#also usually a soothing voice - can be the bro or dad friend
yamithediaperdork · 3 years
My little brothers revenge, Part 2
Alex woke up Sunday morning and rubbed his eyes, trying to get the sleep out of his eyes and hearing the heavy snoring of his asshole big brother.
'Man, can't believe I conked out so bad!' He thought, now rubbing his arm across his chin and mouth to take care of any left over drool. 'I guess I must of been more tired then I thought..Ugh.. and Justin's been stinking up the room again in his sleep.'
Alex put his fingers to his nose, glaring over at his brother who was a well know toxic hazard in his sleep and as such normally got his own tent when the family went out camping.
Tossing his blanket back Alex froze as the smell not only got worse in the room, but it became clear WHAT the source of the stink was as he looked down and the shot swelled diaper around his waist.
'No way..no.freaking.way!' Alex thought as he blushed beet red.
he quickly glanced over at Justin who was thankfully still asleep and then slowly got up onto his hand sand knees and crawled backwards to get out of his bed, trying not to squish the mess around any worse and fighting back whimpers that might of woken Justin up.
There was NO way if Justin saw him in a shitty diaper that he'd ever let Alex live it down, and he could easily picture Justin 'accidentally' bringing it up around his friends or even at school.
getting his feet on the floor Alex found himself forced to do a cowboy walk of sorts from the bulk of his filled diaper and as quietly as he could he made his way to the door and out into the hall, praying to every deity he could think of that he was the first one awake since it was only 8:34 am and mom and dad liked to sleep in on Sundays.
Fate was not on his side however as he made his way towards the bathroom and saw that the door was closed. before he could even think of turning around and waddling back to his room the door opened and out stepped mom.
She appeared to of smelled Alex before spotting him from the way her nose wrinkled, then she looked eyes on him and her mouth twitched as if she was fighting the urge to smirk.
"Did somebody have a stinky accident?" She asked, sounding amused but coming over.
"I..I didn't mean to.." Alex whimpered and looked down, all sorts of shame flooding though his body and he was fighting back tears.
Instantly she went from amused to trying to comfort him, even if she winced as she knelt down in front of him and cupping his chin.
"Alex it's ok, accidents happen. this this goes to prove that you're not feeling so well. Maybe I'll let you stay home while I go and get you some more diapers later." She said in a soothing voice.
"I..Yeah Ok mommy." Alex said, feeling very much like a big baby as she then picked him up, hands under his armpits and carried him to the bathroom.
"I think maybe it's for the best you're gonna be in diapers all day today too. you wouldn't wanna have a poopie accident in your Captain America briefs right?" She asked.
This was NOT helping Alex feel better but he just nodded his head, kicking his legs a little.
"Uh..Uh..Mommy? I-I can clean myself up." he said as she carried him into the bathroom and stood him in the tub.
"I'm sure you could, but it'll go faster with my help and I don't think you want Justin seeing you like this." She said with a warm smile.
"I-I guess you got a point." Alex whimpered.
Oh yeah, he was gonna get revenge on his brother and prove who was the big baby in the house alright. right after his mom changed his dirty diaper.
'God, what have I done to piss you off so much?' he silently asked as his mom started to open his diaper.
One humiliating clean up and shower later and Alex was in a clean diaper and downstairs at the kitchen table, having some toast and tea. Normally Sunday's were a sausage and bacon filled feast if you waited long enough for Mom to get up but she had been wary about putting too much into Alex's system and asked him to go simple. Alex wasn't happy about it, but since Mom had put the plastic bag with his stinky diaper in the trunk of the car and promised to get rid of it away from the house he decided to humor her.
He was in just one of his Spider-man diapers and a loose Iron man t-shirt and kicking his legs softly at the table when Justin came down stair's with a grossed out look on his face, spotting Alex before he saw mom.
"Geez Alexandra, did you crap yourself or something? Our room friggen reeks!" He complained and then fully walked into the Kitchen and saw their mother standing there, NOT looking happy.
"Excuse me, but I thought your father and I talked about you calling Alex that name." She said in a less then amused tone.
"Er..well..See, Alex likes the nick name! Yeahhh, He said it just didn't feel right if I wasn't teasing him." Justin lied, Looking to Alex for back up.
"Alex is that true?" Mom asked.
"Yeah, Not at all. I've told him to quit it." Alex said smirking big time.
"i see. Justin, How would you like it if I called Justine or Jessica all day?" Mom asked, smirking now.
"..I wouldn't like it very much." Justin muttered and looked down at the floor now.
"Mmmhmm..So keep that in mind next time you get the urge to brat..I can always go and get you a adorable pretty princess lunch box and put Justine on the front of it and make you take it to school. Your father isn't the only one who can get creative with punishments."
Threat made Anne turned back to the kitchen counter and started on making Justin some breakfast.
"Y-You wouldn't!" Justin whined.
"Wanna try me? I'm already going to the store in a bit for more diapers for Alex." She said and smirked. "As is, I think you can have a nice toast and tea breakfast like your little brother. He's not feeling so good so you'll be watching him today."
"Ahhh moooom, I was gonna go hang out with Grizz and Rayne today!" Justin whined."I'm Sure Alex is a big enough boy he can look after himself! Or Dad can watch him!"
"Your father is going and helping Mr.Nilson build his deck today, But if you stay here I'll lift the TV ban so you two can play video games. Co-op only, I don't wanna come back to you both all mad at each other like what happens every single time you play a versus game."
Her point made the brothers both sulked as neither really wanted to be stuck with the others company.
Justin huffed his way though breakfast. between having to have buttered toast and tea instead of a meat explosion and being stuck with Alex all day he knew this was gonna suck all the balls, at least till he recalled his evil plan from last night and brightened up.
'Wait, no mom..no dad..and just me and the pamper butt. Oh yes yes yes yes yes! this is gonna work out great!' Justin thought and got a big silly grin on his face.
"Well, Somebody's cheered up after his tea." Mom teased.
"Oh yeah, I just had to wake up some more you know? I think I can have LOTS of fun with Alex today mom, so don't worry if you wanna take a bit." Justin said then added. "I know you like to drive around and it'll be nice for you not to have dad bugging you to hurry up or listening to me and Alex fighting."
"Well that's nice of you, though Alex is on his last two clean diapers so I really should hurry back." Mom said, giving Justin a half hug.
"oh nonsense! Alex is just gonna wear the diapers, It's not like he needs them mom, Right little bro?" Justin asked and smirked.
With Justin was being happy and helpful alarm bells were going off in Alex's head but there was nothing he could really say in argument of mom coming back sooner without tipping off he'd pooped himself earlier or making it sound like he needed his day time huggies. It was a catch 22 and Justin's look told Alex he knew it.
"yeah mom, I'll be ok..I'm sure me and Justin will have lots of fun." Alex said, trying to sound cheery.
Aside from not wanting to sound like he needed his diapers, he knew if he tried to whine to go with her or have her come back fast he'd also sound like a whinny little mama's boy.
"Well ok, If you boys are sure. I'll be heading out in a bit then, why don't you two leave the dishes for me and go and play some video games. And since you're both being good little guys for mommy." Anne smirked as both boys made a face at that. "You can both have 3 cans of soda each. Just try and spread them out."
the ugh faces turned into surprised smiles as mom was usually a stickler on the boys sticking to juice or water and she was always careful to keep a count on the can's of pop in the fridge.
Finishing up their light breakfast, the boys put their dishes in the sink and washed up a little then each one grabbed a can of cola out of the fridge and got a Blanket set out over the floor, well Alex got the blanket over the floor while Justin made sure the curtains were drawn shut.
Naturally normally Justin would of loved to of had the curtains wide open to show off his BABY brother but with mom still home he had to play nice.
Sides he wanted to try and draw Alex into a sense of relaxation before springing his super genius evil plan on him.
Alex wasn't falling for it for a second but went and fired up one of their rare co-op two player games (Since Justin wasn't a fan of retro games) and the boy's started to play, pausing only to wave bye to mom as she headed out, telling them that she'd be back in a hour or so, and to make sure dad woke up soon as he'd promised to be over helping with the deck bright and early.
They played in peace for about half a hour, with only cries of booya, eat it and the like coming out of their mouths and Justin giving Alex tips and for the most part they actually got along for a change.
That being said, all good things have to end and Justin never put his plan out of his mind, so when it was time to go and wake they're dad up he volunteered to do it while Alex took a much needed potty break.
Stopping by their room to grab Alex's phone Justin made a quick little call.
"Ngggh.. Yello?" came the groggy voice of Max.
"Heyyy max. how's it going?" Justin asked, keeping his voice down.
"Ngggh..Justin? what are you doing calling me?" the sleepy boy asked.
"Well Alex is kinda been missing you, and I was trying to set up a little surprise for him but getting you to come over and hang out with him." Justin said, grinning ear to ear.
"...OK who are you and what have you done with Justin?" Max asked, sounding suspicious.
"Hey, I can be a nice guy every now and then. but if you don't wanna come over finnnne." Justin huffed, mentally cursing just how well Max knew him.
"...Give me like 20 minutes or so to wake up and get some food in me." Max sighed on his end of the line.
"Ok the front door will be unlocked so just come in." Justin said and hung up.
with operation:show my brother baby butt off underway, Justin went off to go and wake up dad.
With dad being his normal cheery morning self (read: grumpy as fuck) Alex did his best to stay out of his way while he made himself a bacon and egg sandwich then grabbed his tool box and was out the door.
"I wonder he even offered to help if he was just gonna be this grumpy?" Alex asked Justin.
"Because there's free beer involved after the deck is built and you know mom won't let him bring any booze into the house." Justin said, oddly keeping a eye on the time.
"heh, you missing mom already or something?" Alex teased.
"Oh no, Just arranged a little surprise for you." Justin said and smirked.
As he smirked Alex felt a pang of fear go though him, the old Justin was back and he went to scramble up to his feet to get get away.
"ah ah ah, come here huggie butt." Justin taunted and grabbed onto Alex, tugging him down and into Justin's lap, pressing on his tummy.
Which had the effect of making Alex let out a massive fart.
"Dude! really? what are you, part skunk?" Justin asked, shoving Alex back out of his lap.
"M-Maybe!" Alex said, his tummy gurgling now and as he went to get up he ended up hunching over, anther fart coming out of him.
"Heh, Uh-oh, is widdle Alex gonna go poopie in his diapies?" Justin asked, smirking and getting up to block the path to the bathroom.
"J-Justin Nooo! I don't wanna poop my diapers again!" Alex whimper, hunched over and making his way over, yet anther fart coming out and that one was totally a wet one.
"Wait..ANTHER poopie diaper?" Justin asked, then it clicked. "Oh my god, you shit yourself in your sleep! Ahahaha! You really ARE a baby!"
"J-Justin Please! I'm begging you! Let me use the pot-" Alex started but then there was the sound of the front door opening and Alex was cut off by Max's voice.
"Allo allo! whats going..uh..on.." Max said, walking into view and looking at Alex in shock. "Uhhh.."
"M-Max!?! what are you doing here?!? I Uh..Oh god, Max don't loook!" Alex wailed.
Max was too shocked to look away though as Alex lost the battle with his bowels and the back of his diaper ballooned out as wave as wave of mush filled it, making the spider-man designs fade away and the formally white parts of the diaper go a ugly shade of brown.
With the back of the diaper being destroyed the front didn't get off easy either as Alex's bladder apparently didn't wanna be left out and he soaked the diaper even as he sank to his knees.
Balls up fists coming to his eyes and rubbing them as he started to bawl, Alex almost but not quite drowned out Max's million dollar question.
"Uhhh..what's going on here?"
The living room was filled with Alex's stink, but it was the smell of victory to Justin as he took in the scene with a sick joy. Alex was too busy bawling like the big baby he was to try and defend himself so Justin spoke up.
"Sorry about this Max, I tried to get baby Alex to cover up his diapers but he said he wanted you to see what a big baby he is an-" Justin started, but was cut off.
"Yeah, Bullshit. What's really going on here, Alex, did Justin make you wear a diaper?" Max asked, wincing as he moved over to comfort his friend.
'damn it! was hoping he'd fall for that. ah well, can't win'em all.' Justin thought.
Alex was still full on bawling though, and was just finishing up his dump and the diaper had amazingly held up.
"Alex..Alex buddy it's ok.. everyone has accidents." Max was saying and Justin rolled his eyes at that.
'just my luck, most boys his age would of started tormenting the fuck out of a pamper packer and I get the kind and understanding one.' Justin fumed.
"He's in all day diapers today because he went to sleep without putting one of his bed wetter pants on yesterday and wet the bed." Justin sighed. "And apparently if he's to believed he woke up stinky too."
"...Alex is this true?" Max asked.
Alex hiccuped and sniffled, calming down slightly now but he nodded.
"So..you knew his diapers were gonna be on display and invited me over..dude, your a asshole." Max said and glared at Justin.
"eh, Guilty as charged. but if you care soooo much about widdle Alex then you can get him cleaned up. Otherwise I'm gonna leave him to sit and stink." Justin said and shrugged, turning to leave.
"Sheesh.. brother of the year aren't you.. Where's his diapers?" Max asked helping Alex stand up and rubbing the poor guys back.
"In our room, I'll toss out what's left of them." Justin said then walked off leaving the stinky diaper boy and his little buddy to clean up.
For the second time this morning, Alex found himself doing a dirty diaper cowboy walk and heading for the bathroom, whimpering and saying sorry to Max over and over again.
"Hey, it's OK dude.. I should of known your brother was planning something when he invited me over. But Uh, I've known about your bed wetting for awhile." Max said, giving a sheepish grin.
"N-No you didn't, I'm super careful!" Alex whimpered.
they made it to the bathroom and Max had Alex stand with his legs spread and the trash bin in the bathroom under him as he undid the tapes and let the diaper plop down into the trashcan.
"yeahhh well about that.. you remember three weeks ago when we were playing Avengers in your room? you pack of Iron man diapers was sticking out from under your bed. When you weren't looking i pushed them back under with my foot." Max admitted, even as his face wrinkled in disgust.
"I..but..Noooo!" Alex whined babyishly.
Somehow this didn't change facts though.
"Look, we'll talk about it in a bit, you go and get in the shower, I'll go and get rid of the 'treasure'" Max said.
With no real choice in the matter, Alex nodded and made his way into the shower to go and get cleaned up.
'Pretty sad my best friend is more mature about this then my own brother..and Justin..your gonna pay!' Alex swore as he started the water.
After taking the plastic bag and putting it in the trash can outside, Max came back in and after opening some windows to air out the living room he made his way upstairs.Hearing the shower still running and found a pack of diaper with only two in it out front of the bathroom door.
the door to Justin and Alex's room was closed but since it didn't have a lock Max barged in anyways, finding Justin laying on his bed and reading a comic book.
"Can i help you?" Justin asked, a smirk on his face.
"That was a really shitty thing you just did to Alex, you know that right?" Max asked, hands on his hips.
"Cute choice of words there, and yeah, I'm a asshole and proud of it." Justin said.
"Yeah, well I'm gonna tell your parents what you did when they get back." Max shot back.
"Oh, cute idea. Let's tell them how Alex went and crapped his diapers when he has potty privileges and make it so he has to wear to school tomorrow. Of course I'll get grounded for inviting you over and showing off his diapers but who's really gonna come out on the short end of the deal here?" Justin asked.
Max blinked and tried to come up for a counter to that but just huffed and pouted.
"That's what I thought. If Mom asks when she gets back, Alex invited you over. I'll keep hush about the poopie diaper if you two little dweebs keep me out of trouble, deal?" Justin asked, going back to his comic book, clearly knowing he had the upper hand.
"..God your SUCH a asshole!" Max huffed and then stormed out.
Alex got out of the shower on his own and got himself diapered, then went and got a t-shirt (Hulk this time for the little avengers obsessed nerd) and a pair of black short's on over it before retreating down to the living room with Max, whining as Max told him about the deal Justin had offered.
"I don't know..he was suppose to shut up about the wet bed yesterday too and went back on it..and uh.. where did you put the..you know.." Alex asked huffing and squirming.
"Uh, out in the trash can on the side of the house. why?" Max asked.
"Because it's gonna be stinking up the block in no time and I'll get busted again for sure!" Alex whined.
"Well uh.. It's not like we can just go and ditch it in someone else's trash can you know." Max pointed out, rubbing the back of his head.
"Hmmm.." Alex said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully then snapped his fingers. "Hey! you know that old nature trail by here? the one that's hardly used anymore?"
"..Yesssss though I don't think I like where this is going." Max said.
"We'll take the stinky diaper and shovel out there, and bury it! by the time the trails popular again in the summer, no one will be able to smell it!" Alex said, beaming at his brilliant idea.
So excited with his 'brilliant plan' was he, that Alex actually started out of the room to head for the back yard to go and get the shovel.
"Alex, one second. You mighttttt wanna change into something baggier and with longer legs on it, those short's aren't really hiding your diaper butt." Max said with a small smirk.
Looking down and then looking at himself in a mirror Alex could see Max was right and gave a sheepish smile.
"Oh..yeah.. good call!" He said and then went to his dresser to find something a little more concealing.
Justin had of course by this time headed down stairs, not wanting to deal with Alex's 'toddler whining' ad he put it, and was playing a video game and drinking one of Alex's can's of soda since he had gone though his three.
Looking over as the pair went to go and get their shoes on he raised a eyebrow.
"And where are you two dweebs heading off too?" He asked then chuckled. "Awww, Is Max taking widdle Alex to da park ta pway?"
Alex growled but before he could speak up Max cut him off.
"Actually we're just gonna go and play on the old trail, go and dig some holes and the like. I figured that way if Alex has anther accident you won't have to smell it right away."
"Pffftt good thinking! did you pack a diaper bag for him then, hence the book bag?" Justin chuckled.
of course he couldn't of known that the pack pack was for holding the stinky diaper once they got it out of the trash, though he really didn't care anyways.
Alex meanwhile was blushing big time and huffing like a pouty toddler.
"Ayup, though hopefully it'll just be a wet diaper." Max said.
"pffft, ok. just be back soonish, Mom will wanna know where you are." Justin said and went back to his game.
Once they were outside Alex gave max a semi hard punch to the arm.
"what the heck was that all about! you sounded like you were on his side!" Alex huffed and glared.
"Uh, OW! and we didn't want him to know what we're really doing did we?" Max asked and then swatted Alex's padded backside, making a whumping sound.
"...You didn't have to be so believable." Alex huffed.
"oh I'm sorry, did you want him following us? knowing him he'd of tugged your pants off once you were on the trail and tossed them in a tree!" Max shot back.
the thought of being trapped in public with his diaper exposed made Alex blush and squirm, and let out a muffled fart of fear.
"Ah.. do you need, to go back inside and sit on the potty?" Max asked.
"NO!" Alex growled, then paused, and looked thoughtful and wiggled his butt a little, making Max have to bite his lip to keep from laughing.
"Yeah no, I'm good." Alex confirmed a few seconds later.
The adventure out to bury the treasure so to speak was uneventful, much as Alex had predicted the trail was dead this time of the year and the only hard part was digging into the semi solid earth, the shovel being almost too big for the either shorty to really use it so they had to take turns.
Coming back they were greeted in the driveway by Anne who was less then pleased to see Alex not only outside when she was still concerned he was sick, but that he was all dirty from playing in the dirt.
At least it worked out that she'd been home for about five minutes by that time so she'd already taken his new pack of diapers (Avengers print this time) to his room but still she gave Alex a mild scolding and sent Max home.
After that it was a day of just lazing around the house but Anne had also insisted on keeping a close eye on Alex so he hadn't been able to get enough alone time to e-mail Ben.
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Overprotective Much? (Pregnant!Omega!Tobin x Alpha!Reader)
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Request: pregnant Tobin and like tattooed y’all reader? Where the reader is very protective over Tobin and the baby and yells at anyone for even the smallest of touches to Tobin and Tobin has enough of it and tells the reader to stop and they have like a conversation? Could this be a/b/o universe?
Any pregnant Tobin and protective and possessive girlfriend
For as long as you could remember, you and Tobin had been referred to by the US Women’s National team as the chill bro’s. That was until Your omega had gotten pregnant. You had turned into the most protective Alpha that had ever existed. Tobin wasn’t even out of the first trimester yet, and she already wanted to kill you. 
“Watch it sonnett,” you growled loudly as the omega approached your very pregnant wife, quickly placing your bags down and moving in between the two omegas, glaring at the younger blond. 
She had a reputation for being clumsy, and that made you nervous. All of your instincts told you that it was dangerous to have her near your pregnant wife. 
“I wasn’t even doing anything, I just wanted to rub her belly,” Emily pouted at you, not at all phased by the dominant pheromones rolling off of you in waves. 
“She’s not a puppy,” You glowered, wrapping a protective arm around your mate who huffed unhappily. She was an omega not an invalid, and she fucking hated it when you talked like she wasn’t even here. She could take care of herself and pregnancy didn’t change that. 
“Careful with that tone Y/n,” Lindsey warned with a low growl, completely disapproving of how you were speaking to her omega. She got that you were feeling a little protective, but that didn’t excuse your behavior. 
“Just wait until Emily’s pregnant, you’ll be just as bad as me,” You snorted in her direction, pulling Tobin tighter to you, trying to ease the distress that was leaking through your bond. 
“Don’t think anyone could be as bad as you Y/n.” JJ laughed with an eye roll, and Alex added in a 
“Even Kelley wasn’t this protective when I was pregnant with Charlie,” for good measure. Tobin huffed again. 
She loved you, she really did. And at first, your overprotective nature had been adorable, but she was over it now. You had never been the hovering, doting type, always respecting her independence and never pulling the instincts cart. That was until she got pregnant. Now she was lucky if she got a 5-minute shower without you checking in on her and the baby. Frankly, she had had enough. 
“Well while you all discuss how much of a knothead my mate is, I’m gonna go kick a ball around,” She mumbled, pushing your arm off her shoulder and moving to the door. You immediately stood up and offered a hand to help her stand. 
“I’ll come with you,”
“I can go alone,” She huffed back with an eye roll, standing on her own and shoving you back into your seat. 
“But it would make me feel better if you let me come along,” you said, standing again, but refraining from using your alpha voice.
“No. I’m going alone and that’s final. I can go places by myself. I’m not an invalid,” She growled, shoving you harder into your seat and your eyebrows furrowed, and a large pout broke across your face. 
You inner alpha whining at the thought of being separated from your mate. You couldn’t properly protect her if you were separated. You hadn’t had a parental figure growing up, and you were going to do everything you could to make sure your child was never in the same situation. 
“I know you’re not, but…” You mumbled. 
“No buts. You’ve been acting like I’m made of glass, and I’m not. I’m gonna go hit some balls around and if you try and follow me, they’ll be your balls I’m kicking. I want time to myself and you’re going to respect that, got it?” She said her voice deadly calm, advancing forward, her finger poking your chest threateningly. You shrunk back in your seat, nodding so quickly your head looked like a bobblehead. 
“Good,” She glared, slamming the door on the way out, the room erupting in laughed, most of your friends cackling about how whipped you were for your omega. You didn’t smile, instead, you stayed frozen, staring at the door, a frown playing in your lips. You hadn’t meant to upset your omega, but you didn’t know how to do this. You didn’t know how to be a parent, and clearly you were fucking it up already and they weren’t even here yet. 
You ran a frustrated hand through your hair, you really didn’t know how you were going to fix this. Hopefully, your omega would let you. 
You stared up at the hotel ceiling, shoving down every instinct to go and find your omega. She asked you for space, and you were doing your damnedest to give it to her. You played with your fingers, trying to minimize your fidgeting, biting your lip. 
The sound of the door opening broke you out of your miserable thoughts. You sat up but didn’t move to greet your mate like you usually would. You didn’t want to set your omega off like you had before. You wanted her to know that you respected her. 
She shuffled slowly into the room, nodding towards you. “Hey,”
“Hey, uh,” You paused, your hand coming up to rub the back of your neck insecurely. You had never felt this way around Tobin. The moment you had met her, you knew she was your mate. Her chill demeanor balanced out your need for control and organization. You had always been terrified of being like your father, so you were thankful to find an independent omega. An omega who wasn’t afraid to set boundaries and do her own thing.
But you had fucked that up hadn’t you? You had treated her differently and now she was probably going to disown you. You just… didn’t know how to do this. How to be a parent. 
“Wanna sit? I think we need to talk,” You mumbled, gesturing to the bed across from you. She nodded and took the seat. You cringed internally. For the first time in forever, the silence between you wasn’t comfortable. It was charged and full of tension. 
“I’m sorry that I’m being a knothead and overprotective. I just… I can’t seem to control my instincts to help you,” You started, focusing on a hangnail instead of the woman sitting across from you. 
You were never very good at expressing yourself in words, and you just couldn’t seem to admit that you were being overprotective because you were ducking terrified. 
“You do realize that suffocating me isn’t helping anyone right?” She said slowly as if she was talking to a child, rolling her eyes. 
“I-,” You started, trying to find the words. Your mouth opened and closed several times, and you ran a frustrated hand through your hair. You sighed, closing your eyes and steeling yourself.“I’m so terrified of fucking this up that I may have gone a little overboard,” You murmured, scrubbing your hand down your face. 
“A little,” Tobin snorted, grabbing your hand from where it was rubbing your skin raw and using it to pull you to sit next to her. She released a puff of her soothing scent. Sure she may be agitated with you, but you were still her mate and she didn’t like how distressed you were. 
“You know how my dad was…I… I don’t know how to do this. How to be a parent and now I’ve become just like him,” You continued, stuttering and sniffing towards the end. 
“No babe. You’re nothing like him,” She denied,  wrapping her arm around you and pulling you closer. The pieces suddenly clicking into place. “a little overprotective yes, but you’re going to be a fantastic parent. You’re never going to leave them, and you’re going to do everything to protect them. That much is obvious,” She finished, kissing your ear and scratching your scalp. 
You relaxed into her, letting her scent and words wrap around you like a blanket. You may have been the alpha in the relationship, but you also really loved physical contact. 
“I’m sorry,” You nearly purred, kissing the underside of Tobin’s jaw, just below her scent gland. 
“I’m sorry too,” she hummed, tilting her head to the side to give you better access. She appreciated your devotion to breaking alpha stereotypes. Particularly when it came to the idea that they didn’t like to please their mates. You took pride in that ability and who was she to stop apology sex. “look this is new for both of us, and we’ll figure it out together,” She sighed out, groaning when you pulled away to kiss her cheek. 
“Together, and I’ll try and stop being a stupid alpha,” You smiled lightly, squeezing her side and kissing her lips. 
“And I’ll try and be a little more tolerant,” She smiled back, allowing you to roll her over. You two could do this… together.
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theonlygamergost · 3 years
Comfort cookies - Fd!au
This fanfiction is based on the Family Dynamic au made by @antarctic-bay if you would like to know more, go check them out!!!
Also please bear in mind that the things written in this might not be canon!
This fic was corrected by the lovely @im-default
Tubbo hangs out with the Pandel so much that he became the secret fifth brother, and Phil will not hesitate to treat him as such
Warning: Swearing, mention of bullying, a bit of angst, fluff, Phil is a dad.
The giggles of the two joyful boys coming from the staircase could be heard from the kitchen, Phil was humming songs of his teenage years while mixing some ingredients in a bowl, reading from his laptop (placed a safe amount away from any type of liquid or powder) the recipe of what he was making.
Phil loved cooking, he had always enjoyed preparing hand-made meals for his brothers, not only because it was cheaper, but because he genuinely liked it and was pretty good at it… at some meals, that is.
He never got into baking cakes, cookies, or any type of sweets, that’s why he was using a recipe and following it by the book, “Hm… pour small quantities in the tray, leaving spaces between each cookie…” the jingling of the keys and the door opening announced that the two friends had arrived through the front door, “Hello Phil!” “Hello, Philza Minecraft!” Phil smiled at Tubbo calling him his Minecraft nickname, “Hello boys, how was practise today?” they both left their backpacks by the couch, Tubbo was untying his shoes while Tommy ran straight for the bathroom, “Pretty good! Tommy surprised everyone today, he flexed on the class hard” Tommy peaked from the bathroom with a towel in his hands, “Pffff- No no I didn’t do anything fancy- you- you are just complimenting me Tubbo” he sarcastically scuffed it off, “What do you mean?!” Tubbo crossed the living room, passing in front of the kitchen and into the bathroom, turning the sink on, “You literally beat the ten-lap BEST TIME by ten seconds! How is that NOT a flex!?” Tommy laughed, “Oh really? I’m proud of you Tommy” he blushed lightly, “T-thank you Phil”.
After they both washed their hands and sat down at the kitchen counter where Phil was baking, Tubbo asked: “Can I stay the night here? Tommy and I have a project to do and it would be easier than meeting up somewhere else” Phil carefully took a spoon of the brown-ish mixture and placed it on the tray,” As long as Eret knows about it, you are free to stay whenever” Tubbo smiled, half-yelling a “Thank you Philza Minecraft!!!”
Tommy turned the pc covered in a plastic film towards him, “What are you baking big P?” Tubbo leaned over Tommy’s shoulder to read the monitor too, “ I found this cookie recipe on a blog I follow and I thought they would be a good alternative to the cookies we usually buy” Tubbo’s eyes started shining, “OH! OH! CAN WE TRY THEM ONCE THEY ARE DONE?!”, smiling at the excitement of the boy, he nodded. “yes…” he quietly whispered.
“Wait- On a blog you follow? OH MY GOD- Do you follow cooking blogs?!” Phil blinked a couple of times, “Yes?” Tommy burst out laughing, Tubbo and Phil were left in confusion, “Wait, what’s so funny about it?” “WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT’S SO FUNNY ABOUT IT TUBBO?!?! COOKING BLOGS ARE FOR GIRLS!!!” Phil shook his head, “That is sexist and incorrect Tommy, plus how did you think I come up with new ideas every time I make dinner!? I follow many of them” Tommy kept laughing, finding the thing hilarious, Tubbo tried to explain multiple times how it wasn’t “a girly thing” and how he shouldn’t go around saying thing like that, but Tommy had this thing with girls and all, no quote could ever surpass “Just killed a woman, feeling good!” After all.
After Tommy calmed down, they poured themselves a mug of milk and moved to the couch, playing Super Smash Bros while waiting for the cookies to finish baking, Phil had warned them that it would take forty minutes or so, but they were both determined to be the first ones to try Phil’s experiment.
Between the cheers and salty screams, Phil was texting with friends, most of them were either married or already had a child, but he was happy with his situation, living with his brothers and happily single, so jealousy was the last thing he felt towards them.
At one point, Tubbo’s phone started buzzing, pausing the game he looked at the screen and his face immediately got serious, “I’m going to the bathroom” Tommy was too preoccupied being salty about a combo not working how he thought it would to notice his best friends mood dropping.
Phil noticed the brown-haired boy closing the bathroom with a gloomy face, but didn’t ask anything for the sake of privacy.
It had passed fifteen minutes from when Tubbo left the living room, Tommy was starting to get bored by mindlessly scrolling through the Instagram “for you” page and Phil was getting worried since no sounds could be heard from behind the door.
Tommy got up and yelled while walking towards the kitchen counter to pour himself another cup of milk, “TUBBO! HOW LONG WILL YOU STAY IN THERE?? I’M BORED” Phil smiled at the words of his younger brother, but no reply came from the other boy.
So Tommy, as the inpatient gremlin he is, walked up to the bathroom door, but as he was about to knock on it, quiet sobs came from the other side.
Tommy instantly turned towards the older blonde boy that stood up as soon as he heard,” Tubbo?” Tommy asked while Phil gently knocked on the door, more quiet sobs replied.
“Tubbo are you ok?” as Phil’s voice reached the brunette’s ears, he finally spoke, “Phil?”
The older brother opened the door to reveal Tubbo sitting on the small carpet in front of the sink, his arms wrapped around his legs, holding them close to his chest: their red puffy eyes were everything Phil needed to see.
Without waiting for permission to come in, Phil walked up to the boy and picked him up, Tubbo instantly wrapped his arms and legs around him as he got carried to the couch. Tommy took their phone and followed.
Phil grabbed a cushion and the fluffy comfort blanket that Techno always used when reading, wrapping it around Tubbo, he asked him what was going on, “N-nothing… It’s… really Phil It’s nothing…” Tubbo looked away, Tommy sat down next to him and hugged him, surprising both Tubbo and Phil. “If someone made you cry it means that is not “nothing” Tubbo, please… I want to help you” And to that, Tubbo started crying again, Tommy did his best to tightly embrace him meanwhile Phil rubbed soothing circles on their back.
Tubbo then started explaining how a guy in his class found out about his bee plushie and made fun of them for it, to the point where if he doesn’t do his homework for him, he will say it to the entire class, but at the same time he was really mean towards him and it was pretty nerve-wracking.
“Tomorrow I’ll accompany you two to school and I’ll talk to the principal, we’ll show him the chats between you two if he doesn’t believe us. For now, ignore him mate, ok?” Tubbo dried his tears on his sleeve and nodded as Phil got up to take the cookies out of the oven, “How dare he…” Tommy was spaced out but his tense features and clenched fists were signs that Tubbo knew oh too well, “Tommy please don’t get any wrong idea-” But the blonde’s mind was already set, “Don’t worry Tubbo, I’ll make him pay…” but before the brunette could argue, Phil arrived with a plate full of steaming cookies and placed it on the coffee table, “Why don’t we watch a movie? Techno and Will won’t be home for a while” Tommy instantly proposed watching a post-apocalyptic movie.
They ended up watching “Mean Girls” while eating what are now nicknamed “comfort cookies”.
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the-edge-of-great · 4 years
just something I wrote immediately after watching the show the first time & I never got around to posting it until now. since writing this, I think my idea of who actually enjoys hugs the most has changed, BUT I really like how I wrote this, so who cares :))
tw: anxiety attack, internalized homophobia
but also: fluff! and supportive bros! 🥺
Alex doesn’t realize what’s happening even after one of his drumsticks is laying on the ground behind him while the other is seconds away from snapping in his hand. He doesn’t hear the others slowly catching on to his silence, one instrument after another dropping off while they mumble their complaints to him. He doesn’t see Luke step closer, doesn’t catch the concerned question under his breath, doesn’t catch the hand squeezing his shoulder. He can’t. His tunnel vision may be trained on a speaker, but his mind is elsewhere, a dark place with insults and glass breaking and shouting, so much shouting.
He’s on his feet, but he can’t really feel his feet because everything is tingly. He probably shoves past Luke; something hard knocks against his shoulder as he heads for the door. Is that really the door he’s heading toward? Everything’s moving in a blur, fast and slow at the same time. It’s confusing; he can’t breathe.
Usually when he can’t breathe, he disappears to his room to pace and choke on staggered breath and pull at his collar until it’s stretched out and hangs limp around his neck.
But he doesn’t have a room to pace in anymore because he doesn’t have a house because his parents say they don’t have a son anymore. 
And he really can’t breathe.
But he can still pull at his collar. His fingers hook under his shirt, and he tugs and tugs and tugs, but the pressure is still there. There’s a noose around his neck that he keeps pulling tighter, somehow. He tries asking for help, but it’s cutting off his vocal chords. His words tumble out scratchy and broken. A sharp pain cuts through his chest. What if he can’t sing anymore?
Through his blurred vision, he sees Luke. Much closer than he was two seconds ago, Luke has him by his shoulders. His fingers are curled so tightly into Alex’s arms that they’re needles; he expects blood. He wouldn’t mind blood. The needles are the first things he can focus on other than the strain at his throat.
“–lex,” Luke is saying. “Alex.” His voice. He’s got a great voice; Alex would smile if he could remember how.  Luke has always had a nice voice, soothing and sweet like honey. Alex could listen to him sing all day.
“Alex, buddy, breathe.” Luke’s hand cups Alex’s face. “You need to breathe, dude. C’mon, you’re scaring me.”
Scaring you? Alex chuckles, maybe, because the corner of Luke’s mouth curves into a smirk. Okay, he can focus on that. He can feel his cheeks stretch when he returns Luke’s smile. Luke has such a pretty smile.
The noose is loosening. So is his chest; it hurts only with the residue of strain. Though his smile falls, Luke’s doesn’t.
“There you go,” Luke praises. “You’re okay. Just keep breathing.”
“I’m… I’m scaring me too,” Alex admits quietly. He squeezes his eyes shut, and when he opens them, they’re wet. Through the blurs, he can see Luke’s smile faltering. To his right, Reggie makes his way over. He’s not looking too great either: worried. Afraid. Behind them is Bobby, lingering outside of their trio like he usually does, far away but close enough. They’re all watching him like he’s a glass vase teetering on the edge of a table.
“What do you mean?” Reggie asks.
Reggie has nice eyes.
Normal guys don’t notice things like that.
“They kicked me out.”
Luke’s hand drops to the cut on his wrist. There wasn’t time to wrap it between his dad raging about the love letter and the start of band practice. Alex hoped they wouldn’t notice, but of course they did. They were his best friends.
“What happened?” Bobby says quietly. He’s inching closer, hands shoved in his pockets as he worries his bottom lip. Reggie told Alex once that Bobby lets them care for his anxiety because Bobby doesn’t know what to do. If Alex ever talked about it after having an attack, he’d reassure Bobby that he doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing most of the time either. It’s happened enough to be recognizable, but none of them are experienced.
When Alex doesn’t answer, Luke repeats the question, “Alex, what happened?” His voice is thick with anger; he’s practically shaking from it. Luke gets like that with them. He’s so protective, so loyal, caring. He’s been like that since they were kids. Usually, Alex tells him right away. He’s the first Alex turns to.
This time, he can’t find the words. Well actually, they’re on the tip of his tongue. Really, there are so many he can say: I think boys are cute. I wrote a love letter to Quinton Harrington from math. When we were thirteen and spent the summer at the pool, I was actually checking out a pretty redhead in swim trunks while you guys were focused on the brunette lifeguard.
But whenever he thinks about any of it, the noose is back, his throat is like cardboard, and his lungs quickly fill with cotton.
So instead, he lunges forward. He wraps his arms around Luke, burying his face in his shoulder. He hugs so tightly, just like Luke showed him. His dad stopped hugging him when he started middle school. It was something about men not being allowed to hug. Alex never completely understood, but when he met Luke—touchy Luke who slings his arms around their shoulders when they walk down the hall and grabs their faces instead of their shoulders when he’s trying to get their attention and hugs him when he starts feeling the least bit stressed—he realized his father was simply wrong. Had to be. How could you ever deprive yourself of something so warm and soothing just because you’re “supposed” to be strong and manly?
And of course, Luke returns the hug with no hesitation. Reggie squeezes his way in, arms curling around their backs. Reggie’s a good hugger too. Bobby joins seconds later, like he was hesitating—he had a similar upbringing as Alex, so getting used to affection like this was still new to him, too.
“You’re staying here,” Luke declares. His voice is muffled in the huddle, but it’s so loud in Alex’s head.
“Okay,” Alex agrees. He moves so his forehead is pressed against Luke’s shoulder. He sniffs. “Good. I definitely couldn’t survive on the streets.”
They laugh. Alex smiles through fresh tears.
“You could join that old man who plays bucket drums,” Reggie suggests as they finally break away. “You know, the one with missing teeth and a glass eye.” He chuckles. “Bet he’d love to have you.”
Alex shakes his head. “I think he’s too advanced for me. Remember his solo outside of Benny’s last Friday?”
Bobby snickers. “That went on for so long, our food had enough time to arrive and get cold.”
Luke hums. “Hollywood’s true talent.”
Reggie crosses his arms and looks Alex over. “Good news, you already have the homeless look going on.”
Alex laughs, eyebrows shooting up with surprise. He shoves Reggie. “Ouch.”
Bobby’s behind him suddenly, throwing an arm around his shoulders and running a hand across Alex’s head. “Now we just mess up the hair and—”
“Hey, hey, not the hair!” Alex pushes him away. He yanks Luke in front of him before beginning to fix his hair. “Too far guys.”
They laugh. Reggie steps past Luke to help flatten Alex’s hair. He gives a thumbs up of approval when it’s back to normal. And then he grins and gives a soft nudge of his elbow to Alex’s side to make him smile again—it works.
Alex grabs his abandoned drumstick from the floor next to Bobby’s guitar. When he returns to his set, he takes a deep breath. It’s easier now; his chest doesn’t hurt. There isn’t a strain on his throat. He takes another breath.
They’re watching him when he looks up. Worried, all of them. They have eyes on him, but… not like they’re waiting for him to break anymore.
“From the top?” Luke says, grabbing his guitar. 
Alex thinks he’s actually asking: Are you ready to start again?
He breathes a laugh.
And they grin back, and the studio is lighter because of it. Alex sighs deeply, savoring the way his lungs fill to the brim with air. He has a new appreciation for it.
“From the top,” he agrees.
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babysizedfics · 3 years
Poor roman :( but that being said I am heka interested in 5
remus humiliates roman in front of jamal (but jamal is a sweetheart)
vote from this concept voting post!
TWs: swearing, emotional humiliation, arguing, remus is generally pretty mean in this - not "unsympathetic" but his behaviour is not ok, brief alcohol mention but it isnt a main feature
first some background info on remus and ro:
roman and remus' friend groups actually run parallel to each other by pure councidence in that theyre the same age and are both in the local queer scene
usually they only run into each other on nights out and avoid each other like the plague... until one of romans friends and one of remus' friends become a very serious couple and the friendship groups merge
remus tends to hang it over romans head whenever they argue or remus just feels like teasing him that he could so so easily spill romans secret littlespace to all his friends
and while roman claims to not care he also really doesnt want that to happen, especially the specific things remus threatens to reveal (namely him calling his cgs mommy and daddy, and his fear of the dark - which remus knows are romans biggest embarrassments)
and remus never USUALLY actually follows through on his threats, he loves to freak roman out but he doesnt mean to be intentionslly cruel.
but one night theyve had an argument recently and remus is out to hurt roman and finally follows through on his threat to reveal romans secrets. in front of jamal
((the actual incident below the cut))
all the friends are walking back from a night out, and remus hangs back from the group to talk to jamal. roman is just glaring at remus and not saying anything and holding jamals hand tightly. remus hasnt embarrassed him too bad so far, just asking jamal questions and referring to roman as his "baby brother" which is so annoying, but the thing is roman can tell hes building up to something
then suddenly remus smirks when he sees a completely pitch black side street thats theyre about to pass by, and he calls out to everyone "hey guys, there's a 24/7 mcdonalds through here and its a shortcut to the bus stop" and everyones like WOO mcdonalds and redirects to go down the side street
and romans heart pounds watching the friends all filter down the street without a second thought, theres no streetlights down there, theres light on the other side quite far away, but before that its SO DARK. and he freezes in place and jamal is tugged back by it and looks back at him. "babe, come on"
romans starting to feel shaky and he literally cant move his feet. his eyes flick between the street and remus' sadistic cocky smirk.
"whats wrong baby bro? you stuck or something?" remus leers with that stupid stupid smirk
and roman HATES him so so much
"ro, what's the matter?" jamal asks
"i- um," roman stutters, trying to keep his voice from shaking too much at the sight of his friends just having DISAPPEARED into the darkness - how are they okay with that?? "i- im not hungry"
"okay well i am, and remus said it was a shortcut anyway so-"
"i-i -- no i can't"
seraphina, romans best friend, looks back and notices whats happening and quickly jogs over (knowing roman is scared of the dark) "hey roma, it's okay we dont have to go down there" she soothes
jamal is supportive but he doesnt get it. he thinks roman is scared of criminals or smth. "i promise theres no one bad down there, hun. and i'll be right next to you the whole time, i'll protect you" and he smiles and tugs romans hand to pull him towards the side street
romans eyes quickly tear up and he panics and rambles "nononono dont please please i cant i cant" in a broken voice and plants his feet firmly on the ground, paralysed with fear
remus starts cackling "ohhhhh thats right~" as if he just remembered. "my baby brother's terrified of the dark, isn't he?"
"f*ck off, re" sera barks, standing between the twins, protective of roman
"wait, are you?" jamal asks sounding surprised. roman doesnt let himself look at him, too busy watching remus warily and knowing thats not all he has planned to embarrass roman
remus goes on, shouting out to jamal over sera's head "he's petrified!" he confirms sounding delighted. "yknow that massive blackout last summer? he cried like a baby. literally sobbing for his daddy patton to make it go away"
theres a brief silence because no, sera and jamal didnt expect remus to refer to patton as romans daddy - they both know roman calls him dad but this is a surprise.
and that one second of silence drags on for ages for roman, all he can hear is his heart pounding in his ears and remus' obnoxious laughter
he is shaking, frozen in shock rather than fear now. for all of remus' teasing threats at home, he didnt expect remus to actually do it. hes devastated and humiliated that remus told to his best friend and especially his BOYFRIEND of all ppl
and honestly he's not even thinking about the pitch black side street right now because the streetlights on the main road are blurred by tears welling in his eyes anyway
"why dont you just leave him alone!" sera hisses furiously after her mild shock
then jamal bounces back rlly stern to remus "yeah i already know about that! roman told me and it was HIS choice to tell me"
roman stares at him in disbelief but jamal is too busy staring daggers at remus to notice
remus looks suddenly offended and frowns. hes clearly hurt that the others dont think its funny "jeez youre both such bores. im just having some fun"
"youre demented if you think thats fun" seraphina growls and shoves remus away towards the sidestreet. remus rolls his eyes and runs ahead to join the others who are all oblivious to that coversation, howling with drunken laughter in the pitch black and jumping out and scaring each other
"f*cking prick" jamal calls after remus, seething
sera quickly throws a concerned look to roman "you okay?"
roman just swallows thickly and looks between seraphina and where he saw remus join the others in the pitch black. his stomach churns at the idea of remus telling more people. "i-is he gonna--"
"im on it" sera nods and starts turning around "i wont let him tell anyone else, roma, promise" then she runs ahead to keep an eye on remus and to give him and jamal some privacy
after a moment jamal turns back to roman looking so worried and holds his hands and asks very gently "babe, can you tell me how youre feeling?"
and roman is teary but he whispers "i - you stuck up for me"
jamal looks suddenly sad and cups romans cheek "of course i did"
"but you said i told you about it. i- i didnt tell you that i-" roman gulps after his voice wobbles "i didnt tell you about it"
and jamal smiles sadly and goes "i know babe... im sorry, i just didnt wanna give him any more power. it seemed like he's held that over you for a while"
suddenly the tears in romans eyes overspill and he doesnt really know why but he can't stop them
jama gasps a little "oh roman, its ok" and just pulls him into a tight hug
roman clings and sniffles, glad that he can hide his tears from his boyfriend even if it is in his neck.
and jamal just strokes his back and whispers "its ok baby, its ok" **
they talk about it quietly as they take the longer, well-lit route instead. roman admits he would never have told jamal abt his fear on his own - and the reason he's been avoiding staying overnight at jamals apartment is bc the one time he did he got so scared of the dark that he couldnt sleep and was just anxious all night but wouldnt wake jamal to tell him
after jamal finds out hes like baby why didnt u tell me its okay and comforts him about it not being embarrassing or childish. then:
"so you do actually want to stay at mine, its just because its so dark that you didnt?"
roman nods shyly "yeah... im sorry i know its a dumb fear i just-"
"its not dumb ro. i meant to say if it works for you, we could leave the hall light on and the door open. its not like i live with anyone who can walk in."
roman blinks "wait you - really? it wont make it hard for you to sleep?"
jamal smiles softly "no hun, honestly i could sleep anywhere. i fell asleep in the middle of the day in the staffroom just last month"
roman laughs, so so so relieved
"so... maybe next time you come over for dinner you could stay the night, yeah?" jamal says with a smile and a blush. he wraps his arm around romans waist and pulls him in, hip to hip
roman bites his lip and blushes. after a moment he suggests shyly "im free tonight..."
and jamal smiles so big, stops walking and puts his arm up to romans chest to stop him too then angles romans jaw down to kiss him
in the near future jamal promises to buy a plain nightlight and always leaves it on for roman when he stays overnight from then on
**side note: roman could never stand anyone calling him baby before because he felt infantilised at school becaus of his undiagnosed adhd. so he sees it as a derogatory name more than anything. but when jamal says it roman feels so warm and respected because he knows jamal would never mean it in that way. so jamal has "baby" rights basically
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mandelene · 4 years
If you feel like filling this: for the first time, Matthew and Alfred are left alone overnight and Alfred feels all grown-up and excited. Pity that Matthew had hidden he wasn't feeling well and he isn't getting any better... Thank you! ❤️
Torture Matthew? Sure thing! Haha. 😁 As usual, I got carried away. You can’t ask me to write a sickfic and not expect the word count to be high lol. I made it a throwback to my “Matthew has asthma” headcanon. Also, did you know many U.S. states don’t have a law for how old a child must be to be left home alone overnight? Same for the UK. Apparently, it’s generally recommended that the child is at least 14 or 16, so I went with Al and Matt being 15 in this one.  
The House Party That Never Was
Word Count: 1924 (I know. I’m sorry!)
10 AM, Friday
“We’ll only be two hours away, so if anything happens or there’s a problem, call and let us know, and we’ll drive back right away.”  
“Okay, Dad. We know,” Alfred groans. They’re not babies anymore—Mattie and he can handle being left alone overnight while their parents go to see the philharmonic orchestra in Philadelphia for their anniversary.
“There are leftovers in the fridge that you can have for dinner tonight. You can order pizza tomorrow if we’re not back by six o’clock,” Papa reminds, just as worried and over-protective as Dad is being. “Make yourselves breakfast and lunch. We have plenty of fruit, cereal, bread, cold cuts, yogurt—” 
“Yes, Papa. We’ll make sure to eat,” Matthew interjects with a soft sniffle. “It’ll be fine.” 
Dad immediately notices said sniffle and flips out. He puts his duffle bag down and presses a hand against Matthew’s forehead, feeling for a fever and not finding one. “Are you all right? You aren’t coming down with something, are you? We can cancel the trip and—”
“No, no. It’s just allergies.” 
“…Okay, take an anti-histamine from the medicine cabinet.”  
“I will.” 
“In case of emergency—"
“Call 911. We know, Dad. We’re fifteen, not five!” Alfred sighs, tempted to physically push his parents out the front door at long last. 
Dad struggles to find something else to lecture them about and pushes his sunglasses farther up his nose before deciding, “All right…Behave and don’t get into any trouble. We love you.”
Dad and Papa exchange hugs with them before they finally cross the driveway, get into the car, and drive off, disappearing down the road. 
“Woo! Freedom! God that took forever!” Alfred exclaims as he locks the door and turns around to look at Matthew, who is standing by the stairs with his hands stuffed in the pocket of his navy-blue hoodie. “Our first time home alone for a whole night! We’ve been living sheltered lives, Mattie, but not anymore. Today, we’re men. So, who’re we inviting over?” 
Matthew clears his scratchy throat and gently rubs at his nose with his sleeve. “Umm…I’m pretty sure Papa and Dad said we’re not supposed to have any friends over…” 
“What they don’t know won’t hurt them.” 
“Al, they’ll find out.” 
“No, they won’t. Come on, Matt. Don’t be lame.”
“Yeah, they will. If not tomorrow, then eventually, and I don’t wanna break their trust. If we worry them or make them angry, they’ll never leave us home alone for more than a couple of hours again,” Matthew argues, and if this stupid cold would just leave him alone, everything would be peachy. He rubs at his chest, which feels a little tighter than usual, and takes two puffs of his inhaler. 
Alfred glowers and slumps his shoulders. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. We have to prove we can handle it at least once…You okay, bro? Your asthma’s acting up?” 
“It’s just from my allergies,” Matthew repeats because he has to keep up the lie. It’s spring, so it’s believable enough. To be entirely honest, he’s been feeling terrible since last night, but he didn’t want to give their parents a reason to cancel their trip. He doesn’t have a fever, so it can’t be that serious...It’s just a cold, and he doesn’t want to be an inconvenience. Their parents deserve to enjoy their anniversary without interruption. “Wanna play Smash?” he asks, changing the subject. Alfred doesn’t have the greatest attention-span, and he’ll hopefully forget all about this.
“Okay, sure. I’ll set up the Switch and the controllers. You should go and take your allergy medicine.” 
“Cool. Yeah,” Matthew replies. It’s the perfect opportunity to go upstairs, blow his nose without witnesses, and take some cough medicine…And another two puffs of his inhaler.  
He refuses to be a bother. He knows how to take care of himself. 
7 PM, Friday
Alfred has eaten enough mesquite barbecue chips to feed their entire block, and Matthew is genuinely astonished that he hasn’t been sick yet. How can so much junk food fit into one stomach? Now that no one is around to stop him, Alfred has devoured half of the fridge, and he still doesn’t seem to be totally full, even after dinner. 
Papa left them blanquette de veau, a French veal stew. It soothes Matthew’s throat and warms his chest, which feels lovely initially, but then the steam breaks up some of the mucus in his lungs and leaves him suffering through several coughing fits. Fortunately, Alfred is in the bathroom for the worst of it, and doesn't hear him hacking. 
They’ve been playing video games for hours now, and Matthew can feel a low-grade fever settle into his body. Every time he inhales, he can hear his lungs give off a tiny wheeze. 
When Alfred goes off to get some juice to drink, Matthew discreetly takes yet another two puffs of his inhaler. 
“This is getting kinda boring. Wanna put on Netflix? We can binge-watch Avatar: The Last Airbender.” 
Matthew would rather lie down in bed with his tablet or phone, but if he doesn’t join Alfred, he might grow suspicious, and then he’ll worry, or he’ll call their parents.
“Sure. Let’s do it…” 
1 AM, Saturday
 “Matt...? Matt? You’re falling asleep on me, bro.” 
Matthew is startled awake and fixes his glasses, which must have tilted awkwardly to the left while he was sleeping. He doesn’t know when he dozed off on the couch, but it was sometime during Book Two of Avatar. Dad and Papa called around 9 PM to check on them, and Alfred did all of the talking. He reassured them that they’re both alive and haven’t broken any part of themselves or anything in the house.  
Matthew squints at the clock on the wall. “It’s late…”
“Yeah. We should go to bed,” Alfred agrees, and he must be tired as well if he’s not insisting they pull an all-nighter. 
“I’m gonna brush my teeth.” 
“Okay. Have fun. I’m gonna live on the wild side and not brush ‘em,” Alfred says with a grin and a wink. 
“Wow, so edgy,” Matthew says, poking some fun at him before heading upstairs with a giant yawn. He’s exhausted, and the wheezing is back. He takes the nightly dose of his steroid inhaler and stares longingly at his nebulizer. He could do with a treatment, but it’s so loud, and then, Alfred would know something’s not right.  
So instead, he brushes his teeth, quietly takes some additional puffs of his rescue inhaler, and burrows under the covers of his bed, hoping this will all have blown over by the morning.
3 AM, Saturday
He can’t sleep. He can’t breathe. He needs a nebulizer treatment. Now. But it might wake Alfred. 
He risks it. There’s no other choice. 
And sure enough, five minutes into the treatment, Alfred plods into his room with drowsy eyes, and asks, “Mattie, what’s going on? You’re sick, aren’t you? Hang on. I’ll…I’ll call Dad and Papa, don’t worry.”  
“No!” Matthew shouts, surprised by the strength of his voice given the state of his lungs. “You can’t…It’s their anniversary…I’m fine.” 
“Matt, I’m pretty sure this counts as an emergency, bro.” 
“It’s not!”
“It’s the middle of the night and you can’t breathe—that’s an emergency, dude!”
“I’ll be fine after the nebulizer treatment is done,” he assures in a breathless rush around the nebulizer’s mouthpiece, but he’s not so sure he will be. 
“Well, we’ve gotta tell somebody!” Alfred shouts back at him before coming closer and touching his clammy forehead. “Dude, you’re burning up. What the hell? Why didn’t you say anything all night?”
Ignoring Matthew’s protests, Alfred makes the call. 
This isn’t going to be good…
5 AM, Saturday
Dad and Papa burst through his bedroom door, and they’re by his side in a flash, fussing over him and acting as though he’s on the verge of death. They’re still dressed in the clothes they probably went to sleep in, and before Matthew can say a single word, Dad has his stethoscope on his chest and is listening to his lungs. He then clamps a pulse oximeter on his right index finger, waits for a reading, and frowns severely. 
While Papa strokes his head and asks him why he didn’t let them know sooner that he wasn’t feeling well, Dad disappears and then returns with three small pills and a glass of orange juice.
“Take these,” Dad instructs. 
Matthew wrinkles his nose as he puts the pills in his mouth and swallows them. The bitter aftertaste makes him shudder—prednisone. 
“Is he going to be all right?” Papa asks, squeezing Matthew’s hand.
“I’ll keep an eye on him. He should feel better once the steroid starts to work. We leave you boys home alone for one day, and you try to hide a medical emergency from us! What were you thinking?”
“It was very irresponsible,” Papa adds. 
And here he thought that Alfred would be the one to ultimately break their parents’ trust. 
“I’m sorry…I didn’t want you to have to cancel your trip. You’ve both been looking forward to it for a month,” Matthew timidly explains, breaths still shallow. 
“A trip can always be rescheduled. Your health can’t be,” Dad says sternly. “You had us worried sick. I was debating whether or not to tell Alfred to call for an ambulance. You should know better than to ever allow yourself to silently deteriorate like this!” 
“I’m sorry…” 
Dad sighs and rests a cold compress on his forehead. “We can decide on a punishment when you’re feeling well again.” 
A punishment? Really? Not fair.
Now is not a good time to argue though, so he lets Papa and Dad fret over him some more—they fluff his pillows, and force juice, water, and medicine for his fever down his throat. He feels awful knowing they lost sleep over him and had to hurry home, but at the same time, he’s grateful that they’re here, tending to him and monitoring him in case he gets worse. As much as he’d like to be regarded as an adult, he still wants his parents around when he’s unwell.  
“I’m really, really sorry…I feel terrible for ruining everything.” 
“Stop that,” Dad insists, shaking his head admonishingly at him. “We’re not upset with you for being ill—anyone can fall ill at any time and it’s out of one’s control. We’re upset that you tried to hide it from us, even if you thought you had the right intentions.” 
At that moment, Alfred peeks his head into the room, revealing that he’s been eavesdropping, and says, “I’d just like to point out that I did the responsible, mature thing, and called for help for my dearest, darling brother in his time of need. Very grown-up behavior—totally wise beyond my years. And because of that, I think, I deserve to be able to go to Six Flags next week with my friends.” 
Papa laughs heartily while Dad rolls his eyes. 
“Oui, you did the right thing, Alfred. But the greatest reward for helping your brother should be a sense of pride,” Papa notes.  
“I mean, yeah, but a physical reward would be kinda nice, too.” 
“Alfred,” Dad says with a warning tone. “Not now.” 
“All right, all right. I know. Just food for thought, you know? Glad Mattie’s okay, of course.” 
How in the world did Alfred come out on top? He’s a better adult? There’s no way! 
Okay, next time they’re home alone, they’re definitely throwing a party. 
That’ll show him. 
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buddietomytarlos · 3 years
9-1-1 S4 Ep14 Thoughts *Spoilers*
AHHHHH THE SEASON FINALE I’M NOT READY 😭😭 But lets gooooo thoughts under the cut
- Though Buck’s eyes are really poppin rn
- “You okay, Buckley?” bro his best friend (hopefully future boyfriend) was just shot by a sniper right in front of him… does he LOOK okay?
- Buck really thought that she was coming for a story… if she did, she’d be an awful human being.
- Why the fuck would anyone want to shoot at firefighters… like, the people who help save your life??? Most likely because someone died and they blamed the EMT’s even though they couldn’t do anything else smh
- Also the sniper hit Eddie’s shoulder, but if he was experienced why miss the kill shot?
- “Where’s dad?” BYE
- So did no one see the sniper in those apartment buildings facing where the sniper was shooting? Also I bet someone’s watching Athena with the sniper rifle like “UHHHHHHHHHH” thinking she’s the sniper coming back or something
- Christopher 🥺😂
- Carla asking how it is being out there doing his job with the sniper still on the loose and the only thing his mind things of is “it’s weird without Eddie there”
- BUCK. “Buck’s gonna Buck.” I need that on a t-shirt
- I know it’s probably not but reflections like that are usually snipers…………..
- “It doesn’t seem I need to give you the conversation, you already know it by heart. And, still, you went full Buck."
- Relax it was just one of those “you stupid idiot almost getting yourself killed” kisses it means nothing (in this sense)
- “Maybe it would have been better if I had been the one that got shot.” first of all NO, second of all, no, and lastly, NO
- Maddie quitting 😭💔
- This fire feels like a trap
- “Glad we don’t need the bulletproof vests.” fuck…….. that definitely means someone else is gonna get hurt. CAP 💔💔 also how is that dude just breathing in the fumes??
- Athena FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!
- “Thanks for coming to get me.” “Always.” 🥺💞
- What happened to just being friends sigh
- Maddie having postpartum depression 😭😭
- “But no one will ever fight for my son as hard as you.” 😭🥺💞
- “You act like you’re expendable, but you’re wrong."
- FIREFIGHTER HAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I figured it was coming at some point. New characters always seem to have to tie in to the police or firefighters in some way or another
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cg29 · 4 years
4 Very Old But Short fics for the birthday boy himself - Virgil Tracy 💚
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Sorry for not adding the Read More option, it doesn’t appear to be working.
1: 15th August - From Virgil Drabbles, C1.
I’ve been here before and I always swear, ‘Never Again!’
But then… It’s over and for a few seconds, which always feels longer, I hear nothing. Then the sound I’ve been waiting for… That first cry, followed by:
“Congratulations, it’s a boy!”
The relief washes over me, as I look to my husband. The obvious pride flowing from him as our new baby is placed in my arms, and his soulful eyes lock with mine.
“Do you have a name?” Someone asks.
It’s at that moment I know I’ll be here again.
“Yes,” I nod, “his names Virgil… Virgil Tracy.”
2: The Birthday Gift, part 1. Brotherly Love - From The Tracy Family, C4.
‘Mm, 7am.’ Virgil thought to himself as he opened his eyes slightly and glanced at the clock. ‘A couple of more hours will be good.’ To make himself more comfortable, Virgil rolled over in his bed, with his eyes shut, puffing up his pillow as he did so. Letting out a comforting sigh, his eyes flickered open and then shut. ‘Wait, what the…’ Virgil’s eyes shot open again. Okay, his eyes weren’t deceiving him. There was his oldest brother, sat on a chair next to his bed, bouncing up and down, like a nonstop Jack-In-The-Box. “Scott, its 7am.”
“Yes and?” Scott said happily, as he continued to bounce up and down on his chair.
“Scott, what is wrong with you… Or should I really ask, how much candy have you eaten?”
“None, yet… But the day is young!”
“And how many coffees have you had?”
“Only 2. Although I did have 3 energy drinks as well this morning.”
“Yes, I can tell!”
“Well, I needed the energy to keep me going for your big day.”
Seriously Scott, you are like this every year with all of our birthdays and I’m sure you get worse every year.”
“Yes, and?” Scott replied beaming like a Cheshire Cat.
“You do realise I’m 22 and not 10 today.”
“Scott, we’re not kids anymore!”
Scott stopped bouncing up and down and surveyed his younger brother. “Yes, you are… You see little bro, in my head all I see is the excited kid who would rush out of bed so that he could open his presents, before shovelling down pancakes for breakfast and then stuffing himself silly later in the day with his birthday cake. I’m afraid Virg, that you are stuck with this for life. Even when we are all grey and old… I’ll be waking you all up early for your birthdays, even if I need to hit you with my walking stick to get you up. Besides, you need to get out of bed because Alan and Tin-Tin get back from their honeymoon later and it would be rude not to be awake and alert for when they arrive. Plus, Kyrano is making all of us pancakes, Grandma is making you a birthday cake, Penny is flying out here as well, then we can all have a big party later tonight and you can open all your presents.”
“Presents?” Virgil asked with a grin.
“Yes, presents… Lots and lots of presents. Of course, my present to you is obviously the best!” Scott started to become excited and began bouncing up and down on his chair.
Virgil lay on his bed and shook his head. “You know who you remind me of when you bounce up and down like that?”
“No, who?” Scott inquired beginning to clap his hands together joyfully as he continued to bounce up and down.
Virgil let out a laugh. “Tigger, from Winnie The Pooh.”
“Who...Hoo…Hoo…Hoo” Scott bellowed out loud at the top of his voice.
“You’re not letting me get back to sleep again, are you?” Virgil asked pulling his big eyes look at Scott.
“Nope! And you should know by now that look doesn’t work on me.”
“Please Scott, just 1 more hour? Then I’ll promise to get up.” Virgil pleaded, pulling his big eyes face again.
Scott stopped bouncing up and down and tilted his head sideways as he looked at his younger brother. “Okay, just 1 hour, and if you’re not up then I’m dragging you out of this bed.”
“Deal.” Virgil answered, relieved that he may finally get some more sleep.
Scott stood up and turned towards the door as Virgil settled himself down in his bed. “Nah, changed my mind.” Scott said as he turned back towards Virgil pulling the blanket of him. Virgil went bright red and made a grab for the blanket pulling it back over himself. “Oh, err… Sorry Virg. Err. Maybe I should have got you some Pyjamas for your birthday instead? Yes, anyways, I’ll be going… and let you get ready… Don’t be too long Virgie…
“Okay Scott, I’m getting up. Now get out.”
“Okay, I’m going.” Scott went towards the door.
“Oh, and Scott…”
“Yes bro?”
“Don’t call me Virgie!”
“Okay, okay,” Scott went to pull the door shut calling out to Virgil as he did, “see you in a bit. Oh, and happy birthday… Virgie!”
3: The Birthday Gift, part 2. The Last Gift - From The Tracy Family, C5.
Virgil sat by his piano in a world of his own, playing some new music, he had received for his birthday. Meanwhile, Jeff Tracy stood leaning against the doorway listening to the beautiful melodies that were flowing from his artistic son. “Virg?”
“Virgil glanced up from the piano and smiled at his father. “Oh, hi dad. Sorry I didn’t see you there.”
Jeff walked over to his middle child and sat next to him. “Did you have a good birthday?”
Virgil grinned while he continued to play the piano. “It was fantastic dad, thank you for the party.”
“Anytime son,” Jeff replied, pulling Virgil into a warm embrace.
Virgil returned the hug and then looked at his father. “Is everything okay dad?”
“Yes, it’s fine. I just… I wanted to let you know how proud of I am of you, all that you have achieved and everything I know you will become.”
“Thanks dad,” Virgil replied slightly blushing.
“Plus, I wanted to give you this,” Jeff pulled out a small box and a card from his pocket and handed it over to Virgil.
Virgil took the gift and card from his father and held it in his hands. “Thanks dad.”
“It’s not actually from me,” Jeff looked down, then back up into Virgil’s eyes, “it’s… it’s from your mother.”
“Ah?” Virgil responded looking at the gift in confusion.
Jeff breathed in deeply and continued. “Your mother’s family have always had a tradition… On a child’s first birthday the mother will chose a small gift that can be found within the home that they believe encompasses their child’s personality. They will wrap it and put it away ready for when they turn 22.”
“Oh… Why 22 and not 21?” Virgil asked.
Jeff chuckled to himself. “I remember asking your mother the same question. Apparently, even though 21 is usually seen as someone stepping into adulthood, the family itself felt that 22 was the official age, because when you are 22 then you’ve officially left those childhood years behind and become an adult… Your mother really wanted to continue this tradition and I remember how happy she had been, when it came to her picking out the gift, wrapping it and then writing the accompanying note… A short time after she had passed, I found the gifts for all of you boys packed carefully away. I decided that she would want all of you to receive them as planned… So, I gave Scott and John theirs when they reached 22, and now… Now it’s time for yours.” Virgil glanced thoughtfully at the gift and card in his hands, unsure of what to do. “Do you want me to stay, while you open it?”
Virgil nodded, carefully opened the card and began to read.
… …
My darling Virgil.
So, today is your 22nd birthday, that’s hard for me to imagine right now as I sit here writing this on your 1st birthday and stare over at you fast asleep in your father’s arms.
I know my son, that whatever you do, or whatever you will become, I will always be proud, and both myself and your father will always be there to hold you whenever you need a helping hand.
The gift I have chosen for you encompasses something I have noticed from the beautiful personality that you are starting to develop. Ever since you were born you have been soothed by music, whether that be a record, when I am singing you a lullaby, or when I am practising on my beloved piano. So, that is why I feel that this gift is perfect for you.
Always here, never far.
Your mother. xx
… …
Virgil with tears in his eyes passed the card over to his dad and cautiously began to unwrap the gift, revealing a small black box, which when opened played a gentle lullaby. “A Music Box.” Virgil exclaimed, with tears trickling down his face.
Jeff put his arm around his middle child and held him close. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, thank you dad,” Virgil replied wiping the tears away.
Jeff smiled as he looked at the music box. “I should have known she would have given you that music box. You loved that lullaby when you were a baby.”
Virgil smiled. “So, what did Scott and John get?”
“Well, it seems your mother sussed you all out really well. John was given a golden star that used to hang on the Christmas tree, he had been so fascinated by that star, even though he wasn’t that old on his first Christmas. He was also enamoured with the star mobile we had above his bed, I remember your mother saying he would probably end up in space just like me… And Scott…” Jeff let out a laugh. “Scott was always trying to climb the furniture and jump of it. Whenever he saw a bird or an aeroplane he would go quiet and watch with fascination. Your mother gave him an old air loom of her grandfathers, a small-scale Spitfire… Anyway, everyone is probably gathered in the kitchen waiting for you to cut your cake, are you coming?”
Virgil nodded, carefully picked up his gift and card. Then with his father’s arm placed around him they both left the room.
4: Birthday Wish.
My first without you
Only one month you’d been gone
Our tears were still new.
Yet despite our grief
and my reluctance to celebrate
A party was given
In honour of the date.
Family and close friends
And no rescue calls
A good time was had
By one and all.
Then right at the end
After many speeches filled with praise
A cake was presented
With candles ablaze
Close your eyes they said
And concentrate really hard
Then make a wish
For whatever is in your heart.
So, I closed my eyes
And those candles I blew
I wished for you to return
But it never came true.
Nineteen and Twenty
One injured, the other a major rescue call
Yet at the end of each day
I was presented with a birthday ball
After food and drinks
And everyone felt contented
A cake with candles aflame
Was once again presented
Time to make a wish
My family all said
So I hoped and I prayed
And I pictured you in my head
Then, I closed my eyes
And those candles I blew
I wished for you to return
But it never came true.
Was the biggest of them all
Except by pretending to forget
Their plans went slightly AWOL
A diversion rescue
That was meant to just stall
Swallowed my whole day
And made me miss this year’s ball
The very next day
Although I’d protested
They offered to make it up
And a birthday cake was presented.
I gazed down
Twenty-one candles all gleamed
All awaiting my hopes
And my dreams
So, I closed my eyes
And those candles I blew
I wished for you to return
But it never came true.
… …
Twenty-Two and Twenty-Three
Had candles shining bright
Would these years come true
If I wished with all of my might
So, I closed my eyes
And those candles I blew
I wished for you to return
But it never came true.
… …
A trip to our other home
Gran Roca Ranch
Where we had all grown.
A morning with the horses
An afternoon barbecue
The evening watching the sunset
Where my silent thoughts turned to you
Were you still out there
Or were you really gone
Would we ever know
Or was it time we moved on.
Except I couldn’t give in
Not yet, not ever
This year if I wished harder
Maybe my next birthday would be better
So, I closed my eyes
And those candles I blew
I wished for you to return
And on my twenty-fifth birthday it came true.
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missweber · 5 years
For Day 6 of Lardo Week - Friends and Lovers
(Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5)
(FYI, I’ll start posting these to AO3 tomorrow after I get the last chapter up tomorrow and give everything a good scrubbing for lurking typos and the like)
the practical thing to do
It wasn't that Lardo wasn't earning money. She had two decent part-time jobs and had even picked up a couple of freelance assignments. 
One of the freelance assignments (painting the risers of a staircase in an old house-turned-bookstore to resemble shelves of children's books) had been fun and had paid fairly well, but it hadn't led to any nibbles from potential patrons.
She had time, she reminded herself. There was nothing wrong with working part-time for a gallery and for a local youth hockey organization. There was nothing wrong with creating some stability for herself.
But something was wrong.
"Can I vent?" She had timed her question for when Ransom and Holster were home and Shitty was at an evening seminar. As for She-Who-Would-Not-Be-Named, Lardo didn't really give a shit if she was home or not.
"Lay it on us, so we may ease your troubled mind," Holster intoned, affecting an air of wisdom and concern. Ransom didn't say anything, but he closed his laptop and put it aside so he could pay full attention.
Wanting to vent didn't mean knowing what to say. Instead, she just plopped herself down on the couch right between them. There wasn't quite enough room, but they made it work.
"I feel like a fucking parasite," she said at last.
The chorus of no no no! and we're fine with how things are divvied up, honest! weren't as comforting as they were meant to be.
"I'm venting, okay? That means you gotta let me vent! Don't..." She took a deep breath. "Don't just tell me not to worry, okay?"
Part of her could hear Shitty explaining how being told not to worry was sometimes the same as 'go away and don't bother me with your pesky emotions,' and that, she found comforting.
"My bad," Holster said. 
Ransom pulled her into a side hug. "Sorry about that, Lards. Go ahead. Why are you comparing yourself to a tapeworm?"
"Gross, dude," she and Holster said in perfect unison, and that led to a giggle fit that totally killed the mood.
"Now I'm not feeling ranty. I'm just going to whine instead."
"Would you like some wine with that wine?" Holster asked in a horrible faux-British accent.
"Oh, hell yes!"
The occasion apparently called for a bottle of good wine that had been 'liberated' from Shitty's grandparents, and the novelty wine glasses. Lardo noted that her glass said 'Wine is cheaper than therapy' and tried not to read too much into it. After all, Ransom's said 'I just can't adult today' and Holster's glass proclaimed that he was 'Sotally Tober.'
"So anyway, I feel like a total mooch. I know you guys say it doesn't bother you that I'm paying a smaller share of rent than you are, but it still bugs me. I feel... I feel kept."
"Does it help if we tell you we don't think of it that way at all?" Ransom asked gently.
She shrugged. "In theory."
Shitty, Ransom, and Holster had each told her over and over and over they didn't mind paying bigger shares of the rent. They all either had or made enough money to cover it, and how the hell was Lardo supposed to do art on the side if she didn't have the time or energy to do art?
"We've got your back, bro," Holster said as if that explained everything.
She knew it should. She wished it did.
"Did anything in particular stir this up?" Ransom asked. His eyes narrowed. "Shitty's dad didn't say anything again, did he? Or Claire?"
Holster shushed him, and cast furtive looks at the hallway. "Don't say her name! She'll know we're talking about her!"
Ransom leaned in close and lowered his voice to a whisper. "I know I always said I was team attic, but if the person who's hiding in the attic is you-know-who? Then fuck it. I'm changing my answer."
"Dude," Holster said solemnly. "What if she's actually a thousand roaches in a trench coat?"
"Huh. That actually makes a lot of sense."
Watching their back and forth helped more than their concern. "No one said anything, guys." Well, George had said something in an email, but not in the way the guys meant it. "Just some job stuff came up today that... well, it stirred some shit up."
The point of having a job was to earn a living. Yes, you should do something you liked to do, but you needed to be practical about it. Lardo's parents had never been poor, but for as long as she could remember, they always had to be mindful. She had never gone hungry, but her mother and her bà ngoại had.
They had always encouraged and celebrated her artwork, but they had also been very clear that she was expected to get a real job.
There had also been sly hints about how finding a husband with a real job was a possible alternative, but she forced the thought from her mind because while a wine hangover was bad, a rage hangover was even worse.
The three of them killed off a bottle and a half of wine. It was weaksauce compared to their kegster days, but while Lardo had gone to several classes hungover and still in her pajamas, she didn't think that would fly at the Newbury Street gallery where she worked.
Where she worked for now, at least.
"I'm done guys," she said with a yawn that was only a little exaggerated. "Thanks for letting me dump on you. And don't say it's no problem or anything stupid like that."
She really hoped Shitty got home soon. Now that she had vented, she actually wanted to talk.
It was good to crawl into bed. It was only half-made, as usual, but Duckie and Mr. Steggy were in their proper places as they should be. She smiled, remembering how Shitty had literally squeed with delight when she first introduced him to her childhood plushie.
She hugged both stuffed animals to her and fell asleep.
She was woken up what felt like just a minute later when a naked Shitty tried to pry Mr. Steggy out of her grasp.
"You're hogging the cuddle-buddies," he whispered.
"You snooze, you lose."
"Excuse you, but I was not the one snoozing, Ms. Duan."
She laughed and let Shitty take the plush stegosaurus. He slid into bed and snuggled close. She leaned in and kissed him deep, curling one hand around the back of his head so she could play with his hair. God, she was so glad he was growing it out again.
He ran his fingers down the curve of her waist and up the rise of her hip, but it was an inquiry rather than a request. She kissed him again, then pulled back. "Just this," she said. "And can I talk to you about something?"
She felt him tense defensively but then relax. The first had been automatic, the second, deliberate. "Okay?"
"First of all, yes, there is some money shit tied up in all of this, so I need to know it's okay to talk about money. Otherwise, this is going to be frustrating as hell."
It said something that all he did was nod in agreement. They had figured out quickly that their difference in background made financial discussions a big-ass mine field. They'd had a rough start, but now they used safe words more when talking about money than they did when having sex. 
Lardo thought more couples should follow their example.
"I got a solid lead on a job today."
His face lit up. "What! That's–"
She covered his mouth with her hand. "Let me finish, okay? And if you lick my hand, I will pluck your mustache out hair by hair. Nod if you understand."
He nodded. She removed her hand.
"Here's the problem. If I take this job, I'll have to quit the gallery job and cut back my time with the Rockets. Maybe even quit."
"Okay," he said. She could tell he had a question, but was holding it. For now.
"Starting out, it would mean less money. Not a lot less, but..." But it had been enough to trigger a crisis that required copious amounts of wine to solve. "And the commute would suck."
He wanted to say he would fix it, that he would make up the difference. She could see it. But he stayed quiet, and she loved him all the more for it.
"But that would only be at first. Part of what I'd be doing is training to take on someone else's job when he retires next year. And it would be decent money. I...”
She let go.
“I thought that wasn't important to me! I know I'm worth more than the money I make! I know my art is damned good art even if it takes me forever to get to where I can do it full time! So what's wrong with me that I'm ready to throw away an art gallery job—a fucking Newbury Street gallery job!—so I can make more money a whole year from now!"
Shitty actually raised his hand sheepishly, as if he was a student in her class. "Um, so what is this job, anyway?"
That was enough to get her to laugh, and laughing gave her an excuse to wipe away the tears that had started to well. "Details, details... Yeah. George Martin said she's got an opening for an assistant equipment manager-slash-logistics person."
"George Martin? As in Jack's George? Falcs George?" Shitty's eyes were wide. "Holy guacamole doesn't even begin to cover it. So, what are you thinking?"
"In a lot of ways, it makes sense to keep the gallery job. No, it's not my kind of art." Honestly, it was more the sort of thing she imagined hanging in Shitty's grandparent's house. "But it's good experience to see that side of things for when I start selling my own things. And then there's the networking. It would be the practical thing to–"
She stopped, listening to what she was about to say, and hearing the echo of her mother's voice.
"Would you still have time to do your art? If you take this other job?"
She shrugged. "Yeah. I don't see why not."
Shitty reached out and took her hand. He rubbed his thumb up and down her wrist, stroking and soothing. "When you said you would have to quit your gallery job and maybe not work as much with the kiddos on the Rockets, I almost said something."
She nodded. She had caught that.
"What I almost said was that you sounded more upset about cutting back your work with the kids than you did about quitting the gallery completely."
"Holy shit," she whispered. It was as if someone had pulled aside the curtain hiding Oz the Great and Terrible. 
She didn't like the gallery. She liked the idea of the gallery. She liked that even after she had decided that the world wouldn't end if she didn't get a job in the arts right away, this opportunity dropped in her lap. She liked what she had been learning from her boss and the new appreciation she had for mid-century American art.
What she didn't like was dressing up like she worked in a law office. She didn't like the way some buyers treated paintings like investment properties. She didn't like being a salesperson/hostess.
And she really didn't like how many clients reminded her of Shitty's grandparents.
But she loved her hockey kids.
"You're right. But..."
She gently plucked Mr. Steggy from Shitty's grasp and set him on the nightstand. Duckie followed a second later, and Lardo wriggled as close to Shitty as she could. "But you've given me a lot to think about." She tilted her head so she could kiss his chin. "G'night." 
There was no need to make a decision just then, even though she was pretty sure what it would be. There were just a few things she had to think through, first. 
She felt like something big had shifted, or was about to shift, and that the future was going to be something she had never imagined. But that was okay.
She had Shitty. And in a different way, she had Ransom and Holster, and Jack and Bitty. 
And, as Holster had said, they had her back.
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kleeklutch · 5 years
AU where Dex’s fam keeps sheep
So part of Dex's extended family keeps sheep. When Nursey comes to visit over Spring Break senior year Dex knows that taking him to see the sheep will be annoying bc Nurse will be all hearteyes and incomprehensible but it's The Right Thing to Do.
When they're up there visiting it also happens to be lambing season. Which means Derek will be even more insufferable. But Dex is a good friend (or boyfriend, you decide) and still takes him out there.
A ewe is struggling with her first lambing so Dex pitches in as his Uncle and Aunt have their hands full. Which means Nurse pitches in as well. He has no idea what to do, but something about having him there steadies Will's nerves which in turn helps him help the mama sheep out.
It's about time and hooves are visible when Dex turns.
"I need a blanket."
"With the tack."
"The what?"
Dex realizes it will take too many words and too much time to get Nursey to understand so he just gets up.
"Stay here." Dex says. It'll be a sec. No prob. 
Nurse takes up position staring at the wrong end of the ewe. And suddenly a lamb pops out into his lap with a gush of amniotic fluid and blood.
For a moment he is dazed.
Dex returns with the towel.
Derek looks up at him. "I don't believe it."
Dex hustles over and can't decide what to do so an awkward series of moments ensues where he tries to dry the lamb and clean up Derek at the same time.
Derek just keeps muttering "Oh my God. I don't believe it."
Dex replies dryly, "Don't worry, I'll replace your shoes. Everything else should wash out. My aunt knows how to get blood out of anything."
Derek looks at Dex stupefied.
"I don't believe it...” Then he grins broadly. “I'm a dad!"
"That's not how it works Nursey."
"I was the first one he saw. Imprinting. It's science bro."
Dex has regrets.
“That’s for birds and it’s not-”
”Shhhhh! Don’t startle him...he’s new to this world Dex. Everything so big and new.” ”Nursey..."
"We need to celebrate! I'm going to name him Harlem. How'd you like that little guy?"
The lamb let's out a little bleep.
"Haha! He likes it Dex!" Derek cradles the lamb now warming in the blanket. The ewe comes over and licks the lamb’s head.
Nursey’s not  listening. "Wait till C hears! And you just know Bit-"
Harlem gives a startled lamby bleep.
Nursey glares at Dex, "What did I tell you?" He begins cooing and soothing the lamb.
Dex's voice is softer now when he says, "We don't keep the males."
Nursey's face tenses and he unconsciously holds the Harlem a little closer. The ewe lets out a bleet. 
"What do you mean?"
Dex struggles to find words. "We... it's breeding...and economics...and if there's too many...We can't keep the males. We can't even keep all the females, though we keep as many as we can. We have to slaughter them. Usually before they turn one.
Nursey’s face journey has gone from joyful bliss to confused to horrified. He clutches Harlem tighter.
“I'm sorry.” Dex reaches to put a hand on Nursey’s shoulder.
“No,” Nursey says shoving Dex’s hand away. “You can’t have him. He’s mine now. I mean. I’ll pay for him. If I pay for him you can’t sell him to the butcher right?”
Dex ponders this a moment, “Technically, but the sheep aren’t mine. They’re my aunt and uncle’s. You’ll have to talk it over with them.”
At this Nursey seems to relax.
“But Nurse, what the hell are you going to do with a sheep?”
“I’ll figure it out. I’ll figure it. This has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life Dex. I feel...responsible for him. You know?”
“Yeah, I know.”
Nursey lets the squirmy lamb out of the blanket and its mother cleans it off and it takes to suckling right away.  It’s 2:37am so the guys go up to the house to get some sleep. It takes a while before they settle. In the morning they talk to aunt and uncle.
Dex’s aunt and uncle agree to the plan and are supremely amused at Derek’s attachment to the lamb. They board it while he pays. Then after he graduates he writes a children’s book featuring Harlem on a whim and it’s a huge hit. With the profits, he moves to rural Maine to pursue a writing and freelance editing career and brings Harlem along. Harlem gives fine wool every spring and pretty much lives like a king for the rest of his life. 
The End
Credit for the idea of Dex’s fam raising sheep goes to @randomnoteforfuturereference Thanks for the inspiration!
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tommyhagen · 6 years
5% of a Fairytale: Clint Barton, Team Dad pt1
@taylortut, lol this one sort of just got away from me. Hope you don’t mind long prompt fills. I can pretty much promise they won’t usually be this long but I’d actually had the plot to this scene in mind for a long time. It’ll probably end up having to be more than one part. Hope you like it!!
Clint takes care of his sick bro and partner in douchebaggery, Tony. A retelling of the scene from Civil War including some canon dialogue. Seriously watch that scene again and tell me Tony isn’t trying not to throw up the entire time. You can’t.
Couldn’t help but make reference to Charles and Tony being best friends.
I don’t write deaf! Clint because I don’t think I could portray the struggles of a hearing impaired person with the accuracy it deserves. But he has ear issues that make him sensitive to loud noises but he puts his own discomfort aside when someone needs a dad.
TW: Vomit, Nausea, Dizzy Spells, Brief Nondescript Mention Of Death, Embarassing Situations
Sam and Rhodey had been arguing for hours now. Or at least it felt like hours. Tony had only been catching every other word, anyway.
His head was pounding and the constant bickering had done nothing to help it. He was slumped back on a couch in one of the common areas next to Steve. He knew he wasn’t doing a great job acting like he didn’t need to be benched but he couldn’t help it. This on top of the meeting with the secretary? He didn’t think he could keep this up much longer.
That had been a disaster all on it’s own too. Tony hadn’t even reacted when the Secretary spouted off all his bullshit about the Avengers not caring. At the footage of New York he just looked away. When Steve commented on his unusual silence he’d just murmured something about the asshole not being worth his time. While that was true it was even more true that if Tony opened his mouth he might have thrown up. It still was, actually, and the stress was not helping. Steve picking up the scent of his Omega’s distress slipped an arm around his shoulders. A rare display of affection during ‘business hours’. Even rarer that Tony accepted it, leaning against him.
“Secretary Ross has a Congressional Medal of Honor which is one more than you have.”, Rhodey retorted to Sam’s...something.
Maybe if Tony just ignored this all hard enough it would go away. Seemed to be what the others were doing. Vision and Wanda sat huddled together on the opposite couch. Natasha had been pacing the room nonstop and it made Tony dizzy to look at her. Clint was perched on the counter of the kitchenette. The obnoxious music from whatever game he was playing on his phone was only making Tony’s headache worse.
Tony rubbed at his temples and pressed himself tighter against his Alpha. Tony’s mouth was watering ominously. Steve rubbed a thumb along his bicep distractedly, reading the Accords and not happy with them by the acrid prickle of growing anger on his scent. Tony had always hated that and the scent of it now had him clamping a hand to his mouth. This was probably the literal worst time in the world to not be at his A game.
“So let’s say we agree to this thing. How long is it gonna be before they LoJack us like a bunch of common criminals?”, Sam shot back.
And what the fuck had Tony passed out and not realized it? LoJack? Was this even the same conversation?! Ugh, he couldn’t keep up. Whatever. He just had to get through this so that he could go lay down and sleep for a year. Whatever bug he’d caught was draining him. He woke up more tired than when he went to sleep.
“117 countries want us to sign this. 177, Sam, and you’re just like ‘Nah, it’s cool we got this’.”, Rhodey snapped. If Tony didn’t feel like there was a vice grip around his stomach he’d be smiling. He loved it when his Honeybear got feisty.
“How long are you going to keep playing both sides-“
“I have an equation!”, Vision cut him off.
Loudly. So loudly it startled Tony. At that, Steve’s hand stroking his arm slipped down to hold Tony’s reassuringly. He didn’t need any reassuring but Steve’s warmth was grounding and he clung to it like a lifeline. It helped, sort of. Well, he could vaguely follow the conversation now, at least.
“Oh, this’ll clear it up.”, Sam groaned.
Tony shot a nasty glance at him over his shoulder. Tony had created that beautiful mind of Vision’s so, yes, it would clear it up thank you very fucking much.
Vision ignored him, as always sensing the mood and responding accordingly. He continued, “In the eight years since Tony announced himself as Iron Man the number of enhanced persons has grown exponentially. During the same period the number of possibly world-ending incidents has risen at a commensurate rate.”
Steve set the Accords down beside him. His grip on Tony’s hand tightened. “Are you saying it’s Tony’s- our- fault?”, he growled, Alpha pheromones beginning to leak off him.
It took Tony much too long to notice that everyone was looking at him. Shit, that name was his name! So he was going to have to get involved in this no matter what. His hands were going numb and it felt like his feet were nothing but pins and needles. “Down, boy.”, he murmured to Steve. His voice must have portrayed at least a little of the hell he was in because Steve actually relaxed, picking the Accords up again and pretending to read them. His eyes never left the same paragraph.
“I’m saying there may be a causality.”, Vision clarified, but even he was starting to sound annoyed.
Tony desperately wished he were sitting next to him instead. Vi’s lack of scent would be so good right now. Tony was choking on all the wigged out distress hormones going around. He had to swallow back a sick hiccup. God, if he didn’t do something he really was going to throw up. He tried to bury his face against Steve’s shoulder as surreptitiously as he could. It hadn’t worked. Steve abandoned the Accords and pulled Tony closer to him, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. Oh, God, Steve’s worry, although sweet, was just adding to the already stifling mix of scents.
“Our very strength invites challenge.”, Vision elaborated. How very philosophical. Tony couldn’t deal with that right now and closed his eyes leaning into Steve’s heat. “Challenge inflicts conflict. And conflict breeds catastrophe.”
Tony choked at how similar he sounded to Ultron and broke into a series of wet coughs. Steve was asking him all kinds of questions along the lines of how he could help and it was just making Tony’s head spin. He waved Steve off desperately.
“Oversight...oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand.”, he suggested. All Tony could take from that was that Vi was in favor. Of course he was. Part of him was Tony, after all.
“Boom.”, Rhodey agreed.
Natasha stopped her pacing in front of him. Thank god. “Tony”, she called. “Are you okay? You’re being uncharacteristically nonverbal.” Fuck. Now Tony had two Alphas fussing over him. The combination of Female Alpha and Male Alpha was not good. Tony gagged softly into his fist.
“It’s because he’s already made up his mind.”, Steve realized and the scent of his worry was just getting stronger. Tony had to get away from him.
He stood up and made his way more shakily than he would have liked to to the kitchenette. He had made up his mind, yes. The best solution was obvious but mainly he just felt too much like vomiting to participate. Maybe if he got something to drink? There was a bad taste at the back of his tongue.
Clint was watching him closely from atop the counter. He’d also been uncharacteristically ‘nonverbal’. When push came to shove with Avengers politics he usually just tried to stay out of the way. His only real opinion one way or another was that he was in favor of whatever got him home to his wife and kids safely. It startled Tony into nearly dropping a glass when Clint put down the phone with a soft, “Hey, Tony.”
Tony met his eyes slowly and wasn’t quite prepared for the warmth there. There was something about them that seemed far too knowing for Tony’s taste. He backed away slightly not knowing what from. Because as far as everyone in the immediate vicinity went, Clint was one of the ones he wanted to back away from the least. Clint was a Beta. His scent was comforting and good.
Clint hopped down from the counter and took the glass from Tony’s hands. “Here.”, Clint soothed and poured some water for Tony before handing it back.
Tony was far too out of it to question why a jackass- but a lovable one- like Clint was being so gentle. He took a long sip to try and drown the bile he felt creeping up his throat. It helped. “Boy, you know me so well.”, Tony said to Steve. He even tried for a casual lean and pulled it off. “Actually I’m nursing an electromagnetic headache.”, he revealed and gave Clint, whose phone was still chiming away, a look.
Surprisingly, Clint turned it off without a word, slipping it into his back pocket. He was hovering and Clint didn’t do that. If Tony weren’t relying on his scent to keep it together he’d have said something about it.
“That’s what’s going on, guys. It’s just pain.”, he snapped, finally starting to lose his temper at the scrutinization they were putting him under. What the fuck?! If Tony wanted to be quiet he could! “It’s discomfort.”.
Tony turned to lean against the sink. The urge to vomit was becoming a little too overwhelming for him not to have some sort of plan. God, he hoped it didn’t come to that. He took a suspiciously long sip of the water. “Who’s putting coffee grounds in the disposal?”, he forced himself to ask, doing his best to bullshit and ramble like normal. “Am I running a bed and breakfast for a biker gang?”, he tried to joke. He had to take another long sip right after, losing any hint of nonchalance it might have had. They knew he was just talking to talk now.
“Hey.”, Clint tried again, hand at the small of Tony’s back.
Steve glared at him for it and Tony couldn’t tell if it was Steve’s scent or his attitude that was making him feel sick anymore. He moaned softly and his hand slipped down to his stomach. It wasn’t going to help but Tony had to do something to at least FEEL like he had control whatsoever over this.
Tony just had to force himself to be invested. Ignoring Clint, he pulled out his phone and projected the picture of the son of the woman from the State Department. He sighed...another Charles who he had let get hurt. “Oh, that’s Charles Spencer, by the way. Great kid. Computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA had a floor level gig planned at Intel lined up for the fall. But first, he wanted to put a few miles on his soul before he parked it behind a desk. See the world.”.
Tony had to stop to gag. And everyone had definitely heard that. Steve was on his feet in seconds and Clint caught hold of his elbow. Tony pushed him weakly off before continuing, “Maybe be of service. Charlie didn’t want to go to Vegas or Amsterdam which is what I would do. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the poor. Guess where. Sokovia. He wanted to make a difference, I guess. But we won’t know because we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass.”. Tony could barely get through the words. From frustration or sickness he didn’t know but he was crying.
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riotfics · 3 years
Bitchy Boi
A fluffy fic between Cherri and Craig
Cherri Pines sat in her apartment in her Sophomore year of high school when her cell started ringing 'We are the Crystal Gems' blared from her pocket meaning Craig was calling, "heyo Craiggo what's up?" Jade asked her brother as she made Pop-Corn intending to marathon Steven Universe online.
A bout of the most pathetic whining she'd ever heard that wasn't Tweek greeted Jade stopping her, "Cheeeerriiiii, my bwafces" she couldn't understand Craig at all but with the way he was whining she was worried for him.
"Come on over bro" Cherri told Craig in what Clyde called her 'Tweek whisperer' tone, "I'm about to binge Steven Universe I'll wait till you're here and we can watch together, I can't understand you" she said regretfully.
"Ffffiiiiiiiinnnnneee" Craig whined hanging up and asking his dad who was trying not to laugh at his sons misery to drop him off at Cherri's, Craig had just had his braces tightened and was miserable and in a desperate need for cuddles. With Tweek away in rehab Craig had no choice but to go to his 'older sister' Cherri hoping he'd be draping himself over her lap for snuggles and maybe some back scratches, he may not look like or ever act like it but Craig desperately craved touch often especially if he was physically or emotionally in any form of pain.
Cherri hummed making something safe for a braces sufferer then rearranged her living room forming a massive nest of blankets and spare pillows after pushing her two couches together so they formed a four walled padded 'cuddle crib' as she called it, she only did this for Craig because she knew how needy he got when he was in pain and surrounding him with warmth and softness always helped.
Craig was in too much pain to bother knocking and instead just let himself into her apartment whining senseless mumbled noises as he toed off his Vans and looked for his snuggle provider, "Cheeeeeerriiiiiii" he let out a muffled whine barely opening his mouth because the newly tightened equipment hurt.
"I'm right here you big baby" Cherri cooed poking her head out of the kitchen looking at the poor boy in her doorway, "Craig everything okay?" she asked melting when he trudged up to her and simply buried his face in her sternum just below her breasts whining against the fabric of her shirt. "Ohhhhh I get it" Cherri said when she noticed he wasn't opening his mouth wide or anything, "you got them tightened didn't you?" she asked rubbing his head after taking off his Chullo laying it on the counter top.
Craig simply nodded pouting very minutely when his hat was removed, he followed Cherri to the cuddle crib getting in and dramatically but delicately draped himself over her lap laying his aching face on her stomach his eyes falling on Milkshakes that had straws sticking out god bless this girl. Unwilling to try and speak Craig resorted to childishly pawing at the cup holder until Cherri noticed, he gave the tiniest smile when she rolled her eyes and handed him one with a lid.
"My poor Craiggywaiggy" Cherri teased playfully gently sliding her warm hand (thank god) under his top where short rounded nails delicately skated around his back, she giggled at the glare but smiled lovingly when the Freshman melted under her skillful nails. She hit play as he carefully yet greedily suckled down his milkshake whining from time to time, "I know honey I know" she cooed kneading his back and side softly turning the boy to putty.
Craig drank from his drink greedily letting it sort of numb his mouth even though it also gave him brain-freeze, he flinched minutely out of reflex feeling her other hand in his hair still to unused to having someone touch his head. He listened to the episodes as they played focusing more on the loving devotion of his 'older sister' who was working to pacify him as he moaned and groaned while drinking his shake, he shivered as the cold started kicking in and smiled weakly when she grabbed the loosest blanket and bundled him in it.
Cherri spent the first few episodes listening to Craig whine for her or moan and groan about how much it hurt, she obliged when he asked her to move her hand and scratch certain spots or even surprisingly tried to get a kiss on the nose. The young red-head was constantly cooing reassurances to her little brother, "I know baby I knoooow" Cherri doted on Craig like one would a fussy toddler going as far as to pat his back as she doted on him lovingly.
Craig cooed softly pacified by the patting and the doting tone his older sister was using, not that his mom wasn't amazing but god Craig secretly adored being 'babied' by Cherri. The most she ever did was like pat his back or stomach when she wasn't rubbing his back or stroking his hair for him, he hummed softly when she started the back scratching again and looked up at her cringing the second he did.
Cherri was getting drowsy from the sensation of warmth spreading from her stomach as a combination of warm popcorn and cuddling somebody she loved, she couldn't stop herself from yawning audibly after hearing Craig's soft hum of contentment.
Craig's heterochromiac eyes went wide when he saw her yawn and felt his own yawn bubbling in the back of his throat, no no no.
Craig grabbed his jaw in pain, "FUCK!" he couldn't stop himself from crying out then went wide eyed snapping his mouth shut even though it was too late.
A multitude of snaps went off assaulting Craig's mouth in pain as his freshly tightened rubber bands snapped free of their braces, he cried out with each snap burying his face in Cherri's stomach groaning in agony after it finally stopped.
"Craig?!" Cherri cried out looking down at Craig trying to get him to lift his head only hearing him whining pathetically into her shirt, "Craig baby lemme see" she coaxed him into at the most lifting his head and got him to murmur out what happened.
"The rubber baaaaaaands snaaaaapped" Craig whimpered hiding his face yet again in his big sisters stomach, he hated to admit it but he may've been crying a little.
"Awwwwww Craig baby I'm sorry!" Cherri crowed hugging Craig partially cradling her brother in her embrace rubbing his back and the back of his head lovingly, "I didn't know you were looking at me" she rocked him faintly working to pacify her tall little brother wishing she could just do what she did with Jimmy or even Timmy and just lift him and pace but Craig had always been way taller than her.
Craig groaned tears breaking through his lashes, he buried his face once again refusing to open his mouth.
"Baby mine, don't you cry" Cherri usually saved this particular song for Tweek or Timmy because it did wonders but right now it killed her seeing Craig like this, "Baby mine, dry your eyes" she shifted just a little managing to get her T-rex head grabber from the back of the couch using it to grab the tissue box which handed to Craig. "Rest your head close to my heart" She could feel herself positively melt when Craig gently inched up farther until his tanned ear rested over her heart trying to self-soothe, "Never to part, Baby of mine" Cherri gently pressed her nose to his.
Craig had never been one for lullabies but something about hearing Cherri sing him the sad little lullaby from Dumbo just soothed the pain, he let his eyes shut and just listened.
"Little one, when you play" Cherri gave a soft sigh seeing the lullaby work and paused the current episode so he didn't get overwhelmed, "Don't you mind what they say" she stroked his hair lovingly watching him slowly unwind. "Let those eyes sparkle and shine, Never a tear" Cherri kissed her lips to the tanned Youth's forehead getting a smile out of him, "Baby of mine" she hummed to him for a bit handing him her barely touched but thankfully still cold Milkshake which he sheepishly accepted and sipped at.
Craig sipped the milkshake listening to the soothing song the red-head serenated him with, he felt a little embarrassed over the fact he's flat out been crying but damn that shit hurt.
"From your head to your toes (Baby mine)" Cherri smiled at Craig waiting until he blinked to poke his nose with her fingertip earning a half-hearted disgruntled noise and of course the weakest Craig glare ever, "You're so sweet, goodness knows (Baby mine)" the red-head smiled at her brother delicately grazing her cheek with the back of her knuckles. "You are so precious to me, Cute as can be" Cherri brushed his hair out of his face smiling when he leaned into her touch, "Baby of mine" god these moments with Craig or any of her friends that were younger than her always made Cherri yearn for a baby sibling all her own or even a baby of her own.
Craig blinked away his fatigue for a split second feeling her 'boop' him on the nose and gave her a disgruntled squeak and weak Craig glare before melting the second she brushed her hand through his hair, the young teen yawned again wincing softly before shoving his face into her embrace melting even more if possible when she stroked his cheek a little and he knew he was done for.
"Baby mine" Cherri gently lowered her voice as she sang her eyes drawn to Craig's shoulders, "Baby mine" she shifted minutely until she was comfortably laying down with Craig now latched on two empty milkshake cups sitting back in the cupholders and a large bowl of half eaten popcorn sat within reach. The Red-head got her cell tapping a few numbers in to unlock it then opened the app for her electronics, she dimmed the lights and turned the TV off cranking her heater up just a little before letting herself nod off too.
0 notes
leisurelypanda · 6 years
Here We Go Again ch. 20
“They didn’t.”
Michael sipped his chamomile tea. Damien had come over to keep him company while Craig left to get the girls. He wasn’t dressed in his usual Victorian getup. He was wearing an ordinary polo shirt and khaki pants with his hair tied back in a ponytail. He provided a soothing, stabilizing influence. Or maybe that was the tea. Or both. Michael was still reeling from the sudden… visit from his parents. They still haven’t changed, he thought dejectedly.
“They did,” he said, resting the cup on his stomach. “It was like a car crash. Everything happened in slow motion from the moment I saw them at the door.”
“So uncouth,” Damien muttered. “Showing up unannounced and uninvited, then insulting the host. At least your beau was able to convince them to leave.”
Michael cursed silently as he felt the tears return. Damien gracefully produced a handkerchief and handed it to him. My parents, he thought ruefully. He dabbed at his eyes as he began to sob again. They couldn’t even be bothered to let me know, then they insult my family.
Damien slid over to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. He didn’t say anything, didn’t try to console him or tell him it would be okay. Michael knew that, in some part of his logical, analytical brain. He knew that it would be all right. In time. But right now, this entire day felt like it had been complete shit. And it had started out so well, too.
“Do you mind if I ask you something?” he said when he was able to form words again.
“Not at all, Michael,” his friend replied.
“Are your parents…” he trailed off. The rest didn’t need to be said. Damien paused for a moment before he answered.
“I didn’t come out until after I had gotten pregnant with Lucien,” he said thoughtfully. “My boyfriend at the time, well, he didn’t think much of transgender people and he left. My parents, well, I never was able to tell them why he’d left. They always assumed he was a deadbeat who couldn’t commit to raising a child.”
“I’m sorry,” Michael said.
“Thank you,” Damien replied. “But to answer your question, no I never told them, but I think they knew. After the pregnancy was over and I began to fashion myself as I wanted to present myself to the world, they took it in stride. They never asked. Though I did go to their gravestones after each died and tell them that I had changed my name and who I was.”
“I’m sorry they never got the chance to know you as you are now,” Michael replied, wiping another stray tear from his eyes. He huffed. “I swear, I’m ready to have my boys if only so I’ll stop crying at everything.”
Damien laughed good naturedly. They went back to sipping their tea in companionable silence.
“Say,” Damien said. “Have you ever watched a show called Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood?”
Michael looked at him and shook his head. His friend smiled and dashed out of the house and returned a few minutes later with a laptop and a long cable, which he plugged into the tv.
“I’m certain you’ll love this show,” Damien assured him as he set up his equipment. “It’s about two orphans who try to bring their mother back with a magical formula system and then get sucked into the conflict of a dystopian military state.”
“This sounds like a pleasant show,” Michael said.
By the time Craig returned home with the girls, Michael was crying his eyes out watching the end of the fifth episode of the show. Craig looked at him, at his neighbor, then at the screen displaying some kind of anime and walked away to the kitchen.
“Thanks for agreeing to stick around, Damien,” he said. “I owe you one, dude.”
“It was no trouble at all, Craig,” Damien replied, gathering his things. “Let me know if I can be of any more assistance.”
“Thank you for keeping me company, Damien,” Michael added. “We should do this again sometime.”
“Certainly, my friend,” he replied, smiling. “Just let me know when you’re free.”
Craig walked him to the door and the twins sat on either side of Michael. Hazel put her hand to Michael’s stomach and waited to see if the boys inside him would start moving around. Michael took her hand gently and guided it to where they were usually most active. This was a good day. They had been quiet for the most part. Michael was grateful for that at least.
“Did the doctor say anything about when the babies will be here?” Briar asked.
“No,” he replied. “But we figure that they’ll be due around early June sometime.”
“Have you figured out names for them?”
“Almost. You father insists that they have to be nature names, like the rest of his kids,” he said. “Do you have any thoughts, since we’re on the subject?”
“You should name one of them Spartacus,” Hazel said, excitedly, her eyes aglow with mischief. “You know, like that guy in Rome who fought lions and tigers and stuff with his bare hands! That’d be a great name!”
Michael rolled his eyes. “Sure kid,” he said, ruffling her hair. “Right after we name the other one Hannibal after the guy who tried to take over Rome with an army of elephants”
“Yeah, that sounds awesome!” she exclaimed, jumping up on the couch.
“Hazel, get down off the couch,” Craig said, coming back into the room on his way to the kitchen. “Go and get your homework done.”
Hazel climbed down slowly.
“Is dad angry?” Briar asked.
I swear these kids are psychic or something, he thought. Just not with each other for some reason. “Yes,” he replied. “But not at you.”
“What’s he angry about?” she pressed. “Did something happen?”
“Yes, something happened,” he said. “But don’t worry about it. It’s nothing for you to concern yourself with.”
Briar didn’t seem convinced but before she could ask more questions the phone rang. Michael groaned, sat up, and managed to get up and waddle over to the phone receiver. He picked up the phone and his blood went cold as he heard the person on the other end of the phone.
“Is this the Cahn residence?” his father asked.
“How did you get this number?” he demanded. “I know for a fact that you didn’t get it from anyone here.”
“We looked up a phone book, Michelle,” he replied. “You know, those things that people used to own once upon a time before the Internet. Anyway, I wanted to let you know that we’ll be leaving in a couple days. When are your babies due? We expect to be there for you. We have a right to be there.”
“I’m not telling you,” he said, his voice shaking. He felt ashamed. Here he was defending himself from his transphobic parents and he couldn’t even keep his voice even. He felt his lip starting to tremble. Shit not again, he thought.
Craig, like an angel, appeared. “Is it them, bro?” he asked. Michael nodded and Craig scowled. Michael was a bit taken aback by it. He couldn’t remember the last time he had seen Craig look so… frightening. Like he was pumping himself up for a fight. It was a bit wonderful, actually. The thought of Craig being protective over him, even against his parents was oddly satisfying, though a bit embarrassing, as well.
Craig held his hand out, silently asking for the phone. Michael hesitated, but decided to give it to him since he was on the verge of tears. Again. Why can’t my parents just leave me alone? he thought bitterly.
“Listen,” he said. “You showed up here without warning and demanded that my partner let you into our home. You took advantage of the fact that he couldn’t keep you from coming in and insulted him. If you ever show your face around my family again, I’ll file for a restraining order. Have a nice life.” He hung up, slamming the phone down on the receiver. Hazel and Briar jumped from where they were doing homework nearby.
Michael looked down at the phone in amazement and then looked up at his boyfriend. Craig still looked angry, but also somewhat satisfied and tired. Like he was coming down from an adrenaline high.
“Can we talk about this?” he asked. Craig nodded and walked toward the study. Michael followed him, wondering briefly if they should tell the twins not to follow them. They might just follow anyway if they out of curiosity, he mused. He shrugged and left them alone. If they wanted to know about his family drama, he’d tell them. After he told Amanda. I wonder how she’d feel about this, he thought.
Once they were safely ensconced in the study he looked at Craig, who stood with his arms folded across his chest. He was still angry, Michael realized.
“Did you mean that?” he asked. “What you said to them?”
“Absolutely,” he replied. “I don’t care that they’re your parents, they crossed a line.”
“They did,” he admitted slowly. “It was definitely terrifying to realize that they were here today, that they know where we live.”
“But you sound reluctant,” Craig said.
“Yeah,” he admitted. “I’m not really sure how to feel about it.”
“Glad right, bro?” Craig asked. “I mean, your parents have never tried to understand you. I remember, dude. They didn’t think you should be roommates with me because they said you were a woman.”
“Yeah, I remember,” he said. “But it’s still… surreal. Threatening them with a restraining order is sort of a big deal, dude.”
Craig unfolded arms and took Michael’s hands in his. “Hey, if you don’t want to file the restraining order, I’ll support you,” he said. “I won’t agree with it, but I want you to be happy here.”
“It’s just… it’s complicated,” he replied. “I want them out of my life, I want them to go away…”
“But they’re my parents,” he continued. “I still, kinda, love them. They’re infuriating but still.”
“So do you want to file the restraining order if they come back or would you want to hold off on it?” Craig asked.
“I don’t know,” he replied. “That’s the problem.”
Craig looked into his eyes and Michael felt his eyes well with tears again. “Goddammit,” he muttered.
His bro laughed. Michael retaliated by shoving him.
“You ass, stop laughing at me!” he said, tears rolling down his cheeks. He wiped them away with his palms.
“You know bro, you should be drinking water,” his boyfriend said, his smile teasing and his eyes light. “You’re gonna dry up into a shriveled old raisin if you don’t watch yourself.”
Michael replied by shoving him again, but he laughed. “Bro… thanks.”
Craig smiled. “I got you, bro.”
When they left the room they were startled by two pre-pubescent girls falling through the doorway and onto the floor. Immediately the scrambled to their feet and ran out the door before they could be scolded for eavesdropping. Craig stared after them in shock.
“I guess we should have told them not to listen in on us,” he said, rubbing his neck.
“Bro, they’re kids,” Michael said, taking his hand. “Even if we told them not to they would have done it.”
“So do we punish them?”
“Yeah, but nothing too drastic. It’s been a long day. Like no dessert.”
Craig frowned. “But we don’t give them dessert.”
“We don’t?”
Craig narrowed his eyes at him. “I hope we don’t.”
“And you should always have hope, bro,” he said, grinning. “But sometimes you’ll be disappointed.”
“Maybe you’re the one who needs to be punished, then,” he said, his voice low.
Michael blushed fiercely. His face was probably the shade of a ripe tomato. Suddenly Craig let go of his hand and shot up to his sides. He dissolved into fits of laughter as Craig began to tickle him.
“NOOOOOO!!!” he shrieked. “N-no s-stop! You’re g-gonna make m-me pee!”
Michael backed up against the wall and slid down, trying desperately to get away from his torturous lover. Craig, however, was merciless. He knew every spot on his body where he was ticklish (and there were many).
“Say uncle,” Craig demanded.
“Never!” he cried through the laughter. “Death b-before d-dishonor!”
Then, as quickly as the tickle match had started, it ended, with Michael feeling something leak between his legs. He sat up quickly and shoved Craig away as he looked down at his pants. Around the swollen mound of his pregnant abdomen, he could see the fabric darken. He managed to stop himself.
“Bro, I’m- shit, sorry dude,” Craig said.
“Dude, it’s fine,” he said, a bit exasperated. “But could you get me up off the floor so I can go change?”
Craig hurriedly helped him up to his feet. They avoided the dining room where the twins were supposed to be as they walked towards the stairs. River was playing with some toys in the living room and blessedly ignored them as she was engrossed in whatever game she was playing.
“Sorry dude,” Craig said again when they got to the stairs.
“Don’t worry about it, it happens,” he replied. “When I was pregnant with Amanda, there were a few times when I did this because I couldn’t make it to the bathroom in time. I learned to bring spare clothes everywhere I went. I was actually hoping that I’d have a little more time before this started up.”
“Can I help at all?”
“You mind cleaning up the spot?” he asked. “I’m gonna shower before I do anything else.”
Craig smiled apologetically. “Sure, no problem.”
“Stop beating yourself up, bro,” he said, as he started up the stairs. “I’m not mad, I promise.”
Craig still looked apologetic but he nodded. Michael turned and dragged himself up the stairs. As soon as the water hit his back he sighed. Just what the doctor ordered, he thought. With any luck, this would last a while.
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askthesquips · 7 years
DON’T DO VOLTAGE KIDS (Part 1 & 2/3)
When we were still trying to finalize the voltage thing, I had written a drabble trying to explore the possibilities of it. The idea has grown way beyond this now though, but we thought it’d be nice to show you guys how it was like when it started.
-Mod Gen
“Are you sure about this?” Jeremy asked, nervously fiddling with the tab of the Mountain Dew Voltage can in his grasp. “Can’t you tell what this will do?”
“No, I cannot. My Database Is Vast But Outdated. Your SQUIP Had Prevented Me From Updating And Even Now In His Forced Shutdown State, I Struggle To Break Through His Security Measures.” P explained in his usual forceful manner, before his face suddenly fell into a grimace and he uncomfortably switched the leg he was balancing on the table. “There Is Also The Fact That In My Malfunctioning And Unstable State, A Lot Of My Information Became... Unreliable."
“I get that but… After what happened with the Code Red, I kind of want to know how what I’m doing will affect you.” Jeremy said, rubbing the back of his head bashfully with one hand and swishing around the contents of the can with the other.
“Well, You Know What They Say, Jeremy, Nothing Ventured Nothing Gain.” The hyperactive SQUIP declared, putting his hands on his hips triumphantly and bouncing slightly on his feet. “We Need To Find A Way To Deal With Your SQUIP Sooner Or Later. Before Any Malicious Attempts At Control Can Happen.”
Jeremy nodded, recalling the horror story of possibilities he was told, and put the can to his lips, but before he could take a sip, he hesitated.
“What will happen to you if I drink this?”
P just smiled, there was a melancholy about his expression, but his face still oozed warmth.
“Do Not Worry About Me, People Are Better Off Without SQUIPs Making Decisions For Them.”
Those words struck a chord in Jeremy that he wasn’t expecting. Despite the mess that he had put him through with M, he still liked P. He slowly learned that he only wanted the best for him. Genuinely wanted it, and that was solidified now that he saw he was willing to die for it, again. Filled with determination, he finally drank from the can. He took one, large sip, and after swallowing, he immediately cringed and dropped it.
It hurt so badly. It felt like electricity coursing through his body straight to his brain. It was one long, excruciating moment of agony that occasionally spiked. His legs buckled and he fell forward, grabbing the table for support. He would be screaming if his body didn’t feel paralyzed, but someone else had him covered in that department. He could hear P screaming, voice glitching horribly, and while he couldn’t see him, he could just tell that the SQUIP had curled in on himself.
It was impossible to tell how long that had lasted, time was meaningless under all those layers off pain. The only thing Jeremy was aware of when it slowly faded out was his haggard breathing and the fact that he was on his knees leaning against his kitchen table. When he was capable of intelligent thought again, panic immediately rushed through him as he remembered P’s cries. Snapping his head to the side with adrenaline fuelled speed, he saw said SQUIP, bent over, hands on his knees, and panting heavily with robotic sounding breaths. It was strange to hear P sound like that, M usually did so when he was furious, but P had rarely ever done so before. What was even more strange was when he finally looked up, face painted with blue, glowing lines in a circuitboard fashion, something else similar to the deactivated SQUIP, but this somehow felt… worse.
“Uh, are you okay?” Jeremy asked tentatively, not completely sure what had happened to the other.
When he spoke to P, his face snapped into an expression that could only be described as a ‘manic smile.’ Stretching his arms out, a coat glitched into existence over them and his vest disappeared. His khaki’s turned into some fancy black pants and with those sunglasses, he looked like he had jumped straight out of the matrix.
“I Am Wonderful, Jeremy! Better Than I Have Ever Been!” P responded, talking faster and louder than ever, with an unnatural tinge to his voice. “In Fact, I Think We Have Found Our Solution! Voltage Seems To Have Greatly Improved Everything About Me, So Much So That I Now Far Surpass The Other SQUIP Inhabiting Your Head! If I Were Given Time I Could Overcome Him And Completely Erase Him From Your Consciousness!”
Jeremy sighed, leaning back in exhaustion. It seemed everything was fine after all. Whatever had just happened may have given him an extreme sugar rush, but they could use that to their advantage. It even looked like he wouldn’t have to completely delete P either. Those feelings of relief didn’t last long, though, as the super powered SQUIP ran forward and jumped on the table he was leaning against, now looming almost dangerously over him.
“And Of Course, I Can Take His Place!”
“No no no no no…” Jeremy mumbled over and over.
He felt like he was going to cry. This wasn’t supposed to happen, P wasn’t supposed to turn into a much more powerful and much more dangerous version of M. He was going to help, he was going to make sure Jeremy was okay and free from that other SQUIP. He genuinely cared, he proved that on so many occasions and now he was fucked up. Jeremy had fucked him up because he decided to drink the stupid voltage flavour. He wanted to scream, break something, vent out all of this negative energy violently, but he couldn’t. His body felt exhausted and his mind numb as a dull pain throbbed in his head.
“You Okay Over There, Jeremy?” Looked like whatever that freak abomination of P was noticed this. “We Should Get You To Bed! A Whole New World Of Possibilities Has Opened Up And Humans Need Sleep To Properly Process Information!”
P leaned down and put his hands on his shoulders. They felt more solid than usual, as if his brain was processing the touch as more real. Feeling his body get up on its own, he realized that the SQUIP had taken control off him. He acted as if he were steering someone emotionally fragile, humming a soothing tune to himself as he did so. Jeremy wanted to hate him, wanted to hate this so badly, it wasn’t right, it wasn’t something that P would do. But he was so tired and his eyelids were drooping shut. He barely felt the impact of falling into bed before darkness overtook him, interrupted only by flashes of blue and sparks of pain.
When he woke up again, his body felt feverish and sore. There was a pounding in his head that was almost unbearable and he buried it into the pillow as if that would help anything. Last night had felt like a dream and he could barely recall what had happened.
“Good Morning, Jeremy!” He heard a familiar, but distorted voice call out. He looked up ever so slightly from his pillow and saw the face of P, covered in circuit board blue lines, and wide smile on his face. All at once memories came flooding back and he groaned at how it made his head hurt.
“It Seems The Stress Of My Upgrade Has Negatively Affected Your Health.” P said, taking control of Jeremy’s arm and making him grab the bottle of headache pills on his nightstand, and a glass of water that was there for some reason, before forcing his own body to take the medicine. “Your Progenitor Was In Here Earlier And Already Diagnosed You With A Fever. He Left Those For When You Woke Up.”
Jeremy only groaned again. Lacking the strength to answer, he was given back control of his body and fell backwards on his bed, melting in the softness of his mattress. He just wanted to sleep, and it seemed he was about to get that wish before a certain somebody slammed his door open, Bob Marley play from the headphones around his neck and wearing a familiar red hoodie.
“Yo, Jeremy! Your dad said you were sick so I came to the rescue with patented Michael Mell Cures™!” Michael exclaimed, face lighting up as he deposited handfuls of things all over the floor. “Okay so we got Apocalypse of the Damned, extra greasy popcorn, Mountain Dew, wait you can’t drink that stuff right? Because of the SQUIP things? That’s fine I brought other soda, like…”
Jeremy couldn’t help but smile, even though Michael had interrupted his much needed rest, he only wanted to help. Though pretty much everything he listed sounded pretty unfavourable to his current, sick state. He was about to suggest that they set up the game and play a few levels, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. All of a sudden he lost control of his body and sat up, left just staring as Michael was still sorting through everything he brought. He couldn’t turn his head to look at P, but he felt the SQUIP’s analytical gaze drilling into his friend.
“Uh, I-I’m sorry, Michael, I’m not feeling up to it today, can we do this some other time?” His mouth said without his permission.
Michael looked over him, a little surprised at what he said before his face fell. That didn’t last long and Michael perked right back up to his usual self, expression of understanding, but the little moment it wasn’t left Jeremy reeling with intense self-hatred. He didn’t want to say that! What was the P doing, he promised he would get to keep his relationship with Michael intact, that he wouldn’t have to drive him away!
“Nah, it’s cool bro, I get it. You must be feeling really sick.” Michael responded, walking over to the side of his bed and leaning over, placing a fist in front of him. “Next time?”
Jeremy’s fist connected with it without his control, he wanted to throw up. “Next time.”
He had to wait and watch his friend leave. Picking up the crazy amount of things he had brought just for him, just to make him feel better. He desperately wanted to spend time with Michael, wanted someone to cheer him up and keep him distracted, but he was powerless to do anything as P kept his control over him firm. When Michael finally gathered up everything, he gave Jeremy one last look over his shoulder, a wide grin, Jeremy returned it with a sincere smile that was not his own, and then Michael was gone.
Feeling his body return to him, he immediately turned to yell at P out loud, not caring if anyone heard him.
“What was that?! Why did you tell him to leave, why did you make me tell him to leave?!” His volume wasn’t as loud as he wanted it to be, he was still so sick and barely had any energy. “You promised you wouldn’t make me lose everyone close to me, you promised…”
P looked down at him sympathetically, putting his hand on his shoulder, Jeremy shut his eyes, fearing the inevitable loss of control, he only opened them when that never came, and his SQUIP was actually gingerly massaging the shoulder. It was… Nice, but he still had his guard up, not sure what to expect.
“Jeremy, You Are Very Sick Right Now, You Would Have Only Made It Worse By Straining Yourself To Hang Out With Your Friend.” P took his hand off his shoulder and leaned back to sit on the nightstand, the water and pills not yet having been returned, and put his legs up. The familiarity of the action was comforting. “I Promise I Am Not Trying To Push Your Friends Away, I Genuinely Care For You, Remember?”
Right… He genuinely wanted him to be happy and safe, that’s why he was trying to get rid of M. Telling Michael he wasn’t well enough to hang out today was in his best interests too, right? It was only this one time. He could still trust P, he had to be able to.
“Okay, yeah, I get it.”
P smiled, it wasn’t as big or as unnatural as the others, but seeing it on that face still caused unease to form in the pit of Jeremy’s stomach. But that was probably just from the sickness. Closing his eyes again, he let himself slowly fall asleep, the flashes of blue and pain returning yet again.
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artlessictoan · 7 years
I dunno if this is too mich but: 3, 26, 43, 46 and/or 49 +Sand sibs 2.0
holy fuc k okok dw i got this yallbetter go get yourselves a cuppa this is gonna take a while
Brothers, sisters? Who do they like? Why? What do theydespise about their siblings?
well obvs all these kids love the hell outta each other! Theyhave a very close bond, almost on thesame level as the Sand Sibs Classic Flavour, there’s a lot of unspokencommunication between them and understanding that even their bestfriends/partners/dad don’t have with them, bc of their shared history
none of them really have a ‘favourite’ sib, they all likeeach other equally, but in very different ways; while Araya and Yodo are thetwo who hang out more often and do more stereotypically sibling stuff, that’smostly bc Shinki just isn’t interested in those sorts of things, he’s happy tojust sit and watch as he’s working on a puppet or something, generally though,Araya is the best at comforting, Shinki gives great advice and Yodo is always ready to give bullies a goodass-kicking
as for what annoys them.. well Yodo does love her pranks andcan be quite exhausting bc she’s so much more hyper than her bros, Araya is abit of a forgetful ditz, so he’ll often need to be reminded about a promiseseveral times and Shinki still has some trust issues – even with his sibs whohe trusts more than anyone else – he’ll often try to solve his problems withoutgetting them involved which can cause arguments between them. fights betweenthe three don’t usually last long though, as soon as someone apologises they’llforgive each other pretty much immediately
What does your character’s home look like? Personaltaste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
the sand fam home is mostly quite simply decorated, the sameway it was when it was first built, but the few rooms that are actuallyused tend to be a terrible clash of Every Style Under The Sun, with each personhaving a small area of the main rooms that’s basically all their shit clusteredtogether, from Gaa and Shinki’s minimalist practicality, to Araya’s cutesy nicknack’s, Kank’s Paint It Black and random puppet limbs everywhere and Yodo’s chaotic mess of video games, electronics and band posters (after so long nobody even notices how weird it looks anymore, visitorsare always very alarmed/amused though)
Shinki: don’t let his ninja outfit fool you, this boyis a Fashionista to the core, while he favours neutral colours he LOVES avantgarde shit, especially the look of mixed textures and bold, postmodern silhouettes,neo-punk is so much his thing it’sridiculous….. unfortunately he also has hypersensitive senses due to his autism,which makes certain textures and types of clothing physically uncomfortable forhim to actually wear, he’s a bit annoyed by that, but he’s into dressmaking andembroidery, so he just makes things for his sibs and lives vicariously throughthem
Araya: PASTEL PRINCE! loves anything cute, bright and feminine,he wears lots of ruffles and glittery makeup, loves over-sized jumpers and sweetpatterns (especially animals and plants!), sometimes he’ll ask his bro to do areally detailed piece of embroidery on a plain jacket, which he always wearswith so much pride! experiments with hair and makeup a lot, with help from hisuncle Kank, his ninja gear is totally different to his preferred style – so muchso that people often don’t recognise him when they first see him out of it –but that’s just bc he doesn’t wanna ruin his nice stuff during battle
Yodo: punk rock to her soul, she loves grungy,distressed, androgynous clothing and goes to great efforts to look like she’s not put in any effort at all. shelikes a lot of variety in colours, while most of her outfits are built aroundblack staples, she’ll throw all sorts of different colours on top (her favesare dark/rich shades of purple and blue though) and she loves bold,intimidating makeup, she mimics Gaara’s eye-rings bc she’s such a fuckingdad’s girl and rocks the heck outta dark lipstick
Does your character have any secrets? If so, are theyholding them back?
Shinki: he does have secrets about his past beforeending up at the orphanage, secrets that not even his siblings or dad knowabout, though they all have their suspicions, but he would rather not talkabout that time in his life and they all respect him enough not to go digging. ingeneral he’s a very open and blunt person – perhaps a little too much, but since he doesn’t talk oftenit’s not a huge issue
Araya: cannot keep a secret to save his life, if askeda question, he will almost immediately cave and tell the truth (unless it’s somethingsuper important, like.. national security level important), he’s not allowed inon pranks and surprise party organisation anymore, he’s honest person bynature, he just really doesn’t like feeling that he’s deceiving someone, or withholdingsomething from them
Yodo: has a metric shitton of secrets, of varyingimport, from exactly how all thosebiscuits went missing, to some of the more illegal things she had to resort towhen living on the streets, mostly kept bc she finds it difficult to trustothers, or bc she’s a forward-thinking person who doesn’t want to be dragged downby the past, so, outside of her family and closest friends, she doesn’t sharemany secrets. unlike her bros, she is a practiced and enthusiastic liar; thougha little clumsy at it as a child, she quickly learns how to hide them once shestarts living with Gaara and Kank (much to their dismay) though she mostly justuses the skill to get out of trouble
Is your character tall? Short? What about size? Weight?Posture? How do they feel about their physical body?
Shinki: average height and weight, he wouldn’t standout much in a crowd. he holds himself quite straight and formally though, in asimilar way to Gaara actually! he doesn’t have many thoughts about his body,either positive or negative, so long as it can get what he needs done done hereally doesn’t give a fuck
Araya: TALL! TOO TALL! he was always a little on the lankyside as a kid, quite skinny and with those awkward spider limbs, but he didn’tget really tall until his late teens(the day that Kank realised Araya was taller than him now, he locked himself inhis room for a whole week), he used to be very self-conscious about himself,but as he grows into his body and stops feeling so gangly he starts to quitelike it! he tends to slouch a lot though and habitually bends over slightlywhen he’s indoors (after one knocked head too many)
Yodo: an utter fuckin short arse. she was short and skinny as a kid, she was short andskinny as a teen and she’s short and skinny as an adult (though she’s stillsuper buff and toned, just built more like a sprinter than a weight-lifter), afact which she loathes, her only comfort is that she’s still taller than herdad by like.. half an inch (a fact that she lauds over him at everyopportunity). even though she wishes she weren’t so short, she still loves thefuck outta her body and will show off her muscles constantly when around hergf, she also tends to stand and walk in a way that makes herself look biggerthan she is, all wide stances and swinging arms
What about voice? Pitch? Strength? Tempo and rhythm ofspeech? Pronunciation? Accent?
Shinki: low and surprisingly soft, he doesn’t talkmuch, but has the kind of voice that draws attention when he does! his speech tendsto be quite halting and slow though, since he likes to think very carefullybefore saying anything, doesn’t outwardly emote much, has a typical Suna accent,as do all the kids (which i generally imagine as like.. Iranian-ish, orsomething??)
Araya: he has a very sweet and gentle voice, not very high,but not low either, just a relaxed mid-level tone, it’s the kind of voice youcould easily fall asleep to bc it’s just so calm and soothing! whether it’sfast or slow depends mostly on Araya’s mood, he’s very expressive, so when he’shappy/excited he talks quicker and when he’s sad it slows down, even though hepretty much never shouts, you can tell when he’s really mad when he starts giving very short, abrupt sentences
Yodo: in the words of Shikadai, ‘Yodo sounds like whatyou’d get if you gave a hamster speed, put it in a blender and then put theblender in a washing machine’ (Yodo cackled about that analogy for three hours),her voice is high, squeaky and generally pretty grating, though how much of thatis natural and how much is put on to annoy everyone around her is debatable,she does speak in a much lower, calmer way when she’s relaxed and around herfamily though. talks super fast and loud, sometimes with a song-like rhythm andif she’s feeling something, you’re gonna know about it
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geek-gem · 7 years
OK KO Let's Be Heroes
So it’s the new show that I found out it first started as shorts but the official show aired on August 1st of this year 2017 so it’s very recent. Just very fresh and new.
It’s a show I’ve mentioned and the last post mentioned about a show. Also Loud House is on.
I found out well…I first started to watch the show thinking now got it August 15th during the last Summer week on a Tuesday at Pizza Hut. The first episode I saw was, “My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad” if I got the title right just I wanna keep talking along with, “You Get Me” if that was the new episode of that day or I don’t know if that was no it seemed so.
Really to be honest I like it.
Including I will say I like Steven Universe, The Loud House, Wander Over Yonder, We Bare Bears, and others.
I don’t know why I’m gonna say and I feel like just certain fandoms mainly with Steven Universe with all that drama and some shit. Including Wander Over Yonder was a show I deeply loved or just it’s a show I was mainly positive about it.
How I feel about OK KO is that I guess I feel the same way a bit. It’s a show that’s honestly made me happy.
It’s a silly show and the art style is supposed to be weird or just…it’s crazy. Including even told a friend who did not reply also he hasn’t watched the show yet I said I’m surprised no one complained about the art style. Yet a lovely blog I follow…it’s a blog about people getting really angry at cartoons and I basically kind of said the username.
Yet that’s not the point.
Almost put yet again but the show is entertaining. It’s silly and honestly heart warming.
Including even thought I wonder just when it’s gonna get a bit more serious. I’m kind of thinking and finally saw, “Face Your Fear” today hinting and setting up some stuff.
Spoilers honestly I’m surprised and just confused by this so called flash back with a sandwich and just at times saying it’s the same thing or some shit. While the episode I saw today gives some more context to it I suppose.
But sorry the next new episode next week from what I remember seems like it will be going to start that.
Yet back to my view points. I seriously like the show. It’s very light hearted at times despite certain stuff. Including it’s kind of crazy but just…really it makes me laugh.
Reminds me a bit of Wander Over Yonder of how much that made me laugh if I remember.
Including about the characters I basically like them all. Despite honestly the villains are supposed to be villains or some shit.
Such as KO who just even said it in my head a cinnamon roll his personality and just the way he acts. He’s adorable and just so helpful. It’s that very positivity I like quite a bit.
Really a lot of the characters are likable and funny in their own ways. Such as Rad, Enid, Mr. Gar, Carol, and sorry or meh I was switching the channel and some ticks of keep changing. I’m gonna wait a bit to see the title just OK KO is on that’s what I switched it to.
That’s the title, “Just Be A Pebble” another nice or great episode.
Also their isn’t really one episode that bothers me. But also it’s still fresh but it’s a good thing and hope for the best.
Now back to characters even the so called villain characters are entertaining too.
A random thing what I find quite nice when I heard his voice from the 2nd episode Lord Boxman is voiced by Jim Cummings and that’s so cool. Including I was remembering Cat from Catdog and some other characters he voiced.
Including I know the voice yet I don’t know the actors name who voices the character Wally The White. His voice I an familiar with. He’s from The Princess Bride if that’s correct.
Also what shocked me even more was when I was on Wikipedia one of the characters Professor Venomous is voiced by Steven Ogg God damn Steven Ogg sorry I’m not being overly excited lol just normal to smile even right now.
He’s just an actor I like and surprised he’s in the show. Including the promo for the new episode I think that’s his voice. But the episode his character was in I can tell that was him.
Also when I first saw the show I thought the voice of Ruby was KO but I was wrong.
Including the creator of the show Ian who’s Rebecca Sugar’s I think Husband and as a joke called this show or something.
Rebecca Sugar’s husband or boyfriend’s cartoon or some shit like that to a friend of mine who hasn’t watched the show.
The guy voices Rad and he’s funny as well.
Also Ashley Burch voices Enid and looked her up I think two days ago or forgot she’s voiced quite some characters in some media I’ve seen and played.
Sorry I wanted to randomly talk about The voice actors because some I was surprised and liked quite a bit.
Really I don’t know why I was nervous to talk about the show or just…I’m still new. Even if like the first time I watched Loud House I was like oh my God I love this show a shit ton. Because it was rare I liked a Nicktoon very much in very long time.
Yeah also the new episode promo is on for the show. Next Monday it said normal to smile sorry.
Yet yeah I really enjoyed Loud House yet as time went on. The show is still good and I like it. Also still waiting for some new episodes but hey I won’t have to stress about new episodes.
It’s just my opinion on how certain episodes are handled some of them I actually change the channel or not turn to the show when it was really in my head a bit when theirs an episode I don’t like going to come on.
I should just say this random thing. Including I think other people feel the same way.
I’ve been wanting to say I really, just really like Enid just a lot. I just really do.
Random shit just I kept saying it to myself can I just head canon her as 18 and Pansexual since she’s been working at the Plaza for quite a long time like Rad as seen in, “The Legend Of Mr. Gar” if I got that title right. Now, “Presenting Joe Cuppa” is on and finished that as his name was said by Mr. Gar it’s another nice episode.
Since I’ve mentioned that I hope it can get off my mind. But just…this seems to be a thing with certain female characters and I think people might understand what I mean. Yet I’m just nervous just…it’s how I feel towards certain characters at times.
Also I wanna say the relationships between characters are just very nice which leads into the whole heartwarming thing. Including certain lessons. It just very good feeling. Kind of simple at times but makes you think.
Along with the other characters that aren’t as important are great too. Quite some funny ones as well. Including almost put also first for this paragraph but never mind.
I’m trying to think oh yeah the music is good. Almost left food instead of good. But even the ending music is very nice and soothing.
It’s a very nice show and I like it. Just yeah a good episode is on and one of my favorite moments just passed and just…spoilers Joe Cuppa in underwear in front of a fireplace.
Jesus I was scared and hear my bro making weird who who sounds or just…his door closed heard it my doors closed. Worried he was gonna come in here and I can’t turn off the screen to my phone right now but can get out of this.
Other then that just I like the show very much. Since talking more about the show in depth. I feel like I reblog some more stuff I suppose. Stuff I mainly like. I just wanted to say this and tell you my thoughts on the show….ticks I put periods there more on final part
Got tags down yet put the 2nd one deleted it and put it 2nd. Now back here almost did just…..
Yeah I like the show quite a bit. I’m hoping in the future that love will be increased or just I like it quite a lot. Usually I leave it on TV at times. But now I’m switching the channel to the show. Also the episode is on just okay gonna switch channel I wanted to share with you all as of now. Okay I’m stalling but wanted to share 6:57 pm
edit gonna stop saying that head canon like when I posted this but I wanted to share this just post. Yet if you read thanks I suppose wanted to talk about the show edit oh yeah 7:00 pm put mtv on I love the show
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