#also a fun author's note: sadravan's markings are specifically made to complement tsaal's as a thematic Thing
dragonheart-swtor · 3 years
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Togruta Gods: Sadravan (”Serenity”)
Overview: One of Shili's moons, god of serenity, winter, mothers, and protector of women. Called the Eldest Sister.
Depicted as a heavyset Togruta woman with wide montrals (often decorated with jewelry) and facial markings including a circle in the center of her brow similar to Tsaal's. Her skin and montral markings are the same pale bluish-silver. She is always depicted with two orbs representing the moonlets orbiting the moon Sadravan, often hovering above her palms or around her head. Though she is often depicted smiling, it is always a closed-lipped smile, never showing the points of her fangs.
Alternate depictions vary little, but may change the color of her skin and/or montral markings to a darker shade of blue or gray. Sadravan may also be depicted as a much older figure at times, ranging from middle-aged to elderly, especially when taking mortal form.
Sadravan is one of the six moon gods of the Togruta, and is a god of peace, serenity, winter, and motherhood. She is the one god most often called mate to Tsaal, and though she may take other mates and lovers in several myths, she and Tsaal are always loyal to each other – to the point that some texts translating Togruta myths mistranslate him as being her husband (not a completely inaccurate translation, but not a completely faithful one either). She is often called on to calm the sun god in the myths wherein he becomes enraged and burns the land, cooling his temper and the world alike. Because of this association with peace and serenity, she is considered a god of peace, though in a different way from Shaluu – Sadravan is personal, inner peace, where Shaluu is peace between peoples. She is also an active god in her own right, ruling the night sky and the mostly mild Shili winters as well as acting as a protector of mothers, especially those in childbirth or with young children. She is a mother goddess herself, though her exact list of children varies from tradition to tradition (sometimes even including some of the other moon gods, though they are more often viewed as siblings).
The real moon Sadravan is Shili's largest moon, and the only one with a large enough gravitational pull to support the two moonlets orbiting it. These moonlets are also visible from Shili's surface, and have remained in Sadravan's orbit by an impressively complex interplay of gravitational forces preventing them from being pulled away by Shili's other moons as they pass by in their own orbits of the planet. Whether they are fated to eventually be pulled into the planet, flung away by a slingshot effect into the void of space, or pulled into Sadravan's own surface is a mystery currently under study.
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