#also this fic is now four chapters
uhbasicallyjustmilex · 6 months
four walls playlist
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jinxedruby · 3 months
Ambush at the Bridge: Chapter Five
And finally, the conclusion. Man, this is long.
First part | <- Previous part
“This really isn’t necessary, Rancher.”
“You can say that as many times as you want, I’m still not going to let you walk on your own.”
Hyrule heaved a sigh from beside Twilight as they walked but made no further attempt to push away from the rancher. One of his arms wrapped around Twilight’s shoulder while Twilight supported him with an arm around Hyrule’s back. In spite of his insistence that he was fine, Hyrule had stumbled one too many times. Twilight decided to support him the rest of the way despite the traveler’s protests. Hyrule’s hair brushed Twilight’s jaw and he couldn’t help but glance at Hyrule’s head again to make sure the wound wasn’t bleeding. Dried blood matted strands of Hyrule’s brown hair together, darkening the color even further. Hyrule seemed stable, at least. He’d still break into a coughing fit every once in a while and the head wound threw off his sense of balance, but he was coherent and responsive. Twilight glanced away from Hyrule to Wind who walked a few paces ahead of them, constantly throwing concerned glances back at Hyrule.
“How much further, Sailor?” Twilight asked.
“We’re close,” Wind replied. “I recognize this area. There’s another bend or two then we should be there.”
Twilight nodded, readjusting his grip on Hyrule. The three heroes continued making their way upriver, the dull roar of the water accompanying their footsteps. Hyrule started coughing again and Twilight slowed, but the traveler just waved a hand, smiling at him between hacks.
“It’s… it’s just a tickle-“ A cough interrupted him, “-in my throat. I’m fine.”
A frown tugged at Twilight’s lips but Hyrule pulled him forward, continuing to walk. They moved on in quiet, Twilight watching Hyrule carefully for any sign of struggling. Twilight’s ears twitched, picking up a faint noise in the distance. He focused past the sound of the river, honing in on the interruptions in its repetition. He recognized the punctuated vibrations and syllables of voices after a moment.
“I hear the others,” he said. Wind looked back at him, eyebrows raised.
“You do?” he asked, tilting his head to the side and listening. “I don’t hear anything.”
Twilight continued focusing on the sound, inner ears prickling. A low, rumbling pitch, answered by a thinner one. He couldn’t pick up any words but he could hear the sharp s’s and t’s that carried across the air. “It’s definitely them. We’re nearly there.”
Wind turned away, grumbling quietly. “No fair you get super hearing.”
Twilight and Hyrule both chuckled at that, the traveler breaking into a few short coughs. It didn’t take long before Wind heard the others as well. His face split into a grin and he bounced with each step. He sped up, remembered Twilight and Hyrule couldn’t speed up with him, slowed down, and sped up again on a loop. They followed a bend in the river and the trees gave way to the old bridge. Wind laughed, running ahead and waving his arms.
“Guys!” he called to the three blond heads visible across the river. They all lifted at his voice, revealed to be Time, Warriors, and Four. The latter two knelt by the river, water dripping from Four’s face while the captain paused in scrubbing his hands as they looked up. Time sat nearby facing away from them, head turned to look at Twilight and the others.
“Sailor!” Warriors stood along with Four, shaking water from his hands. A blood-speckled bandage wrapped around his head while Four’s nose appeared a few shades too purple. “Is Traveler…?”
“He’s right here,” Twilight called as he and Hyrule came to stand by Wind at the bridge.
Warriors stiffened. Even from across the river, Twilight could see how his shoulders raised, hand darting to the sword on his back. Twilight whipped his head around, expecting to see a monster of some kind sneaking up behind him and Hyrule. Nothing was there. He blinked, turning back to call out and ask what was wrong. He froze. Warriors, Four, and Time all stared directly at him, watching him with looks he’d seen them direct at monsters. The hair on the back of Twilight’s neck rose as he looked between the three heroes.
“What… what’s wrong?” he asked.
A long moment passed before Warriors spoke, eyes darting between Twilight and Hyrule. “Rancher?” he called carefully.
“Yeah?” Twilight responded, uncertain.
Warriors hand closed around the hilt of his sword and Twilight tensed, eyes wide. He felt Hyrule stiffen beside him, the traveler reaching for his own weapon only to remember it wasn’t there. Wind’s head whipped back and forth as he looked between the two groups, face scrunched in confusion.
Four stepped past Warriors, hand hovering near his sword. “Last week,” he began, and Twilight’s trepidation turned to confusion, “the cook made a dessert with apples but you didn’t get to eat yours. Why?”
Twilight’s mouth opened and closed a few times as he processed that. Four wore one of the most serious expressions Twilight had ever seen on the smith. He almost laughed at the absurdity of that combined with his question and how Warriors stood ready to draw his weapon at a moment’s notice.
“S-smith, what-“
“Answer the question, Rancher,” Warriors cut him off, voice tight.
Twilight’s mouth snapped shut, staring dumbfounded at the three. The longer he took to answer, the tenser they became. “Epona loves apples,” he began slowly. “I looked away for one second and she ate it right off of my plate.”
A second ticked by, then another. The sound of the river hammered Twilight’s ears, punctuated by his heartbeat. Then Warriors sighed, hand dropping from his sword. Time seemed to relax as well but Four remained stiff a moment longer, gaze boring into Twilight. After another beat, Warriors placed a hand on Four’s shoulder.
“Smith,” he began in a low voice, probably not intended for those across the river to hear. “I think it’s okay.”
Four stared for a moment longer before he relented, nodding slowly and relaxing his posture.
“Traveler, are you alright?” Warriors called.
Twilight blinked at the abrupt topic change while Hyrule huffed a laugh. “You… you can’t just-“
“What was that about?” Wind cried before Hyrule could complete his thought.
“It…” Warriors glanced at Four. “It’s a lot to explain. Sorry for the suspicion, Rancher. We can talk once you guys get over here.”
“Traveler, are you okay to cross?” Four asked. “We’d come to you, but…” He cast a glance at Time and Twilight frowned. Was the old man wounded? Was that why he hadn’t moved at all other than looking over his shoulder?
“I’m fine,” Hyrule responded.
“Great!” Wind all but jumped onto the bridge, the old wood groaning in protest. “Because I want an explanation for what just happened!”
Twilight nodded in agreement, fighting back a wince as Wind ran across the bridge, loud creaks accompanying each step. Twilight and Hyrule followed after him, reaching it just as Wind crossed to the other side, immediately rushing toward Four and peppering him with questions. Just before stepping onto the bridge, Hyrule stopped, pulling Twilight to a halt as well.
“Traveler?” Twilight asked softly, eyeing how Hyrule stared at the bridge. “You okay?”
Hyrule took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh that sounded almost exasperated. “I hate bridges.”
Twilight snorted. “Tell me about it.”
“Did you fall off a bridge and nearly drown, too?”
Twilight took a step onto the bridge. “No, but I’ve had several break on me,” he began as he took another step, Hyrule beside him. “Had two separate jousting battles on bridges.” Another step. “One got set on fire while I was on it. Had to jump off into the lake below.”
“Yikes.” Hyrule winced in sympathy as they walked.
Twilight hummed in agreement, nodding. “Two got taken apart by beasts and the pieces were thrown to the other side of Hyrule.”
Hyrule laughed. “What is with your journey and bridges?”
“I’ve asked myself the same thing,” Twilight chuckled. Before he knew it, they crossed the bridge, stepping onto solid ground on the other side. He grinned, looking over at Hyrule. “Hey, we made it!”
Hyrule snorted. “You had doubt?”
“You’re really asking that after everything I just told you?”
“Fair enough.”
“Traveler!” Warriors swiftly stepped in front of Hyrule, examining his head wound. He stood back after a moment with a sigh, gesturing to the ground beside Time. “Sit down, let me take a look.”
“It’s fine, I already healed it,” Hyrule protested, pulling against Twilight as the rancher tried to lead him to sit. “Besides, you’re hurt too.”
Twilight eyed the numerous bandages Warriors sported as the captain moved to Hyrule’s other side and grabbed his arm, firmly guiding him next to Time. “Just a few cuts that the old man already took care of. Sit down and let me take a look at your head.”
Hyrule heaved a sigh but didn’t fight any further, letting the two guide him. Once he was seated, Warriors glanced at Twilight.
“Are you hurt, Rancher?” he asked, eyes darting over Twilight.
“No,” Twilight replied, then gave a crooked grin. “Just muddy.”
Warriors nodded with a half-smirk and Twilight stood back up. He glanced between Time and where Four and Wind stood, the sailor continuing to pelt Four with questions faster than the smith could answer. He wanted to ask about their suspicion of him as well, but first…
“Old man,” he said, moving around Hyrule and Warriors and heading toward Time. “Are you-?”
His words died in his throat. Lying unmoving with his head propped up in Time’s lap, tunic absolutely drenched with blood, was Wild. Twilight gasped sharply, dropping to his knees before Wild’s form, one hand darting to the champion’s head, the other to the tear in his tunic over his chest.
“Champion!” Twilight pressed his hand against Wild’s much too pale forehead, the skin cool beneath his palm. Wild stirred at the touch but didn’t open his eyes, lips parted as he took shallow breaths through his mouth. Brownish tracks of dried blood ran along his collar and the sides of his neck, leading toward bloody mats in his hair.
“He’s alright.”
Twilight’s gaze snapped up to Time as the old man placed a warm hand on his shoulder.
“We used a fairy and she took care of his wounds,” Time explained. “But he lost a lot of blood.”
Twilight’s head spun as he looked back down at Wild. Time’s reassurances battled in his mind with the sight of pale, unconscious Wild whose tunic looked closer to a dark purple than blue with how much blood was soaked into it. Wild shivered every so often, brow pinching.
“What…” Twilight swallowed hard against the lump that formed in his throat. “What happened?”
“We were attacked,” Four said, suddenly beside Twilight. Twilight glanced over to see Warriors, Hyrule, and Wind close by as well, listening to Four. “By a… shadow.”
Twilight’s eyes widened. “Shadow?”
“Not the Shadow, but…” Four lowered himself to the ground, sitting cross-legged between Twilight and the others. He sighed. “I don’t know. I was able to fight him off, but not before he…” His eyes flicked to Wild for a moment.
Not before he almost killed Champion. Twilight finished in his head, wincing at the involuntary thought.
“Did he do that to your face, too?” Wind asked, delicate as always.
To Twilight’s surprise, Four laughed. “No, that was a moblin, actually. It broke my nose but the captain straightened it.” His smile faded as his eyes drifted back to Wild. Twilight found his gaze traveling to the champion as well, fingers absently running through the tangled blond locks. Wild’s breaths came shallow but steady, face still an unhealthy pallor.
“Does what happened with Champion have to do with your suspicion of me?” Twilight asked, not taking his eyes off Wild.
Four shifted as all eyes turned to him. Twilight looked up to see Four’s gaze locked on Wild, lips knotted.
“Yes,” Four said. He chewed on his lip, took a breath. “The shadow, he…” He trailed off and sighed. Then he forced himself to meet Twilight’s gaze. “He disguised as you.”
Twilight’s hand froze in Wild’s hair. The others might have reacted but he didn’t notice, focus tunneling. His eyes widened, heart thudding in his chest. “It…” He couldn’t form one thought, gaze dropping to Wild’s sleeping face. “Did… did you guys know, o-or…”
“We figured it out,” Four quickly said, seeming to understand Twilight’s thought process. “But not right away. We- he knew it wasn’t you by the time the shadow… hurt him.”
Twilight could hardly feel any relief at that. He couldn’t imagine what Wild must’ve felt. What Twilight would feel if he got attacked by something disguising as Time.
“I’m sorry for suspecting you,” Four said, distracting him from his thoughts.
Twilight shook his head. “No, I understand. I’d have done the same if-“
Stirring beneath his hand brought his words to an abrupt halt. Everyone’s heads snapped downward as Wild groaned, slowly bringing a hand to his head. His eyes fluttered and blinked open, squinted as he looked around. His blue eyes landed on Twilight, a haze dimming their brightness. His movements slowed. Then his eyes shot wide open. He gasped, hurling himself to the side and away from Twilight, slamming against Time. Time tried calming the cook, gently grasping his shoulders but Wild wrestled out of his grip. Twilight’s fingers snagged on a knot in Wild’s hair and the champion panicked, thrashing in an attempt to get away. Before Twilight could free his hand, Wild’s flailing connected with his jaw. The force of the blow snapped his head back and he yelped as Wild tore his hair free, lunging away from him and Time.
“Cook! Cook, calm down!” Four yelled, struggling to get Wild’s attention. Wild didn’t seem to hear him, attempting to spring to his feet. His legs failed to support him and he stumbled to one side before collapsing to his hands and knees with a groan. Warriors, Hyrule, and Wind all darted forward at once, eager to help, but Wild only stiffened at their approach, trying and failing to get up and run again.
“Give him space!” Time called, jumping up and grabbing Warriors’ arm, pulling him back. Warriors glanced at him before tugging on Hyrule and Wind, the three of them backing away. Wild continued to gasp, eyes wide and limbs shaking as he struggled to hold himself up and move. Four dropped to a kneel in front of Wild before Time could stop him, trying to get the cook’s attention.
“Cook! Link!”
The use of his real name seemed to finally get through to Wild. He looked up, breathing hard, muscles tensed as much as they could be in his weakened state.
“It’s fine, you’re safe,” Four said in less of a shout than before.
“But-“ Wild began, voice rough, “-th- the shadow-“
“It’s him, Cook, he’s the real rancher. The shadow’s gone.”
Wild stared at Four for a long moment, the smith giving him a reassuring smile as Wild heaved for breath. Wild turned his head, eyeing Twilight warily. “Rancher?”
Twilight did his best to smile. “Hey, cub.”
Wild visibly relaxed as the nickname, head dropping and elbows wobbling. He groaned and crumpled fully to the ground. Twilight and Four both exclaimed in alarm, darting towards Wild.
“’m okay,” Wild mumbled as Twilight carefully turned him onto his back. “Just lightheaded.”
“Any pain?” Twilight asked, gently checking him over for any fresh blood. “Your chest?”
“I’m fine,” Wild responded, weakly batting Twilight’s hands away. “Really. Just dizzy and thirsty.”
“Here.” Twilight glanced around for Wild’s bag and, when he didn’t immediately see it, unhooked his own water skin from his belt and held it out toward Wild. He and Four helped Wild sit up and Twilight held the water skin to Wild’s lips. Wild wrapped a hand around it and tilted it back. He drank slowly at first but was soon gulping it down, drops escaping through the corners of his mouth and trickling along his jaw.
Warriors knelt down before Wild as the champion drained the last of the water skin, lowering it with a gasp. “How’re you doing, Champion?”
“Captain,” Wild said, ignoring Warriors’ question and reaching toward him with his free hand. Warriors took the hand albeit with a bit of confusion. “Thank you.”
Warriors’ face fell into relief and a soft grin. “Don’t thank me. Thank the old man. If he hadn’t found that fairy…”
“And if you two hadn’t kept him alive until I got back,” Time immediately countered, nodding toward Warriors and Four.
Wild laughed lightly, pulling his hand back. “In any case. Thank you.”
Warriors smiled. “Of course.” Four and Time gave murmurs of assent.
“Glad you’re alright, cub,” Twilight said, giving Wild’s shoulder a squeeze.
Wild turned to look at him and his eyes widened. Twilight slowly took his hand away, worried Wild might still be somewhat afraid of him, but then he realized Wild’s gaze was fixed on his jaw. It throbbed slightly where Wild hit it and, judging by the cook’s expression, a bruise was already forming.
“Did…” Wild paused, swallowing thickly. “Did I do that?”
Twilight smiled, trying to appear reassuring. “It’s okay. You were panicking, I don’t blame you given the circumstances.”
“But still, I…” Wild groaned, folding his arms across his knees and lowering his head onto them. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Twilight rested a hand on Wild’s shoulder. “It’s alright, really.”
Wild turned his head, peeking an eye out from under his bangs. He stared at Twilight for a moment, eye roving over his face. He must have found whatever he was searching for because he sighed and lifted his head again, propping his chin on his arms. Four held his water flask out toward Wild. When the cook didn’t immediately take it, Four shoved it in his face pointedly.
“Drink,” Four said, continuing to hold out the flask. “You lost a lot of blood, you need to stay hydrated.”
Wild leaned away from the flask. “I’m not taking any more of your guys’ wate-“
His words were cut short as Four shoved the mouth of the flask to Wild’s lips. Wild made a muffled noise of protest and Twilight couldn’t help but laugh as Four forcibly tilted the flask. A gargling sound left Wild’s throat before he snatched the flask and pulled it out of Four’s hand and away from his mouth.
“Okay, okay, you don’t have to drown me!” he exclaimed. He took a drink from the flask, rolling his eyes at Four’s smug expression. He glanced around at the others as he drank. Then he glanced around a second time and pulled the flask away from his mouth with a frown. “Where are Sky and the vet?”
“They’re still not back?” Wind asked as he looked around. The others glanced around as well, Twilight’s frown growing the longer the silence stretched.
“Who saw them last?” Time eventually asked as it quickly became apparent that no one knew where the two heroes were.
“I was by Vet at the start of the battle,” Wind spoke up. “But there were a bunch of those really fast lizards and we got split up.”
“I saw those,” Twilight realized. “Some went after Sky, I think. But that was right around when Traveler fell in the river so I didn’t see what happened after that.”
“Were there four?” Wild directed the question at Wind. The sailor nodded. “I saw those lizalfos in the woods. Took ‘em out. Didn’t see Sky or the vet, though. And I didn’t notice any… any blood.”
“Maybe they got chased off?” Warriors suggested. “They could’ve gone far to shake off the lizalfos. That would explain why they haven’t made their way back yet.”
“Even so, we should search for them,” said Time, turning toward the tree line. “They could be in trouble.”
“I’ll go,” Warriors said immediately, standing up and pointedly ignoring how his injured leg shook.
“No, you’re still hurt.”
“Nearly all of us are hurt. I can still fight.”
Time and Warriors shot back and forth several more times before Hyrule stood with a sigh. “I’m gonna go find my sword and shield,” he announced before setting off toward the river.
“I’ll come with you!” Wind immediately jumped up, jogging after the traveler.
Twilight watched them go before turning toward Warriors and Time, trying to think of a way to settle their argument. He stopped halfway when a distant sound pricked at his ears. He quickly turned back, peering downriver as his ears twitched. Sharp s’s and t’s. A low creaking noise that could have been a groan. He stood up, narrowing his eyes.
“Rancher?” he heard Wild ask but he ignored the champion in favor of listening to the voices.
“They’re back,” he realized. No sooner had the words left his mouth then two figures appeared around the bend in the river, moving toward the bridge slowly. Too slowly. Twilight took off toward the figures at a jog. “They’re back!”
He heard shuffling from behind him followed by a grunt that sounded like Warriors. Time ordered the captain to sit down before hurrying to catch up to Twilight, the two running to meet Sky and Legend.
Sky raised a hand and waved a bit weakly. Then he stumbled slightly, hand darting down to gingerly press against his side. Twilight’s heart jumped into his throat and he put more speed into his steps. As he drew closer, he saw blood speckling the left side of Sky’s tunic, steps hitching as he walked. Mud absolutely coated Legend, only one arm and the left side of his face clear through the muck. Legend looked up blearily, eyes taking a moment too long to focus on Time and Twilight. Then his gaze slid beyond them and his eyes shot wide open.
“Cook!” he shouted, breaking into an unsteady run. Sky did as well, but he stumbled and nearly toppled over, wrapping an arm around his ribs and hissing.
“I’m good,” Wild called, but that didn’t stop Sky and Legend from hurrying over to him. Twilight reached out to support Legend as he brushed past, but the veteran flapped a hand, staggering to a kneel before Wild.
“Goddesses, Cook,” he said breathlessly. “Did you decide to take a bath in blood?”
“It wasn’t on purpose,” Wild replied as Legend checked him over with slightly trembling hands. “Did you decide to take a bath in mud?”
“It wasn’t on purpose,” Legend snapped, pulling back after determining Wild was uninjured.
“What ha… wh… what h-“ Sky broke off into a cough, “-happened?”
“Got stabbed but then I got healed,” Wild said quickly. “I’m fine now. Are you guys okay?”
“Stabbed?” Sky wheezed before coughing again.
“Yeah, but I’m fine. All good. What happened to you?”
“I-“ Sky stumbled and tipped over backwards. Twilight yelped and darted forward but Time was already there, catching Sky and gently lowering him to the ground. Sky gasped in a breath before it abruptly cut off with pain, face twisting and arms wrapping around his middle. A shout of worry alerted Twilight to Hyrule and Wind’s return, silver sword hilt gleaming over Hyrule’s shoulder.
“Let me see,” Warriors said. Sky slowly pulled his arms away and Warriors gingerly prodded around Sky’s ribs. Sky winced, biting his lip to stifle a whine. “I think your ribs are fractured. Does anyone have a potion?”
Twilight pulled out his potion but Sky shook his head, carefully withdrawing a half-empty red potion from his own pouch. Warriors investigated Sky’s lightly bleeding side as the Skyloftian struggled to uncork the bottle.
“What happened?” Warriors asked as he gently rolled up Sky’s tunic to reveal the wound. Angry red patches stretched across his skin, blood seeping sluggishly from deeper portions where the skin had stripped away. A deep frown pulled at Warriors’ mouth, eyes darkening in a way that made Twilight think he must have recognized that kind of wound. The captain said nothing, reaching into his pouch to fish out bandages.
“Hinox from my era,” Legend said. Twilight glanced over to see Legend had laid spread eagle out on the ground, Hyrule kneeling down to check him over. Legend swatted the traveler away. “They like throwing people. And bombs.”
“Did you get thrown, too?” Four asked as he hurried over to Sky to help him uncork the potion.
Legend rocked his head from side to side. “No. Was stuck in a mud pit the whole time. I’m not hurt, just overextended my magic. Stamina potion wore off.”
Twilight perked up at that. “Mud pit?”
“Yeah.” Legend rolled onto his side, peering up at Twilight. His eyes widened as he took in Twilight’s mud-splattered state. “Wait, you too?”
Twilight nodded. “I was trying to follow the sailor but we got separated then I heard-“
“Laughing,” Legend finished.
“I didn’t… didn… hear anything,” Sky remarked breathlessly, sipping at the potion as Warriors bandaged his side. “But you… you did, Rancher?”
“Yeah. I tried to find out where it was coming from but I stepped into the sinkhole and it stopped.”
Legend’s eyes widened even further. “Same here.”
“Nobody else heard it?” Twilight asked, glancing around. The others all shook their heads. Legend and Twilight stared at each other for a moment. Twilight found his gaze drifting to the fading pink in Legend’s hair while Legend’s eyes landed on Twilight’s wolf pelt. They were silent for a moment.
“Weird!” Legend exclaimed.
“Yeah, so strange!” Twilight responded.
“Guess we’ll never know why we’re the only two who could hear it!”
“What a mystery!”
The others all eyed the two of them suspiciously, apparently not convinced by their subtlety. Twilight coughed, turning to Sky.
“Anyway, Sky, are you feeling alright? I have a full potion if you need it.”
“No, I think… I think I’m okay now,” Sky said, carefully twisting his torso from side to side and taking a few deep breaths. His chest didn’t hitch anymore and Warriors had rolled his tunic back down, covering the bandages.
“Okay, just keep an eye on it,” Warriors said. “Let us know if that changes.”
Sky nodded and Legend groaned, flopping onto his back once more. “I’m more than ready to clean up and call it a day.”
“I wish we were in the rancher’s Hyrule,” Hyrule sighed. “I could use a soak in one of those Goron hot springs.”
“My era has hot springs, too,” Wild said.
“Yeah, but your hot springs are way up in the mountains and no sane person would travel through all the snow just for that,” Legend replied.
Wild looked mildly offended. “I go up there for them.”
Legend shot him a look. “Like I said.”
Wild scoffed and rolled his eyes while the others laughed.
“And you definitely could use a bath,” Warriors snickered, moving from Sky to Legend to ruffle the veteran’s hair. “This mud color doesn’t really compliment your flowery hair.”
Legend swatted the captain’s hand away with a scowl. He opened his mouth to respond but stopped short, a glint entering his eye and smirk tugging at his lips. “Maybe not, but you know what I think it would go great with?”
Warriors arched a brow, planting one hand on his hip. “What-“ He cut himself off with a shriek as Legend suddenly sprang up, mud-caked arms outstretched and a devilish grin on his face. Warriors lunged away, or at least attempted to. His injured leg gave out from under him and sent him sprawling to the ground. He twisted onto his back, holding out both hands as Legend loomed over him.
“Wait, wait, wait, you wouldn’t attack a wounded man!” he cried, waving his hands frantically.
Legend’s grin only grew. “I absolutely would.”
Warriors’ eyes widened but before Legend could descend on him, Wind tackled Legend from the side with a cry of, “Don’t worry, Captain, I’ll save you!” Legend lifted a mud-caked hand and dug his fingers into Wind’s hair, smearing it with mud and eliciting a sharp yelp of laughter from the sailor. Legend rolled as if to pin Wind beneath him but his eyes grew unfocused and he overshot, rolling over and off of Wind. Wind took Legend’s dizziness as an opportunity to pounce, uncaring that that only served to smear more mud onto him. But in rolling, Legend had moved closer to where Warriors was just beginning to stand. His arm shot out and snatched the captain’s elbow, yanking him back down with a yelp as he fell into the muddy heap. Twilight was half-surprised to hear a soft chuckle from beside him, glancing over to see Time’s eyes crinkling at the corners as he watched the scene. Twilight felt a grin tugging at his mouth as he looked back at the three, the others all having similar reactions.
“Now we’re really all going to need to wash up,” Twilight remarked.
“Yeah,” Four said. “We should probably stop those three before they get any dirtier.
Nobody moved to stop them.
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Chapter 6 is up! And so is the chapter count again! (My current best guess is 8). This story will not release me from its grip and the amazing and wonderful @anxietycroissant is really the best mind-meld-bestie-enabler.
I am travelling for the next week and a half, so the next chapter may or may not be a couple of weeks out, depending on my prioritization of writing over sleep during that time.
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n7punk · 25 days
I don't know whether to expect something esoteric and gig economy based for Catra's job in SYE or whether she's a Vtuber and I'm kind of here for it.
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so like. good job i guess LMAO
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windwardstar · 1 month
you know it might just be that my tendency to overwrite might have something to do with the fact my chapters end up being 15k even after undergoing mitosis
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allylikethecat · 3 months
Chapters: 3/4 Fandom: The 1975 (Band) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: George Daniel/Matthew Healy Characters: George Daniel, Matthew Healy, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original Child Character(s) Additional Tags: Christmas, Meeting the Parents, Angst and Hurt/Comfort Series: Part 4 of The Infection 'Verse Summary:
“Yeah,” said Matty, pulling his hand away from George’s to run it through his hair. If there was one thing he was good at, it was doubling down, even if usually that just made it worse.
“Christmas, what are your plans for Christmas?” Matty swallowed hard, feeling very small all of a sudden and like he was baring a piece of his soul, “because I would very much like to spend it together.”
“Oh,” said George and Matty wanted to die right then and there.
AKA The Christmas Fic™️
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cloud-somersault · 7 months
constellations chapter 3 is SO GOOD idk what the fuck happened there, but go OFF!!!
#i know everyone's in chapter 4 land but 3 is SOO GOOD#bro the stone forest alone....HELP#ugh it was so hard writing wukong's rage form but HOLY SHIT!! reading it after is so hype#do u ever just sit in a pavilion as the rain gently falls...with your ex-husband and mentee....and it's quiet and peaceful but#there's a strong turbulence going on deep inside you :3#the way wukong always dusts MK off and wipes his tears away and makes sure he's clean faced and ready to go#speaks to how much wukong cares about vanity#i mean he also is expressing comfort and compassion but. he also cares about appearances a lot#but anyway -- do you also ever have a conversation with your ex-husband through eye contact alone?#i think they've done that four times in this fic...#mk the entire journey: every day i get a little more homophobic#HE'S SO TIRED!!!!#MK after talking to wukong and macaque at the inn: yeah haha! i seriously wanna go home now! 🙃#MK on the phone: DADSY /PLEASE/ COME PICK ME UP!!!!#macaque seeing Wukong's eyes for the first time and actually stopping everything that he was doing#and just looking at wukong and being like “haha...heeyyy what the fuck?? did they do to you??” chef's kiss#wukong and macaque just talking while macaque captures that random man's shadow...please#as they reminisce about how things used to be...how easily they talk to each other when they're not guided by hate#that's the thing it's how easily they fall into step with one another#that's shadowpeach. they'll be off balance or one will be running and the other walking. they'll get distracted or whatever. but#they'll always fall back into step with one another#and that's why they've got to walk with each other. step by step...so they can stop being afraid 😌
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altruistic-meme · 10 months
2300 words!! yay!! now THATS more like it. i haven’t even quite reached the end of the opening scene, but i need to go do laundry so i’m going to have to set it down for now :( hopefully i can write more later ;;;;
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julesnichols · 3 months
Titling fics is undeniably the WORST part of writing fics
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mollymarymarie · 1 year
Starlit Left, Moonlit Right
Chapter Four - Named For The Stars 
“I would have to be dead, because I won’t ever tire of you.” It was a clear attempt at flirting, at distracting Sirius with an overly saccharine comment, and Sirius usually loved to be on the receiving end of this side of Moony, a side he saw relatively infrequently. But just then, it felt patronizing and fake.
“Oh, no?” Sirius scoffed. “Certainly felt like you grew tired of me the last time we were together.”
Sirius’ argument was met with an immediate huff from Remus’ lips, though Sirius couldn’t determine if it was born of annoyance or of pain. “Is that what you think?” Remus asked, and from his softened tone of voice, Sirius wondered if he’d made a mistake. In the very next instant, a furrow moved through Remus’ brow and Sirius reevaluated again. “Do you really believe that I had you pinned down, with no other motive but to touch you, and that all of this occurred because I was … tired of you?”
“I begged you to kiss me, Moony, and you left me there.”
“Because I am terrified of you!” Remus shouted, disrupted by a cry of pain as he doubled over to clutch at his battered ribs. Shocked and still, Sirius didn’t know whether to move forward or stay away.
In a quiet, troubled voice, Sirius repeated the damaging statement. “You’re … terrified of me?”
Read Chapter Four on Ao3
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 4 months
Title: Four Walls
Tags: slow burn, domesticity, friends to lovers, smut, pining post sias/pre am era
Summary: Disillusioned with LA and on the heels of a breakup, Alex goes to stay with Miles in London.
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desperatepleasures · 6 months
guhhhh i am struggling so much with ch3
#i'd say i hate it but i also love it like#it's fun to torment conrart while simultaneously letting conrart sit on adalbert's face#and if i keep writing he'll get to like. be a little mean to adalbert lol. in a way that is potentially gonna be ambiguous as to#whether he's just domming without proper negotiation or just being shitty lmao. well we'll see how it ends up coming out#like ch3 and parts of ch4 are the chapters where it gets kinda Unhealthy between them and that's a lot of fun for me#but also it's so humiliating to write LMAO#also agonizing having to like. do exposition. i hate writing exposition#if it were up to me everything would be like. one vivid scene with some dialogue and that would tell you everything. but noooo i had to#go and write a multichap with like. a tiny bit of plot to glue the smut scenes together/give them context#which means i actually need to write that glue#...and i already skipped ahead the other day and wrote the face sitting scene LMAO so i really gotta do the difficult parts now#ofc when i finish ch3 i get to face the void that is ch4...#like i know in summary what happens in ch4 but i don't know the details about the like really vital scene#BUT!!! in ch5 i get to start writing the conzak bits which are possibly my favorite part :) (aside from ch2 which i like a lot)#...i can't believe it takes four fucking chapters just to get connie out of adalbert's house LMAO. im so sorry my boy#you are gonna have some fantastic orgasms and learn some new things about yourself. but at what cost#fic tag
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multishipperbish · 3 months
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i'll be honest with you chief i'm kind of struggling to write two characters falling in love.
writing from ralph's perspective was the worst mistake i've ever made. he's impossible for me to understand. i should have done jack. is 35 chapters too late to switch POVs? asking for a friend.
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Wrong Shade Ch. 7
Read it on AO3!
Tumblr masterpost!
word count: 1941
The silence in the clearing is thick enough to cut with a knife. Four doesn’t know what to say. 
When he and Wild heard the roar, they’d gone to investigate, to see if anyone was in danger. Instead, they found Twilight. Twilight is here, really, truly here, only a few feet away, and the smithy is seized by the sudden urge to run at the older hero and bury his face in his soft fur pelt. 
He curbs the impulse, instead looking the ranch hand up and down. He doesn’t look injured, as far as Four can tell.
For his part, Twilight looks surprised. His eyes are wide, and he stands up straighter. His stance, Four notes, is a defensive one, even though he sheathed his sword when he saw them. But then again, Four has no idea what Twilight has been through. No sudden movements. 
Four puts away his own sword, and Twilight’s eyes flicker from Wild to him. He smiles, taking a step forward. “I– I can’t believe it,” he says. “You’re… here, and alive, and– and here.”
Twilight tenses, and Four stops moving. “You… have my shield,” he says after a moment. He looks between the two of them, an odd expression on his face. 
Four nods. “Well, yeah, we wouldn’t just leave it. It’s important to you.” He smiles. “I even cleaned it for you, although you do a pretty good job keeping your gear maintained.” As he continues talking, in his periphery, he sees Wild take a step back, eyes wide, his expression one of distress. Four feels a stab of worry, but doesn't turn around. “What happened? Are you okay?” He lowers his voice. “Do you know if Dark is nearby?” 
Twilight makes a face. “...What?” His eyes keep binging between the two of them. There's something in the way he’s looking at them that’s just… wrong. Four may not be able to place it, but he doesn't like it. He doesn't like it one bit. 
Four takes a deep breath. Get it together. He takes another step forward, cautious this time, like he's approaching a wild animal. "Rancher?"
"Where did you get my shield?" Twilight's stance becomes more defensive. 
"We… found it in the clearing. Wait, are you hurt? Hang on Twilight, I might have a potion." Four pats his pockets. He starts towards his brother, who takes several steps back, his hand going to the handle of his sword. That’s the moment that Four knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that something is very, very wrong. Under no circumstances would his friend even think about drawing on him.
“What’s going on here?” Twilight demands. “How do you- where’d you learn that name?” His eyes narrow. “Have you two been following us?”
“I don’t understand,” Four says. His voice sounds ever so small, even in his own head. “Twilight, you– what do you mean?” What’s wrong with him? ‘Us?’ Why is he acting like this? Why is he looking at us like he doesn’t even know us? Round and round his head the questions go, making it hard to think straight. They all point to only one likely explanation, and Four really doesn’t like it. Focus, focus! He takes a deep breath, which helps only marginally. Behind him, he’s dimly aware of Wild, who’s breathing hard, bordering on hyperventilation.
Twilight looks at Wild and his expression softens somewhat. “Is he alright?” he asks, concerned.
Why isn’t he rushing to Wild’s side? Four bites the inside of his cheek, trying to regain his composure. He takes Wild’s hand and squeezes it firmly. It takes longer than Four would like, but after a few moments, Wild squeezes back. He takes another deep breath. “Twilight–”
“Who are you?”
The words hit Four like a punch to the throat. Beside him, Wild flinches. 
“Twilight, it’s– it’s me,” Four manages to get out. “You know who I am, you know me.”
Twilight looks uncomfortable. “I don’t recognize either of you, or at least, I don’t think I do, I’m… I’m real sorry.” He shifts his weight between his right foot and his left.
Four’s vision blurs, and feels his eyes burn. He squeezes Wild’s hand, both to reassure the younger hero, and because he needs some reassurance himself. Wild doesn’t squeeze back. Four feels sick. Over three weeks, almost a month of searching, and after all that, their friend doesn’t even recognize them. 
The smith looks at Twilight, who looks genuinely sorry.
Earlier that day, Wild came back to Kakariko in the afternoon, ever so briefly. Four had pulled him aside and asked to go with him the next time he left, as a second set of eyes. Wild had been hesitant, but Four had badgered, and they’d all been around one another long enough for Wild to know that Four wasn’t going to budge on the issue. So he’d agreed. 
Of course, he really did want to provide an extra pair of eyes, but mostly, Four just needed to feel like he was actually doing something to find his friend. He’d wished he could ask Twilight for advice. Twilight was easy to talk to, in a way that the other members of the Chain weren’t. There was never any judgment in his words. He was kind, and reassuring, and when Four saw Twilight for the first time in weeks, he’d been so relieved. 
But then there was this, this kick in his teeth. Four squeezes his eyes shut, feeling hot tears stream down his cheeks. He pats them a few times, trying to cool his face off, to no avail. He hiccups a few times.
“Wait, no, I didn’t mean to make y’all cry, are you– I’m real sorry. Can I… help at all?” Twilight asks, and he just sounds so earnest, and genuinely concerned, and himself, and it’s just so much. A choked sob bubbles out of Four’s throat before he can stop it.
Four feels a heavy hand stiffly come to rest on his shoulder. “Hey, hey, shhhh, it’s okay, everything is gonna be okay.” Four wipes his eyes and looks up to see a very uncomfortable looking Twilight, gently shushing the two younger heroes with his ‘goat whispering voice.’ Four blinks up at him. “It’s alright, you’re alright.” 
Wild throws his arms around Twilight, and Four leans into the form of the older hero, folding in on himself a little bit. Twilight stiffens, but doesn’t do too much to try and move away from the smaller heroes. He just awkwardly pats their backs and continues trying to comfort them.
The situation is oh so familiar and yet far too impersonal at the same time, and it makes everything better and so much worse all at once. 
For the next several minutes, it’s quiet in the moonlit clearing, save for Wild and Four’s gradually quieting sobs and sniffles, and Twilight’s soft, strained reassurances. 
Wild is the first to speak. “What happened?” His voice is quiet. 
“Pardon?” Twilight dips out of his ‘soothing a frightened child or animal’ voice and back into his normal country accent.
“What. Happened?” Wild says again, louder this time. “Why don’t you– why don’t you remember us? Why don’t you remember me?” He pulls away, and Four does as well. “What happened to you, what did Dark Link do to you, what happened?” 
Twilight takes a few steps back, looking alarmed. “Listen, I’m really sorry, but I… I still don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.” 
Four takes a deep breath. “Twilight, you’ve been missing for over three weeks,” he says. Twilight’s eyes widen, and Four presses on. “We- everyone has been looking for you but, but it’s like you and Dark Link just… vanished.” He stares at his boots. “We’ve been really worried.” His voice sounds impossibly childish, even to his own ears. 
“Missing? What? I… I don't understand. And what’s this about ‘Dark Link?’ I mean… My name is Link, but I’ve never been called ‘Dark’ before. Do y’all know the Old Man or something? Is that a nickname of his or something?”
Four’s eyes widen and his head snaps up. He looks at Wild, wondering if the cook heard it too. The smithy grabs Twilight’s hands in his own. “Wait, the Old Man? Do you mean Time? Do you remember Time, then?” 
Twilight yanks his hands away sharply. “What?” He starts backing away. 
Wild surges forward, desperately grabbing his tunic sleeve. “Wait, hold on! We can… we can help you. Please. Let’s go back to Kakariko. We can figure this out there. Hell, I’d bet 50 rupees that the Vet’ll know something about it.” His eyes are pleading. 
“The Vet? Who’s– never mind.” Twilight tries to pull away from Wild, but the younger hero manages to hold on. “Let go of me!” 
“Please, Twi, We can work on restoring your memory,” Wild begs, tugging on his sleeve. 
“I…” Four can see the conflict in the ranch hand’s eyes. 
“Time’s been worried sick, we’ve all been worried sick.”
Twilight jerks in surprise. “Wh– Time?” He manages to yank his sleeve out of Wild’s grasp, and scrambles backwards. “What are you talking about? Listen, I don’t know who you are, and I’m real sorry that that’s so upsetting to you, I really am. But I’m not… I’m not gonna go off with y’all just for that.”
“You have to!” Wild lunges for his mentor again, but Twilight is ready this time, and sidesteps fast enough to dodge. 
“Have to? Excuse me? Who do you think you are?” 
“You know me, I’m Link! Or- or Wild, or the Cook, or the Champion! I’m you Cub! You know me! …You know me.” Wild is crying again, and Twilight looks sorry.
But then Four notices the way he’s holding himself. He’s going to run. Four starts to reach for him, but the older hero is already out of his reach. He starts to give chase. Wild is gaining as well, but the rancher is just a little bit faster. 
He dives through a cluster of bushes which slows Wild and Four down. They emerge, and the Hero of Twilight has vanished. When he spots the canine paw prints, Four’s heart sinks. There’s no way they can catch Twilight as Wolfie. Even with his Pegasus Boots, Legend has some difficulty keeping up with him when he really wants to move quickly. He drops to sit on the forest floor, sighing. 
Wild kicks a tree. “Dammit!” He continues to kick it, making sounds of frustration. 
“That’s only going to hurt your foot and fuck up your boots,” Four says dejectedly. 
Wild slumps his head against the tree hard enough that Four can head the thunk when his head hits the tree. He winces. 
“He was right there, and now he’s gone, and it’s–” Wild chokes out. 
Four looks up at him. “Stop that. It’s not your fault. We both know we can’t catch him as Wolfie, and there’s not much point in trying.”
“No, no, I mean–” Wild sighs. “I scared him off. He was confused, and I got too wrapped up in my stupid brain, and I– I overwhelmed him. I should know better, more than anyone else, but–” He hiccups. “But instead I fucked it all up.”
“Oh.” Four pats the grass next to him. “I think I scared him off too, then.”
“No buts. Listen, we know he’s alive. We found him once, we can find him again. And we will find him again.” Emerging from under a leaf, a Picori catches Four’s eye. He smiles as an idea begins to form in his mind. “We’re going to get him back. Promise.”
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allylikethecat · 16 days
Chapters: 1/4 Fandom: The 1975 (Band) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: George Daniel/Matthew Healy Characters: Matthew Healy, George Daniel, Adam Hann, Ross Macdonald, Denise Welch Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction, Birthday Series: Part 5 of The Infection 'Verse Summary:
He never thought that was a milestone he would reach, he never thought that he would live past twenty seven. He was a tortured artist, a heroin addict, it had all but been accepted, it had all but been decided that he would be joining the twenty seven club. He would be laid to rest well before his twenty eighth birthday. He wondered how many more birthdays he would have, and he wondered if they were all going to hurt this much.
AKA The Birthday Fic™️
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beesinspades · 8 months
I didn't plan for lina to be that much present in the fic but uhm I guess this is also a lina appreciation fic now
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