#and affected other formative decisions through my life bc of how my experiences change my philosophy
rubberbandballqueen · 3 years
“why are you like this” *points to extremely specific formative moment in my life*
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roughcutdiamond · 3 years
what if’s = oh well’s
I just finished reading The Midnight Library by Matt Haig, and it left me pondering about my life. The book tells a story about a woman getting a second chance and making different decisions that affected the outcome of her life.
I know we all spend time thinking about the “what ifs” of our lives. It’s something we can’t help. There’s the small decisions like: what if I had gotten the iced chai instead of the iced coffee, but then there’s the big decisions of: what if I moved to Phoenix instead of Germany?
When i think about the major decisions that have affected my life a few that come to mind are: choosing the college I went to, choosing to join the sorority I did, choosing my major, moving to a foreign country instead of to the big city I promised my friends after college, then working at a national park.
I’ll even go further back to think about if certain events that I had no control over didn’t happen. What if my dad didn’t die? What if my nana and papa never got divorced? What if the pandemic never happened?
Younger me would dwell on some of these questions and be really upset about this. But the older and present me is aware of what might have happened and the things I would have missed out on if my life didn’t turn out the way it had.
Going to my college and joining my sorority led me to meeting my best friends. I truly believe I am the reason they all became the friends they are now. Two of them might have been friends without my help or other paths would have led them to all meet, but I know I helped make it happen. Then when it comes to what i decided to major in. It all started because I wanted to take the intro level class to learn more about what it offered but I couldn’t take the class unless that was my major, so i switched it then and there and stuck with it ever since. Then because of that my uncle told me about a program working at a hotel abroad. Moving to the foreign country allowed me to live the dream i wanted and meet friends that I was able to go through such new and important life events with. I would have regretted moving to the big city because I now know the pandemic would have happened and my dream of being abroad would have been pushed off even more. If I had moved there, it never would have never led me to working at this national park because the reason I’m here is because one of my friends that I worked abroad with told me about it and another one pushed us into applying here.
Then theres the deeper ones that I had no control over and happened because of the decisions of others: If my dad did not die, my youngest sister would probably have never been born (considering we have different dads). My parents would have probably split up due to the differences they both wanted in life and how my mom described their relationship, then that would have led me to being raised in a broken home, moving back and forth, potentially never having lived the life that has made me appreciate the world around me and caused me to have a wandering soul. If my nana and papa never got divorced, I think I would still have a good relationship with them. But if they had stayed together, I know they would not have been happy and that could have made it even worse than it already is. Then theres the one we all feel because we all had to experience it: the pandemic. I’ll post an excerpt from my insta post that describes my feeling on the year of 2020: “This year sucked in more ways than one and so many tears were shed. I think we all hoped for 2020 to be our year. I had planned to see all of Europe & I had been considering staying in Germany until December of 2021. But it was cut short. I lost my job and was sent back to so much unknown. But I didn’t think it was fair to say that everything went wrong. So I wanted to use this time to reflect and share some genuine moments of me in my happiest form. This year was saved by the people I shared this time with. How blessed are you to be able to meet so many people that make a place so hard to leave? Someone play Happiest Year by Jaymes Young & How It Ends by DeVotchKa bc I’d like to dedicate it to them.” I found my love for reading again. I found worlds and characters that changed me for the better. I dream of stranger worlds now. I want to be a better person. I found comfort in being by myself. I no longer want to find pleasure in a moment only to be filled with regret after and live that constant loop. I am happy. This is what the book really made me think about: This is my life and any other life would be a fraud. This is everything I’ve worked towards and even though I could imagine it another way, I know I wouldn’t want it any other way.
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jlenvs3000 · 3 years
Personal Ethics, Approach and Reflection on Nature Interpretation
Personal ethics are quite an interesting topic to me. I understand it as the ability of an individual to recognize what is morally right and wrong, the reasoning as to why a certain decision is right or wrong however is completely dependent on individual in question. This is what makes it so unique between individuals and differentiates it from other fields of ethics such as business ethics and legal ethics. I believe making these decisions as to what is morally proper is based upon one’s own past experiences, their ability to understanding how it may affect others and their ability to analyse the situation and all its potential outcomes. Whether we recognise it or not, we make these decisions on a daily basis, many times with little reflection and consideration.
But what relevance does all this have with nature interpretation? The field of nature interpretation seems to be filled with many kind-hearted individuals, many of whom have different beliefs and understandings. I have numerous different beliefs concerning nature interpretation, many of which I’ve acquired through the experiences that I have been privileged enough to have lived. One of these beliefs is that everyone should have a chance to experience nature in a manner suitable for themselves. While the world may seem more connected than ever before thanks to the internet and cellphones, some of the more natural connections to our surrounding environments has been lost by many. Some perhaps never had the opportunity to create these connections and I know that when I interpret, I especially enjoy interpreting in an attempt to create that connection and light the spark. There are many things I’ve learned to appreciate in the natural world around me; the melodious songs of a warblers at dawn, the seemingly endless diversity of local plants and the many interactions between species within a community. Although I may be interested in spending hours at a time admiring trees, others will surely be far more interested in a different aspect of the environment. So, I try to recognize my preferences before creating an interpretive activity in an effort to focus on what would be the most memorable experience for the participants. It may be easier to interpret in ways that I would enjoy experiencing the activity, but it’s far more important to make that connection and encourage the curiosity of the audience.
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I often try to present something cool to get the attention of the audience, such as this Attacus atlas, one of the largest moths in the world!
Another belief I have is that nature interpretation is our most efficient tool in not only creating those connections but also in educating a wide audience and changing their behaviour, particularly concerning environmental issues. As many people might expect, increasing the feeling of connectedness to nature using environmental education through nature interpretation has been shown to positively influence the way people act towards the environment (Otto and Pensini, 2017). Encouraging individuals to act in a sustainable manner to lessen their own impact on the environment may help in dealing with pressing environmental issues such as climate change and habitat loss. Large corporations are also greatly at fault but being able to recognize that our choices at the grocery store and at the ballot box can also impact their ability to contribute to these problems is also a step forward. I believe even nature interpretation in its simplest form can at the very least encourage some to take a step in the right direction.
As I mentioned earlier, I’m in continuous awe of the natural world, mainly from a science-oriented view as that is what has been available to me throughout education. This is why I primarily enjoy interpreting in the form of nature walks and interactive activities, as I attempt to express how amazing the environment is with the use of what scientific information is available. I’m very fond of this method for the most part as our scientific understanding of most things is the result of the combined theories and hypotheses that attempt to make sense of this expansive world we live in. I feel as though this idea of coming together to discover with a solution that everyone can agree upon is something we should apply more often outside of science. In any case, it seems to be great way to communicate as it feels like you’re presenting something that many people would be able to understand and hopefully relate to.
As I’ve reflected upon my past nature interpretation experiences within the past few months, I’ve come to appreciate other forms of interpretation that I had previously not taken into too much consideration before. Interpretation of indigenous cultures through the stories they told and the art they created is one I hope many Canadians can relate to. The depictions of these wild spaces and the creatures that inhabit them is truly an incredible way of interpreting the connection that the indigenous people of an area had in a time long past and hopefully still do, and is without a doubt worth preserving and experiencing. Participants involved in this form of interpretation have even been shown to develop a greater “care of place” (Walker and Moscardo, 2016) which I believe is beneficial for everyone.
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One of the amazing Nuu-chah-nulth totem poles I had the fortune of seeing during my time at Pacific Rim National Park, BC. Retrieved from: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/11470174024694423/
Nature interpretation has played an immense role in my life, both as a participant and as a presenter. Perhaps it has had a more significance than I can even recall at this moment. I surely cannot tell where I’ll be within 10, 5 or even a year from now, not for certain, in any case. Despite this uncertainty, there is one thing that I am certain of; I wish to further explore nature interpretation as a means to understand more about nature, how others perceive the world around them and how I can potentially better others and myself through nature interpretation.
Otto, S., & Pensini, P. (2017). Nature-based environmental education of children: Environmental knowledge and connectedness to nature, together, are related to ecological behaviour. Global Environmental Change, 47, 88-94.
Walker, K., & Moscardo, G. (2016). Moving beyond sense of place to care of place: the role of Indigenous values and interpretation in promoting transformative change in tourists' place images and personal values. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 24(8-9), 1243-1261.
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noctomania · 3 years
As Someone Who Didn’t Vote For 10 Years: Your Vote Matters.
Hey. So, let’s chat. Or rather, hear me out.
I turned 18 in 2006. I did not vote until 2016. Bc even I saw through my apathy & prioritized trying to combat potential fascism. You can get an idea of how many elections one sits out of over a 10yr span here. It’s a lot & I should have done my part much sooner. Though I could say “well I was in college from 2007-2012 & &&” no. Not an excuse. I had time no doubt. I was just apathetic. I have reflections for those who continue to abstain from their right & duty to vote.
I remember my parents encouraging me to register to vote. I think it was part of applying for my license or something. I can’t remember if I ever registered with a party, but I think in TX in order to vote you have to be registered with a party. In any case, since I’ve been registered in the north I haven’t been part of a party bc I too felt the whole thing was a sham. I was still remembering the robbery that was Bush’s terms. TWO WHOLE TERMS. I remember seeing my mom cry when he won his first term. I remember hearing about all the awful shit he was doing as president from my dad & stepmom.
But I also remember thinking: “Why isn’t anyone doing anything?”
It can be incredibly disheartening & frustrating & downright angering to hear about atrocities without hearing about the forces fighting back. Death & Drama sells.
I wasn’t eligible to vote when bush was running. Then Obama came along & I was like “Great, surely my blue state I live in now is all for him & I don’t gotta bother - y'all got my order.”
Your. Vote. Matters.
Obama was an incredible victory. I will never allude to him ever being perfect bc he, just like every other president, has had to make tough decisions that do not always work out, or they make decisions you outright disagree with. He’s just part of the spectrum of what we’ve known, but he was the first Black president of a nation that was built & raised on destroying Native communities & enslaving Black people. That was & will remain significant. As you can imagine, during that time of not voting I also was not entirely involved in racial matters as much as I should have been despite what I was actively learning about in college. I sunk into apathy.
Apathy is a comfort not afforded to everyone. It is not an option for everyone as a means of survival. Were Black communities & of color to sink entirely into apathy they would be completely wiped out bc there are organized white supremacists who spend every waking hour trying to find new ways to attack in covert & not-so-covert ways - voter suppression, intimidation, manipulation, propaganda. Apathy is a privilege. A white privilege that even a kid raised on free lunches at school & hand-me-downs from neighbors could afford.
Your. Vote. Matters.
Let’s talk symbolism. “My refusal to vote is symbolic of my disgust with how this nation is run, how our elections are corrupt, to show my hatred of the electoral college, my vote doesn’t matter anyway bc ...”
You’re right. Your vote is symbolic. But not for what you think.
When you don’t vote, that is like not replying to a message. The nation poses a question to all voters: Who do you want to represent you? If you don’t reply to the email, your input isn’t counted at all. There is no footnote to say “I didn’t vote bc of such-and-such reason.” You might have been unconscious. You might have forgotten. You might have not cared. You might care very much.
But there is literally no job in the entire election process who’s responsibility is to sit in an office & contemplate why Jared in Oklahoma didn’t cast a vote.
“Gee, I sure hope Jared is ok. Is he mad at us? I guess he might want change...”
No. The way you show that you are not happy with how things are going is to vote. THAT is how you send the sentiment of “Hey so this isn’t great I’d like to try moving this way.” But we can’t really make progress without continuing to push. Even when things look like they’re going well (”Hey, we got a Black guy in office, we’re doing great with the racism stuff!”) you gotta keep pushing - which is why you need to be able to realize the ones you do vote for need to be criticized as well. Obviously, there will be myths & the ones about Obama probably hit a record tally on that with how angry a Black person as president made the racists in this country feel, but there are valid criticisms as well that should not be overlooked if we want to know how to push for a better tomorrow, or to avoid accidentally electing a new nightmare bc you aren’t getting immediate results from who you thought was going to change the world. It’s a lot to put on one president. It would take multiple terms, beyond 2, to really see a shift considering they may be combating an opposing congress or supreme court. 
The only reason your vote matters is because it is symbolic. If we all had esp we wouldn’t need to vote. Writing on a form that looks different depending on where you are yet all cumulatively results in the tallying for ONE election is entirely symbolic. That’s not an argument against voting, it’s proof as to why you should vote. Symbolism is not without consequence. Look at every book-burning that has ever happened. Our ideas are symbolic until they are put into practice. Your vote is your idea. We can’t read your mind. And the government isn’t reading your blog being like “GiantD0ngB0ng really said it best when they said ‘Fuck politicians’. That really change our perspective on how we had been running this nation. You’re right GiantD0ngB0ng, you’re right.”
If we had elected Hillary after Obama, we wouldn’t be so fucking bad with corona bc she wouldn’t have dismembered the pandemic response Obama had built due to swine flu, we wouldn’t be nearly as worried about ACA, we would still absolutely have criticisms bc no matter Woman, Black, Hispanic, Immigrant, Trans, Disabled, Homeless, or any combination of intersection of minorities, nobody is perfect. Nobody knows all the answers. Thus a decentralized government model that will only remain anywhere near as such if we stop letting fascists & bad faith actors get power by using our symbolic vote to say no.
Most everyone HATES group projects. I certainly do. If any people enjoy them, there are still likely aspects of it that rub them the wrong way like having a partner that doesn’t contribute. Guess what.
Elections are group projects.
I believe it was EvelynFromTheInternets who made me realize that, & echoes much of the same sentiment I have written in this.
And at 5:55 she says: What Are You Going To Do On November 4th bc We Are Still Fighting For Suffrage. We have to keep pushing & working towards a better tomorrow, today. None of it will amount to much if people are not voting. You can campaign & fundraising & educate all you want. But if people don’t vote it’s all for nothing. You need both.
“ As of June 2020, the United States had the highest number of incarcerated individuals worldwide, with more than 2.12 million people in prison “ This is absolutely part of the bigger problem & yet another way people have been disheartened. It’s on purpose. They don’t want disenfranchised communities to be able to vote. So we - those of us who don’t have to wait in lines for hours, those of us who don’t face racial violence, those of us who can choose apathy & laziness for a decade with little to no personal consequence - must vote symbolically for them.
If you want your vote to mean something then vote for them. Vote for the people who are still ineligible to vote even though they aren’t in prison anymore. Vote for the people who despite working more than you do, harder than you do, for less than you do, still have to pay taxes & still denied the right to vote. Vote for the people who can’t vote bc police murdered them. Vote for the people who wait 10 hours in line to vote & are turned away when they finally get to the front of the line. Vote for those who don’t have the right to relinquish in the first place. Hell you can even vote for those who do vote anyway but have been misled by propaganda. Bc if you don’t, eventually we all will sink. You may be in the upper class of the titanic but in the end the whole ship is going down & you may just have the opportunity to slowly freeze out in the dark ocean on a lifeboat with all your rich strangers with the slim chance at survival rather than swallowed immediately by the sea like those who were locked in the lower levels to keep them from access to rescue.
At 7:24 Evelyn hits another really important part that I think drives my whole point home: as a Black woman her actual life, & those who share her experience, is on the line constantly in this country & much of this world. It is not entirely as symbolic to some people as it is to the more privileged populations.
Sure, your vote is symbolic, & sure you not voting is absolutely symbolic. But the only thing not voting is symbolic of is your apathy, your own privilege to choose that & think you’ll be fine & that it’s other people who need to “wake up”. No babe, it’s you. Wake up to the wider consequences of symbolic gestures.
Your vote matters whether it’s electoral college or popular vote. Your vote matters to getting closer to an admin that will enable popular vote as the determinant & eradicate the electoral college. Your vote matters whether you’re in a “blue” state or a “red” state or a battleground state. A state is only red or blue until it’s not. I come from TX I know about that shit. The only reason “battleground” states are a focus is bc they fluctuate more often than others, that doesn’t make others ineligible to change. Your vote matters bc you may be only a portion of the overall grade, but the overall grade affects everyone. It will impact others more harshly than you.
Your Vote Matters.
I want to add one last note: voting doesn’t happen once every 4 years, & it’s never JUST about president. If you don’t go vote at all, you are neglecting the more local stuff as well which is what affects the bigger elections. If all you do during a group project is read one line during the presentation in class, the grade will reflect you lack of effort elsewhere throughout the project. If I showed up & only voted for president & nothing else it would be for nothing. Racist & bigoted GOP will vote all red all the time up & down ballot. It’s not about age either. If your vote didn’t matter then they wouldn’t sink so much money & effort into trying to prevent people from doing it.
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lividian · 5 years
Wat up, I'm here to bitch about stuff.
A good 90% of my life is straight pain and struggle right now. I spend every day trying to distract myself from how I'm feeling, whether that's through sitting on facebook watching slime videos for hours, doing schoolwork for even more hours, or doing regular things and pretending everything is fine. I try to make myself believe that I'm ok. Not say I'm never going to be ok, but I'm having a hard time dealing with all the shit life is throwing at me; has been throwing at me, for years.
I took off that mask yesterday, and I feel like I've been emotionally flayed. I'm raw and feeling all those little fragments of emotion I was protecting myself from, all at once. I've been in bed for the past 3 hours or so, thinkin about life and what mine is trying to teach me. Writing helps and I'm really open abt my mental health struggles, so I figured I'd pour it all out on here so maybe it could help someone or something.
A lot of my stressors include other people, so for their privacy, I'm going to use aliases.
Have you ever done something completely against your values/beliefs and wondered what underlying causes made you (re)act that way? I try to think about that often bc it tends to give new perspective and shed light on information necessary for changing those behaviors.
I had a tough childhood and now that I'm older, I can see the impact it's had on me for so long. Even things I can barely remember are reflected in my emotional responses and conscious decisions if I pay enough attention. Bc of the trauma and inconsistent relationship I had with my parents, I have varying degrees of trust issues, problems with relationships (platonic, familial, and romantic), and mental illnesses. I've struggled with behavioral problems for a long, long time. At one point, it was thought I had ODD because of the severity of some of my outbreaks.
Fortunately, some of my more unusual symptoms started showing up as early as 7. I had been placed in the custody of close family a couple years before that, who sought professional help when my depression and visual hallucinations first appeared. I was in counseling from that point on and began seeing psychiatrists at the age of 13, all of that lasted until I turned 19 and lost my medicaid.
Shortly after I started experiencing various mental health problems, I went into sort of a "dark age" and I don't remember much, like there's a big blind spot in my memories. There are some memories that survived and I've clung to, because I don't have much left from that time period. It lasted until about when I started taking psychiatric medications. And about that time, I started to experience extreme mood swings which resulted in damn near anything, from self harm and suicide attempts to violent outbursts and severe paranoia and delusions. These only increased in intensity until I was kicked out at the age of 17.
*I was hurt by that for a long time which fueled poor decision after poor decision, but I have forgiven both myself and my family bc all that anger and pain and guilt was doing was holding me back. I appreciate everything my family has done for me and I hold them very dear to my heart, especially in times of hardship.*
That's some back story for ya. A lot has happened since then, and maybe I'll talk about it some other time, but I'd really like to focus on the present.
My biggest source of pain currently is the fact that my daughter, Acacia, is in one state and I'm in another. I miss her terribly and every day I sit and think about how I've failed her. I want to be a source of joy for her, but right now she's hurting because her mother is gone and she doesn't understand why. We facetime, but she tells me that she doesn't like me and she's sad. It breaks my heart that she's dealing with such big emotions and I can't even be there to comfort her. But I'm also very grateful she's surrounded by people who love her and we can talk every day. It's really hard, and I'm usually in a lot of pain after we hang up, but I will always be there for her. I have to be the mother she needs me to be so I'm going to have to make some tough decisions. I'm not going to talk abt this anymore bc it's too much for me right now.
I'm in another state living with my husband, Onyx, and I feel utterly and completely alone. We left bc we were evicted back home and the only place we could go was his parents'. He shut me out a long time ago, but the homesickness is amplifying my feelings of isolation. Due to some of the toxicity in our relationship, I burned many bridges with friends and family, and aside from my 2 best friends (who I rarely talk to anymore) I have no one. Many days I beg Onyx for affection or communication or some semblance that he still loves me, but my efforts are futile. Weve been having the same fight for nearly half a year. I bring up something that's bothering me, and he becomes angry and says "it's always something", in some form or another I try to remind him that we have to work on the issues in our relationship at some point if we want things to get better, this is where he usually gets defensive and says something something along the lines of "I always need 'more or too much'". From that point, I've learned to just be quiet bc our problems are suddenly my fault and he will do everything in his power to deflect and shame if I try to get him to own up to his negative behaviors that hurt me almost every second.
I saw the red flags a long time ago, but I had hope. Hope that has now completely withered away bc I know he won't change, at least not anytime soon. I can see it in his face when I try to have any form of an adult conversation with him. The way he just barely squints his eyes while I'm talking, the smirk that I try to convince myself isn't real bc it's so slight, the overall look of complete apathy.
I've tried leaving before, several times and one period of 5 months, but I wanted to make things work bc we got married this year. He told me it would make me more consistent and I wouldn't feel like leaving all the time, but let me tell you, I feel like leaving all the time. I've told him about my plans to go back home, without him. I've told him I would stay if he would be a part of this relationship too bc I can't be with someone who is the source of so much of my pain. You know that saying, "you can't make someone love you if they don't want to"? It's true, fucking painfully true. I've found myself holding on to tiny shreds of hope here and there, making myself believe that he'll try in small gestures like a kiss or laying his head on me. But I've been doing that for too long. I have made sacrifices for him over and over to the point where I don't recognize myself anymore. I've stopped talking to wonderful ppl bc it made him uncomfortable. I'll admit it, I kissed a guy back the night after we decided to be mutually exclusive. I talked to an ex love interest for a period of time abt how I was struggling in my relationship w Onyx. But I apologized, owned up to those behaviors, and made changes. I don't deserve for those things to be held over my head and brought up in almost every fight bc yes, I fucked up, but I did what I had to do to fix things. At a certain point, you have to be accountable for how you let your hurt and anger manifest.
So now I'm leaving bc I have to get back to my daughter and get in a better environment, but I don't know how or when. Like I said earlier, I ruined a lot of relationships try to preserve the one that was ruining me. But I'm really stuck out here, I've never been able to hold a job in my working career, and even if I could, I'm also taking several online college classes (that's been a bitch too) so I can't work more than part time and even that would jeopardize my mental health. I'm really stuck and so frustrated and I'm sorry that this has been a super long post. Like I said, I'm just bitching about life. I know the most sucky situations bring about the most growth.
For those of you who are curious, my diagnoses are PTSD, atypical OCD, and persistent depression w mood incongruent psychotic features.
Also: Besides being a good talker, I'm also a great listener. If you're struggling right now, I'm here for u.
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How much will your auto insurance cost after you get ..your drivers license?
How much will your auto insurance cost after you get your drivers license? I recommend one to visit this website where one can compare quotes from different companies: http://INSURE-HELP.COM Best Dental Insurance Policy? Hello Yahoo! Answers Viewers, I am 26 years-old and sadly possess a smile that is horrible with bad teeth. I'm in need of important work. [ Fillings extractions, etc.] Does anyone know of what the greatest insurance plan will be for me personally? Please support me discover strategies that do not require waiting periods, and so I might get work performed ASAP! I reside in Florida. I had beennot sure if some of the dental options permitted immediate restorative solutions, although I briefly examined the new Government Market. Also, from what I quickly examine, a lot of the strategies simply pay just like a Maximum of $1000 per calendar-year, which is reallynot very much. Dental work costs lots of money! Thanks on your support people! -Zach:)" My own personal car insurance support?!? I have been a named driver on my men policy for over annually. I've started a new occupation and they've explained I've to own company insurance and icant get that update from my boyfriends plan because we dont live together and are not married as a result. I have acquired auto insurance today, but am thinking if anyone understands what goes on to my 'called driver' part on my boyfriends insurance as he really simply gets the coverage for me personally, cos his work etc pays his for his business automobile to all. Can he get reinstated my 'called driver' touch? or stop the entire policy?! Any guidance could be wonderful! Thanks" State Farm vs. In BC should the owner pay the insurance for the renter? . All State? Which can be best? I am seriously contemplating getting an insurance broker for State Park, Farmers or All-State, but I really donot understand which corporation is the better decision for me personally, I'm bilingual in Spanish, and so I am buying firm that is seeking the Hispanic Market. I've seen some negative reasons for having Producers, thus my determination could be State Park or All State. A terrific marketing campaing while in the Spanish market is being done by nationwide, does anybody know if they supply agency jobs. I am ready to accept other strategies. Any help/Suggestions is very much appreciated. Gracias" "With out insurance may I get cosmetic surgery? I'm not 18 years young and my parents insurance includes me. If im spending in income do I've to know their insurance info? "Insurance charges after being cauught with somebody in my own vehicle?" Im 16, for driving another individual while simply having a provisional liscnse, i was stopped and supplied a solution. My dad is currently promoting my car becuase he believes my insurance will increase. There's no ticket nevertheless im still going to court. Could someone give me advice / details." How to find individuals who need life-insurance? I'm a Housewife and operating as Insurance agent. Could u pls help the those who need expense programs and lifeinsurance to be found by me? Thanks ahead of time. Best insurance carrier for a 16-year old driving a v6 camaro? My thought is that while a camaro might not be unreasonable to cover A - 16 year-old driver with, the v8 would-be some unuearthly amount in the 8 digits. I know its depending on a lot of points, but im simply if everyone features a IMPRESSION by what insurance provider is the better wondering /cheapest to get a youngster driving a camaro? Think its a v8 it cant get if you know why any worse if it ended up being a v6. btw dont say national faimily. They wont even ensure a person with less than 5 years operating experience operating a camaro IN ANY RESPECT, let alone at a big price. finally, you think there's in whatever way on the planet for insurance to get a 16year old operating a (2000 enables just state as an example) camaro v8? Including the little bonuses like good marks, clear etc. all of which I've, history. Cheers so much to your answers! they REALLY support!" Insurance on a kit car to get a 19-year old? im 19 in like two weeks and have a critical need to push! But I really donot wish to go chasing my driving licence to obtain absurd insurance quotes. I enjoy the appearance of set cars, therefore I wondered how much might insurance be over a kit-car to get a 19-year old?" Dodge Stealth insurance with a salvage name? How will my insurance be affected by the fact that the 1991 Dodge Stealth I am planing on purchasing includes a salvage title? I got quotes from 675 to 780 for a few months from everywhere from Progressive Gieco Esurance. So everyone have any tips on easily can even have it insured or how its going to change? The engine went out, if it matters and was rebuilt." Can the insurance charge increase on auto? I obtained a citation and i don't wish to tell my parents. The policeman claimed the check to cover it down through the mail or by email could be sent by me. Are cars cheaper to guarantee? Are vehicles that are older cheaper to ensure? Somebody borrowed a gateway and my truck dropped on the side. Does his insurance pay or quarry? Why should OUR charges go up? He is being told by his insurance THE CAR, not the driver is gone with by the protection." Just how much do you pay for full-coverage motor insurance? I'm 19 and likely to purchase a car quickly but on what much i can expect to cover iam trying to get a ball park amount" "Hello, this really is my first time getting contact lenses, I simply wanna know where may I find an affordable cost?" I've called a couple of optometry hospitals currently but the cost is simply not rewarding; it was around $350.00 to get a year (including eye exam). If you have any location that could doit for cheaper I'd prefer to understand. Around San Gabriel, I stay by the way. Please recommend optometry clinics based around me(significantly less than 20mins drive), I would enjoy it." I must find and affordable medical health insurance may anyone help? My partner it is on Medicare through Cultural security and has a rare blood condition and we don't have a lot of income but for suppliment insurance it cost alot because of his condition. Does anyone discover most locations wont possibly protect this and how we can get some good additional insurance that wont kill us we previously lost our residence because we used on insurance. Please only significant response. Does insurance get cheaper with expertise or age? (UK) - I passed my examination last summer. Just wondering does car insurance for young adults get cheaper with how many kilometers they will have driven/owned an automobile/been with the insurance provider etc OR is just how long you've had your license for? Cheers Where may I find affordable although cheap insurance? Where may I find it, fundamental health in my own condition is currently stopping me out?" I've a 19 year lady who needs insurance (hasnt discovered occupation as no-ones hiring below). Not in school. I want names? We shifted into a smallnd no ones hiring to Al since we cant afford it and he or she isnt in university. Consequently hubbys ins are shed under by converting 19 means. Consequently we need affordable monthly premiums on her to help you to visit doctor, hospital etc... a month without us paying a LOT. I would like some insurance company names to test them out" Ways to lower my insurance charge? Hey, Im in highschool at the moment and im not hitting my vehicle dilemma Im a guy in the era of 16 (not searched nicely upon by insurance companies I notice) and I am insured by Statefarm. If someone may help me out by showing me how i could lower my regular insurance charge I had been wondering. The car im getting has side airbags and superior crash test evaluations, and im going to be adding mods to it (sometimes rsx type s or volkswagon golf gti) and that I could most likely be installing rollover bars. Would this support my insurance price go-down? What actions that are additional could I consider? Thanks!" Who pays $200.00 for auto insurance? I recently got a Nationwide estimate for motor insurance also it was over $200.00 for your monthly premiums. Im only now receiving my own personal auto/car insurance(in my own title), Im a lady in my middle-twenties, had my first two speeding tickets a year ago. Plan on getting a 2007 Pontiac G6, and that I will soon be operating it to work and university. Is $200.00 a standard regular amount to be paid-for me?" Car Crash and No Fault Insurance? Our sister was hit by way of a vehicle while she crossed the road on her approach to faculty. Now the hospital has directed being a declaration asking for her no -fault insurance coverage amount. We-don't have auto insurance so just do we fill in the form? May we make use of the part's insurance number to blame? Speedy quotes without personal info? Hi, I am doing some investigation into what I'd like my first automobile to be. Where can i get affordable health insurance for less than 100 dollars a month? have narrowed it down to the Peugeot 205 GTI and the original Golf GTI. I have to ensure them for a 17year old kid although I really like every one of these automobiles. you understand how expensive insurance is although I am a driver that is careful. I live in the united kingdom and need a fast insurance estimate and never having such as for instance where I stay to put in all my facts. Any sites that can I want to do this? Cheers!" Insurance for a vehicle you are not utilizing for some time? We're buying a car that is used. We are planning to park it until spring. Do you really need insurance to get a vehicle that's not being used by law? Or is there a cheaper insurance coverage you will get? We are now living in Michigan." Can you write the price of a-car and also the automobile insurance in your taxes off?? Can you write off the cost of a car along with the automobile insurance on your fees?? Cheapest way of auto insurance for 17 year old man? Cheapest way of auto insurance for 17-year old male? How much will your auto insurance cost after you get ..your drivers license? How much will your auto insurance cost after you get your drivers license? I recommend one to visit this website where one can compare quotes from different companies: http://INSURE-HELP.COM Could it be appropriate to be declined healthinsurance for this reason? I utilized in Colorado having a key insurance provider, am just one vegetarian in my own mid/late 30s no children, excessively healthful never been identified as having something, exercise. In Ontario, what do insurance companies look for when they ask for your drivers license? suppose they finished up that I'd taken a fertility medicine in the past - I was never even identified as infertile - it is a truly inexpensive typical medication that influences your ovaries to produce more eggs but I had no associate to obtain pregnant with consequently to was merely anything I got from a fertility physician basically desired to have a baby with donor sperm. That's not possibly uncovered by insurance the substanceis like $20 you are able to practically get it over the counter itis so frequent I am aware a great deal of women who use it as well as if I ever want to do that again. I didnot even make an application for maternity attention to be included in my insurance, only a simple policy. Can it be authorized to allow them to decline me as a result of this? Therefore if a female features a baby they're no further eligible for insurance? The majority of women who conceive get this medicine (including both my siblings) however they still have insurance. Was it legitimate for your pharmacy to offer this data to them? I donot understand how else-they found out." The Typical Insurance? Is that this a legitimate insurance carrier? Has anybody applied them? May a window Tint citation effect my insurance fee? Likewise howmuch can be a screen film ticket in Florida? Easily get yourself a citation for window shade can my insurance fee boost? Additionally howmuch will be the screen film passes? I'm not unaware that some officials give you a repair it ticket but if they don't how much cash is the admission? Before I get my windows shaded I am positioned in California and only want to examine this out." Paying for auto insurance I add' require while being oversees? I approach a long offshore travel this summer (enduring about 3-4 months). During this period, I'll not use my car while in the U.S. it will be merely locked by me in a garage. I want to know how I can prevent paying for my auto insurance (or decrease my insurance bill) during this period. I realize that I can just return my dishes and decrease the insurance before leaving but upon my entrance back again to the U.S. I will be with no insurance whatsoever, and can want to get a brand new one (this will not occur quickly). Is there a choice or insurance carrier that serves individuals who are away from your U.S. but who want when they return straight away, to get lined?" "Easily've had my permit for 9 1/2 decades, howmuch would full-coverage autoinsurance in California charge? Plus a good driving history & I'm 29 years old. Could a-2-door vehicle be much more costly to ensure than a 4door? I really believe 2door cars usually are regarded activities vehicles, consequently, costing more to insure them and making them more risky to push. But what if it was A4-door car which was a sportscar? Specially the Dodge SRT-4. It's a 4-door vehicle, but itis made to be quick. Could this price exactly the same, or less than the two -door? This all is currently assuming the automobiles are of the year and anything. 2 door = Dodge Neon coupe 4door = Dodge SRT-4" Becoming an insurance professional in Colorado? How can one become an insurance agent in Texas? Insurance? hi i need advice I would like insurance im female 27 yrs old happen to be driving since 2000. no claims, or any accidents. But ive only been insured to get a year as i have pushed fathers car and my mummy and i dont think if your 3rd-party on the insurance does it, that counts? So truly dont have 7 decades claim free insurance as ive only been covered for a year on my own? where should i opt for cheap car insurance? Must I do it by telephone or web? And will it be expensive? and how quickly willi obtain it? What'll i have to pay for today?" Cheap bike insurance? Where could I get cheap motorcycle insurance in birmingham is there any thing i can do to have it cheaper? UK only Where could I get really inexpensive car insurance. Once I switch 18 I'm getting insurance. that is own and my own personal car? I don't make that cash that is much possibly just about 200-300 dollars per month therefore I wished to realize where I really could have the cheapest motor insurance in ME. I donot wish to accomplish a car price now since I am young enough and that I do not already have a vehicle along with my permit now but I would much like an average or what around what the cheapest price is. Thanks" Howmuch is car insurance for a car with the antique label? Im not really quite sure how subscription and the insurance works although im thinking of buying a classic auto. I live-in california im uncertain if it varies per condition. Can somebody stick to there parents insurance till they are 26? And do they still need to be in faculty. How can I enable my girlfriend get cheaper insurance? She is two decades old.? My girlfriend just got a new Cobalt lt. The insurance is in her dads title, and he or she is shown as a driver. The car is in her name. Her dad has a driving history that is superior, yet the insurance is around $250 a month! Please support, is there anything I can do to obtain her insurance cheaper?" Car insurance that is ended? My motor insurance got ended for misunderstanding of garaging. Alot for work travels and that I had two locations. Our vehicle got vandalized at my secondary place of house and also the insurance carrier and after I recorded a state, the insurance company snacks is really as a misunderstanding. I'm about to get an insurance with a unique organization. Do i need to expose this reality? How could my charges affect. I have 7 days quit about the plan." What might insurance price for a 16 year old guy with 08 Honda Accord LX-S coupe/ 2dr? Hello, I am a 16 year-old male and that I could be finding a 08 Honda Accord LX S car. But I do want to know how much it'd be to guarantee the automobile. I understand that it is unclassified like a sports vehicle. So I just want to know if I'm getting it I am unsure. I have a clean driving record with no injuries (i just got my certificate). Thanks!" Whats the least expensive insurance carrier in NYC? Whats the lowest priced insurance company in NYC? What will be a great inexpensive car to get a first-time driver? What would be a great inexpensive first vehicle, i'm 19 and how much might the insurance be for a first time driver?" Simply how much is the insurance on a 2010 Mazda? Im converting 16 soon and im buying a vehicle. Im contemplating a 2010 Mazda 3, 4door. For much the insurance will soon be monthly simply looking ...rough estimate is not bad" Inexpensive insurance anybody know? Cheap insurance everyone know? "I must get rid of my vehicle as the payments are approach to insurance and high sucks?" I ordered a 2003 Toyota Avalon a bit more than last year from the dealership. I put 7000 pounds as being a payment that is down and now am paying 240 for 60 months. Its getting sort of hard to pay off the vehicle currently the costs going up with all. The vehicle today has 54.000 miles. How do you trade it set for an automobile that could cost me less than 200 a month Thanks" Howmuch could my car insurance charge? ? Okay, I'm 14 almost 15, and I live in missouri, and Im convinced I will get my grandmas car when Iam 15 I'll get get my drivers let. Easily got a lowend 7 bucks an hour occupation at 15, might I have the ability to pay the insurance on my own? I won't be driving her automobile anyway with my grandmas car that I'll be finding, although my mom doesn't need me on her coverage. Is that this gonna work, cause I am clueless. Please support!!!!" Exactly why is my car insurance offer so large? I've visited CompareTheMarket for a quote on motor insurance, and also the cheapest price was around 5,000 to get a car that costs 250. How come my offer so high? I am a first occasion driver surviving in an area having a fairly high-crime rate. The quotation got right down to 2,000 after transforming the target to my friends. This can be still a lot of currently thinking about the car's price! Is there any method to deliver down the insurance cost? I don't be able to manage to drive at this price." "Insurance companies have said I today, don't be eligible for 'typical' insurance. What can Ido?" I have medical insurance. My boss can no more pay the premiums and that I cannot afford Cobra. The preexisting, 63 evening problems deadline has approved. I'd a heart valve repaired last year and provided a for my spouse in Feb. of 2011. Insurance companies have explained I now don't be eligible for a 'regular' insurance. Underneath the fresh Healthcare Legislation, exactly what do I actually do and who are able to I contact to obtain economical protection?" May I have two Healthinsurance Policies from different claims? Before you answer, please read this completely. I am Illinois Homeowner and a student. $1000 deductible, 100% included. I goto college in California and have employer insurance in FL (from the time Sept 2008), nevertheless it's an HMO. The PPO my job provides does not have any deductible but is 80/20 protection, and so I decided the HMO. I'm not normal, although for your common individual, it would create no feeling to get 2 procedures. I've several pre-existing conditions (some I had been blessed with), hence the Illinois protection. In December of this past year, before my FL insurance started in, I had a variety of dilemmas which caused where I am participating school, me to own to utilize my BCBS of IL in California. A lot of those points are at bay now, however for doctor trips, tests, etc to happen besides program checks, should I begin using my FL HMO insurance use my Illinois insurance for once I visit with property? Or must my FL insurance just drop altogether? The reason why that is a problem is n/c I am afraid I my premiums may increase or me drop basically continue to make use of my insurance which was meant to be for Illinois, but I've been deploying it in another condition. Yes they will protect it comes beneath the BCBS umbrella and w/c it is PPO, but this is actually the danger I get. My Illinois insurance wills NOT fall since I have preexisting issues that is NOT included in my FL insurance, so switching is not even on alternative. And they also keep doing layoffs and my assurance only at that job isn't assured. Furthermore, I read on about fraud, this isn't my objective. I am merely trying never to have my costs increase anymore w/c I am a student and never as it's, generating much. Since a healthy body care is my major concern, I am trying to find the very best insurance. I am NOT wanting to file a double claim with both insurances, and that I am NOT looking to collect anything using this. Things happen such as IM sessions the influenza, and some other purpose to visit the doctor if you are sick or wounded. I've a 2 week screen during open-enrollment to shed my coverage thru my work. And so the small quantity in fact is much to fret over, but I need to understand b/c I really donot need my IL insurance to go up or even to be rejected b/c I have two procedures available. Somebody please give me some direction. :) my insurance provider has been termed by me on both ends, but I cannot obtain a direct answer from both. It certainly is the you have to contact another company for that solution. And so I am running around in groups. I used to be even told to just figure out after I personally use my FL insurance to determine. I am scared to get the chance." Have Kwik FIt for car insurance ever attempted? I wouldnot try this from decision, they called me. what a laugh. One-call centre takes your title and your time of renewal They pass you onto Phone Connections Ltd who request you about your age, tackle etc. they say we've xyz insurance providers who would like to quote for you personally, sir (observe this really is before they've any car facts) then they move you to one insurance provider to give you thier quote. Once that call is ended you bounce-back to Contact Associations who pass one to firm #2 etc etc I hung up. whoever invented that business design wishes shooting. Surely no one will tolerate that??" How much will your auto insurance cost after you get ..your drivers license? How much will your auto insurance cost after you get your drivers license? I recommend one to visit this website where one can compare quotes from different companies: http://INSURE-HELP.COM
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bcanetwork · 3 years
BCA NFTalk Vol.5丨Decisive Moments in History of NFT
This podcast is produced by the BC A Blockchain Art Center, supported by China's CryptoPunks community, Panda community, Vulcan DAO and Block Rhythm.
Background: The author of "When the Stars of Mankind Shine" said in the preface that a moment of historical significance is about to usher in a rich and rich history of the human world. A few hours, often even only in a certain minute, but their decisiveness affects beyond time. In the process of WEB2.0 migration, we should also discover some great moments. Look, they will also become their shining stars in the galaxy of human history.
ModeratorLou Ziwei Arthur BCA Co-founder丨Vulcan DAO GP (hereinafter referred to as L)
Guest: Senior Practitioner of Alex NFT (hereinafter referred to as A)
Ah Feng TheForce.trade BD (hereinafter referred to as F)
Wang Yang NFT Senior Collector (hereinafter referred to as W)
Jason US Stocks/Blockchain Robot (hereinafter referred to as J)
Why is a JPEG worth a thousand dollars? Why does CryptoPunks become the spiritual symbol of the encryption circle?
F: Token to Metaverse is a progressive process. From no entity to entity, something must be used. The best way to achieve this is pictures. CryptoPunks just appeared. In the initial stage of NFT, the main function of people buying NFT is for social identity, and the pursuit of social status is the driving force for the advancement of human civilization. The price of CryptoPunks already symbolizes a certain status. Buying a very expensive CryptoPunks also shows the determination to be optimistic about the NFT industry.
CryptoPunks is the first NFT community to survive, and the first successful benchmark has very strong vitality. The first group of community members have received very rich returns. This group of people is rich and interesting, but the appearance of CryptoPunks does not seem important. The community has become the largest wealth deposited by CryptoPunks, giving CryptoPunks a historically low level of time condensed.
A: CryptoPunks has become the spiritual symbol of the encryption circle, which is essentially the difference between FT and NFT. A friend once said a classic saying, "FT is consensus, and NFT is empathy." FT cannot mark emotions, but NFT can entrust emotions, and its manifestation is unique. Only emotional things can be connected to spiritual symbols, and only on this basis can CryptoPunks gradually generate value. CryptoPunks inspired the establishment of ERC721 and the NFT craze. CryptoPunks is like the first person to climb Mount Everest and will be remembered forever. It is supplied in limited quantities. As more and more people know about NFT, its price is getting higher and higher, which also expresses the spirit of Crypto and the spirit of punk. Based on the historical status, the spirit of expression, and NFT, it has become the spiritual symbol of the encryption circle.
The historical position of CryptoPunks cannot be replaced, neither Monkey nor Loot can be shaken. Perhaps the price will exceed, but the CryptoPunks logo will continue to be consolidated as more ecology enters, and the historical position will be condensed there.
W: Because I am a basketball fan, I resonate with NBA Top Shot. There is very little information about NFT on the Internet. After entering the CryptoPunks community, I found that the knowledge base here is perfect. Any new NFT project, about their characteristics and innovations, will be discussed in the CryptoPunks group first.
The community has accumulated a large portion of people who have been playing CryptoPunks since 2017. They have been doing NFT in this circle for many years. In April, many senior CryptoPunks veterans were discussing Art Blocks and were very optimistic about the technological breakthrough of this project.
Moderator L: Being at the tip of the information pyramid is very, very important. Whether the first-hand information received is high-quality information or marginal information is directly related to subsequent actions.
J: The most successful community and project on the Ethereum chain is CryptoPunks. The social value of holding it far exceeds the beauty or so-called actual value of a picture. The ultimate goal for many people to earn money in the currency circle is to hold a Punk, and I also earn enough money to buy my own Punk by investing in different projects. Because everyone wants a Punk, it becomes the spiritual symbol of the encryption circle.
Collect NFT strategy and experience? What are the bright projects? What do you think of Loot?
J: In recent months, I mainly invested in Art Blocks and Crypto Cities. I am more optimistic about the innovative project of Loot, which has changed the logic of the NFT project from top to bottom, and the value of NFT is given by the community.
W: The Internet has become the main place of modern life. The emergence of NFT gave the online virtual product pricing mechanism. After a picture is uploaded to the Internet and made into an NFT, no matter how many people copy the picture to their computer, they will eventually distinguish between original and copy due to the existence of NFT. Original value. NFT opened up a new field and started the process of value discovery.
The avatar NFT is used as a social platform avatar, which represents a social identity and cultural community circle in online social networking. The biggest difference between Art Blocks and other digital art NFTs is that it is natively on the chain and does not involve storage such as PNG and JPEG. Its biggest innovation is to put the code that can draw the picture on the chain and read the code through the browser. , To generate. The advantage is that as long as the ether chain exists and can read the code, the possibility of NFT disappearing is almost zero.
Damien Hirst, as one of the highest-priced artists in the world (a painting exceeding 100 million US dollars), is the first to test the new field of NFT. The release price of his works is only set at 2,000 US dollars. It is an absolute welfare for NFT collectors. It has risen to 50,000-60,000 US dollars. I believe that in the future, there will be more big-name artists of classic art testing the NFT, and these have the potential to become opportunities for high returns.
One of the main reasons for the popularity of Loot is also technological innovation. It can be used as a platform to make many games. In the future, competitors will buy Loot to make their own games, or create Loot to make their own games. These are all to be determined. It depends on whether it can form a large enough community so that everyone must use it (traffic).
A: My collection of NFT is more from the perspective of industrial blockchain. In our opinion, the most valuable thing about NFT is the underlying accounting technology of this non-homogeneous asset. The categories for bookkeeping are artworks and digital collections, and there will be many categories for bookkeeping in the future. Because human beings have two kinds of assets, one is called FT and the other is NFT. FT is currency, and NFT includes artworks, real estate, contract bills, and so on. NFT truly realized the private ownership of digital assets for the first time.
Private knowledge in the traditional physical world is protected by law, but legal supervision is a very high-cost accounting method. Blockchain creates a very low-cost and efficient accounting method and circulation method. From the perspective of the industry, NFT gave the blockchain a huge opportunity to break the circle for the first time because it was connected with traditional assets.
After the emergence of NFT, it gave birth to assets connected to the currency circle and the crypto circle such as NBA Top Shot, and realized the rapid transfer and flow of assets through the blockchain. Essential changes are the basis for the entry of major players in these eras such as Alibaba, Tencent, and NetEase. I bought Punk because I wanted to do the business of NFT, and explored in this direction. The survey found that Punk is the project with this status the most.
Blockchain and NFT have truly changed the soil, and only flowers and plants that we can't imagine will grow on them. Loot is similar. It creates the chemical reaction in NFT, which will inspire many projects and become a seed of innovation.
F: All innovations are played out. My strategy is to be familiar rather than raw, and start trading from familiar areas. From the perspective of game manufacturers, although Loot is very malleable, it takes a very long time for the final product and game to be made. A complete game development cycle will not be less than one year. Loot has not passed the test of time, it is a very dangerous behavior to rush now.
Understanding of encryption art? Is the emergence of generative art and programmable art overturning and challenging traditional art?
W: Compared with traditional art, encrypted art has a very wide audience (dissemination). When you make an NFT work, the world can see it; as an art lover or collector, you can see the art of artists from all over the world with a mobile phone. Works; for professional collectors, it is easy to transfer works (liquidity), because facing the global open market for collectors; transaction information, prices, and circulation information are completely transparent, and traditional art industry information is very opaque; NFT is storing and transporting On the one hand, it is safe, low-cost, and fast to circulate, and there is no need to consider storage space issues.
J: The limited edition NFT is a bit like grabbing a sneaker. You can change hands to earn 20% to 30% in two days after you buy it. More contacts have found that the art category has a unique collection significance. Different artists have very interesting understandings of the world and blockchain, and they have gradually changed from short-term traders to long-term collectors.
Xcopy, which is relatively popular recently, started doing NFT two years ago. I bought it in a bear market and the return was good. Unlike the Beeple hype, Xcopy is a very down-to-earth artist with a high degree of recognition in the circle.
A:I think the history of NFT, or the current innovation projects are all marked. These projects may have a relatively good return on investment, but the wealth-making effect of the industry will not last forever.
F: This market has a strong head effect. As young people, what I see is that these things are no longer for young people. We must look at a larger market in the longer term, so we choose Go to Gamefi. Only playable things that allow more users to participate can expand the entire NFT market. NFT art is only a very small part of the entire market.
Social NFT and game NFT can be stacked, and the most potential in the future may be the characters or equipment on the Gamefi track with the nature of social games.
Host L: Traditional art has the problem of high music and lack of music. The interactive experience of encrypted art will be much better, allowing users and audiences to participate in the creation of artworks.
NFT projects with Asian cultural themes are rare in the market. What is the reason for the current lack of influence? Breakthrough ideas?
J: RPC can be regarded as a domestically produced NFT project with a larger transaction volume. Kongfu Hero and River export traditional culture. It is a good publicity for traditional Chinese culture, but the culture of China for 5000 years needs more artists to join in. In the next three and five years, Chinese culture/Asian culture will be gradually introduced to the blockchain. Whether it is building Chinatown in Metaverse or different social circles, more and more Chinese people will enter, whether it is buying or issuing, there will definitely be more and more NFT projects in Asia.
A: Kongfu Hero originated in the Punk community. The element that can most arouse global empathy is Kongfu, who has designed characters such as gods and demons. Lack of influence, because many times lack of innovation, some bold things. This kind of craze will actually drive more teams to invest more resources to plan longer-term roadmap development IP. The Chinese or Asian teams can make very good projects, and gradually we will see some better projects, because it is really just starting now.
Moderator L: There are some things that time cannot pass, but you can learn from it. In the blockchain world, persistence is the most important thing, leaving some traces.
F: Many Asian projects do not have the ability to operate overseas communities, and lack people who have the ability to operate communities. We have an advantage in doing Japanese culture, but we still don’t know how to talk to the community and listen to the voice of the community. This is our weak point.
W: The success of a project is critical to the recognition of well-known collectors in the community. Because as long as the big collectors approve it, ordinary investors will come in one after another. One of the main problems with Asian elements is that wealthy Asians have always invested conservatively. The acceptance of potential customers is relatively lower than that of high-income groups in Europe and the United States.
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lady-proudmoore · 6 years
ALL shipping questions for dragon dad (≧ω≦)
Lol anon I respect this tbh. 
Meme: Shippy Questions (accepting for all but Kalec lol)
1- Who is the most affectionate? Ooo, goodness it’s close. Kalec, just barely. And the only reason for this is bc Jaina’s moods still get to her and she will go through bouts of pushing away affection. These episodes don’t last too long, but they happen.2-Big spoon/Little spoon? - Jaina is always the little spoon :33-Most common argument? - Jaina’s healing progress. She’s not healing fast enough for Kalec. As a dragon, an exceptionally wise being with higher level conciousness - Kalec fails to understand/relate to how humans feel, experience and work through trauma. Kalec loses patience with Jaina, Jaina loses patience with Kalec. It isn’t either of their faults - but it’s a complication in the relationship.4-Favorite non-sexual activity? - For Kalec, it’s learning more about the “amusing traits” of humans, which he learns through Jaina. Jaina shares her human world with him and he soaks up this knowledge and experience like a sponge. For Jaina - she loves their intellectual discussions on magic and magical theory. Kalec is a well of ancient knowledge on the subject. She also enjoys learning about dragon culture as well.5-Who is most likely to carry the other? - Kalec. He’s playful and this may happen from time to time.6-What is their favorite feature of their partner’s? - Kalec loves Jaina’s eyes. He could stare into them for hours, even if they’re often sad. Jaina loves his dragon form. It isn’t sexual for her - she’s not sexually attracted to this form, it’s just that it’s so fascinating to her that a creature that looks on the outside so predatory could be so wise and gentle. The magic of the dragons - all the dragon flights - is something she holds a lot of respect for. And the sapphire blue hues of Kalec’s dragon form is beautiful to her. He’s just a beautiful creature through and through.7-What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? For both of them it would be intimacy. Not just physical intimacy but emotional as well. They begin to get *closer* to one another in all ways. They hold hands, walk close together bumping into each other they’re so close. They share personal feelings and stories. They allow themselves to become vulnerable with one another. They begin to build intimate trust.8-Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate? No nicknames.9-Who worries the most? Jaina. She still suffers from a lot of anxiety and fear based emotional problems.10-Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? Kalec. As observant as Jaina can be, there are some things about her loved ones that her brain just doesn’t feel is important enough to retain to memory lol. Kalec’s dragon brain however….remembers all about his love Jaina. :311-Who tops? They switch pretty equally. Both enjoy this position. This pairing is very ‘balanced’ in many ways.12-Who initiates kisses? Oh please, both equally. :313-Who reaches for the other’s hand first? - Kalec. This is another area where Kalec leads bc of Jaina’s tendency to push away affection when her moods are sour.14-Who kisses the hardest? - Jaina. She can be very passionate. Kalec is as well, but he tends to hold back bc he’s afraid he may hurt her. I headcanon that even in his human form, as a dragon Kalec is very physically powerful.15-Who wakes up first? Jaina, actually. She’s always been a morning person, and sometimes she simply cannot sleep due to nightmares and may already have been up through the night. Kalec can be a bit harder to get out of bed if he’s with Jaina or at Jaina’s. He enjoys the feeling of being there in her bed and especially with her in the bed with him.16-Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? Kalec, see above lol. Jaina is very prone to this as well if she’s feeling intimate and/or generally affectionate. Both of them are prone to pulling the other back to bed should one try to leave before the other is ready for them to.17-Who says I love you first? Kalec. Since Theramore Jaina is now even more guarded in her emotional vulnerability.18-Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?) Kalec is more prone to doing so that Jaina, but both these dorks would do this. Jaina’s note would say “I Love You.” Kalec would flip back and forth between “I Love You”, “Have a Great Day!” or both “I Love You & I Hope You Have a Great Day!” 19-Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? Kalec. Jaina tends to be very private about her love life since Arthas, and she doesn’t communicate with her mother anymore. Kalec may mention it to the dragons or others would find out and confront him about and he’d be open about it. I don’t think it’s something he’d hide whereas I feel like Jaina is more inclined to do so.20-What do their family/friends think of their relationship? Jaina doesn’t tell her mother, but if she did, I think Katherine would be…..less than pleased. But she hasn’t been fond of her daughter’s decision making skills in quite some time. Kalec’s dragonflight would also probably not be pleased. But more than anything I think they would consider him more odd than they already do.21-Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? Kalec with Jaina. But once he’s got her dancing, she typically gets into it pretty quick as she’s always enjoyed dancing with her lover.22-Who cooks more/who is better at cooking? Kalec. Jaina doesn’t cook but she’s amazing at ordering take-out :D23-Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines? Kalec but he’s such a dork about it that it just makes her laugh rather than annoy her. But he’s funny bc he hears things like this and takes it as a serious thing. He tosses her a cheesy line thinking it’s going to seduce her and she laughs and he’s like “What.....is this not the proper courtship ritual??” like legit confused why it’s not working lol24-Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times? Jaina but she’s more careful about it with Kalec than she would be with other ship partners bc she knows that Kalec is so new to human culture that he could take this from Jaina as being ‘normal’ and say inappropriate things at inappropriate times within earshot of others lol.25-Who needs more assurance? Jaina. She’s been a bit insecure ever since Arthas, but even more-so after Theramore. It’s still Arthas, plus overall trauma/emotional problems that does it. 26-What would be their theme song? So many. I like “My Love” by Blackmill27-Who would sing to their child back to sleep? Either would do this :)28-What do they do when they’re away from each other? They aren’t clingy, despite their affection for one another. When they’re apart they focus on their tasks, although they would think of each other and miss them.29-one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart. They break up after Jaina leaves Dalaran. It is a mutual decision. Jaina has often felt a bit insecure under the shadow of Kalec’s judgments on her emotional healing progress, and she feels like it’s inevitible as she knows her pain and anger has become worse after the incidents on the Broken Shore. Kalec doesn’t understand why Jaina “holds onto her pain” and he doesn’t like to see her suffer. For him, working through and healing trauma like this isn’t as difficult. It’s hard for him to understand how someone like Jaina could struggle with it so. To him, she must want to hang on to it, which isn’t the case - but again, hard to explain. Neither want to break up. They love each other. But sometimes that isn’t enough. “It’s complicated.” lol30-one headcanon about this OTP that mends it. After spending time apart, Jaina does heal enough to a point where she can love and be loved again. They get back together, it still has some complications (as a relationship like this would) but overall it’s extremely loving and heart centered. Jaina knows love again and she isn’t insecure in it - she’s at peace. They’re together until Jaina’s much shorter lifetime is over. She never leaves Kalec’s heart and he uses what knowledge/wisdom he gained from his experiences with her to better dragon/human relations (or what’s left of it as the dragons are dying out). Standard “happily ever after” story as much as it could be in a situation like this            
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Ok I'm sending this in bc I'm genuinely confused and want to be corrected if necessary. Why aren't trans people taught to embrace their body instead of changing it? I've seen posts going around with words like 'its ok to be a trans man and feminine' and I agree because your gender is what it is no matter your outward appearance. why can't trans men be men and be feminine why is 'transition' needed? You can be a man with a vagina and that's okay.. I don't understand why that needs to change
Kii says:
If a man is comfortable with his vagina, then there is no reason that anyone should pressure him to change that, but if someone is uncomfortable with a part of their body and that discomfort is affecting their mental health, then they also have the right to change that.
I digress a little, but I think a topic that often gets left out of the body positivity movement is the right to body modification. So, if someone (cis or trans) has small breasts and they feel insecure and that insecurity is affecting their clothing choices, relationships, etc, then they have every right to get breast implants if they feel that is the best way to remedy that discomfort. They shouldn’t be shamed or told that they should learn to love their small chest because if they are resorting to surgery, because they’ve probably tried. Surgery is expensive and painful, so it’s generally not something people decide on overnight.
Many trans people experience dysphoria about their bodies and have experienced that for awhile before they make the decision to pursue physical transition. It’s impossible to know what’s best for a person unless you are that person, so trans people shouldn’t be discouraged from transitioning if that’s what they want, as long as they’re making informed decisions. 
Lee says:
I think people tend to overlook the fact that a lot of trans people don’t medically transition in every way possible, and there are a lot of trans men who have vaginas and choose not to get lower surgery. In fact, I think the majority of trans men don’t get lower surgery.
There are many reasons why trans people might not to transition:
Medical transitioning can be expensive and time-consuming
They may have health issues or disabilities that make it physically unsafe to medically transition with hormones or surgery
They may feel comfortable with how their bodies are currently and just don’t feel the need to change it
They may not want all the changes that come with starting hormones, or the scarring or potential sensation loss or complications that come with surgery
Some trans people don’t have dysphoria so they don’t feel the need to medically transition
Other trans people do have dysphoria, but try to manage it in other ways than pursuing medical transition wearing masculine/feminine clothing, binding/wearing breast forms, packing/tucking, etc.
They may be genderfluid or have a changing gender expression/presentation and not want to change their bodies in a permanent way
Some non-binary people may feel dysphoric no matter what genitals or hormones they have, so they figure it’s not worth it because none of the options are what they want
Some people may not be able to access medical transitioning due to medical gatekeeping
They may be mentally ill and can’t get a letter in support of them and their mental health (hello ableism) and their local medical teams may not do informed consent
They could be larger and a surgeon refuses to operate on them because they aren’t skinny enough (hello fatphobia)
Some people may not be satisfied with the current surgical options available and feel that they aren’t a good choice for them
Younger trans people may not be able to transition medically without their guardian’s permission and many parents/guardians say no
If someone is financially reliant on a transphobic or abusive relative they may not be able to safely medically transition
They may be able to pass without a medical transition so don’t feel the need to bother with it or they may not care about passing or not want to pass
They may be waiting to medically transition until they’re ready emotionally and when they’re in a stable situation
Some people would rather not go through the whole process of getting surgery and going through the recovery
It can be hard to afford to take time off from work to get surgery or keep up with school while recovering from surgery
Trans people who are comfortable with their bodies because their bodies are their bodies even if most people of their gender have a different body are valid
Relevant links:
Here’s What Trans People Who Aren’t Medically Transitioning Want You To Know- Buzzfeed
Transgender people: 10 common myths
On Choosing Not to Medically Transition: what transition has and has not meant for me
How I’m Transitioning Without Transitioning
Are you still transgender if you don’t want, or are scared, to have surgery or hormone therapy?
Debunking the ‘Surgery Is a Top Priority For Trans People’ Myth
So yes, there are some trans people who do embrace their body instead of changing it, and people who can’t ever quite embrace their body but still choose to stick with it.
But that doesn’t mean that path works for all trans people. There are trans people who just aren’t comfortable in their bodies, and medically transitioning is the path that will make them the happiest in life. There’s nothing wrong with choosing not to medically transition, and there’s nothing wrong with getting surgery and hormones.
I’m a trans person who has been under the knife more than once. I’ve been through major surgeries, a double mastectomy to give me a flat chest, and a hysterectomy to remove my uterus and cervix and fallopian tubes. That was about 8 hours of surgery and I’ll be going through a much bigger surgery when I get phalloplasty. In total, I’ll be going through at least 4 transitioning surgeries, maybe more (there are multiple stages of phalloplasty). And surgery has risks, it’s expensive, and it’s disrupted my life. I really wish that I didn’t need this surgery because it would make my life easier, but I do.
Trans people sometimes have to take drastic steps to reduce our dysphoria, but we do it because it’s necessary. I had debilitating depression that I had been hospitalized for despite taking antidepressants and being in months of intensive outpatient. Once I got top surgery, I no longer had to spend hours fighting off dysphoria about my chest and my depression decreased and my mental health improved.
Maybe I could live with this body I was born with- but I shouldn’t have to. If I could be happier after surgery, then getting surgery is the right choice for me.
And multiple mental health professionals have agreed with me on this- I’ve actually needed to get multiple official letters from licenced medical professionals according to the WPATH guidelines saying they think surgery is the right choice for me before I could get surgery.
Some statistics:
Suicide rates dropped from 29.3 percent to 5.1 percent when there was access to transition-related treatment. (De Cuypere, et al., 2006)
A meta-analysis of transgender people who transitioned medically demonstrated that the average reduction in suicidality went from 30% pre-treatment to 8% post-treatment, and that 78 percent of transgender people had improved psychological functioning after treatment. (Murad, et al., 2010)
86% of patients who accessed transition were assessed by clinicians at follow-up as stable or improved in global functioning. (Johansson, et al., 2010)
In a cross-sectional study of 141 transgender patients who accessed medical transition, suicide fell from 19 percent to zero percent in transgender men and from 24 percent to 6 percent in transgender women. (Kuiper, Cohen-Kettenis, 1988)
“Although more evidence would be welcome, adequately treated gender dysphoria is likely to be safer than the untreated condition, which is associated with an enhanced risk of depression and suicide. Reassuringly, few transsexuals regret undergoing treatment.” (Levy, et al., 2003)
“Second to social support, persons who endorsed having had some form of gender affirmative surgery were significantly more likely to present with lower symptoms of depression.” (Boza, et al., 2014)
“Studies show that there is less than 1% of regrets, and a little more than 1% of suicides among operated subjects. The empirical research does not confirm the opinion that suicide is strongly associated with surgical transformation.” (Michel, et al., 2002)
Testimony for HRT, by TransActive
WPATH’s statement on the medical necessity for transgender healthcare
AMA Resolution 122, which determined the American Medical Association’s stance on the medical necessity of transgender healthcare
The APA’s statement on the medical necessity of transgender healthcare
TranScience Project’s Hormone Therapy and Safety, which offers several citations that talk about the medical risks (and overall importance) for HRT
The Endocrine Society’s Clinical Practice Guidelines for transgender patients, which details their recommendations in full favor of HRT beginning on page 4
More info: What does the scholarly research say about the effect of gender transition on transgender well-being?
So back to the question. “Why aren’t trans people taught to embrace their body instead of changing it?”
Well, as I stated before, plenty of trans people choose not to medically transition. And those people aren’t visible enough. There’s a lot of pressure to medically transition and look cis-passing from both cis people and misinformed/misguided trans people (truscum/transmedicalists) because trans people who choose not to transition are often invalidated and misgendered. So yes, your gender is what it is no matter your outward appearance, and not medically transitioning is valid and it needs to become part of the mainstream narrative too.
But the trans people who do medically transition have probably tried to embrace their bodies, but that doesn’t always work. It just isn’t the way our brains work, for whatever reason. People who do choose to medically transition do it because it’s what will make our lives the happiest moving forward.
And there are many studies and experts who will attest to the necessity of medical transitioning for the people who need it, as you can see from the sources above.
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Sex Trafficking Vs Sex Work
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What is Sex Trafficking? Sex Trafficking is and always has been a long-standing global problem which is often confused with sex work. Accurate statistics for the number of people enslaved into the sex industry are almost impossible to accumulate because of the hidden nature of the crime. Undeniably, Sex Trafficking or Sexual Exploitation is a human rights violation and it can happen to anyone, adult women, young girls, men and boys are all at risk. The distinctions might seem obvious, but they are often overlooked. When a person willingly takes part in the sale of sex, it is consensual and doesn't affect their human rights. This is called Sex Work. When a person takes part in the sale of sex through threat, abduction or other means of coercion this is called Sex Trafficking. The differences can almost be invisible, so you may not recognise a trafficked victim. You may see a girl in the streets looking for "work" and assume she is a sex worker but, the reality could be far from that. Remember, someone who offers sex work is not necessarily trafficked, but it's really important to spot the people who are. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to Spot The Signs that a person is being trafficked. Is the person closely guarded? Are there any signs of physical abuse, such as cigarette burns, bruises or tattoos indicating ownership? Is the person allowed to keep the money or do they have to give it to someone else? Does the person sleep in the brothel where the sexual act is happening? Are the conditions in the room or home poor and unsanitary? Sex work is a sensitive issue but it is important that we understand the difference and are able to Spot The Signs of Sex Trafficking. If you suspect someone is being trafficked then you should report it straight away, this can be done anonymously if you are worried about your protection. Click here for local authority information. STOP THE TRAFFIK is building intelligence on global human trafficking activity to help combat this issue. If you have seen anything suspicious, you can share it on our online form, safely and securely. The headline on the cover of the Vancouver Province read: To catch a creep. I'm sure everyone in the photo is too young to understand the quote or the diss. Many years ago there was a quasy detective series on TV called To catch a thief. It was based on a reformed thief who started working with the police to catch other thieves. The full quote was it takes a thief to catch a thief. So the headline in the Province would imply it takes a creep to catch a creep. Take a look at the photo. They dont look like a group of law biding citizens to me. When I see that picture the first thing that comes to mind is, OK let's run these names through the CSO database and do a criminal record search. The Vancouver Sun article states Ryan LaForge is the president of the Surrey chapter of Creep Catchers. When you search his name on the CSO database the most recent altercation he has had with the law was possession for the purpose of trafficking. He was found guilty. Ryan was charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking in Surrey Sept 22 2009. Three years before the brutal drug related murder of Janice Shore. Martin Luther King was right. The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. Whalley crack dealers are no better than pedophiles. On that note I have a true story about Whalley crack dealers trying to pimp out a 14 year old girl. The other concern I have is entrapment. One of the articles said they had an under age girl go on an adult dating site and say she was 18. Then after a contact was made she would tell them she was younger than that. I'm an old man myself. Nevertheless, how many of those creep catchers have been to a club and met a girl there who had fake ID and was pretending to be older than she really was. Luring someone in is not catching a predator. To catch predators they need to be on underage sites. Then there's the question just what is under age. Up until recently the age of consent was 14. Old men from Idaho and Creston, BC were swapping young girls to become polygamist brides. 30 year old men were marrying 14 year old girls and it was entirely legal. The Conservatives finally brought the age of consent back up to 16. As far as I'm concerned that means if two 16 year olds fall in love and have sex, it's not a criminal offense it's no one else's business. I don't think it is illegal. As for me, I don't go anywhere near that kind of stuff. I was totally creeped out when my daughter was in high school and her friends were getting fake ID to go to the Mirage. That creeped me out forever.   If you have any inquiries concerning where and ways to utilize Escorts in Karachi, you could contact us at the internet site. The idea of going to a bar where there are patrons my kids age is nasty. A few years ago I went out for a beer with an old friend. The guy kept saying isn't the waitress hot over and over again. I finally looked up at her squinting and said she looks pretty young. She looks about my daughter's age. When you have a daughter it changes your perspective completely. So are the Surrey Creep Catchers going to go after the crack dealers in Whalley pimping out 14 year old girls or are they just gonna keep slinging crack on the side? Are they the ones selling fentanyl pretending it's cocaine? Mind you if they caught Bill Fordy I'd sure give them the thumbs up. Charges are pending. Interesting. No doubt they will try to cover it up. In addition to that I'm not sure what they can charge him with since he just met a girl in public. I guess that would depend on the conversation they had and if sex was mentioned. The thought of a cop meeting a 15 year old girl is indeed creepy as hell. However, unless he was propositioning her in their correspondence I'm not sure what they can charge him with. Teen girls removed from home of Mountie in Creep Catchers sting. CNKW is reporting that It appears the Surrey RCMP officer embroiled in an online sting by the Creep Catchers group isn't the first public officer to be caught. The so-called Creep Hunters caught a Kamloops sheriff last month. In August, Steph was the decoy, a 14-year-old girl new to town, taking to Craigslist looking for someone to talk to. Premium New York Asian Escorts Agency ✅Agency Level Asian Escorts NYC ❤️ Perfect For any Social Event! Still Looking for more Premium New York Asian Escorts? Asian Amour Outcall is an Asian escort site based in New York. We offer premium outcall escort and massage services. Our services and Our business targets adults (persons above the age of 21 years ONLY) who have made a conscience decision to engage us, fulfill their fantasies, have their fetishes met and all these under lawful circumstances. All fantasies and fetishes shall be entertained except pedophilia, illegal prostitution, sex trafficking. We shall not entertain illegal activities on this website or business. Looking for a rich, diverse gallery of Sensual Asian Escorts NY? Want some of the most gorgeous call girls you'll ever see? Or simply looking for a high-quality New York Escort agency? Asian Amour Outcall has a wide collection of sweet call girls in New York City. Each Escort girl will make her clients happy, ensuring that his every need is fully met. We provide reliable Escort services at affordable rates in New York City. Also, we have served thousands of customers with a high satisfaction rate. 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You can find out how much I'll cost here on the website, but can you really put a price on pleasure and passion beyond your wildest dreams? I didn't think so? What are you waiting for? It's time to have a little fun. It's time to live a little on the wild side.I do love that after all. It's crazy cute and I like it a lot. I sure do. I am a girl who loves to flaunt my cute curves and natural breasts. I can give you company when you are going to a dance, a hike or even to a business meeting. As you can tell, I'm up for anything! Even if you just want to stay indoors and have awesome moments in private, call our agency today and ask for Jenny. I will not only give you awesome moments while out and about but also on your bed. I am that crazy girl who is capable of talking dirty and giving you the best sexual experiences you will remember always, because I am a girl who is ready to do anything that pleases you. Doris would love to meet you. That in addition to her exceptional and erotic skills with CIF, CIM and many more talents should be enough to excite you to the core. Look at her, and these sensual skills of hers, and try explaining to yourself why you're not calling her up now! Sandy is clear and confident and a great conversationalist. As well, she is very well acquainted to the tricks and tactics of comforting men around and is sizzling enough to give you a memorable time while you're with her. At website can find some exceptional escort offers, as there are so many amazing girls to choose from. The best part is that the list of choices just keeps growing and new and exciting girls are constantly available. It has been only three months since I joined Asian Amour Outcall and I am very excited about that, as I love serving my clients. I offer some exclusive services to the most demanding clientele. First of all, I am a Korean/US after college graduate and in my opinion I could become a fantastic choice for clients who want to experience outstanding, fully passionate Erotic Asian massage, body rub and adult games. But the list of my unbelievable exclusive offers does not end there. I am also completely into providing a superb girlfriend experience (GFE) and engage in mutual sexual means of pleasure as well as FSK services. I am a single girl, 27 years old, 5'6" feet tall and weighing 102 lbs. In addition, I am well educated and available to provide the best escort services 24/7 for outcall only in New York City. CeciliaName: CeciliaAge: 24Height: 5'4"Hair: 106 lbssize 32C-27-35Body Type: Busty slimNationality: KoreanLanguages: Fluent EnglishLocation: New York CityServices: Outcall Escort ServiceDrink NOSmoke NO Standing at 5'4" tall, this pretty Korean Model is a complete package of everything you're looking for. Her beautiful and friendly face will make you always want to see her smile, while her magnificent body and smooth skin will make you want to see so much more. Why Cecilia She loves giving pleasure to any man she spends her time with, meaning choosing her as your escort will give you an experience you'll never forget with pleasure you'll hope will last forever. With her wide-ranging services and top class skills, your time with Cecilia will leave you begging for more. I can offer you a heavenly experience because I believe my man deserves the best. I can touch you in all the right spots in ways you never knew possible, and when I declare it is time, you will be screaming in ecstasy. But beyond what I can do for your body, know that my body is yours. Don't just be satisfied by these profile pictures, I promise that I am much much sexier in person. I guess you'll have to see for yourself, won't you? Touch me, tease me, kiss me, please me. I am yours for the taking. Imagine your strong body rubbing against my sweet and supple soft flesh on the road to climax. Baby I taste sweeter then the finest wine.  
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ivoryribcage · 7 years
Story + 21 for donut bc fuck you u thought this was gonna be cute like blaine's thinK AGAIN SWEETHEART
@deadbeatcentral | Send “Story + #” | ACCEPTING
PROMPT. The first time my muse missed your muse.
TITLE. Stick to Your GunsSETTING. Red VS BlueCHARACTERS. Arthur Driscoll ( @etherealmeliorism), Franklin Donut (@deadbeatcentral​), Rithisak Aydelotte (@ireofembers), Veata Aydelotte (@ivoryribcage)
SUMMARY. She hadn’t belonged there. Neither had he.
It’d frightened her: the realization that she could no longer function in a time of peace. Her reassignment to Blood Gulch had been one of the least violent of her experiences since her unwilling recruitment to the UNSC yet it’d caused her more emotional stress than any other chapter of her service. Veata had hated it there. In the field she could at least anticipate the horrors that waited for her, but more important than that she could perform her duties as a field medic with the understanding that the members of her unit could be trusted. It hadn’t been like that at Blood Gulch. Her CO, she had felt, had been as good as senile, and half the members of the unit she wouldn’t have trusted a pebble to much less a human life. 
The single kindness granted to her had been her brother. It’d been four years since she’d last heard from him though that’d been through no fault of his. Quite often Rithisak had tried to establish her whereabouts as she would later learn, but without a trail of breadcrumbs to guide him he’d been left blind in his search. Not to mention the fact that he’d had to focus on surviving the bloodshed of warfare himself at the time. In parallel to her Blood Gulch had been a transfer. She had to question how much of the decision – one Rithisak had thought related to his disciplinary problems – had been pulled through the CO that had enlisted her. Compensation. Veata didn’t believe in God, but she’d often prayed that her CO would burn for what he’d done to her.
She’d never told her brother the finer details of her enlistment. It hadn’t been as if his knowing the circumstances could change what had been done. But there had been a soldier stationed at Blood Gulch that had learned about her start with the UNSC. If Rithisak had been her kindness then Arthur had been her reprieve. He’d been one of three people that hadn’t treated her as if she were an unfounded, paranoid fool, and of the three he’d treated her fears and her paranoia with the most intimate understanding. Arthur had spent thrice the amount of time that she had in the field. Whereas Rithisak had mastered the callous detachment common to soldiers Arthur reacted in a more serious vein similar to hers. In his presence she had felt she could breathe again.
If it hadn’t been for Arthur she doubted she would have survived Blood Gulch without putting a bullet through her head though their connections had splintered their unit in half. The others hadn’t understood them. Not even empathetic Donut. Their active service had seen them stationed in Blood Gulch, and but for themselves there’d been no threats to their lives. How could these soldiers, outside of Arthur and Rithisak, understand what it did to a person’s psyche to spend a single night in silence after months of constant warfare? The senior members of Red Team had seen a bitch that had been wound too tight, but when she’d looked at them and she’d seen incompetent liabilities that couldn’t be counted on in times of crisis. But not Donut.
Franklin Delano Donut. Of the men stationed at Blood Gulch Donut had been the single individual she’d forgiven for his faults. Unlike Grif and Simmons – men that had had a considerable amount of time to get their collective act together  – he’d been fresh from training and without the experience under his belt he would need to be considered a proper soldier. For as ruthless as her service had made her Veata couldn’t have brought herself to resent him for that. His willingness to shoulder a fair share of their burden as a unit had been the key difference that distinguished him from Sarge, Grif, and Simmons, and the results had been tangible as he managed in a single afternoon more than either of the three men had in months.
Given the time to train under Arthur she didn’t doubt he would have proven to be quite the marine. But part of her hadn’t wanted that for him. Donut had been too gentle a person for the horrors of warfare. It was within his capabilities to be a soldier, but not without cost to his person. Arthur had seen it too. During the earliest months of his assignment to Blood Gulch Donut been a quiet and reserved young man, but as he’d settled into his station his quirks had begun to express themselves: the sharp edge of his sarcastic wit melted into sassier retorts, he began to test the waters of what he was allowed through requesting non-essential supplies such as wine and cheese, his conversations pursued more personal questions with the excitable twittering of a songbird.
The part of herself that had remained human loved him, but the damage had been done and the gentleness that she loved him for she’d understood would cost him his life if permitted to flourish. Grif and Simmons she could not have cared less for, but Donut had stood a fighting chance that Arthur and she wouldn’t have seen wasted. When Blue Team recruited the services of a woman that hadn’t hesitated to detonate a plasma grenade within range of him she’d held his hand through the night as he’d faced his first brush with death. It’d been the inevitable cataclysm Veata had known would come, and her regret had not been for the webbing of scars that left him disfigured but that he’d been made first to suffer.
The memories ebbed from her thoughts as Veata considered the holographic notification: New Message. Likely Arthur or Rithisak checking on her. Donut she suspected had been transferred to a remote location as it’d been three weeks since his last contact. For a brief moment an image of blue eyes flashed through her thoughts before she quickly dismantled the half-formed memories. It’d been two weeks since his last attempt at contact. So long as he hadn’t deviated from his established pattern he wouldn’t send another for at least a month. She dragged her fingers through her thick, knotted hair, her shoulders folding with a slow, deep exhale before she reached for the contraband communications equipment. Within the minute she’d opened the most recent transmission. 
Just as she suspected a message began to read in Arthur’s voice: “Status Update. There’s been no further chatter about what happened at Blood Gulch, but that doesn’t mean we’re in the clear yet. I’m keeping an ear to the ground, and I want everyone else to continue to do the same. I don’t want to be caught off guard again.” Here he sighed, and she could picture in vivid detail how his hand dragging the length of his face. He wouldn’t have shaved in the past week, and there’d be deep set bags underneath his eyes. “Fire Team Dingo is on assignment at a location our network doesn’t reach. They’re excused from check-in for the time being, but I want everyone else to message me theirs before the end of the week. Out.” 
Static replaced the sound of Arthur’s voice for a short moment before the transmission cut into silence. She considered its content as she opened the direct private line that connected hers to his. At least one of her suspicions had been confirmed: Donut, alongside Delbarre and Tucker, had been transferred to a distant, remote location. Fire Team Dingo. “Check-In: Veata Aydelotte. Date: August 30th, 2560. Time: 0200 hours. No changes to report. End Transmission.” She waited until the hologram confirmed the message had been sent before she began to fiddle with the modified TACPAD. Arthur had done it. He’d also overseen the establishment of the channel of networks through which their units communicated with Simmon’s assistance.
If someone were to find the TACPAD she would be reprimanded, and the contraband equipment confiscated. How Arthur had procured such a number that each soldier of Red Team and Blue Team could be in possession of one she hadn’t known, but then there hadn’t been much about him that Veata had known unless he’d wanted her to. She traced the edge of it. Its modifications, she imagined, had cost him twice the amount of effort their acquirement had, but it hadn’t been for naught. After the chain of events that had been triggered by Tex’s presence at Blood Gulch Arthur had wanted their teams to maintain contact after reassignment, and though he’d permitted them to use the TACPADs for more personal reasons she’d only used it for the bare minimum.
On the holographic screen she sorted her unread communications by their individual author. Donut’s name printed at the top of her screen. Of his eighteen transmissions – two per a week interval – ten remained unread, and of the eight she had read only four had been replied to. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to keep in contact with Donut. It was that it was easier not to. She couldn’t distance herself from the memories of Blood Gulch – memories of the A.I. – so long as he anchored her to them. For as much as she cared about him affection couldn’t clean her of the poison that tainted her blood at the memories of her former team. Only just this month she’d reached the point that weeks could pass without a single thought for Blood Gulch.
The others – Grif in particular seeing as he could no longer laze about without supervision – wouldn’t share her sentiment, but she’d considered the transfer from Blood Gulch to Solace a blessing. The finer details of how Red Team and Blue Team had survived the events that had preoccupied their last months stationed there she didn’t understand, but it’d at least been a vindication of her paranoia and solid evidence to the fact that she couldn’t depend on at least half her team. Luck wasn’t her token like it was theirs. She needed half-competent soldiers that were willing to put in the effort, and Red Team despite its addition of Arthur, Donut, and Rithisak hadn’t been that. At least not enough. Solace, on the other hand, had no shortage. 
Despite her convictions there were times that she permitted the compulsion of guilt to influence a regression. She opened the most recent unread message: text rather than voice. It took her a long minute to scan the message, the barest hint of a concerned smile at the corners of her mouth. Despite her near radio silence Donut had not once failed to write her without genuine enthusiasm. Most of the chatter was mundane, and often it’d been scattered with questions of her well-being. He’d learned rather soon after their initial meeting not to push her, but that hadn’t meant he didn’t leave her opportunities to open up. His last message was a more somber detailing of his reassignment, and in his Donut fashion he ended it in apologies to her for his coming lack of contact.
It wouldn’t matter whether or not Veata replied to him. The transmission had been dated three days earlier. By this point in time, and as evidenced by the content of Arthur’s communications, he’d have transferred to his next assignment. Yet the holographic screen reading out his most recent message to her remained open. As if of its own volition her fingers began to tap out the sequence to initiate a voice recorded message. Arthur had not been so skilled as to install a video recording modification that could project a hologram of their image, but she found the words came easier knowing that her face wouldn’t be attached to them. She cleared her throat once before finding her voice. “Donut, be careful out there.”
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jujyfru1t · 7 years
Dear Markiplier
*throws confetti/blows noisemaker* HAPPY BIRTHDAY @markiplier YOU FABULOUS HOOMAN BEAN!!!! (ur 4 moths younger than me *quietly fangirls*)
I can’t art or anything but I can write, so. I’ve been a fan of yours since about 2013, and I’m really happy I discovered you. And it’s so heartwarming to read your video comments and see that you were/are a lifeline for so many people. I can’t claim the same, but I do know my life is a lot better with you in it.
I touched on some of this in my donation comment for AbleGamers, but I don’t know if it gets to you and I wanted to expand on it a little bit. (it’s so weird spending a happy b-day comment talking about myself but???)
(this gets ramble-y so have a read more and my apologies to mobile dashes)
 I’m a twin. My brother David died in 2009, right before our 20th birthday, when his heart gave out from fighting Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a genetic, incurable muscle-wasting disease. I will always be a twin. That’s how it works.Duchenne is a rare form of MD that only affects boys. Most DMD boys don’t live past 25, but my brother and I were born 3 months premature (I have moderate cerebral palsy bc of that) so that hastened the progression. By 7 he could no longer walk, though he could still use his hands and upper body.
D and I were lucky enough to be homeschooled by our parents and I am eternally grateful for everything that gave us. It also meant we were together nearly every minute of the day. We had differing interests, of course, but we also had a lot in common. Like... video games. My older-by-11-years sister got an NES for one of her birthdays, and we still had it when bro and I turned 8 (and still have it today actually). That year my brother needed glasses. Turned out the headaches he’d been having were a result of poor eyesight. At that point we’d watched my sister play NES for years (there’s a pic of toddler me derping around with a disconnected controller next to sis) but never played ourselves. The minute my brother wheeled into the front hall, brandy-new glasses on, the first thing he said was “I wanna play Nintendo.” So we fired up Mario Bros. 1 and he was 10000% hooked forever. I was the observer, sitting by biting my nails whenever the “running out of time” jingle played; I don’t think I started playing until we got Nintendo 64 for one of our birthdays, with Mario Kart. And I didn’t play by myself until Ocarina of Time came out. We even played that “together”, me consulting the strategy guide and using the “C” buttons during boss fights while he moved and swung the sword.
Pokemon arrived, I got a Game Boy Color with Pokemon Yellow when I was ten, next thing you know bro and I are Pokemon experts/fans/cultists and IT’S ALL DOWNHILL FROM THERE. We were console/Nintendo devotees for sure, though we had a handful of computer games later on too.
All this is to say that gaming was a huge part of our lives and still is in mine. I’ve branched out to PC gaming (still with a controller, as my hands are not dexterous enough for mouse+keyboard gaming), and several of those games I learned about through YOU, lovely Markimoo!! Dead Space (an hour in, too scared to go back for now) Undertale. To the Moon (the only one I’ve completed, also AUGH MY FEELS). Transistor. Even Outlast, which I haven’t even Steamstalled yet bc I’m legit terrified (D was the horror movie/game fan, I had to watch through my fingers at Resident Evil 4; he patiently put up with my screeching).
So, yeah. 2013 was year 4 of After David. The pain’s never going away, it will just dull. I found a lot to sustain me through the years. I don’t remember 99% of 09, 2012 was also awful grief-wise, for some reason. ’13 was more of an up year. I can’t recall how I discovered you, guess it was my YT account recommended videos. I knew about LPs for a while but never much cared until “ohhhh I can watch games I’m not gonna buy but wanna know about!!” pretty sure my intro to you was an Amnesia compilation and then Electronic Super Joy (where I tripped and faceplanted onto a massive crush on your voice and then you im so sorry). So I can’t say I’ve always been there or I’ve seen every one of your vids but *shrugs*
you made memories come back I hadn’t thought about much because they hurt. D and I screaming and hollering over whatever games we played, D patting my arm saying “it’s ok Juj” every time I freaked out trying RE4’s first level, attending our first Pokemon convention for its 10th anniversary… and so many memories didn’t hurt anymore bc your enthusiasm and joy and epic silliness reminded me of happiness, not sadness. And when you cried I could cry with you, over similar and different things. Which reminds me, your 6mil subscriber gift video? That one song and your reaction to it single-handedly made me want to play To The Moon. And also cry buckets bc the lyrics are… very relevant. I only joined Steam a few months ago, having got a new computer with better hardware and running into a freaking $1.99 sale of the Tomb Raider reboot which almost made me buy a new console just for it but yay I didn’t have to I DIGRESS SORRY.
So I refused to watch more than part 1 of your TTM LP, I wanted to experience it for myself and boy howdy that was the right decision. [spoilers ahead if anyone’s still reading *sweating*] By the time Everything’s Alright started playing in context? After everything that happened in-game?? I was a goddamn mess and didn’t go back until a week later and then!!! The big reveal of Joey being restored in Johnny’s memories in place of River destroyed my heart.. TTM brought up so many questions. If I could have D back, but lose another important person in my life… if it wasn’t even real… would I take the opportunity? And River coming back… maybe my memories too would restore that other person, but it wouldn’t change my life as I’d lived it. I can’t never bring David back, DMD-free or otherwise.
“He’ll only have one brother.” So many heartrending moments but THAT LINE. That one hit my soul because I’ve been through it. I knew TTM would be emotional but had no idea that it would speak to me more personally than anything I’ve ever played. And I probably wouldn’t have known about it if not for you, Mark.
I don’t even know if you’ll see this, or read to the end if you do see it. But I had to let this out, and hope you do see it and know you’ve touched yet another person’s life. And I really really think that if D were alive today, he’d be your fan too.
Love and appreciation,
JujYFru1T, aka RitsukaYukiLuvr on YT, aka Julia
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bonnissance · 7 years
critical ranting about holby under the cut (bc I am also sick of long holby text posts bc reading is hard)  
But I have Thoughts(tm) I need to air because there are many things that really really get my goat about Serena’s current story and almost all of it is due to the fact that her entire narrative arc has been constructed to give Jasmine Burrows a storyline.
To begin, I hold that this narrative arc is an example of poor storytelling. As I’ve vague discussed before, I think Elinor’s introduction+exit=the fall out of her death was very poorly constructed and executed. The pacing is wrong, the rhythm of progression is beyond clunky, and the “you fill in the blanks” between the plot points the writers are handing to the audience are too large and frequent to be of any benefit to the narrative.
They reintroduced Elinor far too briefly for anyone to actually care that the character die, because, of course, the point wasn’t that Elinor died: it was that Serena Campbell’s daughter died. Following that, they left out crucial and oh so very important scenes in Serena’s story. For instance, discussing Elinor’s condition with the Doctors and Edward, their decision to turn of the ventilator, and preparing for the funeral. Nevertheless, those plot points were left out of Serena’s narrative as a deliberate decision.
So too was the choice to leave out any depiction of Serena’s grief at home. Which in itself, I shall concede, is understandable given Holby is a medial drama situated in a work place hospital and generally only includes out of hospital scenes when large concentrations of hospital employees are there at the same time such as Albie’s and work functions, etc.
However, there are exceptions to this rule, such as the trio’s house and now Dom and Issac’s domesticity. Those scenes are included because they are essential to the story those characters are telling at the time. Zosia’s early story is inherently connected to her personal life. As is Dom and Issac’s storyline necessitates the blurring of profession and personal and how Issac’s abuse alters depending on the situation. Thus, Holby has a history of included non-work place related scenes when it furthers the story they have chosen to tell.
Yet the deliberately decided against including allowing Serena to grieve in the safety and comfort of her own home, just as the arguably essential scenes above mentioned scenes were left out of scripts. In fact, that entire section of Serena’s storyline was barely even acknowledged. Now, we all know that Russell would have knocked those scenes out of the park. So leaving them out wasn’t the writers factoring in to a lack of ability on behalf of their performer. Nor do I believe they left them out because the writers were unable to write the content. On the contrary, I think Holby’s writer’s room to be more than capable of producing that type of content and doing it rather well.
It then follows that the writers made a deliberate decision to they breezed over what ought to have been a significant point of character development in favour of inserting her straight back onto the ward. To ensure that her grief and every unhealthy coping mechanism she uses to get through the day would be on full display to her colleagues, and to the audience. The writers forced Serena back onto the ward, to the same physical location of her daughter’s death, in order to deliberately blur the lines of the character’s personal tragedy with her professional existence.
They explicated unhealthy coping techniques that directly affected Serena’s behaviour towards her colleagues, and they did it without providing her with an adequate support network. 
They created an unhealthy inter-generational dynamic between Serena and Jasmine that, at times, epitomises the ‘old queers are predatory and dangerous to young women’ trope. They glazed over Serena’s panic attacks and fugue states in favour implying she’s drinking on the job. They justified the narrative shaming of Serena reaching out to the one person in the world who understood what it meant to lose their daughter: Elinor Campbell, without bothering to make it clear that problem was never Serena wanting emotional support from Edward. The problem was that she continued to try and engage with him after he made it clear he was in no way prepared to provide Serena with the care she was requesting. Once again leaving Serena without a support network as well as implying her desire for the support was unreasonable. 
They continued pushing the mentor/mentee dynamic between Jasmine and Serena to unprofessional and unhealthy levels. Now, while there is certainly examples of emotionally abusive behaviour between Serena and Jasmine, I avoid using the term “abusive” to describe their entire relationship. I don’t believe the mistreatment occurring has been sustained long enough to warrant the term. (It bears mentioning that this classification is based on my own personal experiences with emotional abuse and that I have little interest in expanding on this reasoning should anyone take issue with this statement.) Instead, I would classify this situation as incidental grooming between two people who have positioned another in an unhealthy and toxic position in their live. 
Granted, they both agreed to a mentor/mentee dynamic. However, Jasmine in no way deserves to be belittled and bullied in the work place, to have Serena use her as a project to help process her grief, or to become the focal point of Serena’s need to make sure what happened with Elinor never happens to anyone else. But nor does Serena deserve to become the source of Jasmine’s validation, to overcompensates for Jasmine’s already developed sense of unworthiness, or become a maternal care provider which Jasmine so clearly wants her to be. Both of them are using the other in horridly unhealthy ways and desperately need counselling to process their own emotional traumas. 
But once again, the writers don’t bother to make clear the actual issues in these exchanges, nor handle the fall out of these situations with the degree of seriousness issues such as these actually require. Instead, they continue to escalate things between Serena and Jasmine, which we know cumulates into Serena telling Jasmine she wishes Jasmine were dead, because this was their intention all along.
Despite the fact that Elinor was Serena’s daughter, the point of killing off her off was not to give Serena a storyline. Elinor’s death and the resulting grief, which has irrevocably changed the character at the very core, was not about Serena at all, because this entire narrative was constructed to give Jasmine Burrows a storyline.
And that fact makes me furious. 
Because Holby gave us the story of a middle aged woman discovering her same-sex attraction in a situation where her desire was mutual and returned. They gave us a story in which that character was about to embark on a healthy, fulfilling, sustainable relationship that satisfied her emotional, physical, romantic and sexual wants. They implied the character was going integrate that romantic relationship with her other filial bonds and, for the first time in possibly her whole life, have her emotional needs actually met.
Then they took that character, who in universe was finally finally about to be happy, and decided to add to the other numerous instances of suffering the writers have already put her through by killing of her daughter. Killing off her daughter in her place of work only to cut short her grieving and send her right back there to suffer in the public eye.  
And they did it to give a new and barely formed character a storyline. The fact remains that Jasmine had literally millions of plausible storylines they could have gone with; so many options that would have ended with substantial character growth. She could have stopped drinking and studied harder, she could have taken up running, gotten a boyfriend or a puppy, learnt tact and become an actual decent doctor, and the character would have grown. 
Christ, she could have stubbed her toe on the edge of a bed, sworn on the ward, and gotten a dressing down from her boss about appropriate workplace vocabulary that character growth would have carried the same weight as the storyline she’s now had to endure.
They writers have irrevocably written Serena into a corner, because that character will never be the same again and there is very little they can do with her now, without actually letting the audience see the some of the most important narrative points. Moreover, they have also cut off almost all of Jasmine’s further storylines, because unless they give her a surprise pregnant with Ollie’s baby and then she miscarries after deciding to keep it (which I wouldn’t put it past them tbqh) there’s not a lot the writers can do with her that will have the same intensity and significance as what they’ve already put her through. 
In short, the Holby writers took a queer mentally ill abuse survivor and guttered her from the inside out for the sake of another character with barely touched potential. They treated that character with a level of disrespect and disregard I’m not sure I’ve seen since The L Word drowned Jenny Schecter in her neighbour’s pool and nobody really cared. Because they gave us Serena Campbell, implied that she (along with and everyone she represents) deserves to be happy, only to turn around and burn her beyond recognition for daring to hope. And they did it because they wanted to.
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uncloseted · 3 years
Hi, I need your advice, since you are the smartest person i know. so i have really bad periods, like right before my period i turn VERY emotional and almost always have a breakdown every month, when it starts i have terrible lower back pain and idk if they're hot flashes but i just feel like my body is heating up from the inside although outside im not running a temp, i keep telling my mom i want pills even if not BC atleast somethingt to help with the symptoms but she skeeps telling me (1)
(2) they're not safe, i go through the same pain, hot water bottles are better etc. look i know BC has side effects but i literally lose all my will to live every month i become so lethargic and exhausted but i genuinely don't feel lik im exaggerating it !!!! but i also know my mom cares about me so do you think she's right, should i just suck it up and avoid pills is this pain normal
So, I usually try not to get too personal on here (that's for the YouTube channel), but going on non-cycling birth control (aka not getting a period every month) was the best thing I've ever done for myself. It's improved my quality of life immeasurably and allowed me to be a real person again. Having a week every month where you're in pain, whether physical and emotional, isn't normal. But even if it was... wouldn't you want to avoid that if possible? It's "normal" to get headaches, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take paracetamol when it happens. Of course your mom cares about you and wants what's best for you, but it seems that in this situation, she might be misinformed about what's normal, and what the potential benefits and risks of starting medication are.
In terms of what to do, I would speak with a doctor about your particular symptoms. It sounds like you may be experiencing premenstrual dysphoric disorder. PMDD affects somewhere between 2-6% of people who menstruate. The symptoms can include mood swings, irritability, anger, anxiety/tension, difficulty concentrating, decreased interest in usual activities, lethargy/lack of energy, changes in appetite, changes in sleep patterns, feeling overwhelmed or out of control, and physical symptoms (such as breast tenderness or swelling, joint or muscle pain, and a sensation of bloating). If you do have PMDD, the first line of treatment is typically SSRIs.
SSRIs are an anti-depressant. In the case of people with PMDD, instead of being taken daily, they're taken only when you're in the pre-menstrual phase of your cycle. People with PMDD who take SSRIs report a 50% alleviation of symptoms. SSRIs are generally considered to be safe (and the risks and side effects are lessened if you're only taking them for a week or two per month). About 13.2% of adults in the US are prescribed an SSRI. It may take a few tries to find the one that works best for you.
Another common treatment for menstrual issues is the ethinyl estradiol/drospirenone pill, one of the types of pills we commonly think of as "birth control". By preventing the body from ovulating, changes in hormones are prevented as well. The health risks of birth control pills are lower than those from pregnancy and birth. However, serious side effects from birth control pills do exist, although they are rare. These include blood clots and strokes. If you're a smoker, are at increased risk for blood clots, have cardiovascular disease, have advanced diabetes, have cirrhosis of the liver, or have migraines with an aura, you made be at increased risk for serious side effects from taking birth control pills. On the flip side, the lifetime risk of ovarian, colorectal, and endometrial cancer is reduced in people who take birth control.
(On a side note, if you're taking hormonal birth control for any reason, having a "period" every month is not medically necessary. The bleeding you experience is breakthrough bleeding rather than a period. The placebo pills exist because the inventor of birth control, John Rock, was hoping the Catholic Church would approve of birth control if women kept their "natural" cycle". They didn't approve).
At the end of the day, there's no medical treatment that's 100% free of risk, and that's why you should talk to your doctor about your options. All things you can do in your life, all day, every day, carry some kind of risk. The real question is whether the risk is worth the benefit, and how to reduce the risks present in the decisions that you make. Your doctor can also help your mom to understand the risks and benefits of starting medication and to help her make a more informed decision.
Last thing. Depending on where you are in the world, you may be able to access birth control or other forms of healthcare without your parents knowing. I'm not suggesting that's necessarily the right move for you, but I do want you to know that's an option. In the US, your student health center or local Planned Parenthood is a good resource if you can't see your primary care doctor on your own.
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flyingcookierambles · 3 years
forgot if i already talked about it but i guess i honestly didnt like wolf children/boy and the beast that much lol and i think i finally figured out why
ok so ill have my original post and short convo i had with this one guy and then write about my feelings after those two that provide some context.
ok real quick so wolf children and the boy and the beast are both from award winning anime director mamoru hosoda!
wolf children has a single mother with 2 kids who are werewolves/shifters since they can change whenever they want. she’s a widow because her husband was walking around the city in wolf form, scared ppl, and got killed by animal control in tokyo. she and her kids move out to the rural boonies on a small homestead where she farms and stuff so that her kids can have space to be their wolf forms and run around without fear.
the boy and the beast has a human child fall into the hidden magical parallel furry world and get raised by this beast/bear furry? i...forget what his adoptive dad’s species is lol, sorry its been a long time since ive seen the movie.
spoilers for the ending but. here.
wolf children - yuki, the daughter, decides to stay in the human world with her mom and go to high school. ame, the son, decides to live his life as a furry/wolf boy protecting the forests.
boy and the beast - adoptive father sacrifices himself for protag, fuses spirits/hearts/whatever with protag so that they’re not really separated even in death, then the protag and dad defeat the antagonist and the protag decides to stay in the human world with his human girlfriend.
soooo. yeah. the movie ends with the families splitting up and the two cultures of mundane humans and magical creatures separating forever.
(og post) original post from my kitsu:
“ok, so like after watching wolf children tonight, im left with a bunch of questions and, idk maybe i dont understand the ending, but like. what. i also have a copy of the boy and the beast and watched it a while go. and like. i feel like, out of his two movies, they were overall very good. however, the endings always leave me with a ton of questions and mixed feelings? is mamoru hosoda just going to be “that guy” for me? you know, “that guy.” like, he’s an ok dude but you have mixed feelings about him? is it still worth watching his other movies, the girl who leapt through time and summer wars, at this rate? idk???? edit: …. i realized i also borrowed mirai from the library, am i going to watch the whole thing and then be like. what.“
response to this one guy, pseudonym:
I didn’t like wolf children and while I overall enjoyed the boy and the beast I did feel it was lacking something. Give summer wars a go though as in my opinion it’s easily his best film, that said I haven’t seen Mirai.
my responses:
“ that’s interesting. hmm im trying to figure out what i didn’t like about his endings for these two movies and i think it might be the whole separation thing? but the weird thing was that i didn’t mind the family separation thing in maquia, another family drama oriented anime? so idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ????? what about you?”
“I haven’t seen Maquia. It’s been a while since I watched either film but I just remember Boy and the beast feeling generally a little uninspired and wolf children feeling hollow having nothing going on but cuteness and idealization of the mother character that I couldn’t get behind. It also fell into the annoying and well worn trap of insisting the daughter come to terms with her wolf side as necesary but the boy’s arc is to go reject his humanity and abandon his family to live in the woods as a young teen and the mother learning to accept his really stupid decision. Fuck that, thats a shtty life decision and it should be treated accordingly.”
my response:
i agree with some points! like, i get that the mother was a hardworking single mother who needed to give her kids some more freedom and also isolation in life to hide the whole werewolf secret, but when ame was just like “imma drop out of elementary school,” and hana was ok with it, i was just staring at the screen like “no, why are you letting him do this?” i feel like my issue with the boy and the beast was that ren decided that “humans and monsters need to live in their own world,” and left forever when i was thinking “no man, you can have both, work in the human world on weekdays and just go back to the monster world on weekends or something, you have basically nothing in the human world but this random girl you met and whatever the japanese version of the GED is.”
so. after thinking about it. literally for a few years. i realized. the reason i don’t like these movies, or at least their endings, since the premises sounds interesting enough for me to try them. is probably because im projecting my own weirdo complex identity issues on them. (own ramble lol) (other ramble on kitsu) (transracial tag on main) (racial imposter syndrome with NPR’s Code Switch) (all mixed up what do we call people of multiple backgrounds, also on NPR’s Code Switch)
so. as you can hopefully see. i. am currently in a pretty big identity/culture crisis. and. i think that the endings of these movies rubbed me the wrong way because their solution was to choose one over the other. like. there’s no room to try to make it work, to try and have a balance between the two worlds.
as mentioned above, in wolf children, why the heck not try to make it work? be a furry forest protector and still visit your mom because you’re in the same area. in fact, ame is literally the stupidest kid/literal elementary school drop out because, instead of trying to help the forest with actual laws and such because bc, its sad but let’s be real, capitalism and bulldozers can affect the forest more than one kid trying to larp as the big bad wolf of the forest. and you know how ame could’ve tried to protect the forest in a more substantial way? literally just. finding a balance between the human and magical werewolf/animal world and becoming a botanist/biologist/ecologist/forest ranger. someone who can bring some actual solutions to fixing issues in the forest with science. instead of like. “feeling the forest vibes” or whatever the heck was even happening there.
and then also as mentioned in the boy and the beast, protag-kun leaves behind all his childhood friends and the ppl who helped his adoptive dad raise him, practically his adoptive aunts and uncles, behind for a random girl he met, his birth dad and step family, and whatever a japanese GED is. like. again, why not try to make it work? have two cultures????
you dont have to choose one over the other!!
i’m sure that mamoru hosoda didn’t mean to be like. idk. insensitive to people of mixed races/cultures, etc., esp. since japan is not a very racially/culturally diverse place so he probably didn’t even have this mindset when making these movies, but the message in the movies’ endings that you have to pick one culture, country/world, family, etc., over the other because they’re just too incompatible is just. absolute bullshit. do i care that they’re werewolf and magic furry world culture? no, i think you can and should still try dude.
like. i have. a bunch of intersectional race/culture/adoption issues, but am i going to try to have some balance and learn about all of them and live with them? yeah????? do you realize how stupid it is to me to think about like. having to pick between cultures???? its just like. to me, picking one over the other would be like forcing me to stay with white americans or just like. go back to china. like the boy and the beast protag did or someshit????? like???? i can try to balance them??? tisn’t that the whole point of like. chinese american/ immigrant created mixed culture/experiences, esp. for ppl like me who are transracially adopted and have complex life experiences???? wtf??????
like. i would love to learn more about my birth country and all but im not going to be an absolute dumbass like the boy and beast protag and move to another world/country just because “its where i’m from” or “i have biological family there.” i cant speak the language, i’d leave all my friends and family oceans away, how the heck would i even live??
anyways TL;DR - as a person with some complex feelings about identity, and culture, and a person greatly interested in intersectionality due to my lived experiences, mamoru hosoda’s movies and their bullshit anti-intersectionality messages, again most likely unintentional but my brain read it as this, make me not like his movies.
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