#and an interesting idea i had: since this book's named river
serpentandlily · 3 months
Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny II
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Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny II - Eris x Archeron!Reader
Summary: You find yourself ensnared by a sly, cunning fox. A very handsome, irritating one.
Warnings: none
a/n: sorry for the long wait with this one! Hope you guys like it!
Part I
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You slipped into the private library in the House of Wind, humming slightly to yourself. The faint scent of crackling embers and something else indiscernible met your nose as the door slammed shut behind you but you brushed it off, figuring it must've come from the fireplace on the other side of the large room. 
You meandered to the section that was filled with romance books—the ones Nesta had made sure to stock up on ever since she became the owner of this place along with Cassian. You brushed your fingers against the spines of the books, pulling out some that had interesting titles and stacking them in your arms. 
A Heart Ablaze.
The Prince of Fire.
Your skirt flitted against the tops of your boots as you walked. You bit your lip, pulling out another book. This one titled, The Flames that Bind Us. You’d read it before but it was one of your favorites. 
“You should be a bit more aware of your surroundings, bunny. You have no idea what sort of monsters are lurking around.”
You gasped, jumping in fright and dropping your stack of books to place a hand on your chest. You whirled around with a wildly beating heart. 
You had recognized the voice immediately but you were still taken aback to see Eris lounging in one of the armchairs by the fireplace. He was sprawled out in the chair like it was his throne, a glass of whiskey in one hand and his other lightly stroking the soft velvet of the armrest. His red hair gleamed the same color as the burning flames behind him. 
Your gaze dipped to his chest, to his cream colored tunic that had a few buttons undone, exposing the silver layered jewelry resting against his chest. He wore dark brown breeches, perfectly tailored for his long legs and brown riding boots. How he managed to make such casual clothing look elegant and refined was beyond you. 
When you met his eyes again, those devastating amber eyes, Eris gave you a fox-like grin that looked anything but friendly. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked as you bent down to pick up the books you had dropped. You held them against your chest like a shield. 
“That is no way to address a Lord,” Eris purred. 
You huffed, fighting the urge to roll your eyes.
“Apologies, my Lord,” you replied, sarcastically. “What a delight it is to see you again. What brings you to our humble court?”
Eris’s eyebrows rose in amusement. 
“If you must know, I’m here for a meeting with your High Lord and Lady,” Eris said. “Pray tell, what are you doing here, bunny?” 
His eyes darted to the books in your arms and you blushed, trying to discreetly cover the titles. Eris didn’t need to know your reading preferences. 
“If you must know,” you said, mocking him, “I live here.” 
You split time between here and the River House. Mostly because Nesta had once accused you of favoring Feyre. You hated nothing more than to be used as a pawn against your sisters. But being the youngest, your role in the family oftentimes required you playing mediator between your siblings. Sometimes, messenger too. 
“Poor little bunny,” Eris teased. “Locked up here in a cage.” 
“Stop calling me that!”
You glared at the handsome Lord, hating the way that made him seem even more amused. 
Eris said nothing, just twirled the glass in his hands as his eyes assessed you. You felt the hairs on your arms stand up, felt a chill run down your spine at his look. His smirk never left his face. You were quite sure he had been born wearing it. 
“Don’t you normally meet with Rhys and Feyre in Hewn City?” you asked, unable to take the silence. You should probably leave, but something kept your feet glued to the floor. 
Eris shrugged. “Sure, when our business involves Keir.” 
He spat out the older male’s name with disgust. 
“I’m surprised they didn’t order you to stay in your room knowing I was here,” he continued, his amusement back once more. “Can’t let the little bunny be ensnared by a fox again.”
His grin was more of a display of teeth. It did nothing to quell your nerves. 
“They never tell me anything,” you murmured, annoyed.
Your lips slammed shut when one of Eris’s eyebrows raised, like you had just unknowingly passed along information you shouldn’t have. 
The doors to the library slammed open and you jumped, sucking in a breath at the sudden noise. Azriel stormed in, his eyes narrowed at Eris. You suddenly felt tense, sensing the way the energy seemed to shift in the room. He stopped once he was in front of you, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
“What are you doing here?” he hissed at the redhead. “You’re supposed to be waiting for Rhys and Feyre in the war room.” 
Eris didn’t seem frightened in the slightest, unlike most fae did when staring down the shadowsinger.
He plucked a piece of lint from his tunic, unbothered. “Apologies, shadowsinger. I got lost.” 
You doubted that and by Azriel’s growl, you realized he did too. He turned to look down at you, his lips pressed in a straight line with a stern look. 
“Go,” Azriel barked, nodding his head towards the door. You bristled at the command, as if you were a dog he could order around.
But it was Eris who stood to his full height and snarled, “Don’t speak to her like that.” 
Your eyes widened in surprise. You stepped out from around Azriel to see Eris staring down the shadowsinger. You swore the flames in the fireplace grew, the crackling of the wood the only thing breaking the tense silence. 
You shifted on your feet, clearing your throat as the temperature rose—Azriel’s shadows growing with it. You placed a hand on Azriel’s shoulder, trying to calm him.
“I’ll leave,” you said softly, glancing up at Eris but his focus was on your hand touching Azriel, a muscle in his jaw ticking.
“It was lovely speaking to you again, my Lord,” you said, sarcastically, bowing your head at Eris. At the sound of your voice, you watched as Eris’s mask slipped right back into place, all the tension leaving his body. 
His gaze met yours and he shot you his infamous fox-like grin. “Indeed, Lady.” 
Azriel growled, lowly, and that was your sign to leave. You scurried out of the room, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach—the ones that had been there since the moment you laid eyes on the handsome Lord of Fire.
· · ─────── ·♡· ─────── · ·
It had taken a lot of persuasion on your part, but you had finally talked Rhys and Feyre into letting you have more of a role in their court. They had decided to let you shadow Lucien as an emissary, but so far the only place you had gone with him to was the human realm—not that you minded.
You were currently in the deserted manor that Vassa, Jurian and Lucien were now living in since the end of the war. You had just had a meeting and dinner with them, but out of politeness, had offered to clean up which left you in the kitchen alone, scrubbing dishes. You supposed you could’ve used magic, but decided on doing it the only way you knew how: the human way.
“I thought I smelt a bunny in here.”
You let out a squeak of surprise, dropping the plate you were drying back into the filled basin. Water and soap splashed all around you, speckling the smock you wore over your dress and the counter. 
You yanked a small hand towel free and began to blot at the water spots as you whirled around to face Eris. The grin he wore only infuriated you even more. 
“Must you always sneak up on me?” you grumbled, tossing the towel back on the counter. 
“You need to be more aware of your surroundings, bunny,” Eris purred. 
“Oh, for Gods’ sake, stop calling me that!” 
“Perhaps when it stops to suit you so well.”
“It doesn’t suit me now,” you argued back. “I am not some little bunny.” 
“Are you sure about that?” Eris took a step towards you but something about his demeanor made you mirror his step backwards, your backside hitting the counter behind you. His grin sharpened at your movement.
“Are you scared of me, bunny?”
Your cheeks flushed, your heart skipped a beat in your chest. 
“N-no,” you stuttered. 
He took a step closer, that fox-like grin still on his face.
“Really?” Eris mocked. “You seem quite scared.” 
“You tend to have that effect on everybody.” 
“Do I?” 
You knew he was teasing you, but it didn’t stop your heart from pounding nor did it do anything to quell the butterflies in your stomach. He was close enough now that you had to tilt your head back to look up at him. You had almost forgotten how tall he truly was.
You nodded, losing your voice as he took another step closer.
“And why is that?” 
You cleared your throat, your hands finding the edge of the counter behind you so you could brace yourself. “It probably has to do with your reputation.” 
“I have a reputation?”
The question sounded more like a joke on his tongue. Eris raised his eyebrows at you in suggestion and you swallowed audibly. 
He took another step closer, now easily within reach of you. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up, a small tremble shook your legs. But it wasn’t an unpleasant feeling. It was more like anticipation. But for what? That was the part you couldn’t figure out. 
“You know you do,” you said, narrowing your eyes. “You’ve gone to great lengths to make sure of it.” 
Something inside of you could see the mask Eris liked to wear. Another step closer and you could feel the heat coming from his body. It seemed to reach out to you, like standing near a warm fire. Your body softened in response. 
“You’re right. I have,” Eris cooed. “But I don’t care about everyone. I want to know if you are scared of me.”
He was so close now, only inches away from you, his handsome face looming over you. The sun setting caused a golden hue to stream through the window, making his crimson hair shine like molten metal.
“No,” you whispered, your head now fully tilted up to look at him. “But I think…I think I should be.” 
Based on everything you had been told about him, at least. 
Eris’s eyes darkened as he gazed down at you. The silence was thick, the tension in your body heightened. You were captive to his stare—to those whiskey amber eyes. Something ached terribly in your chest. 
Eris reached out a hand, hooking some of your hair behind a pointed ear. He leaned down, resting his hands on the counter behind you, caging you in. It almost seemed as if he was going to kiss you but instead his mouth landed by your ear.
“You’re right, bunny,” he purred. “You should be.” 
A chill ran down your spine as Eris stood back up. He seemed to relish in the way your body had responded to him, his grin turning smug and haughty. You should step away from him. Logically, you knew you should move. But something kept your feet ensnared—just like that day in the library. 
His stare held an intensity that made your mouth dry. Something loomed beneath–the weight of all the secrets he seemed to keep. Your eyes were a stark contrast to his. Wide and full of every emotion that ran through you, no deception to be found. 
Footsteps coming towards the door to the kitchen broke whatever spell you had been under. In a blink of an eye, Eris was almost on the other side of the room, his back resting against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest.
The doors pushed open and Lucien walked in. He paused on the threshold, his eyes narrowing on his brother before they drifted to you. He looked you up and down, as if he was inspecting you for damage. Seeming content that you were in one piece, he glanced warily at Eris. 
He rolled his eyes at his brother’s grin. 
“Leave Y/n alone,” Lucien grumbled. “She doesn’t like your little games. Come, you requested a meeting with me. Let’s get this over with so I take her home.” 
He nodded his head towards the door before leaving Eris to follow him. Eris gave you one last parting look on his way out. A look that would linger in your mind for the following weeks. 
· · ─────── ·♡· ─────── · ·
The Dawn Court was radiant and you couldn’t stop spinning in circles, taking in the opalescent golden stone palace, grand staircases and ornate archways. Morning glories wrapped around pillars, drooping wisterias hung from every railing. It was beautiful, breathtaking. You could hardly believe your eyes.
You smoothed down the skirt of your midnight blue ball gown, feeling slightly out of place amongst all the pretty pastel colors of the Dawn Court. It was the first time you’d been out of the Night Court, besides that slight, accidental trip to Autumn. 
Later today, you would be meeting with the rest of the High Lords, as well as Vassa and her court to discuss a peace treaty. Rhys had insisted on bringing you despite Feyre’s hesitation. But he had made the point that the humans might take more kindly to someone familiar, someone who used to be like them. 
Nesta had been the first choice, but she and Cassian were still away on their mating vacation. Elain had been set to come today instead of you until Rhys had found out that Lord Nolan and Graysen would be attending the meeting and thus, Elain was spared the uncomfortable reunion and you were put in her place.
Not that you were complaining. You were excited to finally be involved.
The courtier from Dawn led your group to the suite your court would be staying in. It was carved from sunstone, with a lavish sitting area and private dining room—all decorated beautifully with jewel-toned fabrics and cushions stacked along the thick carpet. Bird cages hung from the ceiling in the corner of the room, right next to a large window that overlooked the countryside.
Once the courtier left, Rhys was quick to throw up several wards around the room. “Don’t get too comfortable yet. Eris is slipping by to meet before the official gathering.”
Mor groaned and plopped down on a settee, throwing her arm over her eyes. 
“Perhaps you’d like to go rest for a spell in your room, Y/n?” Your sister suggested.
You saw her words for what they were though. They didn’t want you around when Eris came. You might’ve tried to argue against it but decided to not push your luck today. They were already letting you come to the meeting.
You gave her a small nod and disappeared into one of the rooms. Still feeling a bit nauseated from all the winnowing, you laid down on the soft bed and drifted off into a mid afternoon nap. 
It only felt like a second had gone by when you eventually woke. You cursed as you looked out the small bay window, seeing the sun far lower than it had been when you had fallen asleep. You rose quickly and smoothed out your hair and dress. 
You sat down at a small vanity and touched up your makeup before finally leaving your room, not even checking if they were still in a meeting with Eris or not, not wanting to be late.
Your door creaked open and several heads twisted your way—including a very handsome one with flaming red hair. You blinked in surprise, your cheeks turning a bit pink at the sudden attention.
“My apologies,” you murmured, embarrassed. “I didn’t know we still had company.”
Your eyes darted to your sister, hoping she wasn’t upset with you, but Feyre’s face didn’t falter. Her eyes only softened as she looked at you. “It’s okay, we’re almost done here anyways.” 
Eris shot up suddenly, knocking his chair back.
“What is she doing here?” he hissed. 
Your eyes widened in shock, taken aback by both his words and his tone. Rhys’s eyebrows raised and Feyre frowned at the redhead.
“What does it matter to you?” Rhys asked, his face carefully blank. 
Eris scoffed and straightened out the sleeves of his coat. The frazzled look in his eye flickered away and his perfectly crafted mask was back in place. “It matters little to me. But considering you’ve gone to such lengths keeping her hidden, I’m surprised you’d allow her here knowing who will be at this meeting. My father is going to be displeased to know that you have not three but four Made females residing in your court now. It might make him…less agreeable.”   
“You think having her here is going to cause problems with your father?”
“I know having her here is going to cause problems with my father.” 
You bristled at the way you were being spoken about as if you weren't standing in the very same room as them. 
“Why should we care about your father’s feelings on the matter?” Azriel spat out, crossing his arms. 
“You want him to sign your little peace treaty, do you not?” Eris sneered at Azriel, his tone full of condescension. 
“We also need the humans to agree upon the treaty,” Feyre cut in. “And Y/n has been working with your brother as an emissary to gain their trust. Since Lucien cannot be here, it is vital that she is present at this meeting.” 
“You're delusional if you think it’s going to be harder to get the humans to sign the treaty than my father,” Eris said in that haughty tone of his. “He still thinks about that kernel of power you took from him. Power is all that matters to him and having all four made sisters in your court is going to be an issue in his eyes.” 
“We have other ways to entice your father,” Rhys said with a shrug.
You were still taken aback, unable to even form words to leave your mouth. You hadn’t been aware that your presence would cause such drama. You were nothing. No one. Just another Archeron sister. You didn’t even have powers outside the normal High Fae ones, like summoning things and winnowing. 
You didn’t miss the blink of fear that passed through Eris’s eyes, but no one else seemed to catch it. He still stood, his palms now pressed against the table separating him from the rest of your court. 
“Why is it that no one knows about her, anyways?” he asked. “Why is it that all reports only mention the other two sisters being put in the Cauldron and not Y/n?”
A shiver ran down your spine at the sound of your name on his lips. But whatever feeling that was passed as a memory of that horrid day came at the reminder of the Cauldron. 
“Put the little one in first,” the King of Hybern ordered, smugly, as he kept eye contact with Feyre. She was pleading with him to let you go. Pleading and begging with her own life. You knew why he chose you to go in first. He knew that it would cause Feyre more grief, more stress.
The feeling of hands all over you as you fought against your binds. Hands that were dragging you closer and closer to the huge Cauldron that sat in the middle of the room. You were screaming through your gag. Tears were streaming down your face. 
You could even hear your sister’s ex lover demanding the King put a stop to this. 
“She is just a girl, a child,” someone in the room hissed. “Stop this!”
And you supposed you were—especially to the fae. You were almost seventeen, your birthday falling on the Autumn equinox, when both day and night were equal lengths. It was all you kept thinking about as you were dragged to the Cauldron.
Four months.
Four months until Autumn. 
And then you had been pushed underneath the dark water and your humanity had been stripped away from you.
Your heart was pounding at the thought of that day, of everything that had happened afterwards. Eris’s eyes flickered to you for a moment and you got the sense that he almost knew where your mind had drifted. Feyre gave you a look of concern. 
It struck you now that it had been three years since that day. 
Three years.
Three years since your life had been forever changed.
“Your contacts must not be very good at their jobs,” Rhys said in answer to Eris’s question. But you were also pondering it. Why is it that most of Prythian did not know of your existence? Why is it that the reports of that day only ever mention Nesta and Elain?
Eris didn’t look like he believed Rhysand either. 
“Fine, whatever, I don’t have time to argue with you. My father is expecting me back any moment now,” Eris finally said, standing to his full height. His gaze drifted to you for a second before he glared down at Rhys. 
“Send her away,” he spoke through his teeth and then he winnowed away, leaving only crackling embers in his wake. 
· · ─────── ·♡· ─────── · ·
a/n: I got a lil inspired by that tiktok audio that’s like “I’m spooky? Do you think I’m spooky?” or whatever for the kitchen scene if you couldn’t tell haha. I hope this second part did not disappoint! So sorry for how long you guys had to wait to read it!
Tag list: @dwkfan @pinksmellslikelove @vellichor01 @whatdoyxumean @minnieoo @hnyclover @daughterofthemoons-stuff @ferrarisbitch @thaynarajejheje @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @the-sweet-psycho
*If you asked to be on the taglist and you don't see your username, tumblr wouldn't let me tag you for some reason :(
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Touching [K. B.]
Kaz Brekker x fem!reader
word count: 4k
summary: you and Kaz share physical contact for the first time
warnings: established relationship, trauma, PTSD, spoilers for S&B season 2, here Kaz has no romantic feelings for Inej, and I don't even know where the hell this is located in canon (just imagine that the problem at the end of the series never happened) oh and Imogen's name appears in books according to google
taglist: @rustyyyyspoonz @be-lla-vie @milkshake0 @ladespedidas
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Kaz Brekker could swear that he would faint at any moment as he climbed the stairs to his room, the cane in his left hand being the only impediment for this to happen. That day he had to leave the Slat to attend to some business that was complicated by the march and resulted in a physical altercation. Fortunately he hadn't been hurt, but he couldn't say the same for the other men.
Before opening the door, he let out a tired sigh and closed his eyes for a moment, mentally reviewing the pending documents that he would surely have to review the next day, but when he entered the room, his entire train of thoughts was overwhelmed by a presence in the place.
It was you, who was sitting in his desk chair with a book in your hands, from which you looked up when you heard that he had entered. You were already wearing a faded nightgown to sleep in and your features showed tiredness, but also calm.
"Hi," you said straightening up. Kaz felt your mere presence light up the entire room and his shoulders relaxed as you spoke.
"Hello" he replied with a hint of a smile. Without saying anything he went ahead until he reached the bed and you followed him with your eyes, turning in the chair to face him.
“Is it okay if I stay here? I'm sorry I didn't ask you before”
"It’s okay" he replied quietly.
It had been a couple of months since you and Kaz had decided… how shall I put it? Try to have a relationship. You had always been firm in the idea of conquering Kaz Brekker, even with his bad reputation and his difficult nature, since you joined the crows, a few years ago. He never understood why you did it, even feeling suffocated by your attentions, but over time (and after a lot of effort) he began to feel affection for you and eventually he came as close as he could feel to love. He began to care for you, to enjoy your company, and to feel nervous whenever he looked at you, which Nina helped him interpret as a crush.
You trusted that, despite his short temper, Kaz had a good heart and he had shown that more than once. You had never received mistreatment from him (beyond his typical responses towards others), he defended all the members of your group tooth and nail and he was firm in his ideals. Yes, of course he was a criminal, a gambler, and sometimes a murderer, but you knew that he was neither the only nor the worst in The Barrel. Besides, his motives were valid… most of the time.
So it was that a few months ago, during a drunken night, you two confessed your feelings. You were too cheerful to think about what you were saying and it was inevitable that the words slipped out of your mouth like water from a river. Kaz wasn't drunk enough to stop understanding what you were saying and you have a vague recollection that he just put you to sleep and didn't say anything. But hours later, when Jesper had personally taken it upon himself to push the black-haired man to his drinking limits, he burst into your room and only told you that he liked you too. Of course, in the morning the hangover was accompanied by guilt and when you sought him out to apologize, you were surprised that he hadn't felt offended and hadn't taken back his words either. You concluded that maybe the alcohol had given both of you the courage you needed and that was okay.
For a few days the matter remained like this, but then Kaz made an appointment with you in his office and steeling himself with courage, he told you about his interest in having something with you, but warning you that, considering all his characteristics, he was possibly not the best option and what should you look for someone better if you wanted it that way. But you wanted to try things and even more so if he had been the one who proposed it.
You were patient the whole time and gave Kaz the space he needed. Sometimes you just spent time in his office, in silence, and watching him work was satisfying enough. Little by little he allowed you to enter more spaces of his daily life and although you had kept the relationship private, suspicions arose one morning when you left his room and Nina, probably the gossipiest of your friends, saw you.
A couple of times you had held his hand over his gloves and once you had kissed his cheek, only because he was too asleep to notice. It was slow progress, but you could live with it.
Now you were trying to sleep together. You'd obviously replaced Kaz’s thin mattress with a larger one and figured out a way to make it work; between him and you, you placed a line of pillows so that you avoided physical contact. Simple but effective.
"How was it?"
“It could have been better”
"You should rest" you suggested, analyzing how bad he had been after the fight that he surely had. There were no visible bumps or scratches, thankfully.
"Yeah, I will" he replied very vaguely. You saw him look up a little at you and you wondered what he was looking for "What were you reading?"
“Huh, a book that Jesper won in a bet. It is the story of a warrior princess who has to defend her kingdom”
"Sounds nice" he exclaimed. There was the beginning of a smile gracing his face and you didn't think he was aware of it, but he'd been doing it for the past couple of weeks every time you talked to him about something. Every time you spoke, simply.
"It is," you said happily. Kaz had already made a mental note about your fascination with literature, and at the next heist he planned to keep a couple of books for you, if the opportunity arose.
You wanted to continue talking to him, but the truth was that you were only waiting for him to arrive to sleep and you were sure that, although he wouldn’t admit it, Kaz needed rest as much as you did. That's why you got up from the chair and before he said anything else you sat on the bed, next to him.
"I'm tired" you murmured, making a tiny pout and watching him with tender eyes. He was very handsome, you thought of that whenever you saw him.
"Lie back, while I organize some things"
"Come on, Kaz" you complained, b because you knew these activities could last hours and he deprived himself of sleep to finish them "Tomorrow you can do it, sleep with me" you insisted, stretching out your hand until you reached his. He was wearing the gloves and your fingers slipped under his, only taking the tips around your hand.
Both of your gazes landed there, you wondering what it would feel like to hold Kaz’s hand without the leather in between and him admiring the difference in size between your hands and his. You had them damaged around the nails and the skin marked with a few moles, but for him they were perfect. When you started to move your thumb from side to side he looked up, noticing that his eyelids were already weighing you down, and he sighed. For some time now he hasn't been able to say no to anything you ask of him, much less when you look so delicate and hold his hand.
"Okay, go to sleep then"
You suppressed a smile, without much success, and watched him remove several layers of clothing to only be left with his shirt and pants. You had never seen him naked, and you doubted very much that you would soon, but you liked the lightness that appeared in him when he was left with few clothes. As if by taking them off he was also abandoning all the problems that he accumulated during the day.
You carefully slid to your side of the bed, against the wall, and made sure the pillow divider was in place. He kept you company moments after turning off the lamp.
"Good night," you said kindly. Whenever you stayed there you wanted to tell him that you loved him before going to bed, but the intention never materialized. The first few times Kaz was very tense and hardly slept, although by this point he had gotten used to it and he was handling it well; even he would say that he rested more knowing that you kept him company.
"Sweet dreams," he said, with a gentle tone that took you by surprise. You were internally grateful that the room was dark or he would have seen your flushed face.
It didn't take long for you to give up, but Kaz, no matter how hard he tried, couldn't fall asleep. Although having you by his side had relaxed him a lot, for a couple of days there was a matter interrupting his thoughts and it was related to the dreams that had come to replace his habitual nightmares.
In all of them you were the protagonist and he... touched you. In every possible way and every sense of the word, as if it were something natural that didn’t take any effort. At first he was terrified of how real the dreams felt, almost swearing that the night before he had passionately kissed you only to realize that you were still on the other side of that fence of pillows you had placed for his comfort. Kaz had wanted to ignore all of this, but each time these thoughts became more frequent and stronger: What would it feel like to hug you? And accommodate your hair? Would he be able to caress you as he knew you wanted and deserved?
The black-haired man could be evil at times and he seemed unaffected by anything, but the insecurities and fears inside him were bigger than anyone could imagine. Even the day you confessed to him that you liked him, he feared that you were lying or that it was just drunken incoherence.
So now that a few months had passed he felt he had to offer you at least some physical contact or else you'd end up getting bored of him like Imogen once had. But that was another story.
Kaz was startled when he heard you complain and looked silently in your direction, but it turned out that you weren't awake, you had only changed position. From that angle he could see the whole silhouette of your body and part of your face, even more peaceful when you were asleep, everything so beautiful that he wondered how you could be real and especially because you were sharing a room with a person like him. 
His hands didn't have gloves on and even though they had been at his sides the whole time, he felt the urge to move them away. He wondered what it would feel like to touch your skin or if he would actually be able to do it without panicking and as the desire was greater than the fear, without giving it much thought he reached out his arm towards you, preparing to touch your bare forearm. He breathed once, then twice, and finally, he did.
He had to remind himself that your skin wasn’t that of some wet corpse and for this he concentrated on how it really felt; it was warm and soft. His hand trembled on your body and he feared to wake you, but even with this he didn't move away. He didn't know how long it was before he was able to breathe normally, but once he did he waved his hand a couple of times and if you had been awake you would have been amazed at the gentleness with which he did it.
Kaz pulled away a few seconds later, seized with the sudden strange feeling that he couldn't leave him so easily, and with an angry huff he jumped up to wash his hands. He wanted to change and improve for you, but it was complicated and it frustrated him.
Either way, he was thankful that you hadn't seen his experiment and concluded that it was better, so he could move at his own pace. When he lay down again he kept looking at you, taking the opportunity to reflect on the matter, until his body couldn't take it anymore and the unconsciousness of the dream ended up consuming him completely.
And of course, he dreamed of you again.
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The days passed as normal and life at The Barrel continued as usual. The crow club was in full swing after the renovations Kaz had done, almost a year ago now, and there was more work than ever. Jesper and Wylan always went everywhere together and the girls at The Menagerie were great with attention, but it still seemed like it was never enough. Nina and Matthias weren't very active members and Inej's visits weren't as frequent now that she led a life at sea. You were in charge of supervising several of the things, on behalf of your boyfriend, and sometimes you also served drinks. The club had gone from being the favorite place for seedy drunkards to a refined place where more and more people came to gamble and have fun. Of course more visits meant more money and you knew that made the owner happy, but it also loaded him with work.
"Knock, knock," you said happily, as you peeked out of his office door, tray in hand. Kaz raised his head from the papers with the accounts he was reviewing and met you "I brought you dinner"
“Yes, it is one of the three meals of the day. It's important and you always forget about it" you explained, placing a plate in front of him that contained some cookies, and bread and leaving a cup of coffee without sugar next to it "I didn't know what you might be craving, so I brought something light"
“Thank you,” he said as he watched you drop into an adjoining chair, your own mug of hot chocolate in hand.
"How is everything going?"
"Okay, I'm still missing a couple of things"
"Do you want me to go?"
"No" he replied. How could you think of that? Of course he wanted you there.
During these weeks you had noticed Kaz a little strange, as if he was suddenly more condescending or permissive with you, but you enjoyed these changes. You couldn't know it, but he had been running little experiments like the one he did when you were sleeping. When you were interrupting the path he needed to travel, he would move you to the side at the waist, when you sat next to each other at crow meetings, he would link his knee to yours, and you caught him picking some rubbish out of your hair more than once. So you, too, had begun looking for more intimate ways to engage with him, like taking him out to dinner after a tiring day, curious as to how far he would let you go.
You made small talk about trivial matters and took the opportunity to make sure he consumed some of what you brought him, which he did with pleasure.
When you finished Kaz went back to his work and you decided that it was better to occupy yourself with something else, preferably quietly so as not to interrupt him. Your visits to his study were almost always like this, so you already had some things for your entertainment in a drawer. You pulled out a puzzle that you and Inej used to put together all the time and spread it out on the floor, sitting in a lotus position in front of it, willing to be at it for a while.
But on that particular day he couldn't focus on anything but you. Out of the corner of his eye, he would catch a glimpse of your attentive frown and your hands tapping the floor impatiently for not finding the right pieces, finding both quite adorable.
All day he had been seriously thinking about making a risky move and now that the opportunity presented itself he felt more nervous than he had imagined, so he kept silent for a long time where you didn't even notice the crisis internal he was having.
"Kiss me"
The words were spoken so quietly and hastily that you feared you had hallucinated them and your neck might have snapped from the quickness with which you looked up at him.
"Did you say something?"
"Kiss me" he repeated, loud and clear so that this time there would be no doubt of what he was saying. You felt that your heart was going to jump out of your chest due to the astonishment that such a sudden request produced in you. Kaz was asking you for a kiss? Impossible.
You were stunned for a few seconds, looking directly into those sky-colored eyes that were waiting for an answer. What kind of kiss was he asking you? It was like a kiss on his cheek or… on his lips perhaps? Why was he asking you that in the first place? And why had he thrown it at you just like that?
"If you don't want to, that's fine," he added, with a disappointed tone, and you jumped to your feet as soon as you heard that.
"No, no. I was just... surprised, that's all" you explained, completely nervous, because you didn't want him to regret it.
You walked up to face him and the height difference forced Kaz to look down at you with doe eyes you never imagined he could have and didn't even know he was aware of. He felt slightly intimidated, more by the situation itself than by you, and one of his hands went directly to hold the wood of the chair to try to calm down.
You took a deep breath and looked closely at the black-haired man's face, thinking about which part of his face would be more suitable for kissing; the skin on his cheeks? His forehead? Or go once and for all for those thin pink lips?
When you crouched down he held his breath and you saw him tense when you got closer to his face, but you still continued because you knew he would mark the limit, if there was one. You closed your eyes and finally closed the distance, pressing your lips against his for just a second. Your stomach turned and when you straightened up your cheeks were flushed crimson, but it worried you that Kaz hadn't flinched. You would even say that he seemed to be angry.
"Give me a proper kiss"
You felt your legs shake and you thought you were going to faint right there after hearing him. He wasn't even asking, he was demanding it. Kaz was practically yelling at you that he was going to settle for the simple lip brush you just gave him, he wanted more.
You were a mess at the thought of him wanting to take such a big step, but you tried your best to hold it back and nodded softly at him. A proper kiss would require more than just you standing in front of him, so you sat on Kaz’s lap, who nearly squealed in surprise.
"If you want to stop, just say so" you warned him. But you had already gone too far, he didn't want to stop and of course you didn't either.
Your feet dangled over the side of the chair and you made yourself more comfortable resting your hands on his clothed shoulders, hoping that with that separation of cloth Kaz would feel less uncomfortable, until your face was right in front of his.
There was so much fear in his eyes that you wanted to walk away, but you knew that with that you would spoil all the effort he was making and you feared that he would be offended to the point of not wanting to kiss you anymore.
You would be lying when you said that you didn’t want it, that you didn’t long for to finally be able to know what his kisses would taste like and thus be able to alleviate the knot in your stomach that you had since that party night when you confessed your love, so without more or less you leaned a little and then you kissed him.
At first it was a mere assumption, but when you felt how tense he was you knew that he had never kissed anyone in his life. You could feel his panic through the trembling sighs that escaped him, but you didn't give up for a second from your task.
"Relax your lips" you said, separating yourself enough centimeters to be able to articulate the words "And the shoulders too" you continued, stroking that section with both hands to help it a little "Just focus on how it feels"
Your whispers sounded like spells to him as if they were instructions to follow to achieve the happiness he so wanted and didn't know how to obtain.
You tried again and since he followed your advice the contact was more fluid. Suddenly all negative feelings were replaced by the pleasure of savoring your lips, still with the flavor of the impregnated chocolate, and of feeling your warm body so close to his. There were no traumatic memories because he had never kissed anyone before Jordie’s death, nor since. It was something new, different, and it was also unique because it was you who was there.
He began to pay more attention to details and enjoyed the way your lips caught one of his, so subtly that he could barely identify it, or how your hands had already gone up to his neck to hold it. Kaz’s gloved hands moved almost by themselves to your waist and it was your turn to hold your breath, probably under the impression that he had done something like that.
You cut off the kiss, but then another followed, and when that one ended another came. Suddenly everyone was down to you and Kaz having a little make-out session in his office, a moment he never wanted to end. Maybe it was the sensation of trying something forbidden, but you felt that the man's kisses had the most intoxicating flavor on the entire planet, as if everything you had ever enjoyed was nothing compared to that. And he couldn't do anything more than practically melt under your caresses and let you do whatever you wanted with him.
For some reason Kaz was finally overwhelmed by the contact, but instead of throwing you out of there he pulled you away with his grip on your waist, calm and gentle.
"It’s enough" he whispered. It wasn't because he wasn't enjoying it, but because he knew better than anyone that you couldn't give yourself completely to life’s pleasures or they would end up consuming you from the roots.
He didn't want to open his eyes for fear that it was all another one of those dreams and also to somehow extend the sensation as much as possible, but you didn't want to do anything but look at him. He was breathing heavily and the usual paleness of his skin had been replaced by a vermilion hue and to your surprise his hands hadn't left the position they were in, which you took as a sign that he still wanted you sitting on his legs.
“Are… are you okay?” you asked cautiously, knowing that closed eyes and heavy breathing were also symptoms of a panic attack that you definitely didn't want to happen.
"No” you barely had time to worry and think about what you could do before you heard a soft laugh. Kaz Brekker was laughing “Oh my gosh of course I'm not okay. You're driving me completely crazy” he responded and managed to make the phrase sound like a claim and a compliment at the same time.
"Was it that bad?"
"It was perfect. You are” he confessed and you exhaled a nervous laugh, feeling as foolish as a girl in love. Both of your hands were planted on his chest, so you started to play with a button on his shirt to try to calm your emotions.
“I'm glad you… huh, that we could share this. I really wanted to kiss you” you dared to tell him.
Although he was apparently calm, the truth was that he was having a hard time not separating from you, but the only reason he hadn't was because of the loving and happy expression that was on your face, which probably, to a lesser extent, he also had.
"Me too" he assured you, with that little smile you had already begun to love.
And that kiss represented the beginning of a path that Kaz was willing to walk, as difficult as it was, only for the promise that at the end of the day it would all be worth it if you were the one waiting for him. 
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tossawary · 2 months
Posting about my reread like this in an attempt to help me remember some of these small details... I am quite bad at remembering things from the beginning of a book by the end of it, partially because small, easily overlooked details often become far more meaningful and therefore memorable on the reread.
Some quotes and thoughts on Binghe's birth + adoption, Tianlang-Jun, Su Xiyan, and the poor, unnamed washerwoman:
"Immediately after birth, Luo Binghe was abandoned by his parents, swaddled in white cloth, and put in a wooden basin that was lowered into the Luo River. This occurred on the coldest days of the year, and it was only thanks to fishermen pulling him out of the water that he didn't freeze to death as a baby. Because he'd been drifting along the Luo in the season when it was choked with thin ice, he was given the name Luo Binghe.
Luo Binghe spent his early years wandering the streets, hungry and cold - a dreary childhood. A washerwoman who worked for a wealthy family took pity on him, and since he had no children of her own, she adopted and raised him as her own. Mother and son were poor, and they suffered much humiliation at the hands of their rich patrons." - Chapter 1, pages 9-10
"As it turned out, Luo Binghe had been born to the Demon Realm's Saintly Ruler and a woman of the Human Realm; within his veins flowed the blood of the ancient, heaven-fallen demons as well as that of the human race. His father, Tianlang-Jun, had been sealed beneath a great mountain, trapped for all eternity. His birth mother had been a disciple from a righteous cultivation sect, but shortly following Tianlang-Jun's dealing, she had been expelled on suspicion of having secret ties to demons. She had died from a postpartum hemorrhage after giving birth to Luo Binghe, but prior to her death, she had set her son adrift from the lonely ship she'd birthed him on. It was the only way she had been able to give Luo Binghe a chance to survive." - Chapter 1, page 11
I view a lot of these small details as somewhat flexible, with the different levels of unreliable narration going on. We are being told these things by Shen Yuan, who may be misremembering these details (as any reader, myself definitely included, does), and who read them as told by Airplane, who may have retconned prior details as he came up with new ideas, forgotten small details as he wrote millions of words, or was just lying in the narration for later reveals that never came to fruition. Shen Yuan may have also been reading dialogue between characters who also didn't know what they were talking about or were lying to each other.
So, I can do what I want with a lot of this, I feel! Shen Yuan doesn't necessarily know what he's talking about here. (More details will be revealed later on, I remember, and I will be looking out for them.)
Interesting things to remember here! Tianlang-Jun was apparently probably sealed during the winter, maybe late autumn at the earliest, which was probably unpleasant for snake demon Zhuzhi-Lang. I'm currently imagining Tianlang-Jun leaving his nephew to essentially hibernate somewhere to avoid the weather, promising to stay out of trouble (actually planning to meet up with Su Xiyan), and then just not coming back.
Su Xiyan apparently gave birth to Binghe on a ship! That's interesting. I had forgotten that detail if I ever took note of it.
I knew that the book implies here that Binghe was found by the washerwoman a little later into his childhood, but I'd forgotten the fishermen detail. I usually intentionally ignore this and just go with the washerwoman finding Binghe (which is what the animated show did, I think), because if Binghe was honestly "immediately" abandoned by Su Xiyan, then he would have been a newborn! Someone HAD to have been looking after him. This is one of my pet peeves in fiction: Binghe HAD to have been breastfed by someone OR this world must have an equivalent to baby formula for him to survive. (This is the main reason I conceptualized Luo Jiahui in PINTWILF as a young woman who had recently had a stillbirth, just so she could breastfeed this newborn baby.)
It's possible that Binghe had a series of caretakers who fell through before his adoption, leading to brief periods on the streets as a young child, and/or he did a lot of "wandering the streets" begging and scavenging AFTER his adoption by an extremely poor woman (and the sentences there are just a little out of order). Even if demon baby Binghe COULD survive on other food somehow, newborns can't... walk... or crawl... or lift their heads.
If I have to stick to what's written here as closely as possible, then I would go with the following interpretation: newborn Binghe being found by fishermen, who take him to town to see if anyone has lost or abandoned a child, or if anyone is willing to take one in. The only person to agree is this washerwoman. People in town possibly donate some means (baby formula equivalent, kinky plot device plant that kickstarts lactation) to feed this baby or cruelly tell the washerwoman the baby will die. Possibly, the washerwoman goes deeply into debt asking these rich patrons for the means to feed this baby. As Binghe grows up, he spends a lot of time on the streets, begging and scavenging to help his extremely poor adoptive mother. End mostly canonical interpretation.
If we wanted to get a little wild, we could also go with the interpretation that Shen Yuan is incorrect when he uses the word "immediately". Either he misinterpreted something Airplane wrote, or a character relayed information incorrectly in PIDW, or the SVSSS just formed differently to Shen Yuan's impression based on very vague information that Airplane may not have been keeping consistent.
Maybe Su Xiyan actually lived for several months on this ship after giving birth, creating the seals and somehow managing to feed her newborn child (the poison that killed her is a problem with breastfeeding here, but idk, maybe heavenly demon babies can drink blood for all we know, which is something Su Xiyan would know but the washerwoman would not), before setting Binghe adrift. Binghe would be too young to remember this time with his birth mother. I'll have to see what Wu Chen from Zhao Hua Temple says when I get to his explanation of what happened to Su Xiyan in the third book.
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luvly-writer · 5 months
Ch. 7 Angel and Ivy
Autho's note: I am trying to post as long as I have a free space. I am genuinely excited for this story and it has me going. Hope you enjoy another chapter!
Warnings: None
Taglist: @w31rdg1rl @mxtokko @loonymoonystuff @grandstrangerphanthom @1lellykins
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"Tim...Tim...TIM! Are you listening to me?!" Snapped Y/n. She was currently taking a bubble bath with Tim on the phone as they discussed their next move. On the other hand, Tim tried his hardest to divide his attention between the girl and the case board in the apartment. He had his headpiece on as he observed the evidence in front of him. "Yes, angel face, I am listening"
"What did I just tell you then?" she quipped sounding exasperrated.
"If you must know, you just told me that I must make an appearance as your date for the winter debutant dinner because now that your parents are aware of my existence and that it is quote-on-quote serious, they want to meet me and that it is important that I make a good impression especially since Mr. Morris is going to be there."
"Hmm, good, you were listening. As I was saying. Ever since the picture of our kiss, every time we go out to dinner or lunch, or brunch, or just any time we have been pictured together these last few weeks, they throw remarks on how good of a man you could actually be for me when Morris is right there. They keep inviting him for dinner, Tim! They are still pushing! They still see this as a temporary thing and not something serious!" she said exasperated.
"It IS temporary" he adds hearing her groan.
"Timothy that is so not the point! You have to make the impression of the century so that they turn their attention to you or at least consider you a runner-up in the race. I can't keep on hearing about which opera Francis enjoys more and which book I should read next to have conversation topics with him and what play is playing so that Francis can take me with him to see if we give it a chance-"
"His name is Francis...Francis Moris?" asked Tim containing his laughter. He put on some gloves and began examining a new formula that was found by Jason at Avery Park. "His parents didn't love him I see, with a name like that?" He said as he began to laugh
"Are you sinking on the bubbles again?" he asked amusedly. In the last few weeks, they had actually started finding out that they enjoyed each other's company. Having to share many dinners, brunches, lunches, and even some breakfasts, they found some common interest reluctantly. "Yes but only because there is this stupid boy unwilling to focus on the important details. My life is on the line." she grumbled
"I can assure you it isn't" he quipped back and laughed once again as she let out a string of curses. "It might as well be, Tim!" she said.
"Since you won't take the downfall of my life seriously, what are you doing?" she asked boredly
"Inspecting some substances that were found in Avery Park for Batman," he said taking notes on what he was seeing.
"Substances on Avery Park? That sounds...messy. Please tell me that none of the rouges are planning to attack this weekend. We really do need to make that apperance." she said leaning back and closing her eyes.
"Well, we hope not. Poison Ivy has been extremely suspicious the last few weeks. We have no idea when or where or if she might strike." he said.
"Hmmm, probably at the Chefield's gala in three weeks. He is making a new investment in the small clearing in Avery Park intending to build a new power plant that will go directly to his hotel. It's close to a small river and all the construction will cause major damage to the already decreasing green areas of Gotham. It is a pity, that place is beautiful. Clara, Satine, and I would escape there every once in a while to have a picnic." Y/n expressed as she finally began getting out of the bath and drying herself. Tim's eyes opened, this was new information to him and it helped the case greatly.
"How do you know this?" He questioned
"Oh, through Satine. She has been trying to convince Senator Gomez to decline his contract. If that doesn't work, Clara has all the information ready to blackmail him into declining. She will tell his wife that Satine is not the first one of his lovers and that the real reason the kid's maid had to be sent away was because she was pregnant with his child. Plus, my mother and Mrs. Chefield have tea every second Saturday of the month, and because of so, I got early access to the invitation. This also means that if he doesn't believe Clara's threats to air him, she will tell me so that I let it slip to her during one of her meetings with my mother. Either way, the options are either he declines or his career and family life are over. I am sure that a cheating scandal and an unsupported child with the finishing touch of a divorce won't look good for the upcoming elections."she explains leaving Tim amazed.
"Who would have known you three were bitches for a good cause" he said making her laugh, a sound that was surely growing on him.
"Like the bitchy Charlie's Angels" she joked as a response
"Whose Charlie then?" he asked
"I don't know, sometimes morality and justice, sometimes revenge, sometimes self-gain, depends on the highest bidder," she responded, her tone full of humor.
"On a serious note, you really think that is when she will strike?"
"Oh absolutely, good thing it will probably be canceled so, people won't be harmed right?"
"You have no idea the advantage that you have granted to us," he said as he began typing a message relaying this entire information to Bruce.
"It's a good thing to always have connections, I guess," Y/n said as she finished her routine and got ready for bed. She placed her cell phone on the pillow next to her head as she got comfortable. She had to fight the yawn that was escaping her. Unfortunately, Tim heard it and stopped what he was doing.
"Before you go, what color is your dress for the debutante's dinner? I want to match my tie with it."
"It's light blue with a lot of sparkles," she said with a dreamy tone.
"You like your sparkle don't you?" he asked amused at her cute tired state.
"Who doesn't?! Sparkles are the highlight of Christmas. Snowflakes, ornaments, snow, everything sparkles! Plus, who doesn't love Christmas? It's the best time of the year!" she said, sleep-slurring her voice. "You don't have to match...thank you though" she said.
He smiled at his phone. "Good night, angel face. You can barely speak coherently." "Yeah, stay safe and warm tonight, Timmy. I need you there."
"Of course, angel. I will be there. Thank you for the information on Poison Ivy." he answered before hanging up. Every day he learned something new about Y/n. She had this facade of being a stone-cold bitch yet, once you work past that she really was just a girl. She was sentimental, always keeping every letter and small sweet thing given to her. She was sweet to the elderly and surprisingly never acted snobby with anyone who worked for her. The maid, butler, and drivers were always treated fairly and you could see that they cared for the girl. She tipped fairly in the restaurants and had a surprisingly good sense of humor. Given another circumstance, he had deduced he was sure they would have been friends...maybe even more.
fun facts:
tim started caller her angel face after the post. He originally said it sarcastically because of how much of a nightmare she can be, but stuck with it just cause he really thinks she looks and is an angel. That’s her contact name.
Y/n loves it.
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avelera · 1 year
Sir Robert Gadlen of Shere, Surrey?
So at one point for Giving Sanctuary and writing Hob in fics in general, I was looking for historical towns where he could have lived at various points in his life. Mostly (and to my increasing regret in Come live with me) I just eschew names entirely BUT there was one research rabbit hole I went down that was rather fun and made a good case for where Hob could have lived in 1589-roughly 1629.
In particular, I was looking for towns that were a workable distance from London, that is, close enough that one could reach the city for special occasions in a day or two using pre-modern travel but was far enough outside where one could have a sprawling estate. I wanted a town that was known for having Tudor mansions and, critically, I wanted it to be a town that had a river running through it for Hob's infamous drowning as a witch. Since I'm US not UK, all of this was educated guesses and I'm sure a native would find something laughable about my choice, but I eventually happened upon the town of Shere, in Surrey.
I had several reasons for why Shere in particular seemed a good fit for Hob's late 1500-early 1600s estate location:
The town is 25 mi/40 km outside London. Given the average cart speed was 4 mph/6 kmh especially when taking into account pre-modern roads. With a good horse you could do it in about a day's ride, with slower a more comfortable pace and breaks for water, half a day if you were in a hurry. It seemed the proper distance for a man on the rise in society like Hob would want to be, able to make frequent trips while still being landed with a country estate.
In the Medieval era the area was noted as being "one of the wildest in Surrey: sheep-stealers, smugglers, and poachers found a refuge in these remote hills. Some of the cottages have, still existing, very large cellars (excavated easily in the sandy hill), stated by H.E. Malden to have been "far too large for any honest purpose, and were no doubt made for storing smuggled goods till they could be conveniently taken on to London" (Source) - I was charmed by the idea that Hob would have known the area from his banditry days and that he in turn would be tickled by the idea of coming back to the site of his former ne'er-do-well stomping grounds, now with a purchased knighthood. Also couldn't hurt to know the area like the back of your hand (especially when on the run from witch hunters).
Shere is noted in the Domesday Book of 1086 which makes it old enough for Hob to have lived there then AND to this day it is known for its Tudor manors to this day which make it a popular filming location, with several Tudor estates and manor houses, one of which I like to imagine was Hob's during the days of his knighthood.
Here's a fun detail! "Shere has often been called one of the most beautiful villages in England; certainly few can surpass it in Surrey for a combination of those qualities that go to make up the ideal village… Shere is, therefore, the haunt of painters, many of them residents in and around, and samples of their handiwork may be inspected in the ancient Black Horse Inn." (Source) You can't tell me Hob wouldn't consider the town just because it has a Black Horse Inn, he would be giggle himself sick over that.
The River Tillingbourne runs through the center of the village. Particularly in Giving Sanctuary this was important to me because I imagined Hob being dragged from his estate into the center of town for his trial and drowning, for maximum dramatic effect, so I needed one close by that was deep enough to drown a man and sweep him away.
Now, there's one problem with Shere, which is that no witch trials happened there during James I's reign, which is when Hob would have been drowned...
"Despite James I's interest in witchcraft, just one case was brought before the Surrey Assizes in his reign, the outcome of which is unknown. There were probably others brought before the lesser court of Quarter Sessions, but the records for this period have not survived." (Source)
Perhaps since Surrey had no other witch trials, it was all the more reason for Hob to be "overconfident" that he had nothing to worry about? After all, what were the odds? And an unknown outcome, hmm, sure sounds like an excellent opportunity to fictionalize this as because Hob went back later and destroyed the records.
Anyway, this is the one town that fit all my requirements but in the end, I never ended up using the name (at least, not yet) in any of my fics. But I thought others might enjoy the outcome of my search!
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ilynpilled · 1 year
ok since we are on liminal spaces and the riverlands and the whole idea of time, history, and transition etc. an overwhelming majority of jaime’s story takes place there, nearly all of it, which is very interesting considering how dynamic he is. he is on a huge internal journey, as well as him being in constant motion literally too. his character’s unraveling happens there. he gets symbolically killed by the arakh, the scythe blade, and chooses to continue living under the crescent moon. just like arya, the moon is relevant to him too, and it is undergoing an interesting cycle all throughout his arc. we jump into the literal and metaphorical pit with him in the riverlands. it is the idea of stagnancy (chained up in the dungeon for a whole book) vs evolution. death and rebirth. the moving river is something that is established in his very first paragraph as a pov character.
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and harrenhal specifically is very much a trip into the past for him. he is dragged back there and forced to confront things that he had previously ran away from. he is forced to revisit the corpse of the boy.
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the setting is used in such an interesting way. of course he makes the bath confession there, it is the only time he lets that resurface. he is “naked as his name day”, “half a corpse and half a god.” it is about washing off the dirt and “darkening the water” and being reborn. the riverlands is such a crucial symbolic location to his arc.
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“I left something at Harrenhal.” is not just about brienne. it is about the boy that died. the boy that was not afraid to dream and to believed in heroism. when he goes back to harrenhal to save brienne he goes back for himself as well. it is about rejecting the moral nihilism that he escaped into. the motif is so good: “He sent me away. But now I am coming back.” and “He would be back in that dark wet place again” and “I want to go back.” then finally “… you were well away. Why come back?” and he gives such a layered answer.
but of course that is not the end. the world is still more complicated than that boy and his dreams of knighthood. the world only seemed simpler because he was 15. and then in feast the same journey is repeated, he goes back again, but this time with ilyn, who is more symbolic of the man jaime eventually became after the death of the boy, and all of the darkness of that. the lannister executioner: a sword for death. it is also about development and confrontation though. if storm was about symbolic rebirth, feast is about symbolic maturing: looking at the lack of a golden hand and facing the ugliness of the stump, the metaphorical empty space that was left. it is about the death of certain dreams and delusions, ones that are rooted in a false reality. it is a set up for cost. but that does not mean we stop. the river keeps moving. and it sets him up for a continuation of that journey, another confrontation and key transitional point. he is gonna have to visit another corpse soon. and with the woman that rekindled hope in him in the first place, someone whose own idealism and innocence is now also being challenged and withered. and it is about finding light and retaining your humanity despite that. there is a reason brienne’s light keeps burning in jaime’s dream, and he is not left in utter darkness when the ghosts rush in.
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paradoxcase · 1 month
Chapter 22 of Nona the Ninth
There is a broken skull again here, this seems to be happening somewhat randomly throughout this book and if there's a pattern I'm not able to see it
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I like how they try to come up with every possible thing they think Ianthe would call her to train Nona to respond to, and then when Ianthe actually greets her in person, she calls her "Harry" and it was all for nought, lmao
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It really feels like colored contacts (or I guess, white ones in this case) would be much less of a pain in the ass, here
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I'm not sure this makes sense. Back in Harrow the Ninth, the Lyctors were reacting to being in proximity to Heralds even when they couldn't see them, or were even in any place where visible light from where the Herald was could reach where the Lyctors were, like when the Heralds were first landing on the outside of the Mithraeum
Actually, now that I'm remembering that part, I wonder if Nona acting like she is insane from Number Seven is going to make Ianthe suspicious, since back then Harrow's actual reaction to the Heralds was "is that all?"
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That would be white-eyed people that Honesty saw on the Convoy, I would guess
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Does she mean being the Angel/Messenger's bodyguard?
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Harrow was so antagonistic to him the whole time she knew him, both before and after the brain surgery, and Palamedes is just like, oh, I miss Harrow looking at me like she wanted to kill me and assuming I was a serial killer so much. Like, I think even if Harrow hadn't surgically removed her memories of him, I still don't think she would have reacted all that positively to Palamedes greeting her like they were old buddies in the River bubble
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Another strange thing that Nona likes to eat. I think rubber is technically organic material, but it might not actually be digestible by any animal, I wasn't able to find that out for sure. So far I think everything else she'd eaten has been something that some animal out there actually eats, except for the pencil lead and maybe the sand, probably
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I guess some of BOE have some sort of mythology built up about Gideon's body after spending an extended period of time around it and seeing it not rotting? And it's now scarier to Pash than Ianthe is?
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I'm very interested to see what she has planned here, because I have no idea whatsoever. I guess if they manage to completely destroy Naberius's body, that would be problematic for Ianthe, but beyond that?
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Did Ianthe just like, kill everyone in the barracks and make them all into her own corpse army?
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Why was she expecting Harrow to arrive at a particular time? It didn't sound like they were really timing anything beyond just getting there before Ianthe's time limit of "dusk" and it didn't sound from the description that it was actually dusk or that that much time had passed by the time they got there
It's interesting that Nona is referring to Ianthe here with he/him pronouns, while she originally referred to her with they/them pronouns during the broadcast, where I might have expected most people who weren't familiar with Ianthe or hadn't heard that name before to use he/him pronouns since she is using Naberius's body, and if Nona had used he/him there, I think it would have been more obvious that that was what was happening. Nona actually seems to refer to a lot of people with they/them pronouns that I think other people wouldn't - like, she referred to Pash and We Suffer as they/them in the scenes where their faces are revealed for the first time, and I think most people would be able to tell their gender in that context, so it would normally be reported. But Nona also doesn't seem to understand why other people assume Pyrrha uses he/him pronouns, so I wonder if just like, living with Pyrrha and Palamedes for all of the time that she can remember has affected her intuition for figuring out what gender people are by looking at them. Or, if she is actually Alecto, maybe she doesn't understand gender at all, and just picks up on what pronouns to use for people based on how other people refer to them, but I don't think anyone has used any gendered pronouns for Ianthe around her yet, so I'm curious what exactly transitioned her from assuming they/them pronouns to assuming he/him pronouns. She did refer to Ianthe as "Crown's boyfriend" earlier, but she also got corrected on that
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theminecraftbee · 4 months
are there any bits of worldbuilding or anything about the characters you want to share? because its all so interesting!
YES I’D LOVE TO. since you’ve given me free rein let me talk about moon city, one of the single most identifiable locations for “guessing I wrote that” possible. moon city is an amalgamation of things, but it’s also one very specific thing! on the amalgamation side, it’s meant to be a somewhat rust-belt-esq metropolis or gotham; it’s a fake city that could be nearly anywhere and has a fake, comic book-sounding name to invoke the hazy fake locations of comic books. it’s meant to be a sort of amalgamation of cities I’ve been to, a place that’s supposed to feel like it COULD be in a certain part of america, even though it’s not. in that sense many of the places are amalgamations—the flood wall is from a city I grew up in, the abandoned food plant is from near where I am now, the capitol is from another nearby city, etc. it’s meant to be identifiably east coast (the earthquake doesn’t work if it’s not!) but sort of in a “okay I can picture my city here” kind of way.
…kind of. in the other sense, I almost named the river in moon city the mon, because moon city is ALSO “what if the collapse of american manufacturing, mining, and chemical production DIDN’T cause the cities that relied on it to collapse with it”. moon city is “what if american chemical production in west virginia was like, as notable as us steel and pittsburgh glass, and there was another major american city center right near there in west virginia. what if the aluminum industry helped propel a city to a state like many of the nearby city centers are in today—not exactly a THRIVING metropolis, but also not a small one either, and a fairly major landmark. also what if there were superheroes and aliens but those only showed up like five years ago.”
it’s not a perfectly thought out worldbuild of that idea or anything—probably should have visited more manufacturing plants or docks or something if I was aiming for actual worldbuilding more than “enough worldbuilding to get a fictional comic book city across”, like, if I actually wanted to realistically build out that concept I’d need an entire alternate history and by then the ENTIRE setting would be really different not just the bits you get to see in the fic that are like our world to the left—but like, there are little hints throughout that that’s the kind of setting moon city is supposed to be in now. like, if metropolis is new york, moon city is some amalgamation pittsburgh and charleston if they’d both been cities with SLIGHTLY more money even after their industries left.
so… yeah hope you enjoy THAT ramble about one of the least consequential parts of the worldbuilding, but a thing I still had fun with! once again despite that little tidbit of the vibes it really is mostly supposed to invoke fictional comic book cities more than literally anything else, haha.
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storyofmychoices · 6 months
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Nyx Selenastra (original character)
nonbinary, they/them
Book: Blades of Light & Shadow Love Interest: Aerin Valleros Sexuality: Pansexual Aromantic (Demiromantic) Companion (/pets): LunaRose (Unicorn) and NightWhisper (Raven)
What's in a name?
Name Meaning: Night
Name Origin: Nyx is named after the Greek personification of night. I like the idea that the night isn't really dark, there's always light and hope, you just have to be patient and let your eyes adjust to a different perspective
Pronunciation: n-ih-ks
Hair: Black, with a white/silver streak on the right side
Eyes: Amber
Skin Color: Black (but their skin transforms to colors of the night sky at certain times) [more about headcanon here]
Height: 6'1"/187cm
Other Basic Info
Hometown: Ravenswood Ravenswood is a small town up the river from Riverbend. It's near the edge of the Deadwood forests.
Religion: old gods and new gods They particular respect the Mother of Grey.
Birthday: January 13 *January 13 is Make Your Dreams Come True Day
Zodiac: Capricorn
Hobbies: sketching, drawing, painting, journaling, gardening, caring for animals, protecting the forest, stargazing, storytelling, reading, learning the history of all cultures and peoples
Zodiac Traits: perseverant, practical, ambitious, driven, confident, loyal, faithful, demanding, stern, stubborn, workaholic
Nyx possesses a resilient and strong exterior, a result of the trials they've faced in their life. They may seem tough and unyielding when first encountered, but it's only because they have a shield up to protect themselves. They've been hurt in the past. However, beneath their sometimes intimidating exterior, they are warm, gentle and loving.
Nyx's loyalty is unwavering. They are fiercely protective. Once they've formed a bond or alliance, they are completely devoted, standing by their friends and loved ones with determination.
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LunaRose (Unicorn) Headcanons
The unicorn that Aerin meets in Blades 1 and 2 is LunaRose, Nyx's unicorn companion.
Nyx rescued the unicorn when she was caught in a crude animal trap. Her leg was badly injured, but Nyx healed it and has cared for the unicorn ever since. Nyx has a deep bond with LunaRose, at times, it even appears as though they can communicate.
In Blades 2, when Aerin leaves the party after Riverbend, he does so to follow LunaRose, who guides him to Nyx.
LunaRose has some precognition powers and can act as a guide to assist those whose path she crosses.
Nyx's skin tone is naturally black, but it has the ability to transform into a galaxy/night sky tone [read more about this HC here]
Nyx has visited Undermount but is not a fan of how the elves there carry themselves. They believe elves should protect the realm and they can't do that from behind the comfort of their city, with their lavished homes and parties.
Nyx believes in experiencing all the beauties of the world as the Mother of Grey had intended for the elves. [clearly this was written before the Ash Empress....]
Nyx has a strong duty in protecting the lands where they live.
In my fic "Maybe One Day", Daenarya plants a seed in the Deadwood. Each of the characters in Blades 1 do their part to give the little seed a chance, even if they know it's future is bleak. I HC that LunaRose sensed the potential of life and drew Nyx to it. Nyx used their own magic to help it take root and grow. LunaRose also brings water from the lake to it, blessing it with her magic as well.
Nyx's magic is strongest at night under a clear sky and even stronger during a full moon.
Nyx was born during a solar eclipse, so they have near limitless power during those events. Nyx is weakest during lunar eclipses.
Nyx values honesty. Nyx understands people make mistakes, but they value when people are open about them and don't try to conceal them. Nyx doesn't like being lied to. Trust is very important to them.
Best Friend
Nyssa is Nyx's best friend. They helped Nyx discover they were demiro. Learn more about their friendship and history here.
Unicorn leading Aerin to Nyx (drabble)
Crossroads: Aerin follows a unicorn through the woods, only for it to lead him to a mysterious elf. [1.5K]
Nyx in red vest (ID M!MC outfit) + demiromantic HC
Nyx and Aerin get new outfits from The Cursed Heart
Nyx, Aerin, and Luna (unicorn)
Original Post for Nyx
Nyx and Nyssa (another OC)
How did Nyx and Aerin meet? How do they get along with the others?
Nyx and Aerin HCs (not listed above)
How does the demi nature of this character work?
Nyx and Aerin art [gift]
Nyx moodboard [gift]
Got a question about Nyx? Please ask!!! 💛
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celestialspecial · 8 months
Vibrantly Hidden
Synopsis: Lydia has been forced to return home to live with her sisters. The well of magick runs deep in her family, despite her best efforts to avoid that aspect of herself. But strange things are afoot in the town of Crystal Falls and in order to figure out these bizarre happenings she must work alongside her enemy from a rival coven-Billy Russo.
Authors Notes: This story has been my passion project as of late and something that I maybe hope to turn into something real and tangible one day. As a special thanks for all your support I want to share it with you first :) The title is still in the works as I explore other options- input is very welcome on it!
Warnings: 18+, Witchcraft and Magick, Some horror elements, graphic descriptions, smut (use your own discernment)
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Chapter One: Click your heels together three times
There were few things I’m certain of in life. 
Never conjure when angry or when the moon is waning.
River spirits never forget a bargain spurned.
The Russo Coven couldn’t be trusted.
It was the near end of august, September rode in on the back of a cool breeze and yellow tinged leaves. 
Sipping a slightly-too salty margarita on a wine bar patio, the glass sweating despite the soft breeze. 
While most people were excited about autumn and all the treats the “-Ber months brought I couldn’t help but feel a pit of sadness at the thought of summer ending.
Ignoring reality had been my personal goal for the season and I’d done it so well. Books by the pool, painting sessions on the beach(with all the retired folks), hikes along trails covered in moss and jagged stones.
Sipping cocktails on patios like this, savoring the complex flavors and picking at charcuterie boards with cheeses whos names I butchered while ordering.
I was living the life. But with each passing day I knew I couldn’t ignore it for much longer. 
After budget cuts, my position at the local art museum was no longer “essential”. Having a background in art history left one wanting for jobs in a bad way.
I should be grateful for the job posting my older sister Elizabeth had sent but when I saw it conveniently was at the local college back home I couldn’t conceal the anxiety taking root in my chest.
I’d applied haphazardly, fully anticipating another, “thank you for your interest- we’ve decided to move ahead with other candidates.” 
But when I saw the “we’d love to have you come on board!” Intro line I knew my fate had been sealed. 
I needed this job.
It wouldn’t be so bad living back at home for a little while until another opportunity came along, right? 
My younger sister Emily was ecstatic. It almost broke my heart a little to imagine telling her I didn’t quite feel the same amount of eagerness.
I’d moved away because I wanted to feel free, to see what my life could be outside of the confines of my hometown. Outside of what I was.
I had needed space. Space in the form of multiple hundreds of miles away. 
Most people grow up playing on swing sets and eating peanut butter sandwiches. Growing up in a family of witches, is something entirely different.
When you’re young and impressionable the idea of having powers, knowing there’s more to life than what most others know. It can feel feel empowering. 
To me it was daunting. Exhausting. It’s not all hocus pocus and fun spellbooks or brewing potions.
I didn’t want to be me. I wanted something else.
Something normal.
The Dawson name was well known and revered in the town of Crystal Falls. We’d been here since the town was christened along with a few other families.
There’d been a Dawson Mayor, Head of the newspaper, a few doctors, even a sheriff. 
If only the upstanding community was aware that the Dawson name was a coven. Not just your run of the mill one, but powerful witches, dating back centuries.
The town today had no idea that witches had laid claim to this land so many years ago.
It’s not something one can post on social media. After the debacle in Salem all the smart actual witches branched off. Some migrated to the Midwest, others searched for the west coast. 
The Dawson’s had gone upwards along the east coast, becoming almost nomadic in nature until settling into a small village, close to the ocean but gently tucked into a blanket of forest.
A river cut through town giving a grand display of multiple waterfalls that ended at the nearby beach. 
If you caught one of the large celestial events of comets or a grandiose full moon the river and falls seemed to glimmer and glow, taking on an ethereal hue.
Hence the name- Crystal Falls. 
Our family had helped imbue protective barriers around the town alongside the Russo coven. Another family of warlocks that had also managed to stumble upon this area.
It was beautiful and charged with an uncontained wild nature that must’ve called to our ancestors in some way. And above all else- it was home.
Me and my sisters had been raised by our aunt and grandmother after our parents died when we were young.
It had been labeled an accident. Driving through the mountainous terrain to reach town was dangerous even during the brightest of days.
But there had been signs, too many for our families liking, to chalk it up to merely an accident. There were too many “magickal” elements at play to ignore.
The brand new car losing control, the large tree having conveniently fallen, after the too conspicuous lightning strike and torrential storm appearing on an otherwise clear meteorological prediction.
I tried not to think of it too long, for fear of losing myself in the grief. Too afraid of falling into the whirlpool of those feelings and drowning, never to be seen again.
“Would you like another?” The waitress asked, taking away my now empty margarita glass.
“Yes please, actually do you have anything remaining from the seasonal menu?”
“Sorry, we just finished the last of the summer sangria but we do have our fall menu out! Fig spritzer with sugared thyme and a pumpkin spice bourbon.”
Another nail in the coffin. Summer was over and I needed to face the reality of my impending trip back home. Whether I liked it or not.
Picking some random Chardonnay off the menu in silent rebellion to their fall drinks I feel a tingle in my left pinkie.
I recognize that feeling. It appears when I’m sad. Or stressed. Or angry. Sometimes when I’m happy. 
I’ll be watching a Netflix show and laughing so hard on my sofa and then I feel the tingling sensation in my fingertips. 
Like dipping my fingers into super icy water then immediately into hot boiling water. I catch it and breathe into the feeling.
Willing it to stop. 
Some tries take longer than others. Over the years I’ve managed to muffle that part of me that yearns to escape.
A rabid dog locked in a basement waiting for the caretaker to get sloppy, lazy. Bursting past the seam of the door and bounding freely into the night.
Not today. One day perhaps. I shudder thinking about it. Or maybe it’s just the breeze, goose bumps break out along my arms and chest.
Eventually after some practiced breathing I feel the tiny reverberations cease. Returning from whence they came.
Boy how I am not looking forward to going home.
The drive back home was a scenic four hour trek through mountains and forestry that could make any camper or hiking enthusiast’s mouth water. 
I’d lost count over the years how many scenic overlooks dotted the area and if there was a drinking game involving shots every time a quaint picturesque New England type village popped up on google maps one would quickly die of alcohol poisoning.
“What do you want for dinner?” Elizabeth’s text pinged on my phone that was propped on the dash hastily.
“So excited!!!!” Emily responded not two seconds later. The age dynamics were far too apparent.
I couldn’t help but grin, I loved my sisters I really do, but it’s been so long since I’d lived with them. 
Elizabeth came into her magic first- understandably so, being the oldest. Grandma was so proud, seeing Lizzy carry on the Dawson legacy.
“Easy Em” 
“Sorry! Sorry! Drive safe!”
I rolled my eyes, chuckling a little as I turned onto another mountain path. This added time to my trip but I just …couldn’t bring myself to take the other route. Not yet.
After another hour or so of driving I finally saw the sign for Crystal Falls, keep right for 30 miles. 
A crusted slab of wood with paint peeling off of it. Emerald green and white swirls of paint beckoning any passerby to stop.
It didn’t pass my notice that a handful of trees had leaves tinged in orange, a few scattered red bursts.
It would be beautiful. The kiss of death to summer and its green tinged warmth. I’d even miss the bugs.
Turning down the Main Street there was a constant stream of activity. People walking in and out of shops, visitors milling around the welcome center, campers clearly here for the upcoming fall foliage unfurling comically large maps of the cave systems.
There was a gazebo at the town center, a la Gilmore girls Stars Hollow that was always decorated according to season. 
I said a silent prayer of thanks seeing the sunflowers still adorning it and not hay bales and pumpkins.
Festive mums sat in fat glazed pots in front of the stores. I rolled my windows down to inhale the smell of home.
Wondering if it’d smell like how I remembered. Fresh flowers, sweet honeysuckle and that tell tale pinch of chill.
Tree branches swayed overhead with the seasonal breeze. Yellowed leaves broke off of a nearby oak and scattered into the street. 
I watched as a gaggle of school girls walked over them, crunching them into the pavement without a thought.
Turning off the main causeway and into the more scenic countryside where a few vineyards with their adjoining wineries sat.
Moon Brew Farm with their delicious peach wine. Cats Tail Vineyard that created a bubbly moscato with hints of fresh blackberry. 
I could feel my mouth water just imagining it, that full mouth feel. Fizzing bubbles popping on my tongue and chasing it with a panini whose sides runneth over in pale cheese.
My stomach gurgled, begging for food. I had only stopped at a Wendy’s on the way since the McDonald’s drive through had a line longer than I cared to sit in.
The remnants of a devoured chicken sandwich rested on my center console. The paper still flecked with grease and a loose pickle that somehow managed to escape my mouth.
I passed a large estate off to the left. A high arched gate cutting the drive off at the main road. The stone pillar at the end read, “Russo.” Engraved into a black marble plaque. 
I drove by, right hand on the wheel, left out the window in an honorary “one finger salute ” at the disgusting excuse for a castle marring our town.
Dirt billowed behind my rickety Subaru as I finally ambled onto a gravel driveway. The popping sound of rocks being shot out from underneath my tires like rapid shrapnel alerted the ladies inside. 
“Lydia!” Emily was the first to run out, screen door slamming shut into Elizabeth’s face as she jumped the porch steps completely.
Lizzy scowled, pushing the screen door out of her way like it owed her money.
“Em, what the hell?” 
I tossed my car in park just in time to see Emily’s grinning face and fists tapping at my window like a madwoman. 
“Can you give me like a second?” I managed a laugh, popping the door open only to be tackled in a rib cage smushing embrace.
“I missed you! So-o-o-o-o much!” Each ‘o’ was accompanied by a sway of our bodies back and forth. 
Elizabeth finally reached us, pushing a stray piece of hair behind her ear. 
“Bet you missed this.” She joked, gesturing to Emily who had wedged her face into my shoulder.
“Shuff-Upf” came Emily’s muffled response as she refused to let go. Maybe she was afraid I’d disintegrate, that I was some clever illusion instead of actually being here in the flesh.
“Missed you-“ I gave a genuine, albeit weary smile to my older sister, somehow untangling a limb to motion her into the bear hug going on.
“So glad to see you.” She relented, easing into the sister shuffle.
It felt nice. I hadn’t stopped so much to reminisce on these things when I was away. I did miss them. I did miss home. I just didn’t miss what home had meant to me for so long.
Eventually Emily peeled herself off of me and dragged me into the house, not pausing even when I nearly tripped on the porch steps.
“Luggage can wait for later!” She had stated. Dinner was ready and honestly I just wanted to unwind and zone out into a pile of amazing food.
Elizabeth and Emily got the cooking gene from our mother. I got my fathers gene of enjoying said cooking.
Chicken pot pie with a flaky crust, yams coated in golden butter, green beans sautéed with almonds and pepper and a peach cobbler with succulent fruit from the local farmers market.
“I still can’t believe you’re home and not just for a vacation but like, for good.” Emily twisted her fork into the leftover cobbler morsels, licking a crumb from her thumb.
“Not for good, just…for now.”
Elizabeth nodded sagely, catching my hesitation and being kind enough to change the subject. 
“How was the drive?”
“Not bad.” I spooned a piece of chicken coated in sauce onto my plate as Elizabeth took another bite of green beans. “I see tons of campers are already here. Don’t they know it’ll be weeks until fall foliage actually appears?”
“The mayor has been trying to push for more summer into fall events to draw in the crowds.” 
“Yeah Elizabeth’s boyfriend has really been overhauling the event planning thing.”
“He is NOT my boyfriend.” Her cheeks turned almost as red as her hair. “It’s about time we had a member of the council actually give a shit about our town and its livelihood.”
Emily dramatically sighed, bringing the back of her hand to her forehead and fluttered her eyelashes. “Yes whatever would we do without dear Sebastyan.”
“The crab?” I smirked, reaching my fork towards another yam. Lizzy pulled the plate away giving me that older sister, raised eyebrow look. It spelled out “watch it” clear enough for me to relent.
“Don’t you start with me.”  
Dinner wraps up with each of us carrying a Handful of dirty dishes into the kitchen. Piled high into the sink with an unspoken agreement to get to them tomorrow.
I watch the two of them joke and share inside info about their planned week ahead. Things I’d know if I lived here. Schedules that would make sense to me but are now new and unknown.
The two of them continue their conversation as I teeter my messy plate on top of an empty glass that once contained a milkshake. It feels weird to hear their voices in person again. The last time I was home was maybe two years ago? For Christmas?
Elizabeth is just as elegant as I remember. Tall, long red hair swept up into a modest pony tail. Barely a smudge of makeup on her but soft pale skin with a dash of freckles across her high cheekbones.
I remember standing on my tippy toes when we were little, getting measured against the doorframe, hoping and praying I’d grow as tall as my older sister.
Fate didn’t pay attention to my pleas. My body threw in the towel the minute I struck 5’3”. Cruel, if I’m being honest. She whisks about the kitchen making a funny face at something Emily said.
It feels like I’m in a fishbowl, hearing noises, knowing someone is speaking but it just sounds muffled and foreign to me. Like I’m not really here.
Emily makes another comment that pulls a laugh from Elizabeth. Emily has always been a lightning bolt. Even when she was a child. Her hair is cut into a blunt bob with thick heavy bangs. It’s dyed a dark brown that almost matches her hot chocolate colored eyes. 
She’s maybe an inch shorter than me, a rarity in our family that the oldest sibling is actually the tallest. My younger sister however has a face full of makeup. It never looks to be too much, always tastefully done and complimenting her features.
They’ve changed so much and not at all from when I last saw them. From the pictures I’d had hanging in my apartment that now sit in a storage facility. 
I feel the bubbling tightness in my chest and I’m yanked from my misty eyed staring. Being around them, their energy, I can feel parts of me clawing to get out. Like taking a spray bottle to a pesky cat, I shove it down.
Emily turned in first, working at a bakery requires her to be up before the sun. She gives me a quick hug once more.
“I really am excited you’re home…for however long.”  Before starting up the stairs, sounds of the shower turning on and soft lilting singing to some show tune carries throughout the halls.
“Wine?” Elizabeth holds a glass up with a bottle of cherry wine, the deep scarlet liquid looks intoxicating. 
We retreat to the porch as the last rays of sunset disappear behind the trees leaving that unsettling light blue that comes before navy then black.
The old rocking chairs groan as we take our seats. The sound the cork popping makes echoes throughout the woods surrounding the house. 
I never forgot how quiet it gets. The crickets had just started their nightly serenade and a few owl hoots call out from a distance. 
She pours me a hefty glass of the wine, handing it to me as we both delicately lean forward in our rickety chairs, balancing bottle and glasses.
Dozens of long shadows climb out from all around us. Reaching towards the front steps and skittering along the warped floorboards.
If I close my eyes it feels like I can even hear them calling out to me. Where have you been? Why have you been gone so long?
Every leaf, branch, blade of grass blending together to create large charcoal swaths against the forest floor. It both chills and excites me. 
“It is nice, ya know? To have you home for more than four days at a time.”
I feel myself shaken from my stupor. Mind slowly drifting back to where it’s supposed to be in the present. On the porch. With my sister. 
For the first time in years.
“You say that now since I’ve only been here for a few hours.” I take a long sip of the wine and let the fruity flavors dance on my tongue. 
“I’m serious.” I hear her rocker stop creaking, her eyes focused on me. Like burning sapphires. I’d always been jealous of her eyes. “I think this…this will be good for all of us.” 
I watch her take a drink before continuing, “We have a lot to catch up on.”
I ponder in silence, running my fingertip along the wine glass’ lip. For a little there’s only the sound of our rockers moving back and forth. 
Occasionally I’ll hear the sounds of Emily getting ready for bed upstairs. A single car drives past on the road, far enough we can’t make it out save for the headlights.
The vibrant ripples of yellow cutting through the trees then fading into the distance. The trees gobble up the remaining light.
“How’s work been?” 
Elizabeth smiles, pouring a little more wine into her cup. I notice as she sips deeply, letting her eyelids drift shut, pondering how to respond.
“It’s been good. I travel a little for work more now than usual but it’s ok. Rewarding.” 
“I couldn’t do it. Be a midwife.” She nodded thoughtfully at my comment, staring off into the ever darkening tree line.
The moon is out, but I watch as it quickly becomes obscured by passing clouds. 
“It can be tough, but I have this gift. It feels selfish to not use it. At least in a way that brings purpose to my life.” 
I found myself nodding and staring off as well. Elizabeth is a healer, ever since she was little she had a knack for it. Never getting colds, being able to concoct awful tasting potions that somehow worked and cured a multitude of things.
Every witch can do basic magic but more often than not, there’s a specialty. A gift that is unique to that person. 
Some people get lucky with theirs. Others not so much.
“You can go on the road with it. Really explore your options.” 
“I do have over a hundred 5 star yelp reviews.” She grinned toasting her glass to the air.
“Elizabeth Dawson-“ I held my hand in front of me, punctuating gestures as if reading a headline, “Midwife To The Stars!” 
We both giggled and took another sip after sloppily ‘cheers-ing’. 
“Ahhhh I don’t know if California or New York is for me.” She chuckled, twisting a strand of her dark red hair held by her ponytail. 
I settle back into my seat, rocking back and forth, pushing with my heels and feeling the entirety of my foot flatten then pitch back.
“Soooo Sebastyan?” 
“Don’t start with me already.” Liz smirked at me, dipping her fingers in the wine glass and flicking a few drops in my direction.
Maybe this was ok. Maybe this would be ok.
How silly and naïve I was.
After half an hour of sitting on the porch and enjoying the entire bottle of wine, the sky had fully morphed from navy to inky black. The local owl continued to hoot, a rhythmic sound that I could feel myself drifting off too.
Elizabeth had already placed her glass on the counter by the sink, turning in for the night. Flipping the porch light off and only on occasion would the motion sensor light by the back door turn on.
Squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons maybe even a coyote or two always liked to wander up by the back door and sniff around our trash bins. I sat up reading in the living room a while longer, not quite ready to face my old room.
Instead choosing to inspect the first floor, wondering what new things I could pick out from the décor. A small painting of Emily’s rabbit, Artimus that was clearly done on a wine and paint night.
Large bookshelves lined the backwall surrounding the TV, so many books from Elizabeth’s studies, health magazines spread along the coffee table.
A wreath with some greenery bearing white berries and red bow, a few old coffee tins and tea containers holding either flowers or some assortment of pens and paintbrushes.
So much was the same and yet I still felt like an outsider.
Surrendering to the reality I did need to go to bed I gathered my phone, book and flicked off the last of the remaining lamps to ascend the stairs.
Our gallery wall floated along the steps. Photos of almost every generation of our family lay plastered against the drywall that desperately needed repainted.
Our parents wedding day, their smiling faces. Moms bright blue eyes and Dads goofy grin in his tuxedo which was so chic in the eighties. Then came photos of Grandma and Aunt Cora.
I quickly shuffled past them. I had weeks, no, months, to look at these and let the waves of guilt wash over me. Not tonight. Not before bed anyways.
Padding across the plush carpet to my bedroom, the door ajar and bedside lamp on. No doubt from Elizabeth. It didn’t escape my notice the bundle of lavender and dill laid on my pillowcase.
For protection. I hold the small bundle in my lap a moment, searching my mind for the exact spells its used for. My grandmother would have a fit if she knew it was taking me this long.
What can I say? I’ve been living life as a normal human for the past ten years to the best of my ability. Ignoring anything magickal or otherwise. I’d even avoided palm readers at the local county fairs I’d gone to.
I wanted little to nothing to do with magick. Regardless of how deep it ran in our family. I lay the bundle down on the end table right next to my phone.
Please protect me from bad dating app messages.
A stack of clean towels and beauty products rested on the toilet seat in the bathroom. I pulled my hair back into a low bun, splashing water onto my face and rubbing some milky cleanser that I knew had to be Emily’s onto my skin.
It smelled fragrant, like lemons and a sweet sugary after scent. Glancing up to survey the damage from the long day on my face, expecting to see dark circles, dull dry skin, but instead I looked fine. I looked normal.
Turning the cleanser over in my hands wondering if it had some “extra” properties in it that I wasn’t aware of but my younger glamorous sister did. I couldn’t see anything outside the ordinary.
I didn’t sense anything off.
Shrugging and placing it back on the counter, before returning back to my bedroom. Allowing myself to fall heavily against the mattress, a comical ‘huff’ escaping my lips. This was it. I was here.
For however long I needed to be. My fingertips ran up along the hem of the quit on my bed. Feeling the bumps of stitches along the pads of my fingers, the different textured fabrics. My eyes felt heavy.
Sleep called to me, sweet and deep. The edges of my vision blurred and darkened. With the last of my remaining alertness I turned the lamp off. I felt that deep heaviness fall over me.
In the far-off distance I could hear the owl once more. Then it was truly silent.
The back-sensor light came on. I whined as my room was immediately filled with a bright fluorescent light.
“What the hell...” I rubbed at my eyes, still not adjusted to such a bright searing light all of a sudden. Then I heard something knock against the garage. It didn’t sound like a skunk, or a raccoon.
Unless it was a huge raccoon.
Pushing off of the bed I crouched down, making my way to the window. The curtains were sheer and the blinds were up. Peering around the side I craned my neck to see what was out there.
It was quiet. So startlingly quiet. No fauna chirping or calling out into an otherwise peaceful night.
The light was still on, but there was nothing in the yard. No animals, no creeps. Nothing.
I felt the hair on the back of my neck perk up. A green spark tickled the end of my fingertips and I didn’t even attempt to shove it away. My body knew there was something out there.
We’re so used to being the predator, never the prey. My eyes continued to scan back and forth, wondering if I needed to let one of my sisters know something was up.
Maybe this was normal? Did the light just randomly turn on from time to time? Ya know- technology? So efficient.
If that was the case why did I feel so…off? Something, isn’t right. Then I see it.
A flicker so fast that I’m half certain my mind made it up. Back in the tree line by the back of the garage, a different kind of darkness.
Not the shadows I had seen earlier from the trees on the porch. This is more opaque. It seems to undulate as it moves along the back of the yard. It doesn’t glide but rather jerks.
I feel my heart begin to race.
Its pace is slow, unseemly. Shadow against shadow and yet I can see it clear as day. Blackness that swallows the night whole. It’s form shivers and writhes against a large oak.
I must be dreaming. Yes. I’d fallen asleep and now I am dreaming something up that isn’t there. What a funny story I’ll have to tell my sisters in the morning.
But to be sure…
I grab my phone, sliding my finger across the screen to bring up the camera, pointing it out the back window. Somehow in the few moments it took me to grab my phone its gone.
The shadow isn’t where I last saw it. I am dreaming. I set my phone back down and then I see it.  Or rather, it sees me.
It sees me, seeing it. And my body goes rigid.
Black malformed nothingness creeping along the garage and staring at me. Its featureless, save for cold pinpricks of red where eyes should be.
Red and beady, almost like light reflecting against an animals eyes.
It glows, but maybe anything would look glow-y against such a stark backdrop. The blood in my body runs like ice. The goose bumps have moved to my arms as well.
I don’t know how long we stare at each other. Maybe three seconds, maybe five minutes. I blink for the first time in I don’t know how long and when I stare back its gone.
Really gone this time.
I must have scanned the backyard and the fence and the woods and the garage multiple times for over ten minutes. I see nothing. My head feels fuzzy. Like I’d taken a large sleeping pill and have been fighting the effects for too long.
I hoist myself back into bed, because I am too afraid to go out there and check. Too tired to wake my sisters. It feels like my limbs have been replaced with sacks of flour.
Heavy, soft, the weight bringing me down. Pushing me against the mattress. I’m exhausted and alert and my body doesn’t know which to indulge more.
Eventually sleep wins and I drift off into a fitful night filled with dreams of sharp shadows following me. And one with red eyes leading the chase.
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The cool water of the Eastvale River ran over fWhip’s feet, cooling him amidst the summer heat. He supposed it would’ve been more refreshing if he didn’t already have a higher-than-normal heat tolerance, but whatever. Let him enjoy the little things on his day off, dammit. He’d finally secured a day free of (most of) their duties as Count, so they were taking the time to let off steam and relax for once. It’d actually been great so far. They’d spent the morning at Gem’s for a nice brunch while it was still cool out, and he finally got the chance to try that frog-leg soup that was so popular in the Cliffs. It was… Let’s just say it was not for them- but it was interesting! Afterward, he’d messed around in the forge for about an hour or so before meeting with Jimmy at the river like they’d planned. They had picked a more secluded spot than it was downstream; farther away from the city and covered in trees for the smallest amount of privacy since they still hadn’t announced their relationship yet.
Speaking of their relationship, fWhip was just about ready to end it as another drop of water hit his paper. “Be more careful, will you?” He scowled. “You’re gonna ruin my whole notebook at this rate.” Yeah, maybe it wasn’t the smartest idea to bring a book near water, especially if it’s very important sketches of his next project, but… Actually, he doesn’t know how they were going to defend themselves, that was pretty stupid. 
A mop of blonde hair named Jimmy emerged from below the surface with a smile larger than life that may or may not have softened fWhip’s hard facade. “Well, why don’t you put the book away and get in with me!” He offered, crossing his arms on the riverbank to flash that blinding grin at his boyfriend. 
The Count took a slow, deliberate breath to try and calm down his unreasonable frustration, setting the vulnerable pages as far from the water as he could reach. “You know I can’t swim in my binder, dumbass. I’ve told you that a million times,” he said, with no real malice this time around, “Plus, some of us aren’t lucky enough to not have tits, Mr. Fish.”
The cod snickered at that, but quickly changed the mood around. “But I’m lonely!” Jimmy whined, pushing himself backwards to float into the deeper water. The position gave fWhip an ample view of the pathetic face the cod was making. 
He didn’t entertain Jim’s pleas, only giving him a stare that said something along the lines of I love you but by Goddess do you annoy me.
The Codfather decided to pull out plan B, something so irresistible that even his cold-hearted, evil boyfriend couldn’t say no to. He waded closer and rested his chin on fWhip’s knees, staring up at him with the biggest eyes he could muster. “Pwease?”
fWhip reddened at the closeness and pressed a foot to Jimmy’s chest, pushing him back into the river. “Fine, but next time your puppy eyes won’t work on me. I’ve got more than enough practice with resisting Nova and Koda’s.”
Jimmy giggled as the ginger pulled their tunic over his head. “Excuse you, they’re guppy eyes.”
fWhip paused to give Jim a glare in the process, looking rather silly with his shirt still bunched around their arms. “That was a terrible pun and you know it.”
The fish sucked in a sharp gasp. “That was great! Admit it!”
“Nope,” he said, popping the P . He tuned out Jimmy’s argument for why he makes great jokes- the cod’s words not his- while they unstrapped the binder and pulled their shirt back on, tossing the garment to lay with the book. They let out a brief sigh of relief from the usually comforting restriction, pulling up their shirt and pant legs. “Ready.” 
Jim looked up at them with giddiness clear on his face if his wiggling fins didn’t show that enough already. He quickly reached up to grab fWhip’s hands and the Count blushed at what he assumed would be a romantic gesture. He was clearly highly mistaken when he was unceremoniously tugged forward. The only thing they could do was yelp before the water enveloped him. 
When he arose, Jimmy was snickering, most likely at the sight of fWhip’s hair flattening to his self-described egg-shaped head. 
“You,” they sneered, “are the worst.”
The other giggled for a second before leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to the tip of fWhip’s nose and resting their foreheads together. “You loooove me,” he countered, drawing out the word for effect.
The Count only frowned and childishly blew a raspberry at the cod. “You’re right, but I’m not happy about it.”
Jimmy cheered at successfully dodging an assassination attempt. Hopefully, at the end of the day he’d still be alive to have that nice dinner “between rulers” in the tavern fWhip was always gushing about.
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serpentandlily · 3 months
Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny Part II Preview + moodboard
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Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny - Eris x Archeron!Reader
Part II Sneak peek
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You slipped into the private library in the House of Wind, humming slightly to yourself. The faint scent of crackling embers and something else indiscernible met your nose as the door slammed shut behind you but you brushed it off, figuring it must've come from the fireplace on the other side of the large room.
You meandered to the section that was filled with romance books—the ones Nesta had made sure to stock up on ever since she became the owner of this place along with Cassian. You brushed your fingers against the spines of the books, pulling out some that had interesting titles and stacking them in your arms.
A Heart Ablaze.
The Prince of Fire.
Your skirt flitted against the tops of your boots as you walked. You bit your lip, pulling out another book. This one titled, The Flames that Bind Us. You’d read it before but it was one of your favorites.
“You should be a bit more aware of your surroundings, bunny. You have no idea what sort of monsters are lurking around.”
You gasped, jumping in fright and dropping your stack of books to place a hand on your chest. You whirled around with a wildly beating heart.
You had recognized the voice immediately but you were still taken aback to see Eris lounging in one of the armchairs by the fireplace. He was sprawled out in the chair like it was his throne, a glass of whiskey in one hand and his other lightly stroking the soft velvet of the armrest. His red hair gleamed the same color as the burning flames behind him.
Your gaze dipped to his chest, to his cream colored tunic that had a few buttons undone, exposing the silver layered jewelry resting against his chest. He wore dark brown breeches, perfectly tailored for his long legs and brown riding boots. How he managed to make such casual clothing look elegant and refined was beyond you.
When you met his eyes again, those devastating amber eyes, Eris gave you a fox-like grin that looked anything but friendly.
“What are you doing here?” you asked as you bent down to pick up the books you had dropped. You held them against your chest like a shield.
“That is no way to address a Lord,” Eris purred.
You huffed, fighting the urge to roll your eyes.
“Apologies, my Lord,” you replied, sarcastically. “What a delight it is to see you again. What brings you to our humble court?”
Eris’s eyebrows rose in amusement.
“If you must know, I’m here for a meeting with your High Lord and Lady,” Eris said. “Pray tell, what are you doing here, bunny?”
His eyes darted to the books in your arms and you blushed, trying to discreetly cover the titles. Eris didn’t need to know your reading preferences.
“If you must know,” you said, mocking him, “I live here.”
You split time between here and the River House. Mostly because Nesta had once accused you of favoring Feyre. You hated nothing more than to be used as a pawn against your sisters. But being the youngest, your role in the family oftentimes required you playing mediator between your siblings. Sometimes, messenger too.
“Poor little bunny,” Eris teased. “Locked up here in a cage.”
“Stop calling me that!”
You glared at the handsome Lord, hating the way that made him seem even more amused.
Eris said nothing, just twirled the glass in his hands as his eyes assessed you. You felt the hairs on your arms stand up, felt a chill run down your spine at his look. His smirk never left his face. You were quite sure he had been born wearing it.
“Don’t you normally meet with Rhys and Feyre in Hewn City?” you asked, unable to take the silence. You should probably leave, but something kept your feet glued to the floor.
Eris shrugged. “Sure, when our business involves Keir.” He spat out the older male’s name with disgust. “I’m surprised they didn’t order you to stay in your room knowing I was here,” he continued, his amusement back once more. “Can’t let the little bunny be ensnared by a fox again.”
His grin was more of a display of teeth. It did nothing to quell your nerves.
“They never tell me anything,” you murmured, annoyed.
Your lips slammed shut when one of Eris’s eyebrows raised, like you had just unknowingly passed along information you shouldn’t have.
The doors to the library slammed open and you jumped, sucking in a breath at the sudden noise. Azriel stormed in, his eyes narrowed at Eris. You suddenly felt tense, sensing the way the energy seemed to shift in the room. He stopped once he was in front of you, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
“What are you doing here?” he hissed at the redhead. “You’re supposed to be waiting for Rhys and Feyre in the war room.”
Eris didn’t seem frightened in the slightest, unlike most fae did when staring down the shadowsinger.
He plucked a piece of lint from his tunic, unbothered. “Apologies, shadowsinger. I got lost.”
You doubted that and by Azriel’s growl, you realized he did too. He turned to look down at you, his lips pressed in a straight line with a stern look.
“Go,” Azriel barked, nodding his head towards the door. You bristled at the command, as if you were a dog he could order around.
But it was Eris who stood to his full height and snarled, “Don’t speak to her like that.”
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atla-genderbender · 2 months
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ATLA Gender Bender: "Himekawa" and "Kayuu"
As I mentioned previously, the concept behind "ATLA Gender Bender" is to swap the genders of the main cast, and to only swap the genders of adult characters when it enhances the story. Unlike Ursa and Ozai, I don't think the story is enhanced by swapping the genders of Hakoda and Kya. Due to her untimely death, little is known about Kya's personality and history. In the TV series, Hakoda is a pretty simple character, though he is given more focus in the comics. In ATLA, the Water Tribe is arguably the lowest of the four nations in terms of gender equality index. If Hakoda was a woman and Kya was a man, it is likely that Hakoda would have been inside the home when the Southern Raiders invaded. Instead of Kya, female Hakoda would have suffered a noble death at the hands of Yon Rha. Since the position of "chief" is elected in the Southern Water Tribe, male Kya could have become the chief in Hakoda's stead. This seems to be a realistic scenario if the genders of Hakoda and Kya were reversed, but it does not interest me that much. For these reasons, I would rather leave Hakoda and Kya's genders unchanged.
Still, I wanted to try a rough sketch of male Kya and female Hakoda, just for fun. In Hakoda's case, I think it would be interesting if female Hakoda was a rare example of a female chieftain. In designing her, I was inspired by the description of a "powerful woman chief" of the subarctic Kaska (see: books.google.com/books?id=iBIS…). I was unable to find a physical description of this woman chief, so I also referred to information about the Greenlandic Inuit. This culture was selected due to its similarities to Southern Water Tribe culture with respect to gender. Both cultures display a clear division of labor between men and women, yet transgender persons could be found in both cultures (see: avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Souther…). Indigenous Arctic cultures also had a degree of flexibility in the gender role of women, who would be taught to hunt and perform masculine activities to ensure the survival of the community. This seems to also be the case for the Southern Water Tribe, given the non-bender warrior woman "Lirin" and Katara's reaction to the more rigid gender roles of the Northern Water Tribe. I gave female Hakoda a masculine, but not totally masculine, style to match the description of female huntresses of the Greenlandic Inuit. These huntresses were not restricted to the typical gender roles of Inuit women, as they were trained to hunt by their fathers. They are described as girls who "behaved and dressed like men", and it might be appropriate to describe them as "transgender" (see: monoskop.org/images/3/34/Mead_…). However, here I did not intend for female Hakoda to be transgender, but to be like the female chiefs "Running Eagle" and Bíawacheeitchish (see: "Men as women, women as men : changing gender in Native American cultures" by Sabine Lang). Her appearance is also a little inspired by the woman chief shown in the Great Divide. Her hair is meant to suggest that at some point in her past, she wore "hair loopies". Her hairstyle is also inspired by the adjacent culture of Kyoshi Island, where woman warriors like Suki cut their hair short and tie it in a wolf's tail.
With Hakoda reimagined as a female chief, I think her relationship to "Sanaaq" might be similar to that of Toph's relationship to Lin. "Sanaaq" would be an aspiring female warrior who endeavors to live up to her warrior mother's legacy.
Hakoda's name is actually Japanese in origin, where he is named after the Hakkoda Mountains. As such, a potential name for his female counterpart could be "Himekawa", the name of a Japanese river.
Since the men of the Southern Water Tribe were all trained as warriors, male Kya wears a warrior's wolf tail like the other men of the tribe. Would he be an impressive warrior or an unimpressive warrior? I'm not sure. Either way, the idea is that he is still the one found in the home, who sacrifices himself when the Southern Raiders invade. In real life, Inuit clothing was styled differently for men and women, where men's reached to the middle of the thigh, while women's reached below the knees (see: books.google.com/books?id=dQcW…). This generally seems to be the case for Southern Water Tribe men and women. However, the comics "North and South" show Thod and Gilak wearing clothes that extend past the knee (see: avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Thod?fi…). This is why I chose to also give male Kya clothing that extends past his knee. It is also supposed to be something that he might wear while inside the home, rather than fighting a battle. I think a good name for him would be "Kayuu", an Aleut name meaning "his strength" (see page 66 of "Ancient Aleut Personal Names": library.alaska.gov/hist/hist_d…)
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ae-neon · 11 months
Finished Gardens of the Moon at 1am and immediately fell asleep so it's only really hitting me now and I need to ramble
If you haven't read it it's a High and Epic Fantasy that follows a cast of characters during several conflicts. There's a dark elf demi god, a puppet that wants to kill people, undead neanderthal things, a girl possessed by the god of assassins and a man whose dreams are alt dimensions. That might seem like a lot of spoilers but I promise it's barely scratched the surface.
The biggest complaint you might hear is that it's confusing but I say don't worry about being confused, or not picking up on every name, event etc. Look up a map and just go with the story. The story isn't confused or confusing, you just aren't spoonfed or given all the information at once. It makes sense not to know or understand something since half the characters you're viewing the story through, don't either
It's genuinely so much fun, so fresh and by the end even a little profound.
The worldbuilding is so rich and deep and unabashedly fantastical - a floating city! Mages! Ancient immortals! - without being nonsensical, how refreshing.
The storyline was like a river, a main body fed from the past and flowing to the future while having streams here and there that all connected to the main body or branched off from it. And all the while this undercurrent about action, hope and compassion in the face of inevitable loss, violence and dominance.
For me there's genuinely only two problems with this whole book. The Non-Spoiler problem is that I wish the author described the characters in a little more detail.
4/5 stars 🌷🌷🌷
Spoilers, Avert Your Gaze
Where do I start??!
That false climax is so iconic, drama at the fête > the potential end of the world hahaha
Kruppe. Truly, he falls in his own category. What a character in both the story and narrative.
While Tool, Lorn and Rake are maybe my favourite characters, there isn't a character I disliked, honestly
Lorn 💔 why couldn't you just go with Tool
Tool 💚 I hope we see you again
I think I might be alone in not being the biggest Bridgeburner fan - they're literally introduced as an invading imperial force so maybe I wasn't supposed to like them.
Or maybe it's that I'm not as much of a Whiskeyjack fan as I thought I'd be given his reputation amongst fans, in this book at least, I preferred Dujeck Onearm (+Toc, we better see him again!!!) - though Ben + Kalam and later, Hedge + Fiddler were definitely some of my faves.
Tattersail! 😭 What a bold narrative decision, holy fuck, but ultimately so so so interesting and I can't wait to read from that character's perspective in the future
One gripe I do have is that the writing didn't work to make the connection between Tattersail and Paran believable let alone deep enough to warrant something that crosses her lifetime.
Individually they're both great, but the idea that what happened between them had any real weight to it was not conveyed well in the narrative. It was said but not shown.
In contrast, the relationship between Apsalar and Crokus, my sweet children, is done sooo much better. Even Crokus' misunderstanding of Challice, and the realistic portrayal of her pov, had more depth than Paran/Tattersail
I literally pulled a face at the end when Paran sensed and "spoke" to adolescent 'Sail. Like whyyyy, took a lot of my enjoyment out of Paran's pov, which was perfect except for this aspect.
Coll, Rallick Nom and Murillo - the three musketeers. Rallick just sitting on the Azath was hilarious, I predicted Coll's story but his time and bond with Paran was unexpected and very enjoyable, and Murillio... Those few lines about how vengeance and justice had twisted him, that hollowness in the 'victory' after he left Simtal with the dagger... That really left a deep impression on me especially as I wasn't too into Simtal being this one note sex symbol villainess.
All the gods are interesting but I think Cotillion might have been my favourite. Hope his ambitions bring him back into the fray. Sorry was Iconic. Also definitely wanna see what happens with the two hounds who escaped Dragnipur
And Anomander Rake... How beautiful was the unveiling of this character's story and motivations?? The conversations between Baruk and Rake were some of my favourite moments and I can't wait to reread them.
I cannot wait to see more from his side of the board, including Caladan, Prince K'azz, Crone and Silanah
I also hope K'rul has a good day and gets some devout followers.
4/5 stars. Literally the only thing stopping it from being perfect was the lack of Paran/Sail depth and that I wish Erikson would add a little more description of the characters besides the broad strokes of body shape and age
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Tasm!Peter x Doctor! reader
Hello all! This is a request from @dracomalfoy2906
Warnings: blood, bruises, injuries, talk about infertility, curse words, Typos, and not the best writing!
“ Honey, my nephew is stopping in. He did something to his shoulder. Skateboarding. Could you take a look? He honestly is only stopping in for my peace of mind.” May popped by your office. The hospital was super slow today, but no one dared say it aloud.
“ Yeah, May, of course! When he gets here, bring him here. I’m just on call today, Catching up on paperwork .”
“ y/n, you need to take a break from this place sometime, you know?”
“ Yes, mom,” you laughed. May Parker become your work mom. She always looked out for you, ensuring you ate, took breaks, and cared for yourself.
“ I’m serious! Anyway, I will send Peter to see you when he gets here.”
About thirty minutes later, you heard a knock at the door. You looked up to find a beautiful brown eye, brown fluffy-haired man. This must be Peter. May had told you so much about him; you kind of felt like you knew him already.
“ Dr. Y/L/N? I’m Peter May’s nephew. “
“ Hey, Peter, come in and sit. And please call me Y/N.” You smiled
“ Oh, ok. Thank you. I’m honestly not that hurt, but May..”
“ She worries a lot, I know. She is like my mom here at work. “
He laughed. “ Sound like May.”As you examined Peter’s shoulder., he started to hiss in pain.
“ Well, Peter, you banged your shoulder up pretty good. But I’m sure ice and ibuprofen should do the trick. “
“ that’s what I told Aunt May !”
“ Well, it is still a good idea to get checked out. What were you doing anyway? May said skateboarding? “
“ Yeah, I have been skateboarding since I was a little kid. When I get free time, I try to go out skating .”
“ Nice, I was never good. But my brother was great! I saw some pretty bad injuries … sometimes I think that’s when I became interested in medicine.” You laughed. Peter was so easy to talk to.
“ That’s crazy! Did you grow up around here? Maybe I skated with him? “
“ Yeah, we did. His name is Michael. He went by Mikey as a teen… he used to skate at ….”
“ The skatepark down by the River? “
“ yep! That would be my big brother!”
“ wow, Mikey’s little sister… small world.”
“ Yeah, small world,” you smiled. “Well, Peter, now you know where my office is, so if you ever need anything..”
“ Yeah, cool. Thanks again, y/n. Maybe I will see you soon? Hopefully not be injured. “He smiled as he left.
You quickly called Mike.
“ Mike!! “
“ Sis, how are you?”
“ I’m good... I just had someone you know come into my office… Peter Parker ?”
“ I haven’t heard that name in years! We used to skateboard together. Nice guy!”
“ Yeah, he really is”….
May had a plan. She knew how perfect you were for Peter and how perfect Peter was for you. Step one of her plan had worked; now, step two was thank-you dinner at her place.
“ Y/N!! I wanted to thank you again for checking Peter out. “
“ It was really nothing. “
“ well, Peter is my boy, so it meant everything to me! How about you come to dinner at my place Saturday at 7? You are off and not on call… I already checked. “
You laughed at May. “ ok, ok, May! I will bring the wine! “
She smiled as you walked off. Taking out her phone, May sent a quick text to Peter.
Dinner at 7 pm on Saturday. Do not be late. Bring flowers. Y/n is coming.
Match Maker May was in business.
Saturday came quickly. You were exhausted from your week. Generally, on a free Saturday, you would spend it alone with an excellent book, but May Parker was like your mom. You could not turn down the invite.
Arriving at the address, you knocked. You waited and hummed a tune. The door opens up to reveal Peter.
“ Hey, Peter! Nice to see you again! “
“ It’s good to see you! Come in!”
As you walked in, you took in the house. It was so homie. You saw pictures of Peter when he was small and smiled. You were about to say something when you saw May walk down the stairs.
“ Hello, Honey! I’m so glad you made it. I’m so sorry, but I’m going to have to head in. Gladys called in sick, and Marie is out with the baby. I already cooked. You and Peter should stay and have dinner.”
May Parker was a genius.
“ oh, ok”
“Bye, you two have fun! “ May headed out
“ so, Peter, what do you do for work?”
“ oh, I am a research scientist at OSCORP. I also do some freelance photography for The Bugle.”
“ that’s amazing! A man of science . “ you giggled “ I would love to see your photos!”
“ Yeah, sure. I have some of my old stuff in my room here. I mean, it's stuff from High school ..”
“ Ooo! A time capsule of Peter Parker’s life! I’m intrigued now !”
Peter laughed. “Well, let’s eat before the food gets cold.”
You followed Peter into the dining room.
“ Daisies! My favorite. “ you smiled
Peter smiled at your excitement.
Peter was already falling for you. And you were falling for him. This dinner would be the first of many you and Peter had. After dinner number five, Peter asked you to be his girlfriend. It was a match made in heaven.
Month three is when you find out about Peter’s secret identity. He landed on your fire escape, blood and bruised. Hearing the thud, you quickly made your way to find New York’s web-slinger passed out at your window.
“ umm… uh … Mr.Spider-Man, I’m Y/n… can you hear me? No? Oh, ok. Umm...I am a doctor, so I'm going to check your injuries.”
Spider-Man didn’t move. You assessed the damage.
“Oh, shit,” he needed so many stitches. So, you proceed to drag him inside. You weren’t going to take off his mask, but the laceration on his chin needed a closer look. You rolled up the mask to the edge of his nose. Spider-Man began to stir, and his mask rolled past his nose, revealing someone you knew very well. You gasped.
“ Pete “
“ Y/N,” Peter croaked
“ Yeah, you are ok. I have got you.” You continue to work on Peter. Whatever he got himself into was not great.
“ I’m ….sorry you …had to find …out this way. I needed help.” He was becoming more and more alert.
“Petey, don’t worry. I’ve got you. Always. …I kinda figured something was up. You had way too many “ skateboarding” injuries. My money was on underground fight club, not Spider-Man.”
Peter laughed, “ ouch.”
“Take it easy, Tiger. “
Month 6 is when you moved in with Peter. Everyone said it was early, but it just felt right. You still kept your place for nights you were on call ( it was closer to the hospital), but you loved the shared space with Peter. At this point, Peter had met everyone in your family. They loved him. Your sister, Emily, and brother were over the moon that their baby sister found such a great guy. Mike was excited to reconnect with an old friend. Your friends with we're ecstatic as well
“ I'm so excited! You know Matt wanted me to set you up with his brother at the wedding. As if!! I love you too much! You would be a great sister-in-law, but... Nic is... Well, Nic.” Was Steph’s response when you told her you needed to add a plus one to her wedding. Stephanie was one of your best friends. Your moms had been friends since you two were in diapers. You just clicked. So it was no question you were a bridesmaid.
The wedding was beautiful. Your sister's kids stole the show. Sage was the cutest flower girl, and Ryder was the best ring bearer. After the ceremony, you were tasked with rounding up the kiddos for the photos. You rounded the corner to hear giggling.
“ No! Peter, Sage is three, and I’m 6.”
“ Are you sure? I think Miss Sage looks a little older than you?”
Ryder busted out laughing! “ you are silly, Peter. “
“ What are you three up to?”
“ Auntie! Tell Peter that I’m the oldest, not Sage !”
“ I will. Buddy, come on, you have to get your photo taken with Aunt Steph!”
“ Ok, can Peter come?”
“Of course!” You smiled. It made your heart swell how much Ryder warmed up to Peter.
The rest of the night, Ryder and Sage never left Peter’s side. They danced, laughed, and played the night away.
“ He is gonna make a great father one day.” You overheard one of the other bridesmaids say. Your heart sank. During your whirlwind of a romance, you and Peter never brought up kids. You knew you couldn’t have kids of your own. Fertility issues ran in the family, so when you turned 25, you had a test run. When the results came back, you were devastated. The diagnosis was something you had come to terms with over the years. ( even though it did make it any easier) How could you forget to tell Peter?
The day after the wedding was rough. You ended up at May’s after the wedding. Her place was much closer than yours and Peter’s. You were hungover, but May made breakfast, so you got up and trotted down the stairs.
“ Good Morning, y/n.”
May sang.
“ morning May” you smiled
“ morning, bug” Peter gave you a peck on the cheek
“ Peter was telling me all about the wedding last night. It sounds like a good time! “
“ It really was. It was beautiful.”
“ I heard you caught the bouquet.”
“ yeah, I’m pretty sure Steph planned it. I’m not in a hurry,” you said, looking at peter smiling back at you.
“ Peter said he met your niece and nephew. Sage and Ryder ?”
“ I was telling May about Ryder trying to crowd surf and how he ended up falling asleep on me. And how Sage kept making me twirl her around. She was adorable.”
“ yeah, They loved you.”
“ Peter is always so great with kiddos! I can’t wait to hear the pitter-patter of little feet in this house again. Peter always said he wanted a big family. One day soon, hopefully.” May smiled
You froze. Not only were you going to break Peter’s heart now, but you were also going to break May's heart as well. Finally, you gave may a slight grin. You looked over to Peter. He was in his own world. He didn’t hear what she said. There was a siren going off. He was trying to see if he needed to slip away.
“ I’m going to head back up to bed. I’m not feeling great. Too much wine last night. “ you excused yourself
“ ok, honey. “ May said with a smile.
“ love, I will be up soon. We can head home, alright? “
You have a quick nod, and you walk away, trying to hide your tears.
Month 7 is when you ran. You made it home from May’s and headed straight to the bedroom. Peter followed
“ love bug, what’s wrong? You are so quiet. “
“ Nothing, I just am tired, that’s all.”
“you know you can tell me anything, right? Did I do something? I just feel like you..”
“ No, Peter. I’m fine .” You were not OK. You were panicking. You couldn’t stay with Peter knowing that he wants to have kids and you can't give him them.
“ ok, I’m going to go one patrol early since I didn’t go last night. When I get back movie night?”
“ Sounds great,” you said, knowing that you would be long gone when he returned.
“ Ok, good!! “ he turned to leave but turned back to kiss you quickly. “ I love you.”
“I love you too, Peter. “
That night when he returned all, he found a simple note on the counter.
I’m sorry. It's for your own good. I love you...
Yours forever,
He tried to call you. You had already blocked his number. He went to your apartment. You left a note there as well.
Please, don't try to find me. Know that I love you always.
Peter screamed in frustration. He didn’t understand. He knew you were upset. That is why he went on patrol. He thought you needed space. He wanted to give you that space; he didn’t know you would run away.
He called everyone in your family, and no one knew anything.
He called Steph to see what she knew.
“ Peter, she isn't with me. I don't know what is going on.”
“ Steph, I know you are lying...She tells you everything. Where is she? What happened?”
“ Peter, just let it go. Let her…”
“ I ALREADY LOST THE LOVE OF MY LIFE ONCE… I can’t do it again. Please, Steph .”
“ I’m sorry.”
Steph hung up quickly. The phone was on speaker, and you heard everything.
“ I … I … “ you broke down in her arms.
“ it’s ok, love…. But I think you should talk to him. You didn’t even tell him anything … you just ran. You don’t know how he would respond. He could…”
“ No, Steph. I can’t let him give up on his dream because of me. I can’t give him what he wants .”
“ just… take some time to think.
And that’s what you did.
It had been four months since you left. Peter never stopped looking for you. You literally disappeared. You moved jobs and found a new place to live on the other side of the city, where you thought you wouldn’t run into Peter. But Peter was determined to see you. He just didn’t know where to look anymore. He became more and more distracted by the idea of finding you. One day on patrol, Peter was on the opposite side of the city than usual. He got a lead on a weapons trade. Then he thought he saw you. Swinging faster and faster, he missed judging his landing and took a tumble into a wall. He felt his wrist snap.
“Fuck!” He hissed as he looked at his wrist.
This was something he couldn’t fix himself. He would heal fast, but he still needed medical attention. He quickly changed into his street clothes and headed to the hospital closest to where he hid his backpack.
He was sitting in the room waiting to be seen. His eyes lit up as the door opened. You were there. You find Peter staring at you when you look up from the chart. You gasp and try to keep your professional manner. But the tears were starting to form.
“Peter... I umm... “ you cleared your throat and quickly gathered yourself.
“ Mr. Parker, what seems to be the problem?”
“ Well, Dr. Y/l/n. I have a broken heart. I didn’t know that there was a problem. I didn’t think anything was wrong, and I came home, and she was gone....Y/n what happened?”
“ not here, Peter. Let's get you fixed, ok?”
“My broken heart or my broken wrist? “
For the rest of the visit, you were both quiet. You place a cast on his wrist. He would only need the cast a day or two with his accelerated healing.
“ Alright, you are all set.... “
Peter got up to leave, but you stopped him.
“Peter, I'm going on lunch in ten. Meet me outside on the bench near the fountain? “
“ Ok.”
You didn't expect to see Peter in your hospital. Honestly, we're not expecting to see him ever again. You had written a long letter explaining everything and planned to send it. When you saw him again, you felt the need for closure. You needed it, and he needed it. That's why you invited him to lunch.
You found Peter sitting on the bench staring at the fountain.
“ This is my favorite spot. I come here to clear my head a lot.”
“ I see why. It's very nice.”
“ How are you?”
“ Well, I have spent the past four months trying to find the love of my life. She ran away and only left a note. Kinda fucks with someone, ya know ?” Peter didn't sound mad. He sounded hurt. You hurt him. You left to protect him, not hurt him.
“ I'm sorry. I did what I thought was the best thing for you. I couldn't help at...”
“ Did you ever think to ask me what I thought was the best for me? I didn't even get a choice. You left and went no contact.”
“ Petey, I'm so...”
“ Why did you do it?”
“ It was for your own good. I could not give you the life you want, and I left because you deserve...”
“ my own good? Y/n, my life was dull until I met you. The life I want is with you. I want to grow old with you. I want to have kids with you. I want to...”
“ JUST STOP, PETER! Stop! ... I can't give you that life. That is why I left !”
“I don't understand! I thought we were on the same page. I loved you. I still fucking love you.”
You were crying.
“ I love you too… I just ..”
“ Then why did you run? “
“ I was scared. Ok, Peter! I was scared, so I fucking ran.”
“Scared? Scared of what?”
“ When I saw you with my niece and nephew at Steph’s wedding, I couldn’t help to think of how wonderful you would be as a father. Then, we went to May’s, and you talked and talked about Sage and Ryder. You were so happy. You were off in your thoughts when May mentioned that you always wanted a big family. I … I was scared that when you found out I can’t have children of my own, I wouldn’t be enough. So, I ran. I ran because I love you. And I know you. I know that you would give up on that dream for me… and ….I can't let you do that .”
You sat staring at the fountain crying. Peter didn't say anything. It felt like hours until he finally spoke up. You didn't notice he was crying until he reached over and grabbed your hand. You looked up at him.
“ Bug, You will always be enough. I'm sorry you felt that way. I would never... I love you. And yes, I want a big family, but there are so many other ways to have a family. Fostering, adopting, surrogates, dogs, cats, lizards … “ you both laughed “ well, maybe not lizards… I don’t have the best track record with them …. But, even if you looked at me and said I don’t want children, I would be right by your side because I love you, y/n. I will always love you.”
You were sobbing. Why did you let fear lead your actions? You lost four months with the person you love because you were afraid. But, now starring a Peter, you wonder why you ever worried.
“ I love you too. I’m so sorry… I ran. I didn’t know what you would think I ….”
“ It’s ok, My love.” He leaned over and kissed you so gently.
“ I missed that,” you smiled.
“ I missed you more. When do you get off?”
“ I… ugh… I’m technically off now. I told them that my last patient turned out to be my fiancée, so I needed to deal with his stupidity….”
“ you lied to your new boss….”
“I didn’t know how this was going to go!! I may have needed the rest of the day off to cry more….”
“ Oh, how I have missed you so much. Let’s go home, love.”
You smiled and headed back to the place your heart never left.
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
So that anon's theory about Amren and babies made me think of a crackfic that I would love if you could do (it is however somewhat Amren centered and I'm aware you don't like writing her so you can refuse this-I completely understand)-
( I would like if this is set after your AU ACOSF cause that for me is the only Nessian story I find acceptable but again whatever you wish to do-you're the writer :) )
So basically Nessian's baby (daughter) who is now around maybe 1 years old (whatever age babies start crawling or moving and somewhat talking on their own) and has had some sort of attachment to Amren.But now that the baby is able to move around herself she's taken to trying to follow Amren everywhere.And no one is able to stop her or distract her.Maybe she even has a babbled random name for Amren as well that the whole NC finds hilarious.
So basically Amren spends a whole day hiding from the baby only to be found every single time much to her annoyance and the IC's amusement.Like she's just going around the river estate hiding from a 1 year old in random places only to be found each time.Maybe at some point she decides to leave to summer court but is again found by the baby when Nesta is also at summer to talk to Cresseida about the fund and has her daughter with her.Idk how this ends or what even happens.It's purely a crackfic idea in my mind so it doesn't have to be completely factually correct or anything.Infact I love the way you think up stuff so if you take full reigns over this idea then that's great too :)
Ofcourse I understand if you don't want to write an Amren centric fic since you don't really like her (same btw) and usually write Nesta centric fics only but it's something about her experiencing her own form of torture with having a drooling babbling baby cling to her lol.
I'm also the same person who had requested the hormonal and pregnant Nesta fic and I absolutely loved it.If you do decide to write it I think it would be interesting if this fic is a continuation of that one of some sort.Thankyou so much!
I love your works!!Infact you are the reason I joined tumblr and discovered so many other authors so really you were my gateway.I can't wait to read your original work when ( used when- because it will happen because you're obviously talented enough to get it) you get published in the future!!!
Awww that makes me so happy that you joined and found more fics. There are so many talented people on here!
I've written just a short one (1.3k) of Amren getting terrorised by baby Nessian!
The ancient one called his name over and over until her voice had grown hoarse. He cut his shower short to see why Amren was howling his name like a wounded beast. She’d been terrifying with power – now, she was just a tiny female who made lots of threats with nothing to back them up.
‘What is the problem?’
Amren stood on a chair, as far to one side as it could go without tipping. ‘It’s followed me again.’
A growl rippled from his chest. ‘My daughter is not an it.’
‘Take it – her – away.’
Phia had always had a strange fascination with Amren. As soon as she could focus her eyes on faces, they always searched the room for the female. It had taken all of them months of chipping away at her to even hold the baby – and then Nesta had needed to remove her after less than a minute because Amren panicked.
Cassian swooped down on Ophelia then whooshed her up into the air so a big, beaming smile came onto her face. It seemed that Amren had been working at the table when she’d been snuck up on. Since she learnt how to crawl, there wasn’t a room that Amren could go to for an escape. Nesta might have given her daughter a helping hand from time to time too.
‘Your daughter is terrorising Amren again.’
Nesta stretched out on the couch. There was a book beside her, but since having a baby, sleep was prioritised over any other hobby.
‘I know. I could see them.’
‘Didn’t you hear her calling?’
Nesta snorted. ‘I did. Phia was fine, just trying to pull herself up.’
‘Wait until she learns how to walk.’
Nesta grinned. ‘And how to fly.’
Poor Amren would have no peace. She had seriously asked Rhys about defecting to the Summer Court. Nyx had never been bothered with her – or she to him. Ophelia had different plans. And Nesta seemed to enjoy her torment.
Nesta scooped the baby to her chest then kissed the crop of dark hair. The wings were a welcome surprise; they were not entirely sure whether the Illyrian genes would be passed along. Cassian had already planned her flying lessons and all the places he could take his daughter once she’d learnt.
‘Can you believe we made her?’
Nesta threw him an incredulous look. ‘I was just the vessel. This is your child. Ten months inside of me to come out looking exactly like your father, you poor, sweet girl.’
‘When we have a boy, he’ll look like you.’
‘Oo, you ripped me from front to back,’ she said in a sing-song voice as she slathered the baby with kisses to make her giggle. ‘If your papa thinks I am ever letting him touch me again, he must be sillier than I thought.’
Amren stood in the doorway and shuddered.
‘Would you like to come with us to the park?’
‘I would rather spend another eternity in the Prison.’
Nesta gave her a sweet smile. ‘I shall inform Rhysand of your request.’
Sure enough, once Phia had learnt to walk, Amren was her go to person. Sometimes she’d even start to cry if Amren didn’t pick her up – then Amren appeared as if she might burst into tears as a result. And every time, Nesta would watch with a smirk. Cassian saw her exchanging vindictive grins with Azriel from time to time too as they delighted in Amren’s torture.
There was no escape. Ophelia had learnt how to walk and how to pull herself up to surfaces in quick succession so even if Amren was in a chair, Phia would go to her then haul herself into Amren’s lap before she had a chance to get away. Her wings were growing stronger so, soon, Amren would never be able to escape.
Sometimes she was brave enough to lift the girl back down before running away. Other times, she remained pinned to the spot, calling out for help. The only one who ran when she called was Varian. What didn’t help was how utterly obsessed Varian was with Phia either. She was happy to go to him and he’d play with her for hours, much to Amren’s torment.
‘I don’t understand what is enjoyable,’ she confessed over dinner when Ophelia had wheedled her way onto Varian’s lap and helped herself to everything on his plate.
Cassian had thought that Nesta might prickle more over Amren’s words, but she only ever shrugged them off. If their daughter was hassling Amren, it gave her a moment of space. Nesta enjoyed the peace where she could wolf down her dinner without interruption.
‘Are you telling me that cracked nipples and sleepless nights do not appeal to you?’ She asked between mouthfuls of food.
All of the males around the table winced.
Since having a child, Nesta had lost any reservations or propriety. Cassian had stopped trying to protect her modesty each time she whipped out a nipple to feed Ophelia.
‘Don’t forget cleaning shit out of her belly button when she explodes.’
Mor gagged. ‘Is this a topic for dinner?’
But Rhys had nodded with understanding at Cassian’s words. They had all been there the first time Nyx had woken screaming from a nap absolutely covered in his own filth. Feyre and him had some sort of deal where one of them could refuse entirely to be involved and Feyre slammed down her portion of the deal in record time leaving Rhys to manage it alone.
‘She’s trying to touch me,’ Amren hissed, leaning to the side to stop Ophelia from reaching her.
‘Varian, she’s going to cry if you don’t hand her to her favourite person,’ Nesta teased.
The Summer Court male panicked. He doted on that little girl and would never want to see her upset, but Amren would eat him alive. The former won out with her wobbling bottom lip – which was definitely inherited from her mother. She might have been Cassian’s double in appearance, but the personality coming through was all Nesta.  
Ophelia pressed herself to Amren. Her chubby, little arms went around the female’s neck as she imitated the same noise her mother made when she hugged her. The moment ought to have been sweet, but Amren looked to be in physical pain or as if somebody had a knife pressed to her throat.
‘What does she want?’
‘Hug her back,’ Cassian suggested.
Amren blew out a breath. Then inhaled. Blew out again. Her eyes screwed shut.
'I can't.'
Azriel burst into laughter, surprising them all.
‘She looks like we’ve asked her to hug the Attor. She’s a baby, Amren.’
‘I would hug Nyx,’ she said, straining her face upwards to keep away from Phia, ‘but there’s something not right with this one.’
‘Feyre, will you swap our babies over.’
Amren’s silver eyes went wide. ‘No.’
‘I think bonding with both would be good for Amren,’ Feyre replied, carrying Nyx over.
He’d been a lovely baby. A very easy one too, content to slumber in people’s arms or sleep solidly through the night from one month. As soon as he’d hit two, a different child had emerged. Cassian was happy to admit that his nephew was horrid. Nyx quite enjoyed biting. And kicking. And hitting. And hair pulling. And the word no. Rhys had even made a joke about dropping him in Windhaven early after Nyx had thrown his bowl of soup directly at Rhys’ face.
‘Please, not him. Please, Rhysand. Rhysand. I will quit. I will leave this court and join Autumn if I have to.’
‘She’ll give up all of our secrets if confronted by an infant,’ Azriel mused, another wicked smile flitting onto his lips.
Feyre was too kind and hauled a thrashing Nyx back to his seat - but the threat was always there.
‘Phia loves you,’ Nesta crooned.
Nesta grabbed hold of Cassian’s hand. ‘She said her first word.’
‘That was not a word,’ Amren seethed.
‘She said your name,’ Varian said with pure delight.
‘My name is not Amam.’
‘If you think we are calling you anything else from now on, you’re dead wrong.’
Amren shook her head. ‘I wish I had stayed dead.’
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