#and for some reason tellign left from right
shirecorn · 3 years
I found you cause of the plane post, sometimes a post of yours circulates and Im like oh YOU made that one?? Its also nice seeing all my mutuals reblogs your posts cause Im like ‘hehe I follow the person who made that’
your mutuals could follow me too if they were as cool and sexy as you
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yourtaintedvixen · 7 years
Shina 100 facts
1. What do they smell like?
Honey & silk  naturally but sometimes flowers due to her shampoos/soaps/perfumes
2. What is their voice like?
She has a very quiet and calm voice with a french accent like the french singer Indila
3. What is their biggest motivator?
Shina’s biggest motivator has to be her books, she really loves and enjoys them and some have such moving storys that they motivator her to carry on with life in genral.
4. What is their most embarrassing memory?
Probably when she was asked to join a threesome and she pratically ran away from being to flustered 
5. How do they deal with/react to pain?
Shina does not deal with physical very well at all and has a very low pain tolerance so usually ends up crying . however when it comes to emotinal pain she usually hides it behind a smile so is very good at hiding it and tends to do so
6. What do they like to wear?
dresses, any and all kinds as long as they are a dress she will wear them
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
In all honeslty probably her relationship with Ai, her past relations haven’t been good and its usually people use her and abuse her a lot to get what they want out of her but Ai spends time with her and is just as affectionate as she is maybe just a little more then she is but thats something she needed some who wants the whole package that is shina ;;
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten?
dragon fruit but even thats quite tame, she did like it
9. Describe the way that they sleep.
on her stomach sprawled out on the bed, as a baby that how she would lay on a night and has done ever since, its very comforting to her and the fastest way she falls asleep.
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food?
any kind of fruit, she really likes grapes or anything sweet really as long as its a fruit, she isn’t really that keen on junk food
11. What do they feel most insecure about?
For shina its her ears, she dislikes them and often calls them usless. with her being deaf and her ears stuck up for everyone to see it makes her hate them and ontop of that they are rather sensative to touch which makes her hate them even more.
12. How do they like to dress?
Japanese fashion , she loves the bright beautiful colours and embraces them
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt?
she usually stays quiet when feeling guilty and tends to go out her way to fix whatever she feels guilty about
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal?
she acts as though its fine and alright but when by herself she will cry a lot and hide in her room and refuse to leave
15. What is their greatest achievement?
right now i don’t think shina has a greatest achievement since she hasn’t really done much.
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep?
she will be fine though will yawn a lot and if someone sits her down and lays her down she will instantly fall to sleep
17. What are they like when they’re drunk?
when drunk she is flirty and very touchy feely but she has never been drunk to a point that side of her comes out.
18. What kind of music do they enjoy?
shina is deaf and cannot hear music but she sometimes can feel the vibrations of music and put together a beat
19. Are they right or left handed?
both! this way she can write using both hands at the same time
20. Fears?
heights | fish | vampires?
21. Favorite kind of weather?
Rain or snow its the only weather she can feel physically on her skin so she enjoys it
22. Favorite color?
Pastel Green
23. Do they collect anything?
book! all kinds from all over the world she especially fond of fairytales and has always secretly wished she could be like one of the princesses in her books
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more?
Cold weather, it give her excuses to hug people and for people to come over to the castle since its rather warm there
25. What is their eye color?
26. What is their race/ethnicity?
white asian
27. Hair color?
pastel blue
28. Are they happy where they are currently?
yes very much so : 3
29. Are they a morning person?
yep! tbh shina is an all day round person she can wake up at any time and be her happy chirpy self
30. Sunrise or sunset?
both! she loves the nice vivid colours that come with both
31. Are they more messy or more organized?
organized, she has to be otherwise the castle would be a mess
32. Pet peeves?
people who are rude or ignore her | people who destroy / disface books for no reason
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance?
Shina has a jewllery box on her dresser which holds a bunch of notes written by her mother to shina when she was pregnant with shina as well as her mothers wedding ring and various other small things that belonged to her. since her mother died during child birth these are all she has of her mother.
34. Least favorite food?
35. Least favorite color?
36. Least favorite smell?
37. When was the last time they cried?
a while ago when she found out lirco was dead and was fed up of people lying to her
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried?
yes she was with Ai actually
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured?
she broke her leg once as a child when she fell out a tree, her nannies and maid kept tellign her a lady can’t play outside and do un-lady like stuff so she climbed a tree and then fell out of it.
40. Do they have any scars?
yes she has a scar on her right-hand side from when she fought with callum as a child and callum dug his nails into her side leaving a mark. its barley noticable now as well as a few others in other places.
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues?
shina does struggle with a very mild form of depression which is why she often puts herself down.
42. Do they have any bad habits?
being clingy?
43. Why might someone dislike them?
she’s a pushover and doesn’t tend to stand up for herself so it makes her weak in peoples eyes
44. Why might someone love them?
she’s very caring and pretty?
45. Do they believe in ghosts?
of course she does ! very much so
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives?
she’s a very trusting person so there is a few she would trust with her life though im pretty sure about only 4 people would actually want to keep her alive if it came down to it
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone?
yes she is
48. Are they dating/married to anyone?
i suppose they are dating since they go on dates
49. Do they like surprises?
yeah from time to time but not when she’s asleep
50. When is their birthday?
June 22nd
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday?
She usually has a ball in her home town though she doesn’t stay long, she is usually there for an hour and then people forget its to celebrate her birthday and she’s left alone so she prefers to spend her birthdays alone rahter then being forgotten.
52. Do they have any family?
yes she has her father as well as a few cousins, aunts, uncles ect she also considers callum’s mother and father her own
53. Are they close to their family?
No she was never close with her father but she is close with callum’s parents since they raised her.
54. What is their MBTI type?
Advocate (INFJ-t)
55. What is their zodiac sign?
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in?
57. What D&D alignment are they?
Lawful good
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about?
no, she tends not to have them but when she does its usually about being left alone
59. What are their views on death?
Shina isn’t really scared of death she jsut sees it as a peaceful sleep more then anything else. how she dies is what she is scared of.
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at?
Puns! she really enjoys them and they make her giggle or even being tickled
61. When bored, how do they pass time?
she tends to read a book or work on her fanfictions
62. Do they enjoy being outside?
on the night time she does, she enjoys the stars and the cool breeze that comes with it
63. Do they have an accent?
yes a french one : 3
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction?
she isn’t too bothered by it since she isn’t a fan of cake but she would probably take it and put it away for callum
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say?
She would accept it and probably act as though things are normal and try not to tell anyone with the fear of upsetting them
66. How do they feel about sex?
Shina has doesn’t know anything really about sex apart from that it hurts the first time which actually makes her scared of it because of her low pain tolerance. she would probably be all for foreplay but very nervous when it came to the actual thing.  
67. What is their sexuality?
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood?
no, not really, growing up with someone who has lupus sadly it was a common sight so she isn’t sqeamish about it
69. Is there anything that they find really gross?
puss like infections and stuff it makes her sick even just thinking of it
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them?
um im actually not really sure
71. Do they enjoy helping people?
yep, even when scared she will go out her way to help someone in need
72. Are they allergic to anything?
73. Do they have a pet?
yeah, she has a cat that doesn’t like her but she loves it regardless
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper?
it takes a lot to upset shina, and its very very rare she looses her temper but when she does she will not be afraid to smack whoever has upset her
75. How patient are they?
very patient indeed
76. Are they good at cooking?
she’s good at baking more then cooking but she can cook
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often?
shina doesn’t insult people so doesn’t have a favorite insult
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy?
she squeaks or chirps and usually nuzzles if its a person who made her happy
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears?
she lets them take their time in explaining them to her and sometimes will help the ones that want help and offer support to the ones that don’t
80. Are they trustworthy?
yeah, she doesn’t tell anyone anything unless she thinks a person is in danger
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it?
she hides negative emotions and oh boy she is very good at it
82. Do they exercise regularly?
no she doesn’t really like it though she will go for a run or a swim if asked to
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look?
she is comfortable with her body but not with the way she looks and can often put herself down, she is slowly disliking how she looks so on good days she’s alright with herself and bad days she isn’t
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people?
she likes peoples smiles and eyes but she really isn’t too much into looks its more of their personality
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive?
confident, affectionate personalities with a sensative side to them that she can see
86. Do they like sweet foods?
yep but its mostly fruit rather then cakes and cookies ect
87. What is their age?
shina is about 19+
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between?
she is very short 4'9
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts?
none she has perfect eyesight
90. Do they consider themselves attractive?
no she doesn’t at all really which is why she get rather confused when people compliment her apperance
91. What is their sense of humor like?
she has a well balanced sense, she likes her jokes but knows not to take them too far
92. What mood are they most often in?
she is mostly just mellow and neutral maybe a little happy
93. What kinds of things anger them?
lies, she can not stand them
94. Outlook on life?
she’s an optimism
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed?
other people crying, over thinking things
96. What is their greatest weakness?
she is a pushover so often gets used by people
97. What is the greatest strength?
she’s very kind and caring
98. Something that they regret?
she regrets saying horrible things to a person who is dead now and she knows she can’t take them back.
99. Biggest accomplishment?
she doesn’t really have one yet ;;
100. Create your own!
quote her?
"do you really want to have a bath with me that badly?"
-shina , 2017
DONE X’D okay now @hour-glass-giwa you do Ai >v>
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mylockholmes · 7 years
Reclaimed Crown  ~ Part 4
Authors note: the text post are @deepsexts
Part One  Part Two  Part Three
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she sat staring at him “this is so awkward. we are both intelligent people and you can’t even figure out how to be comfortable with the sex talk.”
“Before i get to that i wanted to thank you for being patient with me.  this....has all taken a lot of adjustemtn for everyone involved. and of course last week we dealt with Eurus.” he sighed when he mentioned his sister. “Yopu seem to be the least troubled one in our family.”
“You are not going to convince me to work for the government i want to to do somethign where i can work with Molly and Charlie. I don;t want to be professional dancer it is just a hobby.” 
he looked at her and sighed “I wish i had been so sure of myself when i was your age most of where i am today i fell into by chance due to protecting sherlock from his addictions. Part of the reason i am glad you didn;t come to london until last year because Surelock may have done thigns that would have indirectly harmed you.”  he caressed her cheek. 
He stammered his way through an explantion of human reporduction “Sex isn’t to be taken lightly. One can hope if you ended up in the same situtation you were created from. that young Mister Msdaniel would take responsibility.”
“You’re the anonymous benefactor that paid for me to study in Copenhagen for three months.” he smiled at her “Daddy, i am not an idiot and Charlie isnlt either. we are waiting until it feels right.”
“How about we go somewhere for dinner. my flat is sadly in need of food and i need a change.”  
“as long as you eat a slice of cake i know it is one of your guilty pleasures.” she said as they went to his “By the way for fouture reference i was hte only one who was fully paying attention during human reproduction the only part of the biolgy classes my mind wandered durign was disection.”
“You found the false panel in the back of the cabinet?”
“six weeks ago. you are an adult you shouldnlt pretend you don;t like cake. by the way why did you take charlie to the Diogenes Club.”
“it is where i go to relax i figured he needed a quiet place that wasn’t surrounded by death.” he was also debating admitting younger members to the club and changing things up a little because having his daughter around made him realize he didn;t have to pretend like he didn’t matter.”I spent so much of my life creating a comfort zone. and I didnlt even let anyone in the family into that often.”
“Ifigured that otu the first timei  saw your flat it is a lirrle more closed in than 221B.” she said 
the next day at Charlie’s flat “I think in his way Dad has accepted you into his inner circle.” she started giggling when he kissed her neck
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“he really had the sex talk with you i am trying to Imagine Mycroft Holmes.” he said “is this because i am five years older than you and he thinks that since i m guy i bug you for sex.” 
“he;s just trying to be normal dad which is hard considering he controls assassins and is datign hte prime minister.” she laughs as he kisses her neck “at least let me put my phone in the table drawer before you start cuddling it took me an hour to find it last time.”
He nuzzled his face into her neck “I passed my architecture finals.” they both knew Mycroft was the reason reporters weren’t hanging out outside the building he lived in. “My anatomy finals are next week and i think my professor thinks of me as a fluke.”
“Charles Mcdaniel, listen to me. you are beign taught anatomy by one of the most brilliant women in England. You will be able to pass anatomy finals.  After your semester is ove r we can go to Italy for a few weeks.”  
“Why not next week.”
“Because i convinced dad to clear his schedule for a few days so we can go to paris. we havenlt gone on trip at all since i came to London.” she looked at him and giggled as he kissed her nose “Maybe when we go on our trip i will be ready for that next step.” 
“are you sure?”
she nodded.
a week later in paris
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“So the real reson you have absolutely no peoper way to act when sherlock shows you pictures of Rosie is it reminds you of all the moments you missed with me?” Lucy said as they stood on the balsony watchign the night life of paris go on below them
“Yes. In part. and it also makes me wish i had lived my life a little more. I love your uncle. But sometimes feelign obligated to watch over him feels like a burden.”
“I figured htere was reason that John is almost the exact same age you are. you needed someone you knew you could trust to balance out sherlock and become his friend withut making him worse.”
“i suppose so. By the way you speak french better than i did when i was your age.”
Meanwhile i nthe St Bart’s Morgue ”Charlie i know you can get this right. we need a break.”  lets play some music 
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“You’re right We’ve been goign ovet the information for my exam for 8 hours.”  the turth was he missed Lucy and he knew he could call her but he didnlt want to interrupt her bonding time “i am kind of hungry i forget to eat when LUcy;s not around.”  he takes off his rupbber gloves and washes his hands
“I think sherlock is goign to ask me to Marry him but hels waitign Until Lucy and Mycroft get back. I am sure Lucy is goign to take you the Anniversary party for her Grandparents’ wedding anniversary.”
“Mrs. Holmes invited me. It is hard to believe such sweet people raised Mycoft.” he said
“well if you want to be tchnical Sherlock and Mycroft were what americans call latchkey kids.” Mycroft said as she entered. “I was bringing Rose to the pedtrican for a check up and decided to see if you two needed somethign to eat.”
they both laugh “I fact we were about to take a break. this young man is having hard time focusing on his studied with Lucy in Paris with Mycroft.” Molly said “here is my little god-daughter?”
“She;s being fawned over by the nurses upstairs. they still have hard time beliieving that sherlock Holmes delivered a bab y in the back seat of a car. let alone that I asked him to the be the baby’s godfather.”
Molly “have i ever told you about hte day of Rosie’s christening?” she paused “t a was few months before Lucy came to London and Sherlock was tryign to keep his mind occupoed and he wouldnlt stop texting for like two weeks. I hade to keep tellign him to put his phone away! he finally quit when i elbowed him.”
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Charlie laughed ‘Good grief that must have been a sight.” he paused “xan we go somewhere where can get soemthign a bit stronger than tea.  and i am not talking about coffee.”  he respected Lucy;s rule about not drinkign aroudn her but he needed something like scotch or something “Before they left to go on their trip Mycroft invited me to be the first of new genration and new chapter in the History of hte Diogenes Club.”
“I think it means hels taking Lucy;s advise on broadening his social circle the way she described that place to me it is depressing it is all bunch of men who could be sittign around having intelligent conversation but they all just sit around reading and being antisocial in a room together.”
“we could go to my house. because I am not taking Rosie to a pub.” Mary said.
In Paris......Mycroft looked at Lucy :Ican see that looks in your eyes. it is okay with me if you make a Quick Phone call to Charles. He probably misses you. you;ve been apart for three days.”
Lucy goes into the next room and texts charlie
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Shrlie reads the text and grins “I’ll be right back.” he steps outside and calls Lucy :”I miss you baby.  how is hte trip going?”
Lucy smiled “I love you, Charlie. I miss you.” she paused “the trip is goign fine Dad saw i was missing you and said it would be alright if i called you.”
he laughed “I was avoiding callign you because I didnlt want to itnerrupt your time with your father.” he texts him a picture of Paris “Maybe someday we can go to Paris together.”
“I havenlt even discussed hte fact that his girlfriend toffered me a Job as an intern in her pr department. i will pay well it and it involves photography.” before the battery in ehr phone die she sends him one ore text 
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“Thanks for understanding Dad. I wanted to devote my time to you but seeing the couples along hte river posing for chracatures amd kissing made me think fof Charlie.”
In London......
“Ack, Molly is it insane that i want to marry Lucy.  i even know what i want to say to her.” he pauses “Frget a hicky i want to mark you with my name.”
they squeeled a little “that’s so precious. “ 
“Lucy is very special person. i am not just saying because her mother  is a semi retired CIA agent.  she’s a clever per.” Molly said 
Mary comes into the livign room with Rosie “Rosie is being too stubborn to sleep so i brought her in.”
Charlie “It surprises me that you chose Sherlock as a God father.”
“He is John’s best friend. and Molly and greg balance out Sherlock though.”
Molly “I think it is partly to get Sherlock to spend more time with me.”
“Maybe.” she loved being Mary Watson more than she liked her life as an assassin.”
In Paris
they sit on the couch in their suite. “tell me what Quentin was like as a father. I know you adored the man before you realized i was your father.” lucy rested her head on his chest. 
“i remember whenever i was sick and couldnlt leave collinwood he would have the servants take me to the grand dining room andlet me rest, on the chaise, he would play classical music on his piano until i fell asleep.  on my 13th Birthday he took me to Florida. not to the well known theme parks but to out of way museums.”  
“Did he ever compose and original tune for you? Sherlock mentioned you asked him to compose somethign for your 21sr Birthday.” 
“He never really brought it up but i think he wanted for my 18th Birthday. because found blank sheet music before i met you that said for Lucy, on it.”
“He did have a point. He knew i would never talk to you.  i regret not having the nerve to talk to you sooner. Anastasia was name i suggested..” Mycroft said
“How are things Going between you and Lady Smallwood?”  she said grinning, she knew he would never bring it up “I figured it had to have been suggested from Someone because Olivia was her Grandmother’s name.”
“i am not sure what to say about MY relationship with Lady Smallwood. it is all new to me i;ve never been in a relationship before. I’ve spent most of my life since age age 13 taking care of Sherlock. I need to do somethign for myself and let Sherlock be Sherlock.”
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Lucy stands up “I’m going to order Cake from room service you need to Indulge. we are on Vacation.” she said as she called room service and ordered two slices of cake and two glasses of milk. “Merci.”
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An hour later “I need to remember to indulge once in while it will always be enriching. You should take hte Job with lady Smallwood. It would be good on future resumes.  It will be a good way for you to stay in London while Charles is studying Medicine.” 
“You knew about that?” 
“she asked me if i thought it would be a good idea. Not many americans get chance to work for the British Government.” he smiled, for the first time in his life he had somethign to be proud of. “You are remarkable young woman. i only wish i had taken part in raising you sooner.”
“You are doing just fine dad. stop dragging yourself down.” she looked at him “You are an amazing personand you are doing your best. I am honestly amazed that all of Sherlock’s friends accepted me.” she said as she started to yawn.  she goes itn othe bathroom to brush her teeth and get ready for bed while Mycroft  places the tray out i nthe hall for housekeeping to pick up.
a few days later when they return to London Charlie is waiting there
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“I;ve done some stupid shit. But asking you out was one of the best decisions in my life.” he said as he kissed her “Your dad’s car is waiting outside.”  he smiled “I’m here. I intend to stay.”
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Mycroft decided to give them space as they walked out to the car, he honestly liked their energy he spent so much time around serious people
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“I missed you so much, Lulu Bell.” he said as they got to the car and he helped the driver put the luggage in the trunk
“I missed you too, Charlie.”  she smiled “How did you do on your final.”
“I don’t know it will take the professor a week to grade everything/ but i was able to study better after i talked to you.” 
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Mycroft rolled up the window after he got in..
To Be continued......
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Good bye
grieving and how people act during death
I recieved a phone call to come to the hospital.
At the point hadn’t realsied the severity of the situation until i layed my eyes on her. 
I figured she must of fallen over, for some reason even predicting that she was going to die by live cerossis when i was 14 still seemed so far fetched.
I got to the emergency room and was show to her bed where I laid eye on her.
There is a moment, where you know you are seeing the last of someones days. Maybe you cant say it out loud out of fear of being insensitive, or wrong. But you know, just as I would have the same instinct when it was ocming to her last breath.
She looked at me, and I could sense shame, in her face. We all knew it had gone as far as it could go this time..
Her eyes yellow, belly bloated and skin the most ungodly color, already she had tubes coming out of her, and capillaries broken. She was drunk, even now. Maybe on medication, but she was leaving this world.
The doctors came in to the room and asked to speak to the family, my ears perked up from staring at my feet and replied ‘that’s me’
the doctor than asked me when someone over 18 would arrive, and I said they wouldn’t because my sister and I all she has.
Looking concerned he left.
I wouldnt find out anything from her failing condition, even today the only information i have on her death certificate is it was liver cerossis hepatitis B and that her lungs had started failing when they moved her to ICU.
SHe lived for 2 weeks in hospital. She went mad first. Before she went into a coma she lost her mind.
She forgot who I was, and would ask me to put Oprah and ELlen on the TV but I couldnt because I had no money the hospital charged 7 dollars.
When she wa smoved to ICU I called her mother/my grandma and told her it was time to come say goodbye,
she did visit for a few days and left for ‘bf’s shop
and i was left in a room of doctors tellign us they had decided to pull her life support and she wouldnt be cause for a liver transplant because of her addiction
I couldnt say no to the decision.. usually you can say no but because I was under 18 I had nor ights
the doctors said had she woken up, she wouldve been alive for a year and needed constant car and been in a vegetative state
some family friends tried to challenge me on right of attorney when she was dying and it was an awful mess
she thought she was doing the right thing
even told to doctors my sister and i were ‘estranged’ as if i didnt care my mom was dying
this hurt the most
as she and my moms friends had been part of the problem in the first place non of them brave enough to tell my mom she had a problem - even when mys ster and I moved out it was because of ‘what terrible children she had’
we were told she wouldnt live for 24hrs after the breathing tubed was removed
wathcing shitty tv and getting long as adults
she did,
Her chest was wearily cascading up and down, the sounds of a body physically giving up, the IV clicked, her eyes saturated and tired from not being able to close properly, death was here. Death was right infront of all of us. The moments you watch someone die, no one prepares you for, you can feel it happening, you can feel them slipping, no matter visible wound you can always feel every breath and last moment of a soul leaving. If there had been any evidence for the soul it would be watching one leave a body. I took her hand, I whispered repeatedly I forgive you, I will always love you, and to please remember me wherever she was or wasn’t remember, she didn’t squeeze my hand back, i don’t even think she could hear me but the who ever is there to comfort you when you die is love. The moments we cant prepare for, who ever grabs your hand is who without saying anything at all knows I am here for you, I am here for all of us. I watched her chest, up and down - breath - up and down - rattle - up and down gul - up and down. gone. 
She was gone. 
every step I took the floor sank, my words loose with disbelief, of what I had witnessed let go of her hand and responsibility set in. I walked to night nurse and I said ‘I think she’s gone now, she’s gone’ 
and she looke dme over with deep empathetic eyes and let me walk away without needing to reply. I walked back to the room. Held my moms hand once more, but she wasn’t there anymore
she was just a capsule for someone who was. empty.
I looked at my sister. We gathered our things and walked down the hall together, now orphans. 
it was over.
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