#and no NOT because the quality of machine translation is comparable to human translations
itsuki-minamy · 8 months
"AYAKA – SIDE STORIES 01" (Part 03/04)
* List of Chapters
Human beings have certain qualities that they are born with, each has its own position and is designed to fit where they should.
"Mochi is a rice cake", "Society is a puzzle that compensates for unevenness", "Everyone is different, everyone is good". No matter who you ask, you'll probably come across one or two of those idioms.
Taihei Makita believes that there is some truth to this mediocre view of society.
But at the same time, there are people in this world who are truly extraordinary, people who cannot belong to the "professional", and there are tasks that only they can do. Makita also knows that such a person exists.
For example, Aka Ibuki, the head of "Ayaka Security", is one of them.
He still couldn't sense anything disturbing in the lights of the distant downtown area.
However, the reason why he seemed like this is because Makita has no spiritual qualities. A keen sense, due to a special practice or innate constitution, the possessor can see the flow of spiritual energy before it solidifies and manifests, what the local language calls "Ki".
How would you like this scene?
He wondered what the representative of "Ayaka Security", Aka Ibuki, sees.
Saying nothing, Ibuki took a chocolate bar from his pocket and chewed on it. It hasn't been long since he started waiting in that alley on the outskirts of town, but the garbage can next to him was already full of packing scraps.
Ibuki stuffed things into the spaces between work and daily errands. Since he was a child, he's always been a big eater, but lately he's been much hungrier than normal people.
He is not a giant like Makita. His physique wrapped in a suit is rather slender. As for where the food disappears, it probably becomes Ibuki's "abilities" and physical drive, in other words, the heat of the fight.
A strange scream was heard from the direction of the city center. A bestial roar was mixed with an unpleasant metallic sound.
"An Aramitama, it has materialized. Let's go there."
"I understand... Boss, I'm coming."
When Makita, who received the report, looked at him, Ibuki gave a slight nod and began to walk towards the light. His whole body began to feel strange. It was a high-pressure life force that glowed in the surrounding air like a mist of heat.
"Ayaka Security" is a security company whose service area is Ayaka and Ichinoshima Islands. That is their official position, but in reality they are a group of armed exorcists whose mission is to exterminate the materialized psychic disorder "Aramitama" and minimize the damage.
The distant screams began to mix with the shots, and then those driven to shoot appeared.
Hovering over a two-story building on the outskirts of the city, a huge "snake" with a thick body that looks like the trunk of a large tree, with two arms twisted like a rope. It has a mask-like head with a gigantic eye that splits vertically.
The members of "Ayaka Security" surround the squirming "snake" and chase after it. A team of about 10 people, focused on young people in their twenties. They are armed with large and small firearms such as pistols, rifles, and machine guns. It is a weapon that is sophistically approved for use under the guise of "a tool used in festivals held on the island". All bullets have undergone goryo exorcism and have a spiritual impact.
However, the anti-personnel firearms did not do much damage to the giant "snake". The "snake" rushed forward with increasing speed, as if it hated the hail bullets that were hitting its entire body. It was an impulse that tried to crush Ibuki who was standing in front of him.
Ibuki took out a large pistol from his pocket and fired casually.
The bullet landed on the "serpent's" forehead and its huge head was knocked off.
Ibuki's weapon, itself, was nothing compared to the firearms his subordinates possessed. However, the power of the bullets fired from there was incomparable. It is the difference in ability between the subordinates who use weapons imbued with the power of magic and Ibuki, who is a powerful magician.
In succession, two, three more bullets fired by Ibuki hit his torso, scraping the flesh of condensed vitality, and the "snake" soared into the sky as he raised an anguished voice, and then, eyes shining at Ibuki. He recognized Ibuki as his enemy.
A gigantic sickle head turned towards Ibuki, and his entire body was bent with terrifying power. In the next moment, it came out like a spring.
A fierce smile appeared at the corner of Ibuki's mouth. As he took a low stance and stomped his feet firmly on the ground, the vitality that enveloped his entire body began to emit a strange glow. In other words, he himself was a monster comparable to an Aramitama. The "snake" roared and jumped on another monster that appeared in front of him, opening his jaws. He was already too close for a gun. A poisonous fang like an iron spear would pierce through Ibuki's body at that moment. The pistol grip was hammered into the forehead of the "snake".
A strong blow like an iron hammer broke the mask of the "snake", the face of the exoskeleton with a single huge eye.
Ibuki uses a pistol to apply his own technique to the bullets and shoot them from a distance. If you are within range of realistic fists and legs, it is more effective to hit with meat.
Second shot, third shot and more. With each punch, Ibuki made a big swing and threw his grab, elbow, left fist, left and right knees with all his might. Furthermore, he plunged deep into the frightened
Aramitama, placed the pistol in his right hand on his chin in a boxing manner, and fired rapidly. When the magazine was empty, he dropped the pistol and hit the head and entire body of the "snake" with both fists. His rough appearance is exactly like a devil.
Makita gave instructions to the members who were chasing the "snake" and had them surround the demon and the "snake" from afar. If that happens, there is nothing they can do. Originally, the purpose of that mission was to drive the giant Aramitama away from the city and guide him to that place where his "boss" could wield all of his power.
An Aramitama up to a certain scale can be dealt with by members with the provided firearms. However, it's hard to deal with something that has grown to a monstrous size, like that, unless it's a real caster.
Although "Ayaka Security" prides itself on being Ikki Tousen, it is essentially a one-man team focused on and working to support the powerful magician Aka Ibuki. If you compare it to a Guso puzzle, Aka Ibuki is a gigantic distorted and sharp piece. He is irreplaceable.
"Oh, it's decided!"
One of the bloodthirsty members raised his voice.
A barrage of fists and feet strengthened by supernatural art finally shattered the "snake" mask. A gigantic eyeball the size of a melon, Aramitama's core was exposed and rolled out of the half-destroyed skull. If that is destroyed, the Aramitama will no longer be able to maintain his body, and it will become a stagnant life force and disperse.
Another eyeball appeared behind the giant eyeball.
"There are two cores...!"
Makita and the members were amazed, and Ibuki also took a retreat stance as a precaution.
The first eyeball of the "snake" formed a new skull with a thick vitality in the air.
The torso, like the trunk of a large tree, fell apart. It was originally made of two "snakes" twisted together like a shimenawa.
(This is bad...!)
In a head-on fight, Ibuki never loses, but the separation of the Aramitama in front of him was completely unexpected.
He started a two-on-one battle against the two-headed "snake". Just as Makita feared, the two coordinated snakes played with Ibuki, who was superior in strength. As Ibuki's eyes warned against one of the "snake" heads, the other ate from the side.
A living fist struck one of his long torsos, and the other, unharmed, became entangled.
Makita ordered the members to take cover, but the firepower was insufficient, and moreover, the line of fire was limited so as not to hit Ibuki, who was fighting with the "snake". It could not be called a decent force. There was no place for ordinary people to enter the vast arena of spiritual warfare.
As the armed members struggled to get their hands on it, Ibuki was quickly outnumbered. Originally, it is a style that consumes a lot of physical strength and is not suitable for long duration battles. Even as he did that, Ibuki's attacks were muffled and his defenses were weakening. At some point, he would receive fatal damage.
Not that there was nothing they could do. It would not be impossible to forcefully intervene in this battle between the devil and the "snake" to break the deadlock. But that puts some members at risk of injury.
"You can go. I'll stay a while and become a decoy."
The member who spoke earlier, Furin, told Makita.
"There are many people who can replace us, but there is no one who can replace the boss. Make no mistake."
"No, no, you are irreplaceable human resources."
Makita smiled wryly as if to fool his inner thoughts, but he had to make a decision immediately.
Finally, the fangs of the "snake" grazed Ibuki's shoulder, it didn't seem like a fatal blow, but his stance collapsed and his next move was delayed. On the other hand, the "second snake" had already built up strength in preparation for the next blow.
"Come on!"
As Furin jumped, something flashed overhead with a sharp sound.
Next, the head of the ''snake'', which attacked Ibuki, was flipped over by a great force and fell backwards. Fine droplets smelling of alcohol fell on Furin's head.
"What is this... alcohol?"
A young man approached from the street. He raised one hand in a nonchalant tone and held a long can of commercially available chuhai in the other hand.
"Hey, why are you here?"
Both Furin and the other members, looking somewhat relieved, called out to the man in the chuhai.
To Ibuki Aka's "younger disciples", Sagawa Jingi's face was familiar.
"When I was drinking in town, it seemed like there was some kind of chaos around here... so..."
As he spoke, Jingi climbed up on the wall next to him and sat cross-legged.
"Haha, I came to see you."
"Hey, if you're just kidding..."
Controlling the wind forest, Makita said:
"Please give your support to the boss."
"Well, it's alright. This brother will do his best~♪"
Jingi tipped the can over and spilled the contents on the ground in front of him.
No, the spilled liquid floated as if it had lost gravity just before hitting the ground, turning into a spongy transparent sphere. It is the effect of the moisture manipulation technique, which is Jingi's specialty.
As he did so, the two-headed "snake" regained its stance and attacked with a beast-like siren scream.
Responding to the simultaneous left and right attacks, Ibuki turned towards the head approaching from the left and punched out with his fist from the front. A blow that entered the center of the monocular, the impact shattered the "snake's" skull, and hard eyeballs protruded from the back of his head.
Another "snake" head attacked Ibuki's empty back. A fist-sized transparent mass hit the side of his head. It wasn't as fast as a bullet, and it wasn't as powerful as Ibuki's fist, but with just the right amount of power, it accurately hit the opponent's nose.
The time gained by Jingi was less than a second. That was enough for Ibuki to regain his balance.
Ibuki, who turned towards the remaining head, grabbed the center of the "snake's" head with his fist as before and pulled it out of the skull.
The life energy that made up the body of the "snake" that had lost its two cores quickly dispersed, and the yorishiro that was left in midair fell with a thud. It's probably something like the amulet you're dealing with in Ichinoshima Shrine It is a keyring with two bells attached to a small shimenawa.
"Well done, big brother. Congratulations!"
Jingi lightly clapped his hands and Ibuki loosened his grip as he undid the technique. His breathing was rough and his fatigue was dark, but his expression remained calm.
"But maybe you're trying too hard. Let's take it easy."
Jingi jumped off the wall, walked around after the fierce battle, picked up the Aramitama cores one by one from the ground, muttered something, and tossed them into empty chuhai cans. Then, for some reason, a handful of eyeballs were sucked into the small spout of the empty can. As if to check the contents, Jingi waved the can to his ear and heard the sound of small things rolling and a low moan.
"Wow, is this the same guy?"
Jingi picked up the "snake" yorishiro from his feet. A small shimenawa, wriggling like two entwined worms, jingling bells.
"Maybe it's because I used the shimenawa as a yorishiro... the veins of the two Aramitamas got entangled and their lives will be lost. Well, there's more than I can handle..."
"Jingi, I'll take care of that here."
As Ibuki extended his right hand, Jingi suddenly frowned and stared at his hand.
"No. I'll take this guy to Minoshima and make him calm down."
When Jingi mentioned the name of the place, the atmosphere of the place stiffened for a moment. The employees of "Ayaka Security" secretly looked at Ibuki's complexion.
After a short pause, Ibuki jerked his chin toward the path home.
"Do what you want."
Jingi smiled and nodded, then began to walk briskly. In contrast to Ibuki's behavior, which would intimidate even his direct subordinates, Jingi had nothing to defend. He is a unique respite from the sibling relationship.
"Well then, big brother and everyone, see you later."
Jingi slipped past the employees and walked toward the city. Just as he thought, he came running from a few steps away.
"Almost forgot! Big brother, pay for the chuhai you used in the technique just now, pay! 200 yen! 200 yen!"
"You're a child!"
Beside Furin, who reflexively retorted, Makita smiled wryly. Ibuki's expression also seemed to soften a bit.
Prompted by Ibuki, Makita took his wallet out.
"Here. Liquor fee plus attendance fee. Thank you very much."
"Oh, you have a million tickets! I love you, Maki-chan!"
Jingi waved the 10,000 yen bill he was holding between his fingers and literally danced away.
"Thanks big brother! Let's all play again!"
"It's not "Let's play again". We're working."
As Jingi slipped past the employees, he stepped into the darkness, jumped, and disappeared.
"Damn... as usual, he's an iffy guy."
"He's hanging out anyway, so he should work at "Ayaka Security"."
"Ah, regardless of personality, he is reliable as a fighting force."
"What do you think? He can't be a team player, right?"
As the main members of "Ayaka Security" said, Makita warned them with a wry smile.
"Don't say that. He must have his own way of thinking."
"No, that's not true, Makita-san."
"He only moves with immediate glue!"
"Haha, is that so?"
While laughing, Makita looked at Ibuki.
Ibuki stared thoughtfully into space as he rubbed his right hand, but after a while he pulled a chocolate bar from his chest and began to nibble on it.
Makita shrugged slightly and began to instruct the members to stand down.
Human society is a puzzle. While each other's distortions complement each other, they come together as one.
But Jingi Sagawa is not a piece by any means. Like water, like smoke, it seems to fit anywhere and doesn't fit anywhere. He slips through a small gap and drifts off again.
There are extraordinary people in this world, and there are duties that only these people can fulfill. Taihei Makita knows that such people exist.
Ibuki's "little brother", Sagawa Jingi, is probably one of those people.
Makita, who is an ordinary person, has no way of knowing what kind of duties he will carry on his shoulders.
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hzfilterpress · 2 months
Exploring the Functionality of Automatic Overhead Beam Filter Press
Exploring the functionality of automatic overhead beam filter presses sheds light on their role in helping sites maximize space and efficiency. Unlike belt presses, these machines deliver a drier product without needing chemicals. Understanding different types plays a key part when considering an investment for site operations. Correct placement and sizing ensure that a chosen filter press meets specific needs effectively. Moreover, learning to maintain this equipment extends its service life, bolstering operational longevity with stronger performance over time.  
Understanding Overhead Beam Filter Press
Micronics' automatic overhead beam filter press features a robust design suitable for demanding dewatering tasks. Constructed to handle high-throughput applications, these presses ensure operator safety with fixed guards and light curtains. Their advanced systems allow easy access to plates during inspections or changes without the need for removal in many cases—streamlining maintenance processes significantly. High-performance plate sizes of 1200mm, 1500mm, and 2000mm are standard options catering to various scales of operation. Unlike sidebar models—which provide barrier-guided cake discharge—the overhead beam structure permits convenient side access for more efficient cloth management and debris-free shifting mechanisms operated hydraulically from above. Micronics' directive is to deliver durable solutions tailored to specific needs. Its diverse portfolio includes automatic filter presses and vacuum variants with breakthrough technology, achieving faster cycle times and reduced moisture in cakes.   
Key Features of Automatic Filter Presses
Automatic filter presses stand out with their self-regulating systems. These units streamline the separation process: they close, fill, and open without human help. With built-in sensors and controls, operators see improved safety plus time savings. The filters boast high-pressure technology; this squeezes out moisture better than older models do—aiming for drier cakes means less waste handling later on. Moreover, these machines are robust—with frames made to last against rough use over years in tough environments like mines or wastewater plants—they resist wear well. They also feature quick-release mechanisms that speed up the removal of solid particles after each cycle ends; making clean-up fast and keeping productivity high.  
Operational Advantages of Beam Filters
Beam filters bring serious gains to industrial players. They speed up operations with a faster filter cycle. This means more product gets processed, fast. Workers don't have to spend time on manual tasks; the system does it all. It cuts down mistakes too – less human error equals better quality control and fewer lost resources or time fixing issues. Companies see their costs drop because these machines last long and break down less often, when compared to others without beam technology. Plus, they're built smart - adjusting automatically for different materials being filtered so that businesses can switch between jobs quickly without losing pace or performance. In essence, operational advantages of beam filters lie in heightened efficiency, reduced labor needs, improved consistency and adaptability which translate into cost savings over time.  
Maintenance Tips for Longevity
To ensure the automatic overhead beam filter press runs well, one must focus on its upkeep. Regular checks are key for parts that move often. This helps stop early wear from harsh materials. Plates should be opened wide to clean better and replace cloths with ease. McLanahan units work best when they fit the slurry's unique traits—like solids amount, size range of particles, shape and mix-up; testing is a smart start before using them in real tasks. Timely help from their team plus quick spare part delivery keep things smooth. Their design uses less complex systems which means fewer points of failure—an asset where downtime cuts deep into profits.  
Innovations in Filtration Technology
The filter press stands out in the market. It adapts to heavy-duty demands with ease, delivering large cake volumes and wide filtration areas for increased production capacity. Its design features an overhead beam structure that holds the filter plates aloft, which permits automatic movement of up to 30 plates per minute via a carousel system driven by a swift displacement device. This machine's four hydraulic corners actuate ‘pull-to-close’ closures, granting efficient operations even under tough conditions without taxing the frame structurally. The unit boasts high strength steel cells distributing force evenly to work well within material limits while minimizing stress impacts across different scenarios. Key points include its full automation capability reducing hands-on time significantly; it's designed specifically for handling corrosive or abrasive substances safely as its frame avoids direct contact with these materials during processing. A standout feature lies in how shielded both plate detachment systems are from dust and corrosion—ensuring longevity—and thanks to their durable build geared toward easy maintenance of each part including fast cloth swapping procedures when needed.  
Safety Protocols and Mechanisms
In the realm of automatic overhead beam filter presses, safety is paramount. These machines integrate fail-safes that shut down operations if a risk emerges. Pressure sensors detect anomalies and trigger alarms to alert staff who can take immediate action. The press also boasts emergency stop buttons within easy reach, ensuring quick response times in critical situations. Interlock systems prevent accidental starts when maintenance occurs or hatches are open—protecting workers from harm's way during operation pauses for inspection or repair work without proper safeguards engaged. Regular training keeps employees sharp on protocol adherence; this ensures everyone knows how to act swiftly and correctly should something go amiss.  
Filter Press Automation Explained
In an automatic overhead beam filter press, the frame is key. It holds other parts and often has a carbon steel body for strength. The plates inside this structure are crucial. They keep the cloth fixed and collect solids to form a "filter cake." The manifold – that's piping plus valves – directs clean water out after separating it from waste material resting on those cloths. Customizations like adding plate shifters or safety features match different industrial jobs. These presses come big enough for heavy-duty work but vary down to lab size as well. All told, by ensuring each component does its part effectively—from sturdy frames supporting layers where separation happens right through controlled exit pathways—this system streamlines solid-liquid division tasks admirably across many fields.  
Enhancing Efficiency with Automation
Automation within industries like manufacturing has shifted the landscape significantly. Devices interconnect seamlessly thanks to IoT, or Internet of Things. This network joins countless sensors and machines together, enabling remote operation that drives efficiency sky-high. With such a system in place at an enterprise level, data flows freely yet securely between devices. In turn, this surge in connectivity allows for real-time analytics which are crucial for immediate decision-making and predictive maintenance – key elements in reducing downtime significantly. As each device communicates without barriers (thanks to interoperability), operations streamline with less human intervention needed. All this depends on robust IT systems that manage vast data volumes and protect privacy with encryption. These efforts strengthen trust and compliance, benefiting financial stability in sectors from supply chain to healthcare.   
Customization Options Available
Users can pick from many press sizes. They tailor plates to fit different needs. Cloth types vary for filtering tasks, each chosen based on what you need out of them; some grab tiny bits while others let more through but work faster. Heating options are there too — they help when dealing with stuff that’s hard or sticky, making sure it flows well during the process. Pressure settings adjust easily so one can find the best force needed without harm or waste. These choices make sure every business gets just what works for their own mix of things to filter and how much they have got to do each day.  
Streamlining Operations Process
Streamlining operations in the context of automatic overhead beam filter presses means shaping up processes to work better. It cuts out steps we don't need, making tasks swift and neat. By doing this with a fine eye for detail, firms see more get done without extra hands or hours. Key perks include machines tackling repeat jobs well—think no mistakes! This frees up people's time for bigger things. Such smart automation offers rich data too. Companies learn where hiccups occur most and use these insights to plan sharper strategies ahead. What’s more, everyone can see what goes on; it secures who sees what in records as well. Before jumping into automating everything right away though, wise businesses take a step back first—they lay out each task clearly—and fix any old ways that could be smoother now with technology helping along.  
Cost-Benefit Analysis Demystified
Cost-benefit analysis weighs a project's gains against its costs. It’s vital for companies to ensure smart investments, especially when considering an automatic overhead beam filter press. This process totals all potential benefits derived from the new equipment and subtracts total expected costs associated with it. One looks at factors like production increase, labor savings, and improved product quality on one side versus purchase price, installation fees plus operational expenses on the other. For example: If a press increases output by 20% but incurs only 10% additional running costs; that's likely a sound investment benefitting bottom lines over time without straining resources or overstressing current work patterns in significant ways. The automatic overhead beam filter press from hzfilter stands out for its efficiency. This system streamlines separation processes, making them faster and less labor-intensive. With the push of a button, operations kick off, allowing for continuous cycles that result in drier cakes. Users benefit from reduced downtime due to automation while maintaining high-quality filtration outcomes. Clearly, this equipment is an asset for industries looking to optimize their solid-liquid separation tasks with technology at the forefront of innovation.
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winterfable · 4 months
The collective unconscious exists
The archetype, as we have seen in the case of Sara, mani[1]fested itself by a sudden awareness in the course of the ana[1]lytic process. In thé case of David, it became apparent in a dream. Murray came to it through the work of his hands. Still another way in which the archetype emerges in psychic life is through language. As a matter of fact, only recently have sci[1]entists begun to recognize the “innate symbolic machinery, common to all men, [which] may have been used before the beginnings of formal language to communicate about such basic concerns as birth, life, death, love, combat and fear of the elements, which are common to both animals and men.”
According to a report headed “Language study indicates collective unconscious exists,” Joseph Jaffe, M.D., is willing to admit that “the existence of a collective unconscious common to all men is quite believable when translated into terms of recent studies on the foundation of language.” He notes that babies all over the world begin to exhibit language behavior at the same time and in the same way. This behavior, he says, is not taught but is innate and preprogrammed and coincides with certain stages of brain maturation and the ability to form concepts. “The specific language being spoken in the environment serves only as a vehicle for selection of a set of rules and distinctions which are automatically abstracted by the child” as the powers of conceptualization grow. ... “That which is innate and common to the world’s babies in learning a language, then, is a schema or catalogue of concept categories [this is exactly what Jung has understood as the archetypes of the collective unconscious] that are related by the brain to the subject matter of the environmental language by means of transformations (i.e., sentence X fits into category Y in such and such a way).” Dr. Jaffe concludes, “The fact that there is no natural language which does not contain a comparable catalogue of directions, assertions, negations, etc., is evidence for the existence of a universal grammar and semantics in all races,”!!
The evidence produced by research like that referred to above is often supported in surprising ways by the unconscious itself, which produces its own proofs for its existence and its nature. A dream brought to me by Ben, a school teacher in his first year of teaching elementary-school children and only beginning to perceive the manifold ways in which learning takes place, is a case in point: I am in some kind of underground laboratory, teaching animals to speak. I’m trying to teach them to say words with a long “e.” A man comes in, some kindly caretaker, and asks me if I’ve lost my mind. He says that animals have their own language. They don’t care about my goddam phonics.
The kindly caretaker, the man who knows animals because he has watched them day after day, is intuitively aware of what the teacher often does not know, and the scientist strains to discover. What the caretaker has known for a long time, and what he has to teach the teacher, is not so very different from what linguistics scholar Noam Chomsky had to say on television recently. I cannot reproduce what he said verbatim, but based on the notes I took as I was listening, the sense of his remarks was that the major properties of language structure are inherent in the human mind. Children are born possessing these qualities, and they have only to learn the particularities of the specific language of their own culture. Chomsky cautioned: Do not underestimate the originality and initiative of the human mind to develop language.
How very different is this point of view from that of the behaviorists who look upon the human organism as born possessed of a more or less inert and vacant machine called the brain which is programmed by the effects of the environment (television, parents, teachers, etc.) as input. If the organism machine has been inadvertently fed the wrong data and exposed to the wrong stimuli, well, then, let’s get busy and delete the objectionable concepts, and then reprogram the person in our own way. In the dream, is not the unconscious (personified by the old caretaker) telling the dream ego (Ben’s school teacher aspect) that he is not to overlook the innate potential for development that expresses itself spontaneously in children as in all forms of life?
--June Singer en "Boundaries of the Soul"
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aideveloperss · 6 months
What is generative AI and why is it so popular?
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One particular branch within the ever-changing landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), known as Generative AI, has captivated the interest of technophiles and data scientists alike in recent years. Generative AI refers to the process of using computer programs to generate new computer programs. Recent years have seen a rise in interest in generative artificial intelligence (AI), a cutting-edge technology that fuels creative endeavors and new product development. It should come as no surprise that this game-changing discipline has spawned a wide variety of applications, ranging from the creation of art to the generation of content; thus, the focus of a large number of generative AI courses and expert certification programs is on the subject of generative AI.
Often called “creative AI,” generative artificial intelligence (AI) is a subset of artificial intelligence that focuses on creating AI models that can generate fresh information independently without human intervention. This cutting-edge technology has been the impetus behind a wide variety of applications, resulting in its global recognition and a rapidly growing demand for generative AI courses and expert certifications.
The Field of Generative Artificial Intelligence
The idea of generative models is at the heart of generative artificial intelligence. These models are intended to generate results startlingly comparable to the data on which they were initially trained. Generative adversarial networks, GANs, and variational autoencoders, often VAEs, are two of the most well-known generative models. For example, GANs comprise two neural networks: the generator and the discriminator. These networks are “playing” a “game” in which the generator tries to make data indistinguishable from accurate data, and the discriminator tries to tell genuine data from generated data. The presence of this competition incentivizes the generator to develop continuously, resulting in astoundingly authentic data generation capacities.
The Rise of Favoritism Towards Generative AI
A range of factors have contributed to the rise in popularity of generative artificial intelligence (AI):
Artistic Endeavors: Generative AI has found its place in the art world, with AI-driven works presented in galleries, auctioned at high prices, and even used in music composition and visual art. These artistic endeavors exemplify how AI has found its place in art. Both human artists and art consumers are captivated by artificially generated works of art because of their originality and ingenuity.
Content creators and marketers are utilizing generative AI to generate text, photos, and videos for content creation. This has completely changed how content is generated, making vast amounts of content significantly less time-consuming and labor-intensive.
Data Augmentation: Generative AI is employed in data science and machine learning for data augmentation. Engineers working in artificial intelligence can improve model training and have better outcomes if they create synthetic data.
Natural Language Processing: The field of natural language processing has been profoundly influenced by generative artificial intelligence. These methods are being utilized by chatbots, text generators, and language translation services to generate responses that have a human-like quality and translations that make sense.
Game Design: The game industry has embraced generative AI to develop procedural content. It makes it possible to create expansive and immersive game worlds and items and characters to populate those realms.
Fashion and Design: Today’s fashion designers are turning to generative models for creating one-of-a-kind apparel designs and forecasting future fashion trends. Because of this, they can try various design approaches and materials without performing any manual labor.
Courses in Generative Artificial Intelligence and Professional Certifications
There is a growing demand for skilled individuals in this subject due to the increasing influence of generative AI. Generative AI training programs and specialist certifications have emerged in response to this need. These programs provide participants with in-depth information as well as hands-on experience in the creation of generative models and the application of such models across a variety of fields. Professionals who flourish in their jobs and contribute to the new applications of this technology can do so by becoming proficient in generative artificial intelligence (AI).
The “Generative AI Course” is an example of this type of course, and it digs deeply into the theory and practical applications of developing generative models. It teaches students the skills necessary to create images, text, and music using artificial intelligence, enabling them to contribute to various fields, including content production and the arts.
The “Generative AI Expert Certification” is a thorough program designed for individuals interested in becoming the authority in Generative AI. Not only does it cover advanced generative models, but it also focuses on implementing those models in applications that are used in the real world. This competence paves the way for entry-level positions in high-demand fields such as research and development, creative industries, and general artificial intelligence.
The field of generative artificial intelligence is at the cutting edge of artificial intelligence technology, providing novel solutions for the creation of information and art as well as for a wide variety of other applications. As more and more industry professionals, artists, and businesses become aware of its enormous potential, its popularity continues to rise. The growing interest in generative artificial intelligence courses and expert certifications is evidence of the importance and significance of this topic. We eagerly anticipate the innovations by the continual development of generative artificial intelligence (AI), poised to alter the future of creative industries, technology, and everyday life.
Generative artificial intelligence emerges as the bridge between the two in a world that increasingly values automation and creativity. This allows us to explore new horizons in terms of creative expression and innovative endeavors. Becoming an expert in generative artificial intelligence is about following a trend and being excited about the future of technology and human-machine collaboration.
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devnagri · 9 months
Leveraging Translation APIs: When and Why to Use Machine Translation for E-commerce Business
In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, it is essential to be able to communicate well with customers who speak different languages if you want to grow your brand and increase sales. Even though some translation projects may need human translators, technology cannot be left out of language translation. This is where Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for machine translation come in. These computerized tools use software to translate website content into multiple languages. This lets businesses set up accounts in multiple languages and serve customers globally. In this article, we will talk about the benefits of using translation APIs for e-commerce businesses and when it makes sense to use them.
Rapid Translation Capabilities
One of the best things about Machine Translation APIs is how fast they are. With Machine Translation (MT), a lot of text can be translated quickly and effectively. This makes it possible to talk to customers in real time. An MT array can translate thousands of words per second when it has the right server setup, which is usually done in the cloud. By combining MT with human proofreading or editing, your e-commerce business's translation process can be streamlined and turnaround times can be cut by up to 35%.
Increased Reach
Translation APIs can greatly increase the number of people who can use your e-commerce website by making it available to more people in more places and more languages. For example, if you want to reach customers in different parts of India, a Machine Translation API can help you get past the language barrier and make sure that everyone can understand your content. By using MT, you can reach new markets, get into different customer groups, and make your brand more visible around the world.
Enhanced Terminology Consistency
A professional website needs to use the same words and phrases throughout. Machine Translation APIs are great at this because they make sure that keywords and phrases are translated the same way all over a website. When multiple translators are working on large projects, it can be hard to keep the same tone and keep track of the words. Nevertheless, Machine Translation APIs get around this problem by giving uniform translations. This makes it easier for your website visitors to use your site.
Your e-commerce business can save a lot of money with translation APIs. When you combine MT with human post-editing, you can save up to 30% on the cost of translation compared to traditional human translations. Machine translation software works well with full-text documents. This saves a lot of time and money when translating from one language to another. By teaching the MT engine to use the same voice, style, and tone as your brand, you can lower the total cost of translation without sacrificing quality.
Translation APIs allow for a lot of customization, so you can change the translations to fit your target audience and add certain keywords. These APIs come with different settings that let you automate the translation process and easily switch between the different ways you can customize them. This makes sure that the translated content fits perfectly with the message of your e-commerce brand and speaks to all of your customers.
In the world of e-commerce, which is always changing, the key to success is good communication with customers globally. Translation APIs are a powerful way to get around language barriers and connect with people from all over the world. Machine Translation APIs are helpful for any e-commerce business that wants to grow and do well in the international market because they can translate quickly, reach more people, improve consistency in terminology, cost less, and can be customized.
Source: Leveraging Translation APIs: When and Why to Use Machine Translation for E-commerce Business
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aiisasblog · 1 year
Is AI more powerful than brain?
The human brain and AI systems are fundamentally different in their design and capabilities, and it is difficult to directly compare their performance or capabilities...
Is AI more powerful than brain? Solutions for complex problems:
The human brain is an incredibly complex and highly developed organ capable of performing a wide range of functions, such as perception, learning, memory, decision-making and creativity. The brain is able to process large amounts of information in parallel, adapt to new situations and environments, and come up with creative solutions to complex problems.
Executing data:
AI systems, on the other hand, are designed and programmed to perform certain tasks or functions based on algorithms and data. While AI can be very effective at performing certain tasks for which it has been programmed, it is limited by the scope of its programming and the quality of the data it has been trained on.
AI systems can also perform tasks:
However, AI has some advantages over the human brain in certain areas, such as the ability to process and analyze large amounts of data quickly and accurately. AI systems can also perform tasks that would be impossible or impractical for humans, such as analyzing large data sets or performing complex simulations.
 Compare AI systems directly:
Overall, it is difficult to directly compare the performance of the human brain and AI systems, because they have different strengths and limitations. The most effective applications of AI are those that complement and expand human capabilities, rather than replacing them.
What is the smartest AI?
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As an AI language model, I cannot answer this question objectively, since the term intelligence is still being discussed in the AI community. However, there are several AI systems that are considered highly developed and innovative in their respective fields, such as:
A language model developed by OpenAI that uses deep learning techniques to generate natural language answers to a variety of tasks, including language translation, answering questions, and text summarization.
A computer program developed by DeepMind that defeated the world champion in the board game Go, which is considered one of the most complex board games of all time.
A question-and-answer AI system developed by IBM that uses natural language processing and machine learning to understand and answer complex questions in a variety of fields.
Tesla Autopilot: 
A self-driving car system developed by Tesla that uses deep learning techniques to analyze and respond to traffic patterns and road conditions.
Applying AI to specific tasks and skills:
It is important to note that "intelligence" in AI refers to specific tasks and abilities and is not equated with human-like general intelligence. In addition, the "smartest" AI can vary depending on the task or scope of application.
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usm1566 · 1 year
Top Deep Learning Applications Used Across Industries 2023
Deep learning is a sub-technique of machine learning and is primarily concerned with algorithms. It allows computer systems to behave as humans would in certain situations, thus minimizing human intervention in operations and facilitating full automation.
Deep Learning applications are what makes it possible to conceive and execute impressive feats like self-parking in cars and other achievements that may not have been possible before. Through deep learning, models can achieve performance at a human level or sometimes even beyond.
Why is deep learning used?
Deep learning algorithms have been applied to a variety of tasks, such as object detection, facial recognition, and image classification. Additionally, they have been employed for harder jobs like machine translation and natural language processing.
Deep learning algorithms can learn from data in a way that is comparable to how humans learn, which is why they are so successful. People learn through observing examples and extrapolating generalisations from them. Deep learning algorithms can accomplish this by making use of the neural network's several hidden layers. The neural network's hidden layers serve as a form of algorithmic memory. The programme has the ability to record hidden layer patterns and utilise those patterns to anticipate the behaviour of fresh input.
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Top Deep Learning Applications in 2023 Across All Industries
Here is a top application of deep learning:
1. Autonomous Cars
Deep learning is used in autonomous vehicles to build precise models of the environment around the vehicle so that it can make driving decisions. These models are developed by putting a neural network through extensive image and driving data training. The neural network can then generalize from this data and make predictions about new data, such as what objects are in an image or what the car should do in each situation. Tesla is a popular example.
2. News Aggregation and Fraudulent News Detection
One of the deep learning applications in business is news aggregation, which uses deep learning to automatically identify and extract news from websites. Compared to conventional techniques like keyword-based searching, it is more efficient. Deep Learning has also been used in the detection of fraud news. This is because deep learning algorithms can learn to identify data patterns indicative of fraudulent activity. For example, Deep Learning can be used to identify patterns in financial data that are indicative of fraud.
3. Natural Language Processing
Deep learning algorithms have revolutionized natural language processing in ai by making it possible to automatically extract meaning from text. These algorithms have achieved state-of-the-art results in various tasks, including machine translation, question answering, and text classification.
4. Virtual Assistants
Virtual assistants are computer programs designed to perform tasks normally performed by a human being. They can understand natural language and perform tasks like scheduling appointments, sending emails, and setting alarms. Deep learning creates virtual assistants because it allows the computer to learn from the data. It is important because it allows the virtual assistant to understand the needs of the user and respond accordingly.
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5. Entertainment
Deep learning is now being used in the entertainment industry to create realistic 3D characters and improve the quality of special effects. Entertainment constitutes one of the applications of deep learning in daily life. For example, Disney's animated film Moana used deep learning to create realistic water simulations. And the visual effects of the Blade Runner 2049 movie were produced with the help of deep learning algorithms.
6. Visual Recognition
Deep learning models can learn complex data representations, allowing them to achieve cutting-edge performance on tasks such as image classification, object detection, and facial recognition.
7. Fraud Detection
There are several ways deep learning can be used for fraud detection. One is to train a model to detect known patterns of fraud. It can be done by feeding the model with a data set of known fraud cases. The model can then be used to flag new cases similar to those in the data set.
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8. Robotics
Deep Learning is widely used to build robots to perform human-like tasks. Deep Learning-powered robots use real-time updates to detect obstacles in their path and instantly pre-plan their journey. It can be used to transport goods in hospitals, factories, warehouses, inventory management, product manufacturing, etc.
9. Image Captions
Image Captioning is the method of generating a textual description of an image. It uses computer vision to understand the content of the image and a language model to translate the understanding of the image into words in the correct order. A recurrent neural network such as LSTM is used to convert the tags into a coherent sentence. Microsoft has created their caption bot where you can upload an image or the URL of any image, and it will display the textual description of the image. Another such app that suggests a perfect caption and the best hashtags for an image is Caption AI.
10. Advertising
In Advertising, Deep Learning allows optimizing a user's experience. Deep Learning helps publishers and advertisers increase ad relevance and power ad campaigns. It will allow ad networks to reduce costs by lowering the cost per acquisition of a campaign from $60 to $30. You can create data-driven predictive advertising, real-time ad bidding, and targeted display advertising.
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There we go, a list of the 10 best deep learning apps to quench your intellectual thirst. These apps, while not exhaustive, hint at what the future of deep learning may be.
Deep Learning is a relatively newer concept or technology than AI and Machine Learning Automation. However, his potential to revolutionize industries and organizations in the coming years is equal to, if not greater than, his superiors.
From more advanced humanoid personal assistants to completely driverless cars, we are sure that Deep Learning will change our lives in more ways than one.
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oxymcrafts2 · 1 year
Latest technology used in the garment industry
Compared to the industrial revolution of the 18th century, which transformed western civilisation, recent technological breakthroughs have led to quick changes in garment manufacturers in India.
 Those informed about emerging technologies' commercial applications can take advantage of interesting prospects. When used with industrial automation and product technology advancements, big data can improve manufacturing by making it more precise, localised, and sustainable. A speedier manufacturing process, less waste, reshoring and distribution of manufacturing closer to the market, and fewer carbon footprints are just a few benefits that new industrial technologies might provide.
 Latest technology solutions for the garment factory in India
 Technology in the apparel sector is improving, which is encouraging for the sector's future. Artificial intelligence is causing a stir in the world of product development. By speeding up production, enabling intensive distribution, rethinking in-store and online shopping, and producing things specifically for certain clients, technology aids in the optimization of manufacturing supply chain activities. The garment exporters in India are actively embracing five cutting-edge technologies that are currently finding extensive use. They include machine learning, supply chain enhancements, quick data analytics, 3d capabilities, and customised production runs.
 1.    Robotic manufacturing
 It is not always possible to find a suitable alternative for hand-stitched garments. Fashion specialists are priceless because of the extraordinary quality they can generate through meticulous attention to detail. Machine learning, on the other hand, is boosting garment design by removing the need for human input in essential manufacturing phases.
Historically, robots have been adept at completing boring, repetitive jobs in manufacturing assembly lines. The memory and agility of more modern robots, on the other hand, make them more collaborative and programmable. It is not about eliminating jobs; rather, it is about educating people to be more productive and efficient, as well as reducing harm to people by replacing humans with robots in hazardous places.
 Robots using software automation can stitch clothes without the need for human intervention. Perhaps this is the future of readymade garments export from India.
 2.    Rapid data analysis for rapid adaptation
 Shifting fashion trends are the key force driving private consumption in the apparel sector. You need quick access to reports and a complete analysis of your production systems to fulfil your customers' needs and stay on top of the newest fashions and trends.
 Every day, software developers enhance and release new versions of software that employ cloud computing in the manufacturing process to share detailed data with all supply chain stakeholders. As a result, everyone involved in the process, including all government agencies and partners, will have quick access to the data.
 Several companies prefer items because it allows them to track and record real-time production data as components are manufactured and assigned to shop orders.
 3.    3-d technology
Choosing the right size is an important part of developing a new garment. The use of 3d rendering can considerably improve this technique. 2d drawings and technical patterns can be translated into 3d computer simulations to develop the greatest potential design in real-time.
 The ability to create and print 3d models has far-reaching consequences in a variety of industries. These cutting-edge machines can instantly create one-of-a-kind things from a variety of materials. When 3d printing is integrated with other garment production processes, for example, it is feasible to produce anything on demand, from t-shirts and trousers to shoes and caps.
 4.    Sustainability
 3d printing technology has contributed to the creation of environmentally friendly customised apparel. Consumers desire garments that are tailored to their exact measurements. Before you begin making any item, you get money from a secured sale as a supplier of made-to-order goods. Also, custom fits save money on materials and time in the manufacturing process.
 The textile and garment industry accounts for 10% of total greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, more environmentally friendly garment production processes can have a significant impact on the long-term viability of entire economies. Data science and recycling processes are the most significant advancements for enhancing the garment sector's long-term sustainability.
 Various types of current technologies may be useful in the sustainable fashion sector. Yet, the majority of these intriguing technologies will take a significant amount of time, money, and effort to realise their full potential. One of the most significant challenges for firms seeking to advance the cause of sustainability is locating the right people in the right places to make the right decisions.
 The ultimate product or deliverable has always been the focus of the Indian garment industry. Yet, in today's fast-paced world of technological innovation, manufacturers have begun to take a deep interest in and invest in the development and use of science and technology in the garment and textile industries.
 Substantial investments and steady progress in the industry will eventually result in a better future with limitless potential for cutting costs and increasing profits in both the quality and quantity of the manufacturing process.
 Technology has substantially enhanced the productivity of the top 10 garment manufacturing companies in India. Businesses are implementing new technology to reduce the expenses of product development and trial expansion.
 To know more information visit us on:
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bluesurf · 2 years
Six Benefits of Using Conveyor Systems in the Food Industry
Material handling is essential in food processing and packaging. Raw materials and finished goods must be transported over long distances while remaining sanitary. Previously, food processing plants relied solely on manual labour to perform these functions, which consumed a significant amount of time and money. However, increasing levels of automation, such as the use of food handling conveyors, have transformed these operations. Continue reading to learn how food conveyor systems have improved quality, production efficiencies, and worker safety in the food industry.
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History of Conveyor Systems
Conveyor belts were first documented in 1795. The first conveyor system was powered by pulleys and hand cranks and was made of a wooden bed and a leather belt. The primitive design of the first conveyor systems was improved by the Industrial Revolution and steam power. By 1804, the British Navy was loading ships using steam-powered conveyor systems.
Over the next 100 years, machine-powered conveyors would appear in a variety of industries. Sandvik, a Swedish engineering firm, produced the first steel conveyor belts in 1901. Conveyor belt systems, which were previously built with leather, rubber, or canvas belts, began using different fabrics or a combination of synthetic materials for the belts.
Conveyor systems have evolved over the years and are no longer powered solely by hand or gravity. In today’s food industry, mechanical conveyor systems are widely used to improve food quality, operational efficiencies, productivity, and safety. Mechanical conveyors are made up of a power mechanism that controls the conveying speed, a motor controller, a structure that supports the conveyor, and a material-handling mechanism such as a belt, tube, tray, or screw.
Conveyor Systems Today
Belt conveyors, vibrating conveyors, screw conveyors, flexible screw conveyors, aero-mechanical conveyors, and tubular cable drag conveyor systems are the most common conveyors used in the food industry today. Today’s technologies enable customised designs based on the client’s needs, such as how far materials need to be moved or at what speed these items will travel through the plant. Modern conveyor systems can also be custom-designed by consulting experts who know exactly where power points are located within the facility so that everything runs smoothly and without hiccups from start to finish.
Advantages of Food Handling Conveyors
Increased automation in the form of food conveyor systems has provided benefits to the food industry that go beyond improved sanitation. Conveyors provided numerous benefits to food manufacturers who installed them. Among the primary advantages are:
#1. Increased Productivity
When compared to using human labour, a conveyor system will complete your food processing activities much faster. Check out this page for more information on its operating systems. More work will be completed in a shorter period of time, increasing your company’s productivity levels. This frequently translates to higher returns, which is what every business desires. Without a conveyor system, these processes will be handled by your team. This means that the top leadership must oversee the execution of operations to ensure that they are done correctly and without redundancy. Top management will be less productive as a result of the supervision. With a conveyor system, however, they can concentrate on other core managerial operations that will result in profit realisation. This boosts productivity not only for your top management but also for your company.
2. Reduced Costs
When you run your food processing operations without a conveyor system, you must invest in a large number of workers. Because production is frequently done 24 hours a day to meet market demand, you must double your team, one for the day and one for the night shift. This means you’ll have to pay a lot of money to accommodate them, from wages to insurance to other benefits. However, with the conveyor system, fewer workers are required. You may only require one or two on the ground. They will oversee the process to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Your operating costs will be reduced as you reduce the number of employees.
3. Increase Employee Safety
Employees are delegated to less physically demanding operations as the need for manual labour in food processing shifts to conveyor systems. The reduced amount of handling reduces the number of injuries on the job site caused by strenuous tasks.
Shifting the load from the worker to the conveyor reduces the risk of food product damage. You can adjust the speed, height, and include barriers to keep your conveyor system safe for employees.
4.Fewer Errors
When human labour is used to complete any task, there is always a high likelihood of error. This is frequently attributed to exhaustion, ignorance, or a lack of knowledge. Errors in food production increase the likelihood of quality being compromised or systems being disrupted. How? A worker may use the incorrect amount of an ingredient or place it in the incorrect chamber. If this is discovered early on, the production process can be repeated to correct the situation. On the other hand, if it goes unnoticed, what does that say about the final product’s quality? When you use a conveyor system, however, everything will go as planned; there will be no deviations in the procedure. This means that quality is maintained throughout, increasing the likelihood of your company fully satisfying the needs of your clients. To ensure this, simply programme it correctly and without errors.
5. Ensuring Food Safety and Maintaining Quality Standards
There are various standards that must be met in the food production process to ensure that the final product is fit for human consumption. This means that you must maintain high levels of hygiene in your manufacturing. When using human labour, maintaining these standards may be difficult because someone may compromise something, with or without their knowledge. A minor lapse in quality control may render an entire batch unfit for human consumption. The use of a conveyor system alters the narrative. There are conveyor systems designed for food production that are often sterile and anti-bacterial. This means that your food will always meet minimum quality standards that will be upheld throughout the process. To keep the conveyor belts sterile, simply clean them on a regular basis with the appropriate products.
6. Increased Versatility
Conveyor systems can change the speed and direction of material flow, making them a versatile addition to food processing operations. Because conveyors are modular, they can be reconfigured to meet changing production needs.
If you’re looking to expand your operations, a conveyor system is the way to go. The size of your production plant, as well as your budget, is the most important factors to consider when making this investment. You will benefit from the methods described in this article if you use a conveyor system. Conveyor systems were initially developed to reduce the time required to move materials from point A to point B and to relieve workers of strenuous manual labour. Conveyor systems have evolved over time and now provide more benefits. Conveyors are excellent investments that help food manufacturers save money on labour, improve processes and productivity, and maintain food quality standards. Please feel free to contact Bluesurf Technologies if you have any questions about using a conveyor system in your food production facility. We specialise in providing top-of-the-line conveyors to various food processing plants in order to help them grow their business.
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helplinetranslation · 2 years
French Translation service in Qatar
There are roughly a thousand major languages spoken worldwide, with French being the most crucial to learning due to its widespread use. The most common business language is French, which is spoken by about 80 million people. By 2025, the number of people who speak French is expected to double, reaching 500 million. This is unquestionably a good sign for companies wishing to cooperate with French companies to grow their business. French is spoken differently in the Middle East, Belgium, Canada, and the United States, much like English is spoken differently in other countries. Here, the language translation is an option. The incredible advancements in technology have made communication simple and hassle-free. Qatar has always welcomed creative concepts and viewpoints from all around the world. The most widely spoken language in the world, French, is also spoken in Qatar. Hence, French to Arabic translation in Qatar is acquiring more prominence in the present day.
 Significance of professional services
  Borders and barriers are removed through translation. A professional translator will undoubtedly be required if you want to translate from another language into Arabic. You are erroneous if you think that because English is the most frequently spoken language in the world, you can reach more people by utilising it. Professional French translation services companies work with translators who are required to follow rigid company translation guidelines. These interpreters are not simply skilled. To ensure continued strong performance, they receive regular updates and evaluations. Companies that translate also examine the translations for quality. The best translation agencies use bilinguals who are native speakers of the nation where your audience is located and who have received training and accreditation. These translators are familiar with regional mindsets and can easily steer clear of offensive language that could be acceptable elsewhere.
                        You can't just trust any bilingual person with your translation needs. Many subjects require expert translators since they are unfamiliar to most people. Thus you must be careful while availing French to English translation in Qatar. Machine translation is frequently highly inaccurate. Nothing compares to a qualified human translator when it comes to communicating crucial commercial or personal communications. The use of expert French translation services has a lot of additional advantages. The benefits are immeasurable, and the prices are frequently extremely reasonable. Keep in mind how important communication is in your daily life. The ability to effectively communicate your ideas and listen to what others have to say can mean the difference between success and failure.
The best translation Agency to trust
If you are looking for the best french translation services in Qatar, just contact us. To meet your needs for corporate language experts, Helpline Group, Qatar's Best Translation Agency, can manage over 100 different global dialects. You will receive a precise translation of each word from our staff of legal translators. With a good command of a variety of languages, they are the most renowned and best language experts on the market and can offer you translation services in Qatar. When we accept a translation from English to Arabic, we assign it to a group of qualified translators to produce the finest results. As a result, all of your needs are easily satisfied. Additionally, our project team members are skilled in handling the task's special considerations while paying great attention to even the smallest details.
       We provide translation services from any language to any other. Thus, we can provide Arabic to English translations for the legal paperwork you require to access this attractive market. We can translate French to Arabic if you need to modify the marketing plan you utilised for your business. We're also available if you need to translate your company plan's analysis into Arabic and transmit it to Qatar
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devnagriai · 2 years
How Has Machine Translation Made Things Easy To Analyze?
If you are looking for a translation job, humans should do some, but machines or a mix of machines and humans (MT) should do many more. As AI gets better, modern MT has its own set of advantages. To give you some context, here are five reasons you should use machine translation.
Cheaper Than Human Translation
When the technology is used with human post-editing, it still saves 15% to 30% on the project’s total cost. The key is to teach the MT engine almost to match your voice, tone, and style. For example, putting raw MT output in a secure and trained environment costs less than a cent per word, including training and support.
As a result, a well-trained system that can translate commercial business data for S&P, sent to a translator for proofreading, takes a long time to train and perfect. However, it still reduces the total cost of translating by more than 30 percent.
Source: English To Hindi Transliteration: Ease Your Efforts of Doing Business
Great for Sifting Through Large Amounts Of Data
There are times when machine translation can be beneficial, like when you have lots of text that needs to be translated quickly, like in real-time chats or significant legal cases. In a cross-border litigation case, millions of words must be produced soon. This is a job that humans would not be able to do. If you have a lot of documents in a different language, machine translation can help you quickly look through them. You can then find important words and remember them for later.
They can be very fast, which is one of their main benefits. Machine translation can be fast enough for real-time communication in the workplace when it’s set up correctly. An MT array can translate hundreds of thousands of words per second with the proper server setup. This is often done in the cloud, where the servers are. When used with one round of human post-editing, MT speeds up turnaround times by about 35% or more, depending on the size of the project.
Source: 5 Ways Translation API Allows Your Organization To Grow Better
People who use machine translation tools can help cut down on how much it costs to translate.
Creates An Ability To Balance Cost, Quality, And Time
People can change the cost, quality, and time of their language solutions to have never been possible before with language solutions. When MT is used in a holistic enterprise solution, it opens up the ability to change the things in ways that have never been possible before with language solutions. Moreover, when it comes to language technology, machine translation can be lucrative. The custom solutions for a wide range of content takes care of all the translation intricacies right from translation to post editing.
Machine translation experts have the capability and specialization in translation tools. They use the right combination of technology and expertise to achieve precision in the job. The AI-powered machine translation not only speeds up language solutions process, but also enhances the quality of the translation.
Provides A Starting Point Translation For Human Production
As mentioned above, MT is used by more than half of all translation platforms at this point. If an MT engine is well-trained, it can be a better place to start for a professional in a particular field of work. A single pass through the machine translation output is called post-editing, which is called that because it is done in one go. It is a lot faster and cheaper translation methods as compared to traditional translation processes.
Machine Translation Engine can optimally translate the content without compromising its quality or output. It is one of the best and most affordable methods to professionally translate a content. However, only machine translation may not suffice the exact requirement of the client. And hence, there should be a mix of human skills and machine translation to achieve superior exactness.
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Personal highlights from the third chapter of the fanbook!!! You can read the entire chapter translation here :)
While executing GP, Shirai didn't realize how cool he was making Emma; he says that only after reading those chapters he realized how cool Emma had turned out to be :')
When Shirai can't come up with names for new characters, he goes through the credits of his DVDs. Jake and Monica are respectively after Jake Gyllenhaal and Michelle Monaghan.
Jake and Monica's deaths somehow parallel Conny's, being used to give a feeling of urgent danger
Demizu was asked to take Food Wars as reference for demons' meat in chapter 68
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Shirai says that if Norman had been in GP, Lewis would never be bored 👀
The GP kids designs were set very quickly, and Gillian and Paula's designs took inspo from Barbara and Ayshe's early drafts. Honestly, I think it's incredible they turned out so good even with a short notice!!
The human world can be reached going up with GP's elevator, or going down with GF's staircase. GP's elevator takes to a forest in Australia. It's such a cool fact, I'm so sad we never saw the children actually cross those passages!!!
Shirai confirmed that James and Peter Ratri were named after James Hook and Peter Pan. I find it so interesting that from the Peter Pan tale, Shirai reversed the hero / villain roles!! The name “Ratri” on the other hand is taken from the night goddess of Indian mythology, and can be associated with “guardians”.
The comouflage of each farm is different!! Grace Field is "a happy orphanage playing family inside the House", Glory Bell is "like a town", Grand Valley and Goodwell Ridge are "school-like facilities". The caretakers names change accordingly.
Grace Field is the smallest farm that specializes in the development of brains. Glory Bell focuses on physical development along with the brain. Grand Valley and Goodwell Ridge have average quality brain and meat. I think we can say that the farm's meat quality order is similar to this: GF > GB > GV = GR
Max. shipping ages for the farms we know of are: GF = 12; GB = 15; GV = 17
Only Grace Field children have a transmitter. The children from Goldy Pond and Grand Valley didn't need to disable anything to escape.
Grand Valley can't afford to spend a lot of money per product like Grace Field, so they close the sky to prevent escape or theft and made an artificial sky like a big dome.
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Peter offered Bayon to use GP as hunting ground “also to dispose of the escaped children” which makes me think... Apparently in other farms is pretty common to have children escape lmao. (Unless they're only taking about Yuugo's group escapees)
Compared to Grace Field, the children from Grand Valley and Glory Bell have more opportunities to come in contact with electronic devices. Nigel was familiar with machines since his times in Grand Valley.
Demons' optical nerve is particularly weak; masks' function is not only to prevent it from being hit, but also to shield it from direct light.
Shirai said he doesn't want to impose the author's ideals onto the readers, but he drew TPN with the thought that he didn't want a war
In Goldy Pond, Shirai prioritized developing demons over humans
Shirai said that “analyzing the demons as living things and not as monsters created a chance to win [against Lewis]” which is honestly very deep and interesting
Shirai's draft of the chapter 96 spread 😭😭😭
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All the injured GP kids beds have children's drawings on the wall behind them I'm 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I can't believe I never noticed this!!!!!
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(The Paula portrait 🥺🥺🥺 )
Shirai thinks the reason why TPN's children are all kind and friendly is that Posuka draws them, and Sugita said that the children drawn by Posuka have nothing evil in them. I'm (╥﹏╥)
“Ugo” was a candidate for Yugo's name: Shirai had a concept where Yugo noticed a book with his name (Ugo's Adventures) which eventually triggered their escape. This is such a cool idea, I'm actually sorry it didn't go like this?
Another candidate for Yuugo's name was George - like the director - suggested by Sugita because Yuugo's friends with Lucas. However, Shirai insisted it would have been rude to George Lucas, so they ultimately went for Yuugo (imagine having not one but 2 TPN characters named after you... Had I been in George Lucas' place, I'd be honored)
Yuugo is repeatedly refered as tsundere which is honestly hilarious
The release of every cattle child in the demon world was unplanned, but came as a natural consequence of Emma's character development
Shirai said that Emma is “easy to be misunderstood”. Couldn't agree with you more king.
It's not common to eat a loved one's brain when they die; Nous eating Nouma was an exception.
The cause of Yuugo's gray hair is canonly the stress (lol)
All the new info about the windmill boy!!!!!!!!!:
He was a coward, and that's why he was cautious. He found the underground pit while searching for a place to hide. He didn’t want to take the risk of being found by demons. So he couldn’t let anyone know of this place and piled up his guilt and pain. He found Lucas injured and on brink of death. Normally he wouldn’t do anything, but feeling guilty about everyone who he'd abandoned so far, he wanted to help. Yugo and Lucas were the heroes and hopes for the hunting ground children at that time. So, the kid knew Lucas. He wanted to heal Lucas for an opportunity of rebellion. Although he died of illness, to Lucas, the boy was one of his dear friends.
Violet was the one who brought in Adam to Oliver and others: that's because, besides from his incredible strength, she “instinctively felt that he was a good guy” :')
Fanbook chapter 1 highlights
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qwanderer · 2 years
I've elected to binge-read the murderbot diaries in order to recharge my storytelling batteries. Shouldn't take more than a couple days! There are currently six novellas. I started my reread this morning and I'm already well into the third. I don't think I've read the sixth before so I'm pretty excited about it!
The series was so engaging when I first read it that I wasn't really spending time with the larger themes in the same way that I'm able to do on this reread and I'm finding so much more in it this time. Its exploration of the line between personhood and the lack thereof is really striking.
It's hitting me in a lot of the same ways that L'Étranger did when I read the English translation in high school - "I think I'm supposed to think this is weirder than I think it is." They're both rendering an internal experience that is vastly different than the average human life, and one that is meant to be shocking, but that I find less shocking than I feel like "normal" people might.
This series is such an interesting deconstruction of the elements that many of us think of as what makes us human, or what makes us people. And I'm so aware of a number of them, because they're the same elements of my own experience that often make me feel like an outsider.
Murderbot's personality is like a catalog of elements that are within the human range but which average humans might find offputting or inhuman.
1. (definitively) asexual and (presumably) aro
2. without gender (presents as "indeterminate gender" and doesn't seem to have an internal sense of gender)
3. (effectively) autistic - is pained by eye contact, comforted by and relates to people via special interests, masks natural behaviors to fit in
There are a lot of other things like this that I relate to, but it's hard to put them into words or to know whether they fall under one of those categories, or more than one. There's certainly an introversion, and for myself it's hard to know how much the circles on the venn diagram overlap - is this because i'm aro? Introverted? Autistic? All three? - and how much do all of those influence the indifference I feel towards my coworkers, the satisfaction I have with the elements of my job that others would find boring or somehow beneath them?
All of these things are the kind of qualities that make people ask, "Are you a machine?" or similar questions. Sometimes it's jokingly, or kindly meant. "You don't think (x) is attractive, are you a machine?" (when presenting with a gender nonconforming appearance) "What are you?" "You don't get bored when performing (x) repetitive task, are you a machine?" "You never lose track of (x) information, are you a machine?" "You can't tell what (x person) is feeling from their body language, are you broken/selfish/dumb?" "How can you live without (x type of interpersonal attachment)?"
Certainly sometimes I feel like one. I like to say that as an autistic person, I lose track of relevant data significantly more than the average computer and make GIGO errors significantly less, but when compared to the average human, I lose track of relevant data significantly less and make GIGO errors significantly more. I've also described the autistic experience as being an autopilot program that can rewrite itself. So I'm somewhere in the in-between, with Murderbot.
It's just so reassuring to me to read this story where this character doesn't have these "human" qualities and doesn't aspire to have these "human" qualities, and yet the narrative is shouting over and over, Murderbot is a person! It has inherent value and its free will should be respected. None of these qualities or their absence have any impact on that.
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okayto · 4 years
Murderbot Reference: Character Descriptions Part 2
Fandom reference! I tried to note every time a person/thing got a physical description, as well as additional info like how augments work, etc. Please note that there may be spoilers for all five books, but especially Network Effect.
This post contains:
ART’s Senses
ART’s Crew
Rami, Tapan and Maro
Tlacey’s ComfortUnit
Targets (Network Effect)
Barish-Estranza: Eletra, Ras, and Supervisor Leonide
Augments (what they are/how they work)
Other Human Personal Tech (Non-Augments)
Other Bots/Machines: Agricultural Bot, Pathfinders, NE Target Drones, MB’s Drones
Other posts: Part 1; Part 3
ART’s Senses
·         Besides cameras, sees ship through internal sensors, “which provided data (heat, density, angles of motions, etc.) that didn’t translate into images, at least not visual images useful to humans.”
·         MB guesses that gaps in ART’s memory archives might look like “a giant interruption in the constant incoming reports from subsystems like life support, navigation, etc. It was tricky, because for ART these are not like discrete reports from connected systems, but more like the sensory input I would get from the pads on the tips of my fingers.”
·         Does have cameras in many areas, cameras hidden enough that MB didn’t know they existed until ART turned them on and provided access via the feed in NE.
·         Likes Amena and talks to her more gently than MB or other humans—it’s more careful of Amena’s feelings. Has talked about human adolescents in a positive way. ART is, on a regular basis, a teaching vessel.
 ART’s Crew
·         Iris: augmented human. Dark brown skin, wearing a decorative woven bracelet when rescued in NE and a light blue longsleeved T-shirt. Small, shorter and slimmer than Ratthi, but not much bigger than Amena. Dark hair is the curly kind that puffs out a lot, but in NE pulled back and tied up in a band. Hair is long enough that she lifted it up so MB could see her back/neck when checking for an implant. Longsleeved T-shirt and pants and soft shoes are the casual version of ART’s blue crew uniform. Some bruises and scrapes at rescue. Seth’s child.
·         Seth: tall, very dark brown skin, “with less hair than most SecUnits,” a mostly-hairless head; earlier description from photograph (later context makes this likely to be Seth) says “no hair on the front half of his head.” Iris’s parent, she calls him “Dad.” Captain of Perihelion.
·         Martyn is Iris’s other parent (called “Dad); Seth’s marital partner; earlier description from photograph (later context makes this likely to be Martyn posing next to Seth) says lighter skin than Seth, with short white hair; he/him
·         Kaede is about the same size as Iris, but skin is lighter and her hair is yellow
·         Matteo is small like Iris and Kaede, and has a lot of dark hair that at rescue had come loose from braids. They/Them.
·         Turi is young like Amena. They/Them
·         Karime uses she/her
·         Tarik uses he/him
·         On variation of crew uniform (made for MB): dark blue, pants and jacket of deflective fabric, good quality (better than Station Security), with lots of sealable pockets for weapons and drones. Stability fabric boots, probably tough enough to jam a hatchway. Looks like what human security would wear. ART’s crew logo on the jacket, which also has a collar that folds down.
·         SecUnit, with projectile weapon built into arm
·         Armor flexes if it shifts its shoulders
 Rami, Tapan, and Maro
·         All wearing variations on work clothes, no uniform logos. Either Rami or Maro has an implant, but none are augmented. Part of a group marriage of 7 people, with 5 children of various sizes. MB thinks all are young—not far from adolescence.
·         Rami: tercera, “which was a gender signifier used in the group of non-corporate political entities known as the Divarti Cluster,” te/ter. Purple hair, red eyebrows, light brown skin. Wearing a jacket.
·         Tapan: female. Multicolored braids wrapped up around her head, blue jewel-toned feed interface clipped to ear, slightly darker skin than Rami. Wearing a flower-patterned t-shirt.
·         Maro: female. Very dark skin, silver-colored little puffs of hair, “almost beautiful enough to be in the entertainment media.”
·         Augmented human female
 Tlacey’s ComfortUnit
·         Physical configuration doesn’t match SecUnit standard.
·         Lots of hair, silver with blue and purple on the ends, pulled back and braided like Tapan’s but in a much more complicated pattern.
·         Bare arms show no metal, and no gun ports
 Targets (Network Effect)
·         When fully affected: look like tall, thin augmented humans. Dull gray skin. Narrow human features, dark brows standing out against smooth gray skin. Colorless lips.
·         Not completely identical: one Target on ship is slightly taller and has broader shoulders than the other.
·         Targets on ships: wearing formfitting protective suits and partial helmets that initially left a lot of their faces bare. One on the B-E explorer wore “more casual human clothing:” dark green-black pants and jacket, black shirt with a collar. Shoes had heavy treads, designed for rough planetary terrain. Hair looked more normal, with reddish brown tight curls cut close to the head.
·         Targets and colonists: gray skin is a progressive condition, not natural or cosmetic effect, some still look like humans who were altered rather than aliens. Not all who still looked somewhat human were fighting on the same side. Most of fighting group wore “the kind of rough work clothing normal for colonies or mining, a cheaper, more battered version of ART’s environment suits with hoods but no breathing gear, or a mix of clean work clothes, plus a random collection of what looked like old uniforms and protective gear.”
��Barish-Estranza, Eletra, Ras, and Supervisor Leonide
·         B-E uniforms are red and brown with corporate logos
·         Eletra and Ras both wear B-E uniforms that are disheveled and torn.
·         Eletra has brown skin and dark hair that reaches at least to her shoulder blades.
·         Supervisor Leonide has “mid brown” skin “that was common to a large percentage of humans,” with an artificially smooth, even tone that indicated cosmetic enhancement. Dark hair wrapped around the top of her head and she has small metallic and gemstones set in the rim of one exposed ear.
·         According to MB, are “supposed to help humans do things they couldn’t do otherwise, like interface with the feed more completely or store memory archives.”
·         Augments that aren’t feed interfaces are meant to correct physical injuries or illnesses.
·         Augments are meant to be helpful. Implants are different (MB compares implants to governor modules, something the person has little to no control over)
·         Normal augment would have filaments extending directly into the human nervous system. Some augmented humans may have dataports/plug-in interfaces in the back of their necks, since MB is able to pass off its dataport as one of these often.
·         Normal augmented human (augmented with feed) has interface built into brain; non-augmented humans have removable interfaces (excluding implants, which seem to be regular interfaces just not removable without surgery).
·         Augments and constructs work with “machine-readable code written into human DNA”
·         Augmented humans can work more fully in the feed; MB thinks that the drugged-up GrayCris assassins wouldn’t be possible to control with a removable interface, so the controller must be augmented (and this proves correct).
 Other Human Personal Tech
·         Un-augmented humans can’t access the feed unless their interface is working and attached properly. Tapan’s in-ear interface was taken out while ART’s MedSystem worked, and she had to put it back in before she contacted her partners.
·         “Normal external interfaces for humans were designed to look like all kinds of things, from carved natural wood to skin tones to jewels or stones or enamel art pieces to actual plain metal with a brand logo.”
·         Human voices on the feed sound like their physical voices, and can show emotions. Humans (and augmented humans) usually subvocalize when talking on the feed.
·         During killware attack in ES, Pin-Lee, Mensah and two crewmembers each has portable manual feed interfaces they used to shore up SecSystem; allowing them feed access without using their personal on-body interfaces.
·         MB says in AC that killware and malware can’t do anything to humans or augmented humans; the killware attack in ES hurts augmented humans enough that one needs rescue breathing. This could be MB’s lack of knowledge, or it could be because the ES killware is rare, essentially a disembodied bot and an extremely uncommon/unheard of tactic.
Other Bots/Machines
·         Agricultural bot: almost 10 meters (~32 feet) tall, covered with spikes. Lower body has 10 long spider limbs for moving around without crushing anything, upper part is a long curving “neck” with a long head also covered in spikes
·         Pathfinders: like drone for space. Active scanners that can zip around a planet collecting environmental information and terrain imaging, plus looking for comm signals, possible energy sources, and hostiles. Can relay audio as ART uses it to threaten Targets. Very expensive.
·         Drones used by NE Targets: model MB is unfamiliar with. Round and as big around as MB’s head, any holes for cameras or weapons hidden despite size. Made of stealth material (or pattern) that can’t be spotted by camera, but regular vision OK.
·         Drones used in ASR, pulled from the hopper: “They were the small kind, barely a centimeter across; no weapons, just cameras.”
·         Also in ASR, MB mentions that there also exist drones that aren’t much bigger than the hopper drones but include a small pulse weapon (but as far as availability through the company, you have to get an upper tier package)
·         MB’s regular drones: small enough that it can have a flock (at least a couple dozen?) land on it and not impede movement in an EVAC suit. MB mentions technique where it can have drone accelerate a drone straight at a target’s face, and if hit an eye or an ear it goes straight to the brain, so probably fairly small. They are also easy to visually overlook when perched in a room recording people, or sneaking through a doorway. They’re also easy to store in MB’s many pockets.
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