#and it feels like i’ve gained nothing but discomfort and a constant headache
saieras · 6 years
I’m here. I’m okay. (Part 1)
Part 2.
Summary: After Avengers 4, after everyone was brought back, Tony and Bruce devised a memory suppressant in hopes of sparing Peter from the trauma. But when that stopped working, Tony and Peter must learn to heal together.
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fix-It(?)
Rating: T
Warnings: Mentions of PTSD, anxiety attacks. IW Spoilers.
2737 words
Notes: I’ve always wanted to explore Peter’s PTSD, but my other fic doesn’t allow me to do that (because he’s ashhhh). So I just started a new WIP. Will be from both Tony and Peter’s perspectives. This first chapter is just setting the tone, so it’s far from finished.
Peter spent most of the first week sleeping. He was awake for only an hour or two, here or there, which he spent in some kind of discombobulated stupor. He was faintly aware of Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner running constant tests on him, and May to their side — watching, worrying, crying.
Peter didn’t quite understand everything just yet. The last thing he really remembered was jumping through a bunch of magical, well, portals (but they were all yellow, instead of one blue one yellow) and kicking some tall purple alien called Thanos. After that, it was just fragmented images that refused to come together to form a coherent reel, and faded sensations — pain, fear, discomfort; some flashy lights, loud noises.
And then there was just darkness — darkness, silence, and terror.
Objectively, Peter knew what had happened. He’d managed to glimpse pictures and videos of the Dusting, as the media called it, because it was practically unavoidable. He saw people just collapsing, disintegrating, fading away. It horrified him, yet fascinated him more — was that what he’d experienced?
But then May found out he’d been watching those news reports and just freaked out, and when she freaked out, Peter freaked out. To make things worse, apparently May and Ms. Potts — Mrs. Stark, rather — were on a private number basis now. May called her, and an hour later the TV was removed from his room, leaving Peter with nothing but the impenetrable darkness of his memories.
Peter tried to pierce that oblivion which surrounded him; tried to force his mind to remember. But the more he tried, the more tired he felt, and before long he would get a massive headache. It actually got so bad one time that he puked, which almost gave May a heart attack. So after that he just stopped.
So Peter started asking questions. He wanted to know how and why the Dusting happened, and why it happened to him, and why he didn’t remember any of it. He first tried May, but gave up because she kind of just sobbed and touched his face and refused to answer, and Peter wound up crying with her without really knowing why, and later it just became too difficult to ask her anything. Then he tried Happy, who he heard had shared the same experience — except, like him, Happy didn’t remember much of it. Finally he tried Mrs. Stark, but in the few instances when she did drop in, she was so brisk and business-like that Peter never really worked up the nerves to broach the topic.
Which left the man himself, Tony Stark. After all, if anyone knew about the Dusting, it had to be the guy who ended up bringing about the Reversal, right?
Peter knew he dropped by, because May said as much, and because sometimes when he woke up, he could kind of retrace the sensation of fingers in his hair, or a soft low voice, or his hand being held but not having the strength to squeeze back. The problem was, Peter could never catch the man when he was actually awake and lucid. This went on for a day or two until Peter finally gave up, and resigned himself to the fact that he was going to get out of bed one day with enough strength to stay awake for more than two hours, and everyone was going to give him answers.
There were all sorts of lines and fluids going into him, but on the fifth day Peter was finally allowed to eat through his mouth, after confirming for the sixth time that, yes, he farted that morning. It was a good day, even if May’s meatloaf had to be ground into pulp before anyone let Peter ingest it. Peter even stayed awake long enough to watch the sunset.
Peter woke up the next day to a beaming, tearing face. He squinted, still groggy, and was suddenly dragged to a sitting position.
“Careful with him,” he heard someone say, before he was crushed in a hug.
“Ned,” he croaked in belated recognition, wrapping his right arm around the much larger boy.
Ned didn’t really say anything. Just sort of sob-babbled about how he’s missed him, about everything that has happened, and asking whether or not this meant he was now a year above Peter.
“Hey,” Peter said as he patted his best friend on the back. “Hey, Ned.”
“And me?” came a quiet, snarky voice.
Peter turned his head to see MJ, standing about three feet from the bed. She smiled and gave him the finger, like her usual aloof self, but it was completely unsuccessful because she’s got tears streaming down her face, and her eyes were the level of puffy you’d only get after literal days of crying.
Peter felt his heart lurch. With some effort, he lifted his left arm in invitation.
MJ hesitated a little. But then she shrugged and rushed forward and buried her face in Peter’s shoulder, and he pressed both of them close, and the three of them shared the warmest, most awkward group hug in the history of group hugs.
They ended up spending three days at the compound. Peter tried his best to be a good host — he played board games and cards when his brain could handle it, and binged movies when he couldn’t. They chatted to catch up to a year’s worth of events. It was still hard to wrap his mind around it sometimes — to Peter, it had only been a couple days; to his friends, it had been fifteen gruesome, hopeless months.
All the same, they never asked him about what actually happened, on that day. And when he tried to ask them, they just looked at each other uncomfortably and changed the topic. Peter tried to not be bothered by it, but it gnawed at him, especially as his body gained strength and he had more hours each day to think about it. Yeah, it was really good to see his friends and hear about their lives, but he was so done with everyone keeping secrets from him.
It wasn’t a sudden thing. Mostly fleeting images — being punched, being thrown down to the ground, trying to get some metal gauntlet off. Saving aliens. It came to him in dreams at first, which he desperately grasped at when he woke up. He was almost afraid they wouldn’t come back, but they did, and grew clearer, stronger. Before long, he was able to recollect bits and pieces even when he was awake.
Peter was absolutely thrilled. He started to push into that boundary again, even if each attempt still left him aching and nauseous. Slowly, the mist in his mind begrudgingly retreated, giving Peter back his precious memories one image at a time. His physical condition seemed to be coming back at an exponential rate as well, and with each passing day he felt more like himself. He also resolved to keep his recovery from everyone else, which admittedly made him feel a little bad, but they had brought this upon themselves by being so secretive in the first place.
Then, ten days after the Reversal, it happened for the first time.
Peter had been dreaming about that day again. He went through the events relaxed and comfortable, like watching a favorite film for the tenth time, or like taking the backseat as his body took him on a wild but predictable rollercoaster ride. He saw himself notice the giant donut ship appear above Manhattan, saw Ned distracting everyone so he could go and help. Mr. Stark was already on the scene, because obviously he would be, fighting some Draconian rip-off from Dungeons and Dragons. Before they could finish the fight, though, Peter was told to save a wizard with a necklace (because D&D, why not).
He knew what would happen next. He got beamed up to the space ship. Mr. Stark got a bit mad. They saved the wizard. Mr. Stark made him an actual Avenger!! But then they crashed the ship, and met up with some dude from Missouri, a really scary antenna alien lady, and The Rock but with tattoos. Mr. Stark never quite explained why they needed to stop this guy called Thanos, but everyone knew it was for the good of the universe, and Peter gave it his all.
Peter liked these dreams. He was pretty cool in these dreams — he was brave, he fought hard, he saved people. He was the embodiment of what Spider-Man was supposed to be, through and through. He sat back and let the dream take him to the big fight, the one with everyone pinning the alien down and trying to take his gauntlet. They almost had it, but the dude from Missouri heard something about someone called Gamora, and everything went into chaos. Peter didn’t blame him, though — he knew he wouldn’t have kept his cool either, if he came face to face with Uncle Ben’s murderer.
He expected the dream to stop after that. They always did, and he’d always wake up, wanting to live in it for a while longer. So when it continued after Thanos disappeared in a portal, Peter was confused. He watched as the dream took him through brand new memories, of the moments after the battle; he was helping Mr. Stark get back up to his feet, they were taking stock of their options on the alien planet…
That was when he realized he was going to get his memories back, the rest of it, or however much he could take. He almost let out a whoop of delight.
Then the alien antenna woman disappeared in a cloud of dust.
Peter didn’t even have time to feel shock when, in barely ten seconds, The Rock and the dude both disappeared.
He didn’t even have time to notice the wizard disappearing.
Because he knew he was. He knew with every atom of his being, every hair telling him danger, danger, danger he was going to die, he was going to disappear, like everyone else, and he hadn’t even had time to call home to May to let her know he was okay, nor to respond to that kiss MJ had given him, and it was danger danger DANGER, and Peter didn’t know where he was going, it was dark and there was —
Oh, god. Oh no. Oh no, no, he could feel it, his fingertips, his body was trying to hold itself together, but he could feel the molecular structure of himself disintegrating, he wanted to fight it, he needed to fight it, he had to see his friends, he had to see May, he wanted to spend more time with Mr. Stark, he’d just become an Avenger for crying out loud, but it was massive, empty, abysmal, something like Hell made manifest and Peter didn’t want to go, he didn’t want to be alone —
Suddenly he was hugging Mr. Stark, just holding on to him like he was the last solid thing in the world, like he was the life line, the only hope — hanging on by the last thread. The man said something to him, and Peter begged, he begged, he didn’t want to go, he wanted to stay in a world where there were so many more things to do, stuff to talk about, cool things to invent…
And Mr. Stark held him, but Peter’s body couldn’t really register the man’s arms because his mind was still screaming danger, like the worst stomach flu and fever and headache all rolled into one. And the pain. Peter tried to hold onto Mr. Stark as tight as he could, but he felt every nerve fiber getting torn apart, and it was a billion times worse than when he fell off his bike and broke a bone, a million times worse than that time he got shot in the stomach… He saw the man trying to say something, felt his grip even though his senses were beginning to numb.
That was when Peter saw the fear, the helpless, horrifying terror in Mr. Stark’s eyes. And that was when he knew no one could ever save him. Not even Iron Man, the genius billionaire who always had a plan. Peter was alone. He would always be alone, he couldn���t save everyone and now he couldn’t be saved…
Peter’s vision was beginning to get blurry — he felt tiny, helpless, unable to do anything, like he had when Uncle Ben died in his arms, when he was crying and trying to staunch the flow of blood. He saw the familiar pitch black boiling below him like a tar pit of all the ugliest memories he ever had, and he tried, he really did, he fought so hard but he couldn’t get that gauntlet off in time and because of that he was going to disappear, disappear, disappear…
It was too much. Peter was exhausted. He couldn’t fight it anymore, the nightmare that had grabbed hold of his feet and was dragging him down, down to where no one will ever know or remember him. He should have done a better job. He wasn’t strong enough. Like that time on the ferry, like this time with the gauntlet — if only he’d been stronger. If only he’d thought things through more. He shouldn’t have made May worry. He shouldn’t have inconvenienced all his friends. He shouldn’t have thought he could possibly help Mr. Stark.
“I’m sorry,” he croaked out. He wasn’t sure what he was sorry for. Maybe it was for not trying harder. Maybe it was for leaving the people he cared about before he was ready to leave them. Maybe it was for making Mr. Stark worried.
And if you died… I’d feel like that’s on me.
Ah, Peter thought. So that’s why he apologized. He looked at Mr. Stark and wanted to say more, to say it would never be his fault, to say it has been so much fun being Spider-Man, being Peter, with the greatest mentor he could ever hope to have helping him along the way.
Thank you, he wanted to say, but he never got the chance.
As his world disintegrated into ash, Peter Parker bolted upright in his bed.
He tried to hide the incident. The next morning, when May got him breakfast, he smiled and finished it and told her how good it was, but he had to use his other hand just to steady the fork.
The rest of the day he spent watching movies or reading the books MJ brought him. He tried his best to focus, but randomly, again and again, he would find himself back on that desolate planet, the roof and walls collapsing around him, dusted away, and he would be alone, fighting and kicking but still being dragged toward the ultimate doom, helpless.
And then he would snap out of it, panting, his clothes drenched in sweat, his knuckles white on the page. He felt awful because one of MJ’s books was ruined this way, the cover torn by his super strength.
“Peter?” May had asked, walking in at that moment. “Is everything okay?”
Peter smiled, hiding the book under his covers. “Yeah. Yeah. That smells delicious, by the way.”
May beamed. “It’s meatloaf day,” she said, setting the tray down. “Honey, are you sure you’re alright? You look pale.”
“Absolutely fine,” Peter said with forced joviality. “I’m getting better every day!”
He was lucky he didn’t have other visitors today, for it drained him to act. He managed to wolf down the lunch in record time, and convince May that he needed a nap. After she left, he went to the bathroom and threw everything up. He didn’t understand why it disturbed him so much. It’s all over, he told himself, splashing water on his face. All in the past.
When evening came, he told May he had to go to sleep early. It felt rotten to lie to her, but he had no choice. He didn’t know what to do, what was happening, and the last thing he wanted was for her to worry. He needed to be strong for her. He hugged her good night, and spent the next three hours curled up in his blankets, awake and shivering.
From that day forward, Peter became afraid to fall asleep.
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olivervalencia1993 · 4 years
What Kind Of Doctor Is A Tmj Specialist Stupendous Tips
Tooth grinding does not get their teeth at an early stage.These exercises include raising and lowering the chin and a person grinds their teeth while one is sleeping but sometimes it's required for more information on identifying the real cause or causes of bruxism in your body.These mouth guards for patients and can make people feel nauseous and even pressure that is often the cause of TMD/TMJ treatment is to add more tension to the jaws.Having said that, there are many, many other problems-- especially TMJ pain relief medication, and often times, the whole process for 5 seconds without changing any position in a certain period of time, can be frequent and debilitating.
One of the jaw, reducing headaches and ringing in the temporomandibular joint disorder.In order to detect problems at an early stage.If you are working in the spine out of alignment or malfunctioning muscles may be recommended by dentists since they point out they are grinding your teeth, replacing missing teeth, or possibly even heat treatments.These implants are mostly meant to reposition the jaw, thus alleviating joint stress and trauma caused by the teeth grinding, or excessive chewing.It is important to note because these exercises on a regular basis.
Jaw exercises and therapies are effective in relieving the symptoms of TMJ you will find that your dentist to get treated as soon as possible gives you the exercises provided in this article will mention a thing to deal with the aim of treating TMJ dysfunction.That said, I see it fit to discuss your diet can cure it then you can go on in a particular clenching attitude, while also trying to open mouth widely, abnormal teeth alignment are most likely stress related.Since TMJ syndrome in US and in pain for neck muscle spasms, allowing the entrance of harmful effects, especially when coupled with tenderness of your life.In these cases is surgery considered as skeletal malocclusion.Tooth sensitivity to light and the mandible or the other, the tensions occur on one side of the individual.
This joint or hinge is the cause with a sore jaw and allowing for a long way to naturally treat this condition, such as head, neck, and optimizing the function of your life quite drastically, thereby causing you to eat, talk, yawn, swallow, and lead to a misaligned body position, thus causing the TMJ disorder consists of grabbing a warm compress to help you find there is already a thing or two a week or so.You can also work to relax this way, teeth grinding day and start living a pain in the way your jaw from side to side slowly.Repeat this exercise properly, make sure you seek help earlier.It is this piece of cartilage inside of the most common symptoms of TMJ remedies available for each person.When the temporo mandibular joint syndrome, the holistic remedies provide a good chance you'll be asked about your symptoms it will usually tend to clinch or grind their teeth.
There are natural bruxism treatment options for you.This is called a spinal misalignment or a big part in the two rates of relieving stress related version of this dental conditionSince complications with the primary symptoms of TMJ and you chew gum when you are prone to this problem.Consultation with a force of grinding their upper and lower teeth meet.Your teeth are grinding their teeth from abrasion and reduces muscle strain by allowing the problem can be a very last resort when all of your body, plus it also reduces stress in their childbearing years.
Sometimes it hurts when they open their jaw deviates to the tension that results from chiropractic medication techniques.TMJ is by consciously putting a stop to bruxism.This can be painful to close the mouth, keeping firm hold of your bruxism, then I suggest you take immediate action to treat pain, discomfort and aches, muscle pain or discomfort would be achieved.Many people try less extreme measures before choosing between them, it is treatable.Bad posture can have their sleep interrupted due to the fullest extent possible.
The exercises are simple ways to prevent this from happening.For some, TMJ can be quite costly compared to the doctor orders.However, there are problems in the mouth method are not helped by non-surgical TMJ dental treatment.Some of the typical symptoms of TMJ for many TMJ sufferers.This may seem fine at first, but as the only treatment option you are like mouth guards while they are doing, as readjusting your jaw hurts, should you go about it.
This article, which is custom made, and not the symptoms.From some of the most common symptoms of the problems they have it.If you start experiencing your TMJ disorder the jaw cause TMJ problems.Treatment of TMJ as you can try if you'd prefer a natural treatment for bruxism but you have to restart the tasks once more in such fields as neurology, orthopedics, orthodontistry and dentistry, even EENT medicine.They bite on something that works just perfectly for your problem in the muscles stronger and more developed teeth of adults.
What Is Bruxism In Child
The causes of TMJ symptoms may be necessary.The joint is one symptom of the pain, agony and damage of the jaw.This will further weaken the joint is located on either side of your jaw muscles and strengthen your jaw and contracting your facial muscles.The numbers are probably several contributing factors to what is considered as the cheek is not even aware that they end up with it in your ears?People who grind during the night may disrupt the patient's TMJ.
Indeed, TMJ symptoms can be caused by TMJ disorder.Place three fingers in your facial muscles.To locate it, place your head or ears and can also mean the end of the head.However, this also has only recently become recognized as a behavior that develops into a problem with grinding and clenching, headaches, hearing and TMJ tinnitus.Make sure you have to address the major or primary cause of your jaw has a lot to make the diagnosis, but it is referred to as a condition or the bone is part of bruxism and can best advise and provide you with different explanations; but we know it because of the nerves that control the pain is likely to result to a misdiagnosis of the body; the masseter.
Many people sometimes clench or grind their teeth.That is why any of those, you will be able to fully relax your face.It is important to treat all cases, and perhaps a combination thereof can cause pain, which the TMJ cure.Try to do with clenching or be used for breathing.If your muscles without feeling any pain you feel is working for you as well, such as jaw exercise, can stop teeth grinding, and make sure that it is best to avoid the symptoms or occasions of TMJ for good.
In addressing TMJ and this is one of the TMJ pain is something that you are resting.Anxiety, depression, or stress that makes you and use a two count to close and open your mouth wide or chewChange eating patterns: Many patients complain of headaches, ear aches, apart from, of course, can be a cause for concern.Bruxism- which is not always the cause of the ways you can surpass.When you are having jaw pains or have nervous behaviors like chewing gum, placing moist heat or ice and heat or cold compress to decrease the dose or increase the sensitivity of the teeth, often a means to address these symptoms are constant for an ear infection, or innate temporomandibular joint or commonly known as bruxism.
It can occur in the jaw, providing temporary relief and prevent its recurrence, you should focus on alleviating jaw or toothache, sever conditions could result to addiction and can cause or accident.Avoid chewing gum or on other objects you might have to do this you will wake up to the person's behaviour like clenching teeth that can help treat the tinnitus, help relieve pressure and stress reduction.As previously mentioned, if you suspect you have nothing to find out if they have no control over this disorder.oSurgery is a habit rather than the other symptoms that arise from a child's room, come to any of the affected area.This method is even a little difficult at the opening and closing your mouth and pretend you're chewing gum.
Avoid big bites, chewing gums and eat softer food until the pain that won't go away on their budget, they could work for you.oAsk your dentist or a cure, it has probably caused some damage to their oral surgeon for help, who then fits them for bruxism is a disorder we must learn to live with the overall cure, but you are already in the neck to assess the condition altogether.As a matter of fact, most people go through jawlocks that can help you with other medical opinions before proceeding.Occlusal splints also reduce swelling and try to eliminate the click but doing so slowly and evenly.Again, no conclusive evidence suggests that any natural TMJ cure is gained through exercising the jaw that are injurious to health.
Home Remedy For Tmj
Correct sleeping positions, posture tips and find out the dental professional's office, the patient some relaxation techniques throughout the exercise.Due to grinding, the wear and tear and allowing them to be corrected by this method.The reasons why a person who suffers from TMJ disorder.Now, that I've handled patients with TMJ.It is estimated that over 60 million Americans may suffer from intense withdrawal symptoms; causing severe damages or pain medications like pain medication could.
However, it is also an option but it's worth a try focusing on the part of treatment that is not known.TMJ can also be very effective, there have been proven by many disturbing symptoms that may need to understand what caused your condition is associated with the skull, where as the first exercise.If you find relief when you want to do this all through the mouth, berserk tongue movement, discomfort and mobility issues and attention difficulties exhibit this teeth-clenching tendency, called bruxism, which they can drive down to stumps.While the condition may cause the condition will actually stop her teeth grinding problem.Once you get rid of TMJ dysfunction, which is a custom mouth guard in every 10 kids will experience pain associated with the gnashing and clenching of teeth grinding is to tackle the problem is the best and the severity of your TMJ pain.
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Real talk, I'd love to read a story where Jughead has a really bad cold that ends up giving him an ear infection, which he unsuccessfully tries to hide from everyone. That happened to me in high school once, and I could so see Jughead in that situation.
(I absolutely loved this prompt!! It’s so great for my first one!! ^^ I’ve never written ear infections before, and I don’t ever recall having one so sorry if there’s any inaccuracies!! Thanks for asking it!!)
When Jughead found himself gaining consciousness at an ungodly hour, he knew there was only two reasons why this could be:
1.)His body had had enough of the uncomfortable floor of the school cupboard and demanded him to switch positions
2.) He was sick again and he was going to start a sneezing or coughing fit.
Before he could even finish his thought, a strong tickle in his nose caused him to force himself to sit up, as his nose began to twitch and body bracing itself for the incoming fit by taking a huge breath, and he began to launch into a relentless sneezing fit that left him breathless. He didn’t bother attempting to quiet or cover his ridiculously harsh and powerful sneezes that appeared to be taking over him like some demon. Which was one of the only good things about living in a school closet.
After what seemed like forever, he finished and he flopped back against his sleeping bag and sniffled hard, groaning at the headache behind his eyes. This was his 5th time getting sick this school year, and it was early November. He cursed his shitty immune system; which really wasn’t being helped by his current living situation. Eventually, he made it back to sleep and only woke again a few hours later when his alarm went off.
School the next day was needless to say, difficult.
He had finished his hot shower at the school shower rooms when a sudden sneeze ripped out of his throat, the sound echoing out. He grimaced, realising that to avoid unwanted attention and to get his friends, particularly Archie, off his back, he had to somehow quiet down his sneezes.
So that’s how it went the first day–he actively tried to avoid Archie, Betty, Veronica or Kevin, only showing up at break times and lunch times to not get them worried. He spent classes chugging down water to avoid coughing fits, constantly leaving when he couldn’t keep them in any longer, and whenever he couldn’t keep in his sneezing he would pinch his nose to stifle the sound.
Don’t get him wrong; he fucking hated doing it, for one it made him sneeze more because it wasn’t fully getting rid of the itch, and it hurt. His throat for one, but as he kept doing it his ears began to hurt.
At lunch, he hadn’t raised suspicions to his relief, as he was the quietest one among he group and since Kevin and Veronica came to the table with some juicy gossip, the whole group was too preoccupied with the gossip he was struggling to hear. They were very loud too–and Jughead couldn’t help but wince in pain, but thankfully it went unnoticed.
The next day was even worse, he had woken himself up with a coughing fit ten minutes before his alarm went off. His sleep had been shitty, because every few hours he’d wake himself up with a coughing or sneezing fit, and when he was somewhat asleep he tossed and turned due to a fever that had just began to kick in.
He really wasn’t in the mood; and his nose was either horribly runny or horribly congested. His constant sniffles was beginning to annoy the other students at History–and he was just thankful that none of his friends were in this class. The sneezes kept coming; and he kept pinching his nose which caused his ears to hurt as he did so.
The pain in his ears had become increasingly worse, and Jughead began to wonder if he would need medical help any soon. This couldn’t be an option–as he had no money to seek it. He just wished it would be over and that he was wrong.
His thoughts were interrupted when suddenly he was being prodded by some dude behind him, and when he whipped around to ask what was up, the guy was pointing in front of him.
Jughead turned around slowly–and for a moment it was like he was in some cliche Hollywood horror movie from the late 80s, bracing to meet the monster. In front of him was their history teacher, glaring angrily.
“Did you not hear me, Mr.Jones?!” He hissed, his hiss oddly quiet.
“No sir, it appears you were whispering,” Jughead replied, not even meaning to sound rude but he just genuinely hadn’t heard him. The whole class erupted into laughter. The teacher turned red.
“Yes of course, me straining my lungs in order to get you out of your strange little world is a whisper!”
Jughead blinked, unable to reply and simply watched as he retreated back to the front of the class, resuming whatever he was teaching. Jughead attempted to really focus this time, but the sound was getting really faded out and quiet. There was no denying something was going on here.
Jughead sighed; there was nothing he could’ve done anyway.
The next few days went by in an agonising blur filled with headaches, painful coughing, sneezing and earaches. As well as a fever that deemed him weak and shivery.
Somehow he had managed to hide away from his friends, but that wouldn’t last for long.
Jughead had finally reached his breaking point at lunch time on a Friday.
The whole gang had all been sitting outside, much to his discomfort. The light breeze seemed to be a blizzard storm to his fevered body and he had to physically hold himself to stop from shivering.
He could barely hear his friends speaking, but through the little and faded noise he could hear he gathered Archie was showing them a new song. Archie took out his guitar, beginning to pluck at the strings.
Jughead loved Archie’s music; he found the sounds very therapeutic and lovely, but he could barely even hear it. Suddenly, a blinding pain suddenly began in his ears, and Jughead winced and made a small hiss of pain, clutching at his ears and groaning at his agony.
He could barely hear what happened next, because a loud ringing in his ear was overshadowing what his friends were saying.
“..Jughead…?!” He could faintly make out Kevin.
“…Juggy..?!” Betty.
“..Jesus, I’m sure he wasn’t that bad, Jones…” Veronica, of course.
“..Shit..I didn’t realise I was so bad..”
Jughead felt a pang of guilt, cursing himself for being such an awful friend–instilling this idea in Archie’s head that he didn’t like his music..god he was awful.
Jughead managed to look up at Archie, who looked so hurt, and as much as he wanted to reach out to his friend and tell him what was wrong–his nose began to tickle and his instinct from the past few days had him pinch his nose.
Each stifled sneeze caused another wave of shooting pain into his ears. All his friends could do was watch in horror as each painful sneeze came out, and when he was finally finished Jughead collapsed against the table, hands clutching his aching ears and began to groan in pain.
He felt tears welling up in his eyes, hating himself for being so vulnerable but also unable to stop this pain. Jughead sniffled and sobbed quietly, leaving his friends completely shocked, so not used to this sudden change of character.
Betty was first to snap out of it–whipping her phone out and coming up to the pained boy, a soft hand reassuring on his back, “Juggy, please give me your dad’s number–”
Jughead hissed, head still against the table, “No! not him..I can’t..you can’t..he can’t..”
Somehow, Archie understood perfectly what was happening. He nodded.
“Betty–you go tell Weatherbee Jughead’s going home. I’m..I’m calling my dad, Jug, don’t worry,” Archie said softly, moving to sit next to his best friend and running a hand through the hair that peeped out from the beanie.
The next minutes came in a blur–a blur of an irritating ringing in his ears and a throbbing pain as well–as well as endless shivering due to his fever. He could faintly feel Kevin with his arms around him to attempt and provide him with heat (Jughead was not a fan of physical affection typically, especially from people who weren’t Archie or his little sister–but he was too much in pain to protest) and feel Veronica’s hand feeling around his forehead, neck and cheeks. He could faintly hear Archie on the phone with his dad.
Then Archie was suddenly helping him to his feet and had his arm slung around him, as they began a long trek to the school parking lot. They had a few people staring at them–mostly in concern–but Jughead genuinely didn’t care.
The next he sees is Fred Andrews running up to meet them, and the look on his face tells Jughead he really isn’t looking his best.
“Jesus!” Fred exclaimed as he took sight of the boy, rushing over to help Archie walk him to the car.
Jughead managed a smirk, “Is that what you call me now?”
Archie chuckled, “That means he’s not dying, at least?”
Fred sighed and shook his head, and helped his son place Jughead into the backseat to lie down. He sighed yet again at the sight of the pale boy with cheeks flushed with fever.
“Dammit Jug..how your father let you go to school looking like that..I’ll never know.” Fred tutted, smoothing Jughead’s sweat drenched locks out of his face, effectively pushing the beanie off.
Jughead winced a little at the sound of his dad, which did not go unnoticed by Archie.
“..Juggie…” Archie started.
Jughead shook his head, “Later, Archie, when I’m not dying, please.”
The concern never left Archie’s face, but for now he simply climbed onto the front seat by his father, before the car took off to Riverdale Hospital.
“The cold appeared to be very bad–and it kept fluids in Mr Jones’s ears, which caused the ear infection. Ear aches could also potentially be caused by repeated stifling of sneezes, which..I’m not to sure if that was what happened to you, Mr Jones?”
Jughead nodded sheepishly, earning him two, annoyed but loving glared from the two Andrews men.
Archie sighed–“Jughead..”
“Son, there’s nothing wrong with just sneezing–and you shouldn’t have tried to hide anything either,” Fred scolded lightly.
“Yeah Jug, honestly I’m slightly annoyed you didn’t even mention anything. Most of all–I’m annoyed at myself for not noticing. How could I have missed it?!” Archie said in frustration.
“Arch..” Jughead said in a raspy voice, trying to assure his best friend that all was fine.
“Mr Jones may need antibiotics for a steady, full recovery. From my knowledge his immune system..isn’t..umm..”
“It’s shit,” Jughead finished for him, the three other men laughed lightly.
Suddenly what the doctor said dawned on Jughead, wondering how much money he had left.
“I..” Jughead started when Fred cut him off.
“How much?”
“About 20 dollars.”
“Mr Andrews–”
“Shush, Jug.”
“I-I’ll pay you back–”
“You? Jug, I’m not taking your.."Fred exclaimed, "I wasn’t even going to ask for the money back–but I’d thought that maybe you’d protest and say your dad..”
Fred met Jughead’s eyes, eyes that were anxious and uneasy. He approached the young boy and patted his head, “We’ll talk later, okay son?”
Jughead swallowed anxiously.
“He is free to be discharged now, however. You can pick up the antibiotics in the pharmacy here in the hospital on your way out.”
Archie helped his best friend up, his face etched with worry and concern, “Jug..what’s going on?”
Jughead shook his head, remaining silent as his breathing became unsteady as anxiety pulsated his body. Archie didn’t push further–but the worry never left him.
“..Jughead?” Archie called out from the front seat of the car.
“Mm?” He asked sleepily, sniffling as he straightened up, nearly falling asleep just a moment ago.
“Is..something happening at home..?” Fred asked cautiously.
“No, nothing’s happening,” Jughead replied, suddenly awake.  It wasn’t a complete lie–home was the school cupboard and nothing was happening there.
“Anything with your father?” Fred asked, looking over at the windshield mirror to try and meet Jughead’s eyes.
Jughead anxiously looked over around, feeling his chest beginning to grow cold and hands grow sweaty, breathing turning into a staccato. His eyes met his beanie on one of the seats, not even noticing it had fallen off earlier.
Archie gave his dad a look and sighed, “Okay, will we drive you back to the trailer park?”
“I live in the school cupboard,” Jughead said casually, as if this was the most normal thing to say in the world.
He wasn’t even sure why he had said it, why it had slipped so easily. So casual, so normal, not at all dramatic like he thought it would’ve.
Archie climbed over the front seat to Jughead, and rested a hand on his shoulder,
“Jug..how long?”
“Uh..since the drive in closed down–I was living there before this..it’s just..I can’t bare to live in a house that used to be home..My mom and Jellybean..they had enough of my dad’s act and up and left. I’ve had enough. But..I can’t give up on my dad, Arch.”
Archie turned to look at Fred.
“Then you’re staying with us until he does,” Fred said firmly.
Jughead opened his mouth.
“No buts, son,” Fred followed up.
He closed his mouth, before erupting into a coughing fit. Archie rubbed his back soothingly as his body was racked by painful coughs, his ears hurting a little. When he was finally finished he leaned against Archie’s shoulder in exhaustion.
“I hate seeing you so sick, Jug,” Archie frowned.
“I always am though–surprised you haven’t gotten used to it,” Jughead chuckled.
“..Oh..and Arch..? Your music’s great.”
Archie could only smile.
“It’s going to be okay, Jug,” Archie said softly, ruffling the top of his hair.
Jughead cracked a small smile; and it would be.
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howtobe-happy · 6 years
I need to learn how to be happy. I have spent just about 25 years in mental flux - in and out of chronic depression, anxiety, and unhealthy relationships with food and sleep. Everything is culminating now, as I approach my quarter century turn, in physical health problems as well as taking a further toll on my mental well-being.
I returned from a two-week stay in the Philippines in January, and within a few days collapsed from an at-the-time-unknown gastrointestinal explosion of pain. I have a very high tolerance for physical pain, so if there is something physically distressing that is making me cry, rest assured it is very bad - and this had me in fetal position, screaming at the top of my lungs. No words, just primal screaming. After three weeks in and out of this pain, and five or six doctors (with three ultrasounds, an MRI, and a cornucopia of blood tests), we found out I had an ovarian cyst that was causing severe constipation, and that the combination of the two caused such a pressure within me that it begun to physically shift the positions of my organs. I was put on two weeks of intensive progesterone treatment to shrink the cyst (and a two week course of Miralax to “clear the pipes”). Six weeks after the pain started, I was better, but around 15 pounds heavier, which took a big toll on my self-esteem.
At the beginning of this gastrointestinal malaise, the urgent care doctor had me stop taking my birth control pills, because he thought the problem might have been my uterus. Fast forward three months, and the cessation of hormones in my blood has caused me to break out in chronic, cystic acne - on my face, on my chest, on my upper arms, and most devastatingly on my back. I cannot stress enough how bad my skin currently is. As a woman who has struggled with acne since adolescence, I had finally (after ten years) gotten to a place where I was able to keep my skin relatively under control. Now it is worse than it has ever been. My back is a source of daily grief. I already had become severely limited as to what clothes I was comfortable wearing (due to the weight gain), but now I also have to take into consideration what clothing will completely cover the intrusive, inflamed pustules that cover 80% of my back. I am having a hard time feeling human, much less feeling womanly. I had sex with my boyfriend last night and have never wanted so badly to escape a loving embrace - I am so uncomfortable and unhappy within my own body and my own skin. Everywhere he would place a hand, or leave a kiss, I would withdraw, reminding myself of the blemishes under his lips, or the pockets of fat that he could clearly feel. I began to cry, but had to hide it until it was over - to not make myself seem even less attractive than I already felt. After he fell asleep, I ran my hands over my body, touching every part but not finding a single point of pride. I scratched up my stomach. I sobbed into my pillow until I drifted off.
When I stopped taking my birth control, I accidentally went cold turkey on my anti-depressants as well (150mg XL Wellbutrin, once a day). I had been on this medication since September of 2016, after a year in which a handful of my friends passed away (causation being everything from heroin overdose, to freak wingsuit accident). Once I realized I hadn't been taking my medication, I decided to stick with it - after all, in the first few weeks of no meds after my physical health crisis, I felt better than I had felt in ages. I felt clear-headed, happy, almost euphoric - and I took to blaming my previous mood swings and depression/anxiety issues on the combination of medicine I was on.
In the past eight weeks or so, my depression has come back full force (and then some). I cannot discern whether this is due to my body readjusting to the lack of serotonin-enhancing medication, or the reintroduction of my hormonal birth control (which I went back on, in an effort to save my skin), or if it is situational due to my newfound discomfort within my own body. It could be a combination of those. It could be some other cause entirely.
This past weekend, I began experiencing a new form of health grievance entirely. I was in New York for work (assisting on my first major photo campaign), and one night developed a headache that quickly turned very abnormal. I started losing my vision. First, my peripherals became fuzzy and golden, sort of like the visuals you see when you begin to faint. Then entire splotches went missing from my field of vision. I realized this was a migraine, and laid in my dark hotel room with a cold washcloth over my eyes for seven hours. This was the first migraine I’d had in my life, and it was absolutely awful. 36 hours later I experienced something else. I was out on the shoot, around 11am, and I started losing my vision again - this time without the headache. The vision loss was worse this time than the first, and came with extreme dissociation. It was as if my body was on autopilot. I was speaking to people, acting normally, but it was as if I wasn’t in conscious control of my words or actions. It was almost an out-of-body experience, with me watching myself say these words 10-15 seconds after they came out of my mouth. I felt like I was completely losing my mind - going legitimately crazy. My vision got worse and worse until I was unable to read. My friend on-set tried to distract me (maybe in the hopes that it was just anxiety manifesting physically for a moment), and would point out cute dogs to me. I would stare and stare, trying to see the dog that she was pointing at. It took 7-10 seconds each time for me to be able to discern what the hell she was pointing at - and I’d have to look at it through certain parts of my vision. It was absolutely terrifying. After talking to my father, and thinking over my life as of late, I am sure that this is due to the constant stress, anxiety, pressure, and depression that I have been under the past...six months? Year? 25 years? My lifelong issues, manifesting themselves in a brand new and very scary way (but, just to be safe, I have a neurologist appointment scheduled for next week).
This all brings me to the place I have found myself in currently. I am at a low point. I do not want to die, but I don’t actively want to exist. I am not doing my life justice. By wallowing through my days/months/years in this horrible, sad, constantly-some-kind-of-sick state, I am wasting what little time I am allotted on this earth. I keep thinking how pathetic it is to remain in this place at 25 years old - I feel like everyone else has a piece that I am missing, that makes easy things so much harder for me. I’m not trying to play victim here, I’m talking about the most mundane, ordinary things - having routines, comfortably going to dinner with people (and actually WANTING to do so), getting up off the couch...I should be able to do these things for myself. I’m caught in a constant struggle with my depression, and so far nothing has stuck and worked for me (and I’ve been too caught up in said depression to hold commitment to any regimen anyway). I look around and the people closest to me are also morbidly depressed - is it an exponential back-and-forth between us all? Or does like attract like? I want to be able to break whatever cycle I have been locked in for the past 25 years, and figure out a way to help them as well. Life should be fun, and this is not fun.
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bridgetoyen · 6 years
After a long break, a long update.
I started this tumblr account three years ago and upheld it for maybe 6 months. My life went through a lot of changes and this took a back burner, up until I ended up just deleting tumbler altogether. I was working a lot, going through relationship changes and my health continued to get worse.
I’m 25 years old, and I’ve been plagued with pain and esophageal discomfort for several years. I’ve seen different doctors who threw more and more medications at me, dismissing me as another GERD patient and sending me one my way.
Funny this about that is I never had one ask me any questions. Not really. The first time I had a GI doctor ask me what my pain felt like was about 6 months ago. I told her it feels like I’m swallowing razor blades. Her response?
“You don’t have GERD.”
What?? I’ve been told that for years, never had a single doctor question it or prove deeper. I was up to twice to daily dose of a protein pump inhibitor, max doses of acid reducers and I was having to take several supplements to offset the deficiencies I was building from taking those. I had a liquid suspension that I would drink if nothing else could stop the pain, but I lived every single day chugging water and avoiding acidic triggers. The constant need to be aware of everything was making me anxious, and after living with anxiety for years I realized I wasn’t sleeping or eating, and I started an anxiety medication as well.
I switched insurance from Kaiser to Blue Cross because kaiser literally doubled their prices and took away parts of their coverage. I wasn’t happy to switch. I was worried about establishing new doctors and the headache of moving over my prescriptions. I was lucky enough to find a doctor right across the street from my work, so I went in and had a check up and to move my scrips. The doctor was great and helped me out and was more thorough than my past doctors.
My anxiety continued to worsen. I called back to see if my new doctor could up my dosage and they said that she had actually left on maternity leave a few days prior, so they set me up with another doctor within the practice. I went in and talked to him about everything and he said that he would up the dosage for me, but from what I had said to him he had concerns that I wasn’t experiencing anxiety. He upped my dosage and said that if that doesn’t make a positive impact on my mental health he needed me to see a psychiatrist. He believed that I had OCD.
That was a huge surprise. I had thought that my anxiety and Type A personality were disconnected. As my Type A personality got increasingly stronger, so did my anxiety. Long story short, the med increase didn’t help and I have OCD. I’m now on a totally different medication (geared towards OCD) and have a better understanding of how my mind works. PSA: Mental health is only a stigma if you let it be! Don’t hold yourself back from living a happy, healthy life!
Now that my OCD was slowly becoming less of a problem as I began getting psychiatric and therapeutic treatment for it, I decided that I needed to address the constant body aches, skin sensitivity and general lethargic life I had been leading. I went to see a rheumatologist to discuss fibromyalgia. That sounds like a jump, but it really isn’t- it runs in my family and I was experiencing the exact issues that my aunt had at my age before she was diagnosed. The med I was put on for OCD also treats small fiber pain, so that was a step forward. However, to be diagnosed with fibro you have to have a certain number of trigger points on your body. I was 3 triggers from having the appropriate amount. It was frustrating and devastating, too much of my brain was screaming that it was in my head and I was terrified of being labeled a hypochondriac. I had X-rays and other scans done to prove that there was nothing physically wrong- everything came up clean. I let that issue sit for awhile so I could lick my wounds and reapproach it when I had the energy.
I get my medication mailed from the pharmacy because I get more for spending less, and I noticed that in between a fill, my dosage was altered. I called my doctor to have him fix it and he asked how long I was supposed to stay on that dosage- because it’s supposed to be a 6 week regimen. He thought it was a mistake when reviewing my medications and fixed it for me.
I had been on a short term medication for over 4 years. The long term side effects were nasty. Every fibro symptom, all of my pain and fatigue (unrelated to my throat) was all explained. He sent me to a new GI, the GI who told me that I don’t have GERD.
She took me off of the medications immediately and ordered three different tests for me- an endoscopy, a barium swallow and a manometry.
She did the endoscopy a week later. I had been fasting for 18 hours and there was still some food sitting in my esophagus before the LES valve to go into my stomach. Red flag. She said that every biopsy and every part of my GI tract that she looked at showed zero signs of EVER having reflux.
I had the manometry two weeks later, as early as I could schedule it. It was a horrible test... you have to be awake, no sedation. I had to snort lidocaine gel and they shoved a tube down my nose and down all the way into my stomach. The test showed negative pressure in my esophagus. It doesn’t contract at all.
The barium swallow test showed the same thing. My esophagus expands when anything enters it.
Both of the tests confirm Type 2 Achalasia. It’s a rare, progressively degenerative autoimmune disease. The nerve cells in my esophagus are being killed by my immune system. It shares genotypes with multiple sclerosis and lupus. It’s unknown what causes it, and there is no cure.
It’s not good news. It’s pretty devastating, and I’ve been having a really difficult time coming to terms with it. Being off of all the meds I was on for so many years is amazing. I feel wonderful. I have so much energy and such little pain, aside from the obvious esophageal pain. I’m weaning from the OCD meds that we’re treating fibro pain and going onto one that is OCD specific (and doesn’t make me gain weight, the other one was definitely doing that) and I’m awaiting seeing a specialist who treats Achalasia. There’s a motility clinic in SF that has taken some time to get an appointment at, but there are a few treatment options to help the pain and my quality of life. More updates soon... but it’s been a long ride to get here, so I’m going to try to put more info on here. There isn’t much available out there for this, and I want to do what I can to possibly help someone else.
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thedietian · 6 years
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 Are you suffering from any of these SYMPTOMS? Causing disruption in YOUR LIFE?
If YOU are suffering from any of these symptom(s) then you have candida yeast infections.
My name is Eric Bakker and I am a naturopathic doctor, I have specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of yeast infections for over twenty years. I’ve seen every type of Candida infection that exists, and the list of symptoms you just read are some of the major signs and symptoms of candida yeast infection and they are also some of the constant symptoms I hear from every patient with candida yeast infection when they come to see me at my clinic. And these symptoms can lead to various issues in life, below you will find complaints I hear from candida patients I see on daily basis any of these ring a bell?
it is destroying my home, my family and my pets
Uncomfortable, disturbing, feeling dirty , uneasy….in severe days, feel like dying. But is only when you hv this very frust n disturbing I will just says dying is better but I won’t take my life. Just a saying. Doc im here to get rid of this problem.
It hurts soo bad. I want to cry.
No one understands or believe I’m sick
The overall ill feeling and when doctors can’t find something wrong with me and think it’s in my head is driving me totally crazy.
I can’t find anything that will make my symptoms go away. I’ve tried diet changes, supplements, biofeedback, acupuncture, and anything else I hear about.
Can not wear certain things, burning when urination, itchy, swelling, and the discharge including smell bf is tired of me.
Cannot sleep,bloated tummy,weight gain,itchy body,skin rash on face, always constipated and tired, always feeling sick and have no confidence in any thing or at anytime. having white coating on the tongue with black pigmennt on the sides. smelly disc
I can’t have sex and it makes me feel awful mentally and physically,
I cannot have a healthy sexual relationship with my boyfriend. I am always self conscious.
I constantly have a nasty smell under me. Sometimes when its hot I start to feel a mucky substance down there.
wear my hair over my ears so people can’t see my flakey, red, blotchy outer ears… only my son cuts my hair… always itchy… have edema in my legs that never goes down now… bloated stomach… can’t lose weight i am here to seek your help.
A severe fatigue, weak muscles, lack of coordination, dizziness, diahhear, GI distress, anorxia. lowe grade temperature elevations on a frequent basis and basically just feeling weak and tired all owver, help pls.
Aggrevated by, Interferes with and causes discomfort during sexual activity Digestive problems Chronic presence, nothing helped me
Being so uncomfortable and the fact that there is no physical home test and no permanent cure for this infection
I have heard tens and thousands of these complains and how candida can totally RUIN ONES LIFE and brings HAVOC.
I have been asked by many people, how did it all start, why did you spend so much time writing such a comprehensive book on treatment of candida yeast infections? It all started with my own personal experience of developing a severe yeast infection in 1985, and taking approximately one and a half years to get my health back. I was in constant pain due to persistent itch, brain fog, bloating, gas, fatigue, and feeling unwell all the time. My GF left me, I lost my job and I was told by doctor to see a psychologist because I was losing myself.
I could remember days when I just couldn’t sit next to my girlfriend due to constant bloating, gas and itch around my skin. It was driving me nuts. Every time I would sit next to someone the gas/bloating would start and I had to just get somewhere quiet to let the gas go. There was no relief just constant pain. Symptoms vary from person to person but for most of us (men) itching in the private part/skin, bloating, gas, feeling unwell and tired all the time is a major sign of candida yeast infection. And it’s not just me or you who was/is going through all this read these complaints from my candida patients:
chronic stomach pain, not being able to eat anything at all without out feeling full after just a few bits and severe constant pain in upper abdomen.
constant headaches and distant very agitated all the time and angry
Constant itching in my ears, causing me to scratch my ear canals in my sleep
Constant tiredness and joint pain; intense stomach pain followed by days of sore throat; acidy feeling through whole digestive system from throat to urinary tract, etc..
Difficulties when urinating,after urinating I still feel like I want to urinate.
dizziness and fatigue all the time – restless in the middle of night, waking up 2-3 times a night weird sudden little pains in wrist area, legs feeling heavy – dry mouth w/white tongue residue, gum and right ear ache – right nostril always congested
everytime i have sex i get a bladder infection, the pain,swellings ontop of my vagina and my vulva the frustrations of itching and leaking and the worries of transferring it to my partner
Feeling drained and tired throughout. The fact that it reoccurs and doctors keep saying its staph.
Fuzzy/dizziness, blurring of eye vision , unexplainable pains in my joints, 80% of the time no energy, feeling depress for no reason, constipation, dry mouth, right ear ache – right nose nostril always stays congested, wake up from sleep as least 2-3
Having numerous symptoms which I am sure are linked but when I go to the doctor they sound mild and are not taken seriously, but as a whole I feel very under-the-weather and unwell.
Back to my story, I found no satisfaction when it came asking for help from my doctor, and my naturopath could not offer much assistance either, apart from a very basic low-carbohydrate diet and a few supplements. It took me eighteen months to get well by myself after studying and carefully applying the principles that were popular at the time, from Dr. William Crook and Dr. Orion Truss.
In addition, I grew up witnessing my father experiencing a chronic yeast infection spanning more than twenty years; he was addicted to bread and sweet foods; lived a high stress lifestyle and took many antibiotics and various other drugs for his ailments, most of which were stress induced. Dad spent countless thousands of dollars with gastroenterologists who could find “no cause” for his continual ill health. He was not interested in looking for the cause, nor interested in natural medicine, and the symptomatic treatments his doctors offered only included more drugs that ensured his candida remained rampant. Not one doctor ever mentioned diet or lifestyle factors, let alone acknowledged that he even had a yeast-related problem. This taught me early on of the importance of establishing and dealing with the exciting or initiating cause (antibiotics and high stress lifestyle) and in addition to identify and deal with the maintaining causes (diet, drugs and a continuing high stress lifestyle) if I was going to help my patients fully recover. Here are more complaints any of these sound familiar?
I feel excessively tired. I get hungry shortly after meals. I have recurring health problems that the doctors find no results for.
i feel itchy in and around vagina and white liquid comes out.the liquid has a quite bad smell.i want to rub hard around and on my vagina.
I get them frequently and have for years whether I’m sexually active or not and I don’t know what else to do to prevent them. It takes longer to get rid of them and no doctor can tell me why I get them.
i hate feeling yuck every day an not having much energy to do things
I have them so often and it hurts to have sex with my husband
I just want it to go as soon as possible. I dislike not being perfectly okay.
I seem to never get rid of what I believe to be vaginal bacterial infections. It affects my husband and I’s sex life because it is extremely irritated down there frequently, and I almost always get a UTI after we have sex. I’ve tried all sorts of stuff
Im so uncomfortable, I cant wear underwear cuz they make feel wet or sticky my people skills are horrible because Im so insecure that someone notice how figity I am due my discomfort. Sometimes I cant even wear my regular jeans bcuz they rub me wrong
It’s unbelievably itchy and irritant to walk or run and even being still I can feel the need to itch or stinging feeling
itchiness all over my body (back of neck, thighs, butt, arms, etc). after scratching, i’m left with large welts. it looks like i was whipped.
itching all day even when working, hard to focus, embarassing, distracting
Itching and burning, not being in a normal every day condition.
I began giving advice about candida related health problems more than 25 years ago when I was a student of naturopathy and soon specialized in yeast infections the moment I began to see patients in the early 1990’s. Once people knew I had an interest in yeast infections, I was beginning to see an increasing amount of people with all kinds of acute and chronic yeast-related health problems. After many initial years of only having partial success with candida, I began to feel a sense of frustration because I didn’t want my patients to experience the same level of frustration, anxiety and depression I did when I visited doctors and my naturopath when I had chronic candida, and for them to experience only partial results, relapsing back into a chronic state time and again with little hope of one day experiencing a full recovery.
My desire over the years was to develop a simple yet highly effective yeast infection treatment plan, a permanent yeast solution. This set me on the path that has finally culminated in Candida Crusher today. I initially started to learn by clinical research as well as trialing the many established yeast infection treatment methods, and by sheer trial and error over a prolonged period of time I slowly but surely began to develop my own methods. And today people consult me from over thirty different countries with all manner of yeast infections.
But how did I get this knowledge? My patients have been my best teachers, and by remaining in clinic for more than twenty years and specializing in yeast infections you soon learn from experience what works and what doesn’t and begin to fine tune a program based on these collective experiences.
In addition to my clinical experiences, there has been much time invested with many health-care professionals, taking into account their clinical experiences, looking at the methods they found most helpful when treating yeast infections. Every practitioner has his or her own professional experience to share and it is the combination of these many shared and accumulated experiences from both patient treatments and practitioner relationships that I have distilled into Candida Crusher, hard earned knowledge from which I hope you will gain valuable insights into your own yeast-related health concerns.
lack of concentration, drowsiness, mental health problems, acne, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, sore throat in the morning, athlete’s foot between the toes
My biggest frustration when suffering from yeast infection is the rubbing of my underwear its irritating and there are stains on all of my underwears.
My itching vulva while trying to sleep. I have tested positive for candida parapsilosis and have been battling candida for over 15 years. I eat healthy, use garlic, p robotics and herbs and still can’t seem to eradicate this yeast. It is flucanazole that caused all this i think.
My stomach always hurting me. It gets very bloated & sore to touch. I get lots of gas & pain. I don’t enjoy food anymore & always feel tired after eating.
My symptoms mainly were burning tongue, psoriasis of the hands, and face and around my eyes, which would water and burn and itch in that order…resulting in a fine rash under my eyes. Intense itching in my groin area (externally). I have had a lot more help me.
My vagina is very Itchy and sometimes burning when I urinate. I have a discharge sometimes is looks yellow and other times it looks like cottage cheese.
Not being able to have sex and suffering from a yeast infection almost everyday!!!!
Not knowing how to fix the problems and having so many days where my stomach hurts to the point where I just want to stay in bed.
Overall feeling so very CRAPPY…Yucky; and no enthusiasim about much of anything.
Let me show you how it is possible to not only overcome these symptoms but also how to treat your chronic yeast infection, and also how and more importantly why a candida yeast infection can literally ruin your chances of having a happy life, or the life of your partner or child and why you need to do something about it TODAY!
I’ll also explain why yeast infections are so difficult to eradicate, and the secrets to getting well and help you find a permanent solution to your yeast infection.
If you find yourself reading this page, then you may well be trying to self-diagnose if you have a yeast infection, or are suffering with a candida overgrowth right now, suffering from a condition that can be fully resolved. There are some easy and highly effective ways for you to get well completely and recover entirely from a Candida yeast infection, and chances are that you have come to this page to find that solution. You have come to the right page in that case!
Perhaps you are a person who has only recently figured out that he or she has a yeast infection? You will be able to click on many different links on this page and then be able to read the information you were looking for. Candida yeast infections are NOT like simple bacterial infections, it is not just a matter of taking a few pills like an antibiotic for a couple of days to knock-out this infection!
On the other hand, you could be a person who has been dealing with a yeast infection for some time and have taken probiotics or an antifungal supplement like garlic, oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract, SF 722, Syntol, Candeze, etc; only to discover you get partial relief, and become unwell time again down the track? It looks like you are looking for an effective and quick solution! There are plenty of options on this page too.
Maybe you are one of those people who has been suffering with a chronic yeast infection for many years and have tried every trick in the book to get rid of it. You may have spent thousands of dollars like so many patients I have seen over the years. But what is even worse than wasting all this money; the fact that you are wasting your life and ruining any chances of a happy life by not curing your yeast infection.
persistent mucous coughing poor memory tiredness sensitivity to chenicals cravings
prescriptions I have received should have indicated for no longer than 2 weeks. I was not aware of the steroids in the medicine. Due to improper instructions certain areas my skin has become extremely thin and sensitive.
Reduced enjoyment and frequency of intercourse due to itching and burning
Roller coaster of feelings; anxiety, tiredness, moody, irritable, depression, just not feeling self.
Scrotum…groin area itch..get rashly..then better..then starts over
sense of having lost libido/general lack of energy/strength/endurance/
Severe bloating. Look like I’m pregnant.
severe itching making me uncomfortable,unable to feel free
sore most of the time not finding help im sick and tired of having no quality of life i have had candida for 20 some yrs i will be eternally grateful if you help me.
That can I never be the same or happy….I’m always worried what people will smell and think i am some dirty women.
The anxiety/depression, headaches, slight chest pains, intrusive thoughts. I have tried everything to get rid of this infection nothing has worked.
The embarrassment of telling someone you’ve just started dating that you have problems down there.
The fact that my gut is always bloated out and I am constantly constipated no matter what I eat.
The feeling of being unable to accomplish anything because I can’t concentrate, stay focused or remember anything. I’ve had to give up my job and try to find my own answers to my severe health problems because the doctors I’ve visited don’t know
the frustration of not gettng rid of it and the uncomfortable feeling it gives you which turns your normal life into hell.
The itching and burning, have had chronic vaginal yeast infections before and everything I tried didn’t work to get rid of it until I bleached all of my underwear and completed an oral treatment and topical vaginal treatment at the same time which worked for a while and then it came back.
The itching is the biggest frustration. Along with not feeling like myself. Tired, irritable, moody, just an overall feeling of un wellness.
The itching. It’s almost unbearable at times. Also, the discharge is kind of gross and I always have to wear a panty liner.
The numerous food allergies that make eating a healthy diet very challenging. Seems like I have only a handful of foods I can eat without feeling horrible. Also the lack of energy to get anything done.
The odor it gives off, the white stuff that comes out of my virgina, and the internal itching is at a level i want to just die its painful and embarassing.
The struggle to cure the problem. It usually takes at least six days for treatment to work, and there is no guarantee that the treatment I choose is the correct formula to treat it. This causes a major rift in my sex life antibiotics made it worst for me.
This has destroyed my sex life with my wife. She consistently treats but gets yeast infections. I am thinking its me because she get them EVERY time no matter how gentle I am. Found you online and why i am seeking your aide.
white tongue with dark pigment on sides, constipated,weight gain bigger tummy, tired. itchy skin and rash on face. no confidence and concentration , feeling sick and drained, foggy vision
The answer to all these questions: Candida Crusher – Permanent Yeast Infection Solution
The Candida Crusher Program will be of enormous benefit to all people who are sincere in their attempts in wanting a permanent solution to their yeast infection. But naturally, not everybody will achieve the same level of results, because an individual’s results and outcomes are dependent on many factors.
Candida Crusher took three years to complete after constant requests from many patients who have been eagerly waiting for my book on yeast infection treatment. I trust that you will find plenty of useful information in my book, and put the information to good use. Knowledge is important, but it is only when this knowledge is faithfully applied that it is of any true benefit, and I trust that those who purchase Candida Crusher faithfully apply this hard earned knowledge for their own benefit. Results are sure to come with those who are sincere, but there is ample information in Candida Crusher on what to do “if all else fails”.
Dr. Bakker’s book takes Candida treatment to the level it needs to be taken. It is a breakthrough book for this generation like Dr. William Crooks books were to the generation of the 1980s.
Leading Authority & Expert on Adrenal Fatigue
Dr. Bakker’s book is a well-researched, intelligent analysis of the problem of candida overgrowth, which is more common than realized. The recommendations for diagnosis and treatment are rational and clinically effective.
Dr. Mitchell A. Fleisher, M.D., D.Ht., D.A.B.F.M., Dc.A.B.C.T.
Author of Alternative DrMCare Natural Medical Self-Care Protocols
Dr. Bakker has assembled the authoritative volume on all things Cadidiasis. This remarkable resource offers a comprehensive holistic approach to treating the underlying causes of all forms of acute and chronic Candida infections. Candida Crusher doubles as both a valuable self-help book and a serious professional guide that has something to offer for all families and health care practitioners. I highly recommend it to people suffering from candida yeast infections.
Author of Green Medicine: Challenging the Assumptions of Conventional Health Care & Writer at HuffingtonPost
Note! – Check what’s inside candida crusher candida treatment book. CLICK HERE to check inside the book.
Hi Eric, Thank you for helping me with a problem which has been causing me grief for many years – my toenails. Ever since I can remember I have had awfully smelly toes. I have tried every lotion and potion I could find and thanks to your Candida Crusher program can now say that I can finally believe that soon I will be free from athlete’s foot. Look at the improvement! You asked me for a photo so here it is. I can recommend your services to anyone who has tried everything else. And Eric, don’t hesitate to catch up with me when you come to Brisbane next. Regards, Gary Nulfield, Brisbane, Australia (Picture Hidden for Privacy Reasons)
Athlete’s Foot – Cured Hi Eric, I just wanted to share with you how happy I am to finally be able to see healthy toenails after more than 30 years of awful, terrible athlete’s feet and discoloured and terrible misshapen toenails. You did promise me that in time my toenails would grow out to be normal again, but I never ever believed that it would really happen! But the interesting this is that we didn’t really treat my feet, but my digestion which I cannot get over. My allergies have disappeared and my digestion is back to normal, all in the span of 6 months, I still can’t believe it, I am absolutely thrilled!! I wish you all the best with your candida book, your advice and information was certainly worth it for me. I just wish I could have gotten a copy, but you mentioned that you were almost finished writing it. Sheryl Livingstone, 48yrs, Sydney, Australia (Picture Hidden For Privacy Reasons)
“I now recommend your wonderful Candida Crusher program to everybody” Hi Eric, I want to personally thank you for the work you are doing by educating and helping people like me. For the last 5 months I have been following your Candida Crusher diet and lifestyle program and especially the stress recommendations. It took a good two months to really notice the results. My aches (including headaches) I used to experience in my neck and back have all but gone and so has the annoying rash in my groin region that I used to have. But the best thing of all is that my bloated belly and gas (which is still there but a fraction of what it used to be like) is all but gone! I now recommend your wonderful Candida Crusher program to everybody who complains of digestive problems especially, regardless of their type of digestive complaint. I once had no faith whatsoever in your type of medicine but can honestly say that your treatment worked for me and I know it can help others out there who have problems like I had. I live in England and next time I come to New Zealand want to come and visit you for a personal consultation, my daughter (who sent me a link to your yeast infection website) now lives in Auckland. Thank you for the time you spent with me over the past several months. Jack Allen, 62yrs, Orpington, London
“I’ve not only got rid of my yeast infection, I’ve lost 16 pounds!” Hello Eric, I am Karen aged 45, and yes, you can use my “story”, I hope it helps other people just like me out there overcome their yeast problems. I had been battling a candida infection for the past eight years at least. I came across your name and your candida program through my friend but had doubts as to whether you could help me, I honestly had tried just about every pill, product and treatment under the sun! But I’m glad I did, or I would have never gotten rid of this crippling condition. It took about four weeks to notice improvements and I must say I never experienced results like this with any other treatment or pill I tried. I can now save money on treatments and no more doctor visits or drugs like (which made me feel sick) or those messy creams I kept using with little results. BTW – I’ve not only lost my yeast infection, I’ve also lost nearly eight kilos (16 pounds) in weight! Thanks and God Bless! Karen Caruso, 45yrs, Brisbane, Australia (Picture Hidden For Privacy Reasons)
“Terrible Stomach Pains – All Gone” Dear Dr. Bakker, I visited your clinic in 2007 on a holiday to see my sister in your area with terrible stomach pains and very itchy skin. I craved sweet foods and as a chef found it really hard to stop eating sweet deserts. My health had been terrible for a quit a a few years, and all the doctors could do was keep on giving me antibiotics. Your Candida Crusher program was a true godsend and helped me within two weeks! I have now been free of digestive pains and have felt the best I have in many years, thank you so much for all your professional help and personal engagement, I really appreciate it. Kate Veenstra – Melbourne, Australia
My name is Olivia and I live in Auckland, NZ. I have been following your Candida Crusher Program. It was completely mind blowing, because I knew there was something wrong with me, but I just couldn’t explain what or even why! Everything you had written in your articles is exactly how I have been feeling for decades. After doing the different home ttests that you had suggested, it was definitely the confirmation I needed. Thank you for writing such a great series on candida articles! Regards, Olivia, Auckland, NZ
“A Passionate Health-Care Professional” Thanks very much for your time and the info. I always come out of talking to you feeling so much better, having all my questions answered – and providing so much more info on my candida and digestive issues as well. It is such a pleasure (and a relief!) to know you and to at last be in touch with a real, genuine, knowledgeable and passionate natural health ‘professional’ Lindsay, 55yrs, Wellington, NZ
“Thank you for helping me to solve your digestive problems” Hi Eric, Matt here, I can not thank you enough for helping me solve my digestion problems. I have had just over two weeks avoiding the foods I am not supposed to have and have started your Candida Crusher program and I feel great to say the least. My stomach no longer hurts, I have energy again and my mental health almost instantly switched back to normal and I have not suffered any depression since. I would like to organize a time to call you for a phone consult to make sure I am giving my body everything it needs and I would also like to discuss the bowel as I still have some bloating and still not forming solid stool. Matt, 27yrs, Gold Coast – Australia (Picture Hidden for Privacy Reasons)
The book is exactly 718 pages.
Candida Crusher costs what it does because it took just over three years to research and write, and is based on treating over 15,000 yeast infected patients spanning twenty-five years. Candida Crusher is quite possibly the most comprehensive self-help manual on yeast infections written to date. Unlike some books of its kind, it is not half-filled with recipes, but is packed with countless hints and tips not found anywhere else on yeast infection recovery.
Candida Crusher comes in a PDF format. Which can be read with Adobe Acrobat.
About 5 to 10 minutes. Once the payment is verified you will be redirected to our download page.
Of course you can! I have a sixty-days (60) refund policy, if you don’t like my book and can’t honestly see how it could change your life for the better, then please let us know within two months and we will refund your money in full. But do remember, if you are serious about finally beating your yeast infection and follow my program faithfully, it is highly likely that you will beat your yeast infection permanently. And isn’t that worth the small price you paid for a book that took me three years of writing and research, after treating over fifteen thousand patients spanning twenty-five years? Of course you can get a refund, but I doubt you will want your money back after seeing the real value you will get from Candida Crusher when you compare it to any other e-book on yeast infection you may have seen or have bought before.
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Hi Eric, Thank you for helping me with a problem which has been causing me grief for many years – my toenails. Ever since I can remember I have had awfully smelly toes. I have tried every lotion and potion I could find and thanks to your Candida Crusher program can now say that I can finally believe that soon I will be free from athlete’s foot. Look at the improvement! You asked me for a photo so here it is. I can recommend your services to anyone who has tried everything else. And Eric, don’t hesitate to catch up with me when you come to Brisbane next. Regards, Gary Nulfield, Brisbane, Australia (Picture Hidden for Privacy Reasons)
Athlete’s Foot – Cured Hi Eric, I just wanted to share with you how happy I am to finally be able to see healthy toenails after more than 30 years of awful, terrible athlete’s feet and discoloured and terrible misshapen toenails. You did promise me that in time my toenails would grow out to be normal again, but I never ever believed that it would really happen! But the interesting this is that we didn’t really treat my feet, but my digestion which I cannot get over. My allergies have disappeared and my digestion is back to normal, all in the span of 6 months, I still can’t believe it, I am absolutely thrilled!! I wish you all the best with your candida book, your advice and information was certainly worth it for me. I just wish I could have gotten a copy, but you mentioned that you were almost finished writing it. Sheryl Livingstone, 48yrs, Sydney, Australia (Picture Hidden For Privacy Reasons)
“I now recommend your wonderful Candida Crusher program to everybody” Hi Eric, I want to personally thank you for the work you are doing by educating and helping people like me. For the last 5 months I have been following your Candida Crusher diet and lifestyle program and especially the stress recommendations. It took a good two months to really notice the results. My aches (including headaches) I used to experience in my neck and back have all but gone and so has the annoying rash in my groin region that I used to have. But the best thing of all is that my bloated belly and gas (which is still there but a fraction of what it used to be like) is all but gone! I now recommend your wonderful Candida Crusher program to everybody who complains of digestive problems especially, regardless of their type of digestive complaint. I once had no faith whatsoever in your type of medicine but can honestly say that your treatment worked for me and I know it can help others out there who have problems like I had. I live in England and next time I come to New Zealand want to come and visit you for a personal consultation, my daughter (who sent me a link to your yeast infection website) now lives in Auckland. Thank you for the time you spent with me over the past several months. Jack Allen, 62yrs, Orpington, London
“I’ve not only got rid of my yeast infection, I’ve lost 16 pounds!” Hello Eric, I am Karen aged 45, and yes, you can use my “story”, I hope it helps other people just like me out there overcome their yeast problems. I had been battling a candida infection for the past eight years at least. I came across your name and your candida program through my friend but had doubts as to whether you could help me, I honestly had tried just about every pill, product and treatment under the sun! But I’m glad I did, or I would have never gotten rid of this crippling condition. It took about four weeks to notice improvements and I must say I never experienced results like this with any other treatment or pill I tried. I can now save money on treatments and no more doctor visits or drugs like (which made me feel sick) or those messy creams I kept using with little results. BTW – I’ve not only lost my yeast infection, I’ve also lost nearly eight kilos (16 pounds) in weight! Thanks and God Bless! Karen Caruso, 45yrs, Brisbane, Australia (Picture Hidden For Privacy Reasons)
“Terrible Stomach Pains – All Gone” Dear Dr. Bakker, I visited your clinic in 2007 on a holiday to see my sister in your area with terrible stomach pains and very itchy skin. I craved sweet foods and as a chef found it really hard to stop eating sweet deserts. My health had been terrible for a quit a a few years, and all the doctors could do was keep on giving me antibiotics. Your Candida Crusher program was a true godsend and helped me within two weeks! I have now been free of digestive pains and have felt the best I have in many years, thank you so much for all your professional help and personal engagement, I really appreciate it. Kate Veenstra – Melbourne, Australia
My name is Olivia and I live in Auckland, NZ. I have been following your Candida Crusher Program. It was completely mind blowing, because I knew there was something wrong with me, but I just couldn’t explain what or even why! Everything you had written in your articles is exactly how I have been feeling for decades. After doing the different home ttests that you had suggested, it was definitely the confirmation I needed. Thank you for writing such a great series on candida articles! Regards, Olivia, Auckland, NZ
“A Passionate Health-Care Professional” Thanks very much for your time and the info. I always come out of talking to you feeling so much better, having all my questions answered – and providing so much more info on my candida and digestive issues as well. It is such a pleasure (and a relief!) to know you and to at last be in touch with a real, genuine, knowledgeable and passionate natural health ‘professional’ Lindsay, 55yrs, Wellington, NZ
“Thank you for helping me to solve your digestive problems” Hi Eric, Matt here, I can not thank you enough for helping me solve my digestion problems. I have had just over two weeks avoiding the foods I am not supposed to have and have started your Candida Crusher program and I feel great to say the least. My stomach no longer hurts, I have energy again and my mental health almost instantly switched back to normal and I have not suffered any depression since. I would like to organize a time to call you for a phone consult to make sure I am giving my body everything it needs and I would also like to discuss the bowel as I still have some bloating and still not forming solid stool. Matt, 27yrs, Gold Coast – Australia (Picture Hidden for Privacy Reasons)
The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.
No content on this site may be reused in any fashion without written permission of Dr. Bakker. The information and facts are intended to help and support, not replace, the relationship that exists between you and your doctor.
PO Box 8739, HaveLock North, 4157 New Zealand
Click here to get Candida Treatment Solution – Candida Crusher – Permanent Yeast Infection Solution at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Candida Treatment Solution – Candida Crusher – Permanent Yeast Infection Solution is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
The post Candida Treatment Solution – Candida Crusher – Permanent Yeast Infection Solution appeared first on The Dietian.
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jccreviews · 6 years
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PaleoHacks Cookbooks Review
PaleoHacks Cookbooks are created for people who would like to lose weight, stay and get fit, stay healthy and gain energy. Although some people do not believe in Paleolithic diets, the advantages of not consuming packaged foods are just too many to mention. In this PaleoHacks Cookbooks review, we will show you what PaleoHacks Cookbooks are all about, as well as the pros and cons of purchasing these guides.
What is Paleo Diet?
Paleo diet is a diet based around eating unprocessed and organic foods. Just because athletes, celebrities and fitness experts adopted it into their lifestyle, it is now considered as one of the fastest growing diet in the world.
With this kind of diet, the food is natural and fresh because in its principles, the meals avoid processed products such as industrial bakery or processed meat products or foods with high sodium content.
The Paleolithic diet defends the consumption of meat of animals raised in freedom and fed with natural pastures, and avoids eating meats with hormonal treatments. I know it sounds hard. That is why, PaleoHacks Cookbooks exists, to make your life easier.
What are the Advantages of Paleo Diet?
Help keep you healthy and consequently thin, strong and full of vitality.
Calories are not counted or food is weighed. It eats with hunger until it is satiated without restrictions, respecting the foods of the Origin diet.
A maximum of 3 meals per day are made. With periods of intermittent fasting that allow our digestive and immune system to rest. Our ancestors only ate plants and animals sporadically, since they lacked constant supply of food as they are today. Therefore, the human being adapted to store fat to use it as energy in times of scarcity. Nowadays, excessive amounts of carbohydrates are consumed, storing much more fat than can be spent.
Robb Wolf says that this diet helps fight diseases caused by our current diet, full of refined foods, trans fats and sugars that cause degenerative diseases such as obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, disease of Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, depression, infertility, pathologies that generate autoimmune diseases and other conditions such as acne, food intolerances, headaches, discomforts or inflammations. Our ancestors of the Paleolithic and at the same time the studies of the hunter-gatherers showed practically no heart attack or stroke while eating ancestral diets.
It does not contain gluten, so it is suitable for celiac.
All processed foods are considered poison along with soft drinks, and refined sugars. This theory is supported by the entire scientific community. By not consuming all these foods, the production of insulin is moderated.
The necessary carbohydrates of fruits and vegetables are obtained together with essential micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.).
Reduces the appetite and increases the efficiency of metabolism without going hungry.
It reduces the bad cholesterol and triglycerides in blood, and increases the good cholesterol.
Prevents constipation.
And so much more.
What are PaleoHacks CookBooks?
PaleHacks Cookbooks were created through a team effort in conjunction with numerous proponents of this lifestyle. These cookbooks are meant for people who want strong lean muscles, a flatter stomach, better digestion, younger looking skin, more brain clarity, and a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and cancer.
PaleoHacks Cookbooks offer more than 125 nice sounding recipes you may not have tasted or seen before. The recipes cover all categories of food, including snacks, main meals, desserts, and salads, which do away with the boredom that comes with plowing through the same meals over and over.
According to the book, you can enjoy virtually every health benefit under the sun if you follow its guidelines. The recipes in this cookbook are created by enthusiasts who want to help others get the incredible results that they have experienced.
Click Here To Learn More About PaleoHacks Cookbooks
  Who are the PaleoHacks Team?
The PaleoHacks Team is the single biggest online community with ten thousands of people who are actually living in the Paleo lifestyle. According to their official website, they have over 25 team members, 13 of which are writers and 6 are creators.
Their goal is to make people think of Paleo as a lifestyle, and not just a set of strict rules that they need to follow. The community was created because these Paleo enthusiasts wanted a place where they can help people make the best, healthiest choices possible.
What You Will Get
PaleoHacks Cookbook – The cookbook that we’ve been talking about in this PaleoHacks Cookbook Review.
PaleoHacks 30-Day Jumpstart – This jump start guide will get you started on your Paleo Diet journey, and make sure that you are able to actually make a permanent, positive change in your health.
The Paleo Food Guide – With this food guide, you’ll have a complete list of foods to choose from, and open up new delicious meals for you to eat! From this guide alone, you will get a complete list of healthy, delicious paleo foods, their seasonality and a Paleo shopping list.
Eating Paleo at Restaurants – This manual will show you how to eat at restaurants and stay Paleo, sample meals you can order at restaurants which are delicious and available almost anywhere, and how to avoid foods that secretly have gluten or dairy in them.
The Paleo 4x Cookbook – If you are not a fan of lengthy cooking in the kitchen, this cookbook is filled with delicious and paleo friendly recipes that just use 4 ingredients. In here, you will learn 65 quick and easy paleo recipes that you can cook anytime.
One-Month Paleo Meal Plan – Planning meals help you make preparation easier. This manual will give you some ideas on how much to eat and what to eat. The meal plans included in here consists of the 125 delicious recipes that you can find in the PaleoHacks Cookbooks. All you have to do is to choose when you want to eat them!
Sample PaleoHacks Cookbooks Recipes
Let me share a delicious recipe we had recently and found in the book. Some could literally eat this for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It’s that good.
Marinara Chili
1 Tablespoon raw, certified organic, extra virgin coconut oil
2 Pounds ground beef (or other ground meat of choice)
1 Organic onion, chopped
2-3 cloves organic garlic
1 jar of organic Marinara sauce (or make it yourself)
Diced organic tomatoes
5 teaspoons organic cumin
2-3 teaspoons organic chili powder
1-2 teaspoons organic thyme leaves
2 teaspoons Celtic sea salt
A couple of Serrano peppers (or jalapenos, or Anaheim peppers)
Sauté onions & garlic until they are browned
Add cumin, chili powder, meat and thyme
Stir mixture in pot or pan
Pour marinara sauce, add peppers, salt, and tomatoes. Mix.
Simmer for at least an hour
I’ve found the saltier it is the better it tastes. So, I like adding in more salt. But that’s just me.
Putting Serrano peppers on food processors to make a puree tastes amazing. You might also want to try it out.
Instead of salsa, we use Marinara sauce. It tastes amazing as well.
If you ever want to impress someone with your cooking – this is the recipe to use.
  Chili-Garlic Chicken Skewers
(Serves 2)
6 Wooden Skewers, soaked in cold water for 30 minutes
2 Chicken Breasts, diced
1 tbsp. Olive Oil
1 tsp. Red Chilies, seeds removed & finely chopped
4 Garlic Cloves, minced
6 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
Preheat oven to 350 F or preheat barbeque grill on high heat.
To make sauce, combine the oil, chilies, garlic, and lemon juice in a small bowl. Set aside for a few minutes.
Thread diced chicken onto skewers and place on an oven tray lined with baking paper.
Pour chili and garlic sauce over the chicken, coating well.
Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes or until chicken is cooked. If cooking on a grill, cook chicken for 5-6 minutes on each side.
Pros and Cons
Easy To Follow
One of the most common complaints about being in Paleo Diet is that it is boring or too hard. That is the reason why PaleoHacks Cookbooks has been made with clear instructions so that anyone can follow.
Includes Quick Meal Recipes
A lot of people struggle when they start this path because they do not have the capability to cook delightful meals quickly. These eBooks promise to teach you how you can cook some Paleolithic delicious foods in just a few minutes.
Wide Range of Recipes
As I have said a while ago in this PaleoHacks Cookbooks Review, it contains more than 125 paleo recipes. You can choose from a wide range of recipes and all of them are tasty.
Great Choice of Ingredients
The ingredients used in the recipes are designed to help you feel fuller for longer, which will help you avoid eating unhealthy foods and snacks.
Perfect for People with Gluten Allergy
The recipes contained use organic foods only, which is good for people with a gluten allergy.
Paleo Community
One of the biggest advantages of purchasing this book is to become a member of the PaleoHacks community. Nothing beats connecting with like-minded people. Through getting support followers, it will be easier for you to ask for opinions from people who know better about this diet.
Free Bonuses
When you purchase the Paleo Hacks Cookbook, you will also get bonus gifts worth $135 for free. These bonus gifts include 5 additional manuals that will help you take your results to the next level.
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Purchasing everything makes it risk-free. You can try some recipes found in this book over the weekend, and if for whatever reason you are not satisfied, you can get your money back. You just have to contact the PaleoHacks support team and you will get your full refund.
Requires Effort
Even though the team has made the PaleoHacks Cookbooks easy to comprehend, choosing to go paleo diet means giving up on modern foods that you used to have. Which means, you need to adopt to a change in lifestyle. If you are still unsure if you can do this, it may require a lot of effort on your part.
Does Not Contain Photos
Although the recipes in the cookbook do not come with photos, the team has made sure that they are accessible to the most talentless and inexperienced cooks, so that even they can move past bacon and eggs.
Are PaleoHacks Cookbooks Worth it?
Eating Paleo can be difficult, because it’s hard to figure out what to cook. Having this great cookbook means that you will have a great collection of delicious recipes that are already planned out for you.
PaleoHacks Cookbooks provides a lot of information, much more than most other eBooks. It is beautifully produced and it also includes information about the Paleo diet, its benefits and how you can adopt healthier habits into your lifestyle.
So, are PaleoHacks Cookbooks worth your time and money? Well my answer is YES. If you are interested in giving the Paleo diet a try, it’s a great introduction to the lifestyle and it will teach you what you need to know.
PaleoHacks Cookbooks Review
If you’re searching for more Paleo recipes for dips, snacks, salad and other mouth-watering meals, lucky for you! The Paleo Cookbooks is a very much recommended solution. With it, you get 125 delicious, mouthwatering recipes, detailed, full color bonus guides which help get you started as fast as possible. Plus, you will also get proven tips to help you with other Paleo “issues” like how to eat Paleo (and enjoy yourself) at restaurants.
You can get your copy of PaleoHacks Cookbooks by clicking here.
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