decided to stay back and help other hybrids in secret and keep an eye on the other werewolves in town. Since Caroline revealed the existence of the supernatural and died, Tyler had been devastated. He left town for awhile, unable to handle the emotions of being there.
However after Caroline did pass away, Tyler came back to return to his hometown. He grieved, and moved on with his life, focusing on himself and maintaining his relationships in the town. Tyler still keeps an eye on the hybrids in town and reaches out to them, he knows that they’re going to in terms of being sired to Klaus and since Klaus had his baby with the unknown witch, he’s been even more proactive as he’s not sure to exactly what Hope can do.
Stefan Salvatore
Used to resent him because Caroline left Tyler for the vampire. The resentment is not there as much anymore due to the fact that Tyler moved on, but Tyler still doesn’t like him.
Hayley Marshall
Used to be a good friend, but after what she did with the hybrids, he feels disgusted with her, does not like her anymore.
Chester Lawrence
Ex-boyfriend, broke up recently.
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iotdrpgpromo · 7 years
Tumblr media
Name: Tyler Lockwood Birthday: February 10th (18/20) Species: Hybrid Lookalike: Michael Trevino Availability: Open
Tyler has always been your typical douchebag football player. A womanizer and a manwhore, Tyler always thought about himself. It was all about pleasure and sports, he was the epitome of the self centered high school jock. As Tyler was an untriggered werewolf, he was very aggressive, arrogant and selfish.Tyler behaved like this because of his werewolf gene. As a werewolf, Tyler became a better person over time, he was loyal and protective and stood up for what he thought was right. After he broke the sire bond with Klaus, he is still the better person he was when Caroline helped him. He has toned down his aggressive and angry side and learnt how to control it. Tyler still holds a small bit of guilt over killing Sarah but his friends have helped more out of this rut than anyone. Now, he often puts his friends and family over himself which is a major difference than the untriggered werewolf version of himself. Tyler blames himself for his mother’s death and is still grieving over this which has caused him to be rather distant and vengeful - a trait of his selfishness slowly returning. He has little regard for things getting his way of revenge and he even believes he has nothing left now which he would never admit to anyone.
Tyler Lockwood is the son of Richard Lockwood and Carol Lockwood, and the nephew of Mason Lockwood. He grew up in a big house, the son of the mayor, and everything was handed to him in his lifetime. However, his relationship with his father was never a good one. To his father, Tyler was a failure and he was ashamed of him. On a few occasions, he had hit Tyler where no one could see it happen for being a disgrace to the family. He hated his father. But at school, it was a completely different story. He was popular, good-looking, a football player and most often referred to as a dick, even by his friends. He was portrayed to be arrogant, selfish and a bully, looking down upon those that weren’t as great as he thought he was. At the Masquerade Ball that his family was hosting, he killed one of his classmates named Sarah, thus triggering the werewolf gene, his eyes glowing yellow in front of his classmate’s Caroline Forbes’ eyes. But after triggering the family curse that turned him into a werewolf, he has learned to tone his behavior down with the help of Caroline Forbes, who helped him through his first transformation.
Tyler eventually fell for Caroline,but left Mystic Falls after he discovered the Salvatores killed his uncle Mason. He came back only to be captured for Klaus’ sacrifice ritual, but was rescued by Damon, who was later bitten by Tyler during his transformation, but saved by Klaus’s blood in the end. Tyler and Caroline eventually start a relationship, which becomes rocky when he becomes Klaus’s first successful hybrid. Tyler changed completely which was how many of the group discovered that he was sired to Klaus - meaning he had to do everything their nemesis said. He’d sabotage their plots against Klaus due to the sire bond, putting his former friends in danger. Leaving Mystic once again, Tyler spent his time in the Appalachians with Hayley, who helped him get past his sire bond. He had to break every bone in his body repeatedly to break the curse so the sire bond could break and he no longer had to do everything Klaus asked of him. After returning to Mystic unsired, he made it his objective to be with his friends again, like before. He pretended to be sired to Klaus in the mean time to keep up appearances and be a spy for his friends. But this failed when he saved Elena from Klaus, against his commands. When Tyler plotted against Klaus, things not more complicated. Klaus Mikaelson killed his after the 12 hybrid sacrifice, which Hayley tricked Tyler into setting up for her.
After that, Tyler felt deeply betrayed by Hayley, and the guilt for putting those hybrids to death was eating him alive. He had a burning desire, more than ever, to kill Klaus because of him killing his mother, Carol. Even though most of his high school class started college, he decided to stay back and help other hybrids in secret and keep an eye on the other werewolves in town. Since Caroline revealed the existence of the supernatural and died, Tyler had been devastated. He left town for awhile, unable to handle the emotions of being there.
However after Caroline did pass away, Tyler came back to return to his hometown. He grieved, and moved on with his life, focusing on himself and maintaining his relationships in the town. Tyler still keeps an eye on the hybrids in town and reaches out to them, he knows that they’re going to in terms of being sired to Klaus and since Klaus had his baby with the unknown witch, he’s been even more proactive as he’s not sure to exactly what Hope can do.
Stefan Salvatore
Used to resent him because Caroline left Tyler for the vampire. The resentment is not there as much anymore due to the fact that Tyler moved on, but Tyler still doesn’t like him.
Hayley Marshall
Used to be a good friend, but after what she did with the hybrids, he feels disgusted with her, does not like her anymore.
Chester Lawrence
Ex-boyfriend, broke up recently.
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