#and a white pinafore for reasons unknown to me
countess-of-edessa · 3 years
the universal female experience is going through a period of dressing so aggressively modestly that when you’re in seventh grade your doctor asks if you’re a mennonite
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xiolaperry · 4 years
The Piano - Chapter 12
Summary: Belle French and her daughter arrive in New Zealand to an arranged marriage with Gaston LeGume.  Gaston shows little interest in her or her piano and books. However, Mr. Gold is fascinated… (Rumbelling of the 1993 film “The Piano”)
Rating: E for smut, dark subject matter and violence.
Note: Warning for violence and disturbing imagery. Please skip this chapter and wait for the next one if this type of thing upsets you. I kept this chapter short and separate from the rest for that reason. 
Also on AO3
Belle was sitting at the table trying to read when Gaston burst into the room, axe in hand. The smash of the door hitting the wall startled her; his expression chilled her bones. There was no doubt in her mind what had happened. It had been wrong of her to put Tilly in such a position, she thought fleetingly. And now she'd pay for it.
His eyes skipped from her and focused on the piano. He crossed the room with large, determined strides. Belle's first instinct was to throw herself on it to save it. The icy fury in his face stopped her. He slammed the axe down on the piano with a resounding bang. The dissonant noise from the strings vibrated through the house, the instrument crying out as if in pain.
Gaston wrenched the axe from the lid, splintered wood flying. “I trusted you. Why would you humiliate me?” The quiet words, spoken in a reasonable tone, carried more menace than if he'd shouted them.
Shock broken, Belle jumped away as the axe crashed down again. His next strike cleaved the book on the table in two. A teacup hit the floor, exploding into red and white shrapnel. An inane thought skittered across her mind: 'Another cup broken. What would Cora think?'
“Why would you do that? Why would you make me have to punish you?” He sighed and shook his head, as though contrite.
Belle tried to dash around him to the open door. He was too fast. Grabbing her arm, he dragged her out of the house. They grappled in the doorway. She sank the nails of her free hand into the wood trim and tried to pull herself from his grip. Her nails ripped, leaving gouges behind.
Clouds darkened the sky, and the rain started. The sudden storm turned the ground into mud. It dirtied her dress as she struggled.
“I am not a fool.” Louder now, he yanked her away from the clotheslines as she tried to hold on to a sheet that hung there. The mud spattered the whiteness of the sheet with dark marks, ideograms of a frantic message in an unknown language.
“What does Gold have that I don't?” he yelled. Gaston didn't want her heart or any other such flowery nonsense. But he'd be damned if he'd let her give it to another.
His voice carried to Tilly, who was approaching the house. She had dawdled on her way back, not wanting to see her mother get into trouble. Gaston was far more upset than she'd expected.
“I'm better than him!” The rain pounded, stinging her face as she flailed. The world had turned to black and white. Her apron and hands were stark against her dress and the muck.
“You will answer for this disrespect.” Gaston pulled her toward the woodpile and the chop block. Belle realized where they were headed and thrashed like an animal caught in a trap. She broke free, sliding and crawling in the mud. It clung to her, weighing her down and hindering her attempt to flee. He clamped on to her dress and hauled her back.
“Why not me? Why!” His anger fed on itself, frenzied. Gold, with his cane and graying hair, was nothing compared to him. Belle underestimated him, didn't respect him. She wouldn't make that mistake again.
He pushed her down, and she hit her head against the block. Dazed, her eyes fluttered. Were those tears or rain?
Gaston seized her hand and held it in place with his booted foot on her wrist.
“Do you love him?” he shouted. He raised the axe.
“No!” screamed Tilly, running toward them. “She doesn't! She doesn't love him!”
He brought the axe down with a crack.
In Belle's head, the sound of the downpour ceased. She could see Tilly's lips moving. All she could hear was a strange, high pitched ringing. Time slowed and stretched like taffy.
A startled bird took flight from the woodpile.
Tilly's mouth open in terror.
Raindrops bounced in a puddle with red blossoms.
Gaston released his grip. She staggered to her feet. She noticed a finger on the chop block. Hers?
The world sped up again.
Blood had spurted on Tilly's pinafore. That was a mess for later. It wasn't time to do the laundry. She wrapped her hand in her muddy apron. Turning like a compass needle searching for north, she lurched in the direction of Gold's home. She must get to him. Unsteady, she stumbled and sank slowly to her knees. No color remained in her face.
“Mama!” Tilly ran to her mother, wanting to help but afraid to touch her.
Gaston, his mind still swarming with violent thoughts, picked up his wife's index finger. He wrapped it in the linen and blue ribbon he'd kept in his pocket. She wanted Gold to have her heart? He'd have a piece of her, the bastard.
Stunned by the vicious scene she'd witnessed, Tilly backed away from him. He forced her to take the small bundle.
“You give that to Gold. Tell him if he ever sees her again, I'll remove another one.”
When she did not move, he yelled, “Run!”
Sobbing, she obeyed.
End note:  This scene in the film was so intense - I think anyone who's seen it will never forget it. I tried to think of a different way for the story to play out; I didn't want poor Belle to lose her finger. But it is an integral part of the film, and I couldn't come up with a way to make the story work without it.
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not-safeforsanders · 5 years
Truth or Dare?
Warnings: nsfw, drunk sex, not exactly sensible drinking, asphyxiation mention
Plot: Patton’s tired of being sweet and innocent, he’s tired of people expecting him to be a blushing virgin. 
Ship: LAMP
Patton has always been the cute, dainty one who wore pastel shirts and flower crowns. It’s always what everyone perceives him as; small, sweet and kind; and he is all of those things, but he’s also more than that. He’s nineteen-years-old and his friends are still managing to treat him like a ten-year-old, it was cute at first and a nice laugh, but now he wants to get to be an actual adult and do adult things.
He starts off slow at first. Puns, he’s good with puns. 
“This day has been so fucking hard,” Roman mutters as he throws his bag on the floor, walking in from his classes for the day. It’s a hot summer, so sweat is clinging to him in every which way, he’s unscrewing the cap on his bottle of water to take a mouthful.
“Not as hard as me,” Patton replies nonchalantly, flicking through the pages of a magazine. Roman chokes on the water and looks at the other man with wide eyes. Patton’s lips quirk into a smile, but he ignores the spluttering. 
“I need bigger shoes,” Logan sighs as he toes the shoes off “I have blisters,” He’d been putting off buying new shoes for the past three months and really he should go and buy some but he’s always so busy. Busy Logan, that was just his thing, Logan is always doing something and his friends often wonders if he ever sleeps at all.
“Well you know what they say about big feet,” Patton replies, hanging Logan’s jacket up on the coat stand, Logan looks confused but next to him, Virgil’s eyebrows raise in surprise as he looks up from his phone. “Bigger the uh...rooster,” 
“I don’t get it,” Logan whispers to Virgil as Patton walks away “Roosters don’t wear shoes,” Virgil blinks at him for a moment.
“Synonyms for Rooster?”
Logan drops his phone, his cheeks going red.
 “Something’s up with Patton,” Virgil comments quietly to two of his three in total roommates “He’s started making...puns that are...not like his usual puns,” Roman shrugs slightly. “I mean is he trying to tell us something I don’t...it’s not like him and Patton’s all sweet and innocent right? I...I thought he was anyway,”
“He’s almost twenty years old, Virgil,” Logan comments to his friend, peering over the edge of his book “How sweet and innocent are you expecting him to be exactly?”
“I kinda expected him to be asexual,” Roman finally interrupts with his words “When I look at him he just looks cute, like a teddy bear you want to cuddle, but now it’s sort of dawning on me that Patton probably has a sex life that we don’t know about,”
“Most people have a sex life that their friends don’t know about, it’s only you who insists on talking about the guys you’ve fucked, Roman,” Virgil deadpans with pursed lips “But I also expected him to be asexual,”
“Perhaps our own stereotypes of, not only Patton, but sexuality as a whole has affected our judgment, and we should possibly stop assuming all gay men are like Roman and that all asexual people are innocent and flowery,” There’s a moment of silence.
“Hey! What do you mean ‘like Roman’? You have sex all the time specs!” The redhead folds his arms defiantly “You had sex like a week ago and I know because the walls are thin,” Logan’s cheeks heat a little. Virgil bats his hands in front of his face.
“No one cares about either of your sex lives, you both have sex fairly regularly and the entire house can hear it, moving back to the original topic? Should we apologize to Patton? Do you think he’s upset with us for assuming?” 
“Patton is not upset with you for assuming, he is upset that you’re talking about him behind his back, however,” The three turn around with sheepish expressions. “I don’t have a sex life and that’s sort of my problem,” He sits down and snatches Roman’s ice tea, sipping it thoughtfully. “I always felt like I had to be someone I’m not because you all had opinions of me that I felt I had to adhere too, and yes I’m sweet and innocent, but I’m also not just that, I get why you’ve always assumed certain things about me but I can be cute and sweet and fuck,”
Virgil squeaks a little because he’s never heard Patton swear in his life and also because in his little southern lilt it sounds so cute when he says ‘fuck’. Logan gives a tight smile, “We’re sorry for making you feel this way Patton, we understand you must have felt a little infantilized and that can’t have felt positive,” Roman nods sincerely. 
“Apology accepted,”
A week later Logan had brought a guy home, halfway down the hallway with another guy’s lips attached to his neck he heard Patton, who apparently also had company. He hesitates a moment, listening to the sounds. “Sounds like your roommate is having a hell of a time too,” Logan gives a small smile and drags him into his room. 
He’s happy for Patton for being able to finally be himself, but he can’t really help listening to those sounds as his head dips between his own partner’s thighs. 
The next morning Patton is practically bouncing around the room as he makes breakfast, Logan trails downstairs with his hair a little messy and visible bruises on his neck as he digs into the pancakes. A few minutes later Roman pads downstairs with an unsure look on his face. Logan shakes his head, he better not even dare make Patton feel even a slight bit insecure. 
Roman nods in response and mimics zipping his lips. Virgil joins them, humming unusually and his eyeliner missing from his face. What is going on today? 
When Patton goes upstairs, for reasons unknown to the rest of them, Roman whirls around “Did you hear him last night?” He whispers, Virgil nods as he shoves cereal into his mouth. Logan is expecting maybe a note of discomfort or something but the next words out of Roman’s mouth are a shock to everyone “He sounds so good,” Logan is getting tired of surprise revelations these past few weeks and decides to place his phone safely on the tabletop before he drops it again.
“Yeah, he does,” Virgil sighs, looking a little dejected suddenly “I could hear him from downstairs, I was watching conspiracy theory videos again,” he admits. 
Logan sighs “He certainly didn’t sound...bad,” He admits quietly “But I’m unsure of what we can do with this situation, we’ve all assumed for so long that Patton was not interested in sex and it seems the revelation that he is, is causing some disconcerting emotions,” They all go a little quiet, Virgil’s spoon stills from spooning cereal into his mouth “Personally I would put it down to curiosity,”
“Curiosity, that’s one way to put it,” Roman adds. At the sound of footsteps approaching the stairs, they all go quiet.
“It’s been so long since we’ve had a proper drinking night,” Roman cheers, drinking wine straight from the bottle like it’s water. “And it’s so nice to do it here where Patton doesn’t have to be a designated driver!” Virgil shakes his head and sips from his can of cider, watching Roman with sheer amusement as he drinks. 
Logan seems to share the sentiment as he gapes at the other’s drinking habits with a shake of his head. Roman doesn’t drink often but when he drinks, he drinks. “What obnoxious high school party game are we playing today?” He finally asks, mixing his whiskey into his cola with an expression of distaste.
“Truth or dare!” Patton exclaims excitedly. He’s wearing a pastel blue pinafore and a white shirt, his pale legs stretched out across the carpet as he taps his sock-clad feet against the table. Logan is wearing his usual blue shirt and black jeans, Roman in a white shirt and leather skinny jeans and Virgil is disappearing inside his hoodie with ripped and baggy skinny jeans. “I’ve never played it before,” Roman scoffs.
“Well, that just has to be rectified immediately!” He passes the bottle of wine to Patton who takes several mouthfuls. Logan hated everything about this immediately. “Specs, truth or dare?”
“Truth,” He’s not suffering through Roman’s borderline humiliating dares ever in his life. 
“If you had to kiss one of us who would you kiss?” Logan sighs and looks at them all, weighing up the pros and cons in his head. There were very few cons. They’re all attractive, but Virgil would perhaps feel anxious and Roman would want to shove his tongue down his throat so...
“Patton,” He finally says “You’re insufferable and Virgil’s shy,” Virgil takes a mouthful of his drink and then waves the can at Logan “Well, when he’s sober anyway,” He gets a thumbs up in response. “Roman, truth or dare?”
“I dare you to keep your mouth shut for five minutes, Virgil truth or dare?”
“Truth,” Roman pouts and shuts his mouth. 
“If you were offered six thousand dollars but someone in your family would die would you-”
“Yes,” Roman snorts, Virgil does not get along with his family anyway. “Patton, truth or dare?”
This goes on for a while, going around in the circle, it’s Roman in the end who decides to take a gamble and push his luck. “Truth or dare Pat?” Patton bites his lip a little, thinking for a moment before he settles on ‘dare’. “I dare you to kiss anyone in this room, for a solid minute,” Patton looks at each of them, Virgil shakes his head a little, he’s not quite drunk enough to make out with his best friend. 
Logan only just manages to put the glass of whiskey down before he’s got a lap full of Patton, he makes a small noise of surprise as the other’s lips are pressed to his own, his hands tugging at Logan’s shirt collar a little forcefully. Patton’s teeth tug at his bottom lip, the weight of his thighs pressed against Logan’s, but the younger doesn’t quite know where to put his hands right until Patton’s tongue brushes against his own and his hands are suddenly squeezing Patton’s hips as he kisses back tasting like whiskey, movements a little drunk. 
 Roman calls time with a look on his face that Logan has seen before, biting his lip and eyes dark. That’s Roman’s drunk-and-horny look, Logan knows because he’s had to pull him out of the club one too many times. Patton’s chest is heaving a little, the strands of his blonde curls falling into his dark eyes. Logan can’t quite help but look back. 
Virgil swallows the rest of his can of cider and cracks open another one. “Whatever happens tonight,” He says quietly “It doesn’t change us as friends,” Roman nods, his expression turning sincere. Patton clambers off of Logan’s lap and kneels in front of Virgil, squeezing his hands.
“Nothing will ever stop us being friends,” Virgil has a two-second warning before Patton’s kissing him, placing the can down with shaking hands. It’s quick, brief, and the youngest stares dazedly up at his friend with a short laugh of disbelief. “Roman, truth or dare?”
“I don’t know if I quite kissed Logan enough,” Logan looks over at Roman, the other searching for his consent as he nods in response to the silent question “I dare you to kiss him,” Unlike Patton, who has a very frantic and desperate way of kissing, Roman’s kisses are surprisingly soft and warm, he cups Logan’s face in his hands and brings their lips together in a kiss that starts gentle until their lips part and move languidly against each other. 
“So much for insufferable eh?” Roman chuckles, the taste of grapefruit lingering on Logan’s tongue from their kiss. Logan crosses his legs as the other moves back away. Patton brings his bottle of wine to his lips and leans back “So how far are you all prepared to take this?”
“As far as possible,” Patton mutters, tossing the bottle to the side “You’re all so pretty,” Virgil flushes red at the compliment, the only time he ever gets called pretty is when his clothes are off, Logan seems to share the sentiment. 
“I suppose I have very little to lose,” Logan adds, his head spinning either from the kisses or the alcohol or both. “I’m...okay with whatever,” Their attention turns to Virgil. He hesitates for a moment this could ruin their friendship and it’s not like he doesn’t want it because he’s had one too many of a wet dream about any and all of them. But they’re going to do it whether he’s there or not, he supposes, so fate will have to decide the next day.
“Okay,” He nods “Okay,”
“Virgil? truth or dare?” Patton asks, the younger pushes the cider can away, he’s drunk enough for tonight.
“I dare you to take that jacket off, I swear I never get to see what’s underneath it, you’re always hiding in it,” Virgil laughs shortly, unzipping the hoodie and sliding it off. Patton shuffles closer, his fingers trailing over the other’s biceps with a small smile, leaning his head on Virgil’s shoulder for a moment. 
“Logan, truth or dare?” Roman asks, his head tilting to the side as he too, pushes away the alcohol for the night. 
Roman pats his lip “I dare you to come back over here and kiss me,” Logan does as he’s told, his thighs on either side of Roman’s long legs as he straddles his lap and kisses him firmly, he can feel the other’s hands trail from his hips to his sides, tugging at his collar and then unbuttoning his shift slowly, giving him time to pull away if he needs. He doesn’t pull away as the shirt is pushed off his shoulder, Roman’s hands trailing down his arms. Their kiss breaks and Logan manages to catch Patton and Virgil’s curious and lustful gazes right before Roman’s lips and tongue are around his nipple and he eyes screw shut with a short moan of pleasure. His hips shift against Roman’s firm stomach and his cheeks burn under the gaze. He’s never had an audience before.
“Roman, I dare you to touch him where he really needs it,” Patton’s voice becomes firm, commanding, with the same flowery touch that they’re used too in his voice. Roman grins up at Logan and before he knows it he’s lying on his back with Roman’s hand squeezing him through his pants. The younger of the two is unused to feeling like this, so utterly needy and vulnerable and he can’t quite say he dislikes it as his hips shift into the touch. All sense of reservation bleeds away. 
He looks up to see Patton, who leans down to kiss him, it distracts him long enough for him to feel his belt being undone. By the time he’s quite registering what’s happening, Roman’s mouth is wrapped around his cock. He whimpers, loud and needy and desperate as he tries not to buck into the other’s mouth. “You’re both so pretty, aren’t they Virgil?” Logan tilts his head to the side to see Virgil squeezing himself through his jeans, biting down on his lip. 
Roman pulls off of him and Logan watches as Virgil moves closer, the two pressing their lips together before Roman is lying next to him. Patton’s hands trail down his bare chest “I need to borrow your fingers if that’s okay sweetheart?” The eldest asks sweetly, Logan nods. He doesn’t question why Patton has lube in his bag, and he doesn’t really have time too because before he knows it the other’s is riding his hand like it’s nothing. Logan stretches him with a look of awe as he watches the other raise his hips and then push back down, cheeks flushed as he pushes to meet the roll of his hips.
When he looks to the side he can see Virgil doing something similar to Roman, who appears to be a bit of a pillow princess as he lies back and takes it. Logan curses under his breath before Patton pulls off completely. He throws a condom to Virgil, who catches it and places it on the carpet beside him, before grabbing one himself. It dawns on Logan then, that he hadn’t seen Patton take his underwear off, which means he hadn’t been wearing any under that skirt. 
It’s a wonderful time to think that as Patton sinks down on his cock. His back arches, his hands gripping Patton’s thighs as he tries not to push up into the tight heat “I won’t break, Logan,” Patton mutters as he raises his hips and then sinks back against the younger’s cock, exhaling sharply “This feels so good,”
Beside them, Logan tears his eyes away from Patton to see Virgil pushing into Roman, all reservation and shyness gone as he grasps the other’s wrists and pinned them to the carpet. Roman was loud, he’s always been loud, when they’d all moved in together the first thing he said was “I’m loud, you’re going to hear me having sex, get used to it fast,”
But seeing him moaning as he pushes back against Virgil’s cock, fingers flexing under the other’s touch as he gasps and moans and arches like he’s never known shame in his life, that’s something else entirely. 
Patton’s nails rake down his chest, his teeth biting and lips sucking as Logan pushed into him. He wraps his hand around Patton’s hard and leaking cock, trying to be careful not to get any fluids on his pretty white skirt. 
It’s clear who's in charge, somehow he’d expected Roman to be a top and Virgil to want to surrender any control he had, he expected Patton to be sweet and submissive, but with the hand around his throat for a moment that had his eyes rolling in pleasure, he gets the feeling there’s nothing sweet nor submissive about Patton during sex.
Roman is the first to give in, begging and whimpering out Virgil’s name as he releases without his cock being touched in the slightest. “I’m sensitive,” He would mutter later when they’ve all calmed down a bit. Patton gives in next, streaks of white coating Logan’s hand from the sensory heaven he’s in. Logan follows shortly after. Which means all three get to watch Virgil pull out of Roman, peeling off the condom as he finishes himself off, climaxing (and looking like an angel whilst doing it) over Roman’s thighs. The four of them collapse next to each other, Logan’s legs tangled with Roman and Patton’s, Virgil’s head on Roman’s chest and his fingertips intertwined with Logan’s.
In the morning they would talk about it. And then they’d do it again, and again and again. Until they finally give in and make it official.
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