#also yes ok he’s supposed to be newborn at first death but I think 6 months up is a bit cuter lol
wool-string · 3 years
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clevercorvidae · 4 years
BNHA Common Misconceptions
I’ve been seeing wayyy too much bs on my dash lately. So I thought I’d share some of my thoughts on some Controversy™
***Spoilers For The Manga***
1. “What the HPSC did to Hawks wasn’t bad”
A government organization putting a young child through rigorous training so that he can be used as a tool is bad. I don’t know why I have to spell that out
Hawks had to abandon his real name at a very young age. That’s damaging for a kid’s sense of identity. His identity as a person no longer has any separation from his work as a hero. Being a hero is all he is now. I wouldn’t be surprised if (provided Hawks’s wings are gone for good) he has an identity crisis after this arc because he can’t be “Hawks” anymore.
Hawks is based on Lionel Messi, a soccer player recruited at a young age in return for paying for his medical procedures. I’ve seen people say that Hawks chose to be a hero. One, he was a child, young children shouldn’t be making decisions like that. Two, we know based on context clues that Keigo was more than likely living in poverty, possibly with alcoholic parents, and we literally are told that the HPSC payed for his family’s living expenses. Do you really think Keigo had much of a choice here?
I’ve seen people say “it’s just like what UA is doing”. First of all, UA is called out for being irresponsible and endangering their students IN UNIVERSE. Second, Keigo was a young child, the UA kids are 15+. There’s a huge difference.
2. “Mitsuki isn’t abusive”
Honestly when it comes to her smacking Katsuki, I could excuse it as a joke done in poor taste and not hold it over her as a character.
Hitting him WASNT just discipline tho. You should never, ever, under any circumstances hit your kid. Fuck that noise.
What I really have an issue with is what she SAYS to Katsuki. Her guilt tripping him isn’t a throwaway line either. He repeats the sentiment that he is responsible for Kamino during Deku v Kacchan 2. It’s one of the main reasons he fights Deku.
Horikoshi says that Katsuki has a good relationship with his mother. In that case, he did a horrible job at presenting that. What is written in the canon is what should be used as the basis for how we interpret her character.
3. “Shigaraki chose to kill his family/was born evil”
No...just...no. He was FIVE for crying out loud.
He wanted to be a hero, and took extra care to play with kids that had no friends. He definitely wasn’t born evil lmao.
His quirk manifested while he was having an emotional crisis. Decay is controlled by emotion so of course it went haywire.
He didn’t even know it was him doing it at first.
“But Shigaraki said he WANTED it to happen” Shigaraki is an unreliable narrator. What we actually SEE tells a very different story. He reaches out to Hana and his Mother for help. His grandparents are just caught in the shockwave. The ONLY person he killed on purpose was his father.
Now when it comes to his father, he had just beat him and locked him outside. He’s FIVE, and he has no healthy outlet for his anger and frustration. Hell, we see that in his “itchiness”, he only feels like this in the house, because his father makes him suppress his love for heroes and his dream to become one. He takes joy in killing his father because it’s the only release he’s ever experienced.
The fact that you guys forget that this is an abused child with no real control over his quirk that just got beaten and locked outside... Nope, no reading comprehension here.
4. “The League of Villains are justified/are a revolutionary group”
...Shigaraki has stated over and over again that he just wants to destroy everything. He doesn’t care about reform or improving anything. That one panel in Ch. 222, where he says he wants to destroy everything I think sums it up perfectly.
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He wants to destroy EVERYTHING good or bad or neither or both. There’s a newborn baby, a field of flowers , Nine, various heroes, the UA kids, etc all varying in innocence.
The rest of the league have very different goals and reasons why they continue to support Shigaraki. Twice wants to protect the only people that accepted him. Spinner just wants to have purpose for his life. Toga wants to live the way she wishes with no consequences. Compress is also here.
The only “revolutionary” is Dabi. But his views are not universal throughout the league.
Even if they were trying to improve things. They have killed countless innocent people, they’ve tried to kill the UA kids too. That’s not ok. And it’s not erased by the fact that they’ve done good. (I do appreciate them for killing the MHA version of the KKK, truly epic of you)
5. “Hawks is abusive”
It’s not abuse to manipulate someone for info when you’re a double agent. It’s kinda shitty, and you could argue that it was unnecessary for Hawks to do so in context. But it’s not abuse.
Y’all need to stop using the word abuse/abusive tendencies to describe all immoral actions
I’ve also seen people say that Hawks has abusive tendencies (as in he’s abusive in all his relationships with other characters) and...do I really need to explain why that makes no sense at all?
6. “Twice deserved to die/it was necessary to kill him”
Feel like I need to remind people that we’ve only ever actually seen Twice kill one guy and that was one of the KKK guys.
Twice isn’t evil, even Hawks admits that he is a genuinely good person. Good people don’t deserve to die.
It wasn’t necessary, and here’s why: Hawks could’ve just knocked him out or even just severely injured him. (Or the HPSC could’ve just grown a brain cell and sent more people to back him up, making it easier to hold back his quirk and arrest him)
Hawks shouldn’t have killed Twice, he only killed him because he’s been raised as a child soldier and I wouldn’t be surprised if what he told Twice about taking out villains was a direct quote from the HPSC
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Also, Hawks would’ve killed Twice with or without Dabi’s intervention
Something I do have to say though is that Hawks was right not to just let Twice go. It’s tragic because Twice WAS leaving to help his friends, but the other side of that tragedy it that his friends are terrorists. If he was allowed to leave a shit ton of people would have died (again that doesn’t mean he deserved to die either, don’t get it twisted)
The WHOLE POINT of Hawks v Twice is to make you question who the bad guy is. Both characters are morally gray and the only reason they even have to fight is because of the outside forces controlling their fates. It’s supposed to be tragic it’s supposed to be unclear who is in the right, so stop arguing about it.
7. “Bakugou is abusive/irredeemable” (I know it’s been talked to death but I still see it everywhere)
People are, in fact, allowed to grow past the person they were in middle school.
Most people get hung up on the “throw yourself off a building” line. Which is fair, but again, he was in middle school.
People also say “he hasn’t apologized yet”. Yeah? And? The story isn’t over yet. Horikoshi has already acknowledged that too. I don’t know what you want? People who like him know that his arc isn’t over yet.
I’ve seen a lot of people denying his character development. In the beginning of the series he was a bully and let his ego control him. I don’t think he’s bullied...anyone since Deku v Kacchan 2. He insults people but they obviously don’t take it seriously.
He’s also gone from preferring to fail a final exam to avoid working with Deku, to following him into battle against Shigaraki.
Also, when he actually likes and respects someone he doesn’t mistreat them. This is the same thing with Hawks where y’all NEED to stop misusing the word abuse. He was an abusive friend to Deku when they were kids, that’s it.
8. “Rei was abusive too!”
I’m BEGGING YOU to learn what the term “abuse” means istg
She had a psychotic break. She genuinely thought it was her abusive husband coming through the door, and she acted out of fear.
“Well that’s not an excuse” yes it fucking is. Not to mention that as soon as she realized what happened, she sobs hysterically because she hurt Shouto and tries to use her quirk to help him.
I genuinely don’t understand why people think this
9. “Dabi actually does care about the league”
Listen, I know it sounds harsh, but y’all need to get your heads out of your piles of headcanons.
We know next to nothing about how Dabi feels about just about anything. But we do see that he’s aloof and distant with the league, he doesn’t put in more than he needs to. The rest of the league think of each other as family. Dabi straight up says he doesn’t give a shit about them.
“What if he was just putting up a front for Hawks” Why? Why would he do that? When asked who he was he answered him. He tells him how he feels about hero society and Stain. Not to mention that he was getting ready to kill him. If he was hiding his true feelings about the league I doubt he would’ve so easily said that he didn’t care about them but rather how useful they were.
At this point it’s just wishful thinking. Based on everything we’ve seen in the series so far and everything we know about Dabi, I think it’s safe to say that he doesn’t care about them all that much. If he secretly does care about them, I’d say it’s likely that he doesn’t even know he does.
Idk why all of a sudden villain stans and hero stans are feuding over things that shouldn’t even be up for debate in the first place. Sorry if this came off as super aggressive, I’m just sick of seeing this stuff all over the place. If anyone has anything to add go ahead
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classic-rock-roller · 6 years
1. You and Bonham are meeting QR for lunch one day. When you get there, everyone’s there except Kevin. “Where’s Kevin? I thought you were supposed to be picking him up, Rudy.” you ask. Rudy replies with, “He was being a colossal asshole and refused to get in my car so I left him at the school where we were practicing. He can walk here.” How do you, Bonham, Randy, and Drew respond?
Drew: Yeah, I saw it he was one. 
Randy: Maybe he’ll realize what he was taking for granted.
Me: Good, let him walk. It’ll teach him not to be a colassal asshole. 
Bonham is just laughing that Rudy made Kevin walk. 
2. Bonham and Randy are over at your house one day and she says she’s got a headache. You say, “Oh just take a couple of the pills from the bathroom, that’ll clear it up in no time.” She does what you say, but later she’s on the couch with her arm over her eyes.Randy’s sitting next to her, and you ask, “What’s wrong? Did you take a pill?” “Yes, and now I can’t see straight or stand properly.” Kevin pops in and says, “Did you take one from the blue bottle or the orange bottle?” “Orange, why?” “Oh, that makes sense. Those aren’t regular pain pills, those are Percocets leftover from when I broke my wrist. If you took more than one of them you took two doses. You’re probably high.” How do you, Randy, and Bonham respond?
Bonham: If this is being high, I hate it. 
Randy: Oh my god, we should take you to the hospital. You may have overdosed! 
Me: Randy, don’t freak out. I’ll keep an eye on her and if it seems weird we’ll take her, ok?
3. You and Bonham and the boys are walking around a street fair in Seattle when something comes flying out of nowhere and smacks Bonham square in the back of the head. Randy picks it up, and it’s a T-shirt with a cat floating in space on it. Bonham looks it over then says, “This is the coolest thing I’ve ever been hit in the head with!” How do the three of you respond?
Kevin: that’s an awesome shirt. 
Randy: How many times have you been hit in the head? 
Me: Daryl used to toss his sticks at her head. He landed a few good hits. 
4. You’re driving with Bonham and the boys and the guy in the car behind you is riding really close to you. “Jeez, this guy’s riding my ass.” you say. Bonham rolls down her window and yells out, “Hey buddy! If you’re gonna ride my ass you should pull my hair too!” How does the guy respond (if he even heard her), and what do the three of you say?
He doesn’t hear her. 
Me: Bons, do you always have to do that? 
Randy: Jesus. *Grabs her by the pants* Get back in here! Do you have a death wish? 
Kevin *body out with window*: Hey fucker! Get off our ass!
5. You and Kevin go over to Bonham and Randy’s house one day, and when you get there, they’re working on instrumental maintenance. Randy’s re-stringing his Gibson, and Bonham picks up one of them. “This would make a great garrote. Can I have it?” Randy just calmly says, “You may not use my E string as razor wire.” How do you and Kevin respond?
Me: You also may not strangle someone with it. 
Kevin: How the fuck do you two know all this shit? 
Me: We watch Forensic Files on our Girls’ Nights In. 
6. Bonham takes you and the boys on a train ride, and you’re sitting in an open-air car since it’s a nice day. You’re having a fine time until clouds start rolling in. It begins sprinkling a bit, and you’re all still fine, but the rain quickly gets worse before turning to hail. You’re all stuck in that car because there are no other places to go on the packed train. What do the 4 of you do?
Me: Ok, stay away from the open windows. We need to find shelter as best we can. 
I dive under one of the train benches and Bonham, Randy, and Kevin follow. 
7. You get home one day when Bonham and Randy are over and see them attempting to give Kevin’s hand first aid. “What are you guys doing? What happened?” You ask. Bonham says calmly, “Kevin fought a snake for some sweet tarts. He lost.” How do you respond and what do Kevin and Randy say?
Me: Oh my god! Are you ok? It wasn’t poisonous, was it?
Kevin: No, it was a garter snake. I’m fine, honey. 
Randy: Besides showing how stupid he can be sometimes. 
8. After Randy passed, Bonham still managed to stay close friends with Ozzy and Sharon. You’re with her while they’re visiting one day, and while talking, she mistakenly calls Ozzy Dad. How do he and Sharon react and what do you two say?
Sharon: Does that mean I’m your Mum? 
Ozzy: You can call me Dad if you’d like. 
I’ve never met Ozzy or Sharon before but I love both of them so I’m standing there like an idiot. 
Bonham: I’m so sorr--Wait, really? 
9. You and Kevin go on a double lunch date with Randy and Bonham. You sit across from Kevin and next to Randy. An older gentleman is passing by and accidentally trips over Randy’s chair leg and stumbles into Bonham’s chair. He apologizes immediately, looking to Bonham first. “I’m terribly sorry, sir,” he turns to Randy, “and you as well, ma'am.” He thinks Randy is the woman and Bonham is the man. How do the 4 of you respond?
We all kind of sit there dumbfounded before Randy goes, “No problem man.” What makes the guy jump back and realize his mistake which makes him apologize even more. Kevin is trying to hold in a laugh as Bonham glares at him and then hits him in the shoulder. 
10. You are in an interview with QR about how to maintain friendships within bands. At one point, the interviewer asks, “You two are good friends with Bonham, what do you think about her?” Before you can say anything, Kevin says, “She’s our little redneck.” How do you respond and how does everyone answer the question?
Me: Kevin! I love Bons. She’s been my friend for years. Even before I met Kevin. We formed our band together. 
Randy: I love her. But that’s partially because she’s my girlfriend. 
Drew: She’s cool. I like her. 
Rudy: She’s a sweetheart. I love her. 
11. All the members of your band try to be as honest of people as they can. It hasn’t been an issue so far until a magazine article comes out saying you guys “have no class and are just brash and crass.” How do you go about it?
While Bonham and I try to phrase our honestly as politely as possible. Erik, Linus, and Daryl are very crass and brash. So we try to work with them on being softer with their honesty and be extra careful with how the two of us phrase things. 
1) After your singer storms out to confront Carlton, Kevin and Randy are waving their hands and telling her no. She grabs his umbrella mid-swing and rips it out of his hand, “Go. Back, Inside. You. Fucking. Asshole.” She turns around and tosses the umbrella into the trashcan so hard it makes Kevin and Randy flinch. Carlton screams, “I’m going to call the police on you!” Your singer screams back, “Go ahead! You’ll get into more trouble for assault because of what you did to my husband and Randy. And I have three witnesses!” She then slams the door as she goes in. What do you, Kevin, and Randy say and what happens next? 
2) You just gave birth to your son Will and Kevin and your singer come to visit you in the hospital. You hand your singer Will and she says to you, “You may have to revive me from dying of cuteness.” She then turns to Kevin and says, “Can we make another one please?” How do you, Randy, and Kevin respond?
3) You’re staying at your singer’s parents’ house over 4th of July. You, Randy, Kevin, and your singer are sitting in her parents’ living room late at night. They’re out for the night and her sister is with her boyfriend. All of a sudden, you hear the loudest boom. It’s so loud it shakes the windows and sounds like a bomb went off. Randy goes, “Fuck! What was that?” Your singer doesn’t look up from her book and says, “Probably my neighbor shooting off cherry bombs or testing one of his huge ten-foot fireworks for his show in a few days.” What do you, Kevin, and Randy say? 
4) Your singer is driving you, her cousin, and Randy around while you’re in Texas. You’re there for a few concerts and her family has been insistent that the whole band and roadies stay in different houses her family owns scatters over San Antonio, Harper, and Houston. Your singer’s cousin answers her phone and is talking to someone she keeps calling ‘Baby.’ You think it’s her boyfriend until she hangs up and your singer asks her, “Why do you call your mom baby? It’s creepy.” What does your singer’s cousin say and how do you and Randy respond?
5) You, your singer, Randy, and Kevin are all drinking, but your singer is super drunk. She looks to Kevin and says, “You know you have my heart. So please don’t break it.” What do you, Randy, and Kevin (who is the least drunk) say? 
6) You and your singer are in the kitchen and she’s holding Roxanne. Randy brings Kevin in, who’s super drunk, and sets him down at the table. Your singer rolls her eyes as she gives you Roxanne, “Kevin, we’ve talked about this.” She turns around to get him a glass of water, and the next thing you know, Kevin’s swinging at her. She ducks the first time, but the second time he connects with her face and she drops the glass of water, which shatters and makes Roxanne cry. How does she react, and what do you and Randy do? 
7) You and Randy have taken your sons to see the new Incredibles movie. As you’re leaving the theater, Jeremy and Will are running ahead talking to each other about how much they liked the film. Randy wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you into him before whispering, “We saw Incredibles 2. Now let’s go make a Jack-Jack.” How do you respond?
8) You, your singer, and Kevin are at the grocery store. She’s pushing Eddie in the stroller since he’s a newborn, and Kevin is carrying two-year-old, Mal. Your singer ends up talking to someone who asks if they named their son after Edward Cullen. After the lady leaves, she goes, “If one more person asks if we named our son after Edward Cullen, I’m going to punch them.” As you’re leaving, a woman from the gossip magazine says, “I heard you named your newborn Edward. Was that after Edward Cullen?” How does your singer respond and what do you and Kevin do?
9) Your singer is home and when you and Kevin get there, you hear Carless Talk by Billy Joel playing. Kevin rolls his eyes, “Why do you always fucking play that?” Your singer glares at him, “Shut up. It reminds me of my dad and I really, really miss him right now.” How do you and Kevin respond?
10) You and your singer are sitting at the kitchen table as Roxanne is showing you her boyfriend from college. Your singer looks at him and says, “I don’t know. He has an air of douchebaggery.” Randy comes in right as she says this and goes, “Kevin had an air of douchebaggery and yet you still dated him.” How do you, your singer, and Roxanne respond?
11) Your singer finally moved her piano out of her parents' house and you, Randy, Kevin, and she are trying to get it onto a moving truck. Her friend, Brit, has come along, who you can’t seem to get rid of, and is directing. “Come on, you can do better than that.” Your singer huffs and goes, “You know, this would go a lot faster Brit if you, grunt, would help us.” “I am helping, fucker. I’m directing.” Kevin pipes up from the other side, “Oh yes, some, grunt, help.” How does Brit respond and what do you, Kevin, Randy, and your singer say?
@osbournebemydaddy   your move Bons :)           
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zalrb · 7 years
SURPRISE! {TVD 1x07 Review}
Hi all! Welcome to the seventh review of TVD season 1. Considering that I haven’t like sat down to watch a full episode of the past seasons of TVD in a few years and my memory might not be the greatest I think I will start with my usual disclaimer: I write my thoughts in real time so if I make a mistake at the beginning of this post, it will be corrected by the end. There will be anti-Damon and anti-Delena sentiments (I’m only mentioning these two because it’s the beginning of the series), and in light of recent events I feel the need to say that there may be some anti-Jenna sentiments too. I will probably bring up other shows and call attention to misogynoir, racism, anti-blackness etc. Also I do not have MS Word right now so I wrote this on Kingsoft, which is eh, so some of the formatting might be off. Ready? Let’s go.
1. Tyler interrogating Vicki when she’s in the car is the weirdest thing because Michael’s delivery is odd, like he doesn’t seem like he’s eager for information because he’s an excited teen, he seems like he thinks she’s a suspect.
2. Vicki does do out-of-control with hunger really well although I still don’t get why she showed up in Tyler’s car because she isn’t enraged by how he treated her, she looks to have gone to him for comfort, which is like, but why?
3. “Oh come on, whose going to miss this idiot?” Damon wanting to kill Tyler in season 1 and making good on that desire in season 8.
4. When Tyler punches Damon Vicki yells “Don’t you hurt him” which suggests to me they were going to make Siring a thing that just happens when you make a vampire without the ridiculous “you need to have feelings first” caveat in an attempt to de-problematize DE but they didn’t go through with it.
5. So Damon is worrying about the council on the other side of the room and Stefan turns his head to look at him and omg that neck, that JAW, Paul Wesley is kind of a divine, guys.
6. Also he looks hella James Dean here and I’m thinking about that time that anon came into my inbox talmbout how Ian was more James Dean than Paul and all of you, my lovely followers, DRAGGED them for like DAYS.
7. It’s funny because this DE “banter” about “If you wanted me dead then I’d be dead.” “Yes you would.” “But I’m not.” “Yet!” legit reminds me of sibling banter? Like I find it really immature.
8. Grams telling Bonnie how their ancestors fled Salem and could just end up in Virgina without experiencing any form of racial persecution is making me roll my eyes.
9. “Have we seen Elena? DO WE KNOW WHAT SHE’S WEARING?” I don’t know, Older Me is OK with Season 1 Caroline, I find her very 16.
10.  “I’m not proud of my past behaviour” so when doesn’t Stefan take responsibility? Like when are these times that DErs keep talking about.
11. “Where’s the bathroom, I have to pee -why do I have to pee, I thought I was dead.” Lmao.
12. LOL when Stefan tells Elena he’s going to give Vicki more blood she has the most unimpressed look on her face and it’s making me LAUGH.
13. “It’s hard to resist certain people especially when you’re new”, which is why I keep saying in 1x01 Stefan kept trying to control his urges but the pull to Elena was so strong, which is why showing up at her house abruptly is, well, abrupt because it’s his emotions on overdrive.
14. “It’s hard to resist certain people especially when you’re new, it’s difficult to separate your feelings love, lust, anger, desire, it can all blur into one urge --- hunger.”
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15. I like how Damon is all “omg she’s been cooped up in her room all day, she’s a vampire Stefan she should know the perks” and takes her to the front yard and what does he do, he vamp speeds behind her. My guy, you couldn’t do that inside?
16. And you see what happens, she takes off, you jackass.
17. “I met you before, aren’t you Caroline Forbes’ boyfriend?” And no one finds this a problem? Guys, he legit ends up going to school dances as a chaperone.
18. Poor Matt. He looks at Elena with those heart eyes and she looks at him like a brother.
19. “And you’re going as ... you?” LOL Matt shading Angsty Jeremy for the win.
20. OK a couple of things, I get that Stefan is being Concerned Stefan right now and it’s serious, Paul does it so well but his intensity actually is really sexy and it’s distracting me from the fact that Vicki is losing her mind. Two, in True Blood when Bill just turns Jessica and she’s basically acting like Vicki and Bill doesn’t know how to handle it he goes to Eric like “Omg you see what she’s like right??” and Eric just looks at her and says, “Sit down and shut. up.” And she does. Then he grins at Bill like, “See, you gotta be firm with them, newborns can be like this.” And I get that Stefan is supposed to be out of his wits with Vicki but because he’s really intense when he’s like “Really? No headache? Your stomach isn’t screaming at you...” he gives off the impression that a newbie would listen to him, like he’s commanding so I just thought of that Eric moment.
21. I’m sorry, I just, Damon doesn’t look good at seduction so him getting Carol to talk using his manly wiles is like ... I guess.
22. OK this is the first Bamon scene of the series and they’re acting like they’ve interacted before. 
23. Oh sorry, I suppose technically the first Bamon interaction would be when he hits her car with the bird.
24. Damon is just so fucking negligent, leaving Stefan to clean up HIS mess.
25. “But he was worried about the council” then he can stop killing people.
26. It’s funny, Vicki biting Jeremy’s bottom lip and then sucking the blood from it and licking his lips with her tongue ... I actually expected that sort of scene from DE with their crazy intense vampire sex but nah.
27. And Vicki dies. Alllllllll because Damon was bored. And sad.
28. Why would Elena tell Stefan to take Jeremy away and she stay with the body Why wouldn’t Elena be with Jeremy and have Stefan stay with the body?
29. Because then we wouldn’t get a DE scene.
30. I think the scene where Stefan is sitting on the porch listening to Jeremy cry is very poignant and it’s all in Paul’s expression because it’s like we’re seeing more guilt and pain being added to his conscience, the guilt of having to kill Vicki and the pain at having caused Jeremy pain, like we see how that’s encasing him as he sits there.
31. And he doesn’t centre himself. Elena asks how he’s doing and he says, “I wanted to help her” and then asks about Jeremy, he doesn’t talk about how bad he feels, it’s about the people he’s effected.
32. It’s funny when Elena says “It’s what I want” when Damon says he’ll compel Jeremy if it’s what she wants, she looks at Stefan for confirmation and he nods his head and then the proceedings begin, which is really just a metaphor for the entire DE relationship. Elena always looks to Stefan before saying she wants Damon, which is why Stefan always has to tell her to fight for him.
33. So I love that we get an SE scene but really Elena, Damon was responsible for a lot of death in these past 7 episodes and you’re just going to let him go and fuck with Jeremy’s mind without you being there?
34. “I can’t lose the way I feel about you”, it’s also actually a good summary of SE because there is so much pain and so much death surrounding Elena and a part of her wants to forget about everything but the feeling she has with Stefan, that deep-down good feeling eclipses all of the pain and makes feeling and remembering worth it.
35. They really try to form this triangle by having Elena walk into her house and Damon and Stefan staring at her as she goes in but Elena and Damon literally have no relationship. He threatened her twice, tried to kiss her, manipulated her into getting into fights with Stefan and told her people died in a fire that is the sum of their interactions.
OK done! Funny story, I’m at work doing this (now going home) and this guy from upstairs who I may or may not be crushing on I can’t tell, comes downstairs and sees what I’m doing but I had the scene paused on Stefan and Elena staring at each other and he said “What is this, some vampire show?” I go, “What makes you think it’s a vampire show?” “I don’t know, the way they’re looking at each other, I just ... I get a feeling of a vampire show.” “Oh.” “So is it a vampire show?” “I’m not telling you.” “What, why! It’s not like I’m going to go home and watch it.” “Yeah, I know, you still haven’t watched Underground. Or How To Get Away With Murder. Or Queen Sugar. Or---” “I’m just saying it’s a vampire show, they look like people who would be in a vampire show.” “OK fine.” :D
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