#als0 gett1ng back 1nt0 us1ng my typ1ng qu1rk
dragonpasta · 3 years
1 th1nk 1 m1ght be dem1r0mant1c. 1t's been 0n my m1nd for s0 l0ng, 1've 0nly ever r0mant1cally l0ved s0me0ne 0nce and felt s0 c0nnected t0 her, she was the 0ne pers0n 1 c0uld talk t0 ab0ut my w1erd 1nterests w1th0ut judgement. Every relat10nsh1p 1've been 1n hasn't felt r1ght, 1 d1dn't have as str0ng 0f a b0nd as 1 d1d w1th her, 1 d1dnt feel c0nnected t0 them 1n that way, 1 st1ll l0ved them 1t just d1dn't feel r1ght. There was 0ne relat10nsh1p 1 was peer pressured 1nt0, that def1n1tely d1dn't feel r1ght but she was st1ll my fr1end. Thanks f0r read1ng, 1 really needed t0 express these em0t10ns
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