#and now he's just trying to have a crisis alone but everyone keeps bothering him but he's just pondering on whether to cut off his mullet
cursedcola · 2 years
Synopsis: They say something hurtful to their s/o and make them cry 
Characters: Ace Trappola, Jade Leech, Leona KingScholar, and Riddle Rosehearts 
Warnings: This is MUCH longer than part one. 
Part (2/2)
Read the first half: here
{A/N: Hi everyone! Here’s the second edition, as promised! This took 3 sittings to write lol. Sorry for the boring formatting but I don’t think I have the guts to deal with tumblr today.} 
Ace Trappola 
Ace doesn’t have the guts to seek you out immediately
He’s too busy holing himself up in his room. Likely wasting hours laying down; either staring at the ceiling or tossing a baseball in the air. 
His braincells are working overtime (a very rare occurrence in his case), and he’s got the classic ‘Angel vs. Devil’ advocate on each shoulder 
Ya know, think Kronk from Emperor’s New Groove 
According to his Angel, you’re better off alone. He’ll just make things worse and that’s the last thing he wants. The best option is to let himself brood and you have your space. He can wait for you to come to him, and then he’ll apologize. He needs to reflect to be better for you.
As for his Devil, he’s pissed that you ran off without him in the first place. It whispers that the issue wasn’t big enough to warrant a scene. It was only some mindless teasing, and telling him off would have been better. 
It’s a game of tug-o-war between the two. Ace’s pride doesn’t want to admit that he’s in the wrong, and wants you to apologize to him. It wants to march over to Ramshackle, demand you talk to him, and to keep going like nothing happened 
The Devil nearly wins, but somewhere in the back of his mind the Angel has an ‘ace in the hole’. One holding back that sinful pride 
It says that this fight, while small on the surface, is one that would repeat itself if left alone. It’s not the first time Ace’s teasing has gone too far, and he knows it. He has always chosen to ignore it, thinking that you can handle it. He projected himself onto you in many ways, and that’s the real problem. 
If he wants you to stay with him, then it isn’t the teasing that needs to stop. It’s the projecting. He needs to try listening more and treating you like his partner rather than a friend with benefits. 
In the end, his Angel wins
Yet he is still Ace. Patience is not his virtue, so the Devil will have his advocate. 
The fool bolts to Ramshackle, ignoring the protests of his upperclassmen and his dorm’s curfew. Not wise, considering the punishment awaiting him, but he’ll deal with that tomorrow. 
For now, all Ace is concerned with is getting to you before he passes out or does something stupid again 
Without concern for your sleep schedule, he’ll bang on the door “Oi! Open the door (Y/N)! We gotta talk,” 
If you don’t respond, he’ll keep banging until you do. It will progressively get louder and he won’t let up for a moment. It is in your best interest to open it and let him in 
When you do choose to open it, you’ll find him a mess. He didn’t bother to clean himself up after his little existential crisis. 
Once inside, he at first gets cold feet. He initially planned this long ramble about how he would be better, but one look at you makes his thoughts become static 
In the end, all he can manage is to pull you into a tight hug. One he hopes conveys how sorry he is. For earlier, and for overlooking your feelings 
If you hug him back, he’ll calm down significantly. Ace won’t want to go back to his dorm in fear of riddle so perhaps offer him merciful refuge. Give him a glass of water and let him go wash his face. 
You can sentence him to the couch, or spend some time together. He’s okay with either, but you can’t go to bed just yet. Now that he’s calm, he’ll try to scrounge pieces of what he wanted to say earlier but couldn’t.
“Hey,” he starts, facing you with his characteristic determination, “I’m gonna be better. I don’t know how just yet, but that’s my problem to figure out. Just know that I'm gonna do better by you. The next time I make you cry, it’s going to be because you’re so damn happy and can’t help it. I won’t accept nothin’ else, alright?”
Will you give Ace a second chance? 
Jade Leech 
Jade is not one to act on impulse. Every move he makes is done with intent.
Every word is weighed against all others in his vocabulary
Every step is taken considering the optimal route 
Every hour is maximized, even for personal affairs and hobbies 
Jade has always been this way ever since he was a child. How else does a person become so meticulous in everything they do? You noted his behaviors early on, surprising him.
Drawing conclusions based on past experience, deducing his nature should have labeled him as cold-hearted -unapproachable- in your eyes.
 Definetly not someone to be loved or admired 
Yet, you remained fond of him. Finding security in his planning and trust in his words. If he always chose his actions carefully, then he would never lie or hurt you. He found the refreshing point of view charming, agreeing with it.  
“Many may try to harm you, but I am the least likely to,” is what he said. However, even then his words were picked selectively. Even then, he secured himself. 
‘least likely,’ is not definite. If you noticed, which he is certain of, you had not commented and instead played along. 
That conversation had been months ago, yet Jade found himself reflecting on it more in one day than during the timespan between. 
After your argument, he had steeled himself to forget his emotions until your ‘situation’ was taken care of. He met with Floyd and Azul in the VIP lounge, quickly informing them of your whereabouts and why he would be working the night shift. 
As always, he spoke guarded. Only reassuring that you would not be leaving the dorm for the rest of the night and leaving out information on the ‘lovers spat’. Utterly useless, since Floyd and Azul knew Jade well enough to sense there was more. However, neither pried.  
Instead, they readjusted the system. Now Floyd would accompany you through the day, Azul would escort you home, and Jade would personally track any abnormal behaviors from a distance. 
Needless to say, the targeting did not last much longer. Floyd may be decent at tracking, but he’s always been the one to strike in a hunt. Now Jade? He was still on your schedule, yet not bound to your side. With Floyd on guard duty, he was easily able to follow the clues after every ‘accident’. 
Two days
Two days and it was done. He had a hunch before, but it turns out that multiple people with grudges teamed up for this plan which is why their tracks were covered well. Jade still found them though, and his brother was just itching for a good squeezing. 
Unfortunately, Jade held no pity for them. Though he did offer them one last solace. 
“You have succeeded, albeit only temporarily. I grant you the mercy of this knowledge. You have also hurt someone precious, and so I will let my brother here handle your punishment. I have some loose ends to tie in the meantime,” 
With that, he leaves and lets another important issue cloud his mind. 
Jade had lost his composure with you, which normally wouldn’t be too harsh since he does have his moments. They normally appear as taunts or light teasing, but that is not the issue 
Even if he lost control over his voice, he still could have acted.  He hurt you, but instead of fixing it he chose to use the situation to his advantage. Using your moment of distraction to handle the more pressing issue, and letting your emotions fester. He also made you feel unsecure by lying though omission, despite doing it for your own safety 
Now Jade wonders, how well can you truly predict him? Enough to know he did not mean what he said? Enough to understand why he did not resolve your misunderstanding promptly? 
He first finds Azul near your dorm, who informs Jade that you’ve gone to the botanical gardens to relax. The two experience a silent communication, and Jade knows his absence has hurt you. Likely more than his words or lie. 
He finds you seated on a bench, laying back and watching the wind sway the trees. You are unsuspecting, calm, and now Jade understand why you were targeted over himself. 
“If you stare hard enough, perhaps the trees will bend to your will. Although you will then no longer need Grimm for magic lessons...” he permits himself to sit next to you without asking. You glare at him from the corner of your eye, and Jade deflates slightly. 
Something tells him that you know everything. That he spoke impulsively, that he purposefully ignored you, and that someone was after you because of him 
Yet something itches, that you do not want an apology for those issues. His only clue is how you haven’t left, and merely sit defiant as a way to say ‘we’ll? I’m waiting...’
“I suppose that an apology is in order,” he breaths, reaching out to lay a hand over one of your own, “If I am correct, you are already aware what I spoke the other day is not true,” you nod, “that I purposefully distanced myself,” you nod again, “and that I withheld knowledge concerning your safety” you nod for a third time
“I am sorry for hurting you, but not for trying to keep you safe. I do not regret that and never will. Yet -above all else- I am sorry for being distrustful and leaving you alone,” 
Will you accept Jade’s apology?
Leona KingScholar 
The moment the door slams, Leona is out and chasing after you. If his underclassmen know what’s good then they won’t get in his way or spread anymore gossip. They are the reason he’s in this mess anyways. 
He tried fixing one problem, but ended up with one much worse. Leona could handle your anger. He’s not the type of guy to hold his tongue, and that gets you both in many fights or troublesome situations. 
Yet those are petty fights. Normally about how he talks to your friends, skips class, or carries you around like a rag doll. He could brush them off and so could you, because deep down you were aware that he never actually aims to do harm
When it matters, he’s straightforward and heartfelt. You believe that when things get serious, he would never ditch you. Not for a moment has he lead that trust astray, until now 
In your eyes, he put his “ pride” over your trust. The initial plan was to brush his dormmates concerns off, but Leona took it too far. Though this isn’t the first time one of his schemes evicted bad karma 
Leona catches up quickly. No matter how fast a human you may be, speed is a lion’s game. 
He grabs you by the bicep just before you are able to enter the travel mirror and leave Savanaclaw. 
“Quit running before you get hurt...” he trails off, the scent of salt hitting him again except more powerful than before. Without letting go, he reaches out his other hand to wipe your tears, only to get pushed away 
While he’s startled, you rip your arm from his hold and push through the mirror. Leaving him with a last warning.
“Go away! I never want to see you again!” the command rings in his head. His arm drops limp to his side, before he growls and punches the rim of the mirror in frustration. Leona curses under his breath, before turning around and letting you go 
He can’t chase after you now, no matter how much he wants to. There is a reason Leona did not want his underclassmen to think your relationship is serious- why he told such an abhorrent lie. 
In his culture, the most respected person in an individual’s life is their partner. The moment you accepted his companionship, you became important to Leona. Which means that if you want it, then it happens. He may complain, he may groan, whine, talk back, etc. 
but whatever power he has, is now yours. You just don’t realize it. 
The same cannot be said for others. People that have bad motives. So, he lied as a preventative measure. Used his pride as a scapegoat, asserted his dominance, and planned to brief you in later. 
He tried to set things right before matter became worse, and failed. Now Leona needs a loophole. Some way to fix this without confusing you or overstepping a boundary. A way that involves a medium. 
More like an errand boy. Leona can’t send Ruggie, because the hyena by default is required to respect you as much as Leona. Jack Howl? No ties. Hates drama. No ulterior motives. 
A quick bribe, pull at the heartstrings, and before Jack realizes it he’s already delivering a penned note to your dorm. 
“The house-warden is pretty bent out of shape these days. Snappy, moping, and honestly a real pain in the ass. Give the letter a chance, maybe he’ll surprise you,” Jack said upon leaving the note
Refuse him or not, you will take the letter. It’s enchanted to keep reappearing until opened by the intended recipient
 If you ask why Leona has not come himself, Jack will simply emphasize the letter again with a huff 
“Your word is binding, understand? I can claw, scratch, scream -do whatever other stupidly desperate thing you’re picturing right now- but I can not come near unless you say so. Now that you know this, let me explain everything first, and if you still want to run away then go ahead. Just know that if you don’t show up, I will keep hassling your bushy-tailed friend. Maybe I’ll enlist the gluttonous cat? All the tuna in the world in exchange for the stubborn prefect; what will he choose?”   
Will you return to Savanaclaw?  
Riddle Rosenhearts 
Riddle tries to follow you. He screams in his head to move, find you, explain himself, and bring you back 
Trey is looking at him expectantly, as are the rest of his dormmates. In his frozen state, his eyes scan their faces. Some of sympathy, others withholding frustration, and a few near ready to go after you in his place 
Riddle understands, you are beloved by all. You have a place here. A place with him. 
Resolving to move, he pushes his chair back to make haste. Yet, he pauses midway in a panic to stabilize himself against the table. It’s then he realizes how his legs are like jelly, and how afraid he is to speak with you again. 
Riddle nearly falls over, with Trey steadying his shoulders at the last second. He hears his name being called, yet is too absorbed in his thoughts.  
Most specifically, the voice whispering for him to let you go. 
It is no secret that Riddle has changed since meeting you. He’s become more sympathetic with his peers, and has somehow managed to become more than just respected in their eyes. He is grateful for the impact you’ve made on his life, and only a fool would not notice his adoration...
What has he done? What can he offer you? He has joked many times that you will find no better in all of Twisted Wonderland 
Does he truly believe that? No, and now you have the chance to go home. A world he has never seen before, where you can be happy. If he lets you go now, then it will make separating much easier. There will be no goodbye. He will simply return home to his mother, and when the new year begins it will be like you never entered his life. You can be free from everything-
His face stings. Riddle’s sight finally focuses on those around him, specifically on the rageful freshmen glaring daggers into his skull and with a hand raised
“Just shut up already and go after them! You’re such a big baby- ‘boo hoo I'm holding them back. My name is Riddle and I talk superior but really I’m just afraid of everything’,” Ace mimics Riddle’s voice, pretending to sound like a crying toddler, ”that is what you sound like. Damn straight you aren’t good enough for them, but you better finish what you started or someone else will,” at the end of his lecture, Ace points towards the rest of Heartslabyul’s residents and nearly all agree aloud. 
Riddle goes red, all self-deprecating thoughts vanishing at the taunt and mixing with embarrassment. Ace tries to push past him yet gets halted. Not by a collar, but merely Riddle standing in his path. All signs of jello-legs gone, as he looks his underclassmen in the eye. 
“That,” Riddle says through his teeth, “is not necessary. Rest assured that they will not be leaving Twisted Wonderland. I swear it on the name of Rosehearts,” he dismisses the final unbirthday party of the year and sends Trey to retrieve some spare stationary. Once received, he bids all a goodnight before returning to his bedroom. 
The next day arrives, and Riddle is carrying his suitcase to where he’ll be staying over summer break. On the way there he stops to release a messenger crow, one carrying a very important message. 
He walks up the steps to the house, nervous about the previous day’s events and his mother’s reaction. Waiting for a response letter will also be very stressful. The list seems to only grow...
He takes a moment to steel himself, and knock on the door. Once. Twice. Three times. As the rules dictate. 
He hears steps grow close and clutches his suitcase firm. When the door opens, he offers a meek smile, “may I come in?”  
Too surprised to speak, you step aside wordlessly and usher him inside Ramshackle dorm. 
“I am aware you may not wish to see me after yesterday,” he begins, setting his suitcase down to take your hands, “but I cannot let that be our last meeting. If visiting home is what students do over break, then I will be staying here. I want you to stay in Twisted Wonderland. I want to spend time at your side, and I am sorry for leading you to believe otherwise. I am willing to spend the entire summer earning your forgiveness, but do not leave. Please,”
Will you remain in Twisted Wonderland with Riddle? 
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s-e-v-e-n-24 · 1 year
you’re so real about new york by the way . this man is well aware he is like . fucked up in the head. (but they all are, really ) but he’s not going to do anything about it! no one else is going to do anything about it! so they all just gotta live w it
Ohhhhhh my god, oh my god wait wait wait wait I have SONGS and HEADCANNONS for him hold on
I am using this ask as an excuse to dump all of it here
(TW, Unhealthy coping mechanisms, mentions of eating disorder, immortal "I can't die so what's the point" Crisis, drinking, drug use)
New York is a very touristy place, as well as having Broadway, and being a very fashion design/Model place (New York fashion week)
He is used to attention. He can thrive on it when it needs him. He can and will push his body to the limits for it just to be good enough. No matter the cost
New York is a very private person. He hates being asked things, he hates too much attention. Both of these are true, and he hates that too. He wants to be left alone and to get rid of the tourists, to be seem as more then a city, he hates the way he gets for a performance or s gig, and yet he will do it anyways, half feeling sick for it, half loving it in a messed up way. A comfort in something that hurts, really
And the ways that he pushes his limits, this can be not sleeping,not doing anything but practicing or working, not eating, basically just not functioning like a human being. Modeling, if he were to do it, notoriously hates most bodies and has given many models eating disorders
He's got anger issues. He's NE, it's practically a requirement. He takes this out by pacing and ranting, maybe blowing off some steam with a punching bag, sure, but that wouldn't stop him from maybe getting drunk, purposely picking fights just for the thrill, the need to blow off his anger, and the feel of it. He us violent at tines and hates it and can't brinv himself to stop. He might sit there with his bruises and his aches because yeah, he probably does deserve it And why bother Mass or anyone else about it when he's just going to get a lecture not to do it again, only for him to do it again
(Side note: Headcannon Mass, if hospital is not needed, patches up NE and other states. Great for rivalry hijinks, better for Mass/York and MA/NY/NJ hijinks yes I have fics planned for it)
There's also the matter of relationships. He looks like commitment issues. He looks like emotional issues like he won't open up and trying will send him into a panic. He looks like he hasn't cried infront of anyone in decades and isn't about to start now, and like someone so highly paranoid, but it's only seen after as he covers it. He looks like deep-seated abandonment and attachment issues that will never get properly addressed and only brought out in a careful, tender conversation that leads to tears he will hide.
Sure he has flings with Florida in the winter. Sure he flirts with Cali or Jersey or Mass or whoever. Commitment? No. Will leave at the first sign of himself getting attached, keep everyone at arms length with insults and biting words. Keep them guessing if he is friend or foe
He is both scared of death, despite the fact he'd resurrect (Headcannon), and doesn't care for it, as he'd resurrect. He's immortal, what's the difference to what he does to his body. It won't kill him, not for long
Honestly he's probably had drugs/Drinking/Smoking problems, probably still does. Probably has both image issues and loves his looks, mostly
He sits on his bed, knees to his chest, frozen. He doesn't count his deaths, because half of them he can't remember, whether his mind blocking it or his state at the time,he does not know. But he remembers the ones he can. Sometimes he wonders what it would be like to die permanently. Or if he'd ever get the chance. He does not cry. There's nothing left in him to cry over.
And he knows on some level, all of this is wrong. He could be doing better, he should listen but he is still New York, despite it all, and New York is a stubborn, stubborn man. He does not do and he is told, and lives through spite. He does not admit defeat. Or that he was wrong, no he's content to suffer in the mess of his making. You cannot help someone who won't help themselves, and he is not quite there yet
I dunno if that makes sense, I'm not re-reading it
The Other Side Of Paradise by Glass Animals
The Only Heartbreaker by Mitski
Brand New City by Mitski
Real Man by Mitski
Hungover in the City of Dust
Tongues & Teeth by The Crane Wives
CORALINE by Måneskin
SUPERMODEL by Måneskin
A Scale, A Mirror, And Those Indifferent Clocks by Bright Eyes
Recktify by Rainbow Kitten Suprise
No Vacancy by Rainbow Kitten Suprise
Farewell Wandererlust by The Amazing Devil
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prongsfootandco · 1 year
Could you please write something for possessive James
Rating: T Ship: James/Sirius Summary: After a run in with Sirius under the mistletoe, James has a crisis about his feelings for his best friend.
(I don't know why I made it Christmas... I'm sorry?) _
James hated Christmas. It felt like blasphemy to say after years of it being his favourite holiday, but this year it just couldn’t be helped. The reason for his sudden change of heart was one Sirius Black, as was to be expected with any great decision James made in his life. The problem was that for the first time in their four year friendship, James had come to realise that he was a little bit in love with his best friend, which was just great. As if Sirius’ ego needed another boost. 
It wasn’t enough that the whole damn school had to be in love with him, but now James was as well?!
The injustice of it all. 
Usually around Christmas time, James could be found trailing Lily in an attempt to try and catch her under the mistletoe, but he’d never been successful. She was too quick, but last time he’d nearly managed it. However, Sirius had barged into him and knocked him out of the way. Sirius had apologised for his clumsiness, and Lily had disappeared around the corner before James could chase after her, leaving James and Sirius stuck under the festive plant. 
And that was where it all began.
The kiss had been chaste, a bid for freedom from the magical plant more than anything else. It wasn’t meant to be life-changing or magical, just a quick peck between friends and then they’d move on with their day. Sirius would continue complaining about all the birds who tried to snog him around Christmas, and James would continue his flirtations with Lily. 
That was not what happened. 
Instead, James fixated on the moment, the scratch of stubble against his chin, the softness of Sirius’ lips, the tickle of his long black hair on James’ cheeks. He imagined what it might have been like if they were lovers instead of friends, would Sirius have deepened the kiss? Would James have let him? Yes. Absolutely. There would be no more rants in the common room about mistletoe or love potions. Sirius would sit with his head in James’ lap, their fingers intertwined as they smiled brightly at each other. 
They could be together. 
The realisation had hit James like a herd of hippogriffs, and now he was stuck with a crush that he didn’t know what to do with. Flirting with Lily was easy. He’d been doing it since he was eleven and too young to care about rejection. Flirting with Sirius was impossible. Everything he tried with Lily, James already did with Sirius as friends… minus the kissing and the dates. But even then they sort of did have dates. Wormtail and Moony both knew to leave the pair of them alone every so often. They would get grumpy if they didn’t get any quality time together. 
Fucking Merlin.
It was like they were already dating, and James didn’t know how to move forward from that. All he knew is that everyone kept flirting with his Sirius, and he did not like it one bit. So he’d decided that he hated Christmas until he could fix this mess. 
If he could fix this mess. 
“Bloody hell, Prongs,” Sirius grumbled as he vaulted through the portrait, his scarlet robes billowing behind him. “Jessica Vane almost caught me earlier. I swear between Valentines and Christmas, I’m running out of time. The harpies are going to chain me down one of these days. Damn holidays get worse every year.”
James just glared at his friend, well not really at Sirius. His rage was directed at those who were trying to steal Sirius from him, but they weren’t here and Sirius was. “Can’t you just tell them to fuck off?”
“Woah there, Jamie. That’s a bit violent, even for you, not to mention a bit hypocritical. Isn’t this exactly what you keep doing with Evans?”
James flinched. Yes. It was true, but he’d not bothered her since the beginning of the month, since his kiss with Sirius, and the school holidays were almost upon them. “Kept. Past tense.”
“Is the great James Potter finally admitting defeat?”
“Shut it, Pads.”
“Merlin, you’re in a mood today,” Sirius teased before flopping down onto the sofa and into James’ lap, his hair fanning out over James’ legs. “What’s got your wand in a knot?”
“Bloody Jessica Vane. No. All of them. Why is it that the girls of Hogwarts all lose their collective mind over Christmas?”
“Some boys too,” added Sirius as he smirked up at James, silver eyes sparkling. 
“It’s stupid. You’re too good for any of them.”
There was a beat of silence as Sirius peered up at him, his eyes narrowed and calculating. “Is that right?”
“And who? My dearest Prongs, would you deem good enough for me? Or am I doomed to be a spinster whilst you marry Evans?”
“I’m not marrying Evans,” James snapped. “And you’re not going to be a spinster. You have me.”
“Ah, so a bachelor pad?” 
Urgh. James groaned. Why was Sirius being so impossible? All the teasing and the laughter usually had James in a good mood, but today it just angered him. His jaw clenched and Sirius was pushed to the floor. Before he could listen to Sirius’ protest, James had fled the room. He marched up the stairs to the dorms and pulled the curtains of his four poster bed shut behind him. 
The next day started off just about the same. His bad mood had not faded overnight, and on the journey from the common room to the Great Hall, Sirius had ducked out of the way of no less than three bunches of mistletoe. To make matters worse, Lily decided to corner James after breakfast in the courtyard. 
“Out with it, Potter,” she said, one hand on her hip and her eyes gleaming emerald. “Not that I don’t welcome the break, but what changed your mind?”
James just grunted, but his eyes flashed to Sirius before he could stop them, and Lily Evans wasn’t known as the brightest witch of her age for no reason. 
“Oh, I see.” She clapped him on the shoulder. “Well, good luck, Potter, and remind me to send Black a thank you note.”
“Shut it,” grumbled James, his cheeks aflame. “Oh for the love of!”
In the few minutes that James had been separated from his best friend, the harpies had descended. Sirius was rolling his eyes and smirking at his suitors, but it was clear they were being kept at a distance. 
Only James couldn’t help but remember Sirius’ words from the day before. It was only a matter of time before Sirius chose one, or was chained down in his own words, and that just wouldn’t do. 
“Would you all just piss off?!” James roared as he approached the centre of the courtyard. “He’s not interested. He’ll never be interested. Get over him!”
Silver eyes flashed up, one perfectly sculpted brow raising at him. 
James didn’t think. There wasn’t time. He took Sirius’ face in his hands, and crashed their lips together. Sirius wasted no time in kissing him back with the same fierce passion, the pair of them lost in each other until they heard Remus and Peter whistling at them. James reluctantly pulled back, his fingers trailing from Sirius’ cheek to rest at the nape of his neck. 
“Mine,” he whispered as he pressed their foreheads together. 
Sirius chuckled, his breath warm against James’ skin. “I always have been, you idiot. Nice of you to catch up.”
“Mine,” James repeated, pouting at his friend. 
“Yours,” agreed Sirius before capturing James’ lips in another kiss. 
Mistletoe had sprung up around them, and for the first time that year, James didn’t care. Perhaps Christmas wasn’t so bad after all. 
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symphonyincoordination · 10 months
Hello!! Curious what your thoughts are about mail call 3?
That’s nice of you to be interested, thank you 😊 I don’t suppose they’re terribly hot takes or anything, but here you go. Since I have perpetual Klinger brain they all revolve around him I’m afraid. Essentially, this episode isn’t particularly kind to him but doesn’t seem to realise it.
It doesn’t bother that nobody believes Laverne is leaving him at first, because it true that isn’t out of line with his previous get-out attempts. But then when he completely goes to pieces at the movie and still most people…don’t seem that bothered? If um. If my friend stripped off at the cinema I’d probably at least check with them I reckon. He does get some concern from Colonel Potter and Father Mulcahy, and a little from Radar when he goes AWOL. But none of the other characters take any interest in his distress, at least as far as we see.
Now, OK, they the have their own storylines going on. But the conclusion of the episode presents things as though the 4077 helped Klinger through getting dumped and he’s happy that he has them? The family concept is specifically invoked twice, once by Radar and once by Klinger himself. He says he may not have a family anymore in Toledo but at least he has his Mash family. Which, sweetie no, famously you have a very large family at home! Who are always shown to be very supportive!
No one actually helped him through his personal crisis. He left camp still completely upset, and calmed himself down by entirely by himself. Everyone is happy to have fun with him once he’s managed to do that, but at his lowest point he’s rather left alone. And I think this episode is possibly the most shaken we ever see him (I’m sort of discounting that time he tried to kill Frank with a grenade because although it is strictly speaking canonical, it’s only his second appearance and totally out if step with how he’s portrayed in every other episode, so I feel it’s a case of them to having the character figured out yet). There may be other examples that I can’t think of, but it’s definitely up there. So it’s especially sad to me that they aren’t there for him.
It’s also just occurred to me that his getting divorced doesn’t…really go anywhere to the best of my recollection. I know it does come up again. But compare it with Margaret’s divorce, which is treated as an ongoing character arc, as much as that happened in sitcoms of that era. Which I love for her! But Klinger suffers a huge betrayal and heartbreak, and the finale of Mail Call Three treats as though it’s all resolved now, he’s fine now because he has his found family to help him through. Only they didn’t.
To be clear, I don’t mind characters being jerks to each other! However the disconnect between what the narrative is telling me happened vs what actually was shown on screen is frustrating to me. There’s also, you know, that general trend of Klinger being treated poorly especially as the series goes on. And I don’t like it because!! He’s great! I love him a whole lot! 🥰 So maybe I’m biased, but everyone should have been nicer to him. Or at least, fine, don’t have the characters be nice to him but don’t pretend that they were!
Anyway. I do like the scene between Hawkeye and Radar. It’s cute, they’re cute. As an aside, I like that Radar talks about setting up Daniel Pierce with his mum. It reminds me of how he’s keen to establish a relationship between his family and the Winchesters in The Party. People talk a lot about whether characters would stay in touch after the war. Things like that make me think Radar would make an effort to keep in touch with people, especially because we do see him write to the 4077 at least once I can think of. I also like Radar and Klinger’s interaction at the beginning, when he’s trying to get his letter. More cute!
Oh and one thing I do like is the way they tie Klinger’s mood to his clothes. He starts off in a dress, then literally tears it off when he reaches his breaking point. He stays in uniform when he’s at his lowest. And then once he starts feeling happier he’s back to dressing his best 💖 I think that’s interesting, plus extremely relatable!
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thegreatfraud · 5 months
Solo Act Pt 1
"Why don't you go though the portal? The portal pretty dead right now. You might even have time to see how life been like."
"Your not real and just a manifestation of my grief. Will is dead. He not in this city and your just a trick being play."
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The doors to everyone home world open up. The option to SEALED those world is open as Huey quickly located his. Since god damn isola scientist don't tell Huey how EXACTLY it is to seal off the hole from his own world. He gotta wing it.
On the other side of the door is....his old car. Where he last left it. Parked in a grassy hill somewhere nice. Being oprhans Huey and William didn't exactly had a nice home. They move from places to places sleeping in their first stolen car as Huey take a deep breath. Energy gather in his finger tips.
Behind the back of a local casino near the Isola beach. Huey knows he can't rely on anybody but himself for this as he can hear the voice but can't see it.
"You haven't visit my grave for a while? Just come back and pay me a visit....then again you don't have attachment to that world right? All the family you love is gone. You don't believe in love anymore after being burned. Poor little Huey M Ponzi. No dreams, no family, no love ones. Going though job to job to fill the empty hole in your heart. You gonna die alone in this city far away from home."
Damn thing have the voice of his brother. His DEAD brother who he still very miss. Magic? Or have Huey finally crack and gone mad? Huey lies to other and himself all the time. He sometimes can't keep track of what real or not.
Visualize. Concentrate and grasp it. Even if you knows reality. Deny it. Your powers fuel by your belief.
Fake it till you make it champ. You might not be anything more then a fraud. But just for the next thirty minutes. Your a frigging super hero.
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"I....DON'T NEED A HIGH SCHOOLER LECTURE FROM SUPER NATURAL BULL SHIT ABOUT HOW I SUCK. I'm gonna live my life the way i want. I save who i want. Damned who i want. I never gonna pretend i'm righteous every again. Not after you...No matter how lousy it is....no more doubts."
He not doing this because he give a shit about what happening to this city. He frankly a uncaring, money obsess petty selfish bastard. He should be at home or in the street trying to rob places while everyone is busy dealing with this crisis.
As a writer this feel like unfinish business. Having someone clean up Huey own mess leave a bad taste in his mouth. Sure there might be gods and monster here...but the portal in front of him his own shitty world. A world that don't bother giving him shit and often chew him up and spit him out.
It burns. PHYSICALLY grabbing the tear and trying to close it as Huey snap his fingers with one hand. The surrounding area warp as if reality being rewritten.
"You need to hold onto what valuable to you...but i guess that hard from someone who keep letting it slip though your fingers. Your a lousy thief."
Huey and the door disappear....as silence once again return to the little corner of Isola.
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There’s no reason to bother reaching out to anyone it seems!
My mother lacks the ability to be emotionally there for me any longer, and she doesn’t realize it. I used to be honest with her, but I suppose that was when I was still trying to fit into her vision. If I’m honest now, it doesn’t go well. We get into arguments and I’m perceived as too much of everything all the time. I forget sometimes and I am honest and then she reacts and I remember why I stopped telling my mother things. She reacts and I slip my mask back on and turn back into the good daughter just to make her feel better.
So I can’t reach out to my mom, because she even though she’s never known what to do about my emotions, now I can’t even talk about them. I can’t reach out to my friends because when I do I receive silence. Or half of a comment in regards to 5 messages covering 4 topics. When I try and chat with older friends, they seem busy too. Or disinterested. Or struggling. And then there’s my partner. Can’t reach out to my partner because i don’t even know what words to use to make him understand. Because I think I’m beginning to see resentment in his eyes when I fail. When I take the mask off. When I work from home instead of in the world. I’m so tired.
I’m exhausted. I’m 27 years old and I’m exhausted. And I’m lonely. And I’ve had some bouts of crisis, of depression, of grief, of many many crossovers of these feelings, but I can truthfully say I have never ever felt as truly alone as I do right now. I dream of small and quiet more and more and I don’t even know if I should be moving to Oklahoma. I don’t know if that’s home anymore. I don’t know if it’s going to make the loneliness go away. My gut keeps telling me to run away, to run to some tiny fuckin town in Washington and get a job waiting tables and stop talking to everyone I’ve ever met. I’m starting to wonder if maybe that would feel like home.
So I don’t have a mom to talk to. My dad is dead and let’s be honest, he wouldn’t have helped me if he was alive because he would be 93 right now. My friends are busy or gone or parents themselves. I really didn’t know what all of those posts were talking about, the ones about losing friends and counting on yourself in your 20’s. I thought “I’m 27, I escaped it” but I didn’t I was just a late bloomer as always.
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primofate · 3 years
Genshin [Volleyball Team AU - Inspired by Haikyuu!] What it’s like to be their manager Headcanons
Note: I think a lot of people misunderstand the role of the manager XD It’s not that the whole team is dating you. It’s that the whole team treats you like their family/sister. So you’d better bet that all of them are gunna be hella protective of you XD
Scenario: What do you do for the team and what do they do for you? :D
Warnings: not proofread, fluffy, might have some swear words, platonic relationships
Characters: Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Tartaglia, Kazuha, Xiao, Tohma, reader as the team manager
Other works in the Volleyball Team AU Series: Click Here
Genshin Volleyball Team manager
It’s just fuckin’ chaos
On your first day you’re already bombarded with questions by Tartaglia and Kaeya
“So which class are you?” “What’s your height?” “Are you single?”
Captain Zhongli just cannot be bothered to reign them in anymore.
So Vice Captain Diluc does it and grabs their collars. “You idiots, you’re scaring her off!”
Possibly Kazuha and Tohma are the ones you really try to rely on, on your first few weeks.
So how do you gain the trust of your team? Let’s start with each player shall we?
#1 Zhongli (Captain/Wing Spiker/Ace)
Zhongli is just handsome and mature. He’s strict and needs to be the pillar of the team. 
You’re intimidated by him the first few weeks and he just seems...a little far. He’s always so focused that you can’t seem to catch a moment to just chat with him.
There’s a day where you notice that his form is a little off, you suspect that he hurt his wrist a little. 
You fidget uncomfortably in the gym as they practice, but finally turn to the coach “U-Umm... The captain is... I mean! I’m not sure, but... I think he needs to take a rest,”
The coach calls for someone to substitute Zhongli and suddenly asks you to check on him.
“Huh?! Me?!” the coach pushes you towards him, and Zhongli is just looking at you quizzically, you can practically see the question mark on his face.
“C-Captain, d-do you need some bandages on your wrist?”
Zhongli is taken aback, but silently puts his right wrist out for you to wrap.
Only when you’re done tending to it does he look you in the eye and ask.
“How did you know?”
“...Because I always watch, and all I can do is watch. If I can’t even spot that out then I’m not a very good manager am I?”
Zhongli has a newfound respect for you. He thought you were just a meek and shy thing sitting around and passing them balls but he feels his heart swell that someone like you is seriously watching over them.
#2 Diluc (Vice Captain/Wing Spiker/Defense Specialist)
Diluc is probably the second hardest to get along with or break the ice with.
But he gradually warms up to you when he notices that he’s always the first one you pass a towel and water bottle to.
You’re not doing that on purpose, it’s just him who always comes up first.
After a few days he deliberately goes to you faster cause he always wants to be the one to receive a water bottle and towel from you first. Secretly a puppy.
The moment he realized that you were reliable was when you stayed behind to help him practice when everyone else went home already. 
You didn’t let up in your constant praise of “nice receive”, “great spike!” and “that’s so cool!” 
He thinks he saw stars in your eyes at some point.
“Hey, Diluc, it’s getting late, let’s leave some energy for tomorrow, yeah?” he could tell from your mannerisms that you were tired too, but you tried not to let it show on your face and still cleaned up with him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then!” you wave but you’re stopped by a quick. “No,” from him. You tilt your head in wonder and he just looks at you as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.
“It’s late, I’ll walk you home,”
#3 Kaeya (Middle Blocker)
You don’t have to impress this guy, anyone of the female gender impresses him.
lol jk
safe to say it’s not difficult to befriend Kaeya, just bring him a cheering squad and some food.
all jokes aside the way to this guy’s heart is through his stomach.
He’s not a particularly hungry person but there’s this one time he forgot to bring lunch. He was running late, or something of that sort, honestly not something new for him.
He ALSO didn’t bring money so he couldn’t eat food from the cafeteria.
Ask his friends for money you say? Tartaglia would go, “Haha no way!” Albedo would go, “Let this be a lesson for you,” his brother would go “Serves you right,”
By club time he’s famished and dramatic. “Guys, go on without me, this is as far as I go,” as he sprawls on the gym floor.
You ask if he’s okay and he doesn’t answer so Diluc is the one that answers for him. “He forgot his lunch, as always,”
You make a sound of understanding and the next thing you know you’re taking out a lunch box and Kaeya has lifted his head up, sensing food.
“I packed onigiri for everyone today, actually... In case someone was hungry. It’s not much but--”
Kaeya comes alive from the dead and clutches your hands to his chest. “Manager you really are an angel,”
Diluc jump kicks him away from you.
#4 Albedo (Setter)
You also don’t know how to approach this guy
He always looks mad or stoic or something. Like he’s always thinking about something.
He low key actually is always thinking about play strategies and how to set the ball better for his teammates.
You really do think he works so hard while the game is going on, so you decide to help him out a little bit.
You watch a few more of their games and somehow come up with a list of what kinds of sets are better for each different spiker in the team.
There’s surprise in his eyes when you pass the document to him and modestly exclaim “...but, it might not be accurate, since I’m not that experienced,”
He still nods and says “...It’s the thought that counts,” 
When he does read your report and try the techniques out he notices that it does hold some merit in it
Is amazed like how Zhongli is amazed. He thought you were just there to hand them bottles and cheer for them but he had never been so wrong as to what a manager’s role is.
Will trust you enough to ask you about his set performance.  
Will sometimes slam Kaeya with an insult. “Kaeya, your spike sense is horrid, Y/N can read the moves better than you,”
#5 Tartaglia (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
It’s not that he has a hard time trusting people but let’s just say he has the tendency to make you feel like he likes you but then he actually does that to everyone.
For example: He’ll throw compliments like “Oh that’s amazing Y/N!” but then back in the classroom you’ll hear him say “Oh that’s amazing!” to, like, every other person. 
That kinda disappoints you cause then the comment doesn’t really hold that much meaning to it if he keeps on saying it to others too.
He encounters a crisis mid year because this guy is just... he struggles with his grades. 
Captain Zhongli has told him he can’t play volleyball if he fails even one subject.
This boy is panicking and has semi-accepted this is the end of his volleyball career.
So you offer to study with him and he’s legit stoked.
Intensive and strict study sessions commence. Note taking, pop quizzes, surprise questions and even sudden random calls from you wherein you ask him a question and he has to answer within 5 seconds.
You’ve pulled all the study techniques you know here, this man better pass everything.
Welp, he still fails History....but since he worked so hard Captain Zhongli excuses it.
He’s so happy that he can’t hold back the stupidly wide smile on his face. He turns to you and for the very very first time in months, he bows and THANKS you.
You realize that he’s never thanked you before. Not even when you pass him water bottles or towels. 
You consider it a win, getting rare and sincere appreciation from him.
#6 Kazuha (Decoy/Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
One of the easiest to get along with but at the same time, he’s so mature that you feel like you’re not even in the same age range as him.
Definitely someone you can count on though, so you ask him many questions on the first week.
Still, it’s one of those things where you can kind of talk to him but there’s still a wall between you two.
One day while walking around in school there were these boys who were commenting about his height, and questioning his abilities as a volleyball team member.
You didn’t really think much about it when you speak up, “But he’s a really good middle blocker and spiker,” 
Those boys look at you weirdly and you realize that you’ve unconsciously spoken up. So you hurriedly walk away.
Little did you know that Kazuha was in some secret corner and heard the whole thing.
Just like that, the next day, it seems as if the wall between you two was gone, and you’re able to talk freely.
That, and he seemed to like asking you to help him practice his spikes and throw balls for him now.
#7 Xiao (Libero)
is deceivingly easy to get along with. Just has a rough exterior but is actually a softie if you squint.
You know this because there are subtle things he does. 
He doesn’t speak to you much but then he would be the one picking up the balls with you, or sometimes there’s magically a new set of clean towels on the bench that you don’t remember taking out from the storage room.
This guy is passionate for the game, so he really beats himself up when he isn’t able to receive a ball during actual games.
You worry about his mentality sometimes. I mean, it’s a team game, it’s not like he alone can save the whole game
So you talk to him about it the other day
“You’re already a really good libero Xiao, I mean... I’m not saying you should stop practicing but you don’t have to feel so bad...” you pause because this doesn’t feel like the message you want to convey
“Sorry, what I mean is... You CAN feel bad, but share the burden with your team, you know?”
He knows what you’re saying and contemplates it for a while. He knows that his team has his back, but sometimes just needs reminder about it.
He looks at you and asks, “...Can I share the burden with you too?”
You blink “Huh?”
“You said I can share the burden with my team, but can I share it with you too?”
There is a blush on his cheeks at this point.
“Oh, yea! Of course! I don’t play but I’m still part of the team you know!”
Ever since then, during games, if he feels a little frustrated he’d glance at you on the bench and you’d give him a thumbs up for a job well done.
#8 Tohma (Pinch Server/Middle Blocker)
You’re like bffs the moment you see each other
lol jk
You’re still awkward with him the first few days cause that’s just how first meetings are.
But he is very easy to talk to and always makes you feel at ease
Will always be the one to ask how you are if you need any help or if class was okay in general
Seems like the type of person to care more about others than himself
So he’s surprised when you come into the gym and you beat him to asking his usual questions.
“Tohma, how are you today? Did you have a proper lunch?”
“Tohma, are you getting tired? Want some water?”
“Tohma, how was class today?”
All the other members of the team turn to look at the two of you, thinking ‘Why does Tohma get extra attention?’ 
Tohma certainly doesn’t get extra attention you just TALK to him more. The other members deadass are also getting cared for by you, just in different ways.
This boy has some insecurities though, when it comes to playing the game. He hasn’t been in it for long so he’s the least experienced and that gets to him sometimes.
“Oh, really? But you play really well! I couldn’t tell that you’re new” 
His serves are really amazing though.
“Also! You always score points for us with the serves. Sometimes, your serves are my favourite part of the game!”
Has practiced extra hard so as not to let you down.
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bookishofalder · 2 years
STARFISH | Part Two 🐠
Summary: Star may be feeling embarrassed by her fall, but everyone else is impressed with her heroics. Frankie can't deny how he feels now, and a few tense moments bring them together.
Warnings: Mentions of wound/cleaning/bandaging. Animal rescue mentioned. Language. Fluff. SMUT. 18+ only.
A/N: Oh hi! Sorry about my very long and unexpected hiatus. Please forgive me, and here is what you've been waiting for. I hope you enjoy!
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When your door opens after only being alone for about twenty minutes from fleeing the beach, you don’t bother to look up, knowing it’s Little. She’s the only person you knew who never bothered to knock on a door–a habit she’d had since your days in school together. The familiarity of it made you smile internally, but outwardly you gave a low groan and brought the pillow you were clutching to your chest to rest over your face.
“Oh, Star, it’s not that bad,” Little says steadily, and the bed shifts as she climbs on next to you and rips the pillow away. Her face is inches away, that dazzling smile far to shit-eating to be comforting. “Seriously, you looked badass–it was like a movie!”
“Little, I will punch you,” You deadpan, shooting her a glare, “And not the fake movie kind of punch.”
She merely snorts, rolling her eyes before propping a hand against her cheek, “So you don’t want to hear about how Frankie just spent the last twenty minutes singing your praises and debating whether he should come up here?” She gestures towards the door with her free hand and you jolt up slightly in a panic.
“He’s not coming up, is he?”
“No, I said I would because I knew you’d be in here having a crisis.” She replies easily, and you take a breath before lowering yourself back down into the comfortable duvet. Little watches you for a moment before adding; “You know, I was looking at him when everything happened. I wanted to make sure he caught Rosie, but the look on his face when he saw you fall–I couldn’t look away until I heard the way you hit that rock.”
“He was just concerned, Little. He probably realised it could have been Rosie that got hurt.” You try to keep your tone light, despite wanting to throttle her for reminding you of the expressions of panic and concern that had flashed over his features when he had pulled you from the water. “He just got full custody of her, he’s going to be extra hard on himself for a while.”
“That’s probably true,” Little agrees, having been the one who told you the details of how Elena had sent him those papers releasing her from all parental rights, just weeks before the wedding. “But, Rosie was fine and you weren’t. He lost his shit, and don’t pretend you didn’t hear him saying ‘mi amor’ after insisting he be the one to bandage you up.”
You give another long sigh, staring up at the ceiling with unfocused eyes, thinking back to the look he’d given you on the beach. The way it made your heart feel as though it would beat right out of your chest. Maybe he did care more about you than you were admitting, but that didn’t mean it was anything more than a platonic love. You’d grown close over the course of helping Little and Santi plan their wedding, it was understandable that he was upset you had been hurt. Everyone else had been, though seeing as it was his daughter you had literally thrown yourself into harm's way to save, it made perfect sense that he felt responsible for you.
“Let’s drop it Little, you need to get back to your husband and enjoy your honeymoon, and I need to wallow for a bit before eating my feelings at dinner.”
When Little gives a frustrated groan, you look back over at her in surprise to find her glancing at the closed door before her low voice says, “Santi will kill me for this, but…okay you know that he came by the night he got those papers from Elena?” You nod, your brows furrowing in curiosity, and wait for her to continue. “Well, I was in the shower when he first got there, so they were alone in the kitchen talking when I…uh, quietly walked down the hall to join them.”
You arch a brow at your best friend, “You eavesdropped?”
Little purses her lips, but gives a conceding jerk of her head, “Eavesdropping. Overheard. Whatever, Santi was the one who said Frankie was finally free to focus on himself. And I quote, ‘Ask out Star, I know she’s interested,’ and Frankie replied ‘Let me figure that out in my own time, man. No need to rush things with her.” She breaks off as you bolt upright, giving her a wide-eyed look.
“Shut up!”
“I’m serious! So take your time too, if you need it. But stop denying something is there.”
You drop your head into your hands, “Oh god, Little, making a move on vacation after your best friends get married isn’t the right time,” You shake your head, pressing your thumbs into the corners of your eyes, “There is a reality we live in, one where it makes zero sense to be together because we are so different and he has much more important things to worry about.”
This time, Little sits up and faces you, her expression serious, “He is not going to care at all about the–”
“He will. Even if he’s lovely and sweet about it because he’s Frankie, he has a child and a past with drugs, me coming in with my unofficial criminal activity is not–”
“Oh my god, Star, you weren’t even charged. The detective gave you a slap on the wrist by way of a stern talking to and then thanked you for saving those dogs when no one else would!” You open your mouth to respond, then pause as voices sound from the hall.
You both listen as footsteps near and then hear Frankie’s soft voice speaking to Rosie. He’s assuring her they can go back outside and play once she’s had a quick bath, and his voice fades when they disappear into his room, the sound of the door clicking shut the last thing you hear. Little gives you a look, not unloving but certainly frustrated, before giving you a quick hug and leaving the room.
You lay alone in your room for a long time thinking, until eventually the cool room and white noise of the fan whirring away above you lull you into a fitful nap. Your last thoughts–or perhaps, the beginning of your dreams–are of Frankie Morales pulling you from the water and promising to take care of you.
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You stay in your room for the remainder of the evening, going so far as to order dinner up and letting the staff member pass along your goodnight to everyone on your behalf after she rolled the food cart in. You gave yourself a break, and thankfully no one begrudged it of you. It was relaxing enough, though you did have to distract yourself with a few movies to give your mind a break; overanalysing your feelings and intentions for Frankie wasn’t going to do either of you any good.
You had promised yourself to not hide anymore, however, and so the next morning you rose early enough to slip downstairs and join the few early risers for coffee. When you arrive in the kitchen, you almost turn back upon seeing only Frankie sitting at the table, coffee in one hand and a book in the other.
Maybe he was trying to distract himself as well.
You clear your throat before you take the coward's way out, and he looks up with a mild interest that morphs into a full and stunning grin the moment he sees it’s you. You return an awkward smile, “Good morning.”
Frankie sets both his book and mug down, turning in his seat, “How are you feeling, querida?” His voice is deep from disuse so early, and you swallow nervously as you side step toward the coffee pot and help yourself.
“I’m really good, thank you,” You say, though when you do come around the counter to join him, his eyes fall to your bandage, peeking from the short hem of your romper. “Honestly, I changed the dressing first thing and it’s not too bad.” You try to shrug, but when you meet his gaze again his lips are pressed together in a thin line.
You sit down next to him at the table and offer a wider smile, grateful the concealer on your cheek hid the bruising around the slight cut there. “How are you?” You say, taking a sip of coffee and doing your best to appear relaxed despite the proximity.
He doesn’t press you, instead he seems to give a half shake of his head before replying. “I’m alright. I was worried…” He trails off, eyes dropping to his coffee and one of his large hands coming to rub the back of his neck. He needed a trim, his bed head more noticeable since he wasn’t yet wearing his signature cap. The desire to run your fingers through the mess of curls almost made you moan aloud. “I can’t thank you enough, you know. Rosie is completely fine because of you, and I’m really sorry you were hurt because I messed up.”
You look at Frankie in surprise, the self-loathing in his voice slipping through the steady tone he was trying to hide behind. Resisting reaching out for him, you instead opted to point at him and ensure he met your eyes before you said, “You did not mess up, Frankie. Kids run, they get wild and carried away and that’s why it sometimes takes a village when it comes to raising them,” He’s smiling a little, so you continue, “Anyone of us would have done the same, I just happened to be right there. But she’s going to scrape her knee one day and it won’t be your fault, okay?”
“I–you’re right. It’s a lot, having a kid. I love every minute of it, and I’m grateful for all the support, from my mother, from Little and all of you,” He sighs, pausing to take a sip of his coffee, “It’s just, at the end of the day I’m her dad. I’m supposed to be the one person who never lets her down or fucks up. She doesn’t have a mother anymore, I have to fill that role too now.”
You reach for him without thought as the words, that heartbreaking confession, come out. Taking his hand, you squeeze slightly and rub your thumb in soothing circles. For a moment, it’s silent, and you’re afraid to look up so you stare at your hands as you speak. “Any kid with a parent who loves as much as you do, Frankie, is lucky. Elena is the one who is missing out on both an amazing kid and a remarkable man. It’s her loss.”
You glance up when Frankie moves and only have a moment to see that blazing expression on his handsome face before a voice cuts in, startling you both.
“Here here!”
It’s Benny, bounding into the room cluelessly, his eyes on the morning fruits and breads set out along the counter. You pull your hand from Frankie’s and cover your blush by taking a large swig of coffee. He clears his throat and does the same, then greets Benny with a small edge to his voice.
“Hey Superhero!” Benny looks at you with a huge grin, slapping Frankie on the back in way of a greeting, and you can’t help but smile up at the blonde. He was just too nice, too oblivious to know he’d walked in on…well, you don’t know what that was.
“Benny, it’s too early to be so chipper.” You joke, grabbing one of the strawberries off of his plate as he sits down across from you. You spend the next half hour chatting with the two men, that tension between you and Frankie going unnoticed by the middle Miller, and then take advantage of Little, Santi and a few others all appearing to slip out of the room with your beach bag, eager to get some quiet time in by the water.
You can’t help but glance back as you close the patio door behind you, a pleasant heat coursing through you when you find Frankie’s eyes following you.
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At lunchtime, you decide to pop upstairs to check your leg again before eating, knowing that once you have you’ll want to relax and procrastinate on the task. You haven’t stopped thinking about Frankie all day, but he’s been busy with Rosie and his mother, which has both kept him at a distance and stopped any further conversation from occurring between the two of you. You aren’t sure exactly what you would say, even if given a moment alone.
With a sigh, you convince yourself it’s for the best. There was a moment, yes. But this was a vacation–people tended to get caught up in the excitement. Your own mother was one to fall fully in love with pretty much any place your family traveled. But getting yourself too involved with the idea of Frankie and you was only going to lead to heartbreak for you, and potentially damage a friendship with him that meant a great deal.
Once you’ve finished, you open the door to your room and pause, glancing back towards the bed and finding your sunglasses laying on the duvet where you had tossed them as you came in earlier. It’s when you are padding back out the door moments later that you hear a soft little cry, which pulls you from your thoughts. You peer at the neighbouring door to yours, finding it slightly ajar, and listen. A few beats later another cry sounds, and you don’t hear Frankie or Imelda so you approach slowly and give a light knock.
You step into the room, eyes casting around only to find the bed empty–though clearly having been slept in. Rosie is tousle-haired in her crib, a frown on her little face that makes you soften instantly. Her grandmother must have woken already and left her to nap in peace, and you give the toddler a knowing smile.
“I think someone woke a little early,” You say, and her lower lip pouts out as tears begin to well and you scoop her up instantly, snuggling her close and peppering her with a few kisses. “Don’t worry sweet girl, I’ll cover for you.” Rosie gives a little giggle as she settles against you, finding a comfortable way to lay her head, and you begin to slowly pace the room, lightly swinging her in your arms, one hand rubbing soothing circles over her back.
As you comfort her, sadness washes over you. The idea that her mother could abandon her as if she were one of the unwanted dogs you worked with everyday made your heartbreak–and you were also a little angry for her and Frankie. You could understand not being ready to settle and have a family, but to put so little effort in over the first months of Rosie’s life, leaving for weeks at a time to party and always sending Frankie the bad news via text messages, you couldn't wrap your head around it.
You had guessed that Elena was the one to bring Frankie close to drugs, before she was pregnant. That they had been spiralling together-her happy to be on the arm of a handsome veteran, him believing she wanted more than simply a little status and a constant partner to berate and abuse. You don’t know the details of what happened, or how he found out about Rosie, but you knew she was gone from their lives now and hoped that meant he could finally heal. You don’t realise you’ve begun to speak softly in Spanish, just calming words to help lull her back to sleep, until Rosie gives a happy snore.
You’ve been pacing by the window, and decide to move toward the chair in the corner, thinking you’ll just take a seat with her until Frankie or Imelda come up to check on her. You begin to turn when you hear a floorboard groan and pause in alarm to find Frankie there, just inside the doorway watching you in surprise. The expression on his face is odd, but you can’t get a read on it even as he continues to stare.
He just keeps looking at you, and you can’t stop looking back.
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Frankie knew he should look away– he was staring. Aggressively. But he couldn’t tear his eyes from the image before him, the wonder barely concealed by his surprise. You, holding his baby. Saying words of comfort to her in Spanish as she clutches herself close and snores happily. He had wanted to come and wake her up from her nap, see if she wanted to play some games or build sandcastles, give his mother a few hours on her own. The last thing he expected when he walked into the room was to find you there.
He didn’t miss it either, that moment his foot made contact with the squeaky floorboard and your expression flashed with a protective concern, arms tightening slightly around his baby. He can hear his blood roaring in his ears and staring is the only thing he can do for several minutes. You become unsure as the silence stretches on, eyes assessing him in confusion before you move towards him.
“I’m sorry, Frankie. I heard her crying and thought I’d look in–”
Frankie shakes his head and smiles, “No, don’t apologise. I just,” He looks down at Rosie, still sound asleep, before meeting your gaze again and stepping closer. “I’ve never seen her relax like that for anyone else. She really likes you.”
He wants to say he does too. After that moment at breakfast, he’d found it hard to think of anything else and wanted to try and capture you alone, to explain why he had given you such an intense look when you’d comforted him. He wasn’t exactly sure how he would say it–certainly not, ‘I realised that moment I wanted you more than anything and I was going to ask if I could kiss you before that asshole Benny came in’. But something similar. Lighter.
You smile at his words, looking away from him to his little girl, “Oh, she’s a sweetie.”
He reaches out and rubs a hand along her back, careful to avoid touching yours, “Nicest kid, don’t know where she gets it from.” He jokes, but you frown at him, “What?”
“You’re just so hard on yourself,” You reply, your kind eyes never looking away, “But you know you’re an amazing person.”
Unsure of how to reply, he merely nods before gesturing over his shoulder. “Want to come downstairs? We were thinking of putting on a movie for her later, but she’s a bit tired today so it might be better to do it now.”
You brighten immediately, that beautiful smile tugging at your lips instantly and making his stomach do somersaults. “That sounds great, lead the way!”
Rosie is content to remain in your arms for the afternoon, whining anytime someone attempts to take a turn with her and snuggling back in close. He leaves you with her for the movie, opting to sit in a large bean bag chair at the back of the room where he can relax–he’s seen Finding Nemo enough times. You sit up front with Rosie and Benny and the afternoon moves along at a steady pace, the movie more than half over before he feels another person join him on the beanbag and looks up from his half doze to find Little giving him a knowing look.
Admittedly, he hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off of you. You were facing away and hadn’t noticed him watching, but he watched every laugh, the way you held Rosie. He’d seen you with her before, but this was the first time where it wasn’t with the purpose of wedding planning and you were more relaxed, entirely focused on his little girl.
Little follows his gaze and smirks, “Hey Fish,” He shoots her a look, well aware of what she’s up to, and she only smiles broadly. “Don’t look at me like that.” Her eyes sparkle, and when he looks behind her he sees Santi a few feet away on the couch she had been sharing with him, attempting to hide his own grin behind his drink.
“Look, I can guess the general direction of your thoughts,” He replies in a low voice, though the general chatter in the room, sound from the movie and distance from where you sit up by the TV with Rosie tells him he could probably speak at a normal volume and you wouldn’t hear. “And I’m going to tell you the same thing I said to Santi–in my own time.”
Little sighs, saying nothing and he thinks she might let it go, but eventually she pats his arm and gives him a small smile. “I just wanted you to know I’m here for you. Whatever you need–it’s my honeymoon, but if you’d like a babysitter tonight, Santi and I would be happy to take RoRo and give you some…space.”
Frankie considers his best friend's offer, well aware that the evening activities planned included a beach bonfire everyone was going to dress up for. Maybe he could find a moment with you and just see what would happen. Tell you that he has feelings for you and then let you decide if another step could happen. He glances over in time to see you throw your head back in laughter at Rosie’s partial imitation of one of the characters in the movie, delight brightening your features, a happy giggle tearing out of Rosie.
He looks back over at Little, but meets Santi’s gaze as he does and pauses, remembering his friend's words from the day before–that Rosie deserved to have a dad who was happy. He puts a hand over Little’s and gives a small nod, “Just for tonight? I think–I’m going to put myself first, just this once.”
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You’re staring in the mirror, frowning at your reflection. You think your dress looks pretty–it’s casual and flowery, but there’s just so much cleavage. Little had said it was the exact right amount, and basically threatened to remove one of your fingers if you didn’t wear it to tonight’s little bonfire on the beach, but you had convinced yourself it would be breezy enough to justify a sweater over top. Instead, it was hot enough out tonight that the air conditioning was a very welcome reprieve even as the sun had started to set and you had opted to eat inside for dinner.
With no excuse, you decide to just wear the damn dress and enjoy, let yourself shut down the negative thoughts—because so far, not one person here has done a thing to make you uncomfortable or self-conscious. The only thing was, the dress had the type of tighter material that no bra could really contend with—regardless of the several options you had to go with, all were very noticeable underneath the smooth fabric, and the straps were twice the size of that of the dress. You turn this way and that as you look into the full length mirror, then let out a great sigh. You’ll go without a bra on. Plenty of people with breasts avoided bras all the time, there was no law saying that because yours were big, you had to hide them away. And aside from being much more comfortable, you know that the dress is tight fitting enough at the top to steady the ladies, so long as you don’t do any running.
Now that you’ve thought about it, you become determined and work quickly to throw the dress off, remove your bra and then redress, this time adjusting yourself carefully and then looking into the mirror with trepidation…but you look—well, amazing. Without the bulk of the bra, you fill the dress like it was literally handmade just for you, and the cleavage becomes slightly less pronounced. You love it, you love the self-confidence you feel as you gaze at yourself, and give yourself a little nod of approval before making your way down to the beach.
You had spent most of the afternoon with Rosie, only parting ways when it was her dinner time to sneak upstairs and get yourself ready for the bonfire. You’d ended up lingering in the shower, using the luxury soaps and conditioners to your heart's content. You felt pampered and knew you smelled pretty amazing, and hoped that you’d still feel this confident when you faced Frankie again.
You didn’t know what tonight would bring, but you wanted to tell him that you had feelings for him. You were going to keep it simple; admit how you felt, but tell him he owed you nothing, not even a response. You just wanted him to know, and see where it took you–because this tension filled relationship was starting to wear on you, and falling harder and harder for him only meant doing more harm to yourself the more you held it back.
“Hey, Star!”
You startle out of your thoughts, glancing up from watching your feet as you clambered through the sand, to find Benny waving from next to the bonfire. He’s grinning a little manically, and you look around to find Little sitting on a chair nearby, shaking her head at her brother. “Benny, you look like you set the fire with ill-intent, you psycho!” She jokes, and you join in the laughter with the Millers, taking the seat next to Little and thanking Benny when he hands you a drink a moment later.
“I’ve interrupted a sibling gathering, it seems.” You say, smiling at your friend and noting the many empty chairs. Benny and Will are the only others down so far, each of them working on the fire as they chat about a past fight Benny had won and whether he would face the same opponent again.
Little leans back in her seat and answers your unspoken question. “Frankie is putting Rosie to bed, and Santi was on a mission for me to find skittles,” Her head rolls towards you, eyes giving you a head to toe scan and brightening. “You wore the dress.”
“Please don’t make it a big deal. But you were right,” You admit this reluctantly, and Little has the good grace to cover her self-satisfied smile by taking a large drink. “I do like how this one fits. But it doesn’t mean I’m going to start listening to you.”
Little makes an unamused noise, “But you look amazing! Seriously, you’re-”
You cut her off, “I heard you, Little—“
Another voice interjects, this one much deeper, “You do look very beautiful, cariña,” Frankie takes the free seat next to you and gives you a soft, shy smile. You’ve spun to look at him almost comically, your mouth opening and closing as heat floods your cheeks. “That colour suits you.” He adds, but his eyes don’t drop from your face like any other man would—no, he holds your gaze, rubs his neck nervously.
You stare for a long minute, the sincerity in his voice, the way he’s dressed up in nice slacks and a starfish patterned button up shirt, that little smile he’s giving you. You blurt out your one secret in a jumble, not even pausing to take a breath.
“I’ve kidnapped abused dogs when animal control can’t intervene without evidence and given them new homes in other cities and states. The police have warned me away from it but my family is well connected so I’ve only ever gotten a slap on the wrist…they keep it quiet so even my job doesn’t know but I use it to find out about the bad owners.”
Frankie just stares back at you silently, his eyes widening a fraction, firelight dancing over his handsome features. There’s a pause, and then Little moves to stand up, capturing both Frankie and your attention as she does. “So I’m going to go make out with my husband. But don’t forget to mention my badass escape driver skills from years ago, Star. I’ve been wanting to brag about that.”
Little walks over to join Santi where he stands chatting with Benny and Will, snatching a bag of skittles happily from his hands. You look back around at Frankie nervously, relieved to see his shocked expression has been replaced by curiosity. “That’s really…I mean, what you’ve done is incredible, Star. Even if it’s vigilante level,” He smiles now, and you can’t help but feel your lips tug up in response, “And I appreciate you sharing but, well, why?”
You turn to face him more directly and bite your lip as you think of how to respond. Deciding that you might as well keep going with the over-honesty, you say, “Because I really like you, Frankie. And I know you have a lot on your plate, that Rosie is your primary concern and if we—I mean, I just don’t want to add to your stress. And I’m just Little’s friend, I know we’ve gotten close but you don’t have any like loyalty to me if I were to get in trouble again and I know you had the drug charges—“
You cut yourself off, mortified at your words, but Frankie is smiling at you, his eyes soft. At first he doesn’t say anything, his eyes merely search your face. “Let’s go for a walk.” He stands, then offers you a hand to help you up, which you take without looking away. You wish you could read his mind right now, because despite the warmth in his smile you can’t get a read on much else. Nerves bubble away in your stomach; what if he’s about to tell you nicely he just wants to be friends?
But as he starts to walk away from the bonfire, his hand doesn’t drop yours. He holds it as he leads you along the beach. He still holds it when you reach the dock and begin making your way along, the ocean waves surrounding you and silencing the chatter from the bonfire group, the darkness growing. When you’re standing at the end of the dock, he gestures for you to take a seat, and as you do he still doesn’t drop your hand.
The moon isn’t very bright tonight, its glow minimal, but it’s enough to reflect off the water and create enough light to see one another. Your stomach is doing summersaults now, and you think your hand is sweaty so you instinctively grip his a little harder to avoid any slippage that would give you away. “Relax, Cariña” He says softly, and though you offer him a smile you can’t really do much more—the moment feels too significant for relaxing. “Let me say this first—I like you too. A lot. I have for a while.”
You feel your stomach disappear, like you’re dropping over the peak of a rollercoaster. “Oh.”
Frankie chuckles warmly, then drops your hand and instead reaches up to brush some stray hairs back from your face. You have to suppress a shiver and can’t look away from the earnest expression on his handsome face.“Yes, ‘oh’. And you aren’t just Little’s friend, Star. You are a part of our family, everyone here loves you, so please don’t think you’re only here because of her,” His hand falls to take hold of one of yours, resting in your lap. “And if you know about the drug charges, then you know they were dropped and I’ve been clean for a long time. Did you really think I wouldn’t want to be with you because you’ve rescued animals in need from their abusers?”
His eyes are searching your face, narrowed slightly to combat the darkness, and you’re glad he can’t sense the way your cheeks are so flushed you could fry an egg on them. “I don’t know what I thought, really. I just…you are such an amazing man, Frankie. You’re this incredible dad, and you were in the fucking special forces, and I’m a much younger vet tech for an animal rescue. I literally bring home strays all the time, and I could never,” You pause, fishing around for the right way to say this, and Frankie simply sits there patiently, his hand still holding yours. “I could never imagine realistically how we would work. How I could fit into your life.”
When Frankie says your name, his voice is a low timbre that sends a wave of sparks up your spine. You meet his gaze as he continues, “You’re way too hard on yourself, baby,” Your brows shoot up in surprise at his recycling of what you had said to him earlier; heat coils in your stomach, “You realise I’ve been thinking the same way? Wondering how an old man with a kid could ever be what you would want, convincing myself I’m no good for you. Doing the same thing I watched Santi do for years with Little.”
His voice has taken on a new edge, a confidence there you hadn't sensed before. “I want…you to be happy. I want to be happy too, Frankie.” Is all you say, and he nods once, and then his hands are running up your neck and pushing into your hair as he dips his face close to yours, half-lidded eyes a breath away.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yes,” You reply breathlessly, and then Frankie Morales closes that gap and those plush lips seal over yours, finally. It’s perfect and you could cry with joy. He kisses you slowly, deliberate, his hands holding your head steady. Minutes pass and you have to practically gasp for air until he slowly pulls back. You both ignore the cheering you can hear coming from the beach. “Let’s go inside for some privacy.”
He considers you, “I want that. But you need to know that I want to date you, properly, once we get home.”
You tilt your head, smiling, “Oh, I was hoping what happened in Hawaii stayed in Hawaii.” Frankie laughs, and the look of pure adoration on his face is enough to make you turn to jelly. “I want that too, Frankie. I want to do this right.”
You smile at each other like lovesick kids, and then Frankie is helping you to your feet, an arm landing around your shoulders and you begin the walk back. It seems like the longest distance, now that you know you’re going inside to be alone with Frankie, and you know he feels the same–it’s almost a struggle to keep up with his fast pace on your much shorter legs. You’re grateful that everyone is either at the bonfire or relaxing in their own rooms, meeting no one as you slip upstairs together and into the quiet comfort of your room. Frankie locks the door behind you and presses a chaste kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering for a moment as you both ready yourselves for this next part.
“Frankie I–” You pull back slightly, trembling with nerves that you see reflected in his own expression. He gives you a reassuring smile, one large hand swiping your hair back over your shoulder. “I have birth control, and I’m clean. I actually haven’t been with anyone else in a while. Just, well I’ve been so busy and there’s no time for dating and then I met you and–”
Frankie swoops forward and captures your lips against his, stopping you mid-blubber and effectively wiping your mind free of all thoughts. He kissed with a purpose, like a dance that his entire body had to move with; you weren't just entwining your tongues, no his body was pressing to yours, a hand cupping your face and the other steadying you, pressed to your lower back. When your arms settled around his shoulders, you couldn’t resist sinking your fingers into his curls, a low groan of approval your indication that he wanted you to touch him too. It went on like this for ages, still at the door despite the entire room being available to you.
You enjoyed the conflict in the actions; frantic kissing, but no rushing towards the next part. Frankie was taking his time, and you relished in it, happy to spend the rest of the vacation in this very spot, like he was breathing oxygen into your greedy lungs just when you needed it the most. The hand on your back splays somewhat, moving up to better hold you and you can’t help the little whimper you breathe, because he’s so much bigger than you and you feel small and safe, but also incredibly turned on. It’s this that nudges him forward, only one step. He presses you harder against him and grounds his hips slightly.
You feel the hardness of him against your stomach, and your thighs clench wickedly in response. Entirely without thought, you begin to unbutton his shirt, making quick work and then lightly trailing your fingers down, stopping short at his stomach. Not by choice, but because the second you got that low, Frankie let out a snarl against your lips before his hands moved suddenly to grip the flesh of your ass. “You are so goddamn sexy, mi amor,” He sighs, his forehead pressed to yours, and you smile at him–you’re surprised he went for your ass, his hands still massaging over the fabric of your dress, a hunger glinting in his eyes.
You thought he’d go straight for your chest and forget the rest of you. You worried that even though you wanted his attention, for him to take you in every way, that he could end up like the rest and focus on your largest insecurity. Instead, he’s looking at you like you alone hung the moon, and that he’s the lucky one getting to touch you. “Frankie, please.” It’s a whispered plea that seems to awaken something in the man before you.
His entire body reacts, and you can only gasp when the world suddenly spins because he’s lifted you–tossing you gently onto the bed.
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Frankie couldn’t stand it, how perfect you were yet how insecure. The fear that was etched in lines along your otherwise youthful complexion. He knew you, understood what you thought he would do, and he was determined to show you how a man could worship every inch of you properly. “Yes, baby, what do you need?” His voice is low, dripping with honey as he runs his hands up the backs of your thighs, pushing your dress up as he does. You respond with a little mewl that makes his rock hard cock twitch, and he has to unzip his pants to give himself some reprieve from the pressure. “I’ll do anything you want–walking around with this perfect body, you think I haven’t wanted to taste every inch?”
You moan aloud now, head turning to peer at him over your shoulder. Your eyes are wide, pupils blown with desire, and he can’t help but growl at the sight of you on your stomach, legs splayed and trembling for him. “Anything. Please, do anything…” You gasp, and he gives you a wicked smile before running his fingers over your panties, using one hand to tug them aside, and then he dives forward and licks you where you need him most.
The sound that escapes you is half-tortured, half-hysterical. He doesn’t relent, feasting on you like a last meal, his fingers gently prodding and pressing to ready you for his cock. He can tell you’re tight, and he doesn’t want to cause you even a moment of discomfort. Though you continue to make noise for him, it takes him a few minutes to get everything right, maximising your pleasure as he learns what you like. He can feel your legs are tense, and lifts his head slightly to peer over the curve of your ass. You have your head to the side, pressed into the mattress with your eyes tightly shut.
Frankie grunts in dismay, “No baby, you have to relax for me, that’s it, I’m not going to stop. You need to cum, alright?” He waits for you to nod and for your body to loosen, and he gives a cheek a reassuring squeeze. “Good girl.”
He feels you tighten around his fingers at the praise and makes a mental note before surging back in, licking and tasting your cunt until you’re quivering on the edge. When he senses you there, he nudges his nose through your folds and sucks at your clit, from there it’s only a second before you jerk with your orgasm. “Ohohoh!” You sigh, hands fisting the sheets, ass rocking as you pull the most pleasure from him. Frankie helps you over the edge and then eases you back down, gently kissing your inner thighs.
“So good, baby,” He murmurs, moving to his hands and knees and pressing kisses up your back, dragging your dress the rest of the way. You help him, limbs slightly shaky, and toss the dress over the side of the bed, where he also throws your underwear and his own remaining clothing. “You doing alright, mi amor?” Frankie reaches up and turns you on your back, his eyes searching your face for any sign of wanting to stop.
You lock gazes with him for a long moment and an emotion flashes over your expression, halting him. “You can look…you can touch me, Frankie. I want you to.” You say, half gesturing at your chest. And he looks now, at those perfect tits you hide behind cardigans and too-big sweaters, knowing full well that men have mistreated you in the past because of them, not meeting your eyes when you wanted them to. He scoots forward, surprisingly at ease with your eyes drifting over his naked form, the hard length of him standing proud, scars long healed from his days in combat now available for you to drink in.
“I want you to know that these are perfect,” He replies, hands trailing over your nipples, “Everything about you is. Eres tan encantadora…” He lowers his head and licks over one, then moves to the other, his eyes on your face. “I am going to fuck you all night.” He adds, and you swallow thickly, mouth slightly open as you watch him press his lips between your tits, then trail his tongue up, stopping at the column of your neck.
He positions his body over yours, careful that his cock rests near enough to your core to tease you, and you open your legs wider, inviting him as close as possible. “My body has always been mine,” Your voice is soft, the tone openly vulnerable, “It always will be, I’ve learned that. But I want you to take me, Frankie, make me yours too. I trust you.”
His heart almost stops in his chest, and he adjusts his position so that he can trace one hand over your cheek, “Mi amor, I belong to you, it’s you who takes me.” He doesn’t look away, simply adjusts himself with his free hand and slides himself through your soaked folds, then grips your hip as he sheaths himself fully inside of you. “Oh fuck.” He grunts, his head dropping now to the crook of your neck as the velvet warmth of you overwhelms him.
“Frankie, fuck,” Eyes closed, you arch for him, legs circling his waist to pull him deeper. “So big, ah!”
“That’s it baby, take what you need,” He groans in your ear, thrusting slowly as you get used to his size. When you drag his face to your, hands gripping his hair almost roughly, and kiss him again, he could drown in the feeling. It’s more erotic than earlier, the kisses now nearly aggressive with need, each of you pulling for dominance in a lust-filled game. It’s a short while later that your hips begin to move to meet his slow thrusts, a sign that you want more.
Frankie has always been good at sex–hot nights in the middle of the jungle lead to quick, passion-filled encounters once back in town with women he didn’t even know the name of. He never paid for sex, it was always consensual, women picked up at bars, and then with Elena it was always fast. She liked to take what she needed, then finish him off and leave the cuddling for the actors in movies.
But tonight he was truly making love for the first time in his life. His body felt connected to yours, like you were echoing one another's pleasure, wanting the most for the other person. He wants you in every way and finds himself so entirely involved–like he can hear every thought in your head, guess your every need. When you let out a small whine, he can’t help but laugh against your lips, and then he’s moving and pulling you with him, delighting in the sound you make when he’s got you seated on his cock, his back against the headboard.
“That’s…wow, you’re deep Frankie,” You can barely speak, and he’s so fully entwined with you now that he can’t do more than groan in pleasure and help you begin to move on his cock, the wet sounds of your bodies no match for the noises you can pull from each other.
The world melts away in that room, hours passing as you passionately fuck, and he holds himself back from cumming, loving the way you try to do the same and fail several times. You cum like you have a secret, and he is more than happy to make it happen again and again. He puts his hands everywhere but your injury, careful to avoid the bandage, and makes notes of the places that make your eyes roll. And as time goes on, you begin to become cock-drunk, slowly revealing a more demanding part of yourself–first, you start by telling him to go harder or faster, then the dirty talk begins, and now he’s sure you aren’t going to let him bring you over the edge again alone.
There’s a note of desperation in your voice, paired perfectly with the whimpers as he fucks you from behind, one hand on your hip and the other wrapped in your hair. “Where do you want to cum, Frankie? Inside me? All over my ass?” You toss him a look over your shoulder, nearly feral and the desire to slam deep and cum inside of you is there, but he holds back. “No no, I want to taste you. Let me get down on my knees for you.”
Frankie almost cums, he really does. It’s close, and he has to rip himself back and grip the base of his cock hard–all the while you turn on the bed and grin at him in victory. “Fuck baby, you almost made me cum,” He groans, then watches in complete shock as you climb off the bed and get down on your knees next to it. You part your legs slightly, one hand dipping down to rub your clit, the other pushing your hair behind your shoulders.
“Come here, Frankie,” The most delicious demand he'd ever heard. He’s a little shaky as he gets off the bed and moves to stand tall over you. He still grips himself, wondering if he can get away with lifting you back on the bed–but you sense his plan and tilt your head back, “Please, I need your cum–”
Frankie grunts, one hand shooting out to grip your hair–he’s gentle, but you only grin wider and open your mouth. “You little–oh fuck–” He can’t stop himself, because you tremble and he sees that you begin to cum on your fingers, feels how his hand is half the reason you’re still sitting upright. He cuts off in a guttural moan and fists his hand over his cock, and then he’s giving you exactly what you wanted.
You make happy noises as he comes across your lips, then again down your chin and over those perky tits. He hears himself moaning, but he loses the rest as he watches you lick your lips, then surge forward and take the tip of him into your eager little mouth. He didn’t think he had anymore left in him, but he’s shooting down your throat now and it’s all he can do to keep standing. He finally pulls you back, spent, and almost starts cumming again at the sight of you covered in his cum, breathless from swallowing around his cock.
“Mi amor,” He growls, recovering enough to bend down and pick you up, placing you back onto the bed and then falling to lay next to you. It takes several moments to catch your breaths. “Are you alright? Do you need anything?” He asks you eventually, rolling onto his side to survey you with concern.
You give a little laugh, “Am I okay? No, I’ll never be okay again after that, Frankie Morales. That was the best sex I’ve ever had,” You say, and he blushes at the compliment, a surge of pride making the slight pain in his back dull. “How was that for you?”
There’s an edge of uncertainty he immediately works to dispel, first kissing you gently before pulling back with a warm smile. “I will remember this night for the rest of my life. You are amazing,” He takes one of your hands in his, “The best night of my life was the night Rosie was born. Nothing has ever come close, and I thought that was it for me–my happiness is Rosie, and that alone was more than I deserved. She is more than I deserve,” Frankie speaks slowly, ensuring that you hear every word, “I never thought that–even if I did admit how I feel about you, Star–that you would feel the same. You are the best person I have ever been lucky enough to know, and this night was…it’s the only one that has ever brought me as much happiness as that night Ro was born. I don’t know if I even deserve this, but I want a million more nights with you, mi amor.”
He then drops his gaze to rake slowly down every curve of your body, placing his fingers where he came on your chest as he tries to convey how he feels for you. When you shiver, he knows he’s on the mark, and he smiles at you for a long time when he looks back into your eyes.
“I think I just fell in love with you, Frankie Morales.” His heart swells with emotion and you shift closer, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
“Welcome to my world,” He replies, your name intimate on his tongue. “Now let me take care of cleaning you up, I’m sure I can get you to cum a few more times…”
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Frankie woke with a start, his head jerking up from the pillow as he clocked the sound of Rosie’s early morning whimpers. He’s confused at first, because she had stayed with Little and Santi the evening before, but when he finds where the noise is coming from, he is swept by that feeling he kept experiencing the night before.
You stand a few feet from the door, having just returned to the room with Rosie, wrapped in one of the provided robes. You have her head tucked under your chin and you're speaking softly, soothing words with no real meaning to keep her calm. The golden sun streams through the shutters that were never fully closed the night before, and though he aches all over from making love to you for hours, he really never has been happier in his life.
The woman he loves, holding his child, comforting her without hesitation. You must have woken before him and realised that Rosie hadn’t seen him since the night before, gone to find her while he continued to snooze. He watches you quietly, drinking in the way you run your fingers through her hair, press soft kisses to the crown, and appear entirely at ease. It isn’t until you begin to climb back into bed that you finally look at Frankie, and you pause in surprise when you see him awake.
“Oh no, I woke you, sorry Frankie,” You say quietly, but all he does is shake his head and reach toward you. You make to pass Rosie to him, but he shakes his head abruptly and you slide closer, a small smile appearing now, and snuggle as close as possible with the sleeping toddler between you. When you’ve settled comfortably, Rosie content in the middle, you lay your head on his pillow and sigh happily.
Frankie settles one hand over Rosie where it joins yours, and runs the other across your cheek, “I could get used to this, mi amor,” He admits, and you nod in agreement, eyes twinkling with happiness he feels as well, right to his core. “Thank you.”
You frown slightly, “For what?”
“For loving me, I suppose.”
The frown softens, kind eyes filled with emotion as you reach for him, pressing a soft kiss to his nose, “Frankie, you are so easy to love.”
And even after so many years feeling the opposite, of doubting himself because of who he is and what he’s done, Frankie believes you. He believes that you love him, that’s it’s easy for you because you were always meant to be his. And truly, Frankie knows he has always belonged to you.
Please consider commenting and reblogging if you enjoyed this story 💙 YOUR FEEDBACK IS GOLDEN!!!
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Obey Me + Jealousy
prompt: The Demon Brothers don’t like that you’re spending time with your best friend in the human world. Loosely based off this prompt done previously.
It had been a long time since you had been up to the human world. Even longer since you had seen your best friend. You were so excited to see them! Laughing. Telling old inside stories. Catching up on gossip.
Although you were having a great time in the human world, your escort for the day did not seem to be enjoying all your world had to offer.
In order to get ‘top side’ Lucifer had to come with you. He was the only one able to open the portal there and back, and insisted on coming with you to keep you safe. You felt the need to remind him that the Devildom was the actual dangerous place, but it would take longer than just letting him come.
Now you kind of wish you had taken the time to argue. He was really being a major downer the whole day.
“Are you ok? You seem irritated.” Or, well, more irritated than usual.
“No. I’m fine.” Lucifer replied. Although not lending any credibility to the statement. “I’m just thinking of all the more useful things I could be doing with my time.”
You frown at his flip comment. “If you don’t want to be here, then you can leave. No one is making you stay here.”
“Fine. Since you seem so entertained by your little friend to pay any attention to me, perhaps it is best if I do head home.”
You blink a little at Lucifer’s statement. It was cold, and once again flip, as usual. But you were surprised he mentioned your friend. “Lucifer, are you jealous I’m spending time with them?”
The demon rebuttaled with a surprised look before he frowned at you. “I am not jealous.”
“Really? Cause it seems like your-“I am not jealous!” He repeated, louder and sterner this time. He let that moment linger there before he sighed and looked away with his arms cross. “I am….perhaps irritated to be ignored.”
‘Right, so, totally jealous.’ You think to yourself. But have the good sense to keep that thought to yourself alone. You suppose you could see where he was coming from. It’s hard to be the odd man out when you and your friends get together. Being so proud and prominent in the demon world, this is probably the first time it had happened to Lucifer.
“I’m sorry if you’re feeling left out. I’ll try to be more inclusive.”
“No. You’re right.” Lucifer remarked. Finally looking back at you with a much softer expression. “It’s foolish of me to think I can take all of your time. You deserve some moments of your own. I shouldn’t have intruded.” His hand reached out to cup your cheek, while offering you the faintest of smiles. “I will leave, but not because I’m angry. I want you to spend time with your friend and enjoy it, which would be best when I’m not around. Just call me when you’re ready to come home and I’ll come fetch you.” He released your cheek and took a step back. Smiling at you again before he disappeared.
You wonder, briefly, if he could feel your heart swelling with pride after you left. To think a small human like you could make the great Lucifer jealous.
There were a lot of things you loved about Mammon.
His spontaneity. His zest for life. How nothing ever seemed to get him down for too long.
However, it was hard to remember all those good qualities when he was behaving so poorly all day.
“Mammon! Can you knock it off?!”
“What?! I’m just standing here. I’m not good enough at standing here for ya now!” The demon barked back. Not matching your whisper tone at all.
“That’s not what I said, and you know it. You’ve been a jerk all day and I’d like you to cut it out.”
“Oh, so now I’m a jerk! Well sorry sweetheart but I’m a demon. We’re not ‘upposed to be nice and friendly all the time. Sometimes we get ta be jerks!”
“Good lord, say it a little bit louder Mammon!” You hiss back at him letting practically the whole world, or at least this park, know he was a demon.
Mammon tsked his teeth and turned away from you. “Can’t do anything right.” He muttered. “Why don’t you go hang out with your friend then, if I’m such a jerk? You two seem ta be having a grand ol’ time on your own with me here. Shouldn’t make much of a difference if I’m gone.” He said before crossing his arms in a huff.
“Is that what this is about?” You ask. Ignoring his little out burst (because when he gets this way it’s just best to ignore him). “You’re mad that I’m spending time with my friend and not you?”
“No!” Yes. Totally yes.
“Mammon are you jealous?”
The demon floundered comically at the question, his mouth opening & closing like a fish as he tried to find words, before he answered. “I am not jealous!!” Great come back. “The Great Mammon does not get jealous! Ya hear! I’m just pissed because you’re spending all this time with them when I’m the one who schlepped all the way up here for ya, and used my connections to get us top side!” He turned away again and recrossed his arms. Then he muttered under his breath, “it was just supposed to be you and me today, for once.”
A sigh left you lips, and you step closer to Mammon to place your hand on his arm. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin your plans. I was just excited to see my friend. It’s been so long. Plus I wanted you to meet them so I can show you off. You are my first after all.”
Those blue gold eyes got a little wide, and Mammon blushed, before he gulped once and refocused himself. “Y-Y-Yeah! Of course. Ya should be proud to show me off. It’s not everyone who gets to be seen with an all-powerful demon like me. If anyone is ‘jealous’ it should be everyone else for not having the Great Mammon by their side!”
“Of course,” you agree with a giggle. Before you lean up and give him a kiss on the cheek. “I’m lucky to have you.”
“D-Don’t ya forget it!”
“Hey, [Y/N]-chan, I think I’m gonna head home.”
You look up from your soda at Levi, who was fidgeting beside you after he spoke. “What? Why? I thought you were having fun.”
“Yeah, no. No I mean….you seem like your having fun with your friend so I don’t want to bother you. 3 is a crowd.”
“Levi, that’s not true. You’re not bothering us. I just wanted to spend sometime with my bff while we’re in town.”
“No. I get it. Who would want to hang out with a crummy otaku like me.”
“Levi, that’s not what I said. I do want to hang out with you!”
“But you have your normie friend.” Levi looked past you at the friend in question. “Look at them. Being out, talking to people like a regular person. I can never do that. You should go on without me and leave me here. You seem much happier with them anyway.”
“Levi…come on. That isn’t—” Your train of thought stops itself as it came to a sudden, and abrupt realization. “Levi, are you jealous?”
The blue haired demon responded with his trademark ‘eehhh??’ at the question, and quickly covered his face with is arm. “O-O-Of course not!” He exclaimed. Barely hiding the blush on his cheeks. “Who would be jealous of a normie?? I just I…I mean you…Y-You seem so happy with them [Y/N]-chan. A sad otaku like me can never make you that happy. So it’s just bumming me out!”
You offer Levi a soft smile, then move to squat down in front of him. “True. I am happy when I hang out with my friends. But I’m happy when I hang out with you too. No one can gush about anime with me like you can.” You reassure him. He was the Avatar of Envy after all. What did you expect?
The demon slowly poked his head out from under his arm. “Really?”
“Of course. It’s…not really a side of myself I get to show to people. They think I’m weird. But with you, I can be that part of myself. That’s the part that you have Levi.”
His face turned bright red all over again, and Levi sat there for a moment before he quickly shook his head. “D-Don’t say stuff like that [Y/N]-chan! Don’t make me fall for your normie trap!”
You giggle and stand up again to offer Levi your hand. “Come on. Lets find something we can all do together. The Cineplex is playing some old action movies we can go and make fun of.”
“Oooo! Which ones??”
The distraction of old movies to riff on, and for Levi to share all his in-depth knowledge on, was a welcome alternative for the afternoon. He even had a spirited debate with your best friend on the concepts of CGI graphics vs old school ‘cut & paste’ cinematography. Crisis on planet Earth avoided.
It was always fun to come back to the human world. Especially with Satan.
Not that you didn’t enjoy spending time with the others, but most of them could be a little....energetic. It was nice to spend a calm afternoon with the 4th brother alone for a change.
You both had stopped in a local coffee shop you loved when you ran into an old friend. You hadn't seen them in so long that you got to talking and eventually invited them to join your table. Where you had been laughing and having a grand time for a while now.
Or so you thought.
Satan hadn’t said a word the whole time you were at the table. Which was necessarily odd. He wasn’t a big talker like some of his brothers. However, you could tell that something was wrong with the way he kept stirring his cup, or how his jaw clenched ever now and then before releasing. His movements subtle, as always.
“I’m gonna get another cup. You want anything?” Your friend asked as they got up from the table, to which both of you motioned no.
“Can we go now.” Your head turned back to Satan at his cool words. “We were supposed to go to the bookstore.”
“We still have time to go to the bookstore.” You tell him. “It doesn’t close until a while from now.”
“Yes. But we agreed to be there at 1:00, and now it’s 1:30. That’s not the way this day was supposed to go.” The blonde replied. Fidgeting with his cup to try and align it perfectly on the saucer. “This day was supposed to be just you and I.”
You blink a little at Satan’s response. Initially thinking that he was miffed about the time. Now, however, you weren’t so sure. “Satan, are you jealous that I paused our date to hang out with my friend?”
The demon sat up straighter; though how you could be sure. Then he frowned. “I am not jealous.”
“No. I get it. It’s hard to be in a group if they have a lot of inside jokes. It’s ok if--“I am not jealous!” He shout. His fist slamming on the table, rattling the frail wood and cups. Alerting everyone in the shop to your conversation.
Satan hissed through his teeth and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Alright. Fine. I am jealous. We so rarely get time away from those idiots, and I was really looking forward to the bookstore with you. Now you have someone else tagging along. Is it so awful to be alone with me?”
Your heart sank a little at that. Was that really how Satan felt? “I’m sorry. That wasn’t my intention. I just wanted to catch up with my friend for a bit since I haven’t seen them in a while. I didn’t mean to disrupt our date.” The demon blinked a few times at the word ‘date’ then blushed. Muttering about how it wasn’t like that, that he was being unreasonable, that it was all fine. Still, you smile and offer to him, “let me tell them goodbye and we’ll go to the bookstore. If we leave now, we can also stop by the pet store and play with the cats if you’d like.”
Satan fidgeted in his chair. Cheek’s still a stark pink against his blonde hair. “I....would like that.”
It was a beautiful day in the human world, and you were so excited to be home.
Being able to spend the day in your home town, with your best friend, shopping and just playing around was the best way to spend an afternoon. Who could be sad at a day like this?
“[Y/NNNNNNNN],” Asmo whined. The usually bubbly demon dragging his shopping bags behind him as he pouted behind you. “Can’t we stop for now”
“Really Asmo? You’re usually much more of a marathon shopper.”
“It’s too hot.” He quipped back. Now with more of a frown than a pout. “This humidity is wreaking havoc on my hair.”
“Why don’t I get us something cool to drink?” Your BFF suggested. Trying to stay positive all afternoon, and pretending that they didn’t hear Asmo’s bitter ‘yeah why don’t you do that’ as they took off and he sat down.
“Asmodeus,” you hiss when you were alone. “Who can you be so rude to them? What is wrong with you today?!”
“It’s not my fault!” Asmo snapped back. Looking wounded but also scratching at his chest where his pact mark was to let you know that he knew he messed up. “This was supposed to be a day for you and me! They’re the one that but in!”
“No. You did. I told you I was going top side for a while to hang out with my friend, and you invited yourself along. So now you’re ruining everyone’s day with this behavior. I really don’t get you.”
Asmo stopped scratching at his chest and pouted for real this time.
“I don’t like seeing you with them.” He confessed. “I don’t like seeing you with anyone. Your smile….it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I wanted to come along with you today because I wanted to see your smile. But seeing you happy with someone else is the worst! I don’t even care about any of this anymore. Not even my new shoes.” His foot kicked at his bag sullenly. Asmo must really be upset. “I want to go home and forget all about the human world. I want you to come home with me!”
You listen for a while before you make a confession of your own. “You’re jealous, aren’t you.” It was plain as day now. Or at least now that you realized he wasn’t just being a brat to be a brat.
Asmo turned and glared at you slightly. “Green is not my color.” He insisted before turning away in a huff.
You chuckle, then sit down beside him on the bench. “I think you look good in any color.” You tell him. Softening the demon up. “You know I care about you Asmo. But me being with my friends doesn’t mean I care about you any less. And that’s no reason to be so ugly to them. You need to apologize.”
The demon winced at the word ‘ugly’, but did seem to agree that he needed to turn this around.
When your friend came back, he quickly apologized. Blaming jet lag, or some other ridiculous believable excuse. It didn’t really matter when he turned on the charm. Gods help him if he ever set his mind to something.
He was stress eating. You could tell.
Although Beel was still shoveling food into his mouth with his usual speed and gusto, by now you could tell the difference in his eating habits. Like when he was just bored and there was food around, or when he was really hungry for something, or when he was excited to try something new. Right now, he wasn’t enjoying what he was eating. Even when he was bored or just eating to eat, Beel always seemed to enjoy it. Even if it was just a vending machine’s worth of junk.
Right now it just looked like he was doing it to take his mind off something.
“Beel? Is something wrong?” You ask softly. Still getting his attention though, and causing him to stop.
“No. Nothing ’s wrong.” He replied. His voice unusually sullen as he wiped his mouth. You knew something was wrong now. He never sounded said when he was eating. Now something was double wrong because he was lying to you.
“…I don’t like your friend…” He finally confessed after a moment and long bout of staring.
You blink in surprise at his answer. Not expecting that at all. You’ve never heard Beel say a mean word about anyone before. Let alone not liking a person. “You don’t like my friend? Why? Did they do something wrong?”
“It’s not that. I just….don’t like how you are when you’re with them.” He said. Picking at the various candy wrappers he’d left littered on the table. “You seem happy.”
“Of course I’m happy. They’re my friend. I haven’t seen them in a long time, so I miss them.”
Beel flinched a little. “I know….” He seemed to be feeling bad about this now. “And I want you to be happy. I know the human world is your first home. But I’m scared that….if you like it here so much and them, that you’ll leave us again. When you’re not around it’s like this big whole in my stomach and I can’t fill it up.” His stomach growled in protest, or agreement, at his words, and Beel went back to stress eating his vending machine contents again.
Your gaze softened as you finally understood. He was jealous. He thought your friend was going to ‘take you away’ and leave him alone. That of course was silly because you’d never leave him, or the others, ever if you could help it.
You reach out your hand to stop his arm from lifting another fist full of chips to his mouth. Causing him to pause, with his mouth open, and look at you. “All this junk can’t be good for you.” You announce as you stop up from the park table suddenly. “Why don’t I take you to my favorite restaurant in town? My friend used to work there, so I’m sure we’ll get a great table and lots of yummy stuff on the house if we go.”
Beel’s eyes sparkled at the proposition. “Really??”
You giggle. The way to a man’s heart was through his stomach you suppose. Because after this, and a few unlimited fry baskets later, he and your friend were besties for life as well.
"[Y/N], I wanna go home."
"Home?" You ask. "But we just got here." You’d only arrived at the park to meet your friend a few hours ago, and had only just started hanging out.
"Well I'm tired.” Belphie muttered.
“Aren’t you always kind of tired?” You ask, as a joke, but it doesn’t seem well received.
Belphie’s frown deepens, and he even lets out an annoyed little growl, before he turns on his heels to walk away. “Belphie! Where are you going?”
“You nap under that tree.” He announced. But doesn’t seem as thrilled as he normally is about the prospect. Napping under trees was like his third favorite nap spot. “You won’t let me go home, so I’m just going to stay there while you hang out with your friend. You won’t miss me anyway.”
The last part of his statement was muttered under his breath, but you still heard it. Was that what he was being so moody about?
“Belphie? Are you jealous I’m hanging out with my friend?”
“Yes.” He replied. Rather quickly considering, with only a moment to scuff the tip of his shoes. “I don’t like that you’re spending time with them and not me. I don’t like being ignored.”
“I’m not ‘ignoring you’.” You tell him. “I’m just hanging out with my friend for a while. I haven’t seen them in a long time. They’ve probably been lonely too.”
Belphegor huffed again and sagged his shoulders. You know you got him.
Belphie might be kind of selfish sometimes, but there was one thing he could empathize with: being alone. He was cast aside and locked out, partially of his own doing, for a long time. So he didn’t want anyone else to feel that way.
“I just don’t like the idea that you like them better than me.”
“I don’t.” You assure him. Stepping in to give him a peck on the cheek, which he adorably flinches at. “I love you both. Differently, but equal. Why don’t we think of something we can all do together then, hm?”
“I’m kind of committed to this nap-tree-idea-thing.” The demon confessed. You have to giggle.
You all don’t nap, but your friend agree to get some ice creams from a vendor in the park and sit under the tree to enjoy them while Belphie napped. It was a remarkably pleasant afternoon. You were glad you got to share it with Belphie.
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bots-and-cons · 3 years
K, so I was just bawling my eyes out so kinda angsty but very stereotipical idea. Reader is a dead teen(miko's age), they ask the bots for help to lay down and rest, in the process they become friends, so after various months,a year maybe. They find the missing item, a thing she was attached to in life, put it in the top of her grave in the forest(who is covered with forget-me-not flowers) and she finds also her ghost dog who is waiting for her and she is all like: "Hey pal, do you think mom is waiting for us? She will be mad we got late again" and vanishes while walking away. Headcannons for Optimus, Ratchet and Bulkhead. Pls
I freaking love this, this is such a great request and I love that it makes me kinda sad. I kinda made this so it was in the same au as the grim reaper stuff, so I tagged this with the reaper au tag as well. I’ve been watching Supernatural, so I kinda used the ghost trope from that with this, also only the Optimus one went like you wanted, but I like them anyway
•You just kinda started appearing at the base, first it was just a glimpse in the corner of his optic or slight footsteps echoing behind him when there was no one else around
•You were pretty lost when you first started appearing, you didn’t know where you were or what had happened to you
•When you started to remember you were dead, you started appearing more frequently and one day you gathered the courage to ask Bulk for help
•You appeared before him when he was alone and explained your situation, Bulk was like “What?” and brings you to see the rest of the team, hoping they might have some idea on how to help you
•None of the other bots really know how to react or what to do, so Miko and Bulk start doing some research with the assistance of Raf
•You’re thankful for the help and you disappear somewhere for a while again, before appearing in front of them again
•Miko finds out the whole “being tethered to an object thing” and everyone starts turning the base upside down to find something you could be attached to
•No one finds anything for months, and you just have to adjust to living at the base, because the object is the and you can’t leave
•Eventually it turns out one of your parents worked at the base when it was still used by the military and Miko finds something of yours in one of the lockers, that your parent had kept after you passed
•When Miko shows it to you, you know right away that “this is it” and now it’s just upto them to find out where you’re buried
•You had forged a good relationship with Bulk especially, and he comforted you a lot when you were having some existential crisis about being a ghost, and never being able to move forward
•The rest of the team decided to let you pass on in peace, so Bulk and Miko were the only ones there when they placed the item on your grave
•You disappear with tears in your eyes and waving at them as you walk away from them
~Optimus Prime~
•He started hearing crying and whispers at the base, and he didn't really know what to think of it
•Miko of course was the first one to suggest the base was haunted
•Optimus didn't really take her seriously, but oh boy was he wrong not to
•When you first appear, your presence is pretty unstable, because you've died recently and have no idea what you're doing with the whole ghost thing
•Optimus learns how to sense when you're in the room and stuff like that
•When you first appear and start talking to him he is trying to stay very calm but in his head he's like "dear Primus what is happening?"
•He is tired, he is stressed, and he doesn't even really mind that you're a ghost
•What does bother him, is that you seem to grow more restless with each passing day, you want to be put to rest, you want to see your passed loved ones again and you're tired of feeling so alone
•Optimus does his best to help you find what you're tethered to and when he eventually manages that
•When you tell him where you're buried, he goes there, and places the stuffed dog toy on the grave
•A ghost dog appears, startling him a bit when it woofs at you and you pet it
•”Mom is gonna be mad at us for being so late again, huh?”
•You disappear with a wave and a thank you
•Optimus feels oddly relieved and kinda sad that you're gone, but in the end he is happy you've moved on
•Ratchet thought he was finally losing the last of his neural network, because he was hearing and seeing things
•But it ended up being you, a ghost, which didn’t really make him feel any more sane
•When you appear on his shoulder or hand, he almost falls on his aft because you surprised him pretty badly
•He asks Raf if humans have the ability to just appear and disappear like that, even though he already knows they don’t
•When you start talking as a disembodied voice, that’s also pretty freaky, but that’s just because you don’t know how to make yourself appear for long times yet
•But when you learn how to and you’re able to properly communicate, you tell him what’s going on
•You tell him there is something in the base that’s keeping you there, even though you don’t know what it is or where it is
•Ratchet helps you find the item and brings it to your burial site
•You appear again and there is like this deep sigh, but it’s not coming from you, it’s more like in the air around you
•There is this calm feeling that comes over Ratchet as well when you disappear into a mist
•You’re crying and a faint “thank you” hangs in the air after you’re gone
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welcomethefears · 3 years
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It wasn’t as if you had meant to end up outside his dorm room after his stupidly early bedtime of 8pm, but the tears streaming down your cheeks combined with the noiseless dorm building were hopefully excuse enough. Not sleeping had taken it’s toll on your body, the constant shaking of your hands as you fruitlessly tried to wipe away made the sobs rack your entire being even harder now that you were trying to stifle your emotions. Your arm tensed multiple times are your brain’s battle raged on, could you really knock on his door? Would you really wake the Pomeranian up from his beauty sleep? Breathing in as deeply as you could, yet disturbed by the shakiness of each inhale, your (e/c) eyes tried to glance around the hallway in order to calm yourself down. Your bare feet on the floor were cold, your toes almost frozen solid. Your oversized hoodie only just covered your legs, and it was almost as if cartoon shiver lines could literally be seen surrounding you. The hallway lights had been off for a while now, and the windows let in large amounts of moonlight. Yet despite all that, the emptiness and stillness of everything around you seemed to crush you. You were so utterly alone, not even the world cared to move for you while you went through this crisis.
And it hurt.
It hurt so badly, the thought that no one even bothered with you when everything felt as if it was crumbling around you. Why were you so stupid to think that he, of all people, would care about someone as worthless as you? The tears started to fall harder, and you could taste the saltiness overwhelm your mouth. With shaky steps you tried to turn away from the dorm, to go back to own and suffer in silence. You thought it was what you deserved, you thought that it was what someone as horrid as you needed.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Asked a gruff voice as your felt calloused fingers grip your shaking wrist. Turning quickly, your (e/c) eyes caught his red ones, red eyes that were tired and narrowed at the same time. Bakugou was staring you down, his hand still clutching your wrist, but surprisingly it was a hold softer than you thought he was capable.
“How’d you know I was here?” You sniffled out, using your other hand to rub at your leaking eyes once again. Bakugou simply rolled his eyes at this as he pulled you quietly into his room, letting you walk in as far as you wanted.
“Your 10 text messages and 3 phone calls woke me up. You’re also horrible at keeping your damn voice down,” He replied gruffly as he shut his door as softly as possible. You couldn’t do anything but stand there and watch him stiffly move to face you, his arms bulging out of his singlet top. You were frozen to the spot now that you processed what was happening. Here you were, your cheeks tear stained and face red, standing in not only a boy’s dorm room, but your crush’s dorm room. His blonde hair seemed almost spikier than it usually was, and as you quickly tried to stop your eyes from connecting, you noticed him cock his head to the side as he often did.
“You really are an idiot aren’t you (n/n)-chan?” Bakugou huffed with a shake of his head, walking straight past you to sit on the edge of his bed. Bakugou watched as you remained glued to your spot, almost frozen in your movements if it wasn’t for the tears running down your face, and muffled sobs shaking your body. Not that you could see, but a frown overtook his own face at your near silent whimpers. Your normally (s/c) skin was dull, and your entire form looked as if it were about to fold in on itself. With a roll of his eyes, he once again softly grabbed your wrist and pulled you down to sit beside him, his own hands coming up to hold yours lightly.
“I’m here (n/n)-chan, what do you need to talk about?” He asked with a grumble and yet you knew. You knew this was the height of vulnerability for him. You had been friends since you had both started at UA surprisingly, and while you had no clue why he liked you, it was clear to Bakugou that there was just something about you. Something that made him a little more sociable. Hell, if it weren’t for your connection, he was certain that he wouldn’t be hanging out with shitty hair or the other bozos in his supposed squad.
“I feel… so worthless Katsuki. I… I don’t know why I’m even here at this school. I’m so useless Katsuki, and no one seems to realise it,” You sobbed, the lump in your throat letting way to more harsh cries. His grip tightened subconsciously on your hands, as he watched your face carefully. Unfortunately, this wasn’t an entirely new experience. He had been woken up by your non-stop calls before you’d moved into dorms, your sobs filled with self-doubt and unfortunately self-hate. He listened as you relentlessly sobbed and split your anxiety ridden guts to him, his thumbs lightly rubbing your thumbs in comfort.
“And I just feel like, everyone should hate me. I’m so horrible and they don’t realize it,” You cried out, your head dropping as your (h/c) hair fell in front of your face.
“You’re not.” Bakugou stated plainly, and although his red eyes were still narrowed, there was a determination in them. He didn’t hate doing this, if anything, deep down his angry little heart, he felt warm in the cheeks at the thought that you had chosen him to trust. You trusted him with your fears and innermost thoughts. But he did hate that you thought of yourself like this.
“But I am. All I do is annoy people, including you. Right now, for example, I’m annoying you,” You wept.
“No, you’re not. (n/n)-chan, you need to tell your lying ass stupid brain to shut the hell the up,” Bakugou replied, finally catching your eye as you brought your head up.
“It’s wrong, it’s telling you lies and to be honest you need to beat it the hell up,” Bakugou told you completely seriously, and you couldn’t help but laugh almost pitifully at his words. He raised a blonde eyebrow at your reaction, before a small smile barely overtook his face.
“No, you’re right. I need to use my quirk to beat my stupid brain into ground for lying to me,” You smiled, your tears finally subsiding as your breathing calmed. Bakugou let out a sigh of relief at this, and felt the tension leave his shoulders.
“You’re right about that. (y/n), you know that people care about you. Shitty hair, dumb Pikachu, even acid chick and flat face,” He huffed, before finally turning his face away from yours. You watched him carefully as a red blush overtook his face.
“And of course, I care about you as well idiot. More than those dumbasses do,” He almost whispered, but of course he made it loud enough so that you could hear. Although it was almost a confession, he knew you needed to hear it right now. He knew you needed reassurance that you were likeable, but he hadn’t realised just how much effect hearing the person you like tell you they care about you can have. Your face flushed before you let go of his hands, jumping into his chest as you felt his arms quickly come up to hug you. He clutched you tightly to his chest, not wanting to let go after your confessions about your thoughts that night.
“I care about you too Katsuki-kun,” You almost whispered, a small grin on your face.
“And thank you. You always listen to me when I’m like this, you make me feel better, and like I’m somebody,” You thanked genuinely, looking him in the eyes with the most thankful look you could muster.
“You’ll always be someone to me,” Bakugou replied with a roll of his red eyes, before knocking his forehead softly into yours. You could only giggle in reply as you held each other close.
Waking him up wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
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Good Girl, Bad Boy (Pt. 02 of 15)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.3 K
Summary: You're the extreme opposite of Billy Hargrove. The good girl, with perfect grades, the child every mother wants to have. And you don't want to have nothing to do with his kind. Ignoring Billy – and his constant, lingering stare – became an habit. But after you're put together for a special school program, you'll have no choice but to get along with him. And soon enough you'll find out that Billy is so much more than just Hawkins' bad boy.
<- (01) Previous part
Next part (03)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
Growing Closer
You find Billy walking away from his locker, ready to go home. He's alone this time, and you heard something about Stacy being mad at him. You wonder what he did to her. Or if he just got tired and is now aiming for someone else.
“Hargrove.” You call when you're closer enough to be heard. Billy turns around immediately, and you both stop in the middle of the hall. “Do you happen to have some time? We need to discuss the calendar.”
“Sure.” He simply says, and it's clear to you he's pissed off already. He was forced into the program, so it's only normal he doesn't want to do that.
“We can hit the library. It remains open for two hours after class.” You can't help but notice some people staring. But that isn't a surprise. You and Billy are as different as day and night, and nobody expects to see you two talking.
“Sure.” He repeats, and a fun expression crosses his face before he steps aside, gesturing for you to walk.
Chuckling, you furrow your eyebrows, starting to make your way to the library.
You know the place by heart since you're here at least three times a week. Waving at the teacher who stays in the reception, you pick a table in the back, so your chattering won't bother anyone. Taking a seat, you watch as Billy settles down across from you.
It's a little weird at first, and a silence falls in between you two. You suddenly realize you've been staring at him, way too focused on his blue eyes. You didn't know Billy's eyes were so beautiful. But you quickly clear your throat, searching on your bag for your notebook.
“I made you this planner.” Pulling the paper sheet off the notebook, colorful by many different marker colors, you slide it over to him. Billy's eyes fall on it immediately, eyebrows raising. “It's just to help you keep up with everything until the end of the year. More stuff will probably be add, but don't worry, I'll let you know.”
“You have everything figured out, don't you?” He finally speaks up, holding the paper in his hands.
“I know you don't want to do this. But this is senior year and you're almost free. Just a little longer and this will be over.” Offering him a small smile, you put a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I won't repeat the year. My grades are enough to get me through.” He sounds a little angry, and you sigh.
You don't know what to say to make him cooperate if he doesn't want to. “Look, you can't get out of the Improvement Program. But you can pick another tutor. So if you want, I have a list of everyone who's still available and maybe if there's someone you already know or happen to be friends with–” As you speak, you start looking in your bag for the small blueish paper. “–you just have to talk to Mrs Martinez and–”
“I want you to be my tutor.” His voice startles you since it's a little too loud and because of the silence, it echoes a bit. “But just because I know you're the smartest person in this school.”
Biting your lip, you nod, not sure how you feel about his compliment. “Thanks... I try.”
“You freaking succeed,” Billy mutters, cupping his hands above the table.
There's heat creeping through your cheeks so you look away, bringing back to mind what else you must talk to him about. “So, the next project is a presentation on History about World War I. Our part is about the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, the invasion of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the July crisis. The happenings before the war was set.”
“Shhh.” Someone says, and you look at a small group of people on your left.
“You shut up, asshole.” Billy raises his voice a little, and you look at him with wide eyes.
“Hey. Don't say that.” You warn him, giving the boy an apologetic look. “We're at a library, we're supposed to be quiet.”
“Excuse me.” Mr Williams comes, standing a few feet away. “Some students are complaining about your chattering, so I'll have to ask you to leave, please.”
“Oh...” Blushing a little, you start gathering your stuff. “Sorry, Mr Williams. We'll leave.” Billy is just about to say something when you give him a look.
You're quickly outside again, fixing the strap of your bag on your shoulder. “We...” Moving out of the way of some people heading to the library, you set into his pace, walking side by side. “We'll need some time to work on everything. So we can switch between your place and mine because doing things in the library won't work.” You feel a little shy to propose this, but it's not a big deal. You'll be doing this until the end of the year, so it's quite inevitable. “If that's ok with you, of course.”
“We should hit your place then. My father is home today, so... It just won't work.” There's a change in his voice, and you glance at him.
“My mother is home too. But she won't bother us.” Walking a little faster, you gesture at your car. “Just follow me.”
Billy nods, and you smile, giving him a little wave.
The school is empty, and so are the streets around it, so you have no trouble speeding away. Keeping your eyes on the review mirror, it only takes twenty minutes to get to your house, so you park on your usual spot, stepping out of the car and waiting for Billy to do the same. When he finally joins you on the porch, you move to unlock the door.
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Billy couldn't help but feel lucky to be at her place. He never thought he'd come here, under any circumstances. Trying not to let her notice, he allows his eyes to wander a little as she opens the door, taking in the place (Y/N) calls home. It has a weird feeling for him, almost as if the place is sacred, somewhere he wasn't supposed to be.
“My mother is nice. But she may say some embarring stuff so... Be prepared.” Following her inside, Billy notices as her mother looks at them, eyes going a little wide to see him. He wonders if she isn't used to her daughter bringing boys home. Knowing (Y/N), he knows she's not. “Mom, this is Billy Hargrove. I told you about him yesterday, remember? From the Improvement Program.”
She told her mother about him. So yes, she was thinking about him. Maybe just for a couple of seconds, maybe just as someone she knows, who she has told to help. But it doesn't matter. (Y/N) was thinking about him, and for now, it's enough.
“Of course.” She stands up, coming to give her daughter a quick hug and shake Billy's hand. “I'm Amanda. (Y/N)'s mother.”
“It's good to meet you, Mrs–”
“Call me Amanda kid, or else I feel terribly old.” She jokes, kindly smiling. “I believe you'll be hanging around here a lot because of school. But don't worry, I won't get in your way.”
“Thanks, mom. We'll be in the dining room.” (Y/N)'s light touch on his forearm is enough to make him shot her a glance, almost too desperate, something in him wanting to ask her why she did such a thing. Billy curses himself as he follows her to the dining room for feeling so stupid. It's just a freaking touch. On his freaking arm. And she wasn't even giving it much thought.
As Billy settles down on the table, (Y/N) moves the centerpiece to the edge so they'll have more space. “Do you want anything? Water? Or some chips? I happen to have some.”
Her voice sends Billy into some kind of stupor. A guy like him shouldn't feel this way. (Y/N) is just a girl, and he had many. But none of them ever made him feel like this. Like his heart is trying to jump off his chest. After a year, he did think he got over it. But he was wrong. Billy didn't want to be this close to (Y/N), always watching her from a safe distance. But this stupid school had to put them together, so damn close. Look at him now, seated on her dining table, staring at her like a complete idiot.
Just because she offered him water and freaking chips.
“Water is nice.” He mumbles, eyes on her back as she walks away, passing behind his chair. A sweet scent irradiates from her. Like flowers, he doesn't know which one though, like freaking sunshine.
Laughing at his stupidity, Billy looks down at his hands. How can someone smell like sunshine? It's illogical.
“Get it together, she's just a girl,” Billy says to himself, resting his back against the chair and taking his jacket off, laying on the chair next to him. Girls are nothing new to him. He had they all figured out, their ways, how to break them, how to please them, how to bend them to his will.
But not (Y/N).
A nice girl like her is immune to his tricks. And that's good because if she wasn't, it would mean she could also fall on someone's traps. Like Tommy, or Jimmy, or Jackson. The very thought of those assholes with her, touching, caressing, kissing... It disgusts him, and he's quick to push such images away.
“Did you say something?” (Y/N) asks, coming back from the kitchen and handing him a glass with cold water. Once she's close enough, he takes a deep breath, and her sweet scent almost drives him mad.
She's not a girl for you, get it together. “No.” He mumbles, taking long sips before putting the glass down. “So what now?” He sounds a little rude, so he immediately clears his throat after, eyes on (Y/N) as she takes a seat next to him on the round table instead of across from him. Billy finds it odd, but he's thankful for the proximity. This way, he can be surrounded by her candy-like scent, trying to memorize it so he could play it back later. When he's into the nightmare he calls home.
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You're just about to start, History books already on the table, since you'll begin with the presentation, notebooks and papers so you can take notes, but then you look at Billy. There's a bruise on the apple of his cheek that you haven't noticed it before.
“Did you get into a fight?” You ask, leaning slightly forward to take a better look.
“What?” There's a moment of confusion on his face before it changes. “Yeah.”
“Did you win?”
“In a way.” It doesn't look like he'll say anything else.
“Well, if someone punches you, make sure to beat them up.” Smiling a little, you take the History book, opening it on chapter 7. “What exactly do you know about–”
“Are you still dating Steve?”
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The question takes you by surprise, making you nervously giggle. “Why are you asking me that?”
“Just curious.” He shrugs his shoulders, tilting his head to the side. “Saw you two talking earlier today and he wouldn't be happy to know we'll be around each other a lot.”
“Steve is my friend. We dated last year but only for two months.” Avoiding Billy's eyes, you go through the book, not really paying attention to anything. You can feel his stare, and for some reason, your cheeks start heating up.
“Who broke up with who?”
Chuckling, you turn your body towards him. “Why do you want to know, Billy?” Maybe he's just trying to procrastinate. “Because if you're just trying to delay things I–”
“No, I really want to know.” He leans forward, pulling the book closer to him. “You and Harrington don't fit together, so I was surprised to see you hanging out with him last year.”
“Steve and I got pretty close when he dropped the jerk act. And we were both single so we decided to give it a try.” The only reason you're telling Billy this is because it's not a secret. Some people know and they probably didn't put any effort into keeping it hidden. “But it didn't click. We were dating but it wasn't really romantic, so...” You smile to remember it, and the memory that comes back is definitely a secret. Nancy is the only one who knows, her and Steve, obviously. But you guess it's ok to tell Billy, it's quite funny. And silly. “We... We never really kissed, you know?”
“What?” His voice startles you, and the genuine confusion on his face only makes you laugh. “You're joking.”
“I'm not, and if this gets out, I'll know it was you.” With a finger pointing at his face, you fake a threatening face. “So keep it between us or else.”
Pinching his eyebrows together, Billy seems amused. “Or else what?” His voice gets lower, as he leans closer.
“Or else I'll have no choice but to make out with Steve in front of the whole school.” In a sassy tone, you smile, biting your tongue not to laugh at his expression. Billy is... Impressed? Surprised, maybe. Something tells you he wasn't expecting this answer.
“Ew. Please don't.”
“Then don't tell anyone.” Shrugging your shoulders, you pull your feet up, crossing your legs on the chair. “Now, C'mon. World War I.”
“One more question and we get to it.” As he speaks, you feel him pulling your hand away from the notebook, forcing you to give him attention. “Why in the hell didn't you and Steve–”
“We kissed. I mean, those quick kisses, you know. Like when you say hi or goodbye. Just a peck in the lips. But that was it.”
“That was it?”
“That was it.” Giggling again, you assure him. Why is it so important to him anyway? “Now, can we start?”
You watch as Billy's eyes remain on you, burning, lingering. After a while, his lips break into a smile and he looks down at the book, shaking his head lightly. “Let's start.”
@multific @clockworkballerina @tina1938 @graciehams @moatsnow @all-the-stars-on-your-skin
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One For The Road - Niki Lauda x Reader | Drabble
There was something about Niki Lauda that irked you. It wasn't because he was an all around asshole. At least he was equally as much an asshole to everyone, he played no favorites.
But every single time you ended up in a room full of people with him, you couldn't help to say something snarky at him. Maybe it was because you were trying to cut him off at the pass before he had the chance to be condescending towards you.
No, what bugged the hell out of you is that, for all of your snark, he never responded in kind. In fact, he even tried to be nice to you. Nice in a sense, that he never really said anything negative in your direction.
That alone was a red flag.
It only fueled your fire to get a reaction out of him even more so. You just couldn't figure out why he chose not to engage with you. It was almost insulting.
Wasn't it a rite of passage to get yelled at by the Niki Lauda? And yet, he didn't seem want to give you the time of day. Like you weren't good enough to converse with; so he simply bid you a few words and ran as far and as fast away from you as possible.
It was truly baffling.
And then one day, at a post race party, you got your answer.
You were currently surveying the latest and greatest party goers smooshing their way around the room.
James Hunt was the life of the party per usual. Women clamoring to get his attention, though rumor has it, he was planning on getting married. What a field day that would be.
He was good looking to be sure, but he was also incredibly superficial.
You also worked for him. His invisible publicist. You did your job extremely well, but creating a public image for Hunt was no picnic and exhausting. Always trying to divert the next oncoming crisis.
Maybe that's why Lauda hardly gave you the time of day. You wouldn't blame him in some respects, but he also never gave you the chance to say anything, which is why you started resorting to one-line zingers.
They didn't bother him in the slightest. So you made a point to give it all you got every time Lauda got dragged to one of these events. You knew he hated them. He seemed to prefer being away from crowds of people, but perhaps it was just crowds of fake people.
You were watching Niki idly chat and forceful maneuver himself around sponsors in the room when a member of his pit crew came strolling up to you.
You felt a tap on your shoulder as you tried to not be completely obvious in your attempts to figure out the mystery that is Niki Lauda.
You raised an eyebrow and turned your attention to the guy invading your personal space.
"Hi," you drag out, not in the least interested in holding a conversation.
You were here because you had to be, not because you wanted to be.
"Your Hunt's publicist, yea?" the guy inquired. He leaned over to see what was capturing my attention away from him.
You could hear him hum to himself at realization of something and stepped back to his original position next to you.
"Yes, I am. Is there something I can do for you? I think Lauda's publicist is sniffing around Hunt's party. I can introduce you if you like," you put on a smile, but the tiredness was visible in your face and your voice.
You see Niki making his way closer to the area of the room you are currently occupying. You're internally debating whether to actually leave him be or not tonight. Your mood ruined overall after the day's events. But he always made you so curious outside of the initial annoyance.
Lauda's crew member caught your stare.
"Actually, I thought there might be something I could do for you," he said good-naturedly.
His smile seemed genuine. It took you by surprise and it must have shown on your face, because the guy laughed.
Intrigued by his response, you couldn't not want to know what a member of Lauda's team could help you with.
"And what exactly, might that be? you asked, feigning mild interest.
In for a penny, in for a pound, as they say.
You had lost track of Niki among the crowd anyways, not sure where he had disappeared to when he was so close by.
"I've been to every one of these shin-digs and I see how you watch Lauda," he said. You could see him pause in thought before continuing, "I've also seen how you and Lauda react to one another whenever you meet."
This had gotten your attention.
You weren't aware someone was actually spying on you, let alone someone from Lauda's team.
"Is there a point to this conversation other than to alert me that I may be potentially standing next to a stalker?" you say abruptly, annoyance started to creep into your voice to hide the embarrassment.
The guy tilted to the right to look at someone behind you before leaning down to whisper into your ear.
"Niki never says to much to you and you want to know why, right?" he questioned you.
He pulled back just enough to catch your eyes and get your reaction.
You jerk your head back and gaze up at Lauda's crew member in shock, but you realize now, he must be more than just someone who works for him.
Not knowing what to say, you simply stare at him dazed and nod once. You see him lean back down to you again.
"That's because he likes you. And for all his gruff exterior, for some reason you actually make him nervous," he whispered quickly before rising back up to his full height. "Just keep that in mind next time, yea?"
He left in a hurry after that, not even giving you a chance to respond.
It wasn't until he left your sight and you turned around that you found out why.
Niki Lauda was standing only a few feet away from you, and he did not look happy.
At all.
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sweetsassymusic · 3 years
Why You Should Watch Free Rein If You're a Freddy Carter Fan
So I see a lot of Freddy Carter fans who are curious about Free Rein but are too afraid of the cringe to watch it. But listen, friend. The cringe is the best part, and here's why I think you should give it a try.
Freddy Carter plays a guy named Pin. He's the sensitive, moody, poor stablehand at the ranch. And his character is basically like a mix of Kaz Brekker, a Jane Austen-style love interest, and some hot OC a 13 year old girl came up with. Now, that in itself is enough, honestly. But if you don't mind a mild season 2 spoiler and a description of a scene from season 3, I can tell you more.
(Warning for aforementioned spoilers. Also I'm talking about this scene from memory alone, so don't come for me if I get some details wrong.)
So basically, after a very random series of events I won't go into, Pin – fairy tale-style – becomes the owner of a mysterious castle. Everyone is thrilled about this, except him of course, because he's contractually obligated to have an existential crisis after every plot point. He wants to be a simple guy, not a guy who owns a castle. What if owning a castle CHANGES him?
All his friends are like, "Nah, that's dumb! You won't change. Just take control of the castle! Go on, do it! Right now! I demand you take over this castle! Come on! Become master of the castle and start issuing orders!" So he takes over as master of the castle and issues orders for ALL of them (including his girlfriend!) to be thrown out of the castle simply because he's sick of their shit
His girlfriend, angry about being thrown out, is like "You know, owning a castle HAS changed you." And Pin is so depressed from hearing this, he sits down in a nearby chair. and he just. sits there. Also, he's absolutely covered in food. because there was a food fight earlier? (long story) And he just never bothers to clean it off.
Here, the POV changes for awhile to show what's going on with the other characters in other plotlines. And a LOT of time passes – at least one day if not more. You keep expecting to see Pin at the ranch, or for him to show up somewhere, but nope. When the show finally cuts back to Pin, he's still in the castle. He's still sitting in that chair, in the same position, still covered in food. You might think, "Oh, he probably wasn't ACTUALLY there that long. The show is probably just going back to show what happened earlier." Also nope. He was like that the whole time, for over a day, and apparently even slept like that. Because he's the most melodramatic bitch on this show and he's sad that his girlfriend said the castle has changed him.
His dad arrives to help him out. Pin doesn't think anything his dad says will help him. But the dad gets all mysterious and is like "I think it's time I show you what's in the castle's west wing~" (Or wherever it was. I don't remember the exact location.) Anyway, it's implied there's some treasure or Dark Secret in the castle that will Change Everything, and the dad is going to show it to him now. But when they get there, it's literally just a regular table in a regular room.
The music becomes soft, like it does when two characters are about to have a close bonding moment. The dad turns to Pin (who is still covered in food, btw) and is like "Come stand over here in this exact spot. This room used to be a ballroom. And this is the very place that your grandfather – so, so many years ago – kicked ME out of the castle. He kicked SO many people out of the castle while he was alive. Don't become like him."
And that's IT. That's the end of their talk!
This is what Free Rein is like. And this is why you shouldn't worry about the cringe. I keep seeing people say shit like "Oh, don't watch that. Watch some other show like Heartland or The Saddle Club. It has all the horses without all the cringe." But I don't care about horses. I care about Freddy Carter as a sadboi covered in food, having an existential crisis because he kicked his girlfriend out of his fairy tale castle.
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dangerous-mess · 3 years
Say Anything
Characters: Asra x gender neutral reader
Contains: Asra uses he/they pronouns, mentions of anxiety, mentions of death, hurt/comfort, mentions of a breakdown, mentions of identity crisis, mentions of insecurity, Y/N reader, second person POV
Word Count: 2K+ 
Asra called out a farewell as the door of the shop closed, leaving you alone. Asra had to go run some errands and promised that he would only be gone for a few hours at most. They also promised to bring back some of the pumpkin bread he knew you loved so much. Of course, you couldn’t argue with that, so you told him goodbye, making sure to give them a small kiss before he walked out. As soon as the door closed, the smile on your face dropped and you let out a sigh that you didn’t realize you were holding. You knew your partner had things to do but you wish he could have stayed in today, to stay with you. Although you know if you simply told them you needed them to stay in, he would drop everything and be there for you, but you already felt like such a burden, your anxiety not helping at all. 
Ever since the incident with the devil, you’ve been trying to adapt and reestablish a life for yourself. Although you still didn’t have all the memories from during the plague, you knew enough. You knew you weren’t the same person that Asra or Julian or even Muriel knew. You were different and everyone didn’t seem to care, everyone was just happy to have you back, but you still felt out of place and as if you weren't good enough. You felt like you would never hold Asra’s heart the same way the old you did. Sure, he told you how much he loved you and how much you meant to them but you slowly started to think that maybe he was just saying that. Maybe he was hoping the old you would eventually come back, but the old you was dead. The old you was only ashes in the Lazaret, simply a person of the past. 
You felt yourself slowly beginning to get lost in your thoughts and you knew that if you continued to keep thinking over everything you would break down. And the last thing you wanted was for Asra to come back and find you sobbing, so you decided to take a walk. You grabbed one of Asra’s extra scarves and put it on along with a pair of worn out boots you had. You walked out the door and made sure the shop was locked before walking with no destination in mind, just wanted to try and clear your mind. You found yourself heading in the direction of the forest, your thoughts still running. Your mind was running from your own identity and purpose to what Asra’s true feelings and thoughts about you were along with just wondering if you were worth Asra losing half his heart for. Tears began to well up in your eyes and you knew you couldn’t hold it back anymore. You stopped and collapsed on the forest ground and started sobbing. You started to pull the scarf close to you, wishing it was Asra here with you before you took it off and tossed it aside. Your thoughts were against you, with the main one being that Asra doesn’t want you, that he is only taking pity on you. 
You continued to sob and cry, even screaming out in anger and frustration as all these emotions hit you. You just had so much on your mind and were consumed with so many different emotions. You just sat on the forest floor for what felt like a few minutes, but time had clearly passed as the sun was beginning to set. You knew you should probably head back to the shop before it got too late, so you wiped away your tears as well as picking up the scarf. You were tempted to put it back on but just couldn’t. You started to make your way out of the forest, with what little light you had. In no time you made it back into town, hearing the ruckus of the townsfolk enjoying their evening. On most other nights you would laugh and join in, probably finding Julian hanging out amongst them causing trouble, but tonight you just weren’t in the mood. So you took some back alleyways to the shop, getting more anxious as you got closer. You arrived at the shop and just stared at the door, you felt yourself reach for the handle, but couldn’t get yourself to open it. You knew Asra was home as the lights were on inside, which only made you more anxious to go inside. You decided to just rip off the band aid and go inside, so with that you started to turn the door handle, only for it to swing open, Asra standing right in front of you. 
“Oh Y/N,” he spoke, his voice soft and quiet. They went to reach out for you, to pull you into a hug, but you simply backed away. You saw him freeze before stepping aside and letting you in. You walked in and sat down at the table, not sure what to say. The room was filled with silence for what felt like forever, before Asra spoke up again. “Where did you go? I came back before lunch and saw you gone, I figured you just went to the market for yourself but as it got later into the evening, I got worried.” 
You looked down at your hands, realizing they are covered in dirt, but now was not the time to wash them, this conversation needed to happen, even if you wish it could be avoided. You cleared your throat and felt the tears begin to form back in your eyes. 
“I went for a walk, just went into the forest is all. I needed some air and some time to think and just lost track of time, don’t worry about me.” You spoke out, your voice trembling as you glanced up and tried to smile at your partner. God, it was going to hurt, you loved him so much but you didn’t want them to feel trapped or that they have to be with you. 
You watched Asra move closer to you, placing his hand softly on your cheek, wiping away the tears that had escaped. “Oh darling, what’s got you upset and hurting?”
You felt a sob rising up in your throat as he called you that. You tried to fight it back, you had to for the moment. You needed to get it all out there, to just rip the band aid off. “I’m not the same Y/N you knew before the plague, and I know you loved the old me, but I’ve changed. I’m not the same as I once was and I never will be. I’ll never be the same person you knew and loved before. You don’t have to force yourself to stay with me and you don’t have to pretend you love me.”  
You pulled yourself away from him, more tears rolling down your cheeks. You looked at him, knowing this may be your last moment seeing him, even if he looked sad and as if his heart broke. 
“I love you Asra, I always will, but I don’t want you to feel as if you have to be with me. I’m sorry if you feel like you have to be with me, to feel pressured to love me all because you gave up half of your heart to bring me back. I’m sorry the old Y/N is gone, I’m sorry for everything. Just give me the word, and I’ll leave. I’m sure Nadia or Portia won’t mind giving me a place to stay so you aren’t stuck with me all the time, and I can just come in when you need help around the shop or I can go and do my own thing, if it hurts you too much to see me and be faced with the constant reminder that I’m not the one you truly love.” You finish your speech, getting all your thoughts out. You looked at your hands, afraid to look at them, you feared what their next words would be. Tears dripped onto your hands and your vision was becoming blurry. The silence seemed to go on for a lifetime and you just wish he would get it over with, that he would break your heart so you weren’t sitting here on the verge of a panic attack. 
“Y/N, I love you. I loved the old you, the one from before the plague, but I love the you I brought back. I would bring you back over and over again, cause you are my other half, in more ways than one. Sure, you aren’t the same person I knew and loved from before, but I still love and care for you. You seem so much happier than I ever remember before. You seem so much more confident than you ever have before.” Asra pauses and lifts your head up. You try to avert your eyes elsewhere, but ultimately you are face to face with him. You see his eyes are red and puffy, tears rolling down his cheeks. He takes one hand and cups your cheek and you can’t help but lean into it. He places a small kiss on your forehead before resting his forehead against yours. 
“I love you so much Y/N. You are the love of my life, the one I want to be with till the end of time. The thought of losing you again pains me so much. Please, I want you to stay with me, here in the shop, if that’s what you want. If you want to go or if you no longer want to continue what we have, I’ll let you go. I never want you to feel like I’m holding you back, I just want you to be happy, even if that isn’t with me.” Asra chokes up and begins to cry as the words spill out of his mouth. 
You feel the sob you’ve been holding back since you’ve got home rise up again, but this time you can’t hold it back. You gently pull away only to suddenly hug your lover. You bury your face in his chest holding onto him tightly, as you sob. Both of you cry in each other's arms, neither of you saying another word. Asra seems to calm down before you, as he begins to rub your back and whispers words of comfort. When you finally begin to calm down you start to pull away, just to be able to look at them. 
“I love you, I don’t want to leave you. I want to stay here with you and run the shop and learn magic with you. I want to travel to the ends of the earth and see everything that is out there for us to see. I want to wake up beside you every morning and fall asleep in your arms every night. I just want you, if you’ll have me as the mess I am.” You say as you fidget with your hands, you can feel the dirt on them and it’s starting to bother you. Asra takes one of your hands into theirs and holds it tightly. He offers a small and soft smile to you, leaning in to kiss you softly.
“My love, I will always want you, mess and all.” Those words hit you hard, and before you can process what you are doing, you are pressing your lips against his. Asra of course, kisses you back, for he is never one to complain about any sort of affection you give. Asra swiftly pulls you into their arms and holds you close. You can feel both of your hearts beating as one and in that moment you begin to wonder why you ever thought they didn’t love you in the first place. 
“Asra, as much as I would love to stay like this with you for the night, I really need a bath.” You mumble out and you hear them chuckle. Asra stands up, holding on to you as they carry you off to the bath. You hold on to them gently, giving them little kisses on the cheek. In no time the bath is filled and you are stepping into the warm bubbly water. You glance at Asra and give a playful smirk, “Care to join me?” Asra smirks back and begins to strip before joining you.
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elionwriter · 3 years
(for the sake of this post let's all just pretend no one dies, ok?)
Anakin - Padme: their relationship started with pure drama and really bad, corny pick up lines and it just goes on that way. Even when they are happily exiled on Naboo with their children and everyone knows about them, whenever they talk about their love or tell the story to Luke and Leia it's always with the tones of a 'larger than life situation'. Obviously Anakin is the drama queen who really pushes it (and is still salty he had to give up his title as Jedi Master) but Padme fell for him when he did the whole whiny speech about sand and married him, she secretly supports this s***t! 😝
Han - Leia: bickering is their love language. Screaming to impose supremacy is their flirting. The thing is, they never bicker for serious stuff, because they actually agree on what matters and get along as a couple, it's the principle of things! Sometimes a friend of Ben overhears them and goes 😱 "I'm really sorry for intruding on this, pal. Will your parents be alright?" And Ben with the calmest expression will answer "They literally do this all the time". It's the silence that's worriesome. When Leia is just too tired to keep fighting after hours of doing so with politicians, when Han doesn't bother to stay to face the argument and just hops on the Falcon again, THAT'S when they realise they are falling out. So they push duty and lust for adventure aside to go back spending quality time together and patching things up. Sure enough, the bickering starts again and Ben is like "😌 aaah everything is fine again".
Din - Luke: they are the picture perfect couple. They literally never argue, at best they poke eachother when one of the two does something the other doesn't entirely agree on. They have each other's back in any instance, support every choice and are there for backup when others want a fight or have something to say either on Din's leadership or Luke's approach to the Jedi code and teachings. It took them forever to actually get together because they acted like shy teenagers on their first crush and Leia, Han and Cara had to practically push them into each other's arms, but once they got there they were solid a couple as a rock. Others look at them and think they are either disgustingly mushy or still in a 'honeymoon face', because NO ONE has such a stress-free marriage. Din and Luke truly don't get what the fuss and all the drama's about. So even though they end up practically parenting the space version of the kids from 'Cheaper by the dozen' they act like parental figures to their friends as well. Life as Manda'lor and the Reviver of the Jedi order can be hell, but together they are just balanced like that and can face everything! They even create a new co-op fighting style for Jedi/Mandalorians that becomes the terror and amazement of the Galaxy for centuries to come!😌😏💪
Kannan - Hera: very similar to Dinluke except they do at times have some small moments of tension because Hera is a fighter to the core and Kannan can't help but wonder if the battle will ever truly end. But his queen's passion and resolve is so bright and steeled that he can't help but fall in love a little more every time and follow, knowing it's the right thing to do. They have an example to set for their son, after all. Kannan will absolutely love Jacen and will introduce Ezra to his son (once Sabine and Ashoka bring him back) as his older brother. Much like when he trained Ezra or faced Sabine, Kannan will sometimes doubt himself and wonder if he's acting like a good parent to Jacen. Hera will smile and reassure him, describing to him the bright and happy smile on their son's face or how Jecen's nose scrunches and his long, greenish ears wiggle in delight whenever Kannan plays with him or cuddles him. As Hera says so, Kannan holds her and feels like he can actually see it too.
Sabine - Ezra: After Ezra is brought back to his family from wherever or whatever happened to him after facing Thrawn, both of them will just indulge in sudden hugs or touches to make sure the other is actually there. Of course, they first think of their bond as a solid friendship and camaraderie, because that's what it was when they left off. The extra touching is just the response to being apart for so long and being worried for each other. But then Sabine notices that Ezra actually looks really good with long hair and the scruffy beard he grew out. She catches herself thinking of how warm and safe if feels in his arms and mentally kicks herself because she's a Mandalorian, all she should need is a loaded blaster to feel safe. Ezra, on the other hand, starts playing with Sabine's hair when complimenting her new dye and suddenly finds himself cupping her face like it's the most natural thing in the world. Long story short, they fall for eachother hard and become the prototype of the couple "my boyfriend/girlfriend is my best friend". When they are comfortable with their new status, Ezra goes back flirting dorkishly with her like he did all those years back when they first met and Sabine will tease him by shooting his advances down.
Ashoka - Bo Katan: joke's on Bo-katan for cringing back in the day at her sister's relationship with a Jedi. She thought destiny or the force or whatever was really messing with her when she realized that her rival and pupil, Din Djarin, the new leader of Mandalorians was also falling helplessly in love with a Jedi (Obi-Wan's student nonetheless). When she hears Sabine Wren and her Jedi boy also got together she stops questioning it. The thing is that she herself has been inexplicably, undeniably charmed and hooked to a Jedi for years now. The very same Jedi she had teased didn't have enough booty, what felt like a lifetime prior. But she's Bo-Katan, she can be in angry denial about anything. Ashoka, on the other hand, has seen and has been conditioned too much on what attachment does to a Jedi, even if she doesn't consider herself one anymore. So, even if the chemistry between them and the long lingering stares are real, their love is always kept a quiet, unspoken thing. Whenever they call eachother "my old friend" they know they actually mean more, but leave it at that. Everyone around them can't help wondering 'are they a thing or...?!' but they never feed the theories and gossip. They know what they are and mean for each other when they are alone in the same room, talking about the past or what must be done in the future and Ashoka's mere presence is enough to cool down the ever-present burning rage inside of Bo. Meanwhile, the other can't help but admire how single minded and devoted to her people and culture the Mandalorian princess is, how she never gave up on them, despite everything. They smile softly at each other, then one of them breaks the spell by leaving. They go back to their own business and life untill destiny or the force or whatever brings them back into eachother's orbit.
Revan - Carth: normally they act very much like Leia and Han with the bickering and teasing bit but then Revan has one of her memories returning or is haunted by how she basically condemned her lifelong best friend Malak to a terrible death and Carth instantly does a 180° shift becoming the most caring, comforting and tender partner. She'll hide into his chest until the crisis in over. Sometimes it can go on for days and Revan is oh, so grateful of how patient and good Carth is to her. Then, at times, Carth is the one burying his head in her chest and she's the one doing the tender, hair strokes. Carth needs a lot of reassuring and might get upset and fret over even what appears to be a trivial thing. He's trying to heal and get better but the long, long years of solitude, hurt and paranoia are hard to iron down. Expecially when Carth seems to have an instinct that puts a Jedi to shame, foreseeing a crisis neither she nor Bastila had picked up. But he is making an effort to improve and she's proud of him, even as he tries very clumsily to patch things up with his son Dustil. She doesn't really step in that matter more than she has to, since Dustil is clearly not happy nor comfortable with the idea of them being together yet. Carth will sometimes open his heart to her and say something deeply meaningful on how he wants her to stay ( when she looks particularly haunted and about to leave without a work of warning) and be happy but does so with such awkward word choices that Revan just cannot refrain from laughing at his face and making puns. It's at this point that the back and forth teasing resumes. There is no denying they are still deeply wounded individuals and they are at their best when their friends are there to lighten the mood and show love to the both of them. Because they could easily go down the path of drama like Anakin and Padme but they choose the Ebon Hawk crew shenanigans instead.
Obi Wan - Satine: their love is stored in the memory of that glorious time they spent together in their youth. A moment in which no responsibility or sense of honor could keep them from giving in to that feeling of want and need for each other. It's a love that never truly went away, never left space for anyone else, but it never fully grew and bloomed either. So years down the line, that's what it is for Obi-Wan, a pleasant memory. He would never change how things went afterwards, but he wouldn't give up those memories and feelings for anything in the world. Satine feels the same, mostly. There are nights that she falls asleep wondering what could have been if only she had talked up at the decisive moment and dreams of a life spent together with Obi-Wan. But when she wakes up, she sobers up and goes back to her things. It's when she looks at her Korkie smile and notices how resembling to his secret father he is that she is truly at peace. She managed to keep a peace of Obi-Wan in her life.
Cal - Merrin: I have no idea for this one, but just stop and consider the possible 'nightsisters babies' though! Wouldn't they be the cutest things ever?! 😀
Sorry Cara Dune, you just haven't met the woman of your life yet. 😔
Also, I kinda like Zeb and Callus too but I don't really ship them enough to add them here, you know? Anyway I'm sure they make a lovely couple.
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