#anarcho Marxist
dylanancom39 · 9 months
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klett161 · 10 months
Tankies aren't Comrades
For context: I recently migrated to Tumblr and Im used to the State of Reddit where of course there where Tankie subs but it wasnt to hard too acually avoid them.
But Holy Fucking Fuck! The State of leftists Tags on this site is so fucking bad. Like you cant browse the Anticapitalist, communist or socialist Tags without seeing people praising the Soviets or China or just blatantly denying Genocides. Of course I am of the opinion that the left would be stronger If it wouldnt constantly start Infights over nothing. BUT defending Authoritarian regimes, denying Genocide, defending Imperialism(as long as it isnt USA), Warcrimes and the Overall supression of the working Class are under no circumstances part of leftist Values and we dont need these people to stand strong against the System.
If you still consider fighting side by side with these people I recommand you take a look at what happend to teh CNT-FAI during the Spanish civil war. Or the Anrchist/libertarian socialists that fought in the Russian Revolution. These people will stab you in the back or put you in to a Camp first chance they get.
If you are part of the LGBTQ community or Religious minority I recommand looking what is currently happenig to the Uyghurs in China or Russias war on the LGBTQ community.
Luckily most of these people are Keyboard warriors and dont engage with the real world.
But under any circumstances, TANKIES ARE NOT YOUR COMRADES!
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anarchist-art · 7 days
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now im an anarchist, but you can't deny that che guevara's last words were inspirational as fuck.
essentially, he had travelled to bolivia to fight alongside revolutionaries there, but was captured by US backed forces after an informant revealed his location to them.
just before he was murdered, he said to his executioner:
"i know you've come to kill me. shoot, coward! you are only going to kill a man".
to put it simply, he was saying that even though he may be dead, the ideas of revolution would live on long after his death, and this could not be more true, as his legacy has inspired many revolutionaries across the world to rise up against their oppressors.
hasta siempre comandante che guevara.
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achromecoveredclone · 23 days
Talking anti-capitalism with the bestie 😋😋😋
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princess-viola · 6 months
the reason why the left will never fucking succeed at anything isn't because of whatever BS the right and liberals love to claim like how 'socialism is unworkable' or 'communism always leads to totalitarianism and suffering' but because far too many people on the left care too much about ideological purity and will just try to cast out other leftists just because they disagree with them on one or two aspects
like of course, if someone's ideology is completely incompatible with your own, that's a different thing. i couldn't imagine allying with someone who supports authoritarian dictatorships with centrally planned economies considering that is basically the complete opposite of my own views but like if i'm talking to another anti-authoritarian leftist and we agree on 95% of things, i'm not going to cast them out because of that minor difference of opinion
hell i'll just talk to them about it so we can both see why we support what we do. and nearly 100% of the time when that happens, we both come away understanding why the other views something the way they do and respect that.
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thegalievthought · 1 year
The General Strike In France
In the past weeks' workers in France and particularly in Paris have been protesting and clashing with government forces over President Macron's raising the retirement age by two years. This has led to multiple unions striking over the week. This all culminated with more violence from police and the government and came to a head when the major union leaders all over France called for general strike action against the government.
Today that has led to in Paris alone eight-hundred thousand workers going on strike. According to France 24 “hundreds of thousands of French workers on Thursday rallied in a new show of rage against president Emmanuel Macron” -France 24. Outside of Paris, an extra 2.7 million workers all over the rest of France have joined the general strike and protests with reports from police stations and an extra 200 demonstrations have taken place compared to yesterday's numbers. In the midst of this in the French government, conservative legislatures have released a plan that would further raise the retirement age to 70 which would be an extra 4 years on top of the originally proposed 2 years.
All this should show the French working class and international workers that the government has no plans of backing down and nor do the striking workers. But I doubt this will remain for long as the number of protesters increases across all major cities in France and the economy begins to suffer from the General Strike. The unions also announced they plan to remain on strike and to protest into the next coming week. Which will coincide with King Charles III’s visit to France. And specifically, many unions called for protests on March 28th the day he is set to arrive in France. The main unions organizing the general strike are 8 unions across France, but the most vocal radical voice is led by the CGT (General Confederation of Labour) has been organizing many strikes and protests and cooperating with the other 7 unions especially cooperating with the CDFT and CFTC unions as well as the UNSA, FSU, Force Ouvrière, FO, the SUD, and of course CNT-F. All of these unions have worked together to coordinate and execute the General Strike and coordinate protests all over France. As well as the Unions, the protests are getting support from socialist and communist parties all over France including NUPES (New Ecological and Social People's Union), PCF (French Communist Party), NPA (New Anticapitalist Party), Lutte Ouvrière, and Gauche révolutionnaire.
What we need to take away from this is that everywhere across the world we can resist capitalism taking our rights to live and survive with action not just in France workers across the world need to look to France as a long-standing example whether it be the General Strike now. Or May 69 which this is shaping up to look like a second of. Just like on May 69, the French workers must sow fear into the hearts of the bourgeois. On May 69 Charles de Gaulle fled to occupied Germany fearing revolution or civil war. The working class everywhere must know and remember that when they run scared it means they know the power you hold and they are powerless to stop you. So in conclusion I will end will a line from the French version of the Internationale as a reminder of the hope we as the working class have and must maintain for freedom one day will shine.
“Ouvriers, paysans, nous sommes Le grand parti des travailleurs La terre n'appartient qu'aux hommes L'oisif ira loger ailleurs Combien de nos chairs se repaissent Mais si les corbeaux, les vautours Un de ces matins disparaissent Le soleil brillera toujours.”
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scouse1g · 1 year
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N(O)w I re(C)ognize him!
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symmetrysys · 10 months
mls talk about how "see? anarchism failed in Spain. you have to have a state to defend the revolution". this however, ignores the perspective and history apparent to anarchists in the 1930's
take Rudolf Rocker and chapter 4 of his Anarcho-Syndicalism: Theory and Practice as an example. Rocker explains how the libertarian nature of the trade union organising and rejection of bureaucracy created a militant labour that took up arms against the fascists in the Spanish civil war for 2 years, setting up an egalitarian society while at war
this is where id like to interject this is in stark contrast to the russian revolution, which used the war to suspend civil liberties and abolish the independent unions and organisations set up and ran directly by the workers, refusing to return control to the workers after peace had been achieved
back to Rocker tho, his highlighting of the anti bureaucratic nature of the Spanish anarchists was directly contrasted by the heavily bureaucratic and centralised German marxists where strikes were not permitted unless given the ok by center committee. this stifled rapid responses as the local, on the ground organisation (that actually understood local conditions) was not able to act independently. this came to a head when the fascists took power and of the 12 million SPD/KPD voters, half of them did absolutely nothing. this is bc unlike in Spain, the German workers were not trained for independent action and only to wait for orders from their party, who was more concerned about electability instead of mounting any sort of resistance to the newly ascendent nazis
a text version of the chapter referenced can be found here: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/rudolf-rocker-anarchosyndicalism
and an audio version can be found here: https://youtu.be/pdP6l7aGHcA
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muffinlevelchicanery · 11 months
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dylanancom39 · 10 months
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automaticmoonbasement · 5 months
love @pppmcnmpgtaatpwm-society !! big fan of their work!! check them out!!
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acerbicabsinthe · 7 months
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Deleted this post whoops
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alright fuck it, what are everyone's opinions on left unity as a concept?
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clitfisto · 1 year
reading about philip josephs and the early anarchist movement in aotearoa and i am Fascinated by the existence of nihilism as a political stance
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gutsygremlin · 1 year
The fact of the matter is that if the US decided to switch to a Marxist economy this year, it would be nowhere close to how it is in Cuba or Venezuela or any other communist/socialist country. Why?
Because we’ve misappropriated raw material, land, funds, wealth, even PEOPLE from all over the world. We have stolen food directly out of peoples mouthes just so that our wealthy may feast.
The only reason why communist countries shy in comparison to our wealth isn’t because they haven’t embraced the free market— it’s because they haven’t pillaged half as much as we have.
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