#and my brother totaled HIS car so he’s going to need mine for work
writingcold · 7 months
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Hi.  Welcome to the Epilogue.  It’s short, but mighty.  I truly, truly hope that you have enjoyed my Bootleggers and Wildflowers.  They have been so fun to write.  
If you are just joining us, you can find the Master List to the series here
Here’s the last time I’m going to say it: @lvnterninthenight, @gardensgatedaisy and @whitesuitjake thank you from the bottom of my toes to the tip of my head for your assistance, patience and talents.
This is a work of fiction, and is totally mine.  Please do not take it for your own personal use.  I’ve put in hours of research, hours upon hours of writing, re-writing, screaming, yelling and vomiting over this epic of a story.  But it is mine.
Content warning:  18+ only story.  Fluff.  Family.  Hardship of the 1930’s and the Great Depression.  But, mostly fluff.
Word count: approx. 3200
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Epilogue - Cora
Summer 1933
     The hard times started one year and two months after their wedding.  Jacob and Cora had just welcomed their first child when it seemed the world went wild with grief and darkness.  For the honeymoon, they had gotten into his newest car - a cherry red Packard Twin Roadster.  Cora thought the car was wildly flamboyant.  Jake teased that he loved seeing her frugal and modest nature crumble the moment she slid into the passenger seat, feeling the suppleness of the leather and the smooth ride across the road.  And he was right.  There were little luxuries that he injected into her life that she could not be without - a pretty tea set, a soft bed, touches through the quality fabric of her dresses, a variety of food in her belly every night.  To see her family flourish in their new home was a blessing she promised to never take for granted.  
      If Cora had thought that she had gathered so much life in the two years she had lived before marrying Jacob, the first year of their marriage was like living life at a full sprint.  The Baras’ Brothers General and Mercantile Store opened for official business while they were on their auto touring trip.  Joshua, Daniel and Samuel launched the moment they could, offering Arbor Vitae their first real access to a wide variety of needs.  Within a month, Sam opened an auto garage and gas service station next door.  Molly carved out a bit of a tailoring shop on the opposite side of the street.  Rosemary found her hands needed as men streamed in from the logging camps, swamping Molly with so many repairs that she needed assistance right away.  Assistance that her mother was delighted to provide.  Cora took the job of accounting for all the family businesses - a job that she was happy to manage from the home that Jacob had built at the edge of town.
      She walked through the functional kitchen, a cup of tea in her hand.  The quiet of the house filled her as she sat down at the rich oak dining table.  Across the walls and sideboard, instead of art of a well-to-do wife, she had pictures of them all - all the family.  It was difficult not to be reflective as the children slept and her hand on her very pregnant belly as the next little one stirred against her.  Her smile tugged as she cooed down at the next blessing.  She had been feeling little flutters all morning.  Flutters she knew would make loud announcements in a short time to bring forth the next member of their family.  Blowing out a soft, cooling breath across her tea, she looked across to the last photo Joshua had taken of her brothers.
      Matthew, Jonathan and Georgie stood shoulder to shoulder with serious faces and crisp linen suits.  It was taken just a few days before Matthew traveled to the east for the Autumn term at the college where his namesake had once made home.  The eldest of her brothers had made quite the impression on his professors and had established himself amongst his peers.  He was settling in Boston after the university there invited him to teach.  Cora knew that their father’s spirit of sharing knowledge resided deep within him.  It would be a good fit for the young man seeking to set his roots.  Jon blossomed under Samuel’s tutelage, becoming quite the engineer and helping at the auto garage.  The young man showed more than talent, but a mind for innovation as well.  He felt strangled when he tried college, finding that he needed to be tinkering rather than pointing out the flaws in his professor’s methods and lessons.  After two terms of university, Jon was snatched up by a large car company and moved to Detroit.  Sam was as proud as he could be of his protege.  Georgie, the last of the boys to be home with Rosemary, was preparing to leave for college soon.  He would be joining Matthew in Boston, with a focus on the family business as his guide.  He had taken an interest in the management of the shops, to which Jake was quick to foster.  The Janas family lived a good, secure life.  Quite the opposite of their situation only seven years prior.  A blessing she held terribly close in her heart.
      Samuel’s service station was wildly popular with locals and tourists alike.  The first year without Susannah had been rough to aid him through.  The young man’s wounds were bone deep and bled often as he struggled to heal.  The station helped return his mind to normal.  His reputation of making cars go fast trickled through the various car clubs that traveled through town that first summer of business.  He was approached by a driver asking about what he knew about endurance racing.  The thought of traveling around the world to showcase his talent that had once been for illegitimate offerings was not lost on the young man.  He would spend seven months of each year on the circuit then return home to hearth and home, the conquering hero.  After the second season, he returned with a woman he had met and married in Poland.  The happiness that had jolted the man’s heart filled every room he graced.  It was another blessing that the family could count.
    Molly and Daniel had settled in a house down the road from them.  Pregnancies were hard on the sassy woman.  The grief over losses culminated in the decision to become a doting aunt and uncle.  Molly took pleasure in snuggling each child, but to have the ability to turn them back home when fussy was a luxury all its own.  Daniel and Jacob ran the shops efficiently.  Their partnership was close knit with more than enough work to go around.  Daniel shone in the community with his patient nature and level-headed decision making.  He had become a fixture on the town board with whispers of perhaps a mayoral term in his future.  Molly would cackle behind closed doors about a former bootlegger and dancing girl becoming respectable in society without anyone the wiser.  But she knew - it was a blessing.  All of it and in between.  A blessing afforded by sacrifice that was not willingly given.
     Her eyes traced to the numerous pictures of her and Jacob.  Her handsome husband and partner.  Matthew Kelly arrived a week before the stock market crash that  blackened October 28th, 1929.  He brought such joy to their home that Cora was sure would rupture it from its sheer capacity.  But then, tragedy.  Unlike so many in the community, the Baras’ family weathered the perpetual storms with restraint and bonds that were stronger than steel.  
      Next to the photo of Jake holding infant Matthew was one of the twins.  Stone faced, seated with bodies turned slightly towards each other, it belied the laughter that rang out once the camera flashed.  Joshua, though invested throughout the community, became restless shortly after the dark days began to unfold.  He was instrumental in immediately setting up aid to those who were affected, seeing to it that hungry mouths had food to turn to as well as having shelters built for families displaced from instant foreclosure.  Joshua’s spirit grew restless in the small community that held few options for him.  He drifted in his pursuits, moving further and further away from hearth and home, traveling the country in search of his niche.  Always graced with the gift of words, Josh had discovered an opportunity to delve into his love of film.  Instead of Hollywood, he found himself behind a camera, capturing the horrendous human suffering of the time.  He was able to put pictures and words to those who were too smothered to be heard and seen.  He became active in documenting atrocities of what would become a defining moment in history.  Though he was far from home, Joshua marched to his family’s heartbeat always.  Caring and sheltering those he could by bringing awareness to their strife.  Cora grinned at the photo, knowing that Joshua was a blessing to her in more than just offering her a glimmer of opportunity that was doubtful in the beginning.  Her husband’s brother saw within her something that could be pushed, nurtured and elevated to be a pillar of strength of his family.  For that, she would always be grateful.
      In the center of the wall, hung a beautifully framed photograph of the entire family, all together.  Rosemary and Dorothy were the center with both sides of the family fanning out behind them.  Though on the fringe, Junie could be seen holding the hand of Lucas for the very first time.  It was a moment no one realized until the finished piece arrived in the lovely silver frame.  Lucas provided her sister with the kind of quiet love Junie needed.  The young man held her with such tenderness, yet protected Cora Rose with a fierceness that rivaled the girl’s mother.  Lucas had started to expand on the little cottage next to Dotty’s, but the woman gifted the big house to them instead.  Cora Rose became sister to Ada Marie the following year and the house would become what Dorothy Baroski wanted it to be - a home for a family.  The shelter the woman had afforded Junie when it most needed, turned to the blessing of found family.  
     Cora’s belly constricted once more, hard, under her fingertips.  The air in her lungs burned as she tried to breathe through the stirrings.  Shifting for the eighth time in an effort to remain comfortable, her eyes strayed to the grand clock.  The fourth hour chime would fill the home with a tone that was meant to prepare for the evening.  However, she knew it would be a few hours yet before Jacob would return to her.
     Their twins, Sarah Jane and Junie Belle, arrived in March of 1931.  Tiny little things, the pair screamed their way into the home and their parents’ hearts.  The picture of Jake holding both babies while she held Matthew on her hip was one of her favorites.  A hint of a smile resided on her man’s face that happened to be there from the moment of the vows, never straying, never fading.  Her Jacob.  Her handsome husband.  He was a better father than she could have hoped for.  Echoes of her father resounded in her spirit as he would swish around holding the babies in his strong arms as they babbled and sang songs that floated out of the radio.  He read to them every chance he received, spinning tales that she was sure had been his favorites as a child.  He glowed in the presence of his children.  
     Though the dark did not seem to touch the Bara’s household, it ravaged their community.  It was not uncommon for men from all over the region to gather on the main street and wait for jobs in order to feed their families.  Men as far away as Eau Claire and Waukesha would show up and wait for the timber crews to glean from their numbers for logging to the north.  A few were brought on to the farms for day help, but that was mostly just in the Spring and Autumn months when help was needed.  Most were unsuccessful in their search for work, leaving an endless march of souls that were hungry and lost to the time at hand.
      Junie would drive into town four afternoons a week with Dottie, bringing in extras from the garden and donating time in the soup kitchen.  Jacob, on his walk home each evening after the shop closed at six, would stop in the kitchen to sneak in a ten dollar bill when no one was looking.  He would take a few minutes to play ‘Look what I found’ with a few of the children, pretending to find tiny bags of lollipops or hard candy or toffee treats to share.  He always felt he needed to give more.  More time.  More smiles to lighten the heaviness of the spirit of their community.  In truth, Cora knew the man would give every last shred to shield them all from this dragon that threatened them.  
     The flash of pain blazed from her core, spreading down through her legs and up through her chest.  She knocked her tea cup, spilling its ignored contents across the deep toned wood.  Gasping for breath, she fought to steady herself while her body worked to bring the baby forth.  The bloom rapidly subsided and she stood to retrieve a towel from the kitchen.  As she sopped up the mess, she could hear Matthew stirring in his room.  Shaking her head, she knew it was time.  Moving to the hall, she lifted the phone to first call the midwife, Mrs. Totts.  Next was a call to Molly’s shop to request one of them to alert Jacob and then to come and retrieve the children for the night.  It was a well run plan that they had planned out and executed.  As she hung the receiver, she bent, holding her belly and swallowing the pain the best she could so as not to worry the children.     
      Time ticked along with the mechanical sound of the clock that she stood beside with eyes trained on the door.  Each tick brought a pinch to her breath while each tock, the heat of her labor spread further around her back.  She could hear the girls waking in their room above her.  There would be no way she would be able to climb the stairs to comfort them, welcome them back from their slumber.  A soft gasp dripped from her lips as another flare struck her.  
     Her brain began to latch onto anything around her in search of comfort.  At the edge of the sideboard was a photo of Jake and her with Marcus.  It had been taken shortly after Matthew had been born when their dear friend passed through town.  The sight of the man who treated her like his own daughter soothed her.  Marcus held an orderly court in Iron Mountain as the waves from the Kiszka and Wagner reign blazed to a close.  He talked about how times were about to change once more.  The end of Prohibition would bring legitimate business back to the liquor trade, effectively cutting off revenue for ‘family ties’ as Marcus put it.  He had hopes of retiring.  He had hopes of finding a soft place to land amongst the trying times.  She had hoped that perhaps in time he would find his path back to them.  
      “Mama?”  Matthew called from the top of the stairs, his little voice filled with sleep and worry.
      She bared her teeth as she tried to move towards the foot of the stairs but a sudden flush of liquid between her legs stopped her immediately.  Her jaw dropped as her knees started to bend to lower herself to the floor.  
      “Stay there, Matthew,”  she managed, trying to sound normal.
      The screech of the screen door followed by the solid sound of the front door opening brought her heart a moment of relief.  Molly’s eyes grew wide when she found her in between the hall and the dining room.
      “Oh, Mama,”  she breathed.  “That close?  Let’s get you up, dolly.”
      Cora breathed out in pain as her friend helped her back to her feet and to a chair.  “Get the babies.  The stroller-”
      “I know where everything is.  Don’t you worry about a thing,”  she remarked as she turned.  “Jake’s right behind me.  You call Mrs. Totts?”
      Cora nodded in answer as her hands smoothed around to the base of her belly.  The door flew open once more, admitting Jacob with a worried look in his eyes.  She held up her hands to him.
      “I saw Molly-”
      “Up here,”  she called.  “Got a few things to do first.  Get her to your room.”
      He helped her to stand once more as a contraction struck.  She fell against him, but he held firm.  Breathing him in as her body struggled through the process, she could feel his heartbeat through the linen of his jacket.  
      “Ready?”  he whispered, his fingers pressing into her back.
      All she could do was nod.  He helped her into the bedroom.  “I left a mess,”  she said, feeling her cheeks blush.
      “Do not worry about that.  I’ll get it,”  he answered as he moved her to the side of the bed.  
      He proceeded to start in on the buttons of her dress before unhooking her stockings and taking off her shoes.  He reached for the nightdress that she had worn for all three pregnancies and wrapped it around her before helping her into the bed with a firm hand and gentle kiss to her mouth.  They heard Mrs. Totts walk through the front door with a knock as Molly worked her way down the stairs.  Jacob sat on the edge, his body a bastion of strength for her to hold to as the storm raged across her belly.  He whispered love and devotion into her hair as she tried to breath through the waves.
      “Mr. Bara,”  Mrs. Totts scolded as she made her way inside.  “That is enough of you.  Out.”
      He laughed through his nose as he leaned into her, capturing her gaze.  “I love you.  I can’t wait to meet our newest cherished one.”
      He pressed a gentle kiss to her mouth before the old woman could physically remove him from his room.  She watched him go and turn back with a wave before closing the door.  The labor was longer than with the others.  She could hear Jacob becoming frustrated as he waited in the dining room.  At times she could hear her mother’s voice.  Others, Danny and Georgie.  Just when she thought she was too tired to go on, she felt a calm wash over her.  It was a strange sensation she got with each of the babies - a calm that soothed her spirit and refocused her nerves just before they were pushed into the hands of Mrs. Totts.  Her heart grew quiet until the first note of a cry filled the room and relief filled every pore of her being.  
      The radiance of pure love was a welcomed friend in her family.  Cora, exhausted, watched as Jacob took their newest son, Jacob Thomas, Junior into his arms and held him close, kissing him on his forehead in complete happiness.  Mrs. Totts frowned as Jake maneuvered beside his wife as she left.  He cradled Cora against him as she brought the baby up to her breast to feed him.  It was a blessing that both would feel, together.  This idea of togetherness in their family.  The blessing of forever. 
The End.
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So if you enjoyed my story, please please please, share it.  Reblog it.  Comment.  Let me know the good, the bad, the ugly, because I do love to hear every thought you have - it will help me to only get better.  I appreciate it more than you know.
Thank you everyone for being patient and reading along with the story.  I hope to have something a little different for you soon.  Something gothic for October.  🎃👻
@lvnterninthenight @doodle417 @luverleaver @jakesgrapejuice @fictional-duchess @whitesuitjake @milkgemini @positivegvfthings @songbirds-sweet @streamingcolors-gvf @gretavanbitches @samsurfgreenbass @gardensgatedaisy @babyhoneygvfarchive @myownparadise96 @josh-iamyour-mama @starcatchercarol @loveisonaroll @jakesstarlight @reesetrippingthelight @builtby-gvf @ignite-my-fire @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @wetkleenex-gvf @gold-mines-melting @starsasone @puzzle-gvf @mysticalstarcatcher @montenegroisr @takenbythemadness @way-to-go-lad @cal-a-bungaa @lightmylove-gvf @thewritingbeforesunrise @leftjudgeempathsuitcase @brokenbells11 @imborrowedshesblue @vanfleeter @sammysvanfeet @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @jaketlove @redsierra1960 @gvfmarge @becinabubblegvf @wildbluesorbit @sinarainbows
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Dad was cheap
Like not funny ha ha cheap.. Like he was, but also wtf infuriating cheap
He would tithe to the church all he felt he should, I mean litterally every few months, they would post in a special bulletin who gave and how much total. Dick measuring to guilt others if I ever saw it. That's the only time I'd hope he had been cheap but no...
He was an LPN, almost RN but he decided not, back in the 70s was a different outlook of those peeps and roles in industry.
I saw his pay stubs after he died when cleaning out his shed.... Naturally that's where they go. I couldn't believe how little he made, so I get frugal, I get I got second hand clothes a huge percentage of time and those handed down to my brother, but he always provided.
Mom didn't work until we were out of the house. Raising two boys and I can tell stories... She SHOULD have been paid... She mentally survived though, I guess you do.
His cheapness didn't affect basic to intermediate auto repairs, my dad had everything done at a shop, I grew up craving to do it, oil/coolant /brake /transmission fluid changing, doing my own brakes, shocks, suspension, most top engine parts, diagnosing electrical and physical gremlins. I still do, not out of necessity but because I enjoy it.
Hurt when I told dad I would do his brakes, he never had me, I would just charge parts, I know where to buy them, just like oil, I can buy great quality brake parts for both axles and come in well under what a shop does mediocre for one axle in price, and they don't treat your car like it's theirs, the tactics in which one needs to remove parts at times with violence I am well versed, as well as taking the time to do it right and careful gets cut sometimes, but I respect it was his choice.
The most cheap thing he did and it pissed me off one time and I finally got him to understand was tipping. Ten dollar meal, 80 cents, 50 dollar meal a few dollars. Now I will say it's up to everyone to tip how they want, and I do agree tipping for things now in some respects are out of control, but I started out as a puppy in the service industry, and while I didn't need to earn tips, I ran the kitchen and interacted directly with those that did and my performance could fuck them from tips and so I made sure I cooked and plated like every meal made was mine.
We were up in Canada, stopped at some strip mall diner, ordered burgers, my dad thought his was not done quite enough, but otherwise everything was fine, we were trying to get to upstate NY to bury my grandmother, his mom and I get maybe he was under duress, but I was too, I was doing all the driving because I love to drive but still it's very long and need to focus too much, people are assholes when you take a nap for a bit driving for some reason, like jeez I get it🤣
I watched my dad get the bill, easiest was to pay with card, and not screw with the did different currencies.
I noticed be put a dash on the tip, just wrote the total on the bottom. Now if it's a place you get your food and no service after I get maybe adjusting.
We got multiple how are things? I had 3 Coca-Colas, he had mutiple cups of coffee, a napkin run.... So.... Was not like the server that ran his card and looked defeated as she watched him sign it deserved it.
We get out side, he's opening door, I stand at curb.
Me : dad wtf was that?
Dad :was what?
Me: why the fuck did you stiff the server
Dad: the burger wasn't that good
Me: so?
Dad: was expensive too
Me: no dad it wasn't, it's in their currency, it's same we pay
Dad: ok, well next time...
Me: next time what? Next time we go here? Have her as a server? Or eat again??
Dad: next time we eat
Me: well we are here now
Dad : we have a schedule
Me: the hell we do, so skip a rest stop if we have to, you know we are arriving over three days before she's buried, don't give me this schedule crap, we stop when we want, and don't push our trips
Dad: what do you want me to do
Me : go in there, tip her, tell her you're an ass or that you forgot, I don't care
Dad: next time
Me :did she do anything wrong with service
Dad :the burger was...
Me: no, not her sorry, go bitch to a manager or call the prime minister or something, that was the cook...
Dad : well my coffee mug had something on it
Me: ok.. Hey excuse me miss, can you flog the dishwasher or please get me another mug, somehow this one isn't clean...
Dad: ok! (opens up wallet) all I have is a 10 and hundreds, I will get change next stop....
Me: and drive back and tip her?
Dad : that's absurd
Me: (opening up my wallet) well I only have 20s, that's fine, but if you make me be the one to walk in and do it I am walking away
Dad : son you won't walk off
Me: yes, we both paid our own meals, I tipped her very well for mine, I am good walking to grandma's, not like if I don't make it she would know
Dad : you don't have the money...
Me : don't care I'll sell my body to science or give handjobs, but riding with you that can't understand the principle of the structure and your issues are mechanisms to justify not spending more than the tab, I have watched you for years, you get up from table and mom ends up digging money out of purse and laying tip at the table.
Dad : she doesn't...
Me :the fuck she don't, call her. She just laughs and says... That's your father... I'm not laughing
Dad : (walks into restaurant hands woman the 10 and she smiles)
*walking back to car*
Me: dad I know I was a dick, and I love you, but you irk me
Dad : I know, your mother got mad last week over same thing
Me: good
Dad: besides I need you to ride with me, no one wants your calloused hands giving hand jobs
*laughter *
He got better as he aged, helped I think to have kids move out of house, mom started working a bit after we moved out and food bill fell 🤣, he would ask me and mom what would be a good tip for the meal and service, for years he tried to wrap his mind around how I tipped, service not based on tab. Eat at a diner, server runs their ass off for you, 25 dollar tab, verses same effort from high end restaurant and they should get more? No... So I tip high compared to low tabs and normal for high, dad never understood how for a 12 dollar meal, I'd give 10 tip, not about the price to me.
As he aged he started to throw his money around more, but still had moments.
I remember the car accident, one I wrote about a while back, just out of Sudbury, Canada
Flipped the car, destroyed the vehicle, the car top carrier, the only time we brought our bikes to grandmas the were hanging off the back and trashed, mom had a concussion, Justin had a broken collar bone, so much lost and broken and he said... I just filled up the tank 20 miles back... Dang it should have waited.
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hollywoodxwhore · 10 months
Ours | Chapter Six
Colson x Presley (Original Female Character)
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Synopsis: Presley and Colson fell in love accidentally, but they were meant to be. Now that all the obstacles have been removed, they're moving in together in LA. Now, they have all the time in the world for Colson to teach Presley all of the things he knows. This fic is the sequel to Mine, which can be found in my masterlist!
Warnings/Content: angry Col, swearing, M*gan F*x but she goes away soon, emotional Col, Presley being an angel, golden retriever/zero brain cell having Cash, a mushy surprise ending
There's a lot going on in this one, y'all, so buckle up. Hope you enjoy! The smut is returning soon, I promise!
As I drive, I can’t for the life of me figure out why Cash would ever give Megan Presley’s number.
I was originally planning on going home, but I change my mind and take the exit to Cash’s place instead. I pull up and search for his car, parking when I spot it. I hop out quickly and storm up to the door. Whereas last night I waited until I was calmer to reach out to Megan, there’s not a patient bone in my body.
I pound on the door and when Cash opens it, he flashes that goofy smile of his. But when he sees me, the smile falls. “Kells?”
“I’m coming in,” I tell him, and push my way inside.
Cash shuts the door behind himself and cautiously approaches me. “What’s going on?” he asks worriedly.
“Why are you giving people your sister’s number?” I snap. I’m breathing hard and seeing red. I’m furious.
Cash’s brow furrows, his eyes filling with confusion. “Huh?”
I stare at him like he’s dumb. “Megan Fox?”
Cash looks confused and then realization washes over his face. “Ohhh,” he says with a slow nod. “Yeah. Ran into her at a restaurant and she was chatting with me. Said she likes my sister’s look and wanted to reach out to her about some modeling.”
I go still for a long few moments. Then, I let out a breathless laugh. Fucking Megan. Always the lying manipulator. The fight goes out of me and I completely deflate, going to sit on Cash’s couch. I drop my head into my hands and rub my eyes. He follows me, keeping his distance like I’m a rabid dog.
“Why…why is that bad?” he asks slowly.
I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. I totally forgot: he doesn’t know about me and Megan. Our relationship began and ended before he joined us on tour. 
“Cash, I’m sorry,” I say, full of remorse. “I’m an asshole.”
Cash frowns and sits on the other leg of the couch. “I’m so confused,” he says.
“Megan is my ex,” I say. 
Cash blinks and then nods. “Oh. Got it.”
“She isn’t actually interested in Presley’s modeling skills,” I say.
Cash slumps. “She was trying to get to you. Fuck. I’m so sorry, Kells,” he says, brown eyes filled with guilt.
I shake my head. “Don’t be,” I say. “If I had been in your shoes, I would've done the same thing.”
“So what did she want?” he asks.
I roll my eyes. “She texted Pres some bullshit trying to convince me to talk to her. It worked,” I mutter. “She wants me back. Obviously I turned her ass down.”
Cash winces. “I’m sorry, man, I didn’t know.”
“Exactly, so there’s no need to be sorry,” I assure him. “I’m sorry for barging in here making accusations.”
“You’re all good, brother,” Cash says cheerfully, and just like that, all is well again.
“I gotta go talk to Presley,” I sigh, and Cash nods, walking me to the door. “Love you, man. Sorry again.”
“It’s all good,” Cash assures me. “You and my sister doing okay?”
I can’t help but smile. “Yeah,” I reply. “We’re great.”
There are many reasons that I love Presley Carver. 
Her sense of humor and her laugh. Her compassion. Her creativity. Her gentleness. The way she listens and understands me. The way she just gets me. 
But I fall in love with her even more when instead of reacting to my confession with anger, she gets up and hugs me. 
I’m completely shocked when her arms slide around my neck, but I’m not going to fight it. I wrap my arms around her waist in a fierce hug, holding her to me so tightly that my arms tremble a little. Suddenly, I’m overcome with emotion. I can’t even really process it right now.
“Are you okay?” she asks, playing gently with the hair at the nape of my neck.
“I…I’m not sure,” I admit, closing my eyes, comforted by her touch.
Presley sighs and snuggles me closer. “Do you want to talk about it?” she asks.
“You’re not mad?” I ask.
“No,” she says, rubbing my back. “You did what you had to do to figure out who betrayed you. It makes sense. Do you feel better knowing no one actually did?”
“Much better,” I say. “I should’ve never believed a word Megan said.”
“It’s okay. It’s over now,” Presley soothes. “How can I make you feel better?”
I can think of a few ways, but for now, I just need to be close to her. I bend to wrap her legs around my waist, scooping her into my arms. She clings to me as I carry us upstairs to our room and settle her on the bed. She reaches for me and I let her pull my head to her chest, her long nails gliding against my scalp in a way that makes me shiver with pleasure. 
“You know I would never go back to her, right?” I mumble into her chest.
“Of course.” Presley’s voice is quiet. Even and calm. It soothes me even more. “I know you love me, Col. You do a perfect job of showing it.”
I relax even more, most of the tension now gone from my body. I close my eyes and hold my girlfriend close. “How did I get so lucky?” I ask.
Presley’s fingers continue moving in my hair, slow and soothing. “I ask myself that same question every day,” she admits.
I look up at her. She smiles at me, those green eyes so beautiful and full of love, and I know all at once that I want to marry her. There’s no more fear or doubt. This girl is my future wife. I lift my face to hers and kiss her, trying to convey all my love with the gesture. My heart pounds at the thought of putting a ring on her finger, giving her my last name. I just hope I’m lucky enough for her to say yes. 
Colson has been weird ever since the Megan thing, and it’s making me sick.
He’s been at the studio way more often, sometimes leaving before I’m even awake. When he gets home, he avoids me. I have no idea what I did wrong, but my mind is moving a million miles a minute. Does he want Megan back? Is he regretting moving so fast with me? 
I’ve been an anxious mess all fucking day, so when Colson finally texts me, my hands tremble so hard that my phone clatters to the ground. When I pick it up, I curse. A huge crack runs right down the center of the screen. My lip trembles and I sink to the ground, taking deep breaths as my eyes burn. I will not cry right now. I won’t. 
After composing myself, I carefully open up Colson’s message. Sophie’s on her way over. I frown in confusion, liking the message. I don’t respond otherwise. His coldness is scaring me and I don’t want to reply in case it triggers a conversation about him ending things. I’m glad, at least, that I won’t have to be alone anymore. 
Sure enough, Sophie arrives quickly. I let her in and immediately, she can tell I’m upset. “Oh, pet,” she says, wrapping me in a hug. Her touch is what finally breaks me and the tears well over. “Shhh, you’re okay, love,” she soothes.
“I don’t know what’s going on,” I admit miserably. “Colson has been so distant. What did I do wrong?”
“Nothing, I’m sure,” Sophie says softly. She pulls back from the hug. “You know what? Let’s go out.”
I blink at her. “Yeah?”
Sophie nods. “Yeah. Can I borrow a dress?”
“Of course,” I say.
Upstairs, Sophie and I take our time getting dressed, doing our hair and makeup, and making ourselves look pretty. Sophie insists on going somewhere nice, so I decide on a blue satin dress that hugs my curves and makes my legs look even longer than they already are. I slide into a pair of heels and look at myself in the mirror. My long hair is swept up into a pretty updo and my makeup is flawless. It feels good to dress up again. It just sucks knowing this isn’t for Colson.
“You look amazing,” Sophie says, coming to stand beside me in front of the mirror. “Let’s go out. Forget about Colson being weird.”
I nod, determined to have a good night. “Let’s go.”
Sophie and I have dinner at one of the nicest restaurants in the city, and we end up having a great time. We each have a glass of wine and the food is incredible. Once we’re finished eating, I feel so much better. I don’t even care if Colson wants to act weird. He can do whatever he wants.
“Ready to go?” Sophie asks after we pay the bill. I nod and get to my feet.
“Let me just freshen up quickly,” I say. Sophie nods and I make a detour to the bathroom. I touch up my lipgloss and fluff my hair. When I get home, I want Colson to see what he’s been missing out on for days of weirdness. 
Sophie and I go to her car and take off towards home. I busy myself with checking notifications on my phone and I’m so distracted that I don’t notice we’ve gone a different way until Sophie is pulling the car to the side of the road. My brow furrows.
“Where are we?” I ask.
Sophie hands me an envelope that seems to have appeared out of nowhere. Her expression is a perfect poker face. “Hop out and open it, babe,” she says. I do as I’m told, tearing open the envelope while I wait for Sophie to join me, but instead, she speeds off. My eyes widen in shock.
“Hey!” I call after her, so confused. What the hell is going on? It’s then that I notice where I am. I look up in awe. 
It’s dark outside, so the twinkling lights are even more noticeable. I’m at some sort of greenhouse with plants and fairy lights twinkling everywhere. It’s stunning. I tear my eyes away to pull the card out of the envelope. I blink slowly before reading it.
Meet me in the middle of the greenhouse. Xo colson 
Startled, I tuck the note back into its envelope and step into the greenhouse. I swallow hard and wander towards the middle, looking around as I do. This place is absolutely stunning with all its greenery, flowers, and sparkling lights. It smells beautiful, too, like fragrant flowers. Finally, I look forward and that’s when I spot my boyfriend.
I think, for not the first time, that Colson is pure wonder.
He’s the most stunning person I’ve ever seen, of any gender. His cheekbones and eyelashes should be illegal. His lips are soft and his eyes are twinkling and warm. However he wears his hair he looks amazing, but I love it just like this, slightly shaggy and long. He’s wearing a suit that hugs his body perfectly, and fleetingly, I want to ask him to turn around so I can see his butt. An almost hysterical giggle bubbles out of me. 
“What the hell is going on?” I ask as I stop a few feet in front of him.
Colson’s eyes slowly wander my body. “You look stunning,” he says.
“Col,” I say, shaking my head. “What is happening here?”
Colson’s throat bobs and he steps a little closer to me. “Pres,” he says.
“Yeah?” I ask skeptically, taking in his nervous body language. 
“I’m sorry I’ve been weird the past couple of days,” he says, eyes meeting mine. “I didn’t mean to.”
“What’s going on?” I ask, my heart starting to race. I’m lost. 
Colson wets his lips and steps closer, taking my hands. His thumbs rub over my knuckles and just his touch is enough to soothe me slightly. “Presley.” His voice is a little croaky and he clears his throat. “We’ve been through a lot together. I still can’t believe I fell in love with my guitarist’s sister.”
I can’t help but smile, squeezing his hands. “Me neither.”
Colson grins and kisses my knuckles. “I’ve never been so happy,” he admits. “You make me better, baby. You make me want to be happy. You make me want to take care of myself. You inspire me every single day.”
My heart starts to race as I listen to him, and my ears start to ring. Oh my god. Is this really happening? Is he going to–
Colson drops onto a knee in front of me.
I gasp, bringing my hands to my mouth. “Colson,” I squeak.
He smiles and flicks his hair out of his eyes. He fishes into his pocket and comes out with a black box the size of a ring. My breath completely leaves me and my eyes start to sting. “Oh my god. Oh my god,” I whisper into my hands.
Colson laughs and meets my eyes. “Presley Maeve Carver,” he says. “I’ve never loved anything more than I love you. I don’t want to live without you, baby. Please don’t make me.” He bites his lip as he pops open the box and my eyes go huge. The ring is massive and stunning and so perfect. “Will you marry me?” he asks.
My tears spill over and my knees buckle, and I fall to my knees in front of him, grabbing his face. I can barely speak through my tears but I nod adamantly. “Yes,” I say tightly. Colson beams and hugs my waist, pulling me close. We kiss deeply and slowly, my hands glued to his face, unable to stop touching him and feeling him and breathing him in. Holy shit. Colson just proposed. 
When we finally pull back from the kiss, we’re both breathing hard and my heart is pounding so hard it’s making me a little dizzy. Colson takes my shaking left hand and slides the ring onto my finger. I gasp when it’s on my hand and I stare at it in awe. “Cols,” I say. “You just proposed.”
Colson laughs and holds my face, kissing me gently. “I did.”
“You just asked me to marry you.”
“Yes, that’s what proposing means,” he teases and I lean in to nip at his lip. He laughs, eyes twinkling. 
“Colson,” I say. “You’re my fiance.” 
Colson grins widely. “And you’re mine. I love you, Pres.”
“I love you, too, holy shit,” I say, lunging forward to kiss him again. Colson chuckles into the kiss and holds me close, and that’s when I hear the cheers. We pull apart and I look around. There’s Sam with his camera. The entire band is here and Cash’s eyes look wet as he holds up his phone, snapping pictures. 
“This is why you’ve been acting so weird!” I exclaim and Colson laughs, nodding. I turn to Sophie. “You knew!”
Sophie snickers. “I sure did. That’s why I insisted we dress up.”
“Oh my god,” I say. I’m so overwhelmed but I’ve never felt joy like this before. I’m shaking hard and I look down at my ring again. I can’t even believe this is real life. I’m marrying Colson. I’m going to be his wife. Presley Baker. I’m going to have a husband. Holy shit. 
Surrounded by the people I love, I kiss my fiance again. I can’t believe how quickly life went from feeling meaningless to this. I’m never, ever going to let this man go. I pour all my life into our kisses and hold him close, hoping he knows just how much I love him, knows that I’ll do anything for him. That I’ll be with him until our time on this earth is over. 
Taglist:@triplexdoublex@jaxbreaker@mgklove99xx@jinx-on-mars-19xx@iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @anonymousme86 @whiteleoqueen @feroniakutenpuu @hxllywoodwhxree
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writebackatya · 7 months
ITS ME IM FIRST are there any moments from your writing inspired by something that happened to you personally??
This is why you're one of the best people in the fandom, thanks!
And yeah, there are some actually
Let's start with Indi-Quack!
So in Under the Influence of Gandra Dee!, Fenton has to sober up for his m'ma after unknowingly vaping a bunch of weed. Something similar happened to me. No, I did not need get high on accident but I did have to sober up fast one time for a parent that was coming home
It was back when I still lived at my dad's house, I had just gotten out of a long day of working retail pharmacy and supposedly had the house for the evening. So yeah I wanted to get high that night. After getting out of work I went out and bought some stuffed nachos for my dinner/high snack and then went back home to get high. In the process of doing so, I get a warning text from my brother who was letting me know that he and dad were coming home. I wouldn't say I was super high, but it was enough to be a concerned and the worry just increased so I was pretty high. Quickly googled different ways to sober up from a high as I Febreezed the room and went with a cold shower. I think it somewhat did the trick, I felt more alert but also pretty awful but that's because I'm not one who takes cold showers that often
I basically felt the way I wrote how Fenton felt after he took that cold shower to sober up, less high than before but in-between this state of high and sober, not fun. Luckily my dad was none the wiser, but my stuffed nachos got cold. :(
I think I did write in the notes of Stuck in the Middle with DEW! about an experience I had with an edible, might as well give out so more deets on that. So that someone I mentioned, was actually a sibling of mine; it was back in college when we were all home for the holidays (ha-ha) she was staying the week with her husband (great guy btw) and yeah they're both stoners too. Anyway, a surprise Christmas present from her was a weed brownie. And it was good, like no joke, my siblings are amazing chefs. But she told me not to eat the whole thing in one go because she put a lot in there. So I ate half of it. Big mistake
Okay. So my bedroom was basically in the basement floor and usally the area I got high in back then, and I kid you not that one moment I was in my bedroom on my bed and the next I was in the living room (which was one floor up) lying on the floor in the middle of a conversation with that sibling who was checking up on me. That was a great high, I'm pretty sure I saw every title card for every Arthur episode I've ever watched in my mind that night
Last Indi-Quack! related one comes from What'd I Miss?!, after I wrote the scene where Gandra tells Della about one time she was high at F.O.W.L. and she could not for the life of her understand what Bradford was saying to her and winged her response and got away it was similar to two other experiences I had
So during the summertime me and another sibling thought we'd have the house for the afternoon to ourselves and you will not believe what happens next. We got high and were going to go chill in the pool. Well we got high in the kitchen and then we heard something that sounded like a car door being opened, I investigate, I see that my dad, step-mom, and half-sister arrive home, I tell my sibling, they don't believe me because this would totally be something I would lie about to just fuck with them, i assure them that it is not and quickly start spraying the room and opening all the windows, they put away the bong, we retreat to the backyard, and just wait
So long story short, they came to the backyard and talked to us and we kept a straight face. But at one point my step-mom goes to something in the backyard and asks me a question about it that I still don't know was. And after having her repeat the question twice I just responded with "Yeah, it seems to be working fine" and got away with it
And while no, I did not get high at work but one year when I was working 2nd shift on Christmas I did smoke like hours before I had to go into work, just a little, honestly just a bowl. And by the time it was for me to go to work, I honestly felt fine. It wasn't till I got to my job and started working that I was giggling, so I was teensy bit high, but I am GREAT at my job so I just played some jazzy Christmas tunes and went to work. Luckily I was by myself for those first few hours of work tho
Now let's talk about stuff more wholesome, two of the Home for the Holidays! stories hit close to home for me, When Siblings Reunite! and It's All Downhill from Here!
The former is basically how it feels to be reunited with my siblings over the holidays but with the Ducks so it's way more cooler and the sledding one is based on sledding with my cousins on Christmas which is literally my favorite thing to do with them when we did do it
The last one I'll share comes from Let's All Go to the Movies! where Dewey is bothering Gandra at the Fight Fighters cabinet (you're welcome, Gravity Falls fans!)
Now look, Dewey is my favorite triplet because I was 100% most like him when I was that age but waaaaaaaaayyy less cool. And looking back now, I probably annoyed waaaaay more people than I thought I did when ever I wouldn't stop bothering people because I was interested in them or just wanted to talk to them about whatever was going through my mind at the time. And yeah, sometimes those people would snap. Not totally lose their cool, but just snap at me in a way made the message clear to me that I was being a nuisance to them at the moment
And look, nowadays I can be quite the snarky person when I'm in a bad mood so I also relate to Gandra here. Just being somewhere you don't really want to be, being with someone who is at a social level where you're not at now while prying into your personal life that you don't really wanna discuss right now.
But here on tumblr with mutuals, never an issue
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galaxy-stardust · 18 days
Sooo Jakeaholics :) ,
This is part 2 of my fanfic with Jake, the hacker from the game Duskwood.
Part one is "Meeting Jake"
As in my first story it is not possible for me to not write a NSFW story... damn 😒
I really wanted to write a SFW story but thinking about him always leads me to doing dirty things with him... I can't help me. I'm sorry 😉
So if you want to read a cute story then don't read mine 😜
The first hideout 🌲
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One week passed by since Jake showed up at my door.
I needed a few days to manage all my stuff.
I quit work. Thankfully I earned good money and I am a "not spend money for things you don't really need" person so I have enough money for quite a long time not going to work.
I told my parents that they will not see me for a while, I told my brothers that I'll try to contact them whenever I can. And I told my two best friends that I'm going on a trip with the man I unconditionally fell in love with.
They were worried "you don't know him well, he's a wanted hacker" "you can't be seriously give up your life for something like this" and so on...
But, as you can imagine, it doesn't matter to me what they say.
I finally found him and I'm finally together with him. My soulmate, my love, my life.
So after this few days of managing stuff we are ready to go on the run. I just have a backpag like Jake. A few clothes, money, my phone and a few hygenic things.
I sit on my window. My favourite place in my flat as I hear a key in the door.
Jake was quickly outside to buy some things before we leave.
He sits down next to me and gives me a box.
"What's that?" I ask.
"MC, I know you nearly have your whole life on your phone but you can't take it with you. We need throw away phones, you know?"
"I understand" I say.
I hoped I could take with my phone with me but I also know he's right. I trust him.
I sight.
"We'll leave your phone here in this flat. With the location on. So if my pursuers hack your phone it will lead them to this place. But we will not be here anymore"
I nod.
"We have to go now,MC. I've been for too long on the same place."
He gives me a kiss an makes himself ready to go. I get myself up too and follow him.
At the door I take a quick look back. One of my brothers will take care of my flat. I couldn't sell it. Maybe we will come back one day and search for a cute little house here. Then I can still sell it. Maybe.
Jake notices my gaze.
"MC, you don't have to do this. You... you can stay here with your friends and your family. I will get in touch with you whenever I can"
"Jake... you are my family now, my life, my love. I will come with you. Let's go"
He smiles. Gives me a kiss and we leave the flat.
We get into my car. Thankfully it is an old one so no sat nav and stuff like that.
I hold in "Can we go by car?"
"For a while, yes. But I like to drive" he smirkes.
I laugh and give him the keys.
While we are driving, I look outside the window. Watch the trees passing by.
I turn my head. Look at this beautiful man next to me. I smile.
He's focused on the street. Then he notices my gaze, smiles and puts his hand on my leg. That gives me butterflies. I grap his hand and we hold hands while we drive. It's a very intense feeling... I love to feel him.
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"Everything ok MC?"
"Yes, absolutely. " I answer.
"So, where do we go now?" Jake asks.
I ponder. Then something crosses my mind. Something I totally forgot about.
"Just drive. I'll lead you."
A few hours passed by. We leave the civilisation behind us and head to a forrest in front of us. At the edge of the forrest we stop. The road ended here.
"What now?" Jake asks.
"We walk" I answer.
He lifts an eyebrow. "Ok..."
"Just trust me" I twink "you do trust me right?"
"I do... I did it from the first second we met"
He smiles and I feel my knees getting weak.
Damn... He is just so perfect.
"Alright, let's go" I say and jump out of the car.
We took our stuff and walk into the forrest. There is a little path next to a river. It starts getting dark and all around us little fireflys start to glow. It's beautiful.
He graps my hand and we follow the path deeper into the forrest.
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After a while Jake stops and says "Wow, look at this! This is awesome!"
"I knew you would like it" I say.
He lets off my hand and takes a few steps closer to our goal.
In front of us is huge old tree with a tree house in it. I totally forgot that I booked it a while ago. I love it here. Just the noises from the forrest.
"Come on MC! I like to go in"
We walk over a little bridge and enter the house. It's cosy. A huge couch, a bath with a little whirlpool and a little kitchen. But the best thing is the glas roof.
Suddenly Jake graps my waist and pulls me in. We kiss. "It's perfect MC. Thank you for bringing me here."
I go in the kitchen, making a coffee. Jake is sitting on the couch. Checking what's going on with his (or now our) pursuers on his laptop. Thankfully there is WiFi in this house I think, but in the next second I wish there wasn't WiFi...
I sit down next to him and give him his coffee.
"Everything ok?" I ask.
"Yes, for now" he answers.
"Fine, then you can close this thing for a while" He smiles. "Sure honey".
He puts his laptop away and I lay down on his chest. Looking out of the glas roof. It's a clear night and the sky is full of stars. Jake is sipping on his coffee, playing with a strand of my hair, deep in thoughts.
"Lay down next to me and look in this beautiful nightsky."
He robs hisself into a laying position close to me and looks up.
"Wow... that's absolutely beautiful... I don't know when the last time was I looked in the nightsky."
He graps my hand. We lay there for a while, just watching the stars and listening to our heatbeats. It's perfect. I really can't imagine a better place to be right now.
Jake moves. Rolls over on top of me. His hands are next to my head. My breath is getting faster. I look in this beautiful eyes.
He comes down to me to give me a kiss.
"I love you MC. And I want you right now" he says. His breath is getting faster too.
"I'm yours" I gasp.
His hand is under my shirt, starts touching me. I feel like I will explode. I want him so bad. He feels my struggle and smirkes. He knows that I'm in his hands and he likes that. He is using his control he has over me and starts teasing me.
His lips are all over me and I don't know how to calm down myself a bit. If he doesn't stop right now I will explode before he is in me.
"Well, yes?" He asks.
"Stop torturing me and bump into me. I want to feel you right now!"
"Calm down babe. Don't you think I want to feel your warmth between my legs too? I just want to see you begging for it a bit more. I like it. Knowing that you're mine..."
"Don't be so mean. I just want you to fuck me... please"
He smirkes and ignores my begging.
He kisses my nipples, my belly down to my weak point... He groans and starts licking my wet pussy and it just took me a few seconds to come on his fingers.
"Fuck" I whisper...
But I don't have enough yet. I want more. I want him.
Jake takes off his clothes, lays down on me and I feel his hard dick bumping on my entrence. I spread my legs a bit wider and he enters me.
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We groan. I claw my hands in his back. Looking in his eyes and see his desire.
We explode together. Breathless I push him away from me onto his back and start sucking his dick. He moans until he comes again in my mouth with a whispered "Fuck..."
I crawl up to him. Kissing his belly, his chest. I sit down on him, leading his dick into me and start riding him.
His hands are playing with my nipples. I start to move faster and faster until I feel his liquid filling me again.
With weak knees I get off of him and lay down breathless next to him. He looks at me. Satisfied and smiling.
"I just go into the bath real quick" I say and slowly get off the couch, my knees still a bit weak. I refresh myself a bit, grabbing a hoodie from Jake (his smell is so good) and walk back to him.
"Excuse me too for a second" he says and heads to the bathroom. I snuggle up in a blanket and start watching the nightsky again. Jake comes back from the bathroom, just wearing sweatpants and lays down next to me.
We snuggle up together in the blanket and fall asleep after a while. Feeling save.
As I wake up in the morning, Jake's already up. I smell fresh coffee but I can't see Jake at first moment. I stretch and get up. Leading to the bathroom. As I enter I see Jake in the whirlpool, sipping a coffee.
I roll my eyes and laugh, he smirks.
"Good morning honey, wanna join?" I smile, slip out of the hoodie and into the bubbling water.
"Good morning hackerboy" I say and grap his mug to sip a bit coffee.
"So, whats the plan for today" I ask.
"I know a plan for right now" he smirkes. "Come over to me"
I slide over to him and we have a nice, hot, wet quickie in the bubbling bath.
"Alright" Jake gets himself out of the pool "pack a few snacks MC and let's go for a walk"
I smile. I'm getting myself off the bath too, slip in my clothes and walk in the kitchen to pack our stuff.
We walk along the path next to the river for a while until we find a place on a small see.
We sit down and loose our minds in the sparkling water. The sun warms our faces and we just enjoy this moment. It's perfect. We talk about nearly everything for hours and we have the feeling that time stands still.
After a while he looks at me and says "I'm sorry MC but can't stop fantasizing about you sitting on my face." He says with a rough voice. He smirkes.
"Oh my..." I feel a warmth between my legs, feel that I'm getting wet.
"Hmm... you like the thought too don't you? Get your clothes off and sit down on me... I can't wait to taste you."
I do what he wants me to do.
He starts licking my pussy. I groan "I love how your tongue feels on my clit."
"And I love your taste MC, I want you to come ok?"
"Then don't stop..." I gasp "I'm close to come" and a few seconds later I come on his face. My body shivers.
"Mhh, I like your taste MC"
"And I like yours Jake, so please let me suck it"
He rips off his sweatpants and I start sucking his dick. He groans "Fuck MC, that feels so good. Do you want me to come inside your mouth?"
"Mhm" I hum.
He pushes my head softly with his moves deeper in my throat.
"I'm close to come MC.... fuck" he says and fills my mouth with his cum. I swallow it.
He lifts me up from my knees and pushes me on a tree next to us. We kiss. His eyes are darker that usual, full of desire.
"I want you MC"
"Than take what you need Jake, I'm yours"
He turns me around and starts to fuck me.
"Fuck me harder please" I beg and he starts pushing his dick deeper inside me.
I claw my fingers into the tree, getting crazy about how he feels inside of me. Fuck I never knew that I could be this obsessed with a man. The connection between Jake and me is so intense. I just want to feel him all day (means not, that I want to have sex with him all day 😉 )
Jake's moves are getting faster and I push myself closer to him to feel him even deeper inside of me. I feel his hand on my neck and my throat, carefully, and I can't control myself any longer.
"Fuck" we say simultaneously as we explode toghether.
"Mhh MC, I like it when you can't control yourself" he smirkes.
I blush "I never knew that I could give myself in that much. With you I can. I just trust you so much and I feel that we know each other for a lifetime"
"I feel the same and I love it" he says and lays down on our blanket. The sun warmth our naked bodies. After a while Jake turns his head to me.
"MC, let's go back to the tree hous ok? I'm sorry to destroy this moment but I have to check what my pursures are doing so far"
"No need to be sorry Jake" I smile, hush him a kiss and we make ourselfs ready to head back to our house.
Back in the house Jake graps his laptop, sinks down on the couch and starts his work.
His glanze gets dark and worried.
"MC, you should see this"
I walk over to him and take a seat next to him. He turns the laptop a bit so I can see what he found. My heart stops beating.
I see a news flash about my flat. Police everywere. Blue lights. Then a reporter shows up in front of the camera.
"Behind me you see the house from MC. According to rumors she was hiding one of the most wanted hackers here for a while. He is related to the latest mysterious incidents. The police tracked the mobile phone from MC. Tonight at 2am they crashed into the flat but found it emty. The phone was laying on the table in the living room. No trace from MC and Jake, the hacker. The car from MC is missing so the police is sure that she and the hacker are still together on the run but they have such a vague lead where they could be right now. The car has not a sat nav so it will be extremely hard to get on their tracks again. But the Police chief and the government are confident. "We are hard on their heals. It will not take long until we have them in handcuffs" the Police chief told the news. "We will now interrogate familiy and friends from MC to find out where she and the hacker might be hiding" We will keep you updated. This was...."
I don't listen to the last words from the reporter.
I'm shocked and I can't move. Thankfully none of my brothers were in my flat when our pursuers crashed into it.
But the police will interrogate every one of them. They don't know a thing. I didn't tell anyone what our next steps will be. So many thoughts are crossing my mind.
I startle as Jake carefully lays his hand down on my leg.
"I'm okay" I say, choke my head to clear my mind and look at him.
God, he looks so worried. His beautiful eyes look deep into mine.
"We can end this right now. You'll go back to your family and friends and I will go into hiding alone again. Whenever it's possible I will send you a message. I never wanted this for you. You..."
"Jake, please. You know I can't let you go again. I don't want it. I want to be with you, no matter what will happen. None of my brothers was getting hurt. No one knows where we are. They cannot give the police a hint. I need you Jake, I love you. Not to be with you would be horrible, not compareable to what we will going through while we are on the run. Alright, what now? When do we have to leave the tree house? Can we stay for tonight or..."
Jake interuppts my words with a kiss.
"I love you MC. I'm glad that you don't leave me. Yes, we can stay for tonight but we have to set off early tomorrow. We should try to get some sleep."
I nod and we lay down cuddling on the couch.
Clear night again, full of stars. Neither Jake nor I will sleep tonight. The latest news are too present for both of us. But I knew it would't be easy. Nevertheless I accept it. For him. For us.
So we just lay there, watching the night sky and plan our next steps. In our heads, in silence, in the starry night, just hearing the noises of the forrest...
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Where should they go next / what should happen next? Tell me what you like to read. 🤗
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pacifymebby · 11 months
t r o u b l e / chapter 5
a peaky blinders modern au
Chapter List
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"Don't fuck with him right now Fen," smirked John as he closed the door on Tommy's study and, still with my sister tucked under his arm, took us up the stairs to a bedroom someone had made up for us.
I bristled at his persistence, still using a nickname I'd not been called since I was a little girl despite my protests. Despite my certainty that none of them had the right to behave so familiar with me now.
"Where was all this familiarity when we were inviting you to our fuckin ballets eh big brother?" I turned to him in the doorway, blocking him from entering the room after me so that Sonya had to slip under my arm but he could not pass.
I didn't expect the same temper from him as Tommy but I didn't expect him to smirk either.
"Don't kid on you ever really wanted us to taint your little illusions little sister," he said shaking his head and stepping back, the look in his eyes one of disappointment. One which might have left me feeling guilty if he hadn't betrayed us earlier, tricking us into getting into his car so he could do our brothers dirty work and drag us back to Birmingham.
When I closed the door I turned to see Sonya stood in the window looking down at the miles of garden. The long drive that lead to this converted "farm house" which was, in comparison to the tiny flat we'd been children in, was like a palace. It didn't feel right, being stood in that bedroom with her, miles from anywhere we called home.
I could see it in the way she was standing, leaning in the arch of the window frame, her head resting on a beam of waxed wood, that she didn't feel right here either.
"am 'sposed to be at a fucking rehearsal in four hours..." she said softly with a sad smirk on her lips when I came to stand next to her, my head resting against the opposing frame.
"Hes a total cunt Sunny," I said with a shrug before pushing myself away from the frame and throwing myself down onto the bed stretching to shimmy my legwarmers and tights off. In truth despite the hatred which had been keeping me awake only fifteen minutes before, I was exhausted now. I'd been up since 4am and it was past midnight now. I'd not eaten since before my final class of the day and my body felt frail with lethargy.
I wasn't going to sleep comfortably, I knew that, but I still needed to rest my head and shut my eyes and hope that when I woke up my pig headed cunt of a brother would have seen sense.
"He can't fucken keep you locked up here Sunny an he knows it... He's a complete bastard but he's not stupid... He'll have to let you go home."
"This is our home..." she turned to me then with a smile just as bitchy as mine had been bitter, the glow returned to her eyes so that she looked a little stronger than she had earlier when our brother had reduced her to tears.
"He'll have changed his mind in the mornin," I said stubbornly certain that I was right. That he'd see sense, let her go back to London where Alfie and his men could protect her. They were just as cut throat as any Blinder. She'd be safe there and she could keep dancing, keep working, protect her name and the bright lights which glistened around it above the opera doors. "Alfie's men are just as good as ours, Tommy fuckin knows that an all..."
At the name of Alfie's name however Sonya lit up, returned to herself as if remembering something that had happened years ago. In fairness the last few hours of our day had dragged out that long.
"When I saw him earlier he said he wanted to speak to you... Told me to tell you.." she said turning back to the window, eyes on the grass which was a strange shade of midnight then. The night sky full of stars shrouded by cloud and the mist from the peaks.
"Alfie?" I frowned sucking my cheek in as I pulled my top over my head and crouched to search the bags John had "packed" for a tshirt and some trackies.
"Yeah," she said, "why does Alfie Solomons wanna talk to you Sylvie?" she asked glancing back at me then. Seeing that I was changing for bed and realising that that was what she should have been doing too. That starring out the window listlessly wasn't going to take her back to London. Wasn't going to make her feel better or solve any of the shit our brothers had dragged us into that day.
"No fuckin clue..." I said pulling the covers on my bed back to see something I hadn't seen for a very long time.
I picked up the small soft rabbit toy Aunt Pol had brought for Sonya on the day we were born and examined it with a stunned smirk. It had been through the wars in its time. Sonya had taken it everywhere with her, refused to let go of it no matter where she was going nor who she was going with. She'd been adamant she was taking him to school with her when we'd started and John had had to bribe her with all sorts of treats before she agreed to leave him at home.
"Hey Sunny," I said holding him up for her to see, "look who it is..."
She gasped, her hand delicate over her mouth as she starred in surprise.
"Surprised they kept him," I said knowing when the words left my mouth that I was being unfair now. That I was being my usual sullen Shelby self. Lashing out in the most petty of ways.
"Course they did, I'd fuckin kill him if he got rid of Buttons!"
When I tossed him to her she caught him and held him right up to her nose, hers touching his just the same way she'd done when she was only four and I wondered what had happened to my equivalent.
"You think they kept Pip an all?" I asked thinking of the mouse toy I'd been given on the same day. He'd been through the wars too but for very different reasons. I'd been too curious for my own good as a wee girl and poor Pip had suffered for it with a singed ear and a tail ripped off and stitched back on so many times that there were several coloured threads left in his bottom by our Aunt Pol.
"Be surprised if they kept one and not the other," she said lifting the covers from her bed, smiling softly when she saw him, singed ear and all sitting against the pillow. "Which one do you think went to the trouble of making the beds?" she asked quietly though deep down I already knew who had made them.
As much as I'd have liked to believe it had been one of our brothers who had searched through the left for all our old things, I knew it hadn't been any of them.
"I saw uncle charlie leave just as we came down the hall," I said catching Pip when she tossed him to me. Examining everything about him that hadn't changed at all. Tried not to miss the girl who'd held him last, before she'd gone away to London at far too young an age.
When a quiet knock sounded out we looked at one another, both of us with tired eyes. We knew exactly what the other was thinking and so, almost in time to beat we reached for the lamps to turn them out and plunge the two of us into darkness. Perhaps then we'd be granted the privilege of a moments peace.
The knock sounded out again but no one spoke and I watch Sonya through the dark, how still she stood, how she held her breath. I held mine too and for a second the world fell silent, a quilted cotton wool silence broken only by the sound of footsteps retreating. Whatever they had wanted could wait.
I listened to Sonya pulling the covers back, the shift of fabric as she tucked herself in, the soft hush as she fidgeted for a second to get comfortable with her head on the pillow. I didn't want her to go to sleep yet. I didn't want to be alone with my thoughts just yet.
But Sunny felt the same and after a moment she let out a sigh and whispered to me through the dark.
"You sure you don't know what Alfie wants to see you for?" she asked and though for the second time that evening I felt the guilt tug on my conscience, I stayed quiet, pretended to be thinking.
"Probably nothin the old mans insane... He say that to you today?"
"Probably just tryin to wind you up Sunny... You know what he's like..."
"Yeah..." she said softly, dissapointed.
For a minute or two more we slipped into silence again. I started to feel nervous, scared that she would fall asleep first, that I'd be the last person awake in the house. It had been a thought which had scared me ever since I was a little girl but on nights like these the anxiety gripped me harder than ever. I'd have probably confessed to her, told her exactly what Alfie wanted with me if only I'd thought it would wake her up, keep her there with me all night.
"Hey Sylvie..."
"Been keepin secrets from you too you know..."
"Yeah," i said softly, "You're shite at hiding things..."
"Tommy's right," she spoke gravely then, "he's right and he doesn't even fucking know why he's right..."
"Don't give him so much credit Sunny," I yawned turning over to face the window and the curtains which were open letting only the smallest slither of light in, "Alfie Solomons is a headcase who never leaves his 'bakery' but he was there on Camden High Road exactly where you needed him to be wasn't he... Our big brother might have shipped us half way across the country and only spoken three words to us since we were eight years old, but not without sending his little spies after us... He probably knows exactly why you can't go back to London," I said, fearing for a moment that my whisper in its rushed hushed tones had been too harsh. I hadn't wanted it to be. Even if I didn't know her secret, I knew whose side i was on and whose side I always would be on. "Even if I don't..." I smirked then, not really asking her to tell me, both of us knowing she might as well.
"I was with Freddie..." she sighed.
"Yesterday yeah, that's who I was with..." she was mousy, lying on her back, hands covering her eyes. "Fuck... You really think he knows?"
"Yeah," I said softly, "maybe not everything but he's probably guessed..."
"Shit," she winced and I could hear the beginnings of a sob in her voice.
"S'okay... He probably knows about me too," I said with a half hearted consolatory smirk, "what dya thinks worse? Sleeping with the enenmy or using your family connections to sell coke to the toffs at school?" I asked dryly, smiling softly when she gasped.
"Sylvie!" she whispered, "tell me you're fucking kidding me?"
"I don't know how Alfie fucking Solomons knows about it but yeah... I think thats why he was lookin for me..."
"Fucking class A's Syl!" she hissed though I could tell that she wasn't exactly angry, that her shock was the awe tainted disbelieving kind of shock.
"And ain't our school on the edge of Solomons territory..." I added with a wince, knowing full well that it was in his territory, knowing full well that that was why he knew, why he wanted to find me.
"It isn't on the edge Syl its slap bang in the fuckin middle of it!"
"Well then," I yawned, "I guess that answers that..."
"I'm in more trouble than you..." I said with a small smile, hoping to quell her own anxieties as I rolled over again and nuzzled into the pillow, determined that despite my discomfort in this new house, I was going to get some sleep.
"Fuck you Tommy!"
We were woken around 4am by another familiar sound. A familiar voice shouting familiar words.
Ada hit the Shelby "manor" like a flash flood, filling every crevace and nook with the vitriol she directed at our brother.
"Ada love come on little sister don't be like this eh I thought you'd calmed down in the car eh, I thought we was calm now..." Arthur followed her up the stairs and down the hall, their footsteps echoing past our bedroom door and up another set of stairs. It didn't take a genius to guess who she was looking for.
"Leave me alone Arthur I don't want to calm down! I want to go home!" she cried and I imagined the way she swept him away without looking back. Without fearing what he would do if she disobeyed him. Damaged enough by the past that she knew she could never be hurt deeper than she had already known.
"Where is he? Where the fuck is he?"
"Ada come on now sweetheart what about Karl, he's only a littlen all this shoutin an screamin can't be no good for the boy..."
"Don't you dare talk to me about my fuckin son John Shelby!" she snapped, "not when you shits are the ones who've dragged him back to this... This evil fuckin place!"
They were arguing just past our door and I heard little Karl beginning to cry. And though Ada hushed him a little she didn't stop her arguing, didn't stop putting up a fight.
"One of you two shitheads better take me to my brother right now or I promise you won't live to see the fucking sunrise..." she demanded, so defiant, a flare spitting in the night. Fearless the way I wished I'd been earlier that evening when Tommy had reduced me and Sonya to tears.
"Alright Ada I'm here I'm here, no need to wake the whole country..."
I slipped from the bed, the covers falling away from me as I trod two feet down carefully. I couldn't tell if Sunny was asleep though I'd have been amazed had she really managed to remain dead to the din that was happening right outside the bedroom door.
"Tommy!" she started, her voice wobbling because he'd caught her off guard, because the sight of him at times was enough to shake even the sturdiest of women.
"Alright love I know you're upset, I know you're worried about Michael..."
"Fuck Michael..." she shrugged but Tommy carried on, leaning on his words to quiet her.
"And I know you're worried about your sisters, you're worried about all of us eh, the whole family... But thats why..."
"What family..."
I smirked, my ear pressed up against the door to listen now that their voices were lowered and a little muffled. I remembered Sunny, how she'd uttered those same words. I wished she could hear them echoed now by someone as unflinching as our big sister.
"Thats why Ive brought everybody back home eh, the whole family, safe and sound under one roof... So you don't need to worry anymore yeah, as long as everyones here, together... The whole family is safe..."
I wondered if he was proud of that speech. If he believed a single word of what he'd said. If John and Arthur really believed it. I knew Ada wouldn't, she was too much like me and Sonya. Or we had grown to be too much like her.
The hallway was quiet for a moment. I listened with my eyes closed as if trying to fine tune my remaining senses. Ears pricked to hear them talking. But for a moment no one did. For a moment the house was swallowed in the early morning's bleak hollow and we were all of us, quiet as mice.
And then, without shaking, without stifling a sniff or a sob as me and Sonya had earlier that evening, Ada spoke again and when she did all I wanted to do was run to her. Hold onto her as tightly as I could. Bury my face in her sweater as I'd done when I was young. Because she said everything I never could.
"There is no fuckin family here Tommy, just you and all the people you command like little puppets on little strings..."
Next Chapter
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countrymusiclover · 9 months
2 - We're More Than A School
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Part 3
Family is More than Blood
Shutting the car door Klaus and I vamped into the school finding the triplets room seeing Alina, Missy and Hope sitting on their beds. Closing the door with a wave of my hand I put my hands on my hips. "Okay, Alaric told me over the phone. But I want to hear what happened now."
"We used a forbidden spell to fight this dragon that was after a knife." Hope started.
Missy added. "And black magic isn't allowed."
"Even though you literally have taught us dark magic spells before. So we didn't see the problem." Alina throws her hands up in the air. "This all happened because of Landon Kirby."
Klaus crossed his arms over his chest flashing his eyes. "Who's Landon Kirby!"
"He works at the Grill. He makes me milkshakes. His adopted brother Rafael is a werewolf. We brought them and we tried to compel Landon but it didn’t work. Next morning he left with a knife." Hope sent us a sympathy look.
Placing a hand on Nik's shoulder calming him down. "Calm down. Now who actually started the spell?" Hope raised her hand where I nodded in agreement. "Alright Hope you have to help the others pick up trash in the square. Alina, Missy, you have to clean Alaric’s office."
"But mom." Alina whined at me.
Klaus waved his index finger at her. "Listen to your mother Alina."
The three girls left the room with a huff where I turned on my feet taking his hand in mine. "Let’s go find Henrik since they'll be busy." We walked through the hallways passing some younger kids who were running past us. We ended up finding our son sitting in one of the pillar windows.
"Daddy!" Henrik spun around rushing over and flinging his arms and legs around his father.
Nik held him up by his knees chuckling into his shoulder holding him. "Ohhh hey kiddo. What are you doing up here?" I smiled putting my hands together, always taken back by the sight of how much each of other's look alike. The same dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
"Jackson and I are playing hide and seek. And he doesn't know I'm here." He sent a childish smirk like his dad.
Suddenly I jumped releasing a scream before someone touched my arm seeing Jackson standing behind us. "You're not as clever as you think, Henrik. Uh sorry Mrs. Mikaelson."
"It's okay, Jackson." I slumped my shoulders watching the boys go back and forth deciding who was the next seeker. Klaus and I decided to play along too since our girls were busy.
Alina's Pov
Putting away one of the books that Alaric had on the floor I sighed. I was supposed to be spending time with Jack and Henrik but now I'm stuck here. Missy noticed a knife on the desk pointing to it while Alaric was doing his research. "What are you trying to do with it, uncle Ric?"
“I’m trying to destroy it, Missy. Hydrochloric acid. I've tried explosives, an acetylene torch, a circular saw. I've even run over it with my truck. And according to legend, it's indestructible. And I'm starting to agree.” He explained to my younger sister.
The office door got opened and I saw the councilor named Emma come in. “So in addition to father, teacher, mentor, you've also added linguist, slayer of mythical creatures, and demolitions expert to your résumé. That's a lot to take on, especially all by yourself.”
He reassured her until the door opened again. “Emma. When I say I'm fine, I'm…”
Lizzie stormed in covered in milkshake or something all done the front of her shirt. “A jerk. You are a total jerk.”
“What happened to you, Liz? “ I asked her to put away books seeing that she was clearly upset and needed someone to talk to. Her and I have always clicked while Missy went with Josie and Hope was in the middle.
She glared at her father. “A Neanderthal from Mystic Falls High assaulted me with a milkshake. This stupid girl Dana was being... You know what? I can't even talk about it. But now Hope and Josie are all sisters in solidarity. But as I was walking home, I did the work and I dug deep, and I realized that this is all his fault.”
Uncle Ric made a face. “How is this my fault? “
She sniffed through tears almost full on sobbing. “Because if you had just been at that game instead of running around with Hope, then everything would've gone differently.
And it is not fair that she gets to know secrets that your own daughters don't. “
Emma said. “She has a point.”
“Not helping.” He whispered to her.
Lizzie snapped looking at me knowing I would understand. “I am not going back there.”
“Okay, that's fine, um... Why don't you go help the primary school students out in the garden. Alina go with her. Missy can help me here.” He suggested staring at Missy who was reading through the book about the knife.
Lizzie headed through the door and I followed her outside into the garden. “At least now you know why I am so screwed up.”
We sat down on one of the large rocks where she laid down on her back sighing heavily. “I’m sorry my sister is dealing with your dad so much. She just wants to look out for me and Missy since our parents haven’t been in town for two years.”
“I wonder if there’s a guy out there for me like you found Jackson?” Lizzie mumbles under her breath.
Shrugging my shoulders I did feel sorry that she hadn’t found the right guy yet. “I’m sure you’ll find somebody.”
“Lizzie. Alina!” A young boy ran over to us before we lifted our heads seeing a live statue creature growling at us.
Lizzie grabbed the kids hand and we ran back to the school entrance. “Get inside, Pedro! I need you to give me your hand. Now find my dad. Go.” She grabs his hand siphoning magic from him before he ran off.
The creature roared getting in the doorway as Lizzie and I intertwined hands siphoning off of my wolf side and the magic she took from Pedro. “Imperium monstrum.” The creature raised its hand and claws Lizzie before it launched me backwards from her.
Alairc, Emma and Missy came out of his office where I dropped down on my knees seeing she wasn’t moving. “Lizzie?
Oh, my God, Lizzie.”
“I don’t understand why it didn’t scrape me too. Ric, I might be able to heal her but I don’t know.” Glancing up at him with a worried look.
He shook his head picking his daughter up in his arms heading into one of the closed rooms laying her down and gathering everyone else in the school. “Alright we are on lock door period. No one goes outside. I want you all in your rooms. Upper class, you're on the buddy system. Lower class, I want you with Emma to the grand hall. Okay, let’s go…Emma take Lizzie with you and the kids.”
Everyone starts leaving where I rose to my feet from Lizzie’s side. “So what are we going to do?”
“I’m going to draw it away from the school with the knife and you are going to stay inside.” He started to walk away until I drew the knife from his hand and into mine.
“Motus. In case you forgot it didn’t hurt me yet. So I think we need to do this together.” Holding the knife in my hands he sighed letting me come with him. But shortly after the creature stole the knife where I ran off in search of our parents knowing we needed more help than we first expected.
Raelyn’s pov
Shoving my phone in my pocket Klaus and the boys were following my tail. “Why wouldn’t Alairc tell you why he put the school on lock down?” He asked me since we had gotten a text but got no real answer.
“I don’t know but - what the hell was that?” Whipping my head around we could hear something roaring throughout the hallways.
Klaus lowered himself on a knee grabbing Henrik’s shoulders. “Henrik go with Jackson while you’re mother and I go figure this out.” He nodded before Jackson led him away so we could vamp around the corner seeing Alairc and Hope standing in the hallway.
The creature roared again and it sounded like a gargoyle which shouldn’t exist while he told us what happened. “Yeah. Listen, it poisoned Lizzie. I'm guessing, to get my attention. Then it attacked me and took the Knife.”
“The Knife? The dragon Knife? And you're still breathing?” Hope snaps at him.
Ric got cut off by her. “Oh, I have a theory about that.”
“Well, save it, because we had to take down that containment spell to get inside the school, meaning our monster can get out.” Hope rolls her eyes.
We heard footsteps running towards us where we heard our daughters' voices. “Mom. Dad!”
“A containment spell?…Missy. Alina, thank goodness you’re okay.” Slumping my shoulders in relief seeing Alina following Missy.
Alaric realized what she wanted to do. “Lizzie wanted to make sure whatever attacked her didn't escape into the world. Good girl. All right, well, guess we better find it... ...before it makes the evening news.” He grabbed an ax off the wall getting ready to fight since he was just a human now.
“So how'd you take the containment spell down. You’re not a siphon?” Klaus raised a brow at his eldest daughter.
Joise came around the corner before we all slowly walked through the school searching for the creature. “She didn't. I did.”
We all halted in our track’s hearing the gargoyle growling at the top of the stairs. It came towards Hope and she fell down getting out of the way before Alairc jumped in front of her. “Dad!” Josie cried seeing it pointed the knife tip at his heart.
“Get behind it..” Klaus told me before we vamped behind the gargoyle while it was distracted. We grabbed it by the horns where it spun around staring at us instead.
Alairc tried to hit it over the head with his ax. “Fluctus inpulsa.” Alina raised her hands magically, knocking the knife out the creature’s hand.
“Good idea, Lina.” Hope rushed over to Josie. “Josie, help me.”
She asked her. “How?”
“Just repeat after me. Fluctus inpulsa.” Alina nods, holding her hands up while the other two witches follow.
Josie siphons from Hope following the girls. “Fluctus inpulsa. Fluctus inpulsa. Fluctus inpulsa. Fluctus inpulsa. Fluctus inpulsa. Fluctus inpulsa!” The gargoyle suddenly exploded into pieces in front of our eyes.
“All that trouble for a knife. Hope it was worth it buddy.” Missy picked up the knife from the floor.
Spinning onto my feet I snapped at Alaric moving my arms over my chest. “You’ve got some explaining to do, Saltzman. Cause I thought my kids were safe here.”
“Mystic Falls, a town where nothing ever changes is a joke.” Klaus dryly chuckled, draping his arm around my waist tugging me into his chest.
“If you'd asked me a week ago... I would have told you I knew the difference between myth and fact. I would have said that supernaturals were limited to the species under this roof. I would have said that folklore and fairy tales were just stories. But I can no longer say that any of that's true. 'Cause just a few days ago, we were confronted by the existence of a dragon. And then, today, our campus was terrorized by a gargoyle come to life. Some of us... were forced to fight, We won. This time. They were drawn here by a Knife that went missing earlier this week. And for whatever reason, these creatures consider us to be the enemy. In their minds, we're the villains because we won't give them what they want. We don't even know why they want it. But we're gonna find out.” Alairc slowly walked around the room explaining to all the students hearing some of them muttering under their breaths in shock. He lifted his gaze up to me and Klaus saw us intertwine our hands knowing that we smiled at his last words of the speech. “I can't say for sure what their true intentions are. I can't say there won't be more attacks. That's why I'm telling you this. To warn you. To ask you to look out for each other. To what’s best for one another. Because we're more than just a school. We're a family.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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persephoneflowerpetals · 10 months
James Woods interview with Saturday Morning Rewind was really revealing. He says Hades is such a good character, in his opinion, because he's kind of a loser. He isnt setting out to be a baddie, he's just kind of insecure and overcompensating. And trying really desperately hard to be taken seriously, but it never pans out. I like to think Hades tried to do his job and be liked among Olympus once upon a time, but that never worked so he just got jaded and sarcastic and began plotting their downfall
YES YES YES! I just recently listened to the interview after getting this ask and omg what a great interview it was lol! Seriously, James Woods seems like such a nice and fun guy to work with! It’d be a total dream of mine to perform in a movie with him one day! I really need to start doing more voice acting/voice over videos at some point! It’s always been my dream to get into acting or voice acting since I was a kid lol!
Anyways, yes! I love how James literally just straight up said “He’s a loser” LMAO like he really is though! Reminds me of that one SpongeBob scene
Child: Wow, that guy’s a loser…
Persephone: Yeah, but he’s my loser.
And yes Hades is indeed very insecure and overcompensating from his lack of respect from the other gods (and mortals). He also doesn’t hold as much power as his older brothers do, so he feels insignificant compared them. He’s literally the baby of the family, so I’m sure he’s always felt like the weakest link, so he started developing this bold, charming, schmoozing, sleazy used car salesman personality to make up for all of the insecurity he has. I think deep down he has a kinder and softer side and we can see hints of it in the movie (like when he calls Meg’s ex a creep for leaving her for another woman after she sold her soul to save his life), but I don’t think he’s really as bad as he comes off.
I also agree with the theory that Hades was originally a pretty nice and decent guy and wasn’t always this mean and sarcastic god, but after being demeaned and feeling humiliated over the little jokes and jabs about his role as a god from his older brothers, it probably got to him and he started taking it personally, so much so that he became a different person. The jokes felt like insults to him at that point and Zeus offering him to “join the party” while he and the other gods are constantly “lounging around” on Olympus (or so Hades thinks anyways) while Hades has to work his butt off (full time) in the underworld doing a job he didn’t even want in the first place that he is constantly made fun of for having when his own brother gave him the job, it felt degrading. Like “Oh, NOW I can have a break? Because we’re celebrating the birth of YOUR son? I can suddenly have a break? You and the other gods lounge about all day long up here while I slave away in the underworld, never getting invited to parties or get togethers, but now that we’re celebrating the fact that YOU have a child I can have this little bit of time to relax before going back down to the trenches of the Earth to carry on with my grueling work of running the underworld while you jerks forget that I even exist? Gee…thanks. How gracious of you to offer.”
Also I’m sure that because Hades had such a “non-glamorous” job of having to rule the underworld (sided by the fact that his brothers probably downplayed his role as a god and made it seem like his job wasn’t as good as everyone else’s like comparing a garbage man to a CEO of a company) the other gods probably snubbed him for it and stopped treating him with respect, so in return, he stopped showing respect to everyone else around him. And I think that’s also why he’s so hard on Pain and Panic. They’re the only ones that respect him and that’s only because they fear him. He uses fear as a way to get respect. Also anytime he actual tries to get respect (like taking over the cosmos and making everyone fear him) it mostly never works out for him, so once again, he overcompensates because he’s kinda a loser lol.
But yeah, I love that Hades isn’t your typical Disney villain! Like the Arabian Night episode when he meets Jafar is so hilarious because Hades just has this very causal and normal personality while Jafar is this over exaggerating, over the top evil villain lol and Hades is just so thrown off by that lmao. Like that scene where Jafar is laughing maniacally and Hades just casually walks away and goes “You are such a freak…” HAJDHJDHD
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dickie-666 · 3 months
hey it’s dickie!
i wanted to show my first chapter my WIP, Lies of Trueline, it’s just an original story i’ve been working on for the last few months.
i have a total of 7 chapters so far however i just wanted to get peoples opinions about the first chapter so i can develop my story more.
thanks so much i hope you enjoy
content warning: the story is about cannibalism, sex, drugs and rich people and is inspired by Saltburn and call of duty zombies 😭😂 this is also a rough draft so grammar and spelling may not be 100% correct
my nails are chipped and my knuckles have started to bleed. 4 hours i have been digging yet still nothing. he promised me… he promised me forever…
6 months earlier
the December heat has never been so brutal. almost as if i stayed still any longer my skin would of began to blister. i slowly began to move, stalking back through the shed roller doors, making sure not to catch my brother’s attention as he tinkered on his rusty old toyota Hilux. he was laying on his back on a car dolly, grease, sweat and what could be tomato sauce or blood was splattered over his baggy blue jeans. i was nearly at the door, still keeping a close eye on Will as he blindly reached for more tools. i begun to twist the handle and slowly pulled the door open.
“Vi please stop making this harder than it is, sit down and just wait.” William sighed in disappointment, i reluctantly began to walk back to the Subaru wheel i was sitting on.
i decided i needed to accept my fate, i let out a sigh as i placed my face between my hands. this shed was my brothers save space, full of different car parts ranging from a turbo STI engine sitting in the corner on pallets to the pile of four wheel driving recovery gear scattered all around. even with the crazy mess will still always knew where everything was, it was just his mind finally displayed in a place he can call his own… if only he could call it his own forever.
another hour of painfully waiting goes by when my father finally opened the shed door, his body was hunched slightly, and the look on his face said everything i needed to know. sweat lined his salt and pepper hair he looked after so well, had begun to fall out of its gel making my father look like something he has never before, a complete mess. he straightened his back and shoulders, quickly ran his hands through his hair and played with the button of his blaster, his deep set grey eyes locked with mine first.
“arrangements have been made, i suggest you both start to pack your belongings.” the way he says it so calmly makes me want to run up and scream in his face, he has always decided this families path, i have never had a mind of my own, forced to maintain the family appearance and nothing was allowed to tarnish the Tempest name.
“so where? where could you be possibly be sending us now?” my voice cracked as i held back tears i looked over to william hoping for him to maybe fight back, his shaggy brown hair hung over his face, his expression was dark as he stared daggers at our father, yet nothing, he didn’t move a muscle yet they were all tense. my father yet out another sigh
“you will be going to the True line estate and staying with the Blaize family. we have other arrangements for your brother.” the last part was just more than a whisper. i want to push and beg, this is my home, Williams home. my fathers emotionless eyes only add another dagger to my heart.
“you leave at 6am, please be ready Viva, we do not need anymore embarrassments this month.” his poisonous tone was left lingering in the air as he left, i walked over and rested my head on my brothers shoulder.
“why did he choose her?” i could no longer hold the tears back, my throat begun to turn raw as the tear begun to soak my brothers stained white shirt, william wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer and planted a kiss on the top of my head.
“please just behave.”
the pit in my stomach grew bigger and bigger as my beside table clock ticked away. sleep never came to help aid my racing thoughts, my packed bags taught me sitting by the door. i slowly walk over to my vanity, slumping down in the small silver stool. i began to study by face in my vintage style mirror and was met with nothing but disappointment; my shoulder length black hair was the perfect home for a bird to occupy, my normally bright crimson eyes looked lifeless and empty. as if this all was a surprise, like i would look ok after my whole life just got derooted. i tried my best to make myself the least but presentable for this family i would suddenly be living with, brushing the knots out and adding some concealer, and blush to try and have some colour in my face, the pain of last night still showed through, it made my eyes look unfamiliar and dangerous, maybe my father had finally pushed my past my limit. i smiled to myself in the mirror before grabbing my suitcases and making my way down stairs. i started to walk slower as i heard an unknown voice coming from the kitchen.
“i completely understand she can be a handful, i will do my absolute best to make sure she is looked af-“ before the stranger can finish my father cut him off.
“no she does not need looking after, she needs to understand the power her name has, you must show her your families ways.” i rolled my eyes and continued to make my way to the kitchen. my eyes are met with a pair of dark green ones, so beautiful they reminded me of a rainy day lost in the forest. the man standing in front of me was nothing short of proper, to his grey tailored suit hugging his muscles his blonde hair was gelled and styled, clean shaven and a smirk plastered on his face that screamed danger. he held one hand out waiting for me to place mine in his, as i did he kissed the back of my hand, shooting me a look up that sent shock waves down my body.
“ Hello Viva, pleasure to meet you, i’m Carson Blaize” his over the top formality made a shiver run down my spine, maybe the eye candy wont be enough to survive this.
“i’ll take your bags to the car, please say your goodbyes and i’ll meet you outside.” he turns and quickly picked up my bags and made his way to the front door.
“ok this is it Viva, please behave. goodbye.” my father quickly waved me off before scurrying back to his office.
“william? will?!” I yelled out hoping it wasn’t too late, but knowing my father my last punishment would to not be able to say goodbye. my eyes began to sting as tears threatened to make an appearance, i breathed in deep and began to make my way outside where Carson is waiting to take me to my so called new home.
Carson was leaning casually on a blacked out supra MK4, one of Williams all time favourite cars. Carson was now wearing a pair of sunnies, he pulled the nose of them down and licked his lips as i made my way down the front stairs. the way his eyes stared through me and made me feel absolutely vulnerable was sending adrenaline and anxiety racing through my veins. he pulled a packet of cigarettes out of his inside suit pocket, motioning the pack in my direction as i walked closer.
“is this a different Carson to the one i met 5 minutes ago?” i giggled while pulling out a cigarette from the packet.
“your father has expectations, as does mine, it’s fun to play along with there game, just have to learn how to play it right.” he voice was deep and husky now, there was more of an effortless to him now yet the status mindset was still seeping its way through. he lit his cigarette then leaned down close to my face, using the end of his cigarette to light mine, never breaking eye contact and i swear i could of fucked him right on top of that bonnet right now. he pulled away leaving me in a cloud of smoke and desire and began to walk to the drivers side of the car.
“we better go, my family are very impatient.” he disappeared into the low car and i follow suit sinking into the black bucket seats.
“you ready?” he glanced over at me, his sunglasses hanging on the tip of his nose.
“i don’t think i ever will be”
through the drive Carson remained quiet, besides humming along to songs and resting his hand on my thigh, playing with the hem of my skirt just to keep me on edge. he knew he was affecting me, his cologne filled the car. but my father was right, i do need to behave, and as much as i want him to pull over and take me now, i need to play the long game to win. the drive was shorter than i thought, only an hour through the winding hills, the True line estate was breathtaking as we made our way up the long driveway, iron gates with metal flowers welded on lined the property, opening up to a dark grey stone brick mansion, it had to be from the 1800’s i marvelled over the gothic architecture and stone gargoyles watching from above on very peak of roof. we reached the end of the driveway greeted by a court with a statue of what looked like a depressed bride in the centre. Carson stopped the car, i reach for my door handle before he grabbed my hand and shakes his head.
“never open your own door.” he quickly walked to my side of the car opening my door and offering a hand. i baffled but reached for his hand and step out of the car.
“my bags.” i go to turn around before he pulled my hand back making my back collide with his chest, his cologne once again intoxicated me.
“foster will collect them and bring them to your room, for now you must meet the rest of my family.” he seemed rushed and nervous, as if he could get in trouble for breathing.
“yeah sure you lead the way.” i smiled softly in hope to help him feel calmer, he was so much taller than me bending my neck back began to hurt. Carson guided me through two big wooden doors, we made our way down a long wide hallway before entering a overly decorated dining room. the walls were covered in all different type of gothic antique art, it made me feel mildly ill, one was just a few cut of fingers. four people sat at a big dark oak dining table, all eyes on me, the first lady was slim and pale her skin was flawless and hair dark black hair nearly reached the floor while she was sitting, she was so beautiful it made you want to rip your skin off for being in her presence. dark 90s style punk makeup made her resting bitch face all the more terrifying, until a light smile danced on her lips, she stood up too quickly and made her way over to me,
“oh my darling, we welcome you to our home, please please have a seat.” she pulled my arm over to the dining table, i took a seat and looked at the other people at the table, the others are all men, one much older i assumed was this lady’s husband and two men mine and Carson’s age looking like they’d rather me anywhere but here. the older man smiled at me also, his cubby face almost making his eyes disappear, he had an overly welcoming energy to him that made me feel at ease.
“Foster has set up your room for you, please we are about to serve breakfast eat with us.” i smile nervously and nod
“yes please that would be great thank you so much.” i looked over at one of the boys, he was staring at me, almost like i had just ruined his life, his dark brown eyes were sending death threats.
“ignore Haven, he doesn’t enjoy hosting.” the older man whispered while smiling, yet i couldn’t seem to shake there was more behind that. Haven still was staring at me, his hair was dark chestnut brown with flickers of blonde through out, he was also beautiful and had my thoughts racing, even if he was looking at me like i was something to eat. he straightened in his chair and shot me a quick smirk, if my punishment is to be stuck in a mansion with 3 hot men i think my father better rethink his choices.
after breakfast Carson and his other brother sterling walked my up to my bedroom, sterling stayed while i began to unpack, he was smaller than Carson and Haven his had sandy blonde hair that was shaven underneath and long on top tied back into a very messy bun, he didn’t seem to care about his appearance compared to the rest of his family.
“don’t annoy Haven, just a word of warning, he’s in a shit place right now so best to just leave him alone.” he sighed annoyingly before leaving the room. i stood there a bit lost for words before shaking my head and taking in my amazing room. there was a four post bed that had those same metal flowers from the front gate welded on all around, now that i can see them properly they were roses but they looked a bit off, almost like the pedals were sharp enough to cut you. i leaned forward and held my finder out pricking it on the end of one of the petals, a small pool of blood began to build on my finger. no one has given me any answers and i keep getting more questions, why the hell can the roses cut me?
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therapycat21 · 1 year
Chapter 1- Welcome to Charming
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Juice x OC!
Word Count:1448
"You're joking right!? I thought that Bitch was clean?" 
Getting the call that your nephew was born pre-maturely was just added to the list of shit things that happened this month.
When your car gets totaled in a drive by, you're missing a few hundred for your rent and your daughter going to daycare that cost a hefty penny while working a barely minimum wage job to make ends meet it's the last thing you want to hear from your mother. I pace back and forth in the back alley of the shelter on the phone with mom
"Look, you know I don't beg, but your brother needs his sister right now, his best friend, the only person that really knows what's going on inside his head" My mother pleads through the phone. I contemplate looking at the ground "Look, I have to talk it over with my manager and I'll let you know if I can make it down" I murmured into the phone.
"Okay baby, I love you" She sighed and hung up. Looking down at the blank screen staring at my reflection I can already tell what my answer is going to be. I sigh and push my phone back into my pocket and head back in to talk to my manager.
•*'¨'*~ஜ◦•◦✿◦•◦ೋஜ~*'¨'*¸. •*
The bus comes to a stop outside of the auto shop, I grab my bag and head out onto the sidewalk and push my way into the store. "Hey Ed! I'm here for the cutlass" I yell out to the oil-stained man near the car
"Hey sweetheart, I just gotta grab the paperwork and I'll meet you at the front desk" He smiles before heading into the back office. Ed was the sweet old man who worked at the auto shop that didn't degrade me the second I opened the doors; His wife would occasionally watch Amara for me while I work.
I walk through the doors to the office and start to fill out my paperwork, it cost me a good amount to fix the cutlass, but I need a car if I plan to make the long trip back to charming. Once I was finished, I head over to the chairs and sit down and wait for the car to be brought up. I decide to call my manager and ask for a few weeks off.
•*'¨'*~ஜ◦•◦✿◦•◦ೋஜ~*'¨'*¸. •*
Getting off the phone with my manager with an angry huff, He tried to tell me I couldn't take off because of scheduling issues, so I did what any smart woman would do, and I quit, and I guess it looks like I'm moving back to charming indefinitely. I jump up when I see the cutlass being driven from the back of the lot and head over as the car comes to a stop.
"You got a beautiful ride here Val" Ed says, I chuckle and head over to the driver side as he gets out "Thanks, it only took me about six years for it to be mine." he throws me the keys 
"Well, I'll see you later sweetheart, please don't be stranger, and you have our numbers in case you ever need anything " Ed walks over and pulls me into a tight hug, "Oh, Ed you're going to make me cry" I sniffle while embracing him tighter. Ed releases me from the embrace with a pat to my cheek and guides me to the open car door.
I start the car while Ed shuts the door. "I love you sweetheart; tell Amara we'll miss her", "I love you too Ed and I will, I'll see you soon" I sniffle and pull out of the lot towards Amara's daycare.
I rush to the daycare front desk as sandy gives me one of her ever so lovely glares "Yeah, you don't need to tell me, I know I'm three minutes late " I exasperate to her "Whatever Just get your daughter so we can leave" she gives me another glare before facing her computer
"Bitch" I murmur as I walk to the rooms.
I shove one of the doors open and see my daughter on the ground playing with some blocks with a few other kids. "Hey, I'm here for Amara" I tell one of the aids.
"Okay" she looks away and calls for her "Amara? Your mom is here sweetie!" She looks up sees me in the doorway and I smile "Mommy!" she gets up and runs her little legs over to me
"Hi love" I catch her and give her some well needed hugs "You ready to head home?" I feel her head nod as she lays in the crook of my neck. I nod to the aid and make my way out to the front office I put Amara down "Mommy needs you to cover your ears, okay?" She nods and covers her ears
"Sandy you can unenroll us since were leaving and I'm going to call your supervisor for how you talked to me, so good luck finding another job skank!" She gasps and stares as I pick Amara up and make our way out to the cutlass, I buckle her in and start to make my way home to pack.
I have Amara set up in the living room with her favorite cartoon on while I start packing "Oh shit! I forgot to call mom and tell her" I pick up my phone and dial her number
"Hello?" my mom's-tired voice travels through the phone "Hey mom, sorry If I woke you, just wanted to let you know that I'm moving back down" "What! are you serious!" She almost yells
"Yeah mom, but when I come down, I have a lot of explaining to do about somethings that have happened. "I sigh "Are you okay? did anyone hurt you baby because you know me and Cla--"
I cut her off "No mom I'm fine, just some stuff happened that's pretty big. Look I'll start heading down in a few hours I'm almost done packing everything" "Alright sweetheart, you call me when your almost here I'll have the spare set up.  I love you Val" "I love you too mom" I smile and hang up the phone.
I was up all night packing everything into bags while Amara slept and managed to get all bags in to the car. Even though we lived here for two and half years I didn't own a lot, my daughter has more than me so it was pretty easy to pack all of our stuff.
Once everything Is in the car I go and wake Amara and get her dressed and decide to stop by a small diner and get us breakfast before hitting the road. After about two-hours of driving and three pit stops I drive past the 'Welcome to Charming' sign and the surprising sigh of relief escapes me. After another twenty minutes I call mom to let her know I'm almost there.
"Hey mom, just wanted to let you know I'm a few minutes out so I should be there soon" "Okay good, just to let you know the guys don't know you're coming only me, and clay know"
"Well, this should be fun then" I snicker a little and say my goodbye's before hanging up.
I pull into the clubhouse lot and turn into a parking spot "You ready baby?" 
"Yes mommy" I smile through the rearview, I unbuckle and step out to see mom spot me as she exits the doors to the office. She starts to slightly jog over "Oh my baby" she engulfs me in a tight hug   "Hey momma" I hug back just as tightly
We release from the hug and cradles my face into her hands "I'm so happy your here, don't ever leave for that long again" she slightly scolds "Believe me I won't, actually before we go any further there's something I need to tel--" I'm cut off
"Mommy! Can I have more juice please?" I freeze and look at my mom who reciprocates the look, She steps back to peer into the back window to see her smiling and waving
"Hi!" Amara smiles big
"Hi?" she stands back up and turns to me "who's the kid?" she glares questioningly
"That's what I needed to talk to you about and there's more but for right now can we just take it one step at a time? Please mom"
"Alright, but we are definitely talking about how you made me a grandma years before your brother." she smirks while pointing her finger at me. "Wow, and see now you have two grandchildren" I laugh as she playfully slaps my back
"Go get my grandbaby so I can meet her" she demands while smirking.
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What Turns Me Grinchy
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Believe it or not, this post is another love letter to J. It’s just…an unconventional one, I guess, with a cameo appearance from Dr. Seuss’s beloved (?…he’s beloved, right?) Aspiring Christmas Stealer.
I’ve written for over a year here, and for more than 3 years somewhere about what a calm, capable, loving, and wonderful man J is. I’ve written about his compassion and his commitment and how he works so hard and how easy he is to trust (and he deserves that trust) because he’s so concerned with people’s safety and he makes people feel safe. I haven’t really written much explicitly about his quiet confidence, but he does have it and I think that’s heavily implied in most of the things I write about him and in the fictional heroes I’ve created that are inspired by him too.
But even confident, amazing heroes have insecurity sometimes. J’s isn’t anything like my constant, multi-faceted, insidious and invasive insecurity (thank goodness). His hardly ever shows. But each year around the holidays, because of inane holiday marketing, I’m reminded of one place J’s insecurity tends to reveal itself.
J grew up poor. He didn’t grow up ‘not rich’ like me. I mean, I grew up living in an apartment with two working parents who sometimes had $5 left in the bank at the end of the month (and this was with free full time child care from my dad’s parents for me and from ME for my little brother) and openly bickered with each other about whose parents we’d have to move in with when the inevitable happened and we couldn’t make the monthly budget stretch (I was always rooting for my dad’s parents when they were still living for obvious reasons). But we never actually HAD to move in with any of my grandparents (thank goodness…I guess…although honestly, I’d have liked to have lived with my dad’s parents). And my parents never applied for public assistance. J’s family did. A friend of mine online reminded me of this Everclear song the other day, which isn’t totally J, but these lines definitely are…
"I hate those people who love to tell you Money is the root of all that kills. They have never been poor; They have never had the joy of a Welfare Christmas."
J’s dad always worked full time, but his mother was unable to work (she couldn’t drive a car), and J remembers walking to the grocery store and helping his mother do math and count change to pay for the things they needed that SNAP (food stamps) didn’t cover when he was The Boy’s age. He remembers going to free stores to get new winter coats every year. He remembers being on the receiving end of anonymous donations at holiday time…the same anonymous donations we MAKE now for other families.
J does know what a Welfare Christmas feels like.
We live a very comfortable life together now. I mean, we have a life beyond my wildest dreams of what kind of life I could have. If I went back and told my 5 or 15 or even 25 year old self that I’d be living my current life with J, I’d have not believed it. J works hard for us to have a great life, and he takes great pride (and should) in taking care of me and The Boy when it comes to providing us with material and financial security. But I know there are still times he thinks and worries about it.
The first time J met my parents was the day after Christmas in 2003. We’d known each other for almost 4 weeks and had been on 4 dates alone when we went to dinner with my parents at a modest sit-down restaurant (not fast food, but certainly not fancy). My dad picked up the entire check for the party of 5 (my parents, my little brother, who was 14 at the time, and J and me). J thanked my dad sincerely. And when the two of us got into his car alone to drive home, the first thing he said to me was, 'Your dad knows I can buy your dinner, right?’ My dad was trying to be magnanimous and welcoming. Neither of my parents are particularly affectionate people, but they do know how to buy people things as a way of showing approval or 'love.’ I told J this. 'My dad can’t say, 'Nice to meet you,’ like a normal person, but he can buy your dinner. That’s all that meant.’
On our first Valentine’s Day together, J bought me a white gold and diamond chip necklace. I was speechless. I’d never received a gift that nice before, and I loved it…I loved the implied commitment. But I can remember casually mentioning that it was 'a lot.’ I treasure that necklace, and I still wear it out on special occasions. And J bought me an engagement ring and a wedding ring, and another necklace for one Mother’s Day, but he doesn’t buy me jewelry for every gift giving occasion, and I don’t want him to. I think part of the reason he bought me that necklace was to show me that he could. It was mostly the commitment…to show me how seriously he took me and our potential future together. But I think it was at least a little bit, in J’s mind, something to indicate to me what he could do.
Which brings me to the shifty holiday marketing that makes me think about this every year around Christmas (and Valentine’s Day…and Mother’s Day…) All the 'He went to Jared!’ and 'Every kiss begins with Kay’ commercials just grate on me. They turn my Grinch feet ice cold in the snow. I don’t like the implication that women want (read: expect) jewelry for every gift giving occasion and I don’t like the implication that these gifts earn men affection and prove how much they love the women in their lives/are indicators of what kind of partner they are/can be. Those things aren’t true. At least it’s not true for me as a woman. And I know many men who can and do buy jewelry regularly who don’t show their partners respect or affection regularly. I’m not trying to judge jewelry negatively here. I just don’t like the marketing implication that an expensive gift = love.
And I know that despite all the progress made in the past 60 years or so with debunking gender expectations, men are still conditioned to believe that financially providing for their partner is a requirement, and it can still cause insecurity. And particularly in the world we currently live in, where it’s hard for so many people to get the basic things they need like food and shelter and clean water and health care, we are extremely fortunate to live with as much comfort and security as we have. I know men still feel pressure to buy expensive things for their partners as gifts. Things that mass marketing tells them are 'romantic.’ Buying her that stand mixer you know she’s gonna use every week is sexist, but buying her a diamond says you love her. Taking her to the book store to get a hot cocoa and a book or two from the paperback sale rack is cheap; take her to the jewelry store and let her pick something out there instead…
My kisses don’t begin with Kay. J doesn’t have to buy me a new life. I love the life we’re already living. About 5 Christmases ago, J asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I told him I couldn’t think of anything; I already have everything; he’d given me everything but the kitchen sink. And he bought me a new kitchen sink (really…engineers are wicked literal…and J is kind of a smart ass…but my kitchen sink is really nice, for real). In all seriousness, I hope J knows that while I am grateful for and appreciate how hard he works for our comfortable life…and that he’s now given me everything INCLUDING the kitchen sink, I’d still love him even if he couldn’t buy my dinner at a non-fast food restaurant. He provides my soul security with his consistent love. That’s what I want to keep getting for Christmas every year. He can’t buy that in any store.
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“And what happened then? Well, in Whoville, they say That the Grinch’s small heart grew 3 sizes that day.”
I love that guy. <3
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luvutothemoon · 6 months
Bridget Ann Foster-Riley. “Brie” for short
Her face claim is Josie Foster
She usually has her hair short. Usually mid neck or shorter, but will occasionally let it grow past her shoulders. Only to spontaneously chop it off
Her natural color is dark brown, but she dyes it to light brown (after she’s had fun with unnatural colors. See bright pink hair for 3 years)
She has a PhD in psychology!
She’s a psychologist who isn’t afraid to psychoanalyze you whenever she sees fit
She takes summer classes, and gets her undergraduate 1996, a year before expected. She does a two year masters (of science) program, bringing her studies up to 1998. 2002, she finally gets her doctorate, although she had been working in the psychology field since her undergraduate program
{{ that was very hard to figure out, as no college sites etc would give me a definite answer on the number of courses needed. And if they did, it would be credited hours, and I wasn’t going to break that down. So I just decided to have her do five courses per semester, which is why she’s always up to 2 AM }}
She first met Linda in college, where they were roommates in the dorm. They moved into an apartment together, and stayed roommates until four months after Linda got married
Yes, this means she was roommates with Danny for four months. He hated it, she loved teasing him and Linda about being “newlyweds” (iykyk)
She may or may not have a crush on Danny and Linda (yes, both of them. Don’t tell them)
Her parents divorced when she was eleven, and her Dad remarried when she was thirteen
She is a feminist! And is not afraid to call out sexist bullshit
She isn’t afraid of intimidating men. In fact, she likes to challenge them
In that regard, she’s like a chihuahua. She will take on things three times her size without question and total confidence
She’s been accused of sleeping with one of her professors. (She didn’t.)
She has an older brother Buddy and a younger sister Alecia. Buddy works in the mines/heads up a company and Alecia is a world class gymnast
She was married for a year and a half, but then her husband died (😭)
She elopes with a Jewish man named Harry Goldblum in early 2004. She doesn’t take his last name, but she really loves him because she doesn’t eat bacon anymore at home. (Which results in a lot of Starbucks breakfast sandwiches before work in her car/office because she needs her bacon)
She is bi, and falls right in the middle of the spectrum. Although, according to her, she changes who she’s attracted to depending who she’s pissed at at the moment.
She hates Jack Boyle’s guts
She thinks all the Reagans are hot
She thinks the Goldblums are all hot too
She is smart and quick witted
She isn’t sure if she encourages or discourages cheese jokes
She and Linda have matching Chinese symbol tattoos on their ankles. She also has a little wheel of Brie cheese and grapes
{{ and others, and you can check out my story on that. As soon as I find the damn file, I’ll add a chapter for the tattoos }}
She heals her inner child after getting married and proceeds to get as many dogs as Harry allows her to. Currently, the most dogs they’ve had at once is 5. Harry won’t go over 5, and he thinks 5 is too much anyway
Brie is trying to convince him to get her a dachshund this year.
She likes pretty much any music, but her favorite band is Fleetwood Mac
Brie is a plant lady. “Brie, we don’t need any more plants. It’s like a greenhouse in here!”
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thebearcathideout · 10 months
My Rite of Passage: Taking My Road Test
Today, I took a road test! Here are the trials and tribulations it took for me to get there, and how it went.
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Me on the bus. I’m holding a reference sheet for driving, and my “Pre-licensing Certificate” that is required for the road test.
I woke up at 8:39 AM. My mom woke up around the same time as me as part of her daily routine, and we had agreed to take the same bus ride she takes to go to work.
The night before, my brother and I had set up a reference sheet full of driving info. My brother had taken his road test four days ago, and while he didn’t pass, he was eager and willing to share what he remembered from his experience with me. The reference sheet contained info on parallel parking, three-point turns, speed limits, stop signs, and left- and right-turns. All of this was information I already knew, but it was to jog my memory on the day of the test (that’s what reviewing is).
Everyone needs to take their road test eventually. It’s required for one to get their driver’s license. Well, I hadn’t successfully passed mine yet. I’d taken a road test once before, but I’ll get to that later.
My road test would start at 1 PM, but my driving instructor arranged to take me in his car to the site at Kissena at 9:30 AM. That’s why we took the bus to Main Street. There, my mom and I bought breakfast, and I could hang out at her workplace while I ate.
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The place where we bought breakfast.
For breakfast, I ate two steamed pork buns, stir-fried flat rice noodles, and a cup of hot milk tea. The instructor then updated me that he was picking me up at 11 AM, so to pass the time, I watched a YouTube reading of My Immortal (wow, it’s crazy how many times they screw in this fanfic).
At 10:41 AM, I headed out to meet my instructor where his car was parked. He was part of a driving school, and I'd been taking driving lessons from him for the past few weeks.
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The instructor, and two other guys from the driving school. He's on the right, while the ones on the left are students that were also taking the road test with me. (The three of them gave me permission to use this photo.)
There were two others in the car with me, both of them were students of the driving school, all taking the road test the same day I was. They were roughly older than me, and all of them primarily spoke Chinese.
The reason this was the second road test I was going to, was because I failed my first one due to failing to SEE A STOP SIGN. What a blunder! That road test I had taken with a different driving school, but my current one was different.
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The road test site at Kissena.
When everyone was ready, we drove to the road test site. Unfortunately, I wasn’t allowed to take any photos during my road test, so I can’t show any for that. Hm, not being allowed to take photos? You know, courtrooms don’t allow journalists to take photos during court trials. That’s why they have “courtroom sketches,” where artists are brought in to sketch what they see. I wonder if there could be something like a “courtroom sketch” for what I saw at my road test today.
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A “courtroom sketch” for what I saw at my road test today. The instructor is visible in the reflection on the dashboard, wearing a reflective vest and holding a pen and clipboard. My hand is on the steering wheel, the dashboard is behind it and the rearview mirror is visible above, and the road is ahead of me. (This is totally not traced over an existing photo.)
Huh. Well that’s handy.
Unfortunately, while I did do better than my 1st time, I ultimately didn’t pass the road test. I won’t bore you with listing off all the mistakes I made, although I told them to my instructor and the other students with me, and they agreed that what I was telling them were mistakes. Viewing my result online at 6 PM all but solidified that.
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One of the notable locations during my road test: I stopped too hard at this stop sign.
So if you’ve taken your road test before (or you’ve taken more than one) what were your thoughts on it? Do you have stories of embarrassing mistakes you made during a road test that are so ridiculous you want to make sure no one makes them again?
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pooma-bible · 1 year
Here are some of the Scripture verses that show what the Holy Spirit does for you.
1. The Holy Spirit gives us power
Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Here’s the car analogy. The Holy Spirit fuels you to do the work that God wants you to do… no matter your profession.
2. The Holy Spirit is how God gives His love to us
Romans 5:5 “Hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”
Do you feel distant from God? Maybe you need to be more in tune with the Holy Spirit.
3. The Holy Spirit helps us pray
Romans 8:26-27- “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.”
Have you ever been deep in prayer and have been silent but still feel like you are communicating with God? Or maybe you start out consciously saying each word, but as you go along, more and more of your heart is poured out to God, almost unconsciously?
That’s the Holy Spirit, helping you pray. (Totally amazing.)
4. The Holy Spirit reminds Christians of what Christ said
John 14:26- “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”
This might be one of my favorites. Have you ever been going throughout your day and suddenly are reminded of some of those famous red letter words? Like “Love your neighbor as yourself” or “Do unto others as yourself” or “Love your enemies” or maybe a reminder to yourself to “Go and sin no more”? (Among many others.)
That’s the Holy Spirit, reminding you of things that Christ said and are recorded in the Bible.
5. The Holy Spirit helps Christians to obey God’s Word
Ezekiel 36:26-27 (NLT)- “And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart. And I will put my Spirit in you so that you will follow my decrees and be careful to obey my regulations.”
Wow! This promise was given several hundred years before Christ. The prophets didn’t have the Holy Spirit living in them, but we Christians do.
Have you ever gone through your day trying in your own power to not sin, only getting deeper and deeper into trouble? Are you sure you are relying on the Holy Spirit? You might be pleasantly surprised to learn that Christianity gets easier with time, as you grow closer and closer to God.
6. The Holy Spirit helps Christians kill sin
Romans 8:12-13 NLT- Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, you have no obligation to do what your sinful nature urges you to do. For if you live by its dictates, you will die. But if through the power of the Spirit you put to death the deeds of your sinful nature, you will live.
Memorizing Scripture, studying the Bible and replacing your negative thoughts with positive, Godly thoughts is one great way to kill sin. The Holy Spirit wants you to kill sin and can help you to do it!
The devil, on the other hand, prowls around like a lion, waiting for someone to devour.
7. The Holy Spirit sanctifies us
2 Thessalonians 2:13 – As for us, we can’t help but thank God for you, dear brothers and sisters loved by the Lord. We are always thankful that God chose you to be among the first to experience salvation—a salvation that came through the Spirit who makes you holy and through your belief in the truth. (Emphasis mine)
The Spirit sanctifies us- makes us holy.
8. The Holy Spirit changes us into a person that is more like Christ
2 Corinthians 3:18- So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord–who is the Spirit–makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image.
Once we have the Holy Spirit in is, we can see Christ more clearly and can make choices that make us more like Him. Amen!
9. The Holy Spirit helps you feel the glory of the Lord.
Ezekiel 36:26-27 12 Things the Holy Spirit Does For You Christ-Centered Mama Christian Devotional Blog Jesus Bible Gospel Focused Christian WomenJohn 7:37- “On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.”
It’s my opinion that Jesus was doing two things here: 1. fulfilling an Old Testament prophecy (Jeremiah 2:13) and 2. making a prophecy about the Holy Spirit. Pretty awesome.
10. The Holy Spirit gives you self-control
Galatians 5:22- “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”
When you have the Holy Spirit, you will, with time and submission, become more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled.
Just like Christ.
11. The Holy Spirit fills you with hope until you overflow!
Romans 15:13- “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Feeling a little down? No hope? Spend some time in the Word of God and you will start walking in the Spirit instantly. The Spirit will guide you through and teach you. Your spirit will be refreshed!
12. The Holy Spirit gives us spiritual gifts
“It is the one and only Spirit who distributes all these gifts. He alone decides which gift each person should have.” 1 Corinthians 12:11
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