#and like basic af but it resonated i guess
rachymarie · 2 months
Also, any other schizospec grapple with inability to choose your wording/choose between terms/words or phrases? also using lots of interjections/parenthesis (bracketed words/sentences/comments)?
And while we're at it: lots of run-on sentences and struggling a bit or a lot to keep to and eloquently illustrate your point
It may come under the umbrella/terms: graphorrea/logorrhea/excessive wordiness
I'm always Googling and looking up my experiences/symptoms to see if they are medically or at least publically recognized - guess I just like to pinpoint and cite the clinical terms for my symptoms and struggles - I feel it helps bring validity to my case if it is a documented symptom/experience of the illness
Otherwise it can feel like people further disbelieve me/think I'm straight-up talking out my ass. Cos sometimes non-schizospec won't listen to or believe our lived experience (a common theme for other neurodivergences especially autism - just think Autism Speaks and autistic parents speaking over actually autistic voices, meanwhile here many of us are actually speaking/typing if nonverbal on the realities of the condition - but I digress). But other than that I can come here and find and resonate with y'all on our common schizospec experiences 💜
It may even be another bonus autistic trait, mind you - but from my understanding there is a lot of schizospec autism overlap.
Anyway it keeps things interesting and language immersive/rife with linguistic possibilities even if it can be kinda awkward AF and may oftentimes result in too much clutter in sentences so as to detract from the point (what was my point again? 🤪).
But then again has anyone ever (been so far as to do want like - bonus for understand ancient meme reference, i am getting Old) tried to decipher a full-on scientific/medical thesis/study? Almost completely unreadable jargon-filled mess of words too big for even me, one of the most formally-worded speakers on the planet (I used one of my fave words, "nefarious", recently in casual convo and the person I was talking to didn't know what that meant so I was hurled back down to planet earth where people speak "normal" and not formal (hey i did a rhyme! That's another thing I experience, my words and sentences spill out of me in rhyme more often than the average person - yet another schizospec and autistic trait or symptom) and had to translate my wordy speech).
That gives me an idea: I've seen them on here before but i might make an updated schizospec symptoms post (and maybe even a separate post for Delusions) when i have the Time X Spoons. Idk if anyone wants that but y'all gonna get it (when i can function/organize myself enough to do it, so possibly never 😅😭)
Hope this has been some kinda fun journey through excessive wordiness (first typoed that as wordimess abd was like "well basically yeah actually"). I love y'all wordy speakers out there just tryna get by. Here's to many more rambles and maybe also the rare instances of concision (concisiveness??) in between 🥂💛🩶
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resilientkitteh · 1 year
I am NOT the daughter of the dead mom
So this is gonna get REAL intense fur a bit, in case the title didn't give you that idea. So this talks about the death of a parent, (clearly but still) other content warnings have to do with car accidents, abuse, and general issues with self worth etc. Also I cuss a lottle mostly the f-word so you have been warned. Please read this if you are interested and if any part of this resonates with you I would love to have a safe dialogue about this and help others with similar backgrounds feel less alone so please feel free to leave a comment!
My name is K and growing up I had what is called a non normative life experience, basically a life experience that is not the norm for most of the population especially at such a young age. Most people experience said life event but usually it's when they are much older. I lost my mother to a car accident at the age of 4 which is far younger than most people like ever. So that is sucky, but you know what is fucking worse than that? Being the kid who always has to tell people about her dead mom every fucking time she meets knew people who want to "get to know her". The sad looks, the pity, the "oh I can't even imagine's" the "how terrible that must have been's", oh and not to mention the looks of shock that it happened, and also shock at my audacity to fucking tell the truth about it. 
Another thing that is awful? Being the person who doesn't have a parent to make shit for but is still stuck making shit for someone or a different parent (an abusive AF one at that) or the evil woman who raised my mother. That is fucking bullshit. You don't fucking fit in because of something that happened outside of your control and yet the world keeps on going and treating you like everyone else even when you would rather just sit out the activity. Like they all act all sympathetic when they hear it but they also can't be fucking bothered to attempt an accommodation, besides punting me to the next "family member" they could think of. But then everyone around me knows I am the kid without a mom. How sad, how this, how that, how odd, how weird, etc. And it's like that's the thing everyone remembers about me then. All of the things that are actually a part of me to choose from and they remember THAT. 
Not just the kids I went to school with or new people either. NO. My own "family" would pull this shit too. My great Aunt would always tell this whole long story on every bus trip because she had to tell everyone who I was. So first it's a family thing...but she's like this is my great niece and she is here with me because "yada yada yada "her mom, my niece died when she was a little kid and" yada yada yada. Why not something more like "hey y'all this my great niece who just loves spending time her Aunt so she is gonna be joining us today?" How fucking hard is that? Why do you have to introduce me like that? I am NOT the fucking daughter of the dead mom! That is NOT who I am. That is something that happened to me as part of my backstory but that is not who I am! Like fuck you. 
Fuck all of you who decide that just because it's something unusual that means it's who I fucking am! Like fuck you alll that is bullshit! I am my own person! Can we talk about how much these introductions fucked me up? Because they fucked me up. They reinforced so many negative thoughts and emotions I had about myself as well as the idea that I had to live in her shadow and live my life for her and so that she would always be proud of me which is such bullshit. Who the fuck cares if she would be proud of me? I have decided that I don't give a fuck about that anymore. Like if she wouldn't be proud of me that's fine because guess what I am fucking proud of me.
Also I refuse to live her life out. I will not be a statistic. I refuse to marry an abuser and I managed to not. I am the first woman in my family who can say that who actually got married. I also didn't decide to stick with terrible people either even before I was married. So yeah take that. Some of us fucking learned from the mistakes of those that came before us and decided to grow and change for the better. I refuse to follow in the footprints of those before me especially when they made so many choices that I take issues with as well as find despicable. I spent most of my life living for someone else, trying to be someone else and replace their presence or fill their presence in the lives of others and that was incredibly unfair to me. Who puts that on a kid? Also I was abused even more because of how much I looked like my dead mom as a kid so yeah let's just make it even more apparent. Fuck all of you. 
I needed to find myself, and yet all I was ever introduced as was a life event. Not who I am or what I was interested in or anything about that. It was as if my whole personality didn't exist, just my life events, which is incredibly rude and invalidating. It was as if I didn't exist. I was merely a traumatic memory one after another. That is all I was. And I sat there and took it and revered a woman who made horrible decisions that negatively impacted not just her but me as well. I idolized that woman, thought her to be perfect and no one fucking corrected me at all. They just let me think she was perfect. They never told me anything about her and I had to deal with all the self hatred and seeing her in the mirror in my face and all that bullshit on my own. I wasn't allowed to miss her or anything and then ugh I realized she wasn't a good person not really. Or at least not the amazing person I always thought she was. Instead she was someone whose opinions and ideas I take massive issue with. But I am supposed to keep living a life for her and to make her proud? No fuck that bullshit I hate it all so much. Leave me alone, I am not my mother's daughter I am a woman with a backstory who wants to be her own damn person. So stop defining me by something that happened in my past, against my will and that threw my world into a tailspin of even worse proportions. But here I am living my life and making something of myself and that is what I want to do. I am K. I am not a victim of circumstance, I am a warrior and I will make a life that I will be proud of regardless of what some woman who died literal decades ago would want. 
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abbysratking · 3 years
I still think the highlight of my entire life came when I was like 14 and someone made a GIFSET inspired by one of my (now deleted) brittana fics... still chasing that high 10 years on
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jebalifyouplease · 4 years
in conclusion lol
The album is for the most part well rounded and I really love it and have like 6 fav songs and there's only one song I didn't really care for but just because I didn't agree with how the producers went with it like it could have definitely done something else also I need to read the lyrics but anyways
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jaykayblr · 3 years
Anon asked : Hey 💕 What are ur observations on rising signs?
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Note : these are just my observations of the rising signs - won't resonate with everyone.
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[ Aries rising ] - see I don’t know that many people who have Aries as their rising sign. But from what I have seen, I think they have this very look that makes them look like they are angry, even if they aren’t, this can also go for mars in 1st house.
[ Taurus rising ] - I think these people are the ones who are very like meek (??) Like they don’t wanna offend anyone or be a pushover. They also look very cute and they have this very athletic build to them. I have a real life friend who has a Taurus rising, and she is very stubborn, like a kid. And she always seems to look very like ‘naive’. Prominent shoulders are usually seen with this placement. Square or oblong face shapes.
[ Gemini rising ] - see I don’t know anyone who has a Gemini rising in real life, but from what I know, they seem to have very flirty and almost like this child-like wonder in their eyes. They seem to look very seductive even if they don’t do anything. I think they love wearing sunglasses, and they tend to be smooth af, like they know what to say at the right time, they also seem to be very magnetic especially if they have some cancer in their chart.
[ Cancer rising ] - they seem to look like they belong from a royal family, they have the most kissable lips, they seem to look very motherly even if they might not be that nuturing, they seem to like the old fashioned or vintage clothes, I think they like lipsticks that are pink. They might like dressing up in clothes that are simple and basic but yet chic.
[ Leo rising ] - their hair!! Damn! They have the best hair!! They have this look of mischief in their eyes, like they are very playful and romantic, they have this whole notion of saving the world, and they might do a lot of volunteer work. Usually well liked among people. Beautiful and attractive smiles. Little crackheads. They make mundane things fun and playful. Very confident about themselves.
[ Virgo rising ] - very analytical, they notice everything, they might be very blunt and critical, which pushes people away, they are no nonsense people, who have a sense of dignity within themselves. They are probably loners. Low-key seductive. They are amazing people to be friends with. After you get to know they are the most funniest people in the group. Low-key crackheads.
[ Libra rising ] - they are the sweetest people, they are probably the ones who overuse emojis in their texts, sometimes it becomes very cringey, they smile a lot, who are very unproblematic. They are also very elegant and flirty, they flirt with their eyes, very charming people, I think they probably like a lot of pastel colours. They are also very good with words. People seem to genuinely like them.
[ Scorpio rising ] - Ok, its hard to get a reaction out of them, at the maximum, they will just give a nod as a reaction, they have very defined collar bones, they seem to be very flexible as well, they are also very athletic or good at sports, it seems like- even if they don’t work out that much, they seem very fit and healthy. They don’t smile a lot, if they do, it comes off more like a smirk. They are very good at reading people and they only interact with people who they think are good and trustworthy. They seem very strategic, like they are plotting a revenge against people, they seem evil and devilish.
[ Sagittarius rising ] - they are the loudest people in the place, happy go lucky people, they seem very egoistic though 🤔 they are the clowns of the group, they one with a lot of friends, the one who is always surrounded with people, they have the brightest and the widest smile, they want to know everything, they are also very open-minded and accepting, they are very interested in spirituality.
[ Capricorn rising ] - they look like they are always serious, they look like they are always in between of a business deal “ yeah, yeah, buy Canada too ” but I think they look very experienced like, you probably don’t wanna mess up with them, same like Scorpio rising, they don’t give too much of a reaction to a situation, I think they probably have the habit of rolling their eyes.
[ Aquarius rising ] - they look ethereal! They don’t even look like a human 😳, they are very cold and detached but they don’t like interfering with other’s problems, they are very unproblematic, they like to do a lot of volunteering, they are also very open-minded, they almost are like nerds, but they are also very social, and they do academically great.
[ Pisces rising ] - one of my close real life friend has this placement and she is literal angel, who is very patient and calm with people, she is very social and friendly with people and other’s always seem to rely on her and trust her, she is also very open-minded and romantic…. She has opinions too but she doesn’t like to force it on people, she doesn’t like to confront, but she is very reliable and fun person and we get along very well, we are almost like siblings - we both are water risings so, she likes to sleep a lot and she always looks like she has just woken up. She has a very calm, soothing and sweet voice. Doesn't wanna come off as Rude. She is lazy and really slow when it comes to work. Always in her own imaginary world. Loves anime. Looks beautiful and has a lot of admirers. – She is the only one having a boyfriend in our friends group. Do you all hear that? Get me a scorpio boyfriend someone! 😭
So that's all I guess?
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viktoriakomova · 2 years
Oof fucking hell. I mean I guess I’m not super surprised at the fact that the rus gym people and athletes are brainwashed nationalists (or worse…). But damn if it isn’t still disappointing as fuck. And I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to “separate the art from the artist” in this instance. Fuck, why does everything seem to disappoint and be tainted by some shit or another. Existential dread spiral of the hour: are we (people) just bad???? ☹️
i sympathize with your disappointment and im not trying to undercut it but
i think it is worth examining why some figures in the russian gymnastics community who were liking posts and posting vague-ish stories themselves about peace and respect etc. two weeks ago have also liked nemov's post. and its not because theyre wishy washy fence sitters without a backbone lol. nor is it because theyre all cryptofascists or whatever
i dont condone his support of kuliak's actions (and obviously don't condone kuliak's actions) and the notion that he was ~provoked~ into putting a Z on his chest is dumb af. but apart from those bits, the sentiment behind his defense of kuliak is..... not all that objectionable, to be honest
what you're seeing in real time (especially referring here to the gymnasts who liked nemov's post but had liked or shared ostensibly anti-war positions when this first started) is how holding a people collectively responsible for the actions of their government, making them bear the consequences for something they had no part in, basically shitting on them and making them pariahs on the world stage to "send a message to putin" (lmao), has the effect of hardening the defensive reaction to all that animosity that they are taking the brunt of.
"i have always said in competition it is important to treat any competitor with respect. but what if you don't see that respect in return from the other side? [...] when they demand you be removed from competition for what flag is on your passport?" -nemov's post caption, emphasis mine
just some food for thought in the wake of all these sanctions that are designed to disrupt russian everyday life but instead end up bolstering support for putin at home (which is something we've observed since fucking 2014 by the way hahahahaaaaaa). im not saying its right, in fact its very frustrating to watch, but i also have little trouble seeing why their feelings about all of this seem to be changing tune. and i have no trouble understanding why nemov's post resonated with many of them...
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Day 20: Least Favorite Opposing Team
Team Paradisia
Guys they’re below the Red Tigers, the team with no distinguishable player. Putting aside all the...interesting story choices I have to say the cyborg gals’ uniforms are cool but really? Red and black, the most evil generic color combination? You’re better than this even the Xenons were as the bad guys in S2 had some unique color on ‘em and Shadows’ aesthetic was always bomb. Jok looks hella ugly in his uniform but let’s leave this topic. I like the team’s name but also like...I know Lord Pheonix is rich af and he has the metaflux but what kind of engineers does he hire? Those robots are way more advanced than The Technodroids who have the galaxy’s funds in them. Now to their flux, basically evil purple breath, they don’t even have the Breath’s ability (Flux blast that drives away other Fluxes) I guess it’s supposed to be a 100% physical ability-enhancing flux + poking Rocket occasionally to worsen his resonance but that doesn’t count. Side note: little me was making up my own fluxes and got so mad when in S3 they’ve taken purple lol.
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i'm curious, do you have any songs that makes you think about stolitz? :) i created playlist, but i'm always open for some new recommendations,,, (also my taste in music is basic af sjsssfs)
some new songs that make me think of them would be 'ykwim?' I could picture and angsty made up scenario listening to that :) and perhaps 'Astronomy' by Conan gray :")) I think it would be something Stolas could resonate with after a falling out of some sort.
This playlist is a chaotic amalgamation of hrknee, angst and just,, chaos pfft I guess it fits the vibes a bit
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walhalla · 3 years
ok, after successfully guessing your main, i will now guess your entire party. so we know that you use xiao as main and venti as support. you also said that you like to use zhongli, so i'm assuming you use him as a second support. did you notice something? YES, NO HEALER. Xiao needs a healer. so which healer do you have in your team? it can't be Jean because you can't produce an elementary reaction with her. so the rest of the healers are: Barbara, Bennett and qiqi (I hope I haven't forgotten anyone else). now the question arises of who is most useful. the answer is simple. BENNETT. why? Bennett’s ult is the best (he's a 6-Star character in my heart ≧∀≦). it can strengthen and heal at the same time. so I assume that Bennett is your support as well as healer. (unless you have him c6 :0)
I use Qiqi actually!!! I've had Bennett for a short time so his artifacts are a bit meh :c but I'm working on that!! I actually got the Aquila Favonia the other day 😳 so it's Qiqi for now but I'll swap her for Bennett once I'm done with his artifacts!!
I'm going for Xiao, Bennett, Xiangling & Venti as a main team :o I do change teams a lot cause I love playing different characters, but the ones I'd profit the most from are those ajdgsjd
Xiao is just... Xiao. Insane dmg and basically perma ult. Bennett is literally the best support and Venti follows really closely (I have Stringless for Venti and AF for Bennett so <333). And I have r5 Dragon's Bane (again, gacha hates/loves me and gives me dupes of everything instead of new things) for Xiangling so that's the best I can do ajdhsbs annnd its 2 anemo and 2 pyro for elemental resonance (≧▽≦)
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Possibly a big ask to get just out of the blue but: what are your Supernatural season opinions? Which one is your favorite? Least favorite? Did you watch long enough to have showrunner opinions? If yes, which showrunner is your favorite and which is your least favorite? If no, which season that you haven't seen most tempts you to get back in the Supernatural trenches? Answer exactly as many of these questions as you want to. Carry on.
You know, I am not sure how long this Ask has been sitting here, because my Tumblr notifications are borked -- I hope not long? If long, I apologize, I wasn't ignoring it on purpose!
Okay, so I have more than the average number of Supernatural opinions, probably, but I'll try to keep this to a dull roar! Inside Me There Are Two Wolves: one of them believes that only the original five seasons of Supernatural are worth defending in any way, the other really, really loves seasons 11 and 12. The Kripke Era had a lot of problems, particularly in its treatment of women as bodies without agency and its treatment of Black men as literal predators, but also for all its flaws, it had a kind of coherence and narrative drive that comes from being the product of a dude who obviously cared about it and had something to say. Taken on its own, seasons 1-5 are a brutal and compelling story about the traumas of being men in a universe that's been absolutely destroyed by its Fathers: on almost every level, it's about these abandoned and brutalized boys discovering that their entire reality is the product of an abandoning and brutalizing God, populated by authority figures who are universally demanding and arrogant, but also completely fucking useless. It's quite literally about Sam and Dean trying to hang onto their souls and their own agency when everyone around them wants them forced into shapes formed by conflicts that fell into place at the beginning of time. It's hard to remember, but back then even the Lucifer plotline was about that! It was about the damage fathers inflict on sons! Things were about things, in the Kripke era!
Then we get to the Gamble era, and. Woof. I actually -- don't hate 6 and 7? Like everything Sera Gamble touches, those two seasons are kinetic and memorable and funny and weird and hit some really, really great emotional beats. There are Some Problems, but Gamble was saddled with a pretty dire job, trying to find a way forward after everything about the series really had effectively wrapped up in Swan Song, and I think she did an okay job. People got mad at her for killing Castiel, but you know, damn, I give her this: that was a storyline. Like, this character who was fresh out of the cult he was raised in becoming disillusioned by how messy normal life is and deciding that maybe people need better authoritarianism instead -- the way he's driven to take too many risks by the fact that he's abandoned and desperate -- Crowley as a legitimately scary villain while still being charming af -- and the tragic resolution of Castiel being torn apart by both his hubris and his heroism. It's actually really good. I understand why people didn't want what Gamble was serving up -- and I'm able to like it because it was undone later, you know? -- but she really did commit to a full season of character arc and saw it all the way through to an earned ending, and I gotta respect that.
I genuinely hate seasons 8 and 9. I think everyone is a dick, particularly but not exclusively Dean, to the point where I just find it a bummer to watch. I mean, you get Benny, and I love Benny. You get, I dunno, bits and bobs of decent episodes, but overall they are very fucked up seasons in my opinion. So Carver era is on thin fucking ice with me, but I do think you start to get a rebound in season 10 with the Mark of Cain stuff, although I wish they'd managed to keep Cain around longer. All the really good Claire stuff starts happening, which is nice because Claire, but also because for once the show is really letting itself go back and deal with the mess these protagonists leave behind them constantly. Castiel and Claire have maybe the most interesting non-Winchester relationship on the show. Oh, and Rowena shows up around here too, right? Love her. So the back half of Carver, 10 and 11, are starting to really gain traction for me. The world is building outward, secondary characters are starting to be genuine characters in their own right, the politics of Heaven and Hell get a little richer and more interesting. The show is really starting to feel like it takes place in a universe, which is great because we love the Frigging Winchesters, but they shouldn't be the only thing going, right? We have 15 seasons to get through! Season 11 is basically bracketed by what are probably my two favorite Supernatural episodes: Baby and Don't Call Me Shurley. (I think I'm the world's only living Metatron fan; I fucking love that little dude.)
Dabb takes over in 12, and I really, really, genuinely love season 12. I fucking love Mary. There are so many episodes I adore -- Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox is a special favorite of mine, and I remain pissed off that the Banes twins never made it to recurring status, bluntly that feels wildly racist to me -- probably the best three-episode streak in the show is Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets to Regarding Dean to Stuck In the Middle (With You), three just almost perfect episodes. So I was poised to really love the Dabb era. I wanted to! My body was ready!
And I do really love the first chunk of season 13, the Widow Winchester arc. Obviously I'm a romantic, love that for me, but it's just also really good? The acting, the writing, the psychological complexity of Dean wanting Jack to be Bad so he has an outlet for his anger and Sam wanting Jack to be Good so he can retroactively parent himself and raise a Lucifer-tainted child who isn't crippled by self-loathing. Billie's great, and it looks like she's going to start being one of the major powers of the universe. Unfortunately -- with the occasional exception of this or that solid episode -- that's kind of the end of Pretty Good Supernatural. Season 13 kind of unravels; season 14 always feels like it's looking for itself (which is a bummer, because I wanted very much to care about Michael); season 15 is, idk. Idk about any of it, it's all pretty pointless. I feel bad complaining on some level, because the show's been on for like fourteen years at this point! It's kinda justified in feeling a little worn out. But the reality is that the later seasons systematically undo all the expansion that had excited me earlier -- the Wayward Sisters crew pretty much vanishes when the spinoff isn't picked up, Naomi and the angels stop doing anything, Crowley's gone, Mary's gone for much of it. We're just kind of futzing around with monsters who don't seem to matter (very much including Lucifer, who hasn't mattered in ages) and a lot of Jack, who. I try not to shit all over, because I know he's a popular character, but I find him just ungodly boring. Everything in the last two and a half season just feels like it's headed nowhere in particular, and also it bored me. The Empty deal is just sadness porn; it doesn't have any resonance or meaning in terms of Castiel's character, it's just him agreeing to die for his kid, which is okay, it means he's a loving dad, which he is, but there's no conflict there, ergo no real drama. It's just mean; it happens because it'll make us sad, and no other reason. Rowena is the only strong secondary character left, and her ending also doesn't feel particularly relevant to her, it's just a generic Sacrifice to Save the World. Everything just feels like they're autogenerating plotlines, rather than letting the actual needs and drives of the characters shape the narrative. So while I have this weird split personality with Carver where I either hate what he's doing or I love it, most of the Dabb era is just. There. It doesn't make me feel anything except kind of tired and embarrassed. Which is a bummer, because I have an inexplicable fondness for Dabb, probably just because of how much I love s12. I wanted to love his seasons! I did love his first season! I feel like maybe something happened when the CW rejected Wayward Sisters? I know that was kind of his darling, and it feels like maybe losing that kind of sucked the joy out of him, and he's kind of checked-out by the end. That's genuinely just my guess, however.
That's Professor Milo's Intro to Supernatural Studies, don't forget to fill out your course survey on the way out!
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idreamtofthereaper · 4 years
Jung Jaehyun As Your Ex (Clarity Oneshots)
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NCT 127 // NCT DREAM // WAYV // Clarity Main Masterlist
A series of oneshots for different groups, for each member, wherein instead of them being your boyfriend, how they will be as your ex.
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The Build Up
Emotional af
you guys were high school sweethearts
and it was evident that your relationship was going nowhere
well, not for the public to know
graduated high school, then college, then got a job and have great careers
but none of you ever thought about proposals
holding each other’s hands by the rocking chair staring at the sunset and sunrise
because you couldn’t see doing all that with Jaehyun
and he never mentioned everything with those to you
he asked you out to dinner, even if there’s no occasion 
for others this is sweet, swoony
but it has just become a habit
dinner at some fancy restaurant every friday
that was all it, a habit from the past
the dinner was delicious as always, especially after a tiring day from work
the night was spent engaging with small talk
and guess what
it’s about work
and the dinner ended, the last conversation about how the stocks were dropping
the valet grab the car and opened the door for you as jae went around to his door
the drive was silent af
and since the both of you got back from work late
the streets were empty, the lights and some shops and fast foods were providing light
with the silence enveloping everything, you remembered everything
how before, the both of you would sing to the songs in the radio
not taking cars, but walking to fast food joints 
fast food adventures
you were so enveloped with your thoughts you didn’t realize a tear was falling from your eyes
at the stop light, jae noticed
“Hey, everything alright?” He gave you a handkerchief from the pocket of his suit.
You nodded then took the cloth from his hands, damping it on your eyes as you sniffled. You turn to him with a warm smile as you handed the cloth, worry evident on his expression “I’m okay.” 
He just nodded, placing the cloth at the pocket of his slacks as he continued driving.
you remembered how the first time he bought a car
his main problem was how to hold you while he was driving
he wanted to hold your hand, your thighs, everything
but now, he wouldn’t even glance at your way if you weren’t crying
the emotions got too much that more tears started pouring again
“Jae, pull over.” You said with a broken voice, signalling at the sidewalk.
“I want to walk, pull over. Please.” Without questions, though with confusions, Jae pulled over. Before he could utter anymore words, you exited the car in a hurry.
You finally let out all the emotions you’ve been feeling. Sobbing and sniffling as you walk away from the car. Only stopping when Jaehyun grabbed your wrist. “Yn, tell me what’s wrong. Please.”
“Jae, are you happy with this? With us?” You asked finally, a question that has been bothering you. “We aren’t the same Jae, this is not love. We’re only staying for each other because we feel that we have to.” 
Jaehyun stared emotionally at you before pulling you towards him, whispering comforting words as he rocked the both of you side by side gently. “We’re okay, I’m happy. I’m happy with us.” He whispered on your ear as you sobbed.
But then, you shook your head as you pushed away from him. His hands still on your waist, but you created a space now. “I’m not. Jae, we can’t go back the way we used to.”
“No, no. I’ll change, I’m sorry-”
“That’s the point, we shouldn’t have changed. Why did we change? I’m tired, Jae.” 
He caressed your back, comforting you. Eventually, he felt your weight lighten and upon a glance, he saw you already had your eyes closed but definitely still awake. “Let’s go home, yn.”
The Break Up
You knew he carried you to the car
and he tucked you in after changing your clothes 
and cleaned your face
upon waking up, you saw him at the edge of the bed.
He looked at you with a smile
his eyes were red and puffy
but he still put on one of your favorites
his smile
“It’s early, let’s walk?”
since it was pretty early, not a lot of people were in the streets
only the joggers and those going to work
but it still wasn’t crowded
he made small talk, pointing out to things he found interesting
“hey, remember when I was late in one of the exams and you had to sneak me in the classroom?”
“how could I forget, I almost lost my scholarship for that”
“yeah, your mom loved me a lot for that”
the walk was such a nice and refreshing thing 
how the both of you took a trip down memory lane to remember how it wasn’t that complicated before
the both of you stopped at the park, sitting down at one of the benches under a tree
“About last night, I don’t know what’s gotten into me.” You started, rocking your legs back and forth, Jae listening intently while nodding his head. “I don’t know, I just got overwhelmed. With my emotions, with everything. I don’t know. I hate it. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have lashed out.”
“Maybe you should. It gave me a lot of stuff to think about, and I agree.” You looked at Jaehyun softly and with curiosity. “Yn, we’ve been together for so long and I wouldn’t have become the person I am if it wasn’t for you. This past few months, I was only thinking about me, thinking about you but never about us. Are you still happy, yn? Do you want to make us work?”
You stayed silent, looking at Jaehyun intently. You look away at a distance for a while to think about it more, then turn back to him with a soft smile. “No, Jae. I think we both need to grow outside each other. I think it will be better for the both of us.”
Jaehyun nodded with a smile, a sad smile. He leaned close to you, making you close your eyes but not flinching or moving away, as he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. “Thank you so much for everything, yn.”
The Aftermath
You didn’t went home after that, you went to your nearest friend’s house and cried on their shoulder
telling them everything that has happened
all the while Jae was packing up the rest of the stuff he hasn’t packed last night
at the last bag, before he even left the house, he looked at the place one last time with a smile on his face as he soaked in the memories through the years
the house was the first big purchase the both of you made after college
how the both of you fought over how the kitchen should look like
he reminisced over every fight, love making, slow dances, karaoke and celebrations that happened between the walls of the home
a tear fell from his eyes when it landed at the framed photo by the shelf
it was the both of you after high school graduation, then college, then when the both of you got a job
he thought about leaving you a note, but decided that would make things more harder.
he closed the door behind him, leaving the house but not the memories
never the memories
Moving On
the first few months was H E L L
everything was new, you were alone 
with e v e r y t h i n g
but you managed
and from the looks of it, Jae was too
it was 2 years now
you became the CEO of the rival company you were previously working at
and you found out Jae became the COO of his
after he moved out, Jae moved in with his mom for a while before finally getting a place of his own
and he knew about what you’re doing too
his business partners couldn’t stop rambling about you
and the same goes to your end
everyone was rambling about the handsome bachelor 
and basically pushed you to make dealings with him
you didn’t because that would be weird
and jae had the same thought
but then, the both of you had the same partnership with this company
and lo and behold, the both of you met at the ball
jae was with a girl, presumably his date, when you walked in
he couldn’t miss it, he literally felt the conversations at the venue stopping when you walked in
chin up, chest out, in a tight and flattering red outfit
you smiled at the first person that approached you, even grabbing a drink 
the person then introduced the both of you
jae was wearing an all black outfit as the man approached, you clinging to his arms
he was shocked, the both of you were, when the man introduced the both of you to each other 
but then, jae wore a charming smile as he held his hand out
“Pleasure meeting you, Ms. Yn. It’s Ms, right?”
“Yes it is, I’ve heard a lot of great things about you, Mr. Jung.” You replied, shaking his hand. The girl beside him, who turned out to be his assistant, introduced herself to you.
After the greetings, the man excused himself to make a toast. 
You were tapping your foot restlessly as you stood beside Jae, trying to listen intently to what the man was saying. Your focus was destroyed when you felt a breath brush your ear. “You know, my focus was never really good. You never really helped.”
You smirked at the familiar voice. Jae leaned up as you turn to face him over your shoulder. “It’s not my problem you get easily distracted, Mr. Jung.”
“In fact it is, Ms. Yn. Red has always complimented your body well.” He replied with a smirk himself, taking a sip of his champagne as he waited for your retort. 
“I have a feeling it’s not the color, Mr. Jung.” His reply was postponed when the people around you clapped.
The both of you then clapped along as the man then said his closing words of the speech. “We want to thank everyone who attended the party and those who entrust our company with theirs. Our company, Clarity Enterprise, will make sure that everyone’s trust and efforts of our partners and our own won’t be put to waste.”
Another round of applause resonated, then the lights dimmed and the floor cleared. A slow song playing at the background as a couple of people went to the dance floor.
“I know there’s a queue for this dance, but to be fair I was always the first in line.” Jae appeared in front of you and offered his hand. 
You looked at him sweetly before nodding, taking a last sip of the champagne before placing it on the table. “I guess you are.”
hello this is the author I was crying the entire time I was writing it I’m sorry it’s so long
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bisluthq · 2 years
when did u start stanning Taylor?
Okay so for people who are new lol here is my journey re Taylor. My HS best friend was a HUGE Taylor Swift fan from debut era onwards like she discovered her in about 2007 and was amped for Fearless to come out. I was a big Carrie Underwood fan so she kept trying to get me to like Taylor too and I didn’t really like her as much but I was like 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ about it. When Fearless came out we listened to it like day of release or day after and I was also like 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ about it. I did (and still do) prefer debut. Like the lyrics didn’t resonate for me and I didn’t think she had a good voice and I didn’t understand the fuss about her.
My friend continued to be a big fan for Speak Now and I actually liked that a bit better but not enough to like be a fangirl.
I found RED extremely annoying when it came out lol like I was legit an anti which is hilarious in hindsight since it’s half my personality but by this stage all the “EVERYTHING IS ABOUT A BOY!!! GUESS WHICH ONE!!!” stuff was super big and I was like “fucking hell this bitch is insufferable” and like I was like what 18ish or so and like 22 and WANEGBT were so annoyingly earwormy and struck me as so deeply basic that I was like “ew.”
My friend went off Tay over the course of RED era - she also didn’t like the pop songs much and she didn’t like where the marketing was going tbh and by 1989 she was like a true neutral.
So I didn’t listen to 1989 when it came out like I did with the previous ones to discuss takes with my friend but obvi I didn’t live under a rock and it was EVERYWHERE lol and then I remember watching the Blank Space MV and by this time I knew I was gay and I was like out and shit and I was like “holy shit this girl is so hot wow.” So then I followed her a bit more actively but not like in fandom. I read a lot of like Buzzfeed and Cosmo articles on her tho and the Squad and Tayvin and Hiddleswift and all that. I followed Snakegate and thought it was stupid af like I was Team Tay in that I was like “this is all so fucking idiotic why do people hate her this much?”
Then she sorta disappeared from the media.
Oh! In this time I also lived with Dr Blank Space who was a big 1989 girl but really especially just liked the song Blank Space lmao like it was most of her personality.
I watched and listened to LWYMMD when the lyric video and MV came out and really liked both. Then I listened to Rep and I really liked it. And I think after that I just liked the music a lot and mostly followed that yk.
I liked Lover the album but hated YNTCD. I casually followed like the “is she coming out” stuff (because as I have explained Elite Daily told me in 2017 she fucked Karlie Kloss so I was like “why not maybe she’s bi” and while the former has been debunked for me I’m still open to the latter lmao).
I watched Miss Americana the day it came out with Dr Blank Space and we both liked it but hated Only The Young.
I went to watch Cats in part because it seemed so bad and in part because of her and the thirst lol.
And then folklore came out and I REALLY liked it and I’d been following Kaydom as a conspiracy watch hobby like my glass bubble earth people also and TTB was annoying me so I made a blog.
So this is a REALLY LONG ANSWER but I don’t have like a neat one lol because she’s legit been on my radar since 2007 but this is my first Swiftie blog and I’ve defs done a lot more like ~studied~ research on her in the last year than at any other point in those 14 years. I will say, as I’ve also said before, when Love Story TV video opened with “we were both young when I first saw you” I did get v emotional because WE REALLY WERE.
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idmakeitbehave · 3 years
year in review tag ➳♡
eek thank you @softyreid for tagging me as one of your fave creators, you lovely wonderful human!! it was kind of fun to look back over what i’ve written in the last six months after taking like.... literally 10 years off of writing
first creation + most recent creation of 2020
my first fic was actually a teeny one-shot amidst the chaos but i started this i know like a week later! my most recent is  i think you know :)
one of your favorite creations from 2020
mmm softer now has, well, a soft spot in my heart <3
a creation you’re really proud of
revelations in reverse was a really interesting one to write as it’s the only one that follows the plot (kind of) of an episode and it was honestly a lot of fun!! i’m pretty proud of how it turned out
a new style you tried this year & a fic that uses it
oh definitely dear whoever you may be!!!! an all-dialogue style is something i’ve never done (and will probably never do again tbh) and it was SO MUCH FUN and i’m still in shock at how well received it was 💕
a creation that took you forever
honestly, i’m usually able to bang out a one shot in a couple of days at most, but my current untitled wip has been in the works for almost a week now and 4.2k words later i still don’t know where i’m going with it lmao
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes
without words!! i don’t know why, but it seemed to resonate with a lot of people :)
a creation you think deserved more notes
i’m happy w/ any notes tbh, as long as someone enjoys it, but anything that isn’t spencer-centric (by anyone!!) is slept on, so i guess i’ll say my penelope x reader lil meet-cute like you a latte
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it
lol i have one fandom and one fandom only bc i am basic af
a creation you made that breaks your heart
my current wip just as it was breaks my heart at some points tbh (although i totally did it on purpose 😉)
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love
my post-dental procedure fluffy one-shot for real is short and sweet af
a creation that was inspired by another one
prank war bystander was inspired by a post that was basically like “imagine being the reporter on the end of spencer’s freak out??” and i just RAN with it. also DWYMB was inspired by a few other wrong-number-trope fics that i’ve read throughout the years
a favorite creation created by someone else
god there are so SO many (check out my #fic tag for recs!!) but how to ask a girl out by @spacedikut is ALWAYS on my mind.... like her characterization of spencer is always spot on, but elle and gideon in this one?? impeccable. the entire thing is *chef’s kiss*
some of your favorite content creators from the year
🥰 @spacedikut, @homoose, @halloweenhoneylover, @specialagentsergio, @newyorkpenny, @goldentournesol, @sleepyreid, and of course @softyreid
and for good measure, a couple more creations of yours that you love
what you’re worth and the constant :)
tagging: everyone mentioned if y’all want! 💕
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
28 32 38 pls wifey 👁👄👁
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😳😳😳 WIFEY...
→[Fanfic ask game]
28. Is there a part of [Fanfic Name] you’re surprised no one has picked up on yet?
In Exodus, I wrote a part before Chrollo approached the Reader, which implied he stole the wallet of the guy they were talking to. I wasn’t sure how obvious I made it?? I didn’t want it to be too overt so that Chrollo popping up felt more like a surprise. No one has pointed it out yet so I’m unsure how many people noticed it ... 
32. What story do you think showcases your signature style the most?
My style shifts some depending on the material I’m writing to match the tone,, but for yandere and horror focused works, I think Purgatorio shows my style best! I put the most thought into infusing emotions in it. When it comes to horror,  put the focus on how people cope (or don’t cope) with extreme situations. I felt happy with how Purgatorio turned out in that regard !!!! The entire time I was writing it I listened to depressing af music and was just kinda like
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For non horror focused works, Icebreaker shows my style I think. Scarlet Ribbons is really just my way of exploring a different genre ,, I love writing for it so much. Focusing on Reader’s dynamic with all the different characters makes my heart go :D!!! I think developing relationships with everyone is so FUN !! Everything in it is relationship-driven and just kind of peaking into Reader’s daily life. By the time I wrote Icebreaker I felt like most people understand how Reader is, so I could just go Ham without justifying her actions. 
38. What story of yours are you surprised that people liked as much as they did?
I had no idea people would like Aspiration as much as they did?? Tbh I still don’t get it but it makes me happy to know they enjoyed it!! There’s not a strong plot, it’s basically 9k words of Chrollo and his darling going back and forth. Which I had fun writing, but I wasn’t sure how interesting it would be since it’s rather long... People seemed to like that darling is snarky so I was like 👁👄👁 I See Now. I had no idea that type of darling would resonate with so many people rthjkgemr I guess we all want some attitude ?? Or maybe everyone collectively wants to give Chrollo a piece of their mind. We’ll never know for sure,, Whatever the case may be I was not expecting it ...
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boomerang109 · 3 years
hi!! (god i hope the way i type doesnt rat me out skddk jesus at this point it might who even know i feel like its distinct but maybe thats just me idk) but!!! time to just Rant abt twwda, *sighs in the best way possible* ****this***** fic. man. the Very first thing it helped me (that was memorable to me) honestly was the whole acne thing where toph was like are you good looking and zuko’s like ‘well i have a scar and acne’ and toph’s like ‘acne’s a normal thing’ my hesrt just idk why but whenever i have a Bad day abt myself (or the parents are on my back abt it skdhdj i Hate that but thats Not what this rant is abt) im just like ‘its a normal thing’ and!!!! i got that from **your** fic!!! genuinely you Cannot understand how close twwda is to me as a person bc
the whole test anxiety? and zuko not telling his teachers he has trouble hearing? in the fifth grade i needed glasses Bad but i never told Anyone bc i felt Bad (still hold strong to this habit 😃) but God i just- i just *relate* and Finally.
the enby aang. ive been able yk even tell my irl ant me possibly being she/they (maybe even they/them) solely bc of your fic (i even told her that it was thanks to your fic and explained everything abt the whole enby aang!!!) ill seperate this mess into paragraphs skdhdk but!! please just know how Much you helped me
OH SHIT FUCK the whole a flower in shade can also grow in the sun. that Hit bc its like ‘you dont Need to suffer just bc you can survive in that condition, you deserve the basic necessities too’ and honestly when i read that i just sat there stunned like wow. so?? true??? i honestly just love you and your fic (okay bye sorry skdbdksk !!!!!)
thats my four paragraph essay for you boom <3
okay anon, it’s nearly 2:30 am (probably will be by the time i finish typing) so if im a bit incoherent i apologize. i just know im going to be busy tmrw and i didn’t want this to sit in my inbox (sorry to everybody else who didn’t get responses whoops)
(honestly idk who you are and i hope you feel comfy telling me at some point, but it’s okay if not!) (i do have a few guesses but i keep changing my mind so basically im clueless ahdhdjsks) (actually right after i typed that i noticed something that’s unique—i think—to you. the person i’m thinking of is absolutely lovely, but i’m not going to start guessing or anything cause if you don’t feel comfy having any identity connected to this, that’s okay! that’s what anon is for!! just do what makes you most comfy)
i love that the acne line resonated with you? i think you’re the second person to mention this and i 🥰! it’s such a throw away line but i always hate in fics when people make them high school age and then are like “except for his scar, zuko’s skin was smooth” or whatever the fuck. like no!!! high schoolers have acne!!! and obviously zuko is embarrassed of it, but sokka is just like dude. we all have it, im good looking and ive got acne so just don’t even worry. and that’s the energy im sending you (and your parents cause they better not be on your back about acne that’s dumb af) cause no one is judging your acne (they’re too busy worrying about their own) AND even if they were, that makes them a shitty person whose opinion doesn’t matter. you’re beautiful with acne
i want you to work on asking for help, like mx mak said, it’s not a limited resource! and often teachers/adults are happy to help you. (and often it’s their job/the law that they have to). but also? i wrote zuko missing shit in class being like “oh this is unrealistic if someone was missing what was being said in class they’d get notes from someone” and then i took a class where the prof spoke way too fast and my audio processing said NOPE and there would be days where my notes would just be question marks like zuko and i didn’t ask anyone for help. (i did start recording class which is literally illegal without permission but shhh it’s fine)
i’m so glad i was able to help you and please know i’m here to help in whatever capacity i can outside the fic as well. it’s kind of a joke that being trans is contagious but actually being able to hear about other people’s experiences is So Important. cause six months ago i could’ve confidently told you i was a cis girl and had been sure of that my whole life. but then i finally admitted to myself that my “thinking they/them pronouns were the coolest thing ever and kind of being jealous” thing was not very cis of me. and yeah, everyone’s experience is individual. but we can at least share our thoughts and what we learn to help each other. cause i wanna support you
you deserve MORE THAN basic necessities. you deserve so much more, but the necessities are a good place to start. treat yo self.
please don’t apologize!!! i appreciate this sm, i love you and your four paragraph essay <3
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PLF Advisor Headcanons (’cause why not)
So I’ve been thinking a lot about the PLF advisors, probably more than I should be about characters we barely have faces of. All of this stuff’s probably gonna get flushed down the drain sooner rather than later, and I have been meaning to start actually posting stuff on this site. Might as well share, am I right?
I’m sure I shouldn’t need to tell anyone this at present, but just to be safe, or in case of future readers: the latest chapter was 276 & we know next to nothing about any of these guys except Slidin’ Go, so most of is baseless conjecture. Most of it mine, but I’ll source where I’ve borrowed some ideas. The closest thing to a basis for any of these is “this is probably the kind of quirk I could see someone in this position having” & “these motives and backgrounds sound like what Horikoshi would give to a long-term ally of Shigaraki”. We clear? Everybody got their proper expectations in place? Cool, now let’s get to the fun bits.
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Black (Tactics)
Twice Advisor #3 (PLF Granny)
I won’t lie, I’m organizing this list this way to talk about her first.
Contrary to her appearance, PLF Granny actually used to be a super dangerous criminal and wanted hero killer, before disappearing off the face of the country (see Spinner Advisor #3 for more on that).
Now she’s the PLF’s resident mother/grandmother figure (depending on how old you are).
(She’s secretly not that old though.)
Always willing to help a fellow PLF soldier out of a problem no matter how minor, but would also lecture them for the smallest misbehavior.
Greatly appreciated because not a lot of high ranking PLF members have the greatest motherly figures in their lives rn.
Her quirk is something like Overhaul’s, but a bit weaker and a bit more gruesome. She can fully manipulate any human body she’s touching besides her own; allowing her to close up wounds, lock up muscles, contort limbs, or even just blow you up.
Illegally experimenting with her quirk caused her to accidentally kill someone in her youth, and she’s been on the run ever since.
She’s working with the PLF to improve quirk counseling, believing a society more accepting of quirks would allow kids with dangerous quirks to understand them better & know how to use them safely, so none of them will end up like herself.
Twice Advisor # 2 (Scary Canadian)
“Scary Canadian” really sums up his personality. He’s actually quite nice and polite to hid friends & allies, or otherwise in his downtime. But also you really don’t want to mess with him. Or else.
Needless to say, he and Twice got a long real quick once the underlying tension of their 2 groups going to war had (mostly) passed.
His quirk (along with a funky entire-upper-torso) allows him to energize himself with stored up energy, making him a bit strong, faster, and tougher.
He can also use a lot of energy at once for laser eyes. A useful skill, but it usually puts him out of the fight afterwords.
The energy stores up during sleep, which means he sleeps for an extra few hours each night and leaves him uncharacteristically grumpy in the morning.
He can also build up energy while awake, but it leaves him lethargic so he doesn’t do it while he has paper work to do.
He never wanted to be a hero as a kid, but as he grew older he found that meant people didn't like him using his quirk so much.
He joined the MLA for the simple reason of his experiences making him feel quirks should just be treated as a normal part of a person, instead of an aspect only heroes should be allowed to use/acknowledge.
Twice Advisor # 1 (King Bradly looking guy)
You remember in chapter 258, they mentioned a guy named Sanctum; oldest member in the MLA and believing all the League members are just in puppet positions? This is him.
He doesn’t really mean to come across as that unapproachable & rude, but he finds making sure everyone takes their jobs seriously is more important than being friendly.
As a result, while he & Twice come at odds quite often, they actually work quite well together. He keeps Twice on track and Twice appreciates that.
Much like Yotsubashi, his family has been in the Liberation Army for generations. Their cause is all he’s even known, but he has no regrets, especially now that Shigaraki’s livened the cause up.
I used to headcanon this guy’s quirk as making portals, but that might be someone else’s quirk no so...Earthbending, his quirk is earthbending.
He’s pretty good with it to, what with training with it since he was a little kid. The amount he can move is between that of Pixie-Bob & Gigantomachia, but he outshines them both in control.
He could make a perfectly square, finely-detailed hall a foot underground and no one above it would even feel the earth shifting.
Violet (Guerrilla Warfare)
Dabi Advisor # 3 (Ana)
So most of this is borrowed from @possessedfuzzybear
To catch everyone up: he’s named Ana (which means ‘hole’), he’s Dabi’s emo friend, and his hair is neon green.
See their blog for more info, but be warned: Fuzzy is horny AF. 18+ only, understand children?
His quirk has already been shown: It’s either making holes in stuff, or possibly making portals.
Needless to say, he and Dabi combo well together.
When he was a kid, one of his parents were arrested by heroes and he ended up running away from home before he got put in the system. He ended up meeting PLF Granny and some other runaways, and when she joined the MLA, he followed along.
He wasn’t originally a very active member, but when he saw the perks PLF Granny was getting for her hard work, and more importantly that she was spending those perks on himself and the other runaways; he started going above and beyond to earn his room & board.
Dabi Advisor # 2 (Tube Face)
Another emo of the PLF, which is probably why he’s with Dabi. That said, he’s less close to Dabi because he’s the exact same kind of loner as Dabi was before he got put in charge of stuff. So they resonate with each other, but they don’t exactly talk.
This guy’s quirk is that he has a snake for a tongue; full-sized and it talks in place of his normal mouth.
That’s actually what the tube is for, it’s snake armor.
(2nd guess, and this probably more likely if I’m honest, is some kind of gas quirk. if that’s true though, he’s related to Mustard.)
His story is a typical one; ostracized for having a particularly freaky mutant quirk that, while impressive, went unappreciated outside of heroics. Perhaps he even tried to become a hero, but dropped out, and the Japanese school system is yet another harsh mistress of society.
Either way, he then joined the biggest game in town that’s trying to make quirks more accepted, so he and kids like him can be appreciated instead of ridiculed.
Dabi Advisor # 1 (Happy with his piercings)
This guy’s something like Muscular without quite so many murders; generally just happy to be here doing whatever we’re doing as long as he gets to use his quirk to do it.
Dabi puts on airs of hating him, but really he...mostly doesn’t.
His quirk is actually super speed, which he combos with his impressive muscles to be quite the lightning bruiser.
That said, he’s not that fast. Like, he is to the flash, what Sato Rikido is to All Might. Probably somewhere between Iida before and after Recipro Burst.
His motivations are, as stated, pretty similar to why Muscular joined the League, except this guy looked into a slightly more legitimate organization because we was looking to legalize the freedom he was after, rather than simply ignoring legality in general.
He’s not exactly opposed to Shigaraki’s methods though.
Geten Advisor #3 (Pointy Head)
My first though looking at this guy is “His color is Blue”.
Generally, the suit and mouth armor make me think he either has or had ties to big business or heroics. Let’s go with the latter.
He was a humble but fairly accomplished hero, or maybe even just a sidekick, when he took down some socially powerful villain the HC didn't exactly want him taking down.
He and his entire Agency were indirectly ruined, and so joined the MLA in hopes of continuing to help people in their own way. Happily for him, that turned out to be fighting against the HC.
His quirk is a simple one: enhanced sight, hearing, and basically all his senses, as well as the ability to process it all very quickly.
To combos this with his swordsmanship to deadly effect.
Having the title of “advisor”, he tends to give lots of advise to Geten (regardless of if it’s wanted), looks out for him, and generally ignores that fact that Geten is his superior, not subordinate.
Geten Advisor # 2 (Sweater Lady)
The PLF Wine Aunt. And she introduces herself like that to people too.
She’s brash but wise, tends to look out for everyone in the PLF when she can, but also shares just a few of Geten’s more worrying views on quirks.
So guys like Dabi & Spinner think there might be hope for her if they can get her to knock that prejudice stuff out, and actually have good reason to think they can, but generally steer clear of her when possible.
Her quirk is something powerful, but disfiguring to her face. My current favorite idea being breathing out a gaseous neurotoxin or something to that effect that makes her mouth look weird. 
Her sweater actually hides a series of soft but sturdy tubes that expel the neurotoxin from her arms, because she can aim her arms better than her head.
Her reasons for being in the MLA are basically that with a lack of social changes in the advent of quirks, standards of beauty are as BS as ever for women, even as women like her get weird mutations to their bodies, and especially to the head.
She believes a society more accepting of quirks would be more willing to accept mutations as beautiful, although this has eventually developed into a complex about powerful quirks being beautiful in order to convince herself of her own worth.
Hence everyone’s belief that maybe they can fix that complex of hers once they build a more accepting society. (That and, y’know, they have to work with her anyway.)
Geten Advisor # 1 (Stressed Baldy)
Probably one of the most welcoming advisors to the League because due to this quirk, this man generally ties to say cheerful at all times.
You see: his quirk is tied to his emotions. All of his emotions. Only by not feeling anything in particular, like in the picture above, does it not activate.
That’s actually why he’s in the PLF, he finds in unreasonable that those with hair trigger quirks like himself be forced to not use those quirks in public or face criminal charges.
Well actually, he’s also from an MLA family like Yotsubashi, but his ancestor joined for the same reason; so he’s probably the person born into the MLA with the best reason for still being there.
Ah, but I didn’t explain the quirk itself, what he does depends on what emotions he’s currently feeling.
When Happy, or otherwise feeling positively towards himself: a barrier forms around him right above his skin & clothing. While in this barrier, hits to him are diminished, and his own hits hit harder.
When sad, fearful, or other such emotions: that barrier disappears from around him and instead forms around his allies.
When angry, or otherwise directing negative emotions outward: the barriers appear around his enemies, and then lock in place so they cannot move. They also can’t be hurt in this state, but he can work around that.
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Carmine (Intelligence)
Toga Advisor # 3 (Muscular tank top guy)
The reason he’s in the Intelligence regiment has little to do with his quirk, and a lot to do with his charismatic and friendly personalty. He get’s a lot done just going out and talking to people, and he teaches his subordinates how to do the same.
His quirk is simple x-ray vision. Nothing all that special, but he has learned to use it well in a fight, seeing how the opponent moves like a certain Jojo stand from part 6.
He was also a part of PLF Granny’s group of runaways who joined the MLA when she did. No particularly dramatic reason why, he was just broke & unlucky and she was just nice.
Before they joined the MLA, he did stuff like convince bakeries to give their left over product to the kids at the end of the day.
They ended up joining shortly before the MLA really started making it’s resurgence, so he made a name for himself helping out the new guys. And since everyone was already looking up to him, the higher-ups gave him a good position to keep doing that.
That’s his job with Toga too, introducing her to the ins and outs of the PLF. They also tend to talk romance and cute things (like I said above, he’s good at talking to people), so they get along pretty well despite underlying tension.
He finds her crushes on multiple enemies worrisome though, for multiple reasons, and is trying to build up the nerve to talk to her about that.
Toga Advisor # 2 (R2D2 Expy)
Little can we tell from the above picture, that’s just his head (and extremely long neck). He has a torso and such below.
His quirk is actually being a cyborg, and most of his body is augmentable.
He has multiple weapons he can attach and detach from himself and automatically control like any other limb.
It wares on him to attach to much to himself though, so he won’t be augmenting himself with any large equipment.
The R2D2 head is a disguise he wears to PLF meetings, and he intends for it to be his official villain outfit once he hits the field.
It’s not his only look though. He has numerous faces and various identities to go with them. It’s how he joined the Intelligence division.
He’s a Star Was fan (obvs).
Toga doesn’t talk to him much, what with him not being very cute. He mostly takes care of managerial tasks with his underlings, and organizes reports for her.
He also works at Feel Good Inc., & only really joined the MLA because he was invited by his boss, Skeptic. He got a promotion out of it and still feels like he’s on the winning side though, so he’s not complaining.
Toga Advisor # 1 (Beautiful Woman)
The advisor Toga most depends on, this woman tends to do all the work Toga’s less than qualified to handle as a 17-year old.
Frankly, Toga kind of looks up to her as a powerful feminine figure in her life, especially since she’s largely not quirkiest (like Sweater Lady), and her past is pretty similar to Toga’s but she managed to bounce back into a powerful position.
Her quirk is the ability to read minds in short snippets by making eye contact with people, usually whatever they’re thinking of in that moment..
It’s not perfect because people can sort of feel ‘something’ when she reads their minds, so people who know what she’s doing can just look away. It’s pretty easy to not look someone in the eye.
Giran caught on pretty quick when he was being held hostage.
She pretended to be quirkless to her friends and repressed it well into adulthood, until her quirk was discovered. At that point, not only did people stop trusting her, she was accused of illegal quirk usage and pursued by the police. This was when she found and joined the MLA.
Skeptic Advisor # 3 (Toad Man)
This guy radiates the best and worst of redneck culture, kinda gross, more than a bit judgy; but also inventive, Integrous, and always willing to throw down with corrupt authority figures.
(That said, he’s toned down the prejudice stuff working with so many different people and also Toga threatening him with knives.)
He’s also good at talking to the marginalized and those out in the boonies, which essentially means he’s got an underworld information network all his own, which is half of how he got his position in the Intelligence regiment. In fact, for better or worse, he’s the one who found Giran.
The other half is his quirk; which is, along with general toad-like characteristics, the ability to temporarily eat anything he can fit in that big ol’ gullet of his and analyze it down the the barest physical detail. (”physical” meaning he could find a finger print on a gun and draw it out, but couldn’t read the data on a memory stick.)
His reasons for being in the PLF are simple: like I said, he’s just always willing to throw down with authority figures. He doesn’t care that his quirk isn’t for fighting, he’ll just punch every HC member in the face.
Actually, he’s even more invested now that Shigaraki’s in charge. He wasn’t really feeling the MLA before, but now he’s gung ho about the cause like few others.
Skeptic Advisor # 2 (Ugh...Slidin’ Go)
Being a well known character, there’s not that much to say.
His reasoning for joining the MLA is surprisingly simple: he feels society’s view on quirks is too simple; praising flashy quirks while also forbidding non-heroes from using them where possible, all for the convenience of heroes and the hero industry.
Being so attached to his quirk, he entered into heroics in order to get a quirk licence, but still felt this thought process was backwards and joined the MLA to turn it around.
He’s responsible for a lot of the heroes in the MLA, having found a lot of like minded people in his industry and got them into the Army. A lot of them were actually old classmates of his.
Skeptic Advisor # 1 (Beautiful Man)
The half-brother of Beautiful Woman, he joined because she invited him and he wanted to help her. Not only because she was family, but because he was responsible for her quirk being discovered & he feels he needs to make up for accidentally making her a wanted woman.
He’s not a wanted criminal, so he got a job at Feel Good Inc. and works closely with Skeptic as a sort of secretary that reminds him of his personal affairs.
(In reality though, he manages contact with the MLA/PLF while Skeptic is running his company.)
He gets along with Skeptic as well as anyone can with that personality. Way better than Slidin’ Go anyway.
This quirk is a form of telepathy like Mandalay. There are 3 differences though. 1) he or a part of him must be touching the person to communicate, which he gets around by making bracelets & other accessories with strands of his hair that can be pressed against the wearer’s skin. On the other hand, 2) it’s got no range limit and 3) allows for 2 way communication. 
And on one last note: he can always tell who he’s talking too, as well as who might be trying (& failing) to listen in.
Essentially, he’s a hack-proof human communications network, able to pass along information from key PLF members to each other and Skeptic, who can relay the information to other members through more mundane means. 
It’s a good back-up for if heroes try jamming or otherwise interfering with those mundane communication methods.
Brown (Support)
Mr. Compress Advisor # 3 (Compress Cosplayer)
The mask is actually new, and actually kind of is Compress cosplay. when he met Compress they just kind of resonated with each other, and Compress decided to make him his apprentice.
It’s only been a few months, but he took to showmanship quite well. And now everyone else around him hates him. Dude just can’t win.
His quirk is basically being living hammer space; he can store things in his body like Momo in reverse & pull them out like Momo in forward.
The catch is that his whole body looks something like an astral CGI monstrosity; his skin is this gelatinous looking goop patterned like space that caused him to be bullied growing up.
Though his past is similar to Sweater lady, his motives are actually more like Spinner’s: living a lonely life, he kind of just joined the first cause that resonated with him in the hope of finding meaning.
He has yet to really find that yet, but at least he found a hobby & a good number of good friends.
Mr. Compress Advisor # 2 (Natsuo’s happier doppelganger)
A popular base commander, this guy has made a name for himself in the PLF for his managerial skills. He takes care of his people, completes his jobs promptly, and is generally pretty intelligent when it comes to resource management.
His job as an advisor is less stellar though. Except for reports, he tends to leave Compress to himself and/or his other advisors. Compress has tried to talk to him but he made fun of the magician act once and now they keep their distance.
He probably has one of the peatiest reasons for being in the PLF among the advisors & lieutenants.
You see, his quirk is that he’s able to make or dismiss a kind of wooden golem to do what he wants, and he often had it do menial labor for him.
That said, while it’s legal for him to do that in private settings, it’s actually illegal in public, and people have gotten on his case about that since he was a kid. What’s more, the reprimands got worse & worse the older he got, so eventually he got sick of it and joined the MLA.
Yeah, he’s part of a terrorist group because it’s illegal to use his quirk to carry his groceries for him.
Mr. Compress Advisor # 1 (Electric Scar Face)
Another descendant of a mainstay family in the MLA, he was actually a friend of Yotsubashi growing up. They’ve drifted a bit in adulthood since he isn’t exactly the business type, but they still work closely enough and keep in touch.
That’s actually most of the reason he’s not exactly on board with Shigaraki being in charge now. He only really heard 2nd hand about what happened in Daika, and he’s pretty biased in favor of the old boss.
All that said, he & Compress probably have one of the most stable lieutenant/advisor relationships; agreeable enough, healthy but minimal disagreements, actually pretty similar humor & they’ve both got good heads on their shoulders with just more than a hint of eccentricity.
We already know his quirk, absorbing and discharging Electricity.
Spinner Advisor # 3 (Cementos’ long lost cousin)
While not actually related to Cementos (probably), I’ve actually grown attached to the idea that he went to UA himself, so here’ the continuation of PLF Granny’s story I promised.
So one day, while working on his internship, he ended up pursuing a wanted hero killer, who he found out was just an old lady who lost control of her quirk and has been panicking ever since. He realized she needed help, but for her crimes she’d surely be sent to Tartarus for life (which is a redundant statement), so he decided to leave professional heroism behind to help her disappear, as well as help her in general.
In the process, they came across a good number of other runaways, and when the MLA agreed to shelter them in exchange for labor and generally joining the cause, they agreed.
As an advisor, he has a good professional relationship with Spinner, and they often discuss what they believe heroes should really be like and the failings of their current iterations. As such, he’s ended up growing to the idea of Shigaraki as presented to him by Spinner.
His quirk is the ability to turn into a large whale like creature that’s able to move large numbers of forces in it’s mouth through the water. I think it’d be cool if it could move through the ground too, but that might overlap with Machia.
He’s also able to produce and shoot spikes from his skin in either form to defend himself. 
He’d probably get along with/relate to Kurogiri if he’s ended up getting some of Shirakumo’s memories by the time he escapes.
Spinner Advisor # 2 (Edgy Spider Guy)
(Just a reminder for those who only remember this guy from the above picture, he was shown to have spider legs in a later chapter.)
Spinner’s gamer buddy among the advisors, as well as the main supporter for his crusade of eliminating mutation prejudice.
Having a spider quirk, no surprise he was bullied in school only to be harassed and marginalized in adulthood. He eventually got a job at Detnarat, and was personally invited into the MLA by Yotsubashi himself.
Along with the extra spider limbs, he can also produce especially strong spider silk, which he can then telekinetically control while close to it. He does’t produce it at a very quick rate, but he’s been able to sew it into his cloak to move it, letting him increase his speed and pull off a few other neat tricks.
The main downside though is a particularly freaky face, which he’s developed a complex about. Thus why he hides his face. He’s got friends working with him about it though.
That said, he’ll probably still keep the cloak after he overcomes this complex because it’s cool.
Spinner Advisor # 1 (Cute Bug Girl)
The last of PLF Granny’s old runaway gang among the advisors.
(there are still others, but they have much smaller rolls, if any.) 
She joined after losing her parents to an altercation with the CRC. (Y’know, the Klan looking freaks.)
Her personality is something like a transitioning point between a high school alpha bitch and a wine aunt. Mainly because she looks to sweater lady from Geten’s group as something of a roll model (unfortunately).
Her relationship with her boss, Spinner, is rather tense as a result. She looks down on him for his quirk (though she’s tactful enough to not mention this), but relates to his hardships as a Mutant. As a result, she looks out for him more than she looks down on him, but she’s still kind of waiting for him to prove himself.
Her quirk is the ability to create & control tiny insects about the size of fairy flies (<3mm in length) in vast swarms.
These bugs move pretty silently, so they can act as a fog, fly into people’s mouths and attack them there, or fly into wounds to either stitch them closed or make them worse.
While she doesn’t have an actual PHD, she was trained by several doctors hired by the MLA for many years to make the best of her quirk, and is now the director of the PLF’s medical units, except for small, personal medial units in the other regiments.
General stuff
Just to be clear, though I describe most of these guys & gals relatively nicely, most all of these guys probably have more confirmed kills under their belt than Twice.
(Granted, that’s partially because Twice doesn’t really confirm his kills. We only know of 2, including the guy he murdered after he was himself murdered. But that still means everyone here has killed several people.)
Each of these guys have their own base to watch over, you’ll remember, and part of their responsibilities is either recruiting or eliminating people who learn too much.
Each of them has the job of easing their subordinates into going along with the new leadership, especially the people who weren’t there for Daika. This is kind of tricky because they were also not there for Daika, so they’ve been required to talk with the League members a lot.
It’s helped encourage them to get to know the new management relatively well.
Side note: I’m also willing to bet Trumpet & Redestro have their own regiment; probably an undercover or public relations regiment, and probably have 6 advisors for themselves too. I’m excited to meet them.
And despite how much work I put into all this, I’m also excited to see just how much of it is wrong as we meet these guys for real.
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