#also it's not like bashing on winter and the ace ops just because they are military is popular in the fandom at all!
not going to reblog to the long novels being thrown at me, but:
rwby isn’t anti-military; winter is a girlboss who defends the realm and never bends; marrow defects; the ace ops save harriet are uncomfortable with ironwood’s orders, etc. it doesn’t even really closely critique the military’s power; it’s just there as a background element (one people refuse to acknowledge at all)--ie when they make an insufferable bad guy try taking away ironwood’s second council seat.
the show does inadvertedly show that the atlesian military is flawed in systemic ways in atlas’s political system, it just doesn’t explore them a lot, and people are right to think that it *is* flawed even if they’re annoying about it. just because the ace ops aren’t going around commiting war crimes doesn’t mean that the military isn’t being politically corrupt in the specific ways i mentioned.
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real-jaune-isms · 3 years
RWBY Volume 8 Chapter 12 Review/Remix: Creation
For only having a couple major set pieces, this was one of the most plot dense chapters we’ve ever seen from this show. Some of those were a lot time coming and satisfying as hell, and some came right out of nowhere to massive speculation and theorizing to follow. But goddamn if I didn’t love every minute of it, so let’s mosey on through to see just why that is.
We open, as many of these chapters have been want to do, with shots of the Grimm causing chaos and destruction, in this case Teryx attacking airships. JNR fly by in a ship of their own, and looking rather concerned as they approach Atlas Academy. Why the shot was framed quite like this I’m not totally sure, because it looks like they’re approaching the city itself from quite far away when really they should have been approaching from the outskirts and flying over the city itself, considering where the Schnee estate is located. Ironwood is waiting for Penny at the landing site at the entrance to the Academy, just as he and Ruby had agreed on, and he’s got a new toy. Both pistols of Due Process have been slotted into the back sides of a larger firearm, a veritable hand cannon that needs both grips just to keep steadily aimed. I think it’s safe to call this the Gun-gun we had been joking would be coming eventually since the early Volumes. The Ace Ops are backing him up, and we see a few Atlesian Knight robots loading the bomb onto an airship so he can nuke Mantle at a moment’s notice just as he warned. The citizens of Mantle are out of the mines and looking very apprehensive about the whole thing, and we are right there with them. Just as the bots have finished loading the bomb and are about to leave they start getting shot down. Ironwood warns the Ace Ops to be ready for any altered state Penny might be in and any trouble her friends might try to cause. Harriet is all to ready to follow through on the general’s terms and put down any brat who tries to interfere, and this whole thing seems to finally give Vine pause. He’s not stopping now, how can he, but he’s reflecting on the path to get here and only now has some amount of remorse about it. Elm winces at the mention of that too, while my MCU fan mind had to stop and chuckle at a pale bald man with energy powers musing on philosophy and ethics so close after the end of WandaVision. Not intentional, obviously, but a great coincidence. Ironwood gets a ping that there are intruders in the hangar, and they all surmise that’s Robyn and Qrow trying to interfere with the bombing. Harriet is ready as hell for a chance to beat them bloody after all this time STILL believing they’re Clover’s killers, but Elm makes a good point that they can’t just leave to do that because Ironwood will need backup here. Lucky for all of them, Winter is here to provide the general just that, so the other three are free to deal with their fugitive problem. With a quiet moment between them, Winter tries to see if Ironwood can be talked down one last time. He doesn’t want to hear it, and she admits she knows it would be impossible to try.
Penny soars in and lands in front of them, surrendering herself to a pair of cuffs and surprising Ironwood a bit in actually coming alone. She says she’s obeying his order because above all she wants to stop further death and she must open the Vault. The virus coming back a little to compel her to this end, or just frequently repeated phrase for the sake of simplicity? Unclear. Ironwood finally lowers the gun-gun he was pointing at her and puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder to tell her she’s done the right thing. In a cadence very much not her own, she agrees she has, and all illusions are dropped. It Was Emerald All Along!~ And JNR as well as Oscar are standing a few yards behind her along with the airship she must have been masking the approach of with the sound of “Penny” flying in. As shocked realization dawns on his face, James is kicked in the chin by a backflipping Emerald. His gun flies out of his grasp and she catches it with a grin before disappearing. Damn she really has been getting good with her Semblance! Down in the hangar, the Ace Ops arrive to see the jailbirds slicing and blasting a ton of robot soldiers. Just as they’re about to join the fray Marrow is heard giving a command and his former teammates are left frozen under the power of a Semblance they never seemed to give its due diligence. The assembled Huntsmen and Huntresses start attacking Ironwood and he counters the first few attacks rather well. I’m sure he must be pretty damn shocked to see Oscar still alive after shooting him into a pit, and for that matter probably Jaune and Ren too with what Harriet told him about their mission into Monstra. That and how little sleep he’s probably gotten recently make it very likely willpower and his Semblance are the only things keeping him going at this point, so who are we to be shocked if he starts losing to their superior numbers? And start losing he does, because Winter is on their side and helps Nora bash him upside the head. Winter and Oscar charge at James on the back of a summoned Manticore, but he grabs it by the horns and stops it dead in its tracks. So they leap off and Winter hits him in the back with some ice while he’s busy destroying the summon. With another glyph she springboards Oscar back at James and he gives him the old rapidfire cane jab. It knocks his Aura pretty low by the looks of the flickers, but he still recovers and stops Oscar on the next swing. Before he can punch the poor boy any more than Hazel already has in the last 12 hours, Winter does the most anime move these series has yet to offer us and darts past her old boss to slice him at lightning fast speed. It’s a badass sight that I cannot describe with enough words so please just watch for yourself. With that, Ironwood’s Aura is broken and he passes out then and there. Qrow and Robyn apologize for freezing the Ace Ops like this, but these times call for hard choices. Emerald reappears to get uncuffed and Winter tells the five of them to move on to Phase 2.
We flash back to the end of the last episode where Ruby decides taking Penny to the Vault might be a risk worth taking, and we see Jaune and Ozcar immediately pick up on what she’s thinking. Why not try and use the Staff of Creation and hope it can work a twofold miracle of saving Penny and all the people of these two cities? Just then Weiss gets a text from Winter, and the gears start turning in our minds how this whole plan came together. We see Winter shoving Marrow into an elevator and looking very grumpy about the whole experience. He correctly guesses she’s not arresting him, but damn if he doesn’t get why she had to punch him to get him outta here. She rightfully tells him it was to make it look believable and she just saved his life thank you very much. He notices she’s texting someone and asks whom, and she says getting in touch with Weiss for some help is something she should have done a long time ago. Just then the elevator doors open and we get the payoff to who Robyn and Qrow were so surprised to see last episode: These two. Winter quickly sees this as a chance for even more help, and I think it is the happiest she’s ever been to see Qrow. Shifting back to Schnee manor, Weiss is going over the risks of this plan of theirs to the other 10 teens. Oscar pipes up with another danger, Atlas falling as soon as the Staff is used for anything new. The cover story about Gravity Dust keeping the kingdom afloat was only half wrong, there really is a large amount at the base of the landmass that will slow the descent a bit, but it will still be a cataclysmic landing. Jaune suggests using the Staff to get everyone in the danger areas to somewhere safe, possibly even another Kingdom, but Oscar says it doesn’t just work that easily. Especially not with HIM involved. The Staff has a sentient presence you have to deal with to make anything happen, but he’s a real card this one. He gives you what you ask for and only what you ask for, so you have to be specific and provide details or even blueprints for how to make what you’re asking for. Lucky for them Whitley has access to the layouts of Atlas and Mantle due to preparing for their earlier evacuation plan, so they’re off to a very good start. Oz still worries about Ironwood and the bomb at this point, but Weiss assures him they have a good plan for that. And we just saw what that was and how well it worked.
So now we get to see what Team RWBY is doing while ORNJ is handling Ironwood and whatever else Winter is having them do, flying an airship up to the hole Oscar left in the bottom of the Vault and having Ruby use her new Semblance skill to carry the rest of her team and Penny up through that and into the Vault itself. Klein and the other Schnees are also aboard the airship cuz someone needed to fly it and they weren’t gonna stick around in the mansion after the Kingdom starts falling. Ruby can basically fly now, no big deal it’s totally fine this doesn’t make her OP as hell, WHAT???? Okay I’m done. They get to the Vault door and with a shoulder to lean on and a few supportive words Penny opens it no problem. In the split second before Penny starts self-terminating now that this objective is completed, RWBY zooms into the grassy meadow inside this cold winter Kingdom’s vault on another Rose Express and Ruby grabs the Staff. Time stops as we see Winter escorting James to a cell in the brig right next to her other manipulative father figure Jacques, OJNRE are in front of some sort of computer monitor, and various other shots of what people are up to at this second are shown. In a cloud of blue mist emerges a man every bit as big blue and naked as Jinn was, but while she was thicc he is jacked. I don’t know how to describe his light blue hair but it’s got a ponytail so that’s fun. He seems charismatic af with a voice many assumed was Matt Mercer but is not, and seems he’s still a little steamed over how boring a request making Atlas float was. Ruby gets his attention and we learn his name is Ambrosius. When faced with a request to stop Penny from dying, Ambros informs them a limitation of his powers is resurrecting the dead. So everyone theorizing the Staff could bring back Pyrrha, or Clover, or any other beloved character were disappointed to be proven wrong. But bringing back the dead isn’t what Ruby is after, and once Ambrosius sees for himself just how atypical of a girl Penny is he understands their intention clearly. He lets them know of his rules, he is essentially a monkey’s paw and what you get may be exactly what you asked for but not what you hoped to get. They knew about this technicality problem too, so they brought Penny’s blueprints and ask him word for word to “Make a new version of her using her exact same robotic parts”. The robot parts are what have the virus, and once they use the Staff to make something new that infected robot Penny will cease to exist. But if he only removes the robot parts that will leave behind the life and soul that truly makes her Penny. It’s also not within his power to directly destroy, apparently, but it wouldn’t be killing her because it’s leaving her existing with just her soul. Yang flexes her prosthetic arm to illustrate their point that the mechanical parts are just extra. Ambrosius is enthusiastic to give this a try, but he has no idea what the finished product would be, so Ruby encourages him to get a little creative with it. He’s eager to give it a try but does warn them he can’t guarantee what the results will be, but they insist they have no other options and he does a sort of dance in the air like a full body orchestra conduction. Penny starts floating in swirls of blue mist, and in a flash of white light one becomes two. With his job done, Ambros fades away with a wink.
All of Atlas starts shaking, and ORNJE take that as their cue to start their next task: broadcasting to all of Atlas and Mantle a warning that Atlas is falling. Jaune is the one to deliver the message after some troubles figuring out how to get it working, but before he can offer any reassurance that a plan is in motion to save the masses... the broadcast is cut short along with all communications in the Kingdom. My money is on Watts being responsible, but maybe it was Atlas command on a hunch of what Ironwood would want them to do. James himself didn’t tell them to cut it off, cuz he’s still unconscious in a jail cell. Speaking of those cells, Jacques demands answers on what the hell is going on from his eldest daughter. She asserts that they will be getting everyone to safety and leaving the falling rubble to Salem for all the good it’ll do her, but Jacques is still worried he won’t be among those saved. Winter hesitates but tells him that yes he will be evacuated too. He thanks her profusely but she refuses to accept that credit. If he wants to be grateful he has to thank Weiss for deciding to free him, and that news shuts him up right quick. Weiss has been his least favorite child, yet she’s still the one to show him mercy and kindness because that’s the sort of woman she’s always been and he tried to stamp that humanity out of her. What an ass he must feel like.
Back down in the Vault, two Penny’s stand before RWBY. One looks like we’ve always known her, but starts moving and jerking around robotically with red eyes and sparks flying out of it as it collapses to the ground. The other has bare human legs, no gloves, no power sign on her neck ribbon, a natural fabric bow in her hair, and aside from that is every bit the sweet and good girl we’ve come to know. Some people say this was a mistake or a bad move to take away what made her such a unique character but... they really didn’t. She was able to grow outside of the limitations of the body she came into existence with and now lives purely as who she has always felt herself being inside. And that’s pretty cool. She’s naturally very disturbed to see another version of herself collapsing and dying right in front of her, but feels a lot better getting to hug Ruby. Penny never knew a hug could make you feel this warm inside, and gives hugs to the rest of Team RWBY. It’s very very cute and we’re all glad to see she’s doing so well now. 
With this taken care of it’s time to summon Ambrosius for the evacuation creation. He seems to have no concept of time because he doesn’t realize how little time has passed and is surprised to see they’re the ones who summoned him again. And considering how thorough they were with the last request he’s probably bummed he won’t get to pull a fast one on with a request this time either. They try and ask him to make doorways all over Atlas and Mantle that will all become a single doorway in Vacuo, but he requires too much complex metaphysics and space time bending to make that happen so they alter course. Make a central location all the doorways in Atlas and Mantle will open into, and then have a single door in that big new place that will open in Vacuo. He wants to know just what kind of central location they would have in mind, and Yang says he should make one that exists outside of Remnant’s reality just like the Vaults seem to. He commends them for being so smart about it, but acknowledges that could end up being foolishness instead. As a point of reference for the doorway system, or perhaps just for where in Atlas and Mantle they should be opening, Weiss shows him a series of blueprints for the layout of the Snowshoe shipping hub and how it connects to Atlas. Using that basis he makes dozens if not a hundred or two doorways all over the two cities. They’re big gold ovals with pale blue centers, and on the other side is a big empty black void with a series of narrow walkways without and sort of railings connecting all the portals to a single large one at the end of all the converging paths. Very dangerous if anyone ends up tripping or knocking anyone else over. People are very confused to see these things suddenly pop up, but we see Joanna hesitantly step through one and see just what the deal is. Realizing it’s their way out she seems to go back and tell the others. I gotta admit, the look of this large doorway in the midst of a barren rocky place like this gave me serious ending of Kingdom Hearts 1 vibes, and I half expected Mickey Mouse to be on the other side talking about the Door to Darkness. But that’s just me. Satisfied that the job is done, they thank Ambros who tells them they were indeed disappointingly thorough and they can go now. As they head out the broken robo Penny fades away to blue dust and real Penny is rather shaken to bear witness to that. Before he disappears into the Staff for who knows how long now, Ambrosius delivers one last warning about the world of doors and paths they just created. Do Not Fall. With that ominous warning ringing in their minds the five young women head into the doorway before them with the intent to go to Vacuo with everyone else and the hope in their hearts that they’re not forgetting anything important. We see Cinder wearing a hooded cloak in the midst of a crowd about to head into one of these portals, and it becomes very clear what important thing they may not have taken into account.
Time to wait 7 days to see what could possibly go wrong now!
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fairy-writes · 4 years
So I binged RWBY season 7 today and made notes. Here are said notes and thoughts on the episodes!
So my notes will probably not be in any particular order because my brain hops from point to point and forward one and back three so sorry if it’s confusing!
Ep 1: 
Qrow’s voice actor gave me a heart attack, I forgot they changed his voice actor. I honestly thought I was watching Darker than Black or My Hero Academia with his voice.But I like it! Jason Liebrecht is one of my favorite voice actors!
James Ironwood makes me so sad because I love him and he’s trying his best.
I had a problem initially with the animation of the fight scenes, I think they just seemed too… smeared? I can’t quite place it but I had a hard time keeping up with what moves the characters were performing.
I wish I could have seen the tuning of Maria’s eyes! I was getting serious FMA vibes with automail and whatnot but I didn’t get to see the procedures Doctor Pietro performed!!
Oscar getting to fight was probably one of my favorite scenes, I love my farm boy and I’m hoping Ozpin comes back at some point!
I’m… conflicted on Penny returning… I mean, it makes sense that she would be rebuilt, but as something that had an impact on Ruby in the past with her being destroyed… they kind of just… brushed it off…
Ace Ops! I like them already! I got a request for someone from Ace Ops and I’m excited to get to know them all!
Also, I would have preferred it if RWBY went with security in the beginning (IT PROBABLY WOULD HAVE BEEN A LOT EASIER), but they have to be rats and not do that so meh.
Also, Weiss is worried about being sent back to her dad. Call me dumb, but isn’t she a legal adult and doesn’t have to live with him if she doesn’t want to? Like? Legally she has a say?
Ep 2:
I have a feeling the Ace Ops are treated like pit bulls, have a bad rap and people either hate them or are terrified. But they are intensely loyal and are actually good people.
Ok ok ok, they want to see Ironwood, illegally mind you. By breaking in and sneaking in to see him. But the second they get caught (RIGHTFULLY SO, YOU ARE SNEAKING INTO A KINGDOM) and are taken to see him legally… they get all mopey and sad. JUST OBEY THE LAW PEOPLE
I don’t know why I’m so focused on the detail in everyone’s shoes. But I am.
Winter is in the right for being upset at Weiss. I WOULD BE TOO.
Ironwood’s plan makes sense, I do believe the people should know about Salem.
Also, why is Qrow all buddy buddy with Ozpin again? He was talking about him like he missed him, but I was under the impression that he hated Ozpin after learning his background.
WHY ARE YOU LYING TO IRONWOOD RUBY?! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU DIDN’T WANT WITH OZ. I can tell Ironwood knows something is off but he can’t tell what.
Not sure when to put this, but i hope they bring up everything with Adam, like I hope it is part of Blake’s and Yang’s character development.
Qrow getting a hug from Ironwood makes me happy, he needs some happiness and friends in his life!!
I like the Ace Ops, the guy with the wolf tail is going to be one of my favorites I can tell But I’m biased and like anything to do with dogs.
Ep 3:
This leader of the Ace Ops is really cool, I like him but I can’t really get the image out of my mind that he probably plays soccer or something. Like a soccer dad or something.
The initial designs or Team RWBY looked cool in theory, but I don’t think they translate to the animation style very well. I’d have to say Ruby’s is probably my favorite, except for her hair. She looks like a duck. It looks like they were almost going for an Edward Elric or Meliodas style cowlick but it didn’t work out too well.
Again, wolf faunus guy is going to be my favorite.
The zippers of Blake’s costume is bugging me, just a note.
And Oscar bringing up the lying is great and I love it.
Not going to lie, Blake getting attacked by the Haunter looking grimm or whatever it was, gave me a big jump scare.
Centipede grimm… what’s 1000-7 anyone? No? Okay I’ll shut up.
I want Qrow and the leader of the Ace Ops to be friends, Qrow needs friends.
Also it’s really nice to see graduated huntsmen in action, working as a team and all. We really only have seen Qrow by himself but it’s cool to see a team in action!
Another speed semblance is awesome and I love it!!
Clover has a good luck semblance? Why is that so funny to me?
Also watching Marrow parade Ruby around is the epitome of cute.
Also, did they ever explain why his eyes turn purple?
Ep 4:
I like that the Ace Ops are civilized with each other but don’t act like best buddies. It’s a really cool change from the buddy buddy attitude of RWBY and JNR.
I’m still hating Jaune’s hair cut.
Yaaaaaaaaaaay murder!
I’m also not sure how I feel about Qrow’s outfit, it almost makes him look like a toy soldier.
And yaaaassss Ironwood bashing Jaques is one of the best things ever.
Also I think they’re forgetting the fact that Weiss is a legal adult?
And Papa Schnee is gaslighting Weiss, I hope people call that out.
He’s also threatening military personnel and Ironwood at that. You know that talk about the noose and stuff… Isn’t that illegal?
I can tell Penny is going to bug me, I really believe that she could’ve been written out.
Really dumb, but can Yang feel pain if she disconnects her arm? How does she move it? Is it like Fullmetal Alchemist’s automail?
I think Ozpin does trust others with the whole truth, not just himself. I think Qrow is lying to himself to make himself feel better.
I 100% believe Summer would have trusted in Oz and pressed on with what he had planned. But hey, that’s just me.
It still throws me off when Watts talks because he’s also All Might and those are two very different people.
I feel like they are trying to build tension by ending every episode with the villains, but that’s starting to get old and I’m only on episode 4
Ep 5: 
Ruby is a morning person and it’s already wearing me out.
This almost slice of life scene is really nice!
I like that it shows that team RWBY and JNR are really adept at fighting and all, but it also shows that Ace Ops are superior.
Nora riding her hammer like a Mario Kart is awesome
Also Neon, Oscar is like 14, back off
Ren is being sad boy and it makes me sad too.
Qrow and Clover having a minute to be friends is nice!
And how easily did Qrow give up drinking? That’s not really something you just… give up?
Robyn (Robin?) makes a good point, Mantle does need help and they aren’t getting it. But she’s going about it the wrong way.
Pipsqueak and 5 o’clock shadow are excellent nicknames.
Training between Winter and Weiss is really cool! I like the little sisterly bonding scenes are really sweet!
Weiss makes a good point, everyone is doing what they think is right, even if it doesn’t look like it.
I don’t like that they are keeping the Winter Maiden almost as a prisoner, but I can also see why he’s doing it the way he is. And the fact that Winter is accepting it the way she is is such a breath of fresh air from a classic hero’s arc she could’ve been put down.
I still trust Ironwood! That’s all I’m saying!
I also believe that Yang and Blake should branch out and work with others, not just each other. It isn’t healthy. Especially if the writers aren’t TALKING ABOUT ADAM.
Ep 6: 
Nora’s bringing up a point that is really important!! Maybe Ozpin couldn’t beat Salem but maybe someone else can! Maybe Ruby can once she gets a hold on her silver eyes!
Marrow is still my favorite, I love him so much.
The little sheep faunus that follows Robyn around is so cute. Her weapon is not so cute. But I love her anyway. I LOVE FAUNUS OKAY
I feel like Rooster Teeth is trying to push the subtle message of getting registered to vote and I’m lowkey cackling.
Okay, serious thing here. I love that Renora is a ship that sailed. Really I do, it’s probably my favorite RWBY ship. (though I like to think it sailed a while ago) But I feel like we didn’t really earn that kiss? Like I feel like it would have been better if they hadn’t argued and like it was a last ditch effort to stop said argument. I don’t know, I have a lot of feelings about it.
Watching Tyrian in action is super cool! The way he was animated is so fluid and mesmerizing and I really love it! Great job Rooster Teeth!!
Also Watts almost looked like a conductor and if that’s what Rooster Teeth is going for I applaud them. But also, on the funny side, it looks like he’s waving his arms around like a maniac.
Penny being framed is really neat, but why do I feel like it’s going to be brushed off?
Marrow telling everyone to stay is hilarious to me and I love it.
Papa Schnee pledging to serve while Grimm are attacking is a really cool parallel.
According to the end credits, I’m taller than Ruby… For once I’m taller than an anime character other than Edward Elric!
Ep 7:
Penny’s head pat is so cute.
I understand why Ironwood put the ban on assembly and the curfew up. It makes sense while they’re trying to catch Tyrian.
Also the semblance that gives someone the ability to turn things invisible?! Dude that’s so cool!!
Everything Ironwood and Ace Ops are saying makes sense. I can see how his mind is working and I can tell he’s just trying to keep everyone safe.
Also, where has Maria been? What has she been doing?
“Why can’t people do what they used to and fight to the death?” Maria I love you.
Blake being Batman over here, my goodness.
Blake using Dust with her semblance again! Finally!
Hahaha cutting off swearing is probably one of my favorite tropes.
James wanting to ask and talking to Ozpin hurts my heart. I just want Ozpin back!!
Seeing someone still messed up by the Fall of Beacon is really nice, everyone else seems to brush it off.
Ep 8:
I hate dinner parties… I have a feeling this won’t go well…
“Sir, with all due respect, you’d have to pay me.” OMG Winter I’m dead XD
I hope Weiss has a song in this like “This Life is Mine” I really really hope she does.
Awww I liked Klein :(
Qrow and Clover’s friendship is so nice, I like it :)
Part of me wishes Whitley had a wardrobe upgrade. It would have been a nice change of color!
Oscar eating in the background is me in any social situation.
Why does every rich businessman have a long ass dining table? Seriously? Why?
Ren looks so proud of himself, also seeing Whitley doused in wine is hilarious. Also, purple really is his color!
Guys? Please let Ironwood talk? You want to know why but you keep interrupting him before he can get a word out.
It’s also a nice touch that all the people on Papa Schnee’s side has wine while everyone else has water, I don’t know if it was intentional but I noticed it and thought it was cool!
Weiss’s mom is very pretty! I’m also really glad to see Weiss actually talking to her mom. And seeing her mom trying to talk some sense into Weiss is really cool too. 
Ep 9: 
Question about Robyn’s semblance, would it work with Ironwood’s prosthetic side?
“You are under arrest! Can I do that?” One of my favorite quotes in this show.
Please Winter, just sock Papa Schnee in the face.
Yes James, Robyn knows. Because people who CAN’T KEEP A SECRET TOLD HER
I forgot how much I love the designs of the bigger grimm, I mean. The other ones are fine. But the giant ones? Masterpieces
I’m starting to ship Robyn and Ironwood, they have the potential for ‘enemies to lovers’ kind of fanfictions.
Stupid question I started thinking of, how much do Huntsmen get paid?
“Ugh kids” I feel you Marrow, I feel you
Please give Ironwood a break, he needs a vacation. Petition to give Ironwood a vacation!
The music, I keep forgetting how much I love the instrumental music in RWBY.
Aaaaaaaaand Neo and Cinder are back… no one saw this coming… BECAUSE IT WASN’T SET UP BEFORE
Writers of RWBY… please set up things like that little by little! Even if it was just something small, like a glimpse or something! Not just throwing them back in the story because of the potential conflict it would cause!
Ep 10: 
Yesssssss big strong queen on the Ace Ops!
The slow piano during Ironwood’s speech is really pretty. It’s giving me goosebumps!
Ironwood’s speeches are some of the best anime speeches I’ve ever heard, the music choice really helps make it so much more impactful.
“Our tin soldier’s heart has lost his mind.” Nice tin man reference!
“The timeline has changed.” Cinder are you a time traveler now?
Also, I think people forget just how terrifying elephants can be until they are RUNNING RIGHT AT YOU
Ruby this would be really nice if you would use your silver eyes right about now
Penny looked legit like someone out of Dragon Ball Z and it’s making me cackle.
The whole thing with Robyn, Qrow, and Clover vs Tyrian is something I’ve heard very vague things about and I’m not looking forward to it.
All Might vs Ironwood… I’M READY!!!
Ep 11: 
I’ll have to look at the lyrics after, but it’s really cool to see Ironwood in action!!
I mean we saw him in action back at the Fall of Beacon, but this is against another human being!
A detail I wish was added was Ironwood’s punches landing differently with half of his body being metal and the other half being flesh.
Also Ironwood… Please be okay, please don’t lose an arm…
The fight between Tyrian and the three was very short but very clean and nice!
Ironwood falling into paranoia is out of character in my opinion. But you know, just my opinion, the writers don’t seem to care about him much.
“Set the stage for me.” You and what army?
Summer Rose and the screaming is messing with my head.
Apparently it’s messing with Ruby’s too…
I don’t know why they’re so worried about Ironwood doing what he’s doing. It does make sense. And team RWBY’s choices are finally coming to bite them in the ass, it makes me happy!
Except for leaving Mantle to die, I think that’s the only thing I don’t like. But casualties are always a part of war.
Okay RWBY… you guys are a bunch of kids, and what’s your plan? You don’t have one! Ironwood came up with a plan against Salem! It does mean people are going to die and yes it’s sad, but people die a lot and more are going to be killed if you try and do something stupid and reckless.
But I’m anticipating that RWBY and Co. are going to win because of their protagonist powers.
Ep 12: 
Children children don’t fight. Though Tyrian is making me laugh.
I wish they all talked about it like civil adults, but I suppose Robyn is a bit too childish.
I want Ace Ops to win, but they won’t because protagonist powers and it kind of pisses me off.
You know, all Marrow has to do is use his semblance right?
As gross as it is, it’s kinda cool seeing how Tyrian got out of his restraints.
OK WHY IS HE TEAMING UP WITH TYRIAN?! It makes no sense? It would’ve made more sense if they both teamed up on Tyrian and then fought after, maybe they wouldn’t have had to fight because Qrow genuinely found a friend in Clover so he’d give up so he can also get to Ruby.
Also Blake and Yang probably broke her back.
Seeing Ruby go toe to toe with someone and only won because Weiss intervened was cool.
Aaaaaaaaand Ace Ops is down and I’m pissed.
Clover just wanted to trust Qrow. THAT’S ALL HE WANTED.
But not gonna lie, seeing Qrow cry still makes me upset. 
It seems like the writers are taking away anyone who either gets shipped with Qrow, or whoever he has a relationship with that isn’t RWBY. Ozpin? Gone. Ironwood? Pretty much estranged and not seeing eye to eye anymore. Tai? Who knows what’s happening with him.
Ep 13 (Finale): 
I’m not excited for the finale.
I’m really not.
But starting it off with a fight with Neo is a cool idea.
Seeing her fight using her umbrella is always one of my favorite things about her character.
And now a fight with Cinder vs Winter and Penny.
“It just makes us hungrier and I refuse to starve.” Really cool quote! Even though Cinder is probably one of my least favorite characters.
Winter using her summoning thing to make a manticore was super cool too!
Penny saving Winter, please tell me they become friends after this.
“My life doesn’t matter!” “I disagree!” Okay okay Penny gains one point in my character list for this quote.
Seeing Neo as Nora was cool, though I don’t understand why Ren was hesitating to attack her. They’ve surely spared before right? Like he shouldn’t hesitate that much? 
But him crying is really really sad.
I really wish we could’ve seen her personality more, she seems really nice.
Though I gotta say, her exploding with power was really epic.
Ren please don’t scream, it hurts my heart.
Please don’t make Penny the winter maiden. If she becomes the maiden then I’m going to riot.
That pose Oscar, you’re becoming Ozpin. And I miss my wizard. I want him to come back.
Him using the cane as an actual cane because he’s injured is really cool. Plus the fact that he draws so much comfort from Ozpin’s cane is so sweet.
Ironwood is going down a dark path because the writers want him to and it’s pissing me off to no end.
Winter cutting off Cinder’s arm is one of the best things in this episode
Now Ruby decides to use her silver eyes?
Literally all I care about is Ozpin coming back, though the song is pretty I guess. 
Part of me is happy Qrow is arrested.
Winter forcing Weiss and Co to run is really sweet and touching in her own way. She just wants her sister to be safe.
Cinder ticks me off, she’s very childish and if that’s supposed to be the point it’s working. She’s not really all that intimidating
Now Salem has a flying whale? Is this a reference to the whale that swallowed Pinocchio? 
That’s all my thoughts on this season of RWBY! Thanks for reading if you got this far! And my requests are OPEN for male rwby character x reader requests!
fairytailwzard over and out!~
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