#and a mat with an R-value of 3-4ish
fjordfolk ยท 3 years
Hey! I was wondering if I can ask you for some advice re: hiking and camping in tents. I'm just starting out - although I've spent a lot of time outside, hiking and climbing on mountains, I've only done longer trips (aka trips where you don't return to the same spot at night) once or twice, and have always slept in hostels. But this summer (probably in the second half of september) I want to branch out in a longer trip and sleeping in tents in monte negro. 1/2
and i was wondering, if you can point me towards some budget friendly starter gear and have any other tips for me. Thank you! Give my love to troj and spart <3 2/2
I wish I could, but the brands I'm familiar with tend to be Norwegian or Scandinavian made and idk how much pull they have outside of our market. Going by your description here, you're also much more experienced than I am. ๐Ÿ˜…
Posting in case someone else can point you to anything though!
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