#and I don't think he needed to be the one to remind Rean that he could use the Earthen Prison
houseisekai · 2 years
House Isekai: A Realm Reborn - Part 5, Steel and Steam
House Isekai ARR Masterlist Here
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After Laura, Fie, and Elliot gain no leads on the communications interference, they go to investigate the Zanado Tower, not knowing that their old classmates have also arrived...
Sunday morning...
[Refreshing Morning - The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel OST]
Rean closed his room's door behind him and looked down the hallway.
Everyone's offices were shut, but he could tell he was the first one awake.
Not wanting to disturb anyone, he walked down the stairs and to the Mess Hall.
As he quietly strolled down the stone paths, Rean heard a voice calling out behind him.
(Elliot) "Rean, there you are!"
Smiling as he spun around, Rean saw Elliot, Fie, and Laura quickly catch up.
(Fie) "Jeez, already goin' to work? And not a single word besides a hello at the Train station."
(Rean) "Y-Yeah, its been kinda crazy busy lately."
(Laura) "Hah, I think we've noticed. Thank goodness you and the students are alright."
(Rean) "I was just getting some breakfast, would you care to join?"
(Elliot) "Sure, I'm starving!"
The four old Class VII students walked into the mess hall and grabbed a small breakfast as they sat down.
(Fie) "The new kids treating you alright?"
(Rean) "I think so. I've only really spoken to the Garreg Mach Students chosen for us, don't think I've seen the new Houses yet."
(Elliot) "Let's see, there's your Class VII, then those Garreg Mach ones, and lastly the...Knights, right?"
(Rean) "Yeah, those are all the 'students' we have. Thankfully it isn't as big as the last House Isekai."
(Laura) "Indeed, I feel like you four have enough on your plate as it is. Speaking of, how are Aigis and Kazuma as instructors?"
The four of them made small talk and caught up on what had been going on the past week.
(Rean) "-...And not to mention Kazuma really has it out for Venti. Not sure why that is..."
(Fie) "Eh, could just be Kazuma. Wasn't exactly the most understanding person in our House."
(Rean) "Ha, fair enough. So what about you guys, how's those soldiers?"
(Elliot) "Most of them are pretty nice, though that Blue guy, Romeo I think? He's got a bit of an attitude."
(Laura) "And we certainly don't need to explain Duvalie."
(Rean) "Right...Sorry you guys have to deal with her. Actually that reminds me, what have you guys been doing? I know we all got the call from Sitri, but I figured The Slayer would've mentioned we were here."
The three's expressions quickly grew serious.
(Elliot) "Well um, that's the thing. We can't get into contact from here. VEGA told us that there was some sort of interference blocking communication and teleporting back."
(Fie) "We told him we'd go in and try to find that source, but so far we've got nothing."
(Laura) "At this rate, we were planning on going out of Garreg Mach and finding it ourselves."
(Rean) "Do you need any of us to go with you? I'm sure-"
Fie held up her hand.
(Fie) "I think you're gonna need them more than us if something happens."
(Elliot) "Yeah, we can take care of ourselves. We appreciate it though!"
Rean nodded.
(Rean) "Alright. Well, where are you gonna go first?"
(Laura) "I suppose the obvious answer first, the Zanado Tower."
(Fie) "We've already packed some of our gear and ready to head out on the train."
(Rean) "Got it...Oh, right one more thing! Valimar told me that a couple of the Persona Users may also be here, but he said it was unconfirmed, for some reason."
(Elliot) "Really? You'd think we would have noticed them by now."
(Laura) "Perhaps they are in hiding? But if that were the case we would at least be able to tell where they were..."
(Fie) "If we find them, we'll let you know."
(Elliot) "We'll try to keep in touch, let us know if you need us too, Rean!"
(Rean) "Stay safe you guys!"
(Laura) "Worry not, we shall. Enjoy the day off, Rean."
Everyone said their goodbyes, letting Laura, Elliot, and Fie take the train in the Hangars.
Rean finished his meal before getting a call on his ARCUS unit.
(Rean) "Hello?"
(Towa's voice) "Hey, Rean! You busy? Aigis wanted us to meet in the Audience Chamber for something."
(Rean) "Not really, I can be there in a few."
Rean cleaned up his plate and headed towards the meeting.
[Sands of Amber - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
Zanado, the Red Canyon
Several Hours Later...
Laura, Elliot, and Fie stepped off the train and were escorted by several Alliance soldiers.
An Imperial Soldier walked to the front of them and saluted.
(Imperial Soldier) "Greetings, House Isekai! Now that's a statement I didn't think I'd be saying again!"
The three looked confused for a moment, staring at the soldier.
(Elliot) "You know us?"
(Fie) "I mean look at our clothes, Elliot. Not like we exactly blend in with the crowd."
(Imperial Soldier) "Well, sure there's that but let me refresh your memory!" ahem "Greetings House Isekai, nothing to report!"
(Elliot) "The Gatekeeper?!"
(Gatekeeper) "At your service! Well, these days I'm a Lieutenant, but I guess you can say I'm a Gatekeeper for the Tower now!"
(Fie) "Hah, guess some things never change."
(Gatekeeper) "So what brings you here to Zanado?"
(Laura) "We wished to visit the Tower and investigate a few things, as well as ask a few questions if you would not mind."
(Gatekeeper) "Not at all, right this way!"
The train began to depart as soon as the soldiers cleared, the members of Class VII following the Gatekeeper down a well trodden path.
There were several soldiers from each of the militaries patrolling the area, the Zanado Tower still casting its imposing figure and shadow over the entire canyon.
(Laura) "Has there been anything strange coming out of the Tower lately?"
(Gatekeeper) "Oh, you bet there has! These weird little floating midget things came rushing out of the Tower, then killed immediately!"
(Fie) "By your men?"
(Gatekeeper) "No, by some offworlders, I think. They had weapons like ours, but crazy elements can shoot out of them as if they were all battle mages!"
(Elliot) "Oh, I think he's talking about the Knights of Favonius! They did mention they were after creatures that fit that description."
As they approached closer to the Tower, the more the three began to see heavy security.
Soldiers were now accompanied by Knights and small watchtowers bordering the stairs leading deeper into the canyon.
Even cannons and mages were pointing straight at the Tower's entrance, with barriers of steel separating them and the stairways.
Tents and crates littered the area as barracks, soldiers trading shifts and standing vigilant, all staring at the Zanado Tower.
(Gatekeeper) "So that's what they're called? But anyways, Claude ordered us to just observe unless they came close to our borders. Other than that, we've been on edge."
Gatekeeper saluted a Kingdom and Alliance soldier guarding the entrance to the foot of the Tower.
They saluted back and stood to the side as the gate slowly opened, the four of them walking in.
(Gatekeeper) "Well, this is as far as I can take you. The rest will be up to you guys."
(Laura) "We thank you for the information. It has been very helpful."
(Gatekeeper) "Well hey, thanks for dropping by! Good to know we aren't being left COMPLETELY in the dark by our bosses. See ya soon."
Gatekeeper smiled under his helmet as he saluted and walked back, leaving the three of them alone.
They stood up at the Tower, a bit uneasy.
Inside the Tower, there was always something going on. And the fact they hadn't teleported in via the Tower was concerning, when everyone else seemed to.
(Fie) "So, how much you two wanna bet that the Tower has something to do with our jammed communications?"
(Elliot) "I can bet 50 mira on that."
(Laura) "Let's not waste any more time. I would prepare for combat just to be safe."
They nodded, Laura held onto her greatsword's sheathe while Elliot held onto his staff, and Fie grabbed her dual gunblades.
Shaking off their anxiety, they walked through the entrance as several dozen soldiers watched them disappear into the Zanado Tower.
(Sitri) “How does a book falling on her head sound like that?!”
(Sothis) “Oh, that wasn’t from the book, the idiot actually damaged the shelf and the entire thing fell on her.”
Sothis and Sitri continued and teleported out of the Zanado Tower.
Another crashing noise came from within the Tower and a voice eventually ringing out.
(Ryuji’s voice) “…Ow!”
[Wicked Plan - Persona 5 OST]
Ryuji, Ann, Naoto, Mitsuru, and the ork, Gravestompah climbed out of the chunk of the Crystal Tower, and fell onto the floor.
(Ryuji) "Ow, I think that cracked my ass!"
(Ann) "Aren't the teleportations supposed to be smooth, why the hell did that hurt so much?!"
Gravestompah shook his head as he grabbed his weapons.
(Gravestompah) "'Cos ‘dat tellyporta was made by us orkz!"
(Naoto) "Then I reckon we are very lucky to be alive..."
(Mitsuru) "So we are in the Tower?"
(Gravestompah) "Yup! we're ‘n 'da big shiny spiky place. We gotta go ta ma place now 'umiez."
Gravestompah got up startlingly quickly, and motioned for them to follow him.
Slowly getting up from their wild ride, the four followed him up the Tower.
(Naoto) "Judging from the way the walls and ceiling is, I believe we're at the bottom of the Tower."
Everyone looked up and saw how massive the room was, the ceiling essentially being as tall as the sky.
Several platforms were moving around them, all glowing several colors as they whizzed past everything.
However, they now realized that Gravestompah was moving away from the elevator to take them up. They were moving down.
(Ryuji) "Uh hey, we're moving away from the entrance."
(Gravestompah) "Wot? ya slow or someth'n 'umie? I said we were head'n ta ma place."
(Ryuji) "Hey, who are you calling slow?!"
(Gravestompah) "Yooz! Iz kall'n yooz slow! An' yer're wonder'n why I did!"
Looking more bewildered than anything, Gravestompah continued walking while Ryuji was getting angry.
(Ryuji) "I oughtta cave his freakin' skull in!"
(Mitsuru) "We need his help, Sakamoto. For now let's just do things his way."
Ann put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a shrug.
Ryuji sighed and nodded, following the group.
Eventually, Gravestompah stopped in front of a giant tube.
(Gravestompah) "Alright, before we kontinue i gotta warn yer. Stay close ta me 'cos ma pals might wanna krump yer as soon as dey see 'umiez."
(Ann) "Huh?! So how many of you are down there?!"
(Gravestompah) "I don't know how ta kount, 'umie! jus let me talk ta da boss an’ den we kan kome up wit' a plan ta krump 'em!"
He turned to face them and continued.
(Gravestompah) "‘Da otha Boyz down 'der aren't like me, dey kan't see why keep'n 'umiez around iz go'n be helpful. Now 'da boss, 'e gets it as well, but we jus gotta go wit' wot 'e says for now. Got it?"
(Ann) "...I could only understand like half of that, so...yes?"
(Ryuji) "Yeah, I'm with Ann, I got an 'effin clue what he just said."
Naoto and Mitsuru sighed.
(Naoto) "We got it."
Gravestompah rolled his eyes and muttered something along the lines of "humies always asking questions".
He hopped down the tube, quickly followed by everyone else.
As the tube sent them further down into the Tower, green mist began to encircle them, eventually landing on a floating platform.
As soon as they did, their ears were assaulted with the noise of banging steel, several smaller creatures yelling and brutish laughter.
[March of the Waaagh! - Dawn of War II OST]
Ann and Ryuji were almost holding each other out of pure terror, seeing what was happening around them.
Naoto and Mitsuru kept their stoic expression and holding onto their weapons, ready for a fight to break out any second as soon as they felt everyone's stare on them.
Gravestompah pushed several Orks out the way as they roared out profanities at him, then quickly realizing his company.
An Ork was ready to leap out and attack him with a knife before he pulled out his gun and shot him point blank.
It made the Persona Users jump, but what truly unsettled them was the fact the shot only stunned the ork, as he was writhing on the floor in pain.
(Gravestompah) "Zog off! Dese are ma 'umiez!"
As he continued walking, Naoto noticed a smaller race of what seemed to be miniature orks were being kicked around by the bigger ones.
She was repulsed, but not surprised by the sight.
Mitsuru kept her eyes on the orks with the shinier armor and weapons, as they eyed her rapier in particular.
(Ork 1) "Dose 'umiez are too stringy look'n an' ‘da teef won't pay for anything! 'umie teef iz useless!"
(Ann) "T-They use teeth as currency?!"
(Ryuji) "What kinda 'effed up place is this?"
Gravestompah let out a hearty laugh hearing the terror in their voices.
(Gravestompah) "Home ye kowardly gits!"
After what felt like an eternity walking through some freak show, Gravestompah finally approached a door guarded by 2 massive Orks in black armor.
(Gravestompah) "Need ta see 'da boss, got someth'n for ‘em."
The 2 orks snarled something under their breath and stood aside, letting them inside.
Though they kept their eyes on the 'umiez as they approached the Warboss.
The Warboss in question was clad in massive scrap black armor, with one of those miniature orks attending to a gun mounted on top of his armor.
In his hand was a giant stick with saws seemingly taped on, taller than all the Persona Users on top of each other's shoulders.
(Gravestompah) "Boss, i got someth'n gud for ya!"
(Warboss) "Eh? 'oo are dese 'umiez? An’ where iz ma scrappa?"
Now all the Persona Users were reaching for their weapons before Gravestompah held his hand out, motioning them to stand down.
(Gravestompah) "Dese 'umiez are strong enough ta get yu yer scrappa! Dey kilt 'da entire mob uv Boyz yer sent, an' by 'da way 'da mekboy sent us ta 'da wrong location!"
The Warboss stared at the Persona Users before an ugly grin grew onto his face, showing the scars and stiches his jaw had.
Half of it was blown off while the other half was crudely stitched together.
(Warboss) "I'z Gutrippa, an’ I'z da boss around ere! I'll make yer a deal, get all ma scrappaz back an’ we'll leave dis dump, 'dat sound gud ta yer?"
(Mitsuru) "Well, we don't know the situation in Fodlan, but the last thing we need is for the people to deal with these...things."
(Naoto) "Agreed. Sakamoto, Takamaki, what say you?"
(Ryuji) "Uh, s-sure?"
(Ann) "Better us than them...?"
(Naoto) "We accept."
(Gutrippa) "Gud, gud! now zog off ta 'da tellyporta an get ma loot back! an wun last fing, dese otha 'umiez friends uv yours?"
Gutrippa pointed at a monitor that was barely functioning, showing a static filled screen that showed three humans walking through the entrance of the Zanado Tower.
Naoto looked more closely before her eyes went wide.
(Naoto) "Class VII?!"
(Mitsuru) "They are our friends."
(Gutrippa) "Den dey kan help get ma loot back too. Off ya all go now!"
Gutrippa slammed a giant red button on his seat before the Persona Users froze and were teleported away.
Gravestompah was the only one remaining and was about to leave before he was called out.
(Gutrippa) "Ya're not go'n anywhere jus yet. Ya're gonna find out where ma next scrappa iz!"
Laura, Fie, and Elliot looked around the entrance of the Zanado Tower.
(Laura) "It's...fairly quiet in here."
There was little to no sound in the entirety of the room. The stairs leading up further into the Tower were vacant of any equipment, or any sign of life being present at all.
(Elliot) "I think this is the first time we've actually seen the Tower like this. Usually someone's memories transform the place."
(Fie) "So if that's the case, why isn't it-"
Fie was interrupted when she screamed out in pain, frozen, then suddenly vanished.
(Elliot) "Huh?! FI-GYAAAH!-"
(Laura) "Ngh?!-"
Laura and Elliot suffered the same fate and vanished from sight as well.
[Sins of the Father, Sins of the Son - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward OST]
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They all teleported slightly in the air and landed on top of each other at a completely different location.
(Elliot) "F-Fie..?!"
(Fie) "Ow...right here."
(Laura) "Thank good-"
(Ryuji) "Ow, shit! Not again!"
(Class VII) ?!
They all quickly got up and saw Ann, Ryuji, Naoto, and Mitsuru a short distance away.
(Ann) "Oh my god, it's you guys!"
Both the Persona Users and Class VII's expressions lifted significantly upon the sight of each other.
(Elliot) "Ann! Ryuji, Naoto, Mitsuru too!"
Ann ran up to them and grabbed all of them in a hug, Laura and Elliot in her two arms while Fie was awkwardly smashed into her chest.
(Ann) "Thank god we finally see a friendly face!"
(Ryuji) "Ooooh man! Are we glad to see you!"
(Naoto) "It's been quite a while, hasn't it?"
(Mitsuru) "We meet again, Class VII."
Ann let go and nodded.
(Ann) "We were afraid that we were the only ones that were gonna be here!"
(Laura) "Well you need not worry on that front."
Laura quickly explained to them what had been going on for the past week.
(Naoto) "House Isekai has been reformed? Interesting..."
(Fie) "Before we continue...where exactly are we?"
They all looked around before the sound of steam shooting out of pipes interrupted them, mechanical gears springing to life.
(Ryuji) "Right uh, so how do we explain this in a way that doesn't sound insane...?"
(Mitsuru) "We're essentially being held hostage by giant brute creatures, and we agreed to help so they don't spill out into Fodlan causing more troubles. We're looking for some contraption for this brute leader."
(Elliot) "...I mean, that makes sense but-"
(Fie) sigh "First Separatists, now this."
(Ann) "Separatists?"
(Laura) "I assume we will have plenty of time to explain later, for now we should focus on...what kind of machination are we finding?"
(Naoto) "I'm afraid he did not give us any idea, but I have a feeling we'll find out what it is in a moment."
Ann and Ryuji's clothes suddenly transformed into their Phantom Thief attire.
(Ryuji) "Huh? The 'eff is viewing us as a threat right now?"
As they looked up to the top of the stairs again, they saw a lanky humanoid creature with a mask jump up in terror.
It shouted in a language they couldn't understand and ran out of sight, further into the room.
(Fie) "Guess we should ask him."
Everyone drew their weapons and ran up the stairs, taking care to avoid the steam.
As they approached the top of the stairs, they saw a moving conveyer that shot into the distant room.
Everyone hesitated for a moment before Ann shrugged.
(Ann) "Welp, time to find out what it does. ALLEYOOP!-"
Ann hopped onto the conveyer, which quickly shot her to the end of the belt and launched her into the room, Ann barely managing to land on both her feet.
Seeing it was relatively safe, everyone else followed suit.
Upon landing, they saw the humanoid lanky creature from earlier and it was motioning towards the air.
(Elliot) "Is...it friendly?"
it hid behind cover as a giant metallic monster landed right in front of everyone, the eye glowing a bright purple.
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[Locus - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward OST]
Seeking the peace of reason
Sheep in a peaceless season
(Elliot) "EEP!"
(Ryuji) "You had to say something!"
(Naoto) "Prepare for combat!"
Reason to keep believing
Waken the beast who's sleeping
The machine stomped towards the group as the eye darted quickly back and forth.
Everyone stood still for a moment before the turrets on the body began pointing at several members.
Bullets began flaring out, shooting wildly as if it were trying to miss on purpose.
Though not taking any chances, everyone dodged out the way, ready to counterattack.
Laura leapt into the air and slammed her sword onto the eye's armor, though it failed to even make a scratch.
It moved around unpredictably hopping and swaying as if it were about to fall over.
(Ann) "God, this thing certainly acts like it was built by those freaks!"
(Fie) "It's durable, I'll give them that.
Let go this destiny, you're caught in a trance
Ever marking time inside a dream, no sign of advance,
You see,
Fie, Ryuji, Ann, and Naoto pulled out their guns and fired at several of the turrets.
Predictably, their bullets reflected off.
the mortal coil we serve is taut like a spring
Step back! Two-step, two-step, two-step, one two three
Mitsuru's Persona froze and slashed the turrets on its shoulder, shattering them into pieces and finally doing damage.
Ryuji's Persona smote it with lightning, stunning it for just a moment as several systems were catching on fire.
The eye stared at Naoto, her trying to understand what it was doing.
Our world's a fantasy, no more than a test
Ever feeding off the fallacy creating this mess,
Deep down,
The ground below Naoto began glowing red, and a missile shot up from the machine's back.
Naoto tried to dodge but was blown out the way, her tumbling and rolling over while some of her clothes were smoking, and her hat somehow staying on from it.
inside this bleak machine with all of the rest
Break free! Two-phase, two-phase electricity
Fie and Laura moved to distract it while Elliot began using his staff to heal Naoto.
(Elliot) "You alright?!"
(Naoto) "Now I am, thank you Elliot."
Time turning up the volume
Time turning on us always
No time enough tomorrow
For turning back to where we began
Laura powered her ARCUS as she looked at the legs.
(Laura) "BREAK!"
Swinging with all her might as her ARCUS enhanced her strength, she completely smashed one of the legs and made it topple over on its back.
Twenty-two sectors tested
Fragments in one direction
Fie let go of several grenades as she jumped off the machine, looking away.
The explosions destroyed any remaining turrets while Ann incinerated the bullets coming out.
Celestial noise detected
Delirium unsuspected
Ryuji's Persona crushed it further into the ground, making the missile pod on its back detonate, blowing off even more pieces.
Elliot continued to focus on healing, taking care of the minor injuries everyone was suffering from the explosions.
Static tuned in to reason
Time in the aether deepens
Mitsuru and Naoto's Personas slashed at the eye, separating it from the machine's body, making it short circuit and catch on fire.
Fie tossed one last grenade to where the eye was, Naoto's Persona casting a shield as everyone took cover.
Transmissions blink uncompleted
Seven two three two three...<send>
The explosion sent the pieces flying everywhere in the room, everyone putting a hand over their heads.
(Ryuji) "...I-Is it clear?"
Fie poked her eyes over the shield as it quickly faded, seeing the lanky creature that had summoned the machine.
(Fie) "Yeah, think so."
[Bliss - Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn OST]
The lanky creature was looking around frantically for anywhere to escape as everyone approached it.
It continued speaking, though no one understood what it was saying.
(???) "IKA YA! IKA YA!"
(Ryuji) "Psh, it summons a big ass robot and now its basically acting scared?"
(Ann) "Um...isn't this the lanky creatures that Ork was talking about who betrayed them?"
Mitsuru put a finger to her chin and cleared her throat.
(Mitsuru) "We do not mean to harm you, please calm down."
Mitsuru reached her hand out and that only made it panic more.
(Elliot) "L-Let me try it."
Elliot knelt down and slightly bowed.
(Elliot) "Hey, calm down, we're not going to hurt you. You're safe."
(???) "Mi muhe mita nye..."
Only now the creature began to calm down, and tried to speak again.
(???) "Yaya...Todo?"
Everyone looked at each other, unsure what to say.
(Elliot) "Um...We...can help?"
(???) "Valo!"
The creature sprung up and began dancing, confusing everyone again.
(Laura) "...Perhaps we should report this to everyone else."
(Naoto) "Go ahead with that, Class VII. I believe the person who brought us here wanted this."
Naoto held up the machine's eye. Not having a better plan, everyone went their way back to the stairs and saw a tube that went up and down.
Class VII and the creature took the one going up, as the Persona Users took the one going down.
Warboss Gutrippa watched with a smile as he saw his scrappa finally returning to his possession once more via the monitor.
(Gutrippa) "Em 'umiez fight gud!"
Gravestompah came through the door nodding.
(Gravestompah) "Boss, i got da next location uv da scrappa!"
(Gutrippa) "Where?"
[Wind Dragon's Majesty - Rune Factory 4 OST]
Lest walked into the room where Ventuswill was with a worried expression.
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(Lest) "Thankfully nothing is coming out of it, but it's still unsettling."
Ventuswill flapped her wings uncomfortably, and sighed.
(Ventuswill) "Well, at least it isn't like the crisis last year involving Towers."
(Lest) "Actually, that's the other thing I wanted to mention. It actually looks like the tower from that incident...!"
Ventuswill opened her mouth and looked around.
(Ventuswill) "Then does that mean Byleth and the others might show up again?"
Lest scratched his head, just as confused as she was.
A year ago, people from another world had come to visit them, hailing from a world called Fodlan.
It was a group of students and their professor named Byleth, and they seemed nice enough.
That all changed when they had to go home, and they did manage to find a way back via a blue portal.
However, only a few weeks after they left, they were bombarded by orange phantoms, and saved by more offworlders.
A group of colorful soldiers led by three people named Sarge, Carolina, and Washington came to save the town, apparently also having met the people from Fodlan.
In addition, a small merchant girl named Recette came to help and brace the storm all together.
Then finally, the residents of Fodlan and a whole other group of people he didn't know came in and travelled through their world.
Shortly after, the crisis was averted, the phantoms disappeared while everyone went home.
He and the rest of the town still weren't sure what exactly transpired.
(Lest) "I'm...not sure. But I think we need to make sure the town's secure if it's shown up again!"
(Ventuswill) "Very well. I will gather everyone and let them know. I will trust our defenses to you and Forte."
(Lest) "Got it."
Lest walked out of the room and into the town of Selphia.
He found Forte by her house, hand already on her hilt.
(Forte) "Are we to investigate?"
(Lest) "Yes, let's go."
Forte drew her sword out and smiled.
(Forte) "My sword is yours."
Forte and Lest walked out of the town, and towards a crystal tower that had formed in the distance of the town...
[Lost in Paradise - ALI]
Gotta get it homie gotta move it If you gonna do it then, push everything to the side Everybody just talk nobody really do it You should keep a secret until you actually do it No need to double check with someone Use your judgement only, break the walls Let’s do flashy fake More Cool, keep it low, prove them wrong I won’t give up the fight in my life ‘Cause my life is living for love I won’t give up the fight in my life Stand off and groove on time Tokyo prison Going to relight your feelings When times get too rough Night and day are fading Going to relight your feelings There’s no time to explain Gimme your love Access to your love Oh yeah Lost in paradise Night and day are fading out When times getting rough Access to your love Lost in paradise Night and day are fading out Keep on dancing now Hеy hey hеy hey heyeah
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